Journal of Computer Information Systems ISSN: (Print) (Online) Journal homepage: Big Data, Marketing Analytics, and Firm Marketing Capabilities Guangming Cao , Na Tian & Charles Blankson To cite this article: Guangming Cao , Na Tian & Charles Blankson (2021): Big Data, Marketing Analytics, and Firm Marketing Capabilities, Journal of Computer Information Systems, DOI: 10.1080/08874417.2020.1842270 To link to this article: Published online: 05 Feb 2021. Submit your article to this journal Article views: 246 View related articles View Crossmark data Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at JOURNAL OF COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS Big Data, Marketing Analytics, and Firm Marketing Capabilities Guangming Caoa, Na Tianb, and Charles Blanksonc a Ajman University, Ajman, UAE; bNorthwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China; cUniversity of North Texas, Denton, TX, USA ABSTRACT KEYWORDS While big data, marketing analytics, and firm marketing capabilities are all potential drivers of compe­ titive advantage, there is limited research that investigates the interrelationship between them. This study aims to address this gap by examining the mechanisms through which big data and marketing analytics can be used to enhance firm marketing capabilities. Drawing on the dynamic capability view, a research model is developed and tested based on an analysis of 316 survey responses. The findings demonstrate positive effects of the use of big data on the use of marketing analytics, and the latter’s effect on firm marketing planning, marketing implementation, brand management, customer relation­ ship management, and product development management. This study helps advance our understand­ ing of firm marketing capability-enhancing processes through the use of big data and marketing analytics. It also provides practical implications to guide firms in using big data and marketing analytics to improve their marketing capabilities. Big data; marketing analytics; dynamic capability; firm marketing capabilities 1. Introduction The dynamic capability view, defined as “the capacity of an organization to purposefully create, extend, and modify its resource base”,1 [p. 94], suggests that in order for a firm to gain sustained competitive advantage in a rapidly changing environment, the firm should be capable of sensing opportu­ nities, seizing opportunities by mobilizing resources, and transforming the firm through continuous renewal.2–4 Specifically, dynamic marketing capabilities are aimed at developing, releasing, and integrating market knowledge and resources to match and create market and technological change.5–7 Dynamic marketing capabilities become key8 because they reflect the firm’s ability to engage in marketbased learning and further use the resulting insights to achieve market effectiveness6 and sustained competitive advantage.9,10 Research suggests that advance in modern information technologies (ITs) is one of the most important factors to enable dynamic marketing capabilities.7,11 In parti­ cular, research suggests that firms can develop dynamic mar­ keting capabilities through utilizing big data/marketing analytics [e.g.9,12,13] Big data commonly refers to datasets that are very high in velocity, volume, and variety.14–16 Research suggests that big data offers remarkable opportunities for firms across indus­ trial sectors [e.g.17,1819,2021] to gain useful insights into custo­ mers and operations, thereby improving their marketing,22 decision-making,23 new product development,24,25 among other areas. Expressly, big data becomes a significant disrup­ tor in online and offline marketing approaches,26 deemed “the new oil”,[2728 p.1]. In contrast, marketing analytics pertains to the collection, management, and analysis of big data to extract useful insights to support marketing decision-making.29–32 CONTACT Guangming Cao Some empirical studies [e.g.9,29,33,34] suggest that firms could use marketing analytics to significantly improve, inter alia, marketing decision-making, marketing effectiveness, new pro­ duct development, organizational performance. However, despite evidence that big data, marketing analytics, and firm marketing capabilities are all potential drivers of superior performance, a few significant gaps remain. First, although the extant literature has examined the performance impacts of big data, many firms investing in big data often fail to attain the expected advantages.22,35 There is limited research on how firms transform the potentials of big data into actual firm performance in the competitive marketing environment.13,36 Second, while analytics arguably depends on the availability of big data, big data has rarely been included as a construct by existing analytics studies [e.g.