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Django Developer Roadmap: Learn Django Step-by-Step

Roadmap for Django Developer
Week 1-2: Python basics
If you're new to programming, start by learning the basics of Python. Codecademy's Python course is a great
resource for beginners.
If you're already familiar with Python, start by learning Django's syntax and structure. The official Django
documentation is a great resource for this.
Week 3-4: Django fundamentals
Learn the fundamentals of Django, including models, views, and templates. Start by building a simple blog or
to-do list application.
Read the official Django documentation and try out the examples.
Follow online tutorials, such as the Django Girls tutorial or the Django for Beginners book.
Week 5-6: Database design and queries
Learn about database design and queries in Django.
Study the Django ORM and how to work with different types of databases.
Practice creating more complex applications with user authentication and authorization.
Week 7-8: Django forms and views
Learn about Django forms and views, including how to create custom forms and handle form submissions.
Practice creating more complex applications with forms and views.
Week 9-10: Django templates and front-end
Learn how to use Django templates and create dynamic content for your applications.
Practice using CSS and JavaScript to style and add interactivity to your applications.
Week 11-12: APIs and testing
Learn about APIs and how to create RESTful APIs in Django.
Practice writing tests for your applications to ensure quality and reliability.
Week 13-14: Deployment
Learn how to deploy your Django application to a web server, such as Heroku or AWS.
Study best practices for security and scalability.
Week 15-16: Advanced topics
Learn about more advanced topics such as caching, performance optimization, and web sockets.
Read the Django documentation and follow tutorials to deepen your understanding of Django.
Week 17-18: Project work
Choose a project to work on, either on your own or with a team.
Use everything you've learned so far to create a fully functional Django application.
Week 19-20: Project work and review
Complete your project and refine it based on feedback from others.
Review all the topics you've learned so far and solidify your understanding of Django.
Roadmap for Django Developer
Week 21-22: Front-end frameworks
Learn about popular front-end frameworks such as React or Vue.
Study how to integrate front-end frameworks with Django.
Week 23-24: Full stack project
Choose a full stack project to work on, incorporating both front-end and back-end technologies.
Use Django and a front-end framework to create a fully functional application.
Topic based learning:
1. Learn the Basics of Python
Before diving into Django, it's important to have a solid understanding of Python. Make sure you know how to
work with data types, functions, loops, classes, and object-oriented programming. You should also be familiar
with Python libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib.
2. Learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
As Django is used to build web applications, you need to know the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This
includes understanding HTML tags, CSS selectors, and JavaScript functions.
3. Learn SQL and Database Design
Django uses relational databases to store data, so it's important to understand SQL and database design. Make
sure you understand how to create tables, insert and query data, and join tables.
4. Learn Command Line Interface (CLI)
As you'll be working with the command line interface when working with Django, it's important to know how to
navigate the terminal, create and navigate directories, and execute commands.
5. Learn Git and Version Control
You should be familiar with Git and version control, as it will be helpful when working on projects and
collaborating with others. Learn how to create a Git repository, add and commit changes, and push changes to a
remote repository.
6. Learn Django Basics
Now that you have the foundational knowledge, it's time to start learning Django. Start with the Django
documentation and tutorials to learn the basics. This includes understanding how to install Django, create a
project, create apps, and use the Django admin interface.
7. Learn Django Models and Databases
Learn how to create models, migrate databases, and query data using Django's Object-Relational Mapping
8. Learn Django Views and URLs
Understand how to create views and URLs to handle HTTP requests and render responses.
9. Learn Django Templates
Learn how to create templates using Django's templating engine to display data on web pages.
Roadmap for Django Developer
10. Learn Django Forms
Learn how to create forms using Django's form library to handle user input and data validation.
11. Learn Django Authentication and Authorization
Understand how to add authentication and authorization to your web application using Django's built-in
authentication system.
12. Learn Django Rest Framework
Learn how to build RESTful APIs using Django Rest Framework to communicate with other applications.
13. Learn Testing in Django
Understand how to write and run tests in Django to ensure your code is working as expected.
14. Learn Deployment and Scaling
Learn how to deploy and scale your Django application to production environments using platforms such as
Heroku, AWS, or Google Cloud Platform.
15. Practice and Build Projects
Practice building projects using Django to solidify your knowledge and gain experience. Start with small projects
and gradually work your way up to more complex ones.
1. To-Do List Application: Create a simple to-do list application where users can add and manage tasks. The
application should have a login system, so users can create their own to-do lists and mark tasks as
2. Blog Application: Create a blog application where users can create and manage their own blog posts. The
application should have a login system, so users can create their own blog posts, edit and delete them, and
view other users' blog posts.
3. Polls Application: Create a polls application where users can create and vote on polls. The application should
have a login system, so users can create their own polls and view the results of other users' polls.
1. E-commerce Application: Create an e-commerce application where users can browse products, add them to
their cart, and checkout. The application should have a login system, so users can view their order history
and manage their account information.
2. Social Network Application: Create a social network application where users can create profiles, connect with
other users, and share posts. The application should have a login system, so users can create their own
profiles, add friends, and view their newsfeed.
3. Recipe Sharing Application: Create a recipe sharing application where users can share and discover new
recipes. The application should have a login system, so users can create their own recipes, search for
recipes by keyword, and save their favorite recipes.
1. Online Learning Platform: Create an online learning platform where users can create and enroll in courses.
The application should have a login system, so users can create their own courses, manage course content,
Roadmap for Django Developer
and track student progress.
2. Marketplace Application: Create a marketplace application where users can buy and sell products. The
application should have a login system, so users can create their own stores, manage product listings, and
track orders.
3. Healthcare Management Application: Create a healthcare management application where doctors and
patients can manage medical records and appointments. The application should have a login system, so
doctors can view patient records, schedule appointments, and write prescriptions, while patients can view
their medical records and schedule appointments with their doctors.
Roadmap for Django Developer