lOMoARcPSD|28844136 Electrical Engineering Design DEP Digital Design using Verilog On FPGA (National Institute of Technology Karnataka) Studocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP SPECIFICATION Copyright Shell Group of Companies. No reproduction or networking permitted without license from Shell. Not for resale ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DESIGN DEP February 2014 DESIGN AND ENGINEERING PRACTICE DEM1 © 2014 Shell Group of companies All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, published or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner or Shell Global Solutions International BV. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 2 PREFACE DEP (Design and Engineering Practice) publications reflect the views, at the time of publication, of Shell Global Solutions International B.V. (Shell GSI) and, in some cases, of other Shell Companies. These views are based on the experience acquired during involvement with the design, construction, operation and maintenance of processing units and facilities. Where deemed appropriate DEPs are based on, or reference international, regional, national and industry standards. The objective is to set the standard for good design and engineering practice to be applied by Shell companies in oil and gas production, oil refining, gas handling, gasification, chemical processing, or any other such facility, and thereby to help achieve maximum technical and economic benefit from standardization. The information set forth in these publications is provided to Shell companies for their consideration and decision to implement. This is of particular importance where DEPs may not cover every requirement or diversity of condition at each locality. The system of DEPs is expected to be sufficiently flexible to allow individual Operating Units to adapt the information set forth in DEPs to their own environment and requirements. When Contractors or Manufacturers/Suppliers use DEPs, they shall be solely responsible for such use, including the quality of their work and the attainment of the required design and engineering standards. In particular, for those requirements not specifically covered, the Principal will typically expect them to follow those design and engineering practices that will achieve at least the same level of integrity as reflected in the DEPs. If in doubt, the Contractor or Manufacturer/Supplier shall, without detracting from his own respons bility, consult the Principal. The right to obtain and to use DEPs is restricted, and is typically granted by Shell GSI (and in some cases by other Shell Companies) under a Service Agreement or a License Agreement. This right is granted primarily to Shell companies and other companies receiving technical advice and services from Shell GSI or another Shell Company. Consequently, three categories of users of DEPs can be distinguished: 1) Operating Units having a Service Agreement with Shell GSI or another Shell Company. The use of DEPs by these Operating Units is subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the relevant Service Agreement. 2) Other parties who are authorised to use DEPs subject to appropriate contractual arrangements (whether as part of a Service Agreement or otherwise). 3) Contractors/subcontractors and Manufacturers/Suppliers under a contract with users referred to under 1) or 2) which requires that tenders for projects, materials supplied or - generally - work performed on behalf of the said users comply with the relevant standards. Subject to any particular terms and conditions as may be set forth in specific agreements with users, Shell GSI disclaims any liability of whatsoever nature for any damage (including injury or death) suffered by any company or person whomsoever as a result of or in connection with the use, application or implementation of any DEP, combination of DEPs or any part thereof, even if it is wholly or partly caused by negligence on the part of Shell GSI or other Shell Company. The benefit of this disclaimer shall inure in all respects to Shell GSI and/or any Shell Company, or companies affiliated to these companies, that may issue DEPs or advise or require the use of DEPs. Without prejudice to any specific terms in respect of confidentiality under relevant contractual arrangements, DEPs shall not, without the prior written consent of Shell GSI, be disclosed by users to any company or person whomsoever and the DEPs shall be used exclusively for the purpose for which they have been provided to the user. They shall be returned after use, including any copies which shall only be made by users with the express prior written consent of Shell GSI. The copyright of DEPs vests in Shell Group of companies. Users shall arrange for DEPs to be held in safe custody and Shell GSI may at any time require information satisfactory to them in order to ascertain how users implement this requirement. All administrative queries should be directed to the DEP Administrator in Shell GSI. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 5 SCOPE........................................................................................................................ 5 DISTRIBUTION, INTENDED USE AND REGULATORY CONSIDERATIONS ......... 5 DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................. 5 CROSS-REFERENCES ............................................................................................. 9 SUMMARY OF MAIN CHANGES ............................................................................. 10 COMMENTS ON THIS DEP ..................................................................................... 11 NON NORMATIVE TEXT (COMMENTARY) ............................................................ 11 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 DESIGN AND ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES .......................................................... 12 STANDARDS, CODES, REGULATIONS AND TECHNICAL ASSURANCE ........... 12 OPERATIONAL SAFETY AND RELIABILITY .......................................................... 12 PROTECTION AGAINST EXPLOSION AND FIRE HAZARDS ............................... 13 STANDARDISATION OF EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS ..................................... 14 CERTIFICATES, DECLARATIONS AND TEST REPORTS .................................... 14 3. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM DESIGN............................................................................. 15 GENERAL ................................................................................................................. 15 ELECTRICAL LOADS AND ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION ................................. 16 SYSTEM VOLTAGES AND FREQUENCY .............................................................. 19 SYSTEM POWER FACTOR ..................................................................................... 20 SUPPLY CAPACITY ................................................................................................. 21 SHORT CIRCUIT RATINGS ..................................................................................... 25 ELECTRICAL PROTECTION ................................................................................... 26 SYSTEM EARTHING ................................................................................................ 27 ELECTRICITY SUPPLY FOR VITAL SERVICES .................................................... 29 CONTROL OF FREQUENCY, VOLTAGE AND REACTIVE POWER ..................... 33 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 DESIGN AND SELECTION REQUIREMENTS FOR EQUIPMENT AND CABLES ................................................................................................................... 35 GENERATORS ......................................................................................................... 35 SWITCHGEAR .......................................................................................................... 37 POWER TRANSFORMERS ..................................................................................... 37 UPS EQUIPMENT .................................................................................................... 38 CAPACITORS ........................................................................................................... 39 ELECTRIC MOTORS ............................................................................................... 40 ELECTRICAL NETWORK MONITORING AND CONTROL (ENMC) SYSTEM ...... 41 CABLES, WIRES AND ACCESSORIES .................................................................. 42 OVERHEAD LINES .................................................................................................. 45 LIGHTING AND SMALL POWER EQUIPMENT ...................................................... 47 ELECTRIC HEATING EQUIPMENT ......................................................................... 49 5. 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 ENGINEERING AND INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS ...................................... 51 GENERAL ................................................................................................................. 51 MAIN EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................... 51 CABLING AND WIRING ........................................................................................... 53 LIGHTING AND SMALL POWER INSTALLATIONS ................................................ 60 EARTHING AND BONDING ..................................................................................... 62 6. DESIGN AND ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTS FOR PARTICULAR INSTALLATIONS ..................................................................................................... 64 SUBSTATIONS ......................................................................................................... 64 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR OFFSHORE INSTALLATIONS ................... 68 OVERHEAD LINES .................................................................................................. 72 LABORATORIES ...................................................................................................... 75 ANALYSER BUILDINGS .......................................................................................... 75 JETTIES .................................................................................................................... 76 NON-INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS ............................................................................... 76 PLANT LIFT INSTALLATIONS ................................................................................. 77 TEMPORARY ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS ....................................................... 77 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 4 7. 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 DOCUMENTS AND DRAWINGS ............................................................................. 81 GENERAL ................................................................................................................. 81 SUMMARY OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ........................................................ 81 DEP STANDARD REQUISITION SHEETS .............................................................. 81 DESIGN DRAWINGS ............................................................................................... 81 EQUIPMENT AND CABLE NUMBERING ................................................................ 84 8. REFERENCES ......................................................................................................... 85 APPENDICES APPENDIX 1 SELECTION OF ELECTRICAL APPARATUS FOR EXPLOSIVE GAS ATMOSPHERES ............................................................................................. 94 APPENDIX 2 SYSTEM NEUTRAL EARTHING DIAGRAMS ............................................... 96 APPENDIX 3 CONTROLS, INSTRUMENTS, INDICATIONS AND ALARMS...................... 97 APPENDIX 4 ILLUMINATION LEVELS .............................................................................. 106 APPENDIX 5 EQUIPMENT AND CABLE NUMBERING .................................................... 109 APPENDIX 6 DECISION PROCEDURE FOR ABOVE-GROUND OR UNDERGROUND CABLE ROUTING ......................................................................................... 111 APPENDIX 7 DELIVERABLE DOCUMENTS ..................................................................... 115 This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 5 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 SCOPE This DEP specifies requirements and gives recommendations for the design, engineering and installation of electrical facilities, which comprise all fixed electrical installations for power and lighting up to and including main supply facilities for instrument and process control equipment and safeguarding systems, cathodic protection equipment, telecommunication equipment, fire-fighting and alarm equipment, etc. This DEP excludes facilities located in North America. Refer to DEP, Electrical engineering design for North America Application. This DEP contains mandatory requirements to mitigate process safety risks in accordance with Design Engineering Manual (DEM) 1 – Application of Technical Standards. This is a revision of the DEP of the same number dated February 2011; see (1.5) regarding the changes. 1.2 DISTRIBUTION, INTENDED USE AND REGULATORY CONSIDERATIONS Unless otherwise authorised by Shell GSI, the distribution of this DEP is confined to Shell companies and, where necessary, to Contractors and Manufacturers/Suppliers nominated by them. Any authorised access to DEPs does not for that reason constitute an authorization to any documents, data or information to which the DEPs may refer. This DEP is intended for use in facilities related to oil and gas production, gas handling, oil refining, chemical processing, gasification, distribution and supply/marketing. This DEP may also be applied in other similar facilities. When DEPs are applied, a Management of Change (MOC) process shall be implemented; this is of particular importance when existing facilities are to be modified. If national and/or local regulations exist in which some of the requirements could be more stringent than in this DEP, the Contractor shall determine by careful scrutiny which of the requirements are the more stringent and which combination of requirements will be acceptable with regards to the safety, environmental, economic and legal aspects. In all cases the Contractor shall inform the Principal of any deviation from the requirements of this DEP which is considered to be necessary in order to comply with national and/or local regulations. The Principal may then negotiate with the Authorities concerned, the objective being to obtain agreement to follow this DEP as closely as possible. 1.3 DEFINITIONS 1.3.1 General definitions The Contractor is the party that carries out all or part of the design, engineering, procurement, construction, commissioning or management of a project or operation of a facility. The Principal may undertake all or part of the duties of the Contractor. The Manufacturer/Supplier is the party that manufactures or supplies equipment and services to perform the duties specified by the Contractor. The Principal is the party that initiates the project and ultimately pays for it. The Principal may also include an agent or consultant authorised to act for, and on behalf of, the Principal. The word shall indicates a requirement. The capitalised term SHALL [PS] indicates a process safety requirement. The word should indicates a recommendation. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 6 1.3.2 Specific definitions Refer to IEC 60050 for definitions not listed below. Term Definition Autonomy time (of a battery) The autonomy time is the duration for which the battery can supply its rated load within its specified voltage limits, following a prolonged period, i.e., not less than one year, of battery float-charge operation. Certificate Document issued by a recognised authority certifying that it has examined a certain type of apparatus and, if necessary, has tested it and concluded that the apparatus complies with the relevant standard for such apparatus. Certificate of conformity Certificate stating that the electrical apparatus complies with the relevant standards for apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres. Declaration of compliance Document issued by the Manufacturer declaring that the electrical apparatus complies with the requirements of IEC 60079-15. Electrical installation Civil engineering works, buildings, machines, apparatus, lines and associated equipment used for the generation, conversion, transformation, transmission, distribution and utilisation of electricity. Electrical Network Monitoring and Control (ENMC) A computerised system that is dedicated to monitoring and controlling defined aspects of an electrical network. Emergency lighting Lighting provided for use at emergency response locations when the supply to the normal lighting fails. Escape lighting Part of Emergency Lighting provided to ensure that the escape route is illuminated in the event of a major incident. Essential service A service, which, if it fails in operation or when called upon, will affect the continuity, quality or quantity of the product. Firm capacity The installed capacity less the stand-by capacity. High Voltage (HV), 601-01-27, IEC 60050 The set of voltage levels in excess of low voltage. Installed capacity The sum of the rated powers of equipment of the same kind (generators, transformers, converters, etc.) in an electrical installation. Instrumented Protective Function (IPF) A function comprising the initiator function, logic solver function and final element function for the purpose of preventing or mitigating hazardous situations. (Ref: DEP NOTE: NOTE: Although not covered by an IEC definition, it has become industry practice to use the term Medium Voltage (MV) for voltages from 1 kV up to 52 kV. Previously the term safeguarding was used. Interruptible, maintained electricity supply A source of electrical power which is backed up by a second (emergency) source of power, such as to provide a supply of electricity that may be interrupted for no more than 15 s. Low Voltage (LV), 601-01-26, IEC 60050 A set of voltage levels used for the distribution of electricity and whose upper limit is 1000 V AC Non-essential service A service that is neither vital nor essential. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 7 Term Definition Non-hazardous area, 426-03-02, IEC 60050 An area in which an explosive gas atmosphere is not expected to be present in quantities such as to require special precautions for the construction, installation and use of electrical apparatus. Point of Common Coupling (PCC) The point of coupling at the public utility networks, to which the system under consideration is, or is to be, connected. Other systems (consumers) may also be connected to or near this point. Process Safety Process Safety is the management of hazards that can give rise to major accidents involving the release of potentially dangerous materials, release of energy (such as fire or explosion) or both. Safety Switch A switch in the vicinity of a consumer used to disconnect the equipment for safeguarding purposes. Site conditions The external factors, e.g. altitude, air temperature, wind velocity, vibrations, earthquakes, black body temperature, relative humidity, etc., which may influence the operation of a machine or apparatus. Spare capacity The difference between firm capacity and the maximum calculated (peak) load. Stand-by capacity The capacity provided for the purpose of replacing equipment which may be withdrawn from service under planned or unplanned circumstances. Test report Document prepared by the Manufacturer indicating in detail the tests and verifications to which the electrical apparatus has been subjected, and their results. Uninterruptible, maintained electricity supply A source of electrical power which is backed up by a second (emergency) source of power, such as to provide a supply of electricity that may be interrupted for no longer than 0.5 ms. AC uninterruptible, maintained electricity supplies incorporate a battery to provide power in the event of failure of the mains electricity supply. The power supply is uninterrupted in the event of mains supply failure and is maintained throughout the battery discharge period. DC uninterruptible, maintained electricity supplies are derived from battery-rectifier units (DC UPS units) or from rectifier units energised from one or more AC uninterruptible, maintained supply sources (AC UPS units). Very toxic (substances) Substances very hazardous for the environment or human health, as specified in DEP (which also identifies "toxic" substances by reference to chemical substances databases). Vital service A service which, if it fails in operation or when called upon, can cause an unsafe condition of the process and/or electrical installation, jeopardise life, or cause major damage to the installation. NOTE: In Marine and Offshore applications, some services defined here as “vital” may be referred to as “Essential services”. Zone 0 (in the classification of hazardous gas areas), 426-03-03, IEC 60050 An area in which an explosive gas atmosphere is present continuously, or is present for long periods. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 8 1.3.3 Term Definition Zone 1 (in the classification of hazardous gas areas), 426-03-04, IEC 60050 An area in which an explosive gas atmosphere is likely to occur in normal operation. Zone 2 (in the classification of hazardous gas areas), 426-03-05, IEC 60050 An area in which an explosive gas atmosphere is not likely to occur in normal operation and if it does occur it will exist for a short period only. Zone 20 (in the classification of hazardous dust areas), 426-0323, IEC 60050 An area in which combustible dust, as a cloud, is present continuously or frequently, during normal operation, in sufficient quantity to be capable of producing an explosive concentration of combustible dust mixed with air, and/or where layers of dust of uncontrollable and excessive thickness can be formed. Zone 21 (in the classification of hazardous dust areas), 426-0324, IEC 60050 Areas not classified as Zone 20, in which a combustible dust cloud is likely to occur during normal operation, in sufficient quantities to be capable of producing an explosive concentration of combustible dust mixed with air. Zone 22 (in the classification of hazardous dust areas), 426-0325, IEC 60050 Areas, not classified as Zone 21, in which combustible dust clouds may occur infrequently, and persist for only a short period, or in which accumulations or layers of combustible dust may be present under abnormal conditions and give rise to combustible mixtures of dust in air. Where, following an abnormal condition, the removal of dust accumulations or layers cannot be assured, the area shall be classified Zone 21. Installation and equipment definitions Term Definition Bus coupler circuit breaker, 605-02-40, IEC 60050 In a substation a circuit breaker which is located between two busbars and which permits the busbars to be coupled; it may be associated with selectors in case of more than two busbars. Bus section circuit breaker (= switched busbar circuit breaker), 605-02-41, IEC 60050. In a substation a circuit breaker, connected in series within a busbar, between two busbar sections. Distributed Control System (DCS) Distribution substation / switchboard Sub-distribution switchboard A configurable microprocessor-based (process) control system. A substation/switchboard mainly used for distributing power to several plant substations. A switchboard, fed by a distribution switchboard, used for distributing low voltage power to a number of users. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 9 Term Definition A substation/switchboard at which the supply provided by the public utility is interconnected with the site's electrical distribution system. Intake substation / switchboard NOTE: Integrated Motor Control System (IMCS) A converter for conversion from DC to AC Plain feeder A feeder, which consists of a cable or an overhead, line only and does not have an interconnected transformer. Plant substation / switchboard A substation/switchboard mainly used for feeding one process or utility plant. A substation/switchboard to which generators and outgoing feeders are connected. NOTE: An intake substation and a power plant substation may be combined as a single substation. Rectifier A converter for conversion from AC to DC Remote Control Unit (RCU) A control device in the vicinity of a consumer for operation of the remotely installed controlgear of the consumer. Switchroom A room in a substation or building intended exclusively for the installation of one or more switchboards, distribution switchboards etc. Variable Speed Drive System (VSDS) 1.4 A system comprising control modules, central unit(s), a serial bus connecting the control modules to the central unit and a communication facility enabling connection of the central unit to a distributed control system (DCS) and/or a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System (SCADA). Inverter Power plant substation / switchboard 1.3.4 An intake substation and a power plant substation may be combined as a single substation. A line-fed AC to AC conversion system consisting of all facilities required to operate its electric motor at variable speeds. Abbreviations Term Definition A/G above ground swbd switchboard U/G underground CROSS-REFERENCES Where cross-references to other parts of this DEP are made, the referenced section or clause number is shown in brackets ( ). Other documents referenced by this DEP are listed in (8). This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 10 1.5 SUMMARY OF MAIN CHANGES This DEP is a full revision of the DEP of the same number dated February 2011. The following are the main, non-editorial changes. Section/Clause Change General Statements with “shall” and “should” challenged/verified (for reduction in the number of “shall” statements) Comments from the DEP feedback system are incorporated SHALL [PS] statement added 2.3.2 – 3 for selection, specification and installation of equipment suitable for combustible dust risks SHALL [PS] statement removed 3.9.1, wording incorporated in 3.2.1 – 3 SHALL [PS] statements in 6.6 rationalised to refer to specific ISGOTT requirements 2.3.2 IEC standard for area classification for combustible dust hazards corrected 3.3.1 Requirements for evaluation of 690 V system added 3.5.3 Clarification on dynamic response margin given, with requirement to study in DEFINE phase for large island power systems 3.5.5 Clarification on selection of double busbar systems given 3.8.2 Neutral earthing resistor for HV transformers and directly connected HV generators changed from FLC to 100A, to reduce the risk of machine core damage during earth faults 3.9.2 Duplicate AC UPS requirement changed; options given 3.9.3 Duplicate DC UPS requirement changed; removed “N+1” wording 3.9.4 Clarification on battery autonomy times given 3.10 New Section added to enable retirement of DEP 4.8.7 Clarification given on standards for cables with increased fire withstand capabilities 4.10.3 Option to consider LED lighting given for control room buildings and nonindustrial locations 4.11. Requirement for separate control and trip switching devices added for directly-fed process heaters 5.1 Minimum IP ratings given for common equipment and locations 5.2.3 Fire walls for intake and large transformers added Section added to show requirements for single core cables Generic statements about cable sizing requirements removed to Informative Advice use metallic cable ties for permanent fixings 5.5 Many requirements moved to EMC DEP Requirement added to consider very early smoke detection systems for critical air-insulated switchboards Requirements for doors for battery rooms clarified Appendix 3.7 Section added for monitoring of large HV induction motors This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 11 1.6 Section/Clause Change Appendix 5 “Appendix 5 - Assessment of need for lightning protection” deleted and moved to DEP Informative 5.5.4 Appendix 6 Update to table in Section C) under “Level of congestion within plant area” addressing risk of disturbing/damaging cables if laid U/G. Appendix 7 Description of deliverable documents clarified SAFOP requirement in DEFINE phase clarified System Commissioning Philosophy added Ex register added Clarified that Area Classification is THSE deliverable COMMENTS ON THIS DEP Comments on this DEP may be submitted to the Administrator using one of the following options: Shell DEPs Online (Users with access to Shell DEPs Online) Enter the Shell DEPs Online system at https://www.shelldeps.com Select a DEP and then go to the details screen for that DEP. Click on the “Give feedback” link, fill in the online form and submit. DEP Feedback System (Users with access to Shell Wide Web) Enter comments directly in the DEP Feedback System which is accessible from the Technical Standards Portal http://sww.shell.com/standards. Select “Submit DEP Feedback”, fill in the online form and submit. DEP Standard Form (Other users) Use DEP Standard Form to record feedback and email the form to the Administrator at standards@shell.com. Feedback that has been registered in the DEP Feedback System by using one of the above options will be reviewed by the DEP Custodian for potential improvements to the DEP. 1.7 NON NORMATIVE TEXT (COMMENTARY) Text shown in italic style in this DEP indicates text that is non-normative and is provided as explanation or background information only. Non-normative text is normally indented slightly to the right of the relevant DEP clause. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 12 2. DESIGN AND ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES 2.1 STANDARDS, CODES, REGULATIONS AND TECHNICAL ASSURANCE 2.1.1 General This DEP is based on the publications of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and on the relevant documents issued by the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation (CENELEC). Where relevant, the specific publications are referenced in this DEP. 2.1.2 2.2 1. The design and engineering of the electrical installation shall satisfy all statutory requirements of the national and/or local authorities of the country in which the electrical installation will be located. 2. The electrical installation shall be suitable for the site conditions as specified by the Principal. 3. Where necessary, special attention shall be paid to the selection and installation of electrical equipment suitable for seismic conditions. 4. Furthermore, the contents of this DEP and of standards and publications referred to herein shall be adhered to, except where amended by specific requirements given by the Principal relating to a particular installation, and as far as is permitted under the statutory requirements mentioned above. 5. Electrical equipment and materials shall comply with the relevant DEP specifications, which are supplementary to IEC equipment standards. 6. CENELEC or national standards of the country in which the installation will be located may be used in lieu of IEC standards for the design and engineering of the electrical installation, provided they are not less stringent in their total requirement. 7. In the event of contradiction between the requirements of DEP specifications and IEC, CENELEC or national standards, the former shall prevail, provided the statutory obligations in the country of installation are satisfied. 8. In the event of contradiction between the requirements of this DEP and those of DEP specifications referenced in this DEP, the more recently published document shall prevail, except where otherwise specified by the Principal for a particular installation. 9. As far as is applicable, Standard Drawings in groups S 64, S 67, S 68 and S 69 shall be followed. Technical assurance 1. The design of electrical installation shall be subjected to a formal technical assurance process. 2. The technical assurance process shall include the requirement for a SAFOP (safety and operability) assessment. OPERATIONAL SAFETY AND RELIABILITY 1. Electrical Safety Rules (ESRs) shall be in accordance with DEP 2. To mitigate the increased risks present in temporary installations, the specific requirements associated with the design and installation of temporary facilities shall be in accordance with (6.9). This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 13 2.3 PROTECTION AGAINST EXPLOSION AND FIRE HAZARDS 2.3.1 Flammable gas/vapour hazards 1. To permit the proper selection of electrical apparatus for areas where flammable gas or vapour risks may arise, area classification drawing(s) SHALL [PS] be prepared. • Unless otherwise advised by the Principal, IP Model Code of Safe Practice Part 15, Area Classification Code for Petroleum Installations, as amended/supplemented by DEP, shall be used. 2. Control rooms and Substations should be located in non-hazardous areas. 3. Where electrical equipment has to be installed in hazardous areas, equipment with a type of protection suitable for the relevant zones SHALL [PS] be selected, specified and installed. • Unless otherwise advised by the Principal, IEC 60079-14 and IEC 60079-17 shall be used. 4. (Appendix 1) summarises the various types of protection of electrical equipment that are permissible in hazardous areas. The specification or procurement of equipment complying with standards different from the above shall require the specific approval of the Principal. 5. The following applies to the final selection for Zone 1: a. LV motors and all inherently non-sparking equipment, (e.g. junction boxes, terminal boxes and luminaires), shall have type of protection 'e'. b. HV motors and all inherently sparking equipment, e.g. switchgear and controlgear, shall have type of protection 'd'. c. Where such type of protection is not available (e.g. large high speed HV motors), type of protection 'p' shall be used. d. HV motors with type of protection 'e' shall not be used. 6. The following applies to the final selection for Zone 2: a. Motors and inherently non-sparking equipment should have type of protection 'n', albeit equipment approved for Zone 1 is also acceptable. b. Inherently sparking equipment shall have type of protection 'd' or 'p', as stated for Zone 1. c. HV motors with type of protection 'n' or 'e' SHALL [PS] not be installed in Zone 2 areas where: i. the motor voltage exceeds 6.6 kV, or ii. the motor drives a centrifugal/screw hydrocarbon and/or hydrogen gas compressor. d. These motors SHALL [PS] have type of protection 'd' or 'p'. 7. For the purpose of commonality of spares and to cater for the possibility of reclassification of areas, the same equipment suitable for use in Zone 2 locations shall be installed within process installations in non-hazardous areas. NOTE: 8. This applies specifically to motors, luminaires, RCUs and power and convenience outlets. Refer to (4.10.2). Electrical equipment installed indoors, in non-hazardous areas within process areas shall be of a standard industrial type as specified in the relevant equipment DEPs. Small power and lighting equipment in such indoor areas should be either of the industrial weatherproof type or of the domestic type depending on the function of the area (6.1). This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 14 9. 