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BOOK GIẢI ĐỀ Forecast SP QUÝ 2-2023
English Language Teaching (Trường Đại học FPT)
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Downloaded by Qu?nh Trâm Tr?n (tranquynhtram2001@gmail.com)
1. Hometown
2. Work or studies
3. Writing
4. Friend
5. Sport
6. Food and cooking
7. Social media
8. Home & Accommodation
9. Fast food
10. Summer
11. Language
12. The area you live in
13. Technology
14. Outer space and stars
15. Jewelry
16. T-shirt
17. Weekend
18. Small business
19. Key
20. Chocolate
21. Library
22. Home decoration
23. Scenery
24. Staying up late
1. Place/ Travel
2. Friends
3. Buildings
4. Outdoor activities
5. Meal
6. School
7. Movie
8. Colleagues/ Classmates
9. Famous people
10. Hotel
11. Role models
12. Pollution
13. Foreign languages
14. Learning
In cooperation with
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1. Where are you from? (Where is your hometown?)
Well, I was born and raised in Ho Chi Minh City which is one of the biggest cities in Vietnam. You
know, HCM is a bustling metropolis(1) with a complex history and colonial structure remains(2).
1. A bustling metropolis (n): thành phố lớn nhộn nhịp
2. Colonial structure remains (n): những công trình còn tồn tại từ thời kỳ đô hộ
2. Do you like your hometown? What do you like about your hometown?
Honestly, I do take a lot of pride in being a citizen here. What I mean here is that I have all the modern
amenities(1) such as, hospitals, parks, recreational centers and better job opportunities. Besides,
I can witness the evolution(2) and development of my city with an array of skyscrapers and new
buildings have been built in recent years. I think it is true to say that this is the city that never sleeps.
1. Amenities (n): tiện ích
2. Evolution (n): sự phát triển
3. Would you prefer to live somewhere else? (Why)?
To be honest, I am not kind of a city person(1) and I am quite fed up with(2) the traffic jam in the city,
so if I were to live somewhere else, it would have to be somewhere off the beaten track to escape
the hustle and bustle of city life(3). That way, I can be closer to nature and soak up(4) fresh air every
1. A city person (n): con người thành phố thích sự náo nhiệt
2. Fed up with (adj): chán nản
3. The hustle and bustle of city life: sự hối hả và ồn ào của thành phố
4. Soak up (v): hít thở
4. Does your hometown have a lot of tourists?
Definitely Yes. Although Ha Noi, the capital of Vietnam, is more ancient(1), I think Ho Chi Minh city has
its own uniqueness and is famous for its booming economy(2) and terrific nightlife. There are hordes
of tourists flocking(3) into some tourist attractions(4) such as night markets, or Cu Chi tunnels.
1. Ancient (adj): cổ kính
2. Booming economy (n): nền kinh tế phát triển mạnh
3. Hordes of tourists flocking: sự đổ dồn của khách du lịch
4. Tourist attractions (n): những điểm du lịch thu hút
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1. Are you working or are you a student?
Well, currently I’m a writer that takes commissions(1) in the content writing field(2). I have been doing
this kind of job for a year. But in the future, I am thinking of applying for a teaching position at a
language centre, since my university major is pedagogy(3).
1. To take commissions (v): nhận và làm theo yêu cầu của khách hàng (vẽ, viết,…)
2. Field (n): lĩnh vực
3. Pedagogy (n): sư phạm
2. What are your responsibilities?
Being a content writer(1), I take writing commissions from my clients. There are a lot of topics for
me to write about, mostly academic(2) articles like “12 basic English tenses” or “5 common English
idioms every student should know”.
1. Content writer (n): người viết, sáng tạo nội dung
2. Academic (adj): học thuật
3. Why did you choose to do that type of work (or that job)?
First of all, it’s because I have a thing for(1) writing. I started to write stories when I was in 7th grade
and gradually developed my skills as well as my passion(2) for being a penman(3) over the years.
Moreover, since I am waiting for a full-time job as a teacher, I suppose I could earn a little living(4)
with my hobby.
1. To have a thing for (v): ưa thích điều gì, hoạt động gì
2. Passion (n): đam mê
3. Penman (n): người cầm bút, gần nghĩa với “writer” hoặc “author”
4. To earn a living (v): kiếm tiền
4. Is there some other kind of work you would rather do?
At present, I don’t think I’m able to dedicate(1) myself to any other job rather than being a teacher and
a writer. In fact, to me, it’s the experiences and opportunities I can gain that really matter(2).
1. To dedicate (v): cống hiến
2. To matter (v): quan trọng
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5. Do you enjoy your work?
Most of the time. It lets me be creative(1) and gives me a sense of(2) satisfaction and pride whenever
my articles or stories get approved by the clients.
1. Creative (adj): sáng tạo
2. A sense of: cảm giác (thoải mái, hài lòng, tự hào,…)
6. What do you like/dislike about your job?
Sometimes it really winds me up(1) when I cannot think of anything to write, I call that a writer’s
block(2) and it’s pretty irritating to(3) me, I’d say. I hope it only happens once in a blue moon(4).
1. To wind someone up: làm ai đó bực mình
2. Writer’s block: bị bí ý tưởng (viết lách)
3. To be irritating to someone: làm ai đó phiền hà, bực bội
4. Once in a blue moon: hiếm khi
7. Are you working or are you a student?
I am a final-year student at the HCMC University of Pedagogy. I studied French there to become a
teacher. Currently while waiting for my job application(1) to be approved(2) by a local high school, I
am working at home as a freelance(3) writer.
1. Job application (n): đơn xin việc
2. To be approved (v): chấp thuận
3. Freelance (adj): (nghề) tự do
8. What is your area of specialisation?
I studied French. As I enrolled(1) in the University of Pedagogy, I learnt about the linguistic(2) aspects(3)
of this language to be able to teach it in high school.
1. To enroll (v): đăng ký (học)
2. Linguistic (adj): ngôn ngữ học
3. Aspect (n): khía cạnh
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9. Why did you choose to study that major?
To be frank(1) with you, since I grew up learning English, it was not my first idea to study French or
enrolled in the University of Pedagogy. However, after failing the entrance exam from the University
of Medicine and Pharmacy, I was inspired by a relative to learn French and become a teacher, so I
decided to give it a go(2).
1. To be frank: nói thật thì
2. To give it a go: thử làm gì đó
10. Do you like your major? (Why?/Why not?)
As I’ve mentioned, I am more familiar with English than French so at first, it was like a nightmare
learning academic French. I struggled a lot with(1) it for 2 years, sometimes admitting(2) that it was
not my cup of tea(3), but I can do nothing since it was my choice to enroll in this major, so I have to
keep up with(4) it and then I gradually began to like it. After all these years, however, I’d said that I
wouldn’t regret studying this language.
1. To struggle with sth (v): gặp khó khăn với điều gì đó, tình huống nào đó
2. To admit (v): thừa nhận
3. One’s cup of tea: điều ưa thích
4. To keep up with (v): theo kịp
11. What was your favourite subject as a child?
I liked Art a lot when I was a kid. Back then it was very interesting for me to draw things and be
creative. My painting always got high scores.
Back then: hồi đó, khi đó (dùng để hồi tưởng)
12. Are you looking forward to working?
Absolutely! Especially when I can do the job I love. Not only will it help me cover the living expenses(1),
but it’ll also give me the joy of making a contribution(2) to society.
1. To cover the living expenses (v): chi trả cho cuộc sống
2. Contribution (n): đóng góp
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1. Do you write a lot?
Answer 1: Yes, kind of(1). As a student, I take notes in class, and after that, I have lots of written
assignments(2) to complete. Then, while taking the test, I use my gel pen for hours to complete the
answer sheet. I suppose(3) that’s why I frequently visit the stationery(4) store.
1. Kind of: kiểu như vậy
2. Assignment (n): bài tập
3. Suppose (v): cho rằng
4. Stationery (n): văn phòng phẩm
Answer 2: Yeah, I like to write. I have a tendency(1) to jot down(2) everything that is significant
because my memory is like a sieve(3). The best method is to write it down on my notepad.
1. Tendency (n): xu hướng
2. Jot down (v): ghi chú
3. Like a sieve (adj): tính hay quên
Answer 3: Yes of course. This is an integral(1) part of my job as a teacher. However, these days I
mostly type on my computer or write messages on my cell phone, and rarely(2) use paper or pens.
You should only take notes where laptops are not allowed(3). I think it really hurts.
1. Integral (adj): không thể thiếu
2. Rarely (adv): hiếm khi
3. Allow (v): cho phép
2. What do you like to write? Why?
Answer 1: I was never a good writer, but because my major(1) involved a lot of research, I became
interested in writing research papers. I enjoy reading past research, formulating(2) research
questions, conducting experiments(3), and putting it all together in my essay. While it can be difficult,
especially with my propensity for procrastination(4), I am very content to(5) spend days and weeks
on an article and get everything in place.
1. Major (n): chuyên ngành
2. Formulate (v): xây dựng
3. Conduct Experiment: tiến hành thí nghiệm
4. Propensity for procrastination: xu hướng trì hoãn
5. Be content to (adj): hài lòng
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Answer 2: Well, normally(1) I’d love to write something academic(2) because it’s part of my job for a
living. I am an IELTS teacher and I coach(3) my students to write academic essays. These are often
difficult and strenuous(4) articles because you need a lot of knowledge, skills, and strategies(5) to
write academically. I mean you need to know a lot of collocations(6), how to explain ideas logically(7)
and avoid using slang and overly(9) formal phrases.
1. Normally (adv): thông thường
2. Academic (adj): học thuật
3. Coach (v): hướng dẫn
4. Strenuous (adj): vất vả
5. Strategy (n): chiến lược
6. Collocation (n): cụm từ
7. Logically (adv): theo hướng logic
8. Slang (n): từ lóng
9. Overly (adv): quá mức
3. Do you think the things you write would change?
Answer 1: Not really. I hope to one day be a researcher(1) in my field(2), so I guess what I write won’t
change anytime soon. However, I hope that the quality of my work will improve, because my career(3)
will depend on(4) it. on an article and get everything in place.
1. Researcher (n): nhà nghiên cứu
2. Field (n): lĩnh vực
3. Career (n): sự nghiệp
4. Depend on (v): phụ thuộc vào
Answer 2: Yes, I think so. Mainly(1) because I’m an artist and also an avid reader(2). I’m a huge fan of(3)
romance novels and I thought I’d try writing novels. This seems appealing(4) to me as I like to let my
creativity run wild when it comes to writing and developing interesting storylines.
1. Mainly (adv): chủ yếu
2. Avid reader (n): người ham đọc sách
3. Be fan of: là người thích
4. Appealing (adj): hấp dẫn
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4. Do you prefer typing or handwriting when you are writing?
Answer 1: When I was younger, I preferred handwriting(1) to typing(2) because I wanted each essay
to have a personal touch(3). This perspective(4) changed quite quickly when I started college. Each
assignment should be submitted(5) in electronic form and it will be more convenient to enter it on a
computer. In addition, using a computer makes it easier for me to cite(6) articles and references(7).
1. Handwriting (n): việc viết tay
2. Typing (n): việc đánh máy
3. Touch (n): dấu ấn, liên lạc
4. Perspective (n): quan điểm
5. Submit (v): nộp bài
6. Cite (v): trích dẫn
7. Reference (n): tài liệu tham khảo
Answer 2: Well, you know, nowadays modern technologies have largely eliminated(1) handwriting
and you don’t see people handwriting as much as in the past. However, I still think that some things
need to be handwritten(2). For example, you should handwrite wedding invitations(3) to show
respect(4)to your guests(5).
1. Eliminate (v): loại bỏ
2. Be handwritten: được viết bằng tay
3. Invitation (n): thiệp mời
4. Respect (n): sự tôn trọng
5. Guests (n): khách
5. Did you like writing things when you were a child?
Answer 1: Oh, I really like that. Writing something calms(1) and relaxes(2) me, so I try to write whenever
I have free time. The moment the pencil touched the paper, the words literally(3) flew out(4) and I flew
to my dreamland. It was a great experience .
1. Calm (v): làm bình tĩnh
2. Relax (v): làm vui vẻ
3. Literally (adv): theo đúng nghĩa đen
4. Flew out (v): bay ra
Answer 2: Absolutely(1), I loved writing with a pen in my childhood. My parents used to scold(2) me
for writing in my diary(3) and other important office documents(4) when I took the pen. And of course
I used to cry a lot to get a pen from there so I could draw or write on paper or on the wall with it.
1. Absolutely (adv): chắc chắn
2. Scold (v): trách mắng
3. Diary (n): nhật ký
4. Document (n): tài liệu
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6. Do you think computers might one day replace handwriting?
Answer 1: Sure, I believe that. While the number of people writing with pens is decreasing(1), the use
of electronic devices(2) such as computers and smartphones is increasing(3). As a result, all note
prints obtained(4) from these devices look the same and will therefore replace(5) handwriting in the
near future.
