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GATE Astrophotography Syllabus v1.2

Astrophotography Syllabus
Autumn 2023
In-person classes are held Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.
Classes can be video-taped, but the recordings are only shared with those students in the GATE program.
Eng. Tran Quang Khoi
E-mail: khoi.tq.aero@gmail.com
Cell: (+84) 834 100 791
Office Hours: Generally available via Zoom Sat-Sun, Mornings 8-9 AM, Afternoons 2-3 PM.
GST (Graduate Student Teacher) - Quan
Chan Huy
E-mail: quanchanhuy@gmail.com
Cell:(+84) 901-389-058
Office Hours:
Dr. Sten Odenwald, NASA Space Science Education Consortium, Goddard Space Flight Center, A Guide to
Smartphone Astrophotography
Dr. Sten Odenwald, NASA Space Science Education Consortium, Goddard Space Flight Center, Remote sensing
math A brief Mathematical Guide
Dr. Sten Odenwald, NASA Space Science Education Consortium, Goddard Space Flight Center, Exploring the
Lunar surface
Dr. Sten Odenwald, NASA Space Science Education Consortium, Goddard Space Flight Center, Exploring the
Milky Way Galaxy
Dr. Sten Odenwald, NASA Space Science Education Consortium, Goddard Space Flight Center, Exploring
Planetary Moons
Dr. Sten Odenwald, NASA Space Science Education Consortium, Goddard Space Flight Center, Exploring the
Dr. Sten Odenwald, NASA Space Science Education Consortium, Goddard Space Flight Center, Image Scale
Course Objectives and assessment methods
Primary Objectives:
To provide students with a fundamental understanding of Astronomy, including its history, the structure of
galaxies, planetary systems, and stars.
To introduce students to the concept of Astrophotography and its significance in capturing celestial objects
and phenomena.
To familiarize students with various equipment used in Astrophotography, such as cameras, telescopes,
mounts, and tracking systems.
To teach students the techniques and skills required for planetary imaging and capturing images of deep
space objects.
To develop students' proficiency in post-processing skills to enhance and produce final astrophotographs.
Secondary Objectives:
To demonstrate how mathematical equations represent physical phenomena in Astronomy and
To illustrate the relevance and practical applications of previous mathematics courses in the context of
engineering topics.
To engage students in active learning projects during classes to apply mathematical concepts to real-world
astronomical problems.
To provide hands-on experience and proficiency in using specific computer tools for astrophotography
post-processing, including PIPP, Registax 5, and AutoStakkert.
To give students an opportunity to use a telescope for direct observation of celestial objects, such as
planets, deep space objects, and the moon.
Assessment Methods:
Quizzes and Examinations: Regular quizzes and exams will assess students' understanding of the basic
knowledge of Astronomy and Astrophotography topics covered in the course.
Practical Projects: Active learning projects during class sessions will allow students to apply mathematical
concepts and computer tools to solve Astronomy and Astrophotography problems.
Astrophotography Assignments: Assignments on planetary imaging and deep space object imaging will test
students' ability to use equipment effectively and apply photo processing skills to produce high-quality
Telescope Observation Report: Students will be required to submit observation reports detailing their
experiences using a telescope to observe astro-objects, describing their findings and insights.
Final Project: The final project will involve planning, capturing, and processing an
astrophotograph of the student's choice. This project will assess students' overall proficiency in the
course material and their ability to apply learned skills.
Class Participation: Active participation in class discussions, asking questions, and engaging in hands-on
activities will be taken into account to evaluate students' involvement and enthusiasm in the subject matter.
Peer Reviews: Encouraging students to review and provide constructive feedback on each other's
astrophotographs and projects will foster collaborative learning and development of communication skills.
Team Projects – Laboratories and Computer Modeling Projects
Team Project 1: Light Pollution Analysis and Reduction (Laboratory)
Objective: Investigate the impact of light pollution on astrophotography and explore techniques to
reduce its effects.
Research and identify areas with varying degrees of light pollution using online tools and databases.
Visit multiple locations with different levels of light pollution to capture astrophotographs of the same celestial object.
Compare and analyze the quality of the images taken in different locations.
Develop a plan to reduce light pollution during astrophotography sessions, considering the use of light pollution
filters and shooting in optimal conditions.
Present the findings and results of the project to the class.
