CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION TO THE REPORT: The student of BBA, studying courses leading to Bachelor of Business are required to undergo an internship program of 8 weeks in any well-reputed organization. This is an essential academic requirement. It not only supports the theoretical knowledge but also exposes the students to practical experiences of the concerned field. Comprehensive report writing follows the internship. The report encompasses the experiences of the internee, analyzing them and making recommendation for the improvement of the organization. This report would discuss pros and cons of the Allied Bank Limited (ABL) Kohat Road Branch Peshawar 1.2 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY: The financial institution play very important role in the economic growth of the developing nation. Banks are very important financial institution. No country can be developed without banking, as banks plays the vital role in the economy of a country. The economic activities, which might be in the forms of imports and exports, trade, investment in agriculture etc. ensure economic prosperity through the efficient working of the banking system. Nowadays in the banking sector there is intense competition. The banks now use sophisticated technology to satisfy their customer and to attract the potential customer by giving incentives and introducing new products and quality services. Moreover banks are very much acquainted with day to day challenges due to this competition and remain continuously engaged stay ahead of their Competitors. The government has also introduced number of reforms in the banking sector. 1 1.3 PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: This report is based on a study carried out for the fulfillment of the degree requirement of BBA. The purpose of the study is to analyze and evaluate the operation, functions of the Allied Bank Limited, where the internship was carried out. On the basis of the analysis of the operations of the bank and observations made in different department, the recommendations were made. Recommendations are given for the improvement the performance and efficiency of the bank. The study also provides the platform to do practical work in the field and apply the personal knowledge and understand the operations of the bank. It also provides the opportunity to improve our personal skills and writing skills. 1.3 SCOPE OF THE STUDY: The scope of the study is confined to the Allied Bank Limited Kohat Road Branch Peshawar. The different departments of branch were studied and observed. The study resolves around the operations carried out at Allied Bank Limited Kohat Road Branch Peshawar. The financial analysis of the bank was also carried out. 1.4 METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY The methodology of the report for collection of data is primary as well as secondary. The biggest source of information is my personal observation while working with staff and having discussions with them. Formally arranged interviews and discussions also helped me in this regard. 2 1.4.1 Primary Data The sources for primary data collection are as follows, Personal observation Interviews of staff Discussion with officers. 1.4.2 Secondary Data The sources for secondary data are as follow Manuals. Journals. Internship report Websites Newspapers Annual reports 1.5 SCHEME OF THE REPORT: This report has been divided into four sections, which are in the following order: 1.5.1 Section I Section I consists of chapter that includes the background of the study, purpose, scope, methodology, and scheme of the report. 1.5.2 Section II This section of the report includes an overall view of Allied Bank Limited (ABL). This section includes the banking review, development of banking in Pakistan, history of Allied bank, the mission statement, objectives and values 3 of the ABL. Organizational structure of the ABL and their various departments. 1.5.3 Section III This is analysis section of the report. This section deals with financial analysis and SWOT analysis of the ABL. This is totally based on the information gathered from annual reports. The financial progress of the ABL is assessed in this section. 1.5.4 Section IV In this section, recommendations are given keeping in view the current situation of the bank. First, the problems, which are faced by the bank, are discussed, and then recommendation have been given. 4 CHAPTER-2 REVIEW OF THE REPORT 2.1EVOLUTION OF BANKING There are various views about the origin of the word banking. This word is derived from the words’ bancus’ or’ banque’ which means a bench. Other authorities state that the word “Bank” is derived form the German word “Back” which means “Joint Stock fund” and later on due to German occupation of Italy, this word was’ italianated’ into “Bank. Authors quote Babylonians developed banking system as early as 2000 B.C. It is evident that the temples of Babylon were used as banks because of the prevalent respect and confidence in the clergy. “Banking in fact is as ancient as human society. Evaluation of banks can be associated with three classes of old times, Merchants Money Lenders Gold Smiths. 2.1.1 Merchants In ancient times, merchants were considered to be the most respectable and wealthy people. They were considered as the most trusted persons in financial matters and other dealings. These merchants used to borrow from people in the form of deposit and returned to depositor after some time with some reward known as interest. These merchants had migrated from Lombardy in Italy to England, where they started the business of lending the money on interest. They were financially very strong even the king would ask them for financial help. These merchants also helped the foreign trade, by issuing written permission, latter on developed in the form of "Bank Draft". 5 2.1.2 Money Lenders Money Lenders, were those persons who used to lend their own money in early stages, However, in later stage with the expansion of their business, they started borrowing from people having surplus money on interest and lending to needy people on higher interest, hence making their profit by this practice, Two major functions of modern banks, that is, "accepting deposits" and "advancing loan" is the modified form of the activities of old money lenders. 2.1.3 Goldsmith Long ago, when human life was not so secure, saving of money and other valuable was very risky, for an individual. Goldsmith, because of their profession, used to keep strong iron safe for keeping gold, money and other valuables for safety. Hence, the people started depositing their spare money and valuable with these goldsmith for safety. Goldsmith charged some amount for this purpose and returns the money and other valuable to their depositors when needed. They started issuing receipts against the deposits of the people. Moreover banks inherited their function of acceptance of deposits from the practice of these goldsmiths. Experience showed these goldsmiths that large sum of money is always lying idle and not all the depositors come to draw their deposits or money at the same time. They also noticed that they are requested for loan by needy people on good reward and security. It was a good idea to give money on interest which was surplus; simply they were allowing the facility of "Overdraft" as allowed by fewer bankers. But to earn more profit, every bank started issuing overdraft facilities without maintaining adequate reserve for the requirement of their depositors. This inability of different bankers resulted in the failure of many banks. 