2.3.2 Equipment installed in non-hazardous areas outside process installations, e.g. offices, gatehouses, etc. should be of a normal industrial/domestic type in accordance with national standards of the country of installation. Combustible dust hazards 1. To permit the proper selection of electrical apparatus for areas where combustible dust risks may arise, area classification drawing(s) SHALL [PS] be prepared. • Unless otherwise advised by the Principal, IEC 60079-10-2 shall be used. 2. Control rooms and Substations should be situated in non-hazardous areas. 3. Where electrical equipment has to be installed in hazardous areas, equipment with a type of protection suitable for the relevant zones SHALL [PS] be selected, specified and installed. • 4. Unless otherwise advised by the Principal, IEC 60079-14 and IEC 60079-17 shall be used. For the purpose of commonality of spares and to cater for the possibility of reclassification of areas, the same equipment suitable for use in Zone 22 locations should be installed within process installations. NOTE: 2.4 STANDARDISATION OF EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS 1. 2.5 This applies specifically to motors, luminaires, RCUs and power and convenience outlets. Refer to (4.10.2). Equipment of similar nature and incorporating similar or identical components and of similar or identical construction should be from the same Manufacturer (e.g. power and convenience outlets, luminaries, junction boxes, RCUs, switches etc.). CERTIFICATES, DECLARATIONS AND TEST REPORTS 1. For all major equipment, the Contractor shall obtain at least the Manufacturer's test reports in accordance with the equipment DEP specifications, e.g. for generators, motors, VSDS, HV and LV switchgear, UPS equipment, and transformers. 2. Further certificates or declarations relating to the application of equipment for use in hazardous areas may be required by local authorities, according to the following rules: a. For electrical apparatus in Zone 0, Zone 1 and Zone 2 areas, a certificate of conformity shall be obtained from the Manufacturer. i. In addition for EU regions, electrical apparatus with a category indication 1 or 2, a certificate of a Notified Body and a CE Declaration of conformity shall be obtained from the Manufacturer. b. For electrical apparatus in Zone 2 areas, which has type of protection 'n', a declaration of compliance may be accepted instead of a certificate of conformity. i. In addition for EU regions, electrical apparatus with a category indication 3, a certificate of an independent authorisation authority and a CE Declaration of conformity shall be obtained from the Manufacturer. 3. The Contractor shall obtain the Manufacturer's requirements for installation from the certificate or declaration of conformity and incorporate these in the design and engineering for installation. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 15 3. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM DESIGN 3.1 GENERAL 3.1.1 Design philosophy 1. The design shall meet the specific design criteria, philosophy and/or objective stated in the project definition phase, e.g. in the basis of design document and/or project specification, relating to a particular plant or facility. For instance, it may be defined by plant lifetime, skill of operating and maintenance personnel, operational flexibility, extension possibilities or noise limitations, etc. 2. If specified by the Principal, the design of the electrical installation shall comply with the project Design Class. Refer to DEP 3. The philosophies to be employed will depend on the size and complexity of the installation; those approved for a specific project shall be set down clearly during the project definition phase. 4. The conceptual designs and philosophies relating to the electrical system shall be documented by a system design description, a key line diagram, basic layout drawings and functional/outline specifications. The overall design intent is a suitably robust system, with reduced energy consumption through the selection and utilisation of efficient electrical equipment. 5. When electrical power systems are designed, the following alternatives for the electricity supply should be considered: own generation, public utility supply, or a combination of these within the limits and possibilities given by the Principal. 6. Generating sets should normally be in an electrically centralised location with a radial distribution system. Ring distribution systems are preferred for residential/industrial facilities located at relatively large distances from the power source or from each other. 7. A key line diagram of the electrical power system shall be prepared and kept up-todate. 8. System studies and protection reports, including software files etc., shall be provided in support of the design, for approval by the Principal. Depending on the type, size and complexity of the installation, such studies may comprise the following as listed in (Appendix 7): a. Load flow studies; b. Short circuit studies complying with IEC 60909 Parts 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. c. System dynamic stability (transient stability) studies under three phase fault conditions; d. Dynamic performance studies under motor starting and/or loss of generation conditions; e. Protection grading studies, including relay setting schedules; an arc flash study should be carried out for low voltage switchboards and for high voltage switchboards only if the protection grading studies show that arcing faults cannot be cleared within the Internal Arc Classification time of the switchgear. f. Harmonic analysis studies; g. Motor re-starting and re-acceleration; h. Vital Supply recovery following total power failure, including emergency diesel generator(s), UPS, instrumentation, DCS and IMCS. 10. The scope and timing of the system studies shall be defined by the Principal and agreed with the Contractor before their commencement. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 16 11. The Vital Supply Recovery Study shall document the principle of recovery from total power failure and must identify vital drives and circuits that must be restored and the source of the restoring supply or command. Examples of restoring sources include: a. Emergency diesel generator systems; b. Process control (DCS), safeguarding (IPF), integrated motor control (IMCS); c. UPS, battery supplies; d. Manual operation. 3.1.2 Islanding 1. Before implementing a facility for transition to island operation, an assessment shall be made demonstrating clearly the expected increase in availability and the economic benefits. 2. Where statistical analysis is needed, it shall be based on sufficient local data to make such an analysis valid. 3. As a minimum, the assessment should address the following: a. The effects and expected frequency of voltage dips and their duration caused by disturbances in the external network. The duration will be obtained from the settings of protective devices in the external network while the frequency distribution of voltage dips will be acquired from statistical analysis. b. The effects and expected frequency distribution of outages of the power supply from the external network. The frequency distribution will be acquired from statistical analysis. c. The technical and economic consequences of unplanned failures of the power supply caused by external faults. d. An analysis of the expected system behaviour during and after external disturbances. e. The expected success rate of island initiation after a transient disturbance. f. The expected technical and economic benefits gained by the implementation of a control and protection system for the transition to island operation. 3.2 ELECTRICAL LOADS AND ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION 3.2.1 Classification of loads General 1. Electrical loads SHALL [PS] be classified as performing a service, which is 'vital', 'essential', or 'non-essential', as defined in (1.3.2). 2. An electrical power system of enhanced reliability and having duplicate energy sources SHALL [PS] be provided to energise loads forming part of vital services; refer to ( and (3.9). 3. An electrical power system of suitable reliability shall be provided for ‘essential', or 'non-essential' services; refer to ( and ( Vital service 1. For vital services, complete duplication of the energy source, of the lines of supply and of the equipment is necessary. Examples: • Boiler feed water supply system by means of one electrically driven and one steam driven pump, or two electrically driven pumps supplied from independent sources; This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 17 • Life support systems, e.g. electric motor driven fire pumps on offshore installations supplied from independent sources; • One or more uninterruptible power supply (UPS) units to provide electrical supply to protection systems and process control systems; • Emergency lighting and escape lighting. NOTE: The economic consequences of electricity supply interruptions to essential services generally justify the provision of stand-by feeder capacity to facilitate the isolation of individual circuits for the purpose of equipment maintenance (of on-load tap-changers, circuit breakers, etc.), functional testing (of protective relays and trip circuits, etc.) and possible repair (of cables and cable terminations, etc.) while maintaining electrical services operational. Essential service 1. For essential services, the economics of partial or complete duplication of the energy source, of the lines of supply or of the equipment, or the introduction of automatic restarting or changeover facilities etc. shall be evaluated in relation to the consequences of service interruptions. Examples: • Product transport by means of duplicated pump sets with account being taken of pump maintenance requirements; • Power supply to process analysers by means of a duplicate supply system with changeover facility; • Power supply to security lighting and plant area lighting. Non-essential service Examples of non-essential services are power and lighting supplies to offices, warehouses, residential areas, etc. 3.2.2 Load assessment and electricity consumption 1. A schedule of the installed electrical loads, the maximum normal running plant load and the peak load, expressed in kilowatts and kilovars and based on the plant design capacity when operating under the site conditions specified, shall be prepared using Standard Form DEP 2. Above schedule of loads shall be prepared and updated regularly throughout the design phases of the project and will form the basis for provision of the necessary electricity supply and distribution system capacity (3.5). 3. During the early phases of a project development, a separate allowance shall be made to account for an increase in the electrical load owing to uncertainties in the process design. NOTE: 4. This is particularly important where own generation is the main source of electricity. Refer also to (3.5.2). Typically, this allowance may be in the order of 10 % to 25 %, depending on how much of the process design is based on existing operating experience. The allowance is normally reduced at distinct project phases as the design develops. Standard Form DEP gives formulae for determining the total electrical loads: - Maximum normal running plant load = x(%)E + y(%)F - Peak load = x(%)E + y(%)F + z(%)G where E = sum of all continuously operating loads F = sum of all intermittent loads G = sum of all stand-by loads x, y and z are diversity factors This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 18 5. Values of the diversity factors (x, y, and z) shall be appropriate to the type of plant and shall be determined by the Principal. 6. Values of the diversity factors (x, y and z) shall take account of the individual drives or consumers which make up the continuous, intermittent and stand-by loads, respectively. For example, y(%)F or z(%)G cannot be less than the largest individual intermittent or stand-by drive or consumer. 7. The various loads shall be classified as follows: E - "Continuous" All loads that may continuously be required for normal operation, including lighting and workshops F - "Intermittent" Loads required for intermediate pumping, storage, loading, etc. G -"Stand-by" All loads required in emergencies only, such as fire-water pumps or those of normally not running electrically driven units in stand-by mode for normally running steam-driven ones, e.g. charge pumps, boiler feed pumps, etc. Spare pumps etc., e.g. the “B” pump of an A-B combination, are not to be considered as “Stand-by” loads. 8. Even though not to be considered as stand-by loads, the largest motor of the spare duty shall be considered in the motor start studies in (3.1) with the duty motor running. 9. Subject to the above considerations, the following default values may be used for initial load assessments, or if the diversity factors have not been finalised: x = 100 %. At rated plant throughput all driven equipment is assumed to be operating at its duty point. However, some diversity may be applied to non-process loads, e.g. offices and workshop power and lighting, typically 90 %. y = 30 %. z = 10 %. 10. A separate schedule shall be prepared for each switchboard, the total of all switchboard loads being summarised as required to arrive at the maximum normal running and peak loads for each substation and for the plant overall. 11. All loads to be shed during an underfrequency condition shall be identified as such in the 'remark' column. 12. All loads to be automatically restarted after a voltage dip shall be identified as such in the 'restarting' column. 13. Where a group of drives operate as a unit, it shall be considered as an individual consumer. 14. The power consumption of electric motors shall be based on motors rated in accordance with the requirements of DEP NOTE: The percentage of total intermittently operating load that contributes to the maximum normal running load will depend on plant operations. NOTE: Depending on steam/electricity supply availability, the use of non-electrical drivers for stand-by duties and the total number of units installed, only a small number of the largest electrical standby units may have to be considered when establishing the peak load. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 19 3.3 SYSTEM VOLTAGES AND FREQUENCY 3.3.1 General 1. The selection of system frequency and voltages shall be determined by the Principal; voltages shall be selected from IEC 60038, subject to compatibility with any existing installation with which interconnection is intended. NOTE: 2. On 50 Hz systems the nominal LV power supply voltage for new plants of shall be 400/230 V three phase and neutral as recommended in IEC 60038. This voltage should be used for extensions to existing plants requiring new LV distribution systems. 3. A study should be carried out during the SELECT or early in the DEFINE phase of the project for the possible selection of 690 V for supply of large numbers of larger LV motors, once the number and size of drivers is known. NOTE: 3.3.2 The frequency for onshore installations shall be that used by the local public utility. 690 V / 60 Hz is a permissible voltage / frequency combination for offshore facilities. 4. Nominal system voltage(s) and frequency and the positive phase sequence of three phase systems shall be indicated on the key line diagram. 5. The phase sequences shall be specified in the order L1, L2, L3, each phase reaching its maximum in time sequence in that order. Deviations in supply voltage and frequency 1. During normal system operation and under steady-state conditions, the voltage at generator and consumer terminals shall not deviate from the rated equipment voltage by more than 5 % and the system frequency shall not deviate from the rated frequency by more than 2 %. 2. The combined voltage and frequency deviations shall lie within Zone A as described in IEC 60034-1. 3. All loads should be distributed (balanced) so that the negative phase sequence components of voltage and current at any point in the system do not exceed the values quoted in IEC 60034-1. 4. During starting or reacceleration of direct on line motors, either singly or in a group, the voltage at the motor terminals shall not deviate by more than +10 % or –20 % from rated equipment voltage. 5. Transient voltage deviations occurring at switchgear busbars during motor or group motor starting/reacceleration shall be such as to maintain a minimum of 85 % voltage on switchgear busbars, and at least 80 %, but not more than 110 %, of rated equipment voltage on all other consumers. 6. Notwithstanding the above requirements, the limits set by the public utility regarding the maximum voltage deviations that a consumer is permitted to cause at the point of common coupling (PCC), e.g. due to the starting of electric motors, shall be adhered to. 7. Equipment having special requirements with respect to variations in voltage and/or waveform shall be provided with a power supply that is adequately stabilised and/or filtered. 8. The following criteria apply with respect to voltage dips or interruptions such as those arising as a consequence of system short circuits or disturbances from grid intake supplies: a. Voltage dips resulting in consumer terminal voltages down to 80 % of rated equipment voltage shall not affect plant operations; b. Voltage dips resulting in consumer terminal voltages below 80 % of rated equipment voltage for a duration of not more than 0.2 s shall result in the ridethrough of selected consumers performing a vital and/or essential service; This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 20 c. Voltage dips resulting in consumer terminal voltages below 80 % of rated equipment voltage for a duration between 0.2 s and 4 s shall, on voltage restoration, result in a sequential re-start of selected consumers. 9. 3.3.3 Ride-through and re-start requirements are to be agreed with Process and Utility disciplines. Implementation of sequential re-energisation may be done using the DCS or IMCS. The constraints imposed by the electrical system will determine the extent to which ride through and re-starting may be applied. Deviations and variations in supply waveform 1. Electrical loads having non-linear characteristics such as to produce voltage and current waveform distortion of a magnitude detrimental to the lifetime or performance of system electrical equipment shall not be utilised unless appropriate measures are taken to render harmless the effects of such distortion, e.g. by filtering or phase displacement, etc. 2. Two levels of distortion are recognised: a. The distortion level for extensions to an existing electrical system: i. The Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) and individual harmonic voltage distortions at any point of the system up to a voltage of 36 kV shall not exceed the levels as defined in IEC 61000-3-6 Table 1. NOTE: IEEE 519 standard and the harmonic values contained therein may be substituted by the Principal. b. The distortion level for new projects or developments i. For new projects the planning levels for Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) and individual harmonic voltage are defined in IEC 61000-3-6 Table 2. THD for system voltages up to 36 kV shall not exceed 6.5 %. THD for system voltages higher than 36 kV shall not exceed 3 %. 3. 3.4 Equipment, which produces a continuous DC component in the AC supply system, shall not be utilised. SYSTEM POWER FACTOR 1. The overall system power factor, inclusive of reactive power losses in transformers and other distribution system equipment, should not be less than 0.8 lagging at rated design throughput of the plant. 2. The power factor shall be determined at: a. the terminals of the generator(s), when power is supplied from own generation, b. the PCC, when power is supplied from a public utility. The plant power system shall be designed so that the power factor stated by the public utility is achieved with a design margin of at least 2 %. The measured power factor is an average value determined over the metering integration period, typically 15 min or 30 min. 3. Any improvement of power factor beyond that necessary to achieve the above should be considered on an economic basis, e.g. reduction in distribution system equipment ratings, reduction in kVAr charges. 4. The requirement for power factor correction shall be agreed with the Principal at the DEFINE phase of the project. 5. Where necessary, power factor correction shall be done by one or more of the following methods, which are stated in order of preference. The method selected depends on reliability and economic considerations. a. Variation of the excitation of synchronous generators. b. Variation of the excitation of synchronous motors. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 21 c. Permanently energised static capacitor banks connected to distribution switchboards or group motor control centres via suitably protected switching devices (4.5). 3.5 SUPPLY CAPACITY 3.5.1 General 1. The distribution system shall be capable of supplying continuously the peak load, assessed according to the applicable load data (3.2.2). 2. The design of new facilities shall ensure that the firm capacity of the main HV distribution system (power plant switchgear, and/or grid intake transformers, distribution switchgear and interconnecting cabling, excluding process plant) has spare capacity as indicated in Figure 1, unless otherwise instructed by Principal. Spare Capacity 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 20 Figure 1 3.5.2 40 60 80 Firm Capacity in MVA 100 120 Spare capacity requirements 3. The spare capacity at Plant Substations shall be a minimum of 10 % of peak load at the end of the EXECUTE phase, unless otherwise instructed by the Principal. 4. The provision of stand-by capacity shall be considered in relation to safety, reliability and the requirements with respect to continuity of plant operations. 5. Moreover, the reliability of distribution systems shall be at least comparable to that of their supply systems, each incorporating sufficient stand-by capacity to enable maintenance work, tests and inspection checks to be carried out. 6. Electrical system maintenance requirements should be considered in relation to plant shutdowns for overhaul of process units. 7. General rules relating to the provision of necessary spare and stand-by capacity, and to the rating of supply and distribution equipment for each part of the electrical system, are given in subsequent sections. Grid intake systems 1. Grid intake circuits shall be controlled by circuit breakers, fitted with the protection, control, alarms, instruments and meters specified below and in (Appendix 3). 2. The overall design of grid intake circuits shall be carried out in close liaison with the public utility, so that both parties' requirements, including provision for disconnection, isolation and earthing, are satisfied. For typical single line and protection diagrams, refer to Standard Drawing S 67.060. 3. Where the grid intake circuits comprise transformer feeders and the transformers are fitted with on-load tap changers, automatic voltage control equipment shall be provided to control the intake substation switchboard voltage. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 22 3.5.3 4. Grid intake circuits, which are required to operate in parallel with own generation, shall be provided with manual synchronising facilities, a check synchronising relay and a dead-bus override. These synchronising controls should be located with the frequency and voltage controls of the generators. 5. Where applicable, the requirements for an islanding system shall be incorporated in the design, with provision for re-synchronisation of islanded system with grid. Power generation 1. Stand-by capacity (spinning reserve) shall be incorporated to fulfil the requirement of the peak load with the largest generating set out of service. 2. The number of generating sets and their individual ratings shall be approved by the Principal. This depends on many factors, e.g. maintenance requirements, economic size, future load development pattern, unit reliability, etc. 3. In order to ensure a stable electrical power system after trip of the single largest generating unit, spinning reserve shall be available. 4. To achieve the preferred operating philosophy of “N+1”, the maximum operating electrical load, in MW, should be as follows: maximum operating electrical load ≤ (OGC x A) - LUO D Where: OGC = Max. Operating Generation Capacity (Prime mover and generator), in MW. LUO = Largest unit operating that may trip, in MW. A = Availability Factor: Fraction of the maximum generation capacity that is available to quickly ramp up in case of a trip of a generator. Normally 1.00, but may be constrained by limit on prime mover by process. D = Dynamic Response Margin: e.g. 1.1 to 1.2 for gas turbines. This value may be reduced if confirmed by electrical transient stability studies, but note some smaller gas turbines with dry low-NOx combustion systems have limited load acceptance capability a. Above formula may also be used for networks without an external grid connection, i.e. permanently islanded networks. b. The dynamic response margin of larger systems may be reduced based on experience with similar installations and supported by transient stability studies. c. The dynamic response margin should not be lower than 1.05 to provide an allowance for continuous control of the remaining generators. d. If at any time in normal operation the electrical load exceeds maximum allowed load, than a pro-active controlled load reduction (not load shedding) should be carried out in order to achieve N+1 operation again. e. For systems > 100 MW, the electrical transient stability study shall be done in the DEFINE phase. 5. The following applies for plants with own generation capable of operating in island mode: a. An automatic load shedding scheme should normally be provided. b. Isochronous control should only be used on a single generating unit in a network that has no connection to the public network. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 23 3.5.4 Transmission and distribution systems 1. The stand-by feeder capacity shall enable the largest supply circuit to be withdrawn from service while satisfying the peak load requirements with the margins specified in (3.5.1). 2. The provision of stand-by capacity to non-essential service loads shall be evaluated based on circuit availability for carrying out maintenance, testing and inspection. 3. The maximum rating of transformers feeding plant substations should be such that the rated current of their low voltage winding does not exceed 2500 A. This results in the following maximum transformer ratings: a. 25 MVA, if feeding a 6 kV or 6.6 kV switchboard; b. 12.5 MVA, if feeding a 3 kV or 3.3 kV switchboard; c. 1600 kVA, if feeding an LV (400V) switchboard. 3.5.5 4. In order to keep the level of the prospective short circuit within the range of commercially available switchgear, transformers with higher impedance than specified in DEP may be considered. Refer to (3.6). 5. Single overhead line circuits are not acceptable as a means of supplying vital or essential consumers. Duplication of circuits to non-essential consumers may also be required to improve reliability and to permit regular maintenance. 6. Single circuit lines or ring distribution circuits should only be considered for supplies to individual plants or facilities that are periodically shut down for maintenance so as to permit simultaneous maintenance of the feeder circuit. Switchgear 1. Currently available switchgear is considered to be sufficiently reliable to require no duplication in itself. Consequently, distribution and plant switchboards, including group motor control centres, shall have a single busbar system and a single switching device per circuit. 2. Double busbar systems should be selected for HV switchboards rated > 6.6 kV at grid intake substations and power plant substations as an alternative to the above arrangement. 3. Switchboards with double busbar systems shall incorporate one circuit breaker per circuit. 4. For HV and LV switchboards, the rated short circuit withstand duration corresponding to the rated withstand current shall be 1 s. 5. HV switchboards shall have a maximum of three sections and, consequently, a maximum of two bus section switches. 6. LV switchboards shall have two, three or maximum four sections (in 'H' configuration). Where the LV load exceeds the capacity of a four-section switchboard, additional switchboard(s) shall be installed rather than having switchboards of more than four sections. Special arrangements, e.g. automatic changeover, may be required for switchboards supplying vital services, where an alternative supply is required. 7. For design purposes normal operating position of switchboard bus section switches shall be as follows: a. For LV switchboards the bus section switches shall be operated normally open, except on switchboards at the source of supply, i.e., at LV generator switchboards. b. For HV switchboards the bus section switches shall be operated normally closed on switchboards at intake substations, power (generation) plant substations and distribution substations. c. Bus section switches shall be operated normally open on switchboards at plant substations. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 24 8. When a switchboard panel serves a stand-by function to one or more main consumers, it shall be connected to a different busbar section from that to which the main consumer or consumers are connected, provided that there is no possibility of a switchboard incoming circuit or busbar section becoming overloaded as a consequence of selecting any main or stand-by consumers for operational use. 9. The basic configuration for a switchboard supplying essential service loads shall be a 2-section switchboard with two 100 % rated incoming circuits and one bus section switch: 2 section switchboard Feeder rating: 2 x 100% 50% Figure 2 50% 2-section switchboard 10. The transformer sizing to maintain firm capacity for 3-section switchboards shall be as shown below: 3 section switchboard Feeder rating: 3 x 50% 50% 0% 50% Interlocking may be required Figure 3 3-section switchboard This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 25 3 section switchboard Feeder rating: 3 x 67% 33% 33% 33% Interlocking may be required Figure 4 3-section switchboard (option) 11. Normally open bus section switches and/or interconnectors that may have to be operated simultaneously in the closed position, shall be rated so as to permit the largest incoming circuit feeder to be withdrawn from service without the necessity to de-energise any switchboard busbar section or consumer circuit. 12. The configurations of intake, power plant and distribution switchboards shall permit one switchboard section to be taken out of service while still maintaining normal downstream plant operations. 3.5.6 3.6 Electric motors 1. Electric motors complying with DEP are considered sufficiently reliable for single essential drives. For vital services, stand-by units shall be installed, and supplied from a separate source of supply. 2. Where a VSDS is used for a vital or an essential service, duplication of certain components of the system may be required to obtain an acceptable reliability level, as stated in DEP SHORT CIRCUIT RATINGS 1. All equipment shall be capable of withstanding the effects of short circuit currents and consequential voltages arising in the event of equipment or circuit faults. NOTE: Damage occurring at the fault location is excluded from the above. 2. The short circuit ratings of equipment and cables, including the short circuit making and, where relevant, breaking capacity of circuit switching devices, shall be based on the parallel operation of all supplies which can be operated in parallel. 3. Distribution of short circuit current and the limiting effect of system protective devices or control schemes, e.g. fuse links, Is-limiters, break before make automatic supply changeover arrangements, etc., shall be applied when determining short circuit ratings. 4. Parallel operation includes bus section switches or interconnectors, etc. which are intended for normally open operation and on which no (inter)locking has been provided to prevent simultaneous closure. 5. For new installations, including those forming part of plant extensions, the short circuit rating of the switchgear to be installed shall be based on the sum of the short circuit contributions from the following: a. the maximum short circuit level at the point of supply from which the new switchgear will be energised, b. an electrical loading of the new installation such that the nominal capacity of the switchboard is fully utilised, This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 26 c. future planned increases in short circuit level due to the direct or indirect connection of machines or public utility supply. 6. Generally the load of process facilities predominantly consists of induction motors. When no details are known at the time of order, 90 % of the nominal capacity of the switchboard should be taken as motor load. 7. At the time of order, an HV switchboard at intake, power plant or distribution substations shall have a margin of not less than +10 % between the calculated fault level under the above-mentioned conditions and the specified short circuit rating of the equipment. 8. Short circuit calculations shall be based on nominal impedance values of the equipment. The margin specified above is provided to allow for the tolerances permitted for equipment characteristics. 9. Mechanical interlocking of switches shall be provided, where necessary, to ensure that equipment short circuit ratings are not exceeded, due regard being given to satisfying the above-mentioned operational requirements with respect to the provision of firm and stand-by capacity. The type of interlock provided shall be subject to approval by Principal. 10. Automatic break-before-make changeover arrangements of supply capacity shall not be introduced with the specific aim of justifying the use of equipment having a lower short circuit rating than would otherwise be required for the parallel operation of all available supplies. 11. The use of current-limiting reactors, Is-limiters and similar devices intended specifically as a means of limiting the magnitude of short circuit currents shall be considered only as a means of achieving system extensions or interconnections, which could not otherwise be practicably or economically realised without the use of such devices. 12. The installation of current-limiting reactors, Is-limiters and similar devices should be evaluated and documented during the conceptual design of the electrical distribution network. 13. When equipment short circuit ratings are determined, the effects of contributions from asynchronous and synchronous machines on the switching duties of switchgear and on the dynamic and thermal loading of the electrical installations in general shall be taken into account. 