Team Project 2: Planetary Imaging Challenge (Laboratory and Computer Modeling)
Objective: Capture and process high-quality images of planets using various imaging techniques.
Divide the class into teams, and each team selects a planet for imaging (e.g., Jupiter, Saturn, Mars).
Plan observation sessions to capture multiple images of the chosen planet over a few nights.
Process the captured images using software like Registax to create a final composite image that highlights
planetary details.
Compare the results obtained by different teams and discuss the impact of various factors, such as atmospheric
conditions and camera settings, on the quality of the images.
Present the processed images and share the workflow used for image processing.
Team Project 3: Deep Space Object Image Processing (Computer Modeling)
Objective: Practice post-processing techniques to enhance images of deep space objects.
Each team is assigned a deep space object (e.g., Orion Nebula, Andromeda Galaxy) to work on.
Obtain raw image data of the deep space object (can be provided by the instructor or sourced from online
Use image stacking and calibration software like DeepSkyStacker to process the raw images.
Apply advanced post-processing techniques in Adobe Photoshop or similar software to bring out the details and
colors of the deep space object.
Create a visually appealing final image of the deep space object and present it to the class, explaining the
processing steps involved.
Team Project 4: Equipment Comparison and Selection (Laboratory and Computer Modeling)
Objective: Evaluate different astrophotography equipment setups and make informed choices based on
specific imaging goals.
Research and compile information on various astrophotography equipment, such as cameras, telescopes,
mounts, and tracking systems.
Create a set of criteria for evaluating the performance of each type of equipment (e.g., resolution, field of view,
Conduct hands-on laboratory sessions where teams compare and test different equipment setups under
controlled conditions.
Develop a computer model using software like Stellarium or SkySafari to simulate different imaging scenarios
and evaluate the performance of equipment virtually.
Present the findings, including a detailed analysis of the advantages and limitations of each setup and
recommend the most suitable equipment for specific astrophotography projects.
These team projects will not only provide students with practical experience in astrophotography but also
encourage teamwork, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Additionally, they align with the course
objectives and complement the theoretical knowledge covered during lectures and individual assignments.
Final Project:
Objective: Plan, capture, and process an astrophotograph of your choice to showcase your skills and
creativity as an astrophotographer.
Project Proposal (Week 1):
Each student submits a proposal for their final astrophotography project, detailing their chosen target (e.g.,
deep space object, planetary image, star cluster) and explaining the significance and challenges of capturing it.
The proposal should include a plan for observation and capture, including specific dates, times, and equipment
to be used.
The instructor reviews and approves the proposals, providing feedback and suggestions as needed.
Observation and Data Collection (Weeks 2-3):
Students start the observation sessions to capture raw data for their final project.
Depending on the target, multiple observation nights may be required to ensure sufficient data is obtained.
During this period, students may collaborate with each other, share experiences, and provide support in the
Data Processing (Weeks 4-5):
Using appropriate software (e.g., DeepSkyStacker, Registax, Photoshop), students process their raw image data.
They apply calibration, alignment, and stacking techniques to enhance signal-to-noise ratio and reveal finer
Post-processing methods, such as color balancing, noise reduction, and contrast adjustments, are employed to
produce a visually stunning final image.
Image Presentation and Analysis (Week 6):
Each student team prepares a presentation showcasing their final astrophotograph.
The presentation should include a step-by-step overview of the image processing workflow.
Students explain the challenges encountered during the project and how they overcame them.
They discuss the significance of their chosen target in the field of astronomy and astrophotography.
Peer Review (Week 7):
Students present their final projects to their peers, encouraging constructive feedback and discussions.
Peers evaluate each project based on creativity, technical proficiency, and the ability to convey information
Feedback sessions provide opportunities for students to learn from each other's experiences and enhance their
skills further.
Final Showcase (Week 8):
In the last class session, students present their finalized astrophotographs to the entire class.
This "Astrophotography Showcase" allows all students to appreciate and celebrate the diversity and beauty of
The instructor, along with peer feedback, provides individual evaluations and overall appreciation for each
Grading Criteria:
Project Proposal: 10%
Data Collection and Observation: 20%
Data Processing and Image Quality: 30%
Image Presentation and Analysis: 20%
Peer Review and Collaboration: 10%
Overall Creativity and Effort: 10%
The final project serves as a culmination of the course, where students apply the knowledge and skills gained throughout
the semester to create a captivating astrophotograph. It fosters creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities
while encouraging students to pursue their interests in astrophotography further.
