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Scientic How to use this be authors: students, me from and mathematical the respected for MYP thoughts are textbooks practice MYP textbook… textbooks. my my a the math most the Matthew , Marlene – then of formulate math, David, Kunkel and like from thank to project continuing to series well and your thank family; suppor t Remtulla: this like my to you mathematics discuss Kathr yn believing, never-ending guided like children, Har rison: Fatima would Whereas Following Much how type generate understanding. understands for which discover them. where learning I new textbook. Acknowledgements Talei a mathematician. applying deepen not In resource, on to a where procedures. practicing an lecture into investigations and average 3: Digital The Digital computer 1 book The Number modern over Every queries The study of very large and very small numbers can lead you on through will in some interesting discoveries and developments, as see work this with unit. these Globalization However, types and of there are numbers other is just contexts as where or 40 1980, had years, when early only that 16 the personal versions 000 number of bytes has of soared bytes. one total In desktops than search searches, in innovation 1970s which every engine means day. In manages over addition 3.5 to over billion this, 40 000 search the tweets and 3 billion snaps are sent 500 every day. you What to the a million journey in introduced. less billion second, internet Each unit in this book explores mathematical content was In 16 technical began laptops memory. to and Age Age did people do with this time before the internet? ability fundamental. sustainability through a single global context. However, a dierent Population Large global context could have been selected as a focus of the and study of resources In study. 1960, people. What would the study of this content look like In The chapter opener gives you All own. water it feed for is million there can grown billion of over to us in of almost and and if so, are billion. over and land. food of how understand 8 goats, kilometers and, billion there pigs water cubic to 3 agricultural need enough help part consumption just population, 1 planet 4 the was of fresh long and plan will for future. there sucient population, encouraging you to explore and discover these options just Numbers than kilometers the important sustainability. since growing more of With has an Earth, of population our square play on analysis number available, last? the Is an cows, million quantities global inhabitants their just a small taste of the endless possibilities that exist, to billion consumption populations and the That order 1.5 150 in a dierent context? and small making Microbes become our land are land crops more for and arable microscopic more fertile the and growing other human animals? involves organisms produce One method microbes. that more can help soil crops. on your own. The internet electrons, before 2 i v itself each writing is with the made a up mass rst of so tiny small non-zero particles that number! it known would as take electrons. 30 zeros Electricity after the is the decimal ow place of T opic Key opening concept The Approaches to Learning Y ou (ATL) skills developed already know throughout the unit. how – to: these for are the should page skills that unit. will be applied N U M B E R in the you The 1 identied Research: A TL1 Number literacy Discoveries and developments Use memory long-term Global Practise develop positive skills already thinking have an memory understanding CONCEPT: FORM Y ou explored 1 Related concepts: Quantity, Representation, should throughout already Solve simple Solve the your know how to: 4 equations following answers as equations. integers or Apply 3(2 28 b 72 Global unit, 189 context: you your will explore some understanding of amazing the global human context discoveries of and orientation developments in space and the property of. following of will see that being able to manipulate quantities, simplify them and as you represent a variety of ways is one tool that can be used to uncover everything from to the tiniest of environments, and all that lies in a car travels how far If Olympic 9( 3 You may want 4) to rates practice does at it these 30 km/h for 2 hours, travel? skills an speed b 2 in Multiply fractions Multiply each of athlete 40 km/h, runs how an far before you average can he run 5 far-o 3 galaxies 9) involving 354 2 them 3 in 4(5m b problems time b You 5) Solve If this expand 10 seconds? begin the unit. between. 6 material, of 34 the In presentation distributive each expressions. fractions. 5 through the Simplify Write simplied Simplication the 14 unit Self-management: Aective to which context KEY is A TL2 Information skills techniques unit should examples 1 1 4 4 of the Find the area and circumference of a following. 2 3 4 5 3 4 15 12 b Statement and practice Representing can problems. help of and explore Inquiry: simplifying remarkable quantities Objectives Identifying in discoveries Inquiry and representing negative and expressions Representing zero numbers with the diameter of 10 cm of 10 cm The in scientic C operations with are quantities different represented related in concepts forms? explored notation numbers does simplification equivalent in lead to forms? in notation What D for radius a exponents exponents How Performing Inquiry a questions How Simplifying scientic b F Evaluating of forms developments. rational numbers Statement dierent and great Are does it take to make the the unit. You next discovery? great discoveries planned or may accidental? want to see 5 unit. to You write may your wish if own. Objectives – the Inquiry questions – conceptual related concepts could added this to list. and covered in the unit. debateable questions explored the in unit. Investigation 1 – Rational numbers in dierent forms i t e ri c n r Take Learning a look at the following decimal numbers: B features 0.5 1 2.7 Classify 37.4 each number 0. 