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490c syllabus Walsh Final

PH 490C-01: Public Health Program Evaluation
Spring, 2017
Schedule number 22556, 3 units
Course and Instructor Information
Instructor: Margaret L. Walsh, MPH, PhD
Email: mwalsh@mail.sdsu.edu
Class Days and Times: Wednesdays, 4-6:40pm
Class Location: Peterson Gym, 153
Office Hours Times: By appointment
Office Hours Location: By appointment
Phone: N/A
Graduate Assistant: Shadia Assi
GA email: shadiajmansour@gmail.com
Course Overview and Objectives
This course provides a conceptual introduction to program evaluation for public health programs.
Emphasis will be placed on key applications of research design to evaluate public health programs. This
course will guide students through research designs, sampling issues, appropriate measurement systems
(quantitative and qualitative), data collection and analysis.
Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Describe the basic elements of program evaluation in public health.
2. Understand the relationship between program evaluation and a public health issue.
3. Distinguish the roles and responsibilities of organizations, public health evaluators and the public.
4. Recognize appropriate research designs to answer the study questions.
5. Demonstrate knowledge of the concepts of measurement, reliability, and validity; use these concepts
for selecting variables for evaluation.
6. Incorporate theory into the practice of applied evaluation.
7. Examine ethical and cultural issues in program evaluation.
Required Course Materials
1) Required text: McKenzie, Neiger, & Thackeray. Planning, Implementing & Evaluating Health
Promotion Programs. (6th Edition) 2013. Pearson Education.
2) i>Clicker device: You are responsible for bringing your i>clicker remote daily; if you do not bring
your clicker you will not get credit as this is a required component of class attendance and participation. If
you discover that your i>clicker does not work during a class, you must notify the instructor at the
beginning of class in order for your attendance to be counted that day. Additionally, keep in mind that if
your i>clicker consistently does not work, you are not excused from the quizzes, instead you will be
required to purchase a new i>clicker and make-up any missing quizzes. You will use your i>clicker
remote during almost every lecture and therefore you are responsible for bringing your i>clicker remote
to every lecture. If you have more questions about i>clicker, contact the Library Hub at 619.594.3189 or
i>clicker tips:
Keep extra batteries available (two AAA).
Put your name on the clicker.
Cover the ID number with a piece of clear tape to protect it from rubbing off
Video at http://clicker.sdsu.edu/registration.html shows how to register their devices
Other resources including rebate info at http://clicker.sdsu.edu/
*Please note: You are not permitted to have someone else use your clicker for you. You must be present
with your own working clicker to receive credit. If you attend class without your clicker, then you will not
receive participation credit for that day. *If you do NOT attend class and someone else uses your clicker
on your behalf, then that is academic dishonesty, and it is also unfair to other students in the class. * If that
happens BOTH you and your classmate who helped you cheat will both lose all participation points for the
semester (i.e. you will receive 0 total participation points for ALL in-class participation, not just the class
period you cheated).
3) Blackboard: All students will need weekly reliable access to a computer with internet access and
Blackboard. All assignments or in-class activities will be submitted via Blackboard as outlined throughout
the syllabus. Blackboard will be the primary tool the instructor will use to communicate with students.
Announcements and class information will be posted on Blackboard. It is your responsibility to check
Blackboard at least once a week and maintain Blackboard contact information. If a class must be cancelled
without prior notification, it will be posted on Blackboard the day of the class by 12pm.
4) Additional Text as Assigned: When necessary, additional text will be provided to you on blackboard
and are denoted as supplemental readings on the syllabus. You are required to read these.
Course Policies
Everyone is expected to attend all classes. Attendance will be taken throughout the semester, at various
times, using the iClickers. Attendance will be taken the first two days of class. Those who have not
attended class the first two days will automatically be dropped from the course. For the remainder of the
semester, students are expected to come to each class with their iClicker to mark their attendance; no
excuses will be accepted.
Classroom Conduct
Participation/Classroom Etiquette: Students will be expected to be active participants in the learning
process. When students contribute thoughtful comments and questions to class discussions or
presentations, the learning experience is enriched for all. Students should also listen attentively to the
speakers and to each other. This course will cover a variety of topics about which many individuals have
strong feelings or opinions. Students are expected to articulate their comments and questions in a
respectful manner and understand that others may have different perspectives.
Religious holidays
According to the University Policy File, students should notify the instructors of affected courses of
planned absences for religious observances by the end of the second week of classes.
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
All students with questions or concerns regarding DACA are encouraged to see the College of Health and
Human Services Assistant Dean for Student Affairs, Jessica Robinson (jmrobinson@sdsu.edu).
Concerns Regarding Classroom Activity, Grades, or other Student Affair Matters
Though students have the option of contacting the San Diego State University Ombudsman or the
Assistant Dean for Student Affairs at any time regarding classroom activity, grades, or other student
affairs matters students are encouraged to meet with their professor first to discuss the situation. If the
issue is not resolved at this level, the student should contact their undergraduate advisor. If the problem is
not resolved at this level, contact should be made to their department director and finally their Assistant
Dean for Student Affairs.