­ 9,29,34,37 ] Thus, the relationship between big data and analytics is underdeveloped. Third, although the literature suggests that mar­ keting capabilities are important drivers of firm competitiveness [e.g.,6,11,38,39] very little is known about how firms improve their marketing capabilities [e.g.31,40–42] In particular, it was not until recently that dynamic marketing capabilities and their performance effects were being studied [e.g.5–7]; thus, scant research has exam­ ined how to build dynamic marketing capabilities.8,39 Finally, although analytics research [e.g.43–46] has shown that some firms can use business/marketing analytics to improve their dynamic capabilities2–4 and eventually firm competitiveness [e.g.,9,29,31] many firms are yet to obtain value from their analytics investment.47 In spite of the growing body of analytics studies [e.­ g.,9,29,33,34 ] scholars still struggle to theorize the value realization of big data analytics.33,36 Thus, little research has systematically linked big data and marketing analytics to organizational capabilities33,44 and/or dynamic marketing capabilities.9 Therefore, this study aims to examine one key research question: what are the mechanisms through which big data College of Business Administration, Ajman University, Ajman, UAE. © 2021 International Association for Computer Information Systems 2 G. CAO ET AL. and marketing analytics can be used to enhance firm market­ ing capabilities? To answer this question, this study develops a research model to conceptually and empirically examine the link from the use of big data and marketing analytics to firm marketing capabilities, drawing on the dynamic capability view2–4 and literature on marketing capabilities [e.g.,38,48,49] dynamic marketing capabilities,5–7 and analytics [e.g.9,43–45] Specifically, this study demonstrates that a firm can use big data and marketing analytics to develop its market-sensing capability [e.g.48,5051] to uncover meaningful marketing knowledge and insights, which in turn enable the firm to enhance its dynamic marketing capabilities by developing and integrating market knowledge and resources,5–7 thereby seizing market opportunities.2–4 The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. The next section explicates the study’s theoretical background, followed by hypotheses development. Then, the research methodology is discussed, including research design, sampling process, operationalization of constructs, and fieldwork, fol­ lowed by the data analysis and presentation of results. Finally, theoretical and managerial implications, study limitations and directions for future research are provided. 2. Theoretical background 2.1 Big data and marketing analytics Big data often refers to datasets exhibiting key characteristics such as high volume, high variety, and high velocity.14–16 Although it is well recognized that big data could offer remark­ able opportunities for firms to gain useful insights to signifi­ cantly change for example online and offline marketing approaches26 and to improve business operations, processes, and firm performance [e.g.,22–24] many firms investing in big data often fail to attain the expected advantages,2235: “Most firms are still stumbling around in the dark as they seek to fully understand the function and capabilities of big data”[52, p.1]. On the other hand, limited academic research exists to examine how to use big data to improve organizational decisionmaking53 and to sense and respond quickly to opportunities for innovation.13 In spite of big data applications becoming pervasive in marketing research, researchers still struggle to explain how firms realize value from big data.14,36 Marketing analytics (descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive) is a subdomain of business analytics54 or big data analytics47 that supports marketing decision-making.29–31 While a number of empirical studies [e.g.9,29,33,34] suggest that firms could use market­ ing analytics to significantly improve marketing processes/opera­ tions, marketing effectiveness, and firm performance, scholars still struggle to theorize the value realization of big data analytics [e.­ g.13,33,36,44] For example, while,36 based on a literature review of 67 papers focusing on data analytics, calls for further empirical studies to carefully examine how firms could actually realize value from big data analytics,44 suggests that extant analytics studies lack under­ standing of the mechanisms through which big data analytics may lead to improved firm performance. Additionally, although a few studies suggest that firms create value from a whole “big data chain” consisting of big data and analytics [e.g.,22,53,55,56] extant analytics studies have rarely included big data as a key construct [e.g.9,29,34,37] Thus, the relationship between big data and analytics is under­ developed in the literature. 