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First year Grammar 2019 Mr H H

First Year
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
Unit (1)
Present Simple
‫( او االسم الجمع‬I – we – you – they) ‫ – المضارع البسيط هو المصدر بدون اضافات مع الفاعل‬1
‫( أو االسم المفرد‬He – she – it) ‫( مع الفاعل‬s – es – ies) ‫ونضيف للمصدر‬
They watch TV every day.
He sometimes arrives early.
Ali rarely studies at home.
‫( بدال منهما‬never) ‫( ويمكن استخدام‬don’t- doesn’t + inf) ‫ – يتم النفي باستخدام كل من‬2
They don’t use the tablet at school. = never use
He doesn’t visit his uncle. = never visits
‫ – عالمات واستخدامات المضارع البسيط‬3
‫ – يستخدم المضارع البسيط للتعبير عن عادات وحقائق وتكرار‬1
 The moon goes round the sun.
 - He always comes late.
: ‫ يستخدم مع الكلمات اآلتية في بداية أو نهاية الجملة‬- 2
(every day – at night – in the morning – at noon – in the evening)
We watch TV every night.
I read a story at noon.
‫ ( وتأتى قبل أي فعل اخر‬verb to be) ‫ – معلومه هامة العالمات االتية تأتى بعد‬3
(sometimes – usually – occasionally – always – often – never – rarely – seldom)
He is always late.
He always comes late.
Always does he come late.
: ‫ استخدامات أخري للمضارع البسيط‬:‫يستخدم مع أفعال الشعور والحواس واالدراك والعاطفة والتفكير بدال من المضارع المستمر‬-1
I remember his name.
 I hate his bad behavior.
)if( ‫ يستخدم مع الحالة األولى من‬-2
If you play well, you will win.
‫) بشرط أن يكون‬after/before( ‫ يستخدم المضارع البسيط او المضارع التام مع الروابط الزمنية مثل‬-3
‫الزمن األخر مستقبل‬
After he arrives, we will eat.
They will not go until he gives them money.
‫ – يستخدم للتعبير عن المستقبل مع األشياء التى تحدث طبقا لجدول زمنى محدد مثل مواعيد المواصالت‬4
The train leaves at 3 o'clock tomorrow.
The film starts at 9 as usual.
‫ نائب فاعل‬+ am/is/are/ + p.p…………………….
Farmers grow plants.
 Plants are grown by farmers.
: ‫ صيغة المبني للمجهول‬-5
First Year
In Brief
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
‫ فاعل‬+ ‫ ماضي بسيط‬+ ‫مغعول‬
‫ فاعل‬+ didn’t + ‫مصدر‬
- Did + ‫ فاعل‬+ ‫?… مصدر‬
-‫ أداه استفهام‬+ did + ‫ فاعل‬+ ‫?…مصدر‬
‫ نائب فاعل‬+ was – were + p.p…….
Past Simple
1-Formation :
He visited his friends.
He didn't visit his friend.
2-Usage :
‫يتكون الماضي البسيط من التصريف الثاني للفعل‬
They watched the film.
: (didn't + inf)
‫ويتم النفي باستخدام‬
‫ – يعبر الماضي البسيط عن حدث انتهى في الماضي‬1
We studied French last week.
Ayman used to play tennis, when he was young.
Ali found a bag ,then he went to the police.
If he helped us, we would win.
‫ يعبر عن عادة في الماضي‬-2
‫ – وصف أحداث في سرد قصة‬3
(If) ‫ – في الحاله الثانية من اسلوب الشرط‬4
‫ – يستخدم مع التعبيرا ت اآلتية ويعتبر ماضي غير حقيقي‬5
1 – I wish + ‫ فاعل‬+ ‫ماضي بسيط‬
2-It's time + ‫ فاعل‬+ ‫ماضي بسيط‬
3-I would rather + ‫ فاعل‬+ ‫ماضي بسيط‬
I wish Ali played well.
It's time he arrived.
I would rather she helped him.
‫ – يستخدم الماضي البسيط مع التعبيرات اآلتية‬6
Yesterday – ago – last – once – in the past- when I was -----Last week, I went to Alexandria.
Two months ago, We flew to London.
‫ – صيغة المبني للمجهول‬7
‫ نائب فاعل‬+ was/were + p.p
He wrote the e-mail.
The e-mail was written by him.
‫معلومــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ( هامه )ـــــــــــــــــــــــــه‬
He used to live in Tanta.
= He no longer lives in Tanta.
=He doesn't live in Tanta anymore/ any longer.
First Year
In Brief
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
‫ فاعل‬+ ‫ مصدر‬/ ‫ مصدر‬+ s-es-ies + ‫مفعول‬
‫ فاعل‬+ don’t – doesn’t + ‫مصدر‬
- Do/ Does + ‫ فاعل‬+ ‫?… مصدر‬
-‫ أداه استفهام‬+ do /does + ‫ فاعل‬+ ‫?…مصدر‬
‫ نائب فاعل‬+ am – is – are + p.p…….
Exercises on Grammar
1 – Choose the correct answer from a, b , c, or d
1 – The earth---------------round the sun.
a. go
b. goes
c. is going
d. has gone
2 – He often-------------------- tired when he comes home.
a. feels
b. feel
c. felt
d. feeling
3 – When I was in Alex. I --------------- in the sea every day.
a. swim
b. swims
c. swam
d. swimming
4 – When I was on holiday, I always ------------------ on the beach.
a. stay
b. stayed
c. staying
d. stays
5 – He sometimes ------------------- in the magazine Egypt Today.
a. write
b. writes
c. writing
d. written
6 – Mr. Salim -----------------comes to work late.
a. doesn’t
b. didn’t
c. won’t
d. never
7 - ------------- he always accurate?
a. Is
b. Has
c. Does
d. Had
8 – Ahmad -------------------- in 2000.
a. graduated
b. will graduate
c. has graduated
d. graduates
9 – She ---------- a short story and went to bed.
a. read
b. will read
c. reads
d. is reading
10 – He -------------------------- speaks on television. I saw him many times.
a. often
b. rarely
c. doesn’t
d. never
11 – I -------------at school yesterday.
a. didn’t
b. wasn’t
c. don’t
d. am not
12 – Our school ------------------ in 2012.
a. built
b. was built
c. was building
d. is built
13 – I would rather ------------------------- football.
a. play
b. to play
c. played
d. playing
14 – I would rather you ---------------- football with us.
a. play
b. played
c. playing
d. plays
15 – Nosa is used to --------------------------------- hard.
a. study
b. studying
c. studies
d. studied
16 – The Femto second ---------------------------by Ahmad Zewail.
a. discovered
b. was discovered
c. invented
d. was invented
17 - ----------- People should work in their 70s or 80s?
a. Do you think
b. You are think
c. Do you thinking
d. Are you thinking
18 – The train to Luxor ------------------- at 9 p.m.
a. is leaving
b. leaves
c. is going to leave
d. leave
First Year
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
19 - After I had finished school, I ------------------ tourism at university.
a. study
b. am studying
c. studied
d. have studied
20 - Omar never smokes. That is why he------------------------------ fit.
a. always is
b. always
c. is always
d. always does
21 - Ali always-------------- to work when he was young.
a. walks
b. is walking
c. walked
d. walking
22 – Osama ------------------- to smoke. He no longer smokes.
a. uses
b. used
c. is used
d. using
23 – I have already decided. I -------------------- buy a new car.
a. could
b. would
c. am going to
d. will
24 – Before she -------------- the house, she will do the shopping.
a. will clean
b. cleaned
c. cleans
d. cleaning
25 – He is always -------------------------------- late. It is a bad habit.
a. come
b. coming
c. came
d. comes
26 – Don’t phone him now as he -------------------------lunch.
a. is having
b. has
c. have
d. had
27 – Above certain heights, the snow ------------------------ turns to water.
a. isn’t
b. doesn’t
c. wasn’t
d. never
28 – The woman who ------------ this house died 30 years ago
a. is owning
b. owns
c. own
d. owning
29 – My uncle died -------------------------------- 2015.
a. since
b. for
c. in
d. when
30 – Lions don’t eat vegetables but they----------------- meat.
a. eats
b. are used to eat
c. are used to eating
d. eating
31 – Before he………………………………., we will prepare for the party.
a. will arrive
b. arrived
c. arriving
d. arrives
32 – He ………………………….. clever, He is the best in class.
a. always is
b. is always
c. never is
d. is never
33 – What did he ……………………….. last weekend?
a. do
b. does
c. doing
d. will do
34 – I’d rather…………………….this mobile for him.
a. buying
b. bought
c. buy
d. buys
35 – He often …………………. in the magazine when he was in Cairo.
a. writes
b. writing
c. write
d. wrote
36 – When………………. the plane made?
a. did
b. does
c. was
d. were
37 – I saw him …………………………on the phone yesterday.
a. spoke
b. speak
c. speaking
d. to speaking
38 – He…………………. gets high marks. He will be a doctor.
a. never
b. always
c. rarely
d. seldom
39 – Never…………………… come late.
a. he is
b. is he
c. he does
d. does he
40 – After………………………… lunch, they will serve it.
a. cooks
b. had cooked
c. cooking
d. will cook
2 - Find the mistakes and correct them:
1 – Most of them doesn’t speak French.
2 – Waters is boils at 100c.
First Year
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
3 – He never is late.
4 – She is owning a car and a villa.
5 – Hany never go to school on foot.
6 – A vegetarian person doesn’t eats meat at all.
7 – After finished the test, he went out.
8 – He used to arrive early, but now he isn’t.
9 – He is always behaves badly.
10 – I am thinking Ali is very clever.
11 – Don’t call her now as she has dinner.
12 – I think of going to London and visiting my old friends.
13 – How long age did you visit the pyramids?
14 – He no longer smokes means he didn’t used to smoke.
15 – When he was young, he always plays football.
16 – He has graduated in 2000.
17 – Last week, I have visited my brother in Germany.
18 – He used to go to the library three times last week.
19 – Most people aren’t believing in magic.
20 – This milk isn’t smelling fresh. I will
21 – I’d rather he arrive early to meet the boss.
22 – If he put the books, I will take them away.
23 – Never he helps his neighbours.
24 – He is in the habit of smoke heavily.
25 – He used to work hard but now he didn’t.
26 – The film was very wonderful, I didn’t like it.
27 – He was arresting and took to prison.
28 – When he was in Alexandria, he always swims in the sea
29 – After takes the money, he will leave.
30 – Where did the first car made?
Unit (2)
Past continuous
‫يتكون الماضي المستمر من‬
‫ فاعل‬+ was / were + v + ing + ‫مفعول‬
He was reading a book.
They were walking in the garden.
