Journal of Hydrology 551 (2017) 217–232 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Hydrology journal homepage: Research papers Observed changes in flow regimes in the Mekong River basin Dongnan Li a, Di Long a, Jianshi Zhao a,⇑, Hui Lu b, Yang Hong a a b State Key Laboratory of Hydro-Science and Engineering, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China Center for Earth System Science, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 12 December 2016 Received in revised form 25 April 2017 Accepted 30 May 2017 Available online 1 June 2017 This manuscript was handled by Tim R. McVicar, Editor-in-Chief, with the assistance of Sergio M. Vicente-Serrano, Associate Editor Keywords: IHA Eco-flow metrics Reservoir operation Transboundary river a b s t r a c t Human activities, such as dam construction, significantly altered the flow regimes in the Mekong River, particularly after the completion of two large dams, namely Xiaowan and Nuozhadu in 2010 and 2014, respectively. Streamflow data from 1960 to 2014 obtained from five stations located along the Mekong mainstream are divided into three periods, i.e., the pre-impact period (1960–1991), the transition period (1992–2009), and the post-impact period (2010–2014). The flow regimes were investigated using ecoflow metrics and indicators of hydrologic alteration (IHA). The results show that the construction and initial filling of the upstream dams reduced the annual streamflow in the upstream Chiang Saen gauging station, whereas no clear effect was observed in the downstream Stung Treng station. The operation of dams reduces the streamflow in wet seasons and increases the streamflow in dry seasons, resulting in a unique seasonal variation in the streamflow based on eco-flow metrics in the Chiang Saen gauging station, observed from 2010 to 2014. In addition, the maximum flow values decreased significantly in the Chiang Saen gauging station during the year corresponding to the completion of the upstream dams. The construction and operation of dams clearly have significant impacts on low pulse duration. It is observed that climate change dictated the changes in the annual streamflow during the transition period 1992–2009 (82.28%), whereas human activities contributed more in the post-impact period 2010–2014 (61.88%). The results of this study could provide a reference for reservoir operation in the upstream regions considering both ecological and economic benefits of such operations, as well as maximize the interests of stakeholders in this region. Ó 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction In river ecosystems, the flow regime of runoff plays a significant role in many fundamental ecological processes (Poff and Zimmerman, 2010). Changes in flow regimes within the context of climate change and human activities are significant to the hydrological community, receiving considerable global attention. River management currently focuses not only on the total volume of runoff but also on its flow regime, which has been an important objective in environmental systems for both ecological professionals and engineering managers since the 1990s (Richter et al., 1996; Yin et al., 2011). Climate change and human activities have been considered as the two primary factors affecting flow regimes (Li et al., 2006; Ma et al., 2014). In some basins, human activities are the main factors that alter flow regimes, particularly during the construction and operation of large reservoirs (Poff et al., 1997; Fan et al., 2015). Climate change can also be the dominant factor that alters ⇑ Corresponding author. E-mail address: (J. Zhao). 0022-1694/Ó 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. flow regimes (Li et al., 2006), which can change the pattern of precipitation and potential evaporation (Wang and Hejazi, 2011). Human activities, such as dam construction and water withdrawal activities (i.e., irrigation, industry, and municipal demands), directly change flow regimes (Ma et al., 2014), thereby changing river ecosystems (Gippel, 2001; Poff et al., 1997; Richter et al., 2003, 2006). The impacts of the two factors are often analyzed separately. However, the effects of climate change and human activities are always combined, and their effects on some river basins are difficult to identify. For example, climate change may cause changes in precipitation, increasing the impacts caused by dams as more water would be regulated by reservoirs during the long dry seasons (Lu et al., 2014). Many types of flow metrics and statistical methods have been proposed to analyze the impacts of changes in flow regimes. However, the characteristics of such changes are not fully understood from the perspectives of both ecological and human demands. Over 170 hydrologic metrics have been proposed to describe the variations and characteristics of flow regimes (Olden and Poff, 2003; Gao et al., 2009). Indicators of hydrologic alteration (IHA) are among the most popular metrics being widely used. The range of 218 D. Li et al. / Journal of Hydrology 551 (2017) 217–232 Table 1 Main conclusions on streamflow alteration in recent relevant research. Study Mean flow Dry season flow (Lu et al., 2008) Post-dam period (1992–2003) had lower water levels than the pre-dam period (1962–1991). 1992 was the driest year since 1960, but water flow in dry season was not the lowest. (Kummu and Sarkkula, 2008) Wet season flow Small rises in the dry-season lake water level would permanently inundate disproportionately large areas of floodplain in Tonle Sap. (Delgado et al., 2010) (Piman et al., 2012) (Räsänen et al., 2012) (Cochrane et al., 2014) At the 3S (Sekong, Sesan and Srepok) rivers of Mekong, hydropower projects increased flows by 28% in the current period and that number will be 63% after the completed of all the dams. A 90% increase in December–May Flows in Chiang Saen after the construction of 6 Chinese dams. Compared with pre-1991 period, mean water levels for Chiang Saen increased in excess of 30% for the dry season months of March and April (Vries et al., 2015) (Räsänen et al., 2017) Discharge in March-May 2014 increased by 121–187%, 41–74% compared to average discharges in Chiang Saen and Kratie respectively. variability approach (RVA) was proposed to measure hydrologic changes (Richter et al., 1997), suggesting that the 25th and 75th percentiles of IHA metrics should be the targets for maintaining environmental flow (Yin et al., 2011). Based on the concept of flow duration curves (FDCs), Vogel et al. (2007) proposed an eco-flow metric comprising eco-deficit and eco-surplus. The two indices are non-dimensional and directly show the deficit and surplus of streamflow at different periods. Despite their simplicity, ecodeficit and eco-surplus indices are a promising overall representation of the degree of streamflow alteration (Gao et al., 2009). Ma et