1. Decrease (v): giảm đi
2. Electronic device (n): thiết bị điện
3. Increase (v): tăng lên
4. Obtain (v): đạt được
5. Replace (v): thay thế
Answer 2: In fact(1), people are so used to(2) computers and mobile phones that they can replace
handwriting. I remember when I went to Delhi last month, there was a place where no one used a
pen and used a computer or a mobile phone to write.
1. In fact: thực tế là
2. Be used to: quen với
1. Do you have a lot of friends?
I don’t have many because it would take a lot of time to keep in touch(1) with everyone. I only
have one best friend and moreover, I prefer spending my time maintaining(2) a good friendship than
having a lot of acquaintances(3).
1. To keep in touch (v): giữ liên lạc
2. To maintain (v): gìn giữ
3. Acquaintance (n): xã giao
2. Do you keep in contact with friends from your childhood?
I don’t think so. It’s not because of any animosity(1). We simply drifted apart(2) and lost touch(3). You
know, as we grew older, we moved to different cities and countries, and we no longer share the
same experiences or feelings.
1. Animosity (n): sự bất hòa, thù địch
2. To drift apart (v): tách xa nhau
3. To lost touch (v): mất liên lạc
Downloaded by Qu?nh Trâm Tr?n (tranquynhtram2001@gmail.com)
3. How often do you go out with your friend(s)?
Since we are quite busy working people(1), we only go out once a week. My best friend and I talk
together about the place we should go on weekends and we usually end up(2) at a nearby(3) coffee
shop, where we can sit and gossip about everything that happened to us the whole week.
1. Working people (n): những người đi làm
2. To end up (v): kết thúc, rốt cuộc
3. Nearby (adj): gần đó
1. Do you like playing sports?
To be honest, I like sports, but I prefer watching it to playing it. I like cheering for my sports team,
but I don’t like being exhausted and sweaty.
Cheer (v): cổ vũ
2. Do most people in your country like sports?
Most people I know are crazy about football. In fact, whenever our national football team plays,
friends and families gather and watch together.
Be crazy about s.th: phát cuồng vì điều gì
3. What sports are popular in your country?
Beside football, many young people are into(1) basketball. Other sports that you could find people
playing at parks in the morning are shuttlecock(2) and badminton. These two sports are easy to play
and generally don’t cost too much.
1. Be into something: yêu thích/quan tâm cái gì đó
2. Shuttlecock (n): môn đá cầu
4. What sport would you like to try in the future?
While I don’t like to push myself a lot, I find pole vaulting(1) quite intriguing(2). If I have an opportunity
to do it, I would do it for once. But I don’t see myself doing it regularly.
1. Pole vaulting (n): nhảy sào
2. Intriguing (adj): thú vị
Downloaded by Qu?nh Trâm Tr?n (tranquynhtram2001@gmail.com)
1. What kind of food do you like to eat?
For me, I mainly enjoy eating homemade food(1). They are not only made from organic(2) materials,
but also are hygienic(3) and chemical-free(4). Although I have a thing for eating in, my preference(5)
does not prevent me from dining outside.
1. Homemade food (n): món ăn làm tại nhà
2. Organic (adj): hữu cơ
3. Hygienic (adj): vệ sinh
4. Chemical-free (adj): không có chất hóa học
5. Preference (n): sự ưa thích
2. What kind of new food would you like to try?
I’ve never tried Chinese food and now I am thinking of trying it, a friend of mine convinced(1) me that
I would enjoy it since that kind of food is quite tasty(2). I intend(3) to take my family to a well-known(4)
Chinese restaurant in near my house. Aside from that, I’d like to try Japanese dishes.
1. To convince (v): thuyết phục
2. Tasty (adj): (món ăn) ngon
3. To intend (v): dự định
4. Well-known (adj): nổi tiếng
3. Do you like cooking? Why/ Why not?
My answer is a big yes. Cooking is one of my favourite hobbies, every time I cook I always feel less
stressed. Another reason is that I like cooking because I think it’s a lot healthier(1) than eating out(2)
all the time.
1. Healthier (adj): khỏe mạnh hơn, đảm bảo sức khỏe hơn
2. To eat out (v): đi ăn ở ngoài, ăn nhà hàng
4. Do you think that it’s important to know how to cook well?
Although I’m not sure if it’s important to cook well, I do believe that everyone should be familiar with
the basics since it is not good for our health if we rely(1) too much on fast food or pre-made(2) meals.
Also, knowing how to cook will also help you enhance(3) life skills like eating nutritious, saving your
money(4), and cleaning.
1. To rely (v): dựa dẫm
2. Pre-made (adj): làm sẵn
3. To enhance (v): nâng cao, cải thiện
4. To save money (v): để dành, tiết kiệm tiền
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5. What are some kinds of food you never eat? Why?
Food items that are on my “not-preferable list”(1) are something too spicy(2). I am not a fan of(3) chilli
and ever since that kind of spicy food is on my dislike list(4) and I never order or prepare them.
1. Not-preferable list (n): danh sách không ưa thích
2. Spicy (adj): cay
3. To be not a fan of (v): không phải “fan”, không thích
4. Dislike list (n): danh sách không ưa thích
1. What kinds of social networking websites do you like to use?
Like most of my friends, I use Facebook. I used to upload many photos on this site. However, I am
now more careful with what I post online so I just use the messenger function to chat with my
Function (n): chức năng
2. Is it easy for you to make friends on social networking websites?
I would rather say that it’s easier to connect and talk to people on social media. Friends are people
who I can trust, and I certainly don’t trust strangers online.
Stranger (n): người lạ
3. Will you use these sites more in the future?
I hope I can cut back on the time I spend on these services as I want to spend more time with people
in real life. I realised that even though I can talk to many online, nothing can beat real-life interaction.
Interaction (n): tương tác
1. Do you live in a house or an apartment?
I live in a house that is located in a small alley(1) in district 3 with my family. Because of district 3 is
considered as the heart of Ho Chi Minh city, all amenities(2) are available within walking distance(3),
like markets, churches, hospitals and all kinds of fashion shops and restaurants. That means I can
easily grab anything I need in just a few minutes. So I really enjoy my life there.
1. Alley (n): đường hẻm
2. Amenity (n): tiện ích
3. Walking distance (n): bán kính có thể đi bộ được
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2. Would you like to move to a different home in the future?
Although my current accommodation is perfectly fine, I would love to experience living in a cottage(1)
once. Since it was my childhood dream to live near a forest, a small thatched-roof(2) and rustic
house located quietly at the the edge of a jungle would be my dream house.
It would be made of timber(3) and have 2 rooms, one’s for me and the other is for the guests. It
sounds small but it would be cozy(4) and fully-furnitured(5) by only environmentally friendly interior
ornaments(6) and other necessary mod cons(7).
1. Cottage (n): nhà nhỏ ở vùng quê
2. Thatched-roof (n): mái tranh
3. Timber (n): gỗ
4. Cozy (adj): ấm cúng
5. Fully-furnitured (adj): tiện nghi
6. Interior ornament (n): đồ nội thất
7. Mod con (n): tiện ích
1. What kinds of fast food have you tried?
Well, I consider myself a fast food addict(1), so it’s quite challenging for me to list out(2) what types
of fast food I've tried. Despite that, mixed rice paper(3), sausages, and fried chicken are first things
coming to my mind whenever I’m starving(4).
1. Fast food addict (n): người nghiện đồ ăn nhanh
2. List out (v): liệt kê
3. Mixed rice paper (n): bánh tráng trộn
4. Starving (adj): đói cồn cào
2. Do you ever use a microwave to cook food quickly?
For me who always tries my best to balance(1) my work and my life, using the microwave to heat food
will help optimize(2) my time budget(3). So I regularly use the microwave at home and at my company
which saves me half the time compared to having to cook for myself.
1. Balance (v): cân bằng
2. Optimize (v): tối ưu hóa
3. Time budget (n): quỹ thời gian
Downloaded by Qu?nh Trâm Tr?n (tranquynhtram2001@gmail.com)
3. How popular are fast food restaurants where you live?
I have to proudly say that, if you live in Vietnam, especially Ho Chi Minh City, you will never have to
worry about food shortage(1). Especially, in recent years, thanks to the increasing desire(2) for fast
food of the young generation(3), more and more convenience food(4) shops and restaurants have
been born. They are present along the streets, even in small alleys.
1. Food shortage (n): tình trạng thiếu hụt thức ăn
2. Desire (n): nhu cầu, mong muốn
3. Young generation (n): thế hệ trẻ
4. Convenience food (n) = fast food
4. When would you go to a fast-food restaurant?
Actually, I'm an extrovert(1) that’s why most of the times I go into drive-in restaurants(2) are when
hanging out with friends or after school, at lunchtime, or during recess(3). Besides refreshing but still
saving time, going to a fast food restaurant at such times will be extremely cool to rest.
1. Extrovert (n): người hướng ngoại
2. Drive-in restaurant (n): = fast food restaurant
3. Recess (n): giờ ra chơi, giải lao
1. Is summer your favourite time of year?
Yes, of course, I’m a big fan of summer festivals and backpacking trips(1). Although to some people
summer can seem searing(2) and discomforting(3), to me it brings vibrant(4), youthful(5) energy,
pushing me to be more active and experience new things.
1. Backpacking trip (n): chuyến đi phượt
2. Searing (adj): nóng nực
3. Discomforting (adj): khó chịu
4. Vibrant (adj): sôi động
5. Youthful (adj): tươi trẻ
2. What do you do in summer when the weather’s very hot?
Although I love summer and outdoor activities, when the temperature is too high, joining activities
under high UV rays will cause skin cancer(1) and heatstroke(2). Therefore, I will choose to go to
commercial centers(3) where there are air conditioners to drink water, watch movies, and participate
in indoor games with friends.
1. Skin cancer (n): ung thư da
2. Heatstroke (n): tình trạng say nắng
3. Commercial center (n): trung tâm thương mại
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3. Do you go on holiday every summer?
Every year, I plan outings(1) to distinctive(2) places, from domestic to foreign. Because summer is
the longest time off, it's an opportunity for me to gather with family and friends. We often go to the
beach, climb mountains, or explore historical monuments(3).
1. Outing (n): chuyến đi chơi
2. Distinctive (adj): khác biệt
3. Historical monument (n): di tích lịch sử
4. Did you enjoy the summer holidays when you were at school?
Absolutely yes, when I was in school, I used to try to get good grades so that my parents could
let me go on vacation in the summer. Those outings I see as a wonderful reward for my efforts
throughout the year. Most of the time, my parents let me go to Vung Tau, go back to my hometown,
or visit our relatives.
1. Do you like learning languages?
Absolutely, I am always keen on mastering some new languages because I believe language skills
are the key to opportunities. You know, if I am bilingual(1) or multilingual(2), I can travel to other parts
of the world with ease and expand my horizon(3) while talking to people from different countries.
1. Bilingual (adj): biết nói 2 thứ tiếng
2. Multilingual (adj): biết nói nhiều thứ tiếng
3. Expand one’s horizon: mở rộng tầm mắt
2. What languages can you speak?
My mother tongue(1) is Vietnamese and I also use English as my second language. I’m also taking
Chinese classes every weekend because of its widespread use and numerous benefits that come
along with it. I am now able to hold simple daily conversations in this language but I still have a long
way to go(2).
1. Mother tongue (n): tiếng mẹ đẻ
2. Have a long way to go: còn chặng đường dài phía trước (chỉ sự khó khăn)
3. How did you learn the languages that you know?
I think the most effective way to learn a language is to practice more with native speakers. I made
a lot of foreign friends who speak English so I try to talk to them as much as possible. With other
languages, I’m making frequent use of studying applications, which are doing a great job(1) in
reminding me to keep up with(2) my study plans.
1. Do a great job: làm tốt
2. Keep up with s.th: theo kịp cái gì
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4. Do you think that English is difficult to learn?
I learned how to familiarize(1) myself with the language from a tender age, so I did not have to
struggle to learn English at all. By incorporating(2) English learning into my everyday life, I was able to
understand almost everything written in English since I was pretty young. But, of course, it did take
quite a long time to be able to speak and write the language fluently.
1. Familiarize (v): làm quen
2. Incorporate (v): kết hợp
5. Do you think foreigners should learn your country’s language when
they arrive there?
Vietnamese is a tonal language(1) with six different tones that dictate(2) the meaning of a word. The
high number of vowel sounds also prove difficult for English speakers to nail down(3). But I think
it’s obviously in their best interest to pick up a few basic words or phrases in our native language
because it is fun and would transform their traveling experience in a way they never knew before.
