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BTEC Computing Project Assessment & Verification

Higher Nationals
Internal verification of assessment decisions – BTEC (RQF)
Programme title
BTEC Higher National Diploma in Computing
Assignment title
Internal Verifier
Unit 06: Managing a Successful computing project
Researching and managing a IoT project (smart home, smart office)
Student’s name
List which assessment criteria
the Assessor has awarded.
Do the assessment criteria awarded match
those shown in the assignment brief?
Is the Pass/Merit/Distinction grade awarded
justified by the assessor’s comments on the
student work?
Has the work been assessed
Is the feedback to the student:
Give details:
• Constructive?
• Linked to relevant assessment criteria?
• Identifying opportunities for
improved performance?
• Agreeing actions?
Does the assessment decision need
Assessor signature
Internal Verifier signature
Programme Leader signature (if required)
Confirm action completed
Remedial action taken
Give details:
Assessor signature
Internal Verifier
Programme Leader
signature (if required)
Higher Nationals – Summative Assignment Feedback Form
Student Name/ID
Unit Title
Unit 6 Managing a Successful Computing Project
Assignment Number
Submission Date
Re-submission Date
Assessor Feedback:
LO1.Establish project aims, objectives and time frames based on the chosen theme
Pass, Merit & Distinction
LO2. Conduct small-scale research, information gathering and data collection to generate knowledge
to support the project
Pass, Merit & Distinction
LO3. Present the project and communicate appropriate recommendations based on meaningful conclusions
drawn from the evidence findings and/or analysis.
Pass, Merit & Distinction
LO4. Reflect on the value gained from conducting the project and its usefulness to support sustainable
organisational performance
Pass, Merit & Distinction
Assessor Signature:
Assessor Signature:
Resubmission Feedback:
Internal Verifier’s Comments:
Signature & Date:
* Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has taken place and grades decisions have
been agreed at the assessment board.
Assignment Feedback
Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student
Action Plan
Summative feedback
Feedback: Student to Assessor
Assessor signature
Student signature
Higher Nationals in
Unit 6: Managing a Successful Computing Project
General Guidelines
1. A Cover page or title page – You should always attach a title page to your assignment. Use previous page as
your cover sheet and make sure all the details are accurately filled.
2. Attach this brief as the first section of your assignment.
3. All the assignments should be prepared using a word processing software.
4. All the assignments should be printed on A4 sized papers. Use single side printing.
5. Allow 1” for top, bottom, right margins and 1.25” for the left margin of each page.
Word Processing Rules
The font size should be 12 point and should be in the style of Time New Roman.
Use 1.5 line spacing. Left justify all paragraphs.
Ensure that all the headings are consistent in terms of the font size and font style.
Use footer function in the word processor to insert Your Name, Subject, Assignment No, and Page Number
on each page. This is useful if individual sheets become detached for any reason.
5. Use word processing application spell check and grammar check function to help editing your assignment.
Important Points:
1. It is strictly prohibited to use textboxes to add texts in the assignments, except for the compulsory information.
eg: Figures, tables of comparison etc. Adding text boxes in the body except for the before mentioned
compulsory information will result in rejection of your work.
2. Carefully check the hand in date and the instructions given in the assignment. Late submissions will not be
3. Ensure that you give yourself enough time to complete the assignment by the due date.
4. Excuses of any nature will not be accepted for failure to hand in the work on time.
5. You must take responsibility for managing your own time effectively.
6. If you are unable to hand in your assignment on time and have valid reasons such as illness, you may apply (in
writing) for an extension.
7. Failure to achieve at least PASS criteria will result in a REFERRAL grade.
8. Non-submission of work without valid reasons will lead to an automatic REFERRAL. You will then be asked to
complete an alternative assignment.
9. If you use other people’s work or ideas in your assignment, reference them properly using HARVARD
referencing system to avoid plagiarism. You have to provide both in-text citation and a reference list.
10. If you are proven to be guilty of plagiarism or any academic misconduct, your grade could be reduced to A
REFERRAL or at worst you could be expelled from the course
Student Declaration
I hereby, declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely to use another’s work and to present it as my own
without attributing the sources in the correct way. I further understand what it means to copy another’s work.
1. I know that plagiarism is a punishable offence because it constitutes theft.
2. I understand the plagiarism and copying policy of the Pearson UK.
3. I know what the consequences will be if I plagiaries or copy another’s work in any of the assignments for this
4. I declare therefore that all work presented by me for every aspects of my program, will be my own, and where I
have made use of another’s work, I will attribute the source in the correct way.
5. I acknowledge that the attachment of this document signed or not, constitutes a binding agreement between
myself and Pearson UK.
6. I understand that my assignment will not be considered as submitted if this document is not attached to the
Student’s Signature:
(Provide E-mail ID)
(Provide Submission Date)
Higher National Diploma in Computing
Assignment Brief
Student Name /ID Number
Unit Number and Title
Unit 6: Managing a Successful Computing Project
Academic Year
Unit Tutor
Assignment Title
Vulnerability Assessment - Management Information System Project
Issue Date
Submission Date
IV Name & Date
Submission Format:
The submission should be in the form of an individual report written in a concise, formal business style
using single spacing (refer to the assignment guidelines for more details). You are required to make use
of headings, paragraphs, and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research
and referenced using Harvard referencing system. Please provide in-text citation and a list of references
using Harvard referencing system.
Please note that this is an individual assessment and your report should include evidences to that you
have conducted a research to collect relevant data individually.
Unit Learning Outcomes:
LO1 Establish project aims, objectives and timeframes based on the chosen theme.
LO2 Conduct small-scale research, information gathering and data collection to generate knowledge to
support the project.
LO3 Present the project and communicate appropriate recommendations based on meaningful
conclusions drawn from the evidence findings and/or analysis.
LO4 Reflect on the value gained from conducting the project and its usefulness to support sustainable
organizational performance.
Assignment Brief and Guidance:
Internet of Things (IoT) in an Information System Project
Research Topic: The IoT has already started to impact on the day to day interactions we have with the
gadgets in our home (smart homes) our office (smart buildings) and in the local environment (smart
cities). Explore the ways this may further impact individuals and society both positively and negatively.
