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Understanding the Self Course Syllabus

Andres Bonifacio Campus
Course Code:
3 Units
First Semester, School Year 2023-2024
Course Title:
Total No. of Hours: 54 Hours
Name of Faculty:
Course Description: The course deals with the nature of identity, as well as the factors and forces that affect the development and maintenance of personal identity. The
directive to Know Oneself has inspired countless and varies ways to comply. Among the questions that everyone has to grapple with at one time or other is “Who am I’? At no
other period is this question asked more frequently than in adolescence-traditionally believe to be a time of vulnerability and great possibilities. Issues of self and identity are
among the most critical for the young.
The course is intended to facilitate the exploration of the issues and concerns regarding self-identity are among to arrive at a better understanding of one’s self. It strives to meet
this goal by stressing the integration of the personal with the academic.
Vision: A model institution of learning where relevant knowledge is acquired and skills are developed in response to the need of the global community.
CGELA Vision: Given the University’s overall vision, the College of Arts and Sciences visualizes an environment that supports collaboration, promotes quality, and
ensures thoughtful stewardship of resources.
Mission: To provide equitable access to learning through relevant, innovative, industry, sensitive and environmental-conscious academic program and services.
CGELA Mission: As the intellectual core of the Arellano University, the College of Arts and Sciences explains and transmits fundamental knowledge in the Arts,
Natural and Social Sciences, as well as Humanities. The College has the unique responsibility of providing Liberal Arts education to the
undergraduate students.
Core Values
The core values that Arellano University students must internalize and manifest:
C ompetence
Sufficient knowledge, understanding and skills that will enable him/ her to act reasonably in a while variety of situation
H umility
Being able to let go of oneself and be courteous and respectful to others
I ntegrity
Capability of doing the right thing in a reliable and upright manner he/she has the wholeness of character
E quality
Attribute of looking a thing in a fair and partial way towards all concerned, based on the principles of evenhanded dealing
F ortitude
Strength and courage to face adversity of difficulty
S tewardship
Wise and responsible management of resource
Arellano Graduate Attributes:
A. Professional Competence
B. Analytical and Problem Solving Skills
D. Lifelong Learning
E. Spirituality
Andres Bonifacio Campus
C. Communication Skills
1. Determine students’ expectation of the course
2. Make a connection between the Institutions Vision, Mission and
Objectives to the course subject.
Subject Matter: Course Orientation: Vision/Mission, Grading System,
House rules and other relevance of the course
References: Lyceum of Saint Dominic School Handbook
1. Familiarize the School’s Vision, Mission and Objectives
2. Analyze the need of understanding the self
3. Identify the meaning of self, it’s nature and importance
4. Examine the self in Eastern and Western Thoughts
5. Demonstrate better understanding of the Filipino concept of the self;
6. Discuss how the mind, self and society functions and interact with
Subject Matter: Basic Concepts of the “Self”
1.Subject and Content
 The Need of Understanding the Self
 Meaning and Nature of Self
 The Self Overcomes all Conditioning
 Why Self is Important
 The Constitution of the Self
 The Filipino Concept of the Self
 The Eastern Concept of the Self
 The Western Concept of the Self
 Mind, Self and Society from the Standpoint of Social Behaviorist
 The “I” and “Me’ of Mead
References: Understanding the Self 2018
F. Social and Ethical Responsibility
Getting to know each other
Presentation of oneself:
Oral recitation of the School’s Vision, Mission
and Objective.
Group Dynamics
Questions to ponder upon:
Who am I?
Am I concern about myself?
How do I describe myself?
How do I consider myself? Physical, sexual,
material, spiritual being?
Who I am determines?
-What I see in me?
-How I see others?
-How I view life?
-What I do?
Dr. Mariano M. Ariola. Understanding the Self
Magalona Ethel et al. Understanding the Self (Developing Life Skills)
Relate the School’s Vision, Mission
and Objectives to the course
Understanding the Self
Reaction Paper
Students will select from the following
The soul is an activity of the body.
Language process is essential for the
development of the self.
The “Me” comes first before the “I”
according to Mead.
The Self is not physically detectable
Self-improvement is impossible without
the self-awareness.
