Uploaded by josephsullivan

Cessna 172M Traffic Pattern Guide

Traffic Pattern in a Cessna 172M
Lineup on Centerline
“Engine instruments green”
“Airspeed is on zero”
“Heading indicator matches runway heading”
Off the brakes, on the rudders, full throttle
Rotate at 55 knots
Climb at 78 knots until 400 feet below traffic pattern
Turn Crosswind
Hold 78 knots
At traffic pattern altitude, pitch down to hold altitude and
reduce throttle to 2100 RPM
Turn Downwind and hold altitude
Midfield- Configure for landing: fuel selector both, mixture
rich, carb heat on, landing light on
Abeam the touchdown zone reduce power to 1700 RPM
and hold altitude to slow speed
White arc flaps 10 degrees, pitch for 85 knots
45° from the threshold of the runway turn base
Wings level, flaps 20° 75 knots
Turn for final, flaps 30° 65 knots, aim at the numbers, hold
center line