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Descriptive Narrative Essay Assignment Sheet

Descriptive Narrative Assignment Sheet
Option A - Describe a moment that changed the direction of your life. You could pick something
momentous, such as moving from one part of the country to another or losing a family member or close
friend. You could also choose to write about an experience that did not appear particularly significant at
the time but has since proved to be important. Recall such a turning point in your life, and present it so as
to give the reader a sense of what your life was like before the event and how it changed afterward.
Option B – Explain a time where you made a mistake and learned from it. Your lesson could be big – like
figuring out that jumping off the roof could cause you to break your leg – or small – like putting too much
detergent in the washing machine can lead to it over-flowing. Describe your thought process during and
after the mistake so that readers can appreciate what you learned from it.
Option C – Pitch me a different idea in writing.
Your Essay should:
Tell a story that contains a beginning, middle, and end
Start with an engaging, exciting introduction to hook your reader
Have well-developed paragraphs that further your narrative
Use sensory details: sight, sound, smell, touch, taste
Feature a unique voice
How long should it be?
Your essay should be at least 1000 words and in Times New Roman.
How will it be evaluated?
I will evaluate your essay based on:
Engaging Introduction: Does the first paragraph of your essay put me in the middle of
the action? Does it make me want to keep reading to find out what happened next? Does
it create a clear world through sensory descriptions?
Clear Story: Do I get a clear picture of the characters and events? Do I understand the
order of events? Do you use sensory descriptions, dialogue, and active verbs?
Exposition: Do you talk about the experience from your perspective now? Do I
understand what you thought about the experience then and what you think about it