2.2 Dynamic capabilities and marketing capabilities Organizational capabilities refer to “complex bundles of skills and accumulated knowledge, exercised through organizational processes, that enable firms to coordinate activities and make use of their assets” [48, p. 38], which could be categorized into dynamic and operational capabilities.6,44,57 Operational capabil­ ities allow a firm to perform basic functional activities58 focus­ ing on sustaining the status quo59 to make its living in the short term.44 In contrast, dynamic capabilities explain how firms attain and sustain competitive advantage in environments of rapid technological change.60 They are path dependent4 and future-oriented6162 capabilities. Operational marketing capabilities include advertising, product development, channel management, marketing com­ munication, selling, marketing information management, marketing planning, and marketing implementation.63,64 Compared with these static marketing capabilities, dynamic marketing capabilities, a subset of dynamic capabilities,5 emphasize a firm’s cross-functional process-changing capabil­ ity to respond to market changes10,65 by developing, releasing, and integrating market knowledge and resources,5–7 thereby achieving market effectiveness6 and sustained competitive advantage.9,10 Research indicates that when a firm emphasizes genera­ tion, dissemination, and responsiveness to market intelli­ gence, the firm will be able to better align its marketing resources to respond to fast-changing markets,49,5766 because the firm’s static marketing capabilities become dynamic mar­ keting capabilities49,57, manifested in marketing decisionmaking, product development management, supply chain management, brand management, and customer relationship management (CRM) [e.g.8,9,39] However, despite that marketing capabilities are considered important drivers of firm competitiveness [e.g.,6,11,38,39] enhan­ cing marketing capabilities is difficult67 and the ways in which firms improve their marketing capabilities remain underex­ plored [e.g.31,40–42] For example,38 suggests that “very little is known about how firms improve their marketing capabilities” (p.736); and40 emphasizes the need to “explain the mechanisms leading to the creation and management of marketing capabil­ ities” (p. 369). In particular, while dynamic marketing capabil­ ities and their performance effects were studied recently [e.g.,5–7] scant research has examined how to build dynamic marketing capabilities.8,39 Furthermore, although analytics research [e.g.43–46] has shown that business/marketing analy­ tics can be used to improve firm dynamic capabilities,2–4 scho­ lars still struggle to theorize the value realization of big data analytics.11,33,36 Thus, there is a gap in the literature for a study to understand the under-researched link between big data, marketing analytics, organizational capabilities33,44 and/or dynamic marketing capabilities.9 JOURNAL OF COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS 3. Hypotheses development Based on the above discussion, six testable hypotheses are repre­ sented in the following conceptual framework (Figure 1). These five marketing capabilities are included because they are under­ stood to be some of the most important marketing constructs [e.g.26,68–71] While the relationship between firm marketing capabilities and competitive advantage has been well established by prior marketing studies, this study has focused on the underresearched relationships between big data, marketing analytics, and firm marketing capabilities. 3.1 Linking big data and marketing analytics Although a few scholars [e.g.53,55] suggest that big data and analytics are different, the effect of big data on organizational decision-making has received little attention in the literature53,72 in that big data has rarely been examined as a construct. In particular, scholars [e.g.53,55] suggest that in order to extract meaningful insights from big data, firms need to develop two types of processes or capabilities: data manage­ ment and analytics, since “Big data without analytics is just a massive amount of data. At the same time, analytics without big data are simply mathematical and statistical tools and applications”[55, p. 28]. In reality, while some firms find it is challenging to unlock the benefit of their data because they have analyzed less than 0.5% of all collected data,17 others are facing a different problem: their analytics initiatives are stifled because they lack relevant data.73 Thus, it is conceivable to postulate that a firm’s use of big data enables it to be able to use marketing analytics more effectively to uncover meaningful knowledge and insights from the data. When big data and marketing analytics work together, it is possible to model, analyze, and interpret big data.74 This is consistent with the idea that the joint use of assets or combining resources in a firm is value enhancing,2 synergistic,7576 and advantageous [e.g.77] Therefore, this study hypothesizes that: 3 H1: The use of big data has a positive effect on the use of marketing analytics. 