DBA Design by Analysis Analysis Type: Analysis Details Page 7.2(S) Example 1.1 GPD-Check and PD-Check Direct Route using Elastic Compensation Member: Strathclyde FE-Software: ANSYS 5.4 Element Types: 8 – node, 2-D structural axisymmetric solid. Boundary Conditions: No vertical displacement in the undisturbed end of the shell remote from the flat end. Axisymmetry from elements Model and Mesh: Number of elements – 339 Height of model – 500 mm Results: Maximum internal pressure according to the GPD-check: PSmax GPD = 60.1 MPa Check against PD: Shakedown limit pressure PSmax GPD = 102.1 MPa DBA Design by Analysis Analysis Details Example 1.1 Page 7.3(S) 1. Finite Element Mesh Element divisions for the finite element mesh were defined parametrically to allow modification of the element density. Analysis was carried out for a coarse mesh density and a much finer mesh density to allow any alterations on the results to be noted. Finite element models were created using linear 4-node 2-D axisymmetric solids, the analysis was repeated with higher order 8-node structural 2-D axisymmetric solids, any alterations this may have on the results could also be noted. The allowable pressure according to GPD and the shakedown pressure according to PD were calculated from the model giving the greatest lower bounds. Here, the fine density mesh with 8node higher order elements gave the highest lower bounds. Boundary conditions applied to the model reflect axisymmetry, applied via a key option when defining the element type in the FE-software (axisymmetry around the vertical axis Y). The nodes at the undisturbed end of the cylindrical shell have their vertical degree of freedom constrained to zero to ensure that plane sections remain plane. 2. Material properties Material strength parameter RM = 255 MPa , modulus of elasticity E = 212 GPa . 3. Determination of the maximum admissible pressure according to the GPD-Check Using the application rule in prEN 13445-3 Annex B.9.2.2 to check against GPD, the principle is fulfilled when for any load case the combination of the design actions do not exceed the design resistance. This may be shown by calculating the limit load. The limit load has to be determined using Tresca‘s yield condition and associated flow rule. As elastic compensation is based on a series of elastic equilibrium stress fields, it is a relatively simple procedure to derive a lower bound limit load directly from the Tresca yield model. From prEN 13445-3 Annex B, Table B.9-3 the partial safety factor, γR on the resistance is 1.25. Therefore, the design material strength parameter is given by RM/γR = 204 MPa. The analysis was carried out using the elastic compensation method conforming to the direct route rules for GPD in Annex B: linear elastic - ideal plastic material law, Tresca’s yield condition and associated flow rule and first order theory. In each elastic compensation iteration an equilibrium stress field is produced where the elastic modulus of each subsequent iteration is defined by the previous elastic solution. In this way some regions in the FE-model may be systematically stiffened or weakened depending upon the stress magnitudes in the previous solution. The result is, that every equilibrium stress field is a lower bound of the Figure 7.2.1-1: Limit Stress Field (Tresca) Analysis Details DBA Design by Analysis Example 1.1 Page 7.4(S) limit load, the stress field giving the greatest limit load is taken as the closest to the actual limit state and defines the limit load in the analysis. Convergence of the equilibrium stress field will occur typically between 8 and 15 iterations, i.e. no further benefit in the limit load will be noted with subsequent iterations. The total computing time to run the analysis on a 300 MHz Pentium two processor with 128 Mb RAM Windows NT workstation was 