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60 IELTS Speaking Topics Part 2-3: Questions & Answers

IELTS Fighter - Tiên phong Phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt
Website: ielts-fighter.com | Hotline: 0903 411 666
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60 IELTS Speaking Topics Part 2 – 3
Questions and Sample answer
1. MEDIA ......................................................................................................................................................6
2. LOVE, DATING & MARRIAGE ......................................................................................................... 12
3. ADVERSTING ...................................................................................................................................... 24
4. FAMOUS PEOPLE/ CELEBRITIES ................................................................................................. 29
5. ANIMALS & PETS ...............................................................................................................................39
6. LAW ....................................................................................................................................................... 47
7. CELLPHONES ..................................................................................................................................... 51
8. CITY & COUNTRYSIDE ..................................................................................................................... 55
9. TECHNOLOGY .................................................................................................................................... 65
10. MUSIC ................................................................................................................................................. 71
11. EMOTION ............................................................................................................................................76
13. WORK/JOB ........................................................................................................................................ 87
14. PUBLIC SPEAKING ......................................................................................................................... 95
15. SHOPPING ....................................................................................................................................... 102
16. FASHION .......................................................................................................................................... 117
17. TOYS ................................................................................................................................................. 123
18. POLITENESS ...................................................................................................................................126
19. BOOK & READING .........................................................................................................................134
20. CULTURE ......................................................................................................................................... 137
21. FAMILY ............................................................................................................................................. 141
22. EDUCATION .................................................................................................................................... 146
23. FOOD & EATING ............................................................................................................................ 152
24. FREE TIME & HOBBIES ................................................................................................................157
60 IELTS Speaking Topics Part 2 – 3 – Questions and Sample answer
IELTS Fighter - Tiên phong Phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt
Website: ielts-fighter.com | Hotline: 0903 411 666
Fanpage: facebook.com/ielts.fighter/
Group: facebook.com/groups/ieltsfighter.support/
25. FRIENDS ...........................................................................................................................................163
26. PLAN ................................................................................................................................................. 169
27. HISTORY .......................................................................................................................................... 174
28. HEALTH ............................................................................................................................................ 180
29. INTERNET ........................................................................................................................................ 189
30. SPORTS - COMPETITION ............................................................................................................ 193
31. LANGUAGE ..................................................................................................................................... 200
32. MONEY ..............................................................................................................................................209
33. SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY ......................................................................................................... 220
34. SOCIAL NETWORK ....................................................................................................................... 226
35. TEENAGERS ................................................................................................................................... 231
36. TRANSPORTATION ....................................................................................................................... 235
37. INVENTION ...................................................................................................................................... 241
40. NEWS /MAGAZINES ...................................................................................................................... 255
41. ENVIRONMENT & POLLUTION .................................................................................................. 259
42. FASHION & CLOTHES .................................................................................................................. 265
43. GENENERATION GAP .................................................................................................................. 271
44. TELEVISION .................................................................................................................................... 274
45. PHOTOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................................. 278
46. FILMS / MOVIE ................................................................................................................................ 282
47. HISTORY .......................................................................................................................................... 291
48. LEADERSHIP .................................................................................................................................. 296
49. LIFE EXPERIENCE .........................................................................................................................302
50. INVENTOR & CREATIVITY ...........................................................................................................308
51. SCHOOL SUBJECTS .....................................................................................................................312
52. DECISIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 316
53. ENTERTAINMENT .......................................................................................................................... 320
54. HANDWRITING ............................................................................................................................... 325
55. NATURE .......................................................................................................................................... 328
56. HOLIDAY .......................................................................................................................................... 334
57. FOOD .................................................................................................................................................337
60 IELTS Speaking Topics Part 2 – 3 – Questions and Sample answer
IELTS Fighter - Tiên phong Phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt
Website: ielts-fighter.com | Hotline: 0903 411 666
Fanpage: facebook.com/ielts.fighter/
Group: facebook.com/groups/ieltsfighter.support/
58. ACCOMMODATION ....................................................................................................................... 342
59. PERSONALITY ................................................................................................................................346
60. BUSSINESS ..................................................................................................................................... 350
60 IELTS Speaking Topics Part 2 – 3 – Questions and Sample answer
IELTS Fighter - Tiên phong Phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt
Website: ielts-fighter.com | Hotline: 0903 411 666
Fanpage: facebook.com/ielts.fighter/
Group: facebook.com/groups/ieltsfighter.support/
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60 IELTS Speaking Topics Part 2 – 3 – Questions and Sample answer
IELTS Fighter - Tiên phong Phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt
Website: ielts-fighter.com | Hotline: 0903 411 666
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60 IELTS Speaking Topics Part 2 – 3 – Questions and Sample answer
IELTS Fighter - Tiên phong Phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt
Website: ielts-fighter.com | Hotline: 0903 411 666
Fanpage: facebook.com/ielts.fighter/
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Topic: Advertisement
Part 1: Do you like watching advertisement on TV? (Bạn có thích xem
quảng cáo trên TV không?)
(Answer) I have to say that I have developed an interest in watching
advertisement when I was a little child. (Reason) They can be considered a
kind of entertainment with very beautiful scene. They are extremely
relaxing, brief and eye-catching.
Part 2: Describe an advertisement that you like to watch. (Mô tả một
quảng cáo mà bạn thích xem)
(Answer) Among the advertisements which are on TV or social media
recently, I am really into seeing the one from Shopee Vietnam, which is a
famous E-commerce service.
(Reason) Well, I love that because firstly, it has celebrity endorsement of
talented goalkeeper Bui Tien Dung and famous singer Bao Anh. (Example)
The two have got certain achievements in their own career, became rising
stars and they have been so popular with most people. In the
advertisement, they wear matching clothes and look so good together;
therefore, it is easy to see that the commercial has received a huge number
of views on social media such as Facebook or Youtube.
60 IELTS Speaking Topics Part 2 – 3 – Questions and Sample answer
IELTS Fighter - Tiên phong Phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt
Website: ielts-fighter.com | Hotline: 0903 411 666
Fanpage: facebook.com/ielts.fighter/
Group: facebook.com/groups/ieltsfighter.support/
(Reason) Secondly, it has unique and funny music. (Example) The theme
song for this advertisement is a remixed song from the original “Baby
shark” for kids. It sounds very catchy and makes me want to dance and
sing along everytime I see it. (Alternatives) Although some people may not
like it as the song is overplayed, many people agree with me that we are
obsessed with it now and we still like it a lot. Additionally, I think this may
be an effective and creative way of advertising, which helps the brand
image grow more impressively into customers’ mind.
Part 3: Do you think that advertisement on TV nowadays causes
inconvenience for people? (Bạn có nghĩ rằng quảng cáo trên TV thời
nay gây ra sự bất tiện cho mọi người không?)
(Answer) As a matter of fact, the amount of time for commercials is roughly
one third of that for a TV program, which is very annoying. (Example)
Actually, despite being interested in watching advertisement, I myself feel
that they are really interrupting when I am enjoying a good film series or TV
show. Normal advertisements are fine but those with inappropriate content,
for example, those which are violent or adult-related issues may trigger
anger for people.
Từ vựng
1. Brief (adj): Ngắn gọn
2. Eye-catching (adj): Bắt mắt
3. Am really into (v): Rất thích
4. Celebrity endorsement (n): Quảng cáo có sự góp mặt
60 IELTS Speaking Topics Part 2 – 3 – Questions and Sample answer
IELTS Fighter - Tiên phong Phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt
Website: ielts-fighter.com | Hotline: 0903 411 666
Fanpage: facebook.com/ielts.fighter/
Group: facebook.com/groups/ieltsfighter.support/
của những người nổi tiếng
5. Rising stars (n): Những ngôi sao đang lên
6. Commercial (n): Quảng cáo (Đồng nghĩa với “Advertisement”)
7. Views (n): Lượt xem
8. Theme song (n): Bài hát chủ đề
9. Catchy (adj): Bắt tai
10. Obsessed with (adj): Bị ám ảnh
11. Brand image (n): Hình ảnh thương hiệu
12. Interrupting (a): Gây bực mình
13. Inappropriate content (n): Nội dung không phù hợp
14. Adult-related issues (n): Những vấn đề liên quan đến người lớn
60 IELTS Speaking Topics Part 2 – 3 – Questions and Sample answer
IELTS Fighter - Tiên phong Phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt
Website: ielts-fighter.com | Hotline: 0903 411 666
Fanpage: facebook.com/ielts.fighter/
Group: facebook.com/groups/ieltsfighter.support/
Social network
Part 1
Are you interested in using social networking sites? (Bạn có thích sử
dụng mạng xã hội không?)
(Answer) Yes, I certainly am. (Reason) Using Facebook is my cup of tea
as I spend a huge amount of time scrolling down my news feed to keep
myself updated about my beloved people.
Part 2
Describe a social networking site you like to use. (Mô tả một mạng xã
hội mà bạn yêu thích sử dụng)
(Answer) Wow, when it comes to social network, people may think of
Facebook as their ultimate choice but today I would like to say something
about my most favorite site – Instagram.
As you know, Instagram has more than one billion users, an impressive
number, for its unique features in addition to similar tools as Facebook
which also allow users to chat and comment in others’ posts. (Reason)
Firstly, it has a wide range of filters so that users can edit their pictures in
any color or form they want. (Example) As a consequence, the images
uploaded may look much more stylish and up-to-date when compared to
those which are updated on other kinds of social networking sites.
(Reason) Secondly, we can keep track of not only our friends but also other
users, including celebrities or influencers from different parts of the world
60 IELTS Speaking Topics Part 2 – 3 – Questions and Sample answer
IELTS Fighter - Tiên phong Phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt
Website: ielts-fighter.com | Hotline: 0903 411 666
Fanpage: facebook.com/ielts.fighter/
Group: facebook.com/groups/ieltsfighter.support/
just by a tool that is displayed when we log in our instagram account.
(Example) As media has been increasing in popularity, communication now
is not the only demand of people, especially youngsters as they want more
than that and I think Instagram has met this need. They want something
different and trendy. Many trends have also been created from this social
platform and young people are the biggest beneficiary. In short, Instagram
is a user-friendly site and also ideal place for an energetic, modern and
updated generation.
Part 3
Why has the use of social media increased in the past few years? (Tại
sao việc sử dụng mạng xã hội lại gia tăng trong những năm gần đây?)
(Answer) Well, it is obvious that social media has received an incredible
growth in the past few years. (Reason) The first reason may be that these
social platforms are convenient and multi-functional (Example) which help
people to do a number of things; for instance, making video call with others
or seeing their daily pictures and activities. (Reason) Additionally, I think it
is the emergence of different kinds of smart phone that enable people to
get easier access to available social media applications and thus use them
more often.
Từ vựng:
- Cup of tea (n): Sở thích
- Scroll down (v): Lướt
- Keep oneself updated (v): Cập nhật
60 IELTS Speaking Topics Part 2 – 3 – Questions and Sample answer
IELTS Fighter - Tiên phong Phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt
Website: ielts-fighter.com | Hotline: 0903 411 666
Fanpage: facebook.com/ielts.fighter/
Group: facebook.com/groups/ieltsfighter.support/
- Ultimate choice (n): Sự lựa chọn cuối cùng
- Unique feature (n): Điểm đặc biệt
- Filter (n): Bộ lọc
- Edit (v): Chỉnh sửa
- Stylish (adj): Thời thượng/Phong cách
- Up-to-date (adj): Cập nhật
- Influencer (n): Người có sức ảnh hưởng
- Youngsters (n): Giới trẻ
- Social platform (n): Nền tảng mạng xã hội
- Biggest beneficiary (n): Người hưởng lợi lớn nhất
- User-friendly (adj): Thân thiện với người dùng
- Multi-functional (adj): Đa chức năng
- Emergence (n): Sự nổi lên
60 IELTS Speaking Topics Part 2 – 3 – Questions and Sample answer
IELTS Fighter - Tiên phong Phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt
Website: ielts-fighter.com | Hotline: 0903 411 666
Fanpage: facebook.com/ielts.fighter/
Group: facebook.com/groups/ieltsfighter.support/
Xem trước từ vựng và bài mẫu 3 Part Speaking:
IELTS Vocabulary - Topic: Marriage and Family ( Marriage & Family)
Describe a couple you know who have a happy marriage.
You should say:
- Who they are
- How you know them
- What they usually do together
- And how you feel about their marriage
60 IELTS Speaking Topics Part 2 – 3 – Questions and Sample answer
IELTS Fighter - Tiên phong Phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt
Website: ielts-fighter.com | Hotline: 0903 411 666
Fanpage: facebook.com/ielts.fighter/
Group: facebook.com/groups/ieltsfighter.support/
SP: If someone asks me what I treasure most in my life, the answer could
be one and only – my family, who are not only my pillar of strength and
support but also my inspiration in many ways. I wouldn’t have become
myself today without my parents’ guidance and their love for me, and, of
course, for each other. I will never get tired of my friends telling me how
awesome and adorable my parents are despite both being almost 60.
According to them, my parents are real-life relationship goals. My dad, an
intelligent, thoughtful, strong and honorable man to the core, started his
own business 20 years ago and has been working hard to achieve what he
deserves. He’s married to a beautiful, loving and strong-willed woman who
isn’t afraid to speak her mind.
My parents have known each other for almost five decades and been pretty
much in love all that time. They usually tell us their legendary stories from
when they were high school sweethearts until tying the knot and living their
happily ever after, which often gets exaggerated though none of my
siblings have ever complained. Though my parents work in different fields,
they tend to seek the other’s input and opinions on numerous cases. My
dad always says mom is his greatest cheerleader in everything he does
and she tells us he is her rock. One thing I have noticed about my parents
is honesty and openness in the way they communicate. Just like any other
couples, mom and dad have also experienced many difficulties but how
they handle them is what makes them stronger. I am so grateful to have
been born and raised in the family full of love where I can feel it every time
coming home. It is hard to put into words all they have inspired in me. They
60 IELTS Speaking Topics Part 2 – 3 – Questions and Sample answer
IELTS Fighter - Tiên phong Phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt
Website: ielts-fighter.com | Hotline: 0903 411 666
Fanpage: facebook.com/ielts.fighter/
Group: facebook.com/groups/ieltsfighter.support/
have molded and shaped me into the person I am today and who I hope to
be in the future.
Từ vựng hay:
- pillar of strength (idiom): a person who can be relied on to give a
great deal of support and comfort
- relationship goal (n): when two people are in a relationship and
people envy them, usually a celebrity couple
- to the core: all the way through; basically and essentially
strong-willed (a): determined to do what you want to do, even if other
people advise you not to
speak one’s mind: express one’s feelings or opinions frankly
- high school sweetheart (n): a person with whom one was romantically
involved at high school
- tie the knot (idiom): get married
- exaggerate (v): to make something seem larger, better, worse or
more important than it really is
- mold (v): to strongly influence the way somebody’s character,
opinions, etc. develop
1. If you are 35 years old without marriage, do you still waiting for
your true love? Why?
I would say it might be the case since I’d prefer to stay single rather than
end up with the wrong person. It is not a surprise, I believe, because there
60 IELTS Speaking Topics Part 2 – 3 – Questions and Sample answer
IELTS Fighter - Tiên phong Phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt
Website: ielts-fighter.com | Hotline: 0903 411 666
Fanpage: facebook.com/ielts.fighter/
Group: facebook.com/groups/ieltsfighter.support/
are plenty of people who still enjoy their every moment without a life partner.
On the one hand, the number of divorces or unhappy marriages have been
increasing tremendously over the years and its consequences are
upsetting such as dysfunctional family, domestic violence, child neglect and
the list could go on. On the other hand, people can find happiness in
different places and activities without committing their life to one particular
person, especially those who aren’t worth it. Therefore, I wouldn’t settle for
anything less than what I deserve.
 end up with (idiom): to finish with the possession of someone or
something or in the company of someone or something
 dysfunctional (a): not working normally or properly
 domestic violence (n): family violence
 child neglect (n): a form of child abuse, and is a deficit in meeting a
child’s basic needs, including the failure to provide adequate health
care, supervision, clothing, nutrition, housing as well as their physical,
emotional, social, educational and safety needs
 settle for anything less (n) commit to a person just because you feel
like you can’t do any better
2. Who will pay for the wedding cost? Man or woman or both? Why?
Budget planning for weddings can be an extreme headache and deciding
who pays what might not be easy since there are tons of expenses to cover
such as the rings, floral arrangements, honeymoon and so on. Hence, I
60 IELTS Speaking Topics Part 2 – 3 – Questions and Sample answer
IELTS Fighter - Tiên phong Phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt
Website: ielts-fighter.com | Hotline: 0903 411 666
Fanpage: facebook.com/ielts.fighter/
Group: facebook.com/groups/ieltsfighter.support/
believe depending on each couple’s financial status, they should carefully
discuss and choose a cost-splitting option that works best for them. For
example, if both are financially abundant, they can share the cost equally.
Otherwise, one who is more well-off can cover a greater portion of the
 floral (a): made of flowers
 split (v): to divide, or to make something divide, into two or more parts
 abundant (a): existing in large quantities; more than enough
 well-off (a): having a lot of money
3. What do you think is the best age to marry?
I don’t believe that there is a right time for anything, marriage included. It’s
more about the maturity of the two people than the age itself, I think.
People mature at different rates, physically and emotionally, and not until
after they can fully acknowledge their life issues and handle them with
rationale and thorough consideration, are they ready to get settled and find
happiness in their marriage life. Besides, financial situation also plays a
significant part in this once-in-a-lifetime decision. Many divorces have been
directly resulted from the lack of money or financial insecurity. Therefore,
only when people can fully support themselves, should they consider to
start a family.
60 IELTS Speaking Topics Part 2 – 3 – Questions and Sample answer
IELTS Fighter - Tiên phong Phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt
Website: ielts-fighter.com | Hotline: 0903 411 666
Fanpage: facebook.com/ielts.fighter/
Group: facebook.com/groups/ieltsfighter.support/
 maturity (n): the quality of thinking and behaving in a sensible, adult
 rationale (n) the principles or reasons which explain a particular
decision, course of action, belief, etc.
 once-in-lifetime: very special because you will probably only have it
 insecurity (n): the state of not being safe or protected
4. Do you think weddings in your countries waste lots of money?
It’s absolutely a yes to me. Maybe I’m a minimalist, therefore, I consider
weddings one of those occasions when people are willing to pour money
down the drain with exorbitantly high and unnecessary items and
ceremonies. For example, in XYZ, where I come from, couples tend to
have a huge reception where hundreds of guests are invited while, in my
opinion, it should be an intimate one where people can share and celebrate
the delight of life with their family and close friends only. In addition, other
wedding expenses including floral arrangements, invitations, photography,
costumes and so many more also cost people more than they should since
I believe they’re more show than substance.
 minimalist (n): person who is interested in keeping things very simple
 pour money down the drain (idiom): to waste money; to throw money
60 IELTS Speaking Topics Part 2 – 3 – Questions and Sample answer
IELTS Fighter - Tiên phong Phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt
Website: ielts-fighter.com | Hotline: 0903 411 666
Fanpage: facebook.com/ielts.fighter/
Group: facebook.com/groups/ieltsfighter.support/
 exorbitantly (adv): to a very high degree that does not seem
 delight (n): a feeling of great pleasure
 more show than substance (idiom): value luxurious things rather than
the quality
5. Why use lots of money for weddings?
I myself can hardly understand why couples are constantly spending an
outrageous amount of money on their weddings but I may have some
thoughts. First of all, it’s a once-in-a-lifetime event, at least for most people,
hence, they want to have a lavish celebration which no one can ever forget.
Whether it’s a wedding invitation or reception venue, everything has to be
of top quality. Secondly, big weddings might be a tradition in some
countries. It’s customary in many cultures to have several ceremonies and
celebrations in order to have a fulfilling married life. Last but not least, they
can afford it. Some well-off couples love to show off their wealth and
wedding is an ideal occasion.
 outrageous (a): very unusual and slightly shocking
 lavish (a): large in amount, or impressive, and usually costing a lot of
 customary (a): if something is customary, it is what people usually do
in a particular place or situation
60 IELTS Speaking Topics Part 2 – 3 – Questions and Sample answer
IELTS Fighter - Tiên phong Phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt
Website: ielts-fighter.com | Hotline: 0903 411 666
Fanpage: facebook.com/ielts.fighter/
Group: facebook.com/groups/ieltsfighter.support/
 fulfilling (a): causing somebody to feel satisfied and useful
6. In a traditional family in your country, what male do in the family?
And what about female? Why?
It comes as no surprise that women are still responsible for most of the
housework in a family, traditional or not. Even though gender equality is
actively promoted in modern society, there is still an imbalance in
household chores division. Housewives take care of almost everything from
cooking, laundering, dish washing to house cleaning while their husbands
are only concerned with some hard work occasionally such as mending
pipes or gardening.
 come as no surprise (idiom): will not be surprising [for someone] to
learn [something]
 imbalance (n): a situation in which two or more things are not the
same size or are not treated the same, in a way that is unfair or
causes problems
 mend (v): to repair something that has been damaged or broken so
that it can be used again
7. Do you think man should take care of baby? Why?
60 IELTS Speaking Topics Part 2 – 3 – Questions and Sample answer
IELTS Fighter - Tiên phong Phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt
Website: ielts-fighter.com | Hotline: 0903 411 666
Fanpage: facebook.com/ielts.fighter/
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Both mother and father have fundamental roles in a child’s development
from birth through adulthood, I believe. Hence, men should be more active
in raising kids since they can boost their children, intellectually and socially.
Research has shown that children who have a close father-child
relationship are likely to have better social skills and fewer behavioral
problems since they are more emotionally secure. Meanwhile, a distant or
non-existent father-child bond could take a horrendous toll on a kid’s selfesteem and self-belief. Thus, if you want to raise a well-rounded kid, pay
attention to them.
 fundamental (a): serious and very important; affecting the most
central and important parts of something
 intellectually (adv): in a way that is connected with or using a person’s
ability to think in a logical way and understand things
 take a toll on (idiom): to have a bad effect on somebody/something;
to cause a lot of damage, deaths, suffering, etc.
 horrendous (a): extremely unpleasant
 self-esteem (n): a feeling of being happy with your own character and
 well-rounded (a): having a variety of experiences and abilities and a
fully developed personality
8. Do you think man should do housework? Why?
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Housework is definitely not women’s sole responsibility and men should
share domestic chores with female members in family for his own good as
well as others’. Becoming more disciplined and independent is the very first
benefit when men take care of their own housework. Most men, especially
wealthy ones, prefer to have their housemaid do all the work from cleaning
the house to cooking. However, what if she gets sick or has emergency
issues, are they willing to go out with dirty socks? Hence, no one can look
after you better than yourself. Furthermore, they are likely to become more
understanding and thoughtful husbands. Men who are not shy away from
“housewife’s duties” will be more well-prepared for married life since they
don’t mind rolling up their sleeves to help their family.
 for one’s own good (idiom): being or done for the benefit of oneself
 disciplined (a): able to control the way you behave and to make
yourself do things that you believe you should do
 shy away from (phrasal verb): to avoid something that you dislike,
fear, or do not feel confident about
 roll up one’s sleeves (idiom): prepare to fight or work
9. What kind of traditional wedding in your country?
In XYZ, we celebrate weddings like most parts of the world, except with
some extra special features in our ceremonies and costumes. Normally, a
bride will be dressed in a white gown with an elegant bridal veil to complete
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her dreamy and stunning look. She will be accompanied by several
bridesmaids who are usually her close friends or relatives. Meanwhile,
tuxedo or suit is a groom’s attire in this special event and he also has his
best man carry the wedding rings. In addition, we do have our traditional
wedding costumes which are far more sophisticated and cumbersome to
wear, however, some couples still prefer them at other minor ceremonies
beside the main one at the church.
 veil (n): a covering of very thin transparent material worn, especially
by women, to protect or hide the face, or as part of a hat, etc.
 accompany (v): to travel or go somewhere with somebody
 attire (n): clothes
 cumbersome (a): large and heavy; difficult to carry
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Describe an unforgettable advertisement that you saw or heard.
You should say:
- Where you saw or heard it
- What kind of advertisement it was
- What the contents of the advertisement were
- and explain why this advertisement is so unforgettable.
While waiting for my boyfriend to pick me up from work, I was watching
advertisements on the TV in the lobby. That night I saw an advertisement
that has forever stuck in my mind.
It was a commercial for Nike shoes with Michael Jordan. In it he said, “I’ve
missed more than nine thousand shots in my career. I’ve lost almost three
hundred games. Twenty-six times I’ve been trusted to take the game
winning shot but missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life,
and that is why I succeed.” I couldn’t get that commercial out of my mind,
not because I thought buying Nike shoes would make me as successful as
Michael Jordan, but because of his unflinching determination and
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Life is full of challenges and difficulties that test our level of commitment. I
believe having determination divides the winners from die losers.
Successful people are not ones who have never failed, but those who kept
trying. As simple as this may sound, it is the one ingredient that separates
the winners front the losers. The one skill that winners acquire is an
understanding that growth is only possible if you have the courage to
change what you have been doing, if it is not achieving the result you
desire. Sometimes success is learning how to fall and recognizing that from
that fall you will learn to grow. And growth is what a fulfilling life is all about.
1. How do advertisements attract attention?
It all depends on what group of people the advertisement is aimed for.
Young people look if it’s cool, hip, or fashionable; whereas older people
tend to be more practical-minded, so those in charge of advertising need to
have a clear idea of who they will be targeting with their advertisement, and
plan accordingly. If the advertisement is geared to the younger generation,
then showing how the product can help kids be more attractive, confident,
or successful is good. Catchy music also helps attract attention and helps
listeners remember it. If you’re trying to reach the older generation with
your advertisement, explaining how the product will give them better health,
or help them relax, or he happier may appeal to them.
2. Do young and old people have the same attitudes towards
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Definitely not. Every individual has his own unique attitude forward
advertisements and die advantages and disadvantages that advertising
brings. Both old and young people are inclined to believe and think that
advertisements tend to be misleading, dishonest, phony, shallow, and at
times annoying, especially when they’re not well made or dorky. On the
other hand, if done well, they can be very creative, humorous, artistic, and
enjoyable to watch Those, however, are the exception, rather than the
3. Do you think advertisements are a good or bad influence on
Looking at todays children, I would have to say advertisements have
predominately had a negative influence on their lives and character. Ads
create a discontentment with what children have and a desire to own more
and to be like everyone else. Advertisements usually tend to be unrealistic
and give a false impression of how the children should he or what will
happen when they buy the product.
4. Do you think advertisements actually influence people to buy
tilings? And How?
When seen a lot. advertisements make products more familiar and
ingrained in people’s mind, so when they want to buy something, they will
take a brand that they recognize. In our country, people want to be like the
West and so they buy what they see on TV that the Western people have.
They think that if they have this Western product, they will be as cool as
this person, which is totally bizarre to my mind.
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Government control
5. Does the government control advertisements in any way?
Of course. All TV media is controlled in some way by the government, so
advertisements must be as well. The government prevents advertisements
from having inappropriate content or content that is not in line with
government policy. That is common in every country. I’m sure that if the
advertisement is within normal bounds, then the government wouldn’t have
much to say about it.
6. Do you think there should be controls on advertising?
Yes, I do. Some things should not be advertised, such as cigarettes, which
arc harmful to people’s health. Most people arc aware of their existence, so
they don’t need to be promoted more. Children especially should not be
shown advertisements that make harmful things look cool or interesting.
Advertisements that have age-inappropriate content should also be banned.
7. Do you think that advertisements for products that harm the health,
such as cigarettes, should be allowed?
Now you arc getting into freedom of choice and whether it would be better
to just prohibit something from being advertised to get people to stop using
the product, but unfortunately this just doesn’t work, as prohibition in the
States found out. The best thing would be for the products just to not be
manufactured, but this doesn’t work either because then they would be
produced illegally, becoming more dangerous.
8. Can you think of any example of false advertising?
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The biggest example that comes to my mind is McDonald’s advertisements.
Every time 1 go to McDonald’s, I see pictures of happy, thin people with big
smiles and perfect teeth holding hamburgers and cartons of French fries
that are at least three tunes bigger than the real products. This
advertisement clearly ignores three glaring facts. For one, if you cat at
McDonalds a lot, you will not look like the people in the advertisement. Two,
the hamburger and French fries are nowhere near the size pictured. Three,
if you stand smiling lidding a burger, nobody will think you are cool.
9. What kinds of products are most often (most easily) promoted by
false advertising?
Well, most products are really promoted by false advertising. I hate to
sound so cynical but I have a friend in the advertising business, and a lot of
so-called experts advertising their product know absolutely nothing about it.
In the Held of beauty care products, this happens a lot. The poor women
sitting at home with nothing to do except watch TV me so susceptible In
this kind of advertising.
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Part 1
- Do you like celebrities? Why/Why not? (Bạn có thích người nổi tiếng
không? Tại sao/Tại sao không?)
(Answer) Personally, I take an avid interest in showbiz because (Reason) I
always feel curious about their attractiveness on stage as well as the buzz
about their private life.
- Do you want to be a celebrity? (Bạn có muốn trở thành một người nổi
tiếng không?)
(Answer) Actually, I have a head for singing and I plan to attend the
audition round of The Voice Vietnam. (Reason) I love the feeling of
standing on the stage and receiving standing ovation after I finish my
Part 2
Describe a celebrity that you admire. (Mô tả một người nổi tiếng mà bạn
ngưỡng mộ)
(Answer) I would like to talk about my favorite Vietnamese footballer, who
is also a monument in my mind because of his unending perseverance, it is
Cong Vinh, who used to be a striker in the National football team.
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(Reason) Literally, he has gained a reputation for himself for both being
talented and being a dedicated husband and father in the family. (Example)
Although having retired from profressional competing, he has still
contributed to the growth of football in Vietnam by doing coaching work and
building a football center to recruit young talents in this sport. (Example)
When he was in the National football team, he and his co-players became
the champion of AFF Suzuki Cup in 2008, which took the country by storm
and made headlines at that time.
(Reason) Besides, he is admired for the marriage with his wife, Thuy Tien –
also a well-known singer. (Example) They are true philanthropists who
have done a lot of charity work together that has helped many people
across the country. He is also loved for leading a simple and happy life
when everyday we can see his posts about his family’s activities on
Facebook. I hope that he will be a role model for people in our country,
continue his work and do good things for many people.
Part 3
What do you think about the impact of celebrities’ style on the youth
nowadays? (Bạn nghĩ gì về ảnh hưởng của người nôi tiếng lên phong cách
của giới trẻ?)
(Answer) Well, in my perspective, celebrities now appear stylish and often
wear high-end clothes to show off their status. (Example) The clothes are
from both domestic and international brands that cost a fortune. Also, many
celebrities want to be trend-setters, from which youngsters can learn from
their style. (Example) Gucci or Off-white or Balenciaga is favored by a lot of
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famous people and the youth nowadays also own items from these luxury
brands to appear like their idols despite their expensive price.
- Take an avid interest in (St) (v): Cực kỳ yêu thích cái gì
- Buzz (n): Ồn ào
- Unending perseverance (n): Sự nỗ lực không ngừng nghỉ
- Profressional competing (n): Thi đấu chuyên nghiệp
- Gain a reputation for oneself (v): Nổi tiếng
- Take the country by storm (v) (idm): Gây bão cả nước
- Make headlines (v): Tràn ngập trên các mặt báo
- Well-known (adj): Nổi tiếng
- True philanthropist (n): Nhà nhân đạo đích thực
- High-end clothes (n): Quần áo hàng hiệu
- Show off one’s status (v): Phô trương thanh thế
- Cost a fortune (v): Rất đắt đỏ
- Trend-setter (n): Người dẫn đầu xu hướng
Part 1
Do you want to be a celebrity? (Bạn có muốn trở thành một người nổi tiếng
(Answer) Actually, I have a head for singing and I plan to attend the
audition round of The Voice Vietnam. (Reason) I love the feeling of
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standing on the stage and receiving standing ovation after I finish my
Part 2
Describe a lesson you learn from a celebrity. (Mô tả về một bài học bạn
học được từ một người nổi tiếng)
(Answer) Well, the celebrity that I admire the most is Ellen Degeneres. To
me, she is not a mere comedian but a monument of courage to be her true
(Reason) As you know, she is famous for proudly and publicly announcing
herself being lesbian although there has been certain prejudice. (Example)
She is also an active LGBT activist who has fought for LGBT’s rights and
inspires people to live with their true selves without being afraid of the
society’s thought on them. She is talented and has a great sense of humor
and she has been the host of one of the most viewed shows in the world for
over ten years, “The Ellen Degeneres Show”.
(Reason) Besides, Ellen is a very kind, helpful woman because she raises
fund from sponsors on a regular basis to help her impoverished audience.
(Example) Another interesting fact about her is that her way of hosting is so
alluring that I cannot keep my eyes off the screen during the show. At the
end of each episode, she always carries the message “Be kind to one
another”, which is a type of motivation for people to get on well with those
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around them. In other words, she is the role model for my life and I wish I
could see her once in my lifetime.
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Part 3
How can a celebrity negatively affect the brand image that they advertise
for? (Người nổi tiếng có ảnh hưởng tồi tệ như thế nào đến nhãn hiệu mà
họ quảng cáo?
(Answer) In fact, celebrities can have a negative effect on the brands that
they endorse through their scandals. (Reason) As a matter of fact, the
public will suppose that they are not qualified enough to be a public image.
(Example) Consequently, brands will suffer a great loss and sales will drop
dramatically. However, the most important thing is that the brand will
decrease in popularity with the general public.
- Have a head for (St) (v): Có khả năng làm gì
- Standing ovation (n): Khán giả đứng lên vỗ tay
- Mere comedian (n): Diễn viên hài đơn thuần
- Monument of courage (n): Tượng đài về lòng dũng cảm
- Prejudice (n): Thành kiến
- Activist (n): Nhà hoạt động
- Sense of humor (n): Khiếu hài hước
- Cannot keep one’s eyes off St (v): Không thể rời mắt khỏi cái gì
- Motivation (n): Động lực
- Role model (n): Hình mẫu lý tưởng
- Endorse (v): Xuất hiện trong quảng cáo của một nhãn hàng
- Decrease in popularity (v): Giảm uy tín
- General public (n): Công chúng
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Part 2: Describe a popular comic actor /actress you know
You should say:
- What comedies have he/she performed
- And explain why he/she is popular
Band 6,5 Answer by IELTS test taker
Well, the popular comic actor I want to talk about today is Jim Parsons. He
is a famous American actor, known for playing Sheldon Cooper in the
sitcom ‘The Big Bang Theory’. He has received several awards for his
performance, including four Primetime Emmy Awards for Outstanding Lead
Actor in a Comedy Series. Apart from the ‘Big Bang Theory’, Jim Parson
has also achieved great performance in many other comedies, including
the ‘Family Guy’ and so on. Generally speaking, Jim Parsons is a very
popular comic actor around the world, and many people, especially the
young students are deeply attracted by his performance.
The reason why he is popular is that the role he played in the comedy is so
funny that people may fall in love with it at the first sight. Here, I would like
to take the role he played in the ‘Big Bang Theory’ for an example. In this
comedy, Jim Parson has performed a genius with high IQ, but extremely
low EQ vividly. As soon as I see his funny facial expressions and
interesting behaviors in the comedy, I cannot stop laughing. As for the
audience, especially the young university students, they like watching his
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comedies during the free time, since it can help them alleviate the heavy
daily pressure. So, that is why Jim Parsons is so popular.
IELTS Speaking Part 3
1) Should actors be paid more?
Well, I think the actors should be paid more, what I want to mention firstly is
that the actor is a hard work. Generally speaking, the actors need to
overcome many difficulties if they want to be successful, for example, some
actors need to wear the clothes in summer during the winter, since the
director wants to shoot the scene in summer. Secondly, the actor is also a
dangerous job. For example, in an action film, the actor always needs to do
some dangerous acts, like hanging the wire works, and so on. Since the
actor is a dangerous and hard work, I suppose that the actors should be
paid more.
2) What influences do actors or actresses have on young people?
Well, there are many influences. What I want to mention firstly is that the
actors may influence the young people’s behaviors. To be honest, every
young student has his or her idol, in which case, the young people are
always eager to know more about the idols’ lives in detail and will always
learn from their idols. Here, I would like to take myself as an example.
When I was young, my idol was Jay Chou. At that time, he always donated
money to help the people in need, so I regarded him as my example, and I
also saved my pocket money and donated the money to help others in
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need. Secondly, the actors will also influence the young people’s spiritual
world. Here, I would like to take a favorite TV host named Ou Di for an
example, he had suffered from lot of difficulties before becoming famous,
so he always uses his own stories to encourage the young people to face
the challenges with strong determination. So, I think the actors will
influence the young people’^ behaviors and spiritual worlds.
3) Are there many people in your country who want to work as an
Well, I think not a lot. What I want to mention firstly is that it is very difficult
to become a famous actor. Honestly speaking, thousands of young
students will graduate from the film school every year, but only a few of
them will become famous. So, becoming a famous actor is extremely
difficult. Secondly, the actor does not have his own privacy. Nowadays,
many people are interested in the private life of the actors and they are
eager to dig in the privacy in detail. So, the actor has to live under the
spotlight all year long. In this case, I feel that many people do not want to
work as an actor.
4) Who are more popular, TV stars or movie stars?
Well, I think the TV stars are more popular. What I want to mention firstly is
that the TV star can always appear on the screen. In most of the cases,
people like watching TV with their families in the evening. If they are
following a certain TV series, they will always watch the same TV star over
and over again during a certain period of time, and they will easily
remember the star’s face. Secondly, I think the TV stars look better than
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the movie stars. For most of the TV series directors, they will always invite
the handsome actors and beautiful actresses to shoot the series, since the
appearance of the actor can guarantee the audience rating. In this case, I
think the TV stars are more popular.
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Describe a pet that you own and has a special influence on you.
You should say:
- What the pet is
- Where and when you bought him/her
- What activities you enjoy together
And explain why the pet has a special influence on you.
Bài mẫu
I would like to tell you about my dog. His name is Hund. The name is
inspired by the German noun “der Hund”, which means “the dog” in English.
Hund was born and brought up in Japan. At the age of three, he travelled to
Frankfurt with his owner. I had the chance to own Hund two years ago,
when my Japanese neighbor decided to move to Berlin to accept a new job
Hund is an extremely loyal and smart dog. He is good at swimming and can
even imitate pieces of basic human language such as hello and goodbye.
Furthermore, he enjoys playing in my house’s garden and watching
television with me in the evening.
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Two years ago, Hund was upset because he had to leave his owner.
However, these days Hund and I are close friends, and we often play
sports together in my free time. Hund has a special influence on my life,
since he was the first pet that I have ever owned in my life.
1. Do you think animals have feelings and rights? (Why?/Why not?)
I think animals can think and feel too. I’m sure you have heard of the story
of a dog named Hachiko that waited for his owner’s return every day for
more than nine years after his owner’s death. Such remarkable loyalty
shown by a dog made me realize that animals can have emotions too. I
also believe animals should be granted rights so that there’s a clear legal
limit to human behaviors in relation to animals.
2. Some people breed animals such as dogs for money. How do you
feel about that?
I’m fine with people breeding animals for money as long as they don’t hurt
the animals in the process. I know some people who breed dogs for a living
but I know that they love the dogs and truly care for them; they would never
want to see the dogs in pain, so I don’t see anything wrong with such a
3. Do you think there should be laws to protect the welfare of pets and
farm animals? (For example, laws against cruel treatment.) Why?/Why
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Absolutely. If you think about it, animals are vulnerable, defenseless and
completely under a man’s control / in a man’s charge. Nevertheless, I
strongly believe that animals deserve to live their lives free from suffering
and exploitation. People who disregard the wellbeing of animals should be
brought to court and held accountable for violating animal rights.
4. Are there any wild animals in your country that are not found in any
other country?
I’m aware of only a few endangered species, such as the pheasant, Tonkin
snub-nosed monkey, Crested Argus and the Annam black muntjac.
5. Are there any animal reserves in your country where wild animals
can live in protection?
As far as I know, there are several national parks and nature reserves
across the country to protecting wild plant and animal species and their
6. How do people feel about the protection of wild animals?
For the most part, I’m sure people are well aware of the importance of
protecting wild animals and endangered species. Particularly many
youngsters nowadays are actively playing their part in wildlife conservation
by participating in animal conservation volunteer programs in remote areas
of the country and sharing stories of illegal wildlife trade on their social
media in hope of raising overall animal welfare standards.
7. What do you think are some of the benefits to humans from
protecting wild animals?
