“Marketing Plan” Biraj Malepati “Bus 330 Principles of Marketing” Westcliff University Prof. Tracy Foote/ Paras Dotel September 28, 2020 Abstract: In today’s generation, without proper marketing strategy no company can survive for longer period of the time. So, a company needs to have proper marketing strategy and specific target, the company can perform well on the market. We have to be different from other so that customer can find something different in the market. At the same time the products price range should be in the limit so that customer can choose our product over other products. So, in this paper, the writer has researched and tried to explained how his company can survive in this competitive market. Keywords: company, data, internet, mobile, network, services, “Ncell” In my previous paper. I had chosen “Ncell” for developing its marketing strategies. The reason behind me choosing this company is my interest in telecom company as it is one of the largest sectors which boosts the country economy and is linked with connecting the people around world. So previously I had mentioned my vision and statement for the company and niche marketing and the market segments that I am going to target. So, this week we were further asked to be more specific about our strategy. Therefore, in this paper I am going to cover the marketing plan for the demographic group that I have targeted, pricing strategy of my product in this paper. Ncell is one of the biggest tele company of Nepal and is also the popular brand in the mobile network sector. “Such mobile big data, which directly reflect users’ social and economic behaviors, provide new tools to measure economic dynamics in real time; thus, they overcome limitations on the timeliness and sample size of traditional survey methodologies and have deeply influenced empirical research (Dong ,1017)” So mobile data is used for various purposes to collect data from the customer as it can provide real time data at any time. “There is an old saying among marketers: “Nothing kills a bad product faster than good advertising” (de Legge, 2002). Without great products or services and an organization that can sustain them, there can be no successful brand.” (Kotler, P., & Pfoertsch, W. 2007).” So, as it says in the article without proper services to the customer, our company won’t be able to do well in the market. Holding all this in mind makes it clear that brands cannot be created simply by making some fancy ads. If you internalize the concept of "brand" as a promise to your clients, it is quite evident that if you consistently deliver on that promise, it can only come to life. Of course, to not be mistaken for exaggerated marketing promises, your brand promise needs to be clearly defined, relevant and meaningful. Therefore, I have to maintain brand image of my company if I want to do well in the market by providing good and quality services. According to Kotler, the major challenges in marketing management lie in developing marketing strategies and plans, the acquisition of marketing information, making connections with customers, creating strong brands, creating market supply, creating distribution networks, monitoring values and creating long-term growth. (Veronika Svatošová, 2013). So first of all, in order to target any groups, I have to develop my marketing management including strategies and plans for my products. Then, I need to understand my product myself putting myself in in shoes of customer before launching them to the customer. To approach different groups, I need to have different marketing strategies according to them. 1. Demographic groups that I have targeted: Talking about the demographic groups that I have targeted for my product includes age and profession. "Different demographic groups . . . take entirely different approaches to their shopping goals . . . they also have different budgets and their shopping schedules and patterns are completely dissimilar" (p. 1). Understanding these differences and utilizing demographic targeting "is the key to success for modern retailing" (p. 2), according to Pooler. (Terri Feldman Barr, 2004). As said in the article different demographic groups have different choices as their preferences different from others, in addition the budget also varies accordingly. Hence, we need to understand their choices and utilize the opportunities to bring changes in the market to lay the foundation for the company. As my company is tele company, I think I have to market my products based on these two groups so that I can make strong foundation in the market as these two groups choices make huge changes in our sector. a. Age: Age, the first demographic group that I have targeted for my product is the most important factor as it helps me to segment my customer to different groups based on their age. Small age groups include the children below 10 then who tends to use mobile only for internet to watch children videos so in order to attract them towards my product, as I have previously mentioned fiber optic is best choice for them. Middle age groups use mobile network mostly for social site and to two watch movies and for educational purpose whereas adult age groups use mobile network mostly for connecting people, internet and to visit different sites. So, this is the reason behind me choosing age as the first target in demographic groups as it helps me to segment my product’s consumer into different groups. I will target different age groups then will approach them accordingly. b. Profession: As first I have chosen age, profession also helps me to segment my customer. According to the profession, it will help me to understand their needs and the consuming pattern of mobile network. Use of mobile network varies to the profession as it is quite similar to the age group, I can make different offer for different profession according to their needs. Profession of teacher and student in time like today used mobile network mostly for education and for online classes so if offer them different data pack according to their needs at reasonable price they will be attracted towards my service. So first of all, I will separate my customer into different groups based on their age and profession then accordingly I will approach them. I would like to run social marketing programs and online marketing to target my customer. “Social marketing programs are generally deemed a ‘soft’ measure of the travel demand management tool-box since social marketing focusses on influencing individual psychological factors, such as attitudes and perceptions, through information and information campaigns and education. (Mulley, C., & Ma, L. 2018).” After segmenting the customer, I will offer my service like data and different packs according to the preferences of them then will advertise them on different popular online site like YouTube, Facebook Instagram and also on the television so that I can cover larger area on short period of time. After knowing about our products which people find useful, they are most likely to use them in their life. They tend to see our products and services everywhere so it affects them psychologically to perceive that our product is useful to them. In addition, I would like to perform online survey in regards to get feedback from the customer regarding our products so that we can bring changes in our products accordingly to their preferences. Also, I will like to add slogans to