al. (2014) proposed a hydrograph-based hydrologic alteration assessment containing 25 indicators, which not only describe the statistics for each year but also consider the characteristics of extreme flow events. The integrated use of these methods could measure changes in flow regimes comprehensively. Ecological effects of streamflow alteration in some large international transboundary rivers, such as the Mekong River, are particularly significant. These effects cause significant problems affecting collaborative management among riparian countries (Ingram et al., 1994; Kirby et al., 2010). The Mekong River is the ninth largest river globally, and the Mekong River Basin (MRB) harbors one of the most productive and diverse ecosystems in South Asia (Kuenzer et al., 2013). Ecological issues in the MRB have been a major concern to stakeholders, researchers, and other professionals globally. Over 70 dams spread across six riparian countries make the management of this transboundary river quite complicated and sensitive. Several studies focused on the hydrological effects of hydropower dams on the Mekong River, particularly the dams in China. Following the literature review published by Lu et al. (2008), Table 1 shows the literature review of some important studies conducted after 2008. A common perception is that dams significantly altered the flow regimes at the basin scale (Kuenzer et al., 2013). Some researchers have argued that construction of all the 78 tributary dams would produce less energy and pose greater environmental risks as compared to having six mainstream dams upstream of the Mekong River (Ziv et al., 2012). Recently, Cochrane et al. (2014) analyzed the alteration in water levels in six streamflow gauging stations along the mainstream of the Mekong River from 1960 to 2010 and discussed the relationship between annual fluctuations and active reservoir stor- During 20th century, although average magnitude floods have a negative trend, variability is increasing. Wet season flows will decreased by 4% and 22% during current period and future period at the outlet of 3S river respectively. A 20–22% decrease in June–November flows, in Chiang Saen after the construction of 6 Chinese dams. Compared with pre-1991 period, monthly increases betweenJune and December were mostly less than 5%. Dams can only cause a small change in water levels in the flood season until 2013. Discharge in July-August 2014 decreased by 32–46%, 0–6% compared to average discharges in Chiang Saen and Kratie respectively. age. However, the two largest reservoirs built after 2010, Xiaowan and Nuozhadu, were not considered in the aforementioned study; hence, the impacts of these reservoirs remain largely unknown. In this study, we integrate the aforementioned methods, i.e., IHA for detailed metrics and eco-flow metrics for overall evaluation, to provide a complete analysis of the changes in the streamflow regime by taking the MRB as a case study. The following are the objectives of this study: (1) conducting a comprehensive, systematic analysis to identify the alteration of the flow regimes and their spatial and temporal patterns during the period 1960– 2014 in the five gauging stations located along the mainstream; and (2) analyzing the causes and effects of the alteration of the flow regimes in the MRB. 2. Study area and data The Mekong River originates from the Tibet Plateau, flows through six countries, namely China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia, and then flows into the South China Sea (Fig. 1). The MRB is generally divided into two sub-basins (Xi et al., 2008). The upper Mekong Basin (UMB), which is known as the Lancang River in China, covers an area of 195,000 km2 (24% of the total drainage area) and flows through three provinces of China, namely Qinghai, Tibet, and Yunnan. The lower Mekong Basin (LMB), which covers an area of 600,000 km2 (76% of the total drainage area) and flows through five countries, is generally considered to exist in a near natural state because of less economic development compared to the UMB (Hirsch, 2010; Kummu et al., 2010; Piman et al., 2013). The Mekong River is more than 4180 km long with a drainage area of 795,000 km2 and a mean annual streamflow of 14,500 m3/s (MRC, 2005). The streamflow is dominated primarily by Southeast Asian monsoons, resulting in a flood season and a dry season within a hydrologic year (Cochrane et al., 2014). Downstream of the LMB, several important ecological sites closely related to the flow regimes of the river exist; among them, Lake Tonle Sap and the Mekong Delta are the most famous. Tonle Sap, which is the largest lake in Southeast Asia (covering an area of 8800 km2 on average) and connected with the mainstream of the Mekong River at Phnom Penh, Cambodia, is regarded as the D. Li et al. / Journal of Hydrology 551 (2017) 217–232 219 Fig. 1. Location of Mekong River Basin and the 6 completed dams and 19 planned dams along the mainstream. ‘‘natural reservoir” of the MRB. The water flowing into Tonle Sap from the Mekong River during the wet season (June to October) is nearly six times than that during the dry season (November to May) (Cochrane et al., 2014). Tonle Sap is rich in aquatic products and contains more than 300 species of freshwater fish. The down- stream area of Phnom Penh is called the Mekong Delta, the area of which is 55,000 km2 (4000 km2 in Vietnam; 11,000 km2 in Cambodia). The Mekong Delta is subjected to frequent drought and flood events and influenced by tidal and seawater intrusion, particularly during dry seasons (Zhang et al., 2001). 220 D. Li et al. / Journal of Hydrology 551 (2017) 217–232 No dam was constructed on the mainstream of the Mekong River until 1992. China has built six hydropower dams on the mainstream of the Lancang River (i.e., the UMB) since 1992 (as shown in Table 2). The two largest dams are Xiaowan (14.56 km3 in total storage, completed in 2010) and Nuozhadu (22.4 km3 in total storage, completed in 2014), contributing to 36% and 55% of the total storage capacity of all the existing reservoirs in the basin, respectively. Although the streamflow regime has been altered because of large-scale dams, the hydropower generation of the Mekong River has kept increasing in recent years (MRC, 2010). In the subsequent decades, 19 dams were planned to be built on the mainstream of the Mekong River (8 in China, 10 in Laos, and 1 in Cambodia), and over 14 large dams (>10 MW) would be built in the tributaries. The primary objective of these dams is hydropower generation, which is expected to yield considerable economic benefits for the riparian countries. Moreover, the construction and operation of dams would improve navigation conditions, increase irrigation opportunities, and enhance flood control capacity (Lu et al., 2014). However, the construction and operation of large dams would also affect the patterns of streamflow, resulting in multiple changes in streamflow regimes, thereby causing a negative impact on ecosystems. The daily flow-time series data obtained from the Mekong River Commission ( are used to explore these comprehensive changes in the streamflow regimes in this study. 