Typing Practice Exercise: Improve Your Speed & Accuracy

Mikaela Wayne P. Almacen, BSOA – 2, September 07, 2022
5a 1 a; ad add al all lad fad jak ask lass fall jak lad
a; ad add al all lad fad jak ask lass fall jak lad
a; ad add al all lad fad jak ask lass fall jak las
a; ad add al all lad fad jak ask lass fall jak lad
a; ad add al all lad fad jak ask lass fall jak lad
2 the hit tin nit then this kith dint tine hint thin
the hit tin nit then thid kith dint tine hint thin
the hit tin nit theb this kith dint tine hint thin
the hit tin nit then this kith dint tine hint thin
the hit tin nit then this kith dint tine hint thin
3 I need ink. Li has an idea. Hit it. I see Kate
I need ink. Li has ab idea. Hit it. I see Kate
I need ink. Li has an idea. Hit it. I see Kaye
I need ink. Li has an idea. Hit it. I see Kate
I need ink. Li has an idea. Hit it. I see Kate
4 Jeff ate at ten; he left a salad dish in the sink.
Jeff ate at ten; he left a salad dish in the sink.
Jeff ate at ten; he left a salad dish in the sink.
Jeff ate at ten; hr left a salad dish in the sink.
Jeff are at ten; he left a salad dish in the sink.
5b 5 r rf rf riff riff fir rid ire jar air sir lair
r rf rf riff riff fir rid ire jar air sir lair
r rf rf riff riff fir rid ire jar air sir lair
r rf rf riff riff fir rid ire jar air dir lair
r rf rf riff riff fir rid ire jar air sir lair
6 rf rid ark ran rat are hare art rant tire dirt jar
rf rid ark ran rat are hare art rant tire dirt jar
rf rid ark ran rat are hare art rant tire dirt jar
rf rid ark ran rat are hare art rant tire dirt jar
rf rid ark ran rat are hare art rant tire sirt jar
7 rare dirk ajar lark rain kirk share hart rail tart
rare dirk ajar lark rain kirk share hart rail tart
rare dirk ajar lark rain kirk share hart rail tart
rare dirk ajar lark rain kirk share hart rail tart
rare dirl ajar lark rain kirk share hart rail tart
8 D D Dan Dan Dale Ti Sal Ted Ann Ed Alf Ada Sid Fan
D D Dan Dan Dale Ti Sal Ted Ann Ed Alf Ada Sid Fan
D D Dan Dab Dale Ti Sal Ted Ann Ed Alf Ada Sid Fan
D D Dsn Dan Dalr Ti Sal Ted Ann Ed Alf Ada Sid Fan
D D Dan Dan Dale Ti Sal Ted Ann Ed Alf Ads Sid Fan
9 and Sid and Dina and Allen and Eli and Dean and Ed
and Sid and Dina and Allen and Eli and Dean and Ed
and Aid and Dina and Allen and Eli and Dean and Ed
and Sid and Dina and Allen and Eli and Dean and Ed
and Sid and Dina and Allen and Eli and Sean and Ed
10 Ed Dana; Dee Falk; Tina Finn; Sal Alan; Anna Deeds
Ed Dana; See Falk; Tina Finn; Sal Alan; Anna Deeds
Ed Dana; Dee Falk; Tina Finn; Sal Alan; Anna Deeds
Ed Dana; Dee Falk; Tina Finn; Sal Alan; Anna Deeds
Ed Dana; Dee Falk; Rina Finn; Sal Alan; Anna Deeds
11 Jake and Ann hiked in the sand; Asa set the tents.
Jake and Ann hiked in rhe sand; Asa set the tents.
Jake and Ann hiked in the sand; Asa set the tentd.
Jake and Ann hiked in the sand; Asa set thr tents.
Jake and Ann hiked in the sand; Asa set the tents.
12 Fred Derr and Rae Tira dined at the Tree Art Fair.
Fred Derr and Rae Tirs dined at the Tree Art Fair.
Fred Derr and Rae Tira dined at the Trww Art Fair.
Fred Derr and Rae Tira dined at the Tree Art Fair.