The individual course letter grades for this course will be based on a point system. The following table shows the letter
grade that will be assigned at the end of the course based on the number of points awarded during the course.
Syllabus - 10 Months, 200 Minutes/Week
Month 1-2: Introduction Astronomy and Astrophotography
Week 1: Basic Astronomy Concepts
Introduction to astronomy: definition, historical significance, and its role in understanding the universe.
Celestial objects: stars, planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and galaxies - characteristics and differences.
The scale of the universe: understanding astronomical distances and measurements (light-years, parsecs).
Observing the sky: an overview of naked-eye observation and the importance of astronomical observations in
ancient civilizations.
Assessment for Week 1:
Participation and engagement in class discussions - 20%
Quiz on basic astronomy concepts - 30%
Short written assignment on the significance of astrophotography in modern astronomy - 30%
Discussion and presentation of famous astronomers and their contributions to the field - 20%
Week 2-3: Introduction to Astrophotography
What is astrophotography and its importance in modern astronomy.
Different types of astrophotography: deep space, planetary, and wide-field.
Essential equipment for astrophotography: DSLR/mirrorless cameras, telescopes, mounts, and tripods.
Camera settings for astrophotography: ISO, aperture, shutter speed, and focusing techniques.
Exploring the night sky: identifying constellations and prominent stars using star charts and mobile apps.
Best practices for night photography and light pollution reduction.
Assessment for Week 2-3:
Camera Settings Quiz (Week 2-3 - after Camera Settings Lecture): A quiz to assess students' understanding of
essential camera settings for astrophotography, including ISO, aperture, shutter speed, and focusing techniques. The
quiz will test their knowledge of how to optimize these settings for capturing different types of astrophotographs
(deep space, planetary, and wide-field). [Weight: 30%]
Night Sky Exploration Exercise (Week 2-3 - during Exploring the Night Sky Lecture): Students will be given a star
chart and asked to identify specific constellations and prominent stars in the night sky. They will also use mobile apps
to assist them in locating celestial objects. This exercise will evaluate their ability to navigate the night sky and
recognize key astronomical features. [Weight: 20%]
Light Pollution Reduction Plan (Week 2-3 - during Best Practices for Night Photography Lecture): Students will
develop a light pollution reduction plan for a specific location to improve astrophotography conditions. They will
outline practical steps to minimize light pollution and enhance the quality of night photography. This exercise will
assess their understanding of the challenges posed by light pollution and their ability to implement effective
strategies. [Weight: 25%]
Week 4-5: Astrophotography planning
Learning to predict celestial events, moon phases, and star rise/set times.
Introduction to post-processing: using software like Adobe Lightroom for basic edits.
Assessment for Week 4-5:
Astrophotography Planning Quiz (Week 4-5 - after Astrophotography Planning Lecture): A quiz to evaluate students'
comprehension of astrophotography planning concepts, including predicting celestial events, moon phases, and star
rise/set times. They will be tested on their ability to plan and schedule optimal observation sessions. [Weight: 30%]
Basic Post-Processing Exercise (Week 4-5 - during Introduction to Post-Processing Lecture): Students will process a
raw astrophotograph using software like Adobe Lightroom to perform basic edits, such as adjusting exposure,
contrast, and color balance. This exercise will assess their skills in using post-processing tools to enhance the quality
of their images. [Weight: 20%]
Week 6-8: Practical session: Capturing wide-field astrophotographs of constellations and the Milky
Reviewing and discussing the results of the practical session.
Practical Session Evaluation (Week 6-8 - during Practical Session): During the practical session for capturing
wide-field astrophotographs of constellations and the Milky Way, students' performance will be assessed based on
their ability to set up equipment, compose shots, and capture images effectively. Their understanding of camera
settings and night photography best practices will also be observed. [Weight: 40%]
Review and Discussion (Week 6-8 - after Practical Session): Students will present and discuss the results of their
practical session, sharing their experiences and challenges. They will also provide constructive feedback to their
peers, fostering a collaborative learning environment. [Weight: 10%]
In Month 1-2, the course focuses on introducing students to the fundamental concepts of astronomy
and astrophotography. Week 1 covers basic astronomy concepts, including the definition and historical
significance of astronomy, celestial objects, the scale of the universe, and the importance of
astronomical observations in ancient civilizations. Week 2-3 delves into the world of astrophotography,
explaining its significance in modern astronomy, the different types of astrophotography (deep space,
planetary, and wide-field), and the essential equipment required for astrophotography, such as
DSLR/mirrorless cameras, telescopes, mounts, and tripods.