3 as either 9.12 2.4567 “terminating/nite” or “innite”. Justify your answer. p 2 Express each number as a fraction in the form , where p and q are both integers q and Investigations are on in inquir y-based activities for you to pairs or in small groups. It is here Write that will discover concepts that the are mathematical the focus of the skills, unit of procedures 0. down a general rule for how to represent a nite decimal number as a fraction. Take you ≠ work 3 individually, q a look at the following fractions: and 1 5 34 52 8 9 9 99 99 9 68 99 study. 4 Represent each fraction in decimal form. Classify each number in as many ways as possible. 5 6 Activities allow you to engage with mathematical 7 content and ideas without necessarily What How patterns would to verify a 2.4… what you Activity They have 3 – allow you learned, Reinforcing to practice often zero in and a you that you write each notice each answer b Summarize periodic concepts. do your rules in of is your the answers? following for numbers as fraction? Use a calculator correct. 0.26 c how to represent 23.125125125… nite decimal numbers and innite, discovering or ver y extend active 8 Verify 9 Justify decimal each why of numbers your each of rules your as for fractions. two rules other numbers. works. way. negative exponents 1 Dene What the inverse? Hints ideas term happens you Demonstrate are or “multiplicative when given to with to inverse” multiply an – research number by its this if necessary. multiplicative example. clarify identify a instructions helpful and Remember: if the exponent is information. not explicitly written, be the mathematics factual, other then it is 1. v Example Simplify Q 3 the following using the laws of exponents. The Write your answer with positive exponents laws of here are the quotient 3 5 a −8 × 9 9 m b 2 c 4n m 5 a A 9 that rule, both rule you of and need which the you 4 1 10n discovered in this unit. 3 p −8 × When 9 base, 5+(−8) 9 Examples show a clear solution product p have 6 exponents only. multiplying simply add expressions the with the same exponents. −3 = 9 1 Rewrite your answer with positive exponents 3 and explain the method. 9 only. 3 m b 6 m Reect for and small content discuss group being or boxes whole contain class oppor tunities reection on the learned. Practice 1 Reect and discuss 5 Represent these numbers in scientic notation. 7 a 23 500 b 365 800 c 210 000 000 d 3 650 000 e 569 000 f 7 800 000 000 2 2 ● Describe two advantages scientic notation. of representing quantities Represent these numbers as numbers 6 a 3 12 ● Which quantity is greater, 7.32 × 10 1.45 Order × the b 2.807 following × you or 4.2 × 10 c numbers on 9.8 a × 9 10 d number line. 1.42 Important × −4 10 9.83 discoveries scientic in × × 10 as 103.4). −5 10 e your 3 10 physics 7.8 are × listed 5.06 × −8 10 f 2 × 10 reasoning. −6 10 in 302 the × 2 10 14 Speed 1798 are written using IB command terms. the skills learned and apply them Earth’s 2.876 Answers for these questions are 5 The his included at the back of the book It Average word due of in to eld light in said a Write diameter “googol” 9-year-old is that 1 was nephew the since information oppor tunities light magnetic Speed “googol”, present Represent × each 10 quantity represented ordinary as Quantity air 299 gravity 792 980.665 (average) 45 water number in represented scientic km/s cm/s cm/s microteslas 225 000 000 notation km/s teslas m/s m/s to 1998 problems. of Acceleration 1835 1850 practice below. Discovery 1676 questions table notation. an Weblinks 3.7 Explain Quantity unfamiliar 1.034 × ? Year can write know. in You (e.g. 14 4 Practice form 3 10 4 how expanded −3 10 0.0025 Explain in using Google’s googol in an atom introduced what company available of to he 1 by should name the call meters mathematician the “Google” founders nanometer number was planned to an 1 Edward followed accidental make Kasner, by 100 incredibly large who asked zeros. misspelling of the amounts word of people. scientic notation. to assessment i t er i r Formative or consolidate what you The are idea that all development. as learning online or to learn more about the idea dierent these are not mandator y how the activities, they are often a fun way to skills and materials atom i n composed objects theory, were of atoms people made of is had some an a incredibly variety of important beliefs, combination of such and current air, of will its of re and matter react with structure the of the Atomic liquid, each has particles model water. (solid, other. atom make up includes and helps it However, developed that theory gas) over an to allows basic even time, explain you the owing to the predict theory to of important atom. three types of particle: the concepts. nucleus l all earth, phases discoveries The master that is atomic a elements: concept. While matter Before orbit contains around neutrons and protons and is surrounded by electrons that it. k b e Neutrons For practice with estimating fractions and decimals and protons as 16.6 × 10 kg. Using 28 0.00911 go to Formative you the are global v i search assessments learning content. context summative and and for help you These are assessment. ‘Battleship a Numberline’. to gure out assessments great way to have roughly equivalent masses that can be written 28 graphically, how well explore prepare for the × 10 kg. the same power of 10, electrons n c practice have a mass of D Technology you can icon discover indicates new ideas where through ATL examples, develop icons highlight oppor tunities to ATL1 examining or access to do This of ideas where Display Algebra uni t of without work you Software Systems ends topic having by the ATL opening skills identied on the page. hand. could Calculators Geometr y Computer Each range painstaking shows Graphical Dynamic wider complex lots icon a use (GDC), (DGS) or Indicates (CAS). you to a challenging extend and question apply what that you will have push learned. wi th er i Unit i review A Unit summary recaps the Key key points, ideas and to Unit review Level 1–2 formulas from the question levels: rules/ unit. Classify Level 3–4 each irrational. of the Justify Level 5–6 following your numbers as Level 7–8 either rational or answer. 