6 2.1.4 Present-day banking According to growth the present-day banker has three ancestors the merchants the gold smiths and moneylender. In short we can define bank as a financial institution, which deals with money and credit, it accepts deposits from individuals firm and companies at a lower rate of interest and gives at higher rate of interest to those who need them. 2.1.5 Banking in Pakistan Banking started in Pakistan after the bold and emergent decision of formulation of State Bank Of Pakistan on July 30, 1948. Thereafter this sector has witnessed enormous growth. In 1974 banks were nationalized, in the hope that new era of growth could be achieved through it. However the process is reverse since 1991, up till now MCB, ABL, and ABL and HBL have been privatized. 2.2 HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF ALLIED BANK 2.2.1 History Allied Bank is the first Muslim bank, to have been established on the territory that became Pakistan. Established in December 1942 as the Australasia Bank at Lahore with a paid-up share capital of Rs.0.12 million under the Chairmanship of Khawaja Bashir Bux, the Bank had attracted deposits, equivalent to Rs.0.431 million in its first eighteen months of business. Total assets then amounted to Rs.0.572 million. The Allied Bank's stories is one of dedication, commitment to professionalism, adaptation to changing environmental challenges resulting into all round growth and stability, envied and aspire 7 Later in 1973, Government of Pakistan decided to nationalize all banks of the country and in the process; three smaller banks namely Sarhad Bank, Lahore Commercial Bank and Pakistan Bank were merged with a relatively bigger and stronger Australasia Bank. A joint force with fresh zeal and enthusiasm was emerged, named as Allied Bank of Pakistan Limited. Being a National Bank, ABL kept moving forward steadily, contributing towards economic growth of country. As time passed, our nation entered into the phase of denationalization and privatization. During 1991, the Government of Pakistan decided to privatize Allied Bank of Pakistan Limited. Prime Minister Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif during his first regime handed over management of the bank to its own employees, as a unique phenomenon in the country. 2.2.2 Present status Allied Bank is now one of the largest banks in Pakistan, operating through a network of 766 branches in over 300 cities and towns offering real-time online banking. The bank has in place the largest ATM network in the country with 502 ATMs in more than 145 cities and towns across Pakistan. The number of employee of Allied Bank was up to 8,325 in 2008. At present the employees are acquiring 51% shares where as the rest of 49% are held by Federal Government. Apart from holding 49% bank’s shares, the Government has also representation of 3 Directors in the total strength of 7 member of Board of Directors of the bank who are fully and actively involved in the bank’s affairs such as policy making and other financial matters. 2.2.3 Credit rating Based on its financial performance and significant improvement in areas of risk management and corporate governance, the Pakistan Credit Rating Agency 8 (PACRA) maintained the long-term credit rating of Allied Bank to AA (doABLe A) and short-term rating to A1+ (A one plus). Also, JCR-VIS Credit Rating Company Limited had assigned a corporate governance rating of ‘CGR-8’ to the bank during the last year, which denotes ‘high level of corporate governance. 2.2.4 Auditors M. Yousuf Adil Saleem & Co. (Chartered Accountants) M. Taseer Hadi & Co. (Chartered Accountants) 2.2.5 Audit Committee The Audit Committee consists of one chairman and three members of the company 9 2.3 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Figure 2.1 CHAIRMAN CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (CEO)/PRESIDENT SENIOR EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT (SEVP) SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT (SVP) EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT (EVP) ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT (AVP) OFFICERS GROUP (OG1, OG2, OG3) SUPPORTING STAFF Source: Annual Report 2022. 10 2.4 VISION AND MISSION 2.4.1 Vision To become a dynamic and efficient bank providing integrated solutions in order to be the first choice bank for the customers. 2.42 Mission To provide value added services to our customers. To provide high tech innovative solutions to meet customers requirements. To create sustainable value through growth, efficiency and diversity for all stakeholders. To provide a challenging work environment and reward dedicated team members according to their abilities and performance. To play a proactive role in contributing towards the society. 2.5 Objective The main objective of the bank is to accept deposits and provide loans to its customers and also to be more efficient in providing services. The bank maintained its commitment to most efficient and personalized services to its customers. Allied bank gives advances to small, medium and big industries, commercial establishment, agriculture construction companies and other needy persons beside all of these objectives, profit is the primary objective of all financial organizations, and all different activities are aimed towards its achievement. 11 2.6 Core Values Integrity Excellence in service High performance Innovation and growth 2.7 Corporate profile The Board of Directors of Allied Bank is providing strategic input and guidance to the management through its various committees which include Audit Committee, Strategic Planning and Monitoring Committee, Human Capital Committee and e-Vision Committee. The Board oversight of the management ensures effective implementation of its policy directives in line with its strategic vision to promote a risk culture in the bank. The management of the bank comprises of bankers led by CEO and is divided into different groups on functional basis. 2.7.1 Management Committees At the management level, there are six major committees that are: Management Committee, Human Resource Committee, Risk Management Committee, Assets and Liabilities Committee, Compliance Committee and IT Steering Committee. 12 2.7.2 Board of Directors The board of directors consists of one chairman, five Non Executive Directors including two government nominees, one Executive Director, three Independent Directors and one Chief Executive Officer. 2.7.3 Executive Committee Executive committee consists of: Chief Executive President Executive Vice President (EVP) Senior Vice President (SVP) Vice President (VP) Assistant Vice President (AVP) 2.8 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE OF ALLIED BANK, KOHAT ROAD BRANCH Figure 2.2 Operation Manager 2.8.1 Location Allied Bank Limited, situated on the Kohat Road Peshawar. There are different branches located in Peshawar. 