14. Short circuit current contributions from cage induction machines shall normally only be taken into account for determining the necessary dynamic withstand rating of equipment and the required making duty of circuit breakers tested in accordance with IEC 62271-100 and IEC 60947-2. 15. However, where reliance is placed on circuit breakers having an enhanced making capacity, the effects of asynchronous machine contributions shall be taken into account in establishing the adequacy of the fault breaking duty of circuit breakers, taking into account the decay of the short circuit current contribution. 16. A period of 3 cycles (60 ms for 50 Hz) after the fault shall be taken for establishing adequacy of the breaking capacity of circuit breakers. 17. Any restrictions imposed by the public utility with respect to short circuit current infeed to their supply network shall not be exceeded. 3.7 ELECTRICAL PROTECTION 3.7.1 General 1. The electrical system SHALL [PS] be equipped with automatic protection to provide safeguards in the event of electrical equipment failures or system maloperation. 2. Automatic protective systems shall be designed to achieve selective isolation of faulted equipment with a minimum delay and within a time corresponding to the short circuit This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 27 current withstand capability of the equipment, arc flash exposure, system stability limits, and the maximum fault clearing times. 3. The selection, schemes specification and settings of switching and protective devices, control circuits and associated auxiliary equipment shall be in accordance with DEP 3.8 SYSTEM EARTHING 3.8.1 General 1. 3.8.2 The neutral of AC systems shall normally be earthed as stated below. These shall not be designed for unearthed operation, unless they form an extension to an existing unearthed system. The preferred system earthing arrangements are given in (Appendix 2). HV systems 1. HV electrical systems shall be earthed by means of dedicated earth electrodes connected to the plant main earth grid (5.5.1). 2. HV system neutrals shall be earthed at each source of supply (transformer, directconnected generator) as shown in (Appendix 2). 3. For grid infeed system voltages above 36 kV, the neutral point of transformers should be solidly earthed, unless otherwise required by the public utility. a. Where circuit breakers have to be connected to an existing solidly earthed system, suitable CTs shall be selected so as to prevent CT saturation under earth fault conditions. 4. Transformer feeders to HV switchboards with a system voltage not exceeding 36 kV shall be resistance earthed. a. Each resistor should be sized so as to limit the earth fault current supplied by the equipment to which the resistor is connected, to approximately 100 A, provided that with such a resistor, sufficient current would flow under each fault condition to ensure positive operation of earth fault protection on all circuits. NOTES: 1. The above applies equally to the earthing of the neutral point of the HV winding of generator stepup transformers. 2, It may be necessary for HV systems feeding overhead line distribution systems to be solidly earthed so as to allow for detection and tripping of earth faults remote from the source of supply. 5. Where generators are to be directly connected to the main HV switchboard, i.e., not via generator transformers, each generator should be earthed via its own earthing resistor. a. Generator earthing is subject to verification that the zero sequence, triplen harmonic currents (3rd, 9th, 15th etc.) that could circulate through the resistors under various loading conditions of the generators would not be damaging to the resistors. b. Each resistor should be sized so as to limit the magnitude of earth fault current to 100 A. A resistor of higher ohmic value than the aforementioned may be considered if such a resistor would limit the magnitude of circulating harmonic current to a harmless value. c. The size of resistor provided shall ensure that sufficient current would flow under each fault condition, to ensure positive operation of earth fault protection on all circuits. If this cannot be achieved, other measures shall be adopted to limit such circulating currents, e.g. single point earthing at one of the supply sources or provision of controls to ensure that identical generators, each separately earthed, remain equally loaded and excited during normal operation. NOTE: When more than 2 generators and/or transformers are directly connected to the same HV switchboard, use of separate earthing transformers in zigzag connection (e.g., 1 per section), This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 28 should be evaluated for system neutral earthing, with generator single phase distribution transformers to limit generator earth fault current to a harmless but detectable value e.g. 10 A. 6. Where generators of dissimilar ratings, characteristics or loadings are to be operated in parallel so as to give rise to circulating currents in the above-mentioned earthing resistors that would exceed the thermal rating of the resistors, then the HV system shall be earthed via one earthing resistor only. a. Each generator shall then be provided with a suitable switching device (i.e. remotely operated circuit breaker or latched contactor) to facilitate connection of any machine to the single earthing resistor. b. During normal operation, only one generator shall be connected to the resistor. If the generator so connected is tripped for any reason, an alarm is required to prompt manual intervention to close the neutral-earth switching device of one of the other operating generators to facilitate earthing of the system. 7. Where generators are connected to the main switchboard via individual generator step-up transformers, each generator neutral point shall be individually earthed through a single phase distribution transformer with a secondary resistor. a. The resistor shall be rated to limit the generator earth fault current to 10 A, or to 3 x Ico where Ico is the per-phase capacitive charging current, whichever is the greater. NOTE: The per-phase capacitive current is that due to the generator stator windings, generator transformer LV winding, and generator main cable/connections. 8. Each earthing transformer and resistor shall be rated to withstand the respective earth fault currents for a duration of not less than 10 s. Longer withstand times may be required, depending on the earth fault protection system applied. 9. Resonant impedance earthing, (e.g. Peterson coil), may be considered for systems mainly comprising overhead lines, and thus subject to transient faults, e.g. lightning. a. In such cases, a low value earthing resistor should be installed in parallel with the normal high impedance device so that, if a fault on an outgoing circuit is not cleared within the allowed time, the resistor can be switched in to provide a higher fault current to allow clearance by back-up protection. 3.8.3 3.8.4 LV systems 1. The neutral of LV electrical systems shall be solidly earthed at each source of supply by means of dedicated earth electrodes that have a direct, low impedance connection to the plant main earth grid (5.5.1). 2. The system of earthing shall be designated 'TN-S', in accordance with IEC 60364-3. 3. For fixed LV equipment, earth loop impedances shall be such as to effect circuit disconnection in a time not exceeding 1 s under solid (negligible impedance) earth fault conditions, and taking into account the Manufacturer's nominal time/current characteristic of the protective device. UPS systems 1. AC UPS systems shall have their neutrals solidly earthed. This applies equally to single phase and three phase systems. 2. DC systems supplying instrumentation loads and switchgear control and protection loads shall be earthed through a high resistance earth fault monitoring unit with a sensitivity of 5 mA, as shown in Standard Drawing S 67.025. 3. DC supplies for telephone systems shall be solidly earthed at the positive pole in line with normal telecommunication practice. DC supplies for special applications may be earthed as required by the equipment Manufacturer. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 29 3.9 ELECTRICITY SUPPLY FOR VITAL SERVICES 3.9.1 General 3.9.2 1. Supplies shall comply with the requirements in (3.2.1). 2. Such supplies shall, if required by the load, be uninterrupted on failure of one energy source. Loads which can tolerate an interruption in the power supply, but which require restoration of the supply within a relatively short period of time, shall be energised from an interruptible, maintained power source. 3. To meet the above requirements, the electrical power requirements for loads forming part of vital services are classified in three categories as specified in (3.9.2), (3.9.3), and (3.9.5). 4. For typical electricity supply arrangements that fulfil the requirements of each of the following categories, refer to Standard Drawing S 67.006. 5. The design of such systems shall be agreed with the Principal at the SELECT phase of a project. AC uninterruptible, maintained electricity supply 1. AC uninterruptible, maintained electricity supply shall be either: a. Derived from two 100% rated independent UPS units, each with its own battery, static changeover switch and maintenance bypass switch, as shown in Standard Drawing S 67.006. b. or, for Design Classes 1 and 2, or when the maintenance bypass switch can be used to release the UPS to carry out full testing and maintenance during a shutdown of the associated process plant, a single AC UPS unit may be considered. NOTE: Typical intervals for UPS maintenance are 2 yearly. 2. Parallel static units may be used to provide a single source of uninterruptible power with high levels of reliability and availability normally required for large indivisible loads. However, load sharing controls shall not be subject to common mode failure problems. Guidance on the rating and performance requirements of static AC UPS units is given in DEP 3. The equipment fed from an AC uninterruptible, maintained power supply may be suitable for receiving a single or a duplicate supply. The following are recommended arrangements for energising equipment of each type. 4. For equipment suitable for receiving duplicate supplies: a. Systems or equipment requiring a duplicate AC supply shall derive one supply from each UPS switchboard. b. In order to preserve the high integrity of the redundant supplies shown on Standard Drawing S 67.006, the UPS switchboards shall not be operated in parallel. c. The AC supplies derived from the two UPS switchboards shall also not be operated in parallel since each uninterruptible supply may be of marginally different frequency under certain operating conditions. d. Equipment requiring duplicate power supplies that are required to operate in parallel shall derive each supply via rectifiers or switch mode power supply (SMPS) units; for example DCS systems. The rectifier or SMPS units should be an integral part of the equipment or system being energised. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 30 5. For equipment suitable for receiving a single supply: a. Equipment requiring a single AC supply shall derive that supply from a distribution switchboard which shall itself be energised from one UPS switchboard, but have an automatic, break-before-make changeover switch to derive a supply from the second UPS switchboard in the event of failure of the first supply. b. The operation of the changeover switch shall create an interruption in supply voltage to the load of not greater than 0.25 s, refer to Standard Drawing S 67.006. 6. 3.9.3 To cater for the possible, but unlikely, failure of the output of one UPS unit, loads which have a single AC supply and which have a trip function on loss of the supply voltage shall incorporate a time delay that will prevent tripping during operation of the above mentioned changeover switch. DC uninterruptible, maintained electricity supply 1. Two 100% rated DC UPS units, including batteries shall be used for DC uninterruptible, maintained electricity supply. 2. Where an AC uninterruptible, maintained electricity supply is available and the DC load does not exceed 15 % of the AC supply capacity, the DC uninterruptible, maintained electricity supply may be derived via duplicate rectifier units fed from the AC UPS distribution switchboards, as shown on Standard Drawing S 67.006. 3. Requirements for DC UPS units in tripping (and closing) service of HV switchgear are specified in DEP 3.9.4 Battery autonomy times General 1. Requirements for autonomy times for batteries in tripping (and closing) service of HV switchgear are specified in DEP 2. Battery autonomy times specified in and are minimum and may be increased to enable combining of services aiming at a reduction in the number of UPS systems. Timers shall not be used to selectively switch off consumers. 3. Batteries of UPS units SHALL [PS] be rated to energise the relevant loads per the requirements of the safety case for the installation. In the absence of such requirements, battery autonomy times specified in and shall be used for onshore and offshore installations. Onshore installations 1. Unless otherwise specified, battery autonomy times for onshore installations shall be as follows: NOTE: Specific offshore country-specific requirements may apply. a. 30 min for process plant shutdown, process monitoring and control systems; b. 1 h for utility plant process monitoring and control systems; c. 1 h for emergency lighting (refer to 5.4.2); d. 10 min for non-process computer installations; e. 8 h for fire-fighting and fire alarm and gas detection systems; f. 2. 8 h for telecommunication and radio systems. If “N+1” spared emergency generators are supplying the UPS systems, the following changes to the battery autonomy time may be made: a. All vital services, with the exception of telecommunication and radio systems, may be supplied via 100 % rated duplicate UPS systems with a battery autonomy time of 30 min; This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 31 b. Telecommunication systems and radio equipment shall be supplied by a dedicated parallel or duplicate UPS system. Offshore installations 1. Unless otherwise specified, battery autonomy times for offshore installations shall be as follows: a. 30 min for emergency shutdown and depressurising systems, process monitoring and control systems; b. 90 min for helideck and obstruction lighting, see (; c. 3 h for public address, platform audible alarms and status lights; d. 3 h for fire and gas detection and alarm systems; e. 3 h for emergency and escape lighting (the latter with 1 h internal battery back-up) (refer to 5.4.2); f. 24 h for SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea) communications equipment; g. 96 h for navigational aid systems. 2. 3.9.5 The above autonomy times for offshore installations may be reduced if “N+1” spared emergency generators are installed that feed the UPS systems, subject to approval by the Principal. AC interruptible, maintained electricity supply 1. AC interruptible, maintained electricity supply is a power supply which is derived from the main distribution system but which has back-up power supply, typically from an automatically started, emergency diesel generator. The interruption in voltage on mains supply failure is normally 10 s to 15 s. 2. Switchboard configurations shall typically be as follows: Automatic Change Over (ACO) NC Normally Closed NO Normally Open G NC NO Vital Load only Figure 5 Switchboard arrangement vital loads This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 32 G NC Normal Load Figure 6 NO NC Vital Load Switchboard arrangement vital loads (option) A1 A2 G G NO NO NC NC NC Emergency Board To other local emergency boards From Normal supply To other local emergency boards From Normal supply C B NO NC NO NC Local Emergency Boards Vital Load Figure 7 Vital Load Switchboard arrangement vital loads (option) 3. AC interruptible, maintained electricity supply is used typically for energising electric motors associated with cooling systems of enclosures housing process control and instrument systems, analysers, emergency lighting, etc. 4. Standard drawing S 67.006 shows a typical arrangement of an AC interruptible, maintained electricity supply. 5. If mains electricity failures lasting longer than 1 h are expected to be fairly frequent, then the emergency generator should be used to energise the AC UPS units, thereby extending the duration of the relevant supplies beyond the UPS battery autonomy times mentioned in (3.9.4). Standard drawing S 67.006 shows this alternative arrangement. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 33 6. If the emergency generator is to be used to energise UPS units then the rating of the emergency generator shall be not less than twice the rated output of the UPS. NOTE This is to account for the magnitude of the harmonic currents required by the rectifier of each UPS and consequent voltage distortion created (non-linear loads). 7. Emergency generators shall be arranged to start automatically on detection of mains power failure and to take over the supply of power on closing of the generator circuit breaker. 8. Where required, synchronising and/or synchronising check facilities shall be provided to enable ‘make before break’ return to normal operation. 9. Facilities shall be provided to permit periodic on-load testing of emergency generators by enabling the generator to start and be synchronised with the mains supply. 10. Each generating set shall have sufficient fuel storage capacity for at least 8 h full load operation. Increased fuel storage capacity may be specified for offshore and remote land installations. 11. For offshore installations, the start sequence of the emergency generator(s) shall be inhibited or the set(s) shut down if gas is detected in the generator room or in the combustion air intake. 12. For onshore installations, the emergency generator should be located in a non-hazardous area. 3.10 CONTROL OF FREQUENCY, VOLTAGE AND REACTIVE POWER 3.10.1 Frequency control 1. Generators in parallel operation with the utility may be controlled as follows: a. MW control, if control of grid import/export is required; b. Back pressure control of steam turbines supplying process steam; 2. Control shall be designed so that upon loss of grid connection, control automatically reverts to island operation. 3. Generators in island operation may be controlled as follows: a. Speed control with a droop characteristic, and a secondary frequency controller to maintain nominal frequency. b. Individual units shall be capable to be switched to fixed MW control, e.g., due to process or equipment constraints. However, sufficient other units shall remain in droop control mode to maintain frequency within limits. 4. 3.10.2 Emergency generators should not be included in secondary frequency control. Voltage control General 1. Voltage control shall be a primary function to maintain the main busbar voltages within narrow, fixed limits under normal operational conditions. 2. The bandwidth shall be such that the allowable voltage deviations within the plant network comply with (3.3.2). 3. Reactive power control is a secondary and tertiary voltage control function and should be used: a. As a secondary function to maintain generators within the operational limits. This function may be extended to provide a constant reactive power output or a constant power factor. b. As a tertiary function to maintain the exchange of reactive power with an external network within a certain bandwidth or to provide a constant power factor to the power exchange. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 34 4. Primary, secondary and tertiary voltage control functions shall be separated hierarchically within a control system. As the three functions will influence each other, stable operation can only be enforced by a distinction in time response - primary control acting fastest and tertiary control slowest. 5. Secondary and tertiary voltage control shall allow for the operational constraints of the controlled unit. 6. Emergency generation units should be excluded from tertiary voltage control. Voltage control – Island operation 1. Voltage control shall be assigned to the generators connected to the main busbar. 2. A secondary control system shall maintain the reactive power distribution between the generators in operation by adjustment of the AVR set points. 3. If additional generators are connected at a lower voltage level, the function of voltage control should be primarily assigned to equipment connected to the main busbar as stated in the previous paragraph. 4. The requirement for secondary voltage control of the additional generators shall be determined by the Principal. Voltage control – Parallel operation (connection to external grid) 1. Voltage control should normally be assigned to the tap changer(s) of the interconnecting grid transformer(s). 2. A control system shall be used to maintain the correct tap position of parallel transformers to eliminate circulating reactive currents (e.g. master-slave). This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 35 4. DESIGN AND SELECTION REQUIREMENTS FOR EQUIPMENT AND CABLES 4.1 GENERATORS 4.1.1 General 4.1.2 1. Rating, type and characteristics of the generating set shall fulfil the requirements of the electrical power system, whether operating in island mode, in parallel with other generating sets, in parallel with a public utility or any combination of these. 2. Rating, type and characteristics of the generating set shall take account of factors such as overload capabilities, load acceptance/rejection, real and reactive power sharing, maximum speed deviations, maximum response times, reactances, inertias, etc. 3. The kVA rating of the generator should be selected by the prime mover Manufacturer, in line with the specified requirements, so that the generator does not limit the output of the prime mover over the specified operating temperature range. 4. The generator rated power factor shall be 0.8 lagging, unless otherwise specified. Synchronous generators ≥ 1250 kVA 1. The generator and its auxiliaries shall comply with DEP, and will normally be used for base load generation services; however, it may also be installed in (centralised) emergency or stand-by systems of large process facilities. 2. Main cable termination DEP arrangements shall be in accordance with a. For generator ratings requiring more than three cables per phase, use of phase segregated busbar connections between the generator and its transformer or switchgear shall be evaluated. b. For transformer-connected generators, phase segregation shall be maintained for all the cabling and for busbars connected to the generator, so as to minimise the possibility of multi-phase short circuits. 3. Each generating set should be provided with its own LV auxiliary switchboard for the supply and control of all its motor driven auxiliaries. This switchboard shall be treated as an essential services switchboard, (3.5.4) and be provided with a normal and a stand-by incomer. 4. The normal supply should be taken from a utilities switchboard in the power plant. 5. The stand-by supply shall be taken from an interruptible, maintained electricity supply (emergency) switchboard. The stand-by supply should be rated equal to the normal supply. 6. For a plant equipped with its own generation only, a minimum of two or half of the main generating sets should be equipped with a black-start capability. 7. In power systems with extensive distribution systems at voltages above 60 kV, light load conditions may give rise to leading power factor operation. In such cases, the leading power factor capability of the generator shall also be specified. 8. Main generators shall be fitted with the following control equipment: a. Manual and automatic synchronising with a check synchronising relay and a deadbus override. b. Voltage control equipment consisting of automatic voltage control with a manual control stand-by system. i. The manual control system shall follow the setpoint of the automatic control system to allow for automatic changeover from the automatic to the manual control system without significant voltage transients if the automatic control system fails. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 36 ii. The voltage control system shall be suitable for island and parallel operation. In island operation the voltage control system shall be designed to maintain the voltage within 0.5 % of the operational value during normal operational conditions. iii. Reactive-Power sharing among sets shall be provided for the voltage control system. iv. Cross-current compensation between generators employing A static Loop Circulating Current should only be considered for extensions to an existing power station where this feature is already provided. c. Power factor or reactive power control equipment arranged to adjust the AVR setpoint, so as to keep the generator power factor constant when operating in parallel with a public utility supply. i. For a generator connected via a unit transformer with an on-load tap changer, in general, one AVR unit shall be the master and the other the slave, or one shall be controlled manually while the other is on auto mode, to prevent “voltage hunting”. 9. Generator control panels shall be fitted with underfrequency and overfrequency tripping devices that are set by the generator Manufacturer to protect the generator and its prime mover. 10. There shall be a signal into the control circuits of the generator(s) to signify the change in operating mode from grid connected to island operation, which is normally achieved via the interconnection circuit breaker auxiliary contacts. 11. During synchronised operation with the grid, the generator governor and exciter are set to control the generator MW output and power factor or reactive power respectively; during island operation, the same controls will affect the frequency and voltage respectively. This change in operating mode needs to be signalled to the governor control. 12. Gas turbine and diesel engine driven generating sets shall be provided with automatic control schemes. This shall include facilities for auto-starting, automatic synchronising and automatic loading. 13. Local control of generating sets shall include all the components necessary for commissioning, maintenance of and trouble-shooting the generating sets independently of the rest of the power system. 14. Main generators shall be provided with the alarm equipment, indicating instruments and integrating meters stated in (Appendix 3). 4.1.3 4.1.4 Synchronous generators < 1250 kVA (packaged units) 1. The generator and its auxiliaries shall comply with DEP They will normally be used for interruptible, maintained electrical supplies, possibly together with black-starting duties, rather than for base load generation services. 2. The rating of these generating sets will normally be within the range of 50 kW to 1000 kW, and supply an emergency LV switchboard. However, for power plant blackstart duties and emergency or stand-by systems of large process facilities, sets with a larger rating may be required, possibly supplying an HV system. 3. In sizing the generating set, account shall be taken of the related motor starting requirements and UPS loads (3.9). 4. The generating sets shall be suitable for unattended operation and for automatic blackstarting on detection of failure of the mains supply. Cage induction generators 1. The generator shall comply with DEP This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 37 2. If a Static Frequency Converter (SFC) is required to facilitate the connection to the electrical system at its fixed frequency and voltage, it shall comply with the relevant parts of DEP 4.2 SWITCHGEAR 4.2.1 HV switchgear 1. HV switchgear and controlgear shall be in accordance with DEP or DEP 2. The selection of switching media shall be: 3. a. Vacuum : For system voltages up to 36 kV. b. SF6 : For system voltages above 36 kV Outdoor switchgear shall only be considered for voltages exceeding 52 kV. NOTE: This does not preclude the use of pole-mounted isolators, fuses, etc., at voltages up to and including 52 kV in association with overhead distribution networks in field areas. 4.2.2 LV switchgear General 1. LV switchgear and controlgear shall be in accordance with DEP 2. Where generators are directly connected to an LV switchboard, the ratio of peak to rms short circuit current is likely to be higher than normal allowance as per IEC standard. In these cases, the peak short circuit requirement shall be clearly stated in the specification. 3. For single line diagrams of switchboard panels, panel identification, etc., see Standard Drawing group S 67. Fuse protection is preferred to moulded case circuit breakers (MCCBs) with built-in protection. 4. Non-metallic enclosed switchgear and controlgear is acceptable for LV sub-distribution switchboards, providing they are protected by short circuit current limiting devices having a maximum nominal current of 400 A. LV feeders 1. Plain cable feeders for LV sub-distribution shall be controlled and protected by fuseswitch combinations or by MCCBs incorporating short circuit and earth fault protective devices. 2. MCCBs and fuses shall coordinate with outgoing circuit protective devices on the receiving-end sub-distribution switchboard. 3. Similarly, the rating of any fuse-protected LV circuit, which derives a supply from a distribution switchboard, should not exceed 50 % of the rating of a fuse-protected LV circuit, which energises the switchboard. This is to ensure that the circuit protective devices can be fast operating and selective in isolating short circuits. 4.3 POWER TRANSFORMERS 4.3.1 General 1. Power and distribution DEP transformers shall be in 2. Distribution transformers shall normally be connected Dyn with clock numbers as advised by Principal. 3. For primary voltages up to and including 12 kV, fused (latched) contactors shall be used as switchgear for transformer feeders. 4. Transformers for outdoor use and rated up to and including 3150 kVA shall be of the oil-filled hermetically sealed type; This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) accordance with lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 38 5. Transformers for outdoor use and rated above 3150 kVA shall be of the oil-filled conservator type. NOTE: The type of enclosure is only dependent on the kVA rating and not on the transformer voltages. 6. For use in high-humidity tropical areas, a conservator that prevents contact between the oil in the transformer tank and the ambient air should be used. This may be either the membrane type or multi-compartment type of split conservator. 7. In locations where fire risk is required to be minimised, e.g. in buildings, on offshore platforms, etc., the dielectric/cooling liquid of transformers shall be synthetic with reduced ignitability and flame-retardant characteristics, e.g. silicone fluid. In the above locations, dry-type transformers having cast resin encapsulated windings may also be used. 8. Transformers shall be selected according to their annual operating cost versus capital investment, as stated in DEP 9. The voltage ratio of generator transformers should be selected so as to avoid the need for an on-load tap changer, e.g., 34.5/11 kV for connection of an 11 kV generator to a 33 kV system. 10. For motor unit transformers, tap changers should be avoided. If adjustment of the voltage is required, a tap changer with bolted connections should be installed, rather than one with a switching mechanism. 4.3.2 On-load tap changers 1. On-load tap changers shall be specified for grid intake transformers, unless the public utility can guarantee a voltage variation range of less than ± 5 %. NOTE: On-load tap changers are not normally required on island-operation generator transformers. 4.4 UPS EQUIPMENT 4.4.1 General 1. UPS equipment shall be selected according to the preferred arrangements for AC and DC uninterruptible, maintained electricity supplies for process control and safeguarding systems, as shown in Standard Drawings S 67.006, S 67.024, S 67.025 and S 67.080. The same arrangements shall, in general, also be applied in power plants and utilities systems. 2. Uninterruptible, maintained electricity supply distribution switchboards and the associated UPS units should be located as close as possible to the loads supplied. 3. Sub-distribution circuits fed by DC or AC UPS systems should be protected by fuse against short circuits. MCCBs may be used if protected against risk of inadvertent operation due to accidental touch. NOTE: 4.4.2 4.4.3 The maximum size of fuses or MCCBs used should take into account the limited short circuit output of the UPS and the design intent to avoid switching to Bypass to clear large faults AC UPS units 1. Static AC UPS units shall comply with DEP and be capable of fulfilling all the vital power requirements. 2. Parallel static UPS units may be used to provide a single AC source of power to an indivisible load, e.g. at computer centres. 3. The required limits on the output conditions of voltage, phase symmetry, frequency and distortion are stated in DEP DC UPS units 1. Static DC UPS units shall be in accordance with DEP This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 39 4.4.4 Batteries 1. 4.5 DEP specifies the alternative types of battery that are technically acceptable for UPS duty. CAPACITORS 1. Capacitors for power factor correction shall be of the low-loss, metal-enclosed, hermetically-sealed type. LV capacitors shall be of the self-healing type complying with IEC 60831, and may be of either single-phase or three-phase unit construction. HV capacitors shall comply with IEC 60871. 2. All capacitor units shall have individually fused elements; if this is not feasible for certain types of LV capacitor, internal overpressure disconnectors shall be provided. 3. Internal fuses and internal overpressure disconnectors shall comply with IEC 60931-3 or IEC 60871-4, as applicable for the voltage rating. 4. HV capacitor banks shall normally be installed outdoors. 5. HV capacitor banks shall comprise individually fused capacitor units. The fuses shall comply with IEC 60549 and should be easily accessible for inspection and replacement. 6. Capacitor failure shall trip the bank and provide an alarm indication. If recommended by the Manufacturer, overpressure switches shall be fitted to HV capacitor units and connected to trip the capacitor bank. 7. Individual capacitors shall be controlled by contactors, circuit breakers or, for LV applications, fused switch units, approved for this duty by the switchgear Manufacturer. They shall be rated for at least 1.5 x In , and able to withstand transient inrush currents up to 100 x In (Where In is nominal current of connected capacitor banks). 8. In those cases where a capacitor is connected in parallel with an electric motor, a single switching device and associated relays and/or fuses that control and protect both the motor and the capacitor shall be provided. 9. High inrush currents can occur particularly when paralleled with already energised capacitors. If required, air-cored reactors may be installed in HV capacitor banks to limit the inrush currents. See IEC 60831 or IEC 60871. 