You are expected to carry out a small-scale research in order to explore the ways Internet of Things (IoT)
may impact individuals in an organization and society both positively and negatively from the standpoint
of a prospective computing professional.
IoT has already started to impact on the day to day interactions we have with the gadgets in our homes
(smart homes) and offices (smart buildings) and in the local environment (smart cities). The Internet of
Things (IoT) is the term which refers to the ever-growing network of physical objects with embedded
sensors which can connect together via Internet allowing communication to occur between these
objects and many other Internetenabled devices and systems. The IoT is quickly becoming a necessary
aspect of people’s daily working lives. Physical items can now sense and collect data which can be
controlled through digital and smart technology. The IoT extends internet connectivity beyond
traditional devices like desktop and laptop computers, smartphones and tablets to a diverse range of
devices that can utilise embedded technology such as security systems, thermostats, cars, electronic
appliances, lights, medical equipment etc. These devices, often called "connected" or "smart" devices,
can talk to other related devices (machine-to-machine (M2M) communication) and act on the
information they get from one another. Along with the many benefits there is also considerable concern
over the IoT which must be overcome in order to harness the power of this free flow of information.
This assignment focuses to enable you as a student researcher to explore the benefits of the IoT and the
most pressing challenges and how to overcome them within a defined period of time. The report should
A comprehensive project management plan
Evaluation of data collection methods and data analysis tools and/or techniques should be
Appropriate recommendations should be provided
Reflect on the value gained from conducting the project and its usefulness to support sustainable
organisational performance
You are required to complete the project within 3 months and the project plan and resources should
be finalized as per the requirement of the client.
TASK – 01
1.1 Define the scope of the project and devise aims and objectives of the IoT project that you are going
to carry out. You also should include a brief introduction to the selected company, explanation to the
project and other relevant information about research.
1.2 Produce comprehensive project plan including the following.
Cost, scope, time, quality, communication, risk, and resources management plan
Comprehensive Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) with clearly defined activities and milestones
Gannt chart to illustrate project schedule with realistic time allocated for each activity and clearly
defined deadlines for milestones.
TASK – 02
Carry out a research by applying appropriate qualitative and quantitative research methodologies and
critically evaluate the reliability, accuracy and the appropriateness of the research methods applied.
your answer also should include a critical evaluation of the project management process and a
justification to the selected research methodologies.
TASK – 03
3.1 Analyse research data collected to support your research project using appropriate tools, techniques
and critically evaluate how selected tools, techniques uphold authenticity and the accuracy of the data
3.2 Draw valid conclusions and recommendations from the research data analysed and communicate your
recommendations to the client through an action plan. The action plan should include a justification
to the recommendations suggested.
TASK – 04
4.1. Reflect on the project objectives and your own learning experience gained through following a
quality research and the project management process. Critically evaluate the ways in which the
research project carried out supports the organization to sustain its performance and to improve your
own learning and performance.
Grading Rubric
Grading Criteria
LO1 Establish project aims, objectives and timeframes based on the
chosen theme
P1 Devise project aims and objectives for a chosen scenario.
P2 Produce a project management plan that covers aspects of cost, scope,
time, quality, communication, risk and resources.
P3 Produce a work breakdown structure and a Gantt Chart to provide
timeframes and stages for completion.
M1 Produce a comprehensive project management plan, milestone
schedule and project schedule for monitoring and completing the aims and
objectives of the project.
LO2 Conduct small-scale research, information gathering and data
collection to generate knowledge to support the project
P4 Carry out small-scale research by applying qualitative and
quantitative research methods appropriate for meeting project aims and
M2 Evaluate the accuracy and reliability of different research methods
D1 Critically evaluate the project management process and appropriate
research methodologies applied.
LO3 Present the project and communicate appropriate recommendations
based on meaningful conclusions drawn from the evidence findings and/or
P5 Analyse research and data using appropriate
tools and techniques.
P6 Communicate appropriate recommendations as a
result of research and data analysis to draw valid and meaningful
M3 Evaluate the selection of appropriate tools and techniques for
accuracy and authenticity to support and justify recommendations.
D2 Critically evaluate the research and data analysis tools used in
the project development stages..
LO4 Reflect on the value gained from conducting the project and its
usefulness to support sustainable organisational performance
P7 Reflect on the value of undertaking the research to meet stated
objectives and own learning and performance.
M4 Evaluate the value of the project management process and use of
quality research to meet stated objectives and support own learning and
D3 Critically evaluate how the project supports sustainable
organisational performance.
LO1 Establish project aims, objectives and timeframes based on the chosen theme
P1 Devise project aims and objectives for a chosen scenario
IoT Based Fire Alarm System for Buildings and Houses
Many of the building and houses still don’t have the fire alarm system due to extensive cost to install
them and maintain. Once the fire is there people are alerted manually and evacuated. Some people
doesn’t get aware of this and ending up in the fire that causes damages. Developing an affordable fire
alarm system will help a lot of small scale and large scale buildings to use this.
Internet of Things is a technology which uses sensors and circuit boards to create a integrated system
within the affordable cost which can deliver the exact functionalities of high cost systems
Aim of the project
To build a IoT sensor based fire alarm system locally which will saves lives within the affordable
1. Install sensors in the respective places of the buildings/homes
2. Connect the sensors to a main alarm
3. Trigger alarm when there is a fire or smoke
4. Voice announcement alerting people to evacuate
1.1. Produce a comprehensive project management plan, the plan should include
milestone schedule and project schedule for monitoring and completing the aims and
objectives of the project that includes cost, scope, time, quality, communication, and
risk and resources management.
Project Management Plan
Project Scope Management refers back to the set of procedures that make certain a mission`s scope is
correctly described and mapped. Scope Management strategies permit mission managers and
supervisors to allocate the proper quantity of labor essential to efficaciously entire a mission involved
more often than not with controlling what's and what isn't always a part of the mission`s scope.