70 seconds. The stress field was shown to converge after eight iterations giving a lower bound on the pressure limit of 72.1 MPa. Figure7.2.1-1 shows the limit stress (intensity) field according to the Tresca criterion. The limit pressure is given by scaling the limit stress field so that the stress anywhere in the model does not exceed the design materialstrength, 204 MPa, i.e. the applied pressure is scaled by the factor (204/28.304) 7.207. According to prEN 13445-3 Annex B, Table B.9-2 for pressure loads (without natural limit) the partial safety factor γp is 1.2. Thus, the internal pressure limit according to failure by GPD is PS max GPD = 72.1 = 60.1 MPa 1.2 It is also possible to determine a limit pressure from the check against PD. In this case, the elastic compensation is based on Mises‘ yield condition. The partial safety factor on the resistance γR is not applied for the PD-check. However, as the analysis is wholly elastic it is possible to scale the stress fields at any time (similarly as was done above). The maximum ratio of Mises' equivalent stress to Tresca's equivalent stress for the same load is 2/√3. Therefore, applying a factor of √3/2 to the yield stress in the Mises analysis (or to the limit load, as the analysis is elastic) will always lead to a conservative result. From the Mises analysis the limit load was found to be 102.1 MPa, and with the partial safety factors γR = 1.25 and γp = 1.2, the internal pressure limit according to GPD can be found as PS max GPD = 102.1 3 ⋅ = 58.95MPa γ p ⋅γ R 2 4. Check against PD In this check the principle in prEN13445-3 B.9.3.1 is fulfilled if the structure can be shown to shake down. When a structure has been shown to shake down, the failure modes of progressive plastic deformation and alternating plasticity can not occur. In elastic compensation the load at which the structure will shake down is simple to calculate. Based on Melan’s shakedown theorem, the self-equilibrating residual stress field that would result after a loading cycle can be calculated by subtracting the linear-elastic stress field at the limit pressure from the limit stress field. The residual stress Figure 7.2.1-2: Residual Stress Field (Mises) DBA Design by Analysis Analysis Details Example 1.1 Page 7.5(S) field is in effect the resulting stress from an elastic unloading from the limit state back to zero pressure. If no stress in the residual field violates the yield condition, i.e. if there is no equivalent stress above the material (yield) parameter, then the shakedown load is equal to the limit load. Where the residual stress field of a structure does exceed the yield condition, the shakedown limit can be calculated easily from the stress plots because of the linearity. The residual stress field of the compensation analysis using Mises’ criterion is shown in Figure 7.2.1-2. Because the applied load is arbitrary and the resulting stress fields are scaled to the yield condition, the maximum residual stress is then compared to the maximum stress in the limit stress field, Figure 7.2.1-3. The maximum residual equivalent stress of 21.246 MPa is smaller than the 24.971 MPa for the limit stress field. The shakedown limit is therefore the same as the calculated limit load from the Mises condition, given by scaling up the load by a factor of material yield parameter to maximum stress in the limit field (255/24.971) = 10.21. With an applied load of 10 MPa the shakedown limit is 102.1 MPa. Figure 7.2.1-3: Limit Stress Field (Mises) 5. Check against GPD Using Non-linear Analysis A check against GPD was also performed for the same FE - model using conventional non-linear analysis. In this way, a direct comparison may be made between the two limit approaches. The FE geometry, mesh and boundary conditions are the same as those used in the elastic compensation