10. Capacitors have relatively long discharge times (from the operating voltage down to 75 V) allowed in the relevant IEC standards, i.e., 3 min for LV capacitors and 10 min for HV capacitors. Shorter discharge times shall be specified where necessary to satisfy national or local requirements. 11. A clear warning notice shall be posted on any cubicle or compartment containing capacitors. An interlock system shall be provided for all automatically controlled capacitor banks to prevent re-energisation when the residual voltage is above 10 % Un. 12. Where motors have individual capacitors, long discharge times may affect the restart after e.g. a power interruption. This shall be addressed during the DEFINE phase of the project. 13. With regard to design of capacitors used in harmonic filter applications recommendations from a specialist consultant or suppliers shall be followed. 14. Large capacitor banks (e.g. harmonic filters) may cause overvoltages during switching. Studies shall be carried out to determine if remedial measures are required, e.g. inrush limiters. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 40 4.6 ELECTRIC MOTORS 4.6.1 General 1. Electric drives shall be controlled by fused contactors. When motor rating exceeds max rating of a fused contactor, a circuit breaker shall be used. 2. The minimum/maximum power ratings of electric motors in relation to system voltage are stated in DEP 3. The selection of motor voltages and power ratings for DOL starting should conform to the following: Switchboard nominal voltages Maximum LV motor rating 400 V 185 kW 690 V 1 Minimum HV motor rating 315 kW 6600 V NOTE 1: 160 kW Refer to (3.3.1). 4. Any motor driven auxiliaries associated with the main motor or its driven equipment shall be fed from a nearby switchboard, which shall have a load classification (3.2.1) equal to or better than that of the main drive. 5. The auxiliary drives shall be connected to a section of the switchboard which is fed from the same supply source and supply circuit as the main unit in order to obtain optimum availability of the total system. 6. For low speed applications and for installations in which power factor compensation is beneficial, synchronous motors of less than 5 MW may be economically justifiable. Synchronous motors should not be considered at ratings below 2 MW. NOTE : Cage induction motors are preferred on account of their simple robust construction and lower capital cost. Synchronous motors are more efficient than cage induction motors (of equal rating), but they have a higher capital cost. The use of synchronous motors will normally be cost effective at ratings exceeding 5 MW, depending on speed, Manufacturer, etc. 7. The generation of pulsating torques by a synchronous motor during run-up may need to be addressed by the driven equipment Manufacturer. 8. For very large high speed motors, the use of magnetic bearings may be considered. The specification of these shall be agreed with all parties involved, including the machine and driven equipment manufacturers. 9. Integrated Motor Control Systems (IMCS), shall be considered, provided it can be demonstrated that they are cost effective over the total life cycle in comparison with conventional LV motor starters. The IMCS shall comply with Appendix 1 of DEP Life cycle cost comparison shall be based on periodic replacement of the IMCS system due to obsolescence at around 12 years. 10. For motors in services classified as vital (e.g. Fire water pumps), the control circuits shall be hardwired and not via IMCS. 11. Electric drives shall be provided with a local emergency stop. A Remote Control Unit (RCU) mounted local to the motor is preferred but alternative schemes may be considered where remote control and indication is provided e.g. DCS. NOTE: With an RCU, motors can be started/stopped and, in the "0" (neutral) position, automatically controlled. Examples of control circuits are shown in Standard Drawings S 67.004, S 67.028 and S 67.071. 11. If automatic control is provided, then the auto on/off control signals shall be given via an IMCS or interposing relays. Similarly, for HV motors, control may be provided via protection devices (Intelligent Electronic Device – IED) or interposing relays. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 41 12. Motors that are mounted above grade, e.g. fin-fan cooler motors, and controlled from grade level for operational convenience, shall have safety switches located near the motors. 13. Where motors are fitted with anti-condensation heaters, a heater safety switch shall be installed adjacent to the motor's RCU. 4.6.2 Synchronous motors 1. The synchronous motor and its related equipment shall comply with DEP, and fulfil the requirements imposed upon it by the power system and its operational requirements, overload capabilities, load/speed/time responses, etc. 2. Synchronous motors shall be equipped with the following control equipment: a. voltage control/excitation control equipment; b. equipment for controlled start-up, e.g. via start switch; c. equipment for controlled shutdown, e.g. via normal stop switch; d. equipment for crash shutdown, e.g. via emergency stop switch. 4.6.3 4.6.4 4.6.5 Cage induction motors 1. The cage induction motor and all its related electrical auxiliary equipment shall comply with DEP 2. Cage induction motors shall normally be switched direct on line. If this is impractical or uneconomic, current-restricting start-up equipment shall be used. 3. Motors with auxiliary equipment, water cooling or special detection facilities, e.g. cooling air/water temperature detectors, water leakage detectors, etc., shall be connected to an alarm annunciation system with first failure alarm. Special motors 1. Submerged motors driving sump pumps shall be fed by flexible oil-resistant cables with earth connector shielding around each core. 2. DC motors shall generally be specified by the relevant driven equipment supplier to fulfil the duty required at the minimum specified DC system voltage. 3. DC motors shall comply with the relevant sections of DEP, e.g. enclosure classification, bearing requirements, etc. Variable speed drive systems (VSDS) 1. The VSDS with all its related equipment shall comply with DEP 2. The application of a VSDS shall be considered where it can be demonstrated that the VSDS will benefit the design (avoid gearbox), operation, maintenance and energy efficiency of the plant. 3. These considerations shall be reviewed by an appropriate multi-disciplinary team. Examples of the types of drives where a VSDS can be beneficial are: a. centrifugal pumps, including submersible pumps; b. recycle gas compressors and booster compressors; c. fin-fan coolers; d. extruders. 4.7 ELECTRICAL NETWORK MONITORING AND CONTROL (ENMC) SYSTEM 1. A dedicated ENMC system for the electrical supply and distribution system should be considered during the SELECT phase if centralised electrical system supervisory This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 42 control and data acquisition is required to ensure efficient and stable operation of the power system. Refer to DEP 2. 4.7.1 The overall monitoring and control philosophy of the electrical supply and distribution system, including interfaces to package units, shall be established and documented in the DEFINE phase of the project and is subject to specific approval by Principal. Annunciator panels 1. Each substation with HV switchgear and/or any electricity generation capacity installed shall be provided with a system to monitor and store the individual alarm and trip functions of the substation equipment. 2. It shall be possible to access the data at the substation without the need for additional devices, e.g. a portable computer. 3. Microprocessor-based systems are preferred. The system shall provide common and selected alarms to the DCS for display in a manned control room. Reference is made to (Appendix 3). 4. The system shall either be supplied from an uninterruptible, maintained electricity supply or have internal rechargeable batteries. 4.8 CABLES, WIRES AND ACCESSORIES 4.8.1 General 1. For process plant on-plot power and instrumentation cabling, a decision on underground or above-ground cable routing shall be taken early in the DEFINE project phase to ensure plant layout, route design and construction schedule is optimised. 2. The method described in (Appendix 6) shall be used to decide on underground or above-ground cable routing. If this does not result in a clear driver for the decision then underground cabling should be adopted because of the better protection against fire and mechanical damage. 3. Lead-covered underground cables should be avoided due to their higher cost, environmental issues, restricted availability and additional handling (weight and special terminations). 4. Consequently, if lead-covered underground cables would be required to comply with present or future contaminated ground requirements defined below, above-ground, cabling shall be selected unless there are other overriding drivers (refer to Appendix 6). 5. Once a decision is made, the plant layout, route design, construction method and schedule shall be optimised for the adopted policy, in order to minimise the risk of major disruption to the project schedule and increased costs. 6. For areas where there is a possibility of soil contamination or chemical attack and above-ground cable routing is not practical or prohibitively expensive, only then shall cables be provided with a lead sheath, in compliance with EEMUA 133. 7. For non-load carrying cables, alternative forms of protection against chemical attack may be used if approved by the Principal. Such cables may become also available for load carrying cables, but shall only be used if tests have proven that the cable is fit for purpose when operating under full load at its maximum temperature. 8. Non-lead-sheathed cables may be used in areas where the probability of hydrocarbon or chemical contamination of the ground is very low, for example in gas plants (LNG/NGL). 9. For above-ground and offshore installations, the use of non-armoured cable may be considered. a. The design of non-armoured cable non-armoured cable systems should take into account the specific earthing and bonding requirement for electrical safety and This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 43 EMC. b. For EMC reasons, any non-armoured cabling shall be adequately protected by means of cable ladders or cable trunking. c. Particular attention shall be paid to segregation of power cables and (instrument) signal lines. d. The use of non-armoured cable systems requires the approval of the Principal at the DEFINE phase of the electrical system design. 10. Multicore cables are preferred to single-core cables. However, single-core cables may be used in the following situations: a. for practical and/or economic reasons on short runs, e.g. generator and transformer secondary cables; b. in the case of high current ratings where two parallel multicore cables of the largest cross section permitted would not suffice; c. for cables with high current ratings connected to HV switchgear that is specifically designed for connection with single-core cables, e.g. GIS. 11. Cables for protection, controls, indications and alarms for a particular item of plant or circuit (e.g. generator, motor, transformer, etc.) shall be dedicated to that item of plant or circuit. NOTE: This requirement does not apply to 4-20 mA transducer signals. 12. Individual cables shall be used for each of the following: a. CT secondary circuits; b. VT secondary circuits; c. interlock/intertrip circuits; d. pilot wire differential circuits. 13. The requirements of (4.8.1 part 13) do not apply to motor control and ammeter circuits to an RCU, nor to combined power and control circuits to small LV motors in accordance with Standard Drawing S 67.004. 14. Fibre optic cables, or alternatively fibre optic cores in composite cables, or ducts may be used for the transmission of signals and data as part of, e.g. an ENMC system. 15. All power, lighting, control and earthing cables shall have copper conductors. 16. In specific cases, cables with aluminium conductors may be used, in particular for long distribution feeders, if economic and approved by the Principal. Precautions to prevent galvanic corrosion should be taken with the installation of bi-metallic terminations. 4.8.2 HV cables Three core cables 1. Three core HV cables shall be dry cured, cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulated, (if specified, lead sheathed), single galvanised steel wire armoured and PVC oversheathed. 2. Depending on the cable construction and voltage level, a copper screen may be installed over each insulated conductor. If the location of the installation permits, the lead sheath may be omitted (4.8.1). 3. Cables with ethylene propylene rubber (EPR) insulation may be specified where a greater flexibility is required, e.g. on offshore installations. 4. HV multicore cables shall have a minimum cross sectional area of 25 mm² and a maximum cross sectional area of 300 mm². This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 44 Single-core cables 1. Single core HV cables shall be either XLPE insulated or ethylene propylene rubber (EPR) insulated, screened, unarmoured and PVC oversheathed. 2. These cables shall be installed only above ground or in preformed trenches, where access is restricted. 3. Single-core cables, which are directly buried or installed outside the restricted access area, shall have a copper earth-screen. The cables shall have a high density polyethylene (HDPE) outer sheath. No aluminium or copper armour is required since it does not provide additional mechanical protection over and above that provided by the HDPE outer sheathing. 4.8.3 LV cables Twin and multicore cables 1. Twin and multicore power, lighting and control cables shall be cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulated, galvanised steel wire armoured (or braided for sizes up to and including 10 mm²; larger sizes with braiding may be considered for offshore application) and PVC oversheathed. These cables may be used for above-ground and underground installations. Cables with EPR insulation may be specified where a greater flexibility is required, e.g. on offshore installations. 2. Maximum cross-section shall be 185 mm² for motor cables and 240 mm² for distribution cables. 3. For power, lighting and control cables the minimum cross section shall be 2.5 mm², except for signalling and indication purposes, where a minimum cross section of 1.5 mm² may be used. 4. Mineral-insulated metal-covered cables shall not be used, except with the specific approval of the Principal. Single-core cables 1. Single-core cables for above-ground connections between transformers and LV switchgear shall be XLPE or EPR insulated, PVC sheathed. 2. For standardisation purposes, HV single-core cables may be used for this application. NOTE: 4.8.4 4.8.5 4.8.6 In this case the LV cables will have an outer sheath colour-standardised for HV cables. Earthing cables 1. Above-ground earthing cables shall be PVC sheathed, coloured yellow/green, as a protection against electrolytic corrosion. 2. Underground earthing cables should be of the same type. However, where the requirements of this DEP with respect to earth resistance values (5.5.1) or EMC (5.5.6) cannot be met, underground earthing cables may be bare (uninsulated), following approval by the Principal. Flexible cables 1. Flexible cables for voltages up to 450 V to earth shall be heavy duty neoprene rubber insulated, PVC sheathed. 2. Flexible cables used in hazardous classified area shall meet requirements of IEC 60079-14. Wires in conduit 1. Wiring shall be PVC insulated in accordance with IEC 60227. 2. Minimum cross-section shall be 2.5 mm², except for the phase connection between a switch and a luminaire, where 1.5 mm² may be applied, taking into account the correct current rating and the maximum voltage drop. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 45 3. Wiring colours shall be: a. blue - neutral; b. brown - phase; c. black - switched phase; d. green/yellow - earth. 4. 4.8.7 Local rules requiring other colours shall prevail. Cables with increased fire withstand capabilities 1. The following types of cables shall be used in circumstances requiring an increased fire withstand capability depending upon the application: a. Reduced flame propagation (per IEC 60332), zero halogen (with a minimum light transmission value of 60% per IEC 61034-2), low smoke (with a maximum halogen gas emission of 0.5%, per IEC 60754-1 and IEC 60754-2). These cables shall be installed in normally-manned areas where escape to an area with clean air is not possible, typically in accommodation areas on offshore platforms and in non-ventilated, indoor operational areas on offshore platforms. b. Fire resistant per IEC 60331, zero halogen, low smoke. These cables shall be installed in those facilities, which are required to continue in operation during a fire, typically for fire fighting equipment. 4.8.8 2. Since cables are normally installed as a single unjointed length, the type of cable selected from the above shall be that applicable to the most arduous conditions along the cable route. 3. Where fire-resistant properties are required for the above-ground section of underground type cables, proprietary fire proofing may be applied to standard underground cables types providing that the applicable cable length does not exceed 10 % of overall cable length, if approved by the Principal. Cable accessories 1. Cable glands for hazardous areas shall comply with IEC 60079. 2. Glands shall be selected to suit the type of cable and termination box/enclosure, and shall be of the appropriate type of protection, e.g. Ex'd', Ex'e'. 3. Effective earth continuity shall be ensured between the cable armour/braid and the gland plate or the internal earth terminal. 4. Cable glands for non-hazardous areas shall comply with EN 50262. 5. For standardisation purposes, and to reduce the risk of errors, the same “Ex” glands shall be adopted for all process plant areas. 6. Metallic cable glands shall be used with metallic termination boxes. Depending on the type of cable, brass compression glands with an armour clamping feature may be used as an alternative to the method described below for non-metallic termination boxes. 7. Non-metallic cable glands may be used with non-metallic termination boxes to terminate braided or non-armoured cable; suitable arrangements shall be made to terminate the braiding at the internal earth terminal. 4.9 OVERHEAD LINES 4.9.1 General 1. Conductors, insulators, support and all related equipment shall be designed to provide adequate protection against the adverse effects of all prevailing site conditions, e.g. wind loading, lightning, icing, polluting atmospheres, etc. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 46 2. 4.9.2 The design of overhead lines should take into account local utility practice in determining the type of construction and the selection of materials, if there is no previous experience in the locality. Supports NOTE: 4.9.3 4.9.4 1. The supports may either be wood, steel or concrete poles or lattice steel towers, whichever is the most economic after the technical design parameters have been satisfied. 2. Wood poles shall comply with BS 1990-1, concrete poles shall comply with EN 12843. Steel poles and towers should comply with Manufacturers' standards. 4. For wood poles, defects such as splits and shakes are unacceptable. Commonly used soft woods such as fir, pine and larch require impregnation with creosote, anti-termite repellents if they are to be used in tropical countries to prevent decay. 5. Supports shall be designed to take account of the mechanical forces that will be encountered in operation and shall incorporate the specified factors of safety (6.3.4): 6. Pole supports for sections and deviations shall be stayed. For non-conducting supports, the staywire shall be fitted with a long staywire insulator. 7. The installation of anti climbing guards shall be considered. 8. The design of tower supports should be proof tested, i.e., at a tower testing station. Conductors 1. Phase and earth conductors should be aluminium alloy, although ACSR (aluminium conductor steel reinforced) may be considered for reasons of standardisation with existing lines. Galvanised steel may also be considered for the earth conductors. 2. Conductors shall comply with IEC 61089. 3. ACSR conductors should not be used in coastal or corrosive environments. Insulators 1. Post insulators and pin insulators shall be glazed porcelain, complying with IEC 60383. They should be used as intermediate support insulators at voltages up to and including 36 kV. Semi-conducting glazes should not be used. 2. Cap and pin insulator discs shall be toughened glass, complying with IEC 60383 and IEC 60120. They should be used in suspension insulator strings on intermediate supports at higher voltages, and in tension insulator strings at all voltages. NOTE: Insulators of different mechanical and electrical strengths will normally be required for different duties. 3. The insulator profile shall be selected to suit the site conditions, e.g. aerofoil profile in a desert environment or anti-fog profile in Northern European conditions. 4. The insulator creepage length shall also be selected to suit the site conditions, typically 35 mm/kV in a desert environment. In the absence of any site specific information, refer to IEC 60815 for guidance. NOTE: 5. 4.9.5 Depending on the topography and soil conditions, pole supports (rather than steel towers) will generally be economic at all the voltages covered by these guidelines, except in the case of double circuit lines at 72 kV and above. The specific creepage length is the ratio of the leakage distance measured between phase and earth over the r.m.s. phase to phase value of the highest system voltage for the equipment. Consideration may also be given to the use of polymeric long rod insulators, complying with IEC 60433. Steel components 1. All steel components, including fasteners, shall comply with a relevant international or national standard and be hot-dip galvanised after fabrication in accordance with ISO 1461. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 47 4.9.6 4.9.7 4.9.8 Lightning arresters 1. Lightning arresters with counters complying with IEC 60099-1 shall be installed at every cable termination and at every equipment connection point, e.g. transformer teeoff. 2. The current rating of the lightning arresters shall be selected to suit the system short circuit rating, and the voltage rating shall be determined as part of the insulation coordination, in accordance with IEC 60071. Road crossings 1. Where the overhead line route is planned to cross roads, consideration should be given to the routing of the line either by an overhead route or by a buried cable section. 2. Given that the breakdown of overhead line cable terminations is the cause of many line failures, then, if the design clearances can be achieved, an overhead route is preferred. 3. Overhead road crossing goal posts shall be erected at both sides of the overhead line, at a distance of 75 m from the overhead line. 4. Warning signs, indicating the maximum height permitted shall be erected at both sides of the road, between the goal posts. 5. The protective wire between the goal posts shall be installed at the permitted maximum height. 6. If a buried cable section is selected, then the underground cable shall be installed through a PVC pipe to avoid road damage in case of cable repair and replacement work. 7. Surge arrestors shall be fitted to either end of the cable section. Vibration dampers 1. 4.9.9 A study shall be carried out to determine the need for, location and design of dampers used to mitigate the effects of Aeolian and other forms of vibration. Communications 1. Overhead line towers and “H” frame portal designs may be utilised to carry communications systems. 4.10 LIGHTING AND SMALL POWER EQUIPMENT 4.10.1 General lighting requirements 1. Industrial fluorescent lighting in 'white' colour shall be used for illumination. NOTE: In low ambient temperatures (sub-zero) fluorescent lighting is not effective; other sources should be used. 2. Long life lamps in combination with electronic ballasts shall be used, to take advantage of their increased lumen efficiency and economic life. 3. High pressure discharge lamps should be used to light tall buildings or large areas. In view of the restarting time of this type of lighting after a voltage dip, however, sufficient fluorescent luminaires shall be installed for basic lighting requirements of the area, equivalent to emergency lighting requirements (5.4.2). 4. Floodlighting shall be used at the perimeter of process and production plants. 5. Maintenance free, sealed-for-life, discharge lamps and associated luminaires may be considered with account being taken of their total life-cycle cost. These types of luminaires are available in industrial and Ex protected executions. 6. Low pressure sodium discharge lamps shall not be used. 7. Incandescent lighting shall be applied only for decorative lighting. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 48 4.10.2 4.10.3 4.10.4 Plant lighting 1. For standardisation reasons, the same type of Ex luminaires shall be used in all plant areas, using the Ex protection method and gas or dust group selected for the most hazardous Zone classification. 2. If fluorescent luminaires with type of protection Ex'e' are used, the ballast shall have end of lamp life protection. 3. An isolating switch shall be included within the fitting to prevent the luminaire from being energised when it is not fully assembled. 4. If high pressure discharge luminaires are used, they shall have type of protection Ex 'de'. Building lighting 1. Luminaires in closed buildings that are classified non-hazardous areas, e.g. control rooms and substations, shall be fluorescent bi-pin, switch-start, industrial pattern. 2. Non-industrial luminaires may be used in office buildings. LED lighting for control rooms and non-industrial locations may be considered after agreement by the project Human Factors Engineering Technical Authority and if approved by the Principal. Special lighting 1. 4.10.5 Special lighting such as navigation aids, obstruction warning lights and aircraft warning lights shall comply with DEP and the applicable national and/or international rules and standards. Portable lamps and tools 1. Hand-held lamps shall be rated for maximum 50 V AC supply. 2. The types of portable equipment to be used in both industrial and non-industrial areas (except in restrictive conductive locations as referred to below) shall be one or more of the following: a. Double or reinforced insulation equipment, Class 2 of IEC 61140 and IEC 60364, connected to the mains via a 30 mA RCCB, protecting both the supply cord and the equipment; b. 24 V or 50 V equipment, Class 3 of IEC 61140 and IEC 60364, connected to a safety extra-low-voltage circuit by using double-wound safety isolating transformers, complying with IEC 61558 (SELV system). c. For the supply to portable hand lamps and safety tools, an adequate number of suitably rated single phase double-wound portable safety isolating transformers, having a secondary no-load voltage of not more than 50 V, fully insulated from earth, shall be provided. The primary side of these transformers shall be provided with a suitable length of flexible cable and a plug for connection to a convenience outlet NOTE: Standard ratings for these transformers are 250 VA, 630 VA and 1600 VA. 3. Hand torches shall be provided at all locations where operating personnel may be present at all times, e.g. control rooms, fire station, watchman's offices, etc. 4. The number of hand torches per location shall not be less than the number of personnel present per shift. 5. The equipment shall consist of fixed charging units with sockets and plug-in hand torches suitable for Zone 1 use, and be provided with rechargeable batteries. Only batteries that are certified for a particular torch shall be used. 6. In areas with excessive dust, the torches shall also be suitable for Zone 21. 7. Battery powered hand lamps shall be installed inside substations and switchhouses near all entrances. For plant substations, they shall be suitable for Zone 1 use and This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 49 provided with wall-mounted bracket-type battery charger and, in manned locations, undervoltage relay for emergency lighting duty. 4.10.6 Power and convenience outlets General 1. For maintenance purposes, three phase and neutral power outlets for movable equipment, and single phase and neutral convenience outlets for the supply of portable tools and hand lamps, shall be provided. 2. The number and location of outlets shall be based on the maintenance activity expected in the area and input from the human factors engineering study. 3. Convenience outlets for portable igniting equipment of boilers and furnaces shall be provided in the vicinity of the burners. 4. The outlets shall be standardised for each rating and type throughout the complex and shall have an earth connection incorporated. 5. The outlets shall comply with IEC 60309 or local standard. The use of local standard material, however, requires the approval of the Principal. 6. Plugs shall not be interchangeable with sockets of a different voltage or current rating, nor shall it be possible to insert an industrial type of plug into a Zone 1 classified outlet. 7. Each LV power and convenience outlet circuit shall be protected by phase short circuit protective devices and by current-operated earth leakage protective devices, which are in accordance with IEC 60947-2, i.e., residual current circuit breakers (RCCB). 8. The RCCB operating current shall be 30 mA for circuits of less than 125 A and 300 mA for circuits equal to or greater than 125 A. Power and welding outlets 1. Power outlets shall have a standard supply voltage equal to the LV supply voltage selected for the complex. Power outlets in plants with a LV system of more than 500 V, e.g. 690 V, shall have a voltage of 400/230 V. 2. Power outlets shall be rated for at least 125 A and be suitable for outdoor installation. 3. Power outlets shall be located in a safe area along the battery limits, spaced in such a way that, with the aid of extension cables feeding movable secondary supply panels, all points can be served conveniently. 4. Power outlets shall be connected so as to have the same phase rotation, ensuring that correct rotation of moveable equipment is obtained from all outlets. Convenience outlets 4.10.7 1. Convenience outlets shall have a standard supply voltage equal to the voltage selected for normal lighting. 2. For industrial areas, the outlets shall be rated for at least 16A and be suitable for outdoor installation in Zone 1 areas. 3. In workshops, the outlets shall be of industrial pattern, where specified. Other electrical equipment 1. Padlockable isolating devices shall be provided for equipment, such as trace heating systems and, cathodic protection equipment. Isolating devices shall be located near the equipment or on the appertaining control panels. 4.11 ELECTRIC HEATING EQUIPMENT 4.11.1 Process heaters 1. Process heaters, with or without thyristor control, shall be in accordance with DEP This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 50 4.11.2 2. Feeders to the power and control assemblies of the heaters directly connected to the LV system shall have two switching devices; one for control and the other for tripping. 3. Instantaneous earth-fault-protection shall be provided, adjustable to a maximum of 100 mA in compliance with IEC 60079-14 section 7.4. Heaters for frost heave prevention 1. 4.11.3 Heaters for frost heave prevention of LNG/LPG concrete tank bases shall be in accordance with DEP Electrical trace heating 1. Electrical trace heating systems shall comply with DEP 2. The following types of trace heating shall be used in order of preference: a. self-regulating heaters; b. constant wattage parallel heaters; c. mineral insulated heaters (M.I. cable). 3. For all-welded pipelines without flanges, a system of skin electric current tracing (S.E.C.T.) heaters shall be evaluated. Alternatively, for high temperature applications on long pipelines, impedance heating systems may be considered. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 51 5. ENGINEERING AND INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS 5.1 GENERAL 1. For commissioning of DEP electrical equipment, reference is also made to 2. Where necessary, the Principal or the Contractor shall submit Manufacturers' test reports, equipment certificates and site reports, etc., for approval by local authorities. 3. Unless otherwise specified, the minimum ingress protection level for equipment in plant areas shall be: a. IP 54 for equipment installed outdoors (excluding jetties and offshore); b. IP 41 for equipment installed indoors; c. IP 2X for exposed parts of equipment that has to be accessible during normal operation. 5.2 MAIN EQUIPMENT 5.2.1 General 5.2.2 5.2.3 1. Equipment shall be installed in accordance with the installation instructions and supporting drawings provided by the Manufacturer. 2. Foundation drawings, together with information on mass and loading data, shall be provided for all electrical equipment, to permit correct civil design of the relevant buildings and foundations. 3. In the case of switchboards comprising switchgear and/or controlgear from more than one Manufacturer, one composite foundation drawing shall be supplied for the complete switchboard. 4. Equipment arrangement and layout drawings shall also be obtained from the Manufacturer or supplier, so that they can be incorporated into overall plant arrangement drawings, cabling design, etc. 5. Any main equipment modifications required during installation shall be approved by the Principal prior to implementation. All modifications shall be recorded and the information incorporated in the 'as-built' drawings (7.1). 6. Electrical equipment should be located so as to minimise the risk of damage due to vibration. If such locations cannot be avoided, anti-vibration mountings shall be used where practical. 7. If pipes must be run adjacent to electrical equipment there should be no joints in the immediate vicinity of the equipment. 8. Electrical equipment shall be installed so that there is sufficient space, as defined by Manufacturer, to facilitate maintenance requirements. Generators 1. Generators shall be installed in a non-hazardous area. 2. Generators should be located close to their associated step-up transformers, if any, so as to minimise the length of heavy current connections. 3. The generator cooling system shall be independent of the acoustic enclosure ventilation systems. Transformers 1. Oil-filled power transformers shall be installed outdoors in a fenced-in area of the substation. The fences shall have at least two lockable gates, when more than one transformer is installed. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 52 2. Each transformer shall have a minimum of 1 m clear space all round; For transformers with liquid volume of more than 1000 litres, the separation distance between transformers shall be in accordance with IEC 61936-1, clause – Table 3. Fire or blast walls are not required for HV/LV transformers. 