Uploaded by Aliyah Morgan

Abbott & Fenner Scholarship

Aliyah Morgan
Class of 2023
North Fort Myers High School
Cape Coral, Florida
My Future
College has always been a priority of mine as I have grown into a young adult. My drive
throughout middle and high school has given me the confidence to take on the challenge of
enduring a college education. It is clear through my GPA and through my rigorous course
schedule, that I was destined to attend college and earn a high level degree. I have already
chosen a university to attend and have been accepted to do so. I currently live in Florida but
have pushed myself to travel out of my state to seek further learning opportunities. I have
chosen to attend George Mason University, a college right outside Washington, D.C, this
coming fall because what other place is as extravagant as our nation’s capital. I couldn’t imagine
a better place to drown myself in opportunities. Not to mention the prestigious academics the
college offers. I have gone out of my comfort zone by committing myself to such a school as I’ve
never truly been away from home like I will be soon. I decided to take a leap of faith and
challenge myself in a new environment because I know that growth only occurs in
uncomfortable situations.
However, pursuing further education comes with a high cost, literally. Therefore I will
need all the financial assistance I could possibly receive. My family dynamic is as such: divorced
but remarried parents. However, I live with my mother full time who remarried and birthed my
half brother. Unfortunately, money is tight in our home. My step father works two jobs to pay for
our home and provide for my younger brother, but all my personal expenses are my mom’s
responsibility. With little to no help from my natural born father, my mother struggles to pay for
all my needs. She tirelessly works to make sure I achieve everything she never did. I would be
the first person in this household of four to attend college.
When it comes to earning my bachelor’s and then hopefully studying for a master’s one
day, my ultimate motivation will be my family. I will want to make them proud and show them
that they have guided me to achieve success throughout my childhood. I plan to focus my
studies on an accounting major as well as a communications minor because of my passion for
numbers likewise, writing. After receiving my degree and after countless internships, one day I
will open my own private firm. I will be my own boss and will open the door for other colored
women who find my significant position inspiring. My firm will be an example to all who are
hopeful of what persistence and dedication can achieve. My private firm will be a place of
opportunity for all people as long as their dedication has been demonstrated. I will break
through the stereotype that only men can maintain certain positions in the workforce.
Empowerment will be a key theme of mine as I continue to grow and continue to encourage
those surrounding me. I will use the skills learned from my communications major to develop a
platform for myself. This will simply be to uplift women and young girls all around me, to show
them the power of hard work, and to emphasize the idea that anything is possible. I will prove to
them that any dream or plan is possible as long as you put in the work. These are my future
goals and how I would like to envision the next ten years of my life.
Although none of these dreams are achievable until I am able to afford college. Winning
your generous scholarship will be my first step into an exciting future. I appreciate your time.