1. Tonal language: ngôn ngữ có thanh điệu
2. Dictate (v): đọc (chính tả)
3. Nail down: thành công, đạt được
1. Do you live in a house or in an apartment?
When I was a child, I used to live together with my parents in a house. It was a two-story(1) house in
the downtown(2) of HoChiMinh city, district 7. But now I moved to a brand new apartment. It’s in Go
Vap district, pretty far from the center of the city but the living cost(3) is reasonable and it’s a tradeoff(5) I’m willing to make.
1. Two-story (adj): hai tầng
2. Downtown (n): khu vực trung tâm
3. Living cost (n): chi phí trang trải cuộc sống
4. Reasonable (adj): giá cả phải chăng
5. Trade-off (n): sự đánh đổi
2. What do you most like about where you live now?
The convenience is the best thing here. You know, on the ground floor of every apartment, they
always have coffee shops, mini groceries stores, ATMs, etc. I can pop in(1) quickly if I run out of(2)
something. Another feature that I have to mention is security. They have 24/7 security services
including CCTV to protect us from any kinds of criminals.
1. Pop in (v): ghé qua/ ghé vào
2. Run out of (v) : cạn/ hết sạch một thứ gì đó
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3. How long have you been living here?
Just about 2 years I think. It’s a good place to live but I’m planning to move back downtown right
after my tenancy contract is over. It’s a weird thing to say but I love traveling and moving alot, not
staying at one place for too long.
Tenancy contract (n): hợp đồng thuê nhà
4. Which neighborhood are you living in?
A metropolis(1) I can say so. Skyscrapers(2), traffic jams, crowded streets,… are popular things
you can easily find in this area. But don’t miss my point. I love this fast-paced(3) living vibe in my
neighborhood. It fits me so well.
1. Metropolis (n): thành phố lớn
2. Skyscraper (n): tòa nhà chọc trời
3. Fast-paced (adj): hối hả
5. Do you like the area you live in?
100% yes. I have everything I need right in my neighborhood. SInce I was born and raised here in Ho
Chi Minh city, I love the food, the people and all of the conveniences we have here. It is also one of
the most worth-living city in Vietnam with many career opportunities and fascinating entertaining
services. I just can’t imagine the day that I have to move to anywhere else.
Worth-living (adj): đáng sống
6. How has your area changed recently?
There have been some remarkable changes in this area. When I was a kid, there were some lakes
and paddle fields right in front of my house. The neighborhood was so deserted. Then more and
more immigrants from other provinces, even other cities, came and together we have built up such
a crowded, close-knit community now.
Deserted (adj): vắng vẻ
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7. Do you know any famous people in your area?
No, I don’t think public figures(1) will choose to live in my neighborhood. Don’t get me wrong. It is
still a lovely place for me. But you know, celebrities love luxurious(2), top-class(3) real estates(4). And
my place is just a mid-tier(5) area. I have never seen any movie stars or famous singers close to my
1. Public figure (n) = celebrity: người nổi tiếng
2. Luxurious (adj): sang trọng
3. Top-class (adj): cao cấp
4. Real estate (n): bất động sản
5. Mid-tier (adj): tầm trung
8. Where do you like to go in your area?
Well there is a brand new park close to my place. And that quickly become one of my favorite spots
in the area. I usually take a morning walk out there with my dog. It is pretty chilled in the morning,
you know. The atmosphere is super comfy and quiet. Sometimes I see a small group of elderly(1)
practicing tai chi(2). I just enjoy being there alone, sitting on a couch. What a peaceful moment
among the hustle and bustle(3) of the city.
1. Elderly (n): người cao tuổi
2. Tai chi (n): Thái Cực Quyền
3. Hustle and bustle of the city: nhịp sống hối hả nơi thành thị
9. Do you like crowded places? Why?
As mentioned above, I enjoy quiet and peaceful places. So my answer is no. I don’t feel comfortable
being around tons of strangers or being . I consider myself as an introverted(1) person. Besides,
being in crowded places such as theaters or supermarkets makes me feel pretty chaotic(2). It is some
kind of social awkwardness(3) isn’t it?
1. Introverted (adj): hướng nội
2. Chaotic (adj): hỗn loạn
3. Social awkwardness (n): sự ngại giao tiếp
1. Do you enjoy using technology?
Although I wouldn’t describe myself as a techie or computer nerd, I do enjoy utilizing computers. I
want to learn more about how they operate. I never know what to do when my pc fails.
Techie = computer nerd (n): dân chuộng công nghệ, máy tính
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2. Do you use the Internet in your studies/work?
Yes. Without it, I’d be lost. I frequently participate in video conferences to practice speaking, and I
also frequently connect with other students on Facebook and download podcasts that cover English
grammar and vocabulary.
Conference (n): Hội nghị
3. Do you have your own computer?
Yes, I own both a laptop and a personal computer. My laptop is primarily used for education. I carry
it to school because it is portable(1) and simply fits in my bag. I use my PC for word processing(2) and
web browsing(3) because it has a big screen and a comfortable keyboard. It’s an ancient(4) machine,
but it works just fine.
1. Portable (adj): dễ mang đi
2. Word processing (n): xử lý văn bản
3. Web browsing (n): duyệt web
4. Ancient (adj): cổ, cũ
4. What technology do you often use, computers or cellphones?
Actually, I frequently utilize both. I do a variety of tasks on my laptop, including viewing movies,
working on homework and essays, and taking online classes. I primarily use my smartphone for
social activities like WeChat conversations with family and friends, sharing images and brief films
on social media, and other such things.
Brief film (n): video ngắn
5. What technology do you use when you study?
Numerous technologies support my academic work(1). Among these, a laptop and a cell phone are
First off, having a laptop in the classroom makes it much easier for me to take notes. It also helps
me to pass along my notes to friends when needed. It thus makes it quite simple for everyone to
understand lectures.
Second, anytime I miss a lecture, using mobile phone technology enables me to stay in touch with
my pals(2). Most importantly, it facilitates(3) my ability to conduct(4) research while traveling to the
institution(5). Consequently, I have more time to work on my subject.
1. Academic work (n): công việc học tập
2. Pal (n): bạn thân
3. Facilitate (v): tạo thuận lợi
4. Conduct (v): tiến hành, ứng xử
5. Institution (n): tổ chức
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1. Can you see many stars at night where you live?
Well, this area has very little light pollution. As a result, you can see planets like Mars in addition to
stars and constellations(1). You can even view objects like the Orion Nebula(2), for instance, if you
travel further out into the hamlet(3), where there are essentially(4) no people. There is nothing else
that I can think of that you could see, but they are all up there shining brightly. That’s wonderful, then.
1. Constellation (n): Chòm sao
2. Orion Nebula (n): Tinh vân Orion
3. Hamlet (n): Ngôi làng nhỏ
4. Essentially (adv) = basically: Về cơ bản
2. What do you think about traveling to outer space?
That intrigues(1) me because I think there could be more life forms out there. Also, learning more
about the numerous(2) intricate(3) galaxies that surround us is fascinating(4). I think the cosmos(5) is
far larger than just Earth.
1. Intrigue (v): Hứng thú, kích thích trí tò mò
2. Numerous (adj): Rất nhiều
3. Intricate (adj): Phức tạp
4. Fascinating (adj): Hấp dẫn, quyến rũ
5. Cosmos (n): Vũ trụ (nói chung)
3. What would you prepare on a trip to outer space?
As I’ve seen in images, there is certainly appropriate astronautical gear(1). In addition, I’d like to carry
a camera or film so I can show my friends back on earth what I observed. Last but not least, I’d like
to carry something from Earth in case I accidentally(2) discover another life form there.
1. Astronautical gear (n): Thiết bị du hành vũ trụ
2. Accidentally (adv): Tình cờ
4. Do you want to go into outer space in the future?
Of course! I would be really curious(1) to find out what more is out there. But I’m not sure if that would
occur in my lifetime. Yet I’ve heard that someday, humans could be able to travel to space. I think
there’s a chance for(2) it! I’m always amazed(3) by what the future holds.
1. Curious (adj): Tò mò
2. There’s a chance for sb: Có cơ hội cho ai
3. Amazed (adj): Kinh ngạc
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5. Do you enjoy looking at the stars?
Yes, I do. When I’m alone and bored at night, I really like to look up at the stars. I’m not too skilled(1) at
astronomy(2), but I do enjoy watching the sky at night. My friends and I have occasionally(3) driven
to the beach to enjoy the breathtaking(4) sunsets there.
1. Skilled (adj): có hiểu biết
2. Astronomy (n): thiên văn học
3. Occasionally (adv): thỉnh thoảng
4. Breathtaking (adj): hấp dẫn, ngoạn mục.
6. What would you do if you had the chance to go into space?
I think I’ll do a flip on the Moon. While it’s challenging(1) on Earth, I’ve been eager(2) to do this
for a while. But in space, where there is no gravity, things are different. Maybe it sounds really
corny(3), but I think it’ll be amusing(4).
1. Challenging (adj): Thách thức, khó khăn
2. Eager (adj): Háo hức
3. Corny (adj): Không thú vị
4. Amusing (adj): Vui, thú vị
1. Do you often wear jewelry?
Since most of my time is spent working and studying, wearing sparkling bracelets(1) or large earrings
is considered inappropriate(2) in these environments. Therefore, I must say that I will occasionally
wear jewelry when going to parties or going on dates(3).
1. Sparkling bracelet (n): vòng lấp lánh
2. Inappropriate (adj): không phù hợp
3. Go on dates: đi hẹn hò
2. What type of jewelry do you like?
I am a person who does not like flamboyance(1), so when choosing jewelry, I usually choose small,
simple but delicate(2), and luxurious items. Before going to the party, I often prioritize(3) choosing
earrings that match the outfit that day to increase the highlight for my face.
1. Flamboyance (n): sự lòe loẹt
2. Delicate (adj): tinh tế
3. Prioritize (v): ưu tiên
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3. Do you usually buy jewelry?
To be honest, although I’m really into trinkets, I rarely spend money on buying them for myself.
Most of the gems that I currently own are given to me by other people on special occasions such as
birthdays, International Women's Day, Christmas, and so on.
Trinket = gem (n): trang sức
4. Why do you think some people wear a piece of jewelry for a long
In my opinion, the fact that people are faithful(1) to a certain item, not just jewelry, is because of
the spiritual value(2) they bring. For example, a person would rather lose a diamond ring than lose a
cheap necklace but a memento(3) left by her grandmother before she died.
1. Faithful (adj): trung thành
2. Spiritual value (n): giá trị tinh thần
3. Memento (n): vật kỷ niệm
1. Do you like wearing T-shirts?
For an active person like me, T-shirts are an indispensable(1) item in my wardrobe. I even wear them
every day. I love simplicity(2), so most of the models I choose are usually monochromatic(3) with
gentle tones like black, white, and brown.
1. Indispensable (adj): không thể thiếu
2. Simplicity (n): sự tối giản
3. Monochromatic (adj): đơn sắc
2. How often do you wear T-shirts?
As I said before, because I often have to exercise, I use T-shirts almost every day. They help absorb
sweat(1), creating a cool for the wearer. Especially in the summer, dresses, shirts, and fur coats will
be completely replaced(2) by my cool T-shirts.
1. Absorb sweat (v): thấm hút mồ hôi
2. Replace (v): thay thế
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3. Do you like T-shirts with pictures or prints?
I prefer to have small prints with text or logos on the T-shirts instead of fancy drawings(1). Because
I can wear them anywhere without worrying that people will notice and gossip(2) about my style.
1. Fancy drawing (n): hình vẽ cầu kỳ
2. Gossip (v): bàn tán, đàm tiếu
4. Do you think older people who wear T-shirts are fashionable?
I have to admit that when older people wear T-shirts, it exudes(1) a very attractive aura(2). For me,
T-shirt is an outfit that is never picky(3) about the age or gender of the wearer. That's why when
choosing group and family outfits, people often prioritize T-shirts.
1. Exude (v): toát ra
2. Aura (n): thần thái
3. Picky (adj): kén chọn
5. Would you buy T-shirts as souvenirs on vacation?
When traveling, I tend to buy beautiful small handmade items rather than a typical T-shirt with a
picture of that place. The first reason is that the price of such t-shirts is usually very expensive. In
addition, there will be a few suitable occasions to wear that T-shirt.
1. How do you usually spend your weekends?
My weekends are often relaxing. I usually have breakfast and coffee in a small café near my
apartment. The rest of the time, I either read books in my room or hang out with my friends.
Either … or … : làm việc này hoặc việc kia
2. Which is your favourite part of the weekend?
Friday’s and Saturday’s evenings because I could stay up later(1) than usual and watch my favourite
series(2) on Netflix. Sometimes, I use this time to chat with my friends who live abroad.
1. Stay up late: thức khuya
2. Series (n): chương trình/ phim nhiều tập (khác với movie)
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3. Do you think your weekends are long enough?
I’m quite content with the length of my weekends. Two days are enough for me to put my hair down
and get ready for a new week of work.
