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BSNL TA/DA Rules: Employee Travel Allowance Policy

DDO Role – Personal Claims
After reading this section, you will be conversant with
Categories of personal claims
Eligibility and Regulations.
Salient features
Pay for determining the entitlements of TA/DA means the basic pay, Non-practicing Allowance
and Stagnation Increment.
Determination of Grade: The Government Servant‟s Grade is determined by his basic pay of
the post actually held by him, whether permanent, temporary or officiating.
When officers are promoted or reverted or granted increased rates of pay
retrospectively, T.A claims settled in the meantime will not be revised, unless there is actual
change of duties. Retrospective effects of promotion may, however, be recognised in case of
bills not already presented or audited.
Increment accruing while on tour can be taken into account for determining grade and
entitlement of daily allowance from the date of increment.
In transit between two Posts: An employee in transit from one post to another rank in the
lower of the two. SR.19.
Gradation of re employed pensioners:
If he ceased to draw pension, the grade depends on the actual pay received
from time to time.
If pension is drawn in addition to pay in the re employed post and if the pay in
the re employed post is reduced by full pension, the grade will be on the basis
of the total pension and pay. If such total exceeds the maximum of the time
scale of the re employed post, the grade will be on the basis of the maximum
of the scale. The amount of pension taken into account will be the amount
sanctioned before commutation, if any.
The grade will be decided on the basis of pay alone in the case of re employed
civil and military pensioners whose previous pension was ignored while fixing
pay on re employment.
TA/DA Rules, 2002 for BSNL
1. Short title and commencement:
i) In pursuance of the approval of the Board of Directors of BSNL in their 41st meeting held
on 25-9-2002, the following rules regulating the TA/DA in BSNL are hereby made
ii) These rules may be called the TA/DA rules, 2002 for BSNL
iii) These rules shall come in to effect from 25-9-2002
These rules shall apply to BSNL employees
2. Definitions:- In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires
i) Company: means Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. (A Govt. of India enterprise) having its
registered office at B-148, Statesman House, Barakhamba road, New Delhi-110001.
ii) Board: means the Board of Directors of the company and includes in relation to the
exercise of powers any committee of the Board/management or any officer of the undertaking
to whom the Board delegates any of its power.
iii) Competent authority: in relation of the exercising of any power means, the Chairmancum-Managing Director of BSNL or any authority to which the power is delegated by or
under these rules.
iv) Employee: means an employee of the company executive as well non-executive or/and a
Government Servant of Government of India working in the company on deemed deputation
or any other employee working in the company on deputation basis or otherwise.
v) Normal DA: the rates of daily allowance mentioned in these rules shall be treated as
normal DA rates on CDA pay scales. On implementation of IDA pay scales the equivalent of
pay scales in IDA will be the limit.
(A). Classification of cities [four categories] (Refer para 4 of order dated 22-10-2002 read
with an endorsement to BSNL "TA/DA Rules, 2002" vide even no.7-612004-EF dated 06.07
.2005). The classification of cities is as under :( As per SR-51)
1. A.I, A Class and its expensive localities.
2. B.I, Class cities and its expensive localities,
3. State/UT Capital cities which are not categorized under A1. A, B1 & its expensive
localities, and
4. Localities other than mentioned in (1) (2) and (3) above.
(B) Classification of employees indicates the Revised IDA Pay Scales of absorbed employees
corresponding to Pre-revised IDA Pay Scales.
6th CPC CDA grade
Previous CDA Pay
Previous IDA Pay Revised IDA Pay
Scale as per 1pay
dated 5-3-2009
#HAG scale
#E9A (62000-80000) Rs. 67000-79000
18400-22400 CDA
E9 (62000-80000)
Rs.10000/14300-18300 CDA
E7 (43200-66000)
E6 (36600-62000)
Rs.8700/12000-16500 CDA
E5 (32900-58000)
10000-15200 CDA
E4 (29100-54500)
E3 (24900-50500)
With grade pay
#E2A (20600-46500) With
#E1A (16400-40500) With
NE11 (16370-30630) With
NE10 (14900-27850) With
NE9 (13600-25420)
NE8 (12520-23440)
NE7 (10900-20400)
With grade pay
NE5 (8700-16840)
NE4 (8150-15340)
NE3 (7900-14880)
NE2 (7840-14700)
NE1 (7760-13320)
Rs.1300/BSNL TA/DA Entitlements in Revised IDA Basic Pay (IInd PRC) & CDA 6th
CPC [BSNL HQ No.7-6/2006-EF/Vol.II(Pt) dt. 8-9-2010, 21-9-2010 & 15-11-2010]
T.A on Tour
T.A on tour is from duty point/ resident at headquarters to duty point at the distant
station and vice versa.
It comprises of 1. Fare for journeys by rail/ road/ air/ sea;
2. Road mileage for road journey otherwise than by bus;
3. D.A for the entire period of absence from headquarters including journey period.
Pay range
Entitled mode of Conveyance
CMD, Functional Directors of the Board and
EDs Basic pay of revised IDA pay
Full Taxi including air-conditioned
taxi(Subject to production of receipt)
Basic pay of revised IDA pay Rs.436701and above (Pre revised IDA pay of
Rs.19900/- and above / Pre 6'n CPC basic
pay of Rs.16400land above) / Officers
drawing grade pay of Rs.8700/- and above
Executives and Non-Executives (NE10 and
above) Revised IDA Basic pay Rs.23110/and above but less than revised IDA pay
Rs.43670/-(Rs. 10530/- and above but less
than Rs.19900/- pre revised IDA pay / Basic
pay of Rs.8000/- and above but less than
Rs.16400/- pre 6th CRC; / Officers drawing
grade pay of Rs.5400/-, Rs.6600/-, Rs.7600/and Rs.8700/Basic pay of revised IDA pay Rs.18810/- and
above but less than Rs. 23110/- ( Rs.8570/and above but less than Rs.10530/-Pre
revised IDA pay / Basic pay of Rs.6500/- and
above but less than Rs.8000/- pre 6th CRC) /
Officers drawing grade pay of Rs.4200/- and
Full Taxi (Subject to production of receipt)
Full Taxi (Subject to production of receipt)
Rs.8/- per Km (subject to production of
Basic pay of revised IDA pay Rs. 12860/and above but less than Rs.18810/- (
Rs.5860/- and above but less than Rs.8570/Pre revised IDA pay / Basic pay of Rs.4100/and above but less than Rs.6500/- pre 6th
CPC) / Officers drawing grade pay of
Rs.2400/- and Rs.2800
Basic pay of revised IDA pay below
Rs.12860/- ( below Rs.5860/- Pre revised
IDA pay / Basic pay below Rs.4100/- pre 6th
CPC) / Officers drawing grade pay of
Rs.2000/- and below
Mileage allowance is restricted to Rs.6/- per
km irrespective of mode of conveyance
Mileage allowance is restricted to Rs.5/- per
km irrespective of mode of conveyance
For journeys by Auto/ Rickshaw/Taxi, TA claims are to be settled on the basis of rates
prescribed by concerned State Transport Authorities. In case, where rates are not
notified /prescribed by the Transport Authorities, TA will be settled as per OM dated
22"d October 2002 read with OM dated 20th July'2005, and relevant SR.
In Metropolitan cities mileage on tours will be at the rate approved by the competent
local authority of such Metropolitan cities. If own car is used, mileage allowance will
be limited to one trip each only at the time of arrival/departure but at the rate approved
for taxis prescribed by the competent local authority. For allowing reimbursement for
such journeys, a certificate by the officer concerned should be deemed to be
Mileage allowance may be granted at the rate of Rs.6/- per km., if the
Executive/officer does not produce the receipt for entitlement at the higher rate as
mentioned in OM dated 22"d Oct 2002 read with OM dated 20th July'2005, and
relevant SR.
The term 'Basic pay' in revised pay structure in case of un-absorbed officers who are
working on deemed deputation/deputation basis, includes pay drawn in the prescribed
pay band plus the applicable grade pay but does not include any other type of pay like
special pay, etc. However, in respect of pay scale of HAG and above, the basic pay
means the pay in the prescribed scale.
Those who are on Pre-Revised IDA pay, Basic pay means pre-revised basic pay plus
(1)Entitlement by AIR:
Pre-revised Pay
and above
and above
and above
but below
above but
Revised Pay Range
CDA Pay with Grade Rs.51610 /-and
Pay of Rs.8700/-and above
CDA Pay with Grade Rs.37750 /-and
Pay of Rs.5400/-and above
above but below
Fully Entitled
(Economic Class)
Entitled provided the
distance involved is
more than 500 kms and
the journey could not be
performed overnight by
any direct train
Authority: BSNL Estt.Finance Section No.7-6/2006-EF/Vol.II (Pt) dated 08-09-2010
(2)Entitlement by RAIL:
Pre-Revised Pay Range
Revised Pay Range
Other Trains
AC 1
AC 1 Class
Rs.16400/- Rs.19900/- CDA Pay with
and above and above Grade Pay of
Rs.8700/- and
Rs.43670/- Executive
and above Class
Rs.8000/and above
but below
Rs.10530/and above
but below
CDA Pay with
Grade Pay of
Rs.5400/- and
above but
Rs.23110/- AC Chair
and above Car
but below
AC II Tier
AC II Tier
Rs.6500/and above
but below
Rs.8570/and above
but below
CDA Pay with
Grade Pay of
Rs.4200/- and
above but
Rs.18810/- AC Chair
and aboveCar
but below
AC Chair
1 Class
Rs.4100/and above
but below
Rs.5860/and above
but below
CDA Pay with
Grade Pay of
Rs.2400/- and
above but
Rs.12860/- AC Chair
and above Car
but below
AC Chair
Car/AC 3 Tier/
1 Class
CDA Pay with
Grade Pay
Sleeper Class
Authority: BSNL Estt.Finance Section No.7-6/2006-EF/Vol.II (Pt) dated 08-09-2010
(3) Entitlement by Road:
Pre-Revised Pay Range
Revised Pay Range
CMD/FunctionalDirectors of BSNL /Executive Directors
Rs.16400/and Rs.19900/-and CDA Pay with
Grade Pay of
and above
Rs.8700/- and
Full Taxi(Including AC)
Full Taxi
subject to
production of receipt.
Rs.8000/and Rs.10530/-and CDA Pay with
above but below above
but Grade Pay of
Rs.5400/- and
above but below
Rs.23110/and above but
Rs.6500/and Rs.8570/above but below above
and CDA Pay with
but Grade Pay of
Rs.4200/- and
above but below
Rs.18810/and above but
production of receipt)
Rs.4100/and Rs.5860/above but below above
and CDA Pay with
but Grade Pay of
Rs.2400/- and
above but below
Rs.12860/and above but
irrespective of any
of conveyance.
CDA Pay with
Grade Pay below Rs.12860/irrespective of any
Rs.2400/of conveyance.
Authority: BSNL Estt.Finance Section No.7-6/2006-EF/Vol.II (Pt) dated 08-09-2010
Below Rs.4100/- Below
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Mileage Allowance for journeys by Sea or by River Steamer.
The General entitlements for journeys by sea or by river under S.R 40 are revised as
indicated below:
Entitlement by Ship between A& N Islands and
Mainland by Shipping Corporation of India Ship:
Pre-Revised Pay Range
Corresponding Revised Pay Range
Rs.8000 Rs.13000 and CDA Pay with
Rs.23110/- and
Deluxe Class
Grade Pay of
Rs.5400/- and
Rs.6500 Rs.8570 and
CDA Pay with
Rs.18810/and First Class/A Class Cabin
above but
Grade Pay of
above but
Rs.4200/- and
above but below
Rs.4100 Rs.5860 and
CDA Pay with
Rs.12860/- and
2 Class/B Class Cabin
above but
Grade Pay of
above but below
Rs.2400/- and
above but below
CDA Pay with
Below Rs.12860/Bunk Class
Rs.4100 Rs.5860
Grade Pay below
Rs.2400/Authority: (1) GID (2) below SR 40 of FRSR Part-II-2006 Edition)
(2) BSNL Estt.Finance Section No.7-6/2006-EF/Vol.II (Pt) dated 08-09-2010
Mileage Allowance for journeys on foot and bicycle:
Rs.1.20 per K.M
Service Charges for booking tickets through recognized Traveler‟s Service Agents
reimbursable, for journey on tour and transfer.
Reimbursement of service charges levied by the Traveler‟s Service Agents
recognized by the Zonal Railways is allowed to be reimbursed to the Government
Servants performing journeys in public interest on tour or transfer.
Reimbursement of service charges paid to the recognized Traveler Service Agents for
booking of tickets on Leave Travel Concession shall not, however, be allowed.
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Fixed Conveyance Allowance, under SR. 25, enhanced from 1.9.2008
Consequent upon the acceptance of the recommendation of the Sixth Central Pay
Commission and in modifications of the Department of Expenditure‟s OM No.19039/3/98 E.IV, dated 18th September, 1998 the President is pleased to revise the rates of Fixed
Conveyance Allowance admissible under SR-25 as indicated below:
Fixed Conveyance Allowance per month.
Average monthly travel on official duty
201 – 300 Km
301 – 450 Km
451 – 600 Km
601 – 800 Km
Above 800 Km
For journeys by own
Motor Car
For journeys by
other modes of
Admissibility of Conveyance Charges, in the context of Transport Allowance
The undersigned is directed to refer to the instructions regarding reimbursement of
conveyance charges contained in Sl.No. 3 (Column 4) of Annexure to Schedule V of DFPRs
and to state that in the context of this Ministry‟s O.M.No.21 (1)-E.II (B)/ 97 dtd. 3.10.97.,
relating to grant of transport allowance to Central Government employees, clarifications have
been sought by the some Departments/ Offices as to whether the above provisions of the
DFPRs would undergo any change/ become redundant.
The matter has been considered in this Department and it is clarified that transport
allowance has been given to Government Employees for meeting expenses incurred on
commuting between the place of duty and the place of residence, whereas conveyance
charges are reimbursed, subject to the conditions specified in Column (4) Item 3 of Annexure
to Schedule V of DFPRs, mainly for the following reasons:
When a non gazetted employee is deputed on duty to a place at some distance
from his office within the municipal limits of the city in which his office is
situated or when a gazetted employee performs a journey in the public interest,
Within the municipal limits of the city in which his headquarters is situated, in
a conveyance when a staff car is not available.
For attending office on Saturdays, Sundays and closed holidays.
When an employee is summoned to office outside the ordinary hours of duty
or is detained in office beyond 2000 hrs and has return home between 2000
hrs and 0600 hrs.
With the issue of orders for transport allowance, while (a) and (b) would continue to
hold good, (c) above would require to be deleted since the commutation of the employees to
and from office is taken care of by the payment of transport allowance. Accordingly , an
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amendment deleting paragraph 6(vi) in Column(4) against item 3 of Annexure to Schedule V
of DFPRs is being issued.
Daily Allowance
Daily Allowance is a uniform allowance for each day of absence from headquarters
on duty at a place beyond a radius of 8 kilometers, which is intended to cover the ordinary
daily charges incurred by a Government Servant in consequence of such absence while on
D.A is admissible for halts during tour and for holidays occurring during tour if such
holidays are spent in camp actually and not merely constructively.
D.A is not admissible for days of casual leave, if any, taken during tour. Where half
day‟s casual leave is availed of, half D.A for that calendar day will be deducted. No D.A is
admissible for restricted holiday availed of while on tour.
If on account of holidays at either end of the tour, a Government Servant starts from
the headquarters earlier than it is otherwise necessary or returns to headquarters later than
otherwise necessary, the controlling officer can make such deductions from the total number
of daily allowance as are excessive in his opinion.
If the second tour commence on the same day on which a Government Servant returns
from the first tour, the two tours may be treated separately for the purpose of calculation of
daily allowance subject to the condition that daily allowance so calculated should not exceed
one (1/2 for local journeys) for any calendar day.
D.A with reference to place of Duty
D.A is admissible with reference to place of duty. For example, if an official is on
tour to an expensive locality but stays in an ordinary locality and proceeds to duty point daily,
D.A at the higher rate admissible for the locality will be paid. For holidays or Sundays when
the official does not attend duties at the tour station, no daily allowance will be allowed as the
period will be treated as not spent in camp.
The admissibility of Daily Allowance for continuous halt at places outside the
Government Servant headquarters during tour/ training, temporary transfer will be as follows:
a. First 180 days
Beyond 180 days
Full DA
Any period of leave including casual leave for which no DA is admissible, availed by
a Govt. Servant does not constitute a break in continuity of a halt.
If a Government Servant returns to headquarters on the same day from tour to an
expensive locality he will draw daily allowance at the ordinary rates only.
Daily Allowance is related to the classification of the cities/ towns on population basis
for the purpose of CCA:
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The rates of daily allowance for different cities/ towns shall be related to the
classification of the cities/ towns for purpose of grant of Compensatory (City) Allowance. For
the purpose of Compensatory (City) Allowance, the limits of the locality shall be those of the
Urban Agglomeration adopted for the population census or, if the named place is not an
Urban Agglomeration, the named Corporation/ Municipality.
For halts at places where drawal of Compensatory(City) Allowance is sanctioned for
special reasons at the rates applicable to higher class cities, the daily allowance is to be
regulated with reference to the original classification of such cities/ towns.
( G.I. M.F., O.M No. 19030/1/76-E.IV(B) dated the 30th January 1978 and Note 2 in paragraph
1 of G.I. M.F, O.M No. F.2(37)-E.II(B)/64 dated the 27th November 1965, as amended from
time to time and O.M. No. F.19043/2/82-E.IV dated the 25th November 1983)
Definition of Day : For the purpose of T.A Rules, day means a full calendar day of 24 hours
reckoned from midnight to midnight. For absence from headquarters for broken periods,
daily allowance is regulated as follows:
i) Absence not exceeding 6 hours
ii) Absence exceeding 6 hours but not exceeding 12 hours.
70 %
iii) Absence exceeding 12 hours
In case one period of absence from headquarters falls on two calendar days, it is
reckoned as two separate days and daily allowance is calculated for each broken periods as
above. Similarly daily allowance for days of departure from and arrival at headquarters will
also be regulated accordingly.
How to reckon period of absence from headquarters
Journeys by rail : The entire absence from headquarters will be reckoned with
reference to the scheduled departure/ arrival time of the train from/ to the
Railway station. If the train is late by more than 15 minutes, actual arrival time
will be taken into account.
Journeys by Bus : The entire absence will be reckoned with reference to the
actual departure/ arrival time from / at the bus station.
Journeys by Air.: The entire absence from headquarters will be reckoned with
reference to scheduled reporting / arrival time from/ at the airport. If the plane
is late by more than 15 minutes, the actual time will be taken into account.
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The DA Rates when an employee makes his/her own arrangements while on tour on
the basis of classification of cities in three categories are:
A B-I cities State/UT Capital cities which are
and and
not categorized under A1, A, B1
expensive & its expensive localities and
other localities
CMD & Director of Board
Executive Directors
Officers in the HAG Scale
Revised IDA Grade Pay
(CDA 6th
Basic Pay
(IInd PRC)
Rs.48940 and Rs.10000 and 450
above but not not in HAG
in HAG Scale Scale
to Rs.8700
to Rs.5400,
Rs.6600 and
to Rs.4200 and 300
(NE 11
to Rs.2400,
Rs.2800 and
(up to NE 10) Rs.4200
For entitlement of hotels/ for stay of BSNL Executives and Non-Executives the limit of
amount to be reimbursed to various categories are as under:
Pay Range
Entilement A-I, A cities
and expensive
which are not
A1, A, B1 &
CMD/Director Five Star Five Star Hotel Five
Star Five Star Hotel
of Board
(Executive (Executive
suite/ if no five (Executive
suite/ if no five
star (Ex. Suite) suite/ if
no star (Ex. Suite)
then actual
five star (Ex. then actual
Five star
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B-I cities and
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if no five
Suite) then
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in Four Star
in Four Star
in Three star
in 75%
Three star
and equivalents
JTO and equivalents and
Non-executives in NE 11
revised IDA pay scale
Pay Range
IDA Basic
Pay (IInd
and above
Grade Pay
(CDA 6th
Rs.2800 and
A-I, A cities
State /UT Capital
cities which are
not A1, A, B1 &
Tour to ordinary and expensive locality: If tour involves halt at an expensive locality as
well as ordinary locality, the period of halt at the expensive locality should be calculated and
deducted from the total period of absence. Higher rate of D.A will be allowed for the period
of halt at the expensive station while ordinary D.A is admissible for the remaining period,
which includes period of stay in ordinary locality and journey period.
However, if calculation of D.A in the above manner result in hardship to the employee in any
case, D.A may be drawn either with reference to the period spent on journey first and
thereafter for the period spent in expensive locality or the other way round, whichever is
more beneficial to the touring official.
Luxury Tax: Luxury Tax if charged and shown separately by hotels will be reimbursed in
full subject to the overall limits of entitlements of D.A included in the claim for hotel stay.
Local Journeys
Local journeys mean journeys on duty on any day beyond 8 km from the duty point at
Headquarters and with in the limits of suburban or other Municipalities, Notified Areas or
Cantonments contiguous to the Municipality/corporation of the town or City in which the
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duty point is located. Journeys performed within the limits of an Urban Agglomeration within
which the employee's headquarter is located will also be treated as 'local journeys'.
Entitlement: For local journeys mileage allowance for the journey involved plus 50% of the
D.A admissible at ordinary rate for ordinary locality will be allowed. ( For absence not
exceeding 6 hours no D.A is admissible; for absence exceeding 6 hours and below 12 hours
35% of D.A and for absence exceeding 12 hours 50% of D.A will be allowed)
Free Conveyance: If free conveyance is provided for the local journey, only D.A as above
will be allowed and no mileage allowance.
Restrictions : Local journeys are to be performed only by public conveyances, viz., bus,
train, etc., or by own conveyance. Journeys by taxi, auto rickshaw etc., requires previous
permission of the superior authority. If more than one official are deputed, they should share
such conveyance. The mileage in all cases will be restricted to the actual distance travelled.
Admissible for all days: If such local journeys are performed for a number of days mileage
allowances as above will be allowed for all days.
Maximum limit for D.A: The maximum limit of 180 days will be applicable for local
journeys also. If one assignment at a temporary duty point is performed in two or more spells,
total of such periods should be taken into account for this purpose.