1. Starting of the project
1.1Identifying target community
1.2 Research and analysis
1.3 Settle to the community.
2. Planning
2.1 Project control plan
2.2 HR control plan
2.3 List out responsibilities
2.4 Scope control plan
2.5 Designing work breakdown structure
Time Management Plan
3.1 List out the activities
3.2.Design the grant chart that will be used
4.1.Budget plan
4.2 Do price research
4.3 Drafting communications
4.4 Incorporate stakeholders
4.6 Roll out communications
5.1 Quality plan
5.2 Quality checking mechanisms finalization
5.3 Setting limits
5.5 Cost incurred to expected quality
6.1 Risk management plan
6.2 List out all risks that are relevant to the project
6.3 Analysis on the impact of risks
6.4 Techniques to avoid the risk
6.5 Drafting control plan for every risk
7.1 Execution of the plan
7.2 Micro management
7.3 Control of the plan
7.4 Change of plan
7.5 Scope check list
7.6 Scope control
7.7 Schedule control
8.1 Hand overing the project
8.2 Sing off by stakeholders
Project Management & Time Management Plan of the Project
The following action plans the days incurred to each actions will be the time management which is
Days to complete
1. Starting of the project 15-03-2022
1.1Identifying target community
1.2 Research and analysis
1.3 Settle to the community.
2. Planning
2.1 Project control plan
2.2 HR control plan
2.3 List out responsibilities
2.4 Scope control plan
2.5 Designing work breakdown structure
Time Management Plan
3.1 List out the activities
3.2.Design the grant chart that will be used
4.1.Budget plan
4.2 Do price research
4.3 Drafting communications
4.4 Incorporate stakeholders
4.6 Roll out communications
5.1 Quality plan
5.2 Quality checking mechanisms finalization
5.3 Setting limits
5.5 Cost incurred to expected quality
6.1 Risk management plan
6.2 List out all risks that are relevant to the project
6.3 Analysis on the impact of risks
6.4 Techniques to avoid the risk
6.5 Drafting control plan for every risk
7.1 Execution of the plan
7.2 Micro management
Throughout the project
7.3 Control of the plan
Throughout the project
7.4 Change of plan
Throughout the project
7.5 Scope check list
Throughout the project
7.6 Scope control
Throughout the project
7.7 Schedule control
Throughout the project
8.1 Hand overing the project
8.2 Sing off by stakeholders
Cost Management Plan
A value control plan is a way of strategizing the making plans and execution of a challenge`s budget.
Of course, that is executed so as to finish your challenge on time and on budget. However, with out a
right value control plan in place, each of these matters will falter—costing you and your agency
What`s more, challenge fulfillment hinges on value control, as value is the number one figuring out
component for the fulfillment or failure of the challenge overall.
It includes
1.Cost baseline
2.Cost threshold
3.Level of precision
4.Earned value measurement
5.Three point estimation
6.Parametric estimation
7.Analogous estimation
8.Bottom up estimation
Following the major cost incurred to this IoT project
Expense items
Accessories for adhoc works
Worker’s salary
Project Time Management
Project time control is the mission control system of studying paintings and growing a timeline to make
sure you entire a mission inside a selected schedule.
Projects are intimidating. There`s plenty to do, with typically little time or cash to do it. There`s no
room for mistakes, which may be highly-priced and time-consuming. Stakeholders like certainty—and
whilst you could`t promise them the whole thing will run like clockwork, you could in reality do your
quality to control time.
There are six steps while coping with mission time:
The time control steps above require enter out of your mission team, however additionally stakeholders
and different events concerned withinside the mission a good way to be as correct as possible. Your
mission time control plan isn't always static, and should be reviewed and revised at some stage in the
lifestyles cycle of the mission.
It has some major steps included in the process
1.Define activities
2.Sequence activities
3.Estimate resources
4.Estimate duration
5.Develop schedule
6.Control schedule
1.2 Produce a work breakdown structure and a Gantt chart to provide timeframes and stages for
Work breakdown structure.
A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a visual, hierarchical and deliverable-orientated deconstruction of a
mission. It is a useful diagram for mission managers as it permits them to interrupt down their mission scope
and visualize all of the duties required to finish their projects.
All the stairs of mission paintings are mentioned with inside the paintings breakdown shape chart, which
makes it an important mission making plans tool. Project managers use a WBS for plenty purposes, including
locating the crucial direction or developing a Gantt chart.
Project managers employ mission control software program to put out and execute a piece breakdown shape.
When utilized in aggregate with a Gantt chart that includes WBS degrees and venture hierarchies, mission
control software program may be particularly powerful for making plans, scheduling and executing projects.
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
IoT Alarm System
Task 1
Task 1
Task 2
Task 2
Task 3
Task 4
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
Task 1
Task 2
A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a chart where the project tasks are illustrated to
reflect their relations to each other and the project in general.
A Work Breakdown Structure WBS proposes a graphical nature that helps project managers predict
results based on various scenarios. It is often described as a result-oriented tree that covers all project
procedures in an organized way. However, WBS can also be displayed as a tabular list of tasks and
elements in Work Breakdown structure Gantt Charts.
Managers use WBS to break down their projects into easily manageable components. It’s easy to do
it using a Gantt Chart template. These components are further decomposed until a required person
from the team can be assigned.
5 reasons to create a Work Breakdown Structure:
It helps with the correct project organization.
It assists in describing the project scope to stakeholders.
It helps to distribute responsibilities.
It shows the project milestones and all the points to control.
It allows estimating costs, risks, and time correctly.
The example of a Work Breakdown Structure WBS
Let’s say, your task is to organize and manage a corporate outing or team building. Using WBS, you
can describe and divide tasks as follows and get a Work Breakdown Structure for event planning:
Supervision, budget planning, approval and reconciliation, coordination issues.
Menu, shopping, cooking, serving.
Area and activities
Area tables and chairs, utensils, decorations, and equipment.
Invitations, guest list, RSPVs, special needs.
Drivers, cooks, servers, hosts, cleanup.
Invitation, logistic issues, playlist coordination.
Remember that it is much easier to plan and manage events with the help of event planning templates
and special event management software.
3. Create deliverables (end-results)
Outline all deliverables that must be completed within every phase. Your phases should have endresults. You need to achieve them before moving on to the next phase. Each deliverable should also
have its statement describing goals and functions.