3.2 Linking the use of marketing analytics and firm marketing capabilities Analytics literature suggests that a firm’s use of marketing analytics is the manifestation of its market sensing capability,9,45 referring to “analytical systems (and individual capacities) to learn and to sense, filter, shape and calibrate opportunities” [2, p. 1326], which in turn enables the firm to develop its seizing and transforming capabilities [e.g.44,45]– as manifested by the firm’s marketing capabilities.9 First, the use of marketing analytics may significantly enhance a firm’s ability to “extract previously unknown, potentially useful, and interesting knowledge” [78, p. 363], to glean intelligence79 on customer lifecycle-encompassing acquisition, retention, and expansion,73 and/or “competitors’ key-product features, pricing strategies, and customer feed­ back” [34, p. 1563]. Essentially, learning about customers, competitors, and the broader market environment using mar­ keting analytics helps the firm to better sense market threats and opportunities [e.g.9,44,45] Second, while knowledge is critical for any dynamic capabilities,76,80 the insights and knowledge derived from the firm’s market sensing capability, as manifested by its use of marketing analytics, are expected to provide the knowledge foundation for the firm to further enhance its other marketing capabilities.38,41,57 For example, research suggests that a firm using marketing analytics to develop its sensing capability is able to make better strategic marketing decisions9,30 and to assist in implementing marketing strategies78 since sensing relates directly to the strategic con­ cept of diagnosis.45 This means that a firm with such a market-sensing capability is highly likely to further enhance its marketing planning, its ability to conceive marketing strategies that optimize the match between the firm’s resources and the expectations of its customers,64 and mar­ keting implementation, the processes by which intended Figure 1. A conceptual framework showing the relationship between the use of big data, the use of marketing analytics and firm marketing capabilities. 4 G. CAO ET AL. marketing strategy is transformed into realized resource deployments.64 Product development could also be more successful when big data is leveraged to gain customer insights to transform new product development in dynamic marketplaces.13,24 Similarly, firms gaining insights from its market sensing cap­ ability are more likely to have new product success.34,41 Additionally,78,81 suggest that a firm gaining higher levels of marketing knowledge from data analytics will be more likely to maximize the benefits of CRM, the firm’s ability to build relationships with potential customers and ability to leverage the established relationship with customers thereby acquiring new customers and retaining existing customers.38,47,64 This is because the firm’s strong market-sensing capability allows it to better understand and/or accurately forecast changes in customer needs and requirements, thereby developing longterm customer relationships,4182 or amending the frequent internal focus of CRM implementation and its negative impact on the revenue outcomes of CRM investments.80 While evidence in marketing research suggests that a firm’s market sensing capability could inform its branding41 and thereby attract new customers,80,83 one can further argue that such firms could improve their brand management, with the view of attracting new customers with valued products8485 while striving to maintain attractive value pro­ positions relative to competing offerings.38,64 There is also evidence that top-performing firms use business analytics to manage brand.86 Furthermore,80 suggests that a firm’s market-sensing cap­ ability provides valuable insights to allow the firm to allocate resources, such as better targeting of the resources deployed and the firm’s media spending, in serving attractive pro­ spects and existing customers or building the firm’s brands, which can be seen as seizing market opportunities by trans­ forming its customer relationship and brand management. The research