1 Presentation for Revision of Mining Plan Tadicherla-I Coal Block Opencast Mine Submitted to Submitted By Dr. Harish Gupta P. Mohan Rao Dept. Of Mining Engg. ME(PTPG)-Sem-II 06-Aug-2023 2 Location Plan Tadicherla-1 Coal Opencast mine 3 Mine & Power Plant locations 4 Mine location in Google Map Kapuram 5 Project Background • Tadicherla-I Coal Block was allotted to M/s TSGENCO for captive mining in August-2015. • TSGENCO appointed AMR India Limited (AMRIL) as MDO. • The mining operations started with in 28 months from the block allotment against the scheduled time line of 44 months, i.e. on 11.12.2017. • Coal production commenced from 28.04.2018. • Mining plan approved …… Aug- 2008 • Mine Closure plan Approved …… Sep- 2017 • Environment Clearance Obtained .….. Feb- 2016 6 Present status Production particulars Year Coal Production in LT % of Achievement SR Target Actual 2018-19 7.33 7.58 103.4 29.15 2019-20 18.00 16.58 92.11 17.98 2020-21 20.00 20.23 101.17 15.06 2021-22 20.00 22.11 110.50 13.61 2022-23 25.00 25.00 100.00 12.27 7 8 Cost comparison between TDC & SCCL Coal price Cost Of Coal from Tadicherla-I Coal Mine with stripping Ratio of 11.34 (for the operating year 2023-24) S.No. Description SCCL Coal Price for G-8 Coal Amount in Rs. Per Tonne GCV 1 Base Mining Fee for stripping ratio of 8.9 1986.00 2 2426.53 (a) 3 Base Mining Fee adjusted to Stripping Ratio of 11.34 Escalated Coal Mining fee Q1(P) 3960.24 (b) 4 Royalty @14% on SCCL Notified Price of G9 427.00 5 10% DMFT on Royalty 6 2% NMET on Royalty 7 Premium Price 8 Cess on Mineral Bearing Lands Rs.20/- per Tonne Total Cost of Coal (S.No. 3 +4+5+6+7+8) 9 GST @18% 10 Total cost of coal including GST 11 Transportation Charges 4.12 per KM/Tonne (Lead Distance 67.5 KM) 12 GST@5% 13 Total Landed Cost(S.No. 10+11+12) 14 Cost difference between SCCL coal & Tadicherla Coal Total Cost difference between SCCL coal & Tadicherla Coal for a quantity of 25L MT of coal in Crores G8 4901-5200 SCCL Basic Price(ROM) w.e.f.01.05.2023 3730.00 3810.00 (c ) Basic Price (CROM) Crushed Coal w.e.f.01.05.2023 Royalty (Revised @ 14% of ROM Price w.e.f. 10.05.2012) NMET @2% on Royalty 42.70 (d) DMFT @30% on Royalty 522.20 10.44 156.66 8.54 (e) Surface Transportation Approx 90.00 100.00 (f) 71.00 20.00 (g) Land Adjustment Cost @ Rs. 61/- & Forest Permit Fee @ Rs. 10/-wef 7.11.2018 Sampling/Facility Charges 4558.48 (h) Shunting Charges/ Railway charges 50.00 712.84 (i) Fuel Surcharge (Revised w.e.f.01.07.2022) 5271.32 (j) Pre-Weigh Bin Charges 60.00 278.10 (k) CPMS Corpus charges ( wef 19.12.2020) 10.00 (l) Explosive cost adjustment wef 1.1.23 13.91 (m) Taxable value ((a) to (j)) 5563.33 886.71 (n) CGST @2.5% 140.44 221.68 (o) SGST @2.5% 140.44 (p) GST Compensation Cess 400.00 Total Cost (m+n+o+p) Average transportation cost from sccl Total landed Cost 5.00 686.00 146.40 5617.70 6298.59 151.45 6450.04 9 Year wise Stripping Ratio 11.34 10 Year wise Cost of Coal / Tonne 11 Top soil Storage 12 Settling Pond 13 Flood protection Bund & Settling Pond 14 Drain around mine 15 Plantation in mine 16 Geological Reserves S No. DESCRIPTION MECL GR 1992 SCCL GR 2012 New GR 2021 1 Block Area (Sq. Km) 6.56 6.29 7.066 2 No of seams 10 14 15 3 Reserves (MT) 50.08 76.69 89.85 41 95 229 6.7 13.37 32.41 4 seam 6 seam 6 seam 4 5 6 No. of Bore Holes BH Density (per sq.km) Reserves considered upto 17 Salient Features- Approved Mining Plan S.No. Description 1 As per Approved