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Latin Verb Tense Timeline Worksheet

Latin II
Tense Timelines
Step One: On a piece of construction paper, write out the following tenses in a timeline arranged
by WHEN the actions of the verb tense are happening in time
Step 2: Cut and arrange the sentences on the 2nd page underneath the correct tense using only
your brain- no notes, no dictionary, etc. DO NOT GLUE THEM YET.
Step 3: Write WHEN the action of the tenses is happening for each tense
Step 4: After you have compared your sheet with the one I put on the board, glue your cut out
sentences underneath the correct tense if they were not already in the right place
Step 5: Translate the sentences in the blank space (write small). You may use notes and
dictionaries for this step if you need/want.
Step 6: Put your corrected and completed timeline in your binder/translation notebook as a
reference for translating/tense ID once we have reviewed it.
Ex: Once completely finished, your sheet will look like this for each sentence:
Present Tense
Actions are happening in the present
Puella qui puerum amat
The girl who loves the boy
Narcissus erat bellus puer, ergo
Echo eum amavit
*eum: him
Vir in domo per ambulabat ad
Roma non regem, sed
Imperatorem habebit
nomine Augustus
Lunam et stellas noctu videbant
Agamemnon, rex Mycenae,
omnes dux Graecorum
Claudia est femina pulchra,
quae Romae habitat
Post bellum Aeneas, dux
Troianus dicit, “Iter in Italiam”;
taberna in cum Marcus and
Sabina laboravit
Perseus gladio Medusam
Hoc anno plura Latina discemus
Multa monstra in mari saepe
Sabina in insula cum
familae habitabant