indicates that in order for a firm to better fit market needs and to seize emerging marketing opportu­ nities, the firm needs to transform or reshape its marketing approaches,44,87,88 such as transforming existing modes of operation45 as well as adapting products and services to suit customer needs44; prioritizing target customers,89 allocating resources to accommodate customer needs,90 and translating strategic key performance indictors into operational metrics to inform decision-making.91 Therefore, it is plausible that a firm’s marketing capabilities developed based on its market sensing capability as manifested by the use of marketing analytics can demonstrate the firm’s seizing and transform­ ing capabilities (see.9) Hence, drawing on the dynamic capability view, and the marketing and analytics literature, the following hypotheses are put forward: H2: The use of marketing analytics has a positive effect on marketing planning capability. H3: The use of marketing analytics has a positive effect on marketing implementation capability. H4: The use of marketing analytics has a positive effect on brand management capability. H5: The use of marketing analytics has a positive effect on customer relationship management. H6: The use of marketing analytics has a positive effect on product development management. 4. Research methodology 4.1 Measures The constructs listed in Table 1 were measured using scales adapted from items that were validated across a variety of relevant studies. The use of big data was measured using items from.24 The use of marketing analytics was measured using indicators from.9 Firm marketing capabilities–including mar­ keting planning, marketing implementation, brand manage­ ment, customer relationship management, and product development management–were measured using scales adapted from prior studies.38,49,64 Additionally, following prior studies [e.g.,38,92] firm size, industry type, as well as respondent job title and tenure, may have a possible effect on the relationships examined in this study and were thus included as control variables. 4.2. Sample and data collection Primary data were collected from Chinese firms to verify the research model using a survey approach. The questionnaire was developed using the back-translation process,93 which was repeated three times until the originator of the questions was satisfied that the Chinese version was representative of the original source. Then, the questionnaire was pilot-tested, leading to a number of formatting and presentation modifica­ tions. Table 1 shows the questions used in the survey to measure the research constructs. The survey was conducted by a Chinese market research firm for a fee as the firm has a database with more than 2.6 million Chinese firms and a professional reputation for its survey quality control. A questionnaire was distributed by e-mail to 11,562 Chinese firms. Within two weeks, 337 responses were received, of which 316 were usable responses. However, the market research firm’s software for distributing the survey had no means to know how many survey invita­ tions were actually delivered and opened. As a result, it was not possible to calculate a meaningful response rate. As there is no agreed method for conducting surveys with mass e-mails yet, this study thus considered the number of responses from the perspective of building an adequate model.94 In the structural model, the maximum number of arrows pointing at a construct is five. In order to detect a minimum R2 value of 0.10 in any of the constructs at a significance level of 1%, the minimum sample size required JOURNAL OF COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS 5 Table 1. Constructs and indicators of the study. Constructs Use of Big Data (UBD) (Higher-order) (Reflective) 24 Use of Marketing Analytics (UMA)* (Higher-order) (Formative) 9 Marketing Planning Capability (MPC) (Reflective) 49 Marketing Implementation Capabilities (MIC) (reflective) 49 Brand Management Capability (BMC) (Reflective) 38 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) (Reflective) 38 Product development management (PDM) (Reflective) 64 Indicators (based on Likert scale from 1- strongly disagree to 7-strongly agree) Please indicate your agreement or disagreement on the following statements Volume (lower-order, reflective) VOL1-My company analyses large amounts of data VOL2-The quantity of data we explore is substantial VOL3-We use a great deal of data VOL4-We scrutinize copious volumes of data Variety (lower-order, reflective) VAR1-We use several different sources of data to gain insights VAR2-My company analyses many types of data VAR3-We have many databases from which we can run data VAR4-We examine data from a multitude