Option to claim conveyance charges: A Government Servant can choose to claim
conveyance charges even for local journeys beyond 8 Kms as in the case of journeys within 8
Additional clauses to be implemented: (Refer O.M.No.I9-27 12002-L&A dated 22-102002 read with O.M.No.7- 6/2004-EF dated 6-9-2004 and dated 6-7-2005)
1. Local TA/DA is applicable beyond eight kms.
2. Hotel rates limits are exclusive of all taxes and surcharge, if any, but shall include
breakfast/ morning tea.
3. If an employee is provided free lodging and free boarding, 25o/o of DA will be admissible
in case of Training Centers, which issue certificates to this effect.
4. Stay in hotel is permitted in exceptional cases i.e.; if Inspection Qtr. is already occupied by
other officers or not available. The officer has to give a declaration to this effect, The CMD/
Directors of the Board/Executive Directors will be out of purview of this clause.
5. Hotel charges will be reimbursed subject to production of receipt. The CMD/ Directors of
the Board and EDs will be out of purview of this clause.
6. The mileage allowance by Road and other entitlements of rail and air etc., to the Executive
Directors will be at par with the entitlements of Board of Directors.
7. The Circles with the respective hotels may explore corporate Concession, off peak
days/season rates at the time of fixation of rates.
8. DA when an employee stays in Public Sector Guest House: DA will be paid as per normal
DA rate applicable at that locality .In addition to that reimbursement of actual expenses of
lodging charges for staying in Central/State/PSU/Local Self Govt.Guest House on production
of receipts.(Authority:BSNL Corporate Office, Loans and Advances Section OM dated 2210-2002)
(9)For staying in Hotel (subject to some conditions as mentioned above):DA will be paid as
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per Normal DA on Own Arrangement in addition to reimbursement of hotel expenses as
entitled.(Authority: BSNL Corporate Office, Loans and Advances Section OM dated 22-102002)
(10)Definition of Family (vide SR2 (8) of FRSR -Part-II-2009 Edition): Family includes
husband/wife as the case may be, Children including Major sons, married/widowed
daughters, parents, step mother, un married sisters, minor brothers/widowed sisters provided
they are wholly dependent upon the govt.servant and residing with the govt.servant. (Herein
BSNL employee).The criteria for dependency is whose income from all sources is below
Rs.3500/-including pension/family pension but excluding dearness relief on pension/family
(11)Regulation of DA (SR71 of FR SR-Part-II 2009 Edition): DA is eligible for absence from
Headquarters for any day beyond 8 km.radial distance from the normal duty point as per rates
mentioned below:(i)For absence exceeding not exceeding 6 hours: No DA
(ii)For absence exceeding 6 hours but not exceeding 12 hours: 70%of
Normal DA (iii)For absence exceeding 12 hours: Full DA
(12)Local Journey: (i) For absence exceeding 6 hours but not exceeding 12 hours from the
headquarters: Mileage Allowance plus DA is admissible @35% of DA applicable to ordinary
(ii)For absence exceeding 12 hours from the headquarters: Mileage Allowance plus DA is
admissible @50% of DA applicable to ordinary locality.
(iii) Definition of Local Journeys: Journeys within same city or same municipality in which
duty point is located. It also includes journeys performed within the limits of suburban or
other municipalities or notified areas or cantonments contiguous to the municipality or
corporation in which the duty point is located.(Pl.refer to GID(2)below Rule SR 71 of FRSR
Part-II 2006 Edition)In such cases mileage allowances shall be regulated as follows:-(a)For
Local journeys within 8 km.radial distance of duty point: No DA is admissible. Only fares
by public conveyances like local trains/ buses/trams/ferries should be allowed. Fares by
Taxi/auto should be disallowed.
(b)For Local Journeys beyond 8kms radial distance of duty point: In such cases also
journeys should be performed by public conveyances like local trains/buses/trams/ferries .In
such cases journeys by taxi/auto could be performed with the prior approval of the
controlling officer.
(13)No DA is admissible on Sundays/Holidays unless the officer is in camp. Vide GID (1)
SR-72 of FRSR-Part-II 2009 Edition)
(14)No DA is admissible on C/L or on R/H. Vide GID (1) below SR-72 of FRSR-Part-II
2009 Edition)
(15)Tour ends when the employee returns to headquarters. Vide GID (2) below SR -73 of
FRSR-Part-II 2009 Edition).
(16)Countersignature of TA Bills: No bill should be made for payment unless the same is
countersigned by the controlling officer except some special cases. (In case of Head of the
Circle the officer himself is the countersigning authority) vide SR-192 of FRSR-Part-II 2009
(17)No TA for Training at Headquarters irrespective of any distance between normal duty
point and training centres vide GID (1) below SR 164 of FRSR-Part-II 2009 Edition.
(18)Forfeiture of TA claims: The right of TA including DA will be forfeited unless the same
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is presented to the controlling officer within one year from the date on which it became due.
Vide SR 194A of FRSR-Part-II 2009 Edition.
(19)Adjustment of TA advance: The amount of advance granted shall be adjusted within 15
days from the completion of tour or the date on which the govt.servant (Herein, BSNL
employee)resumes duty after completion of tour whichever is earlier(Rule 15 of GFR -Part-II
2008 Edition and Rule 410 of FHB Vol-I).
(20)Second Advance: A second advance should not be granted until account of the 1
advance is submitted.Note-3 below Rule 410 of FHB Vol-I
„Transfer‟ means the movement of a Government Servant from one headquarters station to
another such station to take up the duty of a new post or due to change of headquarters. T.A
is admissible only if the transfer is in public interest. It is not allowed if transfer is made on
own request.
In the absence of a clear indication in the transfer order that the transfer is on the request of
the official, it should be taken as in public interest and T.A allowed.
Definition of Family: Family includes
(1) Husband– residing with Government Servant (need not be dependent)
(2) Wife
and the following members provided they are residing with and dependent on
the Government Servant ( income not exceeding Rs.1,500 excluding dearness
relief on Pension);
legitimate children, step children/ adopted children/ wards, including (a) major
sons, (b) unmarried daughters and (c) married daughters if wholly dependent
on the official due to divorce, abandonment or separation from husband;
unmarried sisters;
widowed sisters if their father is either not alive or himself dependent on the
Government Servant;
minor brothers; and
parents including step mother.
Children studying away at the time of transfer who come later to spend the vacation
may be considered as members of family.
Transfer T.A., is allowed to family members existing on the date of transfer and not
for any member added to the family thereafter. The number of fares admissible will be as on
the date of journey.
The following are the entitlements:
Composite Transfer Grant.
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Furnishing Allowance
Actual fare for journey by rail/ steamer/ air/ road for self and family;
Cost of transport of personal effects;
Cost of transport of conveyance; and
One additional fare to and fro for the Govt. Servant if he has to leave the
family / house articles behind, due to non availability of Govt. accommodation
at the new station.
Furnishing Allowance: The executives of the company on transfer shall be paid Furnishing
Allowance as below on completion of prescribed conditions w.e.f 27-2-2009.
Transfer in the geographical More than 100 KM
boundary of the
territorial circle but
different SSA
25% of one month revised
Basic Pay
the More than 100 KM but less
geographical boundary of the than 500 KM
same territorial circle
37.5% of one month revised
Basic Pay
the More than 500KM
geographical boundary of the
same territorial circle
50% of one month revised
Basic Pay
The said allowance is admissible subject to the following conditions (pl.refer to BSNL
Corporate Office, PAT Section Office Order No.15-8/2006PAT (BSNL) dated 23-082006):-(1)The furnishing allowance will be paid once in every three years in case of
transfer in the interest of service.
(2)The furnishing allowance will be paid to those executives who join within the
prescribed joining time after being relieved from the old headquarters.
(3)For executives working in non-territorial circle (for example, Inspection Circle) the
geographical boundary of the territorial circle will be considered for determining the
amount. (4)In case of officers posted in tenure circle the amount will be paid on completion
of tenure posting.
(5)Prescribed Joining Time (pl.refer to CCS (JT) Rules):
Distance between old and new Joining time
Joining Time admissible where transfer
involves by road for more than 200
10 days
15 days
1000 K.M or less
10 days
More than 1000 K.M and up
12 days
to 2000 K.M
Beyond 2000 K.M.
15 days*
15 days
*In case of travel by Air maximum Joining time admissible is 12 days.
(1)Entitlement by AIR: As applicable in case of TA on Tour:
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(2)Entitlement by RAIL: As applicable in case of TA on Tour
(2)Composite Transfer TA Grant: One month‟s revised basic pay for transfer involving
change of residence at a distance of more than 20 km from each other w.e.f.the dates as
mentioned below: (a)From 01-09-2008 in respect of un-absorbed employees on
deputation/deemed deputation in BSNL.
(b)From 27-02-2009 in respect of absorbed or directly recruited executive employees of
BSNL. © From 07-05-2010 in respect of absorbed or directly recruited non-executive
employees of BSNL.
In case of transfer within same station or at a distance of not more than 20 km only one
third of composite grant is admissible provided change of residence is involved
(Authority: BSNL PAT Section Letter No.1-10/2010-PAT (BSNL)/Comp.Trans.Grant
dated 01-07-2010
Note: if no change of residence is involved the composite transfer grant is not
admissible.Pl.refer to GID (16) below SR 116 of FRSR-Part-II 2009 Edition.
(3)Daily Allowance: It is not admissible as the same has been subsumed in the Composite
Transfer Grant. Pl.see GID below SR 116 of FRSR-Part-II 2006 Edition.
(4)Road Mileage: Road Mileage from between Residence and nearest Rly.Stn/Bus
Stand/Airport at the old as well as new headquarters: It is not admissible.
(Pl.see GID below SR 116 of FRSR-Part-II 2006 Edition).
T.A for the family:
Traveling allowance for family members will be admissible if they accompany him,
or follow him within six months from the date of relief, or precede him by not more than
one month before the date of taking over at the new station. Extension of these time limits
may be sanctioned by the Head of Departments in exceptional cases. The Govt. Servant has
to apply before the expiry of six months/ immediately on transfer, as the case may be, for
sanction for extension of time limit.
Travel by family members from / to other stations : T.A is admissible if family
members travel to the new station from a place other than the old headquarters, or from the
old headquarters to a place other than the new station; but the claim will be limited to the
entitlement as for journey from old to the new headquarters and by the class actually
Transport of Personal Effects
(a)By Rail:
Pre-Revised Pay Range
Corresponding Revised Pay Range
Rs.16400 and above
and above
CDA Pay with
Grade Pay of
Rs.8700/- and
Rs.43670/- and
Rs.8000 and above
Rs.10530/- CDA Pay with
Rs.23110/- and
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Personal effects
that can be carried
Full four wheeler
wagon or 6000 kg
by goods train or
one Double
Full four wheeler
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but below
and above Grade Pay of
but below Rs.5400/- and
Rs.19900/- above but
above but below
wagon or 6000 kg
by goods train or
one Single
Rs.6500/- and above
but below Rs.8000/-
Rs.8570/and above
but below
CDA Pay with
Grade Pay of
Rs.4200/- and
above but
Rs.18810/- and
above but below
3000 Kg.by
goods train
Rs.4100/- and above
but below Rs.6500/-
Rs.5860/and above
but below
CDA Pay with
Grade Pay of
Rs.2400/- and
above but
Rs.12860/- and
above but below
1500 Kg.by
goods train
Below Rs.4100/-
CDA Pay with
Grade Pay
Below Rs.12860/-
1000 Kg.by
goods train
Authority :( 1) GID (1) below SR 116 of FRSR Part-II 2006 Edition
(2) BSNL Estt.Finance Section No.7-6/2006-EF/Vol.II (Pt) dated 08-09-2010
(b)By Road (Between places connected by rail): Actual expenditure limited to maximum
admissible quantity by goods train and an addl.amounrt of not more than 25 percent
thereof. (In case of classification of house goods 150 class of Railway Goods Tariff will be
applied).Pl.Consult latest goods tariff rates. (Authority: SR 116 of FRSR Part -II 2006
Trasporation of Conveyance :( SR 116 of FRSR-Part-II 2006 Edition)
Pre-Revised Pay Range Corresponding Revised Pay Range
Rs.6500/- Rs.8570/- CDA Pay with Rs.18810/and
and above and above Grade
Pay above
Rs.4200/- and
CDA Pay with Below Rs.18810/Rs.6500/- Rs.8570/- Grade
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Re-imbursement will be allowed as follows:
(i)If transported by train: Actual freight charged by Railway Authorities.
(ii)If transported by goods train: If transported by goods train freight charged by goods
train plus cost of packing, transportation from/to goods shed/residence, handling charges are
also reimbursable .However, the amount will be limited to freight charged by passenger
train only.
Transfer Within the Same Station/ Short Distance
1) Same Station: A Government Servant transferred to another office within the same
station i.e., within the city including sub urban Municipalities, Cantonments, etc.,
contiguous to the city, will be entitled to T.A as under.
a) If no change of residence is involved, no T.A is allowed.
b) If change of residence is involved, the composite transfer grant will be restricted to
one third of the basic pay. Transport of Personal Effects will be allowed at the rates
applicable for regular transfer.( Change of Residence is obligatory and necessitated
solely on account of transfer).
2) Nearby Station: If the new place of posting is outside the city but within 20 Kms by road
as also by rail , no TA is allowed if there is no change of residence. If there is change of
residence, the entitlement will be as per Para (I) (b) stated above.
Entitlement for journeys on tour/transfer:- A
Revised IDA
Grade pay in
Travel entitlement
CMD and functional
Rs.10000 and
AC first class by train/Executive class in
Directors of the Board and above and
shatabdi train/AC first class by
EDs and Executives
those in pay scale Rajadhani/Dooranta
drawing Revised pay scale of HAG + and
i.e. Rs.62000-80000 and
Officers/Executives in the Rs.10000 and
AC first class by train/Executive class in
revised IDA pay Rs.43670 Rs.8700
shatabdi train/AC first class by
and above in E5 & above
(A)Revised IDA pay
AC chair car by Shatabdi/ ACII tier by
Rs.23110 and above, in all Rs.6600, Rs.7600 Rajdhani, Dooranta/AC II tier by other train
categories up to E4
(B)Revised IDA pay up to
Rs.43669 in E5 and above
Revised IDA pay
Rs.4200 and
AC III tier by Rajdhani, Dooranta/AC chair
Rs.18810 to Rs.23109
car by Shatabdi, Jan Shatabdi train/First
class/AC III tier/ AC chair car by other train/
Revised IDA pay
Rs.2400 and
AC III tier by Rajdhani, Dooranta/AC chair
Rs.12860 to Rs.18809
car by Shatabdi, Jan Shatabdi train/First
class/AC III tier/ AC chair car by other train/
Revised IDA pay below
Rs.2000 and
AC III tier by Rajdhani/ Sleeper Class by
Dooranta/AC chair car by Shatabdi / IInd
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class by Jan Shatbdi/Sleeper class by other
Any employee is allowed to travel below his/her entitled class of travel.
The minimum pay eligibility for travel by AC II Tier in train is fixed at Rs.23110/- in
revised IDA Pay scales on tour/transfer/LTC.
As regards AC III Tier /First class IAC Chair Car, the minimum pay eligibility is
Rs.12860/- in revised IDA Pay scales.
For travel in Shatabdi / Rajdhani / Dooranta and Jan-Shatabdi, the above revised IDA
equivalent may be adopted i.e.5th CPC CDA Pay is Rs.8000/- equivalent to IDA Pay
Rs.10530/- equivalent to revised IDA Pay Rs.23l10/5tn CPC CDA Pay Rs.4100/- equivalent to IDA Pay Rs.5860/-(prerevised) is
equivalent to Revised IDA pay Rs.12850l-.
The above equivalents of pay are meant for the purpose of determination of eligibility
for travel in train only and not for any other purpose.
BAir Entitlement
i. Executives in E3 and above (i.e. JTS & above) Revised IDA pay Rs.37750
(6th CPC revised pay Rs.23730 with grade pay Rs.5400 & above)
ii. Executives in E6 and above (6th CPC CDA pay with grade pay Rs.8700 and
above in NFSG JAG and above) Revised IDA Pay Rs.51610
Note: On tour or on transfer in the case of officers who are in receipt of pay of
Rs.51610 (Revised IDA pay) and above at their discretion, provided that officers
drawing pay between Rs.37750 (Revised IDA pay) and Rs.51610 (Revised IDA pay)
may also travel by air at their discretion, if the distance involved is more than 500 km
and the journey cannot be performed overnight by a direct train service/direct slip
coach service.
When train journey can take the officer from one station to another without loss of
best part of a working day, the places are deemed to be accessible overnight by rail.
Ordinarily, journeys which can be covered between 6 p.m. and 8 a.m. fall under this
category. However, the controlling Officer can decide such cases at his discretion.
iii. Executives in E9 pay scale and above (6th CPC CDA SAG & above with grade pay
Rs.10000/- & above) with CDA Pay Rs.18400/- (Pre 6th CPC ) equivalent to IDA Pay
Rs.22300/- (Pre-revised) equivalent to minimum of the Revised IDA pay scale starting with
Rs.62000/iv. LTC will be as per the relevant provisions of BSNL TA rules & FR / SR.
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T.A on Retirement
Traveling Allowance as per entitlement for regular transfer including Composite
Transfer Grant, transport of personal effects, transport of conveyance etc., is admissible to an
employee on retirement, for proceeding to the place where he proposes to settle, either during
LPR or within one year of retirement. Furnishing allowance is not admissible.
The journey by the family members as also the transport of personal effects can take
place within one month before or within six months after the date of journey by the
Government Servant. Extension of time limits may be sanctioned in exception cases by the
Head of the Department.
The concession is admissible to the permanent employees retiring on superannuation /
retiring / invalid / compensation pension but not those who resign or are retired compulsorily,
or who are dismissed/ removed from service. Temporary employees retiring on
superannuation after a minimum of 10 years service are also entitled to the concession.The
concession will be admissible by the shortest route.
Controlling Officers have to satisfy themselves that the journey was actually
performed to the place of settlement as per claim and may insist on the production of proof
viz., original vouchers for transport of personal effects, etc. The claims of officers will be
countersigned by their superior officers.
Advance of T.A: Advance of T.A for journeys after retirement will not be admissible. The
claim has to be preferred after completion of the journey. The advance will, however, be
given for journey during LPR.
T.A for the Family of the Deceased Government Servant
T.A as per entitlements for retirement will be admissible to the family members of the
deceased Government Servant for journeys to the place of settlement within one year of death
of the official. If any family member perform journey from or to a place other than the last
headquarters or the place of settlement, the T.A is allowed subject to the overall limit as for
journey from last headquarters to the place of settlement. The concession is not admissible to
the families of temporary Employees who have not rendered 3 years of service.
Payment: The amount of T.A will be paid in the orders of precedence to the eldest surviving
widow, husband, eldest surviving dependent major child, a legal guardian, or to any other
person fit to receive the payment subject to the production of a bond duly signed by two
Advance : T.A advance for the journeys may be paid up to 3/4th of the probable amount of
reimbursement admissible and adjustment watched. Only one advance is allowed even if the
family members perform journeys separately.
Claim : The final T.A claim should be submitted within one month of the completion of the
journeys or within one month of the completion of the journey by the last member. In any
case, the journeys should be completed within one year of death of the official.
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For local or nearby place of settlement : As in the case of T.A on retirement, if the family
wishes to settle at the same place or nearby place at relatively short distance, the admissibility
of T.A will be as for T.A on transfer.
Advance on Tour:In all cases of journeys in respect of which travelling allowance as for a
journey on tour is admissible, an advance may be granted:To a Govt. Servant, proceeding on tour, of an amount sufficient to cover his personal
travelling expenses for a month. ( Rule. 410)
If the Government Servant, who has drawn T.A advance, does not submit the T.A
claim immediately after completion of tour ( i.e. within a reasonable period of 15 days), the
T.A advance should be recovered in one installment from the next payment of salary,
irrespective of the fact whether the T.A bill has been submitted or not. However, if he
submits his T.A claim within one year but after recovery of T.A advance as stated above,
there would be no bar for entertaining the claim.
In cases where a Government Servant is required to proceed on tour frequently at
short notice and under emergent circumstances, necessitating the undertaking of journey soon
after completion of earlier one, thus leaving little time for the official to prefer his T.A bill, a
second T.A advance may be sanctioned by the competent authority subject to the following
conditions being fulfilled.
i) the second journey is required to be undertaken soon after the first one i.e. within
a week after completion of the first tour.
ii) the bills for the advances drawn should be submitted latest within a week after
completion of the second journey.
iii) in any case, not more than two advances should be allowed to remain outstanding
at a time.
Advance of Pay and T.A. on Transfer
1. One month‟s pay in case of normal transfer.
2. Two month‟s pay if the transfer is due to shift of headquarters as a result of Govt.
policy. Advance of pay can be taken at the new station, if so desired.
3. In addition to 1 or 2 above, advance of T.A as admissible under the rules, for self and
family. This can be drawn either in one installment or separately for self and family
in two installments.
Eligibility : Employees under orders of transfer, including those on leave.
Employees proceeding on Foreign Service in India or on reversion from such service.
Not admissible when the transfer is at official‟s request and not in public interest.
Not admissible when the transfer is within the same station.
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Advance of pay of one month – In not more than 3 installments.
Advance of pay of two months – In not more than 24 installments.
Monthly rate of recovery should be in whole rupees, the balance being recovered in
the last installment.
Should commence from the month in which the official draws a full month‟s pay and
/ or leave salary after joining the new appointment.
Advance of T.A should be recovered in full from the T.A bill.
Advance to meet the travelling expenses of the families and conveyance of the
personal effects of Government Servants who die while in service, may be granted, provided
the security of a permanent Central Government Servant is obtained in the form (prescribed
under Rule 394) in each case before the advance is allowed.
(Note. 2 below Rule 394 of FHB Vol.I)
A Govt. Servant without a substantive appointment or a quasi permanent employee,
may be granted by the competent authority, short term advances, viz., advances of pay
recoverable in not more than three installments and advances of Traveling Allowances,
Festival Advances, Advances in lieu of leave salary and advance for the purchase of bicycles,
warm clothing and table fan without the production of surety, provided that such authority is
satisfied that the same could be fully recovered or adjusted during the period of temporary
employment of the Government Servant concerned.
( G.I.O(3) below Rule 394)
TA/DA Rules for foreign travel
The BSNL has been formed w.e.f. 1-10-2000. BSNL, the following TA/DA rules as
per the existing govt. of India regulations on the subject has been considered and decided by
competent authority.
