Name: M sharjeel Roll #: 11956 Dpt 8th C Supervised clinical practice Subjective Assessment Name: M Amir Age: 36 years Gender: male IP/OP OP Marital status: Married Occupation: Shopkeeper Address: Madina town, Fsd Chief complaint: Patient came to OPD with low back pain that was Radiating to his left leg due to which he was facing difficulty in walking. Patient need: Pain relief and pain free movement Date of admission: 5-5-2023 History of presenting complaint: The patient has low back pain from last 7 days that was worsening with passage of time. The pain started when patient was uplifting heavy weight material in shop Past medical history: The patient has history of low back pain 6 months ago. But on that time orthopedic surgeon gave him some medicine(tab synflex 550 mg, thiolax 04 mg twice a day) for 10 days. After using the prescribed medicine the patient got better but he feels low back pain sometimes whenever he had to lift weight or have to do forward bending. Family history: The patient is non smoker and no other medical problems. Living environment: Clean and hygienic environment Family History: Mother is Diabetic+hypertension+ osteoarthritis. But there is no effect of family history on patient’s current scenario. Side: Left leg Site Lumbar regio Onset: 1 week ago Duration Persistent Type : Stabbing Severity Aggravating factors Standing, Relieving walking and factors stairs climbinv 7/10 on pain scale Pain killer Swelling Erythema Inspection There was Joint mild swelling deformity at left feet Muscle wasting No No No Palpation Temperatur 98F e Tenderness There was Inflam No mild mation tenderness of left leg hamstrings Edema No Contr No acture Crepit Patient feels ations Crepitations sound in his knee but there is no correlation of it with his problem. On examination Level of conscious ness Sensation Orientation Person Touch 3 into 3 Temperature Memory Short term : Good Long term : Good Superficial Touch 2 Pain 2 Temperature 2 Deep Deep pressure Kinesthetic Proprioception Communication verbal: Good Non-verbal: Good Combined 4 2point 4 discrimination 4 normal Stereognosis normal Graphesthesia normal Barognosis normal Reflexes Deep tendon reflexes(0,1,2,3,4) Biceps tendon(C5,6) Brachioradialis tendon(C5,6) Triceps tendon(C6-8) Patellar tendon(L2-4) Planter flexors(S1,2) Primitive reflexes Plantar reflex Abdominal reflex 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Grades: 0 - No response 1- diminished 2- Normal 3- Slightly hyperactive 4- Clonus Muscle tone (Ashworth scale) (0, 1, 1+, 2, 3, 4) U/E L/E Right Normal Normal Trunk Not tested Left Normal Left leg muscle was Hypertonic +1 Not tested ROM U/E L/E Right Normal Normal Trunk N.T Left Normal Normal except hip felxion SLR was 40 degree only after the patient feel severe pain. N.T MMT Right Left U/E 5/5 5/5 L/E 5/5 Trunk 5/5 3/5 Due to pain patient was unable to use his Muscular strength actively 5/5 Co-Ordination tests Non equilibrium tests Finger to nose 4 Finger to finger 4 Heel on skin 4 Rebound phenomenon 4 Drawing circle 4 Equilibrium tests Sitting, weight shifting in all direction 4 Sitting, multidirectional function reach 4 Standing, standing feet together 4 Standing on one foot 4 Walking, forward, backward, sideways 4 Investigation: Blood test: Normal X ray: Lumbar spine straightening with reduced intervertebral space. MRI: Result shows severe muscular spasticity and lumbar curve straightening. There was moderate disc buldging at L4-L5 and S1 Problem lists Activity limitation: Difficulty walking and stair climbing Difficulty in sleeping Inability to life heavyweight Participation restriction ADL’s restriction like work at shop Physiotherapy diagnosis: Lumbar radiculopathy( sciatica) Management Short term goals Pain relief Restore his ADL To Restore his normal gait patter . Long term goals Strengthening the paraspinal muscles. Regain functional activities Electrotherapy: Use of ultrasound 1MHz for 6 months( to control inflammation at L4-L5 & S1 disc. Moist hot pack to relax paraspinal muscles TENS to control the pain. Manual therapy: Stretching exercise Quards+hams+calfs Mckenzie technique exercise. Exercise Therapy: Strengthening exercise Bridging exercise swinmming Home Plan: Avoid forward Bending Use semihard or ortho mattress for sleeping. Place one pillow while lying in right side line. Do bridging exercise, MacKenzie techniques.