Mining Plan 50.08 2 Total Geological Reserves (MT) Extractable Reserves (MT) 3 4 Overburden (M.Cum) Avg. stripping ratio (Cum/T) 619.61 13.66 5 6 Life of the Mine in Years Total land requirement in Ha 22 930 7 8 Rated Capacity (MTPA) No. of seams present 9 Seams extraction upto 10 Internal dump height Violation 47.51 2.50 10 ( reserves considered 6 Presently extracting 15 seams seams only) 4 seam Presently working upto 6 seam Upto Ground Level Internal dump height to be increased above ground level 18 Reasons for revision of Mining Plan As per new Guidelines for Revision of Mining Plan The mining plan may be modified for for change in method of mining; change in leased area; conservation of minerals; addition of reserve by way of proving of reserve in the existing lease area; for changes in final mine closure conditions; 19 Reasons for revision of Mining Plan After 2024-25 there will be no place for dumping the Over burden. The present internal dump yard is having permission to dump upto Ground Level only. -To dump the re-handled OB the height of the internal dump yard has to be increased, which requires revision of Mining plan and EC. -The present external OB dumpyard-2 has to be re-handled and to be dumped in the internal dump yard for removal of coal after 2 years. 20 Revision of Mining Plan-Working Plan Mine has the production capacity of upto 2 more years as there is no place to dump ob extracted after two years. -The present ob external dumpyard-2 has to be re-handled and to be dumped in the internal dump yard for removal of coal beyond 2 years. - The present internal dump yard is having permission upto Ground Level only. To dump the re-handled OB the height of the 21 internal dump yard has to be increased, which requires revision of Mining plan and EC. Reasons for Revision of Mining Plan Tadicherla -1 Mining plan revision comes under the below category for change in method of mining; To increase the internal dump height above the ground level change in leased area; To extract the coal with in the New GR boundary conservation of minerals; To extract upto 6 seam addition of reserve by way of proving of reserve in the existing lease area; As per New GR total reserves estimated as 89.85 MT for changes in final mine closure conditions; or To change the final void as it is instead of reclaiming the land upto ground level 22 Revision of Mining Plan-option-1 Option-1 Option-1: Acquiring 500m danger zone area beyond the existing Mining Lease Coal : 58.30 MT OB:642.03 M Cum SR:1:11.01 23 Revision of Mining Plan-Option-2 Option-2 Option-2: Quarry with New Geological boundary duly acquiring Additional land & Danger Zone area Coal : 74.77 MT OB:896.30 M Cum SR:1:11.99 24 Cost Benefit analysis of the options Option Strategy Analysis of the costs and benefits of the difference in Reserves between the options with the price of SCCL coal Option -1 Option -2 Additional Land acquisition(Ha) 93.54 239.5 Option -1 & Option-2 145.96 A) Mineable Coal(Mt)** 58.30 74.77 16.47 B) Cost towards acquisition of land & R&R (in Cr.)* C) Land &R&R Cost per Tonne in Rs. D) Mining Fee@ SR 8.9 in Rs./Tonne(for Q3((P) of FY 22-23) E) Total Cost /Tonne for production in Rs. 712.79 763.30 50.51 F) Cost of Procurement of G-8 Coal from SCCL(Rs./Tonne) G) Diff in cost in Rs./Tonne H) Total savings to TSGENCO in Rs (Crores) between option 1 &2 –Rs 812.58*16.47 463.45 4651.03 5114.48 5927.06 (+)812.58 13,383 25 26