4. Divide deliverables into manageable tasks
After creating the deliverables statements, it’s time to add another level of the hierarchy to count
details. The tasks of the project should be designed as sections. One team member or a small team
will be able to easily manage them.
5. Assign every section
The assignment of each manageable part is the last stage of the hierarchy. A required team member
will be responsible for a specific task. They will be involved in each section of work that will lead to
the corresponding results.
Why use a Work Breakdown Structure?
Working with WBS, you will find many essential advantages. The important point is that a project budget
can be allocated to the top stages of the breakdown system.
You can develop a budget and schedule by allocating costs and time estimation to specific sections of the
Work Breakdown Structure.
Here are just some benefits of using a WBS:
It shows all the work needed for project accomplishment.
It visualizes each member’s activity and their role in the whole project.
It helps communicate and collaborate on tasks.
It helps avoid changes and risks such as missed deadlines, scope creep, etc.
It contributes to cost estimation, resource allocation, and time management improvements.
Let’s define more advantages of WBS.
10 benefits of Work Breakdown Structure WBS for project managers
WBS has become popular and widely used in software development because of its benefits which project
managers can apply.
1. The increase in communication
It does not matter whether your project has an internal or external direction. A Work Breakdown Structure
includes communication acts on every step.
2. A field for creativity
It sounds like a stereotype but people think that software development is only an analytical area. You have
wide opportunities to develop your creative skills. While defining the project vision, the team members may
use WBS to offer creative steps for project development.
3. Focus on end-goals
WBS helps to keep all team members focused on the end-goal. It minimizes the chance that unnecessary
work is performed because the scope has been clearly defined.
4. Details organization
Every detail is carefully accounted, that is why nothing gets lost in the project.
5. Possible problems prevention
When the project is ready, some extra problems can occur. A Work Breakdown Structure helps to cut them
by taking into consideration all the details of the tasks before execution.
6. Brainstorming
Managers use the structure for brainstorming to find useful ideas and solutions. It’s easy to list all thoughts
and ideas and then scratch out the unnecessary ones.
7. Scheduling issues
With WBS, it becomes easy to identify which of the deliverables are falling behind your schedule. If some
issues fall behind, it becomes obvious where changes need to be implemented.
8. Risk management
If you use WBS, you mitigate and manage risks from the beginning. It anticipates all requirements and
allocates resources: money, time, and labor.
9. Tasks allocation
When you broke down your project into manageable tasks, it becomes easier to assign these tasks to
required people.
10. Flexibility for different teams
The Work Breakdown Structure WBS is used in different environments and fields. It does not matter how
large the team is. The WBS Structure will always support project execution.
It also may be a great tool for customer engagement. It shows them the internal atmosphere and helps to
understand the processes better.
Who can use WBS?
Usually, managers use the structure in commercial, residential, and construction projects. It gives investors
and customers a better understanding of everything that goes into the project development.
However, the scope of its application is really wide.
Software development, for example, is performed by taking a vision and creates it based on a list of
requirements. It imparts WBS the features of the ideal tool for software development.
If we try to classify the teams who may use WBS tools, we can get the following list:
Creative teams
Creative people appreciate this breakdown system because it allows them to brainstorm together.
Technical teams
Technically focused team members like WBS for its keeping an analytical perspective of project scope of
work and its progression.
Teams that work directly with customers
The WBS structure is really good for specialists who develop software for clients because it meets
their needs. It also helps increase customer confidence in your team.
Internal projects teams
Remote teams
WBS and Gantt charts: improve the planning process.
A Gantt chart is the best way to break down your project into lots of manageable tasks.
For example, in GanttPRO Gantt chart tool you can create as many projects as you need with unlimited
number of tasks.
Moreover, each task can consist of subtasks making a group of tasks out of it. Therefore, you can create a
visual Gantt chart timeline that shows a WBS of your project. By the way, you can compare a Gantt chart
vs. WBS
Project Quality Management
One of the maximum crucial elements of Quality making plans is the status quo of fine metrics. Project
managers need to move past the conventional metrics of scope, time, and cost. It is vital to hyperlink a
assignment to the strategic goals of the company, organization, or commercial enterprise unit. As stated
withinside the article, Project Management & Six Sigma, Use Six Sigma Methods for Better Project Results
(Rever, 2006) the assignment supervisor`s efforts on any assignment she or he is handling have to bring
about a few sort of development for the commercial enterprise.
Ultimately, that is why a assignment is in existence – to make a few a part of the commercial enterprise
better. To display development calls for measurement. If a assignment supervisor desires energetic interest,
participation, and aid from key sponsors, it's miles important to hyperlink the assignment to a few metric of
significance to the commercial enterprise.
A degree the sponsor is accountable for is an smooth manner to technique this linkage. Perhaps a metric the
sponsor owns, which includes order accuracy, processing time, or turnaround time could be progressed via
way of means of the assignment. If the assignment supervisor can hyperlink his or her assignment to a degree
the sponsor need to record out on on the inevitable month-to-month outcomes meeting, she or he is in all
likelihood to have all the aid they want for the duration of the existence of the assignment. A key issue of
fine making plans is for the assignment supervisor to recognize the strategies his or her assignment is
The assignment supervisor need to then increase manner measures for the assignment as a way to degree the
effect of endorsed modifications to the ones impacted strategies.
Project risk management plan
Project hazard control is the method of identifying, studying and responding to any hazard that arises over
the lifestyles cycle of a task to assist the task continue to be on the right track and meet its goal.
Risk control isn`t reactive only; it have to be a part of the making plans method to parent out hazard that
would appear withinside the task and the way to manipulate that hazard if it in reality occurs.
A hazard is whatever that might probably effect your task`s timeline, overall performance or budget. Risks
are potentialities, and in a task control context, in the event that they end up realities, they then end up
categorized as “problems” that need to be addressed.
So hazard control, then, is the method of identifying, categorizing, prioritizing and making plans for dangers
earlier than they end up problems.
Risk control can imply various things on one of a kind forms of projects. On large-scale projects, hazard
control techniques would possibly consist of vast targeted making plans for every hazard to make certain
mitigation techniques are in area if problems arise. For smaller projects, hazard control would possibly imply
a simple, prioritized listing of high, medium and occasional precedence dangers.