2 b 33.914 2 f Represent in each simplied of current system, way to was f of h 49 18 numbers of the the zero following 3.1 in g system, the because quantities mathematicians number the 17 d rational 0.862 developed development the g following 11.68 number represent Several 8.725555… the b 2.4111… Our 7.68 as a fraction form. 0.222… 3 π from the 5th they India and values h 7.40111… 6th a numeral required were are and the centuries. power an working credited system as 2.4 Hindu–Arabic humans place-value place 3.043 d of ecient with. with the introduction Represent of each 10. Practice BILLIONS MILLIONS THOUSANDS ONES 6 DECIMALS −2 1 1.3 × 10 b each 4.9 of the × −3 10 8.32 following. × 10 Represent d your 7.6 × answers 10 in 5.32 scientic × 10 notation. s d n a s u o h t n 5a b 7b b + d d 2e 4c ae f bd o g h m n i bc de j k d q (ce) 12a 5c + 2e n h h u u e t d n d e r h h t u o h t n u o il li m u h t n a s e t d n a s e r n h n e t d n h t u o n n o d e r h t u h h u u n e t d n im e r o d e h t d s t d h t t d s s h s d e r d s u h t n a s d im o il l a s s n n s n o il l s s d s o il li m n e t d n e r b d o il li b il li n o n a s u o s h h t s d s n n o il li b s s n Evaluate 2 In the Tower of c Hanoi o puzzle p (see pages 2abd 12–13), you found that it would take the 64 priests 2 1 moves to transfer the 64 disks to a dierent post, maintaining their order. a Using a correct b 1 4 0 calculator, to Calculate 3 write signicant the number down the number of moves using scientic notation, gures. of seconds in one year. Represent your answer in scientic Number notation. c Legend new the has post. 3 review allows you to practice the skills and concepts in the or exam. the to world each complete will move the end takes puzzle if when 1 the second. there are monks Find 64 move the disks. the number Show nal of your disk years to it the will working take using notation. Considered by Unit that Suppose monks scientic it one accident. In of the 1928, world’s greatest Alexander discoveries, Fleming returned penicillin to his was actually laboratory to found nd that unit, a sample of However, bacteria where had the been mold left had out and grown, the had become bacteria had contaminated been by destroyed. mold. A single −7 bacterium organized by level (criterion A) as you might nd on a test a can based get on an how idea well of what you are achievement able to level answer the you are working questions at at each a diameter of 8 × 10 meters and a penicillium mold spore has a −6 diameter You has How of level. a of 3.5 many × 10 times meters. larger is the diameter of a penicillium mold spore than that bacterium? b Assuming c If there are 5 million bacteria, d If there are a 1 roughly million circular bacteria shape, nd and nd the 1 the area area they million of one bacterium. occupy. mold spores, nd the total area they occupy. Answers for these questions are included at the back of the book e Find the number of mold spores that would equal the area of 1 million bacteria. Continued 34 t Summative How is control a it Bell many Labs a and revolutionize growth of will your the all our Part 1 Gordon – as If law, t the on calculate over The summative assessment task applies one your the does core had life. a of How little In this and can a pacemaker all transistor work for section. using e i D of these was idea task, the smartphone help is a how you much will control single invented in it 1945 in would analyze development of the the each chip rst the the founders processors and next 10 as in all a single your report. Show calculations and notation. of for are transistors. predicted of years. four that of what the every and helped chips has on a input been number two build a manufacturers. inside receive transistors, transistors Copy powers In that double had Intel, computer small computers would chip number answers part Perform scientic law of using Moore a very the microprocessors, output Moore’s of produces smartphones produce would each Moore’s or internet? How The technology answers that Processors, such way your in Moore, company page chip. present your the At inventors transistor working write surf transistor. microprocessor You to devices? contractions? called next technology possible so heart’s device on Number assessment C Microchip 1 of devices and named transistors that years. use Moore’s chip complete every this law two table, to years writing 2. Number of Year transistors the mathematics learned in the unit 0 2 fur ther is often explore the assessed global with context. criteria C This and on chip to 4 4 2 2 task D. 10 4 5 v i i 1 The study Number of very journey through will in to see work this with large some unit. these Globalization Population Large the and study of 1960, people. In billion 150 All water the Is other is just and lead contexts as the is than 1 million there can was sucient making Microbes become our land are land crops more for and us billion of over part to in of pigs almost and and if so, are billion. over and land. food of how understand 8 goats, kilometers and, billion there water cubic to 3 agricultural need fertile the and growing other arable microscopic more where fundamental. consumption just grown enough help the population, planet 4 important of fresh long and plan will for human animals? involves organisms produce One method microbes. that more can crops. you