3. If it is not practical or economic to allow for adequate clearance as indicated in Table 3, then a fire-resistant separating wall with specification and dimensions complying with IEC 61936-1, clause and Figure 6 shall be installed. 4. For main intake substations with HV/HV transformers and for transformers 100 MVA and above, a fire-resistant separating wall with specification and dimensions complying with IEC 61936-1, clause and Figure 6 shall be installed. 5. Transformers should be installed so that the cable boxes of adjacent units do not face each other. Refer to Standard Drawing S 68.040. 6. Transformers shall be mounted on a flat concrete base. 7. Non-sealed type transformers shall be surrounded by a gravel-filled or gravel-covered oil catchment pit, which is sized to contain the total oil content of the largest transformer plus rain water. The catchment pit should be: a. connected to the oily water drains system in a wet climate; b. arranged for pumping out by a suction tanker in a dry climate; c. connected to the storm water drains system through an oil/water separator, as determined by the Principal. 8. Holding down and/or grouting of transformers is not required. 9. Transformers should be positioned and oriented in such a way as to minimise cable crossings, especially when multiple single-core cables are required. 10. If a dry-type transformer does not have an integral metal enclosure, it shall be installed within an earthed, demountable metal barrier or fence of at least 1.8 m high on all sides. The fence shall have warning signs and a lockable personnel access gate with 1 m clearance from the extremities of the transformer and its cable terminations to allow safe access for visual inspection of the live transformer. 11. Due account should be taken of the magnetic field surrounding the transformer in the positioning of any sensitive electronic equipment and the designing of any adjacent metallic building structures. If necessary, a magnetic flux plot should be obtained from the Manufacturer. 5.2.4 5.2.5 Switchgear 1. Switchgear shall only be installed when the switchroom civil and building works are complete, so as to minimise the ingress of dust and dirt during or after erection. 2. Switchgear foundations, including any inserts to be cast in, shall be in accordance with the Manufacturer's drawings and within specified tolerances. 3. Substation floors shall be smooth and level to permit the handling of equipment on rollers, regardless of whether crane facilities are provided. 4. Concrete floors shall have a surface protection layer to avoid formation of dust. Electric motors 1. Whilst in outdoor storage and depending on the period of storage before commissioning, motors shall be provided with initial and thereafter periodic preservation procedures in accordance with the Manufacturer's instructions. a. As a minimum, preservation procedures shall include proper sealing of the motor shaft and cable entries, turning of shafts and, for HV motors, the energisation of the anti-condensation heaters. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 53 2. The location of the motor RCU and/or safety switch should be on the opposite side from the terminal box and not be further away from the motor than 1.5 m. The operator should be able to see the ammeter (if installed) when operating the (discharge) valve. 3. Noise hoods shall in no way obstruct the free flow of cooling air to the motor or the motor heat exchanger. 4. Where required, shim plates should be of non-magnetic material. Dowel pins may be installed to facilitate reinstallation after maintenance or repair. 5.3 CABLING AND WIRING 5.3.1 General General 1. In the DEFINE phase of the area plot plan development, reservation of appropriate routings and adequate space for underground and/or above-ground cable installations shall be made in cooperation with the other engineering disciplines concerned. 2. A dimensional cable routing plan shall be made ( 3. When requisitions for cables and wires are prepared, the total measured length required in accordance with the layouts and drawings, for each type and size, should be increased by 5 % of the total for each type and size, to allow for slack, jointing and termination. 4. For new plant construction, joints in cabling shall only be permitted where the route length exceeds commercially available cable drum lengths. Teed cable joints shall not be used. Cable joints shall be recorded and their locations marked accurately on the 'as-built' drawings. 5. During transport, storage, and installation, cable ends of all types of cable shall be suitably sealed to avoid ingress of water. 6. Changes of direction in cable trenches and on racks or trays shall cater for the minimum cable bending radii advised by the manufacturer; otherwise as follows (where D is the overall diameter of the cable): a. cables LV (armoured) All 8D b. cables HV Single core 20 D Multi-core 12 D 7. For special types of cable construction and for cables rated at voltages above 36 kV, refer to the Manufacturer for minimum installation bending radii. 8. At the end of hard-floored cable trenches, short ducts or pipes shall slope down into the surrounding soil, to avoid cable damage at the edges owing to settling of the soil. 9. Cables should enter buildings above ground level, but where they have to enter below ground level, a watertight seal shall be provided, e.g. multi-cable transit blocks. Bonding of all incoming cables at this point shall comply with the EMC mitigation measures specified in DEP 10. The installation of cables for vital equipment, e.g. life support equipment, requires special attention in order that possible damage to these cables is minimised. 11. Instrument, telecommunication and computer/data cables shall be laid in trenches or on trays separated from those used for HV and or LV cables. For further instructions, refer to DEP 12. Open pipe trenches shall be crossed by cable bridges and installed in accordance with (5.3.3) or be constructed from reinforced concrete. 13. Where cable trenches cross roads, an additional number of pipes (ducts), e.g. 20%, minimum 1, at normal cable laying depth, shall be provided to accommodate future cables. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 54 14. Detailed cross-sectional drawings shall be prepared ( 15. The armouring and lead sheath, if any, of multicore cables shall be solidly bonded at both ends. Details of bonding, e.g. the location, type and length of the bonding conductor, are specified in DEP Single core cables 1. Single-core cables of one three phase circuit shall be laid together and separated from multicore cables. They should be laid in trefoil formation, rather than laid flat (, except in the case of short cable runs, e.g. transformer secondary cables within substations. Refer to Standard Drawing S 68.022. 2. The lead sheath or the copper earth screen of single-core cables should normally be solidly bonded at both ends, see (6) below. 3. The bonding clamps shall be of a type that maintains the required pressure, i.e. spring loaded, to cater for possible movement or shrinkage of the cable. NOTE: In solidly bonded single-core cables, the current flowing in the lead sheath and/or screen causes additional heating, which results in a de-rating of the cable in comparison with single point bonded or cross-bonded installations. This is normally taken into account in the rating factors given by the cable Manufacturer. The use or non-use of armouring on single core HV cables is covered in (4.8.2) 4. For single point bonded installations, the bond should be at the substation end of the circuit unless required to be at the field end for other reasons e.g., to retain Ex equipment certification. In this case, insulated cable glands shall be provided at the switchboard termination and additional measures taken to retain electromagnetic compatibility. 5. Standing voltages on the armouring, if applied, at the insulated glands shall not exceed: a. 60 V under conditions of rated full load current, nor; b. 430 V under conditions of maximum short circuit current. 6. Where the standing voltage limits specified above can be exceeded, the armouring, lead sheath or screen shall be cross-bonded. This alternative should only be considered for circuit lengths exceeding approximately 500 m. 7. For single point bonded installations, high frequency phenomena like lightning-induced transient voltages shall also be taken into account. 8. For EMC mitigation measures related to single-core cable installation, refer to DEP 5.3.2 Sizing of cables General considerations 1. Cable sizing shall include the maximum cable loop impedance for earth faults in accordance with (3.8.3). Short circuit current rating 1. The short circuit rating of cables shall be determined in accordance with: a. the rated short circuit breaking current of the source switchboard also taking into account the short circuit limiting characteristics of, e.g. fuses; b. the fault clearance time associated with the operation of the primary, i.e., not backup protection. Voltage drop 1. The voltage drop in AC cables shall not be more than 5 % based on continuous maximum current loading and rated voltage. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 55 2. Moreover, during starting or re-acceleration, the voltage dip at the terminals of any motor shall not be more than 20 % of the rated equipment voltage. NOTE: 3. The voltage drops stated above relate to the total voltage drop up to the terminals of the end user equipment, and assume that the associated main switchboard from which that equipment is controlled will normally be operated at nominal voltage (3.3.2). The voltage drop in DC cables shall be consistent with the minimum system voltage at the switchboard the minimum equipment operating voltage, but should not exceed 5 % in any case. Current rating 1. Current ratings and rating factors for cables shall be calculated in accordance with the cable Manufacturer's declared current ratings, rating factors derived from the laying pattern, and local environmental conditions. De-rating factors are given in the IEC 60502-2 Appendix B for onshore applications and IEC standard 61892-4 for mobile and fixed offshore units. Reference is also made to ERA report 69-0030. 2. De-rating factors shall be defined for a) depth of laying, b) ground/ambient temperature, c) soil thermal resistivity, and d) grouping of cables with an assumed load factor of 100%. 3. In the absence of specific site environment data, typical factors given in IEC 60502-2 (by country) may be used. 4. In sizing plant cables, the maximum sustained nameplate rating of the equipment shall be taken. For distribution cables current loadings in accordance with (3.5) shall be applied. 5. A positive tolerance of 5 % to 10 % may be allowed on the overall rating factor because: a. cable sizes are selected as the next larger standard size; b. not all motors are fully loaded at the same time; c. spare units are installed. 6. Where different overall rating factors apply to different parts of a route, the lowest factor shall be applied. 7. For plant cabling, complying with the preferred installation methods in ( or (, the worst case overall de-rating factor shall not be lower than: 8. Climate as defined in IEC 60287-3-1 Direct buried de-rating factor In air de-rating factor Tropical 0.40 0.60 Temperate 0.60 0.80 If the initially calculated overall de-rating factor is worse the values above, the cable route design shall be amended so that the value is higher than the minimum acceptable values given above. NOTE: An overall de-rating factor worse than above would be considered an inefficient design resulting in unnecessarily large cables. 5.3.3 Underground cabling General 1. All cables shall follow a direct and logical route without infringing on the battery limits of unrelated plants and facilities. 2. General distribution cables shall run alongside the roads, and not through plant areas. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 56 3. Through cables, which are not related to a particular plant or tank farm, shall be routed around such installations. 4. Plant cables shall run in either of the two directions formed by the main axes of the plant, avoiding as much as possible crossings with instrument cable trenches and pipelines, and preferably away from heavy-load-bearing restricted areas, e.g. transformer bays. 5. Furthermore, underground cable routes shall be designed to avoid close pipe crossings and adjacent runs with underground pipelines so that a clear distance of at least 300 mm between cable and pipe (including insulation) is maintained. 6. Cables should cross underneath buried pipelines except where the depth measured at the top of the pipeline is more than 1 metre. 7. If close crossings with underground pipelines carrying hot liquids or gases, or which are regularly steam-cleaned, cannot be avoided, the pipeline shall be insulated in order to limit its outside temperature to a maximum of 60 °C, and the clear distance increased to 600 mm. In such cases cables may need to be run above pipelines in a sand-filled concrete bridge (5.3.1). 8. Cable crossings shall be made either in the cable area directly under the corresponding switchgear panel or at the branching-off point of the particular cable from the main trench. 9. Single-core cables, when laid in trefoil formation, shall be braced by preformed nonmagnetic clamps or ties and laid in their own individual trench with a minimum separation of 600 mm from other cables. Laying pattern 1. As a standard, load-carrying cables shall be laid in a single layer formation, and may only be laid in a double layer with the approval of the Principal. Cables to spare drives shall also be regarded as load-carrying. 2. Non-load-carrying cables should be installed either as an additional layer on top of the load-carrying cables or as a block adjacent to the load-carrying cables. NOTE: Load-carrying cables are those which may be expected to carry a continuous load during operation. Non-load-carrying cables are for instance MOV power supply cables, welding switchgear feeder cables and combined motor power/control cables of 2.5 mm2. 3. HV cables may be laid in the same trench with LV cables. HV distribution cables shall be separated from LV cabling, e.g. by means of a continuous row of cable tiles placed vertically between the two cable types, by any other suitable barrier or by a clear space of at least 600 mm. 4. In plant areas, the associated control cable may be installed in the space between the power cables. Typical arrangements for a number of formations are shown in Standard Drawing S 68.009. 5. Specific measures shall be taken to ensure required separation of cables is maintained in the vicinity of substations and at other areas of congestion. These measures can include additional layering, splitting of cables using above ground cable trays, etc. Cable trenches 1. Cables shall be buried directly in the ground, whenever possible, i.e., not in preformed trenches or pipes. 2. Cable trenches in unpaved, brick-paved or tiled areas and crossing roads shall be in accordance with Standard Drawing S 19.002. 3. The cables shall be laid on and covered by a clean sandfill, free from stones, duly compacted and protected by protection tiles (e.g. purpose-made PVC cable protection tiles with caution warning). The top finish over the protection tiles may be in accordance with the surrounding area. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 57 4. Cable trenches in concrete paved areas shall be in accordance with Standard Drawing S 19.001. Cable trenches wider than 1 m shall be permanently covered by heavy-duty or light-duty paving compatible with the surrounding pavement, but coloured red. NOTE: Trenches for instrumentation cables have a green coloured paving. 5. If permanently covered cable trenches are used, sandfilled dummy trenches normally 600 mm, but maximum 1 m, wide should be provided for future cabling. These shall be covered with a red-coloured concrete top. 6. All cable trenches covered by concrete shall be completely filled with clean sand and compacted. No protection tiles need be installed. 7. Trenches with solid concrete floors shall not be used except when unavoidable, e.g. cable bridges, etc. 8. Except for short lengths near the termination points of the cables in the plant area, underground cable pipes (ducts) should be avoided, since relatively long pipes and ducts will affect the cable current rating unfavourably. 9. For cables rated for direct burial, further derating is unnecessary for part installation in pipes, e.g. at road crossings, provided the pipe length does not exceed 7 m. If longer runs are necessary, then the cable shall be rated for installation in pipes. 10. In order to facilitate cable laying before the concrete paving is finished, the expansion seams in concrete floors should be located on either side of the cable trenches. The location of sleeves at termination points of cables shall be indicated on the civil drawings. 11. HV cables shall be terminated directly in the equipment terminal box. 12. LV and auxiliary cables shall be terminated directly in the equipment terminal box, except that Ex'e' junction boxes may be installed between the underground and aboveground cables under the following circumstances: a. to provide a smooth construction interface, i.e., avoiding long coiled ends of underground cabling awaiting above-ground installation; b. to reduce the cross-sectional area of that part of the cable route installed above ground, when the underground cable is significantly derated, i.e., below the overall rating factors given as a guidance in (; c. to facilitate the replacement of the final cable connection to the equipment terminal box, if frequent disconnection is required or expected; d. to provide for expected settlement of the ground. 13. In order to protect against lightning-induced currents, in all cable trenches at least one separate earthing wire, also referred to as Parallel Earthing Conductor (PEC), shall be installed. For more details refer to DEP 5.3.4 Above-ground cabling General 1. Above-ground cables shall be supported by cable racks, trays or cable ladders all the way up to their terminations. 2. The cable racks, trays or ladders shall be bonded to the metallic equipment enclosures, junction boxes or structures where the cables are terminated. 3. Individual cables may be fixed directly to the main structures, walls, ceilings or columns by means of proper fixing and supporting materials. A maximum of two cables may be so installed along a common route. 4. Plastic cable ties (also known as tie-wraps) should not be used as permanent fixings. Metallic cable ties should be used, suitably protected against UV radiation and corrosion, if required e.g., coated stainless steel metallic cable ties used on galvanised steel cable trays. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 58 5. All conduit and cable entries into outdoor equipment shall be from the bottom or side. Laying pattern 1. Multicore cables on racks or trays may be bunched in a maximum of two layers. 2. HV and LV single-core cables shall be laid in trefoil groups with 150 mm clear spacing between trefoils. 3. On trays or racks HV cables shall be segregated from the LV cables. 4. Individual cables emerging from floors or soil shall be protected against mechanical damage by means of galvanised steel pipes or rigid PVC pipes. Single-core cables emerging from floors or soil shall be protected by rigid PVC pipes that extend at least 100 mm above ground or floor level. 5. Grouped cables emerging from floors or soil shall be protected collectively by a properly designed metal shield or duct in such a way that heat dissipation from the sustained load-carrying cables is not hampered. 6. The propagation of fire from one space to the other shall be prevented by the proper sealing of openings around cables. 7. To avoid oil or chemicals leaking into the cable trench, the above-mentioned cable protection shall be sealed at the top around the cable(s) with a suitable sealing compound. 8. Cables or cable supports shall not be fixed directly or indirectly to plant, equipment or process piping which may require routine removal or replacement. 9. Cables shall be laid on racks or trays strictly in accordance with the laying patterns stated on the layout drawings. Metal parts of the cable racks and trays shall be bonded and connected to the common earthing grid. Cable support structures 1. All cabling support materials, e.g. ladders, trays and relevant fixing materials, used throughout the plant shall be hot-dip galvanised to ISO 1461 unless the environment is so saliferous or sulphurous as to justify the use of materials offering a higher degree of corrosion resistance. In the latter case, specific plants or areas shall utilise stainless steel (grade 304). 2. For offshore installations stainless steel (grade 316) is preferred. However, if approved by the Principal, non-metallic materials may be used offshore if the installation is in accordance with EMC requirements stated in DEP, Section 5.8 with a minimum 0.5 m segregation between different EM (Electromagnetic) levels. 3. The following are minimum requirements for non-metallic cable support materials in offshore facilities: a. Ultra Violet (UV) protection coating of 25 µm (1 mil) applied to the entire surface. UV resistance in accordance with ASTM D2565 b. Anti static properties, tested in accordance with IEC 61340-2-1 c. Fire performance to ASTM E84 Class 1, Rating < 25 d. Self extinguishing to ASTM D635 Appendix XI e. Chemical resistance when subjected to spills, splashes or fumes of chemicals specified for the area as verified by testing to ASTM C581 4. Bends and corners in the cable racks, trays or ladders shall take account of the minimum cable bending radii (5.3.1). 5. Cable racks and trays shall be closed by removable top covers, allowing adequate ventilation, in situations where: a. mechanical damage of the cables is likely to occur during plant maintenance activities, This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 59 b. oil or chemical spillages on the trays can be expected, c. shielding is required against direct solar radiation, d. protection is required for the effects of lightning, particularly in areas with a high lightning intensity. 5.3.5 6. Vertical cable rack risers shall not be installed in front of, or over, pipe risers. 7. For specific requirement related to EMC and in particular bonding and segregation aspects, refer to DEP Flexible cabling 1. The use of flexible cables in industrial plants and installations shall be limited to: a. welding cables; b. trailing cables, e.g. for movable equipment, hand tools, hand lamps; c. winches, hoists, soot blowers, and electric motors, if connected by means of a nearby intermediate junction box; d. submerged pumps e. battery cabling between cells and to the battery bank isolation point. 2. 5.3.6 5.3.7 An earth continuity conductor, equal in cross-sectional area to the largest phase conductor, shall be provided. This requirement applies even when the cable is armoured. Wires in conduit 1. Wires in conduit systems shall be used only for lighting, communication and convenience outlets in closed buildings in non-hazardous areas. 2. Conduit installations should be made with rigid PVC conduit and non-metallic conduit boxes. 3. Conduit box covers should remain accessible. Where local regulations permit, unarmoured round installation cable may be used in cable ducts. 4. Tee or straight-through joints should be made in connection boxes. Cable marking/numbering 1. Cable numbers shall be marked on the cables along their routes and at both termination points. For underground cabling, the spacing between cable numbers along the route should not exceed 10 m, and for above-ground cabling, 25 m. 2. Cable numbers shall be marked on the cables along at both termination points, at entry to MCTs and where required to aid construction. 3. Cables shall also be numbered where they branch off from a main route and at both sides of a road crossing. 4. For underground cable marking purposes non-corroding strips shall be used, each having ample length to be wrapped twice around the cable and in which the cable number has been imprinted by means of letter/cipher punches. 5. For above-ground cabling, plastic markers resistant to the site conditions shall be strapped round the cables. 6. Cable numbering shall be in accordance with (7.5) and (Appendix 5). 7. For underground cabling, above-ground route markers shall also be provided at every change of direction in the routing and at both sides of road or pipeline crossings, except when cable routing is already indicated by coloured concrete pavement. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 60 5.4 LIGHTING AND SMALL POWER INSTALLATIONS 5.4.1 Plant lighting 1. Plant lighting circuits shall be fed from dedicated lighting distribution switchboards installed in the plant substations. 2. Plant lighting circuits shall be single phase and neutral or three phase and neutral, and should be protected with maximum 16 A fuses or MCBs, but not be loaded higher than 12 A. 3. Plant lighting distribution switchboards shall include 10 % spare outgoing circuits. 4. The lighting switchboard and its control circuits shall be arranged as shown in Standard Drawing S 67.022. 5. Adjacent luminaires shall, as far as practical, not be supplied from the same circuit, or in the case of three phase circuits, from the same phase. 6. Lighting installations shall be designed to obviate stroboscopic effects. 7. Luminaires on structures shall be located so that maintenance and lamp changing can be done without the use of ladders or scaffolding. 8. Where a luminaire mounted from an elevated walkway or platform does not overhang it, the lamp post shall be arranged to swivel for maintenance purposes. 9. In tall buildings, such as compressor and turbo-generator houses, maintenance and lamp-changing by means of the overhead crane shall be possible. 10. Where no structure is available to support luminaires, fixed lighting poles of adequate length with high pressure discharge floodlighting shall be used to supplement the fluorescent luminaires. 2 11. Lighting poles shall be hot-dip galvanised to a minimum of 275 g / m . 12. Luminaires shall generally be mounted as shown in Standard Drawing S 69.001 or S 69.003, as appropriate. NOTE: For fixed floodlighting columns, lamps are changed with the aid of a mobile platform, e.g. vehicle mounted. Alternatively, hinged lighting columns may be used, if space is available for the columns to be lowered. 13. Outdoor lighting circuits shall be designed for automatic switching via photo-electric relays. Control circuits for photo-electric relays shall be 'fail-safe', i.e., to switch the lights on if a fault occurs in the photo-electric relay. 14. The plant lighting shall be designed in such a way that in daytime the lighting of furnaces, boilers and the ground level plant can be switched on by means of a switch overriding the appropriate photo-electric relay contact. 15. The remaining photo-electric relay-operated plant lighting shall be able to be switched off at night-time. These override switches shall be located either outside the plant substation or in the control room, as required by plant operations. 16. Moreover, the lighting switchboard shall be provided with an override switch for maintenance purposes. 17. Level gauge lights shall normally be on, not be switched by photo-electric relays and with no maintenance override switches. 18. Internal lighting of non-process buildings and substations shall be switched inside the building. 19. Lighting near navigational waters, e.g. jetties and loading platforms, shall not hinder navigation in any way. 20. The lighting installation in the control rooms shall be designed so that ceiling lighting groups can be switched off independently to suit operators' needs. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 61 21. Electronic dimmer control shall be provided to adjust the illumination level smoothly down to 40 % of the specified illumination. 22. The luminaires shall be situated in such a way that reflection on VDUs, instrument windows and displays is avoided. 5.4.2 Emergency and escape lighting 1. Fixed emergency lighting shall be installed at strategic points, including control rooms, switchrooms, fire stations, first-aid rooms, watchmen's offices, the main entrances, and all other buildings and areas where required for safety reasons. 2. Location and electrical arrangement shall be such that danger to personnel in the event of a power failure is prevented, and escape routes are lit. 3. The emergency lighting system shall consist of a number of standard luminaires of the normal lighting installation, fed via circuits having a stand-by supply from an emergency generator or from an inverter having a battery with an autonomy time given in (3.9.4). In remote areas, where only a few fittings are required, self-powered emergency luminaires may be used, subject to economic considerations. 4. If power is supplied by an emergency generator, a number of luminaires in the control room and the basement of the control room, as well as field auxiliary rooms, shall have a stand-by supply from an independent source with battery back-up to avoid complete darkness during start-up of the diesel engine. 5. The number of emergency luminaires in relation to the total number of fittings shall be determined as follows: a. utility area 20 % b. process area 10 % c. 5.4.3 administrative area 5% d. control room and auxiliary rooms including 10 % connected to inverter system) 50 % e. substations, field auxiliary rooms, compressor and generator buildings 30 % 6. Escape luminaires shall be provided in all buildings to light the way for personnel leaving a location or building along defined escape routes to defined muster points, which shall also be illuminated. 7. The escape luminaires shall be part of the emergency installation, but in addition the luminaires shall have integral batteries rated to maintain the lighting for at least 30 min for onshore and 60 min for offshore installations. Street and fence lighting 1. Street and fence lighting shall be fed from lighting distribution switchboards installed in a conveniently located plant substation. These lighting distribution switchboards may either be dedicated to street and fence lighting, or be one or more sub-sections of a plant lighting switchboard. 2. This lighting shall be photo-electric relay controlled and provided with a maintenance override switch, as for ground level plant lighting, in accordance with Standard Drawing S 67.022. 3. Generally, for street/fence lighting a three phase and neutral LV supply should be used. 4. Each lighting pole shall include a fuse box as well as a four-pole terminating box for looping the feeder cable. Use of teed joints may be approved by the Principal for ease of construction. 5. Adjacent luminaires shall not be supplied from the same phase. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 62 6. Fence lighting shall be placed in such a way that the fence as well as the area outside the fence are illuminated, leaving the patrol road in comparative darkness. 7. Normally fence lighting intensity shall be equivalent to the street lighting intensity stated in (Appendix 4). 8. If special security fence lighting is required, a floodlight installation shall be designed based on high pressure discharge lighting with a minimum illumination of 5 lux at any point in the area between the fence and 5 m outside the fence, unless otherwise specified. 5.4.4 Special lighting General 1. 5.4.5 Navigational aids for DEP offshore structures shall be in accordance with Aviation warning lighting 1. Aviation warning lights shall be installed in accordance with Volume 1 Chapter 6 of ICAO Annex 14. 2. The luminaires shall each consist of a double lamp unit with automatic changeover to the stand-by lamp upon failure of the operating lamp. Illumination of areas to be observed by means of CCTV monitors 1. The lighting installation for areas that require surveillance by closed circuit television monitors shall be designed in particular with regard to uniformity of the level of illumination as well as to the location of the individual luminaires. 2. The direct visibility of light-emitting bodies and/or reflections from covers of the luminaires shall be checked before commissioning of the plant. Power and convenience outlet 1. Power and convenience outlets should be supplied from the lighting switchboard in the plant substation. 2. The circuits shall be manually controlled with RCDs, as shown in Standard Drawing S 67.022. 3. Power and convenience outlets shall be mounted approximately 1 m above grade level, either on a free-standing support, on structural steelwork or on a building wall. 5.5 EARTHING AND BONDING 5.5.1 General 1. A single integrated earthing system shall be installed, in compliance with DEP, to reduce and control voltages to an acceptably low level for: a. electrical safety, i.e., to reduce touch and step voltage in case of earth faults; b. lightning and static electricity protection (prevention of fire and dangerous touch voltage); c. intrinsic safety (avoiding ignition sources in hazardous areas); d. EMC (reducing disturbing voltages at the terminals of electronic equipment). 5.5.2 Earthing requirements for substations, switchrooms and control rooms 1. 5.5.3 For the earthing facilities to be provided in substations and switchrooms, refer to drawing S 68.030. Earthing of plant equipment and structures 1. The metallic enclosures of electrical equipment SHALL [PS] be bonded to the plant earth grid. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 63 2. The metallic enclosures of non-electrical equipment, e.g. vessels, shall also be bonded to the plant earth grid or be provided with their own duplicate earth electrodes; in the latter case, the combined resistance to the general mass of earth shall not exceed 10 Ω. 3. Plant earth grid conductors shall have a cross-sectional area of 70 mm². 4. The cross-sectional area of branch conductors connecting equipment and structures to the plant earth grid shall be in accordance with DEP, Section 3.2.4 and Section 3.5. NOTE: 5. 5.5.4 5.5.5 The armouring of the cable shall not be used as the sole means of providing earth continuity. Lightning and static electricity 1. Lightning protection systems shall be installed if required in accordance with local regulations. 2. In the absence of such regulations, the need for lightning protection shall be determined, and the system designed and installed in accordance with IEC 62305, as supplemented by DEP 3. The mitigation and avoidance of the hazards created by the effects of static electricity shall be in accordance with DEP Electronic equipment 1. 5.5.6 The earthing grid conductors, comprising the plant earth grid conductors and the branch conductors, are supplementary to the protective earth conductor or the metallic sheath and/or armouring of the electrical equipment supply cable(s). Earthing arrangements for computer systems and instrumentation and process control systems (DCS) shall follow DEP Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) 1. EMC aspects should be an integral part of the electrical engineering and installation requirements. 