Risk details
1 requirment
Lack of
2 resources
Lack of
3 experts
Effect of risk
Whole project migh
go waste
Chances Resolving plan
Verifying the finalised plan with
stakeholders multiple time
Delay in starting the
Delay in starting the
Pre confirmation orders with stock
Hiring experts before starting the
Stoppinf of preoject
4 disasters
Activity 2 (LO2)
2.1 Explain qualitative and quantitative research methods appropriate for meeting
project aims and objectives.
Research Method Types
Research strategies are the strategies, strategies or strategies applied with inside the series of records or proof
for evaluation so that you can find new statistics or create higher expertise of a topic.
There are unique styles of studies strategies which use unique equipment for records series.
1.Qualitative Research Methods
2.Quantitative Research Methods
3.Mixed Research Methods
Qualitative Research Methods
Qualitative Research gathers facts approximately lived experiences, feelings or behaviours, and the meanings
people connect to them. It assists in allowing researchers to benefit a higher expertise of complicated
concepts, social interactions or cultural phenomena. This sort of studies is beneficial withinside the
exploration of ways or why matters have occurred, deciphering occasions and describing actions.
Quantitative Research Method
Quantitative Research gathers numerical information which may be ranked, measured or labeled thru
statistical analysis. It assists with uncovering styles or relationships, and for making generalisations. This
kind of studies is beneficial for locating out how many, how much, how often, or to what extent.
Data collection tools of Qualitative and Quantitative research method
Qualitative Techniques or Tools
Quantitative Techniques or Tools
Interviews: these can be structured, semi- Surveys or questionnaires: which ask the same
structured or unstructured in-depth sessions with questions to large numbers of participants or
the researcher and a participant.
use Likert scales which measure opinions as
numerical data.
participants Observation: which can either involve counting
discussing a particular topic or a set of questions. the number of times a specific phenomenon
Researchers can be facilitators or observers.
occurs, or the coding of observational data in
order to translate it into numbers.
Observations: On-site, in-context or role-play Document screening: sourcing numerical data
of Experiments: testing hypotheses in laboratories,
correspondence (letters, diaries, emails etc) or testing cause and effect relationships, through
field experiments, or via quasi- or natural
Oral history or life stories: Remembrances or
memories of experiences told to the researcher.
Mixed Research Method
Mixed Methods Research integrates each Qualitative and Quantitative Research. It affords a holistic technique
combining and analysing the statistical statistics with deeper contextualised insights. Using Mixed Methods
additionally permits Triangulation, or verification, of the statistics from or greater sources.
Positives and usage of Qualitative Research method
General strategies
When attempting to find qualitative studies it's miles crucial which you seek throughout quite a number
databases, as no unmarried database covers all of the literature. The selection concerning which databases to
go looking relies upon in large part upon your studies subject matter. Journal databases additionally offer seek
guidelines and guidelines withinside the assist menu - begin there in case you aren't acquainted with the
Developing a strong seek method will assist lessen beside the point consequences. It is right exercise to devise
a method earlier than you begin to seek.
Basic seek guidelines
Break your studies subject matter into key phrases.
Use Boolean operators to attach your seek phrases or key phrases collectively to both slender or expand the
consequences. The 3 simple Boolean operators are: AND, OR, and NOT.
Use parentheses, citation marks, and/or asterisks together along with your seek phrases to create a seek phrase.
Subject headings
Databases categorize their information the use of difficulty phrases or managed vocabularies (Thesauri). These
Subject Headings range for every database, for instance Medline makes use of Medical Subject Headings
(MeSH) for its indexing system. The term `qualitative studies' is listed as "Qualitative Research" or "Nursing
Methodology Research" in Medline, and as "Qualitative Studies" in CINAHL. Related Subject Headings
together with Focus Groups, Interviews, or Descriptive Research also can be useful. Combine searches with
subject matter Subject Headings to find qualitative studies.
Free textual content key phrases
Use selective unfastened textual content key phrases to go looking in Titles, Abstracts or Keywords of
information held withinside the databases to become aware of Qualitative Research. Selective key phrases
consist of phrases like phenomenological, "lived experience", "grounded theory", "lifestyles experiences",
"recognition groups" or interview.
Limiting searches
Databases permit units of consequences to be restricted or filtered via way of means of particular fields.
Determine your seek conditions, together with Publication Type, Clinical Queries or Publication Year and
practice them in your seek.
Positives and usage of Qualitative Research method
General techniques for locating quantitative studies
When looking for Quantitative Research it's far vital which you seek throughout a variety of
databases, as no unmarried database covers all of the literature. The selection concerning which
databases to go looking relies upon in large part upon your studies subject matter. Journal databases
additionally offer seek suggestions and recommendations withinside the assist menu - begin there in
case you aren`t acquainted with the database.
Developing a strong seek approach will assist lessen beside the point results. It is ideal exercise to
devise a approach earlier than you begin to seek.
Basic seek recommendations
Break your studies subject matter into key phrases.
Use Boolean operators to attach your seek phrases or key phrases collectively to both slim or increase
the results. The 3 simple boolean operators are: AND, OR, and NOT.
Use parentheses, citation marks, and/or asterisks together along with your seek phrases to create a
seek phrase.
Subject headings
Databases categorize their statistics the usage of issue phrases or managed vocabularies (Thesauri).
These Subject Headings range for every database, as an example PubMed makes use of Medical
Subject Headings (MeSH) for its indexing system. Quantitative studies isn't always immediately
listed in PubMed however may be positioned with the aid of using the usage of issue phrases
including: "Validation Studies as Topic", "Statistical Distributions", "Mathematical Concepts",
"Evaluation Studies as Topic" "Investigative Techniques" or "Meta-Analysis as Topic". Combine
searches with subject matter Subject Headings to find quantitative studies.
Free textual content key phrases
Use selective unfastened textual content key phrases to go looking in Titles, Abstracts or Keywords
of statistics held withinside the databases to perceive Quantitative Research. Selective key phrases
consist of quantitative, survey, validity, variance, correlation and statistical.