13 2.8.2 Number of Employees There are seven employees in this branch including (Branch Manager) (Branch Operational Manager) (G.b.o) (Tellers/ Cashiers) (Audit Officers) (Guard) 2.8.3 Assets and Liabilities Management Committee (ALCO) To provide a wide array of investment products, Allied Bank launched its asset management company, ABL Asset Management Company Limited, with a paid up capital of Rs.500 million. The company was incorporated in October 2021 and also received its license for Asset Management and Financial Advisory. The company launched its mutual fund in 2022 . ABL AMC expanded its product suite by launching a stock fund in June 2022. The company also has an income fund, launched in September 2022 . ABL AMC has surpassed many old players in the market by growing its fund size to over Rs.9 Billion in a relatively shorter operational period. The recent economic trends suggest the possibility of a modest recovery during 2022. The major impetus for growth is expected to come from the services sector, while LSM has also lately shown signs of recovery. The positive improvement in macroeconomic indicators, mainly inflation and contraction in external imbalances bodes well for the revival of economic 14 activity. However, risks to these improvements remains as inflationary pressures have not completely abated, the commodity prices may spur again to unmanageable levels and foreign inflows may not materialize on time. Meanwhile, the severe energy shortages and the sensitive security situation remain a major threat to the potential output of the economy. The continuing pressure in the operation environment suggests that the challenges for the banking sector would persist in 2022. Your Bank, while remaining prudent under the circumstances would continue to emphasize on improving cost effective deposit mix, building risk weighted assets by ensuring quality and optimizing costs to pursue the strategy of maintaining steady growth. 2.8.4 Risk Management committee: The management remained committed to instill a strong risk culture and control environment across the Bank. A number of initiatives have been taken during the year to strengthen the overall risk management function. Those encompass development of policies and procedural covering various risk areas including market risk management, asset liability management, and operational risk management. The deployment of a suite of risk management solutions from one of the leading global firms is in process. Given the difficult credit environment, much emphasis is being placed on upgrading the credit risk assessment and monitoring process. The Bank is currently in the process of developing Loan Origination System for corporate banking relationships, which would automate the credit origination and approval process with an embedded obligor risk rating engine. The Bank has appointed a consultant to assist in implementation of Operational Risk Framework. Various policies and procedures with respect to the framework are under approval process. 15 2.8.5 Human Resource: The Bank remained active in its efforts to attract the best of the industry talent by offering market based compensation and develop the skill set of existing personnel. As part of the strategy to mix youth with experience, and to improve the culture of the Bank, the management adopted the policy of inducting fresh MBA/M.Com from business schools of repute as Management Trainee Officers (MTOs). The selection criterion is purely based on meritocracy with equal opportunity for all. The candidates passing a written test prepared by Institute of Bankers are called for interviews. The selected young men and women are trained and inducted into various functions of the Bank. During the last two years around 800 MTOs in two separate batches have been hired, while the hiring of another batch of around 250 MTOs is in process. The Management Development Centers (MDCs) have been set up, and various training courses have been arranged in these MDCs where around 5,000 employees participated in these courses as part of career planning and development policy. The Bank has also nominated 1,100 employees on various courses held within Pakistan and 76 of employees were sent abroad to attend the courses and seminars during 2021. The Bank, during the year under review, has incurred Rs.57.8 million on training of employees as compared to Rs.58.4million spent in the previous year. To promote employee engagement and satisfaction, a performance evaluation system is in place whereby ‘pay to performance criteria’ inculcates the motivation amongst the employees to achieve the goals/targets set for them. 16 CHAPTER – 3 WHAT I HAVE LEARNED During my internship at ABL, I worked in different departments, and I successfully completed all tasks and duties that were assigned to me. This is one of ideal branches of ABL in Peshawar, working there for the customers for almost one year, the duties which I performed and experiences that I gained during each task of the day and explained below. Basically during the first two weeks I got used to the environments and was introduced to the bank staff, till that point I was not assigned any task and once I got familiar then I was given a green signal to work in different department from week to week basis, as explained below in brief starting from 1st week. My 1st & 2nd Week at Clearing Department The branch manager was very cooperative with me during my internship period. First of all he referred me to Clearing Department. First of all the concerned officer told me to observe the bank environment that what is happening in bank for at least two or three days. After two days of observing bank environment he started taking working from me. He was the man to get me familiar with clearing cheques, filling out credit & debit vouchers and stamping the cheques. There are different kinds of stamps for clearing the cheques like Bank Cross Stamp, Clearing Stamp for next day date for example if cheque come to bank for transfer money to another account that will be clear on next day not on the same day because sometimes there will be no balance or insufficient balance in respective cheque holder account. I spent my whole first two weeks in this department and learn lots of work regarding clearance of cheques and making credit debit vouchers. 17 My 3rd week I came in contact with the officer who made me familiar with how to do online transfer the money from one account to another city ABL branch account. I learnt that there are several rules and limits of transferring cash from one account to another account. Whenever client wants to credit or debit his own account he can only debit & credit his account up to certain limited or maximum amount. And whenever one client wants to transfer cash to another client account then there will be no limit of transfer. There are different kinds of problems associated with online transferring cash like sometimes the links of different cities branches got down then it will be not possible to transfer cash from one account to another account. He also got me familiar with how to handle Locker what are the procedures to give locker to customers. My 4th week at Remittance Department At the start of 4th week, I was promoted to another department that is Remittance department that is mainly controlled by the junior remittance officer. The Remittance Department primarily deals in Demand Drafts (D.D.), pay order, banker cheques and fund transfer. From him I learned how to make SC (Short Credit), and LSC (Local Short Credit) that includes handling cheques that belong to the local branches of our bank (ABL) and all other banks as well. Cheque is presented at counter with credit voucher. It is then properly stamped and logged in the clearing register. At the end of the week I was also given idea about a lot of DDs, Pay Orders and Fund Transfers etc. 5th week Accounts opening Depart After spending week 4th in Remittances Department, I was sent to officer grade III, and the opening officer. He guided me throughout all process of how to open a Current, Saving and profit and loss account. When a customer wants to open an account first of all bank will ask for his national identity card (NIC) photocopy then bank will send that copy to NADRA officer for verification. After verification of NIC, attestation of CNIC copy, proof of income, National Tax Number certificate and 18 Company Documents are required. The account-opening officer was extremely cooperative as he always gave me much more time than needed to get familiar me with account opening department. 