Content (adj): hài lòng
4. How important do you think it is to have free time on the weekends?
Even though I like my job, I think having time to wind down(1) is a must(2). It gives me time to cool my
engine down and reflect upon(3) my achievements as well as my flaws(4) in the past week.
1. Wind down (phrasal verb): thư giãn
2. Must (n): điều bắt buộc
3. Reflect upon/on (verb): chiêm nghiệm, tự đánh giá
4. Flaw (n): lỗi lầm, điều chưa tốt
1. How often do you shop at small businesses?
Due to my busy work, I often choose to shop for essentials(1) at small businesses rather than wander
around(2) in crowded and expensive shopping malls. Small business models are often scattered(3)
along the streets, which are convenient for getting in and out instead of waiting for parking at
supermarkets and malls.
1. Essentials (n): nhu yếu phẩm
2. Wander around (v): lượn lờ
3. Scattered (adj): rải rác
2. Do you prefer buying things from small businesses or big
It depends on the items that I want to buy. If they are food and daily necessities(1) I would choose
to buy them at the markets or small grocery stores(2) because the goods are usually cheap and the
food is fresh. However, when it comes to clothes, cosmetics, and electronics, famous businesses
will be my priority.
1. Daily necessities (n): nhu yếu phẩm hằng ngày
2. Grocery store (n): tiệm tạp hóa
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3. Are there many small businesses where you live?
The place where I live is Ho Chi Minh City - a crowded, bustling urban area(1) with densely packed
housing(2). Just stepping out of the house, we easily find small private grocery stores, and a variety
of convenience stores. This is one of my favourite things that makes me proud every time I think
about my residence(3).
1. Crowded, bustling urban area (n): khu đô thị đông đúc, nhộn nhịp
2. Densely packed housing: Khu nhà ở đông đúc
3. Recidence (n): nơi ở
4. Would you prefer to work for a small business or a large business?
Like many other young individuals, I'll decide to submit applications to well-known, sizable
companies(1). Because I believe that, there, I will have a specific career development orientation(2),
high promotion opportunities, a good working environment, especially the salary and welfare
regime(3) will be better than small and medium enterprises.
1. Sizable company (n): công ty lớn
2. Specific career development orientation (n): Sự định hướng phát triển nghề nghiệp cụ thể
3. Welfare regime (n): chế độ phúc lợi
19. KEY
1. Do you always bring a lot of keys with you?
Being a forgetful person, I typically only carry the most common keys, such as house and car keys,
with me every day. All other important keys are kept by my parents.
2. Have you ever lost your keys?
Everyone has probably dropped a key at some point in their lives, and I'm certainly no exception(1).
The incident(2) when I lost the locker key in the pool while swimming and it took me two hours to find
it is the one I remember the most. You know, it seems sense that you would drop the keys because
they are so small.
1. Exception (n): ngoại lệ
2. Incident (n): Sự cố
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3. Do you often forget the key and lock yourself out?
This question was specifically intended(1) for me since I have a memory like a sieve(2) and it has
given me a lot of trouble. Typically 2 weeks ago, I locked the door and left without bringing my keys.
As a result, I had to spend money to have a locksmith(3) come to crack the lock and change a new
1. Intend (v): dành cho
2. Have a memory like a sieve (idiom): Có trí nhớ tệ
3. Locksmith (n): thợ sửa khóa
4. Do you think it’s a good idea to leave your keys with a neighbor?
No matter how strongly I believe in my neighbors, I do not support this idea because doing so will
have many negative effects. It may even lead to misunderstandings if there is a loss, which could
affect badly our neighbor relationship.
1. What’s your favorite chocolate flavor?
Well in fact, I have been a huge fan of chocolate since I was a kid. Precisely, I am pretty mad about
dark chocolate. You know, it has a lower proportion(1) of sugar and milk, so you can indulge in the
cocoa’s bitterness and aroma(2) without worrying about gaining weight(3).
In addition, I am also into the matcha flavor. The Japanese powdered green tea makes an incredible
combination(4) with chocolate. It’s a marvelous choice when trying something new.
1. Proportion (n): tỉ lệ
2. Bitterness and aroma (nouns): vị đắng và hương vị
3. Gaining weight (verb phrase): tăng cân
4. Makes an incredible combination (phrase): tạo nên một sự kết hợp đáng kinh ngạc/ tuyệt vời
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2. Is chocolate popular in your country?
Well to be honest, it kind of depends really. To be more exact, young people display a marked
preference(1) for this kind of confectionery(2). I guess it has something to do with the fact that
chocolate has established itself in the rituals of the modern world(3) along with the power of
advertising. It’s quite common if you give your friend or someone you love some bars of chocolate
as a gift, right?
On the other hand, it’s not well-liked by the aged(4). Taking my grandmother as an example, she
prefers traditional treats(5) like candied coconut ribbons(6) to chocolate.
1. Display a marked preference (verb phrase): thể hiện sự yêu thích
2. Confectionery (noun): bánh kẹo
3. Established itself in the rituals of the modern world (verb phrase): củng cố vị thế của nó trong
nghi thức xã hội hiện đại (ý ám chỉ các dịp lễ người ta sẽ tặng nhau chocolate như một hình thức
truyền thống – Valentine’s Day)
4. The aged (noun phrase): người già (số nhiều)
5. Treats (n): món ăn vặt, thường là đồ ngọt
6. Candied coconut ribbons (noun phrase): mứt dừa
3. Do you think people use chocolate differently now than in the
In all fairness, I guess it’s fairly intriguing(1) and innovative especially when it comes to how chefs
devise(2) new ways to incorporate(3) chocolate with other ingredients or their culture. For example,
I was really surprised when finding out that chicken salad with chocolate and vinegar dressing(4) is
quite popular among Parisians(5).
At the same time, old-fashioned(6) chocolate chips and bars still retain(7) much of their sensation(8).
1. Intriguing (a): hấp dẫn
2. Devise (v): tạo/ sáng tạo ra cái mới
3. Incorporate (v): kết hợp
4. Dressing (n): nước sốt dầu giấm cho salad
5. Parisians (n): người sống ở thủ đô Paris
6. Old-fashioned (a): truyền thống
7. Retain (v): giữ lại
8. Sensation (n): sự chú ý/ quan tâm/ sở thích
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4. Is chocolate good for our health?
Generally, chocolate has been reputable for(1) its abundance(2) in healthy nutrients and antioxidants(3).
It’s also proven to promote cardiovascular health. This is definitely the case for dark chocolate or
pure cocoa powder. But you also have to understand that most people tend to have a sweet tooth or
binge on sweets, so they crave for artificially sweetened(4) chocolate containing plenty of synthetic
sugar substitutes which can bring on(6) some health concerns, such as obesity or diabetes(7).
1. Reputable for (a): nổi tiếng /có uy tín
2. Abundance (n): dồi dào/ có nhiều
3. Nutrients and antioxidants (nouns): chất dinh dưỡng và chất chống oxy hóa
4. Artificially sweetened (phrase): làm ngọt nhân tạo
5. Synthetic sugar substitutes (noun phrase): các loại đường tổng hợp
6. Bring on (phrasal verb): gây ra (thường hay dùng với bệnh tật)
7. Obesity or diabetes (nouns): béo phì hoặc tiểu đường
1. Do you often go to the library?
Since work and school take up(1) most of my free time, I no longer(2) visit the library as frequently
as I once did. Additionally, the growth of the Internet made my search for information faster and
more convenient without requiring me to waste time going to the library, all I needed was a phone
or computer.
1. Take up (v): chiếm
2. No longer: không còn
2. What do you usually do in the library?
When I visit the library, the first thing I do is wandering(1) along the bookcases to look at the selection;
it gives me a great sense of satisfaction(2). After that, I would choose a few of my favorite novels,
brew(3) some coffee, put headphones on, and relish(4) the quiet time.
1. Wander (v): đi dạo
2. A great sense of satisfaction: sự yêu thích, thỏa mãn
3. Brew (v): pha (nước)
4. Relish (v): tận hưởng
3. Did you go to the library when you were a child?
Yes, I used to spend recess(1) on reading comic books in the school library to hide the sun. I also
went to the library with my pals(2) on the days before the exams to look for documents. We also
borrowed books to take home with us for more reading if necessary.
1. Recess (n): giờ ra chơi
2. Pal (n): bạn
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4. Do Vietnamese kids often go to the library?
It is a sad fact that children in the past went to the library more than children today. Because in the
past, when there was no Internet and electronic devices(1), Vietnamese children considered going
to the library to read books and comics as a humane(1) and useful form of entertainment. Today,
children all own phones and tablets with modern games, making the habit of reading books at the
library increasingly lost.
1. Electronic device (n): thiết bị điện tử
2. Humane (adj): tính nhân văn
1. What’s the decoration like in your home?
My home has a vintage theme(1) because I’m living with my parents and grandparents. The
predominant(2) yellow and brown tones, along with the wooden furnishings(3), give the house a
warm and refined ambiance(4). My house isn't particularly tastefully adorned(5) either; instead, it
emphasizes simplicity, neatness, and orderliness(6).
1 Vintage theme (n): phong cách cổ điển
2. Predominant (adj): chủ yếu
3. Furnishings (n): đồ nội thất
4. Ambiance (n): bầu không khí
5. Adorn (v): trang hoàng
6. Orderliness (n): sự ngăn nắp
2. Do people in your country like decorating their home?
Most people want to decorate their house according to their preferences(1), especially on holidays
like Tet. Statistics(2) reveal that more people go shopping for decorating their homes during these
times, demonstrating(3) how much the Vietnamese people value aesthetics(4).
1. Preferences (n): sở thích
2. Statistics (n): số liệu
3. Demonstrate (v): thể hiện
4. Aesthetics (n): tính thẩm mỹ
3. What is the new decorating trend for this year?
I don't pretend to be a trendsetter(1), but from a young person's point of view, the pastel tones are
dominating(2) today's decorating trends. The viewer simultaneously(3) feel at ease and comfortable
thanks to the decoration style.
1. Trendsetter (n): người tạo trend
2. Dominate (v): chiếm ưu thế
3. Simultaneously (adv): đồng thời
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1. What can you see from the windows where you live?
My room’s windows face(1) a busy street. Generally, I get to see vehicles streaming(2) from and to all
directions. It’s dizzying(3) and I can’t say that I enjoy it.
1. To face (v): đối diện
2. To stream (v) : di chuyển theo dòng
3. Dizzying (adj): chóng mặt
2. Is there good scenery in your hometown?
My hometown is Hue and there are a few well-known natural features such as the Hương river and
Ngư Bình mountain. To be honest, I’ve never been to these places so I can’t attest(1) to their beauty.
However, they are often mentioned in literature for having idyllic(2) scenery.
1. To attest + to something: xác nhận
2. Idyllic (adj): bình dị, hữu tình
3. Do you like to take pictures of good scenery?
Yes, I love having my own photos of beautiful scenery as the wallpapers for my cell phone. It takes
a lot of practice and I’m nowhere near the professional level. I’m trying, though!
Wallpaper (n): ảnh nền
4. When you travel, do you like to live in hotels with scenic views?
Ideally, yes. Although I’d like to stress that these room arrangements are often extremely expensive
and when I travel on a budget, I shy away from these.
To shy away from something: né tránh
1. What do you do when you stay up late?
Well I guess my answer might be similar to(1) some of us – working. Especially when me and my team
are way behind the schedule(2). We have to optimize our night time to finish a report, or sometime
to brainstorm(3) new ideas and to get ready for our upcoming meetings. Sounds hard right? But I’ve
got used to(4) it.
1. Be similar to (adj): giống với
2. Behind the schedule: trễ deadline, trễ lịch
3. Brainstorm (v): động não
4. Get used to something: làm quen với một thứ gì đó
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2. Have you ever stayed up all night?
A plenty of times I have to admit(1). Yeah I know that staying up all night is not good for our health.
It will mess up(2) our circadian rhythm. But as we grow up, we barely have enough sleep. Recently I
have been burning the midnight(3) oil for my monthly report. Hate it so much but I have no choice(4).
1. Admit (v): thừa nhận
2. Mess up (v): làm đảo lộn, làm rối loạn
3. Burn the midnight oil: thức khuya làm việc
4. Have no choice: không còn cách nào khác
3. How do you feel when you’ve stayed up late the night before?
I don’t feel good obviously. The next morning will be such a nightmare for me. I usually feel a bit dizzy(1)
and sleepy at the beginning. Sometimes it ends up way more seriously, like losing my concentration
ability(2). But all I need is just a cup of black coffee and a good sleep later on.
1. Dizzy (adj): chóng mặt
2. Concentration ability (n): khả năng tập trung
4. How do you stay awake if you stay up late?
I would go for a cup of black coffee. It can keep you awake for hours. Caffeine works for me in case
of staying up late. Some other solutions are to wash your face with cold water, it will give you a full
refresh of both your mind and your body. Or sometimes upbeat music(1) can help you during your
late night shift(2).
