THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD Lesson 1 : Globalization Introduction The Nature of Globalization According to Alec Mac Gillivray (2006), “the planet we live is now an incredible shrinking planet”. Geographically speaking, the spaces that separate countries are now no longer considered a complication or an issue because of the advance technology and communication invented such as the Internet, where you can now share information with everybody whenever and wherever you want throughout the world. The successful exchange of information without barriers therefore makes our world borderless. Learning Objectives 1. Be able to define globalization. 2. Identify the forms of globalization. 3. Understand the benefits and effects of globalization. Course Materials (Suggested) ✓ Watch the Globalization I – The Upside : Crash Course World History #41 on YouTube ✓ Watch the Globalization II – Good or Bad? : Crash Course World History #42 on YouTube ✓ Read the short article of the National Geographic Society “Globalization” on Google o An excerpt : Globalization is a term used to describe how trade and technology have made the world into a more connected and interdependent place. Globalization also captures in its scope the economic and social changes that have come about as a result. It may be pictured as the threads of an immense spider web formed over millennia, with the number and reach of these threads increasing over time. People, money, material goods, ideas, and even disease and devastation have travelled these silken strands, and have done so in greater numbers and with greater speed than ever in the present age. 1 1 National Geographic, “Globalization”., Available on 0|ROLANDO HERRERO, CSSD THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD Activities • Name a few products that are produced by multi-nationals. Do you think that those products influence your lifestyle? In what way? • What is your reflection on globalization? • Do you expect that globalization is beneficial to your life and society? Content The advances in technology made the growth of transport and communication possible. This means that people and countries can now communicate and exchange information in a less complicated way. Globalization comes from the word “globe” or “globalize” which means the emergence of countries and rations across the world. With globalization, the barter or exchange of goods and products between countries are made possible so the world gets closer together. Like goods and products, some individual elements like traditions, languages, cultural beliefs, norms or values also influence each other. Globalization according to Minnesota is the spread of products, investments and technology across national borders and countries. There are 6 known Aspects of Globalization2 : 1. Industrial Globalization, Transnational Globalization - is a process linked by interconnected cross-border production and it enables firmness to enter into new markets, to capitalize on technological organizational advantages and to reduce cost. It also refers to multi-national corporations and transnational corporations. For example; Coca-Cola, McDonalds, Starbucks etc 2. Financial Globalization 2 "What are the key aspects of globalization?" eNotes Editorial, 14 July 2018, Accessed 8 Aug. 2020. 1|ROLANDO HERRERO, CSSD THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD - 3. 4. 5. 6. refers to international lending institutions for capital outlay to developing countries like IMF and the World Bank. Thus leading business to having more access to capital flows, technologies, human export markets like the IMF and the World Bank that finances developing countries are the Philippines, Afghanistan, Brazil etc. Political Globalization - according to Wikipedia, “political globalization refers to the growth of the worldwide political system both in size and complexity like civil society, international non-governmental organizations, social movements or the United Nations”. - It is also increased the flow of communication between and among countries to further spread democratic ideas to developed countries and reduce cultural barriers across the world. Cultural Globalization - refers to the spread of material and non-material culture across the world such as ideas, beliefs, apparels and values around the world. According to Wikipedia, cultural globalization refers to the transmission of ideas, meanings and values around the world in a way as to expand and intensify social relations. This process is marked by the common consumption of cultures that have been diffused by the Internet, popular culture media and international travel like McDonaldization, Starbucks, Adidas, Nike, Fila etc. Globalism - the means that interconnects the world by means of transportation and communication. - According to Oxford University, globalism is the operation or planning of economic and foreign policy on a global basis. It is used by Joseph Nye, “to describe attempts to understand the interconnectedness of the world” in terms of transportation and communication. Informational Globalization - is a process of interaction and integration among people, companies and governments of different nations; a process driven by international trade and aided by informational technology. That allows increases in the informational flow between remote and industrialized countries throughout the world like satellites on the past availability of cell phones and Internet. Brief History of Globalization Globalization started as early as the 15th century. The first phase of globalization favoured more the exchange of knowledge rather than the exchange of goods. This phase took place from the 15th to 18 th century in Europe where some significant events happened like the Spanish and Portugese discoveries of America, the introduction of the Gregorian calendar and the discovery of the heliocentric view of the solar system. The 18th and the 19th century are generally linked with the events of democracy, industrialization and scientific progress. In the year 1776, The American Declaration of 2|ROLANDO HERRERO, CSSD THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD Independence took place where it served as a huge factor in the spread of democratic ideals. In the 19th century, industrialization took place. Industrialization gave the world an opportunity to a prominent technological progress that allowed countries to experience a faster exchange between goods, products and information. In the second phase of globalization, it covered the period of intensive internationalization of transportation systems, communications, commerce and science. During the second half of the 19th century, four advancing technologies – trains, steamships, telegraphs and postal systems planted the entirety of the Western world in a dramatic intensification of international connectivity. At the 20 th century, an opulent and affluent inhabitant of London had access to products of foreign origins before the events of August 1914 disturbed the world of global connectivity. In the end of the Second World War in 1945, the third phase of globalization took place. The period from the late 1940s to the early 1970s is called the Golden Age of Capitalism. New international financial agreements and institutions, such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, provided a new kind of global financial stability. The Golden Age of Capitalism ended abruptly in the 1970s. Instead of competition between countries, the neoliberal globalism made sure to implement three important characteristics - deregulation, privatization and liberalization. 