6th & 7th Week At the time of these weeks, I met with another two officers, who were responsible for making government pension disbursement and advancing agricultural loans respectively. Both were very cooperative with me they familiar me with the procedure of the government pension disbursement. And I used to assist them during their responsibilities. At this point of time I was also given the task of making pension scrolls either manually of by computer. Form those officer, I came to know that agricultural credit could be given in the form of farm credit and production loan. Farm credit is provided on medium basis for Land improvements and purchase of machinery such as tractors etc. Farm credit can be renewed for 1 month from 3 months. On the other hand Production loans are short term in nature such as to have seeds, fertilizers and sprayers, etc. 8th Week During my last week of internship I spent it with the head of Cash Department and guided me throughout his job responsibilities that what are the task that he has to perform in his department. I observed those tasks that are associated with this department. This department deals in all kind of transactions in which there is involvement of money. The payment and receiving of money is subject to the banks rules and regulations, without which it's not possible. The record of money paid to the customers is made manually. This department has to receive or pay money through the cash receipts with the customers. 19 Last Day of Internship This excellent experience finally came to as end when my internship time period ended. I was waiting very anxiously to get the certificate/letter from ABL. I went to the Operation Manager and offered him appreciation and thanks, there I informed him that I was done with the internship program and he provided me with the certificate/letter from ABL for my services as their internee. I thanked all the employees associated with me in this excellent ended my internship. 20 CHAPTER 4 ANALYSIS FINANCIAL ANALYSIS: Financial analysis refers to an assessment of the viability, stability and profitability of a business. Financial analysis is an evaluation of a firm’s past financial performance and its prospects for the future. The main purpose of financial analysis is to give a clear picture of the financial position by studying the relationship and comparisons between the items in the financial statement. Financial statements report both on a firms position at a point in time and on its operations over some past period. However, the real values of financial statements lie in the fact that they can be used to predict future earning, dividends and cash flows. From investor’s point of view, predicting the future is what financial statement analysis is all about, while from management stand point, financial statement analysis is useful both to help anticipate future conditions and more important, as a starting point for planning actions that will improve the firm’s future performance. The various stakeholders of business are interested in the analysis of financial statement. But the focus of interest of all is not the same. For example, creditors and credit reporting agencies are interested in finding out the credit worthiness of the firm to which they have extended credit or intend to extend credit. Short term creditors are interested in the short term liquidity of the business and long run creditors are interested in long run cash flow which the firm can generate over the long period of time. Investors are interested in the firm’s ability to sustain profitability over a period of time. Government agencies analyze financial data for tax purposes. The internal users of financial statement like management like planning and control. 21 It consists of applying analytical tools and financial ratios to obtain useful information. Financial ratios are designed to help evaluate financial statements. The interested parties need to interpret this information about performance of the company through the use of financial ratios and tools. Keeping in view its importance the financial analysis are made by using the Balance Sheet and Income Statement of the bank for the years 2020 , 2021 and 2022 and than calculated the ratios to find out the financial health of the bank and also have done the common size analysis of the balance sheet and the income statement. 4.1 COMMON SIZE ANALYSIS; Common size analysis is an analysis of financial statements where all balance sheet items are divided by total assets and all income statement items are divided by net sales or revenues. Common size analysis can be extremely helpful to highlight changes. But the common size analysis don’t show the change in amount of a particular balance sheet item and income statement item, it only show changes relative to asset or\and net 4.1.1Common size analysis of balance sheet: The following table shows the common size analysis of balance sheet of ABL for year 2020 , 2021 and 2022 22 Table 4.1 Common size analysis of Balance sheet Rupees in (000) common size (%) Assets 2020 Cash and balances with treasury banks 30408 Lending the financial 18419 institution 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 25751 27716 9.5% 7.0% 6.6% 15793 28123 5.8% 4.3% 6.75 Investment 84151 84602 96975 26.2% 22.4% 22.7% Advances Operating Fixed Assets Others Assets 178524 223640 249887 52.6% 58.1% 56.7% 7549 11134 12447 2.4% 3.0% 3.0% 11368 18399 17955 3.5% 5.0% 4.3% 32022 0 366696 418374 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 297475 328875 82.3% 81.1% 78.6% 27778 39819 7.2% 7.6% 9.5% 2952 3162 1.1% 0.8% 0.8% 13636 11061 2.3% 3.7% 2.6% 2498 5497 0.8% 0.7% 1.3% 344340 388414 93.7% 93.9% 92.8% Total assets Liabilities Customer deposits 263972 Inter bank borrowings 22934 Bills payable 3494 Other liabilities 7332 sub- ordinate loans 2499 Total liabilities 300231 Equities Share capital 5386 6464 7110 1.7% 1.8% 1.7% Reserves Unappropriate profit\ loss 2632 3463 4888 1.9% 1.6% 1.6% 6971 8537 12198 2.2% 2.3% 2.9% 23 Equity-tier 1 18408 Surplus on revaluation of assets 1470 20805 25891 5.8% 5.7% 6.2% 1550 4069 0.5% 0.4% 1.0% Total equity 22356 29960 6.3% 6.1% 7.2% 19878 Source: Annual report 2022 Interpretation: The common size analysis of balance sheet indicates that the value of current assets decline during the current period 2020 , 2021 and 2022 . The lending to financial institution is however, shows the modest increase i-e 6.75% in 2022 from 4.3% of 2021 . The investment declines to 22.7% in 2022 as compare to 26% of 2020 . The decline trend is also observed in the case of advances in 2021 the advances are 58.1% which decreases to 56.7% in 2022 . Customer’s deposit during the period under the analysis has also shown a declining trend and constitutes only 78% of total Assets in 2022 . Considering the liabilities and equities portion of the Balance sheet, the debt of the company has shown the constant trend over a span of three years. The liability of the bank in 2020 is 93.7%, in 2021 is 93.95% and in 2022 it is 92.8%, there shows a slight difference, while the equities of the firm is 6.3% in 2020 , 6.1% in 2021 and 7.2% in 2022 . The shareholder’s equity of the firm has however, shown an increasing trend and went up to 2.9 billion in 2022 as compare to 2.2 billion in 2020 . In 2022 7.2% of net assets is represented by share holders equity. 