Uploaded by Dimitar “Fassa” Savov

100M Offers: Business Guide to Grand Slam Offers

$100M Offers
-> it takes years of practice to make X look effortless.
Ch 1: How We Got Here
Ch 2: Grand Slam Offers
Wantepreneur vs entrepreneur
The offer is the goods and services to give or provide, how you accept payment and the
terms of agreements.
I have crafted thousands of offers over the last decade. Most failed. Some did okay. And
some struck gold. But I never really knew why. It is far better to have understood why you
failed than to be ignorant of why you succeeded.
Einstein: never memorize anything you can look up
Ch 3: Pricing: The Commodity Problem
If your company is not growing, it is dying.
Only two ways to grow
1. get more customers
2. increase each customer’s value
- Increase profit per purchase
- Increase the number of times they buy
LTGP - Lifetime Gross Profit
Value-Driven vs. Price-Driven Purchases
- Grand Slam Offer - get more customers, get them to pay more, get them to do it
more times
Grand Slam Offer > commodity offer
GSO makes the business appear as if it has a totally different product (this is a value-driven
vs price-driven purchase)
Commodity offers compete on price
GSO - your own category, think differently, it is too difficult to compare prices, I re-calibrate
the prospect’s value-meter
Customers should not be able to compare.
Make it so different that you skip the awkward explanation of why your product is different
from everyone elses.
Ch 4: Pricing: Finding The Right Market -- A ...
What is your advantage over your competitors?
Low prices
Best taste
-> A starving crowd
You can have the worst hot dogs, terrible prices and a terrible location. But if you are the
only hot dog stand in town, you are going to stand out.
-> Same entrepreneur, different market
1. Pick the right market
-> we need demand
Don’t create it, channel it
-> common unmet needs
Three categories: improved health, increased wealth, or improved relationships
Careful with dying markets. You can be in a normal market that’s growing at an average rate
and still make crazy money.
2. Pain
- They must not want, but desperately need what I am offering. Pain can be everything
that frustrates you.
- The degree of pain will be proportional to the price you will be able to charge
- Solution to their pain, what their life would look like without this pain
- The pain is the pitch
Pro tip:
The pain of good writing is for the reader to understand
The point of good persuasion is for the prospect to feel understood
3. Purchasing power
1) Easy-to-target markets
Mailing lists, social media groups, channels they all watch
2) Growing
Three main markets that will always exist: Health, Wealth, and Relationships
- Pain when you lack them
What am I good at - health, wealth, relationships
Who might value my service the most (is in most pain)
Has the buying power to pay what I want (money(
Can be found easily (targeting)
Level of importance.
Bad offer, bad persuasion, great market -> make money
Bad hot dogs, but the bars close at 2am, and i work
Great GSO, bad persuasion, normal market -> make tons of money
This is most people reading this book
Normal offer, exceptionally good at persuasion, normal market -> only then i succeed
Most effort and learning. You will have a normal business that takes exceptional skills to be
Commit to the Niche
Don’t just try 1 offer, you need to find your Grand Slam Offer
Pick, then commit
You will fail if you keep changing who you market to, because you must start over from the
beginning each time
Charging the same amount for the exact same product
Ch 5: Pricing: Charge What It’s Worth
Charge Premium prices
Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.
There is no strategic benefit to being the second cheapest in the marketplace, but there is
for being the most expensive.
GSO goal: get more people to say YES at a higher price by increasing our value to price
discrepancy. = we raise our price only after we have significantly increased our value.
-> the competitors they copy are dead broke
Higher price means higher value
Stings a little when they buy
People who invest more, force and focus their attention and their investment in your product
Done-with-you > done-for-you
My conviction is stronger than their skepticism
Have conviction in your product. Outwork your self-doubt.
Ch 6: Value Offer: The Value Equation
Anyone can raise their prices, but only a select few can charge these rates and get people to
say yes
Figure out what people value most, triple down on it, eliminate everything else
The good news is that there is a repeatable formula that i have created (i’ve never seen it
displayed elsewhere) to help quantify the variables that create value for any offer
Once you see it, you can never unsee it.
Supplements, shapewear, plastic surgery, fitness…
-> all these vehicles channel the desire to be perceived as beautiful
For men, making money is more important than being handsome does
So, in general, they value all offers that make them money more than offers that help them
look good
Fast > Free
Tired of wasting countless hours in the gym… tired of trying diets that just don't work?
Our goal as marketers and business owners is to increase the value of the dream outcome
and its perceived likelihood of achievement, while decreasing the time delay of achievement
and the effort and sacrifice one has to put in to get there.
1 = being value achieved
0 = being missing
Ch7: Free Goodwill
Ch 8: Value Offer: The Thought Process
Ch 9: Value Offer: Creating Your Grand Slam Offer
1. Problems & Solutions
Ideas: 5 hours of video -> After the first 1 hour, you will know… after the 2…
Ch 10: Value Offer: Creating Your Grand Slam
2. Trim & Stack
-> Find a sweet spot where you will sell something very well that’s also easy to fulfill.
What level of personal attention do I provide?
OFFERS you cant say NO to
Section IV: Enhancing Your Offer
Scarcity, urgency, bonuses, guarantees, and naming
“But wait… there’s more, if you order today…”
Not available to the public until months later
When demand increases, cut supply.
Use psychological underpinnings
IDEA: give us 24 hours and we will let you know whether you meet the requirements to enter
the community
Desire comes from not getting what you want.
Desire is a contract you make with yourself to be unhappy until you get what you want.
Ch 11: Enhancing The Offer: Scarcity
Idea: We only accept 100 new members each month due to …
Ch 12: Enhancing The Offer: Urgency
Deadlines drive decisions.
Ideas for urgency and spots
Ch 13: Enhancing The Offer: Bonuses
Ideas: Version 1, Version 2
Ch 14: Enhancing The Offer: Guarantees
Idea for guarantee
Ch 15: Enhancing The Offer: Naming
We do not change the product, but the wrapping paper.
Ch 16: Your First $100,000