: ‫يعبر الماضي المستمر عن‬
‫ – حدث كان مستمرا في الماضي‬1
I was sleeping at 7 o'clock yesterday.
‫ – حدث كان مستمرا وقطعه حدث آخر‬2
She was eating when they arrived.
First Year
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
: ‫ويستخدم مع الروابط االتية‬
1-While /as/just as--------- ‫ ماضي مستمر‬----- ‫ماضي بسيط‬
While I was sleeping, the thief entered.
= As I was sleeping, the thief entered.
2-When------ ‫ ماضي بسيط‬------------- ‫ماضي مستمر‬
When she called me, I was doing homework.
‫مالحظات عامة‬
‫ – ممكن ان ياتي الحدثان ماضي مستمر اذا لم يقطع أحدهما االخر‬1
While I was reading, my sister was cooking.
Eman was reading while Mona was eating.
(v + ing ) ‫ فاعل ياتي بعدها‬while ‫ – اذا لم ياتي بعد‬2
While playing, I fell down.
(noun ) ‫( وياتي بعدها‬during) ‫ – نستخدم‬3
While he was watching the film, he slept. (During)
During the film, he slept.
(v+ing) ‫( وياتي بعده‬on)
‫ – يمكن استخدام‬4
While he was walking, he met Ali. (On)
On walking, he met Ali.
‫ – صيغة المبنى للمجهول‬5
‫ نائب فاعل‬+ was / were + being + p.p.
The Trees were being planted.
The book was being read.
‫الحظ جيدا‬
1 – I watched TV Yesterday.
2 - I was watching TV at 7 o’clock yesterday.
3 – While he was doing homework, they arrived.
4 – While homework was being done, they arrived.
Past Perfect
Formation :
‫ فاعل‬+ had + p.p. + ‫مفعول‬
‫ نائب فاعل‬+ had been + p.p.
Ayman had seen the spider in the garden before he left.
The spider had been seen in the garden.
They had bought a car before they sold the old one.
She hadn't revised well before the exam.
: ‫يتكون الماضي التام من‬
: ‫يستخدم للتعبير عن حدث تم قبل حدث آخر في الماضي ويستخدم مع الروابط التاليه‬
1-After/as soon as + ‫ ماضي تام‬+ ‫ماضي بسيط‬
After I had finished , I went to bed.
He called me as soon as he had arrived home.
2-Before/by the time + ‫ماضي بسيط‬+ ‫ماضي تام‬
Before He arrived, she had cooked lunch.
First Year
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
By the time I sent the letter, I had written it.
3-When + ‫ ماضي بسيط‬+ ‫ماضي تام‬
When + ‫ ماضي تام‬+ ‫ماضي بسيط‬
When + ‫ ماضي بسيط‬+ ‫ماضي بسيط‬
‫الحظ جيدا الفرق بين االتى في المعنى‬
When I arrived , the train had left.
(I didn’t catch the train)
When I had arrived , the train left.
(I caught the train)
When I arrived, the train left.
(It was probable that I have caught it or not)
4- ‫ ماضي بسيط منفي‬till/until + ‫ماضي تام‬
He didn't go out till/until he had taken the money.
She didn't tell me her name until I had asked her.
: ‫مالحظات عامة‬
) ‫ – مع الروابط الزمنية السابقة يأتي الحدث األول (ماضي تام) والحدث الثاني يكون (ماضي بسيط‬1
1-First he watched TV, then he went to bed. (After)
After he had watched TV, He went to bed.
Before he went to bed, he had watched TV.
He didn't go out until he had watched TV.
) ‫حتى‬........ ‫ – يأتي الماضي التام والماضي البسيط مع التعبيرات اآلتية ومعناها ( لم يكد‬2
no sooner………………..than
hardly……………………. when
scarcely…………………. when
barely……………………. when
He had no sooner arrived than the train left.
She had hardly studied when she slept.
We had scarcely gone out when it began to rain.
‫ولكن إذ بدأت الجملة بكلمة من الكلمات السابقة فيكون الشكل كاالتى‬
No sooner had + ‫ فاعل‬+ p.p than + ‫ فاعل‬+ ‫ ماضي بسيط‬--------------Hardly had + ‫ فاعل‬+ p.p when + ‫ فاعل‬+ ‫ ماضي بسيط‬-------------Scarcely had + ‫ فاعل‬+ p.p when + ‫ فاعل‬+ ‫ ماضي بسيط‬--------------No sooner had he arrived than the train left.
Hardly had she studied when she slept.
: ‫ – يأتي أيضا مع األشكال اآلتية‬4
It was only when + ‫( ماضي تام‬that) + ‫ماضي بسيط‬
It wasn't until + ‫( ماضي تام‬that) + ‫ماضي بسيط‬
After he had arrived, he went to bed.
It was only when he had arrived that he went to bed.
It wasn’t until he had arrived that he went to bed.
(v + ing)
After reading the book, he gave it to me.
Before sleeping, he had eaten.
‫ فاعل فيأتي بعدهم‬After /before ‫ – إذ ا لم يأتي بعد‬5
(p.p.) ‫( ويأتى بعدها‬Having) ‫ – يمكن استخدام‬6
After he had eaten, he went out.
Having eaten , he went out.
First Year
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
‫ – يمكن ان ياتى الحدثان ماضي بسيط اذا لم يكن هناك فاصل زمنى كبير بين الحدثين وخاصة في وجود بعض االفعال مثل‬7
told – heard – knew – saw – called – phoned - informed – realized
As soon as I knew the news, I phoned him.
When I saw the accident, I informed the police.
‫ – اذا جاء ثالث افعال أو ازمنه في الجملة ياتى حدثان ماضي بسيط واالقدم ماضي تام‬8
As soon as I reached school, I realized that I had forgotten my books at home.
‫الحظ جيدا‬
After they had cooked lunch, they ate.
After lunch had been cooked, they ate.
Exercises on Grammar
1 – Choose the correct answer from a, b , c, or d
1-When the telephone rang, they---------------the match.
a- watched
b-had watched
were watching
2-He--------the tree when he suddenly fell down.
a – climbed
was climbing
will climb
3-They -----------for England an hour ago.
a- leave
were leaving
will leave
4-On---------------the film, Ali came.
a – watch
5-They saw the fighting people while------------------home.
a- were driving
6-How did he---------------to Aswan yesterday?
a- go
7-My sister-------------the room while I was making tea.
a- cleaned
was cleaning
c-iis cleaning
8-The first map------------------------by El_idrissi .
a -w
was drawn
c-iis drawn
9-She cut herself while-----------------------a – cook
was cooking
10-What were you doing when I ------------you last night.
a – phoned
was phoning
had phoned
would phone
11 – He--------------the guitar, when I saw him.
a – play
b – played
c – was playing
d – had played.
12 – They saw the accident while-----------------home.
a – were driving
b – drove
c – driving
d – drive
13 – They -------out of the bank when the policeman caught them.
a – ran
b – were running c – had run
d – are running
14 – The Pyramids were------------------by the ancient Egyptians.
a – building
b – built
c – builds
d – build
15 – While she was cooking , her sister -------------homework.
a – was doing
b – did
c – does
d – had done
First Year
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
16 – As he was carrying the vase, he ------------------it on the floor.
a – drops
b – dropped
c – had dropped d – was dropping
17 - No sooner ------------ graduated than he got a job.
a - had he
b - has he
c - he had
d - does he
18 – After Dickens had left school, he -------- to work in a factory.
a – goes
b – had gone
c – went
d – was going
19 – He went home ------------- he had finished his work.
a – before
b– while
c- after
d – until
20 - ----------------- passed the third year exams, he joined the university.
a – After
b – Having
c – Before
d – As soon as
21 – When he -------------- , the train had left so, he missed it.
a – arrived
b – had arrived
c- arrives
d – arriving
22 – He didn't go out -------------------------he had taken the money.
a – after
b – before
c – until
d – as soon as
23 – He had no sooner studied -----------------he watched TV.
a – then
b – when
c – than
d – that
24 – The secretary left the office after -----------------he jobs.
a – finish
b – had finished
c – finishing d – finished
25 – After the letter ------------------------- she sent it.
a – had written
b – wrote c – has written d – had been written
26 - I would rather you------------- this car. It is a bargain.
a – buy
b – to buy
c – bought
d – will buy
27 – Naguib Mahfouz's books--------------- into many languages.
a – have translated
b – had translated
c – were translating
d – have been translated
28-He was born -----------------2006.
a – in
29-Shakespeare-----------------37 plays.
a - has written
had written
was written
30 – As he was carrying the vase, he ------------------it on the floor.
a – drops
b – dropped
c – had dropped
d – was dropping
31 – While she was cooking , her sister -------------homework.
a – was doing
b – did
c – does
d – had done
32 – Haqqi ------------------ in law and worked as a lawyer.
a – graduates
b – graduated
c – graduating
d – will graduate
33 – He ----------------------- be slim, but now he gains a lot of weight.
a – uses
b – used to
c – using to
d – is used to
34 – He--------the tree when he suddenly fell down.
a – climbed
was climbing
will climb
35-They saw the fighting people while------------------home.
a- were driving
36-How did he---------------to Aswan yesterday?
a- go
37-My sister-------------the room while I was making tea.
a- cleaned
was cleaning
c-iis cleaning
First Year
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
38-They -----------for England an hour ago.
a- leave
were leaving
will leave
39-On---------------the film, Ali came.
a – watch
40 – As soon as I arrived home, I realized that I ------------------ at school.
a – forgot
b – had forgotten
c- forgets
d – forgetting
2 - Find the mistakes and correct them:
1 – While I eating, my friend arrived.
2 – After bought the book, he read it.
3 – He used to arriving early that was his habit.
4 – It’s time they do their homework.
5 – Having seeing the film, he switched off the TV.
6 – It wasn’t until I had studied than I watched the film.
7 – While Dina was eating, her brother was play games.
8 – While they mending the car, the lights went out.
9 – While the match, they slept.
10 – On walk, he met his old friend.
11 – The trees were being water by the farmer.
12 – After the test had answered, the teacher collected it.
13 – If I were money, I would buy a car.
14 – When Ali arrived, the train left. So he missed it.
15 – They didn’t go out until taking the money.
16 – No sooner he had taken the photo, than he left.
17 – It was only until he had arrived that he went to bed.
18 – After studied, he went to the club.
19 – As soon as I heard the news, I had told him.
20 – Dickens had born into a good family.
21 – After he was playing, his sister was sleeping.
22 – Never did he played football.
23 – Before the letter sent, he had checked it.
24 – I‘d rather he revise well.
25 – It is my habit, I used to arrive early.
26 – After he arrives, we will visit him tomorrow.
27 – He had barely finished then he ate his lunch.
28 – When he was reading, his brother watched TV.
29 – Having finishing the report, he sent it.