2.2 Evaluate the project’s management process and appropriate research methodologies
applied, the accuracy and reliability of different research methods applied for the small
scale research
What is Project Management Process?
Project control method is an management method for the making plans and manipulate of the offerings or
the implementation of a assignment. This method beginns after the approval with the aid of using the
customer, is primarily based totally at the contract, and is focused at the preliminary values of the method
and the overall control of a assignment.\
When it involves the sports of task control, there are lots. However, those lots of task control sports may be
labeled into 5 most important approaches.
Let`s have a study the 5 most important task control approaches in detail.
1 - Project Initiation
Project initiation is the start line of any mission. In this procedure, all of the sports associated with
prevailing a mission takes region. Usually, the primary pastime of this section is the pre-sale.
During the pre-sale period, the carrier issuer proves the eligibility and cappotential of finishing the mission
to the purchaser and sooner or later wins the business. Then, it's miles the particular necessities amassing
which comes next.
During the necessities amassing pastime, all of the purchaser necessities are accrued and analysed for
implementation. In this pastime, negotiations can also additionally take region to alternate sure necessities
or cast off sure necessities altogether.
Usually, mission initiation procedure ends with necessities sign-off.
- Project Planning
Project making plans is one of the most important mission control processes. If the mission control group
receives this step wrong, there might be heavy poor effects for the duration of the following stages of the
Therefore, the mission control group will need to pay particular interest to this procedure of the mission.
In this procedure, the mission plan is derived with a view to cope with the mission necessities such as,
necessities scope, finances and timelines. Once the mission plan is derived, then the mission agenda is
Depending at the finances and the agenda, the assets are then allotted to the mission. This section is the
maximum critical section in relation to mission fee and effort.
3 - Project Execution
After all office work is done, on this phase, the undertaking control executes the undertaking to be able to
gain undertaking objectives.
When it involves execution, every member of the group includes out their very own assignments
withinside the given cut-off date for every activity. The unique undertaking time table might be used for
monitoring the undertaking development.
During the undertaking execution, there are numerous reporting sports to be done. The senior control of the
business enterprise would require each day or weekly fame updates at the undertaking development.
In addition to that, the consumer can also need to music the development of the undertaking. During the
undertaking execution, it's miles a need to to music the attempt and fee of the undertaking to be able to
decide whether or not the undertaking is progressing withinside the proper course or not.
In addition to reporting, there are a couple of deliveries to be made at some point of the undertaking
execution. Usually, undertaking deliveries aren't onetime deliveries made on the cease of the undertaking.
Instead, the deliveries are scattered thru out the undertaking execution length and introduced upon agreed
- Control and Validation
During the task existence cycle, the task sports have to be very well managed and validated. The
controlling may be especially finished with the aid of using adhering to the preliminary protocols along
with task plan, great warranty check plan and verbal exchange plan for the task.
Sometimes, there may be times that aren't protected with the aid of using such protocols. In such cases, the
task supervisor have to use good enough and vital measurements to be able to manage such situations.
Validation is a assisting pastime that runs from first day to the ultimate day of a task. Each and each
pastime and shipping have to have its personal validation standards to be able to affirm the a hit final
results or the a hit completion.
When it involves task deliveries and requirements, a separate group called `great warranty group' will help
the task group for validation and verification functions.
- Closeout and Evaluation
Once all of the assignment necessities are achieved, it's time handy over the applied gadget and closeout
the assignment. If the assignment deliveries are in par with the recognition standards described through the
client, the assignment could be duly usual and paid through the customer.
Once the assignment closeout takes place, it's time to assess the whole assignment. In this assessment, the
errors made through the assignment group could be diagnosed and could take essential steps to keep away
from them withinside the destiny projects.
During the assignment assessment process, the carrier issuer might also additionally be aware that they
haven`t received the predicted margins for the assignment and might have surpassed the timelines
deliberate on the beginning.
In such cases, the assignment isn't a 100% fulfillment to the carrier issuer. Therefore, such times must be
studied cautiously and must take essential moves to keep away from withinside the destiny.
Activity 3 (LO3)
3.1 Analyze research data using appropriate tools and techniques.
Data evaluation is the system of collecting, modeling, and studying statistics to extract insights that
assist decision-making. There are numerous strategies and strategies to carry out evaluation relying at
the enterprise and the goal of the investigation.
All those numerous strategies are in large part primarily based totally on middle areas: quantitative
and qualitative research.
Tools used for data analysis
There are a lot of tools used for data analysis.Some are opensource and some are paid versions,Lets see some
most useful data analysis tools used around the globe
1.R Programming
R is the main analytics device withinside the enterprise and extensively used for information and information
modeling. It can without problems control your information and found in distinct methods. It has surpassed
SAS in lots of methods like potential of information, overall performance and outcome. R compiles and runs
on a huge kind of systems viz -UNIX, Windows and MacOS. It has 11,556 programs and permits you to
browse the programs with the aid of using categories. R additionally offers gear to robotically set up all
programs as in line with person requirement, which also can be nicely assembled with Big information.
2.Tableau Public
Tableau Public is a unfastened software program that connects any information supply be it company Data
Warehouse, Microsoft Excel or web-primarily based totally information, and creates information
visualizations, maps, dashboards etc. with real-time updates providing on web. They also can be shared thru
social media or with the client. It lets in the get entry to to down load the report in distinct formats. If you need
to peer the energy of tableau, then we need to have superb information supply. Tableau`s Big Data skills
makes them crucial and you may examine and visualize information higher than some other information
visualization software program withinside the market.
Python is an object-orientated scripting language which is simple to read, write, hold and is a unfastened open
supply tool. It became evolved through Guido van Rossum in past due 1980`s which helps each practical and
based programming methods.
Phython is simple to study as it's far very much like JavaScript, Ruby, and PHP. Also, Python has excellent
system studying libraries viz. Scikitlearn, Theano, Tensorflow and Keras. Another essential characteristic of
Python is that it is able to be assembled on any platform like SQL server, a MongoDB database or JSON.
Python also can deal with textual content information very well.
