FRONT END ENGINEERING DESIGN (FEED) PIPELINE GAS DARI PELABUHAN BENOA KE PLTG PESANGGARAN - BALI PIPELINE STABILITY AND BOUYANCY CALCULATION BENOA - PESANGGARAN Document No: PEL-PL-CAL-003 0 17 FEBRUARY 2015 ISSUED FOR BID BM MI B 9 FEBRUARY 2015 ISSUED FOR REVIEW BM MI A 2 FEBRUARY 2015 ISSUED FOR REVIEW BM MI PREP’D CHK’D/ APP’D REV. DATE DESCRIPTION APP’D PT. LAPI ITB PT. PEL STATUS CODE: IFR = Issued for Review, IFI = Issued for Information, IFA = Issued for Approval, IFB = Issued for Bid Total or partial reproduction and/or utilization of this document are forbidden without prior written authorization of PT Pelindo Energi Logistik. DOCUMENT NUMBER REVISION STATUS PEL-PL-CAL-003 0 IFB FEED GAS PIPELINE FROM PORT BENOA TO PLTG PESANGGARAN - BALI DOC. TITLE Pipeline Stability and Bouyancy Calculation Benoa - Pesanggaran DOC. NO PAGE PEL-PL-CAL-003 2 OF 11 TABLE CONTENT 1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 3 2. OBJECTIVE ............................................................................................................. 3 3. DEFINITIONS .......................................................................................................... 3 4. CODES, STANDARD AND REFERENCES ............................................................. 3 5. DESIGN ................................................................................................................... 4 6. CALCULATION ........................................................................................................ 7 APPENDIX A .................................................................................................................... 9 FEED GAS PIPELINE FROM PORT BENOA TO PLTG PESANGGARAN - BALI DOC. TITLE Pipeline Stability and Bouyancy Calculation Benoa - Pesanggaran 1. DOC. NO PAGE PEL-PL-CAL-003 3 OF 11 INTRODUCTION PT. Pelindo Energi Logistik (PEL) plans to build gas pipeline from Port Benoa to PLTG Pesanggaran Indonesia Power. Gas transported is coming from LNG regasification plant at Port Benoa and will be utilized to provide fuel gas for PLTG Pesanggaran, which is belong to PT Indonesia Power. This project will include construction of new pipeline from Port Benoa to PLTG Pesanggaran complete with metering station at PLTG Pesanggaran. 2. OBJECTIVE This document presents pipe concrete coating thickness calculation for stabilize pipe with weight and buoyancy equation force based on code ASME B31.8 Gas Transportation and Distribution Piping System. In this calculation will be calculated concrete thickness for pipeline area from Benoa to Pesanggaran. 3. DEFINITIONS The definitions contained in this document are as follows: a. CLIENT, refers to PT Pelindo Energi Logistik (PEL) as the ultimate user and owner. b. CONSULTANT, refers to PT. LAPI ITB as the party providing the technical consultation services "Front End Engineering Design (FEED) Gas Pipeline from Port Benoa to PLTG Pesanggaran - Bali". c. CONTRACTOR, refers to company selected by COMPANY, which may provides services to perform part of the contract scope of work on behalf Client. d. VENDOR/MANUFACTURER, refers to the company selected by COMPANY or CONTRACTOR, which is responsible for the purchase agreement specification. e. MIGAS, is Indonesian Government body which is responsible for issuing licenses and permits oil and gas facilities. 