Department of marketing management Rajarata university of Sri Lanka Department of marketing management Faculty of Management studies Rajarata university of Sri Lanka Mihinthale Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC Financial Accounting – 1133 Group 01 1 Department of marketing management Rajarata university of Sri Lanka Department of Marketing Management Faculty of management studies Rajarata University of Sri Lanka Mihinthale Course code : 1133 Course Title : Financial Accounting Lecture : Mr. Nuwan Sameera, Mrs.Sajini Adhikari Academic year : 2021/2022 Semester and semester : 1st year , 1st semester Assignment topic : Clarifying LKAS 16 and LKAS 37 based on the company's 2022 annual report, analyzing the company Selected company : Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC Assignment type : Group assignment Group number : 01 2 Department of marketing management Rajarata university of Sri Lanka Group members : 2022/MM/025 H.A.D.S.Ranasinghe 2022/MM/026 M.M.D.Thathsarani 2022/MM/042 K.L.I.Deshika 2022/MM/346 R.M.P.V.Rathnayake 3 Department of marketing management Rajarata university of Sri Lanka Acknowledgment In performing our assignment, we had to take the help and guideline of some respected persons, who deserve our greatest gratitude. The completion of this assignment gives us much Pleasure. We would like to show our gratitude to Mr. Nuwan Sameera and Mrs.Sajini Adhikari our lectures at the Rajarata University of Sri Lanka for giving us good guidelines for assignments throughout numerous consultations. We would also like to expand our deepest gratitude to all those who have directly and indirectly guided us in writing this assignment. Especially our classmates and team members have made valuable comments And suggestions on this proposal which inspired us to improve our assignment. We thank all the people for their help directly and indirectly to complete our assignment. 4 Department of marketing management Rajarata university of Sri Lanka Executive Summary: This report provides an overview of the practical applicability of accounting standards by analyzing the 2021/2022 annual report of Commercial Bank PLC. It begins with a brief introduction to Commercial Bank PLC and an explanation of two specific accounting standards, namely LKAS 16 and LKAS 37. The report then proceeds to present statements and notes that demonstrate the application of these standards. The aim of this report is to offer meaningful information about the accounting standards utilized by Commercial Bank PLC. It is intended to be useful for all users seeking insights into the company's adherence to accounting standards and the relevant financial reporting practices. 5 Department of marketing management Rajarata university of Sri Lanka Content Table of Contents Acknowledgment .................................................................................................................................... 4 Executive Summary: ................................................................................................................................ 5 Content ................................................................................................................................................... 6 Tables of content ..................................................................................................................................... 7 1. Overview of the accounting standards ........................................................................................... 8 2. Introduction to the company .......................................................................................................... 9 ............................................................................................................................................................ 9 VISION ................................................................................................................................................. 9 MISSION .............................................................................................................................................. 9 KEY PEOPLE ......................................................................................................................................... 9 3. ANALYSIS OF THE COMPANY’S ANNUAL REPORT .......................................................................... 10 4. LKAS 16 – Property, plant, and equipment ................................................................................... 13 Introduction: ..................................................................................................................................... 13 Compliance with Disclosure Requirements: ..................................................................................... 14 Effectiveness of Disclosures: ......................................................................................................... 15 Notable areas of improvement identified in accordance with LKAS 16........................................ 