(i) The maximum daily entitlement in respect of each category of officers would be as
US $
US $
MEA Rates *
MEA Rates *
MEA Rates *
GMs & below
MEA Rates *
(Note: * subject to economy instructions of MOF)
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(ii) The consolidated amount of Daily allowance includes per diem as per MEA Rates,
Hotel accommodation and other incidentals like telephone bills, local journey, etc.
(iii)For all the officers, the incidentals would by payable as per MEA rules. In addition,
taxi charges to and fro from the airport to hotel would be reimbursed.
(iv)In addition to the above, CMD would also be entitled to entertainment allowance and
Directors could also be permitted entertainment allowance as approved by the CMD.
Vouchers/Bills would have to be produced for the entertainment expenditure.
The officers after return shall submit accounts within 30 days as prescribed below:
(a) Bill/vouchers should be submitted for hotel accommodation. In case of not staying
in the hotel and making own arrangement, only per diem as admissible under
MEA rules would be paid. No additions/extra amount would be admissible over
and above per diem as per the MEA rates.
(b) No receipts will be required for daily allowance for boarding as prescribed by
MEA for the relevant country.
(c) Telephone, Conveyance, incidental and misc. expenses as actual, will be accepted
on the basis of the bills/vouchers/certification regarding the amount of
expenditure incurred.
(d) The balance exchange after meeting the expenditure as indicated above shall be
surrendered to the company.
Officers of the rank of GM and above may travel by the Executive class during foreign travel.
(BSNL HQ no.100-52/2000-STG-I(BSNL) dt. 23.11.2000 & 18-12-2001)
DA rates when the employee stays in PSU Guest House etc.
DA shall be paid as per the normal DA rates as in Para 5.1 of these rules in addition to
full reimbursement of the actual expenses for lodging in Central/State/PSU/Local Self Govt.
Guest House on production of receipts.
(Provision made vide No.400-3/2001-Pers.I dt. 18-6-2001)
Notes on BSNL TA/DA
All service charges and taxes charged by the Hotels/Guest Houses etc. shall be fully
Improvised accommodation provided free of charge will not be treated as free lodging
and casual hospitality such as occasional meals as an invited guest or free luncheon or
tea during working hours shall not be treated as free boarding for the purpose of
granting of daily allowance.
Reimbursement of hotel/lodging charges will be made only on production of receipts.
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Power to relax:
Power to relax any provision of these rules vests with CMD, BSNL. CMD may
further delegate these powers to designated Head of the Organization in corporate Office i.e.
Sr.DDG(Pers) as well s field formations.
(BSNL HQ No.19-27/2002-L&A, dt. 22-10-2002 & 7-6/2004-EF dt. 6-9-2004)
Payment of daily allowance in the cities downgraded for the purpose of CCA:Payment of
CCA in such places has been allowed to be made on the basis of the old classification.
(M.O.F. Dept. of Revenue F.No.18042/1/2002-E-IV dt. 6/6/2002)
Grant of TA/DA to the representatives of the NFTE BSNL for attending the
meetings of the National Council, Circle Council and Local Council : Payment
may be paid TA/DA as per the following rates for attending the format meetings at the
National council, Circle Council and Local Council:
Principal Cities: Rs.300/- per day for self staying arrangement and Rs.550/- per day for
staying in hotel.
Other Cities: Rs.175/- per day for self staying arrangement of Rs.400/- per day for staying in
AC Chair Car:
AC 2 –tier:
for travel by Shatabadi Express
for travel by other trains including Rajdhani Express
The classification of cities for daily allowance purpose shall be as per letter no.1927/2002-L&A dated 22.10.2002 of Personal Branch, BSNL HQs on TA/DA Rules, 2003 of
(BSNL HQ No.BSNL/22-3/SR/2001, dt. 5-2-2003)
10. Corporate House Scheme of Indian Airlines-Participation of BSNL
BSNL has signed a cooperate Deal with Indian Airlines valid for a period of one year
valid up to October, 2004, extendable on mutually agreed terms and conditions. Under this
scheme the following incentives will be available to BSNL:
Incentives in the form of free tickets, on achieving the Minimum Net Billing
Offer of free frequent flyer programme (FFP) Membership to Senior Officers.
Out of turn confirmation of waitlisted tickets, subject to availability of seats.
Special discounts of holding conferences/Events etc. (This is at the discretion of
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Up gradation of class of travel of CEO and No.2 of the company subject to
availability of seats.
Airport facilitation by special corporate House Help Desk at all Metros.
BSNL has been allotted IA Deal code D-151. It is requested that this Deal code may be got
mentioned in all air tickets booked by BSNL officers through out India with immediate
effect. Any clarification required may be obtained from the Protocol In charge, BSNL
corporate office
(Tele no.2373-4053/2303-7126; FaxNo.2373-4049)
(BSNL HQ No.5-5/2002-Protocol, dt. 28-1-2003)
11. Clarification on TA/DA for Auditors (All categories of Auditors)
It has been decided that the TA/DA entitlements for all categories of Auditors will be
applicable uniformly with effect from 1-1-2004.
It has been decided by the competent authority of BSNL that the revised TA/DA
entitlement for Statutory and Branch Auditors would be applicable as per the table below:
Conveyance /
Other Than
Rs. 12/- per
Rs. 12/- per
per Km.
Own Car (for
Rs. 9/- per
Rs. 9/- per
Rs. 6/- per
more audit staff is
case one or
fare will be
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On production
to Sr A.O.
Travel by Air
Tickets/PNR No.
Not Entitled
Not Entitled
On production
Air Tickets
involved is
can not be
DA, if stay in
to Sr. AO
making own
to Sr A.O.
All other terms and conditions will remain the same as applicable to BSNL staff as
per TA/DA rules. These orders shall be applicable only for Statutory and Branch Auditors for
auditing of BSNL Accounts from the date of issue.
Payment of TA/DA to the external woman member from NGO of Sexual harassment of
Women Committee
The revised TA/DA for the external NGO member of the Sexual Harassment Committee are
as follows:- i) Flat DA @ (i) Rs. 450/- per day at A1/A cities and expensive localities, (ii) Rs.
270 per day at B1 cities and expensive localities, and (iii) Rs.250 per day at other localities
irrespective of the duration of meeting, may be allowed. ln this regard, classification of cities
/ localities may be as per SR- 51 (prior to 6th CPC).
ii) Actual taxi fare from residence to venue of meeting and back on production of receipt,
othenruise @ Rs. 8 per km. from residence to place of meeting and back may be paid. lf the
member is from outstation or member visit to outstation for enquiry, entitlement to be
restricted to AC-ll Tier Train fare/Economy class Air fare at lowest available fare.
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Retention of quarter on transfer to Rural areas
Difficulties were being faced by non-executive employees who are transferred to rural areas
in the interest of service, but had to leave their family at their old station of posting, for which
the quarter occupied at the old station of posting had to be retained. A case received from the
Punjab Circle on this issue was examined and the approval of BSNL Corporate Office is
hereby conveyed for permitting retention of quarter to all the non-executive employees
BSNL, transferred to rural areas in the interest of service. The request for such retention may
be accepted by the field units on the following terms and conditions:
1. Retention of quarter may be permitted @ double the license fee +departmental charges for
entire period of posting in rural area (beyond the permitted period of 2-month normal License
2. Composite Transfer grant may not be paid to the officials as per rule, since they are being
allowed to retain the quarter at their last place of posting and as there is no change of
residence. 3. On their transfer back to the old place of posting after completion of tenure
period, they would not be entitled for composite transfer grant, as again there will be no
change of residence.
4. Request for retention of quarter may be permitted with the condition that retention of
quarter at a station different from station of posting of the employee will not be a hindrance
in performing his duty.
5. HRA, for the entire period of posting in rural area, may also not be paid to the official
during retention of quarter at old station.
6. Retention of quarter at previous station is allowed only for the bona-fide use of the
dependant family members of the official on his/her transfer to rural area. For ensuring the
same , the official is required to furnish a certificate at the time of seeking retention & also
on 1st July & 1st January, of every year stating that his/her dependant family members are
actually residing in the departmental accommodation at the last place of his/her posting. In
case the official failed to submit the certificate by 31st January and 31st July, of every year,
the occupation may be declared as unauthorized and necessary action as per prevailing rules
may be initiated so as to avoid misuse of this facility.
Allotment of residential accommodation at a nearby station on transfer to rural Areas
Difficulties were being faced by non-executive employees who are transferred to rural areas
in the interest of service, where BSNL quarters were not available. The matter was taken up
in National Council for allotment of quarters, available at a nearby station to such employees.
Accordingly approval of BSNL Corporate Office is hereby conveyed for permitting allotment
of quarter at a nearby station on the following terms and Conditions: .
I. The transfer benefits including composite Transfer grant may be calculated with reference
to the station where the quarter is allotted.
II. Allotment in nearby station may be made on usual terms & condition of allotment of
quarter. III. Request for allotment of quarter may be made with the condition that allotment
of quarter at a station different from station of posting of the employee will not be a
hindrance in performing his duty.
IV. HRA, for the entire period of posting in rural area, may also not be paid to the official
during allotment of quarter at a nearby station.
V. Allotment of quarter at a nearby station is allowed only for the bona-fide use of the
official/dependant family members of the official on his/her transfer to rural area.
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Leave Travel Concession
L.T.C is admissible only on completion of one year‟s service. L.T.C to visit Home
Town is allowed once in a two-year blocks.The present block years are 2014-15,2015-16.
L.T.C to visit any place in India once in four year is in lieu of one of the two Home
Town LTCs available in that block.
Against the particular 4 year block, one can avail the concession to visit (a) Home
Town during each of the two year blocks or (b) Home Town during one block and All India
LTC during the other block.
Grace Period
L.T.C of either type of not availed till the end of the particular 2 year block can be
availed during the succeeding year. The date of commencement of outward journey only is
taken into account for this purpose.
Declaration of Home Town.
The Government Servant should declare his Home Town to the Controlling Officer in
the prescribed form as soon as he joins service. Such declaration duly accepted by the
controlling officer should be kept in Part-II of the Service Book and the receipt of the
declaration entered in Part-I ., under the relevant column.
Change of Home Town
The “Home Town” once declared can be changed once during the service and
accepted by the Head of the Department. The following criteria, one after another, may be
applied before the change is accepted:1) Whether the place declared is the one, which requires his/her physical presence at
intervals and whether he/she had been visiting that place frequently.
2) Whether the official owns residential property in that place or whether he/she is a
member of a joint family having property there.
3) Whether his/her near relations are residents in the place.
4) Whether prior to his/her service he/she was residing there.
Prior Intimation
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Before availing the LTC for Home Town or All India Visit, prior intimation to the
controlling officer is necessary.
Commencement of the Journey.
Journeys for both the types of LTCs can commence from a place other than Head
Quarters and also terminate at that place but the concession will be limited to the journey
from Head Quarters to the place of visit.
Visit to the declared place
Visit to the declared Home Town or to the declared place of visit for All India LTC is
an essential condition. LTC claim will not be allowed if the place declared is not visited.
Change in the declared place of visit for All India L.T.C
In the case of All India L.T.C, the change in the declared place which could not be
intimated before the commencement of the journey and which is beyond the control of the
Govt.Servant (e.g., due to dislocation of traffic, illness of family members etc.) can be
permitted by the Head of the Department in exceptional cases.
The concession is admissible for the journey during any leave including Casual Leave
or Special Casual Leave. But it is not admissible if the journey is performed during holidays
only. LTC during LPR is permissible if the journey is completed before retirement.
LTC to a person resigning from service without returning from leave is not
admissible. For persons under suspension, LTC is allowed for the family members only.
LTC for one way only
1) Member(s) of family after performing the outward journey does not propose to return
to Headquarters.
2) Member(s) of family staying at Home Town coming to Head Quarters.
3) The Government Servant getting married during leave for bringing his/her spouse.
4) A child legally adopted during leave for the journey to Headquarters.
5) If the LTC is combined with tour/transfer from Home Town. In such cases, LTC for
visit to Home Town is admissible and tour/transfer T.A allowed for the journey from
Home Town as admissible under T.A rules. Similarly, if the official is permitted to
proceed on leave to Home Town from a tour station, tour TA is admissible from
headquarters to the tour station and LTC for the journeys from tour station to Home
Town and back to Headquarters (subject to the limit allowed as from Headquarters to
Hometown and back).
Every Year LTC
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A Government Servant leaving his/hr family at his/her previous Headquarters or
Home Town can avail LTC every year to visit his/her Home Town by foregoing All India
LTC for self and Home Town/All India LTC for family.
Family Members may travel separately
Journey by the family members separately in different groups to Home Town is
permissible. Similarly family members may travel to different places for All India LTC.
During one block, some members may travel to Home Town, while some may avail All India
Children studying away
A child studying away from the Government Servant is entitled to the concession for
travel to Home Town or to any place in India subject to the limit as for journey from
Headquarters to Home Town/ any place in India.
When both the Husband and Wife are Central Government Employees
If both the husband and wife are Central Government Employees even when they are
staying together, they can choose to declare separate Home Towns. They can avail LTC
independently as per their separate declarations or together as one family. The advantage in
this concession is (I) each of them can avail the concession for their respective dependants
viz., parents, brothers, sisters etc., and (II) some of the children can visit the Home Town of
the mother while some can visit the Home Town of father. However, the concession can be
availed only once in a block either by the spouse or by the children. For example, if the
husband avails LTC for the wife and children to visit Home Town, the wife and children
cannot avail the concession again in that block to visit her Home Town.
When the Spouse is employed in PSU/Corporation/Autonomous Body
If the spouse is employed in Publics Sector Undertaking/Corporation/ Autonomous
Body where LTC facilities are available, the claimant should certify that the concession has
not been availed by the Spouse.
(DOT Lr. No. 1-1(7)/97-PAT dtd. 19.11.97)
The employees and spouses of the employees of Indian Railways and National
Airlines shall continue to be debarred for LTC facility as they are entitled for “free Pass”.
(Dept.of Per.Trg.O.M.No.31011/7/97-Estt(A) dt. 20-10-97)
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Family means i) the Government servant‟s wife or husband, as the case may be, and two surviving
unmarried children or step children wholly dependent on the Government Servant,
irrespective of whether they are residing with the Government Servant or not;
ii) married daughter who have been divorced, abandoned or separated from their
husbands (and widowed daughters vide DOPT No.No.31011/10/2000-Estt,(A) dt.
11-1-2002)and are residing with the Government servant and are wholly
dependent on the Government Servant;
iii) parents and/or step mother residing with and wholly dependent on the
Government servant;
iv) unmarried minor brothers as well as unmarried, divorced, abandoned, separated
from their husbands or widowed sisters residing with and wholly dependent on the
Govt.Servant, provided their parents are either not alive or are themselves wholly
dependent on the Government Servant.
1. The restriction of the concession to only two surviving children or step children shall
not be applicable in respect of (i) those employees who already have more than two
children prior to the coming into force of this restriction, i.e., 20.10.1997; (ii) children
born within one year of the coming into force of this restriction; (iii) where the
number of children exceeds two as a result of second child birth resulting in multiple
2. Not more than one wife is included in the term “Family” for the purpose of these
Rules. However, if a Government servant has two legally wedded wives and the
second marriage is with the specific permission of the Government, the second wife
shall also be included in the definition of “Family”.
3. Though it is not necessary for the spouse and children to reside with the Government
Servant so as to be eligible for the Leave Travel Concession, the concession in their
cases shall, however, be restricted to the actual distance travelled or the distance
between the headquarters/place of posting of the Government Servant and the home
town/place of visit, whichever is less.
4. Children of divorced, abandoned, separated from their husbands or widowed sisters
are not included in the term “Family”.
5. A member of the family whose income from all sources, including pension, temporary
increase in pension excluding dearness relief on pension or stipend, etc., does not exceed
Rs.3,500 p.m. is deemed to be wholly dependent on the Government Servant.
–Rule 4 (d) Explanations and OM dated23.09.2008.
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Regulation of LTC claim when journeys performed by a longer route in different
classes / modes of transport.
The cases where a Government Servant performs journey by a longer route in
different modes of transport, the reimbursement may be made proportionately in respect of
the journey performed by the railways and he may be allowed the reimbursement for the
remaining shortest distance, as per his entitlement by railway or the actual fare paid by the
individual for journeys by road, whichever is less. While settling, the claim has to be worked
out on proportional basis for each/actual mode of journey/distance covered with reference to
distance by the shortest route.
( C.&A.G of India, No.188-Audit.I/78-90/III-92(34), dated. 20.5.1992)
Rail Journeys - Journey by different classes
If the journey is performed partly by the entitled class and partly by the lower class by
the shortest direct route, actual expenses will be reimbursed. If the journey is by longer route,
the reimbursement will be of the proportionate distance by the shortest direct route. For
example, if the shortest distance by direct route is 1200 Kms and the route trvelled by an
official entitled to I class is 1500 Kms (800 Kms by I class and 700 Kms by II class) the
reimbursement will be:
I class fare for 800/1500 X 1200 == 640 KMs and II
class fare for the remaining distance = 560 KMs
Journey by Circular Tour Tickets
If the journey on All India LTC is performed by circular tour ticket offered by
Railways, the reimbursement will be restricted to the fare of the entitled class or class
actually travelled by shortest route between Head Quarters and the declared place of visit.
Such journeys if operated by private travelling agencies are not allowed for LTC.
Special Concession
Government Servants posted at places in N.E Region, Lakshsdweep and Andaman
and Nicobar Islands, are entitled to the following concessions if they leave their family at
their old stations or other places and have not availed Transfer TA for them.
1) They can avail the normal LTC facilities available i.e., Home Town/All India LTC for
self & families or for self only for visit every year to the place where family resides,
in lieu of other LTC facilities and in addition,
2) LTC may be availed for the family members to visit, the Govt.Servants headquarters
once in a year from the place where they reside.
Allowances and Special facilities for Civilian Employees of the Central Government serving in the States and UTs of the NE region
and in the Andaman and Nicobar and Lakshadweep Groups of Islands with effect from 1-12-2004:
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Central Government employees and their families posted in the NE region, A&N and Lakshadweep Islands are entitled to avail of the Leave Travel
Concession, in emergencies, on two additional occasions during their entire service career. This facility is termed as „Emergency Passage
concession‟ and is intended to enable the Central Government employees and / or their families (spouse and two dependent children) to travel either
to the home town or the station of posting in an emergency. On a reference received from MHA, it has now been
decided that the Central Government employees posted in these areas may avail the „Emergency Passage Concession‟ to travel ei ther to
the home town or to the last place of duty from the station of posting or vice versa subject to all other existing conditions.
LTC Advance
The amount of LTC advance to be sanctioned is limited to 90% of the estimated
amount of reimbursement for journeys both ways. In case where the period of leave exceeds
90 days or the return journey is not proposed to be performed within 90 days, advance will be
sanctioned for one way only. If the advance has been drawn for both ways and the return
journey is not likely to be performed within 90 days, one-half of the advance is to be
refunded. Where the initial journey is proposed to be performed by rail, the advance may be
paid 65 days in advance to facilitate booking of rail tickets. The Govt. Servant is required to
submit proof of booking the tickets within 10 days of payment of advance. If the outward
journey is not commenced within 65 days, the advance is to be refunded.
Time Limit
In cases where advance has been drawn, the final bill should be submitted within one
month of the date of completion of journey, failing which the entire advance will be
recovered in one installment with interest. In cases where advance has not been drawn or
where advance paid has been, recovered in full due to Govt.Servants failure to submit
adjustment bill within one month, the final LTC claim should be submitted within 3 months
of completion of journey as otherwise the claim will be treated as forfeited.
All Government Servants should indicate the PNR No. in their LTC claims in addition
to ticket No. (M.O.Per.&Trg.O.M.No.31011/11/2000-Estt.(A), dt. 23-4-2001)
Revised eligibility of CDA/IDA pay for availing LTC by BSNL employees -regarding
The issue of revising the eligibility of CDA/IDA pay for availing LTC by BSNL employees
has been examined in this office as per existing provisions applicable for employees of BSNL
before revision of their scales on CDA &IDA pay and revised eligibility of CDA/IDA pay for
TA/DA notified by EF Branch vide their OM No.7-6/2006-EF/Vol.II(Pt.) dated 8-9-2010 and
it corrigendum dated 21-9-2010
2. Accordingly, the eligibility of IDA/CDA pay of BSNL employees for regulating their
claims of LTC Bills is given in the Annexure I & II
3. However, the regulatory conditions will remain the same as applicable to BSNL employees
before revision of CDA/IDA pay scales
4. This will take effect from the date of issue of this letter. (i.e. the rates/eligibility criteria
shown in the letter are applicable for the journeys performed on or after the date of issue
of this letter). LTC cases already settled prior to this date need not be re-opened
Entitlement of Journey performed by train on availing LTC
Revised IDA Pay
Grade CDA Pay
LTC entitlement
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CMD and Functional
Directors and EDs and
Executives drawing
Revised pay scale i.e.
Rs.62000-80000 and
Officers/Executives in the
revised IDA pay Rs.43670
and above in E5 & above
(pre-revised IDA pay
Rs.19900 and above)
i. Revised IDA pay up to
Rs.43669 in E -5 and
above scales
ii. Revised IDA pay
Rs.23110 and above in
scales up to E-4 (Prerevised IDA pay Rs.10530
to Rs.19899)
Revised IDA pay
Rs.18810 to Rs.23109 (Pre
revised IDA pay Rs.8570
to Rs.10529)
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Officers drawing
grade pay of
Rs.10000 and above
those in pay scale of
HAG + and above
Officers drawing
grade pay of
Rs.10000 and
AC first class by train/Executive
class in shatabdi train/AC first
class by Rajadhani/Dooranta
Officers drawing
grade pay of
Rs.5400, Rs.6600
and Rs.7600
AC chair car by Shatabdi/ ACII
tier by Rajdhani, Dooranta/ AC
II tier by other train
Officers drawing
grade pay of Rs.4200
and Rs.4800
AC III tier by Rajdhani,
Dooranta/AC chair car by
Shatabdi, Jan Shatabdi train/First
class/AC III tier/ AC chair car
by other train/
AC III tier by Rajdhani,
Dooranta /AC chair car by
Shatabdi, Jan Shatabdi train/First
class/AC III tier/ AC chair car
by other train.