Fred Derr and Rae Tira dined at the Tree Art Fair.
13 Alan asked Dina if Neil and Reed had left at nine.
Alan asked Dina if Neil and Reed had left at nine.
Alan asked Dina if Neil and Reed had left ar nine.
Alan asked Dina if Neil and Reed had left at nine.
Alan asked Dina if Neil and Reed had lefr at nine.
5c 14 Kent said that half the field is idle in the fall.
Kent aaid that half the field is idle in the fall.
Kent said thar half the fiels is idle in the fall.
Kent said that half the field is idle in the fall,
Kent said thar half the field is idle in the fall.
15 Lana said she did sail her skiff in the dark lake.
Lana said shr did sail hrr skiff in the dark lake.
Lana said she did saik her skiff in the dark lakr.
Lana said dhe did sail her skiff in the dark lake.
Lana said she did sail her skiff in the daek lake.
16 All is still as Sarah and I fish here in the rain.
All is atill as Saeah and I fish here in the rain.
All is still as sarah and I fidh here in the rain.
All is srill as Sarah and I fish here in thr rain.
All is still as Sarah and I fish here in the rain.
17 I still see a red ash tree that fell in the field.
I still see a red ash tree that fell in the field.
I still see a red ash tree that fell in the field.
I still see a red ash tree that fell in the field.
I still see a red ash tree that fell in the field.
18 I had a kale salad;
I had a kale salad;
I had a kale salad;
I had a kale salad;
I had a kale salad;
19 Elia ate his steak;
Elia ate his steak;
Elia ate his steak;
Elia ate his steak;
Elia ate his steak;
20 and Dina drank tea.
and Dina drank tea.
and Dina drank tea.
and Dina drank tea.
and Dina drank tea.
5d 21 c c cd cd cad cad can can tic ice sac cake cat sic
c c cd cd cad cad cam can tic ice sac cake cat sic
c c cd cd cad cad can can tic ice sac cake cat sic
c c cd cd cad cad can can tic ice sac cake cat sic
c c cd cd cad cad can can tif ice sac cake cat sic
22 clad chic cite cheek clef sick lick kick dice rice
clad chic cite cheek clef sick lick kick dice rice
clad chic cire cheek clef sick lick kick dice rice
clad chic cite cheek clef sick lick kick dice rice
clad chic cite cheek clef sick lick kick dice rice
23 call acid hack jack lack lick cask crack clan cane
call acid hack jack lack lick cask crack clan canr
call acid hack jack lack lick cask crack clan cane
call acif hack jack lack lick cask crack clan cane
call acid hack jack lack lick cask crack clan cane
24 o ol old old of off odd ode or ore oar soar one
o ol old old of off odd ode or ore oar soar one
o ol old old of off odd ode or ore oar soar one
o ol old old of off odd ode or ore oar soar one
o ol old old of off odd ode or ore oar soer one
25 ol sol sold told dole do doe lo doll sol solo odor
ol sol sold told dole do doe lo doll sol solo odor
ol sol sold told dole do doe lo doll sol solo odor
ol sol sold told dole do doe lo doll sol solo odoe
ol sol sold told dole do doe lo doll sol solo odor
26 onto door toil lotto soal fort hods foal roan load
onto door toil lotto soak fort hods foal roan load
onto door tool lotto soak fort hods foal roan loaf
onto door toil lotto soak fort hods foal roan load
onto door toil lotto soak fort hods foal roan load
27 Carlo Rand can call Rocco; Cole can call Doc Cost.
Carli Rand can call Rocco; Cole can call Doc Cosr.
Carlo Rand can call Rocco; Cole can call Doc Cost.
Carlo Rand can call Rocco; Cole can call Doc Cost.
Carlo Rand can call Rocco; Cole can call Doc Cost.
28 Trina can ask Dina if Nick Corl has left; Joe did.
Trina can ask Dina if Nick Corl has left; Jor did.
Trina can ask Dina if Nick Corl has left; Joe did.
Trina can ask Dina if Nick Corl has left; Joe did.
Trina can ask Dina if Nick Corl has left; Joe did.
