Project Name: Single Chatting Application It is a desktop based application where two members can chat simultaneously. In this project I have taken help of Java Swing, AWT and Socket Programming. Technologies Used: Core Java ( Swing, AWT, Socket Programming) setLocation(x axis, y axis): to set the location of the appearing frame. IDE used: Netbeans getContentPane().setBackground(): to set the color of the frame. Here color class is under awt package. I have used two classes here respectively “Server” and “Client”. Server Class: In this class I have Imported a few packages called import javax.swing.*; setLayout(): to set layout in the frame. Example: “null” means we will create our own layout. JPanel: If we have to do something over the frame, we can do it with the help of panel. import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.border.*; import java.util.*; import java.text.*; import*; setBackground(): setting background color of the panel. We have used object of color class and used rgb format. setBounds(starting co-ordinates, length,height): we have to pass the coordinates of the component. add() : to set any component over the frame. import*; I have created a object called Server which will be accessed by the constructor itself and all the coding will be inside the Constructor Server(). To make frame we have used JFrame class which is under the swing package(Java’s extended Package). Some functions used in this class: setSize(): used for setting the size of the frame. And it will be under JFrame class. setVisible(): To show the visibility of the frame. We have used separate icons folder in the source code. ImageIcon class: ClassLoader.getSystemResource(): we have to pass the location of the picture. getImage().getScaledInstance(width, height, scaling system): to scale image back.setBounds(x axis, y axis, image’s length, width): to set JLabel over frame. ActionListener interface: it is under awt.event.* back.addMouseListener : to add action on clicking some icon by mouse JLabel: to write anything over frame. setForeground(): to set the color of the text createVerticalStrut(): to create gap after every message formatLabel: to pass every message in a box EmptyBorder():to add border of the message boxes which is under swing.border.* child package Calendar.getInstance(): to add time of message-sending which is under util class setFont(): to set the font of the text SimpleDateFormat(): to format the date which is under text package setUndecorated(true) : to remove the extra part over the frame setText(): to set empty the message box after sending message JTextField() : to make textfield. It needs to be declared globally. JButton : to make button. Client Class: All the functions are as same as the Server() class. addActionListener(this) : to create action on clicking on send button which will be explained in actionPerformed function. getText(): to take value of the JTextField() function BorderLayout():to place element around border Box: core layout repaint(),f.invalidate(),f.validate(): these three functions are used to repaint/reload the frame. createVerticalBox(): to align messages on after another. Socket programming: to make inter connection between server to socket. It consists of two classes. They are under net package. Server socket class: to make server. We have to use try-catch block to remove exception. ServerSocket(): to create server socket. It should be run and accept message infinitely. DataInputStream(): to receive message . it is under io package DataOutputStream():to send message readUTF(): protocol to receive message infinitely. It returns a string. Socket(): to create Socket. We have to give address of the server. writeUTF():protocol to send messages infinitely. Rest will be same as the Server Socket class. Socket class: to make client. Server socket will be only one but socket can be many. Code and Output of Server Class: Code: package chatting.application; static DataOutputStream dout; //we have used swing to make a frame Server() import javax.swing.*; { import javax.swing.border.*; f.setLayout(null); import java.awt.*; JPanel p1 = new JPanel(); import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.*; import java.text.*; import*; import*; public class Server implements ActionListener{//it is under awt.event.* JTextField text; JPanel a1 ; static Box vertical = Box.createVerticalBox();//box is an inbuilt layout static JFrame f = new JFrame(); p1.setBackground(new Color(7,94,84)); p1.setBounds(0,0,450,70); p1.setLayout(null); f.add(p1); ImageIcon i1 = new ImageIcon(ClassLoader.getSystemReso urce("icons/3.png")); Image i2 = i1.getImage().getScaledInstance(25,25,I mage.SCALE_DEFAULT); ImageIcon i3 = new ImageIcon(i2); JLabel back = new JLabel(i3); back.setBounds(5,20,25,25); p1.add(back); back.