represent my services to the customer 2. Important differentiation to firm’s success in regard to a. The product or service that I am marketing So as mentioned my products if fiber net and the mobile networking services as my company is the tele company. It matters a lot to my company in its success regard to the products that I am marketing. Today’s generation is the generation of science and technology as everything is shifting toward the digital world. Internet and mobile data packs are widely popular in our developing as there is no free internet in our country. People use mobile phone more time to use internet using data packs or the paid wifi. So, if Company like Ncell launch them, it can attract more customer toward them. Since people are already familiar with the company, people tend to try them also due to its brand recognition. And as I said above if our customer is satisfied with our services then of course our services would be huge success in the market and the products success means the success of the company. b. The manner in which I present the marketing to targeted groups. “Consumer expectations are changing, and this in turn is influencing what they expect, and increasingly will demand, from service providers. (Hymas, J. 2001).” The customer expectations shift accordingly which the market has to runs. In term of tele com sector, the customer wants to have better network and high-speed internet. “The Internet, with its 24/7 access to worldwide data, is perfectly positioned to feed this growing demand for information and self-determination. (Hymas, J. 2001).” People search everything on the internet nowadays to be sure for the information. As Ncell is currently the 2nd biggest telecom after Nepal telecom, it has covered the, most areas of the company. Also, as my company already deals with mobile networking, if it is to bring optic fiber to its customer then people will obviously use them over other companies if we can provide quality services to them at best price. So, it will even help to build more customer loyalty towards the company. Also, customer can trust fully to the services we provide as we have advantage over other companies in term of alternatives to our products. Customer won’t have to run from one agent to other over quality internet so it will also benefit the customer. . “No form of selling can compare with that done for us, more or less voluntarily, by satisfied customer. (Cherrington, Paul T,1937)” So the ultimate marketing for the company is not done by them but by the customer who are satisfied with our product. If people are satisfied with our products then they talk about our product even with other products with satisfaction, it tends to attract them to use our products. It’s the ultimate marketing strategy for our products. Hence, it is the huge achievement for our company and also is the way towards the success. 3.Pricing Strategy: “A pricing strategy is a model or method used to establish the best price for a product or service. It helps you choose prices to maximize profits and shareholder value while considering consumer and market demand. (Decker, 2020)” In order to maintain market share, we always have to remember the price of our products. What should be the cost of our products?? Today’s time is the competitive market so there is always your rival in your sector if cannot maintain monopoly in the market. So, if we want our customer to invest their money in us then our services should be their worth. At least in their lives, our services should influence the amount they invested. Customer always tends to bargain in the products but there is always right time to sell the product in time. So, in the article online marketing there was three question regarding it, “What is the ‘best’ alternative for the customer/supplier relationship? — When should it be offered? — How should it be offered?” (Hymas, J. ,2001), here as mentioned in the article if I am to work on the pricing strategy based on these three questions then I can make a lot of profit for the company. Nepal telecom had conducted survey on the 600 people regarding the use of mobile data and people’s expectations. About the cost of mobile data internet in Nepal, 45 percent of people found it to be expensive. 27 percent feel it be affordable whereas 24 percent of people say the operators need to add more data pack. (Telicom, 2019). Here we can say that that our country’s average user finds it expensive to use the mobile data. So, if Ncell uses Chinese telecom for optic fiber then it would cost a lot cheaper and also would create the competition between the other two providers. Then it would also cost us less, then after we can also provide it at reasonable price to the customer. So, if we offered better service at reasonable cost then the customer would also benefit from it, then it would be the success for both parties. So, as I have already mentioned different demographic groups which I am targeting, then I would make my pricing model based on their use. Let’s say currently Nepal telecom is providing one hour unlimited for 20 rupees. But if Ncell provide unlimited data at 130 rupees for 8 hours then it would attract more customer towards us at the same time the customer can also benefit from it. For teenager couples, if Ncell is to provide the unlimited voice and data pack at 330 rupees then it would create buzz in the market then Ncell can raise its customer based on it. Even in the optic fiber, people pay up to 1500 per month but they can use it only on their home. But if Ncell provides the same offer but in mobile data then it would attract more customer because people use mobile everywhere and they don’t have to depend on the internet. Also, if Ncell provide both service then people would like it. So, it will help Ncell to maintain upper hand in the market over other internet provides making it difficult for them to handle the competition. If any other firm is to use the same offer as Ncell then obviously it will create the competition for us in the market. But no company can do it so casually as it takes huge investment in the telecom sector. And as Ncell in one of the international companies, certainly it gives us advantage in term of the financial sector. Currently Nepal telecom and smart cell are the competition in the market. One is the government company so if it provides service based on the government decision whereas for smart cell it would take a lot of time to reach in the place in the Ncell. But at same time, Ncell is growing in its own. If we keep updating our technologies and providing better service to the public then Ncell can keep its market share in the telecom sector. Customer are the king for us so keeping them satisfied would create customer loyalty towards us. For example, we can take apple as its product are more expensive over other products in the same segment but customer loves them not because of their features but because of their brand recognition. Therefore, if Ncell works well, updating their service at reasonable price then I think customer would stay with us over any other companies. Therefore, its huge opportunities for Ncell to be again the largest telecom of Nepal if its uses it advantages over other companies and the great path towards the huge success for the company even in the financial term. References: Cherington, P. T. (1937). Marketing Marketing. 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