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Kassu Jilcha Curriculum Vitae

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Curriculum Vitae
Research · September 2015
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2029.8727
1 author:
Kassu Jilcha
Addis Ababa Institute of Technology
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Curriculum Vitea
Name: Kassu Jilcha Sileyew
Telephone: 251-0114192427
Cell Phone: 251-0913017744/0928409799/0913356322/0922744045
Date of Birth: 15/01/1984 or 07/05/1976 E.C
Place of Birth: East-Shewa, at a special place called Yerer silase
Citizenship: an Ethiopian
Sex: Male
Marital Status: Married
 Primary and Junior school: Yerer Silase primary school grade one to 6th 1983 t0 1987 E.C and
OdaNebe Dukem Junior School grade 7th and 8th 1988 t0 1989 E.C with certificate award.
 High School: Debreziet Comprehensive High school Grade 9th to 12th from 1990 E.C to 1993 E.C
and with award of certificate.
 University: Bahirdar University Engineering Faculty in Industrial Engineering from 1994 E.C to
1998 E.C and degree awarded BSC in 1998 E.C
 Graduate School: Addis Ababa University, Institute of Technology in Mechanical Engineering
department specialization in Industrial engineering from September 2000 E.C to September 2002
E.C and MSC degree awarded.
 3rd Degree: As of today I am a PHD candidate in Addis Ababa Institute of Technology (AAiT).
Amharic , English and Oromic
1. I have
additional work experience from Adola Gold Mining company as head,
Environmental protection and safety control from December 22/2009/10 to March 12/2010
I have other three years’ experience at Wollo University, Kombolcha Institute of Technology as
Lecturer in mechanical engineering department providing courses like Operation planning and
control, Plant layout and design, Engineering skill, Engineering Mechanics I( statics), engineering
Mechanics II( dynamics), Engineering drawing, Engineering Control and Regulation,
Introduction to Mechatronics Engineering, Total Quality management, Entrepreneurship,
Engineering Economics and engineering management from February 17,2010 to February 20,2013
2. Here also I served the institute as Registrar coordinator of the campus from May 1/2002 E.C to
November 3/2004 E.C in coordinating and controlling recorders to handle students file and result
properly for 1 year and 7 months.
3. I also served the Institute as Entrepreneurship officer accelerating the office to introduce the
course of entrepreneurship and its usefulness from November 4/2004 to July 3/2004 E.C
providing training for staffs about entrepreneurship in the institute and certified them and served
for 8 months.
4. I also served the Institute as Head, academic quality assurance from July 4/2004 E.C to
February 8/2004 E.C in preparing training section for staffs about academic quality assurance
and controlling the academic quality of education for 8 months
5. Last I also delegated as Research and community service officer in addition to academic quality
assurance head and mobilized the staff to submit project proposal that was based on community
problem solving for 3 months.
Training as TOT of Entrepreneurship at Engineering capacity Building program (ecbp ) hall,
Addis Ababa in May 2012
Decision making on presentation of competent judgment at W/ro Sihine Technical school in 2012
HIV/AIDs training at Hayk lodge, Wollo in 2011
Pedagogical Training at, Dessie campus hall, Wollu University in 2011
Training on Fundable project proposal at Kombolcha Institute of Technology hall in 2012
Training on Logo software at Kombolch Institute of technology computer lab. In 2011
on Electro-pneumatic and pneumatic circuit
at Adama Science and Technology
university in 2011
workshops prepared by Dessie city administration for panel discussion on cultural museum
construction and hospital foundation in 2012
Training conducted by New Mexico state in collaboration with Addis Ababa University on System
Engineering June 2013
Training conducted at Addis Ababa university Institute of technology on scientific research writing
in August in 2013
Training on Kaizen by Ethiopian Kaizen Institute collaborated with Japan Scholars at Addis
Ababa Ethiopia Hotel in august 2013
Training on Advanced research methods using Statistical Analysis Software (SAS) at AAiT march
18-24 /2014 for 40 hours training period
1. Entrepreneurship training for Kombolcha Institute of Technology Academic staffs, 2011/12
2. Participating and evaluating entrepreneurs for other presentation at Dessie W/ro Sihin technique
college, 2011/12
3. Coordinating training on academic quality assurance for all staffs of Kombolcha Technology
Scientific Articles Published
1. Jilcha K, Berhan E, Sherif H (2015) Workers and Machine Performance Modeling in
Manufacturing System Using Arena Simulation. J Comput Sci Syst Biol 8 (4): 185-190.