Month 3-4: Deep Sky Astrophotography
Week 1-2: Understanding Deep Sky Objects
Introduction to deep sky objects: galaxies, nebulae, and star clusters.
Characteristics and features of different types of deep sky objects.
The significance of deep sky imaging in studying the universe.
Introduction to Tracking Mounts and Autoguiding
Understanding the need for tracking mounts in astrophotography.
Introduction to autoguiding systems and their role in achieving long-exposure imaging.
Hands-on demonstration of setting up and calibrating a tracking mount.
Assessment for Week 1-2:
Quiz on deep sky objects and their significance (Week 1) - 30%
Participation in the autoguiding setup demonstration - 20%
Short written assignment on the advantages of using tracking mounts in astrophotography - 25%
Class discussion and engagement during Week 1 lectures - 25%
Week 3-4: Choosing Deep Sky Targets
Factors to consider when selecting deep sky targets: visibility, brightness, and accessibility.
Understanding the seasonal variations and their impact on target selection.
Researching and identifying suitable targets based on available equipment.
Advanced Camera Settings and Techniques
Optimizing camera settings for capturing deep sky objects.
Understanding exposure times, ISO, and gain settings for different types of deep sky imaging.
Advanced techniques such as dithering and dark frame optimization.
Assessment for Week 3-4:
Target Selection Assignment - Students research and present their chosen deep sky target along with the reasons for
selection (Week 2) - 30%
Quiz on advanced camera settings and techniques for deep sky imaging - 40%
Participation in class discussions and engagement during Week 2 lectures - 30%
Week 5-6: Practical Session: Capturing Deep Sky Objects
Hands-on practical session where students use tracking mounts and autoguiding to capture deep sky images.
Each student will select and attempt to capture their chosen deep sky target.
Guidance and assistance will be provided during the session, and students will troubleshoot common issues.
Assessment for Week 5-6:
Practical Session Evaluation - Image quality, tracking accuracy, and successful data capture (Week 5) - 50%
Post-session Reflection and Troubleshooting Report (Week 6) - Students write a brief report discussing their
experiences, challenges, and solutions during the practical session - 25%
Class participation and collaboration during the practical session - 25%
Week 7-8: Introduction to Stacking and Calibration
Understanding the importance of stacking multiple frames in deep sky imaging.
Introduction to image calibration: using bias, dark, and flat frames to improve image quality.
Demonstration of using software like DeepSkyStacker and Siril for stacking and calibration.
Basic Post-Processing Techniques (Week 8)
Introduction to basic post-processing techniques for deep sky images.
Image stacking and alignment using stacking software.
Enhancing details, reducing noise, and adjusting colors using image editing software.
Assessment for Week 7-8:
Quiz on stacking and calibration concepts (Week 7) - 30%
Image Stacking and Calibration Exercise - Students practice stacking and calibrating their deep sky images using
provided data or their own captured images (Week 8) - 40%
Class engagement and participation during Week 7-8 lectures - 30%
Throughout Month 3-4, the assessments aim to evaluate students' theoretical knowledge, practical
skills, and ability to apply learned concepts in real-world deep sky astrophotography scenarios. The
varied assessment methods encourage active engagement, critical thinking, and proficiency in deep sky
imaging techniques and planning.
Month 5-6: Planetary Astrophotography
Week 1-2: Understanding Planetary Astrophotography
Introduction to planetary astrophotography: its significance in planetary studies and astronomical research.
Challenges in capturing clear and detailed planetary images, including atmospheric turbulence and planetary rotation.
Overview of webcams and planetary cameras as specialized imaging tools for planetary astrophotography.
How planetary imaging complements deep sky astrophotography in understanding celestial bodies.