Week 1
Weeks 2-3
Andres Bonifacio Campus
Jaime Gutierez-Ang. Understanding the Self A Text Manual for 21st Century Filipino Students
1. Determine the varied philosophical ideas about the nature of the self.
2. Identify the differences in these perspective
3. Use these perspectives in the forming of own insights.
Individual baring:
Subject Matter: The Self from Various Perspective
What particular philosophical concepts you
(Philosophical Perspective of the Self)
have adhere of? Why?
1. Socrates
2. Plato
3. Aristotle
4. Basic Concepts of Aristotle
5. St. Thomas Aquinas
-Group Discussions
6. Theory of Self Knowledge
7. Saint Augustine
8. Francis Bacon
9. Thomas Hobbes
10. Rene Descartes
11. John Locke
12. David Hume
13. Immanuel Kant
14. Gilbert Ryle
15. Patricia Churchland
16. Maurice Merleau-Ponty
References: Understanding the Self 2018
Dr. Mariano M. Ariola. Understanding the Self
Magalona Ethel et al. Understanding the Self (Developing Life Skills)
Jaime Gutierez-Ang. Understanding the Self A Text Manual for 21st Century Filipino Students
Elaborate your relevant insights about
the following philosophical statements
1. “Know Thyself”
2. “ I Think Therefore I am”
3. Nothing but matters exist
4. We are a ghost in the machine
Weeks 4-5
Andres Bonifacio Campus
1. Discuss the representations and conceptualization of the self from
sociological perspective
2. Examine the sociological factors and force that shape the self
Subject Matter: The Self from Various Perspective
(Sociological Perspective of the Self)
1. Margareth Mead
2. Henri De Saint Simon
3. Herbert Spencer
4. Emile Durkheim
5. Albert Bandura
6. Karl Marx
7. Marx Weber
8. Lewis Morgan
Video Presentation
Oral recitation
Week 6
Video clip to be uploaded on social
References: Understanding the Self 2018
Dr. Mariano M. Ariola. Understanding the Self
Magalona Ethel et al. Understanding the Self (Developing Life Skills)
Jaime Gutierez-Ang. Understanding the Self A Text Manual for 21st Century Filipino Students
1. Identify the meaning of “self” in the realm of Anthropology and
2. Determine the contributions of the society and one’s culture in forging
the “self”.
Subject Matter : The Self from Various Perspective
(Anthropological and Psychological Perspective of the Self)
1. Ruth Benedict
2. William Graham Summer
3. Sigmund Freud
4.William James
5. Confucius
References: Understanding the Self 2018
React and Defend:
Assign students to discuss different
perspectives of Anthropological and
psychological perspective of the self
Discuss the different perspectives with real life
Dr. Mariano M. Ariola. Understanding the Self
Magalona Ethel et al. Understanding the Self (Developing Life Skills)
Jaime Gutierrez-Ang. Understanding the Self A Text Manual for 21st Century Filipino Students
Guide Question:
Which among the following
personalities in history do you agree
most with respect to psychological and
anthropological perspective of the
Choose one and support your answer.
Short quiz
Week 7
Andres Bonifacio Campus
1.Denominate critical and reflective thoughts in analyzing the
development of one’s self-identity by developing a theory of the self.
