Discuss endogenous knowledge as developed by Paulin Hountonji. Hountonji developed the concept of endogenous knowledge at a seminar organized by him. This concept tries to look at the knowledge system exploited by the western countries. The knowledge system is dominated by the northern academic. In this context Hountonji while offering this idea he contextualizes it in the larger historical context. He stipulates that the dependence on northern countries has not happened not only in terms of economic realm but in the realm of knowledge production as well. Even after various countries got independence, the dependence on knowledge dormancy still continues. He criticized the whole idea of this dependency factor on the Western countries. He stipulates that this dominancy has ruined the knowledge system. Thereby, tries to develop the whole idea of endogenous system. With this, he analyse what is an endogenous knowledge system? How it works? How it can offer a critique to the existing knowledge system which is produced by the western countries? According to Hountonji, the knowledge system in African context is highly dependent on the Northern countries. The western countries were controlling the knowledge production in many parts of the world including Africa. Hountonji’s works are important to understand the academic dependency of Africa to North. Hountonji believed that the underdevelopment of Africa needs to be understood through a historical approach and not through an evolutionist approach. Evolutionist approach understands this underdevelopment as inevitable whereas historical approach enlighten us to the aspect of colonial exploitation of Africa in the past. He argues that the knowledge production in Africa is still externally oriented to cater the needs of Northern universities. Hountonji understands this through the concepts of extraversion and endogenous knowledge. (Hountonji, 2011, p.11) though Hountonji substantiates his arguments with the present situation of African economy and academia, His academic contributions are relevant in the context of all post-colonial nations. Hountonji continues his argument with an example from this dependency theory. He says that even though countries got dependency from this colonial rule they are still continuing in a form of economy and knowledge production. Like the mother country, they are still exploiting the colonized countries in the form of economic, domination and …. We have seen from this dependency analysis that many latin American in African countries the Western countries still have their interest in the form of exploitation and economy. We need to have African knowledge in the centre, what this means is that we must first