Sas is a programming surroundings and language for information manipulation and a pacesetter in
analytics, advanced through the SAS Institute in 1966 and similarly advanced in 1980`s and 1990`s. SAS is
without difficulty accessible, managable and might examine information from any sources. SAS delivered
a big set of merchandise in 2011 for patron intelligence and severa SAS modules for web, social media and
advertising analytics this is broadly used for profiling clients and prospects. It also can expect their
behaviors, manage, and optimize communications.
5.Apache Spark
The University of California, Berkeley`s AMP Lab, evolved Apache in 2009. Apache Spark is a quick largescale statistics processing engine and executes programs in Hadoop clusters a hundred instances quicker in
reminiscence and 10 instances quicker on disk. Spark is constructed on statistics technological know-how
and its idea makes statistics technological know-how effortless. Spark is likewise famous for statistics
pipelines and gadget gaining knowledge of fashions development.
Spark additionally consists of a library – MLlib, that gives a revolutionary set of gadget algorithms for
repetitive statistics technological know-how strategies like Classification, Regression, Collaborative
Filtering, Clustering, etc.
Excel is a basic, famous and extensively used analytical device nearly in all industries. Whether you're an
professional in Sas, R or Tableau, you may nevertheless want to apply Excel. Excel turns into crucial while
there's a demand of analytics at the consumer`s inner records. It analyzes the complicated mission that
summarizes the records with a preview of pivot tables that allows in filtering the records as according to
consumer requirement. Excel has the improvement commercial enterprise analytics choice which allows in
modelling skills that have prebuilt alternatives like automated courting detection, a introduction of DAX
measures and time grouping.
7.Rapid Miner
RapidMiner is a effective incorporated records technological know-how platform evolved through the equal
agency that plays predictive evaluation and different superior analytics like records mining, textual content
analytics, system studying and visible analytics with none programming. RapidMiner can include with any
records supply types, which includes Access, Excel, Microsoft SQL, Tera records, Oracle, Sybase, IBM DB2,
Ingres, MySQL, IBM SPSS, Dbase etc. The device could be very effective that may generate analytics
primarily based totally on real-lifestyles records transformation settings, i.e. you may manage the codecs and
records units for predictive evaluation.
QlikView has many specific functions like patented era and has in-reminiscence records processing, which
executes the end result very speedy to the quit customers and shops the records withinside the file itself. Data
affiliation in QlikView is robotically maintained and may be compressed to nearly 10% from its unique size.
Data dating is visualized the usage of colors – a selected colour is given to associated records and some other
colour for non-associated records
Describe appropriate recommendations as a result of research and data analysis to draw
valid and meaningful conclusions.
Our goal through research is to collect data on the currently available systems of fire alarm and develop
an IoT based fire alarm system which acts automatically without any manual effort. This research will give
us an idea of the systems and the improvements needed since we are getting the data from the relevant
All the questions raised and the responses have been attached here.The responses give us a
recommendation to fix a plan
Sample data collected from-200 Persons
1.Question 1-Do you use anytype of fire alaram in your buildings/homes?
Almost half of the people use any type of fire alarm in their premises.Still we have another
50% to cover and implement the system.They are at risk of facing damages if any fire outbreak
So this data boost us to develop this project further
2.Question 2-What kind of alarm system you have in your premises?
Manual-By hand
Water sprinkles
Water sprinkles
Manual-By hand ringing
64% of the people have water sprinkles only.No automated alarm
25% of the people use handbells to alert the people
11% of the use non of the methods.
This indicates that the people are very carless about the damages of fire and we have a huge
business to look for
3.Question 3-Do you know about IoT technology?
90% of the people don’t know about the IoT technology.There is a knowledge gap.This is the
main reason that people are not moving into automatic fire alarm system.
This also makes us to prepare handbooks on how to install use and maintain the IoT based fire
alarm system in order to educate them
We have to allocate separate time and team to do this before the launch
4.Do you think the available system is efficient and safe?
May be
No Idea
No Idea
May be
50% of the people the current system is not safe at all since the know the seriousness of the fire
Other 50% has different views on this.But we can target the 50% of the people who said No
Development of the new IoT based system will have an impact
5.Will it be safe if we have a automatic fire alarm system to alert people during fire?
95% of the people have said that an automatic fire alarm system will be very helpful than the
existing manual system
This is a really good sign on to develop the IoT based system
People are not aware of the IoT based system,But they wanted a development or change in the available
fire system.So the project has high demand in the market and will be a great success if it is launched
Activity 4
1. Provide a reflection on the value of undertaking the research to meet stated
objectives with your own learning and performance which includes a
discussion of the project outcomes, its usefulness to support sustainability of
the given organization and its’ performance, the decision-making process and
changes or developments of the initial project management plan to support
justification of recommendations and learning during the project.
Advantages of doing a research
No remember what profession subject you`re in or how excessive up you are, there`s continually extra to
learn. The identical applies in your private life. No remember what number of reports you've got got or how
various your social circle, there are belongings you don`t know. Research unlocks the unknowns, helps you
to discover the sector from exclusive perspectives, and fuels a deeper understanding. In a few areas, studies
is an crucial a part of success. In others, it could now no longer be truly necessary, however it has many
benefits. Here are ten motives why studies is important:
Lets see some benefits of doing a research
Research expands your expertise base
The maximum apparent purpose to do studies is that you`ll research greater. There`s constantly greater to
study a subject, even in case you are already well-versed in it. If you aren`t, studies permits you to construct
on any non-public enjoy you've got got with the subject. The procedure of studies opens up new possibilities
for gaining knowledge of and growth.
Research offers you the modern statistics
Research encourages you to discover the maximum current statistics available. In sure fields, mainly clinical
ones, there`s constantly new statistics and discoveries being made. Staying up to date prevents you from
falling at the back of and giving information that`s faulty or doesn`t paint the entire picture. With the modern
information, you`ll be higher ready to speak approximately a topic and construct on thoughts.
Research facilitates you realize what you`re up against
In enterprise, you`ll have competition. Researching your competition and what they`re as much as facilitates
you formulate your plans and strategies. You can determine out what units you apart. In different forms of
studies, like medicine, your studies may pick out diseases, classify symptoms, and provide you with methods
to address them. Even if your “enemy” isn`t an real man or woman or competitor, there`s constantly a few
form of antagonist pressure or hassle that studies let you deal with.