4.1.2 Common size analysis of income statement: The following table shows the common size analysis of income statement of ABL for the year 2020 , 2021 and 2022 24 Table 4.2 Common size analysis of income statement: Rupees in (000) 2020 2021 common size (%) 2022 2020 2021 2022 30.571 41122 84.4% 86.2% 87.3% 3266 3470 9.0% 9.2% 7.4% 1571 2452 6.3% 4.4% 5.2% 59 36 0.3% 0,2% 0.1% 5958 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 17273 22422 40.2% 48.7% 47.6% 8431 9609 24.7% 24.0% 20.6% 9764 15049 11.4% 10.0% 9.4% (1964) (3414) 7.5% 5.6% 7.3% 6121 10536 88.8% 88.3% 84.9% 4157 7122 16.2% 11.7% 15.1% Interest\return\ non interest earned Markup\return\interest earned 21.201 Fee, commission or brokerage and exchange income 2258 Capital gain and dividend income 1585 Other income 77 Total 3920 4897 Interest\return\ non interest expense Markup\return\non interest expense 10093 Operating expenses 6174 Profit before provision 8855 Taxation (1877) Total expenses(%) of total income 5953 Profit\loss after taxation 4076 Source: Annual report 2022 25 Interpretation: The common size analysis of the income statement indicates that the mark up or interest earned during 2022 is 87.3% which is greater as compare to 84.4% in 2020 . However non-interest expense of the income also increased during the period from 40.2% of 2007 to 47.6% of 2022 . The operating expenses of the firm also decline showing the efficient management of Allied Bank in controlling cost. Looking at the taxation values for the period under analysis a mix trend is observed, taxation was 7.5% in 2020 which decline to 5.6% in 2021 . However, the taxation increases to 7.3% in 2022 . Due to increase in mark-up or interest earned and decline in operating expenses and taxation the net profit of the firm during 2022 increase to 15.1% from 11.7% of 2022 . 4.2 HORIZONTAL ANALYSIS: A procedure is fundamental analysis in which an analyst compares ratio or line items in a company’s financial statements over a certain period of time. The analyst will use his or her discretion when choosing a particular time line. However, the decision is often based on the investing time horizon under consideration. For example, when you hear some one says that revenue increased by 10% in the past quarter, that person is using horizontal analysis. Horizontal analysis can be used on any item in a company’s financials (from revenue to earning per share), and is useful when comparing the performance of various companies. 4.2.1Horizontal analysis of balance sheet: The following table shows the horizontal analysis of the balance sheet of 2020, 2021 and 2022 . 26 Table 4.3 shows the horizontal analysis of Balance sheet Rupees in (000) Assets Cash and balances with treasury banks Lending the financial institution Investment Advances Operating Fixed Assets Others Assets Total assets Liabilities Customer deposits Inter bank borrowings Bills payable Other liabilities sub- ordinate loans Total liabilities Equities Share capital Reserves Un-appropriate profit\ loss Equity-tier 1 Surplus on revaluation of assets Total equity %ages 2020 2021 2022 Horizontal analysis 2020 vs. 2021 2021 vs. 2022 30408 18419 25751 15793 27716 28123 -15.30 -14.25 7.63 78.07 84151 178524 7549 11368 32022 0 84602 223640 11134 18399 366696 96975 249887 12447 17955 418374 0.535 25.27 47.48 61.84 14.55 78.34 11.73 11.79 -2.41 14.09 263972 22934 3494 7332 2499 300231 297475 27778 2952 13636 2498 344340 328875 39819 3162 11061 5497 388414 12.69 21.12 21.12 85.97 -0.040 14.69 10.55 43.34 7.11 -18.88 120 12.79 5386 2632 6971 18408 1470 6464 3463 8537 20805 1550 7110 4888 12198 25891 4069 20.01 31.57 22.46 13.02 5.44 9.99 41.19 42.88 24.44 162.5 19878 22356 29960 12.46 34.01 Source: Annual report 2022 Interpretation: The horizontal analysis of the balance sheet for the year 2020 ,2021 and 2022 .showed that the total assets of the bank remains quite stable during both trends i-e from 2020 to 2021 and 2021 to 2022 .deposits showed a modest growth rate of 10.55%.lending to financial institutions showed drastic increases during the year 2022 that is 78.07%.the inter bank borrowing has risen from 21.12% to 43.34%,decreasing the advances from 25.27% to 11.73%.a slow down in 27 advances is due to high interest rate in economy as a cost of borrowing money has rapidly risen up in the light of tight monetary policy. total debt showed the decreasing trend from 14.69% to 12.79%.shareholders equity also shoed an increasing trend from 12,46% to 34.01% 4.2.2 Horizontal Analysis of Income Statement: The following table shows the horizontal analysis of the income statement of the year 2020 , 2021 and 2022 . Table 4.4 shows the horizontal analysis of income statement Rupees in (000) %ages 2021 2022 Trend analysis 2020 vs. 2021 2021 vs. 2022 2020 Interest\return\ non interest earned Mark-up\return\interest earned Fee, commission or brokerage and exchange income Capital gain and dividend income Other income 21201 30571 41122 44.19 34.01 2258 3266 3470 44.64 6.24 1585 1571 2452 -0.88 56.07 77 59 36 -23.37 -38.98 Total 3920 4897 5958 24.92 21.66 Mark-up\return\non interest 10093 expense Operating expenses 6174 17273 22422 71.13 29.8 8431 9609 36.55 13.97 Profit before provision 8855 9764 15049 10.26 54.12 Taxation (1877) (1964) (3414) 4.63 73.82 6121 10536 2.822 72.12 1.98 71.32 Interest\return\ non interest expense Total expenses-percentage 5953 of total income Profit\loss after Taxation 4076 Source: Annual report 2022 4157 7122 28 Interpretation: The horizontal analysis of income statement indicates that the bank has shown a rapid increases in all segments during 2022 .allies bank declared profit after tax of Rs.71.3%.profit has declared due to good performance of earning assets(advances ,investments and lending to financial institutions).this increases in profit is due to low operating expenses and interest expense. The bank net interest income and non-interest income showed a stable growth during both the trend. So overall the bank has witnessed the increase in profit. 4.3 Financial Ratio analysis: Financial ratios are used to weight and evaluate the operating performance of the firm. Financial ratios may be used to compare: One ratio to a related ratio The firm’s performance to management’s goal The firm’s past and present performance The firm’s performance to similar firm These ratios are helpful to both internal and external users. Internal user such as management also employs financial analysis for the purpose of internal control and to better look over the financial performance of the organization. As from external point of view creditors and investors have keen interest in financial ratios. 4.3.1Liquidity analysis: Liquidity ratio indicates how quickly and easily a company can obtain cash for its need. These ratios measure the short-term solvency of the firm. These ratios are special interest to short-term creditors. Two commonly used liquidity ratios are current ratio and quick ratio. 