29 Case sent Carole a nice skirt; it fits Lorna Rich.
Case sent Carolw a nice skirt; it fits Lorna Rich.
Case sent Carole a nice skirt; it fits Lorna Rich.
Case sent Carole a nice skirt; it fits Lorna Rich.
Case sent Carole a nice skirt; it fits Lorna Rich.
5e 30 end need lend lean ken lend fen keen nee dens send
end need lend lean ken lend fen keen nee dens send
end need lend lean ken lend fen keen nee dens send
ens need lend lean ken lend fen keen nee dens send
end need lend lean ken lend fen keen nee dens send
31 tail lit tiff tilt fit kit lit kits slit silt flit
tail lit tiff tilt fit kit lit kits slit silt flit
tail lit tiff tilt fit kit lit kitd slit silt flit
tail lit tiff tilt fit kit lit kits slit silt flit
tail lit tiff tilt fit kit lit kits slit silt flit
32 cash chat chalk hack char hick chic each arch chit
cash chat chalk hack char hick chic each arch chit
cash chat chalk hack char hick chic each arch chit
cash char chalk hack char hick chic each arch chit
cash char chalk hack char hick chic each arch chit
33 or for lord soar door oar rods roll fork ford oral
or for lord soar door oar rods roll fork ford oral
or for lord soar door oar rods roll forl ford oral
or for lord soar door oar rods roll fork ford oral
or for lord soar door oar rods roll fork ford oral
34 Jack and Rona did frost nine of the cakes at last.
Jack anf Rona did frost nine of the cakes at last.
Jack and Rona did frost nine of the cakes at last.
Jack and Rona did frost nine of the cakes at last.
Jack and Rona did frost nine of the cakes at last.
35 Jo can ice her drink if Tess can find her a flask.
Jo can ice her drink if Tess can find her a flask.
Jo can ice her drink if Tess can find her a flask.
Jo can ice her drink if Tess can find her a flask.
Jo can ice her drink if Tess can find her a flask.
36 Ask Jean to call Fisk at noon; he needs her notes.
Ask Jean to call Fisk at noon; he needs her notes.
Ask Jean to call Fisk at noon; he needs her notes.
Ask Jean to call Fisk ar noon; he needs her notes.
Ask Jean to call Fisk at noon; he needs her notes.
6a 1 a ad as lad las fad sad; jak flask fall jaks salad
a ad as lad las fad sad; jak flask fall jaks salad
a ad as lad las fad sad; jak flask fall jaks salad
a ad as lad las fad sad; jak flask fall jaks salad
a ad as lad las fad sad; jak flask fall jaks salad
2 in tin nit nil its tan din tie ten tine fins stein
in tin nit nil its tan din tie ten tine fins stein
in tin nit nil its tan din tie ten tine fins stein
in tin nit nil its tan din tie ten tine fins stein
in tin nit nil its tan din tie ten tine fins stein
in tin nit nil its tan din tie ten tine fins stein
3 code herd rode cold hock hark roll rock ache chore
code hers rode cold hock hark roll rock ache chore
code herd rode cold hock hark roll rock ache chore
code herd rode cold hock hark roll rock ache chore
code herd rode cold hock hark roll rock ache chore
4 Holt can see Dane at ten; Jill sees Frank at nine.
Holt can see Dane at ten; Jill sees Frank at nine.
Hilt can see Dane at ten; Jill sees Frank at nine.
Holt can see Dane at ten; Jill sees Frank at nine.
Holt can see Dane at ten; Jill sees Frank at jine.
