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Key Words - Genetic Variation

What are the key words and definitions for this external - Genetic Variation
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.Gene - A section of DNA that codes for a particular trait
Allele - An alternative form of a gene (found on the same place
on a chromosome)
Allele frequency- The percentage of a population of a species
that carries a particular allele on given chromosome locus.
Mutation - A sudden and permanent change in the base sequence of an organism's
genome (genetic sequence)
Mutagen - An agent that can induce or increase the frequency of mutations in an organism
eg. radiation, UV light, chemicals
Meiosis - A type of (reduction) cell division in which one diploid cell splits into 4 haploid cells
that are genetically different. (That produces gametes/sex cells; sperm or egg)
Homologous pairs - Chromosome pairs that have the same
structure and code for the same trait.
Homologous Chromosomes – are similar but not identical.
Each carries the same genes in the same order, but alleles for
each train may not be the same.
Crossing over - The process in meiosis when homologous pairs
trade sections of DNA to increase variation (resulting in gametes
that have chromosomes with different combinations of alleles to each other)
Independent assortment - The process in
Meiosis when homologous pairs randomly line
up along the equator of the cell. (Therefore only
one chromosome from each homologous pair is
placed into the gametes)
Segregation - The separation of homologous
chromosomes during meiosis so that only one
chromosome of each pair is placed into each
gamete (during segregation the alleles from
each gene are therefore separated so that each
gamete carries one allele for each gene)
(When the lines up homologous pairs separate to opposite poles of the cell, and then divide
into 4 gamete cells, what chromatid ends up in each gamete is up to chance therefore
increasing variation)
Genetic variation - Variation in the allele frequency or genome between members of the
species; or between groups of species
What are the key words and definitions for this external - Genetic Variation
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Pure breeding - When two organisms with homozygous genotypes for a particular trait breed,
resulting in an organism with the same homozygous genotype
Test cross - Is when an animal/plant in question (of unknown genotype) is bred with a
homozygous recessive individual, to find out whether or not it is purebred.
Dominance - A relationship in which one allele is completely dominant over another (the
phenotype of the allele is always expressed)
Incomplete dominance - A condition in which a trait in an individual is intermediate between the
phenotype of the individual’s parents because each allele is unable to express itself fully
Co-dominance - When an individual which is heterozygous for two co-dominant alleles
expresses the phenotypes associated with both the alleles.
Recessive: an allele that is masked by a dominant allele. Only expressed when two copies of
the allele are present.
Multiple alleles - A gene with three or more alleles
Lethal alleles - Alleles whose phenotypic effect can cause the death of an organism.
Linked genes - Genes that are close together on the same chromosome and are usually
inherited as a unit.
Unlinked genes – Genes that are found on different chromosomes or far apart on the same
chromosome and therefor unlikely to be inherited together.
Gene pool - All of the alleles in all the individuals that make up a population.
Total sum of different alleles available in an interbreeding population
Genetic diversity - The total number of genetic characteristics in a populations (including
different alleles, all of the genes and the frequency of each)
Allele frequency - How often an allele appears in a gene pool compared to the alleles for the
same gene in the pool
Migration - When individuals move into (immigration) or out of (emigration) a population
Evolution - A change in characteristics of a species over an extended period of time
Natural selection - The process in which individuals who are best adapted (‘fit’) to the
environment survive and reproduce, therefore passing on favourable (‘fit’) alleles to their
Genetic drift - Change in the allele frequency due to random chance (bottlenecking/ founders
Founder effect - When a subset of individuals emigrate from a larger population or become
isolated and form a new population.
What are the key words and definitions for this external - Genetic Variation
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Or Gene pool of a population that was established from a (subset) of a larger population.
Population bottleneck (bottlenecking) - A proportion of the population is randomly eliminated
resulting in a population that reflects the genetics of the survivors.