29 Current ratio: The current ratio compares assets of the firm (cash and other assets that can be easily converted to cash) to all the company’s current liabilities (liabilities that must be paid with cash soon). The higher the ratio, the greater is company’s ability to meet its short-term obligation as they come due. Current ratio is calculated by dividing current Assets by current liabilities. Current ratio=current Assets\ current liabilities The following table shows the current ratio of ABL for the last three years. Current ratio of ABL overtime Table 4.4 2020 2021 2022 Current assets 311502 349786 402701 Current 290400 328205 371856 1.07 1.06 1.08 liabilities Current ratios Source: Annual report 2022 Interpretation: Current ratio for year 2020 is 1.07 indicates that company has 1.07 in current assets to cover RS.1.00 in Current liabilities. Current ratio for year 2021 is 1.06 indicates that company has RS1.06 tin current assets to cover RS.1.00 in current liabilities’ 30 Current ratio for year 2022 is 1.08 in current Assets to cover RS.1.00 in current liabilities. The ABL current ratio shows up-ward trend in 2022 than decline in 2021 and again moves up-ward in 2022 . There is a slight difference among the three ratios. Higher the current ratio, higher is the ability of the bank to meet its short-term obligations as they become due. This in turn decreases the risk of short-term insolvency due to instability of meeting with small amount of current assets to short term obligation as they become due. 4.3.2 Activity Ratio: Activity ratio also known as efficiency or turn over ratio measures how effectively the firm is using its assets. Every business faces fundamental decisions about how much to invest in assets such as receivables inventories and fixed assets ant then it has the responsibility of using these assets effectively. To measure this efficiency, the following ratios are used. Turnover Ratio: The advance turnover ratio provides insight into the quality of the bank, advances how successful the bank is in its collection and interest earned. This ratio is calculated by dividing net advances by mark up earned. Advances turn over ratio = markup earned / net advances The advances turn over in days can also be calculated by dividing advance turn over ratio by the days in year (365). 31 Formula: Advances turn over in days = 365 / ATR Table 4.6 2020 2021 2022 Markup earned 21201 30571 41122 Net assets 178524 223640 249887 over ratio 0.11 0.13 0.16 In % 11.87% 13.6% 16.4% 3031 Days 2633 Days 2188 Days Advance turn Advance turn over days Source: Annual report 2022 The advance turn over ratio shows an upward trend, which show that the credit department of the firm is efficient in collecting advances. In 2020 the advance turn over ratio is 0.11, it increases in 2021 up to 0.13 and in 009 it again increases to 0.16. The calculation shows the length of time of Allied bank to collect advances. the credit department was efficient in colleting advances for 2022 is 2188days as compared for 2020 in 3031 days. Total Asset Turnover: This shows revenue generated per rupee, investment in total assets. This ratio is calculated by dividing total revenue / sales by total assets. 32 Formula: Assets turn over ratio = Mark up earned / total assets. Table 4.7 2020 2021 2022 Markup earned 21230 30571 41122 Total assets 32022 0 366696 418374 0.0833 0.098 Asset turner ratio 0.066 Source: Annual report 2022 Total asset turnover value for year 2022 is 9.8% which is greater as compared to asset turn over for the year 2021 is 8.3% and for the year 2020 is 6.6%. This higher turnover shows the shorter time in assets ability to generate revenue. This shows that the efficiency of the firm is improving. 4.3.3 Leverage Ratio: Leverage ratio means how much a company owes to others. The financial analyst uses debt ratio to assess the relative size of a firm’s debt, loan and the firm’s ability to pay off the debts. Leverage ratio measures the amount of financial leverage. As debt is a major source of financing and banking industry typically uses the highest percentage of debts. Debt financing provides the significant tax advantage and its transaction costs are lower than that of equity. 33 Commonly used leverage ratios are debt ratio, debt to equity ratio and equity multiplier. Debt to the total asset ratio: The debt to total asset ratio measure the percentage of the firm’s assets that are financed with debt. Creditor of the company would generally like this ratio to be low. Dividing a firm’s total debt by its total assets derives the desired ratio. Formula: Debt to the total asset ratio = total debt / total assets. Table 4.8 2020 2021 2022 Total debt 300231 344340 388414 Total asset 32022 0 366696 418374 Debt ratio 0.937 0.939 0.928 Source: Annual report 2022 Interpretation: The above table shows that almost 93% of ABL assets are financed by debt. In other words, the claim of share holders over the bank assets is below 7%. High debt ratio result in saving taxes and creating leverage effect due to which a little change in revenue brings more than proportionate change in net income. These decline values of debt ratio may indicate that the company stock holders probably would not want to take a risk of debt. And want to protect the stockholders from unfavorable effects of leverage. 34 Debt to equity ratio: Debt to equity ratio is computed by simply dividing the total debt of firm (including current liabilities) by its stock holder’s equity. Formula: Debt to equity ratio = total debt / share holders equity Table 4.9 2020 2021 2022 Total debt 300231 344340 388414 Share holders 18408 20805 25891 16.3 16.5 15.00 equity Debt to equity ratio Source: Annual report 2022 Debt to equity ratio of 16.5 for year 2021 and 15.00 for 2022 indicates the owners equity in relation to total claim on business by all type of creditors. The value shows that allied bank is making little use of debt and has its high ratio of tangible net worth provides large cushion for creditors in wake of loss. This shows that the debt acquired for boosting up bank’s performance has decreased with a reasonable change in equity of the bank. 35 Equity ratio: Equity ratio tells us about the shareholders percentage in the total assets of any firm. The equity ratio is obtained by dividing shareholders equity by the total asset. Equity ratio = shareholders equity/total assets Table 4.10 2020 Shareholders 2021 2022 18408 20805 25891 Total assets 32022 0 366696 418374 Equity ratio 0.057 0.056 0.061 equity Source: Annual report 2022 Interpretation: The above table shows a slight increase in the year 2022 as the total assets of the bank increase, there was a proportionate increase in the shareholder’s equity as well, which indicates shareholders interest. This increase has been due to increase in capital reserves and tight control over the accumulated loss and other reserves as compare to the previous year. Equity Multiplier: The equity multiplier is yet another measure of financial leverage. The equity multiplier is obtained by dividing the total assets of the bank by the shareholders equity of the bank. 36 Equity multiplier=total assets / shareholders equity Table 4.11 2020 2021 2022 Total assets 32022 0 366696 418374 Shareholders 18408 20805 25891 17.62 16.15 equity Equity multiplier 17.3 Source: Annual report 2022 ABL Equity Multiplier shows the decreasing trend as it drops from 17.3 in 2020 to 16.15 in 2022 . 4.3.4 Profitability ratios: Profitability ratios measures how much company revenue is eaten up by expenses, how much a company earns relative to sales generated, and amount earned relative to the value of the firm’s assets and equity. Two kinds of profitability of profitability ratios are commonly used; profit margins, which measures performance in relation to sales, and return ratios that measures the performance relative to some measure of the size of the investment. 4.3.5 Profit margin ratio: Under this heading, two commonly used ratios are gross profit margin and net profit margin ratios. These are now discussed in detail. 