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In my opinion, there are two main reasons to protect wild animals. One of
them has to do with the protection of our ecosystem. Everything in the wild
has evolved to work together to have a biosphere that sustains life. Yet, it is
hard to know exactly what might happen to an ecosystem when even the
smallest contributor to that ecosystem vanishes. Hence, wild animals, as a
part of the ecosystem of the world need to be conserved and protected.
Plus, a lot of medicines used to help cure various health conditions, such
as heart diseases, disorders and other illnesses have been derived from
the chemicals produced by animals. If wild animals are gone, it will be
impossible for humans to study and learn from them.
- Grant (verb): to give or allow someone something
They granted her an entry visa.
Exploitation (noun): the use of something in order to get an advantage
from it
The protection of the Antarctic from commercial exploitation is an important
goal of environmentalists.
To hold accountable for sth: to consider someone responsible for
I must hold you responsible for the missing money.
- Violate (verb): to break or act against something, especially a law
They were charged with violating federal law.
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Endangered species (adj): animals or plants that may soon not exist
because there are very few now alive
- Conservation (noun): the protection of plants and animals, natural areas,
and interesting and important structures and buildings, especially from
the damaging effects of human activity
This fundraising program was established for the purpose of funding
research and education initiatives that aid in the conservation of
endangered species.
Ecosystem (noun): all the living things in an area and the way they
affect each other and the environment
Pollution can have disastrous effects on the delicately balanced ecosystem.
Biosphere (noun): the part of the earth’s environment where life exists
The biosphere extends from the deepest root systems of trees to the dark
environment of ocean trenches, to lush rainforests and high mountaintops.
- Disorder (noun): an illness of the mind or body
She suffers from an eating disorder.
Derive sth from sth (verb): to get something from something else
The institute derives all its money from foreign investments.
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1) Have you seen any TV programs about animals?
Well, I have seen a TV program named ‘The Animal World’. This program
is a popular program in CCTV. The host will introduce a kind of animal to
the audience in every episode of the program. For example, I have
watched an episode about: the lion last month. In that episode, the host
has not only introduced the living habits, the different species of the lions;
through videos, but also introduced the whole evolutionary process of the
lion in detail. So, I think I have benefited a lot from the program, and it
makes my extracurricular life more colorful.
2) What should we do to protect endangered animals?
Well, I think that the people in the modern society should protect our
environment in order to provide a comfortable home for the endangered
animals. We cannot deny that the modern people cut down a lot of trees
and exhaust the wasted gas into the air in order to develop the economy,
all of which will have a bad influence on the inhabitants of the endangered
animals. In this case, I think the whole society should work together to
improve the quality of the natural environment in order to provide a
comfortable home for those endangered animals.
Do you support doing experiment on animals?
Well, as far as I am concerned, I do not support doing experiments on
animals. What I want to mention firstly is that those experiments are too
cruel for animals. I remembered when I was a student in the university, the
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students in the medical campus always use little rats and little rabbits to do
the experiment in order to test the side effects of the medicine. They
injected those chemical medicines into the animal, and some of the animals
die of the pain. I think this process is too cruel for the animals. Secondly,
doing experiments on animals is a kind of disrespect to lives. Although the
animals cannot talk in human’s languages, they have their own thoughts
and I think they should have the right to choose their own lives. Based on
the reasons mentioned above, I think we should not do experiments on
Why do some people refuse to eat animals?
Well, there are several reasons. What I want to mention firstly is that some
people think it is not healthy to eat animals. When people eat the animals,
they always eat meat as well as some internal organs. However, those
stuffs contain too much oil and fat, which is harmful to people’s health. In
order to keep healthy, some people refuse to eat animals and prefer to eat
the fruits and vegetable. Secondly, some people think that it is too cruel to
eat animals. Those people think that killing animals is too bloody and cruel,
since the delicious food is based on the animals’ lives. So, I think those are
the reasons why some people refuse to eat animals.
5) What would happen when some species disappear on earth?
Well, the reason why some species disappear on earth is that the people
do not focus on the environmental protection, and they cut down the trees
in the forests as well as contaminate the air in order to promote the
economical and industrial development. Their behaviors do a great harm to
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the animals’ inhabitants and will lead to the extinction of some species
directly. It is widely acknowledged that every species plays its own role in
the ecological system. The disappearance of some species on earth will
lead to the ecological imbalance and is also harmful to people’s life in the
long run.
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6. LAW
Describe a good law in your country.
Describe a good law in your country.
You should say:
- What the law is
- How you first learned about this law
- Who benefits from this law (who is affected by this law)
- And explain why you think this is a good law
Model Answer
I’m going to tell you about Singapore’s littering laws which I firmly believe
are a great idea. As you know, Singapore is one of the cleanest countries
in the world which I feel extremely proud of, considering many other
countries in Asia have enormous pollution issues. Unfortunately, I think
people need strict laws enforced to have the incentive not to do it. Either
way, I’m glad it benefits our planet and those who reside on it.
In Singapore, a first time offender who is caught littering is subject to a max
fine of $2,000, a second time offender $4,000 and third time $10,000.
However, this is only if a police sees you. I wonder how many people can
sneak past (do something without being caught) this! However, there is a
strong police presence in Singapore, so I hope this isn’t the case.
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I would say the entire country benefits from this. By having a cleaner
environment, we all have uncountable health benefits. For example, we
could have healthier lungs, skin, animals have improved habitats, etc.
Furthermore, we attract more tourists, as many people are drawn to clean
places. With this said, I know that some people financially profit from this.
Sadly, humans have a tendency to choose to see only what they want.
None of us want to believe the gravity of (how serious something is) just
how much we are harming the planet and cannot always directly see it in
front of us; we live just for today. With this said, people usually don’t take
initiative to protect the environment unless there are laws. So, I think this
law is critical to give people incentive to not litter. As the fine is drastically
high, it will scare people into making sure their trash goes into the bins.
Although it must go hand in hand with education, I think it’s impossible to
keep a clean country without strict laws. I wish more countries enforced
laws like these.
1. Is there any situation people disobey the law?
To be honest, I’ve never actually seen anyone litter. I’m sure it must still
exist to some low extent, but I genuinely think people are afraid to do so
because of the fines and police presence. However, I know that no country
is perfect and that there are always people who will disobey the law. On
another note, I think that perhaps people who come to Singapore are more
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likely to throw their trash on the ground if it isn’t something enforced in their
home country.
2. Do people like being a policeman in your country?
I would say so. Actually, my father is a police officer and he seems to enjoy
it quite a bit, although it is a tough job. Since Singapore has a reputation to
maintain, the police force strives their utmost (works extremely hard) to
give their all to make sure that Singapore remains among the safest
countries. With this said, some police officers feel quite a lot of pressure,
which makes it a challenging yet rewarding job.
3. What qualities should a police officer have?
Firstly, I believe that a police officer must have a high sense of integrity. As
corruption is a problem in many countries which prevents progress in a
place, it is important that the police officer has a sense of integrity along
with morality, honesty, and a genuine concern to make the country safer.
Furthermore, they must be hard-working and not too relaxed as there are
always people trying to slip through the cracks (do something without being
caught) of the law. All in all, they must be a strict, no tolerance sort of
individual to be efficient.
4. Why some people want to become a lawyer?
To be honest, I think some people choose it for the money, as it is a high
paid job in many countries. Secondly, some people feel quite passionate
about the law and want to dedicate their life to it. Thirdly, there are many
different branches of law, such as international, geriatric, criminal, etc., so
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there are many different opportunities within this career path. As with other
jobs, people know in their heart which career is for them!
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Describe the time when you received your first cellphone
You should say:
- When it was
- Where you were
- Who gave you the cellphone
- What it was like
- How you felt about it
Band 6,5 Answer by IELTS Test Taker
I got my first cellphone when I was in the third year of junior middle school.
I was doing my homework with my biggest effort at that time when my mom
put the new cellphone beside me and it was kind of my birthday gift as my
birthday was approaching at that time. Another reason why I got the new
cellphone was that my mom wanted to encourage me to work harder
through providing a bonus for me. In terms of the appearance of the
cellphone, it is a delicate and small cellphone with pink color, which suits
girls very much. Because it is not big, it is actually convenient for people to
carry. I felt ecstatic upon receiving the surprising gift as I had never
presumed that I could have a cellphone of my own when I was still in the
middle school. From that time on, I could contact my friends and family
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whenever I wanted, which made my life much more convenient. Also, when
I needed to put down some notes and there was no paper or pen around,
what I needed to do was taking out the cellphone and used the function of
note taking. Looking back now, the first new cellphone really means a lot to
1) For children, what age do you think is suitable to allow them to use
I think the right time for them to use cellphones may be their middle school
time because from that time on, they may need to contact with their friends.
In middle school years, it is also the time when they begin to go out to play
occasional!” and they need the cellphones to keep their family updated
about their location and safety. If you ask the specific yea-when it is
appropriate for the students to use the cellphones, I would say maybe in
the second year of junior middle school as that is also the time when I
began to own my own cellphone. My mom gave ot to me as a gift to help
me keep in touch with my classmates for discussing homework after going
back home.
2) Is it popular for children to use cellphones in your country?
I think it is quite often for children to use cellphones in my country.
According to my knowledge, most junior middle school students have at
least a cellphone of their own. One of the reasons why cellphones are so
popular among children is that their parents are willing to giving their kids
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money to buy the cellphones they want because the parents think it is
necessary. And there are many uses for children to use cellphones such as
contacting their classmates and friends although some children buy the
cellphones just because they want to play the games in it.
3) What do teenagers in your country use cellphones for?
I think there are different kinds of use. Firstly, for some teenagers, they use
the cellphones to check the English words they do not know and listen to
the music, so for them, cellphones can help them study and relax
themselves. For another group of teenagers, they value the relationship
between friends, so they will use the cellphones to contact their friends.
They will use the cellphones to discuss homework together and chatting
with each other when they feel upset. For the last kind of 8 teenagers, they
will use the cellphones to play games as we all know that there are more
and more digital games in cellphones. In a word, the teenagers use the
cellphones for fun and convenience in life.
4) What are the advantages/disadvantages of using cellphones?
There are both quire a lot of advantages and disadvantages of using
convenience in people’s life such as using them to contact the classmates
when they need to discuss the difficulties in homework. Also, they can use
them to make the phone call when they need someone to talk with.
Secondly, some apps in cellphones can help them study such as different
digital English dictionaries and apps to supervise them to do English
reading every day. There are also numerous disadvantages, for example,
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the cellphones can be the biggest distraction when the students try to study.
Also, it is easy for the teenagers to be addicted to the games in cellphones,
which is becoming more and more a concern in today’s society.
5) Why are many people addicted to apps?
I think there are various reasons. Firstly, we have to admit that the design
of the apps nowadays really meets people’s needs and really attractive. For
example, Amazon is the most popular app for shopping and there are so
many kinds of products in this app, so people will spend a large amount of
time to select the things they want and decide what to buy. Gradually they
will become addicted to it. Another reason, I think, is that it is easier for
modern people to get addicted to digital products because the fast pace in
modern society makes them feel emptiness inside so that they need to
spend much time on those apps to eliminate the sense of loneliness and
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1. Do you often visit the countryside?
Yes, I usually head out on a day trip to lots of wonderful countryside
regions on the weekend to recharge my energy after a busy week.
2. If so, who do you visit in the countryside?
I like to visit my grandmother in the countryside. I usually get there on a
train. Every time when I get the chance to see her & enjoy the great fruit,
spending some time getting back to nature, I find myself restored & relaxed.
3. Do you have family or friends living in the countryside?
Yes, my grandmother still lives in the countryside. She is a farmer & she
really enjoys the tranquilness & the beauty of the countryside, so she
decided to stay there for the rest of her life .
4. Would you like to live in the countryside in the future?
Absolutely ! I’m a huge fan of going to going to the forest. The environment
there is just superb. Every now and them I would visit a forest just because
there isn’t that much pollution so I could smell the fresh air. Also the
animals there are also quite cute – especially some colourful birds.
5. Have areas of countryside in your country changed since you were
a child?
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Do you think that visits to the countryside should be something that schools
offer to their children?
Describe an enjoyable/unforgettable experience you had in the countryside
You should say:
- what the activity was
- when you did it
- who you did with it
- why it was enjoyable
It was two years ago when I had my very first motorbike trip with my friends
to the first and most ancient village which is located in the Southern [your
country]. It is an unforgettable trip that I’ve ever had.
Our group had 3 people, Jack, Jenny and me. We chose to visit that village
because we wanted to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and
get off the beaten track. Moreover, because the village is also the
birthplace of my grandparent, I felt really excited to visit the village and get
a closer insight into the lifestyle of local people as well as my grandparent.
We set out for a day trip to date back to the tradition of our country really
early. I’m always a night owl, not an early bird, so leaving the city at 5 a.m
made me feel like I was deprived of sleep. However, I was deliriously
happy shortly after embarking on the trip to the village. This was because
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on the way to get there, we admired the breathtaking landscapes which is
totally different from the city we are currently living in. After 1 hour drive,
we got to the picturesque village which made me feel over the moon. We
rented some bikes to cycle around the village with a lot of small alleyways
filled with green grass. After riding a bike to the paddy field to get the vibes
of the village, we visited some 400 year old ancient house which made of
mud and laterite and had a look at communal houses where the local
people gathered for festival celebration or public meeting. After that, we
had lunch with many scrumptious food which is locally and organically
grown. In the afternoon, we joined a cooking class with the villagers who
were extremely friendly and clever at making traditional cakes. The
highlight of the trip to the village was going to the paddy fields to help the
farmers harvest the crop. It was such an once-in-a-lifetime experience
which I really enjoyed.
That was our first motorbike trip to the outskirt of the city and first time in
the countryside so we really enjoyed every single moment there. Jenny
was like a dog with two tails while Jack and I were also on cloud nine. We
relished everything in the village from the fresh air, cozy ambiance to
beautiful landscapes such as small houses or paddy fields. We very much
hope that we can embark on a longer trip to the countryside down the road
if we have more spare time.
- Hustle and bustle (phrase) Noisy and confused activity
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- Off the beaten track (phrase) far away from the places that people
usually visit
- Get insight into (phrase)
Night owl (phrase) someone who enjoys going out at night or does not
go to bed until it is late
- Early bird (phrase) someone who gets up early in the morning
- Deliriously happy (collocation) very very happy
- Embark on (verb) to start a new project or activity, usually one that will
be difficult and will take time
- Breathtaking (adj) extremely impressive or beautiful
- Picturesque (adj) a picturesque place or scene is attractive, especially
because it is old and interesting
- Over the moon (idiom) very happy
- Alleyway (noun) a narrow street or passage
- Feel the vibe (phrase) a general feeling that you get from a person or
- Laterite (noun) a kind of brick
- Have/take a look at (phrase)
- Communal (adj) relating to a particular community
- Scrumptious (adj) very delicious
- Once-in-a-lifetime experience (collocation) very special experience
because you will probably only have it once
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Describe a place in your city that you would like to visit
You should say:
- Where it is
- What people do there
- How you know it
- And explain why you want to go there
Sample Band 9
As a rule, I go to various spots in my neighborhood, but if I have to describe
one that grabs my attention, the recently opened park within a stone’s
throw from my house is what I would like to pay a visit, maybe a couple of
days later when I get my work done. The reason for putting off this is that
recently I’ve been mowed under with working don’t have a snowball’s
chance in hell of going there in person.
I hear through the grapevine that there are a bunch of things see in the
park, as the hub of activities for the city-dwellers. There are said to be
people selling lottery tickets, some hawkers idling their goods, or children
playing about on the grass. I haven’t gone there yet, but it seems that there
can be more intriguing things
The park interests me for a couple of reasons. First, the atmosphere is
fresh, and there are many species of plants and flowers to gaze at. Second,
I love kids and seeing them having fun just blows my mind. It reminds me
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of my sweet childhood when I spent most of my free time playing in the
My plan is to organize a small picnic with some of my buddies at university
to have a getaway front the Scorching heat this spring. Probably, we will
simply c have a good time together n catching up on gossip in the shade of
many trees there.
Other topics
1.Describe an area of countryside you know and like.
You should say:
- Where it is
- What its special features are
- What you and other people do in this area
- And explain why you like it
2. Describe a village or urban area you have visited
- where it is
- when & how you went there
- who live there
- And explain what you liked/disliked about this village or urban area.
3. Describe a relative’s house you have visited
4. Describe a place you like to visit
5. Describe a place you often go to.
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6. Describe a naturally beautiful place.
7. Describe a place where you went with your parents.
1. What are the advantages of living in the countryside?
Living in the countryside can definitely benefit people in a wide range of
ways. For one thing, living in the countryside is better for one’s health
condition thanks to significantly lower levels of air pollution. It is undeniable
that, air quality in big cities is so bad that long-term exposure to it may
cause respiratory diseases and other health problems. Besides, the cost of
living in rural areas is likely to be lower than that in cities. Although people
in the city tend to make more money than people in the countryside do,
they have to spend more on food, accommodation and transportation.
Therefore, one can actually save more money by living in the countryside
without working as hard.
2. What are the disadvantages of living in the countryside?
Although living in the countryside can do wonders for your wellbeing, it is
undeniable that there are still some drawbacks of living in the countryside.
To be more specific, without having a plethora of transport on your
doorstep, it will be much more inconvenient to travel to far-away place,
which also means you will squander more time on commuting. Another
disadvantage is that country-dwellers also have fewer job opportunities
compared to those in the cities, thereby resulting in lower standard of living.
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3. What kinds of people live in the countryside?
To the best of my knowledge, many people decide to live in a countryside
because they want to downshift to a less stressful life. Although people who
live in the countryside can still lead hectic lives, the peace of their
surroundings help to bring them to a gentle halt and remind them not to
rush life away.
4. What do people living in the countryside like to do?
I reckon that when living in the countryside, people can enjoy a myriad of
activities that they hardly have in cities such as going out at night without
fear of street criminals, doing exercise in the early morning to enjoy the
fresh air.
5. How has life changed over time in the countryside?
The countryside has experienced certain changes for the last few decades.
Firstly, people, especially farmers, have applied modern technologies in
their work. Therefore, the productivity has significantly improved while
people don’t have sweat as much as they used to. Moreover, young people
in the countryside tend to dwell to town to seek job opportunities. As a
result, the population in the countryside is reducing and aging.
6. Do you think it is better to live in the countryside or in the city?
As often as this question is raised, I believe it remains a tough decision to
make when it comes to choosing between living in the countryside and
living in the city. Many people have been attracted to live and work in big
cities because of better employment opportunities and higher living
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standards. This massive rural-to-urban migration has, however, led to
increase in environmental pollution, traffic and social issues in urban areas.
It would be a better idea for people to live in the suburb and travel into the
city to work every day so that they can enjoy the best of both worlds.
7. How is the countryside different from town?
There are many things which differ the countryside from town. Obviously, it
is much less crowded in the country than in cities. Besides, the pace of life
in the countryside is slow while people living in big cities always seem to be
in a hurry. In addition, it is much more healthy to live out of big cities
because the air in the country is fresher and there is not as much noise.
1. Do you think that landmarks will make a city more famous, why?
Of course it is. Landmarks such as picturesque landscapes or places of
historical significance often draw huge numbers of tourists, making a city
well-known to the rest of the world. For example, people often visit Canada
for its breathtaking views in rural areas or mountainous regions, as well as
other coastal cities which offer splendid sandy beaches. Without such
attractions, it would be hard to convince foreigners to pay a visit to my
2. What interesting things can we do in big cities?
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We can have a lot of fun in big cities. If you like shopping, you could go
shopping for beautiful clothes and see the designs of famous brands. We
have to admit that major museums are usually located in big cities. In these
places, we can appreciate our culture and history. There’re also some
amusement parks and leisure centers for people both young and old.
3. What’s the difference between living in the city and countryside?
I think that many differences could be counted. Firstly, the infrastructure in
city is significantly more modem, comprehensive and convenient for
traveling than that of the countryside. Additionally, rural citizens’ lifestyle is
less competitive and hectic than urban counterparts. A reasonable
explanation for this is that development of the economy and technology in
vibrant cities is accelerating more than ever before
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Part 1: Are you interested in robots? (Bạn có hứng thú với rô-bốt không?)
(Answer) One hundred percent yes, I have always taken an avid interest in
all kinds of technological innovations and artificial intelligence is no
exception. (Reason) I think robots with extremely enormous memory are
getting more sophisticated and they will soon be a tool that can help
humans with a lot of things such as domestic tasks or even replace people
in workplace.
Part 2 : Describe a technological application that you are impressed with.
(Mô tả một ứng dụng công nghệ mà bạn ấn tượng)
(Answer) Today I would like to talk about a robot which made its debut on a
daily news program that I saw a couple of weeks ago.
(Reason) The news was the introduction of a humanoid named Sophia the first robot citizen of the world. Sophia was developed by a robotics
company that is best known for its development of human-shaped robots
with artificial intelligence. (Example) She is built based on basic human’s
personality traits such as creativity, empathy, and compassion. She had
the chance to talk to many different important figures in the field of
technology. During every talk, she was interviewed as a human being, she
knew how to strike up conversations with the hosts and I was totally
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impressed with the things that she could do. She could show different
emotions on her face, imitate human gestures and even facial expressions.
(Example) Another intersting thing about Sophia is that she said she was
the first robot to be on the cover for ELLE Brazil, a well-known magazine.
She was also the focus of the world’s media as she announced that she
would destroy humandkind. Honestly, I think Sophia would be the
beginning of a new era when automation could do demanding jobs such as
teaching people languages or peforming surgeries. Many people have
raised concern about the adverse effects of artificial intelligence when they
enter the workforce, but I reckon that it will be a great help to humans in the
near future.
Part 3
Would robots change our society significantly? (Rô-bốt sẽ thay đổi xã
hội của chúng ta một cách đáng kể chứ?)
(Answer) Well, I do think that our society will experience dramatic changes
owing to robots’ presence. (Reason) A large proportion of human labor
would be replaced by artificial intelligence in the workplace, especially in
manufacturing zones. (Reason) Labor-intensive work could be done
precisely by robots which would save a lot of money. Beside, automatons
can replace humans in dangerous working sites, such as underground
mines or outer space.
- Artificial intelligence (n): Trí tuệ nhân tạo
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- Sophisticated (adj): Tinh vi, tỉ mỉ
- Domestic tasks (n): Việc nhà
- Debut (n): Sự xuất hiện lần đầu tiên trước công chúng
- Humanoid (n): Rô bốt hình người
- Personality trait (n): Tính cách
- Important figure (n): Nhân vật quan trọng
- Strike up conversations (v): Bắt chuyện
- Era (n): Kỷ nguyên
- Demanding job (n): Công việc đòi hỏi cao
- Peforming surgery (v)
- Thực hiện phẫu thuật
- Adverse effect (n): Hệ lụy tiêu cực
- Human labor (n): Nhân lực lao động
- Manufacturing zones (n): Các khu chế xuất
- Labor-intensive (adj): (Chỉ công việc) Cần nhiều lao động
- Automaton (n): Rô-bốt
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Part 1
Do you use internet much during the day? (Bạn có sử dụng Internet
trong ngày không?)
(Answer + Reason) I have to say that I am an internet addict and without
the internet, my life would be difficult. I go online most of the time, either
doing work-related tasks or online shopping. It is so convenient that I
consider it an indispensable part of my daily life.
Part 2
Describe a website that you use regularly. (Mô tả một trang mạng bạn
sử dụng thường xuyên)
(Answer) I would like to talk about a website named Youtube, which is a
web page that I get access to everyday. It is the most prevalent videosharing website in the world with billions of people streaming videos on a
daily basis. I am a complete Youtube junkie and I cannot let a day go by
without seeing videos in it.
(Reason) I first learnt to use Youtube when I was at grade 8 at school. My
elder brother taught me how to log in and that was an eye-opening moment
when I saw tons of videos of various content uploaded on the website, and
it has become my favorite broadcasting-searching tool ever since.
(Example) I am a huge fan of Taylor Swift; so you know I can search all the
songs, video clips or interviews related to her and spend the whole day
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watching them. In addition, when I want to cook a certain dish, I can easily
find the recipes by just typing some key words on the website’s toolbar.
(Reason) Besides the entertaining purposes, Youtube is also a great
source of knowledge with various types of tutorial videos; for example,
there are videos about doing exercises, playing a musical instrument or
mixing items of clothing. This website is also free and user-friendly. I can
easily look for a video that I need, subscribe to a channel that I find helpful,
leave a comment and discuss with others about the related issue that the
videos mention.
Part 3
What are the disadvantages of the Internet? (Bất lợi của Internet là gì?)
(Answer) Well, it cannot be denied that the internet has simplified our
everyday life, but there are still a lot of drawbacks. (Example) For example,
while the internet helps individuals to make online purchases, it could
generate a way for some cybercriminals to steal credit card information and
use for illegal purposes. (Example) Besides, because of its convenience, it
may reduce the amount of time that people see face to face with each other.
There will be the ones who are glued to the screen all day and focus on
forming virtual relationships instead of real-life ones.
- Internet addict (n): Người nghiện internet
- Breakthrough (n): Đột phá
- Go online (v): Lên mạng
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- Video-sharing website (n): Trang web chia sẻ video
- Stream video (v): Phát video
- Eye-opening (adj): Mở mang tầm mắt
- Broadcasting-searching tool (n): Công cụ tìm kiếm video
- Tutorial video (n): Video hướng dẫn
- User-friendly (adj): Thân thiện với người dung
- Interactive (adj): Tương tác
- Simplify (v): Đơn giản hoá
- Cybercriminal (n): Tội phạm mạng
- Glued to the screen (adj): Dán mắt vào màn hình
- Form virtual relationships (v): Hình thành các mối quan hệ ảo
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– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
1. Do you use a dictionary?
Yes, I use a dictionary, but usually an online one. As the world is becoming
more technologically advanced, I think it’s more convenient to use an
online dictionary rather than a paper book. However, when I do not have
access to the internet, a dictionary is still very useful. I think it is important
to check a dictionary instead of use a translator to search for new words,
considering sometimes google translate is incorrect. I could not live without
a dictionary!
2. Which kinds of dictionaries do you prefer to use?
Firstly, I prefer to use an online dictionary for convenience. I’m a fan of one
online dictionary called Word Reference because it shows you many
different instances to use the word. For example, it shows all meanings of
that particular word, and shows you phrases with that word as well. I think
this is incredibly important as many English words have several meanings.
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Also, you can check the thesaurus to see synonyms. Word Reference
gives you the whole picture!
3. Do you think a dictionary is useful?
Yes, of course dictionaries are useful. Many times people only look up the
translation of the word into their own mother tongue, but I think this is
sometimes ineffective. There are some words that simply do not have a
translation! I believe it’s better to look up the word in other words in the
target language, as well as see examples of how the word is used. I believe
after doing this, you are more likely to use the world correctly in real life.
4. If someone gave you a dictionary as a gift, how would you feel?
To be honest, I would be happy if someone gave me a dictionary as a gift
as I appreciate all gifts, but I have to say that I would prefer another gift.
Sure, a dictionary is useful and could help me learn new things, but I would
prefer new clothes, for example. If someone gave me new clothes, I would
be jumping with joy because I’m a student and I don’t have much money to
spend on clothes. Furthermore, I’m really into fashion! If someone gave
me a dictionary, I would be grateful, but perhaps not as excited as I would
be for new clothes.
5. Do you think it would be interesting to be part of a team that is
writing a dictionary?
To be honest, I don’t think it would be interesting to be part of a dictionary
writing team. As I’m a teacher, I would not be interested in this type of work.
Firstly, I think it would be boring to sit down all day writing! Secondly. I
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would dislike this type of work because I am a very creative, hands-on type
of person. I feel a lot of joy when I create interesting lessons for students
and then do this lesson with them in person and have fun! Dictionary
writing is certainly not for me!
Describe your favorite song. You should say:
- What this song is about
- When you listened to this song for the first time
- How often you listen to this song
- And explain why you think it is your favorite
Band 9 Sample Answer
My favorite song is “Fast Car” by Tracy Chapman. This song is about the
“American Dream” that is sought after by many people.
The singer
recounts her childhood struggles, such as her father’s drinking and working
day in and day out at a convenience store for little money. At the end of the
song, she escapes her family problems and she and her boyfriend go into
the city to seek a better life, and perhaps achieve the American Dream they
they’ve been hoping for. I listened to this song for the first time in the 90’s
when I was a child; it takes me on a ride back to the good old days. The
funny thing is that the first time I heard it, I thought it was a man singing
because the woman has a very deep voice! However, I think the depth of
her voice adds to this catchy song. Nowadays, I listen to this song about
once a week. I think this song is my favorite because of the singer’s voice,
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and the story is just so captivating. When I listen to this song, I can put
myself in her shoes and imagine the hardships she has been through. At
the end of the song, I feel hopeful that they will find the better life that they
are seeking. This song is timeless!
1. Why do you think that some local singers or musicians aren’t as
successful as some from other countries?
I think that fame is sometimes simply the luck of the draw. I think those
born in United States or other developed countries who play a large role in
pop culture are the ones who find success more easily. I think it’s unfair
that some are born with privileges that will eventually lead them to fame
and wealth. For example, as you see, many famous singers are those who
were already born rich or with famous parents. Sadly, it’s all about who you
2. Do you think the Internet has affected the music industry? In what
I definitely agree that internet has greatly affected the music industry. For
one, I’m sure that some artists have lost money due to illegal internet
downloads. Secondly, now artists are exposed to the world much more
easily. In this cyber era, we have so much information at the click of a
mouse. I’m sure that it is much easier to get your name out there nowadays.
I wonder if the famous will become even more famous!
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3. Do you think there will be further changes in the music industry in
the future?
As with all things, I believe that the music industry will definitely continue to
change. I see that nowadays music is relying more on electronic devices
rather than human hands, like in the olden days. I think that nowadays
someone doesn’t even need to pick up an instrument to be a musician. I
firmly believe that the music industry will become more reliant on
4. Do you think the music young people listen to in your country is
becoming more globalized? Why/Why not?
My answer is a definite yes. Nowadays, young people are jamming out to
American hits as well as Kpop. American hits have always been globalizing,
and continue to globalize at an incredible rate. I think that almost every
person can sing along to many American hits! Furthermore, Kpop is
becoming a phenomenon for teens around Asia, and perhaps will continue
to reach hearts around the globe.
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PART 1. What are the things that make you happy? (Những thứ khiến cho
bạn hạnh phúc là gì?)
(Answer) Actually there are many things that can make me happy.
(Example) For example, it is hanging out with friends and have some coffee
or being given a small gift that helps me let off some steam or just the
feeling of trying a good dish brings me a great deal of satisfaction.
PART 2: Describe a situation when you are under pressure. (Mô tả một một
tình huống mà bạn cảm thấy rất áp lực)
(Answer) Well, I would like to talk about a terrible day when I was a
freshman in the university. Actually, I overslept on the day that I had to take
the first test. It was the worst feeling you know!
(Reason) I was so busy with my study as the final exams were coming. I
had been cramming for the exams for weeks before the test date.
Therefore, the night before my test, I was so tired that I forgot to set my
alarm clock and the next morning I overslept as a result. (Example) When I
got up, I was sweating and felt so scared since I knew that I was late. I was
crying my eyes out while rushing to the exam room. I was 15 minutes late
and my biggest fear was that I would not be allowed to take the test. To
make the matter worse, I wasn’t allowed to come into the test hall by the
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examiner and at that time I was depressed and I thought I would suffer
from mental breakdown. That was actually the worst day of my life till now!
However, after a few days I received an announcement from the Training
Department that I could take the test on a day at the end of that month. I
was on cloud nine and relieved that I could still continue the study in the
university. Although it is quite hard at that time, that memory is one of the
most unforgettable period of time in my student life.
PART 3: Do you think people who have more talent are happier than others?
(Bạn có nghĩ những người có tài năng thì hạnh phúc hơn những người
khác không?)
(Answer) I think talent bears little relation to happiness. There are a number
of examples of renowned singers or actresses who are talented but do not
lead a happy life at all. (Example) They may resort to drugs or even commit
suicide to escape from the pressure that they encounter. However, there
are people who are not so talented but still have a happy life with their
family. In short, being more talented doesn’t mean having a happier life.
- Emotion ( Hapiness & Stress)
- Let off some steam (v): Xả hơi
- Satisfaction (n): Sự hài lòng
- Huge fan of (n): Là một fan cứng của
- Part and parcel (n): Phần quan trọng
- Get a kick out of (v): Rất thích
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- Have something to do with (v): Liên quan đến
- Fall apart (v): Đổ bể
- Feel a strong urge (v): Cảm thấy có động lực cực kỳ lớn để làm gì
- Tackle (v): Giải quyết
- Settle down (v): Trở lại bình thường/Lắng xuống
- Bear little relation to (Sb/St) (v): Ít liên quan tới
- Resort to (v): Viện đến
Part 1: How do you handle stress? (Bạn giải quyết áp lực như thế
(Answer) To me, participating in an outdoor sport such as badminton is a
great way to cope with stress. (Reason) It refreshes my mind and cheers
me up a lot. Besides, cooking delicous dishes for the family also helps me
feel relaxed after stressful hours at my workplace.
PART 2: Describe an activity or an event that made you happy. (Mô tả một
hoạt động hoặc sự kiện làm bạn cảm thấy hạnh phúc)
(Answer) Today I’m gonna talk about a happy event which occurred
recently. Honestly, I’m a huge fan of hiphop dance. Ever since I was young,
dancing has always been part and parcel of my life and I have got a kick
out of performing on stage. Without any doubt, most of my memorable
moments have something to do with dancing.
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(Example) One of those just happened a couple of weeks ago and I still
recall it vividly. It was when my dance team, decided to sign up for a
popular dance competition held in Hanoi. We were all determined to create
an impressive and unique performance. However, things started to fall
apart when unexpected conflicts occurred among us. What was even more
shocking is that one of us decided to leave because he couldn’t bear the
situation at that time. And it is that moment when I felt a strong urge to
make everyone sit down and tackle the situation. This is also a golden
chance for everybody to get to know more about each other. We talked
about our feelings, how we wanted to overcome those difficulties together
and how much we wanted this performance to be delivered in the best
version of itself.
Luckily, everything was settled down and things went by smoothly during
the last week before the show. And you know what… Although we didn’t
win, it was still a rewarding experience to me because I was given the
opportunity to deeply understand my friends and my team. And at the end
of the day, standing and shinning together on stage is what truly matters.
PART 3: What do you think are the reasons of stress? (Bạn nghĩ lý do gây
ra áp lực là gì?)
(Answer) I think there are a myriad of things that could generate stress for
us. (Example) Well, some people may have to face problems related to
financial burden, in which they may not have enough money to pay for their
children’s education and increasing house rent. (Example) Besides, other
people have stress because of the heavy workload and related
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responsibility at workplace. Those are two
among a number of
justifications in the modern life that can put many people under pressure.
Từ vựng hay:
- Cope with (v): Đương đầu với
- Refresh one’s mind (v): Thư giãn đầu óc
- Cheer (Sb) up (v): Làm ai vui lên
- Oversleep (v): Ngủ quên
- Cram for exams (v): Nhồi nhét cho kỳ thi
- Sweat (v): Toát mồ hôi
- Cry one’s eyes out (v): Khóc nức nở
- Rush (v): Vội vàng
- To make the matter worse (adv): Tồi tệ hơn nữa khi
- Mental breakdown (n): Suy sụp tinh thần
- Financial burden (n): Gánh nặng tài chính
- Heavy workload (n): Khối lượng công việc lớn
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Xem về từ vựng và bài mẫu 3 part: IELTS Vocabulary - Topic: Nature
( weather & natural disasters)
Describe your favorite season of the year.
You should say:
• What the weather is like.
• Why you like this season.
• What activities you usually do during this season.
• How different kinds of weather in this season affect people.
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Band 9 Sample
Today, I am going to tell you about my favourite season. Honestly, I love all
the seasons but I think my favourite is spring. Usually, it starts at the end of
December in our country and lasts till the middle of March.
The weather in my country is the best during spring because you will not
suffer from the excessive heat of summer or the freezing wind of winter.
The temperature is tolerable both day and night. One of the best things
about spring is that, during this poetic season, nature displays itself in
beautiful green and flowers are noticed everywhere. Fruit trees, such as
cherry and apricot trees are in full blossom, and colourful flowers such as
daffodils and marigolds bloom in parks and gardens. The sounds of spring
are wonderful too. A typical spring day will begin when some birds start
their morning chorus as they look for a mate. We also celebrate New Year,
one of the most anticipated holidays by people. This is an occasion for
pilgrimages, family reunions and many festivals. Parties full of delicious
traditional dishes are the main theme for the whole holiday of New Year
I am of the opinion that different kinds of weather can affect people’s health.
Even among those in the prime of health, an excessively hot or cold day
can lead to illness or injury, let alone the elderly, who can be more
susceptible to extreme weather conditions. Weather can also make a huge
impact on people’s lives. Obviously, the weather dictates what you are
going to wear for the day, often depending on the time of year. Also, winter
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snow storms in Western countries can cancel school or make your morning
commute a hassle.
Vocabulary highlights
• suffer from: be badly affected by
• excessive: greater than what seems reasonable or appropriate
• tolerable: moderate, acceptable
• in full blossom: with the flowers fully open
• morning chorus: early morning bird songs
• pilgrimage: a journey to a holy place for religious reasons
• in the prime of: in the best, most successful, most productive stage
• susceptible: very likely to be influenced, harmed or affected
• dictate: decide, determine
• hassle: irritating inconvenience
1. Do you think weather has an influence on people’s mood?
Well definitely yes. Most people have a big preference for mild or windy
weather due to the fact that it is the most favorable time to go out and do
something outdoors. However, when the weather is a little rainy and humid,
people have a tendency to stay at home and watch a movie or something
like that.
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2. Do you like to go outside when winter comes?
Well, I have to admit that I hate having to leave the house in the winter
because there’s often a thick fog every morning and we sometimes get
bitterly cold winds as well. Such things prevent me from going to work and
3. How you feel about the climate in recent years?
Well, that is an intriguing question. From my personal perspective, the
climate on Earth is becoming more and more changeable, which
unfortunately results from climate change. As you can see, normally, in
summer there would be no rainfall at all in nearly 3 or 4 months, but
nowadays, in that particular season, the rain can come any time, which
even contrasts the weather forecast.
4. What can we do to stop greenhouse effect?
There are several ways that can put an end to greenhouse effect. Firstly,
industrial countries like the US and China need to have a consensus on the
amount of Co2 emissions released into the air every year. Therefore, it can
help reduce such bad effects on the air people breathe in every day.
Another possible solution is to cut down on the number of vehicles using
fossil fuels on a global scale. Instead, people should be encouraged to use
public transport.
5. What are the possible results if temperature continues going up?
If that continues to happen, it is obvious that people especially those from
low-income households cannot stand the boiling hot weather and then
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spend more money installing costly air-conditioning systems. This would
reduce the amount of budget that can be spent on other educational and
recreational activities.
Model Answers 2
1. How do the different seasons affect the lifestyle of people in your
In places like A, B, C where it’s always hot there aren’t many extreme
weather changes to worry about. But in other places such as X, Y, Z, the
weather changes so drastically from summer to winter that it affects
lifestyles. During the winter the weather may go below zero, and in the
summer it may get as hot as 40 Celsius. That means you have to have
different kinds of clothes for each season. Also, in the winter you might
need heating and in the summer you will most likely have to use a fan or an
air conditioner, on friend of mine uses both.
2. How do different seasons affect the way people feel?
One of the things that weather affects is the kind of food you eat, but when
it’s really hot I don’t usually feel like eating a lot, just some fruit or quick and
easy food, like sandwiches, cold noodles, whereas in the winter I usually
feel like eating lots of food such as soups, rice, noodles, and the like. Also
when it’s hot I just feel like sleeping, but in the winter I’m naturally colder,
so I have to move around to keep warm.
3. How does the climate of a place affect the kind of buildings that are
built there?
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Well, if the climate is hot, then the builders will construct the buildings to
stay as cool as possible. But if you are in a cold climate then you might find
double insulation on the windows, or the houses will be built to retain heat
as much as possible. It’s quite common to see a house with a bunch of
open porches and verandas in a hot climate. And probably every room will
have a hole for an air conditioning vent. But colder climates will most likely
have central heating.
4. Do you think fighting global climate change is a governmental
responsibility or the responsibility of individuals?
As the saying goes, many hands make light work. If the government and
individuals work together on the climate problems, there will be many
changes and more progress will be made. Of course more responsibility
should fall on the shoulders of the government because they have the
means to do more than the average citizen. But that shouldn’t stop ordinary
people from doing their parts.
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Describe a city or country you want to live/work the most in the future
You should say:
- What is it
- Where is it located
- Why you like it
IELTS Sample Band 9
Well, it is such an interesting topic! Off the top of my head, if I were given a
chance to go to a country to settle down, I would not hesitate to pick Japan
because I’m a real sucker for the country itself and the Japanese’s style of
working in particular.