analysis. Material non-linearities were applied corresponding to the material strength parameter, 204 MPa and perfect plasticity. A ramped load is applied and the analysis runs until the applied load is such that convergence can no longer occur due to unrestrained displacement – Gross Plastic Deformation. It is assumed that the last converged solution is the limit Figure 7.2.1-4: Limit Stress Field (non-linear analysis) Analysis Details DBA Design by Analysis Example 1.1 Page 7.6(S) load. Here, the last converged solution was at a load of 87 MPa, using the same method as above the allowable pressure according to the GPD-Check using Mises' criterion is 87 3 ⋅ = 62.8MPa γp 2 The result offers a small benefit to the allowable pressure calculated using elastic compensation, however the analysis is more difficult. Figure 7.2.1-4 shows the Mises equivalent stress at the limit load. Analysis time to calculate limit load using non-linear FE - analysis was 290 seconds. PS max GPD = 6. Additional Comments Additional analysis was completed to ascertain any effect on the results for different mesh density and for lower order elements (4-node). Limit loads and shakedown were calculated using Mises' condition, the results are summarised in Table 7.2.1-1. Number of Elements 119 339 119 339 Element Type 4 node 4 node 8 node 8 node Number of Iterations 8 8 8 8 Lower Bound Limit Load 56.9 58.8 57 58.95 Shakedown Load 98.5 101.9 98.75 102.1 Processor Time 40.7 107 70.2 190.3 Table 7.2.1-1. Limit and shakedown analysis summary Both the lower bound limit load and the shakedown load were calculated using the same method as described above. As can be seen from Table 7.2.1-1, essentially no difference is noted between the results for the different element types. For this geometry, higher order elements offer no benefit over the lower order elements. The geometry is simple and at the smaller mesh density the 4-node elements fit the curvature well, therefore little change in the results would be expected. A difference in the results can be noted between the two mesh densities. A slightly larger shakedown and limit load result is obtained from the analysis using the higher mesh density, although small, approximately 3%. In general, the results for both the limit load and shakedown calculations show very little sensitivity to the element type and element density for this geometry. As the geometry in this problem is outside the scope of DBF, the DBA calculations are a quick and simple alternative for this simple problem. The two elastic compensation methods used to calculate the lower bound limit load (direct from Tresca's criterion or via a correction of Mises') show good correlation; the Mises corrected value is slightly conservative as would be expected. However, carrying out the Mises elastic compensation will give both the limit load and shakedown load in one analysis. Good agreement was shown between the elastic compensation results and the non-linear analysis results. Processing time is longer for the non-linear analysis however, due to the simplicity of the model this time was also short. DBA Design by Analysis Analysis Type: Analysis Details Page 7.7(A) Example 1.1 GPD - Check and PD - Check Member: Direct Route using elasto-plastic FE calculations A&AB FE-Software: ANSYS® 5.4 Element Types: 4 – node, 2 – D axisymmetric solid PLANE42 Boundary Conditions: Zero vertical displacement in the nodes at the undisturbed end of the shell. Symmetry boundary conditions in the nodes in the centre of the flat end. Model and Mesh: Whole height of model: 751.2 mm Number of elements: 1294 Results: Maximun allowable pressure according to the GRD-Check: PSmaxGPD =60.87 Mpa Shakesown limit pressure: PSmaxGPD =101.45 Mpa DBA Design by Analysis Analysis Details Example 1.1 Page 7.8(A) 1. Elements, mesh fineness, boundary