37 profit margin: Gross profit is the difference between revenues and cost of goods or services sold. Gross profit is a critical because it represents the amount of money remaining to pay the operating expenses, financing cost, taxes and to pay for profit. Gross profit margin is the amount of each sale rupee left over after paying the cost of goods or services sold. It is calculated as follows: Gross profit margin= gross profit/ revenues *100 Table 4.12 2020 2021 2022 Gross profit 11108 13298 18700 Revenues 21201 30571 41122 43% 45% Gross profit 52.3% margin Source: Annual report 2022 Interpretation; ABL gross profit margin shows the decreasing trend from 2020 to 2021 i-e from 52% decreases up to 43%, while in 2022 an increase in profit margin takes places up to 45%. This shows that the ABL gross profit rate reasonably unstable during the three years and also shows the instability in consumer demand for the bank services. Thus the inefficiency of the bank’s in controlling cost of sales (mark-up expense). 38 Net profit margin: The net profit margin measures the profit that is available from each rupee of sales after all expenses have been paid, including cost of sales, selling, general and administration expenses, depreciation, interest and taxes. The ratio calculated as follow Net profit margin=net profit after taxes/revenues*100 Table 4.13 2020 2021 2022 Net income 4976 4157 7122 Revenues 21201 30571 41122 profit 19.2% 13.5% 17.3% Net margin Source: Annual report 2022 Net profit margin of ABL has also improved over time and is showing a rising trend in 2022 which is 17.3%. In 2021 NPM is 13.5% which decreases as compare to NPM of 2020 is 19.2%. This increase in profit margin is due to reduction in interest or tax expenses. However the percentage change in the gross profit margin is more than the percentage change in net profit margin after taking in to account cost of sales, Administration expenses, interest expense and taxes. 39 Operating Profit Margin; The operating profit margin ratio measures the cost of good sold, as reflected in the gross profit margin ratio, as well as all the operating expenses. This ratio is calculated by dividing earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT or operating income) by sales\ revenue. Operating profit margin = earning before interest and taxes/revenue earned*100 Table 4.14 2020 2021 2022 EBIT 15029 18195 24658 Revenues 21201 30571 41122 70.88% 59.51% 59.96% Operating profit margin Source: Annual report 2022 The operating profit margin of ABL has shown a decreasing trend over the period of time. The highest percentage was recorded in year 2020 is 70.88% while it went on decreasing for the year 2021 and 2022 up to 59.51% and 59.96% respectively. 4.3.6 Return ratio: Unlike profit margins, return ratios express profitability in relation to various measures of the investment in the company. Two ratios are commonly used: Return on asset 40 Return on equity. on Assets: Return on assets, also called return on investment (ROI), measures how much income each rupee of assets produces on average. It shows whether the business is investing in its assets effectively. The ROI ratio is calculated by dividing net income by the total assets of the firm. Return on investment = net profit after taxes/ total assets*100 Table 4.15 2020 2021 2022 Net income 4076 4157 7122 Total Assets 32022 0 366696 418374 ROI 1.27% 1.13% 1.702% Source: Annual report 2022; The table shows that ROI of ABL has shown improvement over a period of 3 years. The return on assets shows that company has earned high return in year 2022 is 1.702% as compare to year 2021 and 2020 . This shows that business of Allied bank is well managed and has bright future prospects. Return on equity: The return on equity (ROE) ratio measures the average return on the firm’s capital contribution from its owners. It indicates how many rupee of income was produced for each rupee invested by the stockholders. 41 Return on equity =net profit after taxes/stock holder’s equity*100 Table 4.16 2020 2021 2022 Net income 4076 4157 7122 Stockholders 18408 20805 25891 22% 20% 27% equity Return on equity Source: Annual report 2022 This ratio shows that rate of return earned by company in year 2022 is high. As bank has earned return of 27% on investment during year 2022 which is greater than return earned on equity during year 2021 i-e 20% 42 4.4 SWOT Analysis: SWOT is the abbreviation of four words that are “S” stands for strength “W” stand for weaknesses “O” stands for opportunities and “T” stands for threats. Strength and weaknesses are the internal factors of the organization and these are also known as the micro factors but the opportunities and threats are the external factors and these are known as the macro factors. Micro factors are the controllable factors but the macro factors are uncontrollable. The easiest way to know about any organization is the SWOT analysis. So to reveal the hidden factors I did a SWOT analysis of the Allied bank. It is not the SWOT analysis of ABL as a whole but only of the branch where I worked. Many aspects are same almost in every branch of the Allied bank. 4.4.1 Strengths Allied bank has maximum number of branches in all over Pakistan. It has more than 735 branches connected to each other through an online network. The online banking feature provides less chances of fraud because whenever some transactions take place, they can be checked any time and their receipts are given to the customers. The facility of online banking allows a customer to send or deposit money through cash or a check to an account of any other branch of ABL. It also gives the facility of balance inquiry and cash with drawl from a certain account of any other branch of ABL through check. Allied bank is the only bank that provides the lockers facility to their customers at all of their branches. 43 The bank provides the foreign exchange facilities including foreign currency accounts, L/C and other export/import facilities. The customers get the facility of money exchange on the current rates which are provided by the head office daily. The customer care center of Allied Bank provides toll free numbers on which customers can dial without paying anything to get support on the spot. At Allied bank the customers having more than one account can have the facility of the same account number only the suffix is changed. This facility provides the customer with easy remembering of the account number. Allied bank offers loans to its customers on very low rates. This thing invites the customers to do a business with ABL. Cameras are installed in all the branches of the bank to ensure security. Also security guards are available through out the day. The performance appraisal is done on quarterly basis in this organization, which results in its better performance. The bank also conducts seminars on certain topics like how to improve their service quality and the concerned person from almost every branch of the region attends these seminars sharing their knowledge and experience with each other. Staff of the bank is qualified and experienced. The bank officials have got advance knowledge and experience in the fields of management, banking law and practice. 44 The relationship of the manager and the other staff of the organization are really good with the customers, which results in good will and loyalty of the customers towards the organization. For employees the relaxation is that the employees may get the 36 medical leaves and 1-month vacation in one year with their pay in case of some emergency. 