3. Methods 3.1. IHA metrics The IHA metrics are the most widely used indicators to measure changes in streamflow regimes. The IHA contains 33 hydrologic indicators, which are generally categorized into the following six groups (as listed in Table 3): 1) magnitude of monthly flows, 2) magnitude and duration of annual extreme flows, 3) timing of annual extreme flows, 4) frequency and duration of high and low pulses, 5) rate and frequency of flow changes, and 6) zero flow events (Richter et al., 1996). In this study, the indicators of groups (1) and (2) are represented by the corresponding flow rates. The timing of annual extreme flows is represented by a single number, which implies the Xth day of a year (e.g., if minimum flow occurred on February 10, the date of minimum flow is 41). The high and low pulses are defined as the periods within a year wherein daily flow exceeds the 75th percentile (high pulse) or drops below the 25th percentile (low pulse) of the daily flow-time series under natural conditions (i.e., 1960–1991 in MRB) (Gao et al., 2012). The base flow index is calculated using the ratio of the seven-day minimum flow to the annual mean flow. The rate and frequency of the flow changes are represented using flow reversal from increasing to decreasing or decreasing to increasing. Zero flow events do not exist in the MRB. 3.2. Eco-flow metrics In addition to the IHA metrics, two other nondimensional metrics, namely, eco-deficit and eco-surplus, based on the FDC were Table 3 Metrics of indicators of hydrologic alteration divided into six groups. IHA statistics Hydrologic parameters Group 1 Mean flow in January Mean flow in February Mean flow in March Mean flow in April Mean flow in May Mean flow in June 1-day maximum 3-day maximum 7-day maximum 30-day maximum 90-day maximum Base flow index Date of maximum High pulse count Low pulse count Rise rate Fall rate Number of zero flow days Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Mean flow in July Mean flow in August Mean flow in September Mean flow in October Mean flow in November Mean flow in December 1-day minimum 3-day minimum 7-day minimum 30-day minimum 90-day minimum Date of minimum High pulse duration Low pulse duration Number of reversals introduced by Vogel et al. (2007). The FDC plots the streamflow Qi as a function of its corresponding exceedance probability pi = i/ (n + 1), where i is the rank, and n is the total number of days. The terms eco-surplus and eco-deficit were coined to represent the overall loss or gain relative to a ‘‘reference scenario” or ‘‘post scenario” for any period of interest (e.g., month, season, or year). As shown in Fig. 2, the black line represents the unregulated FDC corresponding to the ‘‘reference scenario,” while the red line represents the regulated FDC corresponding to the ‘‘post scenario.” The area below the unregulated FDC and above the regulated FDC (Zone 1) represents the amount of water deficiency in the riverine ecosystems. The ratio of the area of Zone 1 to the total area under the unregulated FDC (Zone 1 + Zone 3) is defined as the eco-deficit. This ratio represents a fraction of the streamflow that is no longer available to the river during that period. The area below the regulated FDC and above the unregulated FDC (Zone 2) represents the amount of water surplus to the riverine ecosystems; accordingly, the ratio of the area of Zone 2 to the areas of Zones 1 and 3 is defined as the eco-surplus. Ecodeficit ¼ Zone 1 Zone 1 þ Zone 3 Ecosurplus ¼ ð1Þ Zone 2 Zone 1 þ Zone 3 ð2Þ Fig. 2 Definitions of eco-surplus and eco-deficit in the flow duration curve. Zones 1 and 2 represent eco-deficit and ecosurplus, respectively In this study, the data of mean annual and seasonal FDCs of 2 flow gauges obtained from 1960 to 1991 are used to represent the natural flow regime as the streamflow was in a near natural state during this period. The red line represents the regulated FDC. The annual and seasonal FDCs from 1960 to 2014 in two streamflow stations are derived and the corresponding Table 2 Characteristics of hydropower reservoirs in Upper Mekong Basin. Dams Year Completed Total storage (km3) Hydropower capacity (MW) Dam height Dam type Manwan Dachaoshan Jinghong Xiaowan Gongguoqiao Nuozhadu 1992 2003 2009 2010 2011 2014 0.92 0.93 1.23 14.56 3.16 22.4 1500 1350 1500 4200 900 5500 126 110 118 300 105 254 Gravity dam Gravity dam Gravity dam Arch dam Gravity dam Gravity dam D. Li et al. / Journal of Hydrology 551 (2017) 217–232 221 Based on the RC of Chiang Saen, an increasing trend was observed on three occasions, which occurred between the completion of the first dam (Manwan) and the largest dam (Xiaowan). Accordingly, the 55-year period is divided into the following three periods based on the process of dam construction on the mainstream of the Mekong: (1) the pre-impact period (1960–1991, no dam was constructed on the mainstream), (2) the transition period (1992–2009, four dams with smaller capacities were constructed on the mainstream), and (3) the post-impact period (2010–2014, two of the largest dams were constructed on the mainstream). 3.5. Cubic spline smoothing Fig. 2. Definitions of eco-surplus and eco-deficit in the flow duration curve. Zones 1 and 2 represent eco-deficit and eco-surplus, respectively. eco-surplus and eco-deficit values are calculated to analyze the changes in annual and seasonal streamflow. Cubic spline smoothing is a method to demonstrate the longterm trend by fitting data using a piecewise cubic polynomial curve. According to the length of series and need basis, divide the sequence into m groups, applying least squares fitting to each group, and then connect m to the piecewise curve. This method reflects the trend of the sequence in a smooth way: 3.3 Mann–Kendall test The Mann–Kendall test is a popular method used to test the trend and intercept break point of long time series. UFk and UBk are two key statistical parameters. Set mi as the cumulative number when the value of sample ‘‘i” is larger than sample ‘‘j” (1 j i): dk ¼ k X mi ; FðtÞ ¼ 8 y ðtÞ; a0 < t < a1 > > > 1 > > y ðtÞ; a1 < t < a2 > > > 2 > > > <: : > > > : > > > > > > ym ðtÞ; am1 < t < am > > : ð8Þ ð3Þ ða0 < t 1 < a1 < a2 < . . . < am1 < t n < am Þ i¼1 Assume that the original sequence is random and independent: Eðdk Þ ¼ kðk 1Þ ; 4 varðdk Þ ¼ kðk 1Þð2k þ 5Þ ; 72 dk Eðdk Þ UFk ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; varðdk Þ ð4Þ yk ðtÞ ¼ f k ðt; ak Þðk ¼ 1; 2; 3; . . . . . . mÞ ð5Þ where t is the order of data, ak is the interval point, F(t) is a piecewise function, and f k ðt; ak Þ is a cubic polynomial curve using the least squares fitting method. ð9Þ ð6Þ Reverse the time series and repeat the above process, obtaining UBk. When the significant level a = 0.05 and UFk > 1.96, a significant ascend trend is observed, while a = 0.05 and UFk < 1.96 implies a significant descend trend. When UFk and UBk intersect in the confidence interval, the intersection is a potential intercept break point (Zhang and Lu, 2009; Moraes et al., 1998). 