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NMIMS Library Kano Analysis Report

Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 2
NMIMS Library ............................................................................................................................................... 3
Details on survey and collected responses ..................................................................................................... 4
Methodology ............................................................................................................................................... 5
Results and Discussions ............................................................................................................................... 7
Multiple usages of CTQ: ................................................................................................................................. 7
Must Be.......................................................................................................................................................... 8
One dimensional ............................................................................................................................................ 8
Attractive ........................................................................................................................................................ 9
Indifferent ..................................................................................................................................................... 10
CTQ Chart in the form of ESC and RDC numbers ........................................................................................... 11
CTQ Graphs Plot as per ESC and RDC Numbers ........................................................................................... 11
5. Conclusion.................................................................................................................................................... 12
6. References .................................................................................................................................................... 13
1. Introduction
The Kano Analysis model, also known as the "Customer Delight vs. Implementation Investment" approach, is a
valuable tool for assessing and exploring customer emotional responses to products or services.
At its core, the Kano model recognizes that a product/service’s value goes beyond its basic functionality and
should consider the emotional aspect experienced by customers. This model enables a deeper understanding of
how to gauge and explore users' emotional reactions to specific product features. (2022, August 30). YouTube.
The Kano model questionnaire categorizes product or service features based on two important factors: satisfaction
and functionality. By using this categorization, businesses can effectively prioritize features on their
product/service roadmap, considering their ability to satisfy customers and the necessary implementation
By employing well-structured surveys, businesses can adapt their products and services to align with customer
preferences and desires, leading to higher customer satisfaction and overall success.
Categories of product/service attributes based on Kano model:
Product Attribute
Attractive attributes lead to higher satisfaction even when not
initially expected in the product.
One- dimensional
One-dimensional attributes, when fulfilled, enhance satisfaction,
and when lacking, result in dissatisfaction.
Must-be attributes are critical for satisfaction, and their absence
leads to absolute dissatisfaction. However, their presence does
not significantly increase satisfaction levels.
Indifferent attributes have minimal impact on satisfaction or
dissatisfaction, regardless of whether they are fulfilled or not.
Reverse attributes cause dissatisfaction when present and
satisfaction when absent.
Questionable attributes occur when customers select both "Like"
and "Dislike" responses, making the answer ambiguous or
NMIMS Library
The library is a crucial resource for students and faculty, providing access to knowledge and information
necessary for academic success and research. Understanding the needs and preferences of library users is vital to
improve the overall library experience. This report presents the findings of a Kano model survey conducted to
assess the satisfaction levels of students and faculty with the library services at SBM, NMIMS.
The Resource Centre houses an extensive collection of over 54,000 books, encompassing various fields such as
business, management, economics, behavioral sciences, IT, law, engineering, and more. Additionally, it provides
access to more than 80 national and international periodicals that cover all aspects of management, some of which
include back issues of significant journals. (About NMIMS Library | Top University in India, n.d.)
Furthermore, it boasts a spacious Reading Hall, which accommodates a substantial number of individuals and
operates from 9 AM to 11 PM on weekdays. During examination periods, the reading hall extends its hours until
3 AM. However, it is important to note that the Reading Hall is designated for silent reading only, and discussions
are not permitted to maintain a conducive study environment which deters students from having discussions and
To enhance user experience and knowledge-sharing, the resource centre organizes workshops, seminars, and
conferences for both library professionals and students on a yearly basis. These events aim to facilitate ease of
use and provide valuable insights to all users.
The reason for choosing library services in our project is because the library and reading hall is an everyday part
of student lives here at SBM.
2. Details on survey and collected responses
The survey was conducted in the month of July 2023 over a period of two weeks, targeting the MBA students of
NMIMS, Mumbai both 1st year and 2nd years. We were able to collect a total number of 49 responses with valuable
insights from the students of NMIMS with their past experiences and expectations from the college library, for
conducting our survey on analyzing the library service of NMIMS, Mumbai with the help of the KANO model.
The survey questions were asked about the importance of various college library services. The survey consisted
of a total number of 24 questions, each of which asked respondents to rate the level of importance of each service
facility from the college library.
The survey utilized both the Functional and Dysfunctional questions as per the KANO model guidelines to gather
quantitative data with the help of the Likert scale. The responses were coded and then decoded according to the
Kano model. We have targeted to analyze different Critical to Quality ( CTQ ) parameters for the college library
service like the Importance of the Availability of Resources, Accessibility, Importance of Personalized service,
Importance of Digital Resources, Fulfilment of Workshop and Training requirements, Accessibility of both online
as well as offline resources, Availability of dedicated individual reading space, Availability of extended service
especially during the examination time, Importance of self-checkout system for library books, Quality of library
staff service and Availability of space in the library for group collaboration and discussion.
