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Alt. Arena (A4) Guide

Alt. Arena (A4)
With the upcoming release of Alt. Arena (A4) in NA seemingly inevitable and someone who
has beat A4 multiple times in JP, I thought I will make a guide that will go through
everything you need to know about the new dungeon. This guide will go through some of the
major points of A4 and what the best teams are to tackle this new level of monstrosity that is
now the hardest dungeon in PAD to date.
This guide assumes that people who are reading this have already beat A3 numerous times.
What is Alt. Arena?
The word “Alt” in front of “Alt. Arena” stands for alternate. Just like all the alt. Dungeons
located in the Technical Dungeons Tab. In order to unlock A4, you will need to have beat all
levels of Ultimate Arena, which means you will need to beat A1, A2 and A3.
What are some of the best leads that can tackle A4?
There is no perfect lead that can consistently beat A4 due to how buffed all bosses are in A4.
Assuming you are going to co-op A4, then the best lead to go with is Bhunter. Due to his
unparalleled LS. He offers 1.5x to all stats when played in co-op and that is very important
because of how strong every floor hits. Especially some preemptives.
The King of Coop
When attempting solo however, it is best to use combo/rainbow leads. Some notable ones are
Yuna, Anubis, HSonia, and in the future, the upcoming Dark Ideal Uevo. All of these cards
have amazing LS and can hit incredibly hard. However, they all lack the durability to tank the
numerous hard hitting pre-emptives in A4. It’s best to pair these combo leads with Diablos as
not only does he offer an 8.5x multiplier and 25% damage reduction, he comes with the the
ample 7x6 board clause. A 7x6 board will allow these combo leads to hit even higher
numbers which cannot be normally achieved through a 6x5 board unless skyfalls are
Some of the best combo/rainbow leads to tackle A4; best paired with Diablos
Although, there is one exception to the 7x6 rule. In the near future, there will be a new collab
called Dragon Forest. In this collab is a card known as Rii. What’s so special about Rii is that
she is the only inheritable leader swap in the game.
What does that mean? It means that for people who rolled Rii, you can go into A4 with a card
that has a 7x6 clause such as Diablos and if you have Rii inherited onto another sub in your
team, you can swap leaders between your leader and the sub who has Rii inherited. In other
words, you can go into A4 with L/F Ilmina as lead with a Kenshin friend and Kenshin as sub
(with Rii inherited). When Kenshin’s assist (Rii’s leader swap) is up, you can swap Ilmina
with Kenshin. This play alleviates the one weakness all cards with a 7x6 clause have: low
Here is a video of Reco clearing A4 with the play I just mentioned:
It is also worth mentioning HSonia is a fantastic candidate for this play because HSonia is the
only card in the game to have the new awakening called Self Haste. This awakening allows
the card with this awakening to gain +1 to their skill whenever your team attacks with all
colors. This allows HSonia to quickly charge up her active and quickly gain access to Rii’s
leader swap. There are other notable combinations such as:
This is of course, assuming that you own the following: Rii for the inheritable leader swap, a
card that has a 7x6 board clause that pairs well with your desired leader, and the same leader
as your friend’s.
The highly anticipated card that is known as Rii.
Of course, having the one of the best leads that can tackle A4 does not mean you can already
beat it consistently. Subs play a huge role in increasing anyone’s survival rate in A4. There is
a lot to take into consideration when it comes to sub pools and with that being said, what are
some of the best staple subs that can be used universally in all combo/rainbow leads?
What are some of the required awakenings/latents for A4?
In order to beat A4, some of the following awakenings are required:
: this is a no brainer, almost half of the dungeon consists of bosses with resolves
so bringing at least one sub with the FUA awakening is a must.
: the 7c awakening will immensely help you deal with all 21 floors as the HP of
all bosses in A4 are on steroids. Ranging from the high ninjas with their 4 million HP
to Kali with her impressive 200 million HP.
: there are a few floors with notably high defense you probably won’t be able to
break through with just sheer power alone. Having one or two subs with the Guard
Break awakening will help dealing the floors with high defense far easier than it is
without one. If worse comes to worse, an active or two may be used to compensate for
the lack of Guard Break but may severely hinder you as you progress farther into A4.
: these awakenings shouldn’t come as a surprise. A4 will feature a lot of
bosses that will constantly bind your team including the leader. So running a leader
who is bind immune will make running A4 easier as you will not have to worry about
your leader being bound.