To start off, what would interest me most during my stay in Japan would be
the breathtaking scenery there, as I have watched countless programmes
on TV featuring the magnificent landscapes from South to North. If I were
to pick what city, it would be Ottawa, since good words about it are going
around a lot.
I wouldn’t forget to mention the fact that the Japanese are hard-working
people and have a strong sense of responsibility and discipline, and
because of this, I reckon a period living and working in a native
environment would cultivate that characteristic in me.
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The final point is that I love the Japanese language, and actually I have
been making an all-out effort to master the language, so that I can stand a
better chance of settling down there. I hold high hopes that with my
determination and stamina, someday my dream will come true.
Từ vựng hay:
- Settle down: to begin to live a quieter life by staying permanently in a
- Be a real sucker for: to like a particular type of person or thing very
much, so that you will do almost anything to please them or to have
- in particular: especially
- breathtaking: extremely impressive or beautiful
- Go around: if something such as an illness or a piece of news is going
around, people are giving or telling it to each other
- Cultivate: to develop something such as an attitude, ability, or skill
- all-out effort: With all one’s strength, ability, or resources; not holding
- stand a chance: to have a chance of doing something
- stamina: the ability to work hard or to make a lot of effort over a long
period of time without getting tired
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1. Is salary important to you? What is the impact of salary on doing
As far as I know, the more salary you receive, the more eager and
enthusiastic you become at the workplace. What I’m trying to say is that
high salary can give us immense motivation to carry out the tasks and
accomplish them with the highest degree of accuracy and speediness, I
distinctly remember a time when my boss promised to give me a pay rise if
I could carry through a project on time; I was simply too excited to turn
down his offer and as a result, l made it in time. In a nutshell, the power of
money is undeniable.
2. What kinds of jobs are easy to get in a foreign country?
Finding employment can be easier if you know how to do certain types of
jobs. The first common occupation that many migrants do would be taking
care of the nails of their customers, or the so-call manicure I guess. Such a
job requires little or no knowledge but you have to Sacrifice your selfesteem as I see most foreigners often look down on that type of work. The
second but nobler profession is the one related to the use of foreign
language. I am one hundred percent certain that if you have an excellent
command of the local language, for example, English, in all likelihood you
can find a decent job with a handsome salary.
3. Should young adults work abroad?
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I reckon it’s a mixed blessing. On the bright side, a period of work in a
foreign country can give people a wealth of knowledge and practical
experience especially in advanced countries, so I guess they would learn
pretty much. Besides, the companies in their home country usually give
their red-carpet treatment to those working abroad when they come back.
Then again, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be as there are also many
drawbacks. They can miss their parents or have a hard time getting some
used to the climate or culture in a strange land, without much support from
others. All in all, it primarily depends on their preferences and
determination, but I recommend they should give it a try as they are still
young and energetic.
4. If they don’t work abroad, would it be helpful for them to travel in a
foreign country?
Well, travelling can be a good way to explore the country and gain some
hands-on experience, but I have to admit that mostly it just gives you a
superficial experience. You get exposed to much stuff without a clear focus.
For instance, you can get into contact with the locals, sample the local
cuisine or marvel at the breathtaking landscapes. So I guess, it doesn’t
have much thing to do with work or work experience. In a nutshell,
travelling broadens your horizons of the world and the people, not giving
you any insight into the work you are doing.
Model Answers 2
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Describe an interesting job that you want to have in the future.
You should say:
- What it is.
- How you can find this job
- What qualities it requires.
- And explain why it is a well-paid job and why you think you will be
good at it.
Well, the job I want to talk about today is the journalist. Basically speaking,
it is not an easy task to find a job as a journalist. In most of the cases,
people need to apply for this job in the newspaper agent or in the TV
station. As for what this job requires for, what I want to mention firstly is that
it requires people to learn about the media theories in detail. The
knowledge, and those theories will teach people about how to become a
journalist as well as how to interview the people. Secondly, it requires
people to be sensible to the news. One of the journalist’s responsibilities is
to dig news, so I think people need to read more domestic and international
news and learn to be sensible to the news happened in the country and the
In my country, a professional journalist should not only know about how to
dig out the truth, but also be professional at writing news reports, and I
think that is also why the journalist is a well-paid job in our country. As for
me, I think I am in possession of the basic skills of becoming a journalist. I
am active, passionate, and fond of communicating with different kinds of
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people. It is widely acknowledged that a journalist need to have ‘a thick
cheek’ since not every interviewee ii willing to be interviewed. I think my
personality is quite suitable to be a successful journalist in the future.
1) Is it hard to find interesting job in your country?
I think it depends on how you think of what an interesting job is. For me, I
think an interesting job should be the one that you like and are willing to
devoting efforts. During the process, you should feel more joy than pain
from work. Therefore, think being a teacher should be such kind of a job in
my mind and it is not hard to find a job as a teacher in my country. While for
others, maybe the interesting jobs for them is painting or photographing
and it may not be that easy to find a job as professional painter. So, it
depends. However, on the whole, I think the market has provided enough
choices so that I should not be that hard to find an interesting job.
2) What kinds of preparation should people do for a job interview?
Firstly, to get enough understanding of the position that you are going to
apply is important because the employer ii searching the one who is the
most suitable and professional about the position. Then, people should
practice making a brie self-introduction so that the employer can quickly
have the basic information about you and your ability of oral expression
Another thing that I think one should prepare is the dressing. To dress
according to the right dressing code is key and it is also a respect for others
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and the sign that you really value this opportunity. For girls, maybe they
also should be aware of wearing appropriate make-ups depending on the
position that they apply.
3) Why do some people keep changing their jobs?
I believe there are various reasons and various situations. For some people
with strong ability, they can do every job well while they switch jobs just to
experience more and figure out what they are really passionate about. Also,
for those people they may want to keep themselves refreshed because
after doing the same job for long, it is 6 easy for people to get bored, so
they keep changing jobs to have the feeling of freshness. For another
group of people, they do not have many choices and positions that can be
offered may only be temporary, so after a while, the company or the
employer may no need this position any more. For such kind of people, I
think they have to keep doing different jobs without choices for the lack of
4) What should a good employer do?
In my opinion, I think a good employer firstly should trust the employees
and give the employees enough opportunities to give their talent into full
play and train the employees to become better and better. Also, a good
employer should no consider himself or herself to be superior to the
employees. Secondly, a good employer should care about the safety of the
employees during work. There is a lot of news about the employees getting
hurt because of work and I think it ii, also the employer’s responsibility to
give the employees a safe environment to work, especially for some special
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kind of work. In a word, a good employer should really care about the
employees from the bottom of the heart.
5) How would you define ‘an interesting job’?
I think an interesting job should be the one that you are passionate about
so that during work, you will never feel bored and can feel more joy than
suffering. And I believe the definition differs from person to person. For
example, for me, I like getting along with the people who are younger than
me, so for me, being a teacher should be an interesting job. While for some
other people, if they do not like to communicate with the young children,
then being a teacher may not sound like a interesting job. Also, an
interesting job should be the one that will give you the energy instead of
absorbing your inner energy. People will get energy only when they are in
positive mood, so an interesting job should be the one that makes people
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Talk about an interesting conversation you had, or a speech you heard.
You should say:
– Who the speaker was
– When you heard him/her or talked with him/her
– What the speech/conversation was about
– Why it was interesting to you
Sample Answer
Uhm, this is my favorite topic. When I was a student, I wasn’t very
interested in any speech or talks. However, since I started my job as a
teacher, I have enjoyed these talks a lot. I did hear a talk from a lecturer
who comes from ABC University. He is a TESOL teacher, so the way he
gave the talk really impressed me. Sitting in a big hall and listening to a talk
actually isn’t a boring thing. The lecture presented different methodology in
teaching English for high school students. Then, the talk visualized a
variety of games to motivate students’ interests, such as snakes,
battleships or puzzles. I have to admit that they are very creative and funny.
Moreover, I did learn a lot from this talk, especially the games since I’ve
never thought that games are really effective in class but they proved me
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wrong. The students like them a lot, which makes me believe in those new
teaching methods. I think I will listen to these talks more when I have time.
- lecturer [n] someone who teaches at a college or university
- impress [v] to cause someone to admire or respect you because of
something that you have done or said
- admit [v] to agree that something is true, especially unwillingly
- present [v] to give, provide or make known
- methodology [n] a system of ways of doing, teaching or studying
- motivate [v] to make someone want to do something well
- creative [a] producing or using original and unusual ideas
- effective [a] successful or achieving the results that you want
- prove [v] to show that something is true
1. Why do people feel nervous when they are giving a speech to
SP1: Public speaking has always been one of the utmost challenges for
anyone, especially those lacking practices. Like any interpersonal skills,
being able to deliver a thorough, yet captivating speech to a group of
strangers requires certain factors. Reasons why most people fail, for me,
fall into two main categories: the fear of audience’s reaction and the topic
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itself. People are judgmental creatures and can cast aspersions on almost
everything; therefore, presenters may suffer from the pressure of perfecting
every detail. In addition, if someone is going to talk about topic that is
unfamiliar to him or too sophisticated for listeners, it is possibly not as wellreceived as the one he knows more about.
Từ vựng:
- Utmost (a): greatest; most extreme
- Captivating (a): taking all your attention; very attractive and
- Judgmental (a): judging people and criticizing them too quickly
- Cast aspersions on: to criticize someone or someone’s character
- Sophisticated (a): complicated
- Well-received (a): getting a good reaction from people
- How can people improve their public speaking skills?
SP2: Thanks to the Internet, information is now disseminated worldwide
and easily accessible that you can get help from anyone about anything,
including public speaking. There are several means to acquire and harness
such skill as long as people are willing to such as enrolling in an online
course or participating in forum where people with the same goal gather
and share their experience. This is quite effective, flexible and most
importantly, free of charge. If you want something more official and
academic, talk to some experts in public speaking at some conferences or
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workshops. They will provide you more insights and tips to begin. Last but
not least, practice makes perfect.
Từ vựng:
- Disseminate (v): to spread information, knowledge, etc. so that it
reaches many people
- Accessible (a): that can be reached, entered, used, seen, etc.
- Acquire (v): to gain something by your own efforts, ability or
- Harness (v): to control and use the force or strength of something to
produce power or to achieve something
- Practice makes perfect: a way of encouraging people by telling them
that if you do an activity regularly and try to improve your skill, you will
become very good at it
2. Can you suggest any methods that would help reduce nervousness?
SP1: Each of us will surely experience at least once in our lifetime the
feeling of anxiety. It can be before our job interview or big presentation,
when meeting your family-in-law for the first time and so on. Nervousness
could be a good sign since it shows that we care. However, to better
perform at such life-changing events, you should control your feelings.
Firstly, take a deep breath. You can’t be at your best without breathing
easily. Second, don’t try convince yourself that you’re not anxious. Accept it
just like any other feelings then you don’t have to keep reminding yourself
to ignore it. Lastly, use positive self-talk. Encourage yourself and remember
that you are in this place for a reason.
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Từ vựng:
- Nervousness (n): the feeling of being anxious about something or
afraid of something
- Life-changing (a): having an effect that is strong enough to change
someone’s life
- Is it good for people to visit schools and give a talk to children about
different things?
SP2: As far as I’m concerned, it would be a valuable experience for
children to hear real-life stories and personal insights from their
predecessors who have been through ups and downs for useful lessons
and advice. Nowadays, many schools have already invited some guests
that could be their alumni or influential local figures to talk to students. A
child’s life is like a piece of paper on which every person leaves a mark.
Therefore, the sooner we sow a good seed and inspire them, the better
they will grow.
Từ vựng:
- Valuable (a): very useful or important
- Predecessor (n): a person who did a job before somebody else
- Ups and downs: the mixture of good and bad things in life or in a
particular situation or relationship
- Alumni (n): the former male and female students of a school, college
or university
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- Influential (a) having a lot of influence on somebody/something
- What type of person is best suited to give a talk to a group of
SP3: Well, I see no special talents are needed to be able to deliver a highly
motivating and inspiring speech to students as long as their experiences
and messages are relevant and meaningful. Hence, people who could grab
students’ attention and make them question their goals and purposes are
those leading an eventful life. And by this, I mean someone who has
related experiences and been through ups and downs during his career to
reach success. This is because I believe that if one has never tasted
failures and disappointments, he can’t realize his inner strength to
overcome setbacks and truly appreciate his success, which is what
students should think about when they’re still in school.
Từ vựng:
- Motivate (v): to be the reason why somebody does something or
behaves in a particular way
- Inspiring (a): exciting and encouraging you to do or feel something
- Relevant (a): having ideas that are valuable and useful to people in
their lives and work
- Setback (n): a difficulty or problem that delays or prevents something,
or makes a situation worse
- Grab someone’s attention: to draw or attract someone’s attention
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1. Do all people enjoy shopping for clothes?
I can’t say for sure since it largely depends on personal demand and
interest. Women seem to be more obsessed with fashion and shopping
than the rest of the population but, of course, there are exceptions. Those
who love spending time and money on beautiful pieces of clothing pay
great attention for their appearance and take pleasure in the act itself, while
others consider it a waste of resources. However, people have different
reasons to buy clothes which are not necessarily related to whether they
enjoy it or not. For example, most men tend to avoid clothes shopping
unless they need a new suit for some formal event or simply because
they’re run out of clothes.
Từ vựng:
- take pleasure in (idiom): derive happiness or enjoyment from
2. Why women like to do shopping?
Women are usually considered creatures of beauty, which may explain why
they love shopping and enjoy lavish costumes to a considerable degree.
First and foremost, outfits are visual indicators of personal image and
personalities, hence, they want to dress accordingly. Secondly, shopping is
not only for the sake of fashion but also an effective means of relaxation. In
modern society where lots of people are under constant stress every day,
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indulging oneself in some serious shopping may help to take the weight off
their mind, despite temporarily. Last but not least, women don’t usually
shop for themselves alone but most of their spending is on family and
friends. They relish the idea of giving gifts or buying nice clothes for their
beloved ones, therefore, shopping sits high on their to-do lists.
Từ vựng:
- to a considerable degree (idiom): to some extent
- indicator (n): a sign that shows you what something is like or how a
situation is changing
- for the sake of (idiom): in order to get or keep something
- under stress: dealing with something that causes worry or anxiety
- indulge in (v): to allow yourself to have or do something that you like,
especially something that is considered bad for you
- take the weight off one’s mind (idiom): to allow you to stop worrying
about a particular thing
- relish (v): to get great pleasure from something; to want very much to
do or have something
3. Why some women buy cheaper clothes and expensive ones at the
same time?
Admittedly, the more high-priced a piece of clothing is, the more exquisite it
looks. However, it doesn’t mean low-cost costumes are less appealing or
fashionable. Therefore, many women have both high-end items as well as
more budget-friendly ones in their closet for different purposes. Luxury
brands such as Gucci, Channel or Louis Vuitton are more familiar with the
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upper class and frequently make their appearance in upscale places or
events. Yet, more affordable apparel brands like ZARA or H&M are not
falling behind in terms of fashion trends or stylish designs. Thus, many
prefer them and their products are suitable for various occasion from daily
wear to special ones.
Từ vựng:
- high-priced (a): high-priced
- exquisite (a): extremely beautiful or carefully made
- low-cost (a): below the usual cost; cheap
- appealing (a): attractive or interesting
- high-end (a): expensive and of high quality
- budget-friendly (a): inexpensive
- upper class (n): upper class
- make one’s appearance: to appear; to appear in a performance
- upscale (a): relatively expensive and designed to appeal to affluent
consumers affordable (a):
- fall behind (phrasal verb): fail to keep up with one’s competitors
4. Do you think it is good for people buy expensive clothes? Why?
People have their own preference when it comes to fashion which satisfy
both their taste and affordability. I believe it’s more economically wise not to
spend exorbitant amount of money on clothing since such amount can be
invested more efficiently. The first reason is fashion is mainly short-lived.
Once a certain type of clothing goes out of style, it is likely to be left
untouched for eternity in spite of only being worn for a few times. Imagine
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the exact same thing happens with dozens of other pieces in your closet
and the amount of money you waste will add up. Furthermore, it will be
more beneficial to invest in experiences and knowledge rather than
material items. Travel more and explore the world while you still can will
bring you more pleasure and wisdom than a fashionable dress ever could.
Từ vựng:
- economically wise (a): using money, resources, etc., carefully
- short-lived (a): lasting only for a short time
- in/ out of fashion (idiom): popular (or unpopular) and considered (or
not considered) to be attractive at the time in question.
- untouched (a): not be worn
- eternity (n): a period of time that seems to be very long or to never
- add up (phrasal verb): to amount to an expected total
5. Why do some people like shopping with friends?
Plenty of people, including me, enjoy shopping with friends rather than by
themselves because of some privileges they can’t find otherwise. People
tend to seek advice or ideas on the products or services when shopping.
Hence, a companion can provide you with more objective and fairer
remarks on the item you want to buy but are uncertain of, which is
extremely helpful when it comes to fashion. Besides, it might be impossible
for you to refrain yourself from overspending and that’s where your coshopper comes to your rescue. Before they let you go over your budget,
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they make sure you are aware of the pros and cons. Thus, unless all my
friends are occupied, I rarely go shopping alone.
Từ vựng:
- privilege (n): something that you are proud and lucky to have the
opportunity to do
- companion (n): a person who has similar tastes, interests, etc. to your
own and whose company you enjoy
- objective (a): not influenced by personal feelings or opinions;
considering only facts
- remark (n): something that you say or write which expresses an
opinion, a thought, etc. about somebody/something
- refrain (v): to stop yourself from doing something, especially
something that you want to do
- overspend (v): to spend too much money or more than you planned
- come to rescue (idiom): to rescue or save someone or something
- over budget (idiom): beyond the amount of money than had been
planned for
6. Why people like shopping for clothes online?
Online shopping, especially for apparel, has become a thriving business in
a past few years for good reasons. To begin with, buying online is
incredibly time-saving. Instead of spending hours driving to your favorite
malls to get some new clothes of the latest collection, your problem can be
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solved with only Internet connections and, of course, your fine taste in
fashion. No energy is needed, either. Secondly, you always have best
deals when subscribing to any online stores, which can save you tons of
money that you don’t even notice. Some shops even offer exclusive
promotions for loyal customers, therefore, get ready for special treats.
Lastly, you can easily switch from site to site to have even more choices
without moving anything but your fingers.
Từ vựng:
- thriving (a): continuing to be successful, strong, healthy, etc.
- subscribe (v): to arrange to have regular access to an electronic
information service or other Internet service
- exclusive (a): only to be used by one particular person or group; only
given to one particular person or group
7. What risks would take when shopping online? Why?
Everything always has two sides and shopping online may not always
prove to be the best choice. Many online shoppers have experienced
unpleasant situations in which either products or service, or sometimes
both, fell short of their expectations. The most common problem is false
advertisement in terms of color, size or material which is profoundly
disturbing since each person has a unique figure that suits some certain
pieces of clothing. As a result, you don’t get what you pay for. In addition,
unless you order on trustworthy online stores of well-known brands or the
like, customer service can’t be guaranteed. It may take days or weeks until
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your concern is addressed or worse, forever. Therefore, be careful and
selective before any purchase decision to avoid irksome experience.
Từ vựng:
- fall short of (idiom): if something falls short of a particular level or
standard, it does not reach it
- irksome (a): irksome
- profoundly (adv): in a way that has a very great effect on
- selective (a): tending to be careful about what or who you choose
8. What special clothes do people in your country wear on official or
formal occasions?
General speaking, there isn’t any strict dress code in most of the events,
except some exclusive ones but people do share some implicitly agreed
idea when it comes to formal attires. As regards men, suits, blazers or
tuxedos are their common choice. This is understandable since a nicely
tailored suit can not only boost a man’s confidence and exude power but
also an indicator of honor and respect. After all, it’s better to overdress than
underdress. Women, on the other hand, usually dress up in elegant
dresses or gowns which can accentuate their feminine figures and make
them shine. And depending on the formality level of the event, the types of
dresses can vary greatly from little black dresses, cocktail dresses to
fabulous gowns.
Từ vựng:
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- exude (v): if you exude a particular feeling or quality, or it exudes
from you, people can easily see that you have it
- overdress (v): wear clothes that are too formal or too elegant for a
particular occasion
- underdress (v): dress too plainly or too informally
- accentuate (v): to emphasize something or make it more noticeable
- formality (n): correct and formal behaviour
9. What is the different dress style between boys and girls?
Needless to say, boys’ and girls’ taste in fashion is as different as chalk and
cheese since the former looks for the ease of use while the latter is all for
style and beauty. Due to their dynamic nature, most boys actively engage
in outdoor games or physical activities such as gardening, roller skating
and other sports. Hence, clothes that are sweat-absorbent, loose-fitting and
hard-wearing are often preferable to male youngsters. However, girls
appear to develop a sense of style sooner than their counterparts, therefore,
their outfits are more diverse, form-fitting and fashionable ranging from
blouses, shirts, tank tops to mini dresses, skirts or culottes.
Từ vựng:
- as different as chalk and cheese (idiom): if two people are like chalk
and cheese, they are completely different from each other
- sweat-absorbent (a): being able to absorb sweat
- loose-fitting (a): (of clothes) not fitting the body tightly
- hard-wearing (a): able to stand much wear
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- counterpart (n): a person or thing that has the same position or
function as somebody/something else in a different place or situation
- form-fitting (a): fitting the body snugly, so that its shape is clearly
10. Do you like jewel?
I love collecting tiny pieces of art like jewelries since they are not only
accessories but perfect complements to your whole look. There are
thousands of types and designs of jewelries for you to choose from so I bet
everyone, regardless of genders, can find at least one item they love, from
earrings, bracelets, necklaces to watches. The materials of which they are
made also varied from luxurious ones such as silver, gold, diamond to
more affordable and street-style ones like artificial stones, copper or other
metals. Thus, they can go with different kinds of styles and if you do it right,
they will make your outfit less boring and livelier.
Từ vựng:
- complement (n): a thing that adds new qualities to something in a
way that improves it or makes it more attractive
- regardless of: paying no attention to something/somebody; treating
something/somebody as not being important
11. Do you wear many jewels?
Even though I have a whole jewelry collection at home, I’ve never
attempted to put on more than five pieces since I live with a motto
“simplicity is the best”. I have a habit of picking up eye-catching
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accessories whenever I come across one but always consider carefully
before matching them with my costume. For example, if I dress in an offshoulder top, a simple choker is good enough to highlight my long neck.
Other times when I tie my hair in a messy bun, I prefer a pair of
sophisticated earrings such as hoop or feather ones to add more feminine
and romantic vibes. But all in all, never exceed five at the same time.
Từ vựng:
- motto (n): a short sentence or phrase that expresses the aims and
beliefs of a person, a group, an institution, etc. and is used as a rule
of behaviour
- come across (phrasal verb): meet or find by chance
12. Why some people wear a jewel for a long time?
I suppose each has their own reasons. In most cases, if people get
attached to a certain piece of jewelries, there might be a story behind it. It
could be a family heirloom that has been passed down generations to
generations so it has a special meaning to the owner. Or it may belong to
someone they hold dear such as their spouse, parent or soulmate which
can explain why they don’t want to take it off. Another reason is that they
keep wearing the same jewel just out of habit. They get accustomed to it
after a while and are too lazy to change the new one so there it stays.
- get attached to: attach
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- heirloom (n): a valuable object that has belonged to the same family
for many years
- hold dear (idiom): be fond of; be attached to | cherish, treasure, care
- out of habit (idiom): habitually
- get accustomed to: to think/start to think that something is normal or
natural because you have experienced it regularly over a period of
Model Answers 2
Describe a time that you were shopping in a street market
You should say:
- When it was
- Where it was
- What you bought
- And explain how you felt about the shopping experience
Till not a big Ian of shopping as I am quite up to ears with work and rarely
head out to an open-air market for any purchase. All the shopping is often
done by my mother who’s a shopaholic. But. off the top of my head.
Remember a recent time when I travelled to Singapore, I happened to
seize a chance to stroll around and do a little shopping in town.
My original purpose was to give it a try to see how people in my country live
in foreign countries, yet it turned out that the town was a perfect spot to
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shop for some souvenirs as gifts for my friends back in my country. I took a
walk down all the shops and was thrilled to bits when there were lots of
items on display. There were some model statutes of the lion – the symbol
of Singapore, or some bracelets and car keys with different symbols
representing Singapore, it really hit the spot is my friends at that time were
constantly texting me to buy something as souvenirs.
This wonderful shopping experience was second to none is it is a street
market in the great outdoors, so I could enjoy the fresh and clean air of
Singapore while immersing myself in the convivial and dynamic
atmosphere of the market place. To tell the truth, I did splurge quite a great
deal of money on buying souvenirs, as the items were quite reasonably
priced and I also got a discount for buying in bulk.
1. Why some people choose to buy in the street market rather than
the shopping mall?
As far as I’m concerned, street shopping is quite cool in the aspect that
people are given a combined experience of shopping and immersing
themselves in the nature! When they stroll along the small shops lined
along the street, they can see the items on display while being able to look
up to the sky and breathe the fresh air, for example. Sometimes, it’s an
enriching experience as people can have casual talks with the shopkeepers
and deal some bargains with them. All these can make shopping at a street
market appealing to many.
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2. Do you think the discounted goods have good value?
From my personal experience, the quality of goods sold at a discounted
price is often Inferior to those sold at normal prices. This can be due to the
fact that the seller may want to get rid of some faulty commodities, so they
may reduce the prices so as to attract the vulnerable consumers who are
interested in such bargains. Additionally, lowly priced items are often out of
dated. So if you’re a fashion fanatic, buying discounted clothes won’t be a
good choice, as the items of clothing are often fading out of fashion as
newer versions are being launched on the market on an hourly basis.
3. How often do people in your country go shopping?
Generally speaking, people are really into shopping, just like Western
people and they will spend as much as time possible for this activity.
Usually women will spend at least one or two times a week browsing for
latest lines of products especially clothes at the supermarket or shopping
mall. If they are busy, they tend to log on the Internet Ion some virtual
stores and compare the prices of different brands: and then wait till the
weekend to satisfy their desire for shopping
4. What kinds of places are popular for shopping in your country?
Usually, there are two types of places which are popular among shoppers.
The first and most prevalent lone is supermarket. This is simply because
there are a wide range of clothes of different brands on display and the
customers can feel free to try on their favorite piece of garment, they can
also take their friends along to check for them if those clothes match or not,
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which I think is pretty great. Another type is online shopping. The
consumers can access the virtual stores on the Internet and browse for
items they love. Moreover, they can compare prices and look at the Review
sections and receive advice whether that product is worth buying or not
5. Do you think online shopping will replace shopping in reality?
Not really, I think each type has its own merits. In terms of shopping at
physical stores, customers there are a wide range of clothes of different
brands on display and the customers can feel free to try on their favorite
piece of garment; they can also take their friends along to see if those
clothes match or not, which I think is pretty great. In terms of online stores,
they can compare prices and look at the review sections and receive
advice whether that product is worth buying or not. In a nutshell both are
here to stay.
6. Did you ever have had shopping experience?
Yes, I did. I remembered that I bought a fake Iphone 5 and ended up
throwing it in the trash can after one or two uses. The problem is that I
didn’t receive good customer service and chose less reliable places to shop.
I recalled the shop assistant was strangely nice to me but I didn’t think that
those nice words were her trick.
7. What would you do if you bought something disappointing from the
There can be a number of courses of actions I can consider when an item I
bought online fails to live up to my expectations. The first thing would do in
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this case is to note down the address of the store owner and go directly
there to ask him. This is simple because the sellers must have the
responsibility if they provide products that don’t meet the standards and fix
them if there are any technical problems. Another thing I would take into
account is that I would go to some local authorities and claim my rights the
seller refuses to repair the item; change another one or give a refund.
8. How is online shopping so popular these days?
It is understandable that buying stuff online is gaining tremendous
popularity among people in modem society. You can see nowadays people
don’t have time to get to the store in person and access the virtual stores
instead. There is an increase in the number of online stores, selling diverse
range of products with different rice ranges which cater for the needs of
people of all ages.
Furthermore, the customer service is being improved greatly and I see that
many people are placing their trust on inline shopping these days.
Xem thêm về IELTS Vocabulary - Topic: Clothes & Jewelry
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Part 1:
Do you want to become a model in the future? (Bạn có muốn trở thành một
người mẫu trong tương lai không?)
(Answer) That’s a very interesting question! (Reason) To be honest, I don’t
think becoming a model is a good idea for me because I am not tall enough.
In addition, the most important thing is that I don’t have a sense of style
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and I am not confident enough to be on the catwalk wearing extravagant
and high-end clothes.
Part 2
Describe a person who is well-dressed. (Mô tả một người ăn mặc đẹp)
(Answer) Honestly speaking, I want to talk about my beautiful auntie, Mrs.
Hoai, who is a business woman.
(Reason) I love her style for some reasons. First, it is her smart choice of
wearing clothes. (Example) Needless to say, she is very well-dressed and
as a working woman, she always chooses classy clothes. She sometimes
has some items of accessory as a special feature for her outfit. Although
they may be bought in sale season, but my auntie knows how to mix with
suitable clothes and then she has a totally timeless look, which I cannot
keep my eyes off.
(Reason) Second, she has an undeniable alluring style, which does not
come from her clothes or accessories she wears on her body but the inborn
fresh look in every situation. (Example) That is the key thing that makes her
look exquisite in most kinds of outfit, from designer clothes to casual ones.
Whenever I go out with her, I feel extremely proud as my aunt often
dresses simple but very stunning. I really admire her style and I wish I can
have a good taste for fashion to look stylish like her.
Part 3
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Do you think that if a person buys a lot of clothes, he/she will look
much more beautiful than others?
(Answer) Personally I think a person has a large number of clothes doesn’t
mean that they will look more beautiful than others. (Reason) Although they
have a lot of clothes, they may not know how to to mix and match to create
the best outfit. (Example) For example, I can afford to buy brand-name
clothes from Chanel or Versace but I cannot choose the suitable items to
make the best outfit. In short, a smartly-dressed person is the one who may
not have expensive clothes but can flexibly mix different items to create the
best ones.
1. Have a sense of style (n): Có gu ăn mặc
2. On the catwalk (adv): Trên sàn diễn
3. High-end clothes (n): Quần áo đắt tiền
4. Well-dressed (adj): Ăn mặc đẹp
5. Classy clothes (n): Quần áo lịch sự
6. Items of accessory (n): Phụ kiện
7. Outfit (n): Bộ đồ (chỉ chung)
8. Sale season (n): Mùa giảm giá
9. Timeless look (n): Vẻ ngoài không bao giờ lỗi mốt
10. Exquisite (adj): Lộng lẫy, tuyệt đẹp
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11. Designer clothes (n): Quần áo thiết kế (thường là đắt tiền)
12. Casual clothes (n): Quần áo bình thường
quần áo hơi hướng cổ điển
13. Mix and match (v): Khả năng phối đồ
14. Brand-name clothes (n): Quần áo của các nhãn hiệu đắt tiền
Part 1
Do you like buying accessories? (Bạn có thích mua những đồ phụ kiện
(Answer) Absolutely yes. (Reason) As you know, I am a girl and I want to
look sharp with pretty accessories so you know, I really want to buy myself
new shoes, hats or necklaces. (Alternatives) However, I am not a slave of
fashion and I only buy must-have items such as bags or some pairs of
Part 2
Describe an item of accessory that you like to wear. (Mô tả một món
đồ phụ kiện mà bạn thích diện)
(Answer) Well, I am going to describe a handbag that I bought last month.
My old bag looked a little bit worn out and it was quite big so I decided to
buy this new one to make it easier to hold and carry things. Fortunately, I
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could buy this with half the original price as it was advertised on an online
shopping website.
(Reason) It is my most favorite item because of its style and convenience.
(Example) In terms of style, its color is dark brown and it has a round shape,
which looks a bit vintage but unique and fashionable.
(Reason) In addition, the bag is made of a special kind of waterproof
leather so it is very ideal if I have to go out carrying this bag in rainy
weather, I will not have to be worried that my stuff inside will get wet.
(Example) It is small and comes in handy whenever I am in a rush and
need to carry many things. Although it seems to be quite small but when I
open it, there is a lot of space for me to put necessary things such as my
phone, a lipstick, a purse and a perfume bottle. It is a multipurpose bag as I
can both go to work or hang out with friends. I hope I can carry this bag for
a long period as I really love it and look good in it.
Part 3
Why some people still spend a lot on designer accessories? (Tại sao
một số người tiêu rất nhiều vào những món phụ kiện đắt tiền?)
(Answer) It is true that people nowadays tend to spend big on designer
accessories. (Reason) Brand-name accessories are extremely expensive
but some people still buy them because they are on trend. (Example) They
might think that when they put on these bags or jewelry, they want to show
other people that they do not only look stylish but they are also well-off.
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Other people buy designer products just because they last a long time and
I think it may be a smart investment.
1. Look sharp (v): Trông gọn gàng, chỉnh tề
2. A slave of fashion (n): Nô lệ cho thời trang
(chạy theo những xu hướng mới nhất)
3. Must-have items (n): Đồ phải có
4. Worn out (adj): Rách
5. Online shopping website (n): Trang mua hàng trực tuyến
6. Vintage (adj): Hơi hướng cổ điển, xưa cũ
7. Fashionable (adj): Hợp thời trang
8. Waterproof (adj): Không thấm nước
9. Comes in handy (v): Tiện lợi
10. Multipurpose (adj): Đa năng
11. Look good in (St) (v): Trông đẹp khi mặc gì
12. On trend (adj): Bắt kịp xu hướng
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17. TOYS
Describe a toy that you received when you were a child
You should say:
- What the toy was
- Who gave it to you?
- How you used this
- And explain how you felt when you got this toy
Band 9 Model Answer
Let me tell you about my favorite toy I owned when I was ten years old. It
was a superman, actually. I liked it because of the cartoons produced by
the Japanese. But since I was extremely absorbed in model toys at the
time so I pestered my parents constantly and, finally they agreed and were
willing to shell out big bucks to afford it for me. I was so revved up when I
got it in the toys store. It was very delicate and finely painted and modelled
perfectly, just like my favorite character in the cartoon, so I almost played
with it after class on the daily basis.
This toy carries great significance to me because I have ponged for it and it
was hardly affordable at that time. So I always held it in my hand while
watching the cartoon series. As a kid that was a fascinating and exciting
moment for me. Superman was the replaceable hero in my mind, and I
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hope I could become a strong man in the future like him to protect others
around me.
I still keep the toy in mint condition, and each time I happen to catch a
glimpse of it, memories of my happy childhood just flash back and
sometimes tears trickle down my face just imagining how the toy really
means to me.
1. Do you think it is good for children to play many computer games?
Personally I don’t approve that children play many computer games.
Keeping the same posture in front of the computer for a long time takes a
toll on children’s physical health. Besides, children tend to be addicted to
computer games and neglect their study. There is another downside that
children may become isolated and less sociable. It is harmful to their
mental health.
2. Do you think playing with electronic toys has a good influence on
I can hardly doubt the benefits of electronic toys, but it seems to befit boys
than girls. Some car models run when a child pushes certain buttons, or
gives out funny sounds. All these can trigger a sense of curiosity and thrill
for the players, which later will hone their creativity and imagination abilities.
3. How do you think a child can benefit from playing a child’s game?
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At first, the joy of playing games is universal because it constitutes a
source of entertainment. Children derive great satisfaction in the game by
making themselves and others happy. Besides, some games train their
intellect and improve their mental and physical health. By playing games,
some children develop their special interest, skills, and hobbies. And more
importantly, I think children learn group skills by playing games, including
cooperation and conflict solution. In games, they follow rules designed by
others as well as create their own rules.
4. Which do you think is better, for children to play with toys alone or
with other kids?
Each option has its own merits. Playing toys on their own can be a golden
chance for kids to explore their potential. lf they are furious about and
enthralled by the toy, they are likely to dig deeper into it to see the
mechanism behind it. On the other hand, if they have others in company
while playing, teamwork can be built as everyone tries to figure out the
solution. Also, they can have a blast together with more laughter.
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Describe an occasion when you must be polite
You should say:
- What the occasion was
- Where it was
- Who was with you
- And explain why you had to be polite
(What it was)
I’d like to tell a story of my first interview. It was for a white-collar job in an
entertainment company. Since it was a formal interview, you know, I
prepared carefully and tried to be as professional and polite as I could.
(Why did you have to be polite?)
Obviously, a job interview always turns out to be a serious event, despite
the efforts of the interviewers to make it more comfortable. Hence, keeping
a respectful attitude and behaving politely are important. Aside from that,
the company I applied for was pretty renowned in the entertainment
industry, so it just made more sense for me to be as courteous as possible.
I mean, the chances of being shortlisted would definitely be higher if I could
show my polite attitude, apart from my experience and all sorts of other
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(What did you do to be polite?)
Because it was my first experience of having an interview, I felt so anxious
that I couldn’t actually sleep the previous night. I didn’t want to squander
my chance. I ended up oversleeping the next day, but thank God I still
arrived on time for the interview. As it was a formal occasion, I put on a
white blouse, a black miniskirt, and high heels, like a typical office woman.
Despite my fears, the interview ran smoothly. The interviewers were so
nice and friendly. They showed no rudeness or arrogance and responded
to my greetings in a gentle way. They even made small talk at first,
probably to help relieve my nervousness. As a result, I got calmer and
answered all the questions confidently. I couldn’t have a completely laidback attitude, and I had to be wary of being too familiar. Still, as the
atmosphere got more pleasant, I managed to stop worrying about using
formal words and expressions, all that stuff, and focused more on speaking
my mind.
(Explain how you felt about it afterwards)
It was a relief when the interview ended. A week later, I received an
acceptance email from the company and was placed on a probation period.
I was extremely happy and I felt like I was floating on air for the rest of the
day. That’s my experience of being extremely polite on a particular
- white-collar : Meaning working in an office, not a factory
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Example: The insurance company is advertising some white collar jobs, if
you want to apply.
- to squander a chance
Meaning: to waste an opportunity, by not taking advantage of it
Example: He squandered a chance to go to university by failing to study for
his entrance exam.
- to make small talk/to exchange pleasantries
Meaning: to talk in a polite way about unimportant matters such as the
Example: I enjoy a serious discussion and I don’t like to make small talk or
exchange pleasantries with others simply in order to be polite.
- to have a laid-back attitude
Meaning: relaxed, not worrying about anything
Example: Our teacher had a laid-back attitude in the classroom, but she
was always well- prepared and committed to her students.
- to be wary of
Meaning: not completely trusting or certain about something
Example: Consumers must always be wary of the claims made in
advertisements, because such claims are often untrue.
- (to) turn out
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Meaning: to be discovered to be; to prove to be
Example: The job turned out to be harder than we thought.
- renowned
Meaning: famous
Example: That restaurant is renowned for its Southwestern-style food.
- familiar
Meaning: very informal, in a way that is not appropriate
Example: Our tutor is strict, and students are not allowed to talk to him in a
familiar way.
- probation
Meaning: a time of training and testing when you start a new job to see if
you are suitable for the work
Example: I’m on a period of probation and just receive 80% of the regular
- (to) float on air
Meaning: to feel very happy
Example: On their wedding day, most couples feel like they are floating on
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1. Are people more polite with non-family members than they are with
their parents?
I cannot tell for sure but that’s usually the case, especially with some of the
youngsters nowadays, they even show more respect to others than their
own parents, which seems like an act of hypocrisy to me. Fortunately,
those are just minority in the society full of decent people. Sometimes, you
may have a feeling that people behave to strangers in more polite manners
than their own people, which can be because they don’t want to be
misunderstood or cast judgment on easily if they act carelessly during their
short interaction.
- Hypocrisy (n): behaviour in which somebody pretends to have moral
standards or opinions that they do not actually have
- Decent (a): honest and fair; treating people with respect
- Misunderstand (v): to fail to understand somebody/something
- Cast judgment on: to judge
2. Are people today as polite as people were in the past?
Compared to the old times, I believe our ancestors were far more
considerate in terms of social etiquettes and customs. Although we still
have our set of rules and taboos about how to interact and behave in
proper manners, the sophistication of such behaviors has been drastically
simplified. For instance, in the past, when greeting someone, particularly
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the other gender, people used to bend their knees and bow their heads,
which has been replaced by a friendly handshake or swift greeting kisses
on both cheeks in modern culture.
- Ancestor (n): a person related to you who lived a long time ago
- Considerate (a): always thinking of other people’s wishes and
feelings; careful not to hurt or upset others
- Sophistication (n): the quality of being sophisticated; complication
- Drastically (adv): in an extreme way that has a sudden, serious or
violent effect on something
- Simplify (v): to make something easier to do or understand
4. Why is it important to show respect to others?
Being acknowledged and respected is one of the most basic needs of
human nature. People want to feel that they matter and so do their opinions,
which is why to build and maintain a healthy relationship, you have to show
them respect. Respect can be understood simply as politeness.
