Republic of the Philippines BILIRAN PROVINCE STATE UNIVERSITY (formerly NAVAL STATE UNIVERSITY) ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering ETHICS First Semester, SY 2021-2022 I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Prepared: IRENE A. ETOR, MAT-Math Instructor Date: __________________ Course Code Course Title Pre-requisite Credit Units Co-requisite Time Allotment : : : : : : GE-E Ethics 2nd Year Standing 3 units None 3 hrs/week; 54 hours/semester Reviewed: Approved: ESTELITO R. MEDALLADA,JR.,CpE Chairperson, Computer Engineering Dept. Date: ________________________ VIVENCIO A. PELESCO, MSci. Dean, School of Engineering Date: ___________________ ROOSEVELT G. MENDOZA, REE DQMR, School of Engineering Date: _______________________ JORALYN A. ESPINA, MPM GAD Coordinator, School of Engineering Date: _______________________ Ground Floor Administration Bldg., Main Campus, P. Inocentes St., P.I. Garcia, Naval, Biliran Province, Philippines – 6560 Tel. (053) 507-0014 | Telefax. (053) 507-0014 SUC Level III-A (Per DBM-CHED Joint Circular #B dated June 21,2007) Website: | Email: | Facebook: # WoWBiPSU! SUSAN S. BENTOR, PhD VP Academic, Research & Innovation Date:_____________________ Implementation Date: October 2021 Revision Date: October 2021 Revision Status: 01 VISION A state university leading in research and innovation for human empowerment and societal development. MISSION To advance the university through innovative human resource, responsive research, sustainable production, and demand-driven extension services. BiPSU-QUALITY POLICY BOR Resolution 47 series, 2020 The Biliran Province State University is committed to providing quality education through its strategic direction, “Weave of Worthiness: A 5-year Development Plan”, by developing globally competitive graduates and intensifying instruction, research & innovation, extension, and production services in compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements by ensuring customer satisfaction that leads to continual improvement of the quality management system. CORE VALUES Brilliance, Innovation, Progress, Service, and Unity GENERAL OBJECTIVES OF THE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING To produce graduates highly specialized in civil, electrical, mechanical and computer engineering that have a strong foundation in the basic physical, behavioral and social sciences and holistically consider the economic, social and environment relevance to projects undertaken. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES OF THE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING 1. To produce graduates possessing capabilities in planning, design, operation, management and maintenance of structure. 2. To produce graduates deeply concerned with sustainable development and preservation of healthy environment. 3. To produce highly professional and proficient engineers through integration and specialized training. Ground Floor Administration Bldg., Main Campus, P. Inocentes St., P.I. Garcia, Naval, Biliran Province, Philippines – 6560 Tel. (053) 507-0014 | Telefax. (053) 507-0014 SUC Level III-A (Per DBM-CHED Joint Circular #B dated June 21,2007) Website: | Email: | Facebook: # WoWBiPSU! VII. OUTCOMES Institutional Outcome IO.1 Lead in the development of knowledge, innovations, and creative works through research in various disciplines; Program Outcome Program Educational Objectives f.) Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility; k) Apply techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for electrical engineering practice 1. Involve students actively in the research, extension and production services of the College. 2. To produce technically skilled graduates who are equipped with advanced knowledge and technological expertise in computer analysis, designing and testing of digital systems. I,E,D I I CO 2 Identify the importance of studying Ethics in Engineering 3. Train Computer Engineers who manifest a strong sense of professionalism – a high moral integrity with values that nurture a deep reverence for God and man. CO 3 Understand ethical problems, ethical thought, ethical theories and ethical thinking. 4. Inculcate students love for country and in identity with what is truly Filipino. CO 4 Distinguish Ethical Issues in Engineering Practice. 