4.4.2 Weaknesses The decision making in the bank is completely centralized. The manager has no power to take decisions by himself in some important aspects like the extent of credit to customers. This takes a lot of time for processing and causes a delay for the customer. Secondly, lack of computerized systems in the branch is another major weakness in the bank. The MIS system is operated at the regional level but not at the branch level. 4.4.3 Opportunities Allied Bank is still working in the corporate sector and its missing a big market share of consumer banking. If it enters this market than this bank can become the biggest and the most efficient bank of Pakistan. Due to the increase of interest of people in business field, many business institutions have been established, which produces a lot of qualified and competent business professionals. So, the bank can hire more qualified people from market. The policies of the new government to uplift the economy and pursue financial sector reforms are expected to yield positive result in the 45 banking industry of the country. The ABL is very well praised to avail promising opportunities. As a result of the different steps taken by the government regarding the betterment of the economy small barrowers are attracted to get the financing and start small business. So the ABL has an opportunity to attract the customers by giving them attractive schemes. 4.4.4 Threats The main competitors in the banking sector are the Bank-Alfalah, Faysal Bank, Muslim Commercial Bank and Meezan bank etc. Due to the tough competition the bank is forced to lower its rates and other services at minimized cost. This reduces the profit margin which is a big hurdle in the way of innovation and extended customer services. The Tax charged on the income of banking companies is much higher than on the income of other companies causing threat to the bank. The Govt. revises the tax policies on continuous basis, which often are not in the interest of the industry including the banking sector. Political conditions in Pakistan have been unstable since a very long period. Continuous changes of regimes and military intervention in the political affairs are great threat towards the healthy growth of the industry as a whole. The other organizations of similar nature are offering more salaries and benefit packages to their employees. So, there is a threat to the organization that their current employees may leave it. 46 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS CONCLUSION During the last 50 years modern banking has emerged as a major business, banking has become a profession which everyone is proud to join. Allied Bank Limited has started it business on a very small scale but now it is one of the leading operating in Pakistan as well as aboard. It is providing good quality services to its customers.. throughout their business with ABL it has launched many schemes for its customers and its also providing them general utility service. ABL has improved a lot since its beginning it has expected it branch networked and its generating more and more business, people are satisfied with its services, yet there is always a room for improvement. From the above report it is clear that ABL has made tremendous improvement in its business, it has attracted large number of customers and its providing them with good quality services but yet it can make improvement by the considering the above mentioned recommendation and by acting on the Action plan, by doing so they will have good business and more and more people will be attracted towards it. So far the bank is doing well but it needs to control its expenditures as far as possible, as it is said there is always a room for improvement. 47 RECOMMENDTION Consumer banking is the area bank is not dealing with and having a lot of opportunities for the bank. So it will be beneficial for the bank if it start dealing in auto loans, housing finance or any other consumer requirement. Financing facilities in the bank are favorably given to those having huge bank balances whereas others having small accounts, who are in a real need are ignored. So financial facilities should be provided to those having small bank balances as well. Short term lending of the bank has decreased in 2022 because the balance of the bank with other banks has increased to a great extent. It should be at least maintained so that the bank will be able to generate profit in short period of time. The net interest income of the bank is low because of increased expenses and as a result profit is also low. These expenses should be minimized and managed efficiently to generate more profits for the bank. Management information system is operated only at the regional level. Bank should start its computerized system at the branch level as well to increase its accuracy and processing and to keep its own data up to the mark. As the business is expected to grow in the future so the bank needs to expand its space to accommodate additional customers. Further, customers, waiting for their turns, should be provided with proper seating arrangements and proper parking facility for staff and customers should be provided. 48 Employees should be given on job training, refresher courses and workshops, to get the required knowledge. All staff member should be given training according to their respective department. The manager of the branch should delegated with some powers regarding the credit extending facilities to save the time of customers and to entertain more customers at the same time. As a bank fallows the very lengthy procedure for sanctioning the credit proposal, especially, head office takes a lot of time for the approval of proposal. This delay causes dissatisfaction among clients. In order to remove all these difficulties the bank should adopt the flexible way of acceptance and provide timely services to their customers. The bank officially should take extreme care to analyze the financial statements of the borrowers. The bank some times does not use audited financial statements, as they do not contain reliable data. Therefore bank should ensure that audited financial statements are used and credit extension is made to financially strong institution. For the motivation and enhancing the efficiency of the bank employees, the bank should give performance based pay to their employees. The bank should set performance target for the credit department and on achievements employees should be awarded for their performance. It will serve a direct incentive for staff to achieve targets particularly, which encompasses the area of customers care. The management should clearly discuss plans/ strategies and once adopted the plans/strategies should be clear to all levels of management in the bank, as this improves the implementation of plans/strategies 49 REFERENCES: David, R.F. (1998). 7th Edition strategic management: Concept and Cases. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc. Emery, D.R. J.D. Stowe. (1998) Principles of financial management. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. Griffin R.W (1997) Management. Delhi: A.I.T.B.S. PABLishers and Distributors. Nasir, M.S. Money Banking and Finance, Kitab Markaz: Faislabad. Robert, F.M, JR. Williams, S.F. Haka, and M.S Bettner.(1999). 11th Edition, Accounting; The Basis for Business Decisions. New York: Irwin McGrawHill Samuel, C.C. (1989). 4th Edition, Principles of Modern Management. Massachusetts: Sayers, R.S. Modern Banking. Oxford: The Clarendon Press.. Van Horne, J.C, and J.M. Wachowicz. 10th Edition. (1998). Fundamentals of Financial M S. Kevin Professor of Commerce University of Kerala, Trivandrum: Portfolio Management. 50