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English Exam Practice: Speaking & Writing Prompts

ĐỀ 1
Part 1: Hôm nay bạn mặc gì?
Today I am going to go to my friend’s wedding with my wife. I'm wearing a
black suit and blue tie. My wife is wearing a black dress and golden shoes.
The bride and groom look very happy. I hope they will be happy forever and
have many lovely children.
Tả căn phòng
I’m in a computer lab, it's a big room with many computer. There are many
tables and office chairs. There is a white board and three windows. This room is
very clean. I think this computer lab is morden for students to practice and do
the tests
Lần cuối đi xem phim
The last time I went to cinama was 2 months ago with my wife. The film is
Avenger, a block buster Marvel movie. It's a action movie about super heroes
like Iron man, Spiderman, Captain America , Dr. Strange, the film is so good
and it make us very excited.
Part 2 (tranh): Người đàn ông vẽ tranh
It's an interesting picture. In this picture, I can see a man is drawing a picture.
He is wearing a … He looks about 30 years old. He has short brow hair. He is
painting the landscape. Behind him there are many other pictures
Bạn nghĩ gì về nghệ thuật?
Yes, I like all types of arts: morden art, ancient art, culture art, performan art.
The fact is there is art everywhere and in everything. I studied about art and I
can draw. So beside my offical art class in school, I also joined a drawing club
in city. Until now, I still draw in my free time, although not as often as I used to
Part 3: 5 người già + 2 người đàn ông bắt tay
Tả tranh
In the picture , I can see a group of five people are standing together. They look
about 70 years old. There are two men and three women. They are smiling…
In the second picture, I can see two men are shaking hand. They look about 30
years old. They look very happy. I think they are good friends.
Mối quan hệ bạn bè và đồng nghiệp khác nhau như thế nào?
I think the relationship between friends and colleagues is very different. Young
people play togerther if they have the same shool, the same place they were
born, or the same place they lived, even their same hobbies. Older people or
colleagues are different. They are more caution in their relationship
Part 4: Khi trời mưa, bạn cảm thấy như thế nào? Con người tác động đến
thời tiết như thế nào?
If it rains when I 'm going out, my mood will be very bad. Bad weather can
indeed have a negative effect on your emotions.
Well, I have travelled around the world so I have had a chance to experience
different types of weather. Last year, I had a visit to Dubai. It was very hot, I
was really sweltered in the heat. I had tried to slap on more sun cream but it
didn't work. I want to came back to the hotel and stayed inside all day with air
There is a lot of evidence that humans have negative effects on the environment.
People have cut forests, burned fossil fuels, built factories, the earth is getting
hotter and hotter, the ice in the north (Arctic) is melting, the air is polluted.
ĐỀ 2
Part 1: Bữa ăn ở Việt Nam
In Viet Nam, there are three meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. For
breakfast, people often eat bread. For lund and dinner, people usually eat rice.
We eat a lot of green vegetable, meat and fish. Dinner is the main meal and
everyone eats with their families.
Part 2:
2 người đàn ông nói chuyện điện thoại, trên bàn có laptop và coffee
It is an interesting picture. In this picture, I can see a man who is answering the
phone. He is wearing a blue suite. He looks about 30 years old, he has short
hair. On the table, there are a laptop and a cup of coffee. I think when he is
working at home, someone call him
Kể về một lần nói chuyện điện thoại
Yesterday, I talked on the phone I called my best friend. I told my friend about
the movie that I went to see at the cinama with my wife. The film is Avenger.
It's a action movie about superheroes like Iron man, Spider man, Captain
America… the film is so good that it make us very excited
Bạn có nhắn tin thay cho gọi điện thoại không?
No, I don’t. I will not write messages on the phone instead of calling. I’m a
teacher at the Vo Nhai primery School so I am very busy. I don’t have much
time to write message. I think direct phone calls save time and express emotions
better. This is the opinion of myself.
Part 3
Kể về các môn thể thao ở quốc gia của bạn?
There are many sports in my country: football,volleyball, basketball,
badminton. Everyone loves playing sports. But the most favourite sport is
football. Football is king of sport in my country. Playing football makes people
happier, heaththier and more united. I also like play football so much.