30 – I used to be thin, but now I don’t.
Unit (3)
Zero, first and second conditional
: ‫حاالت الشرط‬
0 – Zero Condition
‫الحاله الصفرية‬
If  ‫ مضارع بسيط‬ ‫مضارع بسيط‬
If we heat ice, it melts. = When you heat ice, it melts.
: ‫تعبر عن حقائق علمية أو مواقف حقيقية‬
First Year
Grammar – First term
If you don't water plants, they fade.
‫ولكن اذا حددنا يكون جواب الشرط مستقبل ؟؟؟؟‬
If you boil this water, it will turn into steam.
1 –first conditional
Hamada Hashish
‫الحاله األولى‬
If  ‫ مضارع بسيط‬ will/may / might /can + ‫مصدر‬
If they arrive early, they will catch the metro.) ‫(توقع‬
If he plays well, he may win.) ‫ امكانية‬/ ‫(توقع‬
If you study hard , I will buy you a present. )‫(وعد‬
: ‫مال حظات على الحالة األولى‬
: ) ‫ – ممكن أن يبدأ جواب الشرط في الحالة األولي بأمر (مصدر‬1
If you see Ali, give him my regards.
If you see a thief, call the police.
: ‫( كاالتي‬If) ‫( بدال من‬Should ) ‫ – يمكن استخدام‬2
Should + ‫ فاعل‬+ ‫ مصدر‬------------------------If he arrives early, he will meet us.
= Should he arrive early, he will meet us.
You must take your umbrella, or (otherwise) you will get wet.
If you don't take your umbrella, you will get wet.
2 – Second condition
: ‫ – ال حظ الشكل اآلتي‬3
‫الحاله الثانية‬
If  ‫ ماضي بسيط‬ would /might/could + ‫مصدر‬
: ‫تعبر الحالة الثانية عن حدث غير حقيقي في الحاضر وكذلك اعطاء النصائح‬
If he came late, I would punish him.
If I were you, I would study well.
: ‫مال حظات الحالة الثانية‬
: ‫( أيضا‬was) ‫( الحالة الثانية ويمكن استخدام‬were ) ‫ – تستخدم‬1
If he were a doctor, he would help us.
If Ali was taller, he would be a good basketball player.
(Should ) ‫ فاعل‬+ ‫ مصدر‬---------If he arrived early, he would meet us.
Should he arrive early, he would meet us.
If I were rich , I would help them.
Were I rich , I would help them.
: (If) ‫( بدال من‬Should ) ‫ – يمكن استخدام‬2
: ‫( ولها حالتان‬If) ‫( بدال من‬were) ‫ – يمكن استخدام‬3
(Were----) ‫( ونبدأ‬if) ‫ – اذا كانت موجودة في الجملة نحذف‬
Were + ‫ فاعل‬+ to + ‫ مصدر‬-------, --------------- .
If he studied hard, he would get high marks.
Were he to study hard, he would get high marks.
Had + ‫ فاعل‬----‫ الشيئ‬-----, -----------------.
: ‫ – اذا لم تكن موجودة في الجملة نتبع الشكل اآلتي‬
: ‫( كاالتى‬If) ‫( بدال من‬Had) ‫ – يمكن استخدام‬4
First Year
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
If I had time , I would visit you.
Had I time , I would help you.
: ‫ – ال حظ الشكل اآلتي‬5
He plays well so he wins the race.
If he didn't play well, he wouldn't win the race.
3 – Third conditional :
‫الحاله الثالثة‬
If  ‫ ماضي تام‬ would have + p . p
: ‫تعبر الحالة الثالثة عن استحالة حدوث الشيء في الماضي وكذلك الندم‬
If they had taken a taxi, they wouldn't have been late.
If she hadn't helped us, we would have died.
If only he had come early, he would have saved him.
: ‫مال حظات الحالة الثالثة‬
: ‫( في الحالة الثالثة كاآلتي‬If) ‫( بدال من‬Had) ‫ – يمكن استخدام‬1
Had + ‫ فاعل‬+ p . p ----, -----------------If he had invited me, I would have attended his party.
= Had he invited me, I would have attended his party.
‫( للتعبير عن الندم الشديد‬if) ‫( بعد‬only) ‫ – يمكن استخدام كلمة‬2
If Only he had arrived early, he would have saved the patient.
‫مال حظات عامة وهامة‬
1 – Unless = If + ‫ = النفي‬except if ------ ‫اذا لم‬
Unless you play well, you will lose.
= If you don't play well, you will lose.
you will lose except if you play well.
: (v + Ing) ‫( ولكن يتبعها اسم أو‬unless) ‫ – الكلمات االتية تحل محل‬2
without /but for/if it weren't for )2 ‫ (حاله‬/ if it hadn't been for )3 ‫ (حاله‬+ ing ( ‫) اسم‬
Unless they arrived early, they would miss the train.
Without arriving early, they would miss the train.
Unless he had helped me, I would have lost my life.
If it hadn't been for his help, I would have lost my life.
= But for his help, I would have lost my life.
: (If ) ‫ – الكلمات االتية تساوي‬3
If = as long as = in case = provided (that) = on condition that = providing=only if + ‫جملة كاملة‬
in case of = in the event of = by = with + ing ( ‫) اسم‬
If she comes , they will welcome her.
As long as she comes, they will welcome her.
In case of coming, they will welcome her.
He will only win if he plays well.
If only he had studied hard, he would have succeeded.
If I had written homework, I would do it now.
Focus ON
‫الحاله الثانية‬
would have
‫الحاله الثالثة‬
would have had
‫الحاله الثالثة‬
would have + p.p.
‫الحاله األولى‬
have / has
First Year
had had / had + p.p
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
‫الحاله الثانية‬
‫الحاله الثالثة‬
Exercises on Grammar
1 – Choose the correct answer from a, b , c, or d
1 – If it------------------tomorrow, I will go for a walk.
a – doesn't rain b – won't rain
c – didn't rain d – hadn't rained
2 - ----------------danger, call the police.
a – If
b – Unless
c – Without
d – In case of
3 – If we heat metals , they---------------------a – expanded
b – would expand
c – will not expand d – expand
4 – If you meet my father, ------------tell him I am in the club.
a – won't
b – wouldn't
c – don't
d – can't
5 – You will understand the lesson-----------------you listen carefully.
a – unless
b – except if
c – as long as
d – so
6 – If she --------------the newspaper, she would have known.
a – read
b – reads
c – had read
d – will read
7 – If I --------------you, I would apologize to her.
a – am
b – were
c – had been
d – have been
8 – If he didn't come , I -----------------him.
a – would have forgiven
b – won't forgive
c – forgive
d – wouldn't forgive
9 – He will pass the test ----------------he studies hard.
a – except if
b – unless
c – if not
d – only if
10 – If he arrived early, ----------------catch the metro?
a – he would
b – would he
c – he will
d – will he
11 - ---------------he to help us, we would be saved.
a – If
b – were
c – had
d – should
12 - ------------she arrive early, I would help her.
a – If
b – should
c – were
d – Unless
13 - -----------he played well , he would have won.
a – If
b – Should
c – Had
d – Were
14 - -------------- coming early, he would miss the train.
a – If
b – without
c – unless
d – in case of
15 – What ----------------if you were rich?
a – you will do
b – would you do
c – did you do
d – you did
16 – If I were with them, I ------------------stop the fight.
a – will
b – must
c – could
d – can
17 – If he had an ambition, he ----------------- for it.
a – will work
b – would work
c – would have worked
d – worked
18 – If iron ------------- into the air, it rusts.
a – leave
b – is left
c – leaves
d – to leave
19 – If it--------- a dry year, the rings are narrower.
a – was
b – is
c – has
d – will be
20 - If Mona had come ten minutes earlier, she .......... her boss.
a- would meet b- would have met
c- will meet
d- meets
First Year
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
21 – …………… he clever, he would pass easily.
a – Is
b – were
c – Had
d – Should
22 – If you ………………….. water, I would wash.
a – boil
b – boils
c – boiled
d – boiling
23 – Should he …………………. hard, he wouldn’t fail the quiz.
a – study
b – studied
c – had studied
d – studying
24 – If he got up early,………………………the train to Aswan?
a – he will
b – will he
c – would he
d – he would
25 – If I had to add two long numbers together in my mind, it ...….me two or three minutes.
a – takes
b – will take
c – would take
d – had taken
26 – If I ……………. the numbers on paper, it is easier to add them.
a – see
b – will see
c – would see
d – had seen
27 – If I remember Ali’s address, I…………. and tell you.
a – phone
b – will phone
c – would phone
d – would have phoned
28 – I’ll help you with your maths homework if you……….. it difficult.
a – find
b – will find
c – found
d – had found
29 – I wouldn’t be able to read if I………………………..my glasses.
a – lose
b – had lost
c – will lose
d – lost
30 – What will you do if you …………… some free time this evening?
a – have
b – had
c – had had
d – has
31 – If he put the vase well, it ……………………. fall.
a – won’t fall
b – wouldn’t fall
c – wouldn’t have fallen
d – fell
32 – If I …………………………… to bed late, I feel tired.
a – go
b – went
c – had gone
d – going
33 – If you work hard, you ………………………………….. well at school.
a – would do
b – would have done
c – will do
d – wouldn’t do
34 – If I felt ill, I …………………… go to see my doctor.
a – will
b – would
c – wouldn’t
d – won’t
35 – If I didn’t have any homework, I…………………….. to my pen friend.
a – will write
b – would have written c – wouldn’t have written
d – would write
36 – I -----------------out if it is stormy. (2004)
a – wouldn't go
b – won't go
c – hadn't gone
d – wouldn't have gone
37 – If Maher loses his job, he-----------look for another one. (2010)
a – would
b - will
c – had to
d – have to
38 – If you can't dictate your conditions, you -------------- negotiate. (2011)
a – will
b – should
c - need
d – ought
39 – If our hear stops working, death soon--------------------- (2015)
a - follow
b – will follow
c - follows
d – followed
40 – If metal is heated, it------------------------------------. (2014)
a – will expand
b - expand
c – would expand
d - expands
2 - Find the mistakes and correct them:
1 – If I felt tired, I will go to bed.
2 – If I found any money at school, I will take it to the teacher.
3 – I will tell you if I saw anything unusual.
4 – If you haven't taken the photos, I wouldn't have remembered our holiday.
5 – Water will freeze if the temperature is zero or below.
First Year
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
6 – If you throw that stone, you break a window.
7 – If she trains hard , she wins next week's race.
8 – If he arrives early , he will catch the bus?
9 – If you will mix red and white , you get pink.
10 – If you heat ice , it freezes.
11 – If you put a long bar of steel in water, will it sink?
12 – What happens if they score a second goal?