of sources Velocity (lower-order, reflective) VEL1-We analyze data as soon as we receive it VEL2-The time period between us getting and analyzing data is short VEL3-My company is lightning fast in exploring our data VEL4-My company analyses data speedily To what extent has your company implemented marketing analytics in each of the following areas? Customer-related (CMA) (lower-order, formative) UMA1-Customer insight UMA2-Customer acquisition UMA3-Customer retention UMA4-Segmentation Product-related (PMA) (lower-order, formative) UMA5-New product or service development UMA6-Product or service strategy UMA7-Promotion strategy UMA8-Pricing strategy UMA9-Marketing mix UMA10-Branding General marketing-related (GMA) (lower-order, formative) UMA11-Digital marketing UMA12-Social media UMA13-Multichannel marketing How does your company perform the following activities relative to your key competitors? MPC1-Marketing planning skills MPC2-Ability to effectively segment and target market# MPC3-Marketing management skills and processes MPC4-Thoroughness of marketing planning processes How does your company perform the following activities relative to your key competitors? MIC1-Allocating marketing resources effectively MIC2-Organizing to deliver marketing programs effectively MIC3-Translating marketing strategies into action MIC4-Executing marketing strategies quickly# How does your company perform the following activities relative to your key competitors? BMC1-Routinely use customer insight to identify valuable brand positioning# BMC2-Consistently establish desired brand associations in consumers’ minds BMC3-Maintain a positive brand image relative to competitors BMC4-Achieve high levels of brand awareness in the market on a regular basis BMC5-Systematically leverage customer-based brand equity into preferential channel positions# How does your company perform the following activities relative to your key competitors? CRM1-Routinely establish a “dialogue” with target customers CRM2-Get target customers to try our products/services on a consistent basis CRM3-Focus on meeting customers’ long term needs to ensure repeat business# CRM4-Systematically maintain loyalty among attractive customers CRM5-Routinely enhance the quality of relationships with attractive customers# How does your company perform the following activities relative to your key competitors? PDM1-We have the ability to develop new products/services PDM2-We are able to commercialize ideas fast PDM3-We have a number of product/service innovations PDM4-We are able to successfully launch new products/services PDM5-We are able to achieve productivity gains from R&D investments# Mean SD 5.6 5.4 5.7 5.6 1.04 1.25 1.15 1.18 5.5 5.5 5.3 5.5 1.13 1.24 1.40 1.29 5.2 4.9 5.0 5.1 1.35 1.50 1.43 1.34 4.8 5.2 5.5 5.1 1.1 31.1 31.1 71.27 5.2 5.3 5.3 5.0 4.6 5.2 1.2 01.2 11.3 21.2 71.6 21.26 5.3 4.9 4.6 1.2 31.4 61.62 5.4 5.3 5.5 5.1 1.0 31.1 91.1 31.15 5.41 5.31 5.45 5.10 1.0 31.1 91.1 31.15 5.2 5.5 5.7 5.3 5.4 1.1 11.2 11.2 3.2 31.17 5.4 5.5 5.8 5.5 5.5 1.1 71.1 31.1 31.2 01.17 5.2 5.1 5.3 5.3 5.4 1.1 11.3 11.3 11.1 31.30 *-measured based on a seven-point Likert scale ranging from no use, very low use, low use, moderate use, somewhat heavy use, quite heavy use, to very heavy use; # – dropped after the measurement evaluation. is 205.9596 Since 316 usable responses were received, this minimum sample size requirement was met. 4.3. Respondents Table 2 summarizes the company profile in terms of the industry, number of employees, and the province in which the firms were based (out of 34 Chinese provincial-level Table 2. Company profiles (n = 316). Industry Home appliance Building materials Clothing/textile Machinery/equipment Automobile and accessories Electronic Other Number of % employees 5.7 <50 14.6 50–249 17.4 250–499 11.1 500–999 17.4 1000–1999 19.6 ≥2000 14.2 % 8.5 42.1 23.7 12.4 6.0 7.3 Province Guangdong Beijing Shanghai Hubei Henan Sichuan Other % 13% 11% 7% 5% 3% 2% 59% 6 G. CAO ET AL. administrative units, only the top six provinces with the most responding firms were listed). Table 3 summarizes the respondent profile in terms of their organizational positions and years of experience in the current industry. The reported positions of the respondents suggest that 85.5% of the respon­ dents were marketing managers while the rest were other middle and senior managers. Based on their position within the firm, the respondents were considered to have relevant knowledge and experience to be able to address the survey questions.9798 4.4. Common method and non-respondent bias Both procedural and statistical remedies were used to control for common method bias. The procedural remedies were used to improve scale items through defining them