on a developments, future. population, 2 are can sustainability. since growing an Earth, of kilometers just Numbers there for of available, last? there play on has more square With discoveries numbers population our cows, own. numbers sustainability analysis number inhabitants of quantities an feed million their it to However, types and global That order 1.5 the small interesting populations and very consumption small resources In and and help soil the as you ability Scientic The Digital The Digital computer modern over Every queries million The began less internet or itself is 1970s In 1980, had years, search which and with the 40 every people writing innovation when early only that 16 the personal versions 000 number of bytes has of soared bytes. one total each the desktops than billion tweets in introduced. searches, in did electrons, before In second, internet What Age was 16 technical Age laptops memory. to and 3 do In billion with of so manages over addition snaps this up mass rst means day. made a engine time tiny small non-zero are 3.5 to billion this, sent before it 40 000 search 500 every the particles that over day. internet? known would as take electrons. 30 zeros Electricity after the is the decimal ow of place number! 3 1 Number Discoveries KEY CONCEPT: Related and developments FORM concepts: Quantity, Representation, Simplication Global In this unit, expand You in a context: you your will see variety galaxies explore that being ways the is tiniest Statement Representing can help some understanding of to will able one of explore to tool the global that can be Identifying and discoveries of used all to simplify uncover that lies in Evaluating ● Simplifying simplifying remarkable quantities in discoveries space them and everything and time. represent from you them far-o between. Inquiry representing rational dierent and forms developments. questions What is What are negative and zero a quantity? expressions Representing numbers with in exponents scientic C operations with laws of exponents? are quantities different represented in forms? notation How Performing the exponents How scientic in as F ● ● developments Inquiry: numbers ● and orientation quantities, and Objectives ● human context manipulate environments, of and of amazing numbers does simplification equivalent in lead to forms? notation What D great Are does it take to make the next discovery? great discoveries accidental? planned or N U M B E R Research: A TL1 literacy Use memory long-term Y ou 1 Aective skills techniques already Solve simple Solve to Practise develop the know how 4 following as equations. integers or c 189x = 72x b = 3(2x Solve a positive Evaluate each of exponents the 2 b following. 4 b 3 − each of 5) the property following 4(5m b problems c a Multiply fractions Multiply each + 9) c −9(−3t − 4) involving rates the travels how far If Olympic an does of at it 30 km/h for 2 hours, travel? athlete 40 km/h, runs how an far average can he run 5 6 of car speed 3 2 If in 3 distributive 354 Evaluate a the 34 5 2 thinking expressions. a 28 = Apply Simplify Write simplied fractions. 14x positive skills to: equations answers a Self-management: memory should your A TL2 Information 10 Find seconds? the area and circumference of a area and circumference of a following. circle 1 a 1 × 4 2 b 4 3 × 3 4 c 4 5 × 15 Find the 12 circle with the a a radius of b a diameter following measurements. 10 cm of 10 cm 5 Introducing How far is really number far? How close without really, What this basic to skill: the being very discoveries how a far new and of and strain perform types in 6 of other 1 operations ability lead and to Number these with A with do be will numbers the integers and planet can be to From make you to all want the know describe next your great same small of calculate to in exist a of manipulate variety results discovery! numbers natural real numbers, numbers either rational can or which also be irrational something it, even are on invisible dimensions how represented to kinds to that are very to touching eye? the the get small? things requires describe world’s and However, number or need irrational with numbers. Whether this, to questions necessary may you you numbers. ways. are planet bacteria, familiar real of work numbers new may Rational are of to all developments. a Your accurately, able large, away ways. You answering you actually really human Interestingly, can both classied to the if it’s N U M B E R Did you Our understanding history. count. to know...? We started Fractions break whole irrational He used ofthe How It is here is isosceles whole has into right was an so we was a since throughout we to The the triangle to shocking prove Ancient he It the is was to need of Greek mathematician. that number. that the discovery Pythagorean irrational needed discovered pieces. attributed who was as smaller often developed numbers developed Hippasus, discovery for measure rumoured sentenced to it. can said in were hypotenuse thathis death an numbers things numbers philosopher of with that his a number Hippasus discovery be used of a rational right irrational triangle numbers. or like In irrational? the this one shown isosceles right 45º triangle, the sides next to the right angle measure 1 unit each, 2 1 while the What hypotenuse kind of number measures is 1? 2 How units. about 2 ? What makes a 45º number rational or irrational? The activity below will help you 1 see the dierence Activity Some 1 – examples between What of these does rational and two it types mean irrational Rational of to number. be numbers numbers rational? are given Irrational 0.25 in the table below. numbers 0.43256931… 1.4 −1.559824… −3.141414… 23.057419… 25.659 56.1416278… 4.5555555… −423.745782309… — 105.37 72.2290004681… −11.258258258… 1 Based an on these irrational examples, number? how would Compare your you 2.71828182845… dene denition a rational with a number? How would you dene peer. Continued on next page 7 2 Copy of and the complete following rational or this table. numbers in Use a calculator decimal form and to represent classify each each as To either show decimal irrational. itself over Number Decimal form Rational or that a repeats over and again, or irrational? recurs, one of two 2 representations 3 can be used: 0.888888…. 