Part 4
Lần cuối đi ăn ở nhà hàng
The last time I went to eat at the restaurant a month ago with my wife. This
restaurant in Hanoi. I wore a white suit and golden shoes. My wife wore a black
dress. We ate Italian food likes pizza, pasta, panni, glato, fresh tomatoes. We
were very happy, that was my 5th wedding anniersary.
Điều gì khiến bạn thích ăn ở nhà hàng?
There are many reasons for being a good restaurant. The first, a good restaurant
serves high quality food. Second, restaurants have a highly experienced chef,
their meals using the best ingredients. The factors that effect the restaurant's
ambinence include the décor, comfortable seating, background music and
lighting. we are happy to eat at the restaurant
ĐỀ 3
Part 1
Tả người bạn
My best friend is ???. She lives near my house. She is 34 years old, she is very
beautiful and friendly. She has a long black hair. She has two children: a
daughter and a son. She helps me a lot at work.
Hôm qua bạn làm gì?
Yesterday is Sunday so I stayed at home with my family. I played with my
children in the morning. Then I cooked lunch for my family. And in the
evening, I went to cinema to watch a movie with my wife . It's a movie name
Avenger It's a action more about superheroes like Iron man , Spider man,…
Part 2: 3 người nằm trên đám cỏ đọc sách (ông, mẹ, cháu)
It's an interesting picture. In this picture, I can see three people are lying on the
grass and reading books: the grandfather, the mother , the children. (Tả xem họ
mặc gì)… The weather is beautiful. The grass is green and very beautiful
Lợi ích của việc đọc sách
Reading book has many benefits. It helps us to have more understanding, widen
our knowledge, we can find a better job ,with a high salary.... help us relax and
good for our brain
I think kid should read early. Reading helps children smarter . They will learn
more when reading book. That knowledge can help children in the future, help
they relax and good for brain.
Part 3
Two picture are very different. In the first piture, two people are very relax, they
are lying on the chairs.
In the second picture, they are traveling and climbing. In the background, there
are many high mountains.
I remember a time I visited New York city, which has a lot of tall building. I
went there with my family in 2014. It was an amzing experience to see this tall
building. I felt very excited to see this place.
New York is a modern city, it has many mean of transportation sush as train ,
car,... They make a lot of emissions.
We have many ways to improve the evironment. Plant more tree, do not cut
fitness, build fewer factories produce clean fuels. Planting trees help to keep the
air fresh. The water source is not infinite, so we need to use it economically.
Today, we also build many clean factory like solar enery, wind energy, tidal
energy. I belive the enviroment will get better day by day.
ĐỀ 4
Part 1
Today is special day. I don’t have to go to work.
Part 2: TV hiện hình chuyển động, một bàn tay cầm điều khiển chuyển
It's an intering picture. In this picture, I can see a smart TV. I see a hand holding
a remote. The TV is in channel selection mode. Maybe in the evening, a man
wanting to watch a movie on the TV.
Part 3: Một người đàn ông đứng trên núi chụp ảnh và một cặp đôi đang
kéo vali
In the first picture, I can see a man is taking photos. He is standing on a
moutain. He is wearing a blue jacket and gray pants. He is wearing a backpack.
In the second picture, I can see two people are pulling their suitcases . Maybe
they are husband and wife. I think they are traveling.
Lợi ích của 2 cách du lịch
Travling alone helps you feel comfortable. You don't have to depend on anyone.
You can decide for youself where to go, what to do, what to eat.
Traveling with many people help us to be happier and more united. I like both
ways of traveling.
I like traveling with many people better. I want to go to halong beach in the
weekend with my family. My children can play in the sand and make sand
castles. We can swimming. At nigh we can have a barbecue…
Part 4: Tặng quà
Last year, my daughter gave me a gift. She gave me a new phone for Father's
day. It was a very special gift. I was very happy when I received the new phone.
She also gave my mother a new dress. My mother was very happy too.
In my country, people give gift on many accasions. They give gift when there is
a birthday, a graduation, a wedding or when a baby was born. People also give
gift to say thank, sorry or say congratulations to other people.
I think everyone love gift because it make us feel very happy.