clearly and keeping the questions simple and specific, labeling every point on the response scale to reduce item ambiguity,99 and using positively and negatively worded measures to control for acquiescence and disacquiescence biases.100 The first sta­ tistical approach conducted was to check the correlation matrix (Table 4) to identify if there were any highly correlated factors (r >.90) from common method bias.98 The result indicated that this study was unlikely to suffer from common method bias. Finally, the partialling out of general factor suggested by101 was conducted and the result indicated that common method bias was not a threat in the study. To evaluate the presence of non-respondent bias, a t-test and the known value for the population approach102 were conducted. The results suggested an absence of nonresponse bias102 and significant differences between respon­ dents and non-respondents, respectively. 4.5. Evaluation of the measurement model As both formative and reflective constructs were used, a separate set of analyses was used to evaluate the measure­ ment model following the recommendations by.95 The reflec­ tive measurement model was evaluated by considering Table 3. Respondent profiles (n = 316). Respondent Positions % CEO/President/MD/Partner 1.6 Vice President/Director 0.7 Other C-level Executive 11.5 Chief Marketing Officer 15.9 Director/Head of 69.6 Marketing Other directors 0.7 Years of Experience (x) in the industry x≤5 5 < x ≤ 10 10 < x ≤ 15 15 < x ≤ 20 20 < x ≤ 25 % 8.5 58.5 23.7 7.6 1 x > 25 0.7 Table 4. Descriptive statistics, correlations, and AVE. Construct Mean S.D. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 BRC 5.50 0.93 0.76 2 CRM 5.47 0.86 0.57** 0.74 3 MIC 5.42 0.93 0.58** 0.62** 0.78 4 MPC 5.33 0.84 0.55** 0.58** 0.62** 0.76 5 PDM 5.22 0.90 0.57** 0.52** 0.53** 0.55** 0.75 6 UBD 5.41 0.76 0.44** 0.44** 0.49** 0.47** 0.46** 0.83 7 UMA 5.17 0.67 0.39** 0.40** 0.43** 0.41** 0.43** 0.50** # **p < 0.01, #-formative internal consistency (composite reliability), indicator reliabil­ ity, convergent validity and discriminant validity (Table 4); they were satisfactory. The formative measurement model was evaluated by assessing multicollinearity, the indicator weights, significance of the weights, and the indicator loadings.95 The evaluation results indicated all were satisfactory. 4.6. Hypothesis testing In order to test the hypotheses, SmartPLS3 was used, includ­ ing a two-stage approach and a bootstrapping procedure (5,000 samples), as suggested by.95 The result is summarized in Figure 2. All hypotheses are supported. H1 proposes that use of big data (UBD) positively relates to use of marketing analytics (UMA), which is supported as UBD’s effect on UMA is 0.50 (p < .001). H2 assumes that UMA is positively related to marketing planning capability (MPC), marketing implemen­ tation capability (MIC), brand management capability (BMC), customer relationship management (CRM), and production management (PDM), which is confirmed by UMA’s effects of 0.39 (p < .001) on MPC, 0.39 (p < .001) on MIC, 0.36 (p < .001) on BMC, 0.36 (p < .001) on CRM, and 0.4 (p < .001) on PDM, respectively. The results also indicate that industry type has a statistically significant effect on all firm marketing capabil­ ities except for marketing planning; job tenure has a statistically significant effect on product development man­ agement only; and both firm size and job title have no statis­ tically significant effect on the marketing capabilities. 5. Discussion and implications This study drew on the dynamic capability view to examine how marketing capabilities can be enhanced through devel­ oping and testing a research framework linking the use of big data, marketing analytics and firm marketing capabilities. First, the findings provide valuable theoretical understand­ ing and empirical evidence of how firm marketing capabilities can be enhanced by the use of big data and marketing analy­ tics. This fills an important gap between the link–and the need for a tighter connection–between big data, marketing analy­ tics, and marketing capabilities. In fact, the capabilityenhancing mechanisms are rather different from the known and fragmented approaches to studying marketing capabil­ ities, the use of big data and marketing analytics demonstrated by prior studies. Integrating and broadening the applicability of the relationships between big data, marketing analytics, and firm marketing capabilities in this research demonstrate gen­ eralizability of previous findings from analytics and marketing studies, and indicates that firms should be able to improve their firm marketing capabilities through the use of big data and marketing analytics. Second, the study’s outcomes