3 also be _ can written π as 0.8 3 17.63636363… 4 can 17 also written be as 17.63 99 8 2 2 36 3 Based on decimal Abdisa 5 Research says: and types 7 Write down irrational. Reect not of an and as zero”. more of how can recognize roots the are you an to recognize irrational irrational words used your numbers examples rational number? numbers.” “nite”, describe a Do you “terminating”, decimal agree? “innite”, numbers. Write can ratio of do are rational? (decimal, What fraction, types etc.) are Is ● Jeremiah 7 a rational written 8 1 or says: as a be of each Justify it is not your written in answer. “repeating”, down type 1 dened two the as integers, examples irrational “An “any as number long you number? irrational fraction.” Number if the “periodic” denition of irrational? as have the seen that can be denominator so far t that denition? ● number Explain. choices. discuss How 2, example. number the you when decimal two step can square Explain rational written in meaning give What is “All the 6 A How “non-periodic” each ● results form? 4 and your Is he Justify number correct? is a your answer. number Explain. that cannot be of number: rational and N U M B E R Representing If a rational where the rational number can denominator converting a decimal Investigation is to 1 – be a numbers written not as zero, a ratio how do of you two go integers about fraction? Rational numbers in dierent forms t e ri c Take a look at the following decimal o n r i numbers: B 0.5 1 2.7 Classify 37.4 0. 3 each number as either each number as a 9.12 2.4567 “terminating/nite” or “innite”. Justify your answer. p 2 Express fraction in the form , where p and q are both integers q and 3 q Write ≠ 0. down a general rule for how to represent a nite decimal number as a fraction. Take a look at the following fractions: 1 5 34 52 8 68 9 9 99 99 9 99 4 Represent each fraction in decimal form. Classify each number in as many ways as possible. 5 What 6 How 7 patterns would to verify a 2.4… 8 Verify 9 Justify you that you write each notice each answer b Summarize periodic do your decimal each why of rules each for of rules your of is your the answers? following c how as for numbers as fraction? Use a calculator correct. 0.26 numbers your in to represent 23.125125125… nite decimal numbers and innite, fractions. two rules other numbers. works. 9 Reect ● Explain and why decimal ● You ● a How innite Based on is impossible 2 to write a non-repeating, innite fraction. perform screen. an as it discuss a calculation do you periodic the on know decimal patterns your calculator whether you or an found that innite in and number step the is a answer nite non-periodic 5 in lls the decimal, decimal? Investigation 1, how 9 should be represented as a decimal? How does that conict with 9 9 the value of ? 9 So far, kinds you of innite does have periodic decimal A decimals number to in has represent fraction a part nite form. that decimals What repeats and certain happens and a part if the that 1 Represent a how not? Example Q seen each of the following as a fraction with integer numerator 0.0353535… a If x = b 0.0353535… = 35.353535… = the dierent the −10x = x = number powers same of decimal 2.13789789789… by 10 so par t If both that 100 000x = 213 789.789789… 99 900x = x = 35 for x 198 your answer if possible. x = 213 576 17 798 Simplify = = 8325 198 ÷ 0.0353535… Verify your answer by dividing. 17 798 ÷ 8325 = 2.13789789… = = 198 10 1 Number 2.13789789… 17 798 7 0.0353535… 213.789789… 99 900 7 7 = 213 576 Solve 990 x 2.13789789789… numbers. Subtract. 35 = is −100x in x two 0.35353535… repeating 990x denominator. b Multiply 1000x and 8325 N U M B E R Reect ● Show and how 0.7777… ● Show you to how Create a a can use 3 the procedure in Example 1 to convert the procedure in Example 1 to convert fraction. you 1.242424… ● discuss to two- can a or use fraction. three-line rhyme that will help you remember how ATL to 1 & convert decimals to fractions. Share your rhyme with a few peers 2 and ● give Write positive down feedback what is going to each well so other. far in this unit in terms of your ATL2 learning. Practice 1 Classify 1 each of the following numbers as either rational or irrational. Justify your answer. — a − 4 g 2 Represent b c h i each of the 14.23 d −19.34862147… following rational e j 104.25 f 2.089999… 0 numbers as a fraction in simplied form. — a 0.38 b 0.21 c 1.6 d 2.4 e 12.874 — f 3 0.1333… g a Represent b Show 0.3 and 5 h 0.6 as −4.1392 i 0.9 equivalent c Repeat d Find that 1 by fractions steps your = a and own 0.999... = adding which b with example j 9.03555… fractions. _ that 5.672 together you 0.25 of 0. 3 found and two in _ and step 0. 6 and then that can adding together their a. 0.74. rational numbers be used to demonstrate 1. Exponents x An “x” exponent is used the to is written exponent simplify or in the power. longer form You a , have expressions. It where “a” already would is seen be the base how dicult and this to can be write 10 2× 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 over and over again: 2 is much 10 simpler. 2 is a power of 2, with a base of 2 and an exponent of 10. 10 2 base exponent 11 Activity 2 – The T ower of Hanoi t er i r i n c B Mathematical Egypt. More puzzle the disks. another, world the a to bottom) Simulate can i use n disks top. to all a smallest the puzzle coins to Lucas on is larger the (on a one temple of developed versions there are The placing when been Édouard legend, the on never ends!) by the All smallest have contemporary invented According gold puzzles Hindu post, disk top). using 1883 priests disks on are the ordered must to a centuries, Cube based that in move of size smaller moves start and on on with disks one. Sudoku. You three the as far The at a back as Tower to draw in posts disk time puzzle post take can large largest one The it dating of Ancient Hanoi is a legend. another would with. a contains the stacked many disks is temple top the Rubik’s that again How three represent include in over is at the from from complete posts the and 64 dierent bottom one post completed order the and and to (and largest the (on puzzle? disks or you disks. k b e You can game by website Hanoi. the play going and The gradually b What the is last, the as to the of will minimum the and the the of of the Tower track you number of of can of puzzle. number rule for keep moves solve version searching increase you following online game number disks an of moves never you placing a need to larger transfer disk on three top of a disks from smaller the rst Continued 12 1 Number post to one? on next page N U M B E R c Gradually table like increase the Number one of the number of disks as you solve the puzzle and record your results in a below. disks Minimum number of moves 3 4 5 6 d Based on priests e Use If move n there all were aect to What the to no 64 your of write disks, solve examples integer. all in the a table, disks rule for what to the the is the last minimum pole? minimum Write number number your of of moves answer moves using required required an to for the exponent. solve the puzzle disks. necessary In pattern exponents with f to the you the of the 2 your rule correctly predicts the minimum number of moves if met the before, base is the base negative? has been How a does positive that quantity? – Positive and negative i bases t er i r Investigation that puzzle. have happens value show Find the value 2 of 3 2 2 4 3 2 3 2 2 Generalize positive 3 Verify your 4 Justify why bases, exponent 4 results negative rule for your 0 or 5 rule −1 (−3) and base two write to more an down a rule related to the result of raising a exponent. examples of your own choosing. works. exponents of 5 (−2) (−3) your and 5 4 (−3) 6 5 (−1) (−2) 3 (−3) 5 4 (−2) 6 4 5 (−1) 3 (−2) 5 4 (−1) 6 3 4 5 2 (−1) 5 4 3 6 2 3 4 5 B 5 2 3 4 5 following. 4 3 4 the 2 3 3 Like each 2 2 2 of n c 1 can also be integers. But what would an mean? 13 Zero The and typical negative denition multiply a integers, decimals powers t base into of number and this by exponent itself” . even very 3 an – is However, fractions. familiar Zero “the How number of exponents do these times can you be unfamiliar denition? and negative i exponents t er i r Investigation powers n c 0 1 What do you think 6 2 What do you think 4 3 Copy and is equal to? Explain your B thinking. −1 powers. Write allowed! can see complete If in each you the are is the equal table answer unsure powers by as of above to? Explain nding either the a your the value whole value of a thinking. of each number power, or a simply of the following fraction. follow No the decimals pattern you it. 5 = 2 4 2 4 = 3 = 3 = 3 = 3 = 3 3 2 3 2 2 5 = 5 = 5 = 5 −1 3 = 3 = 3 = 3 −2 2 5 = 5 = 5 = 5 = −2 −3 −4 2 = −1 = −2 −3 2 = 0 −1 = = 1 0 2 = 2 1 0 2 3 = 2 1 2 = = −3 −4 = −4 = −5 2 = 4 4 Repeat the same process, starting with 3 1 2 and ending with 1 2 . 5 Based on your results, what conclusion can you draw about an 6 Based on your results, what conclusion can you draw about negative 7 Write your numeric 8 Verify the 9 14 Justify as general rules, using variables instead of of zero? exponents? specic examples. your ones 1 conclusions exponent rules for two more examples above. why each Number of your rules works. of your own, using a pattern similar to N U M B E R Reect ● Explain and how denition of discuss the an results of 4 Investigation 3 challenge the typical exponent. 2 2 ● What do you think is the value of ● ATL1 Create and a memory negative Example Q Find the aid to help to Explain your answer. remember your rules for zero exponents. 2 value of each of −3 a you ? 3 the following: −2 4 b (−3) −2 c −5 −3 A a 4 3 A 3 1 4 negative exponent indicates that you take the 1 reciprocal or of the base. 3 4 1 1 1 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 4 4 Two or fractions that multiply to 1 are called 4 × 4 × 4 4 reciprocals. For example, and are 1 reciprocals since × = 1 64 −2 b (−3) A negative exponent indicates that you take the 2 1 − reciprocal of the base. 3 1 − 1 − × 3 1 As you found before, a negative base raised to an = 3 even 9 exponent produces a positive answer. −2 c −5 2 − 1 5 A negative the base 1 − 1 × 5 5 is 5, not of the indicates base. that Note you that the take original −5. 1 exponent reciprocal = − 25 15 Practice 1 Find or a the 2 value of each of 0 6 b (−3) g 7 −1 f Write your answer −3 c as either a whole d number −2 q e (−8) 0 4 i m −2 2 1 −3 h l −12 −5 10 3 (−9) k p following. fraction. −2 a the −6 5 j n o s t (−2) 2 (−12) r 0 b 2 Rewrite a 4 × 4 each × 4 of × 4 the × 4 following × in the 4 e Order the quantities a , where −2 5 in each set of −7 four (−7) (−7) from (−7) lowest to −2 3 c −2 7 b integers (no fractions). Show your working. 0 −1 2 3 2 −3 2 are highest. 2 −1 b (−7) −1 1 4 and c −2 0 a a b d 3 form 0 1 d −1 1 1 3 0 0 4 Ricardo says: anything. 5 Talei the 6 “5 You says: have says: “ of zero zero.” “Negative denominator Anna equals a because Explain exponents fraction, must be 4 any make then since you it you have faults zero in fractions. makes have an half his If 5s, which you don’t have thinking. the negative integer.” of means 8.” Is exponent Talei Explain correct? why this is already in Explain. thinking is faulty. 