GRADE 7 SCIENCE COURSE OUTLINE 2023-24 OPICS Introduction to science and scientific methods (2 weeks) LEARNING OUTCOMES Materials and their structure (3 weeks) Properties of materials (2 weeks) Changes to materials (2 weeks) Science and Scientist! Lab Rules and etiquette in the lab. Hazard signs. Fire Drills and evacuation Apparatus -Drawing and uses. -Reading and measuring. -Conversions into other units. Bunsen burner and flames. Observation and inferences and hypothesis. Variables. Representing data. Report writing. Understand that all matter is made of atoms, with each different type of atom being a different element. Describe the three states of matter as solid, liquid and gas in terms of the arrangement, separation and motion of particles. Describe a vacuum as a space devoid of matter. Know that the Periodic Table presents the known elements in an order. Use the particle model to represent elements, compounds and mixtures. Know metals and non-metals as the two main groupings of elements. Describe the differences between elements, compounds and mixtures, including alloys as an example of a mixture. Describe the Rutherford model of the structure of an atom. Know that electrons have a negative charge, protons have a positive charge and neutrons have no charge. Know that the electrostatic attraction between positive and negative charge is what holds together individual atoms. Understand that all substances have chemical properties and physical properties. Understand that the acidity or alkalinity of a substance is a chemical property and is measured by pH. Use indicators (including Universal Indicator and litmus) to distinguish between acidic, alkaline and neutral solutions. Use tests to identify hydrogen, carbon dioxide and oxygen gases. Describe common differences between metals and non-metals, referring to their physical properties. Understand that alloys are mixtures that have different chemical and physical properties from the constituent substances. Use the particle model to explain the difference in hardness between pure metals and their alloys. Identify whether a chemical reaction has taken place through observations of the loss of reactants and/or the formation of products which have different properties to the reactants (including evolving a gas, formation of a precipitate or change of color). Explain why a precipitate forms, in terms of a chemical reaction between soluble reactants forming at least one insoluble product. Understand that the concentration of a solution relates to how many particles of the solute are present in the volume of the solvent. Describe how paper chromatography can be used to separate and identify substances in a sample. Use the particle model to describe chemical reactions. Describe neutralization reactions in terms of change of pH. Know that purity is a way to describe how much of a specific chemical is in a mixture. END OF TERM Forces and motion (2 weeks) Energy (2 weeks) Describe the effects of forces on motion, including friction and air resistance. Describe the effect of gravity on objects. Secondary sources can be used Calculate average speeds, including through the use of timing gates. Interpret simple distance/time graphs Understand that energy cannot be created or destroyed and that energy is always conserved. Recognize different energy types and energy transfers. Use knowledge of energy sources including fossil fuels and renewable energy resources to consider the world’s energy needs, including research from secondary sources. Identify and explain the thermal (heat) energy transfer processes of conduction, convection and radiation. Explain cooling by evaporation. REMARKS Sound (1 week) Explain the properties of sound in terms of the movement of air particles. Recognise the link between loudness and amplitude, pitch and frequency, using an oscilloscope. Light (1 week) Use light travelling in a straight line to explain the formation of shadows and other phenomena. Describe how non-luminous objects are seen. Describe reflection at a plane surface and use the law of reflection. Investigate refraction at the boundary between air and glass or air and water. Explain the dispersion of white light Explain colour addition and subtraction, and the absorption and reflection of coloured light. Understand that all organisms are made of cells and microorganisms are typically single-celled. Identify and describe the functions of cell structures (limited to the cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, cell wall, chloroplast, mitochondria and sap vacuole). Describe the similarities and differences between the structures of plant and animal cells. Explain how the structures of some specialised cells are related to their functions (including red blood cells, neurones, ciliated cells, root hair cells and palisade cells). Identify ball-and-socket and hinge joints, and explain how antagonistic muscles move the bones at a hinge joint. Understand that cells can be grouped together to form tissues, organs and organ systems. Describe the seven characteristics of living organisms. Discuss reasons for classifying viruses as living or non-living. Describe a species as a group of organisms that can reproduce to produce fertile offspring. Use and construct dichotomous keys to classify species and groups of related organisms. Know and describe the ecological role some microorganisms have as decomposers. Construct and interpret food chains and webs which include microorganisms as decomposers. Identify different ecosystems on the Earth, recognising the variety of habitats that exist within an ecosystem. Describe the impact of the bioaccumulation of toxic substances on an ecosystem. Describe how a new and/or invasive species can affect other organisms and an ecosystem. Describe what could happen to the population of a species, including extinction, when there is an environmental change. Structure and function (3 weeks) Life processes (2 weeks) Ecosystems (2 weeks) END OF YEAR 2023/24