1 22.06.2014 2 Blood Donation ? Present Condition Why the system is necessary ? System Overview 3 A blood donation occurs when a person Voluntarily has blood drawn and used for transfusion. Donation may be of whole-blood (WB), or of specific components directly. Our main vision is to design a systematic blood donor management system & to validate the design using an appropriate support. 4 Time consuming Leads to error prone results Consumes lot of manpower Lacking of donor information Uncertainty of Donor availability Retrieval of data takes lot of time Percentage of accuracy is less 5 Access from any where of world Access at any time Quick Search Better Communication Optimize to volunteer Time Optimize Cost Optimize 6 Blood Donor Searching System. Adaptable to meet the emergency and complex need of Blood . This is Key Facilitator for the Healthcare Sector, it also supports one of the major functionalities of a Blood Bank. 7 Generating reports on Stocks-Blood Group wise, Area wise and Eligibility wise. Donor Database-Blood Group wise and Area wise . Maintain and update Unique Donor Identifications . Track and maintain all the Donor Types-Voluntary, Exchange and Directed. Accurate database/Record Management. Blood Cross Match and Result Storage Facility. Digital Record archival backup and restoring facility-Better Housekeeping and Record Maintenance. Comprehensive Donor database with Search Facility. Unique Donor Account. 8 9 The website Home Blood Donation Donor Account Search Admin Help 10 System Actors and Modeling Use Case Diagram System Tools 11 ADMIN DONORS ACCEPTORS 12 13 The person who is able to observe and maintain the whole system The functionalities are : o Log in o Maintain Donor details o Update and change Database o Observe and remove donor o Logout Admin maintains the security of the system 14 15 Donor A person who donate blood voluntarily Each Donor has an individual account The options given to each registered Donors are : o Login o Update Information o Delete Account o Logout Donors can know about the details process of Blood Donation Helps are provided to Donors for successful Blood Donation 16 17 Acceptor are anyone who view the system. Functionalities of Acceptor : o Search for Blood Donor o Find Donors at Emergency Zone o Request or report to Admin panel If one doesn’t know which blood group is needed then can take help from the help page. Can contact with the donor over phone number or email. 18 19 HTML CSS JavaScript JQuery AJAX PHP MySQL Database 20 Modeling Issues Benefits & drawbacks Future Opportunities 21 Business modeling Data modeling Processing data Testing and turnover Phase Activity 22 Administrator can do any kind of insert, update and delete related operation. Donors can only operate his/her own account Acceptor has no permission to do any kind of operation. Secure form destroy data and any kind of illegal operation. No one can put information by using any software to fill up our registration Sector. 23 At present it is available for some limited zone. Problem to calculate number of donor available in list. Difficulty in identifying blood donor’s expiry date. In future we must overcome this drawback by using modern technologies. 24 System can be expanded with availability over worldwide. Reaching as close as possible of the donor from emergency zone. A smart phone application of the system can be made. Providing Donors an option of change his/her availability. 25 26