7 Thomas A states: negative Explain “A positive exponent your is the exponent number is of the number times you of times divide by you the multiply base.” Do the you base. agree? answer. Continued 16 1 Number on next page N U M B E R 8 The development of 18thcentury. Basic were often created, example, could be 1 liter of created kilogram. Some the current units derived water by of for the system measurements from has using metric a the mass prexes, prexes like properties of 1 kg. such are of as given of used table in lengths, natural Multiples the began angles, those in units or in France mass objects the below. and such divisions units Copy of in as the capacity water. these units millimeter and For and complete thetable. Prex Exponential form Expanded form 9 giga 10 mega 1 000 000 3 kilo 10 1 deci 10 1 centi 100 1 milli 1000 6 micro 10 1 nano 1 000 000 000 12 pico 10 1 femto 1 000 000 000 000 000 18 atto n 10 k b e A set you of to where 14 year see how you can largest of old scroll celestial Multiplying twins large created dierent to see the Scale powers everything of from already or it possible know dierent to to that 2 investigations rules about multiply the to the smallest application, site of which allows subatomic particles to the 4 means 2 to will and look nd the 2 × 2 and 2 means 2 × 2 × 2 ×2. 4 2 multiplication you how the Universe Go powers 2 Is the are. objects. 2 You of 10 for and, you if do patterns product of so, how already? and two is In this the determine or more similar following general powers. 17 4 – Product i rule t er i r Investigation Copy and complete this Question 2 B table. Expanded form Simplied 4 2 × 2 × 3 × 2 × y 5 form 6 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 2 3 3 4 5 2 9 2 y 6 w × 2 h w 3 × 3 h × 2 Describe any 3 Describe a 4 Generalize h patterns that you see among your answers 12 rather rule that your than you rule specic to could use to multiplying numeric multiply powers 4 with in each row. 20 × 4 any base. Be sure to use in many variables examples. 6 5 You know ways or 6 (2 as × that 2 possible 2) Compare × (2 × your means by 2) 2 × 2 inserting × (2 × × can you 2 × 2 × brackets. 2 × For 2. Rearrange example, 2 × this (2 × 2 as × 2 × 2 × dierent 2) 2). representations representations with those of a peer. How many dierent nd? 6 7 Knowing that all representations 8 Verify other 9 your than Justify Can you representations follow from the step rule 4 for that two should you all found more equal in step examples of your and use expression limitations rule 18 Can ● What 1 you , show that discuss the like on rule you 3 4 your own, 2 × the 3 ? 5 discovered Explain bases your involved in in investigation answer, the use your limitations, Number rule if with any, are an there on 4 with describing an any multiplication. expression the like 4 −2 × 4 exponents? your 4. works. 5 ● 2 2. why Reect ● rule your n c 1 ? Explain. Explain. with a base N U M B E R Activity 3 – Reinforcing zero and negative exponents Pairs 1 Dene What the term happens inverse? “multiplicative when you Demonstrate inverse” multiply with an a – research number by its this if necessary. multiplicative example. 3 2 Write down 3 Rewrite the multiplicative inverse of 7 b a and b the are multiplicative both inverse from step 2 in the form a , where integers. 3 4 Multiply product and 7 rule its you multiplicative have just inverse from step 3 using the established. 6 5 Repeat the same procedure for 6 Repeat the same procedure for 5 4 1 2 How zero do your and Dividing While a it is general more results negative reinforce powers? what you have already learned about Explain. exponents always rule possible allows eciently. Is there 5 – to a expand and accomplish similar rule Quotient multiply the for same powers, operation dividing nding much powers? rule i t er i r Investigation you to o 7 Copy and complete this n c 1 table. B Question 5 2 2 ÷ 2 Simplied form Exponential ÷ 5 form 2 2 × 2 2 4 6 5 form 3 ÷ 7 2 Expanded 2 6 4 ÷ 4 5 t 4 ÷ t ÷ m 8 m 4 Continued on next page 19 2 Describe any 3 Generalize variables 4 Verify 5 Justify your can ● Show Write for your how be the used how to the that than and negative ● rule why Show rule rather Reect ● a patterns that you see could specic two rule you among use to numeric other your divide answers powers. in Be each sure row. to use examples. Remember: if exponent not explicitly then examples. it is is the written, 1. works. discuss quotient derive rule the quotient 6 that zero rule you discovered exponent can be in Investigation 5 rule. used to derive the rule for exponents. down what is going well so far in this unit in terms of your ATL2 learning. ● Identify the strengths that you have as a student. How have they ATL2 helped you Example Q Simplify succeed in this unit? 3 the following using the laws of exponents. The Write your answer with positive exponents laws here 3 2 m 5 a 4n 9 b m 5 a 9 exponents the product that rule you and need the quotient rule, both of which you c 6 A are 4 p −8 × 9 of only. 1 10n 3 have p discovered in this unit. −8 × 9 When 5+(−8) 9 −3 = 9 base, multiplying simply add expressions the with the same exponents. 1 Rewrite your answer with positive exponents 3 9 only. 3 m b 6 m 3−(−6) When dividing expressions with m simply subtract the exponents. 9 m Continued 20 1 Number on next page the same base, N U M B E R 2 4 4n p Simplify the coecients as you would simplify a c 1 10n 3 fraction. p 2 − ( −1) 2n −4 − 3 When p dividing simply expressions subtract the with the same base, exponents. 5 3 2n 7 p Simplify. 5 3 2n Write your answer with positive exponents only. 7 5 p Practice 1 Simplify 6 a 5 3 the following. 3 × 2 5 b Write −6 6 × answers −6 6 c with positive exponents × 8 d e g h i j k l m n o p q u v With the divide 5x −5 × r 2ab 4 c 2 × 3a 3 c s w development quantities Prex 2 6x of because the of Exponential metric the form use only. 2 8 f −2 2 your (−2pq 3 ) (7p q) easier to −3 t (−6y z −3 −1 ) (− y z) x system of it became compare, multiply and prexes. a How many picograms are b How many nanobytes c How many femtometers d What in a kilogram? 