conditions The model of the structure is shown on the preceeding page, a total number of 1294 4-node axisymmetric solid elements, PLANE42 in ANSYS® 5.4, was used. The linear shape function of these elements is sufficient, since • the number of elements in the (linear-elastic) high stressed region is large, • the computation time in an analysis using nonlinear material properties is much larger for elements with midside nodes and quadratic shape functions, although, close to the limit load, the results are almost identical compared to those using elements with a linear shape function, • there is no need to compute linear-elastic peak stresses very exactly, because the check against PD can be carried out using the stress-concentration-free structure (according to prEN 13445-3 Annex B.9.3.2) and the structure’s geometry is modelled exactly in the example considered. The boundary conditions applied to the model are symmetry ones in the nodes in the centre of the plate (where the horizontal direction is perpendicular to the plane of symmetry) and constraining the vertical degree of freedom in the nodes at the undisturbed end of the cylindrical shell to zero. 2. Determination of the maximum admissible pressure according to the GPD-Check The partial safety factor γ R according to prEN-13445-3 Annex B, Table B.9-3 is 1.25 . Therefore, the analysis using Tresca’s yield condition (delivered by an ANSYS® distributor) was carried out with a linear-elastic ideal-plastic material law, a design material strength parameter of 204 MPa (corresponding to a material strength parameter of RM = 255 MPa according to EN 10222-2) for the shell and the plate, associated flow rule, and first order theory. The elastic modulus used in all calculations is E = 212 GPa . The analysis was carried out using the arc-length method, which showed faster convergence for the considered structure than the Newton - Raphson method; since at the limit load the structure is fully plastified in the shell and in the adjacent part of the plate, a maximum horizontal displacement of 10 mm at the upper face of the shell was used as termination criterion. To restrict the computation time in a reasonable manner, the analysis was terminated after 17 hours on a Compaq® Professional Workstation 5000 with two Pentium Pro® processors and 256 MB RAM. The last convergent solution showed an internal pressure of 73.05 MPa – this pressure was used as limit pressure. Figure 7.2.2-1 shows the horizontal displacement in the upper end of the shell versus the internal pressure. Analysis Details DBA Design by Analysis Example 1.1 Page 7.9(A) Figure 7.2.2-1 Figure 7.2.2-2 shows the distribution of Tresca's equivalent stress at this limit pressure. Because of the almost full plastification in the shell there is a small region where, due to numerical effects, the equivalent stress exceeds 204 MPa , but this has no effect on further analyses. The maximum absolute value of the principal strains in the structure at this limit pressure is 1.4 %, smaller than 5%, as required in the standard. According prEN 13445-3 Annex B, Table B.9-2, the partial safety factor for pressure (without natural limit), γ P , is 1.2. Figure 7.2.2-2 Therefore, the (internal) allowable pressure according to GPD is given by PS max GPD = 73.05 = 60.87 MPa. 1.2 A less time-consuming method to determine a limit pressure according to GPD is given by usage of the limit pressure result from the check against PD (see chapter 2 of section 3 - Procedures). With the partial safety factors γ R = 1.25 and γ P = 1.2 , the internal limit pressure according to GPD is, in this approach, PS max GPD = 102.89 3 102.89 3 ⋅ = ⋅ = 59.4 MPa . γ P ⋅ γ R 2 1.2 ⋅ 1.25 2 DBA Design by Analysis Analysis Details Example 1.1 Page 7.10(A) The maximum absolute value of the principal strains in the structure, at the limit pressure used here, and for the design material strength parameter of the check against PD-check, is 4 %, smaller than 5%, as required in the standard. 