Assessment for Week 1-2
Quiz on planetary astrophotography concepts and challenges - 30%
Participation in class discussions and engagement during Week 1 lectures - 20%
Short written assignment on the importance and applications of planetary astrophotography - 25%
Exploring and reviewing specifications of webcams and planetary cameras - 25%
Week 3-4: Telescope Selection and Magnification
Understanding the role of telescopes in planetary imaging: focal length, aperture, and optical design.
Choosing the right telescope for planetary imaging based on equipment compatibility and desired results.
Calculating and determining the appropriate magnification for capturing planetary details.
Eyepieces, Barlow lenses, and focal reducers: their influence on magnification and image scale.
Capturing Planetary Videos
Techniques for capturing high-quality planetary videos using webcams or planetary cameras.
Optimal camera settings, including frame rate, exposure, and gain adjustments.
Practical tips for achieving stable imaging conditions and reducing vibrations during video capture.
Assessment for Week 3-4:
Telescope Selection and Magnification Exercise - Students research and present their chosen telescope specifications
for planetary imaging (Week 2) - 30%
Quiz on capturing planetary videos and telescope magnification techniques - 40%
Class participation and engagement during Week 2 lectures - 30%
Week 5-6: Stacking and Aligning Planetary Video Frames
Introduction to software like RegiStax for planetary video stacking and alignment.
Techniques for aligning and stacking video frames to improve signal-to-noise ratio and enhance planetary details.
Applying wavelet sharpening to optimize the visual features of the planetary image.
Processing Planetary Images
Overview of post-processing techniques for planetary images to enhance clarity and contrast.
Adjusting brightness, contrast, and color balance to bring out finer details.
Removing image artifacts and imperfections through noise reduction and image de-rotation.
Assessment for Week 5-6:
Image Stacking and Alignment Exercise - Students practice stacking and aligning planetary video frames using
provided data or their own captured videos (Week 3) - 40%
Basic Planetary Image Processing Exercise - Students apply post-processing techniques to enhance planetary images
using provided data or their own captured images (Week 3) - 40%
Class engagement and participation during Week 3 lectures - 20%
Week 7-8: Practical Session: Capturing and Processing Planetary Images
Hands-on practical session for capturing planetary images of the moon and planets.
Each student will attempt to capture high-quality videos of planets and the moon using webcams or planetary
Students will process their captured videos to produce final planetary images.
Review and discussion of the results obtained during the practical session, sharing experiences and challenges.
Assessment for Week 7-8:
Practical Session Evaluation - Image quality, tracking accuracy, and successful data capture (Week 4) - 50%
Post-session Reflection and Processing Report - Students write a brief report discussing their experiences,
challenges, and solutions during the practical session (Week 4) - 25%
Class participation and collaboration during the practical session and review discussion - 25%
Throughout Month 3, the assessments aim to evaluate students' theoretical knowledge, practical skills,
and ability to apply learned concepts in planetary astrophotography scenarios. The varied assessment
methods encourage active engagement, critical thinking, and proficiency in capturing and processing
planetary images using specialized equipment and techniques.
Month 7-8: Advanced Topics in Astrophotography
Week 1-2 Introduction to Narrowband Astrophotography
Understanding the concept of narrowband astrophotography and its benefits in capturing emission nebulae.
Introduction to specialized filters (e.g., H-alpha, OIII, SII) used in narrowband imaging.
Practical session: Hands-on experience in capturing narrowband images of emission nebulae using the dedicated
filters and post-processing techniques.
Assessment for Week 1-2:
Narrowband Astrophotography Practical Session Evaluation (Week 1) - 50%
Written or Verbal Presentation on the Importance of Narrowband Imaging in Astrophotography (Week 1) - 30%
Class Engagement and Participation during Week 1 lectures and practical session - 20%
Week 3-4: Autoguiding and Advanced Tracking Techniques
Understanding the significance of autoguiding in long-exposure deep sky astrophotography.
Introduction to autoguiding equipment (guide scopes, guide cameras) and software (PHD2).
Advanced tracking techniques for precise tracking during long-exposure imaging.
Understanding Image Calibration and Data Processing
The importance of image calibration in minimizing noise and artifacts.
Introduction to bias, dark, and flat frames and their application in image calibration.
Overview of data processing steps in deep sky astrophotography.
