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Curriculum Development
Professional Education (University of Mindanao)
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Post Test
Curriculum Development
Direction: Choose the correct answer and no erasure.
1. If you use the cognitive approach, which process will
dominate your lesson development?
a. I, II, and III
b. II only
c. I and III
d. IV only
2. Will you be more student-centered or teacher-centered
if you use the cognitive approach?
a. Student-centered
b. Teacher-centered
c. Depends on the ability of your students
d. Depend on the nature of the subject matter
3. If your approach in your lesson is behaviourist, what
feature will dominate to your lesson??
Cooperative learning
a. I, III, and IV
b. I, II, III, and IV
c. II only
d. I only
4. Which is true of integrative approach to lesson
Highly Structured Learning
a. II and III
b. II
c. I only
d. III only
5. If you decide to develop a lesson the constructivist way,
what kind of learning environment must you create for
you to succeed?
a. Open and Flexible
b. Structured
c. Authoritarian
d. Laissez faire
6. If you apply differentiated instruction as an approach to
teaching, which one will you use?
Allow students to select their own group
based on common interest
independently at least occasionally to
their preferences
Come up with heterogeneous groups
when working with open-ended problemsolving tasks.
a. I, II, and III
b. I, III
c. II, III
d. I
7. You practice inclusive education. Which one applies to
You accept your student as full and
valued members of the class and school
Your especial attention is on learners with
specific learning or social needs
You address the needs of the class as a
whole within the context of the learners
with specific learning or social needs.
a. I only
b. II only
c. I and II
d. I and III
8. You choose cooperative learning as a teaching
approach. What thought do you impress on your
a. Students’ success depends on the success on the
b. Students’ individually evaluate how effectively
their group worked.
c. The accountability for learning is on the group
not on the individual.
d. Interaction is a must, but not necessarily face-toface interaction
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9. You consider learning style in your lesson development.
What do you AVOID?
I. Trace the root causes of varied learning style
II.Allow children to use preferred learning style
III. Prescribe a uniform way of accomplishing a
a. I and III
b. II only
c. I and II
d. III only
10. If you apply integrated curriculum approach, which one
is out?
a. Relating the topic to real life
b. Rote learning
c. Problem solving
d. Lifelong Learning
11. If curriculum is designed following the traditional
approach which feature(s) applies?
I. The aims of the curriculum are set by
professional and experts.
communities) are assumed to agree with the
aims of the curriculum.
III. Consensus building is not necessary
a. I, II III
b. I, II
c. I, III
d. III only
12. The list of LET competencies upon which your licence
examination is based is a product of life of consultative
workshops with the academe in the entire country.
What approach to LET competency development was
a. Interactive
b. Objectivist
c. Rational
d. Collaborative
13. School curricula reflect worldwide economic issues,
political integration and industrialization. What do
these point to in curriculum development?
a. The trends toward globalization and localization
b. The trend toward participatory curriculum
c. The shift in the paradigm
of curriculum
development from a process-oriented to a
product oriented one
d. The trend towards the classical approach to
curriculum development
Which are two most important and relevant
underpinnings that the teachers need in designing and
implementing learning experiences that cater to
individual differences?
I. Barriers to learning
II. Inclusive education
III. Student management theories
IV. Support services and resources
a. I and III
b. II and III
c. III and IV
d. I and IV
Which priority factors should be considered in
organizing the learning competencies?
I. Learner
II. Values
III. School Facilitator
IV. Manner of Organization
V. Social and Individual Needs
a. I, II, and III
b. I, II, and V
c. II, III, and IV
d. I, III, V
The pre-school curriculum focuses on children’s
physical and mental growth, development of good
habits and attitudes via informal activities. Which of the
following are emphasized in the first eight weeks?
I. Aesthetic
II. Religious instruction
III. Social relationship
IV. Physical training
a. I, II, and III
b. I, III, and IV
c. III only
d. I only
Which of the following are the attitudes and skills of
teachers who help ALL types of learner?