13 – Were he be clever, he would win easily.
14 – If it had been for his intelligence, he would have lost.
15 – If you meet my father, tells his I am in the club.
16 - If you lost your friend’s CD, you’d buy her a new one?
17 – If you boil this water, it turns into steam.
18 – If I feel hungry today, I eat a sandwich.
19 – Should he plays well, he will win.
20 –Were he enough money, he would help the poor.
21 – Had he time, he would have visited us.
22 – If I had seen her, I would say good morning, but I didn’t see her.
23 – Had he have enough skill, he would have passed easily.
24 – Unless revising well, he would have failed the test.
25 – If I have written homework, I would do it now.
26 – In case of you concentrate on your studies, you will do well at school.
27 - If you did well at school, you’ll pass your next tests.
28 – Unless his bravery, we would have die.
29 – Should he to arrive early, he would catch the bus.
30 – If I had free, I would have much time to practice sport.
Unit (4)
present perfect
: ‫ يتكون المضارع التام من‬- 1
have/has + P.P----------------------------He/she/it/ has + p.p------------------------I/we/you/they + have + p.p ----------------I have done my homework.
He has travelled abroad.
She has cleaned the room. (the room is cleaned now)
She has written several articles.
: ‫ – يستخدم المضارع التام للتعبير عن‬2
. ‫ – حدث تم في الماضي وآثرة مازال موجود‬1
: ‫ – حدث انتهي في وقت غير محدد في الماضي‬2
)‫ولكن اذ ا حددنا وقت الحدوث نستخدم (ماضي بسيط‬
She wrote several articles yesterday.
He has written 14 novels. (he can write more)
: )‫ – يستخدم مع الحدث المتكرر (أي أن ذلك الحدث لم يتوقف‬3
First Year
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
. ‫ولكن اذ ا استخد منا الماضي البسيط مع حدث متكرر فمعناها أن الحدث توقف‬
He wrote 14 novels . (He stopped writing)
: ‫ – يستخد م المضارع التام مع التعبير‬4
It is the first time + ‫ فاعل‬+ ‫مضارع تام‬
It is the first time I have been to Aswan.
: ‫معلومة هامة جد ُا‬
)‫(ذهب لمكان ومازال هناك (لم يعد‬gone to) ‫( بمعنى ذهب لمكان وعاد أما‬been to) ‫نستخد م‬
My brother has gone to Germany. (He is still in Germany now.)
My brother has been to Emirates. (He isn't there now).
: ‫– يأتي مع الكلمات اآلتية‬2
just/already/yet/ever/never/lately/recently/since/for/ so far – up till now
They have just arrived.
I have just watched TV. (ago)
-----------------------------------He has already written his homework.
I haven't visited him yet.
Have you mended the car yet?
Has she cooked yet?
. ‫( في النفي والسؤال‬yet) ‫( في األثبات و‬just/already) ‫ – نستخدم‬1
‫( في النفي‬never ) ‫(في السؤال و‬ever) ‫ – نستخدم‬2
Have you ever eaten shrimps?
No, I have never eaten shrimps.
‫(تستخدم في‬recently) ‫في النفي والسؤال أما‬lately ‫( بنفس المعنى ولكن تستخد م‬recently/lately) ‫ – تستخدم كل من‬4
. ‫األثبات والسؤال‬
He hasn't visited me lately.
He has visited me recently.
Has he visited you lately/recently?
. ‫( زمن واحد يأتي قبلها مضارع تام أو مضارع تام مستمر‬since) ‫ إذا جاء مع‬-5
He has studied since 3 o'clock.
She has been sleeping since last hour.
‫ – اذا جاء معها فعلين يأتي قبلها مضارع تام (مضارع تام مستمر ) ويأتي بعدها ماضي بسيط‬6
---- ) ‫ مضارع تام (مضارع تام مستمر‬+ since + ------- ‫ماضي بسيط‬
He has worked here since he graduated.
: )1( ‫ – نقطة هامة‬7
: ‫( تعبر عن مدة الحدث كااآلتي‬for ) ‫( عن بداية الحدث أما‬since) ‫♠ تعبر‬
Since :
3 o'clock/This morning/Monday/Last week/Last month/2005--
First Year
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
2 hours/5 days/the last week/9 months/5 years/a week/ /a long time
I haven't seen him since last week.
I haven't visited Ali for a week.
They have studied English for 7 years. (since)
They have studied English since 2000.
: ‫ ولم نستطع تحديد بداية المدة‬since ‫) ولكن اذا جاءت طلب استخدام‬2( ‫نقطة هامة‬
He has lived here for five weeks. (since)
: ‫الحل في الشكل اآلتي‬
It is + ‫ المدة‬+ since + ‫ فاعل‬+ ‫ماضي بسيط‬
It is five weeks since he lived here.
‫ فاعل‬+ started/began to + ‫ مصدر‬+ ‫ المدة‬+ ago.
)3( ‫نقطة هامة‬
: (for) ‫( بدال من‬ago) ‫اذا طلب استخدام‬
He has worked in this company for 3 years. (ago)
He started to work in this company 3 years ago.
)3( ‫نقطة هامة‬
The last time------------- was in/when-------------------‫ فاعل‬+ last------------------was in/when-------------------= ‫فاعل‬+ haven't/hasn't + p.p since -----------------------The last time I played football was in 2007. (since)
I haven't played football since 2007.
She last visited Aswan when she was young. (since)
She hasn't visited Aswan since she was young.
: ‫تذكر أن المضارع التام المستمر يعبر عن حدث بدأ وما زال مستمرا ًُُ و يتكون من‬
‫ فاعل‬+ have/has been + v + ing
He has been sleeping for 2 hours. ( He is still sleeping)
They have been living here since 1999. (They are still living here)
Exercises on Grammar
1 – Choose the correct answer from a, b , c, or d
1 – They …………………………..iin Luxor since 2015.
a – lived
b – have lived
c – has lived
2 - They have lived in Luxor ……………………………….. 2015.
a – in
b – since
c – for
d – living
d - within
First Year
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
3 - I can’t phone my parents because I ……………………….. my phone.
a – have lost
b – will lose
c – has lost
d - losing
4 - Nawal’s younger sister has studied the past tense, but she hasn’t studied the present
perfect ……………………………………...
a – just
b – ago
c – yet
d – already
5 - The plane…………………………….. I can see it in the sky!
a - has left just
b – has just left
c – hasn’t left
d – haven’t left
6 - My uncle has lived abroad …………………………..five years.
a – since
b – for
c – ago
d – within
7 - Have you …………………………………..English food?
a - tried ever
b – ever tried
c – ever try
d – try ever
8 - I …………………………………………my pen friend yet.
a - didn’t meet
b – have met
c – haven’t met
d – has met
9 - I haven’t finished my work …….............….........
a – already
b – just
c – ago
d - yet
10-They---------------------------------------------since last year.
a - hadn't met
b-haven't met
c-didn't meet
d-won't me
11-We ---------------------------------some difficulty recently with Math.
a - had
b-have had
c-are having
d-were having
12- I haven't written a letter since I ---------------------------to England.
a - travelled
b-will travel
c-have travelled
13-Shakespeare--------------------------------------------37 plays.
a - has written
c-had written
d-was written
14-The e-mails----------------------------------------by Ayman.
a - have written
b-has written
c-have been written
d-has been written
15-Don't tell him. He has-----------------------------------------known.
a - already
16-He was born ----------------------------------------2006.
a - in
17-My brother-----------------------------------to Paris, he came back last week.
a - is going
b-will go
c-has gone
d-has been
18-They haven't visited us----------------------------the last two years.
a - since
19-He hasn't studied English-------------------------------a - recently
20-Since I graduated, I -----------------------in this company.
a - worked
b-had worked
c-have been working
d-will work
21-He ----------------------------the bike for an hour but he hasn't finished yet.
a - has been mending
b-has mended
c-will mend
22- We haven’t travelled by train …………………………. 2 years ago.
a – for
b – since
c – last
d – next
23-I last-------------my friend was last week.
a - see
c-has seen
d-have seen
24-It is ages since ------------------------------some good news.
a - have heard
b-had heard
d-was hearing
25-Have you done your homework----------------------------------? That is too fast.
a - yet
b-so far
First Year
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
26-----------------I was out shopping, I saw three of my friends.
a - Because
27 - By the age of ten, Nora --------------------------------- learnt to play the piano.
a - is
b - has
c - had
d - were
28 - No sooner ------------------------------- graduated than he got a job.
a - had he
b - has he
c - he had
d - does he
29 - It’s two weeks since we……………………………………………..
a - last met
b - have met
c – meeting
d – has met
30 - This is the most interesting book I have…………………. read.
a - never
b - ever
c – yet
d – ago
31 Oh! I ……………………………my passport. What should I do?
a - lost
b - have lost
c – losing
d – will lose
32 Tamer ……….a lot of health problems since he started living in that polluted city.
a - had
b - has had
c – had has
d – have had
33 - Adel hasn’t contacted me since he …………………………Cairo.
a - left
b – leaving
c – leaves
d – leave
34 - I have ………………………………been to the zoo before.
a - ever
b – never
c – ago
d – over
35 - My cousin …………………………..abroad since his childhood.
a - has lived
b – lived
c –live
d – will leave
36 - Belal is not here. He has …………………………..to the dentist’s
a - been
b – gone
c – went
d – going
37 – He travelled abroad since then I ………………………….. him.
a – didn’t meet
b – haven’t met
c – meet
d – meets
38 - He …………………………….for 2 hours. He is still sleeping
b - has been sleeping
b – has slept
c – slept
d – will sleep
39 - He ………………….14 novels, he can write more.
a - has written
b – wrote
c – will write
d – have written
40 – She ------------------------------ two cups of tea up till now.
a – has drunk
b – has been drinking
c – have drunk d – have been drinking
2 - Find the mistakes and correct them:
1 – I have yet done my homework. I can play now.
2 – He has watched the film two hours ago.
3 – Have you never visited a park?
4 – He has gone to Paris. He is in Cairo now.
5 – She has watched TV for two hours ago.
6 – How long ago have you live in Cairo?
7 – Ismail Yassin has acted 37 plays.
8 – It is the first time I have be to America.
9 – Have you finished the experiment yet? – Well done, you are very clever.
10 – She has been sleeping for last week.
11 – It is a week for I left my house.
12 – She has cooked lunch since an hour.
13 – Shakespeare has written 40 plays.
14 – He was born since 2010.
15 – I last have seen my friend was 2 hours ago.
16 – It’s ages since we have heard good news.
17 – It has rained for two hours. It is still raining.
First Year
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
18 – Has he visited Luxor recent?
19 – She hasn’t visited Aswan for she was young.
20 – I haven’t finished my work ago.