2. Gidey E, Jilcha K, Beshah B, Kitaw D (2014), The Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle of Value
Addition. Ind Eng Manage 3: 124. http://doi: 10.4172/2169-0316.1000124
3. A.
Habib, K. Jilcha, and
E. Berhan (2015),
Performance Improvement by Scheduling
A Case of Leather Industry Development Institute , Springer International
Publishing Switzerland, Afro-European Conf. for Ind. Advancement, Advances in Intelligent
Systems and Computing, 334, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-13572-4_2, p261-270
4. H. Hailu, K. Jilcha, and E. Birhan (2015) ,Response Time Reduction in the Leather Products
Manufacturing Industry Using Arena Simulation Method, Springer International Publishing
Switzerland , Afro-European Conf. for Ind. Advancement, Advances in Intelligent Systems and
Computing 334, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-13572-4_22, p 271-282
5. H.Solomon, K.Jilcha and E.Berhan (2015), Lead Time Prediction Using Simulation in Leather
Shoe Manufacturing, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015, Afro-European Conf.
for Ind. Advancement, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 334, DOI: 10.1007/9783-319-13572-4_23, p 284-293
6. Jilcha Kassu, Berhan Eshetie (2015), Job Shop Scheduling Problem for Machine Shop with
Shifting Heuristic Bottleneck, Global Journal of Researches in Engineering: J General
Engineering, , Publisher: Global Journals Inc. (USA) Volume 15, Issue 1, Version 1.0: Online
ISSN: 2249-4596 Print ISSN:0975-5861
7. Kassu Jilcha (2014), Occupational safety and health chronological development eminence: A
literature review, June 24-25, 2014 Valencia Conference Centre, Valencia, Spain 3rd ,
1. Kassu Jilcha (2006), Assessment of Tourism Industry in the National Amhara Regional state,
Bahar Dar University, Engineering faculty, Industrial engineering department.
2. Kassu Jilcha (2009), Road accidents and Road safety from Addis Ababa to Hawasa, Addis
Ababa University Technology Institute, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering
3. Kassu Jilcha (2008), Capacity Utilization of Faffa Food S.C, Addis Ababa University
Technology Institute, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering
4. Kassu Jilcha (2014), Quality impact on Global Competitiveness of Ethiopian Chemical
Manufacturing Industries, Addis Ababa Institute of Technology School of Mechanical and
Induistroial Engineering
5. Kassu Jilcha (2014), Lean Philosophy
on Global Competitiveness of Ethiopian Chemical
Manufacturing Industries, Addis Ababa Institute of Technology School of Mechanical and
Industrial Engineering
 Introduction to Engineering Skill
 Engineering Mechanics I (statics0
 Engineering Drawing (technical drawing)
 Statistical and Total Quality management
 Introduction to Entrepreneurship
 Introduction to Industrial Management
 Engineering Mechanics II (dynamics)
 Operation Planning and Control
and Engineering economics
 Material Handling Equipment
 Plant layout and Design
 Regulation and Control Engineering
 Total Quality management
Statistics and Probability for Engineers(AAiT)
 Introduction to Mechatronics Engineering
Community Services
1. In 2014/15, Ethiopian Academic and Science, as data enumerator for the assessment of
human demand and supply side for the study conducted by Ministry of Science and
Technology, 2015
2. 1n 2014/15, Ministry of Industry as data enumerator for the study of construction input
material in aluminum side, 2015
3. In 2013/14, Consolution PLc as Researcher for the aluminum and wood feasibility study,
1. Hailu Worku, Application of Statistical Quality Control: case of Development Bank of
Ethiopia , July 2014
2. Alemayehu Tesfaye, Total Quality Management Implementation Strategy at Entoto TVET
College , February, 2014
3. Michael Getachew, Statistical Quality Control: Case of Kolfe House Hold and Utensil
Factory, July 2014