3. Check against PD The elasto-plastic FE analysis was carried out as stated in prEN 13445-3 Annex B, Sec. B.9.3.1, using Mises’ yield condition and associated flow rule, a linear-elastic ideal-plastic constitutive law with a material strength parameter of 255 MPa for shell and plate, and first order theory. By defining and using load cases in ANSYS®, the superposition of stress fields can be done easily. Therefore the first load step of the analysis was defined at a very low load level (5 MPa), so that there was linear-elastic response of the structure. All other linear-elastic stress fields can then be determined easily by multiplication with a suitable scale-up factor. Again, the analysis was carried out using the arc-length method; since at the limit load the structure is fully plastified in the shell and in the adjacent part of the plate, a maximum horizontal displacement of 10 mm at the upper face of the shell was used as termination criterion. Figure 7.2.2-3 The computation time of the limit load was 1 hour and 15 minutes on the Compaq® Professional Workstation 5000 with two Pentium Pro® processors and 256 MB RAM. The termination criterion was fulfilled for an internal pressure of 102.89 MPa – this pressure was used as limit pressure. Figure 7.2.2-3 shows the horizontal displacement in the undisturbed shell versus the internal pressure; according to this figure the limit state is reached. Figure 7.2.2-4 shows the elasto-plastic Mises equivalent stress distribution at the limit pressure of 102.89 MPa . Figure 7.2.2-4 DBA Design by Analysis Analysis Details Example 1.1 Figure 7.2.2-5 shows the linearelastic Mises equivalent stress distribution for the limit pressure – the stress maximum is located in the fillet. Figure 7.2.2-5 Figure 7.2.2-6 shows the Mises equivalent stress distribution of the corrected residual stress field, the scaling factor β is given by 0.96 (see subsection of section 3 – Procedures). The site of the stress maximum is now located at the outer surface of the cylinder. Figure 7.2.2-6 Page 7.11(A) Analysis Details DBA Design by Analysis Example 1.1 Figure 7.2.2-7 shows the Mises equivalent stress distribution at the lower bound shakedown limit. The scaling factor α is given by 0.986 (see subsection of section 3 – Procedures). Figure 7.2.2-7 Thus, the shakedown limit pressure is given by PS max SD = 0.986 ⋅ 102.89 = 101.45 MPa . Page 7.12(A) DBA Design by Analysis Analysis Details Page 7.13(T) Example 1.1 Analysis Type: Member: Stress Categorization Route FE-Software: BOSOR Element Types: Axisymmetric shell elements. TKS Model and Mesh: As shown in diagram – Shell numbers in calculation model Remark: In this example the structure is very thick walled. As BOSOR operates with thin-walled elements the pressure acting on element 3 and 4 has been reduced with the factor Ri / Rm = 250.4 / 301.2 Results: Maximum admissible action according to the Stress Categorization Route: With reduction factor (Calc NO 11E) - Internal pressure PSmax SC = 69.7 MPa Analysis Details DBA Design by Analysis Page 7.14(T) Example 1.1 -5.22E+01 1.25E+03 MIN: MAX: JOB NO11E 99-08-25 10.54.26 0 4.26E+02 MIN: MAX: WINDOW (X,Y): UNDEFORM. DEFORM. ALL SHELLS *GEOMETRY PLOT POSTBOSOR 1.04 The following figure shows the deformed model, the figures thereafter the distribution of stresses – membrane and membrane and membrane plus bending - in the surfaces of the various parts of the model. With the designation list in subsection 3.6 the various plots are self-explaining. The plots are for a pressure of 50 MPa. The limiting part is the cylindrical shell, the general membrane stress criterion is the governing one – see the membrane stress distribution in shell 4 on the last page of this contribution. 