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Ethernet & School Info Presentation

Preamble – 7/5/3 bytes ( series of alternating 1’s and 0’s )
- Clock Synchronization Purposes
Start Frame Delimiter – 1 byte ( 10101011 )
- Flag to state next frame is the destination/mac address
Destination Address – 6bytes
Source Address – 6bytes
Length/Type – 2bytes
- States the length and format of Data/Payload
Data and Padding
- May contain ip address
CRC – 4bytes
- Validates the data starting from destination address to the data
Preamble and SFD are not added to the min and max length of eth
Class Information
• Explain how students will be evaluated and graded.
• Tell parents when report cards and progress reports will
be sent home.
• Describe the amount of homework students can expect.
• Provide a calendar of upcoming events, such as class field
trips and parent-teacher conferences
Class Rules
Explain the behavior you expect in your classroom.
Your class rules might include:
o Be respectful.
o Be responsible.
o Follow directions.
o Be punctual.
o Be organized.
o Be a self-starter.
o Be prepared.
School Policies
Explain how the school addresses academic and
behavioral problems.
Outline the school's policies regarding tardiness, absence,
and discipline.
Provide policy information about:
o School cancellations for bad weather and other reasons.
o Emergency procedures.
o Transportation.
o After-school activities.
o Volunteering.
Get Involved
• List opportunities for parents to become involved in volunteer programs,
advisory councils, and the PTA.
• Provide sign-up sheets for parents who are interested in helping to plan
parties or special projects for your class.
• Take questions from parents.
• Ask parents to fill out a questionnaire about their child.
o Have them describe areas in which they would like to see
their child improve.
o Have them describe their child's personality, interests, and
• Translate handouts for parents for whom English is a second
• Handouts might include:
o A list of school phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and
Web site addresses.
o Copies of classroom and school policies.
o A list of materials that children will need for class.