suggest that the use of big data significantly and positively affects the use of marketing analy­ tics. While prior research suggests that an enhanced relation­ ship between two resources in a firm103 is value enhancing,2,76 this study’s analysis provides empirical evidence in support of this view and the idea that both big data and analytics are parts JOURNAL OF COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS 7 Figure 2. Hypothesis test results. of a whole ‘big data chain’ [e.g.53,55,56] By empirically and conceptually demonstrating the value of and the need for using big data to enhance marketing analytics, this study con­ tributes to analytics literature by challenging the way in which existing analytics studies examine the effects of big data and analytics separately, thereby directing the attention to how the use of big data and analytics together could create firm value. Third, the findings show that the use of marketing analytics relates to firm marketing capabilities significantly and positively. This is consistent with the marketing litera­ ture previously discussed in that firm marketing capabilities are built upon marketing knowledge [e.g.5,6,38,57] The posi­ tive relationship between the use of marketing analytics and firm marketing capabilities demonstrated in this study implies that the firms in this study can use the marketing knowledge and insights uncovered from big data and mar­ keting analytics to enhance its firm marketing capabilities, which are the manifestations of seizing and transforming capabilities9 or dynamic marketing capabilities.8,39 The results contribute to the marketing literature and practice by empirically demonstrating how firms could use market­ ing analytics to develop their marketing capabilities, which has so far remained largely under-researched [e.g.9,31,33,40,42,44] The findings from this study also have interesting implica­ tions for managers. Firms interested in investing in big data and marketing analytics should use them together to max­ imize their potential business value. Firms wishing to develop their marketing capabilities should utilize the knowledge and insights gained from big data and marketing analytics as a foundation. While this relationship was not hypothesized in this study, it was seen to be supported indirectly as the firms in this study that used marketing analytics saw signifi­ cant improvements in their firm marketing capabilities. Although it was beyond the remit of this study to examine the effect of the model on competitive advantage, taken together, higher levels of firm marketing capabilities would enhance competitive advantage.64 6. Limitations and directions for future research This study has several limitations. First, the study’s outcomes were based on data collected from a survey. Future research could complement this study’s findings by utilizing longitudinal and time-series research designs that will provide additional causal evidence. Employing a qualitative approach to develop more indepth insights and knowledge on how big data and marketing analytics create firm value is important for future research. Second, the survey questionnaire was distributed to a single key informant by a market research firm using mass e-mails, without providing a meaningful response rate, which raises concerns regarding non-respondent bias. Although there was no evidence of non-respondent bias, the risk of bias could still not be completely absent. Future research should use multiple informants to enhance confidence in the findings. Third, the current research results are based on and limited to Chinese firms. It would be worthwhile to extend and replicate this work to firms in other countries. Finally, the present study focuses on developing an understanding of the ways in which big data and marketing analytics can be used to develop firm marketing capabilities thereby attaining compe­ titive advantage. However, since the latter was not examined in this study, future research could explore the impact of the model on competitive advantage. Funding This work was supported by the Ajman University Research Grant [CRG- 2019-CBA-03]. References 1. Helfat CE, Peteraf MA. Understanding dynamic capabilities: pro­ gress along a developmental path. Strateg Organ. 2009;7:91–102. doi:10.1177/1476127008100133. 2. Teece DJ. Explicating dynamic capabilities: the nature and micro­ foundations of (sustainable) enterprise performance. Strat Manage J. 2007;28:1319–50. 8 G. CAO ET AL. 3. Teece DJ. The foundations of enterprise performance: dynamic and ordinary capabilities in an (economic) theory of firms. Acad Manag Perspect. 2014;28(4):328–52. doi:10.5465/amp.2013.0116. 4. 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