Classroom disruptions
Cell phones and beepers should be turned off during class time. Cell phones may not be used at any
time during class, including phone calls, text messaging, Internet surfing, listening to music,
game playing, and/or emailing unless instructed to do so by the instructor. This includes wearing
headphones, even while the device is off. At the very least, during the activity portions of the
course, all electronic devices (computers, iPads, phones, etc.) must be turned off and put away,
unless otherwise instructed.
Classroom Recordings
Students must obtain permission to record (audio or visual) a class lecture or discussion, prior to the class.
Without prior permission the student will be reported for misconduct.
Students with Disabilities
If you are a student with a disability and believe you will need accommodations for this class, it is your
responsibility to contact Student Disability Services at (619) 594-6473. To avoid any delaying the receipt
of your accommodations, you should contact Student Disability Services as soon as possible. Please note
that accommodations are not retroactive, and that accommodations based upon disability cannot be
provided until you have presented your instructor with an accommodation letter from Student Disability
Services. Your cooperation is appreciated.
Nondiscrimination Policy
San Diego State University complies with the requirements of Title VI and Title VII of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964, as well as other applicable federal and state laws prohibiting discrimination.
No person shall, on the basis of race, color, or national origin be excluded from participation in,
be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination in any program of the
California State University
SDSU does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to, or treatment or
employment in, its programs and activities. Students should direct inquiries concerning San
Diego State University’s compliance with all relevant disability laws to the Director of Student
Disability Services (SDS), Calpulli Center, Room 3101, San Diego State University, San Diego,
CA 92128 or call 619-594-6473 (TDD: 619-594-2929).
SDSU does not discriminate on the basis of sex, gender, or sexual orientation in the educational
programs or activities it conducts. More detail on SDSU’s Nondiscrimination Policy can be found
in the SDSU General Catalog, University Policies. Students should direct FERPA, Title IX,
Discrimination, Harassment or any other protected categories inquiries and concerns to the office
of Employee Relations and Compliance, phone number is 619-594-6464 and their website is
Academic Honesty
The University adheres to a strict policy regarding cheating and plagiarism. Students are expected to
maintain the highest standards of academic honesty and respect. According to SDSU's Center for
Student Rights and Responsibilities, students may be expelled, suspended, or put on probation for
academic dishonesty. In addition to a University review of the incident(s), the Graduate School of Public
Health may also take disciplinary action which, depending on the severity of the incident, could result in
one or all of the following sanctions: a grade of "F" on the assignment in question, dropping of one letter
grade from your final grade in the class, or, for multiple or severe incidents, a grade of "F" in the class.
You may receive an incomplete in a class, which will be removed once the investigation of the incident
has been completed.
Cheating shall be defined as the act of obtaining or attempting to obtain credit for academic work by the
use of dishonest, deceptive, or fraudulent means. Examples of cheating include, but are not limited to (a)
copying, in part or in whole, from another’s test or other examination; (b) discussing answers or ideas
relating to the answers on a test or other examination without the permission of the instructor; (c)
obtaining copies of a test, an examination, or other course material without the permission of the
instructor; (d) using notes, cheat sheets, or other devices considered inappropriate under the prescribed
testing condition; (e) collaborating with another or others in work to be presented without the permission
of the instructor; (f) falsifying records, laboratory work, or other course data; (g) submitting work
previously presented in another course, if contrary to the rules of the course; (h) altering or interfering
with the grading procedures; (i) plagiarizing, as defined; and (j) knowingly and intentionally assisting
another student in any of the above.
Plagiarism shall be defined as the act of incorporating ideas, words, or specific substance of another,
whether purchased, borrowed, or otherwise obtained, and submitting same to the University as one’s own
work to fulfill academic requirements without giving credit to the appropriate source. Plagiarism shall
include but not be limited to (a) submitting work, either in part or in whole, completed by another; (b)
omitting footnotes for ideas, statements, facts, or conclusions that belong to another; (c) omitting
quotation marks when quoting directly from another, whether it be a paragraph, sentence, or part thereof;
(d) close and lengthy paraphrasing of the writings of another; (e) submitting another person’s artistic
works, such as musical compositions, photographs, paintings, drawings, or sculptures; and (f) submitting
as one’s own work papers purchased from research companies.
Examples of Plagiarism include but are not limited to:
Using sources verbatim or paraphrasing without giving proper attribution (this can include
phrases, sentences, paragraphs and/or pages of work)
Copying and pasting work from an online or offline source directly and calling it your own
Using information you find from an online or offline source without giving the author credit
Replacing words or phrases from another source and inserting your own words or phrases
Submitting a piece of work you did for one class to another class
If you have questions on what is plagiarism, please consult the policy.