: killer awakenings will make killing each floor much
more consistently. All 21 floors of A4 will have their HP buffed to crazy numbers so
it is in your best interest to run as many killer latents as possible. These killer
awakenings will be the most useful ones when running A4. This, of course, applies to
killer latents as well. Some notable subs with numerous latent killers includes Aten
and Balboa.
: A4 will feature a lot of spawns with buffed skill delays. In other words, they
will delay your skills far more than they usually do. So it is best to farm for SDR
latents whenever possible.
What is the best Awoken Badge to use for A4?
The best Awoken Badge would have to be the “Team HP + 15%” followed by “Move Time
2+ Seconds” because an extra 15% HP can mean the difference between continuing your run
or dying to a dumb pre-emptive because you lack the sufficient HP to tank some moves. The
“Move Time 2+ Seconds” is certainly useful but does not offer any form of survival. If your
team lacks time extends, then this Awoken Badge can be taken as an alternative given that
you have the necessary HP to tank the numerous pre-emptive A4 has to offer. Otherwise the
“Team HP + 15%” will always be the best Awoken Badge to pick for A4.
What are some of the best staple subs for A4?
This question will only be answer some of the best staple subs that can be in almost every
: Not only does Odindra have fantastic awakenings, but his active skill is one
of, if not the best, active skill in the game. For anyone that does not know what is
Odindra’s active skill, his active skill does the following: “recover 50% of max HP.
Full bind recovery. Awoken Bind recovery 9999 turns. Reduces cooldown of other
skills by 1 turn”. Not only does he provide a heal, but he also clears all of your team’s
bind status and awakening binds and to top it all off, he even reduces your other skills
by one turn which is significant as this haste could mean the difference between living
and dying. If you haven’t already obtained Odindra, it is in your best interest to start
collecting his evolution materials in preparation of A4 as there is no other sub that can
do what Odindra can do.
: Yuna’s fantastic awakenings makes her one of if not the best staple subs
across rainbow and combo teams. Her 4 Time Extend awakenings are welcomed in
almost every team, especially combo leads when your team is lacking Time Extend
awakenings. Her double Skill Bind Resist also relieves you of running 5 subs with 1
Skill Bind Resist. Not only that, she comes equipped with double 7c awakenings
meaning Yuna will hit like a truck upon reaching 7 combos or more. Her active,
which is a 50% shield for two turns AND a haste for your other skills, will come in
handy in many situations to come. If have Yuna, it is imperative you add her to your
team when attempting A4 as she will make your life very easy.
: Although it may seem like Aten is an odd choice of being one of the best
staple subs across rainbow and combo leads, it is his awakenings what makes him
very valuable. Aten comes equipped with all 8 types of awakenings excluding
Enhance, Redeemable, Evo Material, and Awoken Material killer awakenings.
However, there are very little floors that require the missing killer awakenings so it is
best not to invest those awakenings into Aten. Aten makes killing all floors of A4
much more consistent as he will automatically deal 9x damage to a boss with two
typings and 27x to a boss with three typings. His active is also nice: a Dkali board
along with jammers but he can also override any time loss inflicted by a boss. All in
all, Aten’s numerous killers will make killing floors in A4 far easier. However, if you
lack Aten or do not want to add him to your team, this can be fixed by feeding your
leader and subs with numerous latent killers.
: Amatsu, at the moment, is the best FUA sub right now
for many reasons. Not only does he have a FUA awakening, but he is also unbindable,
has the bind clear awakening, AND his active removes lock orbs and produces water
and heart orbs. These awakenings and active alone allow Amatsu to fulfill multiple
roles. He also has over 10k HP when hypermaxed which is very welcoming to many
teams that need high HP. Although, Cotton and Skuld can replace Amatsu if you do
not own him, however, Cotton is better than Skuld because Cotton is unbindable
whereas Skuld is. This mere difference can make a huge difference when running A4.
Cotton also has a much lower CD than Skuld’s, meaning you can inherit a long active
skill such as Fujin onto her. Skuld, in her own right, makes beating some floors with
Light and Dark absorb much easier as her active does not produce any light or dark
orbs. In the end, these 3 cards are the best subs for FUA option. However, if you do
not own any of these cards, then your next best option is Verdandi, Urd, or Rushana.
: Indra is by far one of the best options when you are looking for a shield.