21 – It is the most interesting film I have never watched.
22 – Ali has ever been to the zoo.
23 – I have been drinking ten cups of coffee.
24 – How long has your father work in Cairo?
25 – He has worked there in 2008.
26 – No, I have ever been there.
27 – The little boy is crying because he have fallen over.
28 – I have been here since six months now.
29 – I have just grow my first vegetables.
30 – I have really taking to my new house.
Unit (5)
Verbs + infnitive or -ing form
(to + infinitive ) : ‫ – أفعال يأتي بعدها‬1
would like
‫يجروء على‬
Everyone agreed to meet at the airport.
She offered to help her mother.
What do you plan to do in the summer?
He promised to phone me.
(gerund ) ‫ – أفعال ياتي بعدها‬2
‫يستمتع بــ‬
give up
put off
‫يقلع عن‬
First Year
Grammar – First term
‫ يكرة‬go
‫ يستمر‬it is no use
‫يوصي بـــ‬
Hamada Hashish
‫ يؤجل‬mind
‫ يذهب‬it's worth
‫ال فائدة من‬
Karim admitted taking my pen.
The driver avoided hitting the young boy.
My friend suggests going for a picnic.
The children enjoyed playing in the sea.
‫( مع وجود اختالف بسيط في المعني‬to + infinitive
gerund )
‫ – أفعال يأتي بعدها إما‬3
hate – like – love – prefer – start – begin
: ‫ ( فانها تعبر عن فكرة عامة‬v + ing ) ‫ ) فانها تعبر عن موقف أو مناسبة معينة واذا جاء‬to + ‫األفعال السابقة اذا جاء بعدها( م‬
ً‫معناها احب السباحة عموما‬
I like swimming.
I like to swim, today is fine. ‫أحب أن اسبح اليوم الطقس جيد‬
:ً ‫ ( ولكن المعني مختلف تماما‬to + infinitive or gerund ) ‫ – أفعال يأتي بعدها‬4
stop ‫ يتوقف‬/ remember ‫ يتذكر‬/ forget ‫ ينسي‬/ regret ‫ يندم‬/ try ‫يحاول‬
1 – stop - to - ‫كان يفعل شيء وتوقف ليفعل شيء آخر مصدر‬
2 – stop - V - ing ‫يتوقف عن فعل الشيء‬
While he was driving he stopped to drink tea.
He stopped drinking tea. (He no longer drinks tea)
1 - remember - to - ‫تذكرت الشيء ثم يفعله مصدر‬
2 - remember - v - ing ‫تذكر أنه فعل الشيء‬
I remembered to phone my brother.
I remembered phoning my brother.
1 - regret -to - ‫أسف ألني سأفعل الشيء مصدر‬
2 - regret - v - ing ‫أسف ألني فعلت الشيء‬
I regret to tell you the bad news.
I regret telling you the bad news.
1 - forget - to - ‫نسي أن يفعل الشيء مصدر‬
2 - forget - v - ing ‫فعل الشيء ولكنه نسي أنه فعله‬
I forgot to send the letter. I must send it now
First Year
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
I forgot sending the letter.
1 - Try - to - ‫يحاول بصعوبة (ممكن ان يفشل ) مصدر‬
2 - Try - v - ing ) ‫يحاول دون صعوبة (ينجح‬
He tried to climb the tree, but he couldn't.
He tried climbing the tree.
Exercises on Grammar
1 - Choose the correct answer from a , b , c , or d :
1 – When the children stopped ----------- , everyone clapped.
a – sing
b – singing
c – to sing
d – sang
2 – They expected thousands of people ------------ Sapporo for the festival.
a – to visit
b – visiting
c – visited
d – visits
3 – My brother is learning ---------------------- the oud.
a – plays
b – played
c – to play
d – playing
4 – If I were you , I would avoid ---------------into the city during the festival.
a – to traveling
b – traveling
c – to travel
d – travels
5 – My parents suggested ----------------- to the theatre yesterday.
a – going
b – go
c – went
d – gone
6 – I really want ---------- to Hong Kong.
a – to go
b – going
c – went
d – to going
7 – Before you go to London , you should practise ------ English.
a – to speak
b – speaks
c – to speaking d – speaking
8 – I tried ------------------ my eyes open , but I couldn't.
a – keep
b – to keep
c – kept
d – keeping
9 – Please , remember ----------the letter.
a – post
b – posted
c – to post
d – posting
10 – Would you mind ---------------me your camera?
a – will lend
b – to lend
c – lend
d – lending
11 – Dina agreed ------------- me her book .
a – to give
b – give
c – giving
d – to giving
12 – Mohammad denied ------------------the window.
a – broke
b – breaking
c – to break d – to breaking
13 – Ali decided to stop ------------------ for ever.
a – to smoke
b – smoke
c- smoked
d – smoking
14 – They longed ---------------the minister.
a – to see
b – saw
c – seeing
d – see
15 – I am looking forward to ------------------- high marks.
a – get
b – gets
c – got
d – getting
16 – He recommends ---------- on a picnic to Hurghada.
a – go
b – going
c – to go
d – to going
17 – He is fond of -------------------the piano.
a – playing
b – played
c – play
d – to play
First Year
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
18 – I would love --------------------for this job.
a – apply
b – applying
c – to applying d – to apply
19 – She is a great ------------------ of the new singer.
a – crazy
b – mad
c – fond
d – fan
20 – He ------------- to give me his book , so I was angry.
a – agreed
b – refused
c – decided
d – accepted
21 – He used to --------------------------- early .
a – arrive
b – arriving
c – arrived
d - arrives
22 – He is used to --------------------------------- early.
a – arrive
b – arriving
c – arrived
d - arrives
23 – We look forward to --------------------------- our beloved country.
a – develop
b –develops
c – developed
d – developing
24 – He stopped ------------------------ he no longer works.
a – working
b – work
c – to work
d – works
25 – My grandfather promised ----------------------smoking.
a – stop
b – stopping
c – to stop
d – to stopping
26 – I have decided ----------------------------- an architect.
a – be
b – been
c – to be
d – to been
27 – She enjoys------------------------- with her grandchildren.
a – playing
b – to play
c – plays
d – played
28 – He adopted to------------------------ in the countryside.
a – live
b – lives
c – living
d – lived
29 – If you want ------------------healthy, you should stop smoking.
a – stay
b – to stay
c – staying
d – to staying
30 – On our way home we stopped ………………… some tea.
a – drinking
b – drinks
c – to drinking
d – to drink
31 – Next year, he is going to learn………………………..
a – driving
b – to driving
c – drives
d – to drive
32 – I am looking forward to ………………………… my old friends.
a – seeing
b – see
c – saw
d – sees
33 – They suggest that he ………………………. a new car.
a – buying
b – bought
c – buy
d – to buy
34 – Mona stopped ……………… to her friend after they had a fight.
a – talks
b – talked
c – to talk
d – talking
35 – I tried …………………..some medicine, but the chemist was closed.
a - to buy
b – to buying
c – buying
d – bought
36 – To be good at music you have to practise…………. every day.
a – play
b – playing
c – to play
d – to playing
37 – Remember………………….. Your books from the bookshop tomorrow.
a – bring
b – bringing
c – to bringing
d – to bring
38 – He found the film quite frightening, so he stopped ……………….it.
a - to watch
b – watching
c – watched
d – to watching
39 – He was in the habit of……………………………late.
a – arrive
b – to arrive
c – arrived
d – arriving
40 – He ……………………….to using the mobile at school.
a – agreed
b – refused
c – promised
d – objected
2 - Find the mistakes and correct them:
1 – To be good at music, you have to practise to play every day.
First Year
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
2 - Rami offered helping his grandmother with her shopping.
3 - Nabil has decided buying a new computer.
4 - Yasser plans working abroad next year.
5 - Taha has always enjoyed to read poetry.
6 - Huda hopes spending a week with her aunt and uncle.
7 - Young children like learn to sing.
8 - To stay warm in cold weather, you’ve got to keep to move.
9 - When Karim finished to run, he was very tired.
10 - He found the film quite frightening, so he stopped to watch it.
11 - I enjoy to read historical stories.
12 --This weekend, I plan visiting the zoo.
13 - My parents hope spending the holiday in Luxor.
14 - My friend has decided to joining the club.
15 - You should always practise to doing sport.
16 - I have already remembered to visit the castle in 2001.
17 - Everyone agreed to meeting at the airport.
18 - She offered helping her mother.
19 - What do you plan to doing in the summer?
20 - He promised phoning me.
21 - Karim admitted to take my pen.
22 – My teachers encourage me doing hard at school.
23 – He advised me studying economics at university.
24 – I tried reading my book, but I was too tired.
25 – I don’t mind get up early.
26 – I’d like to having a cup of coffee.
27 – What do you want doing tonight?
28 – Have you ever been to America? No, but I’d love going.
29 – Don’t forget sending us a postcard when you are on holiday.
30 – Come on! let’s watching a movie.
Unit (6)
Future forms and tenses
1 - Future simple
‫ فاعل‬+ will / won’t + inf ………… )‫(مبنى للمعلوم‬
‫ مفعول‬+ will / won’t + be + P.P. )‫( مبنى للمجهول‬
He will buy a car.
A car will be bought.
1 – make prediction ‫توقع او احتمال بدون دليل‬
I think/expect/I am sure/predict he will win.
2 – Future facts ‫حقائق مستقبلية وخاصة مع العمر أو السن‬
My brother will be 40 next year.
This school will be 50 years next year.
‫ يتكون المستقبل البسيط كاألتى‬- 1
‫يستخدم المستقبل البسيط للتعبير عن‬
First Year
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
3 – Quick decision and offer ‫القرار السريع والعروض‬
Someone is at the door. I’ll see who it is.
I will carry the bag for you.
4 – promise / threat ‫مع الوعد والتهديد‬
I promise that I will buy you a mobile.
He threatened him that he will punish him.
5 – First conditional ‫مع الحالة األولى من الشرط‬
If you play well, you will win.
‫( بشرط ان يكون بعدهم مضارع بسيط او مضارع تام‬after- Before- when…….) ‫ – مع الروابط مثل‬6
.‫ويمكن ان يأتى أيضا مستقبل تام اذا دل على اكتمال الحدث‬
After he plays football, he will have lunch.
They will go out before Ali arrives.
After I finish this book, I will have read all of his novels. ‫هنا معناها هيكون كمل كل رواياتة‬
2 – Future continuous ‫المستقبل المستمر‬
‫يتكون المستقبل المستمر كاالتى‬
‫ فاعل‬+ will(may) + be + ing……………….
‫يستخدم للتعبير عن حدث سوف يكون مستمر ا في وقت ما في المستقبل‬
I can’t visit you because I will/may be doing my homework this evening.
