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Semantic & Pragmatic Final Exam

Name : Zelika Mulya Permai
Student Number : 1911040521
Course : Semantic-Pragmatic
Lecture : Sugeng Riyadi, M.Pd
(Final Exam)
Semantic : The science that studies the meaning of language
Definition of Semantic : Cabang linguistik yang mempelajari arti/makna yang terkandung pada
suatu bahasa, kode, atau jenis representasi lain. Tanda atau lambang yang dimaksud menyangkut
kode atau bahasa, spesifiknya: kata atau satuan gramatika yang lebih kecil lainnya yang memiliki
Pragmatic : Examine Meaning of The Speakers / the study of the expression of relative distance.
Definition of Pragmatic : Bidang linguistik yang mempelajari maksud ujaran, bukan makna
kalimat yang diujarkan. Pragmatik mempelajari maksud ujaran atau daya (force) ujaran.
Pragmatic : about how language is used in communication/what does the speaker mean.
Characteristics Pragmatic :
Pragmatics is the study of how language is used for communication, especially the
relationship between sentences and the context and situations in which they are used.
Pragmatics is the study of linguistic and functional points of view, which means that this
research attempts to explain aspects of linguistic structure, referring to non-linguistic
influences and causes.
Pragmatics is the study of the relationship between signs (symbols) and their interpreters.
Pragmatics – Learning to Use Languages
Pragmatics is the study of the relationship between language and context, which forms
the basis of explaining linguistic understanding.
Pragmatics is the study of deixis, implicatives, premises, speech acts, and aspects of
discourse structure.
Scope of Pragmatic (Ruang Lingkup ) :
Scope is an explanation of the boundaries of a subject contained in a problem. When interpreted
broadly the scope is a limitation. Pragmatics has its own scope which is its field of study.
Pragmatics studies fields such as deixis, presuppositions, conversational implicatures and speech
Deiksis : (person, time, place, discourse, and social) Deiksis means 'designation' through
language (Yule, 2006:13).
Presupposition (peranggapan) : something that is assumed by the speaker as an event
before producing an utterance.
e.g : budi’s guitar is new/budi’s guitar is not new.
A : what about inviting zelika tonight ?
B : what a good idea; then she can give monica a lift
Implicature (makna tersirat) : there is a relationship between the utterances spoken
between two people who are conversing. This connection does not appear literal, but is
only understood implicitly.
e.g : the drink is available, sir !
he is from lampung that’s why he is brave.
Speech act (tindak tutur) : hasil dari suatu kalimat dalam kondisi tertentu dan merupakan
kesatuan terkecil dari interaksi lingual.
e.g. : I can’t come
the place is far.
Pragmatic Example :
Ma’am, let me bring the bag (Bu, mari saya bawakan tasnya)
please calm down there is a state exam (harap tenang ada ujian negara)
Please contact the nearest doctor if the pain persists (harap hubungi dokter terdekat jika
sakit berlanjut)
Wear a watch for exams (pakailah jam kalau ujian)
Can you shut up ? (bisa diam tidak ?)
Would you please come to our engagement ceremony sir ? (apakah bapak berkenan hadir
diacara pertunangan kami ?)
Will you crack open the door? I am getting hot. (crack mean to break, but the speaker
means to open the door jus a little to let in some air)
What time do you call this ?
Why are you making such a noise ?
Please shut the door
It red and no traffic then allowed to go
Today is Monday
Can you lift that box ?
Jane no longer writers fiction
The difference between semantic and pragmatic :
"Semantics is context-independent, while pragmatics is context-dependent".
Semantics studies meaning, namely the meaning of words and sentence meanings, while
pragmatics studies the meaning of speech, namely what the utterance is for.
Semantic is studies the literal meaning, while pragmatic is studies the intended or the
inferred meaning as well.
Semantic : theory of meaning, pragmatic : usage theory