3 Scholars around the world concluded that globalization is just a concept, but many argued that globalization is a process or phenomenon with a very long history. According to Thomas L. Friedman, an American political commentator and author, globalization is divided into three periods 4 : 1. Globalization of countries from 1642 to 1800 2. Globalization of companies from 1800 to 2000 and 3. Globalization of the individuals from 2000 to present Different Perspectives of Globalization5 Aspects of Globalization Pro-Globalization Anti-Globalization Trade The increase in trade made both countries wealthier and has lowered trade barriers. Poorer nations with disadvantaged people improved more with the profit collected because of the trade. Globalization benefits foreign corporations at the expense of the host countries. With the goods exported overseas, the locally produced goods tend to cost higher than imported goods. Therefore, not only does it threaten the existence of local industries, it also results to affluence and poverty. “The rich becomes richer and the poor becomes poorer”. 3 Peter Vanham “A Brief History of Globalization”. 2019, Available on 4 Mactal, Ronaldo PhD Padayon 10 (Mga Kontemporaryong Isyu) Phoenix Publishing House, 2018, Quezon Ave. 5 Mactal, Ronaldo PhD Padayon 10 (Mga Kontemporaryong Isyu) Phoenix Publishing House, 2018, Quezon Ave. 3|ROLANDO HERRERO, CSSD THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD Culture Globalization allows different indigenous voices to be heard as well as the diffusion of cultures. Globalization has been a huge help in increasing awareness of different cultures around the world. Transportation The advance use for transportation makes it easier for globalization to spread across countries by spreading goods and products from a speedier transport. Technology The help of technology for globalization has been beneficial to everyone. The proliferation of new technology and innovation elevates the standard living of people. It also brings people together so that concerns, issues and ideas can be raised and shared. Globalization creates profound opportunities for different people around the world. It helps them increase their knowledge, skills and abilities needed to adapt to globalization. Employment The use of the common language dominates the language of indigenous people that threatens its existence. Also, less dominant cultures tend to be threatened and at risk disappearing because of the force adaptation globalization embodies. The use of transportation like ferries and airplanes continue to harm our climate change by the increasing carbon dioxide it releases. Globalization becomes detrimental to the environment as it destroys poorer countries. The downside of technology for poorer countries has been a downfall. The unequal supply of technology divides the people that benefits from the advantages and the people who are forced to be left behind in our rising, digitizing world. Labourers in poorer countries suffering from injustice with their wages and working conditions tend to go unnoticed by those consumers consuming their produced goods. Assessment 1. List your expectations from the course. 2. Write a personal definition of globalization based on what you learned. 3. What did you understand about globalization? 4|ROLANDO HERRERO, CSSD THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD 4. Do you think that globalization benefits everyone? 5. Analyse the impact of globalization in our country. 5|ROLANDO HERRERO, CSSD THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD Lesson 2 : Market Globalism Introduction The idea of market globalism is best understood using the values of discipline and social sciences. It emphasizes the role of ideology and its core claim for its acceptance as a global phenomenon. It also used new locales to legitimate the power otherwise political entities will be useless. Each ideology is supported around the core claims which make them acceptable to the whole world. As a result, the world now is interconnected with various factors; economic, social, political and cultural. But for the time being, market globalism is acknowledged. Learning Objectives 1. To be able to understand the various approaches to globalization. 2. To be able to analyse the different drivers of market globalism. 3. Assess the impact of globalization in our country. Course Materials (Suggested) ✓ Read about Manfred Steger’s perception of globalization. ✓ Familiarize yourselves with any article about neo-liberalism. ✓ Read the article of Ideologies of Globalization – Market Globalism, Justice Globalism and Religious Globalism : A Short Introduction on the website ✓ Watch Political Ideology : Crash Course Government and Politics #35 on YouTube ✓ An excerpt : Globalism versus globalization? Many people would think the two terms refer to the same phenomenon. However, there are important differences between the two. Globalism, at its core, seeks to describe and explain nothing more than a world which is characterized by networks of connections that span multi-continental distances. It attempts to understand all the inter-connections of the modern world — and to highlight patterns that underlie (and explain) them. In contrast, globalization refers to the increase or decline in the degree of globalism. It focuses on the forces, the dynamism or speed of these changes. In short, consider globalism as the underlying basic network, while globalization refers to the dynamic shrinking of distance on a large scale. Globalism is a phenomenon with ancient roots. Thus, the issue is not how old globalism is, but rather how “thin” or “thick” it is at any given time. As an example of “thin globalism,” the