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter()//to add action on clicking some icon { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent ae) { System.exit(0); } } ); ImageIcon i4 = new ImageIcon(ClassLoader.getSystemReso urce("icons/p2.png")); Image i5 = i4.getImage().getScaledInstance(50,50,I mage.SCALE_DEFAULT); ImageIcon i6 = new ImageIcon(i5); JLabel profile = new JLabel(i6); profile.setBounds(40,10,50,50); p1.add(profile); ImageIcon i7 = new ImageIcon(ClassLoader.getSystemReso urce("icons/video.png")); Image i8 = i7.getImage().getScaledInstance(30,30,I mage.SCALE_DEFAULT); ImageIcon i9 = new ImageIcon(i8); JLabel video = new JLabel(i9); video.setBounds(300,20,30,30); p1.add(video); ImageIcon i10 = new ImageIcon(ClassLoader.getSystemReso urce("icons/phone.png")); Image i11 = i10.getImage().getScaledInstance(35,30 ,Image.SCALE_DEFAULT); ImageIcon i12 = new ImageIcon(i11); JLabel phone = new JLabel(i12); phone.setBounds(360,20,35,30); p1.add(phone); ImageIcon i13 = new ImageIcon(ClassLoader.getSystemReso urce("icons/3icon.png")); Image i14 = i13.getImage().getScaledInstance(10,25 ,Image.SCALE_DEFAULT); ImageIcon i15 = new ImageIcon(i14); JLabel morevert = new JLabel(i15); morevert.setBounds(420,20,10,25); p1.add(morevert); JLabel name = new JLabel("Puja"); name.setBounds(110,15,100,18); name.setForeground(Color.WHITE); name.setFont(new Font("SAN_SERIF",Font.BOLD,18)); p1.add(name); send.setForeground(Color.WHITE); //to create action on clicking on send button which will be explained in actionPerformed function JLabel status = new JLabel("Active Now"); status.setBounds(110,35,100,18); send.addActionListener(this); send.setFont(new Font("SAN_SERIF",Font.PLAIN,16)); f.add(send); status.setForeground(Color.WHITE);//to set the color of the text status.setFont(new Font("SAN_SERIF",Font.BOLD,14));//to set the font of the text f.setSize(450,700); f.setLocation(200,50); f.setUndecorated(true);//to remove the extra part over the frame p1.add(status); //text area a1 = new JPanel(); f.getContentPane().setBackground(Colo r.WHITE); f.setVisible(true); a1.setBounds(5,75,440,570); f.add(a1); text = new JTextField();//to make text field text.setBounds(5,655,310,40); text.setFont(new Font("SAN_SERIF",Font.PLAIN,16)); f.add(text); JButton send = new JButton("Send"); send.setBounds(320,655,123,40); send.setBackground(new Color(7,94,84)); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){ try { String out = text.getText();//to take value of the JTextField() function JPanel p2 = formatLabel(out); a1.setLayout(new BorderLayout());//to place element around border JPanel right = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); right.add(p2,BorderLayout.LINE_END); vertical.add(right); vertical.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(15)) ;//creating gap after text a1.add(vertical, BorderLayout.PAGE_START);//aligning vertical JLabel output = new JLabel("<html><p style=\"width: 150px\">" + out + "</p><html>"); output.setFont((new Font("Tahoma",Font.PLAIN, 16))); output.setBackground(new Color(37,211,102)); output.setOpaque(true); dout.writeUTF(out);//to send messages infifinitely //to add border of the message boxes which is under swing.border.* child package text.setText("");//to set empty the message box after sending message output.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(15,15,15,20)); f.repaint(); f.invalidate(); f.validate(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); panel.add(output); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();//to add time of message-sending which is under util class SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm");//to format the date which is under text package } JLabel time = new JLabel(); } // to pass every message in a box time.setText(sdf.format(cal.getTime())); panel.add(time); public static JPanel formatLabel(String out) { return panel; } JPanel panel = new JPanel(); panel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(panel,BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); public static void main(String[] args) { new Server(); try{ } ServerSocket skt = new ServerSocket(6001);//to create server socket } catch(Exception e) { while(true) e.printStackTrace(); { } Socket s = skt.accept(); DataInputStream din = new DataInputStream(s.getInputStream());// to receive message and it is under io package dout = new DataOutputStream(s.getOutputStream() );// to send message // to send and receive messages infinitely while(true) { String msg = din.readUTF(); JPanel panel = formatLabel(msg); JPanel left = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); //adding on left of the screen left.add(panel,BorderLayout.LINE_STA RT); vertical.add(left); f.validate(); } } } Output: Code and output of Client class: Code: //to set layout in the frame. Example: “null” means we will create our own layout. f.setLayout(null); package chatting.application; import javax.swing.*; //if we have to do something over the frame, we can do it with the help of panel import java.awt.*; JPanel p1 = new JPanel(); import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.border.*; import java.util.*; import java.text.