Diode & Semi-conductor Short Questions 1. What do you mean by intrinsic semiconductor? Why Si is preferred as intrinsic semiconductor. 2. What do you mean by n-type & p-type semiconductor? 3. What do you mean by diffusion current and drift current? 4. State law of mass action? 5. What do you mean by potential barrier? How it is related to reverse bias voltage. 6. Differentiate between Avalanche break down & Zener break down. 7. What do you mean by Rectifier? 8. Why Zener diode is used as voltage stabilizer? 9. What do you mean by Clipper? 10. Define Clamper? 11. What do you mean by PIV? 12. Write four application of diode? 13. What do you mean by Conversion efficiency? 14. What do you mean by Ripple factor? Long Questions 1. Explain operation of pn-junction diode using VI characteristics? 2. Explain the operation of half wave rectifier and derive all the parameters. 3. Explain full wave Centre tap rectifier. 4. Explain Full wave bridge rectifier. 5. Problems on half wave rectifier. (class note & books) 6. Problems on full wave rectifier. (class note & books) 7. Draw the output waveform of the following clipping circuit 8. Problems on clamper & clipper circuit from note & books. BJT Short & Long Questions 1. What do you mean by biasing? Why it is required? 2. What do you mean by Q point? 3. Why npn transistor is preferred to pnp transistor? 4. Why common collector configuration is called emitter follower? 5. Explain how BJT act as a switch? 6. Why BJT is called Current control device? 7. Write the relationship between ICO & ICEO? 8. Derive the relationship between α and β? 9. Derive the relationship between α & γ? 10.What do you mean by thermal runaway in BJT? How it can be arrived? 11.Why the doping of base in a BJT should be low? TRANSISTOR BIASING [Long questions] 1. 2. 3. 4. Explain voltage divider biasing with emitter resistance. Problem from fixed biasing. Problem from self-biasing. What do you mean by Dc land line & problems related to it. OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER Short & Long Questions 1. Write the characteristics of ideal OP Amp? 2. Define CMRR? 3. Explain the concept of virtual ground applicable for Op amp? 4. What do you mean by slew rate? 5. What do you mean by inverting and non-inverting Op amp? 6. Explain OP amp as differentiator? 7. Explain Op amp as integrator? 8. Explain Op amp as Summing amplifier? 9. Derive the expression of voltage gain of inverting and no-inverting Op amp? 10.Explain Op amp as substractor. 11. Problem from CMRR. 12. Instrumentation amplifier. DIGITAL ELECTRONICS Short & Long Questions 1. What do you mean by three state gate? What is the importance of a combinational circuit? 2. Convert the decimal number -32 to its equivalent 2s complement form. 3. What is the difference between combinational circuit and sequential circuit? 4. Subtract (29)10 from (18)10 using 2s complement. 5. What is the decimal equivalent of hexadecimal number (BAD) 16? 6. What is the hexadecimal equivalent of decimal number (298)10? 7. What is the binary decimal equivalent of binary number (110011110)2? 8. What is the octal equivalent of hexadecimal number (BAD) 16? 9. What is the hexadecimal equivalent of octal number (734)8? 10.Subtract (18)10 from and (39)10 using is 1’s complement arithmetics? 11.Why NAND gate and NOR gate are called Universal logic gate? 12.What do you mean by multiplexer? Draw 4:1 mux? 13.Realize AND Gate using NAND gate? 14.Realize NOR gate from NAND gate? 15.Realize A +BC using NAND gate? 16.Write two application of XOR gate? 17.Draw the truth table of NAND gate and NOR gate. 18.What do you mean by positive logic and negative logic? 19.What do you mean by SOP and POS? 20.What do you mean by karnaugh-map? Why it is required? 21.Draw the truth table of AND gate and OR gate. 22.Explain half adder & full adder. Implement Full adder using two half adder. 23.Explain half Subtractor & Full Subtractor.Implement full subtractor using two half subtractor. 24.MUX Implementation question ref notes. 25.SOP & POS simplification & conversion questions ref notes. 26.Simplification using k-Map & Boolean laws.(ref notes) FET AND MOSFET [Short Questions] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Justify that FET is a Voltage control current device? Using Shockley equator draw the transfer characteristics of FET? Why n channel FET is preferred to P channel FET? Write advantage of FET compared to BJT? Why input impedance of MOSFET is more compared to FET? What do you mean by pinch off voltage? What do you mean by enhance type MOSFET? What do you mean by Depletion type MOSFET? [Long Questions] 9. Explain the Operation of CMOS invertor? 10.How does the construction feature of MOSFET differ from JFET? Explain the construction of FET. 11.Explain the operation of n channel depletion type MOSFET. 12.Explain the operation of P channel depletion type MOSFET. 13.Explain the operation of P & n channel Enhancement type MOSFET ……………..ALL THE BEST TO ALL OF YOU…………. NOTE: You may refer the above sample questions but fully Prepare all chapter of Basic Electronics Syllabus.