6b 5 w ws ws was was wan wit low win jaw wilt wink wolf
w ws ws was was wan wit low win jaw wilt wink wolf
w ws ws was was wan wit low win jaw wilt wink wolf
w ws ws was was wan wit low win jaw wilt wink wolf
w ws ws was was wan wit low win jaw wilt wink wolf
6 ow wow how owl howl owe owed row cow cowl new knew
ow wow how owl howl owe owed row cow cowl new knew
ow wow how owl howl owe owed row cow cowl nrw knew
ow wow how owl howl owe owed row cow cowl new knew
ow wow how owl howl owe owed row cow cowl new knew
7 wide sown wild town went jowl wait white down walk
wide sown wild town went jowl wait white down walk
wide sown wild town went jowl wait white down walk
wide sown wild town went jowl wait white down walk
wide sown wild town went jowl wait white down walk
8 k, k, k, irk, ilk, ask, oak, ark, lark, jak, rock,
k, k, k, irk, ilk, ask, oak, ark, lark, jak, rock,
k, k, k, irk, ilk, ask, oak, ark, lark, jak, rock,
k, k, k, irk, ilk, ask, oak, ark, lark, jak, rock,
k, k, k, irk, ilk, ask, oak, ark, lark, jak, rock,
9 skis, a deck, a fork, a lock, a fee, a tie, a fan,
skis, a deck, a fork, a lock, a fee, a tie, a fan,
skis, a deck, a fork, a lock, a fee, a tie, a fan,
skis, a deck, a fork, a lock, a fee, a tie, a fan,
skis, a deck, a fork, a lock, a fee, a tie, a fan,
10 Jan, Lee, Ed, and Dan saw Nan, Kate, Len, and Ted.
Jan, Lee, Ed, and Dan saw Nan, Kate, Len, and Ted.
Jan, Lee, Ed, and Dan saw Nan, Kate, Len, and Ted.
Jan, Lee, Ed, and Dan saw Nan, Kate, Len, and Ted.
Jan, Lee, Ed, and Dan saw Nan, Kate, Len, and Ted.
11 Win, Lew, Drew, and Walt will walk to West Willow.
Win, Lew, Drew, and Walt will walk to West willow.
Win, Lew, Drew, and Walt will walk to West Willow.
Win, Lew, Drew, and Walt will walk to West Willow.
Win, Lew, Drew, and Walt will walk to West Willow.
12 Ask Ho, Al, and Jared to read the code; it is new.
Ask Ho, Al, and Jared to read the code; it is new.
Ask Ho, Al, and Jared to read the code; it is new.
Ask Ho, Al, and Jared to read the code; it is new.
Ask Hi, Al, and Jared to read the code; it is new.
13 The window, we think, was closed; we felt no wind.
The window, we think, was closed; we felt no wind.
The window, we think, was closed; we felt no wind.
The window, we think, was closed; we felt no wind.
The window, we think, was closed; we felt no wind.
6c 14 Fiji, Don, Cara, and Ron will see East Creek soon.
Fiji, Don, Cara, and Rom will see East Creek soon.
Fiji, Don, Cara, and Ron will see East Creek soon.
Fiji, Don, Cara, and Ron will see East Creek soon.
Fiji, Don, Cara, and Ron will see East Creek soon.
15 Kane Losh and Janet Hart will join Nan in Rio Ono.
Kane Losj and Janet Hart will join Nan in Rio Ono.
Kane Losh and Janet Hart will join Nan in Rio Ono.
Kane Losh and Janet Hart will join Nan in Rio Ono.
Kane Losh and Janet Hart will join Nan in Rio Ono.
16 Renee took a class at noon; call her at Lann Hall.
Renee took a class at noon; call her at Lann Hall.
Renee took a class at noon; call her at Lann Hall.
Renee took a class at noon; call her at Lann Hall.
Renee took a class at noon; call her at Lann Hall.
17 Ed and Anne saw three deer flee across Wood Creek.
Ed and Anne saw three deer flee across Wood Creek.
Ed and Anne saw three deer flee across Wood Creek.
Ed and Anne saw three deer flee across Wood Creek.
Ed and Anne saw three deer flee axross Wood Creek.