The survey responses were impressive, indicating a high level of interest and engagement from the college student
3. Methodology
The methodology followed was:
1) Overview & Opinion collection: A survey was done physically by all the team to identify the services
provided by the library to the students and the potential pain points that leads to either satisfaction or
dissatisfaction of the students.
2) Questionnaire & Survey forms: After listing down all the important parameters, a list of 12 important
questions were identified and a form was floated among the students to understand their opinion. All the
12 questions were asked in a way to that the candidates should answer from the following 5 options a) I like it that way
b) It must be that way
c) I am neutral
d) I can live with it that way
e) I dislike it that way
Similarly, a set of another 12 questions were asked with similar options but the questions were completely
opposite of the above asked question. For ex. The 2 sets of opposite questions included ● How would you feel if the library provides both physical book borrowing services and digital
● How would you feel if the library did not provide physical book borrowing services and focused
only on digital resources?
From these set of questions, the general perception about the students’ opinion was identified
3) Response Collection & Data Cleaning: With the help of survey forms, a total of 70 responses were
collected. It was observed that out of 70 responses, 21 were inconsistent in terms of data filling or were
not error free. After cleaning the data, a total of 49 responses were cleared for the further analysis part.
4) Binary Mapping of the Data: These 49 responses were further noted in binary form in the excel sheet. For
all the marked answers to the questions asked a binary number 1 was assigned and for all the other options
were assigned a number 0. For instance, a respondent answered with “I like it that way” to a question
asked then 1 was assigned under I like it that way and 0 was assigned to all the options.
In this way, all the responses were manually codded into Binary numbers and their total was calculated so
as to give them priority and map them on the Kano Model graph.
5) Developing Kano Evaluation Table: The option with the highest total was selected as the most preferred
option or the answer fo the question by the students. Once answers to all the questions were received, an
evaluation table was formed. An evaluation table consists of six major keys on which the table is
distributed a) A: Attractive
O: One dimensional
M: Must be
Q: Questionable result
R: Reverse
I: Indifferent
The plotting from binary to the Kano Evaluation Table was done using If else statement in Excel. All these
keys are identified based on the below shown Functional and Dysfunctional parameters. For ex. For a
question the winning response was I like it that way and for the counterpart (dysfunctional) question the
winning response was I dislike it that way the achieved result was O (One Dimensional).
Similarly for all the responses the evaluation table was prepared.
6) Plotting of Graph: After plotting the Kano Evaluation table for all the responses total of all the keys were
calculated i.e. the total of A, O, Q, I, M, R. Then ESC (Enhanced Satisfaction Coefficients) and RDC
(Reduced Dissatisfaction Coefficients) were calculated.
ESC = (A+O) / (A+O+M+I)
RDC = (O+M) / (A+O+M+I)
After calculating ESC and RDC, the X and Y coordinates of the CTQ Classification plots are obtained.
The graph consists of four different quadrants ●
Must Be
One dimensional
The response to the CTQ is categorized into A, I, M, and O based on the count. The highest count
determines the CTQ. For ex. If the count of category A is highest for the CTQ range of resources then A
(Attractive) determines the CTQ.
Now after determining the quadrant and the X and Y coordinates for the CTQ, the graph can be plotted.
7) Prioritisation of CTQ parameters: Based on the values of RDC and ESC, the CTQs with will be prioritised
in order to provide recommendations.
4. Results and Discussions
Based on the above Methodology, we were able to plot each attribute of the Library on the CTQ chart of the Kano
Model as shown below. Note that the X-axis of the Kano Model is the Measure of Functionality whereas the yaxis
Multiple usages of CTQ:
1. Understanding the CTQ: In a CTQ chart, "Critical To Quality" refers to the key characteristics or factors
that are crucial to meeting customer requirements and ensuring a high product or service quality. These
CTQs are often derived from customer needs and expectations.
2. Graphical Representation: CTQ charts usually represent data visually. Each point represents a specific
CTQ parameter or metric, and its height indicates the magnitude of that parameter's impact on quality.
3. Identifying Priority Areas: The chart helps identify which CTQs significantly influence overall quality.
The taller the bar, the more critical that specific parameter is to the quality of the product or service.
4. Setting Improvement Targets: By analyzing the CTQ chart, organizations can set improvement targets
for the key parameters that require attention. These targets aim to meet customer expectations and improve
overall quality
In our CTQ chart prepared for Library attributes, we can clearly classify the attributes in 1. Must be, 2- One
dimensional, 3- Indifferent, 4- Attractive.
The logic behind the Priority List within Must-Be Quadrant – We have given RDS (Dissatisfaction level) the
highest weightage than ESC (Satisfaction level )since the Dissatisfaction level can have a negative exponential
effect on the service
Must Be
– From the chart we can see that the following attributes of the library belong to this.
1. Availability of Dedicated Individual Reading space
2. Access to Online and Offline Resources
Definition of Must Be
These are the attributes that if present in the product or services will not give a positive satisfaction level, but if
they are not present it creates an exponential level of Dissatisfaction as can be seen from the graphs below.