3.4. Regulating capacity of a basin In this study, the regulating capacity (RC) is defined to characterize the storage capacity of the constructed dams by comparing it to the drainage area. The RC represents the overall ability of human activities to alter the streamflow. RC ¼ a ; A ð7Þ where A is the drainage area (103 km2), and a is the storage capacity, obtained by the summation of the active reservoir storage within the drainage area (106 m3); hence, the RC (mm) represents the regulated depth of the upstream area of a gauging station. Fig. 3 shows the RC of the MRB. Increasing blocks can be observed since the 1990s (Fig. 3), specifically after 2010, implying the rapid development of damming in the MRB during those periods. Fig. 3. Time series of regulating capacity in the MRB and mean annual flow at Stung Treng and Chiang Saen gauging stations in the Mekong River. 222 D. Li et al. / Journal of Hydrology 551 (2017) 217–232 DQ m ¼ Q m2 Q m1 ; 3.6. The Budyko framework Both climate change and human activities can result in the alteration of flow regimes of the MRB. Modeling and understanding the effects of climate change and human activities are crucial to formulate adaption strategies for the basin (Kirby et al., 2010; Räsänen et al., 2012; Lauri et al., 2012; Mainuddin et al., 2013). The Budyko framework is a widely used tool to analyze this issue (Wang et al., 2013; Liang et al., 2015). In this study, a decomposition method based on the Budyko hypothesis is used to address this issue (Wang and Hejazi, 2011), as shown in Fig. 4. Fig. 4 is a theoretical curve in which the evaporation ratio (E/P) is the ratio of the mean annual evaporation to the mean annual precipitation. The climate dryness index (PET/P) is the ratio of the mean annual potential evaporation to the mean annual precipitation. The functional forms of the E/P and PET/P have been investigated by many researchers (Fu, 1981; Zhang et al., 2001; Yang et al., 2008); Fu’s function is chosen for this study. w 1=w E PET PET ¼1þ 1þ ; P P P ð10Þ where w is a parameter that varies with different basins. According to Wang and Hejazi (2011), for a watershed without direct human impact, if the climate (PET/P) becomes drier or wetter, the evaporation ratio (E/P) will change to a new status; however, it would still follow the same Budyko-type curve. Moreover, direct human interferences could push the watershed to move only in the vertical direction, i.e., change E/P by altering E. Hence, if a watershed moves from A to B, as seen in Fig. 4, this change can be partitioned into two phases, i.e., from A to B0 (induced by climate change) and from B0 to B (induced by human activities). In this way, the two impact factors for the changes in the flow regimes can be partitioned. For the longterm annual water balance, the soil-water storage is assumed to be negligible, and the streamflow Q m can be expressed as Qm ¼ P E ð11Þ Then, the climate-induced change in the streamflow DQmc and the human-induced change of streamflow DQmh can be calculated using ð12Þ 1 1 w w DQ mc ¼ P w1 ðPET w ðP 2 P1 Þ 1 1 þ P1 Þ 1 1 w w ðPET w þ ½PET w1 1 1 þ P1 Þ DQ mh ¼ DQ m DQ mc ; 1ðPET 2 PET 1 Þ ð13Þ ð14Þ where Q m1 and Q m2 are the streamflow values for the periods before and after the change, respectively. The data for the precipitation, evaporation, and potential evaporation at the global scale from 1956 to 2015 were obtained from the Global Land Data Assimilation System-1 (GLDAS-1) in which PET was simulated by the NOAH model ( 3.7. Linear regression model A simple linear regression model was proposed by Beguería et al. (2003) and was applied by López-Moreno et al. (2011) and Vicente-Serrano et al. (2017) to simulate streamflow. Considering that precipitation (P) and temperature (T) are the two major climate-driven factors of streamflow, the effects of climatic factors on streamflow change at a seasonal time-scale (both wet and dry seasons) can be identified as: Q sim ¼ a1 P þ a2 T þ a3 ð15Þ RE ¼ Q sim Q obs ð16Þ RR ¼ RE 100% Q obs ð17Þ where Qsim is the simulated seasonal streamflow according to the simple linear regression model, Qobs is the observed seasonal streamflow, the residual RE is defined as the difference between simulated streamflow and observed streamflow, the relative residual (RR) is the ratio of residual to the mean seasonal streamflow, and a1, a2, and a3 are coefficients. The effects of human activities on streamflow can be estimated by RE and RR. RE represents the changes of streamflow excluding the parts from the two climatic driving factors (i.e., from human activities); thus RR stands for the proportion of streamflow changes from human activities. This regression model can be supplementary to the Budyko framework to distinguish the effects of climate change and human activities at the seasonal time-scale. Data from the pre-impact period 1960–1991 was used to regress the streamflow. 4. Results The long-term time series of the daily streamflow (1960–2014) for five gauging stations are analyzed to determine the changes in the streamflow regimes. Among them, the Chiang Saen station, which is the most upstream station located at the boundary of the UMB and LMB, and the Stung Treng station, which is the most downstream station, are the two selected representative gauging stations. The results of the changes in the annual streamflow are presented first, and then five groups of the IHA metrics are analyzed to compare the streamflow regimes in the three periods. 