2. The Contractor shall prepare, present and implement an EMC management plan, describing the specific EMC requirements during the engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning phase of the project. 3. The EMC plan should also address any interfacing between new and existing facilities. 4. Measures to achieve DEP EMC should be chosen in This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) accordance with lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 64 6. DESIGN AND ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTS FOR PARTICULAR INSTALLATIONS 6.1 SUBSTATIONS 6.1.1 General 1. The substations should be located near the centre of the load they are required to supply. 2. These substations should also be located so that interference between HV/LV cables, instrument cables and other services, e.g. pipelines, is minimised. 3. In exceptional cases, e.g. in view of restricted space on offshore platforms, electrical substations may be located in a hazardous area classified as Zone 2, subject to approval by the Principal. The following requirements shall then apply: a. The interior of the building to be pressurised in accordance with IEC 60079-13; b. An overpressure of at least 50 Pa (0.5 mbar) to be maintained by a duplicate fan system with a suitable dry element dust filtering system to ensure a supply of clean air, each fan system being capable of supplying the required pressure; c. The fan systems to be suitable for a Zone 1 area and to be supplied from two independent sources of electricity; d. Both fans to be normally in operation and to have individual alarms to indicate failure in a manned control centre. 6.1.2 4. If substations form part of an overhead line distribution system, and depending on the location of the substation, available space and local pollution, outdoor switchgear installations may be considered. 5. The most demanding local environmental and climatic conditions shall be adopted for specifying the equipment. 6. In all other cases, for reasons of reliability and serviceability the electrical switchgear installations shall be located indoors in dedicated and, if need be, heated and/or airconditioned buildings. 7. The locks on access gates or doors of substations shall be of a special series, different from locks used for non-electrical buildings, premises or yards. 8. Each substation, and each building (or part of a building) in which electrical equipment is installed, shall be numbered in accordance with (7.5) and (Appendix 5). Outdoor substations 1. HV outdoor open terminal switchgear installations shall be designed to IEC 61936-1, with unrestricted walking access to the whole site. 2. Open terminal outdoor substations shall be sited at least 15 m from process unit battery limits or from the defined perimeter of non-hazardous area classification, whichever is the greater. 3. The location should be selected so as to provide adequate access for maintenance, i.e., roads/tracks for personnel access and the removal of large equipment items. 4. The insulation of all components shall be fully co-ordinated in accordance with IEC 60071. 5. The insulation class and creepage distances of insulators shall be selected in accordance with the expected pollution and the likelihood of reduced maintenance. Unless otherwise specified, a minimum creepage distance of 40 mm/kV shall be applied for insulators. NOTE: 6. For further guidance, refer to IEC 60815 and, if necessary, consult with the local public utility. Busbars and the connections to the equipment shall be made of copper or aluminium tubes, with bi-metallic connectors used at joints between dissimilar metals. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 65 7. Equipment support structures and line portals shall be of hot-dip galvanised steel, with integral climbing facilities for cleaning and repair purposes. 8. A 2.4 m high, unclimbable perimeter fence with (pad)lockable access gates shall be provided, but no internal fencing, e.g. around transformers, is required, provided the ground and safety clearances stated in the above-mentioned standards are satisfied. 9. Third parties, e.g. Supply Authority / Utility company personnel, shall be able to access the substation without entering the process facilities. 10. Control and auxiliary cables shall be installed in hard-covered, pre-cast concrete cable trenches, the top of which shall be above the surrounding ground (gravel) level. The trenches shall be well drained and not sand-filled. 11. The substation neutral system earth(s) and all metal supporting structures and equipment shall be earthed to the substation earthing system. 12. The perimeter fence shall be earthed so as to avoid the danger of touch and transferred voltage, per the guidance of IEEE 80. 13. If lightning protection is required in accordance with (5.5.4), protection against direct lightning strikes shall be provided by means of overhead earth wires and/or lightning rods attached to substation structures. 14. The substation equipment shall be protected against lightning and switching overvoltages by lightning arresters. 15. Control, protection and auxiliary power supply equipment associated with outdoor switchgear shall be installed in a building complying with the relevant requirements of (6.1.3). This substation building, if suitably sub-divided, may also accommodate other switchgear and controlgear at lower voltages. 6.1.3 Indoor substations, switchrooms and battery rooms Switchrooms in indoor substations 1. Onshore, indoor substations shall be single storey buildings with a general layout and construction in accordance with Standard Drawing S 68.040 and DEP 2. HV switchgear at voltages above 52 kV shall be located in a separate room. 3. An equipment access door shall lead directly to the outside from each switchroom; internal personnel doors may connect adjacent rooms. All access doors shall be fitted with internal panic bolts for emergency exit. 4. There shall be at least space for two additional panels for future extension at each end of each switchboard. 5. Floors shall be smooth and level to permit the handling of equipment on rollers, regardless of whether craneage is provided. 6. Where ‘computer floors’ are installed, the electrical equipment, e.g. switchboards, control panels, etc., shall be installed on free standing steel structures of sufficient stability. 7. If electrical equipment is installed on the roof of the substation, e.g. air-conditioning compressor/condensers, a cage ladder shall be provided leading from an entrance platform to the roof. Where required, measures, e.g. barriers and/or fencing, shall be taken to eliminate the risk of falls. 8. In the cable vault underneath the substation, cable tray/racks shall be installed for all cables to the LV switchgear and for all interconnecting auxiliary cables between switchgear, panels, etc. For the power cables to the HV switchgear vertical cable supports should be installed. 9. All cable entry holes in the substation floor or walls shall be suitably sealed. Where such cable entry holes are required to be gas tight and/or fire resistant, multi-cable This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 66 transits blocks shall be installed, or silicone foam, weak-mix concrete (in floors only) or a chemical compound with subliming heat resistant and fire retardant properties may be used. 10. Instrumentation and control system interface panels should be located in the same switchroom as the associated switchboard. 11. Substation lighting and small power installations shall comply with (4.10) and (5.5). 12. To provide the required environmental conditions in which electrical equipment is to operate in accordance with the DEP requirements and the IEC recommendations, electrical substations and switchhouses shall be complete with heating, ventilation and/or air-conditioning installations in accordance with DEP 13. If air conditioning is provided to cool and dry the substation air, provision shall be made to avoid warm, humid, outside air making direct contact with electrical equipment, causing condensation. 14. A smoke detection system comprising of point detectors or beam detector(s) shall be installed in substations. A common alarm shall be routed from each substation direct to the plant's central fire and gas alarm system, i.e., independently of the substation alarm annunciator. 15. The requirement for a Very Early Smoke Detection and Alarm system shall be considered in the DEFINE phase of the project for main intake or main power generation switchboards of air-insulated switchgear. 16. One hand-held extinguisher shall be provided near each door. 17. No fixed or automatic firefighting facilities shall be provided. Specific requirements for switchrooms with SF6 Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) SF6 gas concentration 1. Reference is made to IEC 61634 that gives the following maximum SF6 gas concentration in the swtchroom: a. Leakage under normal service conditions : 200 ppm b. To allow restorative work after a fault : 20 ppm GIS at voltages up to and including 52 kV 1. For GIS systems at voltages up to and including 52 kV, loss of pressure detection in all the individual compartments may be used to indicate loss of SF6 Gas. 2. When a loss of pressure is detected, an alarm display, e.g. flashing light, at the outside of the switchroom near the entrance doors shall be activated. 3. Inside the switchroom an audible alarm shall be activated and a common alarm raised in a manned control room. 4. Warning plates shall be provided at the outside of the switchroom, instructing people not to enter without personal protection when the alarm display is on. 5. The switchroom shall then be ventilated prior to restorative work. The installation of a forced ventilation and exhaust system is not normally necessary. 6. Where GIS is installed in rooms that have a small volume relative to the volume of the GIS, calculations as specified in IEC 61634 shall be done to prove that the concentration of SF6 is below the threshold in case of a leakage in one of the compartments. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 67 GIS at voltages higher than 52 kV 1. For GIS at voltages higher than 52 kV, the equipment room shall have a gas detection and alarm system which shall provide for audible alarm inside and an alarm display at the outside near the entrance doors, and a remote alarm in a manned control room. 2. An extraction system shall be installed which shall automatically be switched on in the event of a gas release. 3. The inlet shall be at floor level, and the exhaust shall be directed to the outside of the building at a location where the gas will be quickly diluted with air. 4. The extraction system shall be capable of operating when the GIS is de-energised. 5. Warning plates shall be provided at the outside of the building, instructing people not to enter without personal protection when the alarm display is on. 6. For GIS installations at voltages higher than 52 kV, all related auxiliary equipment, e.g. protection and control systems, should be installed in a separate room. Switchgear in plant rooms In this context, a plant room is a room in a building other than a substation, e.g., an administration building, workshop, etc., which contains service plant and equipment for that building, e.g., HVAC plant. 1. In general, only LV switchboards and, where required, associated indoor transformers shall be installed in these rooms in accordance with (, but subject to the following additional requirements. a. Switchboards shall be installed back to the wall with at least 1.5 m free space in front for safe operational and maintenance access. b. Service lines, e.g. fuel, water and air lines, shall not be routed over the switchgear, and fuel and water lines should be positioned at least 2 m clear of it. Battery installation and battery rooms 1. When the total capacity of vented batteries exceeds 20,000 VAh, a separate battery room shall be provided in the substation for the battery bank(s) only. Vented batteries with a total capacity not exceeding 20,000 VAh, and valve-regulated batteries of any capacity, do not require a separate battery room. 2. The size of the room shall be adequate to allow safe access to each battery bank for normal maintenance activities such as checking / cleaning battery links, making cell voltage measurements and topping up of cells. 3. The access shall be such as to avoid need for reaching over the cell bank terminals. 4. All battery rooms shall be provided with one (external) equipment access door; large rooms, exceeding 6 m in length, shall also be provided with a personnel access door. All doors shall be lockable and fitted with an internal panic bolt. 5. The ceiling shall be flat. 6. An eye-wash facility shall be provided; to include a water tap, eye-wash basin, sink and drain; the Principal may approve the use of portable eye-wash stations depending on the size of battery room and the number of batteries installed in the room. 7. All non-current-carrying metalwork in the room, e.g. cable tray, battery stands, etc., shall be bonded to earth. All metalwork shall be protected against corrosion. 8. Heating, ventilation and/or air-conditioning of battery rooms shall be included in the HVAC system of the building, in accordance with DEP 9. Exhaust fan motors shall have type of protection Ex 'e' or Ex 'd', gas group IIC, exhausting to the outside of the battery room. Battery room ventilation shall be designed so that the volume of hydrogen stays below 1% of the room volume. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 68 10. The luminaires and convenience outlets shall be suitable for Zone 1, gas group IIC (Hydrogen). 11. Flexible cables to the batteries may be installed provided they are the EPR or H07 RN-F type or equivalent. 12. Battery stands (tiers) DEP shall comply with DEP or 13. The civil requirements of the battery room shall comply with DEP a. Batteries installed outside battery rooms, e.g. in switchrooms, shall be installed in naturally-ventilated cabinets, containing the battery alone or the battery plus associated battery charger. 6.1.4 Package substations 1. Package substations may be used for temporary or permanent installation. 2. Temporary package substations may be used for temporary construction supplies and comprise LV distribution switchboards and, optionally, transformers and HV ring main switchgear. Refer to (6.9). 3. Package substations shall be supplied as complete factory assembled and tested transportable units. 4. The HV switchgear, transformers and LV switchgear shall be located in separate compartments, each accessible from the outside by lockable doors. 5. Space shall be available in the compartments to terminate cables and to operate the switchgear safely. 6. The compartments shall be at least protected to IP 55. The transformer compartment of oil-filled transformers shall be equipped with a leak-proof oil containment area. 7. Dry-type transformers may be mounted en suite with the LV switchgear or in a separately fenced enclosure in the LV switchgear compartment (5.2.3). 8. Heating, ventilation and/or air-conditioning shall be provided in the substation as appropriate and necessary to ensure that specified operating temperature limits of the installed equipment are not exceeded. 9. Each compartment shall be provided with luminaires and convenience outlets of the weatherproof, industrial type. 6.2 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR OFFSHORE INSTALLATIONS 6.2.1 General 6.2.2 1. Refer to (3.1), which also covers the general requirements for the design of electrical systems for offshore installations and which forms the basis of these engineering and installation requirements. 2. Refer to IEC 61892 (all parts). Main equipment 1. Generators and distribution switchgear shall be monitored for fire by smoke detection systems. Local offshore safety legislation and the safety case may dictate tripping of non-essential loads upon fire detection. 2. Electrical substations and switchhouses shall be complete with heating, ventilation and/or air-conditioning installations in accordance with DEP 3. Liquid-filled transformers, where allowed, shall be installed in outdoor enclosures which have a watertight floor bunded to hold the total volume of transformer coolant. 4. Drain facilities shall be provided. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 69 6.2.3 Cabling and wiring Cable selection and sizing 1. Cable selection shall be governed by the locations and environments through which the cable will be routed. 2. The cables shall satisfy the requirements of (4.8.7). Cables installed in the drilling areas shall also have increased resistance to oil and/or mud contamination in accordance with BS 6883. Cable identification, routing and segregation 1. The whole of the cabling on an offshore platform, i.e., cabling for the electrical, instrumentation and telecommunications systems shall be designed to form one integrated system, so as to ensure suitable cable routing and adequate segregation (for reasons of safety, circuit integrity and interference prevention) of the different cable types. 2. Cable routes shall be selected, as far as is practicable, so as to facilitate installation of as much cable as possible onshore in order to minimise offshore hook-up time. 3. Cables shall be segregated and suitably identified in the applicable cable category, i.e. a. Power (HV and LV); b. Instrumentation (DCS and safeguarding); c. Fire and gas (detection and protection); d. Telecommunications (CCTV and security systems). 4. The above-mentioned categories shall be further sub-divided into normal and intrinsically safe circuits. 5. Within the power cable category, cable separation shall be as stated in (5.3.4), except that HV multicore cables may be laid in one layer touching, and LV multicore cables in up to a maximum of two layers touching, with the applicable group rating factor applied and a maximum of 25 % spare rack capacity. 6. Cables shall be arranged so that the density of combustible material in an array does not exceed the recommended loading in relation to the reduced flame propagation classification (IEC 60332-3). 7. If the proposed cable routing cannot be made to accommodate those requirements, the hazards shall be reduced to an acceptable level by one or more of the following: a. alternative cable routing; b. alternative means of escape; c. screening the cables to keep escape routes clear of smoke or fumes; d. installing fire protection or detection systems for the cables. 8. If cables are to be routed through restricted openings, care must be taken to ensure that fire is not intensified or readily channelled along the cable route. In general all bulkheads and deck penetrations shall be fitted with 1-hour (A60) rated multi-cable transits. This arrangement applies to: a. fire walls; b. walls between hazardous and non-hazardous areas; c. through walls, roofs and floors to the open air. NOTE: H60 fire rating may be necessary if the switchroom is close to a hazardous area. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 70 6.2.4 Lighting and small power General lighting 1. General lighting shall provide the required level of illumination within the utility, production, deck areas and walkways in accordance with (Appendix 4). 2. General lighting shall be fed from the normal platform power supply in compliance with (5.4.1) except that maximum use should be made of floodlights where possible. 3. The preferred type of floodlight is high pressure sodium, which shall be used except where instant relight is required, e.g. on helidecks (4.10.1). NOTE: 4. Typical areas where floodlights can be employed in preference to fluorescent luminaires are open or high-bay production and utility areas, wellheads, cranes, overside legs and moorings, underside and obstructions. Floodlight luminaires may be used to illuminate the sea beneath the lifeboats and vent stack structure. Emergency lighting 1. Emergency lighting shall provide sufficient level of illumination (150 lux – refer to (Appendix 4)) to permit minimum operation of the platform and at evacuation assembly areas such as offshore platform escape capsule areas / boat landings. 2. The emergency lighting luminaires shall comprise up to 25 % of the total number of luminaires. 3. Emergency lighting shall be fed from the emergency switchboard but shall also have a stand-by supply from an independent source with battery back-up to avoid complete darkness during start-up of the emergency generating set. 4. Emergency lighting shall be provided to allow limited operational lighting for inspection, testing, emergency support, and the starting of the emergency generator. NOTE: Typical applications are obstruction lights on vent stacks and crane booms, perimeter lights on helidecks, and key operational areas such as the control room, radio room, and crane access ladders. 5. The luminaires shall be suitable for Zone 1 areas. 6. Emergency lighting shall also be installed in main switchgear and generator rooms, accommodation and workshop areas. 7. Portable emergency lighting units shall be provided at the exit doors of all nonhazardous area modules, e.g. installation control centre, switchrooms, utility areas, and emergency team muster points. 8. Each portable emergency lighting unit shall comprise a fixed wall-mounted battery charger and hand lamps suitable for use in Zone 1 areas. a. The unit shall be kept on float charge when not in use and be fed from the emergency lighting switchboard. b. The battery shall be rated to energise the hand lamp for not less than 6 h. Escape lighting 1. Escape lighting shall form part of the emergency lighting system and be located so as to illuminate the escape routes, ladders and walkways to allow safe movement of personnel to the muster points, lifeboats, etc. 2. All obstacles on the escape route shall be lit. Additionally, platform status lights shall be provided at strategic locations to be defined by the Principal to indicate the state of platform security. 3. Escape lighting shall be fed and equipped in the same fashion as the rest of the emergency lighting except that, for normally unmanned installations, a central uninterrupted maintained power supply should be provided with battery back-up for a 24 h autonomy time. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 71 4. Escape lighting units shall have integral batteries that provide an (additional) autonomy time of 60 minutes. 5. Escape luminaires shall be installed at the following locations: a. every exit doorway; b. every sleeping cabin; c. external escape ways (stairways and walkways); d. internal escape ways (escape routes in modules or deck areas, accommodation area corridors, and galley); e. embarkation areas (access to helideck and survival craft stations); f. 6. Escape luminaires installed in sleeping cabins shall only illuminate on loss of the AC supply to the integral battery charger. 7. Escape lighting shall be suitable for Zone 1 areas. Navigational aids 1. 6.2.5 Navigational aids in compliance with comply with DEP shall be provided on all offshore structures. Helideck lighting 1. muster areas (helicopter waiting room, cinema, lounge, dining room and the emergency response team muster points). Helideck lighting shall comply with DEP Power and convenience outlets 1. Power and convenience outlets in plant areas shall be suitable for Zone 1 areas, fitted with padlocking facilities and trip interlocked with the fire and gas shutdown system. 2. Power and convenience outlets shall be equipped with 4-pole or double pole switches respectively. 3. In non-hazardous indoor areas, e.g. utility areas, switchrooms, etc., convenience outlets of the industrial type should be installed where required. 4. Domestic pattern convenience outlets shall only be fitted in the accommodation areas. Earthing and bonding The steel deck and structure of an offshore installation is an inherently very low impedance structure capable of conducting earth fault currents as well as high frequency disturbing currents from lightning strikes without giving rise to sparks, dangerous touch voltages or transients that are destructive for electronic equipment. 1. In an offshore facility, good electrical continuity should be achieved by intimate metalto-metal contact through equipment fixing bolts, clamping, riveting or welding, so that earth bonding cables need not be used between pieces of non-electrical equipment and between equipment and the steel deck. 2. Earthing conductors are required to bond the main components of the generation and distribution systems (namely HV and LV generators, transformers, reactors, switchboards, motors and UPS units) to the platform steelwork. They shall be individually identified, and recorded on drawings. 3. For a typical installation refer to Standard Drawing S 68.031. 4. The metallic sheath and armour of a submarine cable shall be solidly bonded to the platform steelwork at both ends of the cable. 5. For further details regarding earthing and bonding, reference is made to DEP This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 72 6.3 OVERHEAD LINES 6.3.1 General 6.3.2 1. The overhead lines shall be designed by a specialist Contractor, approved by the Principal. 2. This DEP applies to HV lines up to 145 kV. For the design of lines at higher voltages, advice shall be sought from the local public utility and/or a specialist Contractor. 3. The Contractor shall produce a fully detailed design, based on a detailed route survey (6.3.6). Conductor sizing 1. The required conductor sizing shall be determined taking account of: a. the thermal short circuit withstand requirement of both phase and earth conductors; b. the maximum permissible voltage drop; c. the maximum continuous load current; d. the maximum conductor temperature appropriate to the conductor material (typically 75°C); e. the maximum ambient temperature; f. the maximum solar radiation; g. the minimum wind speed (typically 0.5 m/s). NOTE: 6.3.3 The maximum continuous current rating may vary seasonally and may depend on outage conditions. Type of construction 1. Single circuit construction is preferred. 2. With double circuit construction, the circuits shall be on opposite sides of the support and spaced sufficiently far apart for maintenance to be carried out on one circuit while the adjacent circuit is still live. 3. Lines shall be divided into sections by straight line section supports or deviation supports, so as to minimise the extent of the damage in case of failure of a support or of one or more conductors. This should be done every ten spans or 2 km line length, whichever is the shorter. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 73 6.3.4 Factors of safety 1. The minimum factors of safety shall be as follows: ITEM FACTOR OF SAFETY Phase and earth conductor tension at maximum wind speed and minimum ambient temperature, including, if relevant, ice loading 2.5, based on UTS Phase and earth conductor tension at everyday temperature and still air 5.0, based on UTS Supports 3.0, based on UFS wood poles steel towers or poles Support foundations against overturning or uplift at maximum wind speed and maximum conductor tension Staywire foundations Crossarms intermediate straight line supports 2.0, based on UTS other supports 2.5, based on UTS intermediate straight line supports 2.0 other supports 2.5 intermediate straight line supports 2.0 other supports 2.5 intermediate straight line supports 2.0, based on UTS other supports 2.5, based on UTS Insulators 3.0 Midspan or dead end joints 2.5, based on elastic limit NOTES: 1. UFS = Ultimate F bre Strength 2. UTS = Ultimate Tensile Strength 2. The number of broken conductors which can be tolerated without failure of the supports shall be specified. NOTE: This is typically two conductors on one side of a section or deviation support and one conductor at an intermediate support. 3. 6.3.5 Under broken conductor conditions, some of the factors of safety stated above may be reduced, but not to less than 1.25. Line route 1. The initial line route, which forms the basis of the detailed route survey (6.3.6), shall be established by the Contractor and agreed by the Principal. 2. Line routes shall be accessible, and make maximum use of existing roads and tracks for both construction and maintenance access. NOTE: 3. In this context, access will normally require the use of four wheel drive vehicles. Where line routes run parallel to existing roads and tracks, a minimum clearance of 20 m shall be maintained between the nearer edge of the road or track and the centreline of the overhead line. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 74 4. Where two lines run parallel with one another, they shall be spaced sufficiently far apart so that a falling support from one line cannot damage the adjacent line, i.e., a clear space not less than the height of the taller line supports. 5. Where two lines cross one another, the higher voltage line shall be erected over the lower voltage line, or the lower voltage line shall be run in underground cable for at least 20 m on either side of the crossing. 6. Lines should not be routed parallel to, and in close proximity with, metal pipelines, telephone lines, etc. to avoid that the maximum voltages which can be induced in the parallel service could exceed the acceptable levels laid down by national or international standards, e.g. CCITT 'Directives'. a. If this is not possible or practical, induced voltages shall be calculated and appropriate measures (e.g. drainage diodes) taken. 7. Lines shall not be routed through production or process areas; they should be routed at least 50 m outside the boundary fence or plot limit. 8. Lines feeding such facilities should be terminated at least 20 m from the boundary fence with a cable connection to the plant substation. 9. Lines shall be routed clear of wellheads, etc., by at least 50 m, so as not to obstruct maintenance access. 10. Lines shall not be routed over buildings. 11. Additionally, an access track at least 5 m wide should be cleared immediately adjacent to the line route. 12. Overall planning of lines within well areas shall take account wherever possible of “rig moves” and access corridors provided to allow the movement of rig vehicles through the well areas. 13. Branch lines shall be fitted with, as a minimum, fused isolators, located close to the main line. 14. If the justified by the effects of power loss, local field mounted switchgear, complete with an overcurrent and earth fault relay device should be provided on branch lines. 15. For high production areas or other areas deemed critical, ring circuits shall be used to enhance power system reliability; these ring circuits shall be fitted with adequate means of isolation and system protection 6.3.6 6.3.7 Line route survey 1. The line route shall be surveyed in sufficient detail to produce the line route plans and line profile drawings, typically at a scale of 1:2000 horizontally and 1:200 vertically. 2. The drawings shall locate all supports and all obstructions, and show the profile of the lowest conductor (6.3.8). 3. The position of all supports shall be pegged. A soil survey shall be carried out to determine the foundation design parameters for both the supports and the staywire anchors, if required. Ground clearance 1. The minimum ground clearance at any point in a span shall not be less than the minimum value prescribed in the national or local regulations for the relevant line voltage. 2. The clearance shall in any event exceed 6 m. 3. For road crossings, the minimum ground clearance shall be increased to suit the type of traffic expected (typically 12 m) or the line may be cabled underground. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 75 4. 6.3.8 The ground clearance is determined relative to the lowest conductor at maximum conductor temperature and in still air. An allowance should be included for long-term creep, e.g. over a period of 10 years. Sag and pre-stress charts 1. Sag and pre-stress charts shall be prepared for the conductor(s) being used, covering the range of spans required: a. at maximum conductor temperature, so as to design the line profile; b. over the range between maximum and minimum ambient temperatures, so as to tension up the conductors correctly during erection. 2. 6.3.9 During erection, the conductors shall be overtensioned for a short period (about 1 h) to minimise creep prior to making them off permanently. Earthing and bonding 1. All lines shall be provided with one or two overrunning earth conductors, which provide a shielding angle of not more than 30°. NOTE: 6.4 The earth conductor may be omitted for wood pole lines at voltages of 36 kV and below. 2. All conducting support structures and all apparatus mounted on non-conducting support structures shall be earthed at the foot of the support. 3. The earth electrodes should have a maximum resistance of 10 Ω to the general mass of earth. 4. All non-current-carrying metalwork on non-conducting supports shall be bonded together to prevent pole fires. 5. For further details regarding EMC aspects of overhead lines and parallel pipelines, cathodic protection and instrument systems, refer to DEP LABORATORIES 1. Electrical installations may be of normal industrial design, provided that they are located in non-hazardous areas and the quantities of flammable gases present inside these buildings are insufficient to constitute a hazard. a. If one of the above conditions is not fulfilled, the electrical installation shall conform to the installation practice recommended in IEC 60079-14. 6.5 2. The electrical installations in bottle wash rooms, drying and fume cabinets, enclosed sample rooms, receiving rooms, stores rooms for chemicals and closed hoods shall be suitable for Zone 1 areas. 3. HVAC shall comply with DEP 4. Each work bench should be equipped with sufficient single phase industrial pattern convenience outlets with supply voltage stated in ( to supply the test equipment. 5. The outlets shall all be supplied from the same phase and each circuit protected by a 30 mA RCCB. ANALYSER BUILDINGS 1. Analyser buildings shall comply with DEP and HVAC requirements with DEP 2. Electrical installations in analyser buildings, which are intended to continue operation during an analyser house ventilation failure, shall have a type of protection suitable for a Zone 1 hazardous area. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 76 3. 6.6 All equipment not suitable for Zone 1 areas shall be connected via convenience outlets, which shall be automatically isolated by a safeguarding system when ventilation fails. JETTIES 1. Ship/Shore electrical isolation and earthing/bonding of jetties SHALL [PS] comply with the requirements of sections 17.5 and 17.6 of the International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals (ISGOTT). These rules specify electrical isolation between ship and jetty installations, regardless of whether or not the jetties are cathodically protected. 6.7 2. The minimum insulation resistance for insulating flanges or joints used in pipe and/or hose connections between the ship and the jetty shall be 10 kΩ measured with an insulation resistance tester at a minimum of 50 V DC. 3. The maximum insulation resistance shall be 100 MΩ to prevent static build-up. 4. A ship-to-jetty bonding cable and a jetty mounted Ex 'd' isolating switch may only be provided for each berth if specifically required by the local authority regulations. 