Students agree that by taking this course all required papers may be subject to submission for textual
similarity review to Turnitin.com for the detection of plagiarism. All submitted papers will be included as
source documents in the Turnitin.com reference database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of
such papers. You may submit your papers in such a way that no identifying information about you is
included. Another option is that you may request, in writing, that your papers not be submitted to
Turnitin.com. However, if you choose this option you will be required to provide documentation to
substantiate that the papers are your original work and do not include any plagiarized material.
Contact Blackboard Collaborate Technical Support
Available 24 hours/day - 7 days/week
North America, Toll Free: 1 (877) 382-2293
i>clicker required for this course!
This course requires the use of i>clicker2 hand held remotes. i>clicker will be used every day in class,
starting with the first day of class, and you are responsible for bringing your device every day. Your
remote may already be registered if you used it in a previous semester. You can double-check by
following the steps below for registration to see if you already have a remote registered.
To receive participation credit in the course, your remote must be registered to you.
Enter any course then from the course navigation menu on the left, go to:
Tools => i>clicker Registration => Enter your remoteID (on the back of the remote) => Submit
Successful registration generates a registration date and a success message. IF YOU DO NOT SEE A
Once registered, your i>clicker2 remote can be used in all classes that require clickers and should not
need to be re-registered.
If you have more questions about i>clicker, contact the Library Hub at 619.594.3189 or
Course Assessment and Grading
15 pts
Each class (1pt per class)
In-class activities & active
32 pts
Each class (2 pts per class)
Exam 1
20 pts
February 1st
Exam 2
53 pts
March 22nd
Exam 3
30 pts
May 3rd
150 pts
Attendance (15 pts). Everyone is expected to attend all classes. Attendance will be taken throughout the
semester, at various times, using the iClickers, in-class activities, and other assessment methods. Students
are expected to come to every single class with their iClicker to mark their attendance; no excuses will be
Participation & In-class Activities (32 pts) There will be in-class activities relevant to the class lecture
during the semester. Additionally, lectures will include questions to answer using your CourseKey app
(see below for more info). Participation is based on attendance, pop-up questions, and professional
behavior during discussions and activities.
Exams (103 pts) There will be three exams. Each exam is worth a different amount, reflective of the
information covered up to the exam date. Exams will cover the reading and lecture material up to the
exam date. Exams will contain a combination of matching, short answer, multiple choice, and True or
False questions. No make-up exams.
Course grades will be assigned based on each individual's absolute percentage score. Grades will be based
on the following percentages of the semester grades earned:
A 95-100
A- 94-90
B 85-89
B- 80-84
C 75-79
C- 70-74
D 65-69
D- 60-64
F anything below 60
Every effort will be made to follow the syllabus content and schedule; however, if circumstances dictate
there may be modifications necessary during the semester. If such is the case the professor will make
every effort to notify students in a timely manner.
Course Calendar
January 18, 2017
Introduction to course
Attend, participate
reading 1, pp 1-10
Attend, participate
Chapter 13
What is evaluation?
January 25, 2017
Key concepts in program
reading 1, pp 1048 (BB)
Exam one review
February 1, 2017
No class
Exam 1
February 8, 2017
Theory & evaluation questions
Attend, participate
reading 2 & 3
February 15, 2017
Types of Evaluation
Attend, participate
Chapter 14
February 22, 2017
Research designs for program
evaluation; Threats to internal
Attend, participate
Chapter 14
March 1, 2017
Measures, instruments &
Attend, participate
Chapter 5
March 8, 2017
Data collection
Attend, participate
reading 4 (BB)
March 15, 2017
Exam 2 Review
Attend, participate
March 22, 2017
No class
Exam 2
March 29, 2017
Spring Break-no class
April 5, 2017
Data management
Attend, participate
reading 5 (BB)
April 12, 2017
Data analysis and reporting
Attend, participate
Chapter 15
April 19, 2017
Evaluation challenges & ethical
Attend, participate
Appendix A
April 26, 2017
Exam 3 Review
Attend, participate
May 3, 2017
No class
Exam 3
reading 6 (BB)
Interacting with me
Please do not assume your messages have been received unless/until I reply to you. Allow up to
24-48 hours for replies Sun-Thurs; 48-72 hours Fri-Sat; and longer over a break. Please email
course content questions to the Graduate Assistant for the course. If you have questions for me,
email me at mwalsh@mail.sdsu.edu (do not email me through BB).
Receipt of Syllabus and Agreement to Class Policies
I [INSERT YOUR NAME] obtained a copy of the syllabus for PH 490c: Program Evaluation.
The syllabus has been reviewed with me in class. I read along, comprehended and have agreed to
the requirements for this course. Any questions that I had pertaining to the syllabus were asked
and my questions pertaining to the syllabus were adequately answered.
By signing this form I agree to the policies and procedures outlined in this syllabus.
__________________________________ (electronic signature)
__________________________________ (date)
*once completed, upload this page under assignment one on BB by 1/25/2017