Not only does he offer two turns of 75% damage reduction, but he also charges your
team’s skills by one turn. One of the best assists/inheritance for Indra is Holy
Thunderdragon Indra is mainly for one reason: Holy Thunderdragon Indra has higher
slightly higher weighted stats than Heaven-Shaking Thunderdragon Indra. Although
many people may think this small difference in weighted stats means nothing, it
makes a huge difference when tackling A4. This is because every little stats including
assists and latents will allow you to tank hits when you normally can’t. Not only that,
a three turn 75% damage reduction is very invaluable. Furthermore, Reincarnated
Indra offers a selection of good awakenings that is often desired in many teams, such
as his three Time Extend awakenings. His double Skill Bind Resist also alleviates
many team’s worry of being skill bound when one or two of their subs/leads are still
bound. Finally, there will be people arguing that Awoken/Reincarnated Indra is the
better assist for Reincarnated Indra. This is true when talking about in terms of
weighted stats and active cooldown. However, there are some people who value the
longer cooldown but three turn 75% damage reduction. It really comes down to
personal preferences: would you rather have three turns of 75% damage reduction but
lower weighted stats or trade that for much higher weighted stats but in return, get two
turns of 75% damage reduction and a haste for your team.
: Both Reincarnated Orochi and Zeta Hydra will be invaluable
cards when attempting A4 because their delay will save you in many occasions.
However, Orochi is preferred over Hydra because he has much shorter cooldown and
offers great weighted stats. Although, Hydra will be a great alternative if you do not
have Orochi. However, both Orochi and Hydra lack one weakness: they are both
bindable. Despite the fact that Reincarnated Orochi offers fantastic HP stat and
awakenings, it is best to use him as an assist/inheritance to take advantage of his
amazing weighted stats through the new assist system. The same thing can be said
about Hydra, even though his stats are inferior to Orochi in every way, his 5 turn
delay will still be invaluable if you lack any forms of Orochi. However, people will be
using Orochi more over Hydra due to his much more favourable short cooldown.
: Although there are only 3 bosses with the
damage absorb mechanic in A4, all forms of damage absorb null is still invaluable as
they effectively allow you to skip the floor that has a boss with the damage absorb
mechanic. These subs are, of course, is not required to beat A4 as there is a possibility
of getting a run that features no bosses with the damage absorb mechanic. However, it
is best to take at least one or two with you just in case should you ever run into one.
Refer to the chapter below to see which 3 floors have the damage absorb mechanic.
: Ideal is an upcoming card that will soon make her debut in NA. With her
amazing awakenings and weighted stats, she too can cover many roles because these
attributes. Her unbindability allows her to fulfill the role of being a pseudo-bind clear
and her triple 7c awakenings allows her to easily kill many of the bosses in A4. Not
only that, her active has amazing synergy for rainbow and combo teams. Her active
delays enemy’s timer by 2 turns and a Dkali board change. Her base recovery stats are
makes any teams recovering an easier task. Such perfection, does not come with no
flaws however. Her one main yet big drawback is that her awakenings does not come
in any forms of Time Extend awakenings. The lack of Time Extend awakenings can
hinder one’s ability to stall on some stall-able floors.
Notable Spawns: do note that all spawns that appear in A4 are Alt. bosses excluding the
killer latents and this guide will be covering notable floors and the differences between their
regular and alt. versions. Not only that, they all have vastly improved HP and damage. It is
best to have AT LEAST 40,000 HP before attempting this dungeon as a mere 25% shield
from a LS will allow you to barely tank some damage that hits around 50,000.
: Despite the fact that you are
only on F3, A4 is already throwing you hard spawns, starting with the Alt.
Reincarnated Knights series:
- Alt. Homura’s only difference is that instead of a status shield, he now sets up
a 5 million null shield. This means that any damage that his over 5 million will
be negated.
- Alt. Fenrir’s biggest difference is that he reduces your time movement by 3
seconds for 5 turns. This will certainly make stalling harder but it can easily be
overridden by an active skill that gives you bonus movement time.
- Alt. Zeal did not receive much changes but a huge buff to his pre-emptive. It
now hits for 49,164 damage. This is a great place to stall for skills as most
players will be stalling his 10 turn damage null.
- Alt. Verche main difference is that his pre-emptive increases the chance of
light skyfalls appearing along with heart skyfalls.
- Alt. Voice’s biggest change is to his pre-emptive. He now hits for 47,495
damage and changes your second last column to dark orbs.
F5: Your everyday Killer Latent. Also includes All-Stats Latent. They all still feature
their 3 turn skill delay and attack for 45,000 every turn instead of the usual 30000 in
: F6 now features Alt. Folklore, Alt. Starling,
and Nobunaga as bosses. However, they all have different skill sets from their
- Alt. Folklore now puts up a status shield and binds your awakenings by 6 turns
instead of the usual 3.