5. The design of the jetty cathodic protection system, if any, should take account of the leakage current to the shore earthing system. NON-INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS NOTE: Non-industrial buildings comprise all buildings outside the process areas, e.g. workshops, warehouses, canteens, administration buildings, fire stations, training centres, gatehouses, chemical stores, etc. 1. Non-industrial buildings should be classified non-hazardous with the possible exception of chemical stores, depending on the chemicals and the method of their storage and handling. 2. The design and installation of the power, lighting and earthing systems shall comply with IEC 60364, the relevant parts of this DEP, and the local regulations in the country of installation, whichever are the most stringent. 4. The power supply voltage to each building shall be the same as the LV supply to the plant. Except for very small total loads, e.g. less than 15 kVA, a three phase and neutral supply should be installed. 5. Normal and interruptible, maintained electricity supplies for lighting and small power should be in accordance with (5.4) and Standard Drawing S 67.022. 6. Emergency lighting shall be installed in the building switchroom(s). 7. Escape lighting shall be installed along all the emergency exit routes from the building by means of luminaires with integral battery back-up (5.4.2). The selection of luminaires shall be in accordance with (4.10). 8. Illumination levels shall be as stated in (Appendix 4). 9. Twin outlets of the domestic pattern standard to the country of installation shall be used. Industrial pattern convenience outlets ( and power outlets ( shall be provided, e.g. in workshops, as applicable. 10. Earthing, bonding and lightning protection shall comply with (5.5). 11. Power supplies to lifts shall be derived directly from the main switchboard. 12. Power supplies to central air-conditioning units shall be arranged as radial feeders from the main switchboard, and those to fan-coil units from a sub-distribution switchboard of the air-conditioning system. 13. Cabling and wiring shall be installed in accordance with the methods stated in (5.3). This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 77 6.8 PLANT LIFT INSTALLATIONS 1. Lift installations shall comply with EN 81, as supplemented by local or national regulations of the country of installation. 2. Sufficient luminaires should be connected to an interruptible, maintained electrical supply to permit emergency operation and escape from the lift car up the lift shaft. 3. The lift shaft lighting shall be automatically switched on when the lift car escape hatch is opened. 6.9 TEMPORARY ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS 6.9.1 General 6.9.2 6.9.3 1. All local statutory regulations and the following additional requirements are mandatory. However, in the event of inconsistency, the more stringent shall apply. 2. For semi-permanent parts of the site installation such as site offices and ancillary buildings, the local regulations, if any, shall be adhered to. In the absence of local regulations, generally accepted standards, e.g. IET wiring regulations, NEN 1010, shall be followed. 3. A single line diagram and layout drawing shall be prepared for the temporary power system. 4. All equipment and cabling shall be uniquely numbered and clearly marked in a prominent manner. Supply arrangements 1. HV supplies should be in the form of a ring circuit, operated open at one point, with HV switchgear, e.g. ring main unit (tee-off fuse switch and two ring circuit isolators), local to each transformer. 2. LV supplies shall be arranged as a TN-S system, with radial feeders from a main distribution switchboard, e.g. local to each transformer or to the generating sets, to sub-distribution switchboards close to the work areas. 3. The HV distribution equipment, the transformers and the main LV distribution switchboards shall be accessible to authorised persons only. 4. Power supplies should be provided with Class 2 kilowatt-hour metering at source of supply, except where generating sets are used. Generating sets 1. The diesel generating sets should be installed at a single, reasonably central location. NOTE: 6.9.4 Only at a very widespread site may they be installed at more than one location, in which case they should supply a number of separate temporary power systems. 2. The generating sets shall be complete with a circuit breaker and all necessary control equipment, and shall be suitable for parallel operation where more than one set is installed. 3. The generators shall be star connected and their neutral points shall be solidly earthed. HV Switchgear 1. The main HV switchboard, if required, shall comply with IEC 62271 – part 200 and have single section busbars with one incoming switch, together with a number of outgoing feeder circuit breakers for ring distribution or fuse switches for radial distribution. 2. Each outgoing feeder circuit breaker shall be protected with IDMT overcurrent and earth fault protection. The incoming switch should not require any protection. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 78 6.9.5 6.9.6 3. Switchgear and protection, which does not require any DC tripping supplies should be used. Circuit earthing facilities shall be provided. 4. If a ring distribution system is used, HV switchgear at each transformer substation shall comprise ring main units. 5. The switchgear shall be suitable for outdoor use or mounted in a packaged weatherproof enclosure, with adequate access for operating/maintenance personnel. Transformer substations 1. Transformers shall comply with IEC 60076, connected preferably delta-star and the LV neutral points shall be solidly earthed. 2. Packaged substations complying with (6.1.4) should be used where possible. 3. The transformer, together with the associated HV switchgear and LV main distribution switchboard, whether separate or packaged units, shall be mounted on concrete plinths within a fenced enclosure with padlockable gates. 4. The cornerposts shall protect the substation equipment from vehicle impact. The substation should be located at least 5 m clear from the edge of any road. LV distribution switchboards 1. All distribution switchboards shall comply with IEC 61439-4. 2. Main LV distribution switchboards supplied by one or more generating sets shall have an incoming switch for each generator. The outgoing circuits shall be protected by fuses or MCCBs having a maximum rating/setting of 400 A. 3. Sub-distribution switchboards shall additionally comply with the requirements specified in DEP 4. Each sub-distribution switchboard shall be provided with one incoming switch. 5. Each outgoing feeder shall be provided with a switching device with short circuit and residual current protection. The maximum outgoing feeder rating shall be 125 A. 6. The sensitivity of the residual current circuit breakers shall be as follows: a. 30 mA for circuits below 125 A; b. 300 mA for circuits of 125 A. 7. Fuses shall be accessible only if the fuse bases are protected to at least IP 2X, or if interlocking exists so that the fuse base is electrically isolated first. 6.9.7 Temporary cabling General 1. Temporary cables may be installed above-ground or underground, subject to the site circumstances. The method of installation shall be chosen so as to minimise the risk of damage. 2. The temporary cable installation shall comply with the requirements specified below. Underground cables 1. Temporary cables shall not be installed in the same trench as any permanent project cabling or other services. A minimum separation of 2 m should be maintained. 2. HV and LV cables shall be buried at a minimum depth of 0.8 m and 0.5 m respectively, to avoid being damaged by any disturbance of the ground likely to occur during the construction period. 3. Cables should be installed underground at road crossings. 4. Underground cables shall be provided along the routing with the marking 'Temporary cable', also indicating the applicable project number. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 79 Above-ground cables 1. Where the use of overhead road and route crossings is unavoidable, the cables shall be erected with the following minimum clear height: a. 6.0 m, where the roads and routes are designated for use by vehicular traffic; b. 3.5 m, where vehicular traffic is prohibited. 6.9.8 6.9.9 2. Above-ground cables shall be fixed on site so that they are clear of building operations or engineering construction work and are not a hazard. They should be installed clear of passageways, walkways, ladders, stairs, etc. 3. Overhead cables crossing passages shall be bound with yellow/black coloured tapes. Alternatively, freely moving strips of coloured fabric or plastic may be attached to attract attention. In some circumstances protective barriers may be required. 4. All cables shall be installed in such a way that they are at least 150 mm clear of piped services such as steam, gas and water. 5. Apparatus and accessories other than lampholders shall not be suspended from electric cables. 6. All cables that are likely to be frequently moved in normal use shall be flexible, of the heavy-duty neoprene rubber type or equivalent. Earthing 1. For the purpose of earthing, the electrical system and equipment for the installation shall have one common earthing grid connected to at least two earth electrodes, which may form part of the permanent earthing system. 2. The resistance to earth of this common earthing grid shall be as low as practicable and not exceed 4 Ω. 3. Earth wires shall be of the standard copper conductor with green/yellow PVC sheathing. They shall be sized to carry the rated fault current of the distribution switchgear for its rated short-time duration. 4. For mechanical reasons main earth wires should be at least 70 mm 2 and branch earth wires 25 mm2, unless adequate mechanical protection is provided by other means, e.g. wire installations in conduit, or earth conductors forming part of a cable, allowing a smaller size. 5. The connections between earth electrode and conductors should be made so that the earth resistance of each individual electrode can be readily inspected and tested, without disconnecting any part from the earthing system. 6. The earth bar in each switchboard and sub-distribution switchboard shall be connected with two 70 mm2 earth wires each suitable for 100 % duty to the above-mentioned common earthing grid. Selection of components 1. The components shall be suitable for their particular application as regards their voltages, rated currents, service life, making and breaking capacities, short circuit strength, etc. 2. The components having a short circuit strength and/or a breaking capacity insufficient to withstand the stresses likely to occur at the place of installation shall be protected by means of current-limiting devices, e.g., fuses or MCCBs. 3. Current-limiting devices for built-in switching devices shall not exceed the maximum admissible values specified by the Manufacturer of the apparatus. 4. Power and convenience outlets shall be industrial pattern complying with IEC 60309. 5. Plugs of different rated currents or voltages shall not be interchangeable. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 80 6. All three phase outlets shall be connected with the same phase sequence. 7. The socket outlets and plugs shall have a degree of protection at least IP 54, both when the plug is removed and when it is fully inserted. 8. For portable lamps and tools, refer to (4.10.5). This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 81 7. DOCUMENTS AND DRAWINGS 7.1 GENERAL 7.2 1. All necessary drawings, documents, and reports relating to the design of the electrical installation and for its operation, and all necessary drawings required for the installation and interconnection of equipment and cabling shall form part of the design package. 2. The documents, reports and drawings shall be prepared and submitted for approval as shown in (Appendix 7). These documents shall be updated when alterations to the design are made and include additional information that is required during erection or may be required for future maintenance, troubleshooting and operation. 3. As-built drawings shall be prepared for the project covering all parts of the electrical installation and related civil engineering, mechanical and instrumentation work. At the commissioning phase temporary, marked versions of the drawings shall be available. 4. Thereafter, the final as-built documentation shall be handed over within the time span indicated by the Principal. SUMMARY OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 1. A 'Summary of Electrical Engineering', using standard form DEP, shall be prepared as early as possible during the project. Alternative forms, e.g. computer printout, may be used provided: a. they contain the same information in the same order; b. they are reproducible on a standard printing machine in A4 or A3 format, as appropriate. 2. The summary of electrical engineering shall register all engineering documents, detailing references, issues, drawing, document numbers, scheduled publication dates, etc. 3. The summary of electrical engineering is intended for: a. detailed recording and progress reporting during the engineering, purchasing and erection of the electrical installations of a project; b. giving detailed information and references concerning the electrical installations during erection and after completion of the project. 7.3 DEP STANDARD REQUISITION SHEETS 1. For the detailed engineering and requisitioning of equipment, the relevant DEP standard requisition sheets shall be used. 2. The requisition sheets to be used and the procedures to be followed are given in DEP Amendments/supplements to the DEPs for specific items of electrical equipment shall be specified on the requisition form, or on supplementary requisition form DEP sheet 2 or 3. 7.4 DESIGN DRAWINGS 7.4.1 General requirements for the production of drawings 1. The Principal's drawing format shall be used, reference is also made to DEP 2. In general the drawings shall be provided on a PC readable device (e.g. CD-ROM). The Principal shall advise on the software packages to be used and further details on the management of the documentation. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 82 3. The 'subject index reference' for drawings is: a. 64. series - Electrical schemes; b. 68. series - Cable/lighting layouts. 4. SI units shall be used for the design and on the design drawings. 5. Symbols and identification of electrical equipment shall be in accordance with IEC 60617. Symbols not included in IEC 60617 shall be in accordance with Standard Drawing S 64.000. 6. Wherever possible, Standard Drawings in Groups S 67., S 68. and S 69. shall be adhered to and quoted where applicable, i.e., not redrawn. 7. For the preparation of diagrams, charts and tables, refer to IEC 60113. 7.4.2 Summary of drawings to be prepared General 1. Fully detailed construction drawings shall be provided so that the site construction contractor can install all electrical equipment with no additional design effort. 2. Vendor information and details shall be incorporated in the design package as soon as it becomes available. 3. Section 2 of standard form DEP shall be divided into sub-sections for ease of reference and shall contain all the relevant headings from the table in (Appendix 7). 4. One single line diagram and/or schedule shall be produced for each HV switchboard. 5. For each generator, HV synchronous motor and HV VSDS or group of similar equipment, the following diagrams shall be provided: a. block control and protection diagram; b. single line diagrams for main and auxiliary circuits. 6. A protection report describing the basic philosophy, and comprising a protection key diagram, relay setting schedules and relay discrimination curves, shall be prepared as stated in (3.7.1). Key line diagram 1. The key line diagram shall show the complete AC electrical generation and distribution system of the plant including all HV feeds, main LV feeds and sub-distribution switchboards, together with: a. all sources of electric power; b. the principal supply and distribution system interconnections at each voltage level; c. system capacities, equipment ratings and impedances, winding configuration and earthing arrangements. Block diagram 1. The block diagram shall show the basic control and protection systems defining the protection, control, trip and alarm functions to be fulfilled at the different locations. 2. The block diagram shall also indicate the reference signals and controls needed and all the auxiliary supplies required such as air, luboil, cooling water, electrical auxiliary supplies, etc. Single line diagrams 1. The single line diagrams shall detail the main circuitry and its earthing systems. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 83 2. The single line diagram shall also indicate the instrument transformers, relays, meters, etc., for the control, protection and operation of the equipment together with electrical data such as voltage, current and impedances. 3. A single line diagram of AC and DC interruptible and uninterruptible, maintained electricity supply systems shall be provided. 4. The single line diagram shall detail for each system the system configuration, earthing arrangements, UPS and emergency generator ratings, the equipment number, function, location, nominal voltages, maximum load, number and type of battery cells and battery autonomy time. Switchgear drawings 1. The following schedule and drawings shall be provided for each HV and LV AC switchboard: a. switchboard schedule form: DEP, DEP, DEP, DEP or DEP, as appropriate; b. circuit/schematic or control diagram, showing in a schematic form all control circuit details for a motor or other power device, and all information necessary for the identification and connection of the components and wiring; c. interconnection/connection diagram showing the external connection details of a switchgear panel, relay box, or junction box, etc.; d. block diagram showing the interconnection of the various equipment items of a power system in a diagrammatic manner; e. functional logic diagrams of (numeric) protection devices. f. switchboard layout showing the basic information needed for the construction, i.e., the switchboard outline dimensions and the switchboard front outline layout. Layout drawings 1. A substation/switchroom layout drawing shows the physical location and the civil provisions to be made for installing all transformers, switchgear and other electrical power, lighting, earthing and auxiliary equipment located in a substation. 2. The cable runs and support systems shall also be shown. 3. Space requirements for future switchgear, and the correct location and dimensions of transits in the substation floor for existing and future switchgear shall be shown. 4. Power, lighting, earthing, substation, and trench layout drawings shall identify: a. all major process equipment by their item numbers; b. all electrical equipment and cables by their equipment and cable numbers. 5. The power layouts shall show all power cabling, identified by cable numbers, lighting supply cables up to the main junction boxes, and the power and convenience outlet switchboard feeder cables. 6. Lighting layouts shall show all luminaires (normal and emergency), all level gauges, all power and convenience outlet distribution switchboards, and all junction boxes and cable routing, downstream of the main junction boxes. 7. Note that Luminaires, etc., shall be identified by a support detail reference, circuit reference, fitting/outlet reference. If required for clarity, separate or additional layouts should be prepared for the higher levels (above grade). 8. Earthing layouts shall show the main earthing grid, branch connections, earth electrodes, earth bars and conductor sizes for the entire earthing system. Bonding details of structures, cable entry frames, cable ladders, ducts and trunking, cable This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 84 armouring, equipment cabinets, etc., shall be shown in typical drawings, examples of which are provided in DEP 9. The cable trench layout shall show the physical location of all underground cable trenches, underground pipes and ducts. 10. Cross-sectional arrangement drawings shall be provided for all cable trenches, ducts and above-ground cable routes showing the location and number of each cable along the routes. Construction drawings (typical details) 1. Construction detail drawings shall show typical construction and mounting details of the power, lighting and earthing installations that cannot otherwise be shown on the layouts. 2. Each detail shall have a unique reference. Area classification drawings 1. Vendor drawings 1. 7.5 Refer to (Appendix 1). Vendor drawings shall be provided to show as a minimum all the information specified in the relevant equipment DEP and the requisition. EQUIPMENT AND CABLE NUMBERING 1. For plants having an existing numbering system, this system shall be followed. Otherwise the equipment and cable numbering systems stated in (Appendix 5) shall be used. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 85 8. REFERENCES In this DEP, reference is made to the following publications: NOTES: 1. Unless specifically designated by date, the latest edition of each publication shall be used, together with any amendments/supplements/revisions thereto. 2. The DEPs and most referenced external standards are available to Shell staff on the SWW (Shell Wide Web) at http://sww.shell.com/standards/. SHELL STANDARDS DEP feedback form DEP Design class tables DEP Definition of temperature, pressure and toxicity levels DEP Preparation of technical drawings DEP Standard form: Utility data – electrical DEP Standard form: Summary of electrical engineering DEP General data/requisitioning sheets DEP Requisition index DEP Symbols and identification system – Mechanical DEP Heating, ventilation and air conditioning for plant buildings DEP Analyser housing DEP Instrument signal lines DEP Instrumented protective functions (IPF) DEP Application of protective functions for electrical systems DEP Electrical network monitoring and control system for industrial networks DEP Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) DEP Electrical engineering design for North American application DEP Synchronous AC machines (amendments/supplements to IEC 60034-1 and IEC 60034-14) DEP Packaged alternating current generator sets DEP Power transformers (amendments/supplements to IEC 60076-1 and IEC 60076-11) DEP Static DC uninterruptible power supply (DC UPS) units DEP Static AC uninterruptible power supply unit (static AC UPS unit) DEP Electrical machines - Cage-induction types (amendments/supplements to IEC 60034-1 and IEC 60034-14) DEP AC electrical variable speed drive systems DEP Low voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies (amendments/supplements to IEC 61439) DEP Standard form: Schedule for LV switchboard DEP Standard form: Schedule for lighting distribution switchboard DEP Standard form: Schedule for AC instrument distribution switchboard DEP Standard form: Schedule for DC instrument distribution switchboard DEP This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 86 High-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies for rated voltages between 1 kV and 52 kV (amendments/supplements to IEC 62271-200) DEP Gas-insulated, metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear for rated voltages above 52 kV (amendments/supplements to IEC 62271-203) DEP Standard form: Schedule for high voltage switchgear and control gear assemblies DEP Electric heating system for frost heave prevention of refrigerated hydrocarbon storage tanks DEP Electrical trace heating DEP Electrical process heaters DEP Navigational aids for fixed offshore structures DEP Design and engineering of buildings DEP Field commissioning and maintenance of electrical installations and equipment DEP Area classification (amendments/supplements to IP 15) DEP Area classification and electrical equipment spacing for North American application DEP Electrical safety rules DEP Static electricity DEP STANDARD DRAWINGS Electrical and instrument cable trenches in concrete paved areas S 19.001 Cable routing in unpaved, brick-paved or tiled areas and crossing roads S 19.002 Electrical standard drawings - cover sheet S 64.000-001 Electrical standard drawings - table of contents S 64.000-002 Electrical symbols S 64.000-003 Schematic diagrams of control circuits for LV motors Ex. of connection with standard motor panel terminal diagram S 67.004 Typical instrument electricity supply systems with static components S 67.006 Single line diagrams of LV switchboard panels S 67.019 Single line diagram and control circuits for lighting distribution switchboards S 67.022 Schematic diagram and control circuits for AC instrument distribution switchboard S 67.024 Schematic diagram of DC distribution switchboard for process control and safeguarding systems S 67.025 Schematic diagrams of control circuits for HV motors (contactor starters) example of conections with std. motor panel arrangement S 67.028 Typical HV single line diagram, motor controlled by contactor S 67.045 Typical HV single line diagram, motor controlled by circuit breaker S 67.046 Typical HV single line diagram, large synchronous motor S 67.047 This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 87 Typical HV single line diagram, motor with unit transformer S 67.048 Typical HV single line diagram, HV/LV transformer < 1600 kVA, controlled by contactor S 67.049 Typical HV single line diagram, HV/LV transformer < 1600 kVA, controlled by circuit breaker S 67.050 Typical HV single line diagram, HV/LV transformer including feeder cable < 500 m S 67.051 Typical HV single line diagram, HV/LV transformer including feeder cable > 500 m S 67.052 Typical HV single line diagram, parallel plain feeder S 67.053 Typical HV single line diagram, single plain feeder S 67.054 Typical HV single line diagram, generator directly connected (voltage < 11 kV) S 67.055 Typical HV single line diagram, generator with unit transformer (voltage > 11 kV) S 67.056 Typical HV single line diagram for variable speed drive system (VSDS) with synchronous motor S 67.057 Typical HV single line diagram for submerged motors (contactor starter) S 67.058 Typical HV single line diagram, overhead line circuits (33 – 132 kV) S 67.059 Typical HV single line diagram for grid supply incomer with on site generation S 67.060 Typical single line and schematic diagram of control circuits for LV emergency generator S 67.070 Schematic diagram of control circuits for HV motors (circuit breaker starters) Ex. of connections with std. motor panel terminal arrangement S 67.071 Typical instrument electrical supply systems with DC ups units S 67.080 Typical earthing systems for tanks S 68.001 Typical mounting details for earthing connections of plant equipment S 68.003 Earthing boss for steel structures, tanks, vessels, etc. S 68.004 Typical arrangements of cables trenches in plant areas S 68.009 Selection table for transformer secondary side connecting cables S 68.022 Typical PA6 (polyamide-6) gland installation drawing S 68.023 Typical earthing arrangements for substations, control buildings and field auxiliary rooms and associated typical mounting details S 68.030 Typical earthing arrangements for offshore installations S 68.031 Power connection for plant electrical equipment S 68.032 Typical plant earth grid S 68.033 Typical field auxiliary room earthing layout (cross-section) S 68.034 Typical bonding details for field instrument cabling S 68.035 Typical multi-point earthing systems for electrical cabling and instrument signal lines S 68.036 This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 88 Typical drawing for electrical substation S 68.040 Details of typical substation earthing and bonding arrangements S 68.041 Typical mounting details for earthing connections S 68.042 Construction and fastening of lamppost for fluorescent lighting fittings S 69.001 Typical lighting details S 69.003 Shell HSSE & SP Control Framework, Design Engineering Manual (DEM) 1 – Application of Technical Standards DEM1 http://sww.manuals.shell.com/HSSE/ AMERICAN STANDARDS Recommended Practice for Classification of Locations for Electrical Installations at Petroleum Facilities Classified as Class I, Division 1 and Division 2 API RP 500 Recommended Practice for Classification of Locations for Electrical Installations at Petroleum Facilities Classified as Class I, Zone 0, Zone 1, and Zone 2 API RP 505 Standard Practice for Determining Chemical Resistance of Thermosetting Resins Used in Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Structures Intended for Liquid Service ASTM C581 Standard Test Method for Rate of Burning and/or Extent and Time of Burning of Plastics in a Horizontal Position ASTM D635 Standard Practice for Xenon-Arc Exposure of Plastics Intended for Outdoor Applications ASTM D2565 Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials ASTM E84 REV A Electric Equipment for use in Hazardous (Classified) Locations General Requirements FM 3600 Intrinsically Safe Apparatus and Associated Apparatus for Use in Class I, II, and III, Division 1, Hazardous (Classified) Locations FM 3610 Explosion-proof electrical equipment - General Requirements FM 3615 Purged and Pressurized Electrical Equipment for Hazardous (Classified) Locations FM 3620 Issued by: FM Approvals Guide for Safety in AC Substation Grounding IEEE 80 Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electrical Power Systems IEEE 519 Issued by: Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. Standard for the Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection NFPA 20 Standard for Purged and Pressurized Enclosures for Electrical Equipment NFPA 496 UL Standard for Safety Industrial Control Panels relating to Hazardous (Classified) Locations UL 698A UL Standard for Safety Outlet Boxes and Fittings for Use in Hazardous (Classified) Locations UL 886 UL Standard for Safety Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 89 Part 1: Equipment Protection by Flameproof Enclosures "d" UL 60079-1 Part 5: Equipment Protection by Powder Filling "q" UL 60079-5 Part 6: Equipment Protection by Oil-Immersion "o" UL 60079-6 Part 7: Equipment Protection by Increased Safety "e" UL 60079-7 Part 11: Equipment Protection by Intrinsic Safety "i" UL 60079-11 Part 15: Equipment Protection by Type of Protection "n" UL 60079-15 Part 18: Equipment Protection by encapsulation “m” UL 60079-18 Issued by: Underwriters Laboratories Inc. BRITISH STANDARDS Wood poles for overhead power and telecommunications lines Part 1 - Specification for softwood poles BS 1990-1 Lead-acid stationary cells and batteries, Part 4 - Specification for lead-acid valve regulated sealed type BS 6290-4 Elastomer insulated cables for fixed wiring in ships and on mobile and fixed offshore units BS 6883 IP Model Code of Safe Practice Part 15: Area classification code for petroleum installations IP 15 Issued by: The Energy Institute International safety guide for oil tankers and terminals ISGOTT Issued by: Oil Companies International Marine Forum Current Rating Standards 69-0030 Part IX. Sustained Current Ratings for Thermosetting Insulated Cables up to 70mm Squared to BS 7211:1989 in Mixed Groups in Painted Steel Trunking to BS 4678 Part 1: 1971 ERA Report 69-0030 Issued by: ERA Technology Ltd, Procedure to meet IEC 60909 Electricity Network Association UK Engineering Recommendation ER G 7/4 Specification for underground armoured cable Protected against solvent penetration and corrosive attack EEMUA PUB No 133 NETHERLANDS STANDARDS Veiligheidsbepalingen voor laagspanningsinstallaties NEN 1010 Issued by: NEN EUROPEAN STANDARDS Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts EN 81 Precast concrete products, masts and poles CEN EN 12843 Cable glands for electrical installations CENELEC EN 50262 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres CENELEC EN 60079 Part 1 - Construction and verification test of flameproof enclosures of electrical apparatus CENELEC EN 60079-1 Part 2 - Electrical apparatus type of protection 'p’ CENELEC EN 60079-2 This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 90 Part 5 - Sand-filled apparatus CENELEC EN 60079-5 Part 6 - Oil-immersed apparatus CENELEC EN 60079-6 Part 7 - Increased safety 'e' CENELEC EN 60079-7 Part 11 - Construction and test of intrinsically safe and associated apparatus CENELEC EN 60079-11 Part 15 - Electrical apparatus with type of protection 'n' CENELEC EN 60079-15 Part 18 - Electrical apparatus with type of protection 'm' CENELEC EN 60079-18 Part 25 - Intrinsically safe systems CENELEC EN 60079-25 Issued by: CENELEC - European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization Directive 94/9/EC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres ATEX Directive Issued by: The European Commission Website: http://europa.eu.int/comm/enterprise/atex/ INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS Annex 14 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation Aerodromes ICAO Issued by: (ICAO) International Civil Aviation Organisation Rotating electrical machines - Part 1 - Rating and performance IEC 60034-1 IEC standard voltages IEC 60038 International electrotechnical vocabulary IEC 60050 High-voltage alternating-current circuit-breakers IEC 60056 Insulation co-ordination IEC 60071 Power transformers IEC 60076 Part 5 -Ability to withstand short circuit IEC 60076-5 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres IEC 60079 Part 1 - Construction and verification test of flameproof enclosures of electrical apparatus IEC 60079-1 Part 2 - Electrical apparatus type of protection 'p IEC 60079-2 Part 5 - Sand-filled apparatus IEC 60079-5 Part 6 - Oil-immersed apparatus IEC 60079-6 Part 7 - Increased safety 'e' IEC 60079-7 Explosive atmospheres – Part 10-2: Classification of areas – Combustible dust atmospheres IEC 60079-10-2 Part 11 - Construction and test of intrinsically safe and associated apparatus IEC 60079-11 Part 13 - Construction and use of rooms or buildings protected by pressurisation IEC 60079-13 Part 14 - Electrical installations design, selection and erection IEC 60079-14 Part 15 - Electrical apparatus with type of protection 'n' IEC 60079-15 This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 91 Part 17 - Inspection and maintenance of electrical installations IEC 60079-17 Part 18 - Electrical apparatus with type of protection 'm' IEC 60079-18 Part 25 - Intrinsically safe systems IEC 60079-25 Surge arresters Part 1 - Non-linear resistor type arrester for AC systems IEC 60099-1 Diagrams, charts, tables IEC 60113 Dimensions of ball and socket couplings of string insulator units IEC 60120 Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to including 450/750 V IEC 60227 Electric Cables - Calculation of the Current Rating - Part 3-1: Sections on Operating Conditions - Reference Operating Conditions and Selection of Cable Type IEC 60287-3-1 Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes IEC 60309 Tests for electric cables under fire conditions – Circuit integrity IEC 60331 Tests on electric cables under fire conditions IEC 60332 Tests on electric cables under fire conditions Part 3 - Tests on bunched wires or cables IEC 60332-3 Electrical installations of buildings IEC 60364 Electrical installations of buildings Part 3 - Assessment of general characteristics IEC 60364-3 Tests on insulators of ceramic material or glass for overhead lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1000 V IEC 60383 Insulators for Overhead Lines with a Nominal Voltage Above 1 000 V - Ceramic Insulators for AC Systems Characteristics of string insulator units of the long rod type IEC 60433 Power Cables with Extruded Insulation and Their Accessories for Rated Voltages from 1 kV (Um = 1,2 kV) up to 30 kV (Um = 36 kV) Part 2: Cables for Rated Voltages from 6 kV (Um = 7,2 kV) and up to 30 kV (Um = 36 kV) IEC 60502-2 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code) IEC 60529 High-voltage fuses for the external protection of shunt power capacitors IEC 60549 Graphical symbols for diagrams IEC 60617 DATABASE Test on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables – Part 1: Determination of the halogen acid gas content IEC 60754-1 Test on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables – Part 2: Determination of acidity (by pH measurement) and conductivity IEC 60754-2 Guide for the selection of insulators in respect of polluted conditions IEC 60815 Selection and dimensioning of high-voltage insulators intended for use in polluted conditions – Part 1: Definitions, information and general principles IEC TS 60815-1 Selection and dimensioning of high-voltage insulators intended for use in polluted conditions – Part 2: Ceramic and glass insulators for AC systems IEC TS 60815-2 This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 92 Shunt power capacitors of the self-heating type for AC systems having a rated voltage up to and including 1 kV IEC 60831 Shunt capacitors for AC power systems having a rated voltage above 1 kV IEC 60871 Shunt capacitors for AC power systems having a rated voltage above 1000 V – Part 4: Internal fuses IEC 60871-4 Short-circuit currents in three-phase AC systems – Part 0: Calculation of currents IEC 60909-0 Short-Circuit Currents in Three-Phase AC Systems - Part 1: Factors for the Calculation of Short-Circuit Currents according to IEC 60909-0 IEC 60909-1 Short-circuit currents in three-phase AC systems – Part 2: Data of electrical equipment for short-circuit current calculations IEC 60909-2 Short-circuit currents in three-phase AC systems – Part 3: Currents during two separate simultaneous line-to-earth short circuits and partial short-circuit currents flowing through earth IEC 60909-3 CORR 1 Short-Circuit Currents in Three-Phase AC Systems - Part 4: Examples for the Calculation of Short-Circuit Currents IEC 60909-4 Shunt power capacitors of the non-self-healing type for AC systems having a rated voltage up to and including 1000 V – Part 3: Internal fuses IEC 60931-3 Low voltage switchgear and controlgear Part 2 - Circuit-breakers IEC 60947-2 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 3 - Assessment of emission limits for distorting loads in MV, HV and EHV power systems IEC TR 61000-3-6 Measurement of smoke density of cables burning under defined conditions – Part 2: Test procedure and requirements IEC 61034-2 Round wire concentric lay overhead electrical stranded conductors IEC 61089 Protection against electric shock – Common aspects for installation and equipment IEC 61140 Electrostatics - Part 2-1: Measurement Methods - Ability of Materials and Products to Dissipate Static Electric Charge IEC 61340-2-1 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies (all parts) IEC 61439 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies – Part 4: Particular requirements for assemblies for construction sites (ACS) - IEC 61439-4 Use and handling of Sulphur Hexafluoride (SF6) in High-voltage switchgear and controlgear IEC 61634 Safety of power transformers, power supplies, reactors and similar products IEC 61558 Mobile and fixed offshore units – Electrical installations IEC 61892 (all parts) Mobile and fixed offshore units – Electrical installations – Part 4: Cables IEC 61892-4 Power installations exceeding 1 kV AC Part 1: Common rules IEC 61936-1 High-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 100: Alternatingcurrent circuit-breakers IEC 62271-100 IEC 62271-100 This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 93 High-voltage switchgear and controlgear Part 200: AC metalenclosed switchgear and controlgear for rated voltages above 1 kV and up to and including 52 kV IEC 62271-200 Protection against lightning – Part 2: Risk management IEC 62305-2 Hot dip galvanized coatings on fabricated iron and steel articles Specifications and test methods ISO 1461 This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 94 APPENDIX 1 A1.1 SELECTION OF ELECTRICAL APPARATUS FOR EXPLOSIVE GAS ATMOSPHERES SUITABILITY OF ELECTRICAL APPARATUS 1. In order to select the appropriate electrical apparatus for hazardous areas, the process engineer classifies the hazardous area and specifies the ignition temperature(s) and the apparatus group(s) relating to the substances being processed, handled or stored. NOTE: 2. 