4. Hermela Solomon, Statistical Quality Control and Reliablity : case of Ramsey Leather Shoe
Factory , July 2014
5. Kassahun Mekonnin, Statistical Quality Control Application: Acase study on Euro caple Plc,
July 2014
6. Eyerusalem Mekasha, Statistical Quality Control Application: a case of Faffa Food Company,
July 2014
7. Kokobe Beyene, Statistical Quality Control and Reliablity: A case of Electro plating Defect
Analysis Using Statistical Quality Control, July 2014
8. Alebachew getahun, Application of Statistical Quality Control: a case of Yirgalem-Addis
Textile factory, July 2014
9. Mehari Minas, Implementation of TQM on claims Department of Global Insurance Company
in Ethiopia, March , 2014
10. Robel Nigusie, Implementation of Total Quality Management in dire Tanary plc., Febrary
11. Zekarias Yifter, Total Quality Management technique Implementation in Ultra-Tech
Electromechanical Engineering Plc, March 2014
12. Hermela Solomon, Plant Design and Erection of Warehouse Design, March 2014
13. Miraf Welay, Plant Design and Erection of Warehouse Design, March 2014
14. Noh Nugusie, Plant Design and Erection of Warehouse Design, March 2014
15. Heran Teweldebrihan, Plant Design and Erection of Warehouse Design, March 2014
16. Balemlay Yassab, Plant Design and Erection of Warehouse Design, March 204
17. Yanet Fisseha, Plant Design and Erection of Warehouse Design, March 2014
18. Deresu Lema, Plant Design and Erection of Warehouse Design, March 2014
19. Hanan sheriff, Workers and Machine performance modeling in manufacturing system using
simulation: case on Ethiopia Plastic Industries, July 2014
20. Tesfaye Gashaw, Modeling and Simulation of Inventory management of Artistic Printing
Enterprise, July 2014
21. Mehari Minas, Insurance Claim Processing Time and Resource evel Analysis Using
Simulation Model, July 2014
22. Belayneh Aye, Job Shop Scheduling Problems for machine shop with shifting Bottleneck,
July 2014
23. Abduletif Habib, Perf
24. \
26. 09ormance Improvement by Scheduling Technique, A case of leather industry Development
institute , July 2014
27. Haftu Hailu, Time to market reduction of a leather product Manufacturing industry using
arena simulation Technique, July 2014
28. Michael Getachew, Real Time Production Sequences for Cookpan Producing Company of
Ethiopia, July 2014
29. Hermela Solomon, Lead time prediction using simulation in leather shoe manufacturing, July
30. Eyerusalem Mekasha, application assembly line balancing in germent industry,2014
31. Alebachew , Belayneh, etc, Project management bid preparation practice, march
2014,Advisor Dr. Brihanu Beshah
Computer Skills
Matlab, Database Management system, all MS-office
SPSS, Adobe,
Video and Photo Editing,
applications, Auto Cad, MS-Project,
Logo software, pneumatic software, Logo PLC
software, pneumatic software, Hydraulic software, AUTO CAD
Attending church ceremonies, reading different books (my best), listening Spiritual songs,
visiting historical places, window shopping and others.
Dr.-Ing. Daniel Kitaw, professor during my MSC and PhD study, Associate
School of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Addis Ababa
University, P.O. Box: 10377, Tel: 251-911229880, E-mail: danielkitaw@yahoo.com
Assistance Professor Dr.Ir. Eshetie Berhan (PhD) Research and Technology
Transfer Director and
School of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Addis
Ababa University, P . O . B o x : 3 8 5 , Ad d i s Ab a b a , E th i o p i a , M o b i l e :
+ 2 5 1 - 0 9 1 2 - 6 3 2 7 3 5 , E - ma i l :
e s h e ti e _ e th i o @y a h o o . c o m , WEBSITE:
Associate Professor Dr. Birhanu Beshah (PhD) Head Railway center, and
School of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Addis Ababa University, P . O.
B o x : 3 8 5 , Ad d i s A b a b a , E th i o p i a , M o b i l e : + 2 5 1 - 0 9 1 3 7 6 7 5 0 2 , E ma i l : b i r h a n u. b e s h a h @a a i t. e d u. e t
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