I. Establishing clarity about the curricular
II.Accepting responsibility for learner success
III. Accessing repertoire of information
IV. Developing flexible classroom routines
a. I, II, III, IV
b. I and II
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c. I, II, III
d. III and IV
18. With which does an instructional plan begin?
a. Topic
b. Objectives
c. Subject matter
d. Materials
19. Lesson objectives must go beyond recall. Which is
concerned with recall?
a. To identify the provincial capitals of the following
b. To interpret the table on the population density
of continents
c. To draw conclusions based on observations
d. To distinguish facts from opinion
20. With bloom’s cognitive taxonomy in mind, which
objective in the highest level?
a. To rate a project along the relevance, originality,
and craftsmanship
b. To state a generalization from data given
c. To write a paragraph that observes unity,
coherence and variety
d. To state the assumption that underlies the given
21. Which objective in the affective domain is the lowest
a. To respond positively to a comment
b. To formulate criteria for honesty
c. To support viewpoints against abortion
d. To accumulate example authenticity
22. Which objective in the psychomotor domain is highest
a. To play the piano skilfully
b. To endure fatigue in the entire duration of the
c. To discriminate shapes by touching
d. To move hands and legs in a coordinate fashion
23. Which objective in the psychomotor domain is the
lowest level?
a. To relax the abdominal muscles
b. To increase speed as required
c. To dance waltz gracefully
d. To move in space while remaining in one place
In lesson planning, is it advisable to have mental picture
on how you are going to evaluate your student’s
learning as you write your lesson objectives?
a. Yes, this will ensure valid evaluation tools since
the lesson objective are basis for evaluation.
b. Yes, because objectives and evaluation is the first
and last part of a lesson plan.
c. No, because evaluation is quite different from
d. No, because lesson objective formulation gets
Why is there a need to write lesson plan?
a. To comply with the requirements set by the
b. To guide the teacher in the learning activities
c. To get a good rating in the performance of
d. To be able to show something during classroom
In preparing instructional materials, what is the primary
factor to be considered?
a. The objective of the lesson
b. The diversity of the learners
c. The methods and techniques
d. The technology available in the classroom
Why curriculum is considered dynamic?
a. In never ends: it has no beginning and no end
b. It changes just like those that occur in society
c. It jibes with the mandate of DepEd
d. It goes through a cycle
What is the primarily fundamental question in
examining the curriculum?
a. What educational experiences can be provided
that are likely to attain these purposes?
b. What educational purposes should the school
seek to attain?
c. How can these experiences be effectively
d. How can we determine whether these purposes
are attained or not?
Which is NOT a part of the grassroots of Hilda Taba?
a. Selection of learning content
b. Selection of learning experiences
c. Selection of technology
d. Selection of learning environment
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30. On which educational philosophy is the thought that
the teacher is a sole authority in her field of
specialization anchored?
a. Reconstructionism
b. Perennialism
c. Essentialism
d. Progressivism
31. Present trends and current issues of national and
international interests are discussed in the curriculum.
Which educational philosophy advocates this?
a. Reconstructionism
b. Essentialism
c. Progressivism
d. Perennilalism
32. If the subjects are interdisciplinary, integrative, and
interactive this curriculum is based on what educational
a. Progressivism
b. Reconstruction
c. Essentialism
d. Perennialism
33. When the curriculum aims to develop the whole child,
the curriculum is considered ____.
a. Subject-centered
b. Child-centered
c. Project-centered
d. Nature-centered
34. Teacher use a lot of problem and thinking skills in
teaching and learning. These are exemplified through
the following practices: reflective thinking, intuitive
thinking, and discovery learning. What is the basis of
these learning?
a. Cognitive psychology
b. Behaviourist psychology
c. Humanistic psychology
d. Social psychology
35. What kind of curriculum is achieved when the learning
outcome is achieved by the students?
a. Assessed curriculum
b. Learned curriculum
c. Hidden curriculum
d. Taught curriculum
36. What criterion is NOT included in the selection of
subject matter content?
a. Self-sufficiency
b. Creativity
c. Validity
d. Utility
The subject matter and content to be learned must be
within the time allowed, resources available, expertise
of the teacher and nature of learners. What criterion is
a. Validity
b. Significance
c. Interest
d. Feasibility
When curriculum content is fairly distributed in each
area of discipline this means that the curriculum is
a. Sequenced
b. Balanced
c. Integrated
d. Continued
Which holds TRUE when each level of subject matter is
smoothly connected to the next level and glaring gaps,
and wasteful overlaps in subject matter are avoided?