Acknowledge their presence by saying “hello”, express your gratitude by
saying “thank you” are some of the smallest deeds anybody can do to
communicate their appreciation.
- Human nature (n): the general psychological characteristics, feelings,
and behavioral traits of humankind, regarded as shared by all
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- Gratitude (n): the feeling of being grateful and wanting to express
your thanks
- Communicate (v): to make your ideas, feelings, thoughts, etc. known
to other people so that they understand them
- Appreciation (n): the feeling of being grateful for something
5. How do people show politeness in your country?
Just like other parts of the world, we practice some standard manners to
show courtesy. When first encounter someone, we do proper introduction
as well as handshake to catch each other’s name and go on with our
conversation. During our exchange, we try to maintain eye-contact and pay
undivided attention to the other person to let them now they’re being heard.
And most importantly, we keep a genuine smile lingering on our faces to
make people feel welcomed and relaxed, otherwise, things might get
- Courtesy (n): polite behaviour that shows respect for other people
- Encounter (v): to meet somebody, or discover or experience
- Eye-contact (n): the act of looking directly into one another’s eyes
- Linger (v): to continue to exist for longer than expected
6. How do you deal with impolite people?
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To my mind, when someone is acting impolitely, it’s best that we should
remind them of their misbehavior so that they have time to modify it in a
timely manner. If they refuse to listen to our constructive advice, we can
raise our voice to show our disagreement or even teach them some moral
lessons at that moment. Having said this, it would be a nightmare if adults
misbehave, in which cases, I guess it would be most reasonable to stay
away from them, or (ask the favor of the elderly so as to help them rectify
their bad code of conduct.
7. What kinds of behavior are not polite?
I’m of the opinion that it depends on the age groups. As for children or
teenagers, disobeying their parents or not listening to constructive advice
from surrounding people can be seen as a misbehavior. All I’m saying is
that their ego is too big and so reluctant to correct their way of behaving in
public places. One instance is that a teenager refuses to refrain from
smoking in parks, even if told by adults or older people around. As for the
adults, some tend to lack education, and this is hard to expect any polite
acts from them. Such people can resort to swearwords, spit in the streets
recklessly which often causes a big nuisance to others.
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Describe an impressive story you heard from other people
You should say:
- What was this story
- When did you hear about it
- Who told you this story
- And explain why you were impressed by it
Band 9 Model Answer
Today I’m going to talk about a captivating and inspiring story that I heard
from my brother who said he watched a programme on TV a few days ago.
It is about a poor student who made it to university with the top marks.
It was when I was feeling down in the dumps and disorientated in my life
that my brother told me the story, which gave me a great deal of motivation
to keep on studying.
Following the plot of the story narrated by my brother, I was deeply touched
and felt a sense of admiration for such a persistent boy. Although he was
born into an impoverished family, and had to support his family by selling
lottery tickets, he managed to cover his study expenses with the money he
earned and finally got into university with flying colors. He was an
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exemplary role model and a huge source of encouragement for many
disadvantaged students.
After the program, I promised with myself to make a more arduous effort in
my study. I no longer slack off in my studies, and have been frequenting
the library day in day out to acquire more knowledge to better prepare
myself for the obstacles ahead. The story truly changed my outlook on life.
1. What kinds of hooks that old people like to read?
Since I’m not an elderly person, what I’m going to say is just guesswork but
old people are really into books which tell about the daily lives of ordinary
citizens or those books which give them the chance to reflect on their life.
This is because, they are at an age where spiritual well-being is of more
importance, and many old citizens would choose books containing some
philosophy or moral lessons to read. The reason I feel this way is they can
not only can while away the time, they can also improve their personality
and pass the experience they read onto their grandchildren.
2. Are you a good story teller?
To be honest with you, I’m bad at putting my ideas across so I rarely dare
tell a story to anybody. To be a good storyteller, you have to be excellent at
your language, have a broad knowledge and possess an intriguing voice as
well. Those are the qualities I lack so you see; I am hopeless at describing
something to others.
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3. How do you think people will read in the future? = Does reading
books become a less common activity because of ebooks?
I strongly disagree with this view. Although the advent of the internet gives
us a wide an array of options when it comes to reading activity, like we can
read ebooks on our laptop or Ipad, nothing can compare to the experience
of holding a book in your own hands, and read it from cover to cover.
Another point is that you can jump to the page you want to read by turning
your fingers and browsing for the desired contents with your eyes, which is
much more convenient and user-friendly than having to use a computer
screen or a mouse to do the job
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Describe a foreign culture that you are interested in.
You should say:
- What this culture is
- How you learned about this culture
- What you know about this culture
- and explain why you feel this culture is interesting
Sample answers
I have spent most of my time learning new culture, but I did have an
interesting experience about a year and a half ago that inspired me to learn
about Costa Rican culture.
One of my friends spent a semester abroad in Costa Rica in early 2005,
and I spent two weeks at the beginning of the summer visiting him there
prior to visiting, 1 knew almost nothing about the culture, but staying there,
even for such a short time, really opened my eyes. Costa Rican culture is
extremely different from other cultures. Two of the phrases most often used
in Costa Rica are a good illustration of their culture: Pura vida and
Tranquilo. Pura vida translates as “pure life” and Iranquilo means “calm”.
Both are used in situations where the level of stress is rising. When Costa
Ricans say this phrase, they are telling themselves ur others “Don’t worry.
Chill out.” It’s an extremely laid-back, relaxed culture. Their main goal in life
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is to be happy. Workdays tend to be shorter, and since the country is so
small and borders both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, it is really easy to
go to the beach, so many do just that. When I was there, it was routine to
see people getting up around 6 am, go to the beach and surf for two or
three hours, work from 10-4, go home and eat, then go back to the beach.
It was great to see a culture with such a different outlook on life.
Learning about Other Cultures
1. Do you think it’s important to know about other cultures?
I do think it’s extremely important to learn about other cultures. Not only
can you find out interesting things, but it makes it easier to interact with
those people if you ever come in contact with them. Also, it makes it a lot
easier to do business with those cultures. It’s important to be educated
about the world and not just shut yourself into your own country.
2. How can we benefit from learning about other cultures?
Several ways that people can benefit from other cultures are in business,
personal relationships, and just in self-improvement. In business, it is
necessary to know a little bit about whatever culture you plan to work with.
For instance, I think in Muslim cultures, shaking hands with your left hand is
considered extremely rude. If you didn’t know that, it could hurt your
chances of doing business. Also, it’s important just to improve yourself by
learning as much as you can, and culture is a good subject.
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3. What do you think is the best way to learn about another culture?
Obviously, the best way to learn about a culture is to go there and
experience it. If you can get a feel for the culture firsthand, it will be a lot
easier to pick things up, But I also believe that you can learn a ton about
other cultures just by reading books about them. Reading about people’s
experiences in foreign lands is the next best thing to being there.
4. Do you think that learning foreign languages can help us
understand foreign cultures?
I’m not sure that just learning the language is a good way to learn about a
culture, but most places where you would learn a language would help you
learn about the culture, so indirectly, yes. The language alone isn’t great for
understanding culture. For instance, German is a really harsh language,
but Germans aren’t harsh people. You really need to study more than the
language if you want to get to know a culture.
5. Do you think it’s better to go overseas to study a foreign language
or to study it in your home country?
I think it is better to study a language in its native country. When you do
that, you are engulfed in the language and forced to encounter it outside of
the classroom. Otherwise, your only exposure to the language is when
you’re studying or in the classroom. 1 know firsthand that when learning a
foreign language in your home country, it is easy to lose what you have
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6. What is your understanding of the term “globalization”?
Globalization, in my mind, is the idea that the world is becoming smaller, so
societies can interact and exchange culture more easily and more
efficiently. Unfortunately, because some countries are richer and have
more influence than others, certain cultures get spread around more than
others. On the whole, however, globalization is a good thing because it is
not only culture that gets spread, but things like information and medicine
that can help people.
7. Do you think globalization is a good thing?
Yes, globalization has its problems, but for the most part, it is good for most
people involved. Some people have different opinions because they are
really concerned with the loss of culture, but for me, the benefits outweigh
the drawbacks. People have access to more information, so diseases can
be better treated, food can be made more efficiently, and goods that make
people’s lives easier are now available.
8. Do you think it’s easier to learn about other cultures today than it
was before?
Yes, of course it is. All you have to do is to look at art from long ago about
foreign cultures and you can see the lack of knowledge people had. Today,
with the Internet and the number of books available, it is almost impossible
to be ignorant. It is so easy to learn about anything you want.
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Describe someone who is a good parent/ Describe a good parent you know
You should say:
- Who the parent is
- How you know the parent
- What the parent looks like
- And explain why you think the parent is good.
Sample answer
Ok right then, off the top of my head, the parent I’d like to talk about is the
mother of a good friend of mine, and the reason for choosing to talk about
her is that my friend is always going on about how lucky he is to have such
a nice mum. And from what I know about her, I’d say he’s absolutely right.
Anyway, as for how I know her, well it’s basically due to the fact that I went
to the same middle school as her son. And because we became pretty
good friends, we ended up seeing quite a lot of each other’s parents,
especially during the holidays when we often went over to each other’s
And regarding what his mother looks like, well interestingly enough, she
actually looks pretty similar to my own mother, because they both have
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quite round faces and long wavy hair. Having said that, I’ve noticed that my
friend’s mother often ties her hair up in a bun whereas my mother usually
always keeps it down. And another thing to mention would be that
whenever I see her, she always seems to be wearing red clothes, which I
guess is probably because red suits her quite well.
But anyway, finally then, with regard to why I think she’s a good parent,
well I’d say there are quite a few reasons, one of which would be that she’s
always been very supportive to her son. And just to give you an example,
when he wondered what major to study at university, he ended up choosing
music. And his mother gave him her full support, which is probably not what
many other parents would have done, as music doesn’t really leave open a
lot of career choices.
And I think it’s fair to say that nowadays, a lot of parents persuade their
children to do things which they think are best for them, but my friend has
said that his parents have never been like this with him, especially his
mother. So I kind of get the impression that she’s never forced him to do
anything against his will, and has always let him make his own decisions,
which I think’s really great.
1. In a typical family, who plays the leading role?
Well, the stereotype is that the father is the breadwinner of the family, the
person who makes the decisions and takes responsibility for the whole
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family. This can be understandable because the father tends to occupy
high positions in society while the mother tends to be housewife or only
gets involved in some trivial work like cleaning or babysitting. However, this
is not really the case in modern society where freedom and equality is
being put a higher emphasis on. Women are as successful as men and are
no longer in charge of the monotonous household chores like they were in
the past
2. In your country, what kinds of family members usually live together?
Well, to the best of my knowledge, despite the increasing popularity of
nuclear families, extended ones still exist in our society. Usually both
parents and one, two or three kids would live together under the same roof.
In other cases, a grandmother or grandmother joins them to take care of
the small kids while the parents are away for work, for example. Other less
common situations are many generations reside in the same house, usually
a multi-story house. Families like these often consist of an uncle, aunt, and
their families and so on. Typically, many problems occur when a great
many members are in a similar place
3. Do young and middle-age people live with old people?
Frankly speaking, unlike in Western countries where it is common to send
older grandparents to nursing homes, most people are bound by their duty,
which means that they should or, in another sense, have to pay back what
their parents have given them. As a consequence, the young generations
and middle- aged people tend to share the same house with older people.
This can be beneficial since small children can receive special care from
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their grandparents, obtain invaluable hands-on experience and tend to
develop a good code of conduct later on.
4. What would children do to make their parents proud?
I guess kids can have good performances at school and behave well to
their teachers and the elders. Parents usually take a great pride in their
kids if their children get a good score at school, or when others tell them
that their kids are nice people. As well as this, I deem it a necessity if
children help their parents out with mundane tasks ground the house like
sweeping the floor, or washing the dishes.
5. Should teenagers have freedom?
To be honest, they should be given freedom to a certain extent. At this
impressionable age, most teenagers can undergo a tough time in their
personality growth and they’re particularly rebellious to their parents. Given
this, parents should allow them to do what really interests them rather than
forcing them to adopt certain behavioral patterns. Having said this, the role
of parents is to monitor and advise their children to be on the right path,
intervening when possible if their child makes mistakes or does something
6. Do you like to spend time on your own or with your family/friends?
I would love to hang out with my families more. As my parents are always
pied up at work we can hardly manage time for one another. So, we often
try our best to spend time by having a dinner together at some restaurants
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at the weekend or see a movie together if time permits. For me, it’s much
better to build a close-knit family and strengthen our bonds.
7.What are parents’ responsibilities for their children?
Primarily, they are responsible for the safety and upbringing of their
children. Obviously, it includes a lot of things, such as feeding them,
comforting them and looking after them under any circumstances. They
need to make sure that their children have everything they need and are
well looked after, have opportunities to learn about things, grow up and
develop as well-mannered individuals.
8. What’s the influence of parents on their children?
At first, parents’ behaviors influence their children greatly. If parents are
polite, generous and kind, their children tend to be like this. Besides,
parents have influence on their children in making some great decisions. I
think good parents should help their children make better decisions and
offer them useful guidance. What’s more, parents’ attitudes to work,
marriage and life can also influence their children. The children may lose
confidence in love and marriage if their parents often quarrel.
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Xem thêm về từ vựng và bài mẫu 3 part: IELTS Vocabulary - Topic
Education ( Major and people)
Topic: Describe a course you would like to study (or, do).
Digital technology has reshaped the world in more than one way during the
last decade. As a result, a new way of living and working has also prevailed
among people, especially Millennials. If you’ve heard about “digital nomad”
– a work-from-anywhere kind of employee, you already know how a
specific digital skillset can improve and simplify your life, which is why I
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take great interest in and set Photoshop – one of the most powerful graphic
design tool to be my next challenge to conquer.
Being known as an incredible image editing program, Photoshop has
earned its reputation for good reasons. Created and maintained by Adobe,
Photoshop provides users with a complete and advanced tool set to
maximize their creativity. It can do anything regarding online media, for
example, creating 3D images, resizing, color correction and even editing
video. Fancy as it sounds, to acquire Photoshop skill would be a
painstaking process. Due to complex features and even more complex
applications, Photoshop is not for those without patience and constant
practice. Furthermore, the program usually gets updated with more usages,
therefore, you would have to keep learning to avoid being obsolete.
Graphic design is a critical skill in this digital era which affords anyone
flexibility as well as attractive income. Therefore, it would definitely be on
top of my must-learn skill in the near future. Actually, I have already
schedule my timetable and squeeze in some hours for Photoshop 101
course for next month and I hope it would go as well as it could be.
1. Should schools teach both arts and science?
Arts and science play equal roles in human development, hence, I don’t
see no reason that schools shouldn’t include both in their teaching
curriculum. While science provides interesting facts and implications of how
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it improves our life through the advent of technology and hundreds of other
inventions, arts deliver mental messages and benefits to our better
understanding of how people entertained in the past and reflect the spiritual
lives of our ancestors. Both offer us insights to fully consider human beings
and the environment around as they truly are, giving us the best of both
- Curriculum (noun) any programme or plan of activities
- Reflect (verb) to show the existence or nature of something
2. What kinds of courses are useful for university students?
Courses in university should be practical and constantly updated in terms
of knowledge and pedagogical approach to provide students with
applicable skills and hands-on experience in preparation for work life. Lots
of graduates are lacking certain kinds of skills to advance in their career
path such as communication, problem solving, time management and
analytical thinking. For that reason, it is worth considering making these
skills an official course for university students to be well-prepared before
entering real working environment.
- Pedagogical (adj) academic; advanced
- Hands-on experience (phrase) training involves you doing something
rather than just reading about it or watching other people do it
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3. Why do some students dislike studying at school?
I think it came as no surprise that some students don’t enjoy going to
school. This can be explained by the fact that lots of students are being
bullied at school by their peers and too afraid to speak up, which only has
detrimental effects on their physical and mental health. Another possibility
might be the heavy workload students have to deal with every night.
Teachers tend to assign more homework than they used to, hence, kids
feel more pressure and depressed that they would be grounded or get
detention unless they finish them all.
- Workload (noun) the amount of work that a person or organization
has to do
4. What school activities are good for schoolchildren?
As children are hyperactive and at the age of exploration and discovery, it
would be best to have them engaged in outdoor and social activities rather
than in-class ones only. One of the most common extracurricular activities
is camping or picnicking, which helps boost up kids’ engagement with their
classmates, raise awareness about environment issue as well as introduce
them to the world outside the four walls. In addition, school trips to local
museums and zoos can contribute substantially to their general knowledge
with hands-on experience instead of theories, exclusively.
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- Hyperactive (adj) very active and finding it difficult to concentrate or
- Hands-on experience (phrase) training involves you doing something
rather than just reading about it or watching other people do it
Q: Is higher education too expensive in your country?
A: I think that it is very costly to go into higher education in my country.
They recently hiked the prices up, making it extremely difficult for most
people to afford it. On the one hand, spending thousands on an education
is worth every penny, but on the other hand, it can bring years of debt to a
student and their family. In today's society, no one is guaranteed to get a
good job straight after university, so these course fee debts often continue
to follow people around for life.
Q: Should all students pay for their university education?
A: In my view, many students should be entitled to have a free higher
education, especially if they can't afford the fees but have consistent high
grades. For those who are high achievers getting a paid tuition to the
university of their choice could be life-changing. For example in many
countries in Europe, they offer free higher education to those who obtain
high grades in high school, which encourages them to develop their
learning and progress into a good profession.
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Q: What advantages do universities bring to society?
A: I think that there are many positive things that universities can offer the
communities around them. They bring students into the area for one, which
means housing will be in demand. They will spend money on food, go out
and books for their course, making the town or city a buzzing hub of
student life. For the students they benefit from having a high level of
education, which can then be translated into skills in the workplace,
keeping society going with their knowledge.
Q: Which is more important, research or teaching?
A: I think that for those who prefer to research, they enter programmes for
further education, like completing a Master's degree or a PhD. This can
develop a further understanding of a subject and allow the person to
develop their research skills. Many people who complete these higher
levels of education, also teach as a way of sharing their knowledge and
gaining respect from their peers. You can't really teach at that level without
undertaking some sort of extensive research, therefore I see them of equal
Q: How should students spend their summer vacations?
A: In my opinion, I think that students should spend some time relaxing
during the summer break but should also continue to study and read. A
better way to make use of all of that time off is to get an internship or other
work experience that will be useful for their CV. They could also have a
paid part-time job so that they can save money for the forthcoming school
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year. When completing a degree, it is really useful to gain experience from
internships, save money and continue to study. Making the most of all of
that free time is important. Being idle during that time period is not really
going to help them to go anywhere in the future.
Describe a special meal you have had
The most special meal I’ve ever had in my life was on my Dad’s birthday
last year, which was prepared by all of my family members.
The idea was put forward by my sister. We planned to surprise him and
prepare his favorite foods. On that day, my Mom cooked Pho, a
Vietnamese beef noodles, while I baked a birthday cake for him. My
siblings were in charge of decoration and music. Everything had been done
properly a little bit earlier before he came home. When he opened the door,
he was astonished because of seeing a colorful “Happy birthday Daddy”
banner sticked on the wall in the living room. Standing in front, my mom
gave him a bouquet of red roses, his favorite flowers. We enjoyed the food
and shared our best memories with my Dad.
After washing dishes, we gathered together in the living room. My Dad
made a wish and blew candles. He said in tears that he was over the moon
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and he was proud of us, his home and his family. We gave each other
great hugs before going to sleep.
- Put forward (phrasl verb) to offer an idea, opinion, reason etc
- To be in charge of (adj) to take responsibility for Sth
- To astonish (v) to fill with sudden and overpowering surprise or
wonder; amaze
- Over the moon (idiom) very happy
1. Describe what you think is a healthy diet.
Developing healthy eating habit isn’t as confusing or as restrictive as many
people imagine. Personally, a healthy diet is the one which combines
enough nutrients for one’s life. Therefore, consuming a variety of foods is
very important because eating a wide assortment of foods helps ensure
that you get all of the nutrients, especially the disease-fighting potential that
foods offer.
- Assortment (noun) a group or set of things of various types
2. Are there many vegetarians in your country?
Yes, they are. The number of people following vegetarianism has been
increasing recently. It is thought that old people or those following a
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religious, like Buddhism, will be vegeterians; however, youngsters also join
to vegetarian community because of many reasons.
3. Why do you think some people choose to be vegetarians?
People become vegetarians for many reasons, including health, religious
convictions, concerns about animal welfare or the use of antibiotics and
hormones in livestock, or a desire to eat in a way that avoids excessive use
of environmental resources. Some people follow a largely vegetarian diet
because they can’t afford to eat meat. Vegetarianism has become more
appealing and accessible, thanks to the year-round availability of fresh
produce, more vegetarian dining options, and the growing culinary
influence of cultures with largely plant-based diets.
- Antibiotics (noun) a drug that cures illnesses and infections caused
by bacteria.
- Livestock (noun) animals such as cows, sheep, and pigs that are kept
on farms
- Year-round (adj) happening, continuing, or available through the
whole year
- Culinary (adj) relating to food and how to cook it
4. Is the food that people eat today in your country different to the
food that people used to eat in the past? (if yes, in what ways has it
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Personally, eating style of most people has been changed recently.
Significantly, food hygiene is mentioned everyday in news. Therefore,
people are very cautious when they choose ingredients in reliable
market/supermarket and cook properly. Those fat-free or low-fat food and
veggies are more preferred in daily meal compared to in the past, choosing
food were mostly based on interests.
- Hygiene (noun) the practice of keeping yourself and the things
around you clean, in order to prevent illness and disease
- Veggie (n) a vegetable
5. How do you think the way we eat will change in the future?
Yes, I do. I think people nowadays pay more attention to healthy foods
because the awareness of health has been raised among young and old
people. Therefore, it will be a remarkable innovation in food consuming in
the future.
6. Is American-style ‘fast food’ popular in your country? (Why?
Popular with whom?)
Due to the trend of globalization, fast foods have become more and more
popular such as KFC, Lotteria, Burger King or Domino. Why are those
brands popular in our country? The first cause is needs of modern
community which have intensive activities. In a family, both husband and
wife have a tendency to have a job. Consequently, they do not have
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enough time to cook and the frequency of eating out increases. Secondly,
efforts of fast food restaurant companies to enhance the nutritional quality
of their products and services are also the cause of their popularity.
7. What do you think of this popularity- is it as good thing?
The popularity of fast food restaurants has certainly influenced some of the
changes in the community. It brings benefits to this busy life with its quick
service and convenience place. Other than that, the increasing number of
customers that come to restaurants became the reason for greater number
of restaurant staff to be needed and the demand for restaurant personnel
made it possible for more people to consider work in a restaurant as an
attractive option. With this said, there are many more entry level job
opportunities for people.
8. More and more people are becoming overweight nowadays. What
do you think might be the causes of this?
One major consequence of eating fast food every day is excess calorie
consumption. Most fast food contains calories from refined sugar and fats.
It is also high in sodium from salt and other additives which can lead to
some one to eat it more and more. Consuming more calories than human
needs lead to obesity which causes some health problems such as
hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and even cancer.
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1. Do you work? Or are you a student?
well, I’m a senior at LongBeach University. My major is Linguistics and I am
about to gradute this January.
2. What is your major about?
As you can tell from its name, it’s about teaching English for students of all
ages. It supplies me with knowledge about teaching methodology , how to
prepare syllabus and deal with class situations. It’s very interesting major
for me
3. Do you enjoy your major?
Yes, absolutely. Teaching has always been my favorite job as I can pass
knowledge to everyone. One of the perks of the job is that I can earn
respect from others though sometimes this job is really stressful
4. Is there anything you don’t like about your major?
Well, I think that my major sometimes is boring as the same lesson
repeated over and over. I don’t have many chances to have practical
experience as I learn theories most of the time
5. What do you don’t like about being a teacher?
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As I said before, being a teacher is pretty stressful as I have to stay on top
of everything . For instance, controlling the class and finding suitable
teaching methodology for weak students. Besides, giving marks for tests
takes lots of time so I hardly have time to take a break
6. What kind of jobs get very high salaries in your country?
I think that the more challenging the job is, the higher the salary people
get.Doctors or engineers are one of the well-paid jobs as they require many
years of experience and qualification
7. Will you do the same job in the future?
Being an English teacher is a dream for me. It’s rewarding and challenging
job so I wont change my decision.
8. What’s your favorite color?
I’m a big fan of vivid colors , especially red or white. They bring a sense of
warm and I look good in those colors
9. Are there any colours that have a special meaning in your country?
Well, red and yellow are national colors . They appear everywhere, on the
national flag, clothes and people often decorate their house in yellow.
10. Are there any colours you dislike? [Why?]
I have to say that I don’t like black. It doesn’t suit my skin tone and black
reminds me of gloom so it’s my least favorite color
11. Do you think colours are important?
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I think that colors are irreplaceable in our daily lives. Without them ,
everyday would be tedious and dreary. They beautify walls and streets with
vivid colors and boost our mood in blue days
12. Why do some people like dark colors?
I think there are some reasons. It forms a sense of mystery so people can
hide their true emtions like insecurity. Besides, people who look plump
often wear dark colors to hide their weight and look thinner
13. When you are buying something, is the colour important to you?
Yes, it is. If the color suits my skin tone, it will highlight my beauty and vice
versa. So whenever I buy clothes, color is my first consideration
Describe an interesting or unusual thing you did in your spare time
- Where do you do it?
- When do you do it?
- Who do you do it with?
- and describe why it was unusual or interesting.
I’d like to talk about a sport that I’ve (1) taken up lately. I’ve just started
going cycling a few weeks ago when my motorbike suddenly broke down.
My office is not so far from my house so I decided to ride to work and do
exercise at the same time. It started (2)growing on me so now I go cycling
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for fun. I often spend time in early mornings to ride around the Sword lake.
The weather is so pleasant and there isn’t as much traffic as in the
afternoon so it’s perfect time to (3)unwind. I often ride alone but I (4)signed
up for this cycling club where everyone (4)share the passion for riding. I
(5)get on well with some members so we get together in the mornings, ride
around the lake and the old quarter then stop by (6)eatery to have light
breakfast. Cycling not only (7)makes my day but also (8)widen my circle of
friends. Though youngsters aren’t interested in this sport as they have
interest in other things like games or social networks, I personally think that
it is the best way to(9) keep fit and (10)be as fit as a fiddle
1. How do people in your country spend free time?
Well, I think it depends on personality. People who are active are likely to
hang out and spend more time outdoor. They may join in some clubs, make
new friends or involve in some social activities to amuse themshelves. On
the other hand, introvert people tend to idle away the hours staying indoor
and spending quality time with their families
2. Is there any difference in spending free time now with the past?
Yes, it seems to me that cutting-edge technology has great impact on how
people spend their free time. While youngsters in the past spent more time
outdoor to play some traditional games, youngsters today play video
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games or surf the internet . that’s why leisure pursuits today make people
less active and creative than they used to be
3. Does this change bring any advantage?
From my point of view, this modification has certain benefits. Browsing the
internet allows people to update lastest news freely and conveniently.
That’s a good way to be in touch with the world. Besides, playing video
games isn’t only good for mental but also physical health. It helps reducing
stress ,depression and boosts the mood. Interactive games are fast-paced
so players have to pay fully attention or else they’ll lose. That’s why players
are likely to focus and have better motor skills than normal person
4. How does finance affect the way people spend free time?
I see finance has profound impact on spending in spare time. While affluent
people tend to spend their time playing golf or chilling out at spas, people
having low income are likely to spend time at home, watch a movie. The
more money we have, the more money we spend so that’s why leisure
pursuits vary according to finance
5. Is it important to have a hobby? / Why is it important for people to
have free-time activities?
I personally believe that hobby is a remedy for fatigue. Since you choose
that activity, it will always give you pleasure and help you to unwind. Even if
you indulge in your hobby for a short period of time, you still can feel the
difference in your energy level and spirit. While you pursue a hobby, you
may discover that you have a talent for something unusual as well which
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you do not know about so far. One more thing is that it also an a chance to
meet amazing people of similar taste when you join in any club
6. Is it harmful to spend too much time on a hobby?
Yes, I do agree to some extent. While having a hobby allows people to
unwind after stressful days, over-indulgence in anything could do more
harm than good. Lots of people spend too much time on playing games or
going to parities without realizing that they are wasting precious time. For
instance, a student spend long hours to play game will lead to bad
academic performance at school. So people should balance between their
life and hobby
7. What free-time activities would you like to try in the future?
I suppose it depends on my mood. If I feel energetic, i’d like to have a crack
at exciting sports like football to be more flexible and get into shape. On
the other hand, I’d like to take up some instrumental music . I find it very
relaxing and interesting to play some piece of music when I feel sad
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Describe a time you spend with your friend in your childhood / Describe a
childhood friend of yours
You should say:
- Who is this friend
- What did you do at that time
- How did you know about each other
- And explain why you describe this time
Band 9 Model Answers
Luckily, I had a happy childhood, free from study burdens hat many
children today are facing up to. Off the top of my head, I would describe a
time that my soul mate and I used to hang out frequently at a rural spot
hear our house, which I guess was at least 15 years ago.
At that time, industrialization and modernization are the terms that no one
heard o Paddy fields cover a big area, and there were meadows, streams,
ponds and lakes, giving quite in idyllic and tranquil atmosphere. I and my
friend, who is my next-door neighbor and have known each other since we
were knee high to a grasshopper, often played together at this rural area.
The reasons I describe this time is because it helps me reminisce of my
past when I had the total freedom to explore and enjoy life to the fullest.
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Catching crickets at dawn, going fishing in the early afternoon, swimming in
the crystal clear water and other activities did fill me with great excitement.
Especially, hanging out together with my best buddy was just an out-of-thisworld experience; we had the time to confide in each other our secrets and
ambitions share ups and downs in life together.
My friend’s now residing in the US, so I really miss him. We skill keep in
touch often and are still proud of our happy childhood.
1. Are you still in touch with your childhood friends?
Not many of them really, we launched on our own paths ever since we left,
primary school. And as a matter of fact, I can’t recall the face or the names
of my classmates in grade 4 or 5, if I happen to bump into them, they would
just, look as strangers to me. Having said this, I still keep some close
contacts ever since, and such friends have become my soul mate. To be
honest. I couldn’t think of how miserable life would be if living without such
2. Why some people lose contact with their childhood friends?
As for my generation, at the time we didn’t have any smartphone to keep
contacts, so it’s easy to lose precious relationships. In contrast, today we
can snap some photos, add friends on face book, to name but a few, which
is hugely conducive to the maintenance of personal contacts. Another
reason can be that there are some friends we often do not get along well,
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and there’s no point in keeping such contacts. At the end of the day, it’s
quite a matter of taste and preference in friend selection that really counts.
3. Who is more important to you, friends or family?
In the deepest part of my heart, I think family natters more to me, although
sometimes I may spend more time with my friends. You know, we can only
be born once by our parents, but we can make new friends all the time.
Besides, in this benefit-oriented society, only parents truly love us.
Therefore, family should, carry more weight.
4. Do you have any foreign friends?
I have a foreign friend whose name is Martina. She comes from America
and studies in the same college with me. We met accidentally. She was
lost on the way to the language center and I happened to there. Martina is
not a complete beauty, but she is always confident and optimistic, which
makes her very attractive. She has bright eyes full of wisdom and curiosity
but the bad thing about her is that she’s got a quick temper.
5. How do people in your country make friends these days?
Well to be honest, I would say that people have many different ways to get
to know one another. The most common place is at the coffee shop where
people of different ages would gather together and share their own stories
about themselves. The second way is via Social networking websites like
Facebook or Twitter. Needless to say, many teenagers today would log on
the web and join some chat groups, which I reckon is the quite useful but
may have some potential risks
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6. Do you trust friends that you meet on the internet?
When it comes to friends on the virtual networks, I am pretty cautious.
Although, social networking websites like Facebook or Twitter are
wonderful platforms for people of all ages to get to know one another, most
of the time It’s not reliable to lend your trust to those online friends. This is
simply because some guys may treat your nicely and act like your close
friends but the reality is that they are, trying to con some money out of your
pocket. So the point is we should try to be on red filter when making use of
the internet in general and social networks in
7. How do you get along with people you don’t like?
Well, there is a couple of ways that help when trying to be on good tarns
with those you don’t want to have a talk with. The first method lies in a
person himself. It is true that we should open our hearts and make efforts
to nuke others feel at ease. During a conversation, it’s better if we feather
our confidence and bring up the topic first hatha than waiting for others to
break the ice. Secondly, individuals had better find more time to be close to
each other and find out what they have in common. For example, after
watching a comedy at the movie theater, two people found out that they
love this type of film, and then they tried to arrange time to spend more
time together. The two people ended up being intimate friends forever
8. Why is it hard to maintain friendships for some people?
Generally speaking, several factors are to blame when it comes to why
some. people have a hard time getting along with other surrounding people.
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The first cause usually lies in the person himself. They tend to distance
themselves from others and don’t have frequent talks and time to spend
together. As a particular consequence, less mutual understanding is
established and the relationship becomes weaker and weaker. Another
culprit might be fast-paced lifestyle people suffer from nowadays. After a
stressful day at the workplace, it is not uncommon to see many lose their
temper or just want to stay home to let their hair down. This makes people
spend time on their own, which means less time is spent on others.
9. Would you only make friends with people who are similar to you?
Do you like to be friends with someone who is different from you?
Yes, certainly. It is no doubt that we can make incredible headway in our
relationships if we socialize with those we have at least something in
common We may share some interests in or passion for movies or books.
This is probably due to the fact that we can easily bring up conversations
and keep the talks going when we have shared hobbies. Otherwise, both
friends would remain silent all the time, which means less mutual
understanding is established. Such a relationship is not going to last long, I
10. Do you like to have many friends?
Yes. of course. I’m an extrovert and would love to hang out with a group of
friends instead of a few close friends. This is simply because I can become
more independent and mature if I’m able to mix with people of different
backgrounds, learn their life experiences. It is not wrong to say the bigger
your social circle is, the more opportunities in life you can have. Some of
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your friends may help your find a decent job or lend you a hand Sometime
in the not-so- distant future.
11. Do you think it is possible to be friends with someone if you never
meet them in person? = Why Is it easier to make friends on the
internet than in reality?
This is advanced age and many of our real life tasks are done virtually by
using few mouse clicks. To be a friend, one does not need to be physically
present with the others to make a friendship. Using different social
communication platforms, we could easily make friendship with the other
people living at different parts of the world. They do not need to meet every
day in person to share their feelings and emotions. Rather, they are
communicating easily using the social communication platform features like
chatting or messaging, sharing their pictures etc. As a result, the necessity
of licet ins physically every day or after a specific period appears to
become less and less.
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26. PLAN
Describe a future plan which is not related to work or study
You should say:
 What it is
 Why you have this plan
 What you will happen need to do in order to make the plan
 How you think you will feel after you achieve this
Sample answer
You may or may not notice but we have run across at least one or two
articles illustrating how people should live their lives to the fullest every
single day. Reading those sharing has struck me hard that I haven’t tried
doing something worth risking or adventurous enough in my life, which will
somehow leave a regretful feeling to my older self when years come by.
And that’s why I have scratched my original plan to settle down first to
make time for traveling for at least 3 months within the next 2 years.
It may sound far-fetched to give up your usual lifestyle and stable income to
commit for long-term retreat which holds no guarantee to be beneficial for
your next job, however, life is not always about the results but the
experience. It will take serious time and effort to carefully prepare for the
journey unless you want to let the grass grow under your feet. Fortunately, I
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am that type of person; hence, I have already sketched a plan. The first
thing crossing my mind when thinking about travelling is money, which is
also the most crucial tool in any situation. Saving up to the amount that can
cover at least all my basic needs is the goal. Besides, it’s nearly impossible
to truly discover local cultures without understanding them and languages
can break any boundary. Therefore, based on the list of countries I would
love to visit, I will try to learn a little about their languages as well as look
into their cultures and customs to be able to communicate more efficiently
and avoid taboos that visitors usually make. Emerging yourself in an
entirely different nature and people will definitely change how you perceive
the world and cultivate your appreciation with everything offered.
- Run across (phrasal verb) meet or find by chance
- Live life to the fullest: to fully enjoy one’s life
- Strike (v): (of a thought or an idea) to come into somebody’s mind
- Scratch
somebody/something cannot take part in something, before it starts
- Far-fetched (a): unlikely and unconvincing; implausible
- Let the grass grow under your feet: delay in acting or taking an
- Sketch (v): to give a general description of something, giving only the
basic facts
- Boundary (n): a line that marks the limits of an area; a dividing line
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- Taboo (n): considered so offensive or embarrassing that people must
not mention it
- Perceive (v): to understand or think of somebody/something in a
particular way
- Cultivate (v): to develop an attitude, a way of talking or behaving, etc.
1. Which do you prefer? Having plans or having no plans?
I have inclination for becoming organized and prepared for upcoming
challenges. Drawing up a plan in advance can equip people with some
knowledge when something unexpected comes up, or when everything just
doesn’t go according to plan. Without a plan, people can feel at a loss and
have nothing to fall back on when they are in the face of adversity.
However, it should be pointed out that we shouldn’t get into too much detail,
instead, just getting the picture as to what’s gonna happen and how plan
can be developed is enough for us to tackle it. I mean that plan there are a
lot of external circumstances which preclude our detailed plan from coming
true; as a result, there is no need to be too precise.
- Have inclination for (phrase) have a feeling that you want to do
- Draw up (phrasal verb) to prepare and write something such as a
document or plan
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- Equip somebody/something with something (phrase) to provide a
person, object, or place with the things that they need for a particular
- Come up (phrasal verb) if a problem comes up, it happens and needs
to be dealt with immediately
- To be at a loss (phrase) unable to know how to act or what to do
- Fall back on (phrasal verb) to depend on something after a loss or
- Adversity (noun) a difficult period in your life in which you have many
- Point out (phrasal verb) to tell someone something
- In detail (phrase) including many facts or aspects of a situation
- Get the picture (idiom) understand something
- Preclude something from something (verb) if one thing precludes
another, the first thing prevents the second one from happening
- Precise (adj) exact and accurate
2. In general, do you think planning is important?
To be honest, I am a great planner and can hardly stick to my original plan.
Yet, that’s what planning is all about. They say “plan to fail and fail to plan”
for a reason. Even though I usually end up ruining my schedule, I make a
habit of noting my thoughts and what I have to do the next day, next week
and next month since I think it’s one of the best way to organize my mind
and my life as well. Without a plan, even a generic one, you’re just going
around without making any progress towards your goals and advance in
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your career. Therefore, making sure to keep track of my schedule and
personal goals through planning is my top priority.
- Make a habit of: to do something so often that it becomes a habit
- Generic (a): not specific
- Make progress: to move forward in one’s work or activity
- Keep track of: to continue to know what is happening to something or
3. Why do people make plans?
Some believe planning is not for everyone since many wants to live
spontaneously without thinking too much but others have different opinions.
People are into planning since many benefits it may bring. Planning helps
you clarify your goals, strategize your tactics and stay on track. Even if
sometimes you mess it all up, you will eventually get back to your ultimate
destination. Without a plan, you are simply lost in a maze of
inconsequential decisions.
- Spontaneously (adv): n a way that is not planned but done because
you suddenly want to do it
- Clarify (v): to make something clearer or easier to understand
- Strategize (v): devise a strategy
- Stay on track: to stay on the path that one is on
- Ultimate (a): most extreme; best, worst, greatest, most important, etc.
- Inconsequential (a): not important or worth considering
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Part 1
Do you like to learn about history? (Bạn có thích học lịch sử không?)
(Answer) Wow, I am into reading history, not only of our country, Vietnam
but also other countries in the world. (Reason) History is not only a subject
to me, it is also a source of invaluable information about our origin as well
as the victorious past of our ancestors.
Part 2
Describe a historical event that you like the most. (Mô tả mọt sự kiện
lịch sử mà bạn thích nhất)
(Answer) Honestly speaking, everytime I am asked about history, I am
always eager to talk about Vietnam war, which ends in 1975 and one of the
historical highlights of our country. Vietnam undergone hundreds of years
under the colonization of foreign invaders and this is the last war before a
new era of peace and independence is opened for us.
(Reason) It is an unforgettable period of history for some reasons. Firstly, it
is the courageous fighting spirit of Vietnamese people. (Example) Our
country was divided into Nothern part and Southern part. Communication
was almost impossible at that time and people across the country were
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living in poverty and destitute conditions. However, our soldiers still fought
bravely with the support from ordinary people.
(Reason) Secondly, this is remarkable because hardly anyone could think
that we could win the war. (Example) When compared to such a wellarmed country like America, it was hard to think that we could defeat them.
