MNGT 7 – STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT, 2ND SEMESTER A.Y. 2021-2022 STRATEGIC PLAN PROPOSAL Identify a business that your group would like to venture into. Preferably from any of these industries: food processing, agri-business (cacao, coffee, high value crops, livestock production), tourism, tourism support (hotel and accommodation, restaurant, coffee shop, transportation), Information and Communication Technology. Businesses that do not belong to these industries will be accepted subject to review, as long as the business is not purely trading or buy and sell. Requirement: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Agree on a trade name Determine the form of business and justify your choice Discuss the nature of the business and the possible product/service offering Proposed location and justify your choice of location Define your target market: (Primary and Secondary) Identify your competitors and potential competitors and discuss their current product/service offering. Discuss also your understanding of their existing market. 7. Time Frame should be 2022-2027 8. Strategic Framework or Strategic Direction a. Statement of Philosophy. - Provide a brief and concise explanation b. Core Values - provide a brief, concise description of the chosen your core values) c. Vision Statement d. Mission Statement CONTENT STRATEGIC PLAN PROPOSAL Group Members: I. INTRODUCTION a. TRADE NAME: b. FORM OF BUSINESS: (Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Corporation) c. NATURE OF THE BUSINESS: d. PROPOSED LOCATION: e. MARKET f. COMPETITORS IN THE AREA II. STRATEGIC DIRECTION a. VISION STATEMENT b. MISSION STATEMENT c. CORE VALUES d. STATEMENT OF PHILOSOPHY - Deadline: 1 April 2023 Group work. Only one output per group, each group member will have to upload their output individually on Quipper for Grading Purposes. RUBRICS FOR GRADING YOUR STRATEGIC PLAN PROPOSAL Content & Development (30 pts) Excellent (30-27) Good (26-21) Fair (20-15) Poor (14-0) - Content is concise, brief, accurate, and persuasive. - Major points are stated clearly and are well supported. - Content is accurate and persuasive. - Major points are stated. - Content is not comprehensive and /or persuasive. - Major points are addressed, but not well supported. - Content is incomplete. - Major points are not clear and /or persuasive. Organization & Structure (10 pts) Excellent (10-9) Good (8-7) Fair (6-5) Poor (4-0) -Structure of the paper is clear and easy to follow. - Paragraph transitions are logical and maintain the flow of thought throughout the paper. - Structure is mostly clear and easy to follow. - Paragraph transitions are present. - Structure of the paper is not easy to follow. - Paragraph transitions need improvement. - Organization and structure detract from the message of the writer. - Paragraphs are disjointed and lack transition of thoughts. Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling (5 pts) Excellent (10-9) Good (8-7) Fair (6-5) Poor (4-0) - Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed; spelling is correct. - Language is clear and precise; sentences display consistently strong, varied structure. - Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed with minor errors. Spelling is correct. - Paper contains few grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors. - Language lacks clarity or includes the use of some jargon or conversational tone. - Paper contains numerous grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. - Language uses jargon or conversational tone. Format (5 pts) - Paper follows all designated guidelines. - Paper is the appropriate length as described for the assignment. -Format enhances readability of paper. - Paper follows designated guidelines. - Paper is the appropriate length as described for the assignment. -Format is good. - Paper follows most guidelines. - Paper is over/ under word length. - Paper lacks many elements of correct formatting. - Paper is inadequate / excessive in length. -Paper is not double spaced TOTAL (50 pts)