2 .20 .40 .40 .60 .60 .80 .80 1.00 1.00 1.20 1.20 1.40 1.40 10 10 2 2 JOB NO11E 99- 08-18 14.09.44 -8.03E+01 1.32E+02 10 .40 .50 .60 .70 .80 .90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 -.75 -.50 2 .20 .20 .40 .40 .60 .60 .80 .80 1.00 1.00 1.20 1.20 1.40 1.40 10 10 2 2 -8.03E +01 1.32E+02 3.54E+01 1.32E+02 JOB NO11E 99-08-18 14.11.10 MIN: MAX: FUNC.VALUES: "OUTSIDE" "INSIDE" SHELL 1 TRE SCA *STRESSES* POSTBOSOR 1.04 JOB NO1 1E 99-08-18 14.09.05 MIN: MAX: FUNC.VALUES: "OUTSIDE" "INSIDE" SHELL 1 GEN.DIR *STRESSES* POSTBOSOR 1.04 Example 1.1 MIN: MAX: FUNC.VALUES: "OUTSIDE" "INSIDE" SHELL 1 CIRCUMF *STRESSES* POSTBOSOR 1.04 JOB NO11E 99-08-18 14.08.15 2.61E+01 2.61E+01 2 Analysis Details -.75 -.50 -.25 .00 .25 .50 .75 1.00 1.25 10 .20 MIN: MAX: -.25 .00 .25 .50 .75 1.00 1.25 10 Shell No. 1 FUNC.VALUES: "MEMBR" SHELL 1 COMP.-ST *STRESSES* POST BOSOR 1.04 DBA Design by Analysis Page 7.15(T) Stresses 1.50 1 1.50 1.75 1.75 2.00 2.00 2.25 2.25 2.50 2.50 2.75 2.75 3.00 3 .00 3.25 3.25 3.50 3.50 10 10 2 2 1.12E+01 2.61E+01 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 10 2 JOB NO11E 99-08-18 14.14.30 -3.08E+01 8.29E+01 .20 .40 .60 .80 1.00 1.20 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 10 2 "INSIDE" 2.05E+00 1.75E+02 JOB NO11E 99-08-25 10.56.02 MIN: MAX: FUNC.VALUES: "OUTSIDE" Example 1.1 MIN: MAX: FUNC.VALUES: "OUTSIDE" "INSIDE" SHELL 2 *STRESSES* POSTBOSOR 1.04 SHELL 2 1.40 2 -1.23E+02 1.75E+02 JOB NO11E 99-08-18 14.13.40 MIN: MAX: FUNC.VALUES: TRESCA 1.60 10 -1.00 CIRCUMF *STRESSES* POST BOSOR 1.04 JOB NO11E 99-08-18 14.13.02 MIN: MAX: FUNC.VALUES: -.50 .00 .50 "INSIDE" "OUTSIDE" Analysis Details - 2.00 .00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10 12.00 14.00 16.00 "MEMBR" SHELL 2 1.00 SHELL 2 *STRESSES* POST BOSOR 1.04 GEN.DIR 1.50 2 COMP.-ST *STRESSES* 10 Shell No. 2 18.00 20.00 22.00 24.00 26.00 POSTBOSOR 1.04 DBA Design by Analysis Page 7.16(T) Stresses 4.60 4.60 10 10 2 2 0 4.00 4.20 4.20 4.40 4.40 4.60 4.60 10 10 2 2 *STRESSES* POSTBOSOR "INSIDE" 60.00 JOB NO11E 99-08-18 14.17.57 1.98E+01 8.18E+01 20.00 "INSIDE" 1.98E+01 8.18E+01 JOB NO11E 99-08-18 14.18 .32 MIN: MAX: FUNC.VALUES: "OUTSIDE" Example 1.1 MIN: MAX: FUNC.VALUES: "OUTSIDE" 1.04 JOB NO11E 99-08-18 14.17.05 SHELL 3 3.8 4.00 SHELL 3 3.60 3.80 -1.36E+01 6.94E+01 Analysis Details 20.00 3.60 MIN: MAX: FUNC.VALUES: "OUTSIDE" "INSIDE" SHELL 3 GEN.DIR *STRESSES* POST BOSOR 1.04 TRESCA 70.00 80.00 1 CIR CUMF *STRESSES* POSTBOSOR 1.04 JOB NO11E 99-08-18 14.15.21 30.00 4.40 4.40 30.00 4.20 4.20 40.00 4.00 4.00 -1.00 40.00 3.80 3.80 3.72E+01 7.06E+01 .00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 50.00 3.60 3.60 MIN: MAX: FU NC.VALUES: "MEMBR" SHELL 3 6.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 40.00 45.00 50.00 *STRESSES* COMP.-ST 10 Shell No. 3 55.00 60.00 65.00 70.00 POSTBOSOR 1.04 DBA Design by Analysis Page 7.17(T) Stresses 2 .60 .60 .80 .80 1.00 1.00 1.20 1.20 1.40 1.40 (σ eq )Pm ≤ f Mem. 122MPa 10 3 10 3 6.99E+01 1.27E+02 JOB NO11E 99-08-18 14.21.11 6.66E+01 1.29E+ 02 .70 .80 .90 1.00 1.10 1.20 10 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 2 .60 .60 .80 .80 1.00 1.00 1.20 1.20 1.40 1.40 10 10 3 3 9.08E+00 6.52E+01 6.66E+01 1.29E+ 02 JOB NO11E 99-08-18 14.21.41 MIN: MAX: FUNC.VALUES: "OUTSIDE" "INSIDE" SHELL 4 TRESCA *STRESSES* POSTBOSOR 1.04 JOB NO11E 99-08-18 14.20.30 MIN: MAX: FUNC.VALUES: "OUTSIDE" "INSIDE" SHELL 4 GEN .DIR *STRESSES* POSTBOSOR 1.04 Example 1.1 MIN: MAX: FUNC.VALUES: "OUTSIDE" "INSIDE" SHELL 4 CIRCUMF *STRESSES* POSTBOSOR 1.04 JOB NO11E 99-08-18 14.19.47 MIN: MAX: FUNC.VALUES: "MEMBR" SHELL 4 COMP.-ST *STRESSES* POSTBOSOR 1.04 Analysis Details .70 .80 .90 1.00 1.10 1.20 10 .70 .80 .90 2 Shell No. 4 1.00 1.10 1.20 10 DBA Design by Analysis Page 7.18(T) Stresses