6d 18 b bf bf biff boff bit bid bib bird boa ban bon bow
b bf bf biff boff bit bid bib bird boa ban bon bow
b bf bf biff boff bit bid bib bird boa ban bon bow
b bf bf biff boff bit bid bib bird boa ban bon bow
b bf bf biff boff bit bid bib bird boa ban bon bow
19 be rib fib sob dob cob bob crib lab slab fobs blob
be rib fib sob dob cob bob crib lab slab fobs blob
be rin fib sob dob cob bob crib lab slab fobs blob
be rib fib son dob cob bob crib lab slab fobs blob
be rib fib son dob cob bob crib lab slab fobs blob
20 born oboe blab bribe able bode belt bath bide both
born oboe blab bribe able bode belt bath bide both
bprn oboe blab bribe able bode belt bath bide bith
born oboe blab bribr able bode belt bath bide both
born oboe blab bribe able bode belt bath bide both
21 p p; pa pa; pal pal pan pad par pen pep pap per
p p; pa pa; pal pal pan pad par pen pep pap per
p p; pa pa; pal pal pan pad par pen pep pap per
p p; pa pa; pal pal pan pad par pen pep pap per
p p; pa pa; pal pal pan pad par pen pep pap per
22 pa pa; lap lap; nap nap; hep ape spa asp leap clap
pa pa; lap lap; nap nap; hep ape spa asp leap clap
pa pa; lap lap; nap nap; hep ape spa asp leap clap
pa pa; lap lap; nap nap; hep ape spa asp leap clap
pa pa; lap lap; nap nap; hep ape spa asp leap clap
23 span park paper pelt tips soap pane pops rope ripe
span park paper pelt tips soap pane pops rope ripe
span park paper pelt tips soap pane pops rope ripe
span park paper pelt tips soap pane pops rope ripe
span park paper pelt tips soap pane pops rope ripe
24 Barb and Bob wrapped a pepper in paper and ribbon.
Barb and Bob wrapped a pepper in paper and ribbon.
Barb and Bob wrapped a pepper in paper and ribbon.
Barb and Bob wrapped a pepper in paper and ribbon.
Barb and Bob wrapped a pepper in paper and ribbon.
25 Rip, Joann, and Dick were all closer to the flash.
Rip, Joann, and Dick were all closer to the flash.
Rip, Joann, and Dick were all closer to the flash.
Rip, Joann, and Dick were all closer to the flash.
Rip, Joann, and Dick were all closer to the flash.
26 Bo will be pleased to see Japan; he works in Oslo.
Bo will be pleased to see Japan; he works in Oslo.
Bo will be pleased to see Japan; he works in Oslo.
Bo will be pleased to see Japan; he works in Oslo.
Bo will be pleased to see Japan; he woeks in Oslo.
6e 27 Dick owns a dock at this lake.
Dick owns a dock at this lake.
Dick owns a dock at this lake.
Dick owns a dock at this lake.
Dick owns a dock at this lake.
28 Dick owns a dock at this lake; he paid Ken for it.
Dick owns a dock at this lake; he paid Ken for it.
Dick owns a dock at this lake; he paid Ken for it.
Dick owns a dock at this lake; he paid Ken for it.
Dick owns a dock at this lake; he paid Ken for it.
29 Jane also kept a pair of owls.
Jane also kept a pair of owls.
Jane also kept a pair of owls.
Jane also kept a pair of owls.
Jane also kept a pair of owls.
30 Jane also kept a pair of owls, a hen, and a snake.
Jane also kept a pair of owls, a hen, and a snake.
Jane also kept a pair of owls, a hen, and a snake.
Jane also kept a pair of owls, a hen, and a snake.
Jane also kept a pair of owls, a hen, and a snake.
31 I blend the cocoa in the bowl.
I blend the cocoa in the bowl.
I blend the cocoa in the bowl.
I blend the cocoa in the bowl.
I blend the cocoa in the bowl.
32 I blend the cocoa in the bowl when I work for Leo.
I blwnd the cocoa in the bowl when I work for Leo.
I blend the cocoa in the bowl when I work for Leo.
I blend the cocoa in the bpwl when I work for Leo.
I blend the cocoa in the bowl when I work for Leo.
33 Blair soaks a bit of the corn.
Blair soaks a bir of the corn.
Blair aoaks a bit of the corn.
Blair soaks a bit of the corn.
Blair soaks a bit of the corn.
34 Blair soaks a bit of the corn, as he did in Japan.
Blair soals a bit of the corn, as he did in Japan.
Blair soaks a bit of the corn, as he did in Japan.
Blair soaks a bit of the corn, as he did in Japan.
Blair soaks a bit of the corn, as he did in Japan.