5. Develop and initiate programs and activities that leads to sensitivity for, awareness of, and a concern for environmental preservation and its rehabilitation IO.2 Innovate by contributing solutions to the different problems of society. k) Apply techniques, skills, and modern 3.Train Computer Engineers who engineering tools necessary for electrical manifest a strong sense of professionalism – a high moral engineering practice integrity with values that nurture a Ground Floor Administration Bldg., Main Campus, P. Inocentes St., P.I. Garcia, Naval, Biliran Province, Philippines – 6560 Tel. (053) 507-0014 | Telefax. (053) 507-0014 SUC Level III-A (Per DBM-CHED Joint Circular #B dated June 21,2007) Website: | Email: | Facebook: # WoWBiPSU! Course Outcomes At the end of the course, the student is able to CO 1 Define the terms related to Ethics, including the internalization and sense of commitment to help achieve the University’s vision and mission as well as the College’s goals and the Program’s objectives. I CO 5 Craft a business proposal related to electrical engineering applying the Rights and Responsibilities of Engineers according to the deep reverence for God and man. ethical standards. 4. Inculcate students love for country and in identity with what is truly Filipino. IO.3 Transform knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values for personal and professional growth, selfdetermination and lifelong learning. IO.4 Contribute in communities to instill cultural, moral, and ethical sensibilities for sustainable development and progress. d.) Ability to function on multidisciplinary teams; CO 3 Understand ethical problems, ethical thought, ethical theories and ethical thinking. i.) Recognize the need for additional knowledge and engage in lifelong learning h.) Broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context; CO 4 Distinguish Ethical Issues in Engineering Practice. Develop and initiate programs and activities that leads to sensitivity for, awareness of, and a concern for environmental preservation and its rehabilitation Ground Floor Administration Bldg., Main Campus, P. Inocentes St., P.I. Garcia, Naval, Biliran Province, Philippines – 6560 Tel. (053) 507-0014 | Telefax. (053) 507-0014 SUC Level III-A (Per DBM-CHED Joint Circular #B dated June 21,2007) Website: | Email: | Facebook: # WoWBiPSU! VIII. COURSE DESCRIPTION This course provides the importance of the professional and ethical responsibilities of practicing computer engineers and the effects of their work on society; the importance of understanding contemporary issues, lifelong learning strategies; and applicable IT laws in the field of computer engineering. Time Frame Course Outcomes At the end of the course, the student is able to: Intended learning outcome At the end of the lesson, the student is able to Week 1 Topics I. i. VMGO Orientation 1. BiPSU VMGO 2. BiPSU Quality Policy ii. Week 2-4 CO 2 Identify the importance of studying Ethics in Engineering ILO. 1 Identify the importance of ethics. ILO.2.Underst TEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES To achieve the outcome, the Student(s) will: Course Orientation II. Introduction Engineering Ethics a. Background Ideas b. Why study engineering ethics The instructor will present and have an interactive learning about the BiPSU VGMO, Quality Policy, and Syllabus. The instructor will group the students. The group will create a report about the internalization and sense of loyalty and commitment to help achieve the university’s VGMO and quality policy. The instructor will present and have an interactive learning about the course. Pre-Test Activity. The learners will perform the activity about the topic. The instructor will present and discuss the topic introduction to engineering ethics through a ASSESSMENT As evidence of achieving the unit outcome, the student is assessed as follows: The student’s participation and reports will be assessed through the reporting rubric. The student will be assessed through oral exam. Assessment.The learners will be assessed through oral and written exam about the topics discussed.. Ground Floor Administration Bldg., Main Campus, P. Inocentes St., P.I. Garcia, Naval, Biliran Province, Philippines – 6560 Tel. (053) 507-0014 | Telefax. (053) 507-0014 SUC Level III-A (Per DBM-CHED Joint Circular #B dated June 21,2007) Website: | Email: | Facebook: # WoWBiPSU! RESOURCES / MATERIALS BiPSU VGMO BiPSU Quality Policy Instructor’s Syllabus. Engineering Ethics by Charles B. Fleddermann – 4th Edition Date Implemen ted / Remarks / Signature CO 3 Understand ethical problems, ethical thought, ethical theories and ethical thinking. and and evaluate the sustainability and impact of professional engineering work CO 4 Distinguish Ethical Issues in Engineering Practice. Week 5-7 CO 2 Identify the importance of studying Ethics in Engineering CO 3 Understand ethical problems, ethical thought, ethical theories and ethical thinking. Week 8 - 10 CO 2 Identify