However, with the determination of the whole nation, we have our own
peace. April 30th, 1975 was the date that we gained independence from
the invaders and from then on, we have held annual celebration to pay
tribute to those who sacrificed for the country. I hope that Vietnamese
people will never forget this important event of the nation.
Part 3
What can we learn from the events in history? (Chúng ta học được gì
từ các sự kiện lịch sử?)
(Answer) I think we can have many lessons from historical events.
(Example) For example, if we read about the Great Depression in America
from 1929 to1933, we can know more about the economy and crisis in
certain periods. In other cases, if we study war, there will be knowledge
related to domination or weapons. However, above all, the most important
lesson is that each historical event is either a mistake or a pride, we should
look at them carefully to improve our strengths, to maintain the pride and
not to let the mistakes occur again.
- Origin (n): Cội nguồn
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IELTS Fighter - Tiên phong Phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt
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- Victorious past (n): Quá khứ hào hùng
- Ancestors (n): Tổ tiên
- Historical highlight (n): Sự kiện lịch sử nổi bật
- Colonization (n): Sự thuộc địa hóa
- Foreign invaders (n): Giặc ngoại xâm
- Independence (n): Độc lập
- Period of history (n): Giai đoạn lịch sử
- Well-armed (adj): Trang bị vũ khí tối tân
- Defeat (n): Đánh bại
- Pay tribute to (Sb) (v): Tưởng nhớ
- Sacrifice (v): Hy sinh
- Domination (n): Sự đô hộ
Part 1
How did you learn history when you were young? (Bạn học lịch sử
như thế nào khi còn nhỏ?)
(Answer) Actually, when I was a child, I only learnt history through a text
book but at that time I was not so interested in it because there were so
many things that I had to remember. (Example) Then my grandfather took
me to a bookstore to buy books in history and I have developed an interest
in historical figures such as King Le Loi or Heroine Vo Thi Sau.
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Part 2
Describe a historical figure that you find the most impressive. (Mô tả
một nhân vật lịch sử bạn tháy ấn tượng nhất)
(Answer) If someone asks me about one historical figure that I like the most,
it will definitely be President Ho Chi Minh. I am sure that President Ho is
admired and loved not only by Vietnamese people but also residents in
other countries around the world. He is a prominent leader and he led
many resistances that defeated foreign invaders to bring peace and protect
national sovereignty. (Reason) President Ho is well known for leading a
simple life and spending all his life fighting for the happniess of Vietnamese
people and the independence of the nation. (Example) He was born into an
impoverished but intellectual family in Nghe An province so he could
understand the misery and poverty that were caused by war to Vietnamese
people. Therefore, at a very young age of early twenty, he decided to go to
some foreign countries to find a way to save the country. He went through
a lot of ups and downs but with his decisiveness and patriotism, he came
back to Vietnam with innovative ideas to improve the policies as well as
eliminate invaders.
President Ho had achieved a lot in his life of doing politics; however, he
never thought for himself only, he helped other people till the end of his life.
Now there are many memorials of President Ho in different countries for
people to honor one of the greatest men in the world’s history.
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Part 3
Do you think historical museums should be opened for free? (Bạn có
nghĩ rằng các bảo tàng lịch sử nên mở cửa miễn phí không?)
(Answer) Well, it is of great importance for people, especially young people
to learn history of their own country. Historical museums, where valuable
traditions are preserved and these are ideal places for people to cherish
the past. (Reason) I think it’s better to reduce the entrance fee to historical
museums because they need a certain amount of money to be operated.
(Example) Local officers should have special offers for those when they
come to museums as a way of encouraging people to learn history. In
addition, it is a good idea that more historical shows TV are produced to
make history an important part in people’s life.
- Historical figures (n): Nhân vật lịch sử
- Heroine (n): Nữ anh hùng
- Prominent leader (n): Lãnh tụ kiệt xuất
- Resistance (n): Kháng chiến
- Foreign invaders (n): Giặc ngoại xâm
- Sovereignty (n): Chủ quyền
- Misery (n): Nỗi khổ
- Ups and downs (n): Thăng trầm
- Decisiveness (n): Kiên định
- Patriotism (n): Lòng yêu nước
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- Policy (n): Chính sách
- Eliminate invaders (v): Đánh đuổi giặc ngoại xâm
- Memorial (n): Đài tưởng niệm
- Honor (v): Tôn vinh
- Valuable tradition (n): Truyền thống quý báu
- Preserve (v): Lưu giữ
Xem thêm bài mẫu Part 2 chủ đề lịch sử ngày 30-4: Describe a history
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Xem thêm từ vựng và bài mẫu 3 part: IELTS Vocabulary - Topic: Lifestyle
(Heath& Art)
1. Do you have any unhealthy habits?
Sadly, a big yes. Because I work until 9pm and won’t be back until 10 pm, I
often stay up late, very late. Besides, I’m also quite busy so I don’t usually
cook. I eat ready meals instead.
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- Ready meal (phrase) a prepackaged, fresh or frozen meal that only
requires heating (often in a microwave) before being served
2. In what ways do you try to stay healthy?
I love working out at the gym. I do a lot of squat, plank as well as
weightlifting. In addition, I try to have a balanced diet and often have checkups with our GP. Therefore, I’m always as fit as a fiddle.
- GP: General Practitioner (Family doctor)
- Balanced diet (phrase) healthy diet
- Go for a check-up (phrase) health check
- As fit as a fiddle (idiom) in good health
3. What are the health benefits of playing a sport?
I think playing sports benefit us both physically and mentally. When you
play sports, you are giving your body time to build muscles, and to burn fat.
Therefore, you will be fitter and stronger. Also, you are giving your body
time to relax. That’s why I enjoy working out so much.
Describe a time when you were ill.
You should say:
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- when this was
- what your symptoms were
- how long the illness lasted
- and say how it affected your life at the time.
SP: Well, I’ve never been seriously ill, but I can remember a couple of
weeks ago, I had to have take leave for 3 days because I was under the
I was walking back home from work and it suddenly started to rain cats and
dogs, so I got wet. The next day when I woke up, I was a bit off colour. I still
remember feeling poorly, even I got a headache, a sore throat, chesty
cough, and a blocked nose. I decided to see my GP for a check-up. My GP
said that I caught a heavy cold and had to take a lot of medicines. I was in
charge of a project presentation at that time, and due to the situation, I had
no choice but to phone in sick and reschedule the presentation until this
week. But thank God, I was over the worst of it and made a speedy
recovery after 3 days suffering.
- Take leave: to use time permitted to be away from work
- to be under the weather: (informal) to not feel well
- Rain cats and dogs: rain heavily
- a blocked nose: when the nose has excess fluid due to a cold
- to be a bit off colour: to feel a little ill
- a sore throat: inflammation that causes pain when swallowing
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- Chesty cough: a cough caused by congestion around the lungs
- Catch a heavy cold: have a bad cold
- to be in charge of: take over something; responsible for something
- to phone in sick: to call work to explain you won’t be attending work
due to illness
- to be over the worst: to have got through the most serious or
uncomfortable stage of an illness
- made a speedy recovery: to recover quickly from an illness
Part 3
1. Do women pay more attention to their health than men?
I believe so. Well, whenever I feel poorly, I will arrange an appointment with
my GP for a check-up. But things doesn’t seem to go the same with men.
For example, my dad doesn’t think he is sick until he is at death’s door.
Maybe it’s because we think that women are more vulnerable than men.
2. Could governments do more to promote healthier lifestyle options?
I think there are still a lot of things that governments can do to encourage
healthier lifestyle. People should be both physically and mentally healthy.
Therefore, both of the aspects should receive attention equally. For
physical health, governments can raise taxes on junk food and invest more
in public exercise equipment. For mental health, I believe most of mental
problems result from stress. Therefore, governments should come up with
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ideas to reduce working hours of employees as well as workload of
students. Of course, this reduction must be accompanied by an increase in
productivity and quality.
3. Do you think most people worry more about their health as they get
Obviously, people will pay more attention to their health problems when
they go grey. The reason is that when we are older, our immune system
will weaken. And as a result, we’ll get sick more easily. Besides, the
sickness will also affect us more badly.
Part 2: Describe an activity you do for your health or fitness.
I’m not a great swimmer in any sense but swimming is like my religion. It is
truly refreshing and literally, washes away every disturbing thought I have
whenever I dive into cold water. No matter how tight my schedule can get, I
usually pay at least one visit to a local swimming pool to work myself up
and get rejuvenated.
Sometimes, I have a partner or two, who are also my best friends since
high school. We live in the same neighborhood so it’s not too stressful
when we have to set a schedule our swimming session. We carpool more
often than not and it takes us roughly 15 minutes to get to the local
recreation center where it provides the locals with a variety of facilities for
training purpose such as gym class, stadium, swimming pool, tennis court
and so on, which is extremely convenient for those who practice more than
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Group: facebook.com/groups/ieltsfighter.support/
one activity. The only thing better then swimming itself is swimming with
your besties, which is one of hundreds of things I love about my weekly
ritual. Hardly do we have time to meet each other during week days as
we’re all up to our neck at work and totally stressed out. Therefore, having
such a healthy way to catch up with your friends and recharge your battery
after an exhausting week never sounds better. Just like any other sports,
swimming helps maintain your health, keep you fit as well as build your
endurance. However, unlike others, it’s a very relaxing and peaceful form of
exercise, you don’t even sweat for hours – a supreme advantage.
Therefore, if you’re looking for a kind of sport that brings you comfort and
relaxation, swimming should be your first choice.
- Rejuvenate (verb) to make someone feel or look younger or have
more energy
- Ritual (noun) something that you do regularly and always in the same
- Up to one’s neck (idiom) fully occupied; very busy
- Recharge one’s battery (phrase) Regain one’s strength and energy
by resting for a time
1. What do old people in your country do to keep fit?
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Each individual has their own way to keep fit and stay healthy, including
senior citizen. In my country, you can easily catch a sight of some elders
taking a walk early in the morning in the park or on the pavement along the
street. Since they are usually early risers, that’s one of the most activities
they take part in. Additionally, some old people even join many dancing
session for the elders to feel more energetic and livelier.
2. What kinds of sports are popular in your country?
From my observation, football is the most widely practiced sport as well as
having most viewers compared with any other sports. Like others, football
has its own sets of rules and regulations that players need to comply with in
order to perform well and of course, to score. Every football tournament in
our country always draw the attention of football lovers and gets
broadcasted either on national or local channel, which is extremely
convenient for those who can’t make it to the stadium.
3. Do you think young people should play dangerous sports?
I believe youngsters should be well aware of their physical and mental
capabilities before deciding to take up any new sports since such activities
rarely have a hundred guarantee that you will never get injured during
practice, especially extreme ones. Bungee jumping, skydiving, hang gliding
and so many more are not for everyone and everything needs to be taking
into account when participating in these sports. Therefore, if you’re up for
adventures and well-prepared about what you’re up to, go for it, otherwise,
you had better look for another hobby.
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4. What else people can do to keep fit besides sports?
There are many ways that people can employ to take care of their mind
and body in collaboration with sports. First of all, pay more attention to your
daily diet. You are what you eat, hence, it’s best if people can try to
minimize the amount of junk foods they consume and practice healthy diet
the sooner the better. Secondly, do not take sleep for granted. Many young
people nowadays will not go to bed before midnight, which has detrimental
impacts on your brain and skin in long term. You’ll never be fully energized
without a decent rest to recharge your battery and let the biological clock
does its job. Last but not least, advanced medicine might be extremely
useful in some cases. If you lack some kind of vitamins due to unbalanced
diets or you just naturally be, functional foods can help solve the issue but
bear in mind that doctors’ advice are highly recommended.
- Decent (adj) good enough
- Bear in mind (phrase) remember
5. What do parents do to make their children like sports?
Children loves doing what adults usually do. As a result, set a prime
example for your kids to make them like it naturally. If a father enjoys
soccer and has a weekly match on every Sunday, bringing his son along
seems to be a brilliant idea to pique his interest and nurture his passion for
soccer. Next step is to encourage children engage in any kind of sport that
intrigues them when they’re old enough to go to school. Being in a team not
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only harnesses their team spirit and responsibility but also helps build
- Intrigue (verb) make someone very interested in knowing more about
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Describe a website you like to visit
You should say:
- When you found it.
- What it is about.
- How often you visit it.
- Why you like this website.
Band 7 Answer by IELTS test taker
Well, the website I want to talk about today is www.wikipedia.org. It is a
free online encyclopedia that allows its user to edit almost any article.
Wikipedia was launched in 2001 and was only in the English language
initially, but it quickly developed similar versions in other languages.
Generally speaking, people can check all kinds of information they want on
this website.
I learned about this website when I was in junior school. At that time, the
history teacher asked me to make a presentation about cloning. However,
the related information on the textbook was kind of limited, so asked my
classmates for advice. They recommended the www.en.Wikipedia.com to
me and I found that I could find a lot of useful bilingual information on this
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website. Since then, I have become a big fan of the Wikipedia. Even till
now, I always search for some useful information on this website and I use
it almost everyday.
As for how this website helps me, well, I suppose that it is beneficial to my
major study. As an university student, I always need to search for some
information while preparing for my paper, during which I always need to
find the accuratẹ definitions of some proper nouns on this website. In this
case, I feel that this website really helps me a lot.
1) What are some of the different reasons why people use the Internet?
Well, I think there are many reasons. As for the students, they need to use
the Internet in order to search for some information related to their study.
During the spare time, they also use the Internet to watch some TV series
and play computer games. As for the white- collars, the Internet plays an
indispensable role in their work. Every day, they will use the Internet to
send the e-mails to their colleagues as well as their working partners.
Moreover, they will also use Whatsapp in order to communicate with their
friends and families. As for the old people, they will also use thẹ Internet in
order to make their life colorful. Those people have already retired from the
work, so they will use the internet to listen to the music and watch the films
during the day time. All in all, I think the Internet is very important in people
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2) Some people say that different age groups have different tastes on
Internet contents. What do you think?
Yes, I think so. As for the young students, they like searching for some
entertainment news and gossip about their favorite stars on the Internet.
They will also search for some academic information related to their study
on the Internet sometimes. As for the white-collars, they prefer to search for
some economic news and the national policies which are directly related to
their life on the Internet. As for the old people, they like searching for some
information about how tọ keep healthy on the internet. In this case, I think
different age groups have different tastes on Internet contents.
Well, honestly speaking, as an old saying goes that: ‘Every coin has two
sides’. I think the Internet has both the good influence as well as the bad
influence on the children. As for the good influence, the Internet is
beneficial to the children’s study. When the children meet with some
difficulties on the study, they can type the key words on the search box on
the Internet, and then they can find the useful information within a few
seconds. However, as for the bad influence, violence and sex are very
popular on the Internet. The children are too young to distinguish the right
from wrong, so those unhealthy information on the Internet has a bad
influence on the children’s growth.
4) Do you think parents should control what Internet sites their
children visit on the Internet?
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Yes, I think so. On the one hand, the parents should supervise their
children, otherwise the children may be addicted to the Internet. Many
children like surfing the Internet and playing the computer games, but most
of them cannot control themselves. So, I think it is the parents’ obligation to
tell the children about which website they can search and how long they
can use the Internet, in this case, the children may not be addicted to the
Internet. On the other hand, the violence and sex are very popular on the
Internet. If the parents do not control what websites their children can visit,
the childrer may browse those unhealthy websites or even imitate the
contents on the websites, which is really harmful to the children’s growth. In
this case, I believe that the parents should control what Internet websites
their children can visit.
What (kinds of) people don’t use the internet?
Well, I think two groups of people don’t use the Internet. What I want to
mention firstly is the middle-aged people. For this group of people, they
always need to take care of the children and do housework during the free
time, so they seldom have time to use the Internet and do the things they
want. The second group of people is the old people. Most of them have
already retired from work and they do not want to learn about new things.
In this case, they do not know how to type the words with the keyboard,
how to open a webpage, and so on, so they do not always use the Internet.
What are the disadvantages people suffer because they do not
use the Internet?
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Well, there are many disadvantages, what I want to mention firstly is that it
is very difficult for them to keep pace with this time. Here I would like to
take the news for an example. For those people who use the Internet, they
can know what is happening around the world at any time they want.
However, the people who do not use the computer can only know about the
world news on the next day’s newspaper. Secondly, I think the life of the
people who do not use the Internet is very inefficient. With the help of the
Internet, people can communicate with their friends all over the world
whenever and wherever they want, and it only takes people a few seconds
to shop online. However, people who do not use the Internet will never
enjoy those conveniences.
Part 2: Describe an activity you do for your health or fitness.
I’m not a great swimmer in any sense but swimming is like my religion. It is
truly refreshing and literally, washes away every disturbing thought I have
whenever I dive into cold water. No matter how tight my schedule can get, I
usually pay at least one visit to a local swimming pool to work myself up
and get rejuvenated.
Sometimes, I have a partner or two, who are also my best friends since
high school. We live in the same neighborhood so it’s not too stressful
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Website: ielts-fighter.com | Hotline: 0903 411 666
Fanpage: facebook.com/ielts.fighter/
Group: facebook.com/groups/ieltsfighter.support/
when we have to set a schedule our swimming session. We carpool more
often than not and it takes us roughly 15 minutes to get to the local
recreation center where it provides the locals with a variety of facilities for
training purpose such as gym class, stadium, swimming pool, tennis court
and so on, which is extremely convenient for those who practice more than
one activity. The only thing better then swimming itself is swimming with
your besties, which is one of hundreds of things I love about my weekly
ritual. Hardly do we have time to meet each other during week days as
we’re all up to our neck at work and totally stressed out. Therefore, having
such a healthy way to catch up with your friends and recharge your battery
after an exhausting week never sounds better. Just like any other sports,
swimming helps maintain your health, keep you fit as well as build your
endurance. However, unlike others, it’s a very relaxing and peaceful form of
exercise, you don’t even sweat for hours – a supreme advantage.
Therefore, if you’re looking for a kind of sport that brings you comfort and
relaxation, swimming should be your first choice.
- Rejuvenate (verb) to make someone feel or look younger or have
more energy
- Ritual (noun) something that you do regularly and always in the same
- Up to one’s neck (idiom) fully occupied; very busy
- Recharge one’s battery (phrase) Regain one’s strength and energy
by resting for a time
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Fanpage: facebook.com/ielts.fighter/
Group: facebook.com/groups/ieltsfighter.support/
Part 3
1. What do old people in your country do to keep fit?
Each individual has their own way to keep fit and stay healthy, including
senior citizen. In my country, you can easily catch a sight of some elders
taking a walk early in the morning in the park or on the pavement along the
street. Since they are usually early risers, that’s one of the most activities
they take part in. Additionally, some old people even join many dancing
session for the elders to feel more energetic and livelier.
2. What kinds of sports are popular in your country?
From my observation, football is the most widely practiced sport as well as
having most viewers compared with any other sports. Like others, football
has its own sets of rules and regulations that players need to comply with in
order to perform well and of course, to score. Every football tournament in
our country always draw the attention of football lovers and gets
broadcasted either on national or local channel, which is extremely
convenient for those who can’t make it to the stadium.
3. Do you think young people should play dangerous sports?
I believe youngsters should be well aware of their physical and mental
capabilities before deciding to take up any new sports since such activities
rarely have a hundred guarantee that you will never get injured during
practice, especially extreme ones. Bungee jumping, skydiving, hang gliding
and so many more are not for everyone and everything needs to be taking
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IELTS Fighter - Tiên phong Phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt
Website: ielts-fighter.com | Hotline: 0903 411 666
Fanpage: facebook.com/ielts.fighter/
Group: facebook.com/groups/ieltsfighter.support/
into account when participating in these sports. Therefore, if you’re up for
adventures and well-prepared about what you’re up to, go for it, otherwise,
you had better look for another hobby.
4. What else people can do to keep fit besides sports?
There are many ways that people can employ to take care of their mind
and body in collaboration with sports. First of all, pay more attention to your
daily diet. You are what you eat, hence, it’s best if people can try to
minimize the amount of junk foods they consume and practice healthy diet
the sooner the better. Secondly, do not take sleep for granted. Many young
people nowadays will not go to bed before midnight, which has detrimental
impacts on your brain and skin in long term. You’ll never be fully energized
without a decent rest to recharge your battery and let the biological clock
does its job. Last but not least, advanced medicine might be extremely
useful in some cases. If you lack some kind of vitamins due to unbalanced
diets or you just naturally be, functional foods can help solve the issue but
bear in mind that doctors’ advice are highly recommended.
- Decent (adj) good enough
- Bear in mind (phrase) remember
5. What do parents do to make their children like sports?
Children loves doing what adults usually do. As a result, set a prime
example for your kids to make them like it naturally. If a father enjoys
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Fanpage: facebook.com/ielts.fighter/
Group: facebook.com/groups/ieltsfighter.support/
soccer and has a weekly match on every Sunday, bringing his son along
seems to be a brilliant idea to pique his interest and nurture his passion for
soccer. Next step is to encourage children engage in any kind of sport that
intrigues them when they’re old enough to go to school. Being in a team not
only harnesses their team spirit and responsibility but also helps build
Intrigue (verb) make someone very interested in knowing more about
Part 2
Describe a competition you want to take part in
You should say:
- What the competition is
- How you knew it
- What you need to prepare for it
- And explain why you want to attend it
Sample answer:
Today I’m going to share with you about a craft work contest that bunch of
school buddies and I want to part in. ABC Festival is approaching and our
form teacher has made a decision to hold a small competition among our
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classmates. The theme is to design the most attractive and meaningful
My group’s plan is to create a spinning lantern instead of choosing much
simpler shapes like butterflies, fish and stars. As a matter of fact, our idea
is to design a lantern which splits around when a candle is placed inside,
which Symbolizes the seasonal spinning of the earth around the sun.
Therefore, it will be a bit tricky and time-consuming to make it work.
We will have to cut the colored plastic papers and draw some exotic
pictures to decorate the exterior of the lantern. Then we have to cut them
out neatly, glue and stick them onto the shining outer surface of the
spinning lantern. We will also have to strategize and position the axis so
that it spins properly. AH this is to be finished within 3 hours.
This craft competition has a really special meaning for me and my team. It’s
our opportunity to test our artistic abilities as all of US are going to major in
arts later on. If we win this competition, we can prove ourselves to our
families so that they would accept our career path later on. I’m really
looking forward to the contest and hope that we would achieve the best
1. What do you think of the current competition program?
To my mind, game shows featuring contests are mushrooming on the
media. Their nature is quite questionable to me as most of these
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Group: facebook.com/groups/ieltsfighter.support/
competitions are previously scheduled and expected to go according to a
certain set plan as to draw the attention of the audience. As a consequence,
the results of such contests are not to be trusted and the whole game can
be a scheme simply made to trick the vulnerable public.
2. Why competition programs are so popular?
Game shows are all the rage on TVs for the time being. Such programmes
tend to, be hosted by celebrated comedians to hook viewers and boost
ratings! The competition “Challenge the comedians” in which a candidate
tries to Intake the panel of judges laugh out loud with a funny performance
or play is considered as a typical programme that Registers millions of
views on Youtube.
3. Who do you think will take part in the competition?
As far as I’m concerned, those working in the entertainment industry are
often the main and frequent participants in competitions! The reason
behind this is that those figures are often muscular, good-looking and
charismatic Enough to, draw’ the attention of the public. The chances for
ordinary’ people to join a competition are quite slim and if there is any, the
competition won’t appeal to many people.
4. Do people need competitive spirits at work?
A competitive mind is equivalent to the increase in work productivity simply
because when a staff member s motivated and have a sense of rivalry, he
will try to outsmart their colleagues by working extra hours, packing his
brains to come up with better ideas and get their tasks done in a timely
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Group: facebook.com/groups/ieltsfighter.support/
manner. This in turn will make others follow suit and the obvious result is
the increased work output.
1. Do you like learning languages?
Absolutely, I am always keen on mastering some new languages such as
English, French. You know, if I am bilingual or multilingual, I can roam
round other parts of the world with great ease and my whole journey will be
transformed miraculously.
2. What languages do you speak?
Well, my mother tongue is […..]. I’ve always wanted to learn Portuguese
which is predominantly spoken in some parts of the world, but I don’t have
enough time yet.
3. Do you learn any foreign language?
I’m actually studying two languages at the moment and find it so
challenging, yet intriguing that everyone should try at least once. Since
English is not my mother tongue, it’s the very first foreign language I’ve
attempted to learn because of its widespread use and numerous benefits
that come along. It’s the most spoken language for non-native speakers
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around the globe and is one of the most critical criteria companies look for
when recruiting an employee, or at least that’s a reality in my country.
4. Do you think learning languages is important?
Absolutely. Learning languages, especially English, allows us to be able to
communicate with others. It also helps us study more effectively, since we
can search for almost everything on the Internet in English.
5. How did you learn the languages that you know?
I think the most effective way to learn a language is to practice more with a
native speaker. By doing this, you can improve both listening and oral skills
simultaneously, you will be fluent in this language. Besides, I also do
general readings in my spare time and keep a journal in English.
6. Can you learn more than one language at a time?
I haven’t thought of it, but yes, I am quite confident that I can manage to
learn 2 at once. I reckon that the most difficult thing to acquire 2 languages
is to manage my time efficiently. Therefore, it’s more than worth it to plan
out exactly how I am going to divide my time between the two languages I
7. Do you want to became a foreign language teacher in the future?
That thought has crossed my mind once or twice but I’ve never visualized
myself as a full-time teacher. A part-time job, yes. Professional one, not
likely. Being a legitimate teacher in my country requires certain academic
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degrees and credentials to be able to convey knowledge and improvise in
class. In my case, I’ve never attended any special training on teaching or
have any pedagogical skills; therefore, I don’t have much confidence in
handling difficult situations in class. Besides, you have to reach a high level
of language proficiency to make sure that whatever you say is trustworthy
and credible.
8. Do you think that English is difficult to learn?
In my opinion, every single language is difficult to learn, and English is not
an exception. I mean, it might be easy to learn grammar and vocabulary,
but it takes quite a long time to practice using the language fluently.
9. Do you think foreigner should learn your country’s language when
they arrive there?
I think it’s obviously in their best interest to pick up a few basic words or
phrases in a local language. Firstly, it is an interesting experience to try to
communicate with the locals in their mother tongue. You may not get the
words right, but that’s where the fun lies. Hence, people will find you more
approachable and charismatic because of your efforts and sense of humor.
Besides, since language is an integral part of any culture, you can develop
a cultural sensitivity while studying their very means of communication.
Describe the first time you used a foreign language to communicate.
You should say:
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- what the situation was
- where you were
- who you communicated with
- and explain why you used a foreign language to communicate on this
Talk about an instance when you spoke with someone in a foreign
language for the first time.
You should say:
- when it was
- with whom you spoke
- what language you used
- and say how you felt about it.
Sample Answer
I have been learning English for a long time but I haven’t had many
chances to practice speaking English, not to mention to talk to native
speakers. To the best of my recollection, the first time I used it for
communication purpose was on New Year Eve 2 years ago.
At that time, I was hanging out with my friends, talking about some new
year’s resolutions when a foreigner came up to me in all of a sudden,
asking for the direction to a minimart nearby. Honestly, he had such a
strong accent that I couldn’t make out what he wanted to say. I had to ask
him to repeat several times before acquiring all of the information he
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needed. Then, I showed him the way to the nearest minimart to buy some
necessities. Honestly, I was not confident in my English speaking skill, so I
had to make the most of my nonverbal skills such as body language,
gesture, etc to make sure that he could get all information he asked for.
Fortunately, he could take in what I said, and expressed his simple yet
sincere gratitude before heading for the minimart.
That occasion helps strengthen my belief that English plays an important
role in our life, even we don’t live in an English speaking country. English is
spoken globally, and we have to use it if we want to stay connected to
people in another country and search for information. Therefore, I think that
I should polish up my English so that I can have a good command of this
international language to be able to talk confidently with foreigners,
regardless of the topic of conversation.
- To the best of one’s recollection: something in the past they can
- resolution: a firm decision to do or not to do something.
- come up to: approach someone
- All of a sudden: Suddenly
- Make out: understand, hear
- accent: a distinctive mode of pronunciation of a language, especially
one associated with a particular nation, locality, or social class.
- show sb the way to…: give sb direction to somewhere
- necessities: something necessary for daily life: water, food,…
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- Make the most of: to use something as much as possible
- take in: understand
- polish up: improve
- regardless of: without being affected or influenced by anything else
that happens or exists
Other related Part 2 topics:
1. Describe a language you would like to learn.
You should say:
- what it is and how you plan to learn it
- where it is spoken
- how it will help you
- and explain why you want to learn this language.
2. Describe an unusual activity you have recently taken up
- where you did it
- When you did it
- Who you dis it with
- and describe why it was unusual or interesting.
3. Talk about something you would like to do/learn in the future.
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You should say:
- what you plan to learn in the future
- why you want to learn it
- where and how you will learn it
- and explain why you have planned to learn it.
4. Describe something you want to do if you get free time.
You should say:
- What you do
- Who you do it with
- Where you do it
- And explain why you like to spend your free time this way.
5. Describe a practical skill you have.
You should say:
- What the skill is;
- How often you use it;
- Who taught it to you.
- and explain how it helps you in your life
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6. Talk about something you have always wanted to do but have not done
You should say:
- what it is
- when you would like to do that
- how would you do that
- and explain why you have not done it so far.
1. What kind of quality should a language teacher have?
Not only a language teacher in particular but educators in other areas
should have certain skills and knowledge to successfully inspire and
instruct their students. First and foremost, of course, deep knowledge and
great education matter. It’s often said that “a teacher is only as good as his
knowledge is”. People may not need academic degrees or certificates in
other jobs or industries, but in education and training, they are solid proof to
verify your professional qualifications. Furthermore, communication skill
also plays an essential role. If one is an articulate and persuasive speaker,
he will be able to convey his lectures with better results. Last but not least,
a good sense of humor may be of great help to grab students’ attention and
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- instruct (v): to tell somebody to do something, especially in a formal
or official way
- verify (v): to check that something is true or accurate
- articulate (a): (of a person) good at expressing ideas or feelings
clearly in words
- grab one’s attention: to cause one to become interested in something
- Why people want to learn a foreign language?
Studying a foreign language is not only a hobby but also a trend in modern
society due to some undeniable advantages. Speaking more than one
language can open up a world of employment opportunities for job seekers,
especially if that language is widely used in business context. You will be
able to work for not only local but global corporates as well with decent
salaries. In addition, being bilingual or multilingual will help extend your
social network worldwide. You can establish deep connections and crosscultural friendships with foreign co-workers or local people while traveling.
Finally, your brain will benefit greatly from the learning activity itself.
Research has shown that studying another language will alter your grey
matter which help to increase your brain power.
Một số câu hỏi khác, bạn thử trả lời nhé:
- Which language is likely to become dominant in the future?
- Why do people learn more than one language?
- Do you think that all children should learn foreign languages at school?
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- Why are some people seemingly better at studying languages than
- Why is language an important aspect of culture?
- Why it is important to learn a foreign language?
- What are the advantages of learning multiple languages?
Xem thêm về từ vựng và bài mẫu 3 Part: IELTS Vocabulary - Topic: Money
(Shopping Habits & Management)
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Part 2
Describe something special that you saved money to buy
You should say
- What it was
- How long it took you to save the money
- Why you wanted to buy it
- And explain how you felt after you bought it
(What it was) Ok then, well firstly I’d just like to mention that I’m quite lucky
in the fact that I haven’t really had to save up for much in my life, simply
because my parents have always bought stuff for me. But one occasion
that I did save up to buy something myself was when I got my iPad, so
that’s what I’d like to talk about.
(How long it took you to save the money) Well, if I remember correctly, I
think it took about four or five months, and I basically did it by cutting back
on other things, you know, like eating out and buying clothes. I mean, I
don’t have a job, unfortunately, so the only money I receive is my living
allowance which my parents give me every month, and that’s what I had to
use to pay for it.
(Why you wanted to buy it) Regarding why I wanted an iPad, I suppose the
main reason was that I’m a big Apple fan. You know, I already had an
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iPhone and laptop, so the only thing I was missing was an iPad. I also
watched Steve Jobs’ presentation of the iPad when it was launched, and it
looked pretty cool. So I just thought it would be great to have one!
And as for how I felt after buying it. well first of all, I was really excited, you
know, because I couldn’t wait to stun using it. And it also felt great because
I’d saved up for it myself instead of simply asking my parents to buy it for
me. So for that reason, it just felt a bit more special to me. if you know what
I mean!
1. Why do young people tend to waste money?
Personally speaking, two reasons are to blame for some teenagers’
tendency to squander their money. One of the reasons can be peer group
pressure. Living in a society where they can come across dozens of
advertisements on the media a day, plus the pressure front their friends at
school. For instance, they are likely to purchase a new shirt if it is worn by a
famous film star, or when all their friends wear it. As a result, they end up
lavishing their money on a lot of things without actually liking the item. The
second explanation is that the parents are too loose in controlling the
spending of the kids. They make a mistake of giving them too much money
to spend, and never ask where the money goes.
2. What kinds of things do people like to buy in your country?
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Well, it is difficult question as the tastes can vary from person to person.
The first and most common item I would particularly like to mention is
clothes. Most people, especially the females are shopaholics and are
willing to, spend their money on extravagant items of garment so it’s not
hard to see clothing stores are always packed with customers. The second
object is the hi-tech devices. As there is a need to text-message or take
high-quality pictures when they go out, most teenagers love to purchase
the latest smartphone or camera versions to meet their personal needy.
Part 1
1. How much money is enough?
Well, it’s hard to answer this question as there is no exact measurement to
say whether money is enough or not. It’s up to (1) perspective and goal of
different people. Some people want to earn more money so they can save
up but some just need a certain amount of money to (2)sustain their lives.
2. Why do people care too much about money?
I think the reason is simply because money equals power. The more
money you have ,the more things you can do ,the more influence you have
over people. No one refuses power so that’s why they give priority to
3. Is money important to you?
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Absolutely. I can buy things with money and give presents for my family by
my own money. It makes my life more meaningful . It’s like a motivation to
(1) push me forward and work harder to enhance my life. For me, money is
just never enough and if I’m satisfied with what I earn, I’ll (2) fall behind with
4. What do people in your country save money for?
I suppose it’s up to different purposes. While the young save money for
travelling or paying tuition fees, the elderly tend to keep money for health
service and their kids. However, young people have more (1) desire than (2)
the seniors so they often spend more than their (3)savings.
Part 2
Describe a method to save money.
You should say:
- What the method is
- When you started to use it
- How you knew it
- and explain why it is helpful
Well, i’m not good at saving money and I tend to buy things without
considering carefully. It’s hard to save if you don’t know exactly what you
are saving for so what I do is to (1) set savings goals to motivate myself in
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every (2) financial decision that I make. Going to Japan has always been
my biggest dream but I’ve postponed so many times due to lack of money.
I tried to keep money myself but I still (3) overspent and was out of money
at the end of every month. I asked my mom to keep money for me as she is
better at controlling expense. She is like my accountant and helps me to(4)
balance the expense. She also gives me advice whenever I go shopping to
make sure it doesn’t (5)set me back .
We have an agreement that
whenever I (6) withdraw a sum of money, I have to save double that
amount. This (7) works wonders with me as my savings goes up every
month . Now I always ask myself whether it’s necessary to buy things or I
can (8) save for a rainy day. After a while, I realize I’ve(9) set aside more
money everyday . I buy things within my budget and don’t waste money for
unnecessary things. This method of saving money makes me feel good
about myself and I feel financially secured.
- overspend: spend more than the expected or allotted amount
- set someone back: (of a purchase) cost someone a particular amount
of money.
- withdraw: to take money from a bank account
- works wonders with: to have a very good effect on someone or
- save for a rainy day: to reserve something, especially money, for use
in a time or period of unforeseen difficulty, trouble, or need
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- set aside: to keep or save something from a larger amount or supply
in order to use it later for a particular purpose
IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. What do you think about money?
Money can do many things, both good and bad. It allows us to have
freedom and a wide variety of choices. Money gives us confidence and
desire to work harder so we can have better life. You can decide where
and how you want to live when you have a good income. When you do not
have much money, your choice will be limited. However, everything comes
with a price. Having much money doesn’t mean people wont run into
problems. Most people fail to strike a balance between earning and
enjoying money so they work day and night. They believe they’ll be happier
if they have lots of money. However, for most people, such time never
comes and they die unhappy and dissatisfied
2. Could human beings live without money?
It’s true that money isn’t the most important thing in this world but it’s
irreplaceable in our lives. If the world were a completely free place with no
expenses and people could own anything they want without money, they
would no longer go to work. There would be nothing as motivation and
people would work unproductively .Money stimulates people to overcome
obstacles so they can enjoy their achievements to the fullest. Besides,
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people who have money have their own voice in society and it’s a strong
encouragement for anyone
3. In your opinion, why do many people derive pleasure from
spending money?
Spending money is definitely the most satisfying feeling ever. People can
buy things they’ve long waited for to please themshelves. Buying
something new will make their day and stimulates them to work harder. The
money spent isn’t necessarily on oneself but also loved ones. It makes us
feel good so we will spend more money the next time.
4. Who do you think save more money,men or women?
Well, it’s hard to say. Men’s biggest risk is their egos. They need to brag
about their possessions and how much money they’ve earned , so they end
up spending more money. Women tend to save money and spend it when
they really need it. However, there are still exceptions when women
manage money worse than men. That’s why there is no strong proof to
show men or women save more money
5.Which do you think is better for the economy of a country or area,
people saving money or people spending money?
It’s such a tricky question. I guess for any economy, saving is entwined with
spending. When people buy things, they will contribute a sum of money to
the stores so they can pay salaries . The government also benefit from that
as it’ll gain tax. If people save money, only the banks have advantage so
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they can invest or set up new businesses. An ideal economy is when
saving and spending balanced . It’s a rule for any economy in the world
6. Do you think the government should let people know how it spends
Well, actually, I don’t really care about this issue. I think the government
has its own reason to not publicize everything. It can be state secrets so
the authority wants to keep it private. However, If the government could go
public with the amount of money it spends, it would gain trust from the
public and assure them that their money is invested properly
1. How can (or, how do) young people learn to manage their financial
From my point of view, young people should learn from their parents who
have lots of experience with spending money. They will give the youngsters
sound advice to keep an eye on personal expenses . The young should
plan short terms and long term financial goals and review them from time to
time to manage personal finance well. They need to make sure their
budgets cover their savings as well in case of any unforeseen emergency
2. Do you think it’s easy for (young) people to save money?
I think it’s all about motivation. When people have specific goals, they’ll find
saving money easier. For instance, lots of youngsters are working their way
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through university by doing some part-time jobs. They don’t feel like
depending on their parents and wanting to have less burden on family.
They can save a small sum of money every month. Once young people
keep that habit, they can have considerable savings for their future
3. Do young people nowadays believe in saving money?
Well, I don’t really know. It depends on their outlook, I guess. Saving
money up is a good idea in case undesirable problems happen. Developing
the discipline to do it over a long period of time is what most people find
difficult to do. That’s why not many young people keep track with their
monthly expense
1. Do you think parents should give pocket money to the kids?
I do agree with that. Giving pocket money to children helps them start
learning about money management. When children get pocket money, they
have to make choices about spending or saving it. If they save up, they
have to learn about waiting for things they want . Otherwise , kids who
choose to spend are likely to use up all the money. After a few months,
they’ll know how to spend within their budget. Paying the children to do
chores also makes them more hard-working. Money doesn’t grow on trees
so giving pocket money will teach the kids to appreciate it
2. Do parents in your country think it’s important for their children to
save money?
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Yes, they do. They always encourage the kids to live within their means .
They believe if the children save money , they will be more appreciate and
use it wisely. When they set aside money, they will prepare better for the
future. They may think saving isn’t necessary now since they are still young
and lack of experience. Once they grow up, they ‘ll understand that it
makes good sense.
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Describe a piece of technology you like using not computer
You should say:
- What is it
- How did you learn about it
- How often do you use it
- And explain why you like it.
Band 9 Model Answer
A hi-tech device I’d like to describe is the microwave oven. Being one of the
main inventions in the 20th century, the microwave oven brings about great
changes to our life. I think it is the most useful appliance in the kitchen.
Actually, I heard an advert on TV praising the multiple benefits brought by it,
and some days later I made up my mind to buy one and up to now I am
really happy with it. We can boil porridge, steam rice and defrost meat in
the microwave oven. And we can heat the leftover food in the dishes
directly. It’s really clean and timesaving.
Compared with traditional cooker, the microwave oven has many
advantages. At first, it changes our cooking habit. We needn’t suffer from
the smell of smoke and oil any more. Besides, there is no unbearable heat
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in the kitchen if we cook with the microwave oven. We needn’t worry about
being burnt by the frame or steam, either.