1. Upbeat music: nhạc sôi động
2. Night shift: ca làm việc đêm
5. Is staying up late healthy for you?
It’s definitely a no for me. To be honest I consider myself as a night owl. I usually have to stay up late
until 3 or 4 in the morning, fully packed with(1) reports and tables and the next day is not good at all.
I always feel dizzy, sleepy and sometimes I can’t stifle(2) a big yawn(3) in front of my boss. Shame on
1. Packed with (adj): bận rộn với
2. Stifle (v): ngăn
3. Yawn (n): ngáp
4. Shame on me: thật đáng xấu hổ
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6. Did you stay up late when you were a kid?
Yeah of course. My mom alway made me go to bed early as I remember. Back then, I felt it was
pretty annoying because there were tons of interesting Animes that only be shown after 9pm. But
now I wish I had a chance to have a decent sleep every night. My biggest dream is not to work late
at night anymore.
7. Do you think sleep is important?
Speaking of sleep, it is an essential step in our circadian rhythm. It is the time for the body to start
some particular biochemical reactions to recover after a long day. Insomniacs(1) are reported to
suffer serious medical conditions as hypertension(2), stroke or heart disease(4).
1. Insomniac (n): người bị chứng mất ngủ
2. Hypertension (n): cao huyết áp
3. Stroke (n): đột quỵ
4. Heart disease (n): bệnh tim mạch
7. Do you think sleep is important?
Speaking of sleep, it is an essential step in our circadian rhythm. It is the time for the body to start
some particular biochemical reactions to recover after a long day. Insomniacs(1) are reported to
suffer serious medical conditions as hypertension(2), stroke or heart disease(4).
1. Insomniac (n): người bị chứng mất ngủ
2. Hypertension (n): cao huyết áp
3. Stroke (n): đột quỵ
4. Heart disease (n): bệnh tim mạch
8. How many hours do you usually sleep at night?
It is recommended that a good night sleep requires 6-8 hours. For me, if I don’t have to work late,
my sleeping habit is 6 hours, from 11pm to 5am on the next day. That’s quite enough for me. I am the
kind of person who cannot sleep more than 6 hours. I am a light sleeper, I guess.
9. How have your sleeping habits changed since you were a child?
Completely opposite! When I was a kid, I didn’t have to do any homework late at night. Don’t get
me wrong(1). I was not a lazy student. I just preferred doing homework early in the morning to get a
better focus. So I always sleep early, around 9pm. But as an adult, I have no choice but to sacrifice(2)
my sleep just to get my work to meet the deadline(3).
1. Don’t get me wrong: đừng hiểu sai ý tôi
2. Sacrify (v): hi sinh
3. Meet the deadline: theo kịp deadline
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10. What are your suggestions to stay awake when you have to stay
up late for work?
My first recommendation is to have a cup of cool water, coffee or tea. It depends. Coffee works for
me. But my mom, for example, drinking cool water helps her feel refreshed. The second thing is your
posture. I mean, sitting straight up is better laying down on the bed to work or study right. Finally,
music is your life-saver. I find that some jazz or lofi music during my late night helps me calm my
feelings and stay focused.
Posture (n): tư thế
Part 2: Describe a place you would like to visit in the future
You should say:
• Where this place is
• How you know about it
• What this place looks like
And explain why you would like to visit this place.
I’m going on a city break in Da Nang city this Summer. I’ve been as busy as a bee at work so this is
gonna be a much-needed holiday.
I’ve always wanted to visit this city in Central Vietnam but the chance hasn’t arisen until now. When
I think of Da Nang, I think of beautiful beaches, fabulous seafood restaurants and iconic tourist
attractions such as Linh Ứng pagoda, Bà Nà Hills and especially the Dragon Bridge. It is a bridge that
was intentionally constructed to resemble a giant Asian dragon. On special events, it also spits fire.
Taking a photo with the Dragon bridge as the backdrop is definitely on my bucket list. If I have time,
I’ll also be keen on visiting the Bà Nà hill resorts and take the aerial tramway to the top of the hill to
enjoy the grand panoramic view of the Trường Sơn mountain range.
Besides indulging myself in touristic activities, I actually want to explore and try to understand the
city life of this bustling location. In recent years, Đà Nẵng has transformed into a metropolis. There
are lots of job opportunities for startups and young people. Combining this with what I mentioned
earlier, it is not surprising that Đà Nẵng has been named by many media outlets as one of the most
livable cities in Vietnam, if not the world.
I’m extremely excited about this trip and I am hard at work at the moment so that I could feel
deserved when I actually go there.
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Part 2: Describe one of your best friends
You should say:
• What this person looks like;
• When and where you met this person;
• What you do when you are together.
And explain why he/she is your best friend.
Sample 1
Well, when it comes to my closest friend, off the top of my head, I would say it’s Tina. We go back a
long way. In fact, we have been friends since my first year at university. To this day, I still remember
vividly the first time I met her was in the grammar class. At first, I thought she was a talkative and
graceless girl. However, as I got to know her more, I realized that Tina was a very loveable(1) person
and in fact we shared a lot in common.
When it comes to personality, I and Tina are complete opposites(2). While she is very approachable
and patient, I am rather bad-tempered and reserved. To me, one of Tina’s most admirable personality
traits is that she has good communication skills. I mean, she can easily strike up a conversation
with(3) anyone that she’s just met. As different as our personalities are, we see eye to eye with each
other about a lot of things such as marriage, work and viewpoint of life.
Back in the days when we’re still at college, we hung out with each other every other week, mostly
to the cinema or to the food stalls near our school. Now that we’ve graduated, I and she no longer
see each other as regularly as we used to because both of us are always occupied with work(4). I
only see her once every other month so we always have a lot of catching up to do.
I consider Tina my best friend for a couple reasons. Firstly, she really respects me and loves me for
who I am. Secondly, despite having a hectic schedule, she‘s always willing to lend a sympathetic
ear(5) whenever I have problems or feel demotivated.
1. Loveable (adj): đáng yêu, dễ thương
2. Are complete opposites: hoàn toàn đối lập nhau
3. Strike up a conversation with: bắt chuyện với ai
4. Occupied with work: bận bịu với công việc
5. Lend a sympathetic ear: lắng nghe chăm chú
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Sample 2
So let me tell you about my best friend Jason, whom I have known for roughly 15 years.
Currently, Jason is an IT technician at a company in Ho Chi Minh City. It was in 2008, I first met him
in grade 3 when he had just transferred from another school(1). It just so happened that on his first
day, Jason couldn’t find an empty seat, while I was sitting alone thus I asked him to join me. We
became friends since then, and our friendship has lasted(2) till today.
Jason and I have been doing many things together. We have lots of mutual(3) friends because we
went to the same schools. On weekends, we usually throw parties or go on picnics. Today when we
are both working people, whenever we have some free time, I would meet him at our favourite local
coffee shop and sit for hours, gossiping(4) about our daily lives.
Jason got married last year and now has a child. He’s changed a lot since we were students, but
his personality still remained the same(5) – always patient, open-minded(6), and easy to get along
with(7). That’s the reason why I like him and consider him my best friend, despite the fact that we
pursue different plans and goals.
So, basically, that’s all about my closest friend Jason.
1. To transfer from another school (v): chuyển trường
2. To last (v): kéo dài
3. Mutual (adj): chung
4. To gossip (v): nói chuyện phiếm
5. To remain the same (v): y như cũ, giữ nguyên
6. Open-minded (adj): cởi mở
7. To get along with (v): hòa đồng với
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Part 3
1. What are the important qualities of a good friend?
I think it would base on each person’s definition of “what is a good friend”. For me, a good friend
should always be a trustworthy(1) and honest(2) person. If you cannot trust someone, they are not a
true friend and might stab you in the back(3) one day, based on my experience(4).
1. Trustworthy (adj): đáng tin cậy
2. Honest (adj): thành thật
3. To stab someone in the back (v): đâm sau lưng, chơi xấu ai đó
4. Based on my experience: dựa vào kinh nghiệm của tôi
2. Do adults and children make friends in the same way?
I don’t think so. Usually, children make friends easier than grown-ups(1), when they see another
person smiling and exchanging items, they will become friends. Adults, on the other hand, take their
time making new friends since they have to discover(2) common(3) interests, build trust(4), and then
will decide if they should build a long relationship with that person or not.
1. Grown-up (n): người lớn
2. To discover (v): khám phá
3. Common (adj): giống nhau
4. To build trust (v): xây dựng lòng tin
3. Do you think it is possible to become real friends with people you
meet on the internet?
Yes. In a friendship, you need honesty(1), dependability(2), empathy(3), respect(4), and loyalty(5). If
you get all of that from your online friends, you can consider them true friends. I have to say that I
have more opportunities to make friends online than in real life.
1. Honesty (n): sự thành thật
2. Dependability (n): sự đáng tin cậy
3. Empathy (n): sự đồng cảm
4. Respect (n): sự tôn trọng
5. Loyalty (n): sự trung thành
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4. What do you think causes friendships to break up?
Lack of communication and distance can crack friendships. However, if you ask me why we break
up with friends, I would say the main reasons are hypocrisy(1), selfishness(2), arrogance(3), lack of(4)
sympathy, and breach of trust(5). I used to have a close friend in university for 4 years but then we
decided to stop being friends after a huge argument(6) that led us nowhere(7).
1. Hypocrisy (n): đạo đức giả
2. Selfishness (n): ích kỷ
3. Arrogance (n): kiêu ngạo
4. Lack of …: thiếu đi thứ gì đó
5. Breach of trust (n): mất lòng tin
6. Argument (n): cãi nhau, tranh luận
7. To lead someone to nowhere: không dẫn đến đâu cả
Part 2: Describe a building that you have enjoyed spending time in.
You should say:
• Where the building is
• What the building looks like
• How it feels to be inside the building
explain why you have enjoyed spending time in this building.
Sample 1
Well, when it comes to my closest friend, off the top of my head, I would say it’s Tina. We go back
a I’d like to talk about an old church here in this city that was constructed in the second half of the
19th century. It’s Notre-Dame Cathedral(1), a very famous building as a tourist attraction(2) apart
from being a religious site for Catholics.
As far as I know, the cathedral was built by the French during the period of colonialism(3), so it’s
been in existence(4) for nearly a century and a half now. Today you can still see its bright-red bricks
on the outside, and the architecture is French, of course, sort of Gothic architecture(5), I think. The
main cathedral has 2 very tall bell towers(6) on its left and right, probably reaching 60 metres or so.
Inside the cathedral is a solemn(7) hall for religious ceremonies.
I pass by the cathedral on my way to work every day, but, being a non-Catholic, I’ve actually visited it
only a couple of times. I often see tourists and local people get together there at the garden right in
front of the cathedral where there’s a Virgin Mary statue(8), and sometimes couples who are gonna
get married get there to have their photographs taken because the view is so beautiful and reflects
sort of Western style. So I must say that I’m proud my city has such a well-known church.
1. Notre-Dame Cathedral: nhà thờ Đức Bà
2. Tourist attraction: điểm thu hút du khách
3. Colonialism: (thời kỳ) thuộc địa
4. To be in existence: tồn tại
5. Gothic architecture: kiến trúc Gô-tích
6. Bell tower: tháp chuông
7. Solemn (adj): nghiêm trang
8. Virgin Mary statue: tượng Đức Mẹ đồng trinh
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Part 2: Describe a modern building
You should say:
• Where it iswhat it looks like
• What it is used forand explain
• Why you like/dislike it.
Sample 2
Today I want to talk about Bitexco Financial Tower which is a skyscraper in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
At its completion in 2010, it was the tallest building in the world, but now it no longer has that title.
This building is quite unlike other skyscrapers around the world, as it reflects Asian identity in its
architecture. Architects drew inspiration for this skyscraper’s unique shape from Vietnam’s national
flower, the Lotus, the strong but beautiful flower that grows across much of Southeast Asia. This
is not only an aesthetic choice; on the 52nd floor, the blossoming lotus bud shape is a non-rooftop
Bitexco Financial Tower is a mixed use project which includes office, retail, F&B and entertainment
space so when I visit it, I usually hang out with my friends at the bottom where there are famous
retailers. Although many people have visited the 49th floor, which is the observation deck where you
can enjoy the view of the whole city or just feel the wind, I have never had a chance to do it because
of its high price.
I really enjoy the leisure time I spent there due to not only its facilities but also its location which is
in the heart of Ho Chi Minh city. However, since it is claimed to look like a blossoming lotus, it rather
resembles a corn. In fact, every citizen all feel the same; and that’s why I don’t really appreciate its
architectural design
Part 3
1. What is the most important for a public building: design, location,
or facilities?