3. A1.2 For further information on the classification of hazardous areas, and the properties of flammable liquids, vapours and gases, refer to IEC 60079 series of publications. Electrical apparatus with the following types of protection may be installed in the zones indicated below: Zone 0 ia ; ma ; s Zone 1 d ; e ; px ; py ; ma ; mb ; o ; q ; ia ; ib ; s Zone 2 n ; pz ; + equipment suitable for Zones 0 and 1 The requirements as laid down in (2.3) shall be taken into account. CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS FOR ELECTRICAL APPARATUS 1. Electrical apparatus of the different types of protection complies with the relevant standards tabulated below. 2. Construction standards for electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres are given in following table: Type of protection Ex code IEC CENELEC NEC (USA) Flameproof enclosure d IEC 60079-1 EN 60079-1 UL 60079-1 FM 3600 Increased safety e IEC 60079-7 EN 60079-7 UL 60079-7 FM 3600 Pressurised apparatus p IEC 60079-2 EN 60079-2 NFPA 496 FM 3620 Encapsulation m IEC 60079-18 EN 60079-18 UL 60079-18 FM 3600 Oil immersion o IEC 60079-6 EN 60079-6 UL 60079-6 FM 3600 Powder filling q IEC 60079-5 EN 60079-5 UL 60079-5 FM 3600 Intrinsic safety i IEC 60079-11 IEC 60079-25 EN 60079-11 EN 60079-25 UL 60079-11 FM 3610 Non sparking n IEC 60079-15 EN 60079-15 UL 60079-15 FM 3600 Special protection s see Note 3 Explosion proof This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) UL 698 UL 886 FM 3615 lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 95 NOTES: 1) The above table does not necessarily imply that the standards are identical. 2) Equipment to be installed in the EU need additional markings in accordance with the ATEX directives. 3) Ex ‘s’ certification by a Notified Body in a particular country is not covered by an IEC or CENELEC standard. 4) There are many Notified Bodies (previously called Authorised Certification Bodies). Some examples are: Baseefa in UK PTB in Germany LCIE in France CSI in Italy UL and FM in USA CSA in Canada A1.3 NORTH AMERICAN PRACTICE The classification of hazardous (classified) areas is covered by DEP, which is based on API standards: • API RP 500 for division classification (traditional recommended practice) • API RP 505 for zone classification (more recent recommended practice that follows same principle as IEC and CENELEC). This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 96 APPENDIX 2 1. SYSTEM NEUTRAL EARTHING DIAGRAMS The connection of the public utility will be subject to agreement with the public supply authority. The above scheme (3) should be considered as indicative only. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 97 APPENDIX 3 A3.1 CONTROLS, INSTRUMENTS, INDICATIONS AND ALARMS GENERAL 1. This Appendix states the typical requirements for controls, instruments and meters, status indications and alarms to be provided both locally and remotely for the various types of electrical plant and equipment. 2. The inclusion of any items identified as optional, and the need for any additional items, shall be determined by the Principal. Protection devices are shown on the relevant Standard Drawing S 67. 3. The requirements at each location in the following tables are identified as follows: 4. 5. A = mandatory, if applicable; C = common (grouped) alarms, etc.; I = individual alarms, etc; O = optional, at the discretion of the Principal; T = close circuit breaker in test position only; X = mandatory; (n) = number of signals, e.g. (3) = three ammeters (one per phase). The locations are as follows: CCR = central control room; CP = control panel; FAR = field auxiliary room; LOC = local, e.g. FAR, S/S or on generator skid; SER = system event recorder; S/S = substation. Other abbreviations are as follows: BC = bus coupler; BS = bus section; CB = circuit breaker; G/T = generator transformer; OLTC = on-load tap changer. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 98 A3.2 MAIN GENERATING SETS Description CCR Location S/S HV swbd LOC Gen. CP LOC Driver CP Controls: Generating set - normal start X Generating set - auto start X X Generating set - fast loading A A Generating set - normal stop X X Generating set - emergency stop X X Generating set – local/remote control selector switch X Isochronous/droop control selector switch A Generating set - base/peak load selector switch A Governor setpoint control X Generator CB control X XT X G/T OLTC - tap raise/lower A Field switch - on/off X Voltage regulator - auto/manual selector switch X Description CCR Location S/S HV swbd X LOC Gen. CP Voltage regulator - voltage/p.f. selector switch A Voltage setpoint control - auto X Voltage setpoint control - manual X P.F. setpoint control A Synchronising selector switch X LOC Driver CP Indications (status): Generating set - local/remote control X X Generating set - base/peak load operation A A Isochronous/droop operation Generator CB - open/closed A X Field switch - open/closed Voltage regulator - voltage/p.f. X X X O A This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 99 Instruments and meters: Generator voltage X X(3) X(3) Generator frequency X X X Generator current X X(3) X(3) Generator real power X A X Generator reactive power X X Generator power factor X X Generator real energy summated X Generator reactive energy summated X X Synchronising instruments X Field voltage X Field current X Stator temperature X Alarms: Master trip relay(s) X X X Protection watchdog alarm C Stator temperature high alarm X X O Coolant temperature high alarm X X O G/T temperature high alarm A A O G/T Buchholz gas alarm A A O Excitation system alarm X X O Rotor earth fault A A O Auxiliary systems X X O I O All protection relays (trip) X Mechanical non-trip alarms O C I Mechanical trip alarms O C I This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 100 A3.3 GRID INTAKE, POWER PLANT AND DISTRIBUTION SUBSTATIONS Location Description CCR S/S HV swbd LOC CP CB control O X X sync relay and selector switch O X tap raise/lower O A AVR setpoint control O A Controls: Incoming feeder CB - Incoming transformer OLTC - auto/manual selector switch A Generator circuit controls Refer to (A6.2) BS/BC CB CB control O sync relay and selector switch O X X A Outgoing feeder CB CB control O X X O X X voltage O X X frequency O X X voltage O X(3) X(3) current O X(3) X(3) real power O X reactive power O X power factor O X real power summated O X reactive power summated O A transformer tap position O A Indications (status): All CBs - open/closed Instruments and meters: Busbars (per section) - Incoming feeder - Generator circuit BC current Refer to (A6.2) O O This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) A lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 101 Outgoing feeder current (Note 1) O X real power O O reactive power O O real energy (Note 2) O O Location Description CCR S/S HV swbd LOC Annunciator SER All circuits - master trip relay(s) O I I I Protection watchdog alarm C I X I I Alarms: Switchgear tripping and closing supplies battery/charger (each) Description CCR O Location S/S HV swbd LOC Gen. CP LOC Driver CP I I C Trip circuit supervision (per busbar section) Loadshedding (per stage) A I Annunciator repeat alarms C Annunciator fault C I HVAC failure A I A I Substation temperature too high/too low NOTES: 1. A thermal maximum demand ammeter may optionally be provided on the switchboard. 2. The real energy integrating meters may optionally be fitted with a maximum demand indicator. 4. Where incoming supplies are metered by a Public Utility, check metering shall be installed on the Principal's switchboard. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 102 A3.4 PLANT SUBSTATIONS (HV SWITCHBOARDS) Location Description CCR S/S HV swbd LOC Annunciator SER Controls: Incoming feeder CB control X BS CB control X Distribution feeder CB control X Motor control XT Indications (status): Incoming feeder and BS CBs open/closed X IO Distribution feeders - open/closed X IO Motor feeders - open/closed IO Motor feeders - operations counter X X Instruments and meters: Busbar voltage (per section) O Incoming feeder voltage X X Incoming feeder current O X BS current O X Distribution feeder current O X Motor current O X Motor hour run meter X Alarms: All non-motor circuits master trip relay C I I C I X Motor circuits - protection operated I I Switchgear tripping and closing supplies battery/charger (each) I I Protection Watchdog alarm This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) C O lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 103 Description CCR Location S/S HV swbd LOC Gen. CP LOC Driver CP I I C Trip circuit supervision (per busbar section) Annunciator repeat alarms C Annunciator fault C I HVAC failure A I A I Substation temperature too high/too low A3.5 VSDS (HV) Location Description CCR S/S HV swbd VSDS Converter Controls: Normal start X X Normal stop X X Emergency stop X X Local/remote selector switch X Supply switch control Setpoint control X X X X Drive stopped X X Drive running X X Supply switch - open/closed X X Supply current O X Speed X X Process variables A A Output voltage O X Output current O X Output power X X Indications (status): Instruments and meters: Alarms: Master trip relay X X This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 104 Protection Watchdog alarms C I Protective devices on converter I Protection relays on switchgear A3.6 I Electrical non-trip alarms I I Mechanical non-trip alarms I C Mechanical trip alarms I C SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS (HV) Location Description CCR S/S HV swbd LOC CP Controls: Normal start X X Normal stop X X Emergency stop X X Local/remote selector switch X CB control X Excitation setpoint control X X X X Drive stopped X X Drive running X X CB -open/closed X X Stator current X X Real power X X Reactive power X X Power Factor X X Indications (status): Instrument and meters: X Field voltage X Field current X Stator temperature X Hour run meter X Alarms: Master trip relay X X Protection Watchdog alarm C I Stator temperature high alarm X This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) X lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 105 Coolant temperature high alarm X X Excitation system alarm X X Protection relays on switchgear A3.7 I Electrical non-trip alarms I I Mechanical non-trip alarms I C Mechanical trip alarms I C ASYNCHRONOUS (INDUCTION) MOTORS (HV) > 500 kW Description CCR S/S HV swbd Controls: Normal start X Normal stop X Emergency stop X X Indications (status): Motor stopped X Motor running X Instrument and meters: Stator current X X Master trip relay X X Protection Watchdog alarm C I Stator temperature high alarm X Bearing temperature high alarm X Coolant temperature high alarm X Alarms: Protection relays on switchgear I Electrical non-trip alarms I Mechanical non-trip alarms I Mechanical trip alarms I This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 106 APPENDIX 4 ILLUMINATION LEVELS 1. The required illumination levels, measured at the working plane or 1 m above the floor level in a horizontal plane, are shown in the table below. 2. These values are mean values and the uniformity ratio (Emin/Emean) is ¼ for normal installations. 3. These values shall be used as a basis for the design of new installations unless higher illumination levels are required by national or local regulations in the country of installation. The tabulated illumination levels apply when the luminaires are dirty, i.e., after taking account of the following fouling factors: Location fouling factor Plant areas (both indoor and outdoor): 0.80 Non-plant areas (outdoor): 0.80 Non-plant areas (indoor): 0.85 REQUIRED ILLUMINATION LEVELS Emean (Lux) Location Notes CONTROL ROOMS General, including front of panel 300/500 Rear of panels 1, 7 150 Auxiliary rooms 150/300 Outside, near entrances 2 150 PLANT AREAS Operating areas requiring regular operator intervention pumps, compressors, generators, drivers, valves, manifolds, loading arms, etc. 150 Local control and monitoring points indicating instruments, gauges and control devices 75 Level gauges (see-through) to be lit from behind by single tube fluorescent luminaries Access ways: walkways, platforms, stairways, ladders, module roofs (offshore) Plant and jetty approaches and road intersections 25 5 This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) 3 lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 107 Emean (Lux) Location Non-operational areas with limited attendance, e.g. tank farms without equipment requiring regular operator intervention. Loading gantries: Notes 0.5 top loading, walkways and top of tankers 150 bottom loading (coupling handling area) 150 Road tanker parking area 25 Emean (Lux) Location Notes NON-PLANT AREAS Switchrooms, including relay and auxiliary rooms 200 Workshops and garages indoor general 250 3 local on workbenches and machine tools 400 4 outdoor storage and handling areas 50 indoor between storage racks 150 bulk storage 50 outdoor storage areas 5 Warehouses and stores Laboratories and analyser rooms Street lighting and fence lighting 400 lit by twin 40 W fluorescent or single 70 W HP sodium (SON) luminaires on standard 8 m poles at, typically, 50 m spacing 5, 6 NON-INDUSTRIAL AREAS Canteens (dining areas) Car parks 100 1 Catering areas (food preparation and serving) 300 Communications rooms 400 Computer rooms 400 Conference rooms 400 Corridors and stairways 100 Drawing offices 400 This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) 7 7 lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 108 First aid rooms 400 Libraries and reading rooms 400 Lifts 100 Offices 400 Plant rooms 150 Print rooms 250 Reception areas 150-400 Recreation rooms and lounges 300 Store rooms 150 Toilets and locker rooms 100 NOTES: 1. 300 lux applies at night and 500 lux during the daytime. Control of the illumination level down to 100 lux should be possible either by switching off rows/groups of luminaires, or by use of electronic dimmers, or both. 2. 150 lux applies for normal access and 300 lux for maintenance activities. The illumination level should be controlled by switching each lamp in a twin fitting from separately controlled circuits or by switching alternative fittings. 3. Where overhead travelling cranes are installed, floodlights should be fitted under the crane beam to provide an illumination level of 400 lux for better illumination during maintenance. 4. In areas where very fine work is carried out, local lighting with higher illumination levels may be required, e.g. 750 – 1000 lux on an instrument workshop bench. 5. Higher illumination levels apply where security fence lighting is required, e.g. for use with video camera surveillance. These should be specified to be compatible with the video system utilised. 6. At the security barrier and checkpoint in front of site entrance gatehouses, higher illumination levels may be required. 7. In rooms where VDUs are permanently installed, the lighting shall be designed to avoid reflections and glare from the screens. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 109 APPENDIX 5 EQUIPMENT AND CABLE NUMBERING A5.1 EQUIPMENT NUMBERING A5.1.1 General 1. Electrical machines shall be identified as stated in DEP 2. Electrical distribution and control equipment shall be identified by a number, thus: WWxxxYz, where • WW is the two letter equipment reference as stated in (A5.1.2); • xxx is the three digit substation number as determined by the Principal; • Y is the one letter voltage identification as stated in (A5.1.3), or two letters for transformers, one for each winding voltage; • NOTES: z is the one or two digit sequence identification. 1. For greenfield sites the substation number should be as follows: The sources of power, i.e., Main Electrical Intake Station and/or Power Station Switchboard: Alphabetic characters with if applicable an additional sequence number, e.g. MIS, PSS1, PSS2; HV substations fed directly from these substations: A three digit number with a prefix "SS", e.g. SS-100, SS-200 etc. The first digit is a sequence number; HV substations fed from another HV substation: A sequence number of the second digit, e.g. SS-110, SS-210 etc.; LV substations fed from an HV substation: A sequence number of the third digit, e.g. SS-111, SS-201 etc.). 2. The sequence identification may be numbers and/or letters. Letters, e.g. A, B should be used as the final character in the identification of several identical items of plant. A5.1.2 Equipment references The following references shall be used to identify the function of the equipment: AP = Alarm panel; CA = Capacitor bank; CP = Control panel; IR = Interposing relay box; JB = Junction box; RR = Resistor (earthing); RX = Reactor; SB = Switchboard; TR = Transformer; UP = UPS unit; VS = VSDS This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 110 A5.1.3 Voltage identification The following references shall be used to identify the nominal voltage level(s) of the equipment: A5.1.4 A5.2 A = 60 kV and above; B = 20 kV – 33 kV; C = 10 kV and 11 kV; D = 3 kV - 6.6 kV; E = LV (interruptible, maintained); F = LV (DC) N = LV (essential and non-essential); V = LV (uninterruptible, maintained); X = LV (controls, alarms and indications, AC or DC). Examples 1. The first 6.6 kV switchboard in substation 110 is SB110D1. 2. The third 400 V (AC) switchboard in substation 112 is SB112E3. 3. The second 33/6.9 kV transformer located at distribution substation 300 is TR300BD2. The tap change control panel associated with this transformer would be identified as CP300X2. CABLE NUMBERING 1. Cable numbers shall be listed in the project cable schedule, DEP sheet 4, stating all the information specified. The destinations shall be specific, stating the switchboard and panel numbers, etc. 2. If cables having different voltages or differing functions have to be distinguished, the sequence identification numbers should be sub-divided into blocks, e.g. 1000-1999 for HV cables, 2000-2999 for LV cables, 3000-3999 for control cables, etc. 3. A block of cable numbers should be allocated for site use, e.g. 1900-1999, 2900-2999, etc. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 111 APPENDIX 6 DECISION PROCEDURE FOR ABOVE-GROUND OR UNDERGROUND CABLE ROUTING The following flowchart presents a method for evaluating whether to route cables aboveground (A/G) or underground (U/G), for on-plot areas of process plants. Start (Typically 20% into SELECT phase) Gather following key inputs from Project Team to populate high level model for cabling evaluation. Responsibility: Electrical Engineer 1) HSSE 2) Capex and Design 3) Constructability / Schedule 4) Operability / Maintainability Refer to checklist Workshop Evaluate cabling option using the populated high level model. Chaired by: Project Manager Facilitator: Electrical Engineer Other participants: Process, Mechanical Is there a clear driver to decide cabling option? NO Adopt default as defined in (4.8.1). YES Prepare decision note for the selected cabling policy Responsibility: Electrical Engineer Approved by: Project Manager Output Project Decision Note Incorporate design option in Project Execu ion Strategy Responsibility: Project Manager Output PES incorporating strategy/ decision from model / workshop Optimise design layout, cable routes, etc. and include in relevant DEFINE documents. Responsibility: Project Team BDEP incorporation design option DECISION IMPLICATIONS ASSESSED AT CONSTRUCTABIITY WORKSHOPS Review the following aspects with respect to cabling: 1) Layout optimisation 2) Risk analysis and mitigation 3) Effects on Procurement, logistics and storage infrastructure 4) Execution strategy 5) Inclusion of relevant costs as per strategy in the cost estimate 6) Effect on overall completion Output POTENTIAL RISKS IDENTIFIED AND RECORDED FOR MITIGATION IN FED 3 This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 112 1. The evaluation of underground and above-ground cable routing policy shall be made by first identifying any key overriding drivers for the specific project using the check lists below as a guide. These checklists are not exhaustive; other factors may also need to be considered. 2. In the absence of any clear overriding driver and/or to check the impact on capex, use the spreadsheet model given in item B below to determine relative cost impact. NOTE: 3. This model is not for cost estimating. It is a simplified comparison of relative costs for above-ground and underground cabling policy. The main categories to consider are as follows: A HSSE B CAPEX AND DESIGN C CONSTRUCTABILTY AND SCHEDULE D OPERABILITY A) MAIN HSSE RISK DRIVERS (Check list) Close proximity to operational plant • Obstruction to operations due to heavy excavation machinery, Crane movements etc • Ignition source from construction activity • Impact on construction activity due to process upsets • Working near Live cables (underground or over head lines) • Contamination of ground by potentially Hazardous chemicals Severe weather conditions • Heavy rain or snow, Risk of flooding etc • High winds. Cyclone/Typhoon risk area • High or low temperatures Installation hazards • Many lifts around route resulting in risk of disruption due to clearing of area under lift. • Many truck movements near excavated trenching (loose soil) • Caving in of trenches due to Loose soil • Potential risk of falling objects due to other nearby work (concurrent working) • Pulling of heavy cables on above-ground trays B) CAPEX AND DESIGN DRIVERS Evaluate the relative capex costs for above-ground and underground cabling policy using the spreadsheet model form in DEP The input data is in two sections a) Project specific parameters b) “Firm” data that has been pre-set in model (this data may only be changed with the approval of the Principal). This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 113 Generally, (for greenfield sites) the cable material and installing costs are approximately four to six times the cost for trenching or tray/structure. Hence, the parameter that has the most impact is the labour rate and associated productivity and the higher number of manhours per unit length to install cable on trays versus underground. C) MAIN CONSTRUCTABILITY DRIVERS Factor Project specific condition Comments Local regulations Regulation specifies underground Check for local regulations on constructability and safety to decide the cabling option Impact of schedule delay Schedule constrained Very tight schedule with limited float in combination with high impact of delay in start up. Level of congestion within plant area Congested layout may not allow parallel working Assess the layout to check the levels of congestion: Does the layout allow parallel working? Is sequencing of activities a must considering the congestion levels? Is there a risk of disturbing / damaging cables if laid U/G? A layout that allows parallel working has a neutral effect on cabling option, sequencing requirements act as driver towards A/G cabling to avoid delays Other underground services within the plant area High 1) 2) High - drives towards A/G cabling Moderate / Low - as a driver is neutral Ground water table High 1) High water table - drives towards A/G cabling Moderate / Low - is a driver that is neutral 2) Soil condition Hard rock 1) 2) 3) Cables supply chain Local or imported. Remote site location. Lead covered cables specified 1) 2) 3) Hard rock - Drives towards A/G cabling Soft rock - Check capex for decision Other types - as a driver is neutral Locally available - as a driver is neutral Import cable (Long lead) - drives towards A/G cabling Availability of lead covered cable for contaminated ground. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 114 D) MAIN OPERABILITY DRIVERS Operability drivers try to capture the “life cycle” factors, particularly potential lost production issues associated with the decision of above-ground versus underground. These are captured in three elements and should be assessed in conjunction with plant operations specialists. • Risk of “flash” fires. Consider the probability of flash fire, based on operational experience of similar plants and consequential cost in lost production to repair cables and restore power. If this is considered high then driver is for underground cable routing. • Future expansion (de-bottlenecking) If regular changes (e.g. every 3-5 years) are expected due to the nature of the process then consider the risk of disruption to production. If this probability is considered high, then this would be a driver for above-ground cable routing. • Other factors, e.g. o Above-ground 1) Impact on maintenance access during a major plant shutdown. 2) Regular Inspection and potential partial replacement of tray/supports due to corrosion. o Underground 1) Impact of future site clearance requirements to comply with National Environment Regulations. 2) Soil settlement causing stress points resulting in failures. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 115 APPENDIX 7 1. DELIVERABLE DOCUMENTS The table below should be used to a. Produce the Discipline Delivery Plan as required by DCAF (Discipline Controls & Assurance Framework) standard. b. Define the documents to be produced by a design Contractor (e.g., EPC). 2. TA1, TA2 and TA3 are technical authority levels currently defined in the Shell DCAF system. Project documents SELECT DEFINE EXECUTE Detailed Design (TA Approval) (TA Approval) Deviation from choice of standards for hazardous area classification and equipment selection, installation and inspection X TA1 X TA1 X TA1 System Description including Power Generation & Distribution Philosophy X TA2 X TA2 X TA2 System Operation Philosophy X TA2 X TA2 X TA2 Contractor preparation (TA Approval) DESCRIPTIVE SECTIONS: System Commissioning Philosophy X TA2 X X TA2 Control, Monitoring and Protection X TA3 X TA3 X TA2 Emergency and Vital Supplies X TA2 X TA3 X TA2 Electrical Load list X TA3 X TA3 X TA3 X TA1 X TA1 Shell Documents: Derogations from DEPs Deviations/Amendments/Supplements to DEPs X TA2 List of Recommended Vendors X TA2 OPCO Requirements X TA3 X X TA1 X TA2 X X TA2 STUDIES: Cable sizing calculations X X(s)TA3 X X(m) TA2 Harmonic analysis (X) X TA3 Illumination levels X X TA3 (X) X TA3 X X TA3 X X TA2 Equipment sizing calculation X(m) TA2 Motor re-start and reacceleration after voltage dip Substations (quantity and location) X TA3 X TA3 Power factor correction (if required) Protection philosophy X(m) TA2 Protection scheme & relay setting schedules This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 116 Project documents SELECT DEFINE EXECUTE Detailed Design (TA Approval) (TA Approval) Contractor preparation (TA Approval) Short circuit & load flow X(p) TA2 X TA2 X X TA2 System dynamic stability and load shedding X(v)TA2 (X) TA2 (X) X TA2 Motor starting X(p) TA3 X TA3 X X TA3 VSDS economics (X) TA3 (X) TA3 SAFOP (X) TA1 X TA1 X X TA1 (X) X TA2 X X TA3 X X TA3 X TA1 X X TA2 X TA2 X X TA2 HV switchboard single line diagrams X X TA3 Connection diagrams X X TA3 Control system block diagram X X(s) TA3 Schematic diagrams X EMC Review Vital Supply Recovery Study X(p) TA3 Arc Flash energy calculations DRAWINGS: X TA1 Key line diagram Emergency and vital systems S.L. diagrams Protection and metering key diagrams X(p) TA2 Protection setting document X X TA2 X X TA3 X(w) (TA3) Area classification layouts and sections X(w) (TA2) X Cable routing layouts X(m) TA2 X X(m) TA3 Earthing layouts X X(m) TA3 Lighting and LV power layouts (including buildings) X X(m)TA3 Power layout (motors, etc.) X X(m) TA3 X X TA3 Trace heating system layouts X X TA3 Cable trench details X X TA3 Construction details X X TA3 X TA3 X X TA3 Control, alarm and monitoring table X TA3 X X TA3 HV switchgear X TA3 X X(s) TA3 LV switchgear X TA3 X X(s) TA3 Substation layouts Temporary installation(s) (construction power supplies). X(t) TA3 X TA3 SCHEDULES: This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 117 Project documents SELECT DEFINE (TA Approval) (TA Approval) EXECUTE Detailed Design Contractor preparation (TA Approval) X X(s)TA2 Protection relay settings including individual set point lists for all relay protection parameters whether utilised or not Summary of Electrical Engineering (electrical equipment summary sheets) X TA3 X X TA3 Utility data (electrical) X TA3 X X TA3 X TA2 X X TA2 REQUISITIONS: Generators Luminaires X Motors (HV) X(t) TA3 X Motors (LV) X(t) TA3 X Remote control units (RCUs) Switchgear (HV) Switchgear (LV - MCC) X(s) TA3 X X TA3 X X(s) TA2 X(t) TA3 X X(s) TA3 Switchgear (LV - misc.) X Transformers X(t) TA3 X X(s) TA3 UPS units (AC) X(t) TA3 X X(s) TA3 UPS units (DC) X(t) TA3 X X(s) TA3 X TA2 X X(s) TA2 VSDS SPECIFICATIONS (as applicable): X Bulk materials X Cables X(t) TA3 X X(s) TA3 Motor operated valves (MOVs) X TA3 X X(s) TA3 Neutral earthing device X TA3 X X(s) TA3 Power factor correction X TA3 X X(s) TA3 Package units X TA3 X X(s) TA3 Process heaters X TA3 X X(s) TA3 X(t) TA3 X X(s) TA3 Construction specification X X TA3 Design manual X X(s) TA3 X X(s) TA3 X X TA3 Trace heating MISCELLANEOUS: Equipment Bid Evaluation (Report) X TA3 Equipment Bid Tabulations (Tech.) This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com) lOMoARcPSD|28844136 DEP February 2014 Page 118 Project documents SELECT DEFINE (TA Approval) (TA Approval) EXECUTE Detailed Design Contractor preparation (TA Approval) Operating manuals X X(s) TA3 Spare parts list (and SPIR) X X(s) TA3 Ex equipment register (in suitable format for import into the computerised maintenance management system) X X(s) TA2 Temporary installation (including construction power supplies) specification X X TA3 Test record forms (site) X X TA3 Testing procedures (site) X X(s) TA3 Vendor drawings X X(s) TA3 Vendor equipment certificates X X(s) TA3 Legend for Appendix 7: (X) = If requested by Principal (m) = Main (p) = Preliminary (s) = Selected (t) = Typical (v) = See (3.5.3 Note 5) (w) = Deliverable is from Technical Safety – no approval by Electrical TA (P1 and P2) = Parts 1 and 2 only of the Summary of Electrical Engineering (electrical equipment summary sheets). This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Tebodin & Partners LLC kramesh@tebodin.co.om 30/03/2016 07:26:23 Downloaded by sotoj sotojm (sotoj73773@royalka.com)