2.Explain how the self is developed cognitively
Subject Matter : The Self from Various Perspective
(The Cognitive Construction of the Self)
1.The Self-Complexity versus Self Concept Differentiation
2. The Me-Self
3. The I-Self
4. Ideal Self Vs. Real Self
5. Multiple versus Unified Selves
6. The Self as Proactive and Agentic
7. Individualist versus Collectivist
8. Concept of Self Exercise
Lecture /Illustration
Reflective Essay:
(I Understand Myself)
With rubrics
-Group Discussions
Week 8
Lecture/Video Presentation
References: Understanding the Self 2018
Week 9
Dr. Mariano M. Ariola. Understanding the Self
Magalona Ethel et al. Understanding the Self (Developing Life Skills)
Jaime Gutierez-Ang. Understanding the Self A Text Manual for 21st Century Filipino Students
1.Understand the value of one’s physical image
2.Identify the varied components of the Physical Self
3.Identify the stages in the unfolding of the sexual self
4.Decipher the consequence of uncontrolled sexuality
5. Determine the ways to prevent the spread of STDs
Subject Matter: Unpacking the Self (Physical Self and Sexual Self)
Physical Self
1. The impact of Culture and Body Image
2. The Concept of Fat and Thin Bodies
3. The Concept of Beautiful Bodies
Sexual Self
1. The Development of Secondary Sex Characteristics
2. The Human Reproductive System
3. Erogenous Zone
4 Basic Biology of Sexual Behavior
5. Chemistry of Love, Lust and Attachment
6. Understanding Human Behavior
Lecture/ Reporting of selected topics by the
-Group Discussions
Reaction Essay:
1. Briefly describe the impact of
culture on body image
2. Which is more beautiful to you,
beautiful face or beautiful body? Give
example to further justify your answer
Weeks 10-12
Andres Bonifacio Campus
7. Why we Love: The Nature of Chemistry
8. Diversity of Sexual Behavior
9. Sexually Transmitted Disease
10. Methods of Contraception
References: Understanding the Self 2018
Dr. Mariano M. Ariola. Understanding the Self
Magalona Ethel et al. Understanding the Self (Developing Life Skills)
Jaime Gutierez-Ang. Understanding the Self A Text Manual for 21st Century Filipino Students
1.Discuss the concept of economic self
2. Discuss the role of consumer culture on our sense of self and identity
3. Discourse the idea of spiritual self
4.Discourse the practice of religion vis-a –vis the self
5. Explore and discuss the Filipino Belief in the Supernatural
Subject Matter: Unpacking the Self ( Material and Spiritual Self)
Material and Economic Self
1. Role of Consumers Culture in our Sense of Self
2. The Self from the Standpoint of Economy
Spiritual Self
1. The Self as a Spirit
2. The Practice of Religious Beliefs in Supernatural Being
3. Filipino Beliefs on the Supernatural
4. The Concept of Spirit or soul
5. Rituals and Ceremonies
6.Withcraft or Witchery
7.Magic or Sorcery
8.Some Rituals of Offering in the Country
References: Understanding the Self 2018
Video Presentation
Reflective essay
Week 13
Brief lecture
Local Community
-Group Discussions
Interpret the song Price Tag by Jessie
Mind mapping
Dr. Mariano M. Ariola. Understanding the Self
Magalona Ethel et al. Understanding the Self (Developing Life Skills)
Jaime Gutierez-Ang. Understanding the Self A Text Manual for 21st Century Filipino Students
Week 14
Andres Bonifacio Campus
1.Discuss the concept of Political self
2. Understand the nature of digital self
3. Discourse the idea of spiritual self-Decipher on the Impact of digital
advancements to one’s identity
Subject Matter: Unpacking the Self (Political self and Digital Self)
Political Self
1. Developing a Filipino Identity
2. Establishing Democratic Culture
Lecture/ Reporting of selected topics by the
-Group Discussions
Digital Self
1. Web of Lust and Love
2. Web of Sexual Lust
3. Signs of Love
4. Online Dating
5. Logotheraphy
6. Web of Lust and Love
References: Understanding the Self 2018
Dr. Mariano M. Ariola. Understanding the Self
Magalona Ethel et al. Understanding the Self (Developing Life Skills)
Jaime Gutierez-Ang. Understanding the Self A Text Manual for 21st Century Filipino Students
Oral recitation
Weeks 15-16
Video clip to be uploaded on social
media ( My Digital Self)
1.Understanding the proper way of Managing and Caring different
aspects of the self.
2. Acquire new learning skills for better management care of the self
3. Apply/practice the acquired skills to attain better quality of life
Subject Matter: Managing and Caring for the Self
Becoming a Good Filipino Citizen
-Learning to be a better student
-Becoming an Outstanding student
-Metacognition and Study Strategies
-Self regulated Learning
Setting Goals for Success
-The Five Golden Rules
-Importance of Goals
Taking Charge of one’s Health
Class discussion
Research work
Taking of Stress test
Week 17
Andres Bonifacio Campus
-Stressors and Responses
-Coping Techniques
-Dimensions of Stress
-Social and cultural Wellness
Taking Care of the Self
-The Need for Self-care and Self Compassion
Developing Self Compassion
Course Requirements
Grading system
Course Requirements
Prepared by:
1. Quiz
2. Exam
3. Compilation of Essays and Reaction Papers
Written Output…………….………………………………………………30%
Performance Task…………………………………………………………30%
Major exams……………………………………………...…………………40%
1. Quiz
2. Exam
3. Project
Week 18