Well, everything has its price so they are all important(1). However, in my opinion, the design and
facilities should be paid more attention than the other. When it comes to design, it’s the appearance,
the architectural or aesthetic style(2) that should be discussed because it’s the first thing people
notice of a building. In other words, it’s important to be eye-catching to make people have a good
impression. Then, the facilities inside also play a key role(3). If there are a lot of entertaining or artsy
space(4) in the building, people would be drawn to be there even though the location is inconvenient.
1. Everything has its price so they are all important (idioms): mọi thứ đều có giá trị của nó
2. The architectural or aesthetic style: phong cách kiến trúc hoặc phong cách nghệ thuật
3. Play a key role: đóng vai trò quan trọng
4. Entertaining or artsy space: không gian giải trí hoặc không gian mang tính nghệ thuật
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2. Do you think the appearance of a building is important?
Absolutely. No one likes an eyesore. It is like something really ugly and big at the same time that you
have to always notice it from afar. The appearance of a building is considered to be as important as
a good impression of a person. For example, when a tenant(1) enters a building what are the things
that they see? It must be the architectural or aesthetic style. Therefore, in a highly competitive
market place(2), the appearance of a property(3) can not only go a long way to attracting new clients,
but also can help retain(4) clients and maximize asset value(5). In fact, it may become something
iconic of the town or a city if it is well-designed.
1. Tenant: người thuê nhà
2. Highly competitive market place: thị trường cạnh tranh cao
3. Property (n) = building
4. Retain (v) = hold
5. Asset value: giá trị tài sản
Part 2: Describe an outdoor activity that you like doing.
You should say:
• What this activity is
• When you do it
• Where you do it
And explain why you like it.
Sample 1
When I see this cue card, snorkeling(1) crosses my mind as an outdoor activity I really enjoy doing.
To define what it is, snorkeling is the practice of swimming on or under the water to fully observe
the marine creatures(2) in a natural setting. It is a friendly activity and almost anyone can do it
without much preparation. All you have to do is to have yourself equipped with a diving mask(3), an
L-shaped breathing tube called the snorkel and a pair of swim fins(4). These are often provided by
the snorkeling tour agency so that shouldn’t be a big problem. Maybe a training session would come
in handy for those who are not familiar with swimming equipment.
To tell the truth , I think it would be as easy as pie(5) to me since I already know how to swim and
control my breath under the water. As to why I enjoy this outdoor activity, snorkeling is one of the
most rewarding(6) activities because you can do it all year round. Last summer, I had a trip to the
beach to do it whenever I can without having to worry too much about freak weather conditions(7).
I have always had a soft spot for(8) watching oceanic species and I could not miss the chance to
observe those beautiful creatures with my naked eye(9).
What’s more, I think I had a whale of a time snorkeling with my friends, who were also fond of doing
such an extraordinary activity.
1. Snorkelling (n): lặn ống thở
2. Marine creature: sinh vật biển
3. Diving mask: mặt nạ lặn
4. Fins (n): chân vịt
5. As easy as pie: dễ như ăn bánh
6. Rewarding (adj): có nhiều lợi ích
7. Freak weather condition: thời tiết bất thường
8. Have a soft spot for s.th: yêu thích điều gì
9. See/observe s.th one’s naked eye: thấy tận mắt
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Part 3
1. Would you say people work outdoors today more than they did 20
years ago?
I personally don’t believe that. There is less need for outdoor employment now that there are so
many forms of in-office positions. Moreover, working outside or labor work is virtually seen as “low
class.” But as a result, most middle-class working people don’t exercise enough, which leaves them
frail and more prone to illness.
2. Are there any outdoor activities that many people used to do but
which most people don’t do now?
I would definitely say walking. People still walk, but not as frequently as they did in the past, due
to the development of modernized modes of transportation. It is quite obvious how people walk far
less to get to work, the store, or anywhere they need to go, all because they have different kinds of
private and public transport.
3. How do you think climate and the environment affect what
activities people do outdoors?
As I see it, you cannot do several activities when it is boiling hot(1) or freezing cold(2) outside. It is
neither pleasurable nor safe to plan such activities in extreme weather conditions. Plus, most people
turn to outdoor activities for the purpose of enjoying the fresh air and some good breeze, which
seem to be unachievable in polluted concrete jungles(3).
1. Boiling hot (adj): nóng cháy da
2. Freezing cold (adj): lạnh thấu xương
3. Concrete jungle: chỉ những thành phố toàn là nhà cao tầng, không có cây cối
4. Do you think the air quality in your hometown has improved or
worsened in recent years ?
Sadly, it is impossible for the air to get any better due to the alarming pollution rate. More people
have purchased cars in recent years, more factories have been built, and the air quality has only
become worse. Carbon footprint(1) and exhaust fumes are slowly deteriorating(2) humans in all
aspects, causing serious respiratory diseases(3) and reduced longevity.
1. Carbon footprint: khí thải CO2
2. Deteriorate (v): làm suy yếu, phá huỷ
3. Respiratory disease: bệnh về đường hô hấp
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Part 2: Describe a time when you tried a new food for the first time.
You should say:
• What food it was
• Where you ate it
• What it tasted like
And explain whether or not you liked this food.
I had the opportunity to try a well-known Thai dish for the first time last month.
It was my brother’s birthday, I remember. After putting quite a lot of thought into(1) some new
savoury(2) food to have for our meal, my family finally decided to go to a Thai restaurant near my
At the restaurant, my parents ordered tom yum goong – a type of Thai spicy shrimp soup and Thaistyle fried noodles – which we called pad Thai, while my brother picked the Thai curry noodle soup.
For me, I chose a new dish that I have never tried before – the Yam Talay. This mixed seafood salad
is not only delicious but also nutritious(3). This salad can contain any combination of squid, shrimp,
mussels(4), scallops(5), or crabmeat(6). Tomatoes, onions, and rice glass noodles(7) are also added
for good measure to the seafood medley(8).
Besides, what I really enjoyed was that we could watch as the food was cooked in front of us.
That was the first time I tried the Yam Talay, and I would have liked to come back for more. Just
mentioning it makes my mouth water(9).
1. To put a lot of thought into sth (v): đặt nhiều tâm trí để suy nghĩ về vấn đề gì đó
2. Savoury (adj): (món ăn) ngon
3. Nutritious (adj): bổ dưỡng
4. Mussel (n): hến
5. Scallop (n): sò điệp
6. Crabmeat (n): thịt cua
7. Rice glass noodles (n): miến
8. Medley (n): trộn, hỗn hợp
9. To make one’s mouth water (v): làm chảy nước bọt, ý nói món ăn quá ngon
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Part 3
1. Is the food that people eat today in your country different from the
food that people used to eat in the past?
I believe in my country, most people’s eating habits have recently changed. Since food hygiene(1)
is mentioned in the news every day, people exercise extreme(2) caution when selecting ingredients
and cooking properly. Fat-free(3) or low-fat(4) foods and vegetables are preferred in daily meals than
in the past when food was mostly chosen based on interests.
1. Food hygiene (n): vệ sinh an toàn thực phẩm
2. Extreme (adj): vô cùng
3. Fat-free (adj): (món ăn) không chất béo
4. Low-fat (adj): (món ăn) ít béo
2. Is fast food popular in your country?
Fast food restaurants such as KFC, Lotteria, Burger King, and Domino’s have grown in popularity in
my country, as a result of the globalization(1) trend. However, I don’t think consuming(2) fast food
is good for us. In fact, this type of food is one of the main factors that cause obesity(3) and other
health problems.
1. Globalization (n): toàn cầu hóa
2. To consume (v): tiêu thụ
3. Obesity (n): chứng béo phì
2. Is fast food popular in your country?
Fast food restaurants such as KFC, Lotteria, Burger King, and Domino’s have grown in popularity in
my country, as a result of the globalization(1) trend. However, I don’t think consuming(2) fast food
is good for us. In fact, this type of food is one of the main factors that cause obesity(3) and other
health problems.
1. Globalization (n): toàn cầu hóa
2. To consume (v): tiêu thụ
3. Obesity (n): chứng béo phì
3. Do people in your country generally prefer to eat at home or eat out?
I believe that people in my country prefer home-cooked meals more often. The reason for this is
according to(1) our culture, it is simply expected of us to have family meals(2) or cook for ourselves.
However, there are also some overworked(3) people who would rather order a meal at a restaurant.
1. According to: dựa theo
2. Family meals (n): các bữa ăn gia đình
3. Overworked (adj): làm việc quá nhiều
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Part 2: Describe a school that you went to
You should say:
• Where the school was
• When you went there
• What the school and the teachers were like
And explain what you liked and disliked about it.
…I’d like to talk about Nguyen Khuyen private school, To me, it is perhaps the toughest(1) but funniest
high school in the entire city.
Nguyen Khuyen Private school is located in Tan Binh, a busy and lively district in Ho Chi Minh city.
The school offers young students ranging from primary school to high school with a full range
of facilities(2) for the best education as a boarding school. Many parents and students from both
urban and rural areas have to get in line to wait for their turn to apply for the school’s summer
semester. This school is always reputable(4) for its excellent academic results as well as its strict
self-regulation(5) lessons as in the army.
It dated back to when I was in grade 10 that my mother addressed me to this school. I studied there
until I got my high school diploma and was ready to have my university’s entrance test. I had such a
diligent(6) period learning at this school within solid observations from my teachers. However, I have
to admit that I also had fond(7) of captivating memories while learning there.
Also, the thing that appealed to me most of all was the fun time when my peers and I did some
physical activities in the school yard and enjoyed our meals after a hard-working day. Once a year,
we had our trip of the lifetime to somewhere off the beaten tracks together. Those memories are
things that I will never forget and I always consider those as my pride in my youth.
1. Tough (adj): khó khăn, gay go
2. Full range of facilities: đầy đủ trang thiết bị/ cơ sở vật chất
3. Boarding school (n): trường nội trú
4. Reputable (adj): có danh tiếng
5. Self-regulation: tự quản
6. Diligent (adj): siêng năng, cần cù
7. Fond (adj): yêu dấu, đáng yêu
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Part 3
1. What courses/subjects will be helpful in future work?
I believe foreign language and international communication training will be beneficial. As the world
becomes more globalized(1), the ability to know at least one foreign language will be advantageous
in the employment market. Knowledge of cultural norms(2) and the manner(3) in which individuals
think and interpret messages will reduce misinterpretation in intercultural communication.
1. Globalize (v): toàn cầu hoá
2. Cultural norms (n): quy tắc xã hội
3. Manner (n): cách cư xử
2. Do you think students should choose to study the subjects they
Well, I do believe that topics such as Math, Literature, and at least one Foreign Language should be
required for all students and they should take these basic lessons at school. Other subjects, like Arts
and Music, on the other hand, should be electives, since I believe few students desire to work in the
creative business or see it as a career path.
Elective (n): môn tự chọn
3. According to you, what will school be like in the future?
I believe that in the future, schools will emphasize the application of knowledge and skills to realworld contexts, rather than mindless(1) memorization. I also believe and hope that there will be a
greater focus on the well-rounded development(2) of each pupil.
1. Mindless (adj): vô tri
2. Well-rounded development: sự phát triển toàn diện
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Part 2: Describe your favourite movie
You should say:
• What is it
• What is the story of it
• When you watched it
And explain why you like it .
When it comes to my favorite movie, off the top of my head(1), I would say it’s Mad Max: Fury Road.
It is the sequel(2) of the Mad Max series and starred Hollywood A-list movie stars(3) namely Tom
Hardy, Charlize Theron and Nicholas Hoult.
Actually, this movie was released(4) in 2015 but it was not until 2 years ago that(5) I first watched it.
One of my best friend, Trinh, recommended this movie to me, saying that it was truly a masterpiece(6).
The movie was set inpost–apocalyptic when Max, played by by Tom Hardy is captured by a strange
group of people who are led by a tyrannical ruler named Immortan Joe. Later on, he joins with Joe’s
lieutenant named Furiosa who rebels against him in search for her homeland with the aid of Joe’s
seven wives.
Due to the enormous success of the previous sequels, Mad Max: Fury road was one of the most
highly anticipated movies of 2015. Therefore, loads of people flocked to the cinema(9) in order to
catch this action-packed movie. And it didn’t disappoint the loyal fans of this franchise(10). Apart
from(11) being a box office hit(12) all around the world, the movie was also critically acclaimed(13)
for distinctive editing and stunning images. It has topped the list(14) of “best movies of the 2010s”
on numerous movie review websites and is considered to redefine what it means to be an action
Regarding my feelings about this movie, I have to admit that this film really pleased my eyes(16) with
its breath-taking(17) visual and sound effects right from the first few moments. What sets Mad Max:
Fury Road apart from(18) the previous Mad Max film and other action movies is that it champions(19)
feminism and shows the necessity of freedom from patriarchy, which is generally not the case with
most action movies.