- Alt. Starling now puts up a status shield instead and an increase from 400,000
to 4,000,000 damage absorb shield.
Alt. Nobunaga now puts up a status shield and has the same pre-emptive
damage but hits harder this time. However, instead of regular poison orbs, he
spawns mortal poison orbs.
: This floor may seem like an strangle notable
floor but all three spawns share the following trait: 50% resolve and has a 3 skill set
below 50% the first turn after the pre-emptive.
- Alt. Tsubaki Dragon attacks for 50,269 for a pre-emptive and delays your
skills by 0-2 turns. Her first move will to always set up status shield and
reduce incoming damage by 50%. However, if you manage to bring her below
50% HP, then she will attack for 50,269 on the same turn.
- Alt. Sumire Dragon’s pre-emptive is to always convert 3 orb types into
jammer orbs and set up a status shield. A fun fact about this floor is that she
will always convert jammers into poison, dealing 44,050 damage. However, if
you do get rid of all jammer orbs and bring her below 50%, you will most
certainly die as she attacks twice unless you set up a shield. She deals a total
of 59,782 damage below 50%.
- Alt. Kaede Dragon’s pre-emptive will lock heal and and wood orbs and delay
your skills by 0-2 turns. Her first move will to always convert your entire
board to jammer orbs and set up a status shield. However, if you brought her
below 50%, she will add a 75% shield ontop of all that.wood orbs and delay
your skills by 0-2 turns. Ideally, one wants to match resolve killer and one shot
this dragon. Many teams do not have the HP capability to tank her hit when
she is under 50% HP.
: Although this may seem
like an odd choice to add as a notable floor in A4, this floor is not to be taken lightly.
RNG may screw you over because of how sub attribute attack. This floor spawns 3 of
the monks that absorbs their corresponding attribute for 4-6 turns. Not only that, but if
this floor somehow spawns 2 of the same color, you will die because one monk will
lock their corresponding orb. The other monk will try to lock with corresponding orb
but since it’s already locked. They will hit you for almost as hard as 50,000. It is best
to delay this floor if you wish to pass this floor alive.
: F10 now features
the evolved ogres as enemies. This floor is notable because it spawns two of the ogres
and both ogres hit around 30,000. However, only the water/green ogre, the afro one,
does not damage you, instead, it creates a 3x3 cloud for 3 turns on your board. Their
counter varies 3-4 AND they all have 50% resolves.
: F12 in A4 is the well known Egyptian
- Sopdet, everyone’s bane of existence, now becomes more infuriating with her
Alt. version. She still absorbs 200,000 damage or more. The only difference is
that Alt. Sopdet now only gives you 3 turns instead of the regular 4.
- Alt. Sphinx now absorbs 7 combos instead of 4.
- Alt. Medjedra still has the same pre-emptive but now locks 8 random orbs.
- Alt. Thoth did not receive much of a change. Instead, he now has an 80%
: F13 now features a
completely new set of spawns featuring Alt. Goemon, Alt. Noah, Alt. Gaia, Alt. LIza,
Alt. DIza.
- Alt. Goemon has the same pre-emptive but his pre-emptive damage skyrockets
to 145,185. A 75% shield is a must in order to tank this monstrous damage of
a pre-emptive. Other than that, not much has changed about him. You can stall
indefinitely here given you are able to one-shot him every time.
- Alt. Noah now has a 71% resolve, otherwise not much has changed about her.
She has at base 116 million HP though and with that 75% shield she sets up as
a pre-emptive, she effectively has 203 million HP. She can, however, be
- Alt. Gaia now resists dark and light damage by 50%. A delay is a must for this
floor if you want to survive its 500% gravity and the Guard Break awakening
or a guard break active skill will be required if your team lacks the multiplier
to hit 30 million or higher.
- Alt. LIza did not receive much differences say a resist that reduces incoming
water damage by 50%.
- Alt. DIza did not receive much differences say a resist that reduces incoming
fire damage by 50%.
: F14 now spawns the three radar dragons and
best of all, they drop. However, their drop rate is not guaranteed.
- Alt. Drahklist now reduces incoming wood and fire damage by 50% but still
retains the 50% resolve.
- Alt. Whaledor still delays your skills by 5 turns but now sets up a 6 combo
shield instead of 5.
- Alt. Raguel still tries to skill bind you as his first pre-emptive but now binds
your awakenings by 6 turns instead of 3.