*; import*; import*; public class Client implements ActionListener{ JTextField text; p1.setBackground(new Color(7,94,84));//setting background color of the panel.Used Color class'es object and rgb format p1.setBounds(0,0,450,70);//to pass the co-ordinates of the component. p1.setLayout(null); f.add(p1);//to set any component over the frame //we have to pass the location of the picture. static JPanel a1; static Box vertical = Box.createVerticalBox(); static DataOutputStream dout; //To make frame we have used JFrame class which is under the swing package static JFrame f = new JFrame(); Client(){ ImageIcon i1 = new ImageIcon(ClassLoader.getSystemReso urce("icons/3.png")); Image i2 = i1.getImage().getScaledInstance(25, 25, Image.SCALE_DEFAULT); ImageIcon i3 = new ImageIcon(i2); JLabel back = new JLabel(i3); back.setBounds(5,20,25,25);//to set JLabel over frame. p1.add(back); back.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent ae) { System.exit(0); } }); ImageIcon i4 = new ImageIcon(ClassLoader.getSystemReso urce("icons/p1.png")); Image i5 = i4.getImage().getScaledInstance(50, 50, Image.SCALE_DEFAULT); ImageIcon i6 = new ImageIcon(i5); JLabel profile = new JLabel(i6); profile.setBounds(40,10,50,50); p1.add(profile); ImageIcon i7 = new ImageIcon(ClassLoader.getSystemReso urce("icons/video.png")); Image i8 = i7.getImage().getScaledInstance(30, 30, Image.SCALE_DEFAULT); ImageIcon i9 = new ImageIcon(i8); JLabel video = new JLabel(i9); video.setBounds(300,20,30,30); p1.add(video); ImageIcon i10 = new ImageIcon(ClassLoader.getSystemReso urce("icons/phone.png")); Image i11 = i10.getImage().getScaledInstance(35, 30, Image.SCALE_DEFAULT); ImageIcon i12 = new ImageIcon(i11); JLabel phone = new JLabel(i12); phone.setBounds(360, 20, 35, 30); p1.add(phone); ImageIcon i13 = new ImageIcon(ClassLoader.getSystemReso urce("icons/3icon.png")); Image i14 = i13.getImage().getScaledInstance(10, 25, Image.SCALE_DEFAULT); ImageIcon i15 = new ImageIcon(i14); JLabel morevert = new JLabel(i15); morevert.setBounds(420, 20, 10, 25); p1.add(morevert); JLabel name = new JLabel("Rony"); name.setBounds(110, 15, 100, 18); JButton send = new JButton("Send"); send.setBounds(320, 655, name.setForeground(Color.WHITE); 123, 40); name.setFont(new Font("SAN_SERIF", Font.BOLD, 18)); send.setBackground(new Color(7, 94, 84)); p1.add(name); send.setForeground(Color.WHITE); JLabel status = new JLabel("Active Now"); status.setBounds(110, 35, send.addActionListener(this); send.setFont(new Font("SAN_SERIF", Font.PLAIN, 16)); 100, 18); f.add(send); status.setForeground(Color.WHITE); f.setSize(450,700);//used for setting the size of the frame status.setFont(new Font("SAN_SERIF", Font.BOLD, 14)); p1.add(status); a1 = new JPanel(); a1.setBounds(5,75,440,570); f.add(a1); f.setLocation(800,50); f.setUndecorated(true); //to set the color of the frame. Here color class is under awt package. f.getContentPane().setBackgroun d(Color.WHITE); f.setVisible(true);//To show the visibility of the frame. } text = new JTextField(); text.setBounds(5, 655, 310, public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { 40); try { text.setFont(new Font("SAN_SERIF", Font.PLAIN, 16)); String out = text.getText(); f.add(text); JPanel p2 = formatLabel(out); JPanel panel = new a1.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); JPanel(); panel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(panel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); JPanel right = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); JLabel output = new JLabel("<html><p style=\"width: 150px\">" + out + "</p></html>"); right.add(p2, BorderLayout.LINE_END); output.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 16)); vertical.add(right); vertical.add(Box.createVerticalStr ut(15)); a1.add(vertical, BorderLayout.PAGE_START); dout.writeUTF(out); text.setText(""); output.setBackground(new Color(37, 211, 102)); output.setOpaque(true); output.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(15, 15, 15, 50)); panel.add(output); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm"); f.repaint(); JLabel time = new JLabel(); f.invalidate(); f.validate(); time.setText(sdf.format(cal.getTime())); }catch(Exception e) { panel.add(time); e.printStackTrace(); return panel; } } public static JPanel formatLabel(String out) { } public static void main(String[] args) { new Client(); try { Socket s = new Socket("",6001);//to create Socket a1.add(vertical, BorderLayout.PAGE_START); f.validate(); DataInputStream din = } new DataInputStream(s.getInputStream()); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); dout = new DataOutputStream(s.getOutputStream() ); } } } while(true) { Output: a1.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); String msg = din.readUTF(); JPanel panel = formatLabel(msg); JPanel left = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); left.add(panel, BorderLayout.LINE_START); vertical.add(left); vertical.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(15)) ; Client And Server receiving and sending messages at the same time: