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Zelle Cashout Method

Zelle Cashout Method
By @ReezyPaid
Yahoo shop: https://sellix.io/YoungReezy
Channel: @reezyscrib
What up y’all
it’s Young Reezy aka Reezy Escobar n today Ima be
teachin y’all how to wipe a bank CLEAN
with Zelle
Tools Needed:
● Yahoo Accounts (if u need hit up @ReezyPaid)
● OTP Bot/Call skills
● Common sense
Now lessss gettttt itttttttt
Step 1: Why Yahoo’s?
First things first is you want Yahoo’s not no bank logs. Bank logs is like
$250 so if u fuck it up u jus lost 250. You can get more than 70 yahoo’s at
the current market price. So yea 70 chances vs 1 ima take the yahoo’s y’all
Step 2: Login the Yahoo’s
If you read my last tutorial, you already know how to sign in. If you missed
it, first u gonna wanna turn off yo VPN. VPN gon cook yo account n u will
be locked out. Now download Canary Mail app. Sign in the Yahoo’s on
Step 3: Find banks and info
Look in the emails to find out what bank each one has. Once you have a
bank try to dig up this info on the account owner:
● SSN (can be found in W2s n SSN cards sent to employers)
● Account number (can be found in bank statements (only needed for
some banks)
● Passwords (sometimes ppl send theyself passwords to they
● Debit pin (usually birth year or in usernames/passwords)
● Phone number(s) (easier to find after you try to login cause it’ll tell
you the last couple digits)
You don’t always need all of that information but if you have it all, you can
skip OTP with some banks. If you don’t or if the bank is stricter, you need
OTP bot or call skills.
Step 4: Try to login
Now you have to try to guess userID and password. The user ID is usually
their first and last name (e.g. johndoe). Sometimes it’s they email before
the @ (e.g. billybob@gmail.com > billybob). The password is usually the
same as their email password. If that works, skip to the next step. If you
can’t sign in with that info, hit forgot password. It will ask for your userID
and maybe some more info. If you try to reset password and it says invalid
userID, then hit reset password. You usually need the email and one more
piece of info for this. It usually sends userID to the email. Now you can
reset password with userID. Once you have userID and password, now it’s
time to sign in.
Step 5: Finish logging in
Put in the userID and password in and login. If you did a lot of resetting it’s
finna ask for OTP but if you can send a code to the email, do that and skip
to the next step. If you need OTP use the last digits to find the number or
you can use their email, social media, or Google. Once you got the number
either call n ask for the code pretending to be the bank, or you can let the
OTP bot do the work with /beta mode. You need the OTP (one time
password) n if possible the PIN from the call. When you or the bot asks for
the code, send it to their number at the same time for better results. Once
you got the OTP and pin you can login.
Step 6: Cashout
Now you logged in. Go to Zelle. If you can’t find it google how to Zelle with
that bank. If they don’t got it use whatever other money transfer they got.
Just send it to your drop. Fit Zelle it sends to phone number. Do
transactions of $500 with good descriptions like “Thanks for (insert
excuse)” or things you could pay for around that price “new bike” or sum
shit. Once u can’t send $50@ nomo, try 100,200, whatever until you clean
the account. You can do savings n shit. Once the drop gets the money
have them take off the money quickly because once the bank finds out
they gonna take the money back.
Congratulations you jus hit Zelle
never put u on wit no money .
. Don’t ever say Young Reezy ain’t
Join my channel @reezyscrib for more free tutorials
If y’all need Yahoo Logs hml on Telegram @ReezyPaid or go to my shop
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