STANDARDIZED TEST ARE GOOD FOR EDUCATION In 2020, Indonesia was shocked by the issue of abolishing the National Examination. Quoting from Jakarta, CNN Indonesia, Nadiem Makarim (Minister of Education and Culture) announced that in 2021 the National Examination would be abolished. Even though the National Examination has been a national standard exam for many years. According to Syeda (2016), a standardized test is a "standard" or consistent assessment in which all students take the test with the same questions and time. The application of standardized tests so far reaps the pros and cons. Many people think that standardized tests need to reflect students' abilities. They stated that it was unfair to equate the assessment methods of students with different backgrounds and situations. However, standardized tests create clear and tested standards in all conditions regarding assessment and question-making. So far, scores from standardized tests are still valid data nationally and internationally. This is because the standard test has passed all trials, including validity and reliability tests which makes it accurate. It is, therefore, essential to reconsider what standard tests do before eliminating them. Standardized tests do not reflect student abilities. That's what most people think of standardized test implementations. They stated that the results obtained by students after taking standardized tests were inaccurate. The reason is students can be influenced by internal and external conditions that can cause students to not be optimal in doing the test. That assumption may be true, but only in a small percentage of cases can it be. Each item in the standardized test has gone through a reliability test. Nathan (2013) defines reliability as accuracy or the extent to which a person's test score is stable and free from measurement errors. The reliability of a standardized test can be seen from the stability of student test scores even though the test is carried out in all conditions. For example, a student takes a math test in an unhealthy condition and gets a score of 70. Then a week later, the student has to repeat a math test with the same problem at the same time and is in good health. However, the student still scored 70 on his second math test. This proves that the test that has passed the reliability test reflects students' abilities. Standardized tests create clear standards that are used as official references to a student's ability. Even so, there are still many people who think that it is unfair to create the same test for every different individual. In fact, the test makes a valid standard that can be used in all institutions. Jenkins, J., & Leung, C. (2018) stated that the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) has been used by more universities globally than any other test, which can determine whether a person will be accepted not at the university. TOEFL is an international standard because it has been tested for validity. Cureton, EE (1951) states that validity is how well a test does its job. Validity states the accuracy of a measuring instrument to measure what is being measured. A standardized test has been tested for validity and has been tested in all kinds of conditions with different backgrounds. Therefore, it is important for universities to use standardized tests as student competency standards. There is still a correlation with validity. Standardized tests also function to guide teachers regarding the making of teaching materials. In some cases, teachers feel standardized tests limit their creativity. Teachers must use material under existing curriculum guidelines, even if the material is considered less attractive to students. In fact, with standardized tests, teachers have guidelines for achieving learning outcomes. Naeda (2014) defines learning outcome as maximum results under students' abilities within a certain period. In other words, student scores on standardized tests are directly proportional to learning outcomes. If there is a case of decreased learning outcomes because the learning material is less attractive to students, the teacher must create an active and creative learning strategy. All learning materials will be interesting for students if the teacher can facilitate learning activities according to what students want. The application of standardized tests will significantly assist teachers in creating learning that is active, creative, and has explicit guidelines. Implementation of standardized tests is good for education. The standard test has been tested for reliability and validity. A reliability test is an accuracy or extent to which a person's test score is stable and free from measurement errors. Therefore, standardized tests can identify students' abilities. Student standardized test results are directly proportional to their competence from the point of view being tested. A validity test for standardized tests will create clear standards in terms of scoring and making learning materials. Scoring standards help institutions such as universities to have clear guidelines about student admissions and graduation. On the other hand, standards for making learning materials can assist teachers in creating learning activities that are active, creative, and have clear guidelines. References Cureton, E. E. (1951). Validity. In E. F. Lindquist (Ed.), Educational measurement. American Council on Education., 621–694. Hanushek, E. A. (2020). Education production functions. . The Economics of Education, 161-170. Jenkins, J. &. (2018). From mythical “standard” to standard reality: The need for alternatives to standardized English language tests. Language Teaching, 86-110. Kaukab, S. R. (2016). History and Evolution of Standardized Testing - A Literature Review. International of Journal Research - Granthaalayah, 126-132. Makki, S. (2019, Desember 3). Nadiem Hapus Ujian Nasional Mulai 2021. Retrieved from CNN Indonesia: Nadeak, B. (2014). Learning Achievement of UKI Students Eastern Indonesia. International Journal of Science and Research, 2319-7064. Ph.D., N. A. (2013). Reliability & Validity. United States of America: Assessment system. Ridha, S. O. (2019). An Analysis of TOEFL Score for English Departement Students of STKIP YDB Lubuk Alung. International Conference on Education.