1. Off the top of my head: hiện lên ngay trong
đầu tôi
2. Sequel: phần tiếp theo, phần sau
3. A-list movie star: sao hạng A
4. Release (v): phát hành
5. It was not until ….that …: mãi cho đến khi ….
6. Masterpiece (n): kiệt tác
7. Lieutenant (n): trung uý
8. Highly anticipated movie (n): bộ phim được
mong đợi cao
9. Flock to the cinema: đổ xô đến rạp chiếu
10. Franchise (n): loạt phim có thương hiệu
11. Apart from: ngoài …..ra
12. A box office hit: thành công về phòng vé
13. Crititically acclaimed: được giới phê bình
đánh giá cao
14. Top the list: dẫn đầu danh sách
15. Blockbuster: phim bom tấn
16. Please my eye: làm mãn nhãn
17. Breath-taking: đẹp đến nao lòng
18. What set ….apart from …..: điều khiến….
khác với ……
19. Champion: đề cao
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Part 2: Describe someone you would like to study or work with
You should say:
• Who this person is
• How long you have known this person
• What you have done together
And why you would like to study or work with this person.
Sample 1
Reaching adulthood has never been easy, as you have to take a great deal of responsibilities at
work, but I’m lucky enough to be accompanied by Mr. Wilson, whom I not only view as a boss, but
also my life mentor. He also is the person I’ve always looked up to(1) and enjoyed working with.
Mr. Wilson, who is now in his late 30s, has always been my leader since day one. At first I was
worried because he was being a cold fish(2), but as I worked with him, I realized there was so much
more behind that fierce(3) look.
I believe the inability to make a decision or letting decision making drag on and on(4) is a trait of
a poor boss. On the contrary, Mr. Wilson is very decisive(5) and hardly ever gets caught up in(6)
analysis paralysis(7). The man often puts forth(8) solutions with speed and conviction(9), which might
not always be the most judicious decisions(10), but he’s surely able to keep the organization moving
forward. But for his assertiveness(11) and quick-wittedness(12), our team wouldn’t have sailed
through(13) the most challenging projects in the past 3 years.
But what I truly love about working with Mr. Wilson is how he shows his compassion towards his
employees. A great boss, in my opinion, should be confident enough to show his human side, to
make people respect him as a mentor rather than someone who is taking advantage of(14) others
for his own good. Despite being up to ears with work(15), Mr. Wilson would stop by, say hello and
take a personal interest in his employees’ lives, and he wouldn’t miss an opportunity to give a pat on
their backs(16) when the subordinates are showing great efforts. Working with such a supportive and
caring leader makes me feel valued, less stressed and thus having higher work output.
Ever since I worked with him, I have unleashed(17) many of my potentials, you know, to become a
better version of myself every day. I’m grateful to have the chance to team up(18) with him and to
learn from him. Hopefully I will be able to perform that well if I ever become a leader in the future. .
1. Look up to s.o: ngưỡng mộ ai đó
2. A cold fish: người lạnh lùng
3. Fierce (adj): hung hăng, dữ
4. Drag on and on: kéo dài
5. Decisive (adj): quyết đoán
6. Get caught up in s.th: bị cuốn vào cái gì
7. Analysis paralysis (n): sự tê liệt phân tích
(mất quá nhiều thời gian để nghĩ ngợi)
8. Put forth (v): đưa ra
9. Conviction (n): niềm tin mãnh liệt
10. Judicious decision: quyết định sáng suốt
11. Assertiveness (n): sự quả quyết
12. Quick-wittedness (n): sự nhanh trí
13. Sail through (v): vượt qua
14. Take advantage of s.o/ s.th: lợi dụng ai/ cái gì
15. Be up to ears with work: bận rộn với công việc
16. Give a pat on the back: vỗ vai/ khen ngợi ai đó
17. Unleash (v): giải phóng
18. Team up (v): kết nhóm
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Part 3
1. What kinds of co-workers do people like to work with?
Well, I guess this varies from one individual to another. But as far as I’m concerned, most people
would choose to work with well-organized(1) co-workers. If a person is constantly losing track of(2)
important documents or missing meetings because of a lack of organisation, it reflects poorly on his
or her work ethic and dedication. In addition, a modest person would also be ideal to work with, as
nobody likes a braggart(4). If a man keeps exaggerating(5) his value or importance over others, he is
giving people a reason to take him down a peg(6).
1. Well-organized (adj): gọn gàng, biết cách sắp xếp
2. Lose track of s.th: mất phương hướng, mất nhận thức
3. Work ethic (n): đạo đức nghề nghiệp
4. Braggart (n): kẻ kiêu ngạo
5. Exaggerate (v): phóng đại, cường điệu hoá
6. Take s.o down a peg: khiến ai đó bớt kiêu ngạo
2. Which one is more important to you at work, development in workrelated skills or recognition from your supervisors?
Some people told me that I should leave all shoulder patting(1) aside, that I must know what I‘m worth
and should not ever feel any need for recognition. However, as much as acquiring different workrelated skills can help me improve career prospects(2), I believe recognition from my boss is always
of great importance. It directly affects job satisfaction, which closely links with work effciency. Also,
appreciative leaders are the reasons why I want to stick around(3) and commit to the company.
1. Shoulder patting: sự khen ngợi
2. Career prospect (n): triển vọng trong sự nghiệp
3. Stick around: gắn bó
3. Do you think managers should be friends with their subordinates?
Managers, in my opinion, should be friendly with their employees. They should make conversation
and get to know their team members. But at the same time a line should be drawn(1) between the
individuals to ensure that the relationship stays professional. No matter how well you get along with
employees, at the end of the day, you’re still their boss. You assign tasks, review their performance,
make decisions on promotions and raises, and have the responsibility of delivering constructive
criticism(2) and, sometimes, laying off(3) or firing them. Friendship can complicate that, and make it
difficult to do your job effectively, which should always be your number one priority.
1. A line should be drawn: nên có một lằn ranh ngăn cách
2. Constructive criticism (n): sự chỉ trích mang tính xây dựng
3. Lay off: sa thải
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Part 2: Describe someone who is famous in your country
You should say:
• Who the person is?
• Why he/she is famous?
• Why you admire this person?
Explain what you would do if you met this person.
Sample 1
Today I would like to tell you about one of the most famous people in my country. His real name is
Nguyễn Thanh Tùng, and also known professionally as Son Tung M-TP, The 28 year-old man has
been working in the music industry as a singer, song-writer and producer.
With regard to how I know this person, I need to say that I am a big fan of(1) music so I usually listen
to pop songs to let off steam(2) after long working hours. About 3 years ago, I stumbled upon(3) him
in an MV on Youtube and my first impression of him was that he was a medium-built(4) man with
short black hair and a charming smile. And his trendy, fashionable costumes was what really caught
my attention(5). It’s no wonder that he is highly-acclaimed(6) as a fashion icon(7) among the younger
Moving on to why he became famous, it all started with his biggest hit “Em cua ngay hom qua”, which
quickly went viral(8) on all music streaming platforms, creating a phenomenon(9) on the Internet.
The catchy tunes and happy-sounding lyrics were lingering in everyone’s mind(10) for the following
months, reminding them of a new-born music talent. After the success of this single, the man kept
on his singing career with many more albums about love and life, and his strong vocal and performing
abilities were what propelled him to stardom(11).
I also have to underline the fact that he acts as an exemplary model(12) for adolescents(13) because
he was from a poverty-stricken(14) family, but he has always tried his best to follow his dreams
despite many hardships(15). His ambition and perseverance(16) really inspire me to study and work
harder. In spite of all the fame and money he has earned now, Son Tung is a warm-hearted(17) person
who constantly takes part in various charity campaigns to help the unlucky(18), just like how he used
to be.
1. Big fan of s.o/ s.th: fan cuồng của ai/ điều gì
2. Let off steam: xả hơi
3. Stumble upon s.th: tình cờ bắt gặp
4. Medium-built (adj): có thân hình cân đối
5. Catch one’s attention: khiến ai đó chú ý
6. Highly-acclaimed (adj): nổi tiếng
7. Fashion icon (n): biểu tượng thời trang
8. Go viral (v): nổi như cồn trên mạng
9. Phenomenon (n): hiện tượng
10. Linger in one’s mind: lưu lại trong tâm trí
11. Propel s.o to stardom: đẩy lên tới danh vọng
12. Exemplary model (n): hình mẫu lý tưởng
13. Adolescents (n): thanh thiếu niên
14. Poverty-stricken (adj): nghèo khó
15. Hardship (n): khó khăn, nghịch cảnh
16. Perseverance (n): sự gan lỳ, bền bỉ
17. Warm-hearted (adj): tốt bụng
18. The unlucky (n): những người kém may mắn
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Part 2: Describe a hotel that you know
You should say:
• Where this hotel is
• What this hotel looks like
• What facilities this hotel has
Explain whether you think this is a nice hotel to stay in
I would like to talk about Dalat Palace Heritage Hotel, an upscale(1) hotel in Đà Lạt city which I had
the opportunity to visit a couple years ago. Being a big fan of learning about history, I always knew
that I had to visit this spectacular(2) place.
As its name suggests, it was built over a hundred years ago in the heart of Đà Lạt city in the Central
Highland of Vietnam. The area surrounding the hotel is scenic and culturally rich(3) as there are
the solemn(4) Đà Lạt cathedral and numerous petit(5) cafes and bars. My first impression about this
place was that the building itself was grand and majestic(6). The interior of the hotel was decorated
elegantly and luxuriously with vintage(7) furniture and old European paintings throughout its halls(8)
and corridors(9). The room that I stayed in was even furnished with(10) a pair of Art deco armchairs
and a rotary phone(11) on top of the bedside table. From the window of my room, I could see the
romantically tranquil Xuân Hương lake.
Above all, what I enjoyed the most about this place was the clever design that integrated(12) the
old and new ways of life. Besides the vintage features, other modern amenities(13) such as Wifi, a
modern gym and even a karaoke room could also be found here. When I was there I joined a group of
people and we sang in the Karaoke room until midnight. I think that this blend(14) of past and present
is what makes Dalat Palace stand out.
1. Upscale (adj): sang trọng
2. Spectacular (adj): ngoạn mục
3. Culturally rich (adv + adj): giàu về văn hóa
4. Solemn (adj): trang nghiêm
5. Petit (adj): nhỏ nhắn
6. Majestic (adj): lộng lẫy
7. Vintage (adj): xưa
8. Hall (n): sảnh
9. Corridor (n): hàng lang
10. To be furnished with (n): được trang bị (dùng cho nội thất)
11. Rotary phone (n): điện thoại quay số cổ
12. To Integrate (v): kết hợp
13. Amenity (n): các tiện nghi
14. Blend (n): sự hòa quyện
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Part 3
1. What can influence people’s choices of hotels?
From my perspective, when choosing a hotel, people’s decisions are influenced by three factors.
Travelers’ top concern is typically related to the cost. Some travelers merely seek basic lodging(1)
with a tidy room and a strong wifi signal, whereas others would rather stay in a luxurious setting.
The hotel’s location, namely whether it is close to the travelers’ travel destinations, is another thing
I’d like to bring up(2). People who live close to popular destinations can reduce their commuting
expenses(3) and use their money for other things like festivals or meals.
1. Basic lodging (n): chỗ ở cơ bản
2. Bring up (v): nói tới
3. Commuting expenses (n): chi phí đi lại
2. Do the ratings of people influence their choice?
Yes. These days, before booking a room, guests look at the hotel’s rating and reviews. Since
people characterize(1) the positive and negative aspects of a location, but management always
emphasizes(2) the positive aspects, people who have already stayed at a hotel can define it better
than hotel management.
1. Characterize (v): có góc nhìn riêng biệt
2. Emphasize (v): nhấn mạnh, đề cao
3. How do people reserve hotel rooms?
Most of the time, whether someone books a hotel stay in person or online, they will need to pay a
deposit. The down payment typically ranges from 20 to 30 percent of the entire cost. Additionally,
before a week of their stay, visitors frequently must pay the full amount or risk having their reservation
Deposit (n): khoản tiền đặt cọc
4. How do people book hotels these days?
To assure(1) availability, most people reserve hotel rooms a few days in advance(2). Hotel rooms
can be reserved online through the hotel’s website or through independent websites like Goibibo
or Make My Trip. Since internet facilities and services have significantly improved recently, fewer
individuals are now booking hotels immediately upon arrival.
1. Assure (v): chắc chắn
2. In advance: trước
Downloaded by Qu?nh Trâm Tr?n (tranquynhtram2001@gmail.com)
5. What is the difference between the hotels in your country and
those abroad?
The attire(1) worn by the receptionists(2) is one thing to take into account(3). I don’t notice many
differences among the male employees because they all wear a jacket over their shirt, a tie around
their necks, and traditional pants. While the workers in other nations also choose formal clothing,
exactly like their male counterparts(4), Vietnamese receptionists are more likely to wear the traditional
costume of our country, the ao dai.