4.1. Changes in annual streamflow Fig. 4. Budyko curve, ‘‘A” and ‘‘B” represent the pre-impact and post-impact periods, respectively. The cubic spline smoothing method (Durrleman and Simon, 1989) is employed to illustrate the trends in the annual streamflow. Fig. 5 shows the trends in the mean annual streamflow in the Chiang Saen station and the Stung Treng station. The annual D. Li et al. / Journal of Hydrology 551 (2017) 217–232 streamflow in the Chiang Saen station (Fig. 5a) ranged from 1933 m3/s to 4026 m3/s during the 50-year period. The maximum and minimum annual streamflow occurred in 1965 and 1992, respectively. A notable downward trend was observed at the Chiang Saen station in the post-impact period, which could be closely related to the initial filling of the upstream dams completed during this period, with a total filling volume of nearly 41.35 km3. If this amount of storage is filled in 12 months, it will need a flow rate of 1311 m3/s. Compared with the streamflow rates in Fig. 5a, this is a significant impact for the area downstream of the Chiang Saen station. However, a similar downward trend during 2003–2005 should be attributed to the extreme drought event happening in 2003–2004 (Campbell and Manusthiparom, 2004), because the storage capacity of the Dachaoshan Reservoir, which was completed in 2003, is only 0.93 km3. Four large dams were constructed and completed after the year 2009, namely the Jinghong, Xiaowan, Gongguoqiao, and Nuozhadu (largest) Dams, which were completed in the years 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2014, respectively, with active storage capacities of 1.23 km3, 14.56 km3, 3.16 km3, and 22.4 km3, respectively. The completion of these dams significantly increased the RC values of Chiang Saen from 30 mm to 230 mm, whereas the initial filling of these dams reduced the annual streamflow in Chiang Saen located near the downstream region (Fig. 5a). However, gauging stations located farther downstream show a different trend because their distances from these dams are considerable (Fig. 5). The impacts of the dams gradually decreased, reflected by the fact that no clear trend is observed in Stung Treng station. This is because only approximately 16% of the streamflow in this station comes from the upstream dammed area in China, and the downstream hydrologic processes dominated the flow regime. Given that the effects of the reservoirs decrease from the upstream region to the downstream region, 223 the focus of this study is to analyze the most influenced upstream station (Chiang Saen) and the least influenced downstream station (Stung Treng). The findings aforementioned can be cross-checked using the Mann–Kendall test, which is often applied to determine trends and change points (Hamed and Rao, 1998) in a time series (as shown in Fig. 6). UFk exhibits a downward trend, whereas UBk shows an upward trend after the intersection point at Chiang Saen station when approaching the year 2009 (Fig. 6a), thereby implying a decreasing trend in the annual streamflow, though this change is not significant (within the upper and lower boundaries of 0.05 significant level). However, in Fig. 6e, no clear trend is identified based on the UFk and UBk curves during the same period, indicating that no decreasing trend occurs at Stung Treng station. These results confirm that damming in the upstream area reduced the annual streamflow in the upstream Chiang Saen station, whereas no clear effect in the downstream Stung Treng station is observed because of different streamflow contributions of the damming area in China to the two stations. It should be noted that the effects of the dams should be re-checked when longer series of data are available. Considering that streamflow change could be caused by both climate change and human activities, more details about the effects of these two factors are analyzed in Section 4.6. Figs. 7 and 8 show the decadal statistics of the annual eco-flow metrics. Extremely low eco-deficit values were recorded from 2010 to 2014 in Chiang Saen station because the construction and initial filling of the four dams reduced the annual streamflow, resulting in a low eco-deficit value during this period. The eco-deficit at Stung Treng from 2010 to 2014 was low, but within a normal range, implying that the construction and operation of the upstream dam had no significant impact, with a runoff contribution of only 16% from China. Fig. 5. Mean annual streamflow in the five gauging stations (Chiang Saen, Luang Prabang, Nong Khai, Pakse, and Stung Treng) along the Mekong River. 224 D. Li et al. / Journal of Hydrology 551 (2017) 217–232 Fig. 6. Mann–Kendall test for the annual streamflow in the five gauging stations along the mainstream of the Mekong River. Fig. 7. Boxplots of the annual eco-surplus and eco-deficit values in Chiang Saen gauging station. Fig. 8. Boxplots of annual eco-surplus and eco-deficit values at the Stung Treng gauging station. D. Li et al. / Journal of Hydrology 551 (2017) 217–232 4.2. Changes in seasonal streamflow Changes in the monthly streamflow can be represented by the changes in the seasonal streamflow in the MRB case, because reservoirs store water in wet seasons and release water in dry seasons to support hydropower generation and other objectives, resulting in similar effects on monthly flow within a season. Dry seasons (November to May) and wet seasons (June to October) are defined to identify characteristics of the seasonal streamflow (Lu et al., 2014). Fig. 9 shows the annual eco-surplus and eco-deficit values of the seasonal streamflow from 1960 to 2014. The eco-flow metrics are strongly correlated with the mean value of the streamflow at seasonal scales. The analysis is first conducted in the Chiang Saen station. The variance of eco-surplus was small and remained generally stable until 2011. For the dry seasons of 2013 and 2014, after the completion of the Xiaowan Dam, the eco-surplus values reached up to 0.44 and 0.66, respectively, considerably higher than the mean value of 0.09. The mean value of the eco-deficit for the dry seasons was 0.06, whereas the mean value in 2010–2014 was 0.05. The fluctuation range in the eco-deficit is smaller than that in the eco-surplus (Fig. 8a). For the wet seasons, the ecosurplus and eco-deficit values range from 0 to 0.65 and 0 to 0.32, respectively (Fig. 8b). In the 1960s, the streamflow was relatively large during wet seasons, with extremely high eco-surplus values in the wet seasons of 1966 and 1971. Extremely low ecodeficit values were observed in the wet season of 1992 (completion of the Manwan Dam), 2003 (completion of the Dachaoshan Dam), and 2012–2014 (construction and completion of the Nuozhadu 225 Dam). The eco-surplus values of the downstream Stung Treng station for the dry seasons showed an increasing trend over the recent years, whereas no clear trend was observed for the wet seasons. Overall, the abnormal results in the eco-flow metrics can be mostly attributed to the operation of the constructed dams. Operations for hydropower generation, flood control, and navigation would certainly reduce the streamflow during the wet seasons, but increase the streamflow during the dry seasons, resulting in unique changes in the seasonal streamflow based on the ecoflow metrics in Chiang Saen station from 2010 to 2014. For instance, according to the operation rules of the Xiaowan Dam, it stores water in the refill period (mainly in October), and its water level is raised to the maximum water level 1240 m at the end of October. The reservoir releases water for hydropower generation and other objectives during the dry season (November to May), and its water level is reduced to the limited water level for flood control at the end of May. During the flood season (June to October), it is primarily used to regulate large floods, but allows small floods to pass for a normal year (Guo and Zhou, 2011). Note that the streamflow at the Chiang Saen station contributes only 21% to the streamflow of the Stung Treng station during the wet seasons (ranging from 13% to 30%), whereas the contribution during the dry seasons increases up to approximately 34% (fluctuation ranging from 24% to 50%) (Fig. 10). This finding indicates that the fluctuations in the upstream streamflow tend to affect the downstream streamflow in the dry seasons more than in wet seasons. Therefore, the eco-flow metrics of the two stations in the dry Fig. 9. Eco-flow metrics at the Chiang Saen and Stung Treng gauging stations. Proportion of dry and wet season flow ˄%˅ 226 D. Li et al. / Journal of Hydrology 551 (2017) 217–232 60 Wet season 50 Dry season 40 u ¼ 360 ði=365Þ 30 20 10 0 1960 of the minimum and maximum streamflow are transformed from the normal date (i) to the circular date (u) (Gumbel, 1954; Magilligan and Graber, 1996; Magiligan and Nislow, 2005) to obtain Fig. 11. 