Sleeper class in Mail, Express
and other ordinary Trains
Revised IDA pay
Officers drawing
Rs.12860 to Rs.18809 (Pre grade pay of Rs.2400
revised IDA pay Rs.5860
and Rs.2800
to Rs.8569)
Revised IDA pay below
Rs.12860 (Pre revised
IDA pay below Rs.5860)
Officers drawing
grade pay of Rs.2000
and below
AC first class by train/Executive
class in shatabdi train/AC first
class by Rajadhani/Dooranta
Entitlement of Journey performed by Air on availing LTC
Sl. No.
Revised IDA Pay
Grade CDA Pay
LTC Entitlement
Executives in E-9 and above
Grade pay of
Air economy (Y)
(i.e. SAG & above in CDA
Rs.10000 and above class
scale) equivalent to minimum
revised IDA Pay scale of
Rs.62000-80000 and above
For employees serving in remote areas the provisions as per Appendix-9 to
FR & SR Part I will continue as amended from time to time. However
their eligibility for Air travel will be as under:i)
Executives /Officers with grade pay of Rs.6600 & above
Executives in E4 and above with revised IDA pay Rs.44500 &
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Entitlement of Journey performed by SEA on availing LTC
Revised IDA pay
Grade CDA
LTC entitlement
A&N Islands,
Islands (Shipping
corp. of India)
Rs.23110 and
Grade Pay of
Deluxe class
Rs.5400 and
Rs.18810 to 23109 Grade pay of
First/‟A‟ cabin
Rs.4200 and
Rs.12860 to 18809 Grade pay of
2nd „B‟ cabin class
Rs.2400 and
2800 and
Below Rs.12860
Grade pay of
Bunk class
Rs.2000 and
Entitlement of Journey performed by Road on availing LTC
Sl. No.
Revised IDA Pay
Grade CDA Pay
Rs.23110 and above
Grade pay of
Rs.5400 and above
Rs.12860 to 23109
LTC Entitlement other
places (Shipping corp. of
Highest class
If there be two classes
only on the steamer, the
lower class
If there be three classes,
the middle or 2nd class. If
there be four classes the
3rd class
The lowest class
LTC Entitlement
Actual fare by any
type of public bus,
including airconditioned bus
Actual fare by nonAC any type of
public bus
Grade pay of
Rs.2400 and above
but below grade pay
of Rs.5400
Below Rs.12860
Grade pay Rs.2000
Ordinary public bus
and below
(BSNL HQ No.13-4/2008 PAT(BSNL)Pt. I dt. 1-11-2010 & 10-12-2010)
Note: In all cases of travel by AC Taxi, Taxi or Auto-rickshaw production of fare receipt
will be necessary.
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1.0 Commencement and scope:
This scheme shall come into force from 24th February,
2003 1.1 Interpretation:
Management shall be the sole authority for the interpretation of all or any of the
provisions of this scheme and its decision thereon shall be final and binding on all.
1.2 Alteration/relaxation of the provisions under this scheme:
The management shall at any time be entitled to replace, alter, amend or/and add to
this scheme. The management shall have full authority to consider relaxation of the
scheme on case to case basis on merits.
1.3 Definitions:
Board means Board of Directors of the Company.
“The company” means Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited, (BSNL) having
its registered office at Sanchar Bhawan, New Delhi.
“Dependent” means and includes members of family as defined under Civil
Service (Medical Attendance) Rules as amended by the Central Government from
time to time.
“Employee” means any person employed by the company.
“Management” means the Board of Directors of the Company, Managing Director
or any other officer of the company nominated by the Board for this purpose.
“Scheme” means BSNL employees “Medical Reimbursement Scheme”.
“Salary” means Basic Pay and Dearness Allowance.
viii) “Pension” means basic pension and dearness allowance.
“Retired Employee” means an employee who has retired on superannuation while
serving in BSNL, who was either directly recruited by BSNL, or absorbed from
DOT/DTS in BSNL, or served on deemed deputation to BSNL.
1.4 Eligibility:
All serving and retired employees of BSNL including deputationists will be eligible for
this scheme. However, the employees in order to avail of this scheme have to opt for this
scheme whereby they will not be allowed the facility under CGHS Scheme. The
employees opting for this scheme, can avail of domiciliary treatment either from P&T
dispensaries or from any Registered Medical Practitioners (RMPs) depending on their
option to be exercised while registering for this scheme. The employees opting for this
scheme will be eligible for Indoor treatment as per this scheme.
1.5 Taxability:
All medical benefits will be subject to Income Tax rules as applicable from time to time.
2.0 Benefits under BSMRS scheme:
2.1.0 Outdoor/domicillary treatment from RMPs: Reimbursement against vouchers:
The employee and his dependants shall be entitled to the reimbursement of actual
expenses not exceeding the limits prescribed under this scheme incurred for domicillary
treatment and medical attendance by any Registered Medical Practitioner, including cost of
medicines, appliance, diagnostic & pathological tests. The treatment would include treatment
for immunizing and prophylactic purposes also. The registered medical practitioner can be of
any branch of health care e.g. Allopathic, Homeopathic, Ayurvedic, Naturopathy, Yogic etc.
The total annual limit for reimbursement of expenses for such treatment (including that under
2.2.0 excepting hospitalization) for self and dependant family members would be one month
salary (i.e. Basic + DA). The annual limit will be fixed for a financial year and salary for the
first month of the financial year will be considered. For the retired employee this will be
limited to last month‟s salary drawn before retirement (Basic + DA) per annum.
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2.1.1 Outdoor/Domicillary treatment: Entitlement without voucher:
Alternatively, 50% of the admissible amount (as mentioned in para 2.1.0 above, i.e. one
month‟s basic + DA) will be paid to the working employees without production of any
vouchers. Such payment limited to 50% of one month‟s salary will be paid in four equal
instalments at the end of each quarter. This amount would be taxable. Similar facility for
payment without voucher will be available to the retired employees also.
2.1.2 Outdoor/domicillary treatment from P&T dispensaries :
The employees (including retired employees) and their dependants shall have the
option to get their outdoor/domicillary treatment from P&T dispensaries. The option,
once exercised, cannot be changed in favour of domicillary treatment from any RMP.
The beneficiaries shall be entitled to get the reimbursement of cost of such medicines
as prescribed by P&T dispensaries and not available there. Similarly, cost of
diagnostic and pathological tests as prescribed by the P&T dispensaries shall also be
reimbursed to the beneficiaries. Unlike the case of outdoor/domicillary treatment from
RMPs ( as per 2.1.0), there shall be no upper limit on the amount of reimbursement on
such accounts.
2.2.0 Treatment in recognized hospitals/nursing homes etc.:
An employee (including retired employee) and his/her dependants shall be entitled to
the reimbursement of expenses at the approved rates at all hospitals recognized from
time to time by the management. Till such time as approved rates in recognized
hospitals are not notified by BSNL management, the reimbursement will be as per
actual expenses basis. Entitlement under this clause will be separate and distinct
from the ceiling amount prescribed in para 2.1.0 and 2.1.1 under domicillary/ out
door treatment. All expenditure incurred in connection with the treatment will be
reimbursable subject to a limit on the room rent which will be as per Annexure-I.
2.2.1 List of recognized hospitals nursing homes etc.:
List of recognized hospitals/nursing homes will be notified by the management from time
to time. For Delhi this will be done by BSNL C.O. the CGMs of territorial circles in
consultation with BSNL C.O. will notify list of recognized hospitals/nursing homes in
places under their jurisdiction. Employees of Project/Maintenance/T&D/QA circles etc.
will follow lists so prepared by the territorial circles. Until such lists are prepared and
notified, all hospitals recognized under CGHS and CS(MA) rules or by state
governments will be deemed to have been recognized for the purpose of this
scheme. List of such hospitals etc. will be notified by BSNL C.O./all CGMs of
territorial circles immediately on commencement of this scheme by suitable
administrative order.
2.2.2 Treatment in non-recognised hospitals:
In emergency cases, the reimbursement will be allowed for treatment in nonrecognised hospitals with the approval of CGM for field office employees and
concerned Director of BSNL Board for C.O. employees. The amount will be
restricted to rates applicable for a particular recognized hospital to be notified
2.2.3 Advance for medical treatment in hospital:
Working Employees may be allowed advance towards expenses on hospitalization
where long duration treatment or major operation becomes necessary. Advance shall
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be paid to the employees, based on estimates to be obtained from the hospitals as
per CGHS scheme of Central Government.
3.0 Procedure for reimbursement of claim:
All claims for reimbursement of medical expenses shall be made in prescribed proforma
supported by necessary bills, vouchers, certificates and prescriptions etc. and shall be
subject to the procedure laid down by the management from time to time.
4.0 Direct payment to the Hospitals:
Arrangement, will be made with the recognized Hospitals so that individual
employees (including retired employees) does not require to make any payment to the
hospitals for their treatment. Instead, on proper establishment of their identify, they
will be provided all necessary indoor treatment by the recognized Hospitals at
approved rates and Bill will be forwarded to BSNL for releasing the payment. Till
such arrangement is made, payment will be made as per pare 2.2.0
Entitlement of Room/Bed for Indoor Treatment
S. No.
Group D
General Ward
Group C
Semi-Pvt. Ward
Grp B & Grp A (upto STS)
Pvt. Ward (Non A.C.)
Grp. A JAG and above
Pvt. Ward with A.C.
CMD & Board Directors (Full
Delux room with A.C.
# Further classification of Employees group in PSU will be added as and when the same
are notified.
Note: ICU/ICCU as per the empanelled hospitals‟ rates.
Notification of Room Rent for indoor treatment under BSNLMRS
The Management Committee has approved the room rent as per the entitlement of the various
categories of BSNLMRS beneficiaries as below:
S. Employee Group/Category Entitlement Rate of rent per day No.
Group D
Group C
Group B & A(upto STS)
Group A JAG & above
CMD & Board of Directors, EDs
General ward
Semi Private Ward
Pvt. Ward
Pvt. Ward (AC)
Deluxe room (AC)
Rs.4000 *
*In big cities, majority of the hospitals have centralized AC. Separate rate of Rs.4000 shall be
applicable only to those hospitals which have both the categories of room i.e. Pvt. Wards
with AC and Pvt. Ward without AC.
(BSNL HQ No.BSNL/Admn.I/15-20/11
dt. 20-3-2012)
Ref: No.BSNL/Admn/1 dated 28th February 2003
The BSNL Board has revised the perks and allowances to all executives (absorbed, or
directly recruited including un-absorbed officers who are working in BSNL on
deputation/deemed deputation basis) subsequent to the revision of Pay Scales of the
executives. Accordingly, the limit for reimbursement of expenditure on outdoor treatment is
revised as under:
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i) Limit of reimbursement of expenditure on outdoor treatment from one month‟s basic + DP
+ DA of unrevised basic pay to 25 days of revised pay + DA
ii) Medical allowance from half month‟s basic+DP+DA of unrevised basic pay to 121/2 days
of revised basic pay+DA
The provisions under clause 2.1.0 and 2.1.1 of the above referred order may
be suitably replaced and the limits revised accordingly for all the executives
(absorbed, or directly recruited including un-absorbed officers who are working in
BSNL on deputation/deemed deputation basis.) The orders are effective from 27-2-09
(BSNL HQ No.BSNL/Admn.I/14-15/09
dt. 20/24 Aug-09 & dt 16/30 September, 2009)
Ref:- 1.No.BSNL/Admn./1 dated 28th February 2003
2.OM No.BSNL/Admn.I/14-15/09 dated 24th August 2009
3.Corrigendum to OM dated 30th September 2009
The Management Committee of BSNL has revised the perks and allowances to all non
executives (absorbed, or directly recruited including un-absorbed officials who are working in
BSNL on deputation/deemed deputation basis), subsequent to the revision of pay scales of the
non-executives. Accordingly, the limit of reimbursement of expenditure on outdoor treatment
is revised as under:
Outdoor treatment: Reimbursement against vouchers:
Limit of reimbursement of expenditure on outdoor treatment against voucher has been
revised from one month‟s Basic Pa y+ DA of unrevised pay to 25 days of revised
Basic pay + DA
Outdoor treatment: Entitlement without Voucher:
Medical allowance (without voucher) has been revised from half month‟s Basic Pay
+ DA of unrevised pay to 121/2 days of revised Basic Pay + DA
The provisions under Clause 2.1.0 and 2.1.1 of the above referred order may be suitably
replaced and the limits revised accordingly for all the non-executives. The revised
limits are effective from the financial year 2011-12.
(BSNL HQ No.BSNL/Admn.I/14-15/09 dt. 10-8-2011)
Ref: No.BSNL/Admn/1 dated 28th February 2003
The BSNL Board has revised the perks and allowances to all executives (absorbed, or
directly recruited including un-absorbed officers who are working in BSNL on
deputation/deemed deputation basis) subsequent to the revision of Pay Scales of the
executives. Accordingly, the limit for reimbursement of expenditure on outdoor treatment for
the retired BSNL employees are revised as under:
1. For the employees retired prior to 1-1-2007 (i.e. in the pre-revised scales) status quo is to
be maintained the annual ceiling i.e. one month salary last drawn for reimbursement with
voucher and in case of payment without voucher it will be 50% of one month‟s salary last
drawn (i.e. 15 days of last drawn salary)
2. For employees retired after 1-1-2007 and whose pay has been revised as per the
recommendations of 2nd CPSU the annual ceiling is revised as under:
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i) Limit of reimbursement of expenditure on outdoor treatment shall be equivalent to 25 days
of last drawn salary before retirement (revised basic pay + DA)
ii) Medical allowance shall be equivalent to 121/2 days of last drawn salary before retirement
(revised basic pay + DA)
The provisions under clause 2.1.0 and 2.1.1 of the above referred order may be
suitably replaced and the limits revised accordingly. The revised orders will be effective
from 27-2-09
(BSNL HQ No.BSNL/Admn.I/14-15/09
dt. October 22, 2009)
The BSNL Board has revised the outdoor ceiling for its retired employees as under:
For employees retired after 1-1-07:
i .For employees who have opted for reimbursement with voucher it is revised as the amount
equivalent to 25 days of last Basic pay drawn (remain unchanged) +DA applicable in the
month of April for the financial year for which the claim pertains to
ii.For employees who have opted for reimbursement without voucher it remains unchanged
as the amount equivalent to 121/2 days of last Basic pay and DA drawn by the retired
employee at the time of retirement and shall be paid in four equal quarterly installments.
For employees retired prior to 1-1-07:
i.For employees who have opted for reimbursement with voucher can exercise option
from the following two options. The option once exercised cannot be changed later.
Option 1: The amount reimbursable shall be limited to an amount equivalent to 25 days of
the basic pay (Which will be freezed at the minimum of the revised pay scale) +DA as
applicable in the month of April of the financial year for which the claim pertains to
Option 2: Alternatively, option can be exercised to claim an amount equivalent to 25 days of
Basic pay drawn at the time of retirement and DA as applicable for the month of April of
the financial year for which the claim pertains to, in the pre revised scale
ii.For employees who have opted for reimbursement without voucher it remains unchanged
as the amount equivalent to 15 days of Basic pay + DP +DA as applicable, drawn by the
retired employee at the time of retirement and is being paid in four equal quarterly
The new scheme is applicable with effect from the Financial Year 2010-11
(BSNL HQ No.BSNL/Admn.I/14-2/09
©BSNL, India
dt. September 8, 2010)
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Expenditure control in BSNL
Keeping in view the financial condition of BSNL, the competent authority has decided to
modify the eligibility criteria for items mentioned hereunder
1)Medical Expenditure: All outdoor treatment facilities under BSNLMRS will be with
vouchers only. The facility of „without voucher‟ is withdrawn w.e.f. 1st October 2011. Those
who have opted for „without vouchers‟ during the financial year 2011-12, can avail the
benefit for „with voucher‟ for 6 months proportionately. The number of bills for outdoor
treatment may increase and the units should make arrangement for payment of these bills
without delay. This applies to BSNL pensioners also.
The indoor facility under BSNLMRS will continue without any change
(BSNL HQ No.7-8/2010/EF/Part/1
dt. 5-9-2011)
The Management Committee has approved the introduction of reimbursement of
medical expenses from two sources for BSNLMRS beneficiaries i.e. from insurance
agencies and BSNL under BSNLMRS Scheme as allowed to CGHS beneficiaries.
Under this scheme,
The BSNL MRS beneficiaries can subscribe to medi claim policy
and prefer his claims from both the sources i.e. insurance agency
and the BSNL.
Under this arrangement the beneficiary shall prefer claim against
the original vouchers/bills first on the insurance company, which
would issue a certificate indicating the amount reimbursed to the
BSNL employee. The insurance company concerned will retain
the original vouchers/bills in such cases.
The beneficiary then prefer his/her medical claim along with
photocopies of the vouchers/bills duly certified in ink, along with
stamp of the insurance company on reverse of the vouchers/bills
Reimbursement from BSNL will be restricted only to the
admissible amount as per approved package rates subject to the
condition that the total amount reimbursed by the two
organizations does not exceed the total expenditure incurred by
the beneficiary
It is a voluntary scheme and employees who are interested can avail the benefit of the
The OM should be widely circulated for information of all the employees
©BSNL, India
dt. September 2, 2009)
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The Executive Health Check up schemes now available are as under:
1.Executive Health Check up:
The details of the schemes are:
(a)Executive Health Check up would be admissible to officers of SAG level and above
and their spouses
(b)The officers in 50-55 age group would be entitled for this facility once in a year, while
the officers above 55 years of age could avail this facility twice a year.
©The approved list of tests and associated consultation under this scheme is given
in Annexure-I
d)The cost of this check up for each occasion should not exceed Rs.3500/ -.
2.Executive Cardiac & Health Screening Plus:
The details of the scheme are:
a)The executive cardiac & Health Screening Plus would be admissible to CMD, Board
of Directors, CGMs/PGMs and their spouses.
b)The scheme can be availed once in a year in lieu of one of the existing normal two
health check up scheme applicable to Sr. Executives (of 55 years and above age) indicated
at S. No.1
c)The approved list of Tests and associated consultation under this scheme is given
in Annexure-II
d)The cost of this check up for each occasion should not exceed Rs.10000/The test under both schemes can be under taken in any BSNL approved hospital at the same
or actual rates whichever are lower
The Executive Health Check up Schemes are now extended for a further period of one
year i.e. up to 31-12-2009.
Differential count (DLC)
Platelet Count
Total WBC (TLC)
Peripheral smear
Blood Sugar (Fasting & Post Prandial)
Uric Acid
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Lipid Profile
Total Cholesterol, HDL, LDL
Triglycerides screening, Ratio of Cholesterol/HDL
S.Urea, S. Creatinine
Complete Urine Analysis
Total Protein
A/G Ratio
Alkaline Phosphate
S.Bilirubin (Total & Direct)
Blood Grouping & RH Typing
Complete Urine Analysis
ECG (resting)
Pulmonary Function Test (PFT)
(Stool) Faces Examination
X-ray Chest
Pap smear (for women)
Tread Mill Test (TMT)
Ultrasound screening of the whole abdomen
Clinical examination, Medical Summary and advice by Senior consultant, Internet
• Genital/Rectal examination by a General surgeon (for men)
• Gyneocologist consultation (for women)
• Diet counseling
• Consultation with Senior Cardiologist
Post Check up consultation by Senior consultant, Internet Medicine
EXECUTIVE CARDIAC & Health Screening Plus
• Doctor‟s Consultation and Full Medical Examination
• Blood Tests:
Complete Haemogram
(Hb, TLC, ESR, Haematocrit, Peripheral Smear)
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Blood Group (ABO, RH)
Blood Sugar (Fasting and Post Prandial)
Blood Urea
Serum Uric Acid
Serum Creatinine
Lipid Profile
Hbs Ag
Serum electrolytes
Liver function Test
Urine Examination
Stool Examination
X-Ray Chest PA
PSA Test*
Gynae Consultation & Pap Smear**
Eye Examination
ENT consultation
Dental consultation
Ultrasound-Whole abdomen
Calcium CT Scoring
Post Check-up consultation
Rate for undertaking all these tests-Rs.10000/*For men
**For women
(BSNL HQ No.BSNL/Admn.I/15-1/07
dt. 22-12-2008)
Sub:-Executive Health Check up scheme for Sr. Executives of BSNL
Ref:- OM No.BSNL/Admn.I/15-1/07 dated 15th January 2010
It is clarified that the Executive Cardiac & Health Screening Plus check ups are admissible
to only CMD, Board of Directors, CGMs/PGMs level officers and their spouses. For officers
of SAG level, Executive Health Check up Scheme of Rs.3500 is admissible.
(BSNL HQ No.BSNL/Admn.I/15-1/07
©BSNL, India
dt. 29/30 -3 2010)
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Sub:-Executive Health Check up scheme for Sr. Executives of
BSNL Ref;_ OM No.BSNL/Admn-I/15-1/07 dated 15th January 2010
The Executive Health Check Schemes viz. Executive Health Check up; scheme (for
Rs.3500) and Executive Cardiac & Health Screening Plus (for Rs.10000) extended to senior
officers vide OM No. dated 15th January 2010 up to 31-12-2010 are withheld with
immediate effect till further orders as part of austerity measures.
(BSNL HQ No.BSNL/Admn.I/15-1/07
dt. 24-2-2011)
The decision conveyed vide OM of even No. dt. 24-2-2011 with holding the Executive
health check up scheme for Sr. Executives has been reviewed and has now decided to extend
the scheme for a period of one year w.e.f. 1-4-2011.
(BSNL HQ No.BSNL/Admn.I/15-1/07
dt. 5-4-2011)
The Executive Health checkup schemes extended to senior officers vide OM of even
no. dated 5th April 2011 referred above are further extended for a period of one year
i.e. from 1-4-2012 to 31-3-2013. The details of the Executive Health check up schemes
available are as under:
1. Executive Health check up:
a) The Executive Health Checkup scheme is admissible to officers of SAG level and
above and their spouses.
b) The officers in 50-55 years age group would be entitled for this facility once in a year,
while the officers above 55 years of age could avail this facility twice a year
c) The approved list of tests and associated consultation under this scheme is given
in Annexure I.
d) The cost of this checkup for each occasion should not exceed Rs.3500
2. Executive cardiac & Health Screening Plus:
a) The Executive cardiac & Health screening Plus scheme is admissible only to CMD,
Board of Directors, CGMs/PGMs and their spouses.
b) The scheme can be availed once in a year in lieu of one of the Executive Health Check
up (Rs.3500) allowed as above as a Sr. Executive (of 55 years and above age) indicated at
S. No.1
c) The approved list of tests and associated consultation under this scheme is given
in Annexure II
d) The cost of this check up for each occasion should not exceed Rs.10000
The tests under both the schemes can be undertaken in any BSNL approved hospital at
the same or actual rates whichever are lower.