At 5 o’clock, I will be travelling to Cairo.
3 – The Future perfect ‫المستقبل التام‬
‫يتكون المستقبل التام كاألتـــــى‬
‫ فاعل‬+ will + have+ P.P……………..
‫ مفعول‬+ will + have + been + p.p.
+ ‫ (عالمة مستقبل‬..... ‫ – يستخدم المستقبل التام للت عبير عن سوف ينتهى أو يكتمل قبل وقت معين في المستقبل ويستخدما غالبا مع‬2
(in – by
By the end of next year, the government will have built a new school in this village.
They will have finished the reports by 2019.
By 2020, the old buildings will have been replaced by new ones.
‫طرق اخرى للتعبير عن المستقبل‬
‫تذكر جيدا‬
‫( للتعبير عن المستقبل ولها حالتان‬am-is-are + going + to ) ‫ – استخدام‬1
.....(decide - plan) ....... ‫ للتعبير عن النية لعمل شيء‬-
He is going to buy a new house. This is his intention.
She is going to be a doctor. This is her plan.
‫ للتعبير عن شيء سيحدث طبقا لدليل او حقيقية حالية او في التحذير‬-
The other team’s players are very big. It is going to be a difficult match.
There are dark clouds in the sky; I think it is going to rain.
Watch out A car is going to hit you.
‫( للتعبير عن المستقبل مع‬am – is – are + V+ ing..) ‫ – استخدام المضارع المستمر‬2
(arrangements) ‫ الترتيبات الكاملة‬The basketball team are playing two friendly games next week.
He has arranged everything, he is travelling next week.
– ‫( مع االشياء التى تحدث طبقا لجدول مثل االمتحانات – وسائل المواصالت‬present simple) ‫ – استخدام المضارع البسيط‬3
........... ‫أفالم السينما – البرامج‬
First Year
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
The train leaves at 6 o’clock tomorrow.
Our exam starts at 9 a.m.
...... ‫معلومه هامة جدا‬
‫ – الصفات الشخصية ال تعتبر دليل‬1
He is very clever. I think he will pass the exam.
(am- is – are + going to) ‫( فإن الدليل هو األقوي لذلك نختار‬think-expect…..) ‫ – اذا جاء دليل مع‬2
There are dark clouds. I think it is going to rain.
Exercises on Grammar
1 – Choose the correct answer from a, b , c, or d
1-The next plane -----------------------at 9 o'clock.
a) will arrive
c)is going to arrive
2- I ----------------- 30 next month.
a) am going to be
b)am being
d)will be
3-The car is moving sideways , it------------------------a) crashes
b) will crash
c) is crashing
d) is going to crash
4-He------------you if you come late again.
a)will punish
b) is going to punish
c) is punishing
d) will be punishing
5-I think she------------------the next exam.
a) will pass
b) is going to pass
c) is passing
d) passes
6-When he comes next week, he------------------me my card.
a) gives
b) will give
c) is giving
d) is going to give
7-He--------------me the details after he meets the boss.
a) tells
b) will tell
c) is going to tell
d) is telling
8-Don't be late for the cinema, the film------------at 9 as usual.
a)will start
b) starts
c) is starting
d) is going to start.
9-We-----------------a new car, we have prepared everything.
a)will buy
b) are going to buy
c) are buying
d) buy
10-They arranged everything for the journey, they-----------tomorrow .
a) leave
b) are leaving
c) are going to leave
d) will leave
11- I --------the homework by 7 pm.
a) will be finishing
b) will have finished
c) will finish
d) finish
12-He has intention, he-----------------buy a villa.
a) is going to buy
b) will buy
c) is buying
13-If you study hard, your father---------------you a present.
a)will give
b) gives
c) is giving
d) is going to give
14-According to the timetable the next bus----------------at 10 am.
a) will leave
b) leaves
c)is going to leave
15- I ----------------------for you at the hotel at midday tomorrow.
a) will be waiting
b) wait
c) waiting
16--------------------I carry the box for you?
a) Will
b) Shall
c) Are
17 – I think it……………………. hot.
d) is leaving
d) was waiting
d) Have
First Year
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
a) will be
b) is going to be
c ) is being
d ) will being
18 – This school…………………… 50 years old next term.
a – is being
b – is going to be
c – will be
d – be
19 – The phone is ringing. I ……………… who is calling.
a - will see
b - seeing
c - going to see
d – saw
20 – At 5 o’clock tomorrow I can’t meet you. I ……………..
a – will be sleeping
b – will be slept
c – am sleep
d – will have slept
21 – By the end of next year, the new school………………….. by the government.
a – will have built
b – will have been built
c – will build
d – is going to build
22 – They have got the tickets. They…………………. to England.
a – are going to fly
b – will flying
c – will have been flown d – flying
23 – They have arranged everything. They ………………….. next week.
a – are going to marry
b – were married
c – marry
d – are marrying
24 – The train……………………. at six o’clock tomorrow.
a – is leaving
b – is going to leave
c – has left
d – leaves
25 – I am sure the publishers ……………….. the price when more people buy them.
a – are going to reduce
b – reduce
c – are reducing
d – will reduce
26 – My father promises me that he ………………… me a new bike.
a – buying
b – is buying
c – is going to buy
d – will buy
27 – Tomorrow evening. I ………………………..
a – will be reading
b – will have read
c – was reading
d – had read
28 – After ………………… this book, I will have read all of his novels.
a – read
b – reading
c – will read
d – had read
29 – Hello, Ali. I ………………….. to the airport in a minute.
a – will go
b – am going
c – am going to go
d – goes
30 - I think this house …………………….. by 2020.
a – will build
b – will be built
c – will have built
d – will have been built
31 – Experts think that Cairo………… by more than half a million people next year.
a – will grow
b – is going to grow
c – is growing
d – grows
32 – We ……………… a family party on Saturday. Would you like to come?
a – have
b – are having
c – are going to have
d – had
33 – Our last lesson……………. at two o’clock this afternoon.
a – finishes
b – is finishing
c – is going to finish
d – finish
34 – There are a lot of people in the room. It ………… difficult to find a chair.
a – will be
b – is going to be
c – is being
d – is been
35 – Look, there is a sandstorm. I ……………… the windows.
a – will close
b – am going to close
c – am closing
d – close
36 – At one o’clock tomorrow I …………….. lunch with my friends.
a – will be eating
b – will have eat
c – eats
d – will be eaten
37 – There are no clouds in the sky today. I think that it…………… very hot.
a – will be
b – is going to be
c – been
d – being
38 – By ten o’clock tonight, I …………….. all my homework.
a – will finish
b – will finishing
c – will finished
d – will have finished
39 – I think they …………………………. a new villa.
a – will buy
b – will have bought
c – are buying
d – are going to buy
40 – I think they…………………………. a new villa by next month.
a – will buy
b – will have bought
c – are buying
d – are going to buy
2 - Find the mistakes and correct them:
First Year
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
1-My sister is going to be 11 years old next week.
2-The boy is fell in the river, I am going to save him.
3-The next plane will arrive at 3.
4-We have prepared everything , we will leave tomorrow.
5- I intend, I will give him the book.
6 – His words have a magic effect on us.
7 - Ali can't meet me this morning, he is going to travel.
8 - I feel dizzy , I go to be sick.
9 - I think it rains, the sky is full of clouds.
10 - It is really a good film, I am sure you enjoy it.
11 – I go to school everyday.
12 – I haven't done any arrangements for next week.
13 – A sing is the inner part of the wheel.
14 – I made up my mind that I will buy a second hand car.
15 – We will be watch the final from 3 to 5 tomorrow.
16 – This school is going to be ten years old this year.
17 – A: I’m thirsty. B: I am getting you a glass of water.
18 – It’s cloudy. I think it will rain.
19 – Watch out! The car will hit you!
20 – I’m visiting my cousins at the weekend. We have arranged everything.
21 – I expect Lucy and Paul are going to stay for dinner.
22 – The boy is going to drown. I am going to save him.
23 – It’s my birthday next Tuesday. I am going to be 17.
24 – He promised will buy me a present.
25 – I think my country is going to be a fantastic place.
26 – At three o’clock tomorrow, I will be revise for my exams.
27 – By 2020, this house will have built.
28 – The program on channel 2 will start at 9 p.m. as usual.
29 – I can’t meet you at 5 because I will do my homework.
30 – He is clever; he is going to win the prize.
Unit (7)
Advice and Obligation
should /shouldn’t, must/mustn’t
‫( إلعطاء النصيحة وا ألقتراح‬should – shouldn’t) ‫ – نستخدم كل من‬1
You should read this book. It’s great!
He shouldn’t sit on that wall. It’s not safe.
‫ – للتعبير عن الماضي بمعنى( كان ينبغى) أن نستخدم الشكل اآلتى‬2
‫ فاعل‬+ should have + P.P. …..
He should have studied hard. (Means he didn’t study hard)
‫ – للتعبير عن الماضي بمعنى (ما كان ينبغى) أن نستخدم الشكل اآلتى‬3
‫ فاعل‬+ shouldn’t have + P.P. …..
He shouldn’t have insulted his friend. (He insulted his friend)
1 – You ought to-------------------------
(should – shouldn’t) ‫ – يمكن استخدام التعبيرات األتية بمعنى‬4
1 – You ought not to-------------------------
First Year
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
2 – you had better---------------------2 – you had better not---------------------3 – If I were you, I would------------3 – If I were you, I would not------------4 – I advise you to--------------------4 – I advise you not to--------------------5 – My advice is to---------------------5 – My advice is not to---------------------6 – It is a good idea to----------------6 – It is a good idea not to----------------7 – It is advisable to------------------7 – It is advisable not to------------------8 – It is desirable to-------------------8 – It is desirable not to-------------------You should work to a plan.
= You had better work to a plan.
= I advise you to work to a plan.
= It is a good idea to work to a plan.
You shouldn’t waste your time.
=You had better not waste your time.
‫(عامه‬must) ‫ – مع القواعد والقوانين نستخدم‬5
Mr Ali must start work at 9 o’clock.
To travel you must have a passport.
(have to – has to) ‫ولكن الحظ جيدا عند االلزام في موقف معين نستخدم‬
I am travelling tomorrow; I have to take my passport.
He has to be at work at 7 tomorrow.
I must visit my friend. (it is necessary)
I must help my mother with housework.
‫( للتعبير أيضا عن الزام داخلى من الشخص نفسة‬must) ‫ – نستخدم‬6
‫( للتعبير عن النصيحة القوية‬must) ‫ – نستخدم‬7
If you think you may have the disease, you must see your doctor.
‫( للتعبير عن الدعوة أيضا‬must) ‫ – نستخدم‬8
You must come to my birthday party.
You must come and visit us tomorrow.