: F15 features the infamous spawns
from A1-A3, all with new tricks up their sleeves, especially Alt. Awoken Lakshmi:
- Alt. Awoken Kagutsuchi has the same moveset and pre-emptive but skill
delays your skills on a much more larger scale. Ranging from 0-7 turns of
- Alt. Awoken Shiva also has the same moveset but a somewhat different
pre-emptive: he now delays your skills ranging from 2-5 turns and sets up a 5
combo shield instead of 4.
- Alt. Awoken Lakshmi received the biggest change out of the 4 here. Although
you still play her jammer game, there is a myriad of differences from her
original incarnation. On one instance, she blinds your board with the annoying
kind of blind and spawns 16 jammer orbs and on another instance, she reduces
your time movement by 2 seconds, spawns 4 jammer orbs AND chooses a
random starting point for you.
- Alt. Awoken Parvati received almost to no changes. If anything, she only hits
harder than her A1-A3 counterparts.
: F16 spawns the three invades found in CTA
and UDR. They all have a chance of dropping.
- Alt. Camael still awaken binds for 4 turns. The main difference between his
original and Alt. counterpart is that Camael now resists fire damage by 50%.
Two sets of skills it will use: 4 random locked bombs or picks 1 random orb
on board and rotate its attribute every 0.5 seconds dealing 37,200-55,800
damage. After 4 turns of above skillset, it will change first row and fifth row
into hearts/poison, and third row into critical poison orbs. One shots at <10%
- Alt. Ibaraki-Doji now resists water damage by 50% when his original
counterpart didn’t. This floor features another dangerous pre-emptive at a
whopping 53000. If your team lacks the HP to tank this floor, it is worth using
a shield if do not wish to die. For the first five turns, he will set up a status
shield for five turns. After that, he will put up a null shield, voiding damage 10
million damage or more. A delay here would help when his status shield is
gone because under a certain threshold, he will enter rage mode then nuke you
after, which cannot be tanked even with a shield that reduces incoming
damage by 75%.
- Alt. Hashihime used to only resist dark damage by 50% but now also resists
light damage by 50%. Also worth mentioning she has five million defense
points. For the first five turns, she will absorb light and dark damage, after
that, she will also set up a 75% shield and reduce your recovery by halve for
seven turns. After those seven turns are up, she will awaken bind your team
for one turn then proceed to nuke you.
: F17 features the hated
number dragon series as the new bosses, effectively replacing the original number
dragon bosses:
- Alt. Lifive’s pre-emptive skyrockets from a low 28,000 to 77,700. A shield
will be needed to tank his pre-emptive this time. One notable difference Alt.
Lifive has that his regular counterpart doesn’t have is that he now resists fire
and damage by 50%.
- Alt. Ilsix received minor changes from his counterpart. He still has that low
30% resolve but now resists water damage by 50%. You can also indefinitely
stall here with high enough recovery.
- Alt. Sevenzard’s only difference from his counterpart is that he hits much
harder and now resists 50% wood damage.
- Instead of the regular fish we are all used to going against, A4 features
Deightross as the boss for the regular fish. Alt. Deightross has an 80% resolve
and a whopping 8,888,888 million defense points. He also resists light damage
by 50%. He his, however, delay-able. A guard break may be required here if
you lack the multiplier to consistently hit 8,888,888 damage or more.
- Alt. Ninegaruda features the same old pre-emptive, 50% resolve but now
resists dark damage resist. It is also worth noting that it is impossible to tank
his first hit as his first attack will be 443,340, even if you have a 75% shield. It
is best to carry a sub or assist/inheritance that removes the lock status of off
orbs so you can one-shot this floor.
: F18 features the Hera
series. This floor will either be very easy or very difficult, depending what spawn you
- Alt. DQ Hera’s pre-emptive, like Alt. Goemon’s, skyrockets to 136,440
damage. A 75% shield will be required as you enter this floor as it will be
impossible to tank this floor unless you run a lead who offers a HP multiplier.
Not only does she hit 136,440 for damage, but will also bind one random sub
OR leader for three turns. She also now has an 90% resolve while retaining the
skill that binds all god-type cards for five turns under 50% HP. One shotting
her to 1% will only result in a 99% gravity.
- Alt. Hera-Ur did not receive much change besides a 90% resolve and a seven
combo shield below 50% HP.
- Alt. Hera-Is also received little to no change but a 90% resolve and a big
change to her 100% gravity. Instead it being 100%, it is increased to 500%.