(BSNL HQ No.BSNL/Admn.I/15-1/07
©BSNL, India
dt. 24-4-2012)
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Sub: BSNL Employees Medical Reimbursement Scheme – Instructions for operation
of the scheme.
Pursuant to the „BSNL Employees Medical Reimbursement Scheme‟ (BSMRS)
issued vide this office letter of even no. dated 28.2.2003, the following instructions are issued
for operation of the scheme:
The abbreviated form of the scheme will be known as „BSNLMRS‟ in place
of „BSMRS‟.
2. All serving and retired employees of BSNL will be required to exercise their option
for either CGHS or BSNLMRS by filling up the prescribed proforma appended at
„Annexure A‟. Option, once exercised, can not be changed. It may be noted in this
connection that CGHS facility which is, in general, not available for PSU employees, has
been extended to BSNL employees who have come en masse on deputation from DOT as
a special case. The continuance of this facility is entirely under discretion of the Ministry
of Health, and can not be guaranteed by BSNL Management. However, in case the CGHS
facility is subsequently withdrawn by the Ministry of Health, the optees of CGHS will
automatically have to switch over to BSNLMRS.
3. All serving and retired employees, who opt for BSNLMRS as per para 2 above, are
required to fill up a „Registration Form‟ for „BSNLMRS‟ as appended at „Annexure B‟.
While registering for this scheme, the option regarding outdoor treatment, viz. entitlement
with voucher/without voucher/treatment from P&T dispensary has to be exercised.
Suitable Registration No. and Card will be issued to all the beneficiaries under
All serving and retired employees registered under BSNLMRS must present their
claim for reimbursement of Medical Expenses in the prescribed format which is appended
herewith at „Annexure C‟ (for outdoor/domiciliary treatment) and „Annexure D‟ (for
Indoor treatment involving hospitalization). It may be noted that claim for outdoor
treatment can be availed only under one of the three options mentioned at paras 2.1.0,
2.1.1 & 2.1.2 of the „BSNLMRS‟. These options are also indicated in the Registration
Form. Blank forms will be made available by concerned sections of BSNL. The option
regarding mode of outdoor treatment once exercised cannot be changed during the
financial year.
The Claim Form shall be supported by the copies of prescriptions along with
original vouchers ( in duplicate) towards the expenses incurred.
6. The Claim Form along with supporting documents shall be submitted to the sections
dealing with Medical Claim. The competent authority for passing the claims in the field
units may be fixed up by the CGM concerned. In the Corporate Office, Sr.DDG(Pers)
will be the competent authority.
7. A register (preferably computerized) showing the employee-wise detail of claim
will be maintained by the section handling such claims. In case of transfer of an
employee, the amount claimed towards medical-reimbursement and the balance of
entitlement as on date of transfer will be communicated to the new office through LPC.
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8. The claim papers duly checked and passed shall be sent to Accounts Branch for
Claim for outdoor treatment may be preferred once in a month..
10. List of recognized hospitals shall be notified immediately by all the Heads of
Territorial Circles, as outlined in the BSNLMRS, taking into consideration the
infrastructure available, quality of service, standard rate of various treatments vis-à-vis
the CGHS approved rates etc. The guidelines for this purpose have already been issued
vide this office letter of even No. dated 27.2.2002. A further detailed guideline for
empanelling of hospitals is enclosed (Annexure-G).
11. As per para 2.2.3 of BSNLMRS, working employees may be allowed advance
towards expenses on hospitalization where long duration treatment or major operation
becomes necessary. A Performa for „Application for Medical Advance‟ is appended at
„Annexure E‟.
12. As per para 2.2.2 of BSNLMRS, the reimbursement will be allowed for treatment
in non-recognized hospitals in emergency cases with the approval of CGM for field
office employee and concerned Director for C.O. employees. The amount of
reimbursement will be restricted to the CGHS rates applicable at Delhi.
13. As per para 4.0 of BSNLMRS, the facility for Direct payment to the Hospitals by the
company (i.e. BSNL) has to be arranged. All CGMs of Territorial Circles may make
suitable arrangement with approved hospitals accordingly and notify to their employees
& C.O. In C.O. this is presently being negotiated with approved hospitals.
14. An Employee should intimate regarding his/her serious illness needing
hospitalization to the sections dealing with Medical Policy implementation. A letter
of authorization shall be issued to the hospital concerned so that necessary
help is extended by the hospital. A sample of such authorization letter is enclosed
for guidance (Annexure-F).
15. All claims for reimbursement should be submitted latest by six months from the
completion of the treatment. Claims submitted beyond this period are liable to be
16. The existing arrangement of AMA will be discontinued henceforth.
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17. In case of any doubt regarding any provision of the BSNLMRS, the matter may be
referred to Corporate Office for clarification.
18. In case the spouse of any BSNL employee is employed in any other organization, and
the BSNL employee concerned wants to avail of BSNLMRS facility for his/her spouse of
other dependent family members, a certificate has to be submitted by the spouse
regarding non-availing of any medical facility for self/family from his/her organization.
19. Any misuse of the BSNLMRS facility would attract stringent action against
employee(s) under the CCS(CCA) Rules or the rules notified by BSNL from time to
20. CGMs in circle office are their own controlling officer for the purpose of BSNLMRS.
21. The retired employees have the option to choose the Circle/SSA of their choice for
availing the facility under BSNLMRS. Any change in the Circle/SSA subsequently
will be changed on a request from the retired employee by this office.
Dated: 22.4.2003 )
Subject: Empanelment of Hospitals for treatment of BSNL employees
BSNL Board is pleased to approve that the CGMs are authorized to enter into
negotiations with reputed hospitals for empanelment under BSNL for their areas.
The broad guidelines on the subject are given at page 2.
Broad guidelines for empanelment of hospitals
1. Whether the hospitals already available in the area for the BSNL employees
are inadequate.
2. Whether the facilities/services available in the Private hospital are of high standard
and schedule of rate comparable with the other recognized hospitals in the area.
3. If required the facilities available in the hospital may be verified through a visit to the
hospital by an inspection team constituted by CGM.
4. An opinion about the Private hospital may be obtained from the Medical Supdt. of the
concerned District Hospital.
5. Whether the hospital has been recognized for treatment by any other PSU located in
the area. If so, the standard of service of the hospital may be ascertained from them.
6. Any other relevant aspect which the CGM may deem fit to ascertain about the
dt. 27-2-2002)
Empanelment of hospitals by CGMs of Territorial Circles within their jurisdiction:
In continuation to this office letter No.BSNL/ADMN/1 dated 22-4-2003, the following
guideline is further issued:CGMs may empanel the hospitals subject to the condition that the rates of the indoor treatment
applicable to BSNL shall be limited to the CGHS rates for that particular city or any city of
concerned circle. In absence of CGHS rates approved for any city in circle, it shall
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be limited to CGHS rates applicable at Delhi. For hospitals requiring higher rates than the
CGHS rates, the case for approval of empanelment may be sent to Corporate office with
specific recommendations of CGM concerned depending on the merits. Hospitals shall not
be recognized for indoor treatment till the rates for indoor treatment in that particular
hospital are not approved.
dt. 4-12-2003)
Clarification regarding requirement of Income Tax exemption certificate
for empanelment of Hospitals
Clarifications have been sought from circles whether empanel only those
hospitals which have income Tax exemption certificate from the respective Chief
Commissioner of Income Tax under the provisions of Rule 3(a) 2 of Income Tax Rules.
It is, therefore, clarified that Exemption Certificate from the Income Tax
Commissioner is not a prerequisite condition for empanelment of hospitals, however, it may
be preferred. The said exemption certificate is relevant in respect of medical treatment of
prescribed diseases or ailments given in rule 3 (a) 2 of Income Tax Rules. To comply with
the rule the officer availing the medical facility for the treatment of the prescribed disease
shall have to attach with the return of the Income Tax, certificate from the hospital specifying
the medical treatment of prescribed diseases and receipt amount paid to the hospital.
The compliance of the Income Tax Rule is mandatory, however, in case where the
certificate is applied for and issue of the certificate is under process, DDO may wait for a
reasonable period, before deducting the perquisite tax on medical facility extended for the
prescribed diseases. For any further guidance they may approach taxation branch of BSNL
Corporate Office.
(BSNL HQ No.BSNL/Admn.I/15-5/07
dt. 22-12-2008)
Department of Posts has decided to discontinue medical facility through P&T
dispensary, being availed by serving/retired employees of BSNL w.e.f. 1-1-2004.
Therefore, all the field units may make necessary arrangement immediately for
providing alternative arrangement of outdoor treatment under BSNLMRS to the employees
who are presently taking benefits from P&T Dispensary and who are fulfilling eligibility
conditions as per Para 1.5 of BSNLMRS
dt. 28-11-2003)
Change over option from CGHS to BSNL MRS
It has been decided by the competent authority to allow all serving and eligible retired
employees of BSNL, who are currently taking medical benefit under CGHS, to exercise
their option to move over to BSNL MRS. The option must be exercised latest by 31-3-2005.
The facility of BSNLMRS shall be available to such optees from 1-4-2005 onwards.
All CGMs may take appropriate action in this regard.
(BSNL HQ No.BSNL/admn-I/15-11/04
©BSNL, India
dt. 24-2-2005)
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Extension of CGHS benefits to PSU absorbees
Department of Health and Family Welfare have extended CGHS benefits to PSU absorbees
vide their OM no.C-14012/11/2003-CGHS-Desk I dated 18th August 2009. Copy of the
OM enclosed for reference. As per the directions in the OM, the contributions to be made
will be decided by the Grade Pay that they would now have drawn in the Government in the
post held by them but for their absorption in the PSU. The instructions shall be followed in
the cases of CGHS optees.
No. BSNL/admn.I/15-5/07
dt. 22/28-10-2009)
Subject:- Extension of CGHS benefits to PSU absorbees
The Government of India, as per its‟ policy, created many CPSUs to cater to the needs of
various sectors of the economy and industry. Officials working in different Ministries were
permitted to proceed to CPSUs on deputation basis initially and according to their option
either got absorbed in the CPSU or returned back to the Ministry/ Department from where
they proceeded on deputation. In respect of Government servants who opted to get
absorbed in CPSUs, were allowed to commute 100% of their pension, as per the provisions
contained in the then Rule 37-A of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972
2. After receipt of the lump sum commuted amount, the pensioner stood to loose 1/3rd portion of
his pension for his entire life. Aggrieved by the lapsing of 1/3rd portion of the pension for life.
Common cause, a Society in the field of social service, filed a Petition in the Hon;ble Supreme
Court of India, which vide its judgement dated 9th December, 1986, in writ Petition Nos.3958-61
of 1983 ordered that Central Government Pensioners governed by CCS (Commutation of
Pension) Rules, 1981, and other corresponding commutation rules and who had commuted the
admissible portion of the pension were entitled to have the commuted portion restored on the
expiry of 15 years from the date of retirement. By way of implementing the judgement of the
Hon‟ble Suprement Court, Department of Pensions and Pensioners‟ Welfare issued an Office
Memorandum No.34-2/86-P&W on 23rd June, 1987. Para 4 of the Office Memorandum
mentioned that the restoration of the commuted amount will not be applicable to those CPSU
absorbees who had commuted 100% of their pension as they were not pensioners‟ because they
were not receiving any pension from the Government.
3. Aggrieved, again, by the denial of the restoration of pension by the Department of
Pensions and Pensioners‟ a group of PSU absorbees approached the Hon‟ble Supreme Court for
restoration of full pension, medical facility, etc. After going through the rule position, the
Hon‟ble Supreme court held that PSU absorbees who had commuted 100% of the pension stood
on a different pedestal when it came to the balance portion of pension left after the commutation
of 1/3rd portion of the pension in as much as they have surrendered their fight to draw 2/3rd
portion of the pension in lieu of receipt of a lump sum amount. Based on the order of Hon‟ble
Supreme Court, the Department of Pensions and Pensioners‟ Welfare issued orders for
restoration of 1/3rd portion of commuted pension PSU absorbees. The Hon‟ble
Suprement Court vide its order dated the 1sr May 1998, ordered that PSU absorbees along
with the restoration of 1/3rd portion of the pension were entitled to other attendant benefits.
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4. In the case of PSU absorbees, who had commuted 100% of their pension, they do not draw
any pension for fifteen years and start getting 1/3rd portion of their pension with dearness
relief on 100% of their notionally fixed pension. PSU absorbees who had commuted 100% of
their pension were not extended CGHS facility, as they were not availing CGHS facility at
the time of their retirement from the PSUs. Shri G.Jayaraman, a PSU absorbee, filed an OA,
No.628/2004, in the Central Administrative Tribunal, Chennai, requesting for the extension
of CGHS facility to him. CAT, Chennai Bench, vide its order dated the 15th September,
2005, ordered that since the applicant has become a pensioner after the restoration of 1/3rd
portion of his pension, he is entitled to CGHS facility. The decision of Chennai Bench of
CAT was first challenged by the Government, first in the High Court of Judicature in
Chennai and then in the Hon.ble Supreme Court. The Hon‟ble Supreme Court dismissed the
SLP no.21225/2007 by its order dated the 9th February, 2009.
5. The matter has been examined in consultation with the Ministry of Law & Justice and IFD
in the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and it has been decided with the approval of the
competent authority that CGHS facility may be extended to those PSU absorbees who had
commuted 100% of their pension and they have been restored 1/3rd portion of their pension
after 15 years in terms of the order of the Hon‟ble Supreme court of India dated the 1st May,
1998, referred to above. The contributions to be made will be decided by the Grade Pay that
they would now have drawn in the Government in the post held by them but for their
absorption in the PSU.
6. This issues with concurrence of IFD (health), vide Dy. No.892/AS&FA dated the
26th May, 2009
(Dept. of Health & Family Welfare OM no.C-14012/11/2003-CGHS-Desk I dated
18th August 2009)
BSNL MRS –Review of BSNL MRS policy
The management committee has reviewed the recommendations of BSNL MRS
Review Committee and approved following modification in the BSN MRS policy.
1.Empanelment of reputed Hospitals:
Competent Authorities in BSNL may continue to empanel those hospitals who agree to
provide medical facilities at CGHS rate \s on continuous basis as per the current practice. In
addition, other reputed hospitals can also be empanelled for providing medical services to the
employees of BSNL at special discounted rates to be arrived by mutual negotiations between
the competent authority in BSNL and Hospital Management, which may not necessarily be
CGHS rates, subject to the condition that the charges for medical facilities shall be
reimbursed by BSNL as per CGHS rates and the excess charges if any, shall be borne by the
No. of dependents under BSNL MRS
The dependent as defined under clause 1.4(iii) of orders No. BSNL/ADMN/1 dated 28-22003 is modified and replaced as under:
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For serving and retired employees, dependent means and includes self, spouse, two dependent
children and dependent parents. Criteria of dependency shall be as defined under CGHS and
CS(MA) Rules and as amended by the Central Government from time to time.
Grant of advance for treatment in hospital not extending credit facility:
A. Treatment undertaken in Govt. Hospitals
For undertaking treatment in Government Hospitals, AIIMS or any such Government
institutions which are not extending credit facility, an advance can be granted up to 80%
of the estimated expenditure and paid directly to the Hospital.
B. Treatment undertaken in empanelled hospitals not extending credit facility:
i. For undertaking treatment in empanelled hospitals which are extending CGHS rates but not
extending credit facility, an advance can be granted up to 80% of the cost of treatment as per
the CGHS rates and paid directly to the Hospital. However, the administration should try to
get credit facility from the hospital as far as possible.
ii. For undertaking treatment in empanelled reputed/specialized hospital not extending CGHS
rate facility, an advance can be granted up to 80%of the cost of treatment on furnishing the
estimates which should clearly indicate that the amount is estimated strictly as per CGHS
rates only and in the absence of such comments the advance will be restricted to 60% only
and paid to the hospital.
Treatment in life threatening cases:
A. In life threatening diseases for which CGHS rates are not available, if the treatment is
undertaken in any Government hospitals including AIIMS payment may be made as
per actuals.
B. If such treatments are undertaken in any empanelled hospitals the reimbursement may
be restricted to AIIMS rates or actuals whichever is lower.
The orders shall be effective from the date of issue of the order
(BSNL HQ No.BSNL/Admn.I/15-10/07
dt. 14-4-2010)
Ref:- OM No.BSNL/Admn.I/15-10/07
dt. 16-4-2010
With reference to the OM referred above, clarifications from various quarters wee sought on
the cut off date for excluding the third child from extending the medical facility. The issue
was examined and the clarifications are issued as under:
The number of children is restricted to two for the children of BSNLMRS beneficiaries who
are born after the date of the order i.e. 16th April 2010. The restriction is not applicable to the
children born prior to 16th April 2010. It is further clarified that the third child will be
allowed in cases where twins are born in the second delivery. The other provisions in the
order shall continue to apply
(BSNL HQ No.BSNL/Admn.I/15-10/07
©BSNL, India
dt. 26/27-8-2010)
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Dependent family members eligibility under BSNLMRS
Please refer to your letter no.BSNL/MRS-Rulings/2011-12 dated 4th May 2012 wherein you
had sought clarification on whether the parents-in-law of women employees are eligible as
dependent family members for availing BSNLMRS medical facility. The dependency criteria
under BSNLMRS are as defined under CGHS and CS (MA) Rules. Accordingly, the
provisions of CS (MA) Rules as reproduced are applicable in BSNL MRS
“Female Government servants are given choice to include either her parents or her parents-inlaw, for the purpose of availing of the benefits of the medical concessions under CS (MA)
Rules and orders subject to the conditions of dependency and residence stipulated”.
The above provisions may also be followed under BSNLMRS.
(BSNL HQ No.BSNL/Admn.I/15-7/12
dt. 1/5-6-2012)
Clarification regarding consideration of claims of cataract surgery with IOL
The issue of consideration of claims of cataract surgery with IOL was considered in
Corporate Office and it has been decided that the claims of cataract surgery with IOL may
be considered as Indoor treatment
(BSNL HQ NO. BSNL/Admn.I/14-2/09
dt. 25-3-2010)
Sub: BSNL Medical Reimbursement Scheme –Guideline for the reimbursement of cost
of appliances
Cost of appliances is reimbursable within the annual limit of outdoor treatment i.e. one
months‟ salary, as per Para 2.1.0 of BSNLMRS. Appliances covered under CGHS rules
shall only be considered for the reimbursement within the limit of outdoor treatment.
dt. 23-12-2003)
Sub:-BSNL MRS-guidelines for reimbursement of cost of appliances-Reimbursement of cost
of Hearing Aids
Ref:-Order No.BSNL/admn./1 dated 23rd December 2003
Reimbursement of cost of Hearing Aids under outdoor treatment was under consideration.
The competent Authority has now decided that the reimbursement of Hearing Aids may be
allowed subject to following conditions:
Cost of Hearing Aids:1. One-sided Hearing Aid-Rs.10000
2. Bilateral Hearing Aid- Rs.20000
3. Digital Hearing AidRs.30000
a)Cost of Hearing Aids mentioned at sl. No. 1 & 2 above may be reimbursed within the
annual ceiling of outdoor limit under BSNLMRS.
b)Cost of Digital Hearing Aid is reimbursable on the basis of recommendation from
three ENT experts. Out of three ENT experts, there should be one ENT specialist from a
Govt. Hospital/BSNL Empanelled Hospital.
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c)Regarding Digital Hearing Aid, 50% of the cost of the machine shall be borne by the
employee and 50% by BSNL
d)50% cost borne by the employee can be claimed as part of annual outdoor ceiling limit
to the extent it is available.
e)50% of the cost borne by BSNL will be as per the rates prescribed by CGHS for such
f)Replacement of Hearing Aid shall be allowed after the average life of 5 (five) years on the
basis of a condemnation certificate from a technical expert and on approval of a ENT
g)In case of child below 12 years Hearing Aid may be replaced, if damaged after 3 (three)
years of its purchase on the basis of a condemnation certificate from technical expert and
on approval of a ENT specialist of a Govt. Hospital.
h)The benefit is not extendable to the optees without voucher as it is a case of reimbursement
under BSNLMRS outdoor treatment
(BSNL HQ No.BSNL/Admn.I/14-7/09
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Admn.I Section
Corporate Office Bharat
Sanchar Bhawan New
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Sub:-BSNL MRS-guidelines for reimbursement of cost of appliances -Reimbursement
of cost of Oxygen Concentrator
Ref:-Order No.BSNL/Admn./1 dated 23rd December 2003
Reimbursement of cost of Oxygen Concentrator under outdoor treatment was under
consideration. The Competent Authority has now decided that the reimbursement of Oxygen
concentrator may be allowed subject to following conditions:
a) Recommendations of oxygen concentrator is required from two Pulmonology Specialists.
Out of the two one should be from existing BSNL empanelled Hospital/Govt. Hospital
b) The maximum cost of the appliance is fixed as Rs.40000 (inclusive of all taxes)
c) 50% of the actual cost of appliance or Rs.20000 (inclusive of all taxes) whichever is less
shall be borne by BSNL
d) The appliance shall be provided once in a lifetime to the beneficiary
e) Cost of maintenance of machine shall be borne by the beneficiary
f) 50% of the actual cost of appliance or Rs.20000 whichever is less can be claimed as the
part of annual outdoor ceiling limit to the extent it is available
(BSNL HQ No.BSNL/Admn.I/15-19/11
dt.22 /23-2-2012)
Reimbursement of cost of CPAP/BPIP Machine
Reimbursement of cost of CPAP/BPIP machine under outdoor treatment was under
consideration. The competent Authority has now decided that the reimbursement of
CPAP/BIPAP Machine may be allowed subject to following conditions:
a) 50% of the cost of machine shall be borne by the
employee and 50% by NSNL.
b) 50% cost borne by the employee can be claimed as
part of annual outdoor ceiling limit to the extent it is
c) 50% of the cost borne by BSNL will be as per the
rates prescribed by CGHS for such appliances
d) Requests should be accompanied by copies of Steep lab
Reports and all basic investigation reports.
e) The machine shall be provided once in a life time to the
f) The responsibility of maintenance of machine shall
be of the beneficiary and expenditure incurred in this
regard shall be borne by the beneficiary.