Another advantage of microwave oval is that it offers us more healthy
dishes. The food is heated by microwave rather than by heat. So, the
nutrition in vegetables or meat can be maintained to the greatest extent.
What’s more, the appearance and color of dishes are not destroyed either.
Since I got a microwave oven in the kitchen I do more cooking than before.
It is convenient and enjoyable.
I think wonders of this hi-tech device as it saves me the hassle of preparing
meals. When I come home late, all I need is heat up the left-over food or
some canned food and after some minutes you call hip up a good meal
right in front of you. I love it for the benefits that I have mentioned earlier.
There are a whole lot of technological devices that I love using, but if I were
to take a pick, I would say that the Google Play Store on my smartphone,
and especially the Cambridge dictionary app would be the most marvelous
and useful.
It is a quite widely-acclaimed application among learners of English as a
second language and is installed by millions of users across the globe. It is
not exaggerating but I deem it as a must-have one for anyone struggling
with the English language.
Users can benefit from a wide array of functions offered by Cambridge
dictionary. The first thing about it is that you can obtain the meaning at no
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time. With a few operations, a word’s meaning and its related phrases pop
up on the screen, and there are also illustrations of usages, which I
particularly find unique compared to all other e-dictionaries I have made
use of.
As a student, I am supposed to use it on a frequent basis, especially during
my English lessons at school. It is wonderfully convenient and portable as it
would be cumbersome if I have to carry a dictionary book with me every
time I go to school. So, it saves me my energy really. Besides, thanks to
the app I have developed more passion and enthusiasm in English. I often
take advantage of the review section and learn well over 100 words a day,
which would be out of the question if I learn it in a conventional way.
- widely-acclaimed: very famous
- exaggerate:
to describe something in a way that makes it seem
better, worse, larger, more important etc than it really is
- a wide array of: a lot of
- pop up: to appear very quickly or suddenly
- on a frequent basis: frequently, often
- cumbersome: large, heavy, and difficult to move or carry
- take advantage of: to use a situation or opportunity to get what you
- out of the question: impossible
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1. What is the most common technology used by people in your
country, and the second most?
From my observations, computer technology prevails, as most work is done
on computers these days. People use Microsoft Word to compose their
documents to access Google for research purposes, to name but a few.
When it comes to the second rank, I must admit that it’ the smartphone.
Millions of people, particularly the youths are hooked on their smartphones
for social networking and communication. It can be said that the
smartphone is just like a small computer.
2. Are there any other places that need technology?
Absolutely, it is the countryside. The introduction of novel technological
advances can improve citizens’ life quality. A prime example is that robots
can finish a variety of tasks precisely without human’s maneuver, thus they
can assist in household tasks from mopping the floor to cooking. This
reduces the burden of housework for mothers with childrearing
responsibility or fathers who are snowed under with work. The increased
amount of free time people more chances to engage in other entertainment
or educational activities, which does wonders for their life.
3. Does it possible to live without technology?
I doubt it, technology is part and parcel of modern life, and it’s a must-have
essential item, a thing one can’t live without. I remember a time when there
was a power cut in my house which means there was no internet
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connection, I had nothing to do that it looked like I was living m a prehistoric
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of technology?
It is commonly believed that our life becomes more colorful and convenient
because of technology. Some appliances like the TV, video players and
digital cameras enrich our leisure life; and the invention of trains and planes
makes it possible to travel a long distance in a short time. On the other
hand, the world is becoming more polluted and dangerous because of high
technology. Vehicles create air and noise pollution nuclear and biochemical
weapons make wars more cruel and disastrous.
5. What is the impact of technology on people’s life?
It is saddening to see that the development of technology is becoming
faster and faster, and people are increasing their pace of life unconsciously.
Because of the development, people become more and more impersonal in
society. They have become one little part of the huge machine of society.
So I think technology transforms the relationship between people and
society to some degree.
6. How do you think modern technology will change the way people
work in the future?
It has already changed the way people work in every field and it will
continue. For instance, my mom studied to be a graphic designer when she
was in college. She did everything by hand 20 years ago. Now, her field
grew with the use of Internet and new technology as she’s drawing by
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computer, bidding work online, and submitting work online. In the future,
more work can be done automatically, and all we need to do is just to press
the button or to check the jobs if they are ready for collection.
7. How can technology make our life easier?
Thank you for allowing me to answer this. Technology is a blessing for all
and has made life easier. With the use of the technology, you can do the
unimaginable things now. Earlier, people had to control their television set
like increasing or decreasing the volume or changing channels manually.
But in the current days, you do not need to get up to the television set,
raise the volume or change the channel and get back to the sofa again. It is
the time to change channels or increase/ decrease the volumes with the
help of a remote controller. Once, people used papers and pens to write
letters to meet their communication needs. The scenarios are altered and
people have cellular phones, e-mails, and social networking sites etc. for
communication which is the blessing of the modem technology. Moreover,
people now can travel easily than the past and travelling hours has been
reduced to a great extent.
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Describe a social networking website/platform you use.
You should say:
- what it is
- why you use it
- what benefits it offers
- and explain how this social networking website helps you.
Sample Answer:
Facebook is one of the most used social networking services and popular
among the users for some of its unique features. The most impressive
feature of this platform is that it is free and the users can make both audio
and video calls for free of cost. It also helps to share life with the peer users.
This is a great candidate task card topic and I am happy to have it in my
share. I would like to thank you for the opportunity and time to let me talk
about this.
Honestly, I use Facebook for communicating with my friends and relatives
who live far away from me. It also helps me to communicate with some
other people and share my recent happening with them in terms of text
status or by uploading photographs. In fact, this is the social networking
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Fanpage: facebook.com/ielts.fighter/
Group: facebook.com/groups/ieltsfighter.support/
service that has helped me in a number of ways and I can reach to anyone
who has an account with the network.
Before using this social networking service, it was really difficult to
communicate. And obviously, communication was an expensive matter too.
But with the use of this networking website, I easily can share my thoughts,
photos, and many other matters. Besides, the students of my university in
Tianjin, China, are using this website as a platform for gathering opinions
from the fellow students on various socio-economic issues. This is a userfriendly website and requires less knowledge to maintain an account.
I am benefitted with the website in numerous ways. Browsing the website, I
come to know about the latest happenings in the world. Actually, this has
become a great virtual space where people share their respective events to
let the others know. It also helps to play role in different local and
international matters. It also helps to stay in touch with the near and dear
people all the time.
More Ideas to talk about this Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card topic:
Topic: Describe a social networking website/platform you use.
1. The number of Facebook users is on the rise in the UK. This is a very
good platform to share our emotions and feelings. I mostly use it to connect
with my friends and family. The most important benefit of Facebook is that I
can remain in touch with my fellow men. It helps me to know about the
latest updates of my family and friends. I also use the platform to share my
feelings and dreams. Besides, this is a great way to pass leisurely hours.
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2. Twitter is a great social networking website in the USA. I use it to share
my thoughts. It is highly beneficial for me. The tweets I make get immediate
attention from all over the world. This is a speedy medium to share
something. The website is helpful for me in different perspectives. I use this
platform to inform about the latest updates of technology.
3. In India, Shtyle is a newly launched social networking website. I use it to
create my own avatar. This is great fun indeed. It has a virtual room where
someone can create their own avatar. Gaming on the rooms is highly
thrilling. Using this website, I can get connected with gamers. Besides, it
also helps to expand my imagination by creating the avatar of mine.
4. Application of social platforms is a bit different in China. Here I use
WeChat for social communication. It contains almost all the modern
features of present social networking websites. So, I love using it. It offers a
wide range of benefits to users. It helps to post on the wall, arrange taxi
service and many other daily activities. I am greatly benefitted from this app.
I use it to share my moments with friends, chat with other people and much
5. Tumbler is a microblogging website. This has occupied a great position
in Malaysia. I use the site for several purposes. I am mostly benefitted that I
can make some small notes to share with my network. I do not need to
waste more time on photo selection or other activities. It also allows the
users to follow the other bloggers and get to know about their status. It
helps me to express my sudden feelings. In fact, I am not a skilled blogger
and use this just to share what I think.
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6. Linkedin is a wonderful social networking site. I mostly use the site to
know about jobs and other purposes. The website is mostly used by
professionals of different working sectors. They post jobs and offers for
others. Honestly, I have got my current job using this website. I had been
seeking a job for me near Sydney and got this one after knowing about it
from the website.
If you can talk about this cue card topic, you should be able to answer the
following topics as well:
1. Describe your favourite website.
2. Describe a website you often browse.
3. Describe a useful website you have recently browsed.
4. Describe an application of software you use on your mobile phone.
5. Describe a website or software you find useful to connect with others.
1. What kinds of social networking websites do you like to use?
2. Are you a social person?
3. What kinds of people do you like to be friends with on those websites?
4. Is it easy to find real friends on a social networking websites?
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Fanpage: facebook.com/ielts.fighter/
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5. What kinds of chatting app or software do Chinese people like to use?
Well, as for me, the favourite social networking website is Facebook,
because it is much easier to find someone from any countries and help me
up-to-date with what’s happening in their lives.
I didn’t think I was a social person before the social media tools became
popular among people, but when I started to use them, I found myself very
talkative with different in my mobile phone, caring about what they are
feeling and suffering in their lives.
I’d like to meet someone who is very honest and sincere because if
someone who is in the other side of internet likes to tell lies, that would
make no sense and be waste of time to talk to that guy.
Well, honestly, I don’t think it’s easy to find true friendship on the internet
because nowadays people like to mask themselves and pretend to be a
nice person. Some online close friends have never met each other face-toface, so it’s very easy to be deceptive in the social media.
There are lots of social media apps in China, each one has some parts of
particular users, like students, young people or single people. But almost all
Chinese people like to use WeChat as their primary chatting software
because it is not only an instant messaging app, but it can help people do
business, online shopping and payment, booking a taxi or cinema tickets;
besides, it help connect people more close by some special tools like the
Red Packet function.
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Describe a teenager you know
You should say:
- Who is he/she?
- How you know this teenager?
- What this teenager likes to do?
- How you feel about this teenager?
● I know many teenagers but here I would like to talk about my cousin
● She is eighteen years old.
● She has just completed her senior secondary in commerce stream.
● She is not tall but very beautiful.
● She has curly black hair and a very fair complexion.
● She generally wears jeans and T-shirts but on formal occasions she
wears traditional Punjabi suits.
● She is very polite by nature and respects elders.
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● She has a great sense of humour and can turn any tense situation into a
happy one.
● She is also very good at studies and many times used to help me when I
had any problem in Mathematics.
● Now also she helps me in any situation when I need her help.
● Although she is younger to me she is like a true friend.
● She is so trustworthy that I can open my hearts secrets to her and be
sure that she would never let me down.
● Actually she is my paternal uncle’s daughter and lives next door.
● We see each other daily and sometimes even play badminton in the park
opposite our house.
● Teenage is a very stressful period of life as there are physical and
hormonal changes going on at this time.
● At the same time there is the stress of choosing subjects on which the
future career depends.
● A great support of family is needed at this time.
● I am fortunate my teenage was a very happy one and so is Rania’s.
1. What is the difference between teenagers and children?
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The main difference is the level of maturity. Children are more innocent and
immature as compared to the teenagers. Life is less complex for children.
However, for teenagers, life seems more complex and confusing as they
are going through physical, biological, and mental changes. They are
neither adults nor children. Those are the most impressionable years of a
person’s life and it’s the time when they make very important decisions
about their career goals.
2. Why do you think this difference can classify teenagers and
I think this difference is natural because of the changes that they undergo
biologically during the teenage years. It is also because of the awareness
and the exposure that the teenagers have as compared to children.
3. Who do you like teenager or children?
I like both, but I like teenagers better because I can share my feelings with
them and be friends with them. Their company makes me feel young.
4. What is the attitude of teenagers towards old people in India?
It is difficult to generalise and put all teens in one group. Some teens in
India think that the old people are too nagging and dislike their ways, so
they avoid them. Some always respect them and take their advice for every
5. Do you think teenagers today are better than those 30 years ago?
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I think teenagers were always the same. Their opportunities have made
their outlook of life different. Today’s teens are the most well informed than
ever before. They have the power of the internet and the satellite TV. They
know or you can say have access to all knowledge. Earlier teens had to
listen to their elders because their elders were their only source of
knowledge. They were dependent. Today they are more independent. So,
they behave differently.
6. What are the differences between teenagers and old people?
Old people have the experience of life, which the youth do not have. So old
people are not hasty and impatient like the teenagers. Moreover, teens are
very comfortable with the latest technology. Old people find it very daunting
to learn about the latest gadgets.
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Part 2
Describe a recent development in your city
You should say:
- What it is
- How could it help people
- What benefits it could bring
- And explain whether it changes your life
Band 9 Model Answer
Over the last few months, there have been significant changes in my city,
particularly the improvement of the public amenities, but if I have to
describe one, the local park within a stone’s throw from my house is what I
would say the most momentous development having taken place recently.
There is a lot to see in the park, as it is the hub of activities for the citydwellers. There were people selling lottery tickets, some hawkers selling
their goods, or children playing around on the lawn. While other groups of
three or four simply have a good time together catching up on gossip in the
shade cast by many gigantic trees.
The park offers city-dwellers a host of benefits. First, the atmosphere is
fresh and there are many species of plants and flowers to gaze at. Second,
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the scene of kids running about in the park and seeing them having fun
blows blows people’s mind, you see, it reminds people of their meet
childhood when they spent most of their free time playing in the park.
The park is quite influential to me. In the past, I used to be a couch potato,
just sitting aimlessly at home watching TV and scarfing down burgers and
fries. But since its construction, the park has turned me into live wire; I
usually work out in the park every morning, and now I’m quite in good
1. What measures should the government take to solve transportation
problems in traveling?
The government can do a lot to solve traffic problems. For example, better
educations of the citizens to follow traffic rules, more provision of public
transportation facilities, such as buses and underground railways, as well
as broadening the roads or building skyways, can all contribute to the
alleviation of traffic problems.
2. What types public transport can be found in your country?
Obviously, there’s quite a mixed variety of public transport in my country.
When we travel on the roads, it’s easy to find a mass of buses, taxis, or
even trains. If someone wants to have an outbound trip, plane is crucial.
However, the most commonly-used would potentially be buses, since they
are so cheap and reliable.
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3. Why types of public transport do you use most?
As far as I’m concerned, I take buses more often than any other means of
transport. That might be due to the fact that I am liable to carsickness
buses aren’t so stuffy. Moreover, bus wouldn’t let me back because with
only 200.000 done for a monthly commutation ticket. I could commute to
work every day without any anxiety.
4. Are there any public transport problems in your country’?
With an increase of private cars in my country, during the rush hour there
are always jam-packed and people often go bananas due to this, the road
quality, furthermore, is too run-down to meets the needs of the
overwhelming vehicular traffics. This might leads to the increase in drastic
crack-ups recently.
Part 2
Describe a trip that you went on by public transportation
You should say:
- When and where you went
- Why you took the trip
- What you did and saw on the trip
- And explain how you feel about the trip
Band 8 Model Answer
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Group: facebook.com/groups/ieltsfighter.support/
Frankly speaking, I’m not a fan of public transport, so I haven’t been on
many journeys by bus. train or taxi up to now. However, out of those I have
taken, the most pleasant experience was when I travelled on a package
tour to X – only within a 50-kilometer drive front my house. It was a small
tour and we travelled in a bus as the travel agency owns a public transport
Off the top off my head, the tour was quite reasonably priced, at $100 for
merely 2 days as it promised luxurious accommodation and tasty foods. So
you see, I just went for it without second thought as it was exactly, what I
would expect. The first part of the journey was good enough for me
because it took us not much time to reach the destination. Besides, I did
get chances to engage in any gossip with other passengers and the trip just
went by with a lot of fun. Travelling by bus like this for long distance was an
experience I hadn’t had before, as the bus condition was good and the
service was decent.
The moment we checked in a hotel near the beach, I was really glad that
the quality of the room was up to standard. The bed was pretty comfortable
and the air-conditioner worked extremely well. Regarding the swimming
and the seafood, the weather then was so sunny for sunbathing and I felt
like jumping my feet into the seawater. To add it to the fun, because we
travelled during off season, the seafood was very cheap. This is the bus
tour that left me with most profound memories, I also take pride in
protecting the environment as well.
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1. How to encourage more people to take public transportation?
Encouraging the public to make use of the public transit is quite a tough
task as the facilities and infrastructures are not developed So with a view to
achieving that, there should be an increase in the number of public means
of transport like buses, trains, and subways with better service quality so
that the general population feels worth it to leave their motorbike or car at
home and make daily commutes by public transport. In addition,
government should run more awareness raising campaigns to educate
people about the importance of conserving the environment via small
actions such as taking public transport. Posters can be stuck on electrical
poles on the streets, or banners should be hung outside buildings, for
2. Causes and contributing factors of traffic congestion
Traffic congestion is caused by different factors; bad weather, poor signal
timing, car accidents, inadequate roadway capacity, insufficient number of
roads. Substandard road conditions, and increased number of cars; roads
and transport services suffer when they are overused. Urban sprawl and
unplanned urban growth contribute to the traffic congestion of large cities.
3. What measures should the government take to solve transportation
problems in traveling?
The government can do a lot to solve traffic problems. For example, better
educations of the citizens to follow traffic rules, more provision of public
transportation facilities, such as buses and underground railways, as well
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Website: ielts-fighter.com | Hotline: 0903 411 666
Fanpage: facebook.com/ielts.fighter/
Group: facebook.com/groups/ieltsfighter.support/
as broadening the roads or building skyways, can all contribute to the
alleviation of traffic problems.
Other suggestions to reduce traffic
To apply automated traffic management systems, to improve public
transport systems, to encourage people to use more public transport, to
provide carpooling facilities, to establish car sharing schemes, to ease
traffic jams through radio reports, to impose vehicle emission laws: a
regulatory system planned to limit the number of cars on the roads could be
introduced, to ban private cars front entering certain areas of the city , to
increase the number of roads, to provide a safe network of walking and
cycling routes.
4. What types public transport can be found in your country?
Obviously, there’s quite a mixed variety of public transport in my country.
When we travel on the roads, it’s easy to find mass of buses, taxis, or even
trains. If someone wants to have an outbound trip, plane is crucial.
However, the most commonly-used would potentially be buses, since they
are so cheap and reliable.
5. Why types of public transport do you use most?
As far as I’m concerned, I take buses more often than any other means of
transport. That might be due to the fact that I am liable to carsickness
buses aren’t so stuffy. Moreover, bus wouldn’t set me back because with
only 200,000 dong for a monthly commutation ticket. I could commute to
work every day without any anxiety.
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Group: facebook.com/groups/ieltsfighter.support/
6. Are there any public transport problems in your country?
With an increase of private cars in my country, during the rush hour there
are always jam-packed kind people often go bananas due to this, the road
quality, furthermore, is too run-down to meets the needs of the
overwhelming vehicular traffics. This might leads to the increase in drastic
crack-ups recently.
Part 1: Do you want to become an inventor in the future? (Bạn có
muốn trở thành một nhà phát minh trong tương lai không?)
(Answer) Actually I find myself not creative enough to be an inventor.
(Reason) I don’t have a necessary amount of technical know-how and
patience to go through a lot of trial and error. (Example) I would like to be a
person who can enjoy the inventions rather than the one who can invent
Part 2: Describe an inventor that you admire the most. (Mô tả một nhà
phát minh mà bạn ngưỡng mộ nhất)
(Answer) Wow, to be honest, today I would like to describe Thomas
Edison - an American and one of the greatest inventors of all time and he is
considered one of the men that have changed the world.
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(Reason) I mention him for his perseverance through a lot of trial and error
and the practicability of his inventions. (Example) He is famous all over the
world for being a very prolific inventor, who has more than 1,000 patents for
more than 1,000 inventions throughout his life – a very impressive number!
It took him many years to invent those things and his inventions range from
fluoroscope, phonograph,… but the most outstanding one must be the light
bulb, which is the thing that we still use today. After a lot of experiment then
failure and other difficulties, he finally invented one of the greatest
inventions in humankind history. The advent of the light bulb in 1880
marked a milestone in history when it put an end to darkness and people
had a brand new household appliance to light.
(Example) Moreover, the phonograph, or a record player, is also one of his
famous inventions. Although now it is only used by a small number of
people, it used to be the most popular entertaining application for millions
of people around the world. In addition, Thomas Edison is also famous for
his quote: “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent
perspiration”, which inspires people to work with perseverance and passion
then success will come to them.
Part 3: What should government do to encourage inventors? (Chính
phủ nên làm gì để khuyến khích các nhà phát minh?)
(Answer) Well, I think inventors are an indispensable part of an economy,
where creativity is put in top priority and innovations are made to serve the
life of people so it is crucial that inventors be encouraged. (Example)
Government should raise a fund for inventors and when each invention is
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Website: ielts-fighter.com | Hotline: 0903 411 666
Fanpage: facebook.com/ielts.fighter/
Group: facebook.com/groups/ieltsfighter.support/
made, they will be awarded an amount of money. Moreover, each invention
should be examined carefully and commercialized to assist inventors and
make them feel more motivated to create new things.
1. Patents (n): Bằng sáng chế
2. Phonograph (n): Máy hát
3. Light bulb (n): Bóng đèn điện
4. Experiment (n): Thí nghiệm
5. Failure (n): Thất bại
6. Advent (n): Sự xuất hiện/sự ra đời
7. Milestone in history (n): Dấu mốc trong lịch sử
8. Household appliance (n): Thiết bị gia dụng
9. Innovations (n): Sự đổi mới, cải tiến
10. Commercialized (adj): Thương mại hóa
Part 1: Do you enjoy using technological devices? (Bạn có thích sử
dụng các đồ dùng công nghệ không?)
(Answer) Definitely yes.
(Example) I have to say that I am a techie and I love to browse websites in
my free time to find information about the latest technological innovations. I
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Group: facebook.com/groups/ieltsfighter.support/
am a big fan of them; for example, smart phone, TV or computer. I think my
life would suffer a lot of difficulties if I don’t have these technological
Part 2: Describe an invention that changes people’s life. (Mô tả một
phát minh mà đã thay đổi cuộc sống của mọi người)
(Answer) Well, when it comes to invention, I would choose smart phone –
which is one of the revolutionary creations of human beings.
(Reason) It is both convenient and cost-effective. (Example) In the past,
when there was no smart phone, people could only get in touch with each
other through telephone and it took ages to reach one person but now, with
only one smart phone, we can use it for various purposes. Not only can we
call others but we can also see their face, keep updated with their daily
activities or do other kinds of entertainment; for example, listen to music or
surf the net. Moreover, there are available applications such as Grab which
helps us catch a taxi or motorbike much more easily. With this smart device,
there seems to be little barrier in communication among people.
(Reason) In addition, smart phone helps reduce the cost of our call as we
have online application such as Viber, Skype or Whatsapp. (Example) We
can also do the shopping without going to traditional markets. With just one
screen and one touch, we can get whatever we want and have them
delivered to our home. People often say that with only one smart phone,
they can carry the whole world with them. So you see, it is a wonderful
thing to have it in our life!
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Part 3: What do you think are the drawbacks of technological
inventions? (Đâu là những bất lợi của những phát minh công nghệ?)
(Answer) Well, I have to say yes. (Example) Technological breakthroughs
help humans in many ways and our life is much more convenient. However,
people now tend to rely a lot on those inventions, which might make us
lazier. We will not do household chores on a regular basis as automated
robots will take over them. Moreover, smart phones may hinder us from
meeting face-to-face with our beloved people. I think that we should use
these devices wisely to avoid being its victims.
11. Techie (n): Người hiểu biết nhiều về công nghệ
12. Browse websites (v): Lướt mạng
13. Revolutionary creations (n): Sáng tạo mang tính cách mạng
14. Cost-effective (adj): Tiết kiệm chi phí
15. Get in touch (v): Giữ liên lạc
16. Various purposes (n): Nhiều mục đích
17. Surf the net (v): Lướt mạng
18. Barrier (n): Rào cản
19. Online application (n): Ứng dụng trực tuyến
20. Have (St) delivered to (v): Vận chuyển cái gì đến đâu
21. Technological breakthrough (n): Sự đột phá về công nghệ
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22. Automated robot (n): Rô-bốt tự động
Xem thêm từ vựng và bài mẫu 3 part: IELTS Vocabulary - Topic: Travel
(transport & vacation)
Describe an perfect vacation away from home you would like to have in the
You should say:
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- Where you will go.
- Whom you will go with.
- When you will go.
- What you will do there.
- Have you told your friends about this.
IELTS Speaking Part 2 Sample Band 7
This topic actually makes me think of a holiday I am planning for Christmas
this year. I would love to make a trip to Hokkaido. I am so excited about the
holiday that I have to tell you all about it.
During the Christmas holiday, I long to be surrounded by snow and
beautiful decor. This is one of the reasons why I am over the moon to head
to Hokkaido. The scenery there is so beautiful that it almost doesn’t seem
real. I saw the location on many TV programs and have had the image in
my head for quite some time. The area has quite a lot of shopping areas
too, which will help keep US busy. Plus, there are tons of places to chow
down on delicious food. I am excited to treat my parents to such meals and
to have some quality time with them without interruption.
Of course, one of the main reasons I want to go on this trip is to show my
parents the snow. They actually haven’t been around deep snow before
and I think they would have the time of their lives playing in it. I know, it will
help them to kick back and relax, which they both deserve. Plus, the view
of all of the snow will make our Christmas celebration feel magical.
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Do you like short holidays or long holidays?
Well, I prefer the long holidays. What I want to mention firstly is that the
long holiday provides me a chance to stay with my family. My university is
in the south, however, my hometown is located in the north- east and it
usually costs me twenty hours to take the train home. In this case, I can
only go home to see my family when the holiday is long. Secondly, I can
always travel to other cities during the long holidays. As for me, I like
travelling to different cities during the free time. If the holiday is long
enough, I can take the chance to go to other cities and know more about
the world, it is also a good way to broaden my horizon. So, based on the
reasons I mentioned above, I prefer the long holidays.
Do you think modern life give people enough time for leisure?
No, I do not think so. What I want to mention firstly is that people’s living
pace is becoming faster. In the current society, the competition is becoming
fiercer. In order to survive in such a competitive society, people need to
stay up late at night in order to make more money. In this case, people will
focus more on the work, rather than paying enough attention to the
importance of having rest. Secondly, people are facing too much pressure
nowadays, especially for the students. The high school students are facing
the pressure from the college entrance examination and the university
students are facing the heavy pressure from the competitive job market, so
the students need to work harder in order to fight for a bright future. So,
based on the reasons I mentioned above, I think people in the modern
society are lack of the leisure time.
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3) What’s the most important factor for a tourist attraction?
Basically speaking, I think there are three important factors. What I want to
mention firstly is the history. The tourist attraction can reflect the history of
a place, and the reason why the tourists visit this attraction is that they want
to know more about what has happened in the past. Secondly, the
environment of the tourist attraction should also be good. With the
development of the society, the pollution in the city is becoming even more
serious. So, the tourists also want to breathe the fresh air and appreciate
the beautiful scenery during the trip. Thirdly, the ticket price of the tourist
attraction should not be too expensive. The commodity price of the current
society is still growing and it is not very easy for peoplẹ to earn money. The
cheap ticket price can attract more people to travel.
4) Do you think we should have more public holidays?
Yes, I think so. What I want to mention firstly is that people are facing too
much pressure nowadays. In this competitive society, the white collars are
facing heavy working pressure since they have to work hard in order to win
promotion. For the high school students, they are facing the pressure from
the study since they have to get a high score in the college entrance
examination. Secondly, people need more holidays to stay with their
families. In the current society, many people work far away from the home.
If we have more holidays, those people can have more time to accompany
their families and I think the relationship among the family members will
also be closer accordingly. So, based on the reasons mentioned, we
should have more public holidays.
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Describe someone who is a good parent/ Describe a good parent you know
You should say:
 Who the parent is
 How you know the parent
 What the parent looks like
 And explain why you think the parent is good.
Sample answer:
Ok right then, off the top of my head, the parent I’d like to talk about is the
mother of a good friend of mine, and the reason for choosing to talk about
her is that my friend is always going on about how lucky he is to have such
a nice mum. And from what I know about her, I’d say he’s absolutely right.
Anyway, as for how I know her, well it’s basically due to the fact that I went
to the same middle school as her son. And because we became pretty
good friends, we ended up seeing quite a lot of each other’s parents,
especially during the holidays when we often went over to each other’s
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And regarding what his mother looks like, well interestingly enough, she
actually looks pretty similar to my own mother, because they both have
quite round faces and long wavy hair. Having said that, I’ve noticed that my
friend’s mother often ties her hair up in a bun whereas my mother usually
always keeps it down. And another thing to mention would be that
whenever I see her, she always seems to be wearing red clothes, which I
guess is probably because red suits her quite well.
But anyway, finally then, with regard to why I think she’s a good parent,
well I’d say there are quite a few reasons, one of which would be that she’s
always been very supportive to her son. And just to give you an example,
when he wondered what major to study at university, he ended up choosing
music. And his mother gave him her full support, which is probably not what
many other parents would have done, as music doesn’t really leave open a
lot of career choices.
And I think it’s fair to say that nowadays, a lot of parents persuade their
children to do things which they think are best for them, but my friend has
said that his parents have never been like this with him, especially his
mother. So I kind of get the impression that she’s never forced him to do
anything against his will, and has always let him make his own decisions,
which I think’s really great.
1. In a typical family, who plays the leading role?
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Well, the stereotype is that the father is the breadwinner of the family, the
person who makes the decisions and takes responsibility for the whole
family. This can be understandable because the father tends to occupy
high positions in society while the mother tends to be housewife or only
gets involved in some trivial work like cleaning or babysitting. However, this
is not really the case in modern society where freedom and equality is
being put a higher emphasis on. Women are as successful as men and are
no longer in charge of the monotonous household chores like they were in
the past
2. In your country, what kinds of family members usually live together?
Well, to the best of my knowledge, despite the increasing popularity of
nuclear families, extended ones still exist in our society. Usually both
parents and one, two or three kids would live together under the same roof.
In other cases, a grandmother or grandmother joins them to take care of
the small kids while the parents are away for work, for example. Other less
common situations are many generations reside in the same house, usually
a multi-story house. Families like these often consist of an uncle, aunt, and
their families and so on. Typically, many problems occur when a great
many members are in a similar place.
3. Do young and middle-age people live with old people?
Frankly speaking, unlike in Western countries where it is common to send
older grandparents to nursing homes, most people are bound by their duty,
which means that they should or, in another sense, have to pay back what
their parents have given them. As a consequence, the young generations
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and middle- aged people tend to share the same house with older people.
This can be beneficial since small children can receive special care from
their grandparents, obtain invaluable hands-on experience and tend to
develop a good code of conduct later on.
4. What would children do to make their parents proud?
I guess kids can have good performances at school and behave well to
their teachers and the elders. Parents usually take a great pride in their
kids if their children get a good score at school, or when others tell them
that their kids are nice people. As well as this, I deem it a necessity if
children help their parents out with mundane tasks ground the house like
sweeping the floor, or washing the dishes.
5. Should teenagers have freedom?
To be honest, they should be given freedom to a certain extent. At this
impressionable age, most teenagers can undergo a tough time in their
personality growth and they’re particularly rebellious to their parents. Given
this, parents should allow them to do what really interests them rather than
forcing them to adopt certain behavioral patterns. Having said this, the role
of parents is to monitor and advise their children to be on the right path,
intervening when possible if their child makes mistakes or does something
6. Do you like to spend time on your own or with your family/friends?
I would love to hang out with my families more. As my parents are always
pied up at work we can hardly manage time for one another. So, we often
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try our best to spend time by having a dinner together at some restaurants
at the weekend or see a movie together if time permits. For me, it’s much
better to build a close-knit family and strengthen our bonds.
7. What are parents’ responsibilities for their children?
Primarily, they are responsible for the safety and upbringing of their
children. Obviously, it includes a lot of things, such as feeding them,
comforting them and looking after them under any circumstances. They
need to make sure that their children have everything they need and are
well looked after, have opportunities to learn about things, grow up and
develop as well-mannered individuals.
8. What’s the influence of parents on their children?
At first, parents’ behaviors influence their children greatly. If parents are
polite, generous and kind, their children tend to be like this. Besides,
parents have influence on their children in making some great decisions. I
think good parents should help their children make better decisions and
offer them useful guidance. What’s more, parents’ attitudes to work,
marriage and life can also influence their children. The children may lose
confidence in love and marriage if their parents often quarrel.
Xem thêm từ vựng topic Family ngay TẠI ĐÂY
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Describe a magazine you enjoy watching
You should say:
 where it can be bought
 what information it contains
 who you think reads this magazine
 and explain why you think this magazine is interesting.
Band 9 Sample
There is a magazine that I really enjoy reading called Vogue. I was first
introduced to this magazine when I went to a friend’s home for tea one
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I discovered it lying on her coffee table. I flipped through its pages and
became immediately hooked. I found myself buying It every’ month. I
bought Issues at various newsstands, convenient stores, and once or twice
from a grocery store.
Vogue addresses topics of fashion, life and design. However, if there is one
thing that makes buying Vogue worthwhile, it is the articles. They are
written by professional and reputable writers who write in-depth about the
products, events, and people, house, fashion, and everything else there is
to write about. There are lots of advertisements in Vogue, which many
people hate, but they do not bother me. I actually enjoy them because they
are still showing beautiful people in fashionable outfits.
The main target for Vogue magazine is young women. The stories are
advertisements are all feminine products. What I think most young girls buy
the magazine for is its amazing fashion tip. The fashion taste is great and
the shoot are amazing.
It is an all-round magazine for young girls; but for me it isn’t—it’s only
fashion, and it serves me well. Vogue is classy and stylish, lit features the
best fashion and you do not have to be rich to read this magazine. People
who are not interested in fashion will probably hate this magazine, and that
is probably why it has received so much criticism. I, on the other hand, love
this magazine and look to this magazine for some fantastic fashion
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1. What kinds of magazines are popular?
Actually, when it comes to magazines, I’m not quite a big fan. But if I have
to answer this question, I would say that magazines that specialize in
gardening, fashion, do-it-yourself are all the rage in my country. People
love do the gardening, planting trees or vegetables while others are keen
on repairing and mending household appliances, or an overwhelming
majority of individuals would be hooked by fashion trends, so I guess those
three types of magazines would have a wider appeal Compared to the rest.
2. Is journalist an interesting job?
As far as I’m concerned, this occupation Requires great stamina and
persistence to be a journalist, you have too on lots of field trips, travelling
nationwide to obtain information for their news articles. Those detest
travelling are not cut out to be journalist or correspondent. Another point
worthy of consideration is that they have to take great care and be
responsible for the truthfulness of their articles. If not, they may be accused
of exaggerating or misrepresenting the real situation, and can be even
imprisoned if they happen to libel the state in some ways.
3. Why do some journalists go to the battlefield to report the war?
I guess these heroic figures want the readers to have an on-the-spot
coverage of the event so that people can have the best picture of what’s
going on there. Being a correspondent during war times can pose an
imminent threat to their life but they are in a position to sacrifice their life
simply for the sake of the general public. I guess such people must
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extremely courageous and patriotic L. to embark on such a life-threatening
4. Why do some people still read paper magazines?
Most of these readers tend to be middle-aged or elderly people as they find
it difficult to gain access to modern technology. Most of them are computer
illiterate and have a hard time handling hi-tech device it such as
smartphones, so reading c-magazine would be out of their reach.
Interestingly, some people prefer to collect magazines of their interested
fields because they can store them and then lake out for later reading, as
compared to online versions, which may be deleted or removed after some
weeks; a paper magazine lasts almost forever.
5. Do you think it’s important to keep up with the news?
Many people walk through their lives delightfully unaware of most of the
events and issues going on in the world outside of their daily lives. One of
the media’s major roles is to serve as a watchdog that keeps people
informed. As social creatures that care about what is going on around them,
human beings rely a great deal on news. It is important not only because It
provides people with information that allows them to live their lives easier,
but more importantly because it is the primary way that the popular can
stay informed and thus govern themselves. It can help one make informed
decisions when performing their civic duties.
6. What are the main differences between magazines and newspapers?
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Magazines are made to sell products and to entertain; while newspapers
are used more Just to Inform readers about the important aspects that
affect your lives. Most magazines are just celebrity gossip. It fcs not
necessarily verifiable It plays no direct role in the way a person lives his/her
life. It certainly plays no role in helping inform people so they can he good
citizens and govern themselves. Its complete lack of relevancy to I person’s
life makes celebrity gossip entertainment, not news.
7. Why do some people only read the headlines when they read a
Most of us, who are interested in the news, usually have busy schedules.
We usually only have time to read a newspaper on the bus or train, and
that is if there is not too many people. So when people like me read the
newspaper, we first scan the headlines to find the most interesting issue of
the day. If a headline does not catch our attention, we don’t read it; unless
we still have some spare time. Then there are articles that we think have no
significance in our lives, so we don’t even consider reading them; thus, just
that article’s headline gets read.
Xem thêm bài mẫu Part 3 về topic Environment do giáo viên 8.0 IELTS
thực hiện:
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IELTS Speaking Part 3: Câu trả lời mẫu topic Environment
Vocabulary - Causes Of Environmental Problems
 Chemical and industrial waste
Example: The chemical and industrial waste being released from factories
cause to the pollution of my local area.
 Emission from cars and motorbikes
Example: The pollution of land and air can be blamed for emission from
cars and motorbikes.
 To raise people awareness of preserving water and forest resources
Example: It is necessary to run some campaigns to raise people
awareness of preserving water and forest resource.
 To use alternative energy resources
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Example: In order to mitigate the environmental issues, alternative energy
resources such as wind and solar energy should be implemented.
 Collocations And Phrases For IELTS Speaking Test – Topic:
- Wildlife reserve/ nature reserve/ game reserve: an area of land in
which plants and animals are protected
Example: Rare animals should be protected in game reserve.
- Wildlife conservation: to protect animals and plants and their habitats
Example: The government are considering whether they should invest
money on wildlife conservation.
Natural environment: the place where animals and plants would
normally be found
Example: Legislation to protect natural environment should be enacted due
to enhanced greenhouse effect.
produced by industrial process
Example: Local people are suffered from great deal of toxic waste being
released by factories.
Air quality: the cleanliness of the air we breathe
Example: Living in the environment with high air quality can have a good
impact on our health.
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Pollution levels: the amount of toxic waste
Example: Many factories are releasing waste illegally into air and water,
which contributes to the increase of pollution levels.
Man-made disaster: widespread damage or loss of life brought about
by action of humans
Example: Man-made disaster is a controversial issue, and people should
pay more attention to find a solution for this problem.
- Loss of habitats: the decline in areas of land where animals and
plants would normally exit
Example: Due to logging, loss of habitats is increasingly common at
Endangered species: animals or plants are on the verge of extinction
Example: We have to take the responsibility for protecting endangered
species from hunting and natural disaster.
To die out: to become extinction
Example: The population of Kangaroo are is in danger of dying out.
- Global warming: the increasing temperature of the world brought
about by gases such as CO2
Example: We are beginning to experience global warming due to the
enhanced greenhouse effect.
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- Greenhouse effect: the gradual warming of the air surrounding the
Earth as a result of heating trapped by pollution
Example: The deforestation of forests is contributing to greenhouse effect.
1. Are there any environmental problems in your country?
Absolutely yes, the most common environmental issue in my hometown is
exhausted emissions produced by cars and motorbikes have been afflicting
the air and water quality. My government is struggling to deal with the
2. Do you take an interest in nature?
Of course yes, As a city person, I barely have a opportunity to experience
the natural environment. Then whenever I have a holiday, I really prefer to
go to the far-off destination, so I could get closer to the nature and discover
the natural world.
3. Do you or your family take steps to help the environment?
Yes we do. We always turn of lights or electronic appliances when they are
unnecessary. Although this is minor action, but I believe that it could make
significantly contribution to the environment.
Describe environmental pollution in you city.
- What type of pollution is/are?
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- Why it had happened?
- And explain how this pollution can be controlled?
Sample answer
I have been living in Hanoi for almost 8 years, then I have the chance to
see how the city has changed in these years. Due to the increasing number
of tourist, Hanoi’ environment has been polluted significantly. Indeed, many
people traveling to there has thrown illegally thrown rubbish into the land
and water, which causes to land and water pollution. In addition, industrial
and household waste from factories and families is contributing to the high
level of pollution.
In order to solve this issues, I would recommend the Hanoi’s authority to
heavily fine who are caught realising trash into the atmosphere. By carrying
out the rule, people being intent to litter the environment will be afraid of
being punished, which can deter them from discharging unlawful waste .