Alt. Hera-Beorc was one of the most hated spawns back when the Hera Nyx
campaign was in effect because of her dungeon clause: fixed movement time
of four seconds. Without this clause, she is a lot more tolerable than last time.
Her Alt. version now has a 90% resolve but not only that, she features a six
million damage null AND absorbs light damage for 10 turns. One thing to note
is that she will also kill you if you leave even just one jammer on the board.
Alt. Hera-Sowilo still binds your awakenings for 7 turns but now has a 90%
resolve. For her first move however, she will ALWAYS attack for 42,440 and
bind one random sub for 10 turns. So even if you brought her below 20% HP,
which is normally her nuke zone, she will still use her 42,440 attack and bind
one random sub for 10 turns. Also worth mentioning that she sets ups an 8
combo shield for 9 turns below 50%.
: F19 features the two lovely Metatrons that can be found
in 3P arena. Their Alt. forms share a similar HP and defense worth 20 million points,
they hit much harder than their 3P counterpart given that you knock her below 71%
HP before she attacks, ranging from 40k-70k. Otherwise, you get one shot as usual.
This floor is delayable like 3P, so take your time and setup board if you do delay. A
burst is usually required for this floor, but there is always the option of light fenrir
with 2x god killer awakenings and 3 god killers latents. However, for teams that lack
light Fenrir, the most obvious choice of burst here would have to be one of the famous
jewel princess. Finally, do keep in mind that dark metatron also locks board. They
received little to almost no changes compared to their original incarnations.
- Light Metatron received a 50% damage resist against dark attribute cards
- Dark Metatron received a 50% damage resist against light attribute cards
: F20, the final boss of the two kalis. They are the most
tanky floor of the entire Alt.Arena rocking 200 million HP and a 75% damage
reduction shield for two turns. More importantly, you are required to hit at least 65%
percent of her health this time to survive her nuke. From a statistical standpoint, you
will need to hit at least 450,000,000 damage. However, something worth mentioning
is that HP leads like coop BH with a 75% shield can tank her nuke. Most of the time,
a burst with enough killers will be able to do enough damage to knock her below her
kill threshold. Generally, DKali will always be the easier encounter due to her dragon
and god type, while LKali is healer and god type. One new skill the Kalis received is
as followed:
- Once they use two skillsets out of the four like in arena, they will set up a 10
million null shield, effectively ignoring damage that hits 10 million or higher.
This only activates given you dealt enough damage that knocks her below
65%. Ideally, kill within 3 turns, or else without high recovery, you won’t be
able to survive consecutive hits from her.
Also worth mentioning…
- Floors 13, 14, 16, 17, and 18 can drop the boss spawn EVOLVED. And by
evolved, they are fully evolved with the exception of F16.
In conclusion…
With the soon-to-release of A4, there will certainly be many people trying attempt it,
only fail due to the sheer amount of mechanics and high HP the dungeon offers. Hopefully
this guide will clear some misconceptions about what team is best to use to beat A4.
After all, this is an incredibly difficult dungeon to solo, so do not be upset after
countless failures. Because many clearing runs relies on non-consecutive heavy hitting
preemptive spawns like Lifive into DQ-Hera; perseverance, clean combo skills, and even
luck plays a huge factoring determining whether you can clear this monstrous dungeon or
not. Even the most REM heavy team can not clear A4 consistently, what really matters the
most in the end is how good the player’s skill is up to the point when they first attempt A4.
However, I will share a few important tips to help you on your journey to solo or coop
1. Firstly, one must be able to plan several floors ahead and plan out the amount
of actives used and what actives will be ready in various circumstances.
2. Next, stall as much as possible. Floors like Islix and Goemon can be stalled
indefinitely given you have heart orbs every board for Ilsix, which is very
likely if you are running 7x6. You will have a much higher chance of clearing
with more skills up because it can potentially make for human errors such as
combo failures.
3. Last but not least, if possible, attempt this in coop as solo-ing A4 will be
incredibly difficult if you lack the high tier subs
Moreover, play to have fun, not for one’s suffering. In essence, PAD is a video game
where we play to have fun, not to get frustrated because of dungeons people cannot clear like
A4. This arena is a purely a challenge for endgame players, even then with a low clear rate. If
you ever watched Reco’s stream, he failed so many times that he simply quit to play
something else. I highly encourage everyone to take breaks in between failure runs.
Overall, thank you for taking your time and read this guide, and would love to see
everyone to be successful when it makes it official debut in NA. Until then, Happy Puzzling!