Assessment for Week 3-4:
Autoguiding Practical Exercise - Students set up and demonstrate autoguiding during a practical session (Week 2) 40%
Image Calibration and Data Processing Assignment - Students practice image calibration and processing using
provided data or their own captured images (Week 2) - 40%
Class Engagement and Participation during Week 2 lectures and practical exercise - 20%
Week 5-6: Practical Session: Capturing and Processing a Challenging Deep Sky Object
Hands-on practical session for capturing and processing images of a challenging deep sky object (e.g., dim or distant
galaxy, faint nebula).
Students apply their knowledge of advanced tracking, autoguiding, and image calibration techniques.
Post-processing techniques to bring out details in challenging targets.
Presenting and Sharing Astrophotographs
Overview of online communities and astrophotography forums for sharing images and receiving feedback.
Importance of presenting astrophotographs effectively and telling the story behind each image.
Students share their captured and processed images with the class, discussing their experiences and challenges.
Assessment for Week 5-6:
Practical Session Evaluation - Image quality, tracking accuracy, and successful data capture (Week 3) - 40%
Astrophotography Presentation - Students present their captured and processed images to the class (Week 3) - 40%
Class Engagement and Participation during Week 3 lectures and practical session - 20%
Throughout Month 4, the assessments aim to evaluate students' theoretical knowledge, practical skills,
and ability to apply learned concepts in advanced astrophotography scenarios. The varied assessment
methods encourage active engagement, critical thinking, and proficiency in capturing and processing
challenging deep sky objects. Additionally, students will gain experience in autoguiding and advanced
tracking techniques, contributing to their overall expertise in astrophotography. The presentation
component emphasizes effective communication and sharing of astrophotographs within the
astrophotography community.
Week 7-8: Prepare for Final project: plan, capture, and process an astrophotograph of your choice.
Presenting the final project and discussing your learning journey.
Student can propose a scientific research topic and carry on for the final project (Example: build an autonomous
telescope with embedded computer and step motor)
Month 9-10: Final project
Final Project:
Objective: Plan, capture, and process an astrophotograph of your choice to showcase your skills and
creativity as an astrophotographer.
Project Proposal (Week 1):
Each student submits a proposal for their final astrophotography project, detailing their chosen target (e.g.,
deep space object, planetary image, star cluster) and explaining the significance and challenges of capturing it.
The proposal should include a plan for observation and capture, including specific dates, times, and equipment
to be used.
The instructor reviews and approves the proposals, providing feedback and suggestions as needed.
Observation and Data Collection (Weeks 2-3):
Students start the observation sessions to capture raw data for their final project.
Depending on the target, multiple observation nights may be required to ensure sufficient data is obtained.
During this period, students may collaborate with each other, share experiences, and provide support in the
Data Processing (Weeks 4-5):
Using appropriate software (e.g., DeepSkyStacker, Registax, Photoshop), students process their raw image
They apply calibration, alignment, and stacking techniques to enhance signal-to-noise ratio and reveal finer
Post-processing methods, such as color balancing, noise reduction, and contrast adjustments, are employed to
produce a visually stunning final image.
Image Presentation and Analysis (Week 6):
Each student team prepares a presentation showcasing their final astrophotograph.
The presentation should include a step-by-step overview of the image processing workflow.
Students explain the challenges encountered during the project and how they overcame them.
They discuss the significance of their chosen target in the field of astronomy and astrophotography.
Peer Review (Week 7):
Students present their final projects to their peers, encouraging constructive feedback and discussions.
Peers evaluate each project based on creativity, technical proficiency, and the ability to convey information
Feedback sessions provide opportunities for students to learn from each other's experiences and enhance their
skills further.
Final Showcase (Week 8):
In the last class session, students present their finalized astrophotographs to the entire class.
This "Astrophotography Showcase" allows all students to appreciate and celebrate the diversity and beauty of
The instructor, along with peer feedback, provides individual evaluations and overall appreciation for each
Month 1-2 - Basic Equipment (Required for the Entire Course):
Digital Single-Lens Reflex (DSLR) or Mirrorless Camera: A camera with manual settings for adjusting ISO,
aperture, and shutter speed is essential for astrophotography
Tripod: A sturdy tripod to provide stability for long-exposure shots of the night sky.
Telescope: A telescope with appropriate focal length and aperture for capturing deep sky objects and planets.