ĐỀ 1
Part 1
Full name
Le Quang Hung
Date of birth
16th November 1999
City / Town / Village
Thai Nguyen city
First language
Interests (list 3)
Listening to music
Part 2: You are a member of the cooking club. Fill in the form. Write in
sentences. Use 20 – 30 words. You have 7 minutes in total.
1. Please tell us about the days and time you can come and the food you enjoy
cooking and eating.
I can come everyday and evrytime, I just graduated so I have a lot of free time. I
love to eat cake, and I want to learn how to make it
Part 3: You are a member of the club. You are talking to J in the cooking
chat room. Talk to J using sentences. Use 30 – 40 words per answer. You
have 10 minutes in total.
J: Hi! I hear you’ve just started taking cooking classes. I’ve been a member for
about two years because my children want me to get better at cooking. Why did
you join?
Hi J, I want to join because I very like cooking. I want to cook delicious food
for my family. I cook quite badly, so I want to come here to improve my
cooking skills.
J: I go once or twice a week. How often do you think you’ll go?
I love to cook, so I’ll come whenever I have free time. I like to cook from a
young age. I want to learn how to cook many dishes
J: OK. What do you think about the price of the classes?
Since i join the club, I have learnt so many things. My cooking skill has been
improved so much. So I think the fee is reasonable.
Part 4:
Club mời 1 đầu bếp đến để hướng dẫn vài món ăn, nêu ý kiến để thu hút
thành viên đến
Thư thân mật (không trang trọng):
Hi Anna
How are things with you?
I am wiriting this email to show you a piece of good news. Do you know …..?
I was so happy when I read that good news. I have some idea for the meeting of
club. So I will write a letter to them what about your new job?
Miss you,
ĐỀ 2
Part 1: You want to join an English club. Fill in the form. You have 3
Full name
Nguyen Thi Hai Anh
Date of birth
4th July 2001
City / Town /
Hai Phong city
Sports played
Preferred days
The women day
Part 2: Please answer the following question to complete the survey. Write
in sentences. Use 20 – 30 words. You have 7 minutes in total.
Please tell why you would like to join our club.
Part 3: Answer our questions using sentences. Use 30 – 40 words per
answer. You have 10 minutes in total.
What sports are you good at and what sports do you want to play in the club?
The sport I play well is football. I want to learn play basketball in the club.
Because play basketball helps me taller, moreover it help me healthier and
How often and what time can you play in the club?
I can play in the club whenever I have free time, because I am very keen on play
sport. It help me healthier and happier, it also helps me make new friends.
What do you think about the services given by the club?
I think the services given by the club is so well. The fee to join club is cheap.
The Head of the club is also thoughful and very friendly. I am very happy to be
a member of the club.
Part 4: HLV của bạn vắng mặt 2 tuần, bạn có thể tự tập mà không có
ĐỀ 3
Part 3:
Why did you join the language course?
I would like to join your club because I love learning English. I want to make
new friends. I want to improve my English so that I can speak with foreigners
How have you found the course difficult so far?
Now I have a lot of difficulties. I don't have time to study English course. I also
learn new words very slowly. Do you have any solution for me?
What do you hope when you finish the course?
I hope when I finish the course I can improve my English skill and i have many
new friends. I hope the knowledge I have learnt from the course can help me
find a better job with a higher salary
I hope when I finish the English course I can talk to foreigners. So I can make
many new friends. Hope I have the solid knowledge to pass the upcoming
Part 4: To friend to introduce the language course
“my cooking skill has been improved so much
I want to improve my English skill”
ĐỀ 4
Why you join ?
I can go out and active
I get to meet new, like-minded people
I get to go on cool adventures
I get to learn new skills
What kind of outdoor activity do you often join?
I often go on picnics with the other members. We go to other cities, eat different
foods. I am happy for that. Each trip usually lasts 2 days.
How often and what time?
I can go out whenever I have free time. Because I very like outdoor activities. It
help me make new friend, help me happier, healthier and and have great
What are the most popular outdoor activities in your coutry?
In my country, the most popular outdoor activity is go camping. Go camping
help people in club more united. Outdoor activities with many people will be
fun and interesting
What are the advantages?
Đưa ra ý kiến cho người mới khi cùng đi bộ đường dài (hiking)
I also often go for a long walking (hiking). If you have friend who like, ask
them to… Take you on a… I think hiking is good for your heath