Uploaded by Kushal Baniya

Mushroom Pickle Recipe & Procedure

Mushroom pickle
Preparation of pickle of mushroom at different concentration of salt, sugar and vinegar concentration.
Material required
Oyster mushroom- 1kg c
1.5% Potassium meta bisulfite, 0.2% citric acid or KMS of 200ppm SO2,2% NaCl
Salt, turmeric 5.95 g,vinegar 240ml, 3-4 clove, 300g chillies powder, mustard powder 43 g, garlic
75g, cardamom powder5 gm, ginger powder 50g
Collect freshly plucked mushroom , wash and clean.
Cut into pieces 5mm thickness
Washed in 1.5% KMS and 0.2% citric acid
(b) dipping in 2% NaCl solution;
Mushroom is dried to mc 50%
Sterilize the jars boiling in hot water.
Pickled solution, composing of vinegar, sugar, salt all spices, cinnamon and other spices were
brought to boil for five minutes. (16 hrs deep)
Poured the dried mushroom in solution.
The bottled samples were labeled and sterilized according to the three formulation techniques :
1. Treatment 1 (sour pickle preparation) with 4.2g sugar with 640g vinegar,
2. Treatment 2 (sweet pickle preparation) with 192g of sugar with 770g vinegar and
3. Treatment 3 (sweet and sour pickle preparation) with sugar 380g with 770 g vinegar.
Labelled treatment 1 for t1, treatment 2 for t2 and treatment 3 for t3.
. Determine the
Moisture ( mushroom and pickle)
pH- pickle
TSS (degree brix) - pickle
Crude protein - pickle
Lactic acid- pickle
acidity- pickle
crude fiber- mushroom
. sensory evaluation
Shelf life-moisture, acidity
Determine the best among 3 treatment.