the importance of studying c. Engineering Is Managing the Unknown d. Personal vs. Professional Ethics e. The Origins of Ethical Thought f. Ethics and the Law g. Ethics Problems Are Like Design Problems Case Studies ILO. 1 Identify the importance of ethics. ILO. 2. Apply ethical theories and Professionali sm and Code of Ethics III. Professionalism and Code of Ethics a. Is Engineering a Profession? Code of Ethics https://www.yout v=QbtY_WlhYI&t=10s The instructor will give additional insights on what is lacking on the discussed chapter. https://www.yout v=3_t4obUc51A Abstraction. The learner and the instructor will have an interactive discussion about the topic. Activity. The learners will perform the activity about the topic. The instructor will present and discuss the topic introduction to engineering ethics through a power point presentation Assessment. The learners will be given quiz about the topic. The Learners will conduct a Case study Evaluation and analysis. The instructor will give additional insights on what is lacking on the discussed chapter. Engineering Ethics by Charles B. Fleddermann – 4th Edition https://www.yout v=QbtY_WlhYI&t=10s Abstraction. The learner and the instructor will have an interactive discussion about the topic. . ILO. 1 Identify ethical power point presentation IV. Ethical Problems a. Ethical Thought Activity. The learners will perform the activity about the topic. Assessment.The learners will be assessed through oral and written Ground Floor Administration Bldg., Main Campus, P. Inocentes St., P.I. Garcia, Naval, Biliran Province, Philippines – 6560 Tel. (053) 507-0014 | Telefax. (053) 507-0014 SUC Level III-A (Per DBM-CHED Joint Circular #B dated June 21,2007) Website: | Email: | Facebook: # WoWBiPSU! Engineering Ethics by Charles B. Ethics in Engineering CO 3 Understand ethical problems, ethical thought, ethical theories and ethical thinking. Week 11 - 13 CO 3 Understand ethical problems, ethical thought, ethical theories and ethical thinking. CO 4 Distinguish Ethical Issues in Engineering Practice. Week 14 - 16 CO 4 Distinguish Ethical Issues in Engineering Practice. problems. b. Ethical Theories ILO.2.Underst and and evaluate the sustainability and impact of professional engineering work. Non-Western Ethical Thinking ILO. 1 Identify V. Ethical Problem Solving Techniques a. Analysis of Issues in Ethical Problems b. Line Drawing ethical problems. ILO.2.Underst and and evaluate the sustainability and impact of professional engineering work. ILO. 1 Identify ethical problems and the Rights and The instructor will present and discuss the topic introduction to engineering ethics through a power point presentation exam about the topics discussed. Fleddermann – 4th Edition https://www.yout v=QbtY_WlhYI&t=10s The instructor will give additional insights on what is lacking on the discussed chapter. Abstraction. The learner and the instructor will have an interactive discussion about the topic. Flow Charting Activity. The learners will perform the activity about the topic. The instructor will present and discuss the topic introduction to engineering ethics through a power point presentation Assessment. The learners will be given quiz about the topic. The Learners will conduct a Case study Evaluation and analysis. The instructor will give additional insights on what is lacking on the discussed chapter. Engineering Ethics by Charles B. Fleddermann – 4th Edition https://www.yout v=QbtY_WlhYI&t=10s Abstraction. The learner and the instructor will have an interactive discussion about the topic. VI. The Rights and Responsibilities of Engineers a. Professional Responsibilities b. Professional Rights Activity. The learners will perform the activity about the topic. The instructor will present and discuss the topic introduction to engineering ethics through a Assessment. The learners will be given quiz about the topic. The Learners will conduct a Case study Ground Floor Administration Bldg., Main Campus, P. Inocentes St., P.I. Garcia, Naval, Biliran Province, Philippines – 6560 Tel. (053) 507-0014 | Telefax. (053) 507-0014 SUC Level III-A (Per DBM-CHED Joint Circular #B dated June 21,2007) Website: | Email: | Facebook: # WoWBiPSU! Engineering Ethics by Charles B. Fleddermann – 4th Edition CO 5 Craft a business proposal related to electrical engineering applying the Rights and Responsibilities of Engineers according to the ethical standards. CO 5 Craft a business proposal related to electrical engineering applying the Rights and Responsibilities of Engineers according to the ethical standards. Week 17 - 18 Responsibili ties of Engineers c. Whistle-Blowing Evaluation and