a. The curriculum must be sequenced
b. The curriculum must be articulated
c. The curriculum must be continued
d. The curriculum must be intergrated
Which of the following represents miniscule
a. Textbook that learners use
b. Lesson plan that teacher prepare
c. Reference material that supplement the text
d. Lecture notes of the teacher
Parents usually complain that the school were their
children go, changes their textbooks. If you are the
teacher how will you explain to the parents, the
practice they are complaining about?
a. Textbooks are already old and with pages torn or
b. Textbooks cover are dirty and faded and do not
look presentable
c. There are new authors of textbooks who are
d. There are new developments in curriculum
content included in new books
Which pair o components of a lesson plan does NOT
parallel curriculum components?
a. Behavioural objective and evaluation
b. Subject matter and content
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c. Teaching methods and instruction
d. Assessment and evaluation
Which of the following school activities is closely
related and has greater impact to curriculum
a. Principal’s performance evaluation of the
b. Monthly meeting with barangay officials
c. Review of the textbooks and reference materials
d. School visit of visitors from other places
A physical education teacher wrote this objective in her
lesson plan “ to execute the four fundamental dance
steps”. When observed by the school principal, she was
showing he class how to execute the basic dance steps
correctly. Why did the teacher use a demonstration
method to implement her objective?
a. It is a chance to show teacher’s expertise
b. It is easier to imitate a teacher who show the
c. No student knows how to execute the steps
d. Class time is limited to ask the student to execute
Which step of a daily provides opportunities for the
students to independently learn beyond what is taught
in the classroom where other stakeholders of
curriculum implementation are involved?
a. Formulation of lesson objectives
b. Doing homework
c. Motivating the learners
d. Evaluating the lesson
In curriculum development, which teaching technique
is used when with four to six speakers led by a
chairperson together discuss an important topic before
an audience.
a. Panel discussion
b. Brainstorming
c. Forum
d. Buzz session
Showing films and picture at the beginning of the
lesson is a part of ____.
a. Initiator activity
b. Development activity
c. Evaluation activity
d. Culminating activity
In developing curriculum, all EXCEPT ONE element
should be considered. Which one does NOT relate to
curriculum development?
49. Which of the following is NOT a curriculum model?
a. Tyler’s Model
b. Stufflebeam’s Model
c. Taba’s Model
d. Saylor’s Model
50. Which are the basic components of a curriculum
a. Standards, learning competencies and evaluation
b. Assessment , teaching strategies and textbooks
c. Philosophy, goals and objectives
d. Content, structure, and delivery
51. In which document are the contents of each subject in
the elementary level contained?
a. Minimum Learning Competencies (MLC)
b. Philippine Elementary Learning Competencies
c. DepEd Competencies
d. Elementary Learning Competencies (ELC)
52. Which primary factor is considered in designing the
a. The objectives
b. The learners
c. The materials
d. The assessment
53. Why must lesson objectives and course objectives in
the syllabi be aligned with the aims of the education as
embodied in the Philippine constitution?
a. To learn more about the constitution of our
b. To develop mission-inspired citizens
c. To facilitate a faster and better learning
d. To instil the ideals and goals of the country
54. The cycle in curriculum planning constitutes three
fundamental elements. The goals and objectives,
followed by the body of learning experiences and
resources (methodologies) and ends with a/an ______.
a. Revision of methods
b. Reconsideration of the goals
c. Assessment of outcomes
d. Orientation for the next activities
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55. The use of mother tongue-based multi lingual
education (MTB-MLE) in the curriculum of the basic
education means that learners ________.
a. Continue to use the local dialect all throughout
b. Shifts only to the second language after the
mastery of the first language
c. Are not allowed to learn the second or third
d. Should immediately master the second language
56. The MTB-MLE will enable each learner to develop all
a. Learn English and connect to the world
b. Learn Filipino and connect to the country
c. Learn the mother tongue and connect to the
d. Learn all language to develop nationalism
57. In curriculum development, the teacher should always
bear in mind that _____.
a. Objectives, methods and evaluation are aligned
b. Evaluation should guide the formulation of
c. Methods should vary from the desired objectives
d. Objectives, method and assessment should vary
58. When instruction in the curriculum focuses of the
mastery of the content and the evaluations that follows
measure only the knowledge learned, such curriculum
design is ________.
a. Learner-centered
b. Subject-centered
c. Problem-centered
d. Teacher-centered
59. The Parent-Learning Support system targets the
acceptance of the parent’s responsibility of educating
the child. In attending to this responsibility, which
role(s) of parents should be given priority?