Silk Road provided an economic and cultural link between ancient Europe and Asia. Getting from thin to thick globalism is globalization — and how fast we get there is the rate of globalization. Of course, the Silk Road was plied by only a small group of hardy traders. Its direct impact was felt primarily by a small group of consumers along the road. In contrast, the operations of global financial markets today, for instance, 6|ROLANDO HERRERO, CSSD THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD affect people from Peoria to Penang. Thus, “globalization” is the process by which globalism becomes increasingly thick/intense. The general point is that the increasing intensity, or thickness, of globalism — the density of networks of interdependence — is not just a difference in degree from the past. An increasing “thickness” changes relationships, because it means that different relationships of interdependence intersect more deeply at more different points. At the same time, it is important to note that globalism does not imply universality. After all, the connections that make up the networks to define globalism may be more strongly felt in some parts of the world than in others.6 Activities • What is the impact of market globalism in your life and your family? • Make a reaction on the connotation “Globalization creates affluence and poverty”. • Do you expect globalization to be inevitable and irreversible? Why? Content The Ideological Dimension of Globalization • • • Market globalism is used to different ideologies of globalization interpretations. Market globalism reflects the concepts of globalization with neoliberal values and meanings. Neo-liberalism is a form of liberalism which supports free-market capitalism. Neo-liberalism completely eradicates itself to selfish and individual interests. Neo-liberalism has moved away from a centrally governed capital and built their economy to be self-regulated through supply and demand. As Malcolm Waters (2001) observes, today’s economic exchange suggests that both the cultural and political arenas are becoming more activated and energetic. Researchers have paid insufficient attention to the global circulation of ideas and their impact. 6 Joseph Nye, “Globalism versus Globalization” April 15, 2002. Available on 7|ROLANDO HERRERO, CSSD THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD • According to Manfred Steger, a professor at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, there are three main types of globalism 7 : ✓ Market Globalism – includes the definition and ideology of neo-liberalism. It also seeks to an economic globalization with free markets, norms and neo-liberal meanings. This ideology is preferred by many powerful individuals at it promotes democracy and is very beneficial to everyone. ✓ Justice Globalism – unlike market globalism, justice globalism constructs the vision of globalization based on the ideology of global solidarity and social justice. This ideology is also envisioned by a lot of individuals for they prove justice globalism is socially fairer. ✓ Religious Globalism – on the other hand, struggles competing between market globalism and justice globalism as they mobilize religious beliefs and aspires for a global and religious community to uphold superiority over their secular beliefs and structures. Ideology • • • • • The term “ideology” was first coined by Antoine Destutt de Tracy in the late 18th century. It is a system of widely shared ideas and ideals, patterned beliefs, guiding norms and values and ideals accepted as truths by parts of the society.8 Ideology is also considered to be the working of ideas that helps build a legitimate and dominant paradigm or pattern. It somehow makes a person culturally conditioned and brainwashed, not being able to ask about the thoughts that runs in his mind. According to Freeden (1996), what makes an ideology “political” is that its claims select privilege and construct social meanings related to the exercise of power in society. French philosopher, Paul Ricouer (1986), identified the historical elements and functions of ideology. Drawing on the insights of the Marxist tradition, he characterized the first functions of ideology as; 9 o The Reality Distortion – the production of contorted images of social reality. This conceals the contras between things to cease being envisioned in a theory as they get accepted out on the plane of material reality. o Legitimation – the process of claiming legitimacy made by the ruling authority and the belief in an authority’s legitimacy granted by its subjects as it gets accepting in society. o Social Integration – plays a meditating or integrative role. ‘It provides society the stability as it creates, preserves and protects the social identity of persons and groups since it aligns technology with business strategy and goals.’ 7 Steger, Manfred Globalization (3rd edn) Chap 7, Oxford Printing Press 2013. Available on 8 Cranston, Maurice “Ideology” Encyclopaedia Britannica 2014 9 Tura, Marcelo Felix “Sources and Implications in Paul Ricoeur's Ideology Concept” Available on ITAIEA website : %20in%20Paul&text=Ricoeur%20starts%20with%20an%20apparent,and%20third%2C%20the%20social%20integra tion. 8|ROLANDO HERRERO, CSSD THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD • Ideology offers no duplicity. As Sir Francis Bacon suggests, it always appears upright. As Eagleton’s book puts it, “it cannot help presenting itself to our consciousness in ways that you actually ask what it is”. “Imperial Globalism refers to the process of economic change based on a use of force threw economic sanctions or military might and a justification of actions are said to be in a domestic intervention.” American political scientist, Joseph Nye, co-founder of the International Relations Theory of NeoLiberalism generalized the term “market globalism” to argue that “globalism refers to any description or explanation of a word which is characterized by networks of connections that span multicontinental distances”. Assessment 1. Define economic globalization. 2. Analyse the different core claims about market globalism. 3. Articulate your stance on market globalism. 4. What are the impacts of market globalism in our economy? 5. Draw a very simple slogan on how you understand the role of globalism in our economy. 9|ROLANDO HERRERO, CSSD THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD This is just a summarized and simplified version of our subject. Any questions and clarifications will be entertained on my g-mail account or you can message me directly in our MS Teams chat feature. Thank you for reading! 10 | R O L A N D O H E R R E R O , C S S D