Mount: Equatorial or motorized mount for tracking celestial objects during long exposures.
Laptop or Computer: For image processing and stacking using software.
Week 2-3 - Astrophotography Equipment:
Wide-Angle Lens: A wide-angle lens is useful for capturing wide-field shots of constellations and the Milky
Remote Shutter Release: Allows you to trigger the camera without touching it, minimizing vibration
Week 4-5 - Astrophotography Planning:
Star Chart or Mobile App: For identifying constellations, stars, and celestial events.
Moon Phase Calendar: To plan observation sessions around moon phases.
Weather App: To monitor weather conditions and select optimal nights for astrophotography.
Notepad and Pen: For jotting down planning details.
Week 6-8 - Practical Session:
Intervalometer: A device for setting precise intervals between exposures during time-lapse or stacked imaging.
Red LED flashlight: To preserve night vision during setup and image capture.
Month 3-4 - Deep Sky Astrophotography:
Guiding System: Autoguiding equipment, including guide scope and guide camera.
Deep-Sky Imaging Filters: Light pollution or narrowband filters to enhance image quality.
Month 5-6 - Planetary Astrophotography:
Planetary Camera or Webcam: A specialized camera for capturing planetary videos.
Barlow Lens: For increasing magnification when imaging planets.
Month 7-8 - Advanced Topics:
Narrowband Filters: Specialized filters for narrowband imaging of emission nebulae.
Autoguiding Equipment: Guide scope, guide camera, and autoguiding software (e.g., PHD2).
Intervalometer with Bulb Mode: For capturing longer exposures during advanced tracking.
Additional Lenses: Macro or telephoto lenses for creative imaging techniques.
Computer Accessories: External hard drive, memory cards, and card reader for managing and storing images.
Equipments list summary:
Cost (VNĐ)
DSLR || Mirrorless Camera (Sony QX1 or
To capture
celestial objects
Equatorial Mount + Tripod
A sturdy tripod
to provide
stability for
shots of the
night sky.
GOTO mount + tripod
Compound Telescope Kit or Equivalent
(including eye pieces, star finder and barlow
2x) - Celestron Nexstar 6SE
Main telescope
Smartphone mount (NEX XY Mount)
1.250.000 VNĐ
For student to
capture the
Laptop or PC: CPU i5 8th gen or higher
To process data
and images
150.000 VNĐ
To attach camera
to the telescope
T-adaptor extend tube
180.000 VNĐ
To increase
magnification for
E-mount for Sony Camera
250.000 VNĐ
To attach camera
to the telescope
Maintenance tool
250.000 VNĐ
To repair and fix
100.000 VNĐ
To use in the
28mm lens for DSLR | Mirrorless camera
Star tracker
Astrophotography cooled camera (ZWO
7.500.000 VNĐ
To capture Sky
night with wide
100.000 VNĐ
To determine the
To capture
Galaxies without
star traces
camera for
researchers to
capture quality
(cooled to minus
5 Celsius)
Air pollution filter (Optolong UHC (Ultra
High Contrast)
To capture the
quality sky
images in city,
pass in nebula
light only
H-alpha filter || Sun filter (Optolong HA 7nm
To capture the
quality galaxies
RGB filter
To practice
stacking and
e images
Guide camera (SV305)
To effectively
and precisely
navigate the
Guide scope (SV165)
To effectively
and precisely
navigate the
Total cost: 121.380.000 VNĐ
Minimal Equipments list summary:
Cost (VNĐ)
Astrophotography cooled camera (ZWO
To capture celestial objects
Equatorial Mount + Tripod
A sturdy tripod to provide stability for
long-exposure shots of the night sky.
GOTO mount + tripod
Computerized navigator
Compound Telescope Kit or Equivalent
(including eye pieces, star finder and barlow
Main telescope
Smartphone mount
1.250.000 VNĐ
For student to capture the objects
150.000 VNĐ
To attach camera to the telescope
T-adaptor extend tube
180.000 VNĐ
To increase magnification for planetary
E-mount for Sony Camera
250.000 VNĐ
To attach camera to the telescope
Maintenance tool
250.000 VNĐ
To repair and fix
Air pollution filter (Optolong UHC (Ultra
High Contrast)
Total cost: 56.080.000 VNĐ
To capture the quality sky images in
city, pass in nebula light only