17 Solution for areas of improvement ............................................................................................... 17 Conclusion: .................................................................................................................................... 17 5. LKAS 37 – PROVISIONS, CONTINGENT LIABILITIES, AND CONTINGENT ASSETS ........................... 18 Introduction: ..................................................................................................................................... 18 DISCLOSURES IN LKAS 37 .................................................................................................................. 18 Compliance with Disclosure Requirements: ................................................................................. 18 Provisions: ..................................................................................................................................... 18 Contingent Liabilities:.................................................................................................................... 19 Contingent Assets: ........................................................................................................................ 20 Effectiveness of Disclosures: ......................................................................................................... 20 Notable areas of improvement identified in accordance with LKAS 37........................................ 21 Solutions for areas of improvement ............................................................................................. 21 Conclusion: .................................................................................................................................... 21 REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................................... 22 6 Department of marketing management Rajarata university of Sri Lanka Figures of content Figure 1 Company logo ........................................................................................................................... 9 Figure 2 Horizontal analysis of income statement ................................................................................ 10 Figure 3horozontal analysis of financial position .................................................................................. 11 Figure 4 horizontal analysis of cash flow............................................................................................... 12 Figure 5 NOTE Table of PPE................................................................................................................ 16 Figure 6 litigations ................................................................................................................................. 18 Figure 7 contingent liabilities and commitments.................................................................................. 19 Figure 8 Contingent assets .................................................................................................................... 20 Tables of content Table 1 carrying amounts of assets ....................................................................................................... 14 7 Department of marketing management Rajarata university of Sri Lanka 1. Overview of the accounting standards Accounting Standards, established by the CA Sri Lanka, serve as a comprehensive framework for identifying, measuring, presenting, and disclosing business transactions. These standards have been submitted under the Accounting and Auditing Standards Act No. 15 of 1995, with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka bestowed with the authority to establish them. In Sri Lanka, the Accounting Standards are categorized into two prefixes: SLFRS, which aligns with Sri Lanka Accounting Standards equivalent to IFRS, and LKAS, representing Sri Lanka Accounting Standards corresponding to IAS. 8 Department of marketing management Rajarata university of Sri Lanka 2. Introduction to the company Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC (CBC) also known as ComBank is a licensed commercial bank in Sri Lanka and its ownership is private. It was incorporated as a public limited company and it is listed on the Colombo stock exchange. It is regarded as the largest private bank in Sri Lanka in terms of net worth and capital. The bank is currently the third largest bank in Sri Lanka in terms of total net assets and it lies behind only Bank of Ceylon and People’s Bank (both are state commercial banks). It is also the only private sector licensed bank in Sri Lanka to be designated as a higher-tier domestic systemically important bank according to the Central Bank of Sri Lanka. The bank currently operates a network of 268 branches and around 932 ATM machines across Sri Lanka. Figure 1 Company logo VISION To be the most technologically advanced, innovative, and customer-friendly financial services organization in Sri Lanka. Poised for further expansion in South Asia MISSION Providing reliable innovative customer friendly financial service, utilizing cutting-edge technology, and focusing continuously on