analysis. https://www.yout v=QbtY_WlhYI&t=10s Assessment. The learners will be given quiz about the topic. Engineering Ethics by Charles B. Fleddermann – 4th Edition The instructor will give additional insights on what is lacking on the discussed chapter. ILO.2.Underst and and evaluate the sustainability and impact of professional engineering work CO 1 Craft a business proposal related to electrical engineering applying the Rights and Responsibiliti es of Engineers according to the ethical standards. power point presentation Abstraction. The learner and the instructor will have an interactive discussion about the topic. VII. Ethical Issues in Engineering Practice a. Environmental Ethics b. Computer Ethics Ethics and Research Activity. The learners will perform the activity about the topic. The instructor will present and discuss the topic introduction to engineering ethics through a power point presentation The Learners will conduct a Case study Evaluation and analysis. The instructor will give additional insights on what is lacking on the discussed chapter. Abstraction. The learner and the instructor will have an interactive discussion about the topic. IX. REFERENCES [1] Anderson, J. (2015, May 22). Engineering Ethics Course Part 1 - What is this thing called “Ethics”? Retrieved from Youtube: Ground Floor Administration Bldg., Main Campus, P. Inocentes St., P.I. Garcia, Naval, Biliran Province, Philippines – 6560 Tel. (053) 507-0014 | Telefax. (053) 507-0014 SUC Level III-A (Per DBM-CHED Joint Circular #B dated June 21,2007) Website: | Email: | Facebook: # WoWBiPSU! https://www.yout v=QbtY_WlhYI&t=10s [2] (2015, August 2). Ethics vs. Morality. Retrieved from Youtube: Deigh, J. (2013, August 9). Introduction to Ethics. Retrieved from Youtube: [4] Fleddermann, C. B. (2012). Engineering Ethics - 4th Edition. New Mexico: Pearson Education, Inc.,. [5] MacDonald, A. (2015, November 18). Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster: Ethics Case Study No. 1. Retrieved from Youtube: [6] Rich, K. (n.d.). Introduction to Ethics. Jones & Barlett Learning, LLC. [3] X. SUGGESTED READINGS [1] [2] (Engineering Ethics - Rights of Engineers) (Code of Ethics) XI. COURSE REQUIREMENTS 1. Written Examinations Quiz No.# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 No. of Points Topics Introduction to Ethics Engineering Ethics Ethics and the Law Professionalism and Code of Ethics Understanding Ethical Problems Ethical Problem-Solving Techniques Risk, Safety and Accidents The Rights of Engineers The Responsibilities of Engineers Ethical Issues in Engineering Practice 15 points 15 points 15 points 15 points 15 points 15 points 15 points 15 points 15 points 15 points 150 points Total Ground Floor Administration Bldg., Main Campus, P. Inocentes St., P.I. Garcia, Naval, Biliran Province, Philippines – 6560 Tel. (053) 507-0014 | Telefax. (053) 507-0014 SUC Level III-A (Per DBM-CHED Joint Circular #B dated June 21,2007) Website: | Email: | Facebook: # WoWBiPSU! 2. Summative Test Summative Test No.# 1 2 No. of Points Topics Midterm Examination Final Examination 100 points 100 points Total 200 points 3. Projects Project No.# 1 2 No. of Points Topics Engineering Ethics Reports Research Case Studies about Engineering Ethics Total 4. Class Attendance and Participation 5. Assignments XII. GRADING SYSTEM A. Major Examination a. Midterm Exam b. Final Exam B. Project C. Class Standing a. Quizzes b. Assignments D. Character Development a. Attendance 30% 15% 15% 30% 30% 15% 15% 10% 5% Ground Floor Administration Bldg., Main Campus, P. Inocentes St., P.I. Garcia, Naval, Biliran Province, Philippines – 6560 Tel. (053) 507-0014 | Telefax. (053) 507-0014 SUC Level III-A (Per DBM-CHED Joint Circular #B dated June 21,2007) Website: | Email: | Facebook: # WoWBiPSU! 100 points 100 points 200 points b. Virtual Discipline / Attitude TOTAL 5% 100% As per standard grading system, thoroughly discussed during the orientation meeting passing percentage is 75. Aside from academic deficiency, other grounds for a failing grade are: - Grave misconduct and/or cheating during examinations. - Unexcused absences of more than 20% of required number of meetings per term. XIV. CLASSROOM POLICIES In consonance to part (2), Section 78, Rule 20 of Students, Handbook of BIPSU. XVI. CONSULTATION HOURS Every Monday- Friday – At anytime. First Semester of SY 2021-2022. Ground Floor Administration Bldg., Main Campus, P. Inocentes St., P.I. Garcia, Naval, Biliran Province, Philippines – 6560 Tel. (053) 507-0014 | Telefax. (053) 507-0014 SUC Level III-A (Per DBM-CHED Joint Circular #B dated June 21,2007) Website: | Email: | Facebook: # WoWBiPSU!