LATVIA UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGIES Faculty of Information Technologies SANTIS MEDNIEKS Torrent Site Database Data base project Reviewer: asoc. prof. G. Vitols Signature, date Author: ID. 22069 S. Mednieks Signature, date Jelgava 20XX CONTENTS Contents ............................................................................................................................ 2 Specification ...................................................................................................................... 3 1 2 ER model description ............................................................................................... 4 1.1 ER model .......................................................................................................... 4 1.2 Relationship description ................................................................................... 4 Data base description ............................................................................................... 6 2.1 Technical description of the project .................................................................. 6 2.2 Self-learned material and comments ................................................................. 8 Conclusions ....................................................................................................................... 9 References ....................................................................................................................... 10 SPECIFICATION The aim of this database is to provide a reliable data storage solution for anyone looking to create their torrent site. It has all the core functionalities a torrent-based system should have. It enhances user experience and stores data efficiently. The database enables user account creation and it stores all the necessary data for users to have personalized interactions on the website. It enables users to upload torrents, share messages, receive messages, leave comments and form reports. The comments system promotes user engagement with the community. This allows users to criticize torrent uploads, leave thankful comments or suggest improvements. The inclusion of a comments table also helps users to decide if a torrent is worth downloading. The comments system also works great with the rating system, which is also implemented. Trackers are a crucial part of any torrent-based system since it creates communication between peers which is why information related to trackers is also stored. The messages table allows for a messaging system to be present on a website and it allows for users to communicate with each other privately, rather than through comments. In order to filter out bad torrents and take care of the community, an admin team is required to oversee the operations of the website. The admin team table identifies the users who have administrative power/tools. To relieve the workload of the administrative staff, a reports system is also set in place so users can help the staff team filter out the bad torrents quicker. The table only stores data on torrent reports. Private messages cannot be reported. Peers are also a vital part of a torrent-based system. A table is included that stores info on peers. 3 1 ER MODEL DESCRIPTION In total the database consists of 11 tables, each having multiple columns to store all the necessary data. Peers table (columns: id_peers, id_user, id_torrent, ip_address, parts_downloaded, port) Admin Team table (columns: id_admin, id_user, id_superior) UserTorrents table (columns: id_user, id_torrent) Rating table (columns: id_rating, name) Users table (columns: id_user, username, email, password_hash, registration_date) Torrents table (columns: id_torrent, title, id_category, upload_date, description, download_count, id_rating, file_size) Messages table (columns: id_message, sender_user_id, receiver_user_id, subject, text, msg_date) Comments table (columns: id_comment, id_user, id_torrent, text, comment_date) Categories table (columns: id_category, name) Trackers table (columns: id_tracker, id_torrent, ip_address, port, connected_peer_count) Reports table (columns: id_report, id_user, id_torrent, text, report_date) 1.1 ER model All tables except for usertorrents table have been normalized in order to avoid repetitive input. 1.2 Relationship description Table users uses a one-to-many relationship with the messages table because 1 user can send and receive multiple messages. It also has a one-to-many relationship with reports because 1 user and form multiple reports. The users table also uses a one-to-many relationship 4 with comments the comments table because 1 user can leave multiple comments. The users table also has a one-to-many relationship with the userstorrents table because it can be associated with multiple torrents. It also uses a one-to-many relationship with peers because 1 user can be connected to multiple peers. The admin team table has a one to many, recursive relationship with the id_admin column, because a higher ranked admin can be in-charge of multiple lower-ranked admins. The rating table has a one-to-many relationship with torrents because multiple torrents can be rated the same rating (for ex. 12521 torrents rated “Good”). The categories table has a one-to-many relationship with the torrents table because 1 category can have multiple torrents under it. The torrents table has one-to-many relationship with the comments table because 1 torrent can have multiple comments. The torrents table also has a one-to-many relationship with the peers table because 1 torrent can be associated with multiple peers. It also has a oneto-many relationship with the reports table because 1 torrent can have multiple reports on it. The trackers table has a one-to-many relationship with the torrents table because 1 tracker can be connected to multiple torrents. 