productivity improvement whilst developing our staff and acquiring necessary expertise to expand locally and regionally. To remain a locally owned and operated community bank, delivering innovative solutions and oustanding customer service while partnering with our employees, customers and communities to build brighter futures. KEY PEOPLE • A.K.W. Jayawardene (chairman) • Sharhan Muhseen (deputy chairman) • Sanath Manathunga (CEO) 9 Department of marketing management Rajarata university of Sri Lanka 3. ANALYSIS OF THE COMPANY’S ANNUAL REPORT YEAR Gross income Interest income Fee & commission income Net gain or loss from trading Net gain or loss from derecognition of financial assets Net other operating income Total operating income (-)Impairment charge and other loss Net operating income Operating expenses: Personal expenses Depreciation & amortisation Other operating expenses Total opearating expenses Operating profit before taxes on financial services (-)Taxes on financial services Operating profit after taxes on financial services HORIZANTAL ANALYSIS OF INCOME STATEMENT GROUP BANK 2022 2021 Y0Y% Growth 2022 2021 Y0Y% Growth 280,386,944 163,675,312 71.31 275,443,682 160,885,882 71.20 84,665,211 66,416,332 27.48 81,744,030 64,610,612 26.52 20,169,101 12,242,194 64.75 19,491,268 11,751,463 65.86 35,297,450 1,936,007 1,723.21 35,297,450 1,936,007 1,723.21 276,884 3,001,574 (90.78) 276,884 3,001,574 (90.78) (3,771,999.00) 136,636,647 71,924,260 64,712,387 10,002,216 93,598,323 25,139,926 68,458,397 (137.71) 45.98 186.10 (5.47) (3,921,204) 132,888,428 71,461,622 61,426,806 10,094,869 91,394,525 24,692,343 66,702,182 (138.84) 45.40 189.41 (7.91) 19,788,283 3,598,371 12,895,587 36,282,241 16,799,212 3,220,066 9,638,461 29,657,739 17.79 11.75 33.79 22.34 19,112,546 3,563,476 12,260,183 34,936,205 16,321,317 3,178,628 9,391,810 28,891,755 17.10 12.11 30.54 20.92 28,430,146 38,800,658 (26.73) 26,490,601 37,810,427 (29.94) 3,921,381 5,845,230 (32.91) 3,892,216 5,809,224 (33.00) 24,508,765 32,955,428 (25.63) 22,598,385 32,001,203 (29.38) (3,727) 1,896 (296.57) 24,505,038 105,566 24,399,472 32,957,324 8,667,036 24,290,288 (25.65) (98.78) 0.45 Shareof profit/(loss)of associate net of tax Profit before tax (-)Income tax expenses Profit for the year 22,598,385 (371,406) 22,969,791 - - 32,001,203 8,395,152 23,606,051 (29.38) (104.42) (2.70) Figure 2 Horizontal analysis of income statement Compared to 2021 Commercial Bank planned to achieve a 71.20% growth in gross income in 2022 but their operating income has increased by 45.40% in 2022. Total operating income is lower by 7.91% due to large increase 189.41 in impairment charge and other loss. Total operating expenses has increased 20.92% in 2022.Because the other operating expenses has increased by 30.54%. Profit has decreased by 2.70% due to decreased in net operating income and increase in operating expenses of the bank. 10 Department of marketing management Rajarata university of Sri Lanka HORIZANTAL ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL POSITION GROUP 2022 2021 Y0Y% Growth 2022 YEAR Assets Cash and cash equivalents Balance with central bank Placement with banks Securities purchased under realse agreements Derivative financial assets Financial assets recognnised through profit or loss measuredat fair value Financial assets at amortised cost -loan and advance to other customers Financial assets at amortised cost -debt and other financial instruments Financial assets measured at fair value through other comprensive income Investments in subsidiaries Investment in associate Property plant and equipment and right of use assets Investments properties Intangible assets Deferred tax assets other assets Total assets Liabilities Due to bank Derivate finanical liabilities Securities sold under repurchase agreements Finanical liabilities at amorrtised cost-due to other borrowings Finanical liabilities at amorrtised cost-due to deposits Current tax liabilities Deffered tax liabilities Other liabilities Due to subsidiares Subordinated laiabilities Total liabilities Equtiy Stated capital Statutory reserves Reatained earnings Other reserves Total equity atributable to equity holders of the bank Npn controlling interest Total equity Total liabilities and equity BANK 2021 Y0Y% Growth 151,109,490 78,597,120 96,082,937 69,335,379 56,777,465 12,498,709 117.94 38.43 668.74 149,393,611 66,493,499 95,899,645 68,078,076 52,897,908 11,584,952 119.44 25.70 727.79 1,517,308 8,345,091 3,000,490 3,245,120 (49.43) 157.16 1,517,308 8,345,091 3,000,490 3,245,120 (49.43) 157.16 24,873,057 23,436,123 6.13 24,873,057 23,436,123 6.13 1,155,492,527 1,029,584,075 12.23 1,130,442,579 1,014,618,580 11.42 761,650,234 385,390,598 97.63 725,935,299 369,417,889 96.51 118,652,257 55,302 335,953,802 60,428 (64.68) (8.48) 117,056,240 5,808,429 44,331 335,463,338 5,808,429 44,331 (65.11) - 27,446,607 80,350 4,113,200 30,727,213 40,811,211 2,499,553,904 24,744,634 72,400 2,272,639 10,036,105 27,083,177 1,983,491,144 10.92 10.98 80.99 206.17 50.69 26.02 25,425,452 3,563,120 30,301,203 40,699,168 2,425,798,032 23,075,467 1,724,864 9,793,129 