4. CODES, STANDARD AND REFERENCES The project specifications and the applicable codes and standards as follow: FEED GAS PIPELINE FROM PORT BENOA TO PLTG PESANGGARAN - BALI DOC. TITLE Pipeline Stability and Bouyancy Calculation Benoa - Pesanggaran DOC. NO PAGE PEL-PL-CAL-003 4 OF 11 Code & Standard ASME B31.8 : Gas Transportation and Distribution Piping System API 5L : Specification of Line Pipe PEL-PRO-GEN-001 : Process Design Basis PEL-PL-CAL-001 : Pipeline Wall Thickness Benoa – Pesanggaran PEL-PL-SPC-001 : Specification Pipeline PEL-PL-SPC-002 : Specification External Coating PEL-PL-SPC-007 : Specification for Concrete Coating 5. DESIGN 5.1 Methodology of Buoyancy Calculation Analysis of buoyancy and hydro-dynamic stability needs to be done considering survey result due to proposed new pipeline against hydrodynamic force. Criteria required in the ASME B31.8 standard are total weight ratio of the pipe and its contents against the bouyancy force of fluid (mud) is transferred by a pipe buried at a minimum marsh is 1.1 (W / B = 1.1) to obtain the effect of negative buoyancy so that the pipe is stable in the marsh and not float when immersed. Figure 1 Separated Free Body Diagram Pipe Due to Buoyancy Effect Buoyancy analysis conducted to determine how much the minimum force necessary to counteract the effects of buoyancy. We calculate the buoyancy force generated by the mud, FEED GAS PIPELINE FROM PORT BENOA TO PLTG PESANGGARAN - BALI DOC. TITLE Pipeline Stability and Bouyancy Calculation Benoa - Pesanggaran DOC. NO PAGE PEL-PL-CAL-003 5 OF 11 and calculating a weight force generated by the pipe and fluid. When the weight of the fluid produced by the pipe and its contents cannot resist buoyancy force, it is necessary to design concrete weight (ballast) to be installed on the pipe to resist buoyancy forces. The configuration of the coating is shown in Figure 2. Figure 2 Concrete Weight Coating Configuration 5.2 Pipe Data The design condition accordance to the document number PEL-PRO-GEN-001 shows at Table 1. Table 1 Design Data Data Benoa - Pesanggaran Design pressure (psig) 223 Design temperature (oF) 151 The selected wall thickness and other properties of pipeline accordance to the document number PEL-PL-CAL-001, PEL-PL-SPC-001 and API Spec. 5L shows at Table 2. Table 2 Pipe Properties Data Specification - Grade Benoa - Pesanggaran API 5L – X42 FEED GAS PIPELINE FROM PORT BENOA TO PLTG PESANGGARAN - BALI DOC. TITLE Pipeline Stability and Bouyancy Calculation Benoa - Pesanggaran DOC. NO PAGE PEL-PL-CAL-003 6 OF 11 Data Benoa - Pesanggaran Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) 406.4 mm or 16 inch Outside diameter 406.4 mm or 16 inch Selected wall thickness 9.525 mm or 0.375 inch Length per unit (L) Plain-end weight per unit length 5.3 12 m or 39.37 ft 93.72 kg/m or 62.64 lb/ft Anti-Corrosion Pipe Coating The first layer applied in pipeline concrete coating is used in order to protect pipe material from being corroded. According to document number PEL-PL-SPC-002, the anti-corrosion layer coating is 3-LPE. Table 3 show the 3-LPE coating data. Table 