5 2 DATA BASE DESCRIPTION 2.1 Technical description of the project Table No1. Initial data Table name admin_team peers usertorrents rating users torrents comments messages reports categories trackers Rows Inserted 3 rows Inserted 5 rows Inserted 5 rows Inserted 5 rows Inserted 5 rows Inserted 5 rows Inserted 3 rows Inserted 3 rows Inserted 3 rows Inserted 5 rows Inserted 5 rows Table No2. Constraints Table name admin_team admin_team Column name id_admin id_user admin_team peers peers peers peers title id_peers id_users id_torrent ip_address peers ip_address peers peers peers peers usertorrents usertorrents rating rating rating users users users users users users users users parts_downloaded parts_downloaded port port id_user id_torrent id_rating name name user_id username username username email email password_hash registration_date users registration_date Constraint Value cannot be null Value cannot be null Value cannot be null Value cannot be null Value cannot be null Value cannot be null Value cannot be null IP address must only contain numbers and dots (full stops) Value cannot be null Parts downloaded cannot be lower than 0 Value cannot be null Port value must be between 1024 and 65535. Value cannot be null Value cannot be null Value cannot be null Value must be unique Value cannot be null Value cannot be null Value cannot be null Username cannot be lower than 3 characters Value must be unique Value cannot be null Value must be unique Value cannot be null Value cannot be null Registration date cannot be newer than the current date 6 torrents torrents torrents torrents torrents torrents torrents torrents torrents torrents comments comments comments comments comments comments messages messages messages messages messages messages reports reports reports reports reports reports categories categories categories trackers trackers trackers trackers trackers trackers trackers id_torrent title title id_category upload_date upload_date download_count download_count id_rating file_size id_comment id_user id_user text comment_date comment_date id_message sender_id_user receiver_user_id text msg_date msg_date id_report id_user id_torrent text report_date report_date id_category name name id_tracker id_torrent ip_address connected_peer_count connected_peer_count port port Value cannot be null Value cannot be null Title must be 6 characters long or longer Value cannot be null Value cannot be null Upload date cannot be newer than current date Value cannot be null Download count cannot be smaller than 0 Value cannot be null Value cannot be null Value cannot be null Value cannot be null Value cannot be null Value cannot be null Value cannot be null Comment date cannot be newer than current date Value cannot be null Value cannot be null Value cannot be null Value cannot be null Value cannot be null Message date cannot be newer than current date Value cannot be null Value cannot be null Value cannot be null Value cannot be null Value cannot be null Report date cannot be newer than current date Value cannot be null Value cannot be null Value must be unique Value cannot be null Value cannot be null Value cannot be null Value cannot be null Connected peer count cannot be lower than 0 Value cannot be null Max port value can be 65535 Table No3. Sequences Sequence name admin_team_id_admin_seq categories_id_category_seq comments_id_comment_seq messages_id_message_seq peers_id_peers_seq rating_id_rating_seq reports_id_report_seq torrents_id_torrent_seq trackers_id_tracker_seq users_user_id_seq Table and column name Used for admin_team.id_admin Used for categories.id_category Used for comments.id_comment Used for messages.id_message Used for peers.id_peers Used for rating.id_rating Used for reports.id_report Used for torrents id_torrent Used for trackers.id_tracker Used for users.user_id 7 Table No4. Queries Query name categories_torre nt_count_view low_rated_torre nts_view most_reported_to rrents_view Code File: categories_torren t_count_view.sql File: low_rated_torrent s_view.sql File:most_reporte d_torrents_view.s ql.sql top_rated_categor File:top_rated_ca ies_view tegories_view.sql torrent_comment s File:torrent_comm ents.sql tracker_torrents_ view File:torrent_comm ents.sql user_activity_vie w File:user_activit y_view.sql Explanation Retrieves all categories and how many torrents are associated with each category. Retrieves torrents that are rated 2 (Bad) and lower Retrieves the most reported torrents with their report count and orders it in descending order. Retrieves categories and their average ratings of popular torrents that have at least 5000 downloads. Retrieves torrent titles and their respective category along with their comment count and the latest comment date. Retrieves a list of trackers and their associated torrent count. Retrieves a list of all users and their activity such as uploaded torrent count, comment count, report count and message count. Table No5. Functions Function name update_torrent_ name Code File: f01.sql get_top_torrents File: f02.sql admin_check File: f03.sql Explanation Allows the user to change a name of a torrent by inputting the ID of the torrent and the new title for the torrent, Allows the user to input 2 dates and the function will show the top uploaded torrents between the 2 chosen dates. Allows the user to insert the ID of another user and the function will find out if the user is an admin. It will display either ‘t’ or ‘f’ (true or false) to indicate whenever the user is an admin or not. 2.2 Self-learned material and comments During this project I just used skills developed during lectures and I did not learn anything extra, though I had to do extra research on how torrent-based systems work since I had no prior knowledge on the topic. Other theoretical knowledge came from the lecture slides. 8 CONCLUSIONS The developed database can be used for torrent sites if minor adjustments are made as per request from interested clients. It boasts a variety of core tables and columns, though bigger-scale torrent sites might require a more complex structure and more major adjustments. I learned that functions can make data retrieval way quicker. They can be made, modified and deleted to anyone’s liking, making them overall powerful and pretty much necessary if finding specific information is required on a daily basis. The biggest issue with PostgreSQL management system is the inability to modify constraints after they have been created. Other than that, I did not find any more restrictions while working on this project. 9 REFERENCES [1] Class lectures