27,024,475 1,949,213,171 10.18 106.57 209.41 50.60 24.45 64,971,170 2,880,667 73,801,195 2,092,198 (11.96) 37.69 65,130,061 2,880,667 73,777,420 2,092,198 (11.72) 37.69 97,726,435 151,424,854 (35.46) 97,726,435 151,911,842 (35.67) 1,977,743,661 1,472,640,456 34.30 1,914,359,494 1,443,093,453 32.66 16,150,356 24,916,074 437,123 40,354,877 61,400,967 2,286,581,330 32,587,051 9,486,772 349,106 33,253,518 38,303,466 1,813,938,616 (50.44) 162.64 25.21 21.36 60.30 26.06 16,150,356 24,475,319 39,860,573 115,484 61,400,967 2,222,099,356 32,587,051 9,294,180 33,210,883 48,699 38,303,466 1,784,319,192 (50.44) 163.34 20.02 137.14 60.30 24.53 58,149,621 12,079,670 6,790,304 131,845,571 54,566,957 10,590,338 9,890,762 92,426,660 6.57 14.06 (31.35) 42.65 58,149,621 11,352,858 5,592,121 128,604,076 54,566,957 10,204,368 9,028,265 91,094,389 6.57 11.25 (38.06) 41.18 208,865,166 4,107,408 212,972,574 2,499,553,904 167,474,717 2,077,811 169,552,528 1,983,491,144 24.71 97.68 25.61 26.02 203,698,676 203,698,676 2,425,798,032 164,893,979 164,893,979 1,949,213,171 23.53 23.53 24.45 Figure 3horozontal analysis of financial position Compared to 2021 total assets and total liabilities+ total equity has increased 24.45%. The financial position of the bank is in a good condition as the company has sufficient assets to meet its liabilities 11 Department of marketing management Rajarata university of Sri Lanka HORIZANTAL ANALYSIS OF CASH FLOW GROUP 2022 2021 Y0Y% Growth YEAR Cash flow from operating activities profit before tax 24,505,038 32,957,324 Adjustments for: Non -cash items includes in profit before tax 91,299,070 30,473,593 Change in operating assets (463,345,077) (230,261,220) Change in operating liabilities 430,778,836 208,070,200 (Gain/losses on sale of property, palnt and equipment (20,118) (4,054) Share of (Profit)/loss of associate ,net of tax 3,727 (1,896) Dividends received from investments in associate and subsidiaries Interest expenses on subordinated liabilities 4,843,571 3,398,554 Net unrealised gain/(losses)aring from translating the FS of foreigon operations 18,347,815 1,278,891 Benefits paid on defind benefit plans (780,828) (1,116,195) Income tax paid (11,143,271) (8,963,620) Surcharge tax paid (5,216,574) Net cash from/(used in)operating activities 89,272,189 35,831,577 Cash flows from investing activities Purchase of property,plant and equipment (3,370,339) (1,034,299) Purchase of financial investments 47,856 49,463 Proceeds from sale of property,plant and equipment (1,200,000) (5,607,000) Proceeds from sale and maturity of financial investments 952,369 484,800 Purchase of intangible assets (2,224,915) (810,454) Dividends received from investments in associate and subsidiaries 0 0 Net cash from/(used in)investing activities (5,795,029) (6,917,490) Cash flow from financing activities Proceeds from issue of ordinary voting shares under employee share option plans 40,866 Proceeds from issue of subordinated liabilities 10,000,000 8,595,470 Redemption of subordinated liabilities (9,502,140) Interest paid on subordinated liabilities (4,283,280) (3,422,766) Payment of lease liabilities/advance payment of right of use assets (2,055,498) (1,366,628) Dividend paid to non controling interest (14,365) (15,168) Dividend paid to shareholders (5,343,490) (5,159,000) Net cash from/(used in)financial activities (1,696,633) (10,829,366) Net increase/(decrease)in cash and cash equivalents 81,780,527 18,084,721 Cash and cash equivalents as at January31, 69,342,992 51,258,271 Gross Cash and cash equivalents as at December31, 151,123,519 69,342,992 (-)Impliment charges on cash and cash equivalents (14,029) (7,613) Cash and cash equivalents as per statement of financial posision 151,109,490 69,335,379 (25.65) 199.60 101.23 107.04 396.25 (296.57) 2022 22,598,385 BANK 2021 Y0Y% Growth 32,001,203 (29.38) 90,747,133 30,013,192 (424,402,972) (221,556,713) 396,536,876 200,391,382 202.36 91.56 97.88 (10,868) - (5,164) - 110.46 - (109,600) 4,843,571 (105,911) 3,398,554 3.48 42.52 1,334.67 (30.05) 24.32 149.14 14,876,983 (765,208) (10,643,395) (5,036,184) 88,634,721 1,152,856 (1,107,421) (8,660,823) 35,521,155 1,190.45 (30.90) 22.89 149.53 225.86 (3.25) (3,144,592) 12,132 (922,623) 14,335 240.83 (15.37) (78.60) (1,200,000) (5,607,000) (78.60) 96.45 174.53 952,369 (2,218,024) 484,800 (768,047) (16.23) 109600 (5,488,515) 105911 (6,692,624) 3.48 (17.99) (100.00) 16.34 (100.00) 25.14 10,000,000 (4,283,280) 40,866 8,595,470 (9,502,140) (3,422,766) (100.00) 16.34 (100.00) 25.14 50.41 (5.29) 3.58 (84.33) (2,197,452) (5,343,804) (1,824,536) (1,548,914) (5,159,284) (10,996,768) 41.87 3.58 (83.41) 352.21 35.28 81,321,670 68,085,631 17,831,763 50,253,868 356.05 35.48 117.94 149,407,301 68,085,631 119.44 42.52 84.28 117.94 (13,690) 149,393,611 96.45 188.79 (7,555) 81.20 68,078,076 119.44 Figure 4 horizontal analysis of cash flow Compared to 2021 they achieved 119.44% cash in coming in 2022. As they earned a good income for investments. It is 96.45% 12 Department of marketing management Rajarata university of Sri Lanka 4. LKAS 16 – Property, plant, and equipment Introduction: This report evaluates