1. Attire (n): trang phục
2. Receptionist (n): người làm lễ tân
3. Take into account (v): xem xét đến
4. Counterpart (n): đối tác
Part 2: Describe a businessman you admire
You should say:
• Who this person is
• How you knew this person
• What kinds of business this person does
And explain why you admire this person.
Okay I’m gonna talk about Thái Vân Linh – also known as Shark Linh – a female leader l’d love to see
in person(1). I will refer to her as ‘Shark Linh’ in this small talk.
Although born in Vietnam, Shark Linh was brought to the US with her family when she was very little.
Therefore, whereas she has an impressive command of(2) English, she’s still occasionally struggling
in getting her ideas across(3) in Vietnamese. However, the language barrier(4) does not hinder
her from(5) embarking on(6) a new venture(7) in Vietnam. she rejected great offers from American
corporations to become the CEO at VietnamCapital, and later launched her own start-up – Rita Phil
– a company that sells tailor – made(8) bridal gowns(9).
Shark Linh is most famous for her role as a Shark in Shark Tank Vietnam – the Vietnamese version
of the famous reality TV series. Though she’s usually the calmer Shark among the four who usually
take a gentler approach(10) when she makes coments on others, she’s also very sharp upon making
decisions. From what l’ve observed throughout the series, Shark Linh only invested in fields she had
great knowledge of.
Shark Linh has been a great role model(11) for Vietnamese young women. Her famous saying “I see no
discrepancy(12) in agility and ability between men and women” and her appearance in the show has
inspired thousands of Vietnamese women, encouraging them to work in the field of finance.
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1. See in person: gặp ngoài đời
2. Has an impressive command of: có năng lực xuất sắc về lĩnh vực gì
3. Get one’s ideas across: truyền đạt thông tin/ý tường
4. Language barrier (n): rào cản ngôn ngữ
5. Hinder somebody from: cần trở ai làm gì
6. Embark on (v): bắt đầu
7. Venture (n): công việc kinh doanh (có yếu tố mạo hiểm)
8. Tailor – made: được may đo, điều chinh riêng cho từng đối tượng
9. Bridal gown (n): váy cưới
10. Take a gentler approach: có cách tiếp cận nhẹ nhàng
11. Role model (n): là hình mẫu
12. Discrepancy (n): sự khác biệt
Part 2: Describe a time when you saw a lot of plastic waste (E.g in a park, on the beach etc.)
You should say:
• Where are when you saw the plastic waste
• Why there were a lot of plastic waste
• What you did when you saw them
And explain what you think about this.
Sample 1
If there were a competition for the most distressing moment I’ve ever had, the time when I visited
Koh Rong Sanloem would be a strong contender.
If memory serves me correctly, it was in my junior year when my best friend and I decided to travel
to that island in Southern Cambodia. Precisely, it is a reputable(1) destination where thousands of
tourists flock to(2) every year.
In terms of its attractions, the island was once a fishing village which is currently marketed with
untouched natural features. Its simplicity and originality completely stand out. Hence, the authenticity
of Cambodian cuisine(3) is well-complemented(4) by the area’s diversity of seafood. What is more,
countless aquatic and hiking activities are also its strong hold.
However, it was such a pity that the scenery here was incredibly spoiled with trash, especially plastic
bags and bottles. The corporates(5) could perhaps be the villagers and tourists whose negligence
and irresponsibility(6) were at the expense of not only the island’s aesthetic but also the marine life.
We did try to pick up and categorize the litter on our way, but it was like a drop in the ocean(7). I
wished the local government and environmental enthusiasts would do something about this.
To cut the long story short, it is definitely an unforgettable experience showing how much we have
wronged(8) Nature.
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1. Reputable (a): có uy tín
2. Flock to (verb phrase): đổ về
3. Cuisine (n): ẩm thực
4. Complemented (a): tôn lên
5. Corporates (n): các thủ phạm
6. Negligence and irresponsibility (n): sự cẩu thả và thiếu trách nhiệm
7. A drop in the ocean: quá nhỏ không đủ sức ảnh hưởng
8. Wrong (v): làm sai/ đối xử tệ
Part 3
1. What are the benefits of using plastic products?
Well, I guess there are a few merits when we make the most of plastic. First of all, its lightweight
and durability(1) are ideal criteria for containers and other products. You know, it is unlikely to rust(2)
and spoil the content. Additionally, plastic is recyclable at a lower cost, compared to metal and glass.
Lastly, this material helps promote consumerism(3) when merchandise is economically manufactured
and thus affordable for customers.
1. Lightweight and durability (n): nhẹ và bền
2. Rust (v): rỉ sét
3. Consumerism (n): chủ nghĩa tiêu dùng, mua nhiều đồ và có những hậu quả lên môi trường hoặc
hành vi tiêu dùng…
2. How can people reduce their use of plastic?
Honestly, there are several ways for people to cut down on(1) the daily amount of plastic. To begin
with, they could replace plastic containers with other ones. For example, they can bring their own
bottles for beverages(2) and tote bags(3) when shopping. Secondly, they can reuse their plastic
products for other purposes, such as growing plants or making crafts.
1. Cut down on (verb phrase): cắt giảm
2. Beverages (n): đồ uống
3. Tote bags (n): túi vải xách đồ
3. What kind of plastic waste is often seen in Vietnam?
Well based on my experience, there are some common types of plastic waste in my country. But
I assume that the most ubiquitous(1) would be containers for beverages and food or bags. This is
because they are consumed and thrown away on a daily basis.
As well as those mentioned products, another kind worth mentioning would be household appliances.
Nowadays, industrial technology facilitates better manufacturing processes so that those appliances
can be sold at a price to suit everyone’s pocket. As a result, the products’ lifespan(2) is much shorter,
and they end up in landfills(3).
1. Ubiquitous (a): phổ cập/ có mặt khắp nơi
2. Lifespan (n): tuổi thọ/ vòng đời của sản phẩm
3. Landfills (n): bãi rác
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4. What are the problems when there is too much plastic waste?
As a matter of fact, there are two evident consequences(1) when the amount of plastic pollution is
too much to handle. First of all, it renders the natural world vulnerable since it has fatal(2) effects on
animals both on land and in the ocean. Many marine creatures were choked(3) on plastic bags, which
has received heavy coverage on the news(4) in recent years.
Secondly, the environment we live in will be impacted as well. The health problems related to
hazardous(5) release(6) from waste incineration(7) and micro-plastic(8) contamination(9) have gained
much contention(10).
1. Consequences (n): hậu quả
2. Fatal (a): gây tử vong
3. Choked (a): bị nghẹn/mắc cổ
4. Received heavy coverage on the news (phrase): được nhiều trang báo đưa tin
5. Hazardous (a): nguy hiểm
6. Release (v, n): phóng thích/ (chất) thải ra
7. Waste incineration (noun phrase): đốt chất thải
8. Micro-plastic (n): vi nhựa
9. Contamination (n): sự ô nhiễm
10. Contention (n): sự tranh cãi
Part 2: Describe a thing you did to learn another language
You should say:
• What language you learned
• What you did
• How it helped you learn the language
And how you felt about it.
Sample 1
I’m going to share a tip that has helped me to acquire(1) vocabulary effectively, and that is to make
your own set of flashcards and use it for a variety of activities.
I’m sure everyone knows how to make a flash card. You just need to take a piece of rectangular
paper, a small one, enough to fit in your palm. You then write the word that you want to learn on one
side and its definition on the other. If you’re feeling fancy, you can even laminate(2) the pieces. But
it’s really time-consuming and I generally don’t do this.
I realised most of my friends who were making flashcards would stop at this stage and only used
their cards like reminders. I thought this was a waste of potential(3). So, I figured out a few activities
and games that I could utilize(4) the cards to the fullest. My favourite game is guessing the word
from miming(5). To play this, I need to hold a card on my forehead, showing my friend the word in the
card. My friend has to act out(6) the word and I need to guess the word from those actions. Next, it’s
my turn to act.
Activities like this have helped me tremendously(7) when it comes to remembering new words. I used
to think learning vocabulary is repetitive(8) and boring but with this technique I can sail through(9) a
whole day of learning without breaking a sweat(10).
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1. To acquire (v): học thêm, có thêm, lấy thêm
2. To laminate (v): ép dẻo, ép plastic
3. Potential (n): tiềm năng
4. To utilise (v): sử dụng, tận dụng
5. Miming (n): diễn đạt hình thể không dùng lời nói
6. Act out (v): diễn
7. Tremendously (adv): một cách đáng kể
8. Repetitive (adj): lặp đi lặp lại
9. To sail through (idiom): nghĩa bóng: lướt qua một cách nhẹ nhàng
19. To break sweat (idiom): mệt
Part 2: Describe a useful skill you learned from an older person
You should say:
• What it is
• Why the skill can be learned from older people
• How you learned the skill
And explain how you feel after mastering the skill.
I’m going to talk about a craft skill which I have recently learnt from my uncle, and that is making
book sleeves(1) from discarded cereal boxes.
I’ve never been much of an artsy-craftsy person. However, I’ve always been really keen on reading books
and recycling. I always want to keep my paperbacks(2) in excellent condition so that I can reread them
later. Being an environmentally conscious(3) person, I don’t want to buy plastic sleeves for my books.
My uncle heard about my struggle, so he offered to teach me how to make my own book sleeves
from the boxes of my breakfast cereal boxes. My uncle also loves reading books. But he grew up
poor, so he didn’t have the luxury of(4) buying accessories for his books and he had to learn how to
make them himself. He told me to collect my used boxes, some glue, a paper knife, and highlighters
to make the sleeves. He first carefully took a box apart and turned it inside out to hide the design of
the package. He then folded and glued it in a specific way into a book sleeve and then used the knife
to cut the excess(5) parts off. After that, he used the highlighters to decorate. Simultaneously(6), I
followed him step-by-step(7).
My first product wasn’t beautiful and making it was harder than I thought. However, after a few tries
with the guidance of my uncle, I successfully made a neat-looking book sleeve. Now, I make them
for all my books, and I’ve even given some away. I’m so glad that my uncle was kind enough to teach
me this very useful skill.
1. Book sleeve: bìa bọc cho sách
2. Paperback (n): sách bìa mỏng. Hardcover là
sách bìa dày
3. Environmentally conscious (adv adj): có ý
thức về môi trường
4. To have the luxury of + n/v-ing: có điều kiện
làm việc gì đó
5. Excess (adj): thừa/thuộc về phần thừa
6. Simultaneously (adj): song song, cùng lúc đó
(nói về các sự việc xảy ra cùng thời điểm)
7. Step-by-step (adv): từng bước
Downloaded by Qu?nh Trâm Tr?n (tranquynhtram2001@gmail.com)
Part 3
1. What can children learn from their parents or grandparents?
There are many things a young child can learn from their older relatives. First and foremost(1), it is
cooking. It is the most basic skill that is useful to virtually(2) everyone. Another aspect of parental
education that I believe is really important is personal finance(3). However, in my country, many
parents avoid talking about money and how to manage money. I think this is a grave mistake(4) as
I’ve seen so many young people struggle with managing their budget once they move out from their
home and live indecently. I’d like to see parents put more effort in educating their children about
managing money.
1. First and foremost: đầu tiên và quan trọng nhất (ý nói đây là ý quan trọng nhất)
2. Virtually (adv): hầu hết
3. Personal finance: tài chính cá nhân
4. A grave mistake: một sai lầm tai hại
2. From whom can children learn more, parents or grandparents?
Well, it depends on whoever they spend more time with. People often assume(1) children naturally
spend more time with their parents and thus(2) they learn more from their mother and father. While
this is true for many families, there is a growing trend, especially in metropolitan areas, that both
the parents work fulltime and so they have to put the child in his or her grandparents’ care. In these
cases(3), the child certainly learns more from the grandparents.
1. Assume (v): mặc định
2. Thus (adv): do vậy
3. In these cases: trong những trường hợp này
3. What kind of help do you think older people need?
The elderly need a lot of help. Obviously, people who live to old age will eventually reach a point(1)
when they can’t physically take care of themselves. So, this task will fall on their children’s or
grandchildren’s shoulders(2). If they live alone then they may need help from state-run nursing
homes(3). However, I also want to stress(5) the importance of giving the elderly psychological support,
which is often overlooked(6). Loneliness and boredom are quite damaging to their health and their
relatives need to talk to them, have dinner with them and take them on vacations.
1. Reach a point: đến lúc
2. Fall on someone’s shoulders: đặt trách nhiệm lên vai ai đó (hiểu là ai sẽ là người có trách nhiệm
phải làm)
3. State-run (adj): được vận hành bởi nhà nước
4. Nursing home (n): viện dưỡng lão
5. Stress (v): nhấn mạnh
6. Be overlooked: bị bỏ qua
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Tham khảo kho bài mẫu IELTS Speaking tại đây!
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