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Nursing Education Reflection Paper

Sam NCM102 Health Education
Reflection Paper
Let me share my insights based on what I have learned about good teaching. Good teaching is
more than just imparting knowledge to students. It involves creating a positive learning
environment that promotes student engagement and growth. There are six categories that
contribute to effective teaching in nursing. We have professional competence in which the
teacher must shows genuine interest in patients and confident in demonstrating clinical skills
with expertise. The teacher must create an atmosphere to alleviate the patient’s anxiety and
permit learners to feel free to ask questions. Must be flexible in teaching different ages with
good spirits and different styles of learning such as presenting materials in an interesting, clear,
and organized manner. Teachers can use digital platform to widen their teaching styles.
Learners also valued those who can give feedback about their progress with the use of informal
and formal observations, and lastly is the availability to learners. Personally speaking, I
appreciate those teachers who is approachable especially regarding to school works, they make
me feel welcome by answering all my queries.
Speaking of teaching and learning, we also have different styles and instruments of learning.
The right/left/whole-brain thinking and the field-dependent/independent perception. The
theory of left-brain or right-brain dominance has been around for several decades and has been
used to explain why some people excel in certain areas while struggling in others. The idea that
the left brain is more analytical and the right brain more creative has been widely accepted and
popularized in various media. Based on my experience, I think I might be a left-brained person
as I prefer to think logically in any situation. However, people don't necessarily have a dominant
hemisphere. While some individuals may excel in analytical thinking, they can also be creative,
and vice versa. This framework can be useful in understanding people's strengths and
weaknesses and in creating a more balanced approach to problem-solving and decision-making.
While the left-brain/right-brain theory has been a popular way of understanding the brain's
functions, I think it's not an accurate representation of how the brain works. The brain is a
complex organ, and its functions cannot be attributed to a single hemisphere. While, the
concept of Field Dependence-Independence (FDI) is an interesting aspect of cognitive styles
that sheds light on how individuals process and organize information in a visual field. The ability
to distinguish between details and context is an essential aspect of learning, and understanding
this dimension can help educators design more effective teaching strategies. Field-Independent
learners tend to work better in isolation, and they prefer to have control over their learning.
These individuals tend to excel in activities that require analytical thinking and problem-solving,
such as math and science. They often rely on logical reasoning and tend to be more selfdirected learners. On the other hand, Field-Dependent learners tend to rely more on their
environment and social interactions to learn. They tend to be more empathetic and have strong
interpersonal skills. These individuals excel in collaborative activities that involve
communication, such as language learning, social studies, and group projects. I think I am both
because it depends on my mood when I want to be alone or be with others when I study.
Overall, effective teaching involves a combination of techniques, strategies, and activities that
are tailored to the needs and learning styles of individual students. As educators, we must
continue to explore and develop new teaching techniques to ensure that we are providing the
best possible learning experience for our students.