the commercial bank's compliance with LKAS 16 disclosure requirements in the selected industry. LKAS 16, also known as the International Accounting Standard (IAS) 16, sets out the accounting treatment and disclosure requirements for property, plant, and equipment (PPE) in the financial statements of commercial banks. Disclosure plays a crucial role in providing stakeholders with relevant information about the nature, condition, and financial impact of PPE assets held by commercial banks. By complying with the disclosure requirements of LKAS 16, commercial banks enhance transparency, enable comparability, and facilitate informed decision-making by users of their financial statements Additionally, it assesses the adequacy and effectiveness of the company's disclosures in providing relevant information to users of the financial statements. DISCLOSURES IN LKAS 16 • Accounting policy • Measurement basis (Cost or revaluation) • Depreciation method • Useful life • Pledged PPE • Reconciliation of carrying value from beginning to end • Fully depreciated assets • Revaluation o Date of revaluation o Revaluer's Name o Revaluer's Qualifications o Revaluer’s independency o Revaluation method 13 Department of marketing management Rajarata university of Sri Lanka Compliance with Disclosure Requirements: Commercial bank demonstrates satisfactory compliance with the disclosure requirements of LKAS 16. The financial statements and accompanying notes provide comprehensive information on property, plant, and equipment investments. The balance sheet for the year ending December 31, 2022, reveals the following carrying amounts for significant asset categories Table 1 carrying amounts of assets 1. Freehold land Rs. 8 774 704 2. Freehold buildings Rs. 6 502 620 3. Leasehold buildings Rs. 100 037 4. Computer equipment Rs. 9 633 237 5. Motor vehicle Rs. 249 866 6. Office equipment and furniture Rs. 8 098 224 These figures comply with the requirement to disclose carrying amounts of property, plant, and equipment in accordance with LKAS 16. Also, through the bank's notes, disclosures related to depreciation policies and useful lifetimes of assets can be seen. The company assigns a useful life of o 40 years to buildings o 5 years to the vehicles o 5 years to computer equipment o 5 years to furniture It employs the straight-line depreciation method for all categories. By providing these details, Commercial Bank adheres to the requirement of disclosing useful lives and depreciation policies as per LKAS 16. 14 Department of marketing management Rajarata university of Sri Lanka Furthermore, Commercial Bank’s disclosure of significant additions and disposals of property, plant, and equipment during the reporting period provides transparency. For instance, during the year, the company acquired Buildings worth rs.13 000 000 Computer worth rs.2 440 880 000 Vehicle worth rs.605 000 Furniture worth rs.624 176 000 000 Also, they disposed of computer equipment, vehicles, and furniture during the year. Effectiveness of Disclosures: Commercial banks’ disclosures related to property, plant, and equipment effectively provide relevant information to users of the financial statements, enabling them to assess the significance of these assets. The detailed breakdown of carrying amounts for each asset category allows stakeholders to understand the relative importance of land and buildings, machinery and equipment, and vehicles in Commercial bank's operations. This information aids in evaluating the company's asset base and its alignment with industry standards. Additionally, the disclosure of useful lives and depreciation policies facilitates an understanding of how the company allocates costs over time. Users can assess the appropriateness of the depreciation method employed and anticipate the impact on the financial statements. 15 Department of marketing management Rajarata university of Sri Lanka Figure 5 NOTE Table of PPE Figure 6 Table of impairment loss and depreciation 16 Department of marketing management Rajarata university of Sri Lanka Notable areas of improvement identified in accordance with LKAS 16 Disclosure of Material Assumptions and Estimates: Bank is required to make full and transparent disclosures of material assumptions and estimates that were used to calculate and calculate the depreciation of property, plant, and equipment. This will improve how well users comprehend the financial statements and how these assumptions and estimates may affect the company's performance and financial condition. Solution for areas of improvement Disclosure Policy: The bank needs to set up a thorough disclosure policy that specifies the need for revealing important assumptions and projections about depreciation. The level of specificity and openness anticipated in the disclosures should be stated in this policy. Conclusion: In conclusion, Commercial Bank demonstrates satisfactory compliance with the disclosure requirements of LKAS 16 regarding property, plant, and equipment. The disclosed information effectively provides relevant details to users of the financial statements in understanding the nature, carrying amounts, and depreciation policies of these assets. By adhering to industry standards and providing clear and comprehensive disclosures, Commercial Bank enhances the transparency and reliability of its financial reporting. 