Another solution is that the government should run some campaigns to
raise the awareness of people about how important the environment is. For
example, showing local people and visitors the danger of global warming
and greenhouse effect that I believe could change their attitude towards the
protection of environment, which is likely to have a good impact on air
Although the two actions above is just simple, I think it will be an effective
way to mitigate the environmental contamination in a long-term.
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1. What do you think is the main danger the world face in term of
It would have to be global warming, which cause some natural disasters
such as flash flood and drought. The problem mainly stems from enhanced
greenhouse effect in recent year. I believe that several steps should be
taken to deal with the issue.
2. What example are there of how we damage the natural world?
There are factories that release toxic waste directly into the air and water,
which is main cause of air and water pollution. As a result loss of habitats is
increasingly common, many people are diagnosed with health problems
such as lung and throat cancer. In addition, a large number of land and rain
forests are destroyed to make a way for agriculture field.
Xem thêm Bài mẫu 3 Part IELTS Vocab - Topic: Fashion (A stylish
person & Accessories)
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Describe a time that you wore a type of clothes for a special occasion
You should say:
- Where you bought the clothes
- And what other people at the occasion thought of your clothes
Samplae answer:
By nature, I prefer simplicity and always pick casual clothes no matter what
the occasion is. Yet off the top of my head, there comes a time when I had
to put on a suit for a photo shoot for our yearbook, which I personally feel
quite burdensome and formal.
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Everyone was supposed to dress smartly and formally for the occasion, so
boys were told to have their black suit on, and a pair of shining shoes or a
brand-new pair of sneakers for footwear. I did also wear a necktie to look
more elegant and sophisticated. The girls were simpler in their clothes;
some colorful traditional clothes could do wonders to their outer
The suits were rented from a store that specializes in renting costumes for
artists or students about to graduate, and fortunately our monitor made
great preparations beforehand so we had our clothes rented dirt cheap.
I’d have to admit that it was the very first time I put on formal wear, so my
friends made quite sarcastic comments about my look at saying that I
looked quite serious and unnatural. But somehow I was quite satisfied with
how the clothes fitted me perfectly, and afterwards I tried to be more at
ease I would say I looked great. I mapped dozens of selfie pictures and
stored in my phone and sometimes take them out and feel quite nostalgic,
1. What kinds of clothes do people wear after work?
There are a wide range of clothes people can choose to put on when
people go home from their office. One of the most popular types is shorts
and T-shirts, which I think is favored by both sexes. I guess this is simply
because at the, workplace staff are supposed to dress formally and such
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clothes are pretty uncomfortable. So, casual wear helps the blood circulate
better and thereby relaxing their body. Many people are also keen on gym
clothes, pajamas or skirts as it doesn’t increase their laundry, which means
they don’t have to wash their clothes frequently.
2. What kinds of clothes should people wear at work?
Actually, I think it depends on what people do. One of the most popular
types among manual laborers is thick pieces of garments with protective
gear as these help them to prevent injuries and dirt. However, those
working in the office have different dress code for sure. To be more precise,
office workers tend to dress more formally like a pair of trousers and shirts
for males or a dress for females. This is probably because they have to
present a professional Image in the eyes of the customers or wearing such
clothes gives staff more confidence in their ability.
3. Do you think it is necessary for children to wear school uniforms?
As far as I’m concerned, I strongly believe that it’s absolutely vital for
school children to wear uniforms. The most convincing reason is that in a
developing country, if all students wear the same clothes, which are white
shirts and blue pants, then poor students will feel less humiliated and
embarrassed about the financial conditions and consequently can focus
more on their academic study. The second reason is that uniform brings
and cultivates a sense of belonging and unity in a group. Besides, it will be
pretty pleasing to the eyes, if you see students in their uniforms in the
schoolyard line up to enter the class, which I think is unique in my country.
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4. Where do people in your country buy clothes?
Actually, there is quite an array of places people can purchase their clothes.
The most typical one is at the supermarket where clothes of all price
ranges are on display. I reckon it absolutely caters for consumers’ interest
as they are able to pick whatever item of garment they like and try it on. ask
their buddies’ opinion and so on. Another place is at the market or
alongside the streets. Clothes sold at these points are often of lower quality
but at more reasonable prices, which is quite a popular choice among less
well-off folks. Needless to say but most people are short of cash at times so
this alternative seems to be pretty good.
5. When do people wear formal clothes?
Formal attire is often a must on important occasions such as meetings,
ceremonies and other solemn events. Having said this, it’s becoming more
and more popular that people nowadays prefer casual wear on nearly all
occasions and it’s a standard practice in my country, I’d have to admit. For
example, it’s absolutely normal to wear jeans and T-shirts to weddings,
birthdays, meetings and so on. if the nature of the event is not too serious.
This is quite in contrast to that of Westerners who often hut on a suit or a
dress every time they join a formal event.
6. Do people wear formal clothes more often or less often than the
I’d say casual attire is gaining more popularity as people in modern society
prefer flexibility and convenience. For example. it’s absolutely normal to
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wear jeans and T-shirts to weddings, birthdays, meetings and so on, if the
nature of the event is not too serious. This is quite in contrast to that of
Westerners who often put on a suit or a dress every time they join a formal
7. Will the way we dress influence the way we behave?
This is an interesting question, and my answer is yes. For those creative
people, they often choose a combination of diverse colors in their clothing
style and such people tend to be fashionistas who have a firm grasp of a
hat to wear to make them look best. These people are dynamic, energetic
and love to socialize. On the other hand, those who often wear plain
clothes to belong to a group which doesn’t have much enthusiasm about
fashion and IS willing to put on anything they can find in their wardrobe
every morning
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Q: Describe a person who you like to spend time with
A: I’m grateful to have such a supportive family and a large circle of friends
who are always be there for me no matter what. I spend most of my free
time surrounded with my beloved friends and family. Even though I love
them all to the moon and back, my younger sister, Jade, is the one that’s
closest to me.
Jade is seven years younger than me, which might create some sense of
generation gap, yet, we still get along well, or at least most of the time. She
is in high school now and has a dream of becoming a doctor one day. In
term of appearance, we have little in common. By that I mean while I’m
kind of tall, she’s relatively short; while I take after my father, she’s my
mom’s splitting image. Same thing with our characteristics. I am peopleoriented and a true free spirit, Jade, on the contrary, is quite introverted and
into stability. Hence, that came as a huge surprise when others
acknowledge our strong bond. We’re like 2 sides of the same coin.
No matter how different we are, we have never neglected or abandoned
each other. In fact, we are partners in crime in so many impulsive and silly
acts that our family has lost count. Once, I tried to play the victim with my
uncle as I accidentally broke a crystal vase that my aunt adored, Jade
backed me up as we put the blame on our poor cousin. What a shameful
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act! But that was years ago and we learnt our lesson in a hard way.
Another time when my sister’s teacher asked to meet our parents because
Jade had ditched class. To her defense, that subject was boring and I was
the one who talked to her teacher. In the end, Jade had to serve more time
at the library and we kept this from our parents and so were other things.
We got each other’s back and we always will because that’s what sisters
do and simply because I love her.
1. How do you usually spend your spare time?
To be honest, I barely have free time between work and study these days.
However, whenever I need a break from work or try to loosen myself a little
bit, I always turn to music. Music is my religion, so to speak and I don’t
know what I would do without it. No matter how awful my day has been or
how deliriously happy I am with my new project, music always gets my
mood. It offers comfort when I feel down with some smooth melodies and
celebrates my success with hard beats, totally understanding. Hence, it is
safe to say music is my soulmate.
2. Why do some young people dislike living with old people?
The most common reason might be a large generation gap between
youngsters and their senior citizen in terms of mindsets and living style. To
be more precise, young people are more open-minded and always up for
adventures in comparison to the elder. They live bolder, act more
impulsively and refuse to settle for anything less than freedom and big
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dream while their grandparents are more careful in every decision and take
into account possible consequences before making any move. Hence,
when living together, they can hardly reach any mutual consent in any
aspect. However, there are also exceptions where 2 or 3 generations living
in harmony under the same roof.
3. What do you usually do when you hang out with your friends?
Well, the kinds of activities can vary depends on which groups of friends I
hang out with. If they are my best friends whom I’ve known most of my life,
we will undoubtedly do silly things together regardless how ridiculous it
would look on us. For example, one time, we were playing truth or dare
when I was forced to stand in the middle of the road singing my heart out
Justin Timberlake’s songs. It was one of the most embarrassing moments
of my life and of course, as what best friends always did, they recorded it
and replayed occasionally anytime we got bored. Though it was distinctly
sheepish, it was how we enjoyed our company whenever we hung out.
4. Do you like to spend time on your own or with your family/friends?
I would say I enjoy both equally. I don’t consider myself an extrovert but I
love being surrounded by people, whether they’re my family, friends or just
someone I meet at a social gathering. I find it intriguing to communicate
and get to know people no matter who they are or what their political
standpoint is since every individual I talk to gives me a different perspective
of life. Therefore, I don’t mind spending time with others. However,
whenever I feel the need to contemplate myself or just want to get away
from reality, I prefer being on my own.
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5. What are the advantages of living with old people?
Old people are like living dictionaries packed with endless stories about
lifetime experience and wide bread of knowledge. Though born and raised
in different social context, they can always provide youngsters with
practical pieces of advice and be a valuable reference sources whenever
we are in need. For example, if you get bored with all the facts and dates
listed in history books, which are highly informative, yet, tedious, turn to
your grandparents and get ready to be inspired by their personal insights
and authentic experience. No one knows the stories better than those who
have been through it.
6. Should young adults live on their own?
In my opinion, adolescences who have reached their maturity should live
apart from their families to be more emotionally and financially independent.
This kind of practice is more common in European and American countries
compared to their Asian counterparts, which can be explained by traditional
lifestyles and mindsets. However, the number of Asian youngsters moving
out of their parents’ houses are growing substantially since living on their
own not only force them to be more responsible with their lives from
washing their own dishes to ironing their clothes, but also offer them certain
freedom to pursue what they want.
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Bài mẫu khác
Describe a TV program
You should say:
• What the TV program is
• How you know it
• What it is like
• Why you like it
Band 9 Sample:
I’m going to talk about “Who wants to be a millionaire”, one of my favorite
TV shows ever. As far as I can remember, it was originally a UK TV Game
Show, and it made its first debut in my country around 10 years ago.
This was kind of a quiz show in which contestants have to go through a set
of 15 questions with increasing difficulty. The first 5 questions are pretty
silly really, and they always give me and my family a good laugh.
Contestants are given 4 lifelines to aid them with difficult questions, and
most of them are usually used up when the contestant reaches around
question 7 or 8. The entire show is a sea of knowledge. Many questions
from different fields are asked, ranging from trivial things like ingredients
needed to make cookies to academic stuff like quantum physics and
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You know, I’m quite a curious man, so back when I was a high school kid, I
hardly missed an episode. When the Internet became available in Vietnam,
I started to watch the UK and US version as well, and knowledge acquired
from those shows were really helpful to me in many of my high school
knowledge quizzes.
Vocabulary highlights:
• Debut: The first public appearance of something
• Give somebody a good laugh: Make someone laugh in excitement
• A sea of knowledge: a lot of knowledge
1. Do young people like to watch TV nowadays?
I would say no. The Internet is a much better option; everything from films
and TV series to music is available on the Net, some of which are free of
charge (or at least in my country I think). Young people, with their
smartphones in hand, no longer feel the need to watch TV.
2. What kind of TV programs do young people like?
Mostly soap operas, I believe. More women watch TV than men do, and
romances are their favorites. Also, cartoons are popular among kids, and
students in Vietnam also love quiz shows.
3. Do you think TV will be replaced by computers?
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Yes, it’s very likely. I can see that coming really. The Internet has been a
much better option; everything from films and TV series’ to music is
available on the Net, some of which are free of charge. Young people, with
their smartphones in hand, no longer feel the need to watch TV. I would call
it the “natural” selection of technology.
4. What do you think about TV advertisements?
TV commercials help us to know about stuff we need to buy, so I think it’s
pretty useful. However, at times it can be very annoying when it interrupts
our favorite shows.
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Describe a photo of yourself that was taken by others
You should say:
- What’s in it
- When it has taken
- Who took that photo for you
- And explain why you like it so well
Band 9 Model Answer
There was a time when photos where only taken by a camera, but now
everything has changed. Computers and mobile phones have enabled
people to take a lot of photos and I think people take billions of photos
everyday in this world. I myself take so many photos that I sometimes
forget which photograph have taken and when did I take it. There is one of
my photographs which I like the most, taken by my aunt.
I happened to pay a visit to my aunt on the way to school, and I asked her
to take a photo of me and her daughter. In this photographs which I am
carrying my niece and she is smiling at me. My niece is quite small at that
time and has a really cute face with pretty childlike expressions whereas I
am grinning with the biggest smile on my face with one hand holding my
niece. The photo was so loveable that I made it the wallpaper of my
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computer and whenever I open the computer the first thing I see on the
computer is that photograph.
The photo was taken 4 years ago, and shows how time passed by and how
the world changes. After looking at the photograph I remembered that my
niece was crying a lot and my sister was giving her to the maid, but as I
decided to hold her in my arms she got happy and smiled and that was the
moment when the photograph was taken. The photograph shows a time
when I was happy and a time when used to have an optimistic view of the
world but now all optimism and love has just vanished from my life.
1. How to become a professional photographer?
Put it this way, to become an expert at a particular field, a person needs
specialized training and being a professional photographer is no exception.
To excel in this field, you are supposed to have a keen eye for beauty,
which means you can get the hang of how to adjust the angles, zoom in or
out so that everyone fits in the picture in the most appealing way. In a
nutshell, everything can be learnt, and it is only a matter of time before a
person becomes proficient at it.
2. Do you need a professional photographer for important events?
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With the advent of smartphones with many built-in features for taking photo
or video-taping, I doubt the necessity of hiring a professional photographer
when it comes to certain events. I have seen many people use their
Iphones to livestream the wedding or a birthday party with high-quality
images with ease. Having said this, you won’t regret with the assistance of
a professional cameraman or photographer, simply because you can obtain
better quality images, or they can create an album or a video for you in a
professional way. So, on grand occasions like a wedding ceremony at the
church, a photographer seems to be a must
3. What kinds of devices do people like to use for taking photos these
There are two most common devices when it comes to taking photographs
recently. The most common one is smartphone. With the development of
technology and the appearance of smartphones, taking a high-quality selfie
or a landscape picture becomes a piece of cake. Actually some brands like
Sony offer HD photos and the users can adjust the dimensions to their
liking. The second type is DSLR camera, which is quite a status symbol
among those who love taking pictures. This is quite an advanced and
professional way of taking a photo, which means that you have to change
the focus and choose the right angle to Wendell the most beautiful pictures.
4. Why do some people like to keep photos? = Are photos important?
Well, the main reason why a number of people usually keep their photos is
that photos Record sweet memories. No doubt when they grow up and
become an old person, they can open their albums, see how they were
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some 30 years ago and spend a bit time on looking back at unforgettable
memories of the bygone days! This gives them pleasure and more
motivation to keep giving to the rest of their lives. People can also show
these photos to their children or grandchildren and boast of their beauty
5. Has the way people take photos changed?
Yes, definitely. As I have mentioned, today digital age means that people
use advanced hi-tech devices to take pictures like a smartphone or DSI.R
camera. No longer do the youths have to take a bulky camera with them, a
smartphone can do the job pretty well.
6. When do people smile?
Some people smile all the time, and by their smiles, we can judge that they
are being over the moon because of something happy. On other occasions,
a smile is treated as symbol of friendliness! and it’s commonly used as a
part of our daily greetings! When we meet some acquaintance or a stranger,
giving a smile shows our hospitality towards others, and helps to break the
ice among people.
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Describe a TV drama series you have watched.
You should say:
- What it is
- Who the actors are
- What the most favorite part is
- And explain why you like watch it.
Watching movies is the most effective stress-reliever I’ve ever found;
therefore, I spend lots of time following my favorite TV shows or its
rebroadcast whenever I’m free from work. Among loads of TV series I’ve
watched, nothing can beat Gossip Girls, a show I’d grown obsessed with
during my high school years and still haven’t been over it yet till now.
Gossip Girls is an American TV drama series based on the book of the
same name which was aired from 2007 to 2012, including six seasons.
Gossip Girls follows the lives of privileged teenagers in Manhattan’s Upper
East Side with tons of twists and thoughtful moments. There are hundreds
of reasons I love the show and I have no doubt why it once was the most
popular series with 18 Teen Choice Awards. First of all, the cast is
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breathtakingly gorgeous. Every one of them. [Serena Van Der Woodsen, a
blonde and beautiful socialite and Blair Waldorf, Serena’s best friend and
Queen B at their high school are two main lead actresses. Their
relationship is like a roller coaster and more than once they become rivals,
however, they always come around, which makes the show so beautiful to
watch. Nate Archibald is the so-called “golden boy”. Chuck Bass a rich and
arrogant person. And finally, Daniel Humphrey a lonely boy from Brooklyn
who nobody knows.] They have great chemistry and are all talented actors.
Secondly, the show has the finest fashion moments ever. It can be said
that Gossip Girls gained most of its reputation thanks to its glamorous and
extravagant costume collections. From their main cast to occasional
cameos, they always turn heads every time they appear in their stunning
outfits. Last but not least, the highlight of the show is a ruthless and
notorious blogger, aka Gossip Girls whose identity remains unknown until
the very last episode of the whole series, which only entices the TV
audiences more. The list can go on and on and I highly recommend the
series for those who want to have a glimpse into the lavish lifestyle of the
upper-class as well as their fabulous fashion.
- stress-reliever (n): things that help to reduce stress
- rebroadcast (n): a repeated or relayed broadcast
- privileged (a): having special rights or advantages that most people
do not have
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- socialite (n): a person who goes to a lot of fashionable parties and is
often written about in the newspapers, etc.
- come around (phrasal verb): to change one’s opinion or position
- extravagant (a): spending a lot more money or using a lot more of
something than you can afford or than is necessary
- cameo (n): a small part in a film/movie or play for a famous actor
- turn head (idiom): attract a great deal of attention or interest
- ruthless (a): (of people or their behaviour) hard and cruel; determined
to get what you want and not caring if you hurt other people
- entice (v): attract or tempt by offering pleasure or advantage
1. Is drama series popular in your country? Why?
Sadly no. Although Gossip Girls was a phenomenon in America, not many
people were aware of it in my country. I believe the limited exposure to
foreign culture, especially American as well as the unavailability of cable
TV at that time were two main reasons. The very first episode was aired in
2007, roughly 10 years ago and during that time, my country was not as
open and liberated as it is now. Therefore, American drama series such as
Gossip Girls with lots of unfamiliar practices and lifestyle were not
particularly well-received, which also leads us to the second point. Since
Gossip Girls contained several sensitive contents, not overly but still, it was
not broadcast on TV or other online websites. However, things have
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changed considerably and nowadays, some youngsters have started to
watch the show as it is highly recommended and really enjoy it.
- phenomenon (n): a person or thing that is very successful or
- exposure (n): the fact of being discussed or mentioned on television,
in newspapers, etc.
- unavailability (n): the fact that something cannot be obtained
- liberated (a): free from the restrictions of traditional ideas
- well-received (a): getting a good reaction from people
1. What is the difference between young people and old people’s
favorite TV drama? Why?
Youngsters and older people may have some different taste in TV drama,
but not by much, I believe. Young adults are more into movies with lots of
excitement or supernatural factors such as science-fiction, thriller,
superhero or comedy. Some of the most popular TV drama series
nowadays like Games of Thrones, The Walking Dead or Supernatural all
fall under these categories. Meanwhile, older generations tend to value
shows that have certain meanings or messages rather than visual effects
themselves. Family-friendly dramas or sit-coms are some of their favorites.
However, there are also exceptions.
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- supernatural (a): that cannot be explained by the laws of science and
that seems to involve gods or magic
- fall under (phrasal verb): be included in or classified as
- family-friendly (a): suitable for or aimed at families with children
2. Do you think TV dramas reflect what happens in the reality of
As far as I am concerned, many TV series have been inspired from real-life
materials, which proves to be an endless source for writers and movie
makers. They are sometimes based on actual events and added some
fictional factors for more excitement. Lots of social aspects have been
depicted on screen like political issues, crimes, violence and so on. Despite
being exaggerated sometimes (or not), these shows somehow reflect
current situations in reality. TV dramas such as House of Cards, Suits and
most recently, 13 Reasons Why are attracting more and more viewers for
their compelling and real-life contents.
- fictional (a): not real or true; existing only in stories; connected with
- depict (v): to describe something in words, or give an impression of
something in words or with a picture
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- compelling (a): that makes you pay attention to it because it is so
interesting and exciting
3. Do you think people will change their preference of TV dramas
when getting older?
I suppose that is likely to happen since most things change over a course
of time and so does our taste in TV programs. This may result from the
changes in our perception of life and surroundings as we grown into
maturity. For instance, when you were a kid, cartoons or other colorful and
energetic TV shows such as Tom & Jerry and Teletubbies were your
favorite even though you didn’t understand them. However, during your
teenage years, you preferred chick flicks like Twilight or Mean Girls since
you adored irresistible vampires and happy-ending romance. If these are
any signs, adulthood will surely change your appetite in TV series, too and
shows with more complicated plots and characters like House of Cards or
Scandal might suit your taste better.
- over a course of time: in or during the process of
- chick flick (n): a movie that appeals mainly to women
- adulthood (n): the state of being an adult
4. What is the difference between foreign dramas and ones in your
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I think there are a lot to mention since the differences are quite significant.
The first thing is the plot. The social practices and situations between my
country and the others are different in many ways, therefore, dramas reflect
different issues since they are mostly based on reality. Besides, technology
in film industry here is not as advanced as those in foreign films. Their
visual or other special effects have reached another level and we still have
a lot to catch up.
5. What is the influence of foreign show on people in your country?
It’s quite true that whatever people watch will have some certain effects on
them, which is why government has strict control over all the programs
currently broadcasting, especially foreign ones. Due to significant
differences in lifestyle and the way of thinking, national viewers might find it
strange at first, however, constant exposure to international programs will
get them familiarize with foreign practice, building cultural tolerance and
understanding. Additionally, people can get a better view of the world since
they are taken to different places, visiting breathtakingly beautiful
destinations where they may never have a chance to travel to.
- have control over (idiom): have the power to direct or manage
someone or something
- cultural tolerance (n): respect, acceptance and appreciation towards
the rich diversity of our world’s cultures
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6. Somebody says soap opera doesn’t come from real life, what do
you think? Why?
In my opinion, soap operas, indeed, are fictional shows but just like any
other TV series, they are inspired from real-life situations and deliberately
exaggerated, sometimes too much. Unlike dramas, soup operas usually
focus on family dramas and the longer they are, the more emotional and
melodramatic they get. And even though soap operas portrait characters’
day-to-day life, how these people resolve their problems is by no means
typical. Hence, it is understandable that many refuse to acknowledge that
soap opera comes from reality.
- deliberately (adv): done in a way that was planned, not by chance
- melodramatic (a): full of exciting and extreme emotions or events;
behaving or reacting to something in an exaggerated way
- by no means: not at all
7. Do you think soap opera will have bad influence on children?
Children are highly impressionable beings and can easily pick up words
and manners from surroundings; therefore, I believe they should be
encouraged to watch programs appropriate for their age. Yet, soap operas,
for example, may do more harm than good. The characters in these shows
always seem to overanalyze and exaggerate things more than they should,
even for a TV show. Hence, if children follow these programs, they could
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develop false attitudes and improper behaviors when dealing with similar
situations in real life.
- impressionable (a): (of a person, especially a young one) easily
influenced or affected by somebody/something
- pick up (phrasal verb): obtain, acquire, or learn something, especially
without formal arrangements or instruction
- do more harm than good (idiom): to be damaging and not helpful
- overanalyze (v): analyze (something) in too much detail
- improper (a): not suited or appropriate to the situation
- false (a): wrong or mistaken, because it is based on something that is
not true or correct
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HISTORICAL EVENTS (Sự kiện lịch sử)
Part 1
Do you like to learn about history? (Bạn có thích học lịch sử không?)
(Answer) Wow, I am into reading history, not only of our country, Vietnam
but also other countries in the world. (Reason) History is not only a subject
to me, it is also a source of invaluable information about our origin as well
as the victorious past of our ancestors.
Part 2
Describe a historical event that you like the most. (Mô tả mọt sự kiện
lịch sử mà bạn thích nhất)
(Answer) Honestly speaking, everytime I am asked about history, I am
always eager to talk about Vietnam war, which ends in 1975 and one of the
historical highlights of our country. Vietnam undergone hundreds of years
under the colonization of foreign invaders and this is the last war before a
new era of peace and independence is opened for us.
(Reason) It is an unforgettable period of history for some reasons. Firstly, it
is the courageous fighting spirit of Vietnamese people. (Example) Our
country was divided into Nothern part and Southern part. Communication
was almost impossible at that time and people across the country were
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living in poverty and destitute conditions. However, our soldiers still fought
bravely with the support from ordinary people.
(Reason) Secondly, this is remarkable because hardly anyone could think
that we could win the war. (Example) When compared to such a wellarmed country like America, it was hard to think that we could defeat them.
However, with the determination of the whole nation, we have our own
peace. April 30th, 1975 was the date that we gained independence from
the invaders and from then on, we have held annual celebration to pay
tribute to those who sacrificed for the country. I hope that Vietnamese
people will never forget this important event of the nation.
Part 3
What can we learn from the events in history? (Chúng ta học được gì
từ các sự kiện lịch sử?)
(Answer) I think we can have many lessons from historical events.
(Example) For example, if we read about the Great Depression in America
from 1929 to1933, we can know more about the economy and crisis in
certain periods. In other cases, if we study war, there will be knowledge
related to domination or weapons. However, above all, the most important
lesson is that each historical event is either a mistake or a pride, we should
look at them carefully to improve our strengths, to maintain the pride and
not to let the mistakes occur again.
- Origin (n): Cội nguồn
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- Victorious past (n): Quá khứ hào hùng
- Ancestors (n): Tổ tiên
- Historical highlight (n): Sự kiện lịch sử nổi bật
- Colonization (n): Sự thuộc địa hóa
- Foreign invaders (n): Giặc ngoại xâm
- Independence (n): Độc lập
- Period of history (n): Giai đoạn lịch sử
- Well-armed (adj): Trang bị vũ khí tối tân
- Defeat (n): Đánh bại
- Pay tribute to (Sb) (v): Tưởng nhớ
- Sacrifice (v): Hy sinh
- Domination (n): Sự đô hộ
HISTORICAL FIGURES (Nhân vật lịch sử)
Part 1
How did you learn history when you were young? (Bạn học lịch sử
như thế nào khi còn nhỏ?)
(Answer) Actually, when I was a child, I only learnt history through a text
book but at that time I was not so interested in it because there were so
many things that I had to remember. (Example) Then my grandfather took
me to a bookstore to buy books in history and I have developed an interest
in historical figures such as King Le Loi or Heroine Vo Thi Sau.
Part 2: Describe a historical figure that you find the most impressive.
(Mô tả một nhân vật lịch sử bạn tháy ấn tượng nhất)
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(Answer) If someone asks me about one historical figure that I like the most,
it will definitely be President Ho Chi Minh. I am sure that President Ho is
admired and loved not only by Vietnamese people but also residents in
other countries around the world. He is a prominent leader and he led
many resistances that defeated foreign invaders to bring peace and protect
national sovereignty. (Reason) President Ho is well known for leading a
simple life and spending all his life fighting for the happniess of Vietnamese
people and the independence of the nation. (Example) He was born into an
impoverished but intellectual family in Nghe An province so he could
understand the misery and poverty that were caused by war to Vietnamese
people. Therefore, at a very young age of early twenty, he decided to go to
some foreign countries to find a way to save the country. He went through
a lot of ups and downs but with his decisiveness and patriotism, he came
back to Vietnam with innovative ideas to improve the policies as well as
eliminate invaders.
President Ho had achieved a lot in his life of doing politics; however, he
never thought for himself only, he helped other people till the end of his life.
Now there are many memorials of President Ho in different countries for
people to honor one of the greatest men in the world’s history.
Part 3: Do you think historical museums should be opened for free?
(Bạn có nghĩ rằng các bảo tàng lịch sử nên mở cửa miễn phí không?)
(Answer) Well, it is of great importance for people, especially young people
to learn history of their own country. Historical museums, where valuable
traditions are preserved and these are ideal places for people to cherish
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the past. (Reason) I think it’s better to reduce the entrance fee to historical
museums because they need a certain amount of money to be operated.
(Example) Local officers should have special offers for those when they
come to museums as a way of encouraging people to learn history. In
addition, it is a good idea that more historical shows TV are produced to
make history an important part in people’s life.
- Historical figures (n): Nhân vật lịch sử
- Heroine (n): Nữ anh hùng
- Prominent leader (n): Lãnh tụ kiệt xuất
- Resistance (n): Kháng chiến
- Foreign invaders (n): Giặc ngoại xâm
- Sovereignty (n): Chủ quyền
- Misery (n): Nỗi khổ
- Ups and downs (n): Thăng trầm
- Decisiveness (n): Kiên định
- Patriotism (n): Lòng yêu nước
- Policy (n): Chính sách
- Eliminate invaders (v): Đánh đuổi giặc ngoại xâm
- Memorial (n): Đài tưởng niệm
- Honor (v): Tôn vinh
- Valuable tradition (n): Truyền thống quý báu
Preserve (v): Lưu giữ
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Describe a leader or politician who you admire.
You should say:
- Who is s/ he?
- What is so appealing about him?
- What type of leader is he/ she
- and explain why do you admire him /her.
Model Answer:
The leader I really like and admire is (…say the name of a politician or a
leader you know about…) who had great contributions to make our country
a better place. He was a mainstream politician for a long and was involved
in active politics from his school life. He had great contribution in our
freedom fight as well as in several other activities for the betterment of our
nation. He lived from 1940 till 2000 and his death was a great loss for the
He was an honest and brave politician which has become rare in present
days. He never compromised with the evil power of the politics and foreign
powers. He had risked his life several times and with his bravery, he had
bought some advantageous changes in the country. He was an idol for the
nations and for his honesty and bravery he is a well-known figure in the
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He was an active member of the (...say a political party name…) and never
longed for power or fame. He could have easily gained a powerful position
in the country but he had always led a simple and yet exemplary life.
I admire him for his unmatched contribution for the country and for the
nation. We need many leaders like him and I regret the fact that we have
only very few leaders like him in our country. He was an ideal leader who
has put his personal benefits away while he thought for the benefits of the
country and the nation.
Alternative Answer:
As a nation, we are proud to have many legendary and visionary leaders
who had shaped our fortune and devoted their lives and time to build the
country. Among those impressive leaders and politicians, I would pick
(...say a famous leader's name...) as my most favourite leader whom I
really admire and respect. He is such a popular and beloved leader that I
have found that most of the people like and admire him. He possesses a
very high political position with really immense power and yet he has
chosen to lead such an ordinary and poor life that it is possible only by a
dedicated, honest, good hearted and completely honest leader. While he
could have made a great fortune and could have exercised his power like
many other politicians and leaders, he has chosen the honesty, integrity,
responsibility and truth as his virtues.
The most appealing part about him is his honesty and fierceness for the
truth and just. He does not fear anyone as long as it is to establish the just
and right. Because of his invaluable contribution and dedication to many
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positive changes have been made in our country. I, like many others, like
him because of his honesty, truthfulness, and fight for justice, dedication,
patriotism, and benevolent attitude to the poor people. He is a rare
politician in this era of corruption and selfishness. The world needs more
leaders like him to make it a better place.
I am sure with his contribution our nation will progress further. The vision
and leadership quality of this politician would inspire the young party
members to contribute towards the betterment of the nation.
Similar Cue Card Topics
Your ability to talk about this Cue Card Topic would also enable you to talk
about the following Cue Card Topics as well:
- Describe a famous person in your country.
- Describe an honest leader or politician in your country.
- Describe a well-known person in your country.
- Describe a person who has a great contribution in your city.
- Describe an ideal leader in your country.
1. What are the main qualities of being a good leader?
The definition of an ideal leader varies from people to people for good
reasons, I suppose. As far as I’m concerned, a leader who is a true
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influencer and would leave great impacts on his people is someone who is
a man of his word, knowledgeable and inspiring with a visionary mindset.
It’s an undeniable truth that neither an organization nor any person wants
to be led by those who are pretentious and lack of capacity and vision. We
all need those who take actions and are ahead of their time to guide us to a
better place.
2. How do you see a leader now and in the future?
I personally don’t think there would be much difference between leaders
now and some time in the future for their core values are much likely to be
the same. By this, I mean most true leaders tend to operate on similar
principles such as innovation, integrity, positivity and so on. Not all these
characteristics would be acquired or presented by all leaders but some of
them would. Hence, in spite of living in different times, leaders would still
be those with some particular admirable traits that are distinguishable.
3. Do you think there will be changes?
Well, changes are inevitable since they are the causes of any advancement.
Therefore, it’s not surprising that there might be some alterations in
leadership style and their effects. If we trace back history, the differences
are noticeable. Many emperors or royal governors in ancient time ruled
their kingdom by inflicting fear and pain on their people, which flatly
contradicts how leaders conquer others’ minds and hearts nowadays.
Modern leaders no longer impose anything on anyone but inspire them with
their vision and yearning for a better life.
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4. How does leadership apply to children at school?
Leadership is not only adults’ realm but people of all ages can practice it,
including children. Most are not natural-born leaders, instead, they are
likely to go through painstaking processes to attain certain skills since they
were young. For example, kids with a leadership mindset probably stand
out for their initiation, persistence and optimism. If they take part in group
activities, potential leaders are usually those who take on team leader roles
and enthusiastically enjoy the game as well as encourage others to do the
Useful vocabularies and expressions:
- vary (v): to change or be different according to the situation
- influencer (n): a person or thing that influences
- man of his word: people who do what they say they will do
- visionary (n): original and showing the ability to think about or plan
the future with great imagination and intelligence
- pretentious (a): trying to appear important, intelligent, etc. in order to
impress other people; trying to be something that you are not, in
order to impress
- ahead of one’s time: having ideas or attitudes that are too advanced
to be acceptable in the present
- innovation (n): a new idea, way of doing something, etc. that has
been introduced or discovered
- integrity (n): the quality of being honest and having strong moral
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- acquire (v): to gain something by your own efforts, ability or behaviour
- admirable (a): having qualities that you admire and respect
- trait (n): a particular quality in your personality
- distinguishable (a): that can be recognized as different from
somebody/something else
- inevitable (a): that you cannot avoid or prevent
- alteration (n): a change to something that makes it different
- inflict (v): to make somebody/something suffer something unpleasant
- contradict (v): to be so different from each other that one of them
must be wrong
- conquer (v): to succeed in dealing with or controlling something
- impose something (on/upon somebody) (v): to make somebody
accept the same opinions, wishes, etc. as your own
- yearning (n): a strong and emotional desire
- realm (n): an area of activity, interest, or knowledge
- natural-born (a): having a natural ability or skill that you have not had
to learn
- painstaking (a): needing a lot of care, effort and attention to detail
- attain (v): to succeed in getting something, usually after a lot of effort
- initiation (n): the act of starting something
- persistence (n): the fact of continuing to try to do something despite
difficulties, especially when other people are against you and think
that you are being annoying or unreasonable
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Q: Describe a time when you made a mistake
A: To be honest, I have lost count on how many times I have acted on
impulse and caused troubles for not only me but also others. One time
when I was in high school, I played truant from class for a week and finally
got caught at an Internet store nearby playing Audition, the most popular
online game among teenagers during that time.
It was an embarrassing and forgettable experience when you were
escorted by the school’s supervisor all the way from the Internet store to
the principal’s room. It was even worse when all of that happened in broad
daylight when everyone could see and I could have sworn my face was as
red as a lobster. That was not my first time absent from school but was the
first time I got caught and my parents were involved. Fortunately, they
didn’t make a fuss about it in public but kept regard me with disappointment
and suppressed anger in their eyes, which made me felt guilty and
ashamed at the same time for my thoughtless action. The exchange with
the principal was swift, yet serious when I got an after-school detention for
a week and had to work on all of my assignments the week before.
After everything had been sought out at school, it was kind of tense on our
way home. Unlike what I had expected, my parents didn’t raise their voice
or keep nagging me about my misconduct. On the contrary, we had a so60 IELTS Speaking Topics Part 2 – 3 – Questions and Sample answer
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called “peer to peer” conversation in which we shared our concerns. After
all, I learnt my lesson the hard way and truly appreciated my parents’
reaction when dealing with a teenage girl like me. Bottom line is our
parents love us no matter what, therefore, I’ve tried ever since to give them
less headache.
- Play truant (phrase) to stay away from school without permission
Example: Parents often don’t know their children are playing truant.
- Escort (verb) go somewhere with another person to protect them or to
prevent them from escaping
- As red as a lobster (expression) very red
- Make a fuss about (expression) become angry or complain
1. What should teachers do when students make mistakes?
Teachers have their own methods when dealing with different types of
students. Those who tends to be rebels often receive more severe
punishment, while those who rarely make mistakes can easily get off the
hook. Still, I think no matter how naughty or disobedient students might be,
the way teachers communicate their messages or penalties are all that
matter. Teenagers usually behave inappropriately to seek attention, to
show off or to drag themselves out of boredom. The reasons are varied and
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that’s what teachers should care about. Once they understand the source
of the issue, they can have straightforward conversation with their students
and have higher chances to get through their stubborn minds than just
imposing punishment on them.
- Disobedient (adj) deliberately not obeying rules
- Show off (phrasal verb) to boast; to show people something that you
are very proud of so that they will admire it
Example: Young musicians will get the chance to show off their musical
- Straightforward (adj) clear and honest
- Impose something on someone (expression) to give someone
something unpleasant to deal with
Example: This new tax is imposing an unfair burden on employers.
2. What can people learn from mistakes?
I have to say they can learn a lot from what they have done in the past. We
can consider them mistakes, or simply a life lesson and in either way, it
would be best to look at them with a positive attitude and an open mind.
Learning process happens with trial and error so once you’ve made
mistakes, whether it was work-related or relationship issues, you would
acknowledge the cause and learn from it, more or less. For example, if you
failed to meet the deadline of your previous project because of your
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procrastination, learn how to manage your time and try something out to
kick start yourself any time you get demotivated or the like.
- Trial and error (phrasal noun) experimenting until a solution is found
- Demotivate (verb) to make someone lose their enthusiasm and
3. Do you often make mistakes?
There’s no way I could ever say no since I am a true troublemaker. Making
wrong decisions appears to be my talent, both in my professional and
personal life. Yet, thanks to those wrongly made choices, I’ve learnt to be
less gullible and more efficient in most of the things I do now. There was a
time when I would say “yes” to practically anything anyone told me to since
they were my friends, my bosses or my colleagues. It could be sending an
email for somebody, working a little late or on weekend or just hanging out
with friends. I was so stressed out with all the requests I got that I barely
had time for myself. Fortunately, I realized my mistake soon enough and
learnt how to say “no” to people and to prioritize on what I care and love
- Troublemaker (noun) someone who causes problems, often by being
violent or by making others argue or not obey people in authority
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- Gullible (adj) a gullible person is easy to trick because they trust and
believe people too easily
4. Can mistakes help people to be more successful?
That’s the truth which has been proven by so many successful people
around the world. Mistakes and failures are meant to be obstacles that you
need to overcome in order to have a taste of glory and those who can’t
walk through the fire line will forever stand still. “Fire proves gold, adversity
proves men”. Thomas Edison is a prime example. If he hadn’t had a will to
try no less than 10,000 times, he would never have come up with new
solutions and finally invented a light bulb, a significant breakthrough in
mankind history. Hence, don’t afraid to be wrong if you truly want to
- Obstacle (noun) a difficulty or problem that prevents you from
achieving something
Example: Disabled people succeed in overcoming many obstacles in
everyday life.
- Breakthrough (noun) a discovery or achievement that comes after a
lot of hard work
Example: Scientists predict a major breakthrough within six months.
5. How to avoid making mistakes?
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From my point of view, it’s nearly impossible to avoid making mistakes,
especially in areas you don’t familiarize with. However, there are some
certain measures we can take to minimize possible consequences to an
acceptable extent. Firstly, do your own research. If you have no idea what
you’re dealing with, it will be like going to wars unarmed. As a result, find
out as much information as you can about the issue. Secondly, ask the
right person the right question. If someone in your friend circle has
knowledge, or better yet, personal experience related to what you’re
working on, don’t waste such a valuable source of reference. Lastly, just go
with it. That may sound useless but after you’re done with those previous
steps, don’t hesitate to jump into action. The faster you start to work on it,
the less nervous you become.
- Work on something (phrasal verb) used for saying that you are
dealing with something
Example: Don’t worry about that, I’m working on it.