9 giga 10 are in a gigabyte? 6 mega 10 kilo 10 are in a millimeter? 3 fraction of a megameter of a decigram is an 1 deci 10 centi 10 milli 10 micro 10 nano 10 attometer? 2 3 e What fraction is a microgram? 6 9 12 pico 10 femto 10 atto 10 15 18 Continued on next page 21 3 Which quantity 3 a 4 2 2 or −2 5 3 In the physics, Daviet James In c Write b 7 correct Clerk 1784, in × the 1761, d answers c often was later e or −2 ÷ This −2 8 integers 3 used answer. and −2 or −3 2 is 4 as 5 4 for −3 10 your analysis units Foncenex or −2 × answer. −1 5 0 6 each −2 4 dimensional the de or following. ÷ Justify 3 3 −2 2 produce a b −3 × bigger? 4 3 Evaluate a is to 9 6 −5 or −4 2 f of 6 verify process d that was developed by the units in a formula rst published by other scientists, for François example Maxwell. Charles-Augustin de Coulomb discovered that the attraction between two electric charges, q and q , calculated using the formula , where: the r (the charge distance is measured between the in charges) 2 the constant Substitute correct b The k has these units electric of the units units into force, the (V) is coulombs) at a (C), measured in meters, C formula and show that the formula produces the (N). created distance r by a charge q (measured (in metres) from the charge to be given by the formula , that was 4π discovered and simplify. Remember in into −2 Nm newtons potential coulombs given formula then electric the can 2 units each 4 2 ÷ 1 be or fractions. Substitute force −2 2 where is and, ε a constant therefore, o has 2 is measured potential in C −1 N no units. −2 m . What should the units of electric be? assessment i t er i r Formative who can, n c “Those teach.” C In this lesson of task, to you teach possible will work your topics is in peers given small one on of the groups the to develop remaining next an laws of investigation exponents. and The list page. Continued 2 2 1 Number on next page N U M B E R Topic Example m Power of a (x product y) m x Power of a quotient y a Power of a (x power b ) ? Roots as x = x x = x exponents ? 3 You must hand in a detailed lesson plan which includes: ● lesson ● an ● examples ● practice problems (but no word problems or problems in a global context are needed). objectives/goals investigation that you are going to use Objectives/goals: ● What are the desired ● What are the main end of the outcomes concepts of that the you lesson? would like the students to understand by the lesson? Investigation: ● Create to an write it problems activity that in own so their that the will allow words. pattern your Make is peers sure to the discover the investigation rule for themselves includes at least and ve clear. Examples: ● ● You must guide necessary to Start a with questions Handout ● Prepare It a should appear the through type one-step lesson handout your class each multiple contain in worked basic with for the teach to at examples your question (or as many examples as topic). and move into multi-step variables. help the notes): students follow questions Leave and two within variable) (scaolded lesson. least question (single headings, examples of blanks key and for your lesson examples students concepts that to they in ll and the in record order the discover their that answers during learning. they to the will your lesson. Practice: ● Create and with ● a worksheet your any Provide lesson group to help members reinforce should questions/diculties an so answer that your key and teacher that submit can the walk your this check concepts around peers at least that while may one you the have class is just taught. working and You help have. day before you teach your it. Continued on next page 23 Activity/Game: ● In order to keep the class’s attention and The check their understanding, plan a student-created presented or activity must for submit this lesson Every the your group prepared the the activity for understand from for at least of is and to lesson. any to the class using could the day prior to your check. and and to should all Instead be of student questions class. where and a whole work each can class be student teaches it to activity, used in as a all a group his/her peers. to 4 of jigsaw learns is the the activity one no laws exponents. Q Simplify the may following: the 3 3 1 j use rule order of You them order that in you 2 2 3i app. You There Example be ShowMe questions expected material the the one teacher answer rest of details member the to end activities game a 4t 6 u wish, as long as b 2 4 i jk 18t −2 −4 u you apply them correctly. 3 3 A 2 3i j Use the power of a power rule to simplify the a 2 4 i jk outer exponent. exponent 3 9 6 the “3” has an 1. j 3 i that 6 i 3 of Remember j Use 12 the quotient rule to simplify again by k subtracting 3 exponents. 3 27i NOTE: j rule 12 Alternatively, rst inside the you could use parentheses the and quotient then use the k power of a power rule. 2 1 4t 6 u b −2 18t −4 u 2 10 2tu Simplify using the quotient rule. 9 2 9 A 10 negative exponent indicates that you need 2tu work with the reciprocal. 81 Use 2 4t 24 1 20 u Number the power of a power rule to simplify. to N U M B E R Practice 1 Evaluate each simplied 2 4 of the following. Write your answer as either b c d e f g h i j the following. Write your answers −1 a b d e g h j k m n p q s t (9 −6 × 9 with positive −3 4 ) c (a 2 ) exponents f 2 (−9y) a bookmark with the (2t) a a (3t) 2 (2y) i only. 2 × 3 × −(−3x ) 2 5 (−y ) l 3 Create or −3 × 3 3 integer fraction. a Simplify an (4g 2 h) o r laws of exponents on it. Make sure that all the laws t on ATL1 a small, rectangular Enhance your piece bookmark of paper. through Include the use of the name colors, of each pictures, rule and arrows, the rule itself. etc. 25 Scientic Did In you 216