17 Department of marketing management Rajarata university of Sri Lanka 5. LKAS 37 – PROVISIONS, CONTINGENT LIABILITIES, AND CONTINGENT ASSETS Introduction: This report aims to identify and evaluate Commercial Bank’s compliance with the disclosure requirements of LKAS 37 regarding provisions, contingent Bank’s liabilities, and contingent assets. Additionally, it assesses the adequacy and effectiveness of the company's disclosures in providing relevant information to users of the financial statements. DISCLOSURES IN LKAS 37 Compliance with Disclosure Requirements: Commercial Bank demonstrates comprehensive compliance with the disclosure requirements of LKAS 37. The financial statements and accompanying notes provide detailed information regarding provisions, contingent liabilities, and contingent assets. Provisions: In the financial statements, Commercial Bank discloses the following provisions: 1. Litigation provisions: Rs. 78 285 650 000 Figure 6 litigations 18 Department of marketing management Rajarata university of Sri Lanka These amounts represent the recognized provisions and comply with the requirement to disclose the nature and amounts of provisions as per LKAS 37. Contingent Liabilities: Bank's notes to the financial statements disclose the following contingent liabilities: 1. Legal disputes: Commercial bank is involved in ongoing legal disputes, potentially resulting in future financial obligations. The estimated contingent liability for these disputes is Rs. 78 285 650 000. Figure 7 contingent liabilities and commitments By disclosing these contingent liabilities, Commercial bank adheres to the requirement of providing a description of contingencies and their potential financial implications as per LKAS 37. 19 Department of marketing management Rajarata university of Sri Lanka Contingent Assets: Figure 8 Contingent assets These contingent assets arise from past events and are not recognized in the financial statements due to uncertainty. Effectiveness of Disclosures: Commercial Bank's disclosures related to provisions, contingent liabilities, and contingent assets effectively provide relevant information to users of the financial statements. The disclosure of specific provisions allows stakeholders to understand the nature of each provision and its impact on the financial position of the company. This information assists in evaluating the potential future outflows and their impact on profitability. Furthermore, the disclosure of contingent liabilities enables users to assess the potential risks and obligations that may impact the company's financial position. By providing information on the nature and estimated financial implications of legal disputes and environmental obligations, Commercial Bank enhances transparency and facilitates informed decision-making. 20 Department of marketing management Rajarata university of Sri Lanka The disclosure of contingent assets, although not recognized in the financial statements, provides users with awareness of potential future economic benefits that may arise from successful outcomes of pending events. This information assists stakeholders in evaluating the company's potential for future gains and the impact on its financial position. Notable areas of improvement identified in accordance with LKAS 37 - Lack of Transparency in Contingent Liability Disclosures: Bank should make full disclosures of its potential liabilities. The nature, possible financial impact, and uncertainty relating to contingent liabilities should all be disclosed. Insufficient disclosure could lead to a lack of transparency and keep people from making wise choices. Solutions for areas of improvement Robust Risk Management Framework: The bank should have a strong framework for risk management in place that includes contingent liabilities' identification, evaluation, and monitoring. This aids in locating prospective debts and evaluating their potential financial effects. Continuous improvement can be pursued by regularly updating the disclosures based on any material changes in provisions, contingent liabilities, or contingent assets. Conclusion: In conclusion, Commercial Bank demonstrates comprehensive compliance with the disclosure requirements of LKAS 37 regarding provisions, contingent liabilities, and contingent assets. The disclosed information effectively provides relevant details to users of the financial statements in understanding the nature, amounts, and potential financial implications of provisions and contingencies. By adhering to industry standards and providing clear and comprehensive disclosures, Commercial Bank enhances the transparency and reliability of its financial reporting 21 Department of marketing management Rajarata university of Sri Lanka REFERENCES Commercial bank annual report 2022 Commercial bank website Lecture notes about financial accounts THANK YOU 22