I. As a learner
II. As a child educator
III. As a participant of the school activities
IV. As a model of children’s development
V. As a provider of home environment
conducive to learning
a. V
c. IV and V
b. II
d. I and II
60. Every school should plan for and support students with
learning needs. Which two vital components have to be
addressed to provide such needs?
I. Principle of inclusive education
II. Content
III. Learning styles, abilities, and disabilities of
the students
IV. Relevant curriculum frameworks
a. I and III
b. II and III
c. III and IV
d. I and IV
61. Schools are communities of learners committed to predetermined measurable quality criteria for student
learning. Which statements BEST describes schools that
will ensure attainment of such criteria?
a. Everyone of the school is accountable for the
students outcomes
b. Families are encourage to support and participate
in the students learning and experiences
c. Regular evaluation of students achievement is
done by teachers and administrator
d. Teachers continually update themselves by
attending training programs
62. What objectives do effective leaders foster?
Results oriented
Time bound
a. II, III, IV
b. I, II, III, IV, V
c. I, IV, V
d. II, III, I, IV
63. With the passage of RA 9155, the school head has given
more power and authority over his school. That power
is for the school head to _____.
a. Transform his school into high performing one
b. Make his stubborn faculty feel his authority over
c. Set aside standard hiring procedures in order to
get those whom he believes are most capable
d. Introduce changes as fast as he can
64. With the power given to every school head, which
statement is CORRECT? The school head is _____.
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a. Non accountable for his school’s performance if
his teachers refused to change for the better
b. Report grades to parent
c. Accountable for his schools’ performance
d. Understandably not accountable if his pupils do
not perform because they come from indigenous
people’s communities
Between the child and the teacher, who is more
accountable for learning and why?
a. The teacher and the child are equally accountable
because both have role in the teaching and
learning process
b. The child is held more accountable because
learning is ultimately depends on the child
c. The teacher is more accountable because the
teacher has more power
d. Nobody can be claimed to be more accountable
because we are not given a concrete situation.
Who among the following curriculum stakeholders
arranges learning and sees to it that the objectives are
a. Teacher
b. School Staff
c. Parents
d. Students
Mr and Mrs Lopez are very active parents Rizal
Elementary School. They are always present in all
school activities, however at home; they neglect to
follow up the study habits of their only son, Carlito,
who happens to be failing in his class. Which of the
following statements describe the parents correctly?
a. They are very supportive parents in the school
b. They are concerned with their child’s welfare
c. They have complied with their roles as parents
d. They failed to support their child’s academic
Among the following curriculum stakeholders, who has
the most responsibility in curriculum implementation?
a. The learners
b. the school heads
c. the teachers
d. the parents
Prof. B presented on the lesson in the agreement of the
subject and the verb. After the developmental activity,
he led the class to arrive at a rule. How did the teacher
a. Inductively
b. Deductively
c. Deductively then inductively
d. Inductively then deductively
Which part of the lesson development is concerned
with the mood setting?
a. Application
b. Motivation
c. Deepening
d. Generalization
In which situation is a learner-centered approach to
curriculum designing utilized?
a. The focus of the learning is mastery in terms of
b. Teacher considers learner’s entry knowledge and
c. The class activity revolves in finding solutions and
d. Memorization and drill are important learning
You wanted your students to learn the different bodies
of water as a part of your lesson. Which of these
objectives is NOT appropriate for your lesson?
a. Name the different kinds of bodies of water
b. Name ways by which we can protect the bodies
of water
c. Draw the different kinds of bodies of water
d. Go on a field trip to study all the kinds of bodies
of the water.
Miss Kim wants to let her class learn that in the
formation of the ice cubes, the surrounding surface of
the water freezes first before the others and to show
that water expands rather than contracts when frozen.
