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The Cringe Memez Constitution

The Cringe-Memez Constitution
We, the people of Cringe Memes, in order to form a more equal channel, establish
justice, ensure server transquality, provide for the common rights of freedom of speech, promote the
general welfare, and secure rights liberty can give us to ourselves and our posterity, do obtain and
establish this Constitution for Clownpiss’ C-Memez.
Article 1
Executive Roles.
Section 1. The Clown and The Funny herein granted shall enjoy powers of executive, legislative, and
judicial power. The Clown and The Funny are ‘fixed’ roles, therefore having granted that exclusive role
for life.
Section 2. Cool Mods are to be appointed by both The Clown and The Funny, overseeing the server’s
activity and help enforce rules stated by the following Constitution.
Section 3. Members of Executive Roles are to follow the basic constitutional amendments. They are to
show that they are trustworthy in the eyes of The Clown and The Funny according to their own
judgement, as well as to the Cringe-Memez Citizens, and the Cringe-Memez Citizens have the right to
criticise Members of Executive Roles directly to The Clown or The Funny.
Section 4. Members of Executive Roles can be dismissed by The Clown or The Funny should they fall
under violation of Section 3.
Article 2
Making of Amendments.
Section 1. Amendments are the rules that Cringe-Memez Citizens and the Executive Roles are obliged to
obey. The following amendments fall under The Clown’s executive role, implementing rules directly.
However, the next amendments will undergo a voting amongst all the members of the server.
Section 2. To make a new amendment, Cool Mods will propose the outline of the law to The Clown or
The Funny. After either’s approval, the amendment is then forwarded to the Cringe-Memez Citizen to be
voted upon in #annoucements.
Section 3. Voting will be open for 24-73 hours depending on the discretion of the Cool Mods. Only a
51% majority is needed and after that, the amendment is listed in the Constitution and implemented 3
days after the voting had ended.
Section 4. Amendments can be removed in the same voting process with the same time frame. However,
an amendment can be abolished immediately after the voting had ended depending on the Cool Mods’
Amendments/Laws or The Bill of Rights
(The first 9 amendments are ratified under The Clown’s executive power on the 4th of January, 2022.)
Amendment 1
The Executive Roles shall make no law biased towards an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the
free exercise thereof; or abdridging the freedom of speech, or of criticism; or the right of the people
peaceably to assemble, and to petition the C-Memez Government for a redress of greviances.
Amendment 2
Every person inside and outside the server has an obligation to respect and to be respected.
Amendment 3
Every person has the right to freedom of speech and expression, and a right to speak their mind. However,
messages intended to degrade/harm others are a violation of Amendment 2 and is subject for Damned
prosecution unless clearly stated that it was a joke. However, that feasability of such claim can be judged
by the Executive Roles and prosecute them nonetheless.
Amendment 4
In all Damned prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, with appropriate
witnesses and a freedom to state reasoning and a chance for apology. Executive Powers are obliged to
listen to the violator’s reasoning and must always provide a chance for apology. They do, however, have
the power to settle the trial themselves with their own verdict (under just pretenses) or forward the case to
The Clown or The Funny to help with the proceedings and verdict.
Amendment 5
Every person has the right to accuse. An accusation of such shall be subject to a fair hearing from an
Executive Role and can be acted upon with enough evidence and questioning. However, the accused shall
not be held to answer for such claims unless enough evidence is provided.
Amendment 6
People accused and confirmed to put the Server under threat, disarray, and chaos, are to be dealt with with
a ban. Such examples of this include: server nuking, posting child pornography, pornography, doxxing,
verbal abuse, mod abuse, innapropriate slowmodes, spamming in the wrong channels, promotion of drugs
(unless clearly stated as a joke), distribution of hentai, grooming, and a showcase of degeneracy that can
be proved harmful by the Executive Roles. Such actions that also violates Amendment 2 are subject to a
permanent ban and a police report should it be necessary.
Amendment 7
Alternate accounts are allowed to be used by those damned (depending on the severity of the case),
however, banned individuals cannot. The alternate account must be consented by the prosecuting Cool
Amendment 8
There will be a complete ban on pornography. Those prosecuted for posting soft pornography/cropped
pornography still, however, can enjoy Amendment 4. Those who posted hard/uncensored pornography,
however, are in violation of Amendment 6 and are subject to a permanent ban and a police report should
it be necessary. Ecchi falls under soft pornography, however, it is subject to be judged by Cool Mods
before further procedure.
Amendment 9
Arguments/debates around sensitive topics are allowed so as long as it doesn’t violate Amendment 2.
Uprisings are allowed as well, however, the Executive Roles have the special rights to prevent damages
and protect every member’s constutional rights in any way necessary.
The Server shall remain free and untamed for the duration of its life. The Constitution, therefore, are the
rules the people must follow to keep the Server from conflict, collapse, and tragedy. Freedom must be
exercised appropriately and enjoyed so long as it doesn’t violate the freedom/dignity of others. It is a
must, therefore to keep the Constitution in one’s mind when being in this Server to prevent the people the
dystopia it was originally designed to escape.
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