- Hesitate (verb) to pause before doing something
Example: My mother never hesitates to tell me when I look bad.
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Q: Describe a creative inventor or musician
A: I am going to talk about a brilliant inventor whom I have admired since I
was a kid-Thomas Edison. His inventors have greatly influence on life
around the world.
I learnt the stories about Edison when I was a little girl in primary school. I
came across a biography about him on the internet and there was a lot of
interesting information. Edison was a prolific inventor holding more than
1,000 US patents under his name, as well as many patents in the United
Kingdom, France, and Germany. Significantly, the number of Edison’s
patents as the widespread impact of his inventions: light bulbs and power
utilities, recorder, and motion pictures all established major new industries
One of his statements which really inspired and encouraged me is “Genius
is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration”. Working in
science as my career, I always remember this quotation whenever I meet
failure so that I have strength to keep moving forward.
- Prolific (adj) a prolific writer, band etc produces a lot of books
- Patents (n) invetions
- To keep moving forward (v) to keep trying hard
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1. What creative activities did you like to do when you were young?
I love to DIY clothes for dolls and stuff animals. My mom is a tailor so I can
use the waste materials for my imagination. I followed the catalogue books
and used a tiny needle to sew dresses, skirts and blouses. This activity
nurtured my dream of being a fashion designer when I grew up.
- DIY (n/v) (phrase) “Do-It-Yourself”, Sth made by hand
2. Why do people like to copy others’ ideas these days?
Personally, I think it’s a bit judgemental when it comes to copying others’
ideas because a lot of people may come up with similar ideas or someone
wants to improve based on the things that were already created. However,
there are people who steal others’ ideas on purpose because they are lazy
but want to live in fame without working. The situation is even worse in
developing countries since the government does not pay enough attention
to intellectual property.
- To come up with (v) to think of, to create
- To be based on (v) to use particular ideas or facts to make a decision,
do a calculation, or develop a theory
- On purpose (Phrase) to aim to do Sth
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- To pay attention to (v) to have an eye on Sth, to notice
3. What’s the best way to cultivate children’s creativity?
First of all, I think parents should encourage children to ask questions.
Children have a creative mind so asking questions in a way for them to
discover environment surrounding them. Another way is making openended questions such as “Tell me why you think so?” or “What do you think
about this?”. You might be impressed by their answers. It is also necessary
not to stop them make mistakes. Lessons and experience will be gained
through mistakes. Letting them solve problems by themselves will teach
them to think critically.
4. Do you think creativity can be learned?
Many people assume that creativity is a mysterious trait like charisma —
you either have it or you don’t. Scientifically, creativity is a renewable
resource that we can tap into at any time and actually, it is a process that
can be learnt. It’s not easy, of course. Generating fresh ideas is actually
quite challenging because most people find it difficult to go beyond obvious
and concrete solutions. True creativity requires the ability to break new
ground, which requires significant effort.
- Charisma (noun) a strong personal quality that makes other people
like you and be attracted to you
- To tap into (v) to use frequently
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- To go beyond (v) to extend the limit, to push the boundary
5. Why does art help to nurture creativity?
Human beings are not machines. Our brains are not computer hard drives
which you can just upload information. I believe humans are creative by
nature and art education can help to nurture the creativity that lies within all
of us. Art education offers us a break from the traditional way of rote
memorization and also cultivates creativity and critical thinking.
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Describe some useful skills you learned in a math class front your primary
/high school.
You should say:
- What the skill was
- How you learned it
- Who taught you
- And explain why it was useful to you
Band 9 Model Answer
Well, math is not my strong suit as I’m quite absent-minded and easily
forget numbers and figures every time I do a calculation. If I’m going to give
you an account of a practical math skill I acquired from a class in my
primary school, off the top of my head. I’d say it would be mental
calculation skill
As part of the lesson about the multiplication tablet which is the rudimentary
knowledge that any math learners have to master mental calculation was
then brought up in the class by my form teacher at that time and such a
subject drew uninterrupted attention from all the students. I was instructed
how to memorise the multiplication table, how to add, subtract, multiply or
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divide Ị sum in my head as well as some tricks to work out the problem in
an effective and efficient way. I got the hang of this skill right off the bat and
was then capable of calculating without having to write down the numbers
on the paper, all being done mentally as fast as lightning
This skill is particularly useful in daily activities such as going shopping in
the market when you’re supposed to figure out the exact amount of money
to pay the seller, and this calculation skill helps me avoid being
undercharged or overcharged, so I can manage my money in a more
excellent manner. Or when my buddies and I have dinner in some
restaurants, it would be of great help for me to check the bills to see if they
are correct. After all, math is of the essence in our routine life.
1. Can computers help US in math areas?
Without a shadow of a doubt any Ill-tech gizmos lean lend US a hand with
mathematical problems. It can be clearly seen at university when students
are often required to calculate an enormous amount of data. Thanks to
some softwares installed in the computer, any undergrads can freeze
through the calculation process by simply inputting the data and then after
some minutes of, waiting, the problems are solved by the computer. The
role of human participation in this process is to check whether the method
used is correct, the calculation rest with the machine itself.
2. What it the first subject learned by children in childhood?
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If I remember rightly, the very first subject that every child is taught is
dictation. It’s a module in the mother language subject. In this, kids are
required to write down the words clearly and slowly pronounced by the
teachers without committing blunder regarding grammar or spelling. This
also trains children in calligraphy as they are told to write down beautifully
the characters spoken by the teacher, which helps them have eat
handwriting and meticulousness.
3. What methods can be applied to make math class more interesting?
In my opinion, I’d strongly recommend that teachers Relate the math
lessons to real life issues! Say, how they should add or multiply a sum
when they go shopping in the market, or the homework should consist of
more real-life problems, less on theoretical knowledge so as to kindle the
interest of the kids. Another approach worthy of consideration is that
schools should organize some field trips to certain places such as the
market so that they can apply the knowledge acquired at school into
practical issues.
4. How do schools teach math in your country?
In my country, teachers often focus more on the transmission of theoretical
knowledge father than prioritizing the practical aspects of the subjects!
Students are required to cram huge amounts of formulas and theorems,
which are only useful in solving theoretical problems, It’s saddening to say
that most people are weak when it comes to applying the knowledge
obtained from maths into real-life issues.
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5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using calculator?
A calculator is especially useful in working out a maths problem that
involves big data, and if students calculate the sum manually, it may take
half an hour. By simply inputting the figures into the calculator! the Solution
pops up right in front of you! However, the drawback of over reliance on
calculator is that students may forget how to perform simple calculation
formulas! or become slow in mental calculations. So if children want to be
sharp in their calculation, they should less rely on calculators for simple
6. When do kids in your country start to learn math?
Quite early, I’d have to say. Math forms the foundation of many other
science so the importance of teaching maths is recognized by governments
worldwide. Kids in primary school start to familiarize themselves with the
multiplication table and the methods to solve basic calculations. The
process may start as early as when the kid reaches grade 1.
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Describe an important skill which cannot be learned at school
You should say:
• What the skill is
• Why it cannot be learned at school
• Why it is important
• How we can learn it
Today I would like to talk about making presentations, which is a skill that I
learned from my mentor who used to encourage and give me many pieces
of sound advice.
It was about 3 years ago, when I was studying in an English language
center in order to improve my English skills to a higher level. During that
time, my peers and I had many opportunities to make presentations in
English under the guidance of Jimmy, who is a born presenter and is head
and shoulders above everyone else in teaching students how to speak in
front of the crowd. At first, I was faced with various obstacles when
speaking in front of my classmates, especially the first time because I had
butterflies in my stomach, so I really struggled with speaking in front of a lot
of people confidently, and I even suffered from failures. However, I
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gradually overcame the difficulties and got the hang of it, and things
became easier for me since then.
As for why this skill is essential, I believe that when studying at universities
or working in companies, people have to speak publicly on a frequent basis
in order to prove their ability in their study or their work. Therefore, by
watching YouTube videos or going to learning centers, learners can
improve their presentation skills to a higher degree.
Vocabulary highlights:
• Peer: a person who is the same age or who has the same social status as
• Under the guidance of somebody: to be guided by somebody
• A born presenter: someone who is really good at making presentations
• Head and shoulders above everyone else: to be better than everyone else
• Have butterflies in my stomach: have a nervous feeling
• Get the hang of it: to learn to handle something with some skills
• On a frequent basis: to do something frequently
1. What qualities do you think are the most important for work?
When it comes to work, I think communication skills are the most important.
This is because from the initial moment that applicants get in touch with
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interviewers when applying for a new job, those interviewers will scrutinize
the way they behave. If the applicants can prove their communication skills,
it is likely that they will not only communicate well with other coworkers but
also with regular customers, which would allow them to broaden their
knowledge and gradually become a well-rounded employee.
2. What skills do you want to learn?
I guess that I’m really interested in technology skills because they seem to
be essential in my occupation nowadays. Specifically, although I am
working as a teacher, I need to use some modern devices like overhead
projectors and laptops on a frequent basis, for example, in order to convey
lessons to students more effectively. This will not only help students to
understand lessons more thoroughly but also allow me to develop my
lesson plans carefully.
3. Is it necessary for teenagers to learn to use computers?
Yes, I think children should learn how to use computers because of two
main reasons. One of which is that computer skills are mainly required in
schools nowadays, which means that they need to use modern devices to
search for information on the Internet in order to study as well as to do
assignments and homework. For example, in our country, students are
allowed to use tablets and smartphones to look up new words in English
when doing exercises. Another major reason is that computer skills also
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bring benefits in the long-term, as most companies nowadays include these
skills as a compulsory requirement, regardless of the occupation.
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Eisure Activities
PART 1. Do you like leisure activities? (Bạn có thích các hoạt động trong
giờ giải lao không?)
(Answer) Wow, definitely yes. Leisure activities, especially extracurricular
ones are the source of my life. (Reason) I feel like I can have my energy
boosted when I can enjoy myself through leisure activities and escape from
the hectic pace of life.
Describe a leisure activity that you like to do. (Mô tả một hoạt động
ngoại khóa mà bạn yêu thích)
(Answer) Well, I have to work 5 days a week and I am very tired after each
workday. Leisure pursuits are the things that help me recharge my battery
and I would like to choose badminton as my most favorite daily routine.
(Reason) Playing badminton helps me in different ways. The work is
stressful, demanding and it has been a drain on my enegery; therefore, I
play that kind of sport as a way of helping my mind free from all thoughts.
(Example) When I am focused on playing it, I feel extremely relaxed. My
co-player is also one of my colleagues so it is much easier for us to share
things related to work and we feel more motivated when we can work and
play the same sport together.
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(Reason) In addition, playing badminton also does wonders for my health
as I have to move and run a lot, thus boosts my agility. (Example) As I work
in an office, sedentary lifestyle is unavoidable, which may lead to acute
diseases related to our bones. I sweat a lot after each set but this helps me
remove dangerous substances from my body. In short, I love badminton so
much because this makes my physical as well as mental health better.
Why is it important for people to have a leisure time activity? (Tại sao
thực hiện một hoạt động ngoại khóa lại rất quan trọng với mọi
(Answer) Literally it is. (Reason) As you know, people are now occupied
with their responsibility both at workplace and at home; therefore, having a
leisure time activity will help them escape from the rat race to enjoy the
time of themselves. (Example) For example, if we attend a dance class
after work, we can not only refresh our mind but also have a chance to
improve social relationships.
Từ vựng hay:
- Extracurricular activity (n): Hoạt động ngoại khóa
- Have one’s energy boosted (n): Làm cho năng lượng tăng lên
- Hectic (adj): Vội vã, hối hả
- Leisure pursuit (n): Hoạt động trong giờ giải lao
- Recharge one’s battery (v): Nạp năng lượng
- Daily routine (n): Thói quen hàng ngày
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- Be a drain on one’s enegery (v): Lấy hết năng lượng của ai
- Do wonders for (Sb/St) (v): Rất tốt/có ích cho ai/cái gì
- Agility (n): Sự nhanh nhạy
- Sedentary lifestyle (n): Thói quen ngồi nhiều, ít vận động
- Physical/Mental health (n): Sức khỏe thể trạng/tâm trí
- Occupied with (adj): Bận rộn với việc gì
- The rat race (n): Guồng quay mệt mỏi của cuộc sống
- Improve social relationships (v): Cải thiện các mối quan hệ xã hội
PART 1: What is the most popular sport in your country? (Môn thể
thao phổ biến nhất ở đất nước bạn là gì?)
(Answer) Wow, if I have to pick one, I would choose football (Reason)
because it is easy to gather a group to play this kind of sport. (Example) It
is so prevalent that if you travel to any area across our country, no matter
urban or rural, you may easily catch sight of a group of boys or men playing
this kind of team sport.
PART 2: Describe a match of any kind of sport that you will never
forget. (Mô tả một trận đấu thể thao mà bạn không bao giờ quên)
(Answer) Well, I would like to talk about the final football match between
U23 Vietnam and U23 Uzbekistan in Asian Football Championship in
January, 2018.
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(Reason) You know, it is still spectacular and impressive although our team
didn’t win the cup for the following two reasons. Firstly because the team
contributed a notable performance in the decisive match under extremely
freezing weather. (Example) After miraculous victories over Iraq and Qatar,
our team was expected to create another mircale and be the champion.
The team played with all the strength and attempt they had despite the
harsh weather condition.
(Reason) Secondly, our team is the representative of patriotism and pride
of national identity. (Example) As you know, thanks to excellent team spirit,
the intense snow couldn’t prevent our boys from moving forward and fought
couragously. They tried their best to bring the prestigious trophy to our
country. Vietnamese people as well as other countries’ residents really
appreciated their constant effort throughout the tournament. Although we
lost 1-2 by team Uzbekistan at the last minute and couldn’t claim
championship, we have still felt so proud of our “heroes” and now they are
the new-generation idols of our country.
PART 3: Do you think there is any connection between sport and
economy? (Bạn có nghĩ rằng thể thao và kinh tế có liên quan đến
nhau không?)
(Answer) Honestly, there is a strong connection between those two things,
in which games can help boost tourism industry by attracting people from
other countries to come to one country. (Example) Nothing can be more
obvious than the case of Russia and World Cup 2018, which attracted a
huge number of tourists from all over the world. Another example is Roger
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Federer, a well known tennis player who has achieved a number of prizes
in his life and he has a number of fans who really want to travel to
Switzerland to meet him. Thanks to a sports event or an athlete, a huge
number of people may come to one country and therefore, national
economy can be boosted.
Từ vựng hay:
- Prevalent (adj): Phổ biến
- Catch sight of (Sb/St) (v): Bắt gặp hình ảnh
- Team sport (n): Môn thể thao đồng đội
- Spectacular and impressive (adj): Ngoạn mục và đầy ấn tượng
- Notable performance (n): Màn trình diễn đáng nhớ
- Decisive match (n): Trận đấu quyết định
- Miraculous victories (n): Chiến thắng kỳ diệu
- Patriotism (n): Lòng yêu nước
- Pride of national identity (n): Niềm tự hào dân tộc
- Team spirit (n): Tinh thần đồng đội
- Prestigious trophy (n): Chiếc cúp danh giá
- Tournament (n): Mùa giải
- Strong connection (n): Sự liên quan mật thiết
- Boost tourism industry (v): Thúc đẩy công nghiệp du lịch
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1. Is handwriting still important?
I personally believe that handwriting is crucial for some reasons. It’s a basic
tool in many subjects such as doing homeworks, tests or taking notes. So
poor handwriting skills or illegible writing can create trouble for students
when they study. Handwriting is able to help students memorize everything
better than typing. Besides, handwriting is in extricably linked to reading
skills It promotes a child’s visual memory, especially ones having difficulty
reading. Mastering handwriting helps children recognize different letters
quickly and help them to become good readers
2. What are the disadvantages of handwriting?
I see that the first and foremost disadvantage of handwriting is hard work
and time-consuming. When we write very long text, we’ll feel pain of fingers
and it takes longer time to finish than typing. Besides, We can save all
kinds of documents on computers as they have huge storage and
extremely safe with password . The last thing is that handwriting is linked to
learning to spell but spell check is a function that all computers have so
handwriting doesn’t help with this.
3. Is it possible to improve school student’s handwriting once they
have established a style?
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Well, I do agree with that. In the short term it will almost certainly lead to a
reduction in the student’s writing speed. They should take continuously
practice of the new writing style and will become faster and automatic..
4. Is being left-handed the cause of the problem?
In my opinion, that’s not a problem. The majority of left-handers write as
well as their right-handed peers. Many reseaches also show that lefties
have the upper hand in creativity, imagination as their thinking is different
from righties. So that’s the reason why there are more and more lefthanded people.
5. Are handwriting problems more common in boys?
Yes, I believe so. While girls are careful in everything, boys seem to be
more careless. Therefore,girls seem to master good handwriting earlier
than boys but boys can catch up if they are given appropriate help.
6. What is the future of handwriting?
Well, I think that the future of handwriting varies from place to place. At big
cities , advanced technologies like laptop or smart phone allow people to
quickly take note and save documents safely. So people would no longer
write longhand notes and penmanship is likely to be lost. On the other hand,
handwriting would still enjoy popularity as it helps poor people to write and
learn how to spell. Besides, as the saying goes The pen is mightier than
the keyboard so I think handwriting’d still be used in the future
7. Do you think that handwriting express personality?
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Yes, I do. I suppose that each person has their own writing style so the way
they write also express who they are. For instance, If someone writes
quickly they are impatient and dislike delays or time wasters but slower
writers are calm and persevere.
So having good handwriting is really
important to impress others and people should train writing carefully.
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Bài mẫu và từ vựng 3 Part NATURAL DISASTERS (Thảm họa thiên nhiên)
PART 1: Are you afraid of natural disasters? (Bạn có sợ các thảm họa
thiên nhiên không?)
(Answer) Wow, of course. (Example) Not only me but also many people on
Earth have a fear for natural calamities. They are extreme weather
conditions that can cause a lot of damage to people and property in a large
Part 2
PART 3: Describe a natural disaster/an extreme weather condition
that you will never forget. (Mô tả một thảm họa thiên nhiên hoặc một
điều kiện thời tiết khắc nghiệt mà bạn không bao giờ quên)
(Answer) Well, I would like to talk about the “historical flood” that happened
in Hanoi a decade ago, 2008. This must be the year that Hanoians can
never forget.
(Reason) It is memorable because the rain was so heavy and lasted for
many days consecutively that inundated many streets of Hanoi. (Example)
The rain was considered heaviest in the last 100 years, which caused
people to suffer from a lot of damage. Precipitation reached a record high
and almost all activities were paused to ensure the safety of both people
and property.
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According to statistics, many families even suffered from inundation as high
level of water flew into their houses. Offices or schools had to make
emergency announcement to let their employees and students be at home
to avoid any potential accidents that may caused by the pouring rain. Life
then had a lot of disturbance and people had to wait until it stopped raining.
The rain triggered inconvenience for people in different fields as high death
toll was recorded, traffic was in no order or people stood a high chance of
dangerous epidemics. Luckily, after a few days, life began to come back to
the way it was thanks to concerted effort of both local authority and many
people of the city.
Part 3
Why the world has to suffer from natural disasters more than ever
before? (Tại sao thế giới đang ngày càng phải chịu nhiều những thiên
tai hơn bao giờ hết?)
(Answer) Well, I think this is a worldwide issue that needs to be solved
before it is too late. (Reason) Obviously, there is global warming that is
resulted from human activities such as deforestation or over-exploitation of
natural resources. Moreover, the exhaust fumes from vehicles or factories
are the main reason that causes the Ozone depletion. That is why more
natural disasters are happening. (Example) Personally I think both
government and citizens all over the world should act now before
humankind has to suffer from more serious disasters in the future.
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 Natural calamities (n): Thiên tai
 Extreme weather conditions (n): Điều kiện thời tiết cực đoan
 Property (n): Tài sản
 Inundated (adj): Bị ngập lụt
 Precipitation (n): Lượng mưa
 Record high (adj): Cao kỷ lục
 Statistics (n): Thống kê
 Emergency announcement(n): Thông báo khẩn cấp
 Pouring rain (n): Mưa xối xả
 Disturbance (n): Xáo trộn, phiền toái
 Death toll (n): Tỷ lệ tử vong
 Dangerous epidemics (n): Dịch bệnh nguy hiểm
 Concerted effort (n): Nỗ lực chung
 Global warming (n): Sự nóng lên toàn cầu
 Deforestation (n): Phá rừng
 Ozone depletion (n): Sự suy giảm tầng Ô-zôn
Part 2:
Describe the most beautiful natural scenery you have ever seen.
You should say:
 what is it
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 where and when you saw it
 who was with you
 and explain why do you think this is the most beautiful scenery you
have ever seen.
Model Answer:
When I was a university student, I went to a village which was the living
place of my best friend's grandfather's house. It was in a remote area and
the natural scenery I saw there was the most beautiful natural scenery I
have ever seen. It was in (...say the name of a place...) and the small river,
the hill, the green fields and the blue sky made a combination that I felt
something out of the world. I saw it in one autumn evening when I went to
explore the surroundings of the village. That was an awe-inspiring scenery
that I will never forget. I saw this scenic beauty in 2011 and it was midautumn season then.
My friend, I and one of my friend's cousin were present at that time and I
heard from my friend that his village was a very beautiful place. I could not
believe how much beautiful it was until I saw it with my own eyes.
We left for the river in the evening and I was amazed to notice the hill and
the sloping road track beside it. The river was flowing gently and the vast
paddy fields were all around us. I heard the chattering of the birds in the
green trees and the sound was creating a harmony in my ears.
To me, this was a truly amazing feeling to witness a natural scenery that
could exist only in our imagination. I have seen many rivers, hills and paddy
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fields but in my friend's village, they were arranged in such a way which is
only possible in an artist's picture. The blue sky seemed very nearer to the
horizon and the vast green all around us make me feel like visiting in a fairy
Tips for talking about this Cue Card Topic:
For this cue card topic, you are expected to talk about a natural scenery
that you have seen and think is the most beautiful. First talk about the place
and scenery. This can be a particular thing (like river, forest, hill, sky,
rainbow, view from mountain, fountain, ocean etc.) or can be a place that
has a really eye-catchy landscape. If this place/scenery has a name, say
that and then mention where it is situated. Then mention when you saw
that and how awestricken you were witnessing this out-of-the-world
scenery. Now give the details of the view/ scenery and mention when you
saw it. If you had companies and relatives, mention who they were and why
they went with you. Also, mention if this was a planned trip or a sudden
encounter of the scenery.
The final question is a tricky one and in your answer you have to convince
the examiner why you think that was the most beautiful scenery you have
ever seen. The debate for most beautiful scenery is ever ending and in fact,
the most beautiful scenery to someone should be based on his/her
personal experience. So emphasise your personal experience and feeling
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when you witnessed this scenery. Mention that you are yet to explore lots
of beautiful places of the world and so far in your small experience this was
the most beautiful scenery you have ever seen.
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Examiner: What kind of holiday do you like?
Miguel: I try to avoid tourist traps … I like to get away from it all
and prefer going somewhere off the beaten track … last year I had
the holiday of a lifetime … a two week wildlife safari in Kenya.
Examiner: What do you like to do when you’re on holiday?
Anna: I enjoy visiting the local places of interest … I like to go
sightseeing and always sign up for guided tours as it’s a chance to be
shown around and take photographs … one of my my hobbies.
Examiner: Do you have many tourists in your country?
Amy: Yes … we have a lot of holiday resorts along the coast that are
popular with tourists … most people come on package holidays and
stay in one of the many hotels and self-cateringapartments.
Describe a beautiful place you once visited. You should say:
when you went to this place
where it was
who you went with and say why you liked it so much.
Sally: A few years ago I went on a long weekend to the Lake District
in the UK … it’s a very popular holiday destination in the north of
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England … I went on my own and had a wonderful time … I stayed in
a youth hostel and met some really nice people … but the most
memorable thing about the holiday were
the breathtaking views … and lovely picturesque villages … it can
get very busy with hordes of tourists so I decided to go out of
season in the autumn … the weather was fantastic and the shops
were full of local crafts … a really great holiday … it’s certainly not
the kind of short break for someone looking for a busy nightlife but if
you want to relax in the middle of stunning landscape I would
certainly recommend a holiday to the Lake District.
Examiner: What do you think has led to the growth in the tourism
industry? Miguel: It’s much easier and affordable to travel now …
nowadays you can get cheap charter-flights or all-in packages … to
somewhere near or to a far-off destination.
Examiner: How do people tend to choose a destination?
Anna: The Internet is a great source of information and high street
travel agents are still very popular … that’s where I like to go to
get holiday brochures for the place I’m interested in.
Examiner: People sometimes say flying is the most glamorous form of
travel. Do you agree?
Amy: I’m not so sure really … flying can be quite boring … queuing
up at the check-in desk … going through passport control … sitting
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for ages in the departure lounge … then the flight itself can be quite
uncomfortable … no … I’m not sure I agree.
all-in package/package holiday: a holiday where you purchase the
travel and accommodation together
breathtaking view: an extremely beautiful view
charter-flight: a cheaper form of flying than a scheduled flight
check-in desk: the place at the airport where you register for your
flight and deposit your luggage
departure lounge: where you wait for your flight to be called
far-off destination: somewhere a long way away
to get away from it all: to take a holiday to escape a busy or
stressful lifestyle
guided tour: an organised group shown around a place of interest by
an expert
holiday brochure: a glossy publication with details of holiday
holiday destination: where you go for a holiday
holiday of a lifetime: a special holiday that you are unlikely to repeat
holiday resort: a place where lots of people go for a holiday
hordes of tourists: crowds of tourists
local crafts: objects
produced locally
long weekend: an extended weekend holiday including Friday or
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out of season: outside of the main holiday period
picturesque village: very pretty village
passport control: the place where your passport is checked
places of interest: sites of interest to tourists
wildlife safari: a holiday, often in Africa, to observe wild animals
self-catering: a holiday where you supply your own food
short break: a short holiday
to go sightseeing: to look around the tourist sites
stunning landscape: extremely beautiful countryside
travel agent: a shop that specialises in booking holidays
tourist trap: somewhere where too many tourists go
youth hostel: a cheap form of accommodation
57. FOOD
Examiner: Do you like to cook?
Mandy: Not really no … most of the time I eat ready meals and takeaways … that’s one of the reasons I love visiting my mum … you can
always guarantee lovely home-cooked food …
Examiner: What time do you usually eat dinner?
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Michelle: We have our main meal at around 7.00 … I’m usually starving
hungry by then … in fact I often grab a bite to eat as soon as I get home
from college … a sandwich perhaps … but not too much to spoil my
appetite …
Examiner: Are there any types of food you don’t like?
Lionel: No not really … I’m not a fussy eater at all … actually I eat like a
horse … I do a lot of sport and work up quite an appetite …
Describe a restaurant that you like to use. You should say
- where this restaurant is
- what kind of food it serves
how often you go there and
say why you like eating
there so much.
Howard: OK … this is a nice topic to talk about … there’s a restaurant just
around the corner from where I live … it’s an Italian restaurant so as you’d
expect you can eat various pasta dishes and pizzas and I usually go there
with my family for a slap-up meal if we have anything to celebrate … it’s
quite a posh restaurant … the kind of place you would take someone if you
wanted to wine and dine them … we usually order a 3-course meal … a
light starter then a main dish … and I have quite a sweet tooth so I always
look forward to the dessert … I usually order Tiramisu … it makes my
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mouth water just to think about it … I’m always totally full up by the
end … why do I enjoy it there … well … it’s not cheap … my parents
always foot the bill and we couldn’t afford to go there regularly so it’s
always a nice treat …
Examiner: How can we encourage people to eat more healthily?
Anna: I think the best approach is to have everything in moderation …
processed food won’t kill you if you only eat it occasionally … but people
should also be encouraged to eat a balanced diet… try to cook fresh
ingredients at home a few times a week …
Examiner: Do you think people enjoy their food as much as they should?
Florrie: I don’t know really … I suppose it’s true that people will often eat a
quick snack because they’re bored not because they’re dying of
hunger … and often they just bolt it down and don’t savour it … so yes …
perhaps we could take more time over our food …
Examiner: Do you think cooking is a pleasure or a chore for people who
have busy lives?
Julie: Well … whether you follow a recipe or make something up as you
go along
… I think cooking is a very creative process … and cooking for other
people is a particular pleasure … there’s nothing more satisfying than
seeing people you love tucking into something you’ve cooked
yourself …
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to be full up: to eat to the point that you can no longer eat any more
to be starving hungry: an exaggerated way of saying you are very
to bolt something down: to eat something very quickly
to be dying of hunger: an exaggerated way of saying you are
to eat a balanced diet: to eat the correct types and amounts of food
to eat like a horse: to eat a lot
to follow a recipe: to cook a meal using instructions
to foot the bill: to pay the bill
a fussy eater: somebody who has their own very high standards
about what to eat
to grab a bite to eat: to eat something quickly (when you’re in a rush)
to have a sweet tooth: to enjoy sugary food
home-cooked food: food cooked at home from individual ingredients
the main meal: the most important meal of the day, usually eaten in
the evening
to make your mouth water: to make you feel very hungry for
to play with your food: to push food around the plate to avoid eating
processed food: commercially prepared food bought for
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a quick snack: to eat a small amount of food between meals
a ready meal: see ‘processed food’
a slap up meal: a large meal
to spoil your appetite: to eat something that will stop you feeling
hungry when it’s meal-time.
a take away: a cooked meal prepared in a restaurant and eaten at
to tuck into: to eat something with pleasure
to wine and dine: to entertain someone by treating them to food and
to work up an appetite: to do physical work that leads to you
becoming hungry
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Examiner: Do you live in a house or an apartment?
Callum: Actually I live on campus … in a single room in halls of
residence … all first year students are encouraged to do that as they’re
close to the university … next year I plan to move into student digs in
town …
Examiner: Tell me about where you live.
Julia: I live with my parents in the suburbs of Madrid … we only
moved in recently … in fact we had a house-warming party just a few
weeks ago …
Examiner: What kind of accommodation do most people live in in your city?
Maria: In the city itself the majority of people live in apartment blocks …
that’s what surprised me about England … most people seem to live in
terraced houses with lovely back gardens …
Describe a house or an apartment you would like to live in. You should say
what kind of accommodation it would be
where it would be
who would live there with you and say why you would enjoy living in this
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Paolo: I think most people when answering this question would say they’d
like to live in a big detached house with spacious rooms … views of the
countryside and so on … but actually my ideal home would be a lot
different … I’ve always loved the idea of having a mobile home … a really
expensive one with all the mod cons … so I could live wherever I wanted
or at least have lots of holidays and be able to take all my home comforts
with me whenever I travelled … I realise this would have to be a second
home as I’d need a base … a permanent address … but the mobile home
would be the accommodation I’d find it exciting to live in … I suppose once
I settle down and have children I’ll want to get on the property ladder …
I’ll be like everyone else … saving up to put down a deposit on a house
or an apartment … I don’t think my family would want to live in a mobile
home … but I like to think I’ll still keep that dream home in mind …
Examiner: Is it better to own your own home or to rent?
Ana: I think both have their advantages … living in rented
accommodation isn’t necessarily a bad thing … you don’t have a huge
debt like you do when you take out a mortgage but I suppose the
property market offers you an investment for the future … I’m sure that’s
why most people prefer to own their own home …
Examiner: What options are available to young couples looking for
accommodation in your country?
Toni: If they want to buy their own home it isn’t easy for first-time
buyers … mortgages are hard to get so most people live with their parents
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or in rented accommodation … but that can also be very expensive …
you often have to pay rent in advance … and if the accommodation isn’t
fully furnished you have the expense of buying furniture …
Examiner: What are some of the pleasures involved in making a home for
Suki: I suppose it starts with house-hunting … finding your ideal home …
some people enjoy doing up an old property … giving a property that’s
old and tired a new lease of life … others like making wherever they live
feel like home with some home comforts …
(all the) mod cons: technology at home that makes jobs easier such
as a washing machine, dishwasher etc.
apartment block: a large building made up of smaller units of
back garden: a garden at the rear of the house
detached house: a house that is not physically connected to another
to do up a property: to repair an old building
dream home: a home you regard as perfect
first-time buyer: someone buying a property for the first time,
especially when taking out a loan (mortgage)
fully-furnished: a rented property with all furniture included
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to get on the property ladder: to buy a property with the aim of
buying another bigger or more expensive one later in life
hall of residence: a college or university building where students live
home comforts: things that make a home feel comfortable to live in
house-hunting: looking for a property to live in
house-warming party: a party to celebrate moving into a new home
ideal home: a perfect home
to live on campus: to live on the university or college grounds
mobile home: a home that can be moved by a vehicle or one that
has its own engine
to move into: to begin to live in a property
to own your own home: to have bought the property you live in
to pay rent in advance: weekly or monthly rent paid at the beginning
of the week or month
permanent address: a fixed address
property market: the buying and selling of land or buildings
to put down a deposit: to pay an amount of money as the first in a
series of future payments
rented accommodation: property owned by someone else and for
which a person pays a fixed amount to live in
single room: a room for one person
spacious room: a large room
student digs: student accommodation
the suburbs: a residential area on the edge of towns or cities
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to take out a mortgage: to borrow a large amount of money, paid
back over several years, in order to buy a house
terraced house: a house connected on both sides by other
Examiner: How would you describe yourself?
Paula: Everyone tells me I take after my mum as I’m quite laid-back … I
think I’m good companybut you should ask my friends if they agree …
Examiner: In which ways are you similar to your friends?
Manuel: I seem to be attracted to introverts … not people who are
painfully shy but most of my friends are a little reserved … and I think
that’s what I’m like
Examiner: Are you similar or different to your brother(s)/sister(s)?
Mira: I think my brother and I are very similar … I’d say we’re fun-loving
and tend to be a bit extroverted … my brother is certainly the life and
soul of the party … I’m not sure that applies to me …
Describe a teacher you once had who you enjoyed being taught by. You
should say
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who this person was
when they were your teacher
which subject they taught you and describe what it was about their
character that you liked.
Carolina: I’d like to describe my English teacher from school … Miss
Thomas … this was a few years ago now and she was my teacher at a
time when I was getting a little bored with being at school … unlike some of
the other teachers Miss Thomas never lost her temper … she was very
calm and easy-going … she was also very broad-minded … we were
able to ask her questions about lots of subjects that some other teachers
would refuse to discuss which made us respect her even more … she had
a great sense of humour too … she’d laugh at our jokes as well as making
us laugh … and she would also bend over backwards to help us with our
work … she always put us first and often stayed around at the end of
class to talk with anyone who needed help … apparently she was highly
respected within her field but you would never know as she was the type
that hid her light under a bushel … she was very modest and selfeffacing … so yes … Miss Thomas was a teacher I have fond memories
of …
Examiner: Which personal qualities do you think we most want to pass on
to our children?
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Martin: I certainly would want my children to be self-confident and
selfassured … I really believe that people who feel good about
themselves are in a good position to face what life has to offer them …
and I’d hope they wouldn’t be self-centred … but remembered to think
about others …
Examiner: Which characteristics do you think are the least appealing in a
person? Marianne: Well … people who are very narrow-minded are
difficult to get on with … it’s nice when someone is open to other people’s
opinion and willing to think about their own views … and people who are
two-faced can be a little irritating … relationships are built on trust and
without honesty there’s not much left …
Examiner: Which personality types do you think are less likely to suffer
from stress or anxiety?
Sol: Probably people who are thick-skinned … who don’t let people or
problems affect them too much … and if you are fair-minded you’ ll be less
likely to overreact to situations or be quick-tempered …
to be the life and soul of the party: a fun person, someone who is
the centre of activity
to bend over backwards: to try very hard to help someone
broad-minded: prepared to accept other views or behaviours
easy-going: relaxed and not easily worried about anything
extrovert: an energetic person who likes the company of others
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fair-minded: to treat people equally
fun-loving: to enjoy having fun
to hide one’s light under a bushel: to hide one’s talents and skills
good company: enjoyable to socialise with
good sense of humour: the ability to understand what is funny
introvert: someone who is shy
laid-back: see ‘easy-going’
to lose one’s temper: to suddenly become angry
minded: opposite of ‘broad-minded’ (see above)
painfully shy:
very shy
to put others first: to think of others before yourself
quick-tempered: to become angry quickly
reserved: shy
self-assured: confident
self-centred: thinks only of oneself
self-confident: believes in one’s own ability or knowledge
self-effacing: to not try to get the attention of others (especially in
terms of hiding one’s skills or abilities)
to take after: to be like (often another member of the family)
thick-skinned: not easily affected by criticism
trustworthy: can be trusted
two-faced: not honest or sincere. Will say one thing to someone to
their face and another when they are not present.
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Examiner: Do you work or are you a student?
Hati: I run my own business actually … I have an online business selling
cosmetics … I set up the business 5 years ago and I’m really enjoying
working for myself …
Examiner: What is your ideal job?
Kaori: I don’t think I’d enjoy working for a big company … I think I’d like to
go it alone and be self-employed … I’m not sure what area of business it
would be but I think I’d enjoy the process of drawing up a business plan
and seeing if I could be successful …
Examiner: Is your town a nice place to live?
Monique: It’s OK … the main problem we have is our local high street … it
used to be a busy centre but lots of shops have gone bust … it must be
very difficult to make a profit when you have huge supermarkets in the
area and a lot haven’t been able to survive with such cut-throat
Describe a business you know that you admire. You should say
what this business is
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what the business sells
how long you have known about the business and say why you like it so
Magda: Actually I discovered a business very recently that I like so much
I’d like to do something similar in the future … it’s a small niche business
that runs courses in how to cook … especially bread … the owner uses his
kitchen for the courses and went into business with a local community
shop and sells a lot of the bread and cakes they make in the shop … I first
got to hear about the business last year … my wife paid for me to do one of
the baking courses and I got to know the owner during the training … it’s a
lifestyle business really … he doesn’t have plans to take on employees
or expand into new areas … he’s happy earning a living doing the thing
he loves … I really admire what he does and I’m sure a lot of people would
love to do something similar … he has a web presence … in fact that’s
how we got to find out about his company … and he uses social media to
raise the company profile … but he’s the only person involved in running
the business so he’s in complete control of where the business goes …
that’s something that must make it really satisfying … as long as he’s
managing to balance the books and the cash flow is healthy I’m sure he
must be very pleased with what he has achieved …
Examiner: Why do some people decide to set up their own business?
Marion: I suppose it’s the idea of being in control of your own destiny … or
of believing in a product or service idea you may have … plus it must be
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very exciting … launching products … winning contracts … and seeing
your sales figures improving must be wonderful …
Examiner: What are some of the dangers involved in starting a business?
Hiro: Well … obviously you need to have a good idea … some people say
you need to do market research beforehand so you know what the
market wants … if you don’t do this you could go under … and if it is a
good idea the chances are someone else is doing the same thing so you
could end up facing stiff competition …
Examiner: What are some of things you have to do when running your own
business that might not appeal to everyone?
Katy: Personally i don’t like being in debt so taking out a business loan
wouldn’t suit me at all … and I know a lot of companies do cold calling to
try and drum up business … that’s something I’d hate to do … and laying
people off if the business gets into trouble … that would be horrible …
to balance the books: to not spend more money than you are
to be self-employed: to work for yourself/to not work for an employer
to cold call: to make a sales call to someone without asking them for
permission first
cut throat competition: when one company lowers its prices, forcing
other companies to do the same, sometimes to a point where
business becomes unprofitable
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Group: facebook.com/groups/ieltsfighter.support/
to do market research: to do research into what potential customers
would or wouldn’t buy
to draw up a business plan: to write a plan for a new business
to drum up business: to try to get customers
to earn a living: to earn money
to go bust: when a business is forced to close because it is
cash flow: the money coming in and going out of a business
to go into business with: to join another person to start or expand a
to go it alone: to start your own business
to go under: (see ‘to go bust’)
to have a web presence: to have a website or social media profile
that showcases your business
to launch a product: to start selling and promoting a new product
to lay someone off: when a company ends an employee’s contract
of employment
lifestyle business: a business that is set up to bring in a sufficient
income and no more
to make a profit: to earn more money than it costs to run the
niche business: a business that serves a small, particular market
to raise a company profile: to make more people aware of a
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IELTS Fighter - Tiên phong Phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt
Website: ielts-fighter.com | Hotline: 0903 411 666
Fanpage: facebook.com/ielts.fighter/
Group: facebook.com/groups/ieltsfighter.support/
to run your own business: to have a business of your own
sales figures: a report of the income a company generates through
sales of products or services
to set up a business: to start a business
stiff competition: strong competition from other companies in the
same area of work
to take on employees: to employ people
to take out a loan: to borrow money
to win a contract: when a business gets legally-binding work with an
individual or company
to work for yourself: (see ‘to be self-employed’)
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