Which of the following is the most appropriate teaching
strategy for her to use?
a. Problem Solving
b. Laboratory activity
c. Investigatory activity
d. Teacher demonstration
A student is late to school every morning. It would be
best for the teachers to _________.
a. Punish the students for non-punctuality
b. Send the child to the guidance office
c. Ask the child for an excuse slip from his parents
d. Investigate the student’s home condition
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75. Why may a technique be successful in one situation but
may fail in another?
a. Principles Vary
b. Techniques depends on principle
c. Instructional situations vary
d. Principle depends on techniques
76. There is a district Math contest. What is the best way of
selecting the representatives to showcase the
human/social functions of school?
a. The teacher appoints students to participate
b. The teacher conducts competitive exams in Math
to determine the best representative
c. Select a student who comes from a poor family
yet endowed with mathematical skills
d. Select a student who ranks second but has the
financial capability to pay for tutors.
77. Which stakeholder of the curriculum will say “ I keep in
mind, how I can sustain the interest of the learners”?
a. Teacher
b. Head teacher
c. Principal
d. Parent
78. Which of the following will best take care of individual
differences in the classroom?
a. A sound acceleration and promotional policy
b. A flexible program geared to individual needs
c. An instructional program geared to the level of
the lowest quarter of the class.
d. A well prepared classroom for the students
79. Which of the following statements gives the real value
of lesson planning?
It helps the teacher to be orderly
It helps the teacher to recall the subjectmatter previously taken
It help the teacher to organize his
a. II only
c. I only
b. II and III
d. I, II, and III
81. Which are supposed to be aligned in an outcomesbased course syllabus?
I. Learning outcomes
II. Teaching-learning activities
III. Assessment tasks
IV. Teacher qualifications
a. I and III
b. I, II, and III
c. II and III
d. II and IV
82. What does constructive alignment mean in outcomesbased lesson planning?
a. The learning outcomes are the bases of teaching
and learning activities and assessment tasks
b. The content is the basis for assessment tasks
c. The content is the basis for teaching
methodology and assessment tasks
d. The assessment task is the basis of teaching
83. In which phases of the lesson would the teacher know
if the student really learned what was intended for him
to learn?
a. Comparison and association
b. Generalization and application
c. Association and generalization
d. Application and evaluation
84. If the curriculum is planned following the behavioral
approach, which sequence is correct?
Ends the implementing the planned
Start with the setting of objectives and
Learning outcomes are evaluated along
goals and objectives set at the start.
Change in behavior indicates the measure
of accomplishments
a. I and II
c. II and IV
b. II and III
d. II, III, and IV
80. With which does an outcomes-based approach to
lesson planning begin?
a. Outcomes
b. Content
c. Assessment Task
d. Teaching-Learning activities
85. If the curriculum is planned following the humanistic
approach, which feature applies?
a. Very child-centered
b. Excludes the hidden curriculum
c. Downplays the significance of the informal
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d. Emphasizes on the child’s cognitive development
In a systems approach to curriculum planning should
external stakeholders be a part?
a. No they are not curricularist
b. Yes, they are part of the school system
c. Yes, if they are willing
d. That depends on the educational attainment of
the external stakeholders
When one wants children to develop positive attitude
toward life and life problems, which approach in
curriculum planning is most appropriate?
a. Problem-centered approach
b. Humanistic Approach
c. Systems Approach
d. Child-centered approach
Mr. Mat Ching, a Grade school teacher, takes a record of
knowledge concepts, subject matter or content. What
role of Curricularist is shown in the situation?
a. Knower
b. Planner
c. Writer
d. Implementor
If the heart of formal education is the school, then the
heart of schooling is ____.
a. Teacher
b. School
c. Learners
d. Curriculum
It is the process of obtaining information for judging the
worth of an educational program, product, procedure,
educational objectives, or the potential utility of
alternative approaches designed to attain specific
a. Curriculum planning
b. Curriculum design
c. Curriculum development
d. Curriculum Evaluation
91. Which of the following school practices best applies the
tenet of ensuring the right of all to proper education?
a. Conducting NCAE
b. Selective Retention
c. Inclusive Education
d. Selective Admission
92. Which feature of a curriculum describes how much of
the teaching was learned?
a. Performance
b. Strategies and methods
c. Knowledge, skills and values
d. Community Partner
93. The K-12 Basic Education Curriculum was officially
implemented by virtue of what law?