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 year Fig. 10. Ratio of streamflow in Chiang Saen to Stung Treng in dry and wet seasons. seasons (Fig. 9a and c) are more similar than those of the wet seasons (Figs. 9b and 8d). 4.3. Maximum and minimum streamflow Fig. 11a and Table 4 give the dates of occurrences of the minimum and maximum streamflow. The mean dates of occurrences ð18Þ Most of the maximum flow generally occurred from July to October, and more than 75% occurred in August or in the first half of September, though two exceptions exist. In Chiang Saen station, the maximum flow occurred in the second half of December in 2013 in addition to that of 1961. All the minimum flows occurred from February to May, more than 68% of which were concentrated in the second half of March or in the first half of April. The earliest minimum flow occurred in 2003 (February 14, Chiang Saen), 2014 (February 12, Chiang Saen), and 2014 (February 13, Luang Prabang). Hence, we concluded that the dates of occurrences of extreme flows in the reservoirs did not significantly change. Longer time series of streamflow observations might be required to further analyze whether giant reservoirs (Xiaowan and Nuozhadu) will alter the dates of occurrences of extreme flows in the future. The water stored in the reservoirs reduces the maximum streamflow. In the upstream Chiang Saen station, the maximum flow values decreased significantly in the years corresponding to Fig. 11. The rose diagrams of the dates of occurrences of minimum and maximum streamflow. The red lines represent the mean dates and red arcs represent the 90% confidence interval. The dates of occurrences of maximum flow during the (A) pre-impact period (1960–1991) and (B) post-impact period (1992–2014). The dates of occurrences of the minimum flow during the (C) pre-impact period (1960–1991); and (D) transition and post-impact periods (1992–2014). 227 D. Li et al. / Journal of Hydrology 551 (2017) 217–232 Table 4 Degree of changes in IHA (indicators of hydrologic alteration). Chiang Saen Jan flow Feb flow Mar flow Apr flow May flow Jun flow Jul flow Aug flow Sep flow Oct flow Nov flow Dec flow 1-day max 1-day min 3-day max 3-day min 7-day max 7-day min 30-day max 30-day min 90-day max 90-day min Base flow index Date of max Date of min High pulse count Low pulse count High pulse duration Low pulse duration Number of fluctuations Rise rate Fall rate Mean flow Stung Treng Pre-impact period (1960–1991) Transition period (1992–2009) Post-impact period (2010–2014 Pre-impact period (1960–1991) Transition period (1992–2009) Post-impact period (2010–2014) Mean value Mean value Relative change (%) Mean value Relative change (%) Mean value Mean value Relative change (%) Mean value Relative change (%) 1159.0 936.1 820.0 901.7 1282.0 2511.9 4646.8 6665.9 5528.1 3890.1 2553.1 1611.7 10920.3 732.8 31547.2 2211.2 67641.2 5225.0 223085.5 23588.0 524813.2 78363.6 2.0 231.8 88.3 4.3 3.0 29.1 42.0 47.4 1146.6 935.7 862.6 936.5 1476.0 2436.6 4948.2 6111.4 5496.0 3838.3 2418.5 1520.4 10976.3 637.5 31127.7 1977.3 64870.0 4843.1 214027.5 23294.5 514246.3 80095.8 1.9 244.5 93.8 5.1 6.4 26.3 16.0 69.6 1.1 0.0 5.2 3.9 15.1 3.0 6.5 8.3 0.6 1.3 5.3 5.7 0.5 13.0 1.3 10.6 4.1 7.3 4.1 1.2 2.0 2.2 4.9 5.5 6.2 17.2 114.8 9.4 62.0 46.8 1499.6 1178.6 1272.9 1318.8 1625.2 1887.7 3119.6 4639.8 4169.2 3020.8 2297.5 1983.6 7189.0 863.8 19785.1 2617.6 40564.3 6190.1 146253.3 31567.7 375655.1 111600.3 1.4 253.8 79.8 5.2 2.4 15.3 11.3 73.6 29.4 25.9 55.2 46.3 26.8 24.9 32.9 30.4 24.6 22.3 10.0 23.1 34.2 17.9 37.3 18.4 40.0 18.5 34.4 33.8 28.4 42.4 27.0 9.5 9.6 20.6 20.0 47.3 73.2 55.4 3425.7 2541.7 2020.2 1877.5 3082.9 10561.2 20598.4 35029.2 35993.9 22453.1 10551.2 5447.1 50352.7 1655.9 149177.8 5013.3 337988.0 11843.1 1244186.8 53617.3 2952126.2 184988.8 0.9 240.0 104.8 2.3 1.6 48.1 74.5 44.8 3883.9 2907.2 2377.4 2525.0 4409.2 10646.1 22962.4 36325.3 36229.0 21158.4 10641.5 5856.3 51167.8 1919.5 151355.5 5809.4 341239.7 13891.6 1236426.5 65521.8 3042955.4 228292.1 1.0 243.3 97.0 2.1 2.4 53.3 26.6 46.8 13.4 14.4 17.7 34.5 43.0 0.8 11.5 3.7 0.7 5.8 0.9 7.5 1.6 15.9 1.5 15.9 1.0 17.3 0.6 22.2 3.1 23.4 11.6 1.4 7.4 9.9 52.9 10.7 64.3 4.4 3894.4 3161.2 2963.5 3188.2 4427.7 9168.1 19049.2 31490.6 31733.2 21202.3 10468.8 5937.9 45269.9 2380.3 134309.2 7323.5 303935.4 17501.6 1069891.7 83174.9 2675883.5 278207.5 1.4 249.0 78.2 2.8 0.8 35.3 18.9 55.8 13.7 24.4 46.7 69.8 43.6 13.2 7.5 10.1 11.8 5.6 0.8 9.0 10.1 43.7 10.0 46.1 10.1 47.8 14.0 55.1 9.4 50.4 52.5 3.8 25.3 19.5 48.8 26.7 74.6 24.4 245.4 136.6 2721.6 232.2 179.2 2690.0 5.4 31.3 1.2 199.9 146.3 2343.0 18.6 7.1 13.9 923.0 461.0 12861.5 847.2 513.1 13394.0 8.2 11.3 4.1 625.8 479.3 12282.7 32.2 4.0 4.5 the completion of the Manwan, Dachaoshan, and Jinghong Dams (Fig. 12a). The same effect was observed in the downstream Stung Treng station, but to a less significant degree (Fig. 12c). The results given in Table 4 show that except for 1-day maximum, the maximum streamflow at the Chiang Saen station during the transition period (1992–2009) decreased slightly compared to that during the pre-impact period, i.e., 1-day maximum: 0.51%, 3-day maximum: 1.33%, 7-day maximum: 4.10%, 30-day maximum: 4.06%, and 90-day maximum: 2.01%. During the post-impact period (2010–2014), the maximum streamflow significantly decreased, i.e., 1-day maximum: 34.17%, 3-day maximum: 37.28%, 7-day maximum: 40.03%, 30-day maximum: 34.44%, and 90-day maximum: 28.42%. Except for the 90-day minimum, the minimum streamflow during the transition period (1992–2009) decreased to varying degrees, i.e., 1-day minimum: 13.04%, 3-day maximum: 10.58%, 7-day maximum: 7.31%, 30-day maximum: 1.24%, and 90-day maximum: 2.21%. During the post-impact period (2010–2014), the minimum streamflow increased significantly, i.e., 1-day minimum: 17.86%, 3-day maximum: 18.38%, 7-day maximum: 18.47%, 30-day maximum: 33.83%, and 90-day maximum: 42.41%. The value of the 1-day minimum streamflow in the Chiang Saen station was 1350 m3/s, which is the highest value recorded in history, occurring on February 12, 2014. In the downstream Stung Treng station, the changes in the maximum and minimum flow events showed a pattern similar to that of the upstream Chiang Saen station, though the changes are less significant (Fig. 12c and d). 