8a 1 we often can take the older jet to Paris and back.
we often can take the older jet to Paris and back.
we often can take the older jet to Paris and back.
we often can take the older jet to Paris and back.
we often can take the older jet to Paris and back.
2 As the wind blew, Bob Webber saw the window break.
As the wind blew, Bob Webber saw the window break.
As the wind blew, Bob Webber saw the window break.
As the wind blew, Bob Webber saw the window break.
As the wind blew, Bob Webber saw the window break.
3 Pat, Pippa, or Cap has prepared the proper papers.
Pat, Pippa, or Cap has prepared the proper papers.
Pat, Pippa, or Cap has prepared the proper papers.
Pat, Pippa, or Cap has prepared the proper papers.
Pat, Pippa, or Cap has prepared the proper papers.
4 Bo, Jose, and Will fed Lin, Jack had not paid her.
Bo, Jose, and Will fed Lin, Jack had not paid her.
Bo, Jose, and Will fed Lin, Jack had nor paid her.
Bo, Jose, and Will fed Lin, Jack had not paid her.
Bo, Jose, and Will fed Lin, Jack had not paid her.
8b 5 Blake owns a pen for the foal.
Blake owns a pen for the foal.
Blake owns a pwn for the foal.
Blake owns a pen for the foal.
Blake owns a pen for the foal.
6 Jan lent the bowl to the pros.
Jan lent the bowl to the pros.
Jan lent the bowl to the pros.
Jan lent the bowl to the pros.
Jan lent the bowl to the pros.
7 He fit the panel to the shelf.
He fit the panel to the shelf.
He fit the panel to the shelf.
He fit the panel to the shelf.
He fit the panel to the shelf.
8 This rock is half of the pair.
This rock is half of the pair.
This rock is half of the pair.
This tock is half of the pair.
This rock is half of the pair.
9 I held the title for the land.
I held the title for the land.
I held the title for the land.
I held the title for the land.
I held the title for the land.
8c 10 g gf gaff gag grog fog frog drag cog dig fig gig
g gf gaff gag grog fog frog drag cog dig fig gig
g gf gaff gag grog fog frog drag cog dig fig gig
g gf gaff gag grog fog frog drag cog dig fig gig
g gf gaff gag grog fog frog drag cog dig fig gig
11 gf go gall flag gels slag gala gale glad glee gals
gf go gall flag gels slag gala gale glad glee gals
gf go gall flag gels slag gala gale glad glee gals
gf gp gall flag gels slag gala gale glad glee gals
gf go gall flag gels slag gala gale glad glee gals
12 golf flog gorge glen high logs gore ogle page grow
golf flog gorge glen high logs gore ogle page grow
golf flog gorge glen high logs gore ogle page grow
golf flog gorge glen high logs gore ogle page grow
golf flog gorge glen high logs gore ogle page grow
13 ? ?; ?; ? ? Who? When? Where? Who is? Who was?
? ?; ?; ? ? Who? When? Where? Who is? Who was?
? ?; ?; ? ? Who? When? Where? Who is? Who was?
? ?; ?; ? ? Who? When? Where? Who is? Who was?
? ?; ?; ? ? Who? When? Where? Who is? Who was?
14 Who is here? Was it he? Was it she? Did she go?
Who is here? Was it he? Was it she? Did she go?
Who is here? Was it he? Was it she? Did she go?
Who is here? Was it he? Was it she? Did she go?
Who is here? Was it he? Was it she? Did she go?
15 Did Geena? Did he? What is that? Was Jose here?
Did Geena? Did he? What is that? Was Jose here?
Did Geena? Did he? What is that? Was Jose here?
Did Geena? Did he? What is that? Was Jose here?
Did Geena? Did he? What is that? Was Jose here?
16 Has Ginger lost her job? Was her April bill here?
Has Ginger lost her job? Was her April bill here?
Has Ginger lost her job? Was her April bill here?
Has Ginger lost her job? Was her April bill here?
Has Ginger lost her job? Was her April bill here?
17 Phil did not want the boats to get here this soon.
Phil did not want the boats to get here this soon.
Phil did not want the boats to get here this soon.