a. RA 7836
c. RA 10533
b. RA 7610
d. RA 10523
94. Listed below are elements and components of a
curriculum. Which of them determines the quality,
effectiveness or value of the program, process, and
product of the curriculum?
a. Aims, goals, and objectives
b. Learning experiencies
c. Subject matter/content
d. Evaluation Process
95. Whose model of curriculum development is called the
“grassroots approach”, which means that teachers who
teach or implement the curriculum should participate
in developing it?
a. Hilda Taba
b. Benjamin Bloom
c. Ralph Tyler
d. Francis Hunkins
96. Should the curriculum be modified, terminated or
continued? This question can be answered through the
help of _____.
a. Planner
b. Innovator
c. Evaluator
d. Implementor
97. Student teachers are given a chance to develop and try
out learning tasks, instructional materials and
assessment tools, What field study course are they
exposed to?
a. Learner’s Development and environment
b. Technology in the learning environment
c. Exploring the curriculum
d. Experiencing the teaching-learning process
98. All those involved in education, such as teachers,
students, parents, administrators, community, and
other clients are considered _____.
a. Patrons
b. Donors
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c. Stakeholders
d. Sponsors
99. In the Tyler’s Model of curriculum development, which
of the following considerations should be made?
Purpose of the school
Educational experiences related to the
Organization of the experiences
Evaluation of the experiences
a. 1 & 2
c. 2 & 3
b. 1, 2, & 3
d. 1, 2, 3, and 4
100. What design model in developing a curriculum is
attributed to John Dewey, Rouseau, Pestallozi, and
Froebel. Which means that the curriculum is
anchored on the needs and interest of the child?
a. Humanistic design
b. Child-centered design
c. Experiencce-centered design
d. Problem-centered design
101. The Basic Education Curriculum (BEC) was renamed
after pilot testing as ____?
a. Revitalized Basic Education Curriculum
b. Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum
c. Extended Basic Education Curriculum
d. 2002 Basic Education Curriculum
102. It is an evaluation that takes place at the end of the
unit or section of instruction.
a. Assessment
b. Formative test
c. Summative test
d. Strategy
103. To determine the strengths and weaknesses of a
written or planned curriculum, this is one of the
common practices employed by curriculum makers.
This process will gather empirical data to support
whether the material or the curriculum is useful,
relevant, reliable and valid.
a. Curriculum assessment – process of collecting
information for use in evaluation
b. Curriculum evaluation –judging the worth of an
educational program, product, procedure,
educational objectives
c. Pilot testing/field tryout –data are gathered to
support whether the material or the curriculum is
useful, relevant, reliable and valid
d. Curriculum implementation –refers to various
learning activities or experiences of the students
in order to achieve intended curricular outcomes
104. It is a way of presenting the content in the curriculum
that leads to complete units of instruction. What is it?
a. Topical approach
b. Thematic approach
c. Concept approach
d. Modular approach
105. What principle of curriculum content refers to
contents logical arrangement?
a. Articulation
b. Balance
c. Continuity
d. Sequence
106. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
a. Applying -HOTS
b. Evaluating -HOTS
c. Creating -HOTS
d. Understanding -LOTS
107. Which of the following is the highest level of the
affective domain?
a. Receiving
b. Responding
c. Characterization
d. Imitating
108. He saw curriculum as organized around social
functions or themes, organized knowledge and
learner’s interest. He also believes that curriculum is a
set of experiences.
a. Franklin Bobbit
b. Hollis Caswell
c. Ralph Tyler
d. William Kilpatrick
109. This is a type of curriculum that may come from a
national agency like the Department of Education
(DepEd), Commission on Higher Education (CHED,
Department of Science and Technology (DOST) or any
professional organization who ha stake in education.
a. Written curriculum
b. Recommended curriculum
c. Taught curriculum
d. Hidden curriculum
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110. This includes documents, course of study or syllabi
handed down to the schools, districts, divisions,
departments, or colleges for implementation.
a. Written curriculum
b. Recommended curriculum
c. Taught curriculum
d. Hidden curriculum
111. Peer influences, school environment, physical
condition, mood of teachers, etc are part of the
unintended curriculum which may affect or influence
a. Written curriculum
b. Recommended curriculum
c. Taught curriculum
d. Hidden curriculum
112. In the criteria of selecting the content or knowledge
of curriculum, what refers to the authenticity of the
content selected by the curriculum developer?