4.4. Duration of low pulses Pulse frequency and duration of high and low water conditions together depict the pulsing behavior of environmental variations within a year (Richter et al., 1996). The streamflow data from the pre-impact period (1960–1991) are used to identify the 75% and 25% thresholds of the pulses. No clear change was observed for the duration of high pulses, while a clear change for the duration of low pulses was observed, as shown in Fig. 13. Fig. 13 shows the low pulse duration in five gauging stations. The low pulse duration in the five stations showed significant decreasing trends during the transition and post-impact periods. In Chiang Saen station, the mean values of the low-pulse duration in the pre-impact, transition, and post-impact periods were 42, 16, and 11 days, respectively. When the Manwan Dam started operations in 1992, an extremely low-pulse duration of 2.25 days was recorded in the Chiang Saen station. The low-pulse duration never reached 40 days after 1991. In 2014, the low pulse even diminished to 0 in all the five stations. The decreasing treads can be observed in the transition and post-impact periods in all the five stations. The phenomenon could be associated with the operation of the giant dams (such as Xiaowan and Nuozhadu), which store water in wet seasons and release extra water in dry seasons to support hydropower generation or other objectives according to their operation rules (Guo and Zhou, 2011; Richter and Thomas, 2007); hence, reducing the duration of low-flow pulses. 228 D. Li et al. / Journal of Hydrology 551 (2017) 217–232 Fig. 12. Changes in the annual extreme streamflow in the Chiang Saen and Stung Treng stations from 1960 to 2014. 4.5. Reverse count and rate The number of fluctuations represents the frequency of reserve streamflow from rising to falling or falling to rising, and the reverse rate (rise and fall rates) stands for the slope of the rising or falling events. Table 4 lists the calculated values of the reverse, which shows that the number of fluctuations increased slightly with time. The number of fluctuations at the Chiang Saen station increased by 46% and 55% during the transition and post-impact periods, respectively. The falling rates in the Chiang Saen station increased 229 D. Li et al. / Journal of Hydrology 551 (2017) 217–232 Fig. 13. Low pulse duration in five gauging stations. by 31% and 7% during the transition and post-impact periods, respectively. In addition, the rising rate decreased by 5% and –19% during the transition and post-impact periods, respectively. The changes in the flow reverse count and rate were similar to those observed in the Stung Treng station, though the changes are of lower magnitudes than those observed in the Chiang Saen station. 4.6. Partitioning effects of climate change and reservoirs The Budyko framework is used to distinguish the impact of climate change and human activities at a mean annual time-scale. The parameter w, which in equation (13) was calculated as 1.76 for the Mekong Basin from 1952 to 1991Table 5 lists the results of the transition period 1992–2009 and the post-impact period 2010–2015. As shown in Table 5, compared with the baseline period 1952– 1991, no significant change in the annual streamflow (less than 3%) occurred from 1992 to 2015 at the basin scale. The percentage of climate-induced change was 82.29% from 1992 to 2009 wherein the human-induced change corresponded to 17.71%, and both parameters increased the streamflow. It is noted that human activities decreased the streamflow from 2010 to 2015, contributing approximately 62% to the total streamflow change. Hence, it can be concluded that the impacts of human activities on the streamflow increased at the decade scale. The application of the Budyko framework requires a steady state at an annual time-scale. As for the transition period from 1992 to 2009, only 3 reservoirs (Manwan, Dachaoshan, and Jinghong) were built. The total storage capacity of these 3 reservoirs is 3.08 km3 (Table 2), while the mean annual runoff at Chiang Saen station is 84 km3/yr. This means that reservoir construction and operation during this period could not significantly impact the steady state of the basin at an annual time-scale. During the post-impact period 2010–2014, the total storage capacity increased from 3.08 km3 to 43.2 km3, which became significant compared to the annual runoff but still not enough for interannual regulation. The operation of these reservoirs always follows steady rules with an interannual time-scale (Guo and Zhou, 2011; Li et al., 2015), implying a relevant steady status at an annual time-scale. Thus, the steady-state assumptions of the Budyko framework is valid. In addition to the Budyko method, the simple regression model is used to partition the effects of climate change and human activities at the seasonal time-scale. As shown in Table 6, the RR values in the wet season are 59% and 24% at Chiang Saen and Stung Treng Table 5 Human- and climate-induced change on annual streamflow. 1952–1991 1992–2009 2010–2015 Qm(mm/a) PET(mm/a) P(mm/a) E(mm/a) DQ(mm/a) DQc(mm/a) DQh(mm/a) Qc% Qh% 454.734 462.775 443.581 1646.567 1630.257 1974.449 1155.404 1161.445 1272.345 700.671 698.670 828.764 – 8.041 11.153 – 6.617 17.903 – 1.424 29.056 – 82.29 38.12 – 17.71 61.88 Note: percentages of change are calculated in absolute value. 230 D. Li et al. / Journal of Hydrology 551 (2017) 217–232 Table 6 Residuals and the relative variation of streamflow using linear regression models on seasonal scale. Mean RE Wet_Chiang Saen Dry_Chiang Saen Wet_Stuang Treng Dry_Stung Treng RR (%) R_squre Pre-impact period Transition period Post-Impact period Transition period Post-Impact period 0.53 0.22 0.39 0.04 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.05 127.59 15.72 358.38 549.23 1823.31 217.65 4629.39 489.32 3.15 1.21 1.63 11.69 59.26 13.67 23.73 9.91 in the post-impact period 2010–2014, respectively, which indicates that the streamflow in the wet season should be higher than the observed value if human activities are excluded. Similarly, the RR values in the dry season are 14% and 10% at Chiang Saen and Stung Treng, respectively, in the post-impact period 2010–2014, implying that human activities increased the streamflow in dry seasons. The RR values in the transition period are very small, meaning that human activities are not the dominant factor. This conclusion is consistent with the storage capacity change during this period. In addition to reservoir construction and operation, other factors may also affect the flow regimes (Cook et al., 2012), which need to be considered in this study. The data pertaining to land use in 2010 and 2000 obtained from CCI-LC project version 2.3, European Space Agency (ESA) were compared to detect possible changes in land use in recent years ( It was found that only 0.57% of the area in the MRB changed during this 10-year period, implying that the change in land use is not a significant factor affecting the streamflow among human activities. In addition, it has been shown that snow melting contributed only a small proportion (0.1%) to the mean annual discharge at Chiang Saen station (Eastham et al., 2008). 