‫( للتعبير عن أن الشيء محرم أو ممنوع او نصيحه قوية لعدم فعل الشيء‬mustn’t) ‫ تستخدم‬- 9
You mustn’t touch that! It’s very hot. )‫(التفعل ذلك الن هذا ربما يؤذيك‬
You mustn’t park here. It is not allowed. )‫(ممنوع او محرم طبقا للقانون‬
(mustn’t) ‫ – التعبيرات االتية تساوي‬10
it is not permitted to + ‫مصدر‬
It is forbidden to + ‫مصدر‬
It is prohibited to + ‫مصدر‬
It is against the law to + ‫مصدر‬
= You aren’t permitted…………
= ‫الشيء‬+ isn’t allowed……..
You mustn’t smoke here
It isn’t allowed to smoke here.
You are forbidden/banned/against the law to smoke here.
You are prohibited to smoke here.
Smoking is prohibited here.
Remember Well!
First Year
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
should + ‫اعطاء نصيحه بمعنى يجب ان – اقتراح مصدر‬
must + ‫الزام عام حسب القانون – الزام داخلى – نصيحه قوية – دعوة مصدر‬
have to / has to ‫الزام خارجى في موقف معين‬
Exercises on Grammar
1 – Choose the correct answer from a, b , c, or d
1 – Your eyesight is weak. you -------------- wear glasses.
a –shouldn't b – must c – mustn't d – ought
2 – You --------------------take photos near military areas, it is forbidden.
a –have to b – shouldn't
c – mustn't d – needn't
3 – It is sunny in Egypt, it is -----------------------for you to wear a hat.
a –inadvisable b – advisable c - banned d – forbidden
4 – You --------------- eat when your hands are dirty.
a –mustn't b – must c – should d – oughtn't
5 – A person ----------------- eat to live.
a –should b – must c – ought to d – shouldn't
6 – It is ----------------- for any driver to wear seat belts.
a –no necessary b – forbidden c – advisable d – necessary
7 – You ------------------- come and visit me, it is my wedding party.
a –should b – must c – shouldn't d –mustn't
8 – This is a " No smoking" area . You --------------------smoke here.
a –should b – must c – needn't d – mustn't
9 – People ------------------cover food to avoid infection.
a –mustn't b – ought c – should d – must
10 – You ------------------ eat too many fats or you will be fat.
a –oughtn't b – should c – shouldn't d - must
11 – You ------------- wash if you have touched an infected bird.
a –shouldn't b – must c – oughtn't d – mustn't
12 – You ----------------- use your mobile phone while driving.
a –should b – must c – mustn't d – needn't
13 – One-------------------- climb trees, it is dangerous.
a –must b – should c – ought d – mustn't
14 – You ----------------eat breakfast before going out to work.
a –must b – can c – may d – shouldn't
15 –The boys --------------------- be at home by eight, it is a family rule.
a –has to b – could c – can d – have to
16 – Does he -------------------------- arrive early?
a –must b – has to c – have to d – should
17 – Polite notice : Children ------------------------------ play on the grass.
a –need b – don't have to c – are not permitted d – will have to
18 - You ---------------------- always boil tap water before you drink it.
a –shouldn't b -can't c -mustn't d -should
19 - It's dangerous to drive so fast. You-------------------- drive more slowly.
a –should b -mustn't c –ought d -shouldn't
20 - This is a really good book. You------------------ read it.
a –should b –must c –may d -might
First Year
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
21 – You …………………….. drive more than 110 kph.
a – should b – shouldn’t c – mustn’t d – must to
22 - You ………………………………..eat so many sweets.
a – should b – must c – shouldn’t d – has to
23 – Mr Ali …………………. start work at 9 o’clock.
a – have to b – must c – should to d – mustn’t to
24 – You …………………..touch the electric wire.
a – must b – should v – shouldn’t d – mustn’t
25 – You …………………………. go to school without eating breakfast.
a – must b – should c – mustn’t d – must to
26 – It is against the law. You……………………….it.
a – should b – shouldn’t c – must d – mustn’t
27 – It is my suggestion, you…………………………. go and visit the zoo.
a – mustn’t b – must c – should d – has to
28 – You ……………………….. Come to my sister’s wedding.
a – should b – shouldn’t c – must d – mustn’t
29 – You …………………… better study for your exams.
a – should b – had c – have d – has
30 – He should have played well. This means that he……………………
a – he played well
b – he plays well
c – he didn’t play well
d – he doesn’t play well
2 - Find the mistakes and correct them:
1 – It is not permitting to park your car here.
2 – He should have take the money, but he didn’t take it.
3 – You must drive more than the limited speed.
4 – You should eat so many sweets.
5- You mustn’t remember to drive on the left
6 – You should read this book. It’s great!
7 – You must touch that! It’s very hot
8 – I will travel tomorrow so I must get my passport.
9 – You must smoke in hospitals.
10 – You shouldn’t wash if you have touched an infected bird
11 – You shouldn’t always wash your hands before you eat
12 – You shouldn’t try playing tennis – it’s a great game
13 – You mustn’t go to bed earlier.
14 – It is my suggestion, you must buy this mobile.
15 – You have to hold a passport to travel abroad.
16 – It is against the law, you must steal from others.
17 – I invite you to my graduation party, you should come.
18 – You ought to not stay up late.
19 – I advice you to study hard.
20 – Do you mind if I borrowing your dictionary?
21 - Does it necessary for you to pay now?
22 – It isn't allowed to park here , so you must park.
23 –When I were you , I would revise well.
24 – He doesn't have to come, it wasn't necessary.
25 - He said I should to try a different kind of job.
26 – I might studying languages.
First Year
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
27 - Mona is able to making dresses.
28 - She was capable of send me the e-mail
29 - She could have buy a mobile.
30 - He was able of winning the match.
Unit (8)
Third conditional
‫( وتتكون كاالتى‬imaginary situation in the past) ‫تعبر الحاله الثالثه عن موقف تخيلى في الماضى‬
Third conditional
‫الحاله الثالثة‬
If  ‫ ماضي تام‬ would have + p . p
: ‫تعبر الحالة الثالثة عن استحالة حدوث الشيء في الماضي وكذلك الندم‬
If they had taken a taxi, they wouldn't have been late.
(They didn’t take a taxi ,so they were late)
If she hadn't helped us, we would have died.
If only he had come early, he would have saved him.
If Hassan had been very tall, he would have been a basketball player.
: ‫مال حظات الحالة الثالثة‬
: ‫( في الحالة الثالثة كاآلتي‬If) ‫( بدال من‬Had) ‫ – يمكن استخدام‬1
Had + ‫ فاعل‬+ p . p ----, -----------------If he had invited me, I would have attended his party.
= Had he invited me, I would have attended his party.
‫( للتعبير عن الندم الشديد‬if) ‫( بعد‬only) ‫ – يمكن استخدام كلمة‬2
If Only he had arrived early, he would have saved the patient.
‫تم شرح الحاله األولى والثانية في الوحدة الثالثة‬
Exercises on Grammar
1 – Choose the correct answer from a, b , c, or d
1- If Ali........... the alarm, he would have got up on time.
a) set
c) has set
d) had set
2- If Shakespeare had not met a rich patron, he ........... become a great writer.
a) would have b) wouldn't
c) wouldn't have d) won't
3- Salem .......... high marks if he hadn't studied hard.
a) won't get b) wouldn't get c) wouldn't have got d) would have got
4- I ........... my best if I were you.
a) would have done
b) would do
c) will do
d) wouldn't do
5-............. he had taken a taxi, he wouldn't have been late for work.
a) If
b) Unless
c) Without
d) Although
6- Samir ............ some tea if he feels sleepy.
a) drank
b) drinks
c) would drink d) would have drunk.
First Year
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
7- Manal can't buy a car ........... having money.
a) if
b) unless
c) without
8-........... Radwa got up early, she missed the school bus.
a) If
c) Unless
d) Without
9- If Raouf had come to the party, he ......... some old friends.
a) would meet
b) would have met
c ) can meet d) will meet
10-Mum .......... all our needs if she had enough money.
a) would have bought
b) would buy
c) will buy d) can buy
11-She .......... her exams last year without my help.
a) wouldn't pass b) wouldn't have passed c) can't pas d) won't pass
12-Unless the athlete ......... fast, he wouldn't have won the race.
a) ran
c) had run
d) has run
13-Seham drove fast........... she arrived late.
a) so
d) although
14-If Nagy ......... earlier, he would meet some of his old friends.
a) comes
c) had come d) has come
15.............. his financial help, I wouldn't have gone to university.
a) Unless
c) Without
16-The team lost the game .......... they played well.
a) if
c) although
d) unless
17-If he had been more careful, he ............ that mistake.
a) will make b) would have made
c) wouldn't have made d) wouldn't make
18-You ............. early if you take the train.
a) arrive b) will arrive
c) would arrive
d) would have arrived
19-Travelling by plane is comfortable .......... expensive.
a) if
c) unless
d) without
20-The driver wouldn't have had an accident if he ........... careless.
a) weren't
b) wasn't
c) had been d) hadn't been
21-If I....... you were asleep, I wouldn't have turned up the TV.
a) knew
c) have known
d) had known
22-If the students .......... their homework, their teacher wouldn't be angry.
a) do
b) had done
c) have done
23-If I.......... you, I wouldn't go to school late.
a) am
c) had been
d) have been
24-Shakespeare wouldn't have gone to London if he ........... to be an actor.
a) hadn't wanted b) hasn't wanted c) didn't want
d) doesn't want
25-Ragab is kind ............... people don't like him.
a) if
d) unless
26 – If I had written homework, I ------------------------------- it quickly.
a) would do
b) will do
c) would have done d) will have do
27 – If he had played well, he would have won. This means that he…………………….
a) won
b) didn’t win
c) wins
d) doesn’t win
28 – …………………….he honest, they would help him.
b) Had
c) If
d) Were
29 – ……………………. arriving on time, he would have met them.
a) In case
b) If it weren’t for
c) If it hadn’t been for
d) Unless
30 – If he had an ambition, he ----------------- for it.
a) will work
b) would work
c) would have worked
d) worked
First Year
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
2 - Find the mistakes and correct them:
1 – If he got up earlier, he would have caught the first plane.
2 – If he caught the first plane, someone would have met him at the airport.
3- He wouldn’t go by taxi if someone had met him at the airport.
4 – If he hadn’t gone by taxi, he won’t have been injured in the road accident
5 – He wouldn’t have gone to hospital if he hasn’t been injured.
6 – If he didn’t go to hospital, he wouldn’t have met the nurse who became his wife.
7 – If I felt tired, I will go to bed.
8 – If she trains hard , she wins next week's race.
9 – If you put a long bar of steel in water, will it sink?