3 LPE Coating Data Anti-Corrosion Coating Total coating thickness Coating density (common product data) 5.4 3 mm (0.93 – 0.96) gr/cm3 Concrete Concrete or cement is required for the manufacture of concrete weight is must follow document number PEL-PL-SPC-007. The density stated in that document is 190 lb/ft3. The concrete must be reinforced with mesh. 5.5 Mud Data Based on the Benoa - Pesanggaran route of proposed pipeline, pipeline will go across mud. CONSULTANT assume the average mud density. The value of average mud density is 1773 kg/m3. FEED GAS PIPELINE FROM PORT BENOA TO PLTG PESANGGARAN - BALI DOC. TITLE Pipeline Stability and Bouyancy Calculation Benoa - Pesanggaran DOC. NO PAGE PEL-PL-CAL-003 7 OF 11 6. CALCULATION 6.1 Bouyancy Force and Total Weight Formula Weight of line pipe and it,s coating (W) must be higher than buoyancy forces (B). The ratio of weight against of buoyancy forces (W / B) should meet the minimum requirements of the W / B = 1.1. So that, the pipeline can not counteract the effects of buoyancy (Figure 3). Figure 3 Buoyancy Uplift and Weight Force πΎ = πΎπ + πΎπ + πΎπ With, Wp is bare pipe weight, Wa is Epoxy coating weight, and Wc is weight of concrete applied in line pipe. These weight can be calculated by following formulas. ππ = (πππππ − πππ π€πππβπ‘ πππ π’πππ‘ πππππ‘β)(πππππ‘β)(π) π ππ = ( ππ × πΏ × ((π· + 2π‘π )2 − π· 2 )) π 4 π ππ = ( ππ × (πΏ − 2πΆ) × ((π· + 2π‘π + 2π‘π )2 − (π· + 2π‘π )2 )) π 4 Where, ππ : Anti-corrosion coating density, kg/m3 ππ : Concrete density, kg/m3 L : Pipe length/joint, m C : Cut off length, m (Figure 4) D : Outside diameter, m tp : Pipe wall thickness, m ta : Anti-corrosion coating thickness, m tc : Concrete coating thickness, m FEED GAS PIPELINE FROM PORT BENOA TO PLTG PESANGGARAN - BALI DOC. TITLE Pipeline Stability and Bouyancy Calculation Benoa - Pesanggaran DOC. NO PAGE PEL-PL-CAL-003 8 OF 11 The buoyancy force depends on density of the mud/liquid on outer of the line pipe and line volume includes the coating. Then, the buoyancy force will be calculated as formula below. Figure 4 Cut off Schematics π π΅ = ( × πππ’π × (2πΆ × (π· + 2π‘π )2 + (πΏ − 2πΆ) × (π· + 2π‘π + 2π‘π )2 )) π 4 Since, π π΅ = 1.1 then ππ + ππ + ππ = 1.1 π΅ 6.2 Calculation Result Based on bouyancy force and total weight calculation, CONSULTANT can extract formula for calculating concrete thickness. The output of calculation can be shown in Table 4 below. Table 4 Calculation Result No 1 Description Buoyancy force 2 Total weight 3 4 5 6a 6b Results Symbol B Value 178.55 Unit Kg/m W 163.89 Kg/m Bare pipe weight Wp 93.23 Kg/m Epoxy coating weight Wc 3.70 Kg/m Fluid Content Wf 66.96 Kg/m Concrete thickness tc 48.724 mm Concrete thickness tc 2 inch FEED GAS PIPELINE FROM PORT BENOA TO PLTG PESANGGARAN - BALI DOC. TITLE Pipeline Stability and Bouyancy Calculation Benoa - Pesanggaran DOC. NO PAGE PEL-PL-CAL-003 9 OF 11 APPENDIX A BOUYANCY CALCULATION CHECK Pipa NPS 16 Inch; API 5L-X42 NO. DESCRIPTION Data - Pipeline 1 Nominal Pipe Size SYMBOL UNIT CASE 1 CASE 2 CASE 3 NPS inch 16 16 16 2 Pipe Outside Diameter OD inch 16 16 16 3 Wall thickness t inch 0.375 0.375 0.375 4 Coating Thickness t coating mm 3 3 3 5 Pipe Length per unit Lp m 12.00 12.00 12.00 6 