5. Discussion The flow regimes have changed to some degree after the construction and operation of dams on the mainstream, particularly in the upstream, observed by several gauging stations during the transition period (1992–2009) and post-impact period (2010– 2014). The mean flow and minimum flow increased in the dry seasons, while the mean flow and maximum flow decreased in the wet seasons. The low pulse duration significantly declined, and the number of fluctuations increased. The changes in the postimpact period are more severe than in the transition period. The most important negative impact of these changes is the destruction of fish habitats (Ziv et al., 2012). Similar to many tropical rivers globally, fish ecosystems in the MRB are extremely fragile. Many important and unique fishes in the MRB are seasonally migratory fishes, and natural flow regimes and upstream shoals and rapids are very important for their breeding. These changes in flow regime also influence other riverine ecosystems. However, increased flow in the dry seasons can significantly benefit agricultural irrigation in the downstream areas. Water resources in the upper reach of the Mekong River are mostly used for power generation without water withdrawal. The five countries along the LMB are agricultural countries; the Chi-Mun basin has the largest irrigation system in the MRB. With growing population, water demand for food and irrigation markedly increased. Barker and Molle (2004) estimated that only 3% of the irrigated land in the basin was exploited in 2002. MRC (2011) reported that irrigated areas in the LMB countries would increase from 6.6 million ha in 2010 to 9.7 million ha in 2030. Moreover, reduction in wet-season flow, but increase in dryseason flow due to the operation of the upstream dams are beneficial for downstream flood and drought management, navigation, and even the ecosystem in the Mekong Delta. For instance, on March 15 and April 10 of 2016, because of the extreme drought event in the Mekong Delta in Vietnam, the Chinese government released more than 2.7 billion m3 of stored water from the upstream Jinghong Reservoir to the Mekong Delta for agriculture and ecosystem demands. The discharge from the Jinghong Reservoir increased to 2000 m3/s, approximately twice the mean annual discharge or more than three times the natural discharge for the same period. This joint effort was a successful event for transboundary river management (MRC, 2016). Both ecosystem and human demands in the MRB should be considered. Given that a large number of dams in the upper and lower reaches of the Mekong River are to be constructed in the near future, the impacts of human activities on streamflow would likely intensify, posing great challenges for river management. Moreover, given the uncertainty of climate change, collaborative and multiobjective management of these reservoirs are the keys to address both ecosystem and human demands; hence, environmental flow for ecosystem demands should be incorporated into reservoir operation objectives in the MRB. All the methods used in this study are statistical in nature (IHA, eco-metrics, Mann–Kendall test, etc.). These methods can be used in any river systems, particularly international transboundary river basins wherein the cooperation among riparian countries and management of water resources should be supported by illustrating trends and fluctuations of long-term flow regimes. 6. Conclusion This study used long-term daily streamflow observations in five gauging stations along the mainstream of the Mekong River to examine changes and trends in the IHA and eco-flow metrics (eco-surplus and eco-deficit). The results show that damming in the upstream area led to a declining trend in the annual streamflow in the upstream Chiang Saen gauging station, whereas no clear effect on the downstream Stung Treng station was observed. The operation of the dams reduces streamflow in the wet seasons, but increases the streamflow in the dry seasons, resulting in unique seasonal variations in the streamflow based on the ecoflow metrics at Chiang Saen during the period 2010–2014. No notable change in the date of extreme flows was observed, though the maximum flow values decreased significantly at Chiang Saen station in the years corresponding to the completion of the Manwan, Dachaoshan, and Jinghong Dams. The construction and operation of the dams had clear, significant impacts on the low-pulse durations. A decomposition method based on the Budyko hypothesis is used to partition the effects of climate change and human activities on the streamflow. It is shown that no significant change in the annual streamflow (less than 3%) occurred from 1992 to 2015 at the basin scale compared to the baseline period 1952–1991. During the transition period 1992–2009, climate change contributed to 82.29% of the total streamflow change, whereas human activities contributed to 62% of the total change during the postimpact period 2010–2015. It is shown that only 0.57% of the land use in the MRB changed during 2000–2010, implying that the D. Li et al. / Journal of Hydrology 551 (2017) 217–232 land-use change was not a significant factor among human activities. Both positive and negative impacts of changes in the flow regime on the management of water resources and river ecosystems are discussed. On one hand, changes in the flow regime may influence fish habitats; on the other hand, reservoirs highly benefit hydropower generation, irrigation, and other human needs. The results of this study can serve as a basis for detecting changes in the flow regime, which are valuable in transboundary cooperation and reservoir operation, particularly for better consideration of environmental flow to address both ecosystem and human needs in the future. The statistical analysis performed in this study is based on the historical streamflow records of five gauging stations on the mainstream of the Mekong River. Different numbers of years in each of the three sub-periods analyzed may induce biases in the results of the statistical analysis. 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