Research builds your credibility
People will take what you've got got to mention greater critically while they could inform you`re
knowledgeable. Doing studies offers you a strong basis on which you may construct your thoughts and
evaluations. You can communicate with self belief approximately what you realize is correct. When you`ve
accomplished the studies, it`s plenty more difficult for a person to poke holes in what you`re saying. Your
studies must be centered at the quality sources. If your “studies” includes evaluations from non-experts, you
won`t be very credible. When your studies is right, though, humans are much more likely to pay attention
Research facilitates you chop your scope
When you`re circling a subject for the primary time, you may not be precisely certain wherein to begin. Most
of the time, the quantity of labor in advance of you is overwhelming. Whether you`re writing a paper or
formulating a enterprise plan, it`s essential to slender the scope at a few point. Research facilitates you pick
out the maximum precise and/or essential topics. You can select the topics that healthy quality with the
venture and its goals
Take a brief path on studies
Understanding Research Methods (SOAS University of London)
How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper (École Polytechnique)
Research for Impact (Oxfam)
Quantitative and Qualitative Research for Beginners (NUS)
Research teaches you higher discernment
Doing a whole lot of studies facilitates you sift thru low-excellent and incredible statistics. The greater studies
you do on a subject, the higher you`ll get at discerning what`s correct and what`s now no longer. You`ll
additionally get higher at discerning the grey regions wherein statistics can be technically accurate however
used to attract questionable conclusions.
Research introduces you to new thoughts
You can also additionally have already got evaluations and thoughts approximately a subject while you begin
researching. The greater you studies, the greater viewpoints you`ll come across. This encourages you to
entertain new thoughts and possibly take a better examine yours. You may alternate your thoughts
approximately some thing or, at least, determine out the way to role your thoughts because the quality ones.
Research facilitates with hassle-solving
Whether it`s a non-public or expert hassle, it facilitates to appearance outdoor your self for assist. Depending
on what the difficulty is, your studies can awareness on what others have accomplished before. You may
simply want greater statistics, so that you could make an knowledgeable plan of assault and an
knowledgeable decision. When you realize you`ve amassed right statistics, you`ll sense plenty greater
assured for your solution.
Research facilitates you attain humans
Research is used to assist increase focus of problems like weather alternate, racial discrimination, gender
inequality, and greater. Without difficult records, it`s very hard to show that weather alternate is getting
worse or that gender inequality isn`t progressing as fast because it must. The public wishes to recognise what
the records are, so that they have a clean concept of what “getting worse” or “now no longer progressing”
virtually means. Research additionally involves going past the uncooked statistics and sharing real-lifestyles
testimonies which have a greater non-public effect on humans.
10. Research encourages interest
Having interest and a love of gaining knowledge of take you a ways in lifestyles. Research opens you as
much as one of a kind evaluations and new thoughts. It additionally builds discerning and analytical skills.
The studies procedure rewards interest. When you`re devoted to gaining knowledge of, you`re constantly in
an area of growth. Curiosity is likewise right on your health. Studies display interest is related to better tiers
of positivity, higher pleasure with lifestyles, and decrease anxiety.
Own learning of this project and research
This project allowed me to study about the IoT technology and made interest to continue further. I was able
to understand the basics first and simply develop step by step. I went through the projects that have been
made thorugh IoT and it made be amused of the power of IoT.beacuse there is even a outspace satellite built
using IoT technology in the near past.So it will be a very good move if we can make the IoT understandable
to all students who are in the It field.ioT has great future and it will lead them to great places.
Also I learned how to do a research in aproper manner that has been standardized all over the world. I came
across the follow the steps and see the results based on observation and data analysis. Data analysis also one
of the gains I got from this project. Data analysis is huge.Everthing should start from there.Doing a research
and data analysis before starting any project will helpth successfully carry on and complete the projects.
I learned to work with the timelines since the planned activities of the project should be done on timeline.
There are many own learnings that I learned from this project and I have mentioned some of them above
Decision Making Progress
The notion system of choosing the logical preference from the to be had options.
When seeking to make a terrific decision, someone have to weigh the professionals and cons of every
alternative and remember all feasible alternatives. In order to make powerful decisions, someone can expect
the final results of every preference, and primarily based totally on all of those items, we will decide which
alternative is first-rate for that unique situation.
And decision-making helped every of those forces to reap higher results; The system of accumulating data,
designing the machine, validating it, re-tuning it, and selecting the system of drawing up the organized new
machine to the patron has made a massive contribution.
This gave us the final conclusion
This has caused the task control plan, getting new resolutions in our studies, and executing the task we have
already got withinside the first-rate feasible manner. With the Project Management Plan we've the first-rate
manner to finish this studies at a decrease fee than the prevailing task.
Provides course for the making plans system The making plans system offers responsibility Planning manner
ok assets Problems expectation and lively deal with Shared assets and honest division
Employee understanding and a developing expertise base Reliable forecasts of time limits and budgets
Employee Capability Innovation
The making plans system offers the task final touch Review of classes learned
These are the blessings to be had to folks that do studies thru a task control plan.
Mongo DB (2020) Top 15 Hot Artificial Intelligence Technologies, Available at:
https://www.edureka.co/blog/top-15-hot-artificial-intelligencetechnologies/ (Accessed: 14th February 2021).
Elizabeth B (2019) Research Methods: What are research methods?, Available at:
https://libguides.newcastle.edu.au/researchmethods (Accessed: 1st March 2021).
Krishna (2020) What is Data Analysis? Types, Process, Methods, Techniques, Available at:
https://www.guru99.com/what-is-data-analysis.html (Accessed: 1st March 2021).
Quick Base (2020) How To Create A Project Communication Plan, Available at:
https://www.quickbase.com/blog/how-to-create-a-project-communicationplan (Accessed: 1st April 2021).
EXAMPLES, Available
at: https://www.questionpro.com/blog/qualitative-
research-methods/ (Accessed: 15th April 2021).
(2020) Benefits
Management, Available at:
https://smallbusiness.chron.com/top-ten-benefits-planning-project-management24388.html (Accessed: 16th April 2021).