10 – Were he be clever, he would win easily.
11 – If you meet my father, tells his I am in the club.
12 – Should he plays well, he will win.
13 – Had he time, he would have visited us.
14 – If I had free, I would have much time to practice sport.
15 – Should he to arrive early, he would catch the bus.
16 – If you did well at school, you’ll pass your next tests.
17 – Unless his bravery, we would have die.
18 – In case of you concentrate on your studies, you will do well at school.
19 – If I have written homework, I would do it now.
20 – Had he have enough skill, he would have passed easily.
Unit (9)
Articles (a/an/the)
1 – Indefinite (a/an)
‫( قبل الباديء بحرف متحرك‬an) ‫( قبل األسم المفرد الباديء بحرف ساكن أما‬a) ‫تأتي‬
‫ وكذلك قبل الصفة اذا جاء بعدها اسم مفرد يعد‬: ‫ تستخدمان قبل األسم المفرد الذي يعد عند ذكرة األولي‬-1
I bought a book.
He has a happy life.
He ate an egg.
He is a good player.
: ‫ قبل أسماء الوظائف أو المهنة‬-2
My friend is a doctor.
He is an engineer .
: ‫ تشيرالى واحد من مجموعة‬-3
He is a player in that team.
First Year
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
) ‫السرعة‬/‫األسعار‬/ ‫تستخدم مع بعض التعبيرات مثل (بعض التعبيرات الرقمية‬-4
a hundred – a dozen / 30 p a kilo. – 60 miles an hour / 24 hours a day
‫ الحظ الكلمات اآلتية‬: )1( ‫مالحظة هامة‬
a university
a European country
an honest man
an hour
a uniform
: )2( ‫مالحظة‬
‫قبل الوجبات اال اذا جاء قبلها صفة‬/ ‫ األسماء المجردة‬/ ‫ال يأتيان قبل األسم الجمع‬
Fear is natural.
Life is full of troubles.
These are my books.
2- Definite (the)
: ‫( في الحاالت اآلتية‬The ) ‫تستخدم‬
: ‫ قبل األسماء التى منها نوع واحد فقط‬-1
The ( sun/moon/world/sky/equator/weather)
The earth is round.
: ‫ عند ذكر األسم للمرة الثانية‬-2
I bought a book. The book was interesting.
: ‫ قبل اسم الحيوان ليدل على الفصيلة‬-3
The (lion/elephant/giraffe)
The lion is the king of wood.
‫المسرح‬/‫السينما‬/‫اآلالت الموسيقية‬/‫األكتشافات‬/ ‫ قبل األختراعات‬-4
The (telephone/ the femto second /radio/ piano/the cinema/the theatre)
The telephone was invented by Graham Bell.
He used to go to the cinema.
I bought a mobile yesterday. The mobile was expensive.
‫ولكن الحظ جيدا‬
‫مجموعة البحيرات‬/ ‫سالسل الجبال‬/ ‫ الصحاري‬/ ‫الجزر‬/‫ المحيطات‬/‫البحار‬/‫ – قبل أسماء األنهار‬5
The (River Nile/Red Sea/Atlantic Ocean/ Alps /Great lakes)
Can you see the River Nile from the plane?
They climbed the Alps.
These are the Great Lakes.
: ‫ قبل اختصارات الدول واألتحادات وكذلك الدول التى بها‬-6
The United Nations / The USA /The ARE/
Emirates / Republic/kingdom /states / Sudan/Netherlands
He comes from The USA.
The Sudan is south of Egypt.
: ‫ قبل الصفة لتدل على فئة أو طبقة من الناس‬-7
The rich = rich people
The old= old people.
The young should respect the old.
First Year
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
: ‫ – قبل الكتب المقدسة وكذلك الصحف‬8
The Holy Quran /The Bible/ The Times
You should read and learn the Holy Quran.
I read about the accident in the Times.
: ‫ – قبل األعداد الترتيبة‬9
The (first/second/third------------------ last)
Ali was the first to win the prize.
: ‫ – قبل الدرجة الثالثة من المقارنة‬10
He is the tallest boy in the class.
She is the girl here.
The more--------------------, the more------------------------
: ‫كلما‬------ ‫مع التعبير اآلتي ومعناه كلما‬-11
The more you read, the higher marks you get.
The cleverer you study, the more marks you get.
‫( في الحاالت االتية‬the) ‫ال نستخدم‬
: ‫ – األسماء المعنوية أو المجردة‬1
beauty / truth /happiness/ democracy / sadness/ --We should have democracy.
Sadness is not good.
‫ مع األسماء الجمع عند الحديث بمعنى عام‬-2
Teachers should be patient and tolerant.
Apples are very useful.
(the) ‫ اذا حددنا نضع قبلهم‬------ ‫ولكن‬
The teachers in our school should be patient and tolerant.
The apples in our garden are very useful.
‫ األسماء التى التعد(ال تجمع) وتشمل‬-3
: ‫الطعام والشراب‬
oil/plastic/wood/glass : ‫المواد التى نستخدمها‬
smoking/reading/football/tennis : ‫األنشطة واأللعاب الرياضية‬
Arabic/English /chemistry/science : ‫المواد الدراسية واللغات‬
: ‫ مع اسماء الدول والجبال المفردة والبحيرات المفردة والمدن والقارات‬-4
Egypt/France/Africa /Lake Nasser /Mount Everest .
: ‫ – مع أسماء الوجبات عموما‬5
Breakfast/lunch/dinner-----We have lunch at 5 o'clock.
We went to the dinner that Ali organized.
(the) ‫ولكن اذا حددنا اي اذا جاءت بمعنى عزومة مثال نضع‬
: ‫ ال تأتي قبل األلقاب التى يتبعها اسم شخص‬-6
President Mubarak
King Fahd
Prince Abdullah
First Year
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
Queen Victoria.
We met president Mubarak last month.
We met the president last month.
April/may/July /
Friday/Sunday / Eid El-Fitr
We don't go to school on Friday .
He was born in July.
: ‫ – ال تأتي قبل الفصول والشهور و األيام واألعياد‬7
(work/home/TV) ‫ ال تأتي قبل كلمة‬-8
After he had finished work, he went home.
We watched the film on TV.
: ‫ولكن الحظ‬
Yesterday , I forgot my keys on the TV.
‫( قبل الكلمات األتية عند استخدامها لغرضها األساسى ولكن اذا كان الشخص يذهب لغرض اخر‬the ) ‫ – التاتي‬9
: (the) ‫نستخدم‬
school hospital prison university court
mosque bed
I go to school to learn. (Student)
I went to the school to meet the manager. (Visitor)
He was taken to prison as he committed a crime.
They went to the prison to visit their brother.
Mona was ill, so she went to hospital. We went to the hospital to see her.
:‫معلومة هامة‬
(the) ‫( ولكن اذا حددناها نستخدم‬The ) ‫( ال يأتي قبلهم‬life/death/marriage ) ‫الكلمات‬
Life is full of problems.
The life of Ayman is full of problems.
Exercises on Grammar
1 – Choose the correct answer from a, b , c, or d
1-He goes to----------------------bed to sleep.
a- the
b- a
c- an
d- no article
2-He got the best mark in-------------------English.
a- a
d- no article
3-He worked as ----------------professor at university.
a- a
b- an
c - the
d- no article
4-The moon goes around------------------------earth.
a- The
b- no article
c- a
d- an
5-My brother enjoys playing -----------------piano
a- a
b- the
c- no article
d- an
6- I am very hungry, I want to have -------------------lunch.
a- a
b- the
c- an
d- no article
7- -------------------death of my friend was bad for me.
a- The
b- no article
c- an
8- ----------------president Mubarak met Queen Victoria last year.
First Year
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
b- an
c- the
d- no article
9- Cairo is the capital of ------------------Egypt.
b- the
c- no article
d- an
10-Cairo is the capital of -------------------A.R.E.
a- a
b- the
c- no article
d- an
11- She had -------------------accident.
a- a
b- an
c- the
d- no article
12- Will you come to----------------lunch of our friend?
a- a
d-no article
13---------------elephant lives in Africa.
a- a
d-no article
14-Dr Zewail was awarded------------Noble prize for chemistry.
d-no article
15- ------------------children can be cruel.
a- a
d-no article
16---------------children in Lord of the Flies are cruel.
a- a
d-no article
17-Egypt lies in ----------------------Africa.
a- a
d-no article
18-Please , don't put your books on ----------------TV.
a- a
d-no article
19-We went to ----------------hospital to visit my ill sister.
a- a
d-no article
20-----------------flowers on the table are very good.
a- a
d-no article
21- I bought-------- mobile yesterday. -----------mobile was expensive.
a- an
c-no article
d- the
22-------------------rich should help the poor.
a- a
d-no article
23-----------------femto second was discovered by Dr Zewail.
a- a
d-no article
24-----------------freedom is the best thing in life.
a- a
d-no article
25-My friend is --------------------engineer.
d-no article
26-France is ----------------European country.
a- a
d-no article
27 – I think this is ………………………… best museum in Alexandria.
b – an
c – the
d – no article
28 –…………………. flowers in my garden are beautiful.
b – an
c– the
d – no article
29 – I bought …………………… mobile. It was very expensive.
b – an
c – the
d – no article
30 –He will travel to …………………………USA.
a – the
c – an
d – no article
2 - Find the mistakes and correct them:
1 – In today’s programme, we hear about an brave man.
2 - He became the kung fu trainer.
First Year
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
3 - Today, he is one of an best wheelchair tennis players in Egypt.
4 - France is an European country.
5 – They are an engineers from France.
6 – They car goes at an speed of 100KPH.
7 – The life is not at all easy.
8 – I can see moon in the sky.
9 - I bought an umbrella. An umbrella was expensive.
10 – A lion is the king of wood.
11 – Ahmed Zewail discovered a femto second.
12 – A River Nile is seen from the plane.
13 – This is the Lake Nasser.
14 – The rich people should help the poor.
15 - Ali was a first to win the prize.
16 - The cleverest you study, the more marks you get.
17 - We should have a democracy.
18 – The teachers should be patient and tolerant.
19 – Apples in our garden are very tasteful.
20 – He lives in a city in the Egypt.
21 – We have the lunch at 5 o’clock every day.
22 - We met the president Mubarak last month.
23 – He went to the prison as he committed a crime.
24 – He is the tall man in the city.
25 - His cousin is an journalist.
26 – They have a villa overlooking a Red Sea.
27 – He gave me an important advice.
28 – She is such a intelligent girl.
29 – We went to theatre and enjoyed our time.
30 – He bought a new furniture.
First Year
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
First Year
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
First Year
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
First Year
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
First Year
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
First Year
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
First Year
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish
First Year
Grammar – First term
Hamada Hashish