Priority Attributes – All attributes in Must be should be taken as priority as it can be seen from the graph that if
these are not included it causes exponential Dissatisfaction. However, the Greater RDS (Dysfunctional) attribute
should be solved first as it creates greater dissatisfaction
1. Access to Online and Offline Resources
2. Availability of Dedicated Individual Reading space
The logic behind the Priority List within 1-D and Attractive Quadrant – We have given ESC (Satisfaction
level) the highest weightage than DSC (Dissatisfaction level) This decision can vary as per the management. We
have considered the above logic for 1-D and Attractive
One dimensional
- From the chart we can see that the following attributes of the library belong to this.
1. Range of Resources
2. Online Platform Access
3. Extended Operating Hours
4. Accessibility
Definition of One dimensional –
The attributes lying in this quadrant are called 1-D or Performance attributes. The greater you increase the
functionality of these attributes greater will be the Satisfaction levels. However, the limiting factor, in this case,
is the amount of investment the investor is ready to make. As can be seen from the graph the relationship between
Functionality and satisfaction levels are linear, which accurately explains this characteristic.
1. Priority Attributes – 1. Extended Operating Hours
2. Accessibility
- From the chart we can see that the following attributes of the library belong to this.
1. Digital Resources
2. Quality Of Staff Service
3. Availability of Dedicated collaborative rooms for groups
Definition of Attractive Attribute – These are the features that are not expected by the consumers but if
presented it creates a WOW experience for them.
If we look at the satisfaction curve on the side, we can see that even a slight rise in Functionality is giving a great
rise in Satisfaction level.
1. Priority Attributes – 1. Quality Of Staff Service
2. Digital Resources
- From the chart we can see that the following attributes of the library belong to this part
1. Personalisation
2. Workshops and Training
3. Automated checkout for book borrowing
Definition of Indifferent Curve – These are the attributes that consumers don’t care about. No matter how much
we invest in raising the Functionality of the product in this region, it will not have any effect on the satisfaction
level. The Satisfaction Curve lies on the Horizontal axis of the CTQ graph. This is the reason why this region is
also called as Money sinker.
Priority Attributes – We have not Included any attributes in the priority list here as it does not make any
difference to improve any of these attributes.
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CTQ Chart in the form of ESC and RDC numbers
CTQ Graphs Plot as per ESC and RDC Numbers
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5. Conclusion
With the help of the KANO model, we have classified the student expectations and requirements from library
service into four distinctive categories: Must Be (Basic Requirements), One Dimensional (Performance),
Attractive (Excitement), and Indifference. There were no Reverse parameters found from the Kano model in our
survey. We have not received any Questionable responses in our survey as there were no contradictions for any
responses in the survey answers between the functional and dysfunctional questions.
This data has helped us to derive the Enhanced satisfaction and the reduced dissatisfaction coefficient of the
service quality model for the NMIMS, Mumbai Library service.
This analysis also helped us to analyze the service quality gap between the expected and the actual service of
NMIMS Mumbai Library. To enhance the enhanced satisfaction, the library should focus on improving onedimensional attributes and introducing attractive attributes. Concurrently, addressing must-be attributes and
minimizing indifferent and reverse attributes will prevent dissatisfaction and negative experiences. As, we know
that the customer preferences are prioritized by the rule of, M (Must Be) > O (One Dimensional) > A (Attractive)
> I (Indifference), we were able to conclude that under the must be attributes, Access to Online and Offline
Resources should be prioritized first followed by the Availability of Dedicated Individual Reading space.
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The next attributes which should be taken care by the library service are, Extended operating Hours, Accessibility,
Range of Resources and Online Platform Access which are coming under the one-dimensional section. Next the
attributes under the attractive section should be taken care of which consists, Quality of staff services, Digital
resources followed by availability of dedicated collab rooms.
The attributes under the Indifference section does not influence the student satisfaction with their execution level.
By identifying and segregating the different attributes like, must-be, one-dimensional, attractive, and indifferent,
the college authority can now make informed decisions about resource allocation and improvements for the library
service to reduce the service quality gap. Continued feedback and regular surveys will be essential to ensure that
the library remains responsive to the evolving needs of the college students.
By embracing the Kano model's insights our college can create an exceptional library experience that fosters the
student’s academic experience and enriches the college community.
6. References
● (2022, August 30). YouTube. Retrieved July 23, 2023, from https://www.qualtrics.com/experiencemanagement/research/kano-analysis/?rid=cookie&prevsite=au&newsite=en&geo=&geomatch=
● About NMIMS Library | Top University in India. (n.d.). NMIMS. Retrieved July 23, 2023, from
● Nanjundappa, N. (2021, October 27). KANO Model: Detailed illustration With Practical Examples.
YouTube. Retrieved July 23, 2023, from https://youtu.be/E_LkqbyZxpg
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