a. Self-sufficiency
b. Validity
c. Significance
d. Interest
113. When the aim of the curriculum is to provide the
learners with the needed skills in this ever-changing
world, the curriculum reflects the belief that it should
a. Provide learner’s with the knowledge needed for
social relevance
b. Perpetuate cumulative tradition of organized
c. Provide avenues for the students to do selfexpression
d. Allow learners self-actualization
114. Teacher Eddie starts applying new trends to improve
teaching and learning in his classroom. What role of a
teacher as a Curricularist is being exemplified in the
a. Innovator
b. Initiator
c. Implementor
d. Planner
115. When the curriculum is ready to incorporate changes
whenever necessary revision and meet demands of
a. Curriculum has educational quality
b. Curriculum is continuously evolving
c. Curriculum is the result of long term effect
d. Curriculum has administrative flexibility
116. Which of the following is a reason for the continuous
appraisal of the existing curriculum?
a. New national policies in government
b. Changing needs and condition of society
c. Economic status of the people
d. Political trust of the country
117. In developing curriculum all EXCEPT one element
should be considered. Which one does not relate to
curriculum development?
a. Sequence
b. Balance
c. Continuity
d. Modernity
118. What principle of organizing content when the
curriculum content should be fairly distributed in
depth and breadth of the particular learning area or
a. Scope
b. Articulation
c. Balance
d. Integration
119. It is a periodic assessment and adjustment during the
try out period.
a. Pilot testing
b. Monitoring
c. Curriculum evaluation
d. Curriculum design
120. “A learner will value the content or subject matter if it
is a meaningful to him or her”. In relation to this
statement, what criteria in selecting subject matter
content should a curriculum writer consider in
developing a curriculum?
a. Significance
b. Learnability
c. Interest
d. Utility
121. What curriculum development approach is it when
the school principal is the curriculum leader and at the
same time instructional leader?
a. Managerial approach
b. Systems approach
c. Behavioral approach
d. Humanistic approach
Downloaded by Jason Nantes (jasonnantes0@gmail.com)
122. It is the process of obtaining information for judging
the worth of an educational program, product,
procedure, educational objectives or the potential
utility of alternative approaches designed to attain
specific objectives.
a. Curriculum planning
b. Curriculum design
c. Curriculum development
d. Curriculum evaluation
123. What may be the role of the parents in the delivery of
the curriculum?
a. They are not trained for such
b. They may be invited as resource persons
c. They may only supervise their children while
they do their homework
d. It depends on whether the school is a private or
public school.
124. Which feature of a curriculum describes how much
the teaching was learned?
a. Performance
b. Strategies and methods
c. Knowledge, skills and values
d. Community partner
125. Which of the following are not considered as social
forces that affect the school and the curriculum?
Multicultural concerns
Changes in gender roles
Nature of knowledge
Learner’s characters
a. I and II
b. II and III
c. I and III
d. III and IV
126. What process is being under taken by curriculum
developers when they enrich or modify certain aspects
of particular program without changing its
fundamental conceptions?
a. Curriculum improvement
b. Curriculum change
c. Curriculum design
d. Curriculum implementation
127. Who controls the subject-centered curriculum?
a. Learner
b. Parent
c. Teacher
d. Principal
128. To ensure success in curriculum, which of the
following specific actions should a curriculum leader
a. Work with people not over them
b. Use your status frequently to establish discipline
c. Keep channels of communication open
d. Show that you too desire to improve
129. A criterion of selecting subject matter content where
content is learned within the time allotment,
resources available, expertise of the teacher, and the
nature of the learners.
a. Utility
b. Feasibility
c. Learnability
d. Self-sufficiency
130. A type of curriculum that refers to the material
resources, such as textbooks, computers, audio-visual
materials, laboratory equipment, and other facilities.
a. Supported curriculum
b. Written curriculum
c. Learned curriculum
d. Hidden curriculum
131. It refers to a set of objectives identified set at the
beginning of any curricular plan and establishes the
goal, the specific purposes, and the immediate
objectives to be accomplished.
a. Intended curriculum
b. Implemented curriculum
c. Achieved curriculum
d. Hidden curriculum
132. If curriculum is planned following the humanistic
approach, which feature applies?