Specified Minimum Yield Strength SMYS psi 42000 42000 42000 7 Modulus of Elasticity E 3.00E+07 3.00E+07 3.00E+07 8 Pipe Density ρ Steel psi kg/m 3 7850 7850 7850 9 Coating Density ρ coating kg/m 3 960.00 960.00 960.00 ρ mud kg/m 3 Data - Field 10 Mud Density 1337 1337 1337 11 Gas Density (Operation gas) ρ gas kg/m 3 9.10 9.10 9.10 12 Water Density (for Hydrotest) ρ water kg/m 3 1000 1000 1000 Weight in The Air 13 Bare Pipe Weight per meter Wp kg/m 93.23 93.23 93.23 14 Pipe Coating weight per meter Wc kg/m 3.70 3.70 3.70 15 Fluid Content per meter Wf kg/m 0.00 1.07 117.84 16 Total Weight (Wp+Wc+Wf) W kg/m 96.93 98.00 214.77 B kg/m 178.55 178.55 178.55 W/B kg/m 0.54 0.55 1.20 NOT OK! NOT OK! OK! Buoyancy check --> Min W/B = 1.1 17 Buoyancy 18 Buoyancy Check Status Noted 1) CASE 1 : Empty Condition 2) CASE 2 : Operation Condition (Pipe weight + gas content weight ) 3) CASE 3 : Hydrotest Condition (Pipe weight + Water content weight ) REMARK Sch 40 Case 1 & 2 need concrete weight FEED GAS PIPELINE FROM PORT BENOA TO PLTG PESANGGARAN - BALI DOC. TITLE Pipeline Stability and Bouyancy Calculation Benoa - Pesanggaran DOC. NO PAGE PEL-PL-CAL-003 10 OF 11 APPENDIX B CONCRETE COATING CALCULATION INPUT DATA No Description Symbol Value Unit 1 Length L 2 Gravitation g 12.000 9.810 3 Epoxy coating density ρa 930.000 m/s2 kg/m3 ta 0.003 meter 5 Outside diameter O.D. 0.406 meter 6 Concrete density ρc 3043.508 kg/m3 7 Mud density ρmud 1337.000 kg/m3 8 phi π 9 Pipe density ρp 7850.000 kg/m3 tp C 0.010 0.3 m m Total epoxy coating thickness 10 Selected wall thickness pipe 11 Cut off meter 3.143 OUTPUT DATA No Description Symbol Value Unit 1 Buoyancy B 3251.788 kg 2 1.1 Buoyancy 1.1 B 3576.967 kg 3 Bare pipe weight Wp 1118.715 kg 4 Coating weight Wc 2523.815 kg 5 Epoxy coating weight Wa 44.44997 kg 6 Total weight W 3686.98 kg 7a Concrete thickness tc 0.050067 meter 7b Concrete thickness tc 50.06658 mm 7c Concrete thickness tc 1.971125 inch 7d Concrete thickness tcselected 2 inch FEED GAS PIPELINE FROM PORT BENOA TO PLTG PESANGGARAN - BALI DOC. TITLE Pipeline Stability and Bouyancy Calculation Benoa - Pesanggaran DOC. NO PAGE PEL-PL-CAL-003 11 OF 11 APPENDIX C CONCRETE WEIGHT CALCULATION CONCRETE WEIGHT DESIGN Pipa dalam kondisi kosong (case 1) dipilih sebagai acuan dalam merancang concrete weight No Description SYMBOL UNIT CASE 1 REMARKS CAPTION Data - Pipeline Nominal Pipe Size NPS Inch Outside Diameter OD Inch 16 16 Wall thickness t Inch 0.375 Total Weight (Pipe + Fluid Content) W kg/m 96.93 Total Pipe Length at Swamp and Ricefield Area Ltotal m 1740 Buoyancy concrete weight B 337.81 Concrete Density (ρcon) ρcon kg k g/m 3 3043 d = 0.2032 m Clearence CL m Length (Cross Section) f A m m2 e = 0.412 m Area 0.0029972 0.81 0.31 A1 m2 0.50 f = 0.8128 m A2 m2 0.04 A3 m2 0.07 A4 m2 0.09 3 0.25 a = 0.412 m Sch 40 b = 0.2032 m Concrete Weight - Calculation c = 0.412 m Volume V m Concrete Weight ms kg Concrete Weight - Bouyancy ms kg Minimum Less Weight per meter kg/m Minimum Less Weight per unit pipe kg Quantity of concrete weight per unit pipe Quantity of concrete weight per unit pipe selected Total quantity of concrete weight Length between concrete weight m g=2m h=4m 769.05 431.24 99.47 1193.64 2.77 3 402.00 4