Women Entrepreneurship Definition of women entrepreneurship. When women and group of women wants to starts a new business, ready to organize and manage and run the business is known as women entrepreneurship. According to J. Schumpeter “Women entrepreneurship is based on women participation in equity and employment of a business enterprise.” Problems of women entrepreneurship. Women entrepreneurship normally faced two types of problems as follows: 1. General problems of entrepreneurship: application for all entrepreneurship. 2. Particular problems of entrepreneurship: problems of entrepreneurship is that they are women. Women entrepreneurship is a vacant tendency in Bangladesh. Earlier there were reluctant in Business. Now a day, women are moving in various professions. They are also doing better profession similarly now women’s are involved in business world class. Major problems are women entrepreneurship is mentioned below: 1. Financial problem. 2. Scarcity of raw materials. 3. Limited mobility. 4. Stiff competition. 5. Family ties. 6. Lack of education. 7. Male dominating society. 8. Less risk bearing capacity. 9. High cost of production. 10. Security. Development of Women Entrepreneurship. Introduction: Government of Bangladesh is now assigning women entrepreneurship development country of the world. For women entrepreneurship development, following steps should be followed: 1. To treat women entrepreneurship in special group in all development including women entrepreneurship. 2. To provide necessarily vocational training to enhance skill. All make them suitable for business. 3. To promote provide appreciate technology of today’s business worlds. 4. To provide necessarily marketing facilities. 5. To create entrepreneurship development program for women in particular. 6. To involved women in decision making process. Besides this, infrastructure, inconvenience, social attitude and social construction need to be improved and changed. Earlier women entrepreneurship was nearest to 5% - 10%. But now it is about 25% or more like development countries. Earlier women entrepreneurship was found rurales there are maximum poor women entrepreneurship. But it is thought. Role of N.G.O in women entrepreneurship. In Bangladesh few N.G.O (S) they covered all places of Bangladesh as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. BRAC Grameen Bank Proshika Ananna etc.