a. Very child-centered
b. Excludes the hidden curriculum
c. Downplays the significance of the informal
d. Emphasizes on the child’s cognitive development
133. In a systems approach to curriculum planning, should
external stakeholders be part?
a. No, they are not curricularists
b. Yes, they part of the school system
c. Yes, if they are willing
d. That depends on the educational attainment of
the external stakeholders
134. “I identify and evaluate a variety of curriculum
materials under a given theme or topic then I select
Downloaded by Jason Nantes (jasonnantes0@gmail.com)
what seems appropriate for what I want to do in the
Whose statement is this?
a. Learners
b. Teachers
c. Principal
d. Parents
135. Should the curriculum be modified, terminated or
continued? This question can be answered through
the help of a curriculum_____.
a. Planner
b. Innovator
c. Implementor
d. Evaluator
136. Sir Celso, an English teacher tries to arrange lesson
from easy to complex. What principle of curriculum
content is he trying to establish?
a. Integration
b. Continuity
c. Balance
d. Sequence
137. Mr. Kim believes that the ultimate objective of
learning is the development of self. His belief is greatly
influenced by the works of Abraham Maslow and Carl
Rogers. With this, what is the most possible curriculum
design will he use in his class?
a. Child-centered design
b. Experience-centered approach
c. Humanistic design
d. Life-situation design
138. The Panabo Central Elementary School believes
learner should be trained to solve real life problems
that came about because of the needs, interests and
abilities of the learners. With this belief, what
approach will most likely utilized by the said school?
a. Learner-centered approach
b. Subject-centered approach
c. Problem- centered approach
d. Correlation approach
139. Which is not a description of the learner-centered
a. Emphasis is on the total growth and development
of the learners
b. Controlled and cooperatively directed by
learners, teachers, and parents
c. Education is a means to develop socially creative
d. Emphasis upon facts and knowledge for future
140. Which of the following is the part of “hidden
a. Basic competencies that a student need to
develop as taught by the teacher in the class
b. Planned activities prepared by the teacher for the
students to help them develop good behavior
and character
c. Unplanned experiences of children in school
which influence their values, behavior and way of
d. The lessons which were not achieved by the
students because teachers fall to teach them.
141. If you apply curriculum approach, which one is out?
a. Relating topic to life experiences
b. Rote learning
c. Problem solving
d. Lifelong learning
142. Why is curriculum dynamic?
a. It never ends, it has no beginning and no end
b. It changes just like those that occur in society
c. It jibes with the mandates of DepEd
d. It goes through a cycle
143. Which of the following views of the curriculum does
not belong?
a. a body of subjects prepared by the teacher
b. all learning experiences organized by the school
that the learners undergo
c. list of courses required for students
d. student course requirements
144. What kind of curriculum is achieved when the
learning outcomes are achieved by the students?
a. Assessed curriculum
b. Learned curriculum
c. Hidden curriculum
d. Taught curriculum
145. When curriculum content is fairly distributed in each
area of discipline this means that the curriculum is
a. Sequenced
b. Balanced
c. Integrated
d. Continued
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146. Which holds TRUE when each level of subject matter
is smoothly connected to the next level and glaring
gaps, wasteful overlaps in subject matter are avoided?
a. The curriculum must be articulated
b. The curriculum must be sequenced
c. The curriculum must be continued
d. The curriculum must be integrated
147. Which of the following represents a miniscule
a. Textbook that learners use
b. Lesson plan that teachers prepare
c. Reference materials that supplement the text
d. Lecture notes of the teacher
148. Which pair of the components of a lesson plan does
not parallel curriculum components?
a. Behavioral objectives and evaluation
b. Subject matter and content
c. Teaching methods and instruction
d. Assessment and evaluation
149. Which of the following school activities is closely
related and has greater impact to curriculum
a. Principal’s performance evaluation of teachers
b. Monthly meeting with the barangay officials
c. Review of the textbooks and reference materials
d. School visit of visitors from other places
150. Which of the following is not a curriculum model?
a. Stufflebeam’s model
b. Tyler’s model
c. Taba’s model
d. Saylor’s model
Downloaded by Jason Nantes (jasonnantes0@gmail.com)