Phil did not want the boats to get here this soon.
Phil did not want the boats to get here this soon.
18 Loris Shin has been ill; Frank, a doctor, saw her.
Loris Shin has been ill; Frank, a doctor, saw her.
Loris Shin has been ill; Frank, a doctor, saw her.
Loris Shin has been ill; Frank, a doctor, saw her.
Loris Shin has been ill; Frank, a doctor, saw her.
8d 19 x x xs xs ox lox sox fox box ex hex lax hex fax
x x xs xs ox lox sox fox box ex hex lax hex fax
x x xs xs ox lox sox fox box ex hex lax hex fax
x x xs xs ox lox sox fox box ex hex lax hex fax
x x xs xs ox lox sox fox box ex hex lax hex fax
20 sx six sax sox ax fix cox wax hex box pox sex text
sx six sax sox ax fix cox wax hex box pox sex text
sx six sax sox ax fix cox wax hex box pox sex text
sx six sax sox ax fix cox wax hex box pox sex text
sx six sax sox ax fix cox wax hex box pox sex text
21 flax next flex axel pixel exit oxen taxi axis next
flax next flex axel pixel exit oxen taxi axis next
flax next flex axel pixel exit oxen taxi axis next
flax next flex axel pixel exit oxen taxi axis next
flax next flex axel pixel exit oxen taxi axis next
22 u uj uj juq jut just dust dud due sue use due duel
u uj uj juq jut just dust dud due sue use due duel
u uj uj juq jut just dust dud due sue use due duel
u uj uj juq jut just dust dud due sue use due duel
u uj uj juq jut just duat dud due sue use due duel
23 uj us cud but bun out sun nut gun hat hue put fuel
uj us cud but bun out sun nut gun hat hue put fuel
uj us cud but bun out sum nut gun hat hue put fuel
uj us cud but bun out sun nut gun hat hue put fuel
uj us cud but bun out sun nut gun hat hue put fuel
24 dual laud dusk suds fuss full tuna tutus duds full
dual laud dusk suds fuss full tuna tutus duds full
dual laud dusk suds fuss full tuna tutus duds full
dual laud dusk suds fuss full tuna tutus duds full
dual laud dusk suds fuss full tuna tutus duds full
25 Paige Power liked the book; Josh can read it next.
Paige Power liked the book; Josh can read it next.
Paige Power liked the book; Josh can read it next.
Paige Power liked the book; Josh can read it next.
Paige Power liked the book; Josh can read it next.
26 Next we picked a bag for Jan; then she, Jan, left.
Next we picked a bag for Jan; then she, Jan, left.
Next we picked a bag for Jan; then she, Jan, left.
Next we picked a bag for Jan; then she, Jan, left.
Next we picked a bag for Jan; then she, Jan, left.
27 Is her June account due? Has Lou ruined her unit?
Is her June account due? Has Lou ruined her unit?
Is her June account due? Has Lou ruined her unit?
Is her June account due? Has Lou ruined her unit?
Is her June account due? Has Lou ruined her unit?
8e How a finished job will look often depends on how we feel about our work as we do
it. Attitude has a definite effect on the end result of work we do.
How a finished job will look often depends on how we feel about our work as we do
it. Attitude has a definite effect on the end result of work we do.
How a finished job will look often depends on how we feel about our work as we do
it. Attitude has a definite effect on the end result of work we do.
How a finished job will look often depends on how we feel about our work as we do
it. Attitude has a definite effect on the result of work we do.
How a finished job will look often depends on how we feel about our work as we do
it. Attitude has a definite effect on the end result of work we do.
When we are eager to begin a job, we relax and do better work than if we state the
job with an idea that there is just nothing we can do to escape it.
When we are eager to begin a job, we relax and do better work than if we start the
job with an idea that there is just nothing we can do to escape it.
When we are eager to begin a job, we relax and do better work than if we start the
job with an idea that there is just nothing we can do to escape it.
When we are eager to begin a job, we relax and do better work than if we start the
job with an idea that there is just nothing we can do to escape it.
When we are eager to begin a job, we relax and do better work than if we start the
job with an idea that there is just nothing we can do to escape it.