(BSNL HQ No.BSNL/admn.I/14-7/09
dt. December 18, 2009)
Clarification on BSNLMRS
Please refer to your letter no.TF/Bill/SKB/09-10 dated 18th November 2009 on the subject
mentioned above. Clarification to your queries raised in your letter no. TF/Bill/SKB/09-10
dated 17-8-2009 are as follows:©BSNL, India
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4. For undertaking outdoor treatment outside the place of posting/State,
permission of Competent Authority is not required. Reimbursement of the
expenditure is governed by the limit/ceiling prescribed for outdoor treatments.
No TA/DA is allowed for such journeys. However, outstation permission has
to be sought as per administrative procedure in the case of employee.
5. There is no limit prescribed for consultation with follow-up check ups except
the ceiling prescribed for outdoor treatment.
Reimbursement of outdoor expenses should be entertained for those employees only
who have opted for reimbursement with vouchers
(BSNL HQ No.BSNL/Admn.I/14-2/09 dt. 30-12-2009 addressed to TF, Jabalpur with copy to
all circles)
Sub: BSNLMRS-Guidelines for implementation and monitoring
The following guidelines are issued with immediate effect to monitor and control the
expenditure under BSNLMRS
1.Guidelines to monitor the expenditure on indoor treatment:
In case the cumulative expenditure in any financial year claimed for
reimbursement under indoor treatment is more than two months basic pay
+DA of the employee concerned, the reimbursement shall have to be
approved by the respective CGM.
In case it exceeds five times of the Basic Pay + DA of the employee, the
approval of the Corporate Office shall be needed before making the
2.Guidelines to monitor overall expenditure
All the Circles shall submit a quarterly report indicating the expenditure
during the quarter as per proforma given in Annexure I. The report shall
positively be sent to Jt.DDG (Admn.) in BSNL corporate office by 15th
Expenditure per employee for all SSAs within a Circle may be monitored
at the Circle level. A team from the circle office may check the procedure
for sanction of Medical expenses in respect of 15% of the constituent units
subject to a minimum of one unit, whose average expenditure per
employee is the highest in the circle. This exercise must be done at least
once a year and a detailed report indicating misuse, if any detected, along
with corrective action and suggestion for improvement may be sent to
corporate Office, positively before end of 1st quarter of the financial year.
Each month, SSA Head should get 1% of the paid bills (subject to min. of
5 & max. of 10) with the highest expenditure in respect of indoor treatment
specially checked and send a detailed Report of such checking to the circle
office. Similarly, action may also be taken for 1% of the highest
cumulative accepted claims in the six-monthly periods ending 30th
September and 31st March each year (subject to min. of 2 and max. of
5) This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority
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Medical Expenses for quarter ending…………………..
1. Name of the circle
2. Total No. of employees
3. (i) No. of employees opting for BSNLMRS
(ii) No. of employees opting for CGHS
4. Details of Expenditure under BSNLMRS
Outdoor treatment
Under para 2.1.0
Under para 2.1.1
No. of
No. of
Exp. on
Treatment exp.
Name & Designation
Guidelines to monitor the expenditure on Indoor treatment-reg
It was decided by the competent authority that the cases of Indoor treatment wherein
the cumulative expenditure in any financial Year exceeds five times of the Basic Pay + DA
of the concerned employee shall be sent to Corporate Office for the expenditure approval of
the Competent Authority. Instructions in this regard was issued vide Order
No.BSNL/AdmnI/1 dated 3-6-2004.
It is observed that sufficient information required for taking decision in such cases
is not being sent along with the cases, causing delay in getting the approval of Competent
Authority. Therefore, it is decided that the details of the such cases of indoor treatment
shall be sent in enclosed proforma to avoid the delay in processing of such cases for getting
the approval of Competent Authority.
C.O. (Case for expenditure exceeding five times of the basic pay + DA)
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The Assistant Director General (Admn.)
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited,
Corporate Office, Statesman House,
New Delhi
The expenditure of indoor treatment as detailed below may kindly be approved.
Name of Circle & SSA
Name of Employee & Desgn.
Basic Pay + DA as on 01.04……………
Name of Patient
Relationship with employee
Name of disease/illness
Period of treatment
Name of Hospital
Whether hospital is BSNL approved
If not, copy of CGM‟s approval *
Copy of the approval of CGM allowing to undertake treatment in non recognized
hospital/copy of the approval for taking treatment outside the HQ if any.
11. Summary of expenditure:
Voucher No.
Surgery/other procedure
Room Rent
Charges for Nurses
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It is certified that all the bills have been verified and the claims admitted are as
per CGHS/BSNL agreed rates
The case has been recommended by CGM (………………)
Encl: As per attached list
Phone No.:
List of Enclosures
1. Copy of all Bills & vouchers duly attested by the officer forwarding the
claim to Corporate Office
2. Copy of BSNLMRS Photo I-card, identifying the patient therein by signature
of the concerned doctor
3. Copy of approval of CGM, in case of treatment in non-recognized hospital or
hospitals not covering the place of duty.
dt. 5-11-2004)
BSNL MRS-Guidelines for regulation of expenditure on Indoor treatment
The issue of restoration of powers to field units for sanctioning of Indoor medical
expenditure beyond five times Basic + DA of the employee was in consideration at Corporate
Office for some time. The following decision has been taken by the competent authority for
streamlining the process of sanction of indoor expenditure:
1.CGMs shall have full powers to approve the expenditure incurred on the treatment taken in
Govt. hospitals.
2.In respect of Indoor treatment, taken in empanelled hospitals, CGMs shall have full powers
to settle the claims, where at least 90% of the total expenditure are covered under the rate list
prescribed by CGHS for specialized and general purpose treatment and diagnostic procedure.
3.In case of treatment taken in non-empanelled hospitals in emergency condition with
approval of competent authority, CGMs shall have full powers to settle the claim by
restricting it to CGHS rates.
4.The financial powers shall not be sub-delegated by CGM.
5.In all cases involving hospitalization of two or more than two days, a designated officer of
BSNL shall visit the hospital and give a certificate as per enclosed format. The certificate
shall be attached to the claim while forwarding the same to CGM‟s office for approval.
6.The instruction regarding attaching a certificate by the concerned doctor identifying the
patient in the copy of the BSNLMRS Card as conveyed by this office
O.M.No.BSNL/Admn.I/15-4/04(pt.) dated 15-10-2004 should be strictly followed.
Certificate of visit of BSNL Officer
As per the instructions of ----------------------------------------------I visited the
------------------hospital at -------A.M./P.M. on--------------(date) and found that
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---------------------------(name of the patient) is undergoing treatment under Dr.
-----------------------------, under Registration No.--------------------in ward No.
----------------------- and observed the following particulars of the patient.
Date of admission:-------------------------Name of disease:------------------------------Name of Employee:------------------------Relationship with the employee”-------------------BSNLMRS Card No.-------------------The patient/ the employee is satisfied with the treatment being given. As per the documents
available with him/her, he is found to be the authorized beneficiary to take treatment under
Name of the officer:--------------Date:---------Place-------------To
-------------(BSNL HQ No.BSNL/Admn.I/15-2/05(pt.)
dt. 8-8-2005)
I am directed to refer to the letter no.BSNL/Admn./15-2/05(pt) dated 8th August, 2005 and to
say that certain clarifications are sought from various Telecom Circles. This is to clarify that the
CGM concerned shall settle the medical claim prior to the date 8-8-2005 in accordance with the
office order mentioned above. Also it is informed that the CGM has the power to give
permission for taking treatment from outside the geographical jurisdiction of the State after
getting a Certificate from CGHS wing/Empannelled hospital of the place that such medical
facilities are not available in that State in which the official is posted or residing or the place of
residence of the family. In such cases the verification should be invariable done by a Class-I
officer of DE Rank of the Circle/SSA where the treatment is taking place.
(BSNL HQ No.Misc./L&A/04-05
dt. 26-8-2005)
Sub: BSNL MRS-Guidelines for regulation of expenditure on indoor treatment
In continuation of this office orders of even No. dated 8th August 2005 on the
subject cited above, it is further clarified that in case an employee or his dependent has to be
hospitalized in emergency at a place other than his/her place of posting, parent office will
advise an officer posted at the place of hospitalization to visit the hospital and certify the
hospitalization. However, if such visit and certification is not found feasible due to some
practical difficulty then the CGM, in respect of the field staff and the concerned Director, in
respect of the Corporate Office staff, may exempt the requirement of aforesaid certification.
In all other cases the certification by an officer of the parent office of an employee
or by an officer posted at the place of hospitalization will be invariably required. In case the
family of any employee permanently stays at a place other than the place of posting of the
employee, an arrangement may be made in advance such that a BSNL officer posted at the
place of residence of the family is asked to visit the hospital and certify the hospitalization.
(BSNL HQ No.BSNL/Admn.I/15-2/05(pt.)
dt. 24-3-2006)
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The following amendments/clarifications in BSNLMRS are issued with
immediate effect.
1.Eligibility of employees taking voluntary retirement:
Employees who have taken voluntary retirement from BSNL shall be treated at par with
the retired employees, as defined in clause 1.4 (ix) of BSNLMRS, for taking benefit under
2.Waiver of outdoor treatment limit for specified chronic diseases:
Limit of expenditure on outdoor treatment has been fixed as one month‟s salary i.e. Basic +
DA. In case of chronic diseases as listed below, Circle heads are hereby, empowered to
waive of this limit in deserving cases.
List of chronic diseases
i. Cancer
ii. Renal failure
iii. Poliomyelitis, Cerebral Palsy & Spastics
iv. T.B.
v. Thalassaemia Major
3.Treatement from hospitals outside the jurisdiction of the circle:
i) In general, employee and his/her dependant family members shall be allowed to take
indoor treatment at hospital as applicable for his/her place of posting and as applicable for
the place of residence of his/her family.
ii) Taking indoor treatment in any hospitals other than those as above, shall be permissible
only for taking specialized treatment, for which a certificate from the local hospital stating
that such facility is not available in the place of posting or the headquarter of the employee or
the place of residence of the facility, as the case may be.
This issues with the approval of the competent authority.
Guidelines for the implementation of BSNLMRS
The following additional guidelines are issued for the implementation of BSNLMRS.
1.Eligibility of family dependents of expired employees:
on the death of BSNL employee who was availing BSNLMRS facilities, spouse/children
who become family pensioners shall continue to avail the same facility, as was being availed
by the employee prior to his/her death. However, the dependents shall not be entitled to
change any option.
2.Claim of reimbursement, if both husband and wife are BSNL employees
In case where both husband and wife are BSNL employees, only one of them may be allowed to
avail of the medical benefit according to his/her status. For this purpose, they should furnish to
their respective authorities a joint declaration as to who will prefer the claim for reimbursement
of medical expenses incurred on the medical attendance and the treatment in respect of spouse
and children. The above declaration should be submitted in duplicate and
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copy shall be recorded in the personal file of each of them in their respective offices. This
declaration shall remain in force till such time as it is revised on the express request in
writing by both the husband and the wife e.g. in the event of promotion, transfer,
resignation etc. of either of the two. In the absence of such a joint declaration, the medical
benefits shall be availed of by the wife and the children according to the status of husband.
3.Provision of TA for outstation treatment
Travelling allowance may be allowed for the journeys undertaken (both sides) for medical
treatment taken with the approval of competent authority to the station other than the place of
posting as per Rules. The persons covered shall be as follows:i)Travelling Allowance may be allowed to the patient for the journeys undertaken for
taking medical treatment at the outstation.
ii)Attendant or escort who is required to travel along with the patient, if the Medical
Authority attending the patient has certified in writing that it is unsafe for the patient to travel
alone and an attendant/escort is necessary to accompany him.
iii)Donor of Kidney who is required to travel for donating kidney to BSNL employee of
his family member.
The TA is admissible as per the entitlement of the employee.
4.Correcting of deformity-Cosmetic surgery
Cosmetic surgery shall not be allowed.
(BSNL HQ No.BSNL/Admn.I/1(Pt.)
dt. 24-9-2004)
Supply of information under RTI Act 2005-Disposal of appeal
Please refer to you letter no.ES/98-33/RTI-Appeal/2008/17 dated 19th August 2010 on the
subject mentioned above. Copy of guidelines issued regarding extension of BSNLMRS
facility to dependents of expired employees is enclosed for your reference. The orders are
clear that on the death of BSNL employee who was availing BSNLMRS facilities,
spouse/children who become family pensioners shall continue to avail the same facility, as
was being availed by the employee prior to his/her death. However, the dependents shall not
be entitled to change any option.
The Family Pensioner includes those getting family pension on death of serving and
retired employees both.
This has the approval of the competent authority
(BSNL HQ No.BSNL/Admn.I/142/09
with copy to all CGMS)
dt.20-8-2010 addressed CGMT, Kerala Circle
Applicability of scale of pay w.r.t. entitlement under BSNL MRS- case of absorbed
Group ‘B’ Executives.
Approval of the Management committee is hereby conveyed that the medical benefits
admissible under BSNLMRS to Executives (Group B) of BSNL absorbed from DOT/DTO/DTS
shall be as per the IDA scales instead of being regulated as per presumptive pay in
corresponding CDA pay scale with effect from the financial year 2004-05
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(BSNL HQ No.BSNL/Admn.I/1(Pt.)
dt. 27-9-2004)
Implementation of guidelines reg indoor treatment under BSNLMRS
Following further guidelines on indoor treatment under BSNLMRS are issued:
1.A Medical Card containing photographs of all the family members and dependents of
concerned employee shall be issued to all BSNLMRS optees immediately. The
medical/hospitalization claim should be duly certified by the doctor along with photograph of
the person given indoor treatment.
2.In all cases of extreme emergencies, the employee concerned shall have to inform the
SSA Head or his Controlling officer soon after hospitalization for indoor treatment. In order
to ensure that the facility is used by the employees and his dependent family members only,
a designated officer of BSNL may visit the hospital and verify the authenticity of the
(BSNL HQ no.BSNL/Admn.I/15-4/04(Pt.)
dt. 15-10-2004)
BSNL MRS-Guidelines for nomination of officers to visit hospitals for certifying the
hospitalization of BSNLMRS beneficiary
As per the existing policy, in all cases involving hospitalization of two or more days,
a designated officer of BSNL not below the rank of STS Grade shall visit the hospital and
give a certificate as per the prescribed format.
In all the cases of hospitalization in Delhi by visiting officers of field units the cases
for certification were being referred corporate office. It has been decided by the competent
authority that all such cases shall be referred to NTR. NTR shall nominate /depute an
officer of not below the rank of STS to visit the hospital and forward his report directly to
the requesting office.
For all future nomination the above instruction may kindly be followed.
(BSNL HQ No.BSNL/Amn.I/15-5/07(ii)
dt. 8-1-2008)
Guidelines for various Coronary Stents for BSNLMRS beneficiaries
It is learnt that claims of reimbursement in respect of coronary stents are withheld for
various reasons. I am directed to forward a copy of CGHS OM No.Misc./1002/2006
/CGHS(R&H) /CGHS(P) dated 12th September 2007 issuing guidelines for various
Coronary stents. These guidelines maximum of three coronary stents are permitted. Under
BSNLMRS CGMs may permit reimbursement of the cost of the third stent.
(BSNL HQ No.BSNL/admn.I/15-6/06
dt. 9-1-2009)
Revision of Rates and guidelines for various coronary stents for
CGHS/CS(MA) beneficiaries
The undersigned is directed to invite attention to the Office Memorandum
No.9005/2003/R&H/CGHS?CGHS(P) dated 1st August, 2005, of the Ministry of Health &
Family Welfare, vide which rates for different types stents were revised and to convey
approval of Ministry for revised rates and guidelines for Coronary Stents for reimbursement
to beneficiaries under CGHS and under Central Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1944.
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2.The following coronary Stents are approved for reimbursement to beneficiaries under
CGHS and under Central Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1944, as per the ceiling
rates given below:
Name of drug Eluting Stent (DES)/Bare Metal
Revised Ceiling Rate
Cypher Stent
Taxus Stent
Xience V EECSS
Yukon Choice
Bare Metal Stent
Rs.50000/-(all inclusive)
Reimbursement to beneficiaries or to empanelled hospitals (in case of pensioner CGHS
beneficiaries, who are not to be charged by the hospital) shall be limited to ceiling rate
or actual cost, whichever may be less.
2. a maximum of three coronary stents shall be permitted on the advice of Government
Specialist, of which not more than two shall be of Drug eluting Stents. However, DES
shall be permitted only for patients where-stenosis will involve high risk to patient‟s
life, i.e.
(a)Ostel/Proximal LAD lesions
(b)Stenosis of a coronary artery, which is giving collaterals to another blocked artery, thus
supplying a large area of myocardium
©Stenting of restenotic lesions after previous angioplasty
Permission shall be granted as per laid down procedure
4.If a beneficiary under CGHS or under Central Services (Medical Attendance) Rules,
1944, has been implanted by any other non-approved drug coated stent or a drug eluting
stent is implanted in conditions other than those mentioned above reimbursement shall be
limited to the cost of Bare metal stent.
If a non-approved drug eluting stent is implanted or a drug eluting stent is implanted in
conditions other than those mentioned above in an empanelled hospital and no written
informed consent was obtained from the beneficiary, that he/she would bear the difference in
cost between the DES and Bare Metal Stent, and the hospital has charged this amount from
the beneficiary, the additional amount shall be deducted from the pending bills of hospitals
and shall be paid to the beneficiary.
5.It is essential for the empanelled hospitals to quote the Batch number when a coronary stent
of any type (ordinary metal/Drug Eluting Stent) is implanted in the case of a beneficiary
under CGHS or under Central Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1944. In addition to this,
the outer pouch of the stent packet along with the sticker on it on which details of the stent
are printed shall also be enclosed with the medical bill for claiming reimbursement from the
government. In case the private empanelled hospital has not given the batch number and /or
outer pouch of the stent(s) in a particular case, the beneficiary is required to obtain the same
from the hospital before the CGHS /concerned department, as the case may be, finally settles
the claim for reimbursement.
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6.These orders shall supersede this Ministry‟s Office Memorandum
No.9005/2003/R&H/CGHS/CGHS(P) dated 1st August, 2005, on the same subject and
shall come into force from the date of issue.
7. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Division vide Dy.No.4902/07/IFD dated
the 11th September, 2007.
(GOI, Dept. of Health &FW No.1002/2006/CGHS(R&H)/CGHS(P) dt. 12-9-2007)
Revision of ceiling rates and guidelines for various coronary/Vasculr Stents
for CGHS/CS(MA) beneficiaries
In supersession of the Office Memorandum of even no. dated 12-9-2007 of the Ministry of
Health & Family Welfare for the revised rates and guidelines for Coronary/Vascular Stents
for reimbursement of CGHS/CS(MA) beneficiaries, all DCGI approved Coronary/Vascular
Stents are approved for reimbursement to CGHS/CS(MA) beneficiaries as per the ceiling
rates mentioned below:1. DRUG ELUTING CORONARY STENTS
i. All DCGI and FDA approved Drug Eluting Stents
ii. All DCGI and CE approved Drug Eluting Stents
iii. All DCGI approved Drug Eluting Stents
a) All DCGI and FDA approved
b) All DCGI and CE approved
c) All DCGI
approved Rs.15000
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Reimbursement to beneficiaries/ empanelled hospitals shall be limited to ceiling
rates or as per actuals, whichever is lower
b. Coronary Stents shall be permitted on the advice of Govt. Specialist, of which
not more then two shall be of Drug Eluting Stents. Permission shall be
granted as per the laid down procedure.
If more than two drug eluting stents are implanted in an empanelled hospital and no
written informed consent was obtained from the beneficiaries that he/she would bear
the difference in cost between the DES and Bare Metal Stent, and the hospital has
charged this amount from the beneficiary, the additional amount shall be deducted
from the pending bills of hospitals and shall be paid to the beneficiary
c. It is essential for the empanelled hospitals to quote the Batch number when a
coronary/ vascular stent of any type is implanted in the case of a
CGHS/CS(MA) beneficiary and also enclose a copy of the relevant invoices
pertaining to the procurement of the stents by the hospitals. In addition to this,
the outer pouch of the Stent packet along with the sticker on it on which
details of the stent are printed shall also be enclosed with the medical bill for
claiming reimbursement from the Govt. in case of treatment from a private
non-empanelled hospital, where the treatment was taken in an emergency, it
is the responsibility of the beneficiary to obtain the batch number, invoice and
outer pouches of the stent(s) before the submission of the medical claims to
CGHS / concerned department, as the case may be.
d. The empanelled hospital shall submit a self certified under taking that the
hospital has not charged the CGHS/CS(MA) beneficiary more than the rate at
which the stent has been procured by the hospital and incase of any detection
and establishment that the hospital has overcharged the hospital shall be
removed from the list of hospitals empanelled under CGHS without any
further notice.
e. UTI-TSL, while processing the hospital bills of coronary/vascular stents
shall ensure that the hospitals have enclosed copies of the relevant invoices
pertaining to the procurement of the stents by the hospitals and the outer
pouch of the Stent packet along with the sticker on it on which details of the
stent are printed and that the prescribed rates and the guidelines have been
followed, before making provisional payments to the hospitals.
f. The revised rates and guidelines shall come into force from the date of issue
and shall be in force for a period of one year or till they are revised,
whichever may be earlier
g. this issues with the concurrence of Finance Division vide Dy. NO.2979 dated
20-10-2011 of the office eof AS&FA, Min. of H7FW
(GOI, Dept. of Health &FW No.Misc.1002/2006/CGHS(R&H)/CGHS(P) dt. 31-10-2011
endorsed vide CGMT TVM lr. no.AP-II/Medical Rlgs/2011-12/75 dt. 3-12-2012)
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BSNLMRS-guidelines for regulation of expenditure on indoor treatment-cases where no
CGHS rates are prescribed for any treatment/procedure
The issue of treatment of diseases for which no CGHS rates are prescribed was under
consideration of BSNL Corporate Office for some time. Following guidelines for
finalization of such cases have been approved by the competent authority:
i. Any life saving treatment or transplant operation, for which no CGHS
rates are prescribed, can be undertaken at any Govt. Hospitals or
govt. Medical colleges/Institutes.
ii. For past cases where such treatments have already been taken at hospitals
other than Govt. Hospitals/Colleges/Institutes, the rates prescribed by the
respective State Medical college would be applicable for settlement of
their claims.
dt. 23-4-2007)
It has been decided by the competent authority that where no CGHS rates are
prescribed and AIIMS rates are also not available or rates in Govt. Hospitals, Govt.
Medical colleges/Institutes are not available following procedure shall be adopted
1. In the first instance, in such case reimbursement may be made as
per the hospital rate by the CGM concerned in the field units.
2. Immediately, the case may be referred to corporate office
along with details and cost.
3. Corporate office may get the rates from all the empanelled
hospitals in Delhi for the said treatment and notify the lowest rate
for the treatment for reimbursement in the subsequent cases.
4. The difference between the hospital rates and the notified rates
will be borne by the employee concerned in the subsequent cases
The rates so notified will be effective till the rates for such treatment/procedure are
notified by CGHS or AIIMS.
(BSNL HQ No.BSNL/Admn.I/14-2/09(pt.)
dt. October, 28/29, 2009)
BSNLMRS- guidelines for regulation of expenditure on Indoor treatment-cases where
no CGHS rates are prescribed for any treatment/procedure
Ref:- 1.O.M.BSNL/Admn.I/14-2/09(pt.) dated 29th October
2009 2. Lr. No.BSNL/Admn.I/15-3/11 dated 26th May 2011
Please refer to the guidelines issued on the subject in the letters referred above. It is observed
that CGHS notifies rates for majority of the treatments. Rates for certain
treatments/procedures which are cosmetic in nature and treatments for correction of
deficiencies like infertility etc. are not available in CGHS. Therefore, it is decided that before
examining such cases following facts may be ascertained from the hospitals before
processing the bills;
1. Whether any alternate procedure is prescribed under CGHS for
treatment and the rates prescribed by CGHS for such procedure.
2. If there is no alternate procedure prescribed in CGHS, is the
treatment critically essential for normal functioning of the patient
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3. The treatment is not of cosmetic nature, in any way
4. The treatment is not for infertility or for correction of any
The cases duly examined on the above lines along with due documentary support papers may
only be sent to this office for further decision
(BSNL HQ No.BSNL/Admn.I/15-3/11
dt. January 18/Feb.2-2012)
Reimbursement of expenditure for treatment of live liver transplant incurred by
BSNLMRS beneficiary
The issue of reimbursement of expenditure incurred on live liver transplant was under
consideration for some time. The competent authority has approved the limit of
reimbursement for the treatment involving live liver transplant up to Rs.10 lakhs. The
pending cases may be settled after adjusting provisional amounts sanctioned
(BSNL HQ NO. BSNL/Admn.I/15-6/2007
December 1, 2009)
Settlement of claims under CGHS package rates for the overstay period of patient in
the hospital in excess of days prescribed in package rate
A reference was received on clarifications on the above subject in Corporate Office. In BSNL
as we are following CGHS Rules in our medical policy; therefore we may follow the CGHS
guidelines on the subject. The guidelines on the subject are as under:
As per the guidelines no additional charge on account of extended period of stay shall be
allowed if that extension is due to infection on the consequence of surgical procedure or due
to any improper procedure and is not justified. It further provides that if a patient has to stay
in hospital for recovery for a period more than as prescribed in package rate in exceptional
cases, supported by relevant medical records and certified as such by hospital, the additional
reimbursement shall be limited to accommodation charges as per entitlement, investigation
charges at approved rates, and doctors visit charges (not more than 2 visits per day by
specialist/consultant) and cost of medicines for additional stay.
Heads of the Circle/CGMs may adopt similar procedure for settling the claim of overstay of
patient in hospital in excess of days prescribed in package rate at the circle level. Heads of
Circle/CGMs will be the Competent Authority to settle such cases/ claims of exception, in
their respective administrative jurisdiction. For Corporate Office, Director (HR) would be the
Competent Authority for such cases/claims.
(BSNL HQ No.BSNL/ADMN.I/15-7/12(pt.)
dt. 3 /4 -4-2012)
Subject:- Acceptance of Medical/Fitness certificates issued by RMPs-clarification reg.
I am directed to refer to queries received from different Circles seeking clarification about the
authority competent to issue Medical Certificate and Fitness Certificate in respect of
officers/officials who opted for BSNL Medical Reimbursement Scheme.
The matter has been examined in the light of provisions laid in para 2.1.0 of letter
No.BSNL/ADMN/1 dated 28.2.2003 vide which Medical Policy for BSNL employees was
introduced. It is hereby clarified that Medical Certificate/Fitness Certificate issued by
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Registered Medical Practitioner (RMP) of any branch of health care e.g. Allopathic,
Homeopathic, Ayurvedic, Naturopathy, Yogic etc. should be accepted in respect of all
employees (Gazetted/Non-gazetted), who have opted for BSNL Medical Reimbursement
(BSNL HQ No.10-1/2004-PAT(BSNL)
dt. 25-5-2004)
Clarifications on eligibility of retired employees for BSNLMRS
Clarifications have been sought from various field units on the eligibility of retired
employees for opting BSNLMRS. The issue for eligibility for BSNLMRS of
retired employees is clarified as under:
An employee who has retired after October 2000 and has not
opted for BSNL (though option was offered & date-deadline for
opting has passed)
Not eligible
An employee who has retired from BSNL but option to opt for
DOT or BSNL was not offered to him viz. Group „A‟ officers
An employee who opted for DOT but was serving in BSNL at the
time of his retirement
Not eligible
An employee who opted for DOT and retired from DOT
Not eligible
An employee who opted for BSNL and retired from BSNL
dated 3-11-2004)
Guidelines for inclusion of certain diseases in the list of chronic diseases
Cases for inclusion of certain diseases in the list of chronic diseases have been received
from circle Offices for waiver of limit under outdoor treatment, BSNLMRS. The issue has
been examined and decided as follows:
1.Instead of sending the case for inclusion of any disease under the list of chronic diseases,
case may be sent for waiver of the limit for the specific case of the beneficiary. All such cases
shall be examined on its merits by the Heads of circle and recommended for relaxation to
Corporate office.
2.While referring such cases along with the case details following information should also
be furnished for expeditious disposal. The information should be supported by Doctor‟s
a.Whether the disease under consideration has been listed as chronic disease under
CS(MA) Rules.
b.Whether the disease is completely curable if so the time period for the cure and
expenditure involved
c.If the disease is not completely curable, the treatment for checking/controlling the
disease d.Average monthly expenditure involved in treatment of such disease
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It is also requested that in all the correspondences the telephone/fax numbers of the signing
authority be invariably be mentioned for quick communications.
(BSNL HQ No.BSNL/Admn/1/1
dt. 17-4-2006)
BSNLMRS-Guidelines for regulating the procedures under BSNLMRS
The committee constituted for review of BSNLMRS policy deliberated various issues
and has recommended guidelines regulating the procedures followed under BSNLMRS. The
competent authority has approved the recommendations.
The Dependent as defined under CS(MA) Rules and as amended by Central
Government from time to time shall continue apply in BSNLMRS. Copy of OM no.4-24/96C&P/CGHS/CGHS(P) dated 31st May 2007 Department of Health & Family Welfare is
enclosed for ready reference.
Reimbursement of outdoor expenses in case of beneficiaries suffering from chronic
disease, the claims shall be settled as per the provisions of BSNLMRS up to the annual limit
(i.e. one month‟s salary) thereafter the claims relating to identified chronic disease for
which outdoor treatment limit is waived off shall be settled strictly as per CGHS rates.
The committee has also deliberated the issue of existing provision of categorization of
rooms of BSNLMRS and observed that there are only three categories of rooms under
CGHS. Since the indoor treatment claims are settled as per CGHS rates, and the committee
recommended that the claims may be settled as per ceiling fixed under CGHS for Pvt. Ward
category based on the certificate of the hospital that Pvt. Ward (Non-AC) is non-existent.
(BSNL HQ No.BSNL/Admn.I/15-10/07
dt. 14/19-2-2008)
BSNLMRS-Guidelines for regulation of expenditure on indoor treatment
Ref:Letter No.Misc./L&A/04-05 dated 26-8-2005
Approval of competent authority of BSNL is hereby accorded for empowering the
CGM to grant permission for taking treatment from outside the state jurisdiction even in
the cases where such medical facilities are available in that particular state, if the
beneficiary/patient wants to avail the medical facility in the hospital empanelled by a
BSNL Unit outside the Circle limit subject to the following two conditions:1.No TA/DA will be paid to official/patient and/or to the attendant accompanying
the official/patient
2.The claim will be restricted as per the approved rates of CGHS for the station/state in
which the official is posted or actual charged by the hospital as per the agreement, whichever
is lower.
(BSNL HQ No.18-395/06-L&A
dt. 24-11-2006)
Treatment of employees of BSNL
An issue has been raised in a meeting of the standing Committee of National council, where
an entitled room is not available for indoor treatment for the employees have been
accommodated in lower category and a request is made for allowing the employees to avail
higher facility than he is entitled for. It has been decided that where employees are willing to
bear the difference of room rent than what they are entitled for, they may be allowed for such
higher facility. However, the difference between the actual bill and the entitlement shall be
paid by the employee concerned directly to the Hospital. The bills raised to BSNL shall be as
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per the entitlement of the employee. However, all the claims should invariably be as
per CGHS rates.
(BSNL HQ No.BSNL/Admn.I/15-8/07
dt. 17-10-2007)
Payment of Hospital claims on Inpatient Bills
Of late this office is in receipt of many complaints from the authorities of BSNL
Empanelled Hospitals alleging that claims preferred by them on BSNL towards treatment of
BSNL employees are delayed and neither paid in full nor reasons for disallowing the claims
partially, communicated to them. I am directed to communicate that apart
from taking necessary action and reviewing the existing mechanism for timely payment of
claims without any delay, following procedure may be followed to avoid such complaints.
While forwarding the cheque for the amount due to be paid, in the covering letter
to the hospital authorities, details may be furnished in the following format for each item
on which claim is restricted.
of claim
Reasons for Relevant clause of MOU under
disallowance which Disallowance was
At the foot of the letter the break up of the total amount claimed, total amount for which
cheque is enclosed and the total amount of disallowance may be indicated. It may be ensured
that the sum total of the disallowance of individual items as furnished in the above proforma
agrees with the total amount of disallowance furnished at the foot of the letter.
By adopting this procedure it is felt that better treatment is meted out to our
employees by the Hospital authorities when they visit the hospital for treatment of their
ailments. This will also ensure credibility of BSNL in prompt settlement of hospital
bills apart from gaining goodwill.
Hence the contents of this letter may be brought to the notice of all concerned and
it may be ensured that this procedure is followed without fail.
(BSNL HQ No.1-6/2007/FC/BSNL Dated: 19/11/2007)
Sub:-Availing of medical facility by the retired employees from the offices located
in place of settlement of the retired employees
Ref:-Order no.BSNL/Admn.I/1(pt) dated 23rd August 2006 stipulating procedure
for reimbursement of medical claims for retired employees
It has been observed that employees continue to avail medical facility from the place of
retirement even after shifting their place of settlement. For the convenience of the employees
and the administration, the competent authority has approved that the employees may change
their claim office to their place of settlement. Provisions are made in clause 1.4 of the orders
referred above for change of place of settlement. Therefore retired employees who change the
place of settlement may change their claim office to their place of current settlement for early
settlement of their claim and also for availing credit facility from the local empanelled
hospital during hospitalization
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Procedure for reimbursement of medical claims for Retired employees of BSNL
The procedure for reimbursement of medical claims for retired employees has been approved
by the competent authority and is enclosed herewith for its implementation.
(BSNL HQ No.BSNL/Admn.I/1(Pt) dt. 23-8-2006)
Procedure for reimbursement of medical claims for Retired employees of BSNL
under BSNL
1.1Eligibility:(Presently defined as per clause 1.4 (ix) of Circular dated 28-2-2003 and
amended vide order No.BSNL/ADMN.I/1 dated 3-6-2004)
(i)Employees retired after 1-10-2000, i.e. after formation of BSNL, are only eligible.
(ii)Employees who were on deemed deputation to BSNL at the time of retirement
and absorbed in BSNL subsequently.
(iii)Employees who were on deemed deputation to BSNL at the time of retirement, and
whose cases of absorption have not been finalized so far after they have given option for
absorption in BSNL. However, after the cases of absorption are finalized, only such
retired employees as have been absorbed in BSNL shall be eligible for BSNLMRS.
1.2Registration for BSNLMRS: (As per guidelines outlined in Para 3 of office order
No.BSNL/ADMN/1 dated 22-4-03)
In order to avail the facility of BSNLMRS after retirement, all eligible employees may fill up the
stipulated registration form for BSNLMRS, 3 months prior to his scheduled date of retirement
and submit to his controlling SSA office. The eligible employees who have already retired, may
fill up the registration form and submit it either to the SSA office from where he has retired or
from where he is getting the benefits of BSNLMRS at present. A separate registration form has
been designed exclusively for the retired employees (Annex.I). Provision for indication of choice
for change of Circle/SSA has been made in the Registration
1.3Issue of BSNLMRS Card: (As per guidelines issued vide Para 3 of office order
No.BSNL/ADMN/1 dated 22-4-03 and BSNL/ADMN.i./15-4/04(Pt.) dated 15-10-04(Pt.)
After due verification of the registration form, the BSNLMRS Card will be issued to the eligible
employees. The BSNLMRS Card shall contain the Registration No., details of self and
dependent members, including photographs, and particulars of SSA office from which the
benefits shall be taken, including space for indicating subsequent changes of place, if any.
1.3.1Annual verification:
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(i)The medical card issued to the pensioner may be got revalidated every year by the
beneficiary in the month of April. For this purpose, a certificate will be given by the
pensioner/beneficiary that dependent members whose names were included in the
card continue to satisfy the eligibility conditions as per the BSNLMRS.
(ii)The retired employee, who is gainfully employed and where the spouse of the retired
employee is serving and he/she is receiving medical facilities from the organizations of
the spouse, he/she shall not be eligible for the medical facilities.
(iii)The facilities under the scheme shall be liable to be withdrawn at any time for misuse
or abuse of the facility under the scheme. Such facilities shall not be restored without the
approval of corporate Office.
1.4Change of place of settlement (As per provision made vide Para 21 of Circular dated 224-03)
(i)While registering for BSNLMRS, the retired employee may indicate his place of settlement
after retirement. The circle head of his office while in service, shall issue an Advice Memo
[Proforma-I] indicating new Circle & SSA from which the benefit is intended to be taken.
Based on such Advice memo, new BSNLMRS card shall be issued by the SSA.
(ii)For any subsequent change of place of settlement, the retired employee shall apply to the
Head of Circle, through the SSA office from which he is getting his medical reimbursement
in the prescribed proforma. The office of Head of circle after due verification, shall issue
Advice memo [Proforma-II] for change of Circle or SSA in favour of new circle/SSA under
intimation to Corporate Office. (Proforma Advice Memo enclosed)
1.5Mode of payment:
All payment, i.e. payment for outdoor treatment with/without voucher and payment for
reimbursement of indoor treatment from non-empanelled hospitals may be made by account
payee cheque, mentioning the A/c No. as declared by the retired employee. Such cheques
should be sent to the retired employees by Registered Post. Wherever possible, the mode of
electronic transfer of payment shall be implemented.
1.6Accessibility of information regarding BSNLMRS:
All circulars of BSNLMRS relevant to the Retired employees shall be made available
in BSNL website, i.e. www.bsnl.co.in in a suitably created section.
In case of officers retired on superannuation but no PPO was issued to them, but provisional
pension was granted to them, such employees can be extended medical facility co -terminus
with the period for which provisional pension is granted, till finalization of disciplinary
case.(As per BSNL C.O.Admn lr dated April,13,2013)
2.0Outdoor Treatment:
2.1Payment of Outdoor treatment expenditure without voucher:
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(Presently, as per provisions of Para 2.1.1 of Notification No.BSNL/ADMN/1 dated 28-2-03
and guidelines issued dated 22-4-03)
As per provision in Para 2.1.1 of BSNLMRS Notification No.BSNL/ADMN/1 dated 28-2-03,
the payment are presently made to such retired employees, who have opted for
„reimbursement under Para 2.1.1, i.e. without voucher‟ in four equal installments. Such
payment shall, in general, be made through cheque and sent to the residence of the employee
by the 1st week of each quarter. SSA Head shall make all necessary arrangement for this
2.2Settlement of claim for Outdoor treatment expenditure with voucher:
(As per provisions of Para 2.1.0 of Notification No.BSNL/ADMN/1 dated 28-2-03 and
guidelines issued dated 22-4-03)
Such claims shall be accepted only from those retired employees who have opted for
„Outdoor treatment expenditure reimbursement with voucher‟, while registering for the
scheme. As per prevailing instructions dated 22-4-03, the claim should be submitted in
stipulated form along with all supporting vouchers like copy of prescription, bills in original.
The claim shall be admitted up to the prescribed limit, i.e. equal to the salary (Basic+DA) of
last month of service, per annum. The claims may preferably be submitted each month for the
preceding month. However, claims received within six months of incurring the expenditure
will also be accepted.
3.0 Indoor Treatment:
(i)In normal circumstances, indoor treatment should be taken only from BSNL empanelled
hospitals and referral from a Doctor registered in the allopathic system of medicine is
(ii)The retired beneficiary may approach the designated office (not below the rank of STS or
equivalent) in the SSA/circle office for issue of authorization letter for the particular BSNL
empanelled hospital. Advice of any doctor registered in the allopathic system of medicine
for hospitalization and copy of BSNLMRS Card have to be submitted as supporting
documents for issue of authorization letter.
(iii)the designated office of the SSA officer shall issue an authorization letter in
prescribed format for treatment in the particular BSNL empanelled hospital.
(iv)In general, empanelled hospitals, shall send the bills to BSNL, as per agreement.
However, in some cases, the empanelled hospitals may not extend such facility. In such
cases, the payment has to be made by the retired employee to the hospital and such
expenditure may be claimed in stipulated form along with all supporting vouchers. Medical
advance shall not be given in any case.
(v)Retired employee may draw the attention of the designated officer in SSA/Circle office
in case he/she faces any problem in getting proper treatment in the empanelled hospital.
(vi)Retired employee or is dependent may take indoor treatment from non-empanelled
hospitals only in cases of emergency. The designated officer in BSNL may be informed
as early as possible regarding such treatment being taken in non-empanelled hospitals.
However, reimbursement shall be restricted to prevailing CGHS rates only after due
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(vii)Emergent cases are those which involve accident, serious nature of disease etc. In such
cases only, the person on the spot may use his/her discretion for taking the patient for treatment
in a private hospital in case no Government or an empanelled hospital is available near than the
private hospital. The administrative office will decide on merit of the case whether it was a
case of real emergency necessitating admission in a private hospital.
(viii)All controlling offices of BSNL shall ensure that all indoor expenditure reimbursement
claim preferred by retired employee is settled within a maximum period of one month.
4.List of empanelled hospitals & providing credit facilities:
List of empanelled hospitals and those providing credit facilities shall be available with the
respective circle office/SSA on their website. These lists would also be supplied on request.
Clarification on eligibility of retired Group ‘A’ officers of BSNL MRS
It is decided by the Competent Authority that the BSNLMRS shall not apply to those
employees who have retired from BSNL without being absorbed in BSNL or have not given
option for absorption in BSNL. It is further decided that quarterly reimbursement for outdoor
treatment, if any, being made shall be discontinued w.e.f. 30th September 2006.
(BSNL HQ No. BSNL/ Admn. I dt. 6-9-2006)
Extension of BSNLMRS to the members of deceased BSNL employees who
have absorbed or have opted for BSNL and expired before the implementation
It has been decided by the competent authority that the BSNLMRS can be extended to the
dependents of the deceased BSNL employees who had opted/absorbed in BSNL before
their superannuation and expired before the implementation of BSNLMRS and were not
availing CGHS facility.
(BSNL HQ No.BSNL/Admn.I/1-1/06
dt. 10-1-2007)
Issue of BSNLMRS Card to family pensioner after changing the place of settlement
other than the place which was given by the employee at the time of retirement
Please refer to your letter no.ESTT/BSNL-ASM/BSNLMRS/04-05/PtI/8 dated 24th
September 2008 on the subject mentioned above. The procedure followed in case of retired
employees for change of place of settlement shall also be applicable for family pensioners.
Therefore, provisions under clause 1.4(ii) circulated vide letter no.BSNL/Admn.I/1(pt.)
dated 23rd August 2006 will be also applicable in the case of family pensioners.
(BSNL HQ No.BSNl/Admn.I/14-2/09 dt. 31-12-2009 addressed to CGM Assam Circle with
copy to all circles)
Age-limit for dependent children of Government servants and pensioners for
availing medical facilities under CGHS and Central Services (MA) Rules, 1944
The undersigned is directed to state that the age-limit for dependent sons and daughters was
earlier fixed vide Office Memorandum No.B-12014/7/92-CGHS (P), dated the 31st December,
1993, issued by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, according to which for sons to be
dependent on his father/mother, he had to be less than 25 years of age or till he started earning,
whichever was earlier. As a result of stay granted by the Hon‟ble High Court
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of Delhi in Civil Miscellaneous Petition No.115/97 in Civil Writ Petition No.2542 of 1996
in Shri Madan Mohan Sharma v. Union of India, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
issued an Office memorandum No.4-24/96-C&P/CGHS(P) on 17th September, 1999, upper
age-limit for sons was removed subject to fulfilling other conditions regarding dependency
and normally staying with the Government servant/pensioners. The Hon‟ble High court of
Delhi has dismissed the petition by its order on 29th November, 2006.
2.In view of the dismissal of the Writ Petition, it has been decided to re-fix the age limit
for dependants, as indicated below:(i)
Till he starts earning or attains the age of 25
years, whichever is earlier
Till she starts earning or gets married,
irrespective of the age limit, whichever is
Sons suffering from any
Irrespective of age-limit
permanent disability of any kind
(physical or mental)
Dependent divorced/abandoned
Irrespective of age-limit
or separated from their
husband/widowed daughters and
or separated from their
husband/widowed sisters
Minor brother(s)
Up to the age of becoming a major
3.The other conditions of dependency and normally residing with the Government
servant/pensioner will remain the same.
1. This order will take effect from the date of issue of the office memorandum
2. This order would also be applicable to Central Government employees covered under
Central Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1944.
3. This issues with the concurrence of IFD vide their Dy.No.2552/2007, dated the
15th May, 2007
(Ministry of Health and Family Welfare OM No.4-24/96-C&P/CGHS/ CGHS(P) dated
31st May 2007)
Age-limit for dependent children of Government servants and pensioners for
availing medical facilities under CGHS and Central Services (MA) Rules, 1944Clarification regarding disability
2.Subsequent to the issuing of the Office Memorandum of 31st May, 2007, referred to
above, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has been receiving requests for
clarification from, many sources, as to whether renal failure constitutes a permanent
disability. After examination of the matter in the Ministry of Health and Family abovementioned Office Memorandum of 31st May, 2007, are “disability” as defined in Section
which is reproduced below:“(i) “disability” means(i)
low vision;
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hearing impairment;
locomotor disability;
mental retardation;
mental illness;”
3.The other conditions of dependency and normally residing with the
Government/pensioner will remain the same.
(G.I.M.H.O.M.No.4-24/96-C&P/CGHS/CGHS(P), dated 29-8-2007)
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Revision of income limit of dependents for eligibility of BSNLMRS facility
I am directed to inform you that the ceiling limit of dependency for the purpose of BSNLMRS
enhanced with respect to the amendment to CS(MA) rules issued by Ministry of
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Health vide OM no.S.11012/1/98-CGHS(P) dated 10-12-2008 may be made applicable to the
family members, who derived the benefits of recommendations of VIth CPC / II PRC of
PSUs. As per the order, the income limit for dependency of the family members (other than
spouse) is Rs.3500/- per month.
(CGMT TVM No.Genl/197-13/2005/47
dt. 21-10-2009)
Revision in CGHS Rates
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has revised rates for various investigations and
procedures for various cities and has notified. The details can be obtained from their website
at http://mohfw.nic.in/cghs.htm. For further clarifications on revised rates, Directors CGHS
in the State shall be contacted. All BSNL units are requested to ensure that all the hospitals
empanelled are charging as per the revised rates.
(BSNL HQ No.BSNL/Admn.I/15-5/07
dt. 9-1-2008)
Sub:- Revision of rates of subscription under Central Government Health Scheme due
to revision of pay and allowances of Central Government employees and revision of
pension/ family pension on account of implementation of recommendations of the
Sixth Central Pay Commission
Ref:-OM No.BSNL/Admn.I/15-5/07 dated 28th October 2009
Department of Health and Family Welfare have revised rates of subscription under CGHS
subsequent to revision of pay scales as per the recommendations of Sixth Central Pay
Commission. OM no.S.111011/2/2008-CGHS(P) dated 20th May 2009 on the subject is
enclosed for reference. The instructions shall be followed in the cases of CGHS optees.
(BSNL HQ No.BSNL/Admn.I/15-5/07
dt. 15-12-2009)
The undersigned is directed to invite reference to the Office Memoranda, No.S-11011/18/99Desk.I/CGHS(P) dated the 3rd July, 2000; and No.S-11011/6/98-CGHS(P) dated 27th May,
1998, 20th September, 2004 and 28th October, 2005, issued by the Ministry of Health &
Family welfare, vide which orders were issued revising the rates of monthly subscription for
availing CGHS facility, as also the entitlement for free diet, entitlement of accommodation in
private empanelled hospitals under CGHS, etc. On the basis of the recommendations of the
Sixth Central Pay commission, Pay and allowances of serving employees and pension of civil
pensioners/family pensioners have been revised by the concerned authorities
2.The upward revision of pay/pension o doctors and other staff in the CGHS has increased
the cost of operating the Central Government Health Scheme. It has, there, been decided to
revise the rates of subscriptions, to be made by employees/ pensioners, for availing
benefits under the CGHS, with effect from 1st June, 2009. It has also been decided to
revise the monetary ceiling limits for various entitlements of the beneficiaries for availing
CGHS facilities.
3.In supersession of all earlier instructions, the following revisions are being made, in so
far as it relates to the facilities mentioned below
(A) Monthly Contributions for availing CGHS facility:
S. No. Grade pay drawn by the officer
Contribution (Rupees per month)
Up to Rs.1650 per month
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Rs.1800; Rs.1900; Rs.2000; Rs.2400;
and Rs.2800 per month
Rs.4200 per month
Rs.4600; Rs.4800; Rs.5400; and rs.6600
per month
Rs.7600 and above per month
(B) Entitlement of wards in private hospitals empanelled under CGHS:
S. No.
Ward entitlement
Pay drawn in pay band
General ward
Up to Rs.13950
Semi-private ward
Rs.13960 to Rs.19530
Private ward
Rs.19540 and above
© Monetary Ceiling for Free Diet
The monetary ceiling for free diet for CGHS beneficiaries is revised to
pay/pension/family pension of Rs.7450 per month
(D) Monetary ceiling for free diet for beneficiaries suffering from TB or mental disease:
The monetary ceiling for free diet in case of beneficiary suffering from TB or Mental disease
is revised to pay/pension/family pension of Rs.11160 per month
(E) Pay slab for determining the entitlement of Nursing Home facilities in
Government/State Government/Municipal Hospitals:
The monetary ceiling for determining the entitlement of nursing home facilities in Central
Government/State Government/Municipals Hospitals is revised to pay/pension/ family
pension Rs.13950 per month and above
(F) Monetary ceiling for direct consultation with Specialists in
Central Government/State Government/Municipal Hospitals:
The monetary ceiling for determining the entitlement for direct consultation with
specialists in Central Government/State Government/Municipal Hospitals is revised to pay
/pension/family pension of Rs.33480 per month and above
(G) Pay slab for determining the entitlement of accommodation in AIIMS, New Delhi
The revised entitlement, be revised as per the pay drawn by the officials, as given below
S. No.
Pay (in the pay band)/ Pension/ Family
Pension drawn per month
Up to Rs.19530
From Rs.19540 to Rs.25110
Rs.25120 and above
Ward entitlement
General ward
Private Ward
Private Ward/ Deluxe Ward
4. It is clarified that the reference to pay in this order relates to the pay drawn in the
pay band
5. Pensioners have an option to get their CGHS pensioner card made by either making
CGHS contribution on an annual basis (twelve months) or by making contribution for
10 (ten) years [120 (one hundred and twenty) months] for getting a pensioner CGHS
card with life time validity. It is clarified that:
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Contributions to be made by pensioners/family pensioners would be the amount
that they were subscribing at the time of their retirement or at the time of death of
the Government servant;
Pensioner beneficiaries, who have already obtained CGHS card with life time
validity by paying a lump sum amount equivalent to 10 years‟ contribution, will
not be required to pay any additional amount as a result of the revision in the rates
of contribution for availing CGHS facility.
(iii) Entitlement of pensioners/family pensioners, who have already deposited their
contribution for life time CGHS facility, will not be changed.
Pensioners/ family pensioners who are contributing to the CGHS on an annual basis
and wish to continue to avail CGHS benefits will have to contribute at the revised
rates up to the time of contribution needed to cover a period of a total of ten years
from the time pensioner CGHS card was issued for the first time to them. The
revised rate of contribution for the remaining period would be with reference to the
grade pay that he/she would have drawn in the post held by him/ her (at the time of
his/her retirement/death) had he/she continued to be in service now but for his/her
retirement/ death; and
Any pensioner/family pensioner who is entitled to avail CGHS facility has not so
far got his/ her pensioner CGHS card made, the rate of contribution in such cases
will be with reference to the grade pay that he/she would have drawn in the post
held by him/her (at the time of his/her retirement/ death) had he/she continued to be
in service now but for his/her retirement/death
6. This issues with the concurrence of the Department of Expenditure vide its‟ office
memorandum no.18(1)/EV/2009 dated the 17th April 2009
(Dept. of Health & FW NO.S.11011/2/2008-CGHS(P) dt. 20-5-2009)
As per Government of India instructions (FRSR) employees are eligible for special
increment for undergoing sterilization operations subject to the conditions stipulated in
those provisions and recommendations of the Central Pay Commissions from time to time.
As per the above instructions sterilization operation should be conducted in Government
Hospitals/CGHS or any other institutions approved/recognized by the Central/State
Governments for the purpose and the certificate issued by such institution will be
acceptable. BSNL employees in addition to these hospitals can undergo sterilization
operation in any BSNL empanelled hospital and a certificate from the Medical Officer
incharge of that hospital may be accepted for the grant of special increment after observing
the prevalent prescribed Rules.
(BSNLHQ NO.BSNL/Afmn.I/14-2/09
dt. 9-2-2010)
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Reimbursement of claims for treatments undertaken in Ayurvedic, Unanai,
Naturopathy hospitals
The issue of reimbursement of claims of indoor treatments undertaken in Ayurvedic, Urani,
Naturopathy hospitals was under consideration in Corporate Office. The competent Authority
has decided that the claims of medical expenditure incurred on treatment in Ayurvedic,
Unani, Naturopathy hospitals shall be considered as outdoor treatment and shall be
reimbursed accordingly
(BSNL HQ No.BSNL/Admn.I/14-2/09
dt. 2/3-2-2010)
Clarification on extension of BSNLMRS facility to invalid pensioners
Clarification has been sought from All India Central Government Pensioners‟ Association
regarding extension of medical facility to invalid pensioners. In the cases of employees
retired from BSNL due to invalidation, provisions of CS(MA) Rules shall be followed for
extending BSNLMRS
(BSNL HQ No.BSNL/Admn.I/14-2/09
dt. 19-1-2010)
BSNLMRS-Guidelines regarding extension of medical facility to suspended
employees during the period of suspension
Issue of regulating medical allowances/reimbursement of medical expenditure in respect of
suspended employees during the period of suspension was under consideration for
implementation in ERP package. The competent authority has approved that under
BSNLMRS medical facility be extended to the suspended employees as it was extended prior
to suspension. However, as per the provisions under sub-rule 53(2) of FRSR a certificate may
be obtained from the employee that he is not engaged in any other employment, business,
profession or vocation
(BSNL HQ lr. No.BSNL/Admn.I/15-3/10 dt. 26-5-2011)
Extension of medical facility to spouse of retired employee married after retirement
The issue of extension of medical facility to the spouse of the retired employee who has
married after retirement was under consideration. Approval of the Management Committee is
here by conveyed that the medical facility be extended to spouse of the retired employee who
has married after retirement subject to the inclusion of the spouse‟s name in the P.P.O.
(BSNL HQ No.BSNL/admn.I/15-4/11
dt. 28/30- Noveember, 2011)
Monitoring of reimbursement towards outdoor medical expenses to employees
It has been decided by the BSNL management that random checking of at least 10% of the
total bills submitted by the employees seeking reimbursement of outdoor medical expenses
should be done as preventive measure to check any misuse of the scheme.
In line with above decision, it is desired that Vigilance Officers in SSAs/Field units shall
check claims on random basis and submit their reports to SSA Heads of the Circle..
Circle Heads are also advised to keep a check on possible misuse of the scheme and submit a
quarterly report indicating the number of bills submitted and number of bills checked by
Vigilance Wing along with the quarterly report being sent at present.
These instructions will come into force with immediate effect
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Quarterly Report of random checking of medical bills for the quarter ending
Name of the SSA------------(Report to be submitted within one month of the quarter ending)
Total no. of No. of
Total no.
No. of bills/ No. of bills
during the
(10% of
during the
Action taken
Vigilance Officer of SSA/field
1. Vigilance Head of the Circle
2. SSA Head
Quarterly Report of random checking of medical bills for the quarter ending---------------Name of the Circle------------Sl
Total no.
No. of
during the
Total no.
No. of
(10% of
No. of bills
of Vigilance
Head of
Vigilance Head of the circle
2.CGM Concerned
(BSNL HQ No.BSNL/admn.I/15-20/12
©BSNL, India
dt. 16-10-2012)
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Children’s Educational Assistance
Children‟s Educational Assistance provided by the Government is in the form of
Children‟s Education Allowance
Reimbursement of Tuition Fees and
Hostel Subsidy.
Children’s Educational Allowance:
Admissibility :
All Govt. Servants are eligible. There is not pay limit.
If both husband and wife employed : If both husband and the wife are Central
Govt. Employees, the allowance will be admissible to only one of them. If either of
them is employed in other organisations outside the Central Govt., CEA will be
allowed to the Govt. Servant only if similar allowance is not granted to the spouse
and a declaration to that effect is to be furnished.
Conditions regarding age etc., of the children : The allowance will be admissible
in respect of the employee‟s child, including step child studying in a recognised
school and is between the age of 5 years and 20 years ( 18 years in the case of CEA
Scheme administered by the Ministry of External Affairs). However, if the child
completes the age of 20 years in the middle of an academic year, CEA will be
allowed till the end of the academic year. CEA will not be admissible for a child for
more than two academic years in the same class. Regular attendance is an essential
condition. If the period of absence exceeds one month without proper leave, the
allowance is not payable even if the child continues to be on the roll of the school.
Admissibility during leave, suspension : The allowance will be admissible to the
Govt. Servant on duty, on leave or under suspension, but not allowed for the period
treated as „Dies Non‟.
On quitting Service:
In the case of quitting service on resignation/ retirement/ discharge/ removal,
the allowance will be admissible up to the end of that academic year.
In the case of death while in service, the Children‟s Educational Allowance or
Reimbursement of tuition fees or Hostel subsidy will be admissible in respect of
the children subject to the observance of other conditions of its grant provided
wife/ husband of the Government Servant is not employed in service of the
Central Govt., State Govt., Autonomous Body, PSU, Semi Govt. Organisation,
such as Municipality, Port Trust Authority or any other organisation partly or
fully funded by the Central Govt. / State Govt. (The benefit will not, however,
be admissible in cases where liberalised pensionary awards have been
Payment under these provisions will be made by the office in which the Govt.
servants worked prior to his retirement, resignation, death, as the case may be.
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Maximum limit : The allowance will be admissible up to a maximum of three
children at any time, born upto 31.12.1987., and restricted to two children at any
time, born thereafter. This limit is inclusive of the children for whom Hostel Subsidy
is availed.
Rate of Allowance
Children‟s Educational Allowance is admissible Rs. 100/- per month for a child in
primary, secondary and higher secondary classes.
The allowance is admissible when a Govt. Servant is compelled to send his child to a
school away from the station of posting/ residence owing to the absence of a school of
the required standard at the station. The condition of „non availability of the school of
the required standard‟ will be fulfilled in the following cases:
i) A school not having facility for teaching in the language which the child was
studying earlier;
ii) For an Anglo Indian child a school not run by the Anglo Indian Community or a
school not affiliated to the Council for Indian School Certificate Examination or
the Indian Council of Secondary Education.
iii) A school run by the body of a religious persuasion and giving religious
instructions compulsorily if the child is prevented by the tenets of its religious
iv) If the child could not get admission for any reasons to the available school of the
required standard and
v) If the available school of the required standard is situated away from the residence
and there is no convenient train/ bus and journey takes more than an hour.
b) If a Govt. Servant is transferred from a station where there is no school of the
requisite standard to a station where there is such a school and if he was in receipt
of the allowance at the former station in respect of any child, he shall continue to
remain eligible for such allowance as long as the continues to study in the same
c) Similarly, if the child is compelled to study in the final year of the Secondary/ Higher
Secondary classes at the old station for Board Examination for continuity of studies,
the Govt. Servant can draw CEA up to the end of the academic year even if a school
of the required standard is available at the new station of posting.
Period of admissibility of CEA
The allowance is admissible for the whole year including vacation, except for the
child passing the Secondary/ Higher Secondary / Senior Secondary classes when the
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allowance will be limited to the end of the month of the completion of examination. If
the child fails in the examination the allowance is allowed for the period of vacation.
During temporary stay with Govt. Servant
The allowance is admissible during any period not exceeding 4 months when –
the employee goes and stays with the child, or
the child has to stay with the Govt. Servant on medical grounds (production of
MC is necessary in such cases) or
the child stays with the Govt. Servant during vacation.
Special condition to those posted to North Eastern Region
CEA at the rates prescribed in Para 3 is admissible if the child/ children do not
accompany the employee on transfer to NE Region, comprising the states of Assam,
Meghalaya, Manipur, Tripura, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh and Mizoram and also
Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep. The concession is also admissible in
the case of officials on deputation to State Governments of Manipur and Tripura.
Not admissible if RTF / Hostel subsidy is claimed
CEA will not be admissible if reimbursement of Tuition Fees and / or Hostel Subsidy
are availed for the child.
Procedure for sanction and payment of Children’s Educational Allowance
The claim for grant of Children‟s Educational Allowance should be submitted by the
Govt. Servant in Form 1 giving the details of the children, viz., Name, Date of Birth,
Class/ School in which studying and the period for which CEA is claimed. The
certificates prescribed are to be suitably completed by the claimant and signed. The
earlier procedure of getting the certificate countersigned by the School Authorities has
been discontinued. Wherever necessary, the Head of Office can have the details
verified from the School authorities. The CEA can be sanctioned by the Heads of
Office after satisfying that the claim is admissible under the rules. The sanction will
be issued in the form of an order and the allowance drawn in the monthly pay bills till
the end of the academic year. For the subsequent year the same procedure will be
The DDO may keep a suitable register in which the details of CEA sanctioned to the
officials may be recorded immediately after sanction. This will facilitate keeping a
check on the admissibility of any further claims received from the Govt. Servants for
other children.
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Reimbursement of Tuition Fee:
The conditions applicable for grant of CEA as per Para 2 above are equally applicable
to Reimbursement of Tuition Fee.
The tuition fee actually paid by a Govt. Servant in respect of his/her child is
reimbursable up to the limits shown below:
Classes I to X
Classes XI to XII
Classes I to XII in respect of physically
handicapped and mentally retarded children.
Rs. 40/- p.m per child.
Rs. 50/- pm. per child.
Rs.100/ - p.m. per child.
Science Fee
In addition to the above fee, Science fee up to Rs. 10/- p.m is reimbursable in respect
of a child studying in classes IX to XII and offering science subjects.
For studies in College, etc
Reimbursement of fees actually paid is allowed for the PUC/ First year class of an
Intermediate College or of a Technical College or first year of Polytechnic or for a
correspondence course up to the rates prescribed by Government College for
corresponding classes. If minimum qualification for admission to the two year
Diploma Course in Polytechnic is 10th class of the revised pattern of education and
the student joins the polytechnic after X class, the reimbursement of tuition fees shall
be allowed for the I and the II year classes of the above course.
For physically handicapped children
Reimbursement of tuition fee in case of physically handicapped/ mentally retarded
child of a Govt. Servant shall be permitted even if the institution in which the child is
studying is not recognised by the Central/ State Govt. or Union Territory
Administration, as the case may be.
Not Admissible if CEA is claimed: Reimbursement of Tuition Fees is not admissible
if Children‟s Educational Allowance is claimed for the child.
Procedure for sanction and reimbursement
The Govt. Servant should submit his claim in Form 2 giving the details of Name, Date
of Birth, Class / School in which studying, fees payable/ paid, period of claim and
amount claimed. The claim should be supported by the cash receipt for the fee paid
initially. No certificate is required from the school authorities. On receipt of the claim
with proof of initial fee paid, the amount may be reimbursed as admissible.
Subsequent claims may be preferred periodically by the Govt. Servant with a
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declaration that the children continue to study in the same school and he continue to
incur expenditure on fees.
After the claim is scrutinised, a formal sanction may be issued by the Head of Office
for the reimbursement of the amount admissible and the amount drawn in a separate
bill to which a copy of the sanction will be attached. The sanction may also be
recorded on the claim of the Govt. Servant and enclosed with the bill.
A register for recording the details of tuition fees reimbursed may be maintained by
the DDO in which entries are made as and when the reimbursement is allowed. This is
to facilitate scrutiny of further claims received from the Govt. Servant and for limiting
the concession to the maximum of 3 / 2 children as prescribed under the rules.
Hostel Subsidy
The conditions applicable for grant of CEA as per Para 2 of CEA portion are equally
applicable to Hostel Subsidy.
Hostel Subsidy of Rs. 300/- per month per child is admissible if because of transfer of
a Govt. Servant is obliged to keep his child in the hostel of a residential school away
from the station at which he is posted and/or residing. If the child is admitted in to the
hostel in anticipation of his transfer, the subsidy is payable from the date of actual
The subsidy is payable upto 10+2 stage or up to Higher Secondary/ Senior Secondary
stage, as the case may be.
Not admissible if CEA is claimed
The subsidy is not admissible for the child in respect of which CEA is claimed.
Special concession to those posted to North Eastern Region, etc.
If the child / children studying in schools do not accompany the employee on transfer
to North Eastern Region comprising the states of Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur,
Tripura, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh and Mizoram and also Andaman and Nicobar
Islands and Lakshadweep and are put in hostels at the last station of posting or nay
other station, Hostel Subsidy is admissible at the rate mentioned in Para 2 above
without other restrictions. This concession is also admissible to the employees on
deputation to the State Govt. of Manipur and Tripura.
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Procedure for payment
Government Servant should submit his claim in Form 3, which contains certificates to
be signed. This will be supported by a certificate in Form 4 to be signed by the Head
of the Educational Institution in which the child is admitted. On receipt of the claim
and the certificate, the Head of Office will sanction the payment of subsidy indicating
the amount and the period of payment. The claim will be preferred by the DDO in a
separate bill enclosing the copy of the sanction.
In supersession of all earlier orders issued in this regard, the competent authority has
decided to regulate the facility of reimbursement of cost of newspapers and magazines
supplied at the residence of Group ‘B’ and above level officers of BSNL as per limits
given below:
Sl. No. Details
Rs.100 per month
Rs.300 per month
Rs.500 per month
Officers of JAG level & below
SAG/HAG level officers
Board of Directors
The reimbursement shall be limited to 85% of the cost of Newspapers and 95% of the
cost of magazines.
This order comes into effect from 1st October 2004.
(BSNL HQ No.BSNL/Admn.I/13-1/200, dt. 26/10/2004)
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Questions in “DDOs‟ Role – Personal Claims”
What are the types of advances admissible for BSNL employees? Also mention
the advances that can be had from Banks having MOU with the BSNL.
What are the entitlements to an officer on transfer?
How do you regularize the TA of an employee deputed for training centre which
provided accommodation and food (2) Not provided any of the above.
What are the conditions to sanction Encashment of Leave along with LTC?
What is formula to calculate Pension, Retirement Gratuity, Family Pension and *8
Write about BSNL Employees „Gratuity Trust Rules‟
How do you check the applications for withdrawals from GPF?
What are the benefits available in EPF Scheme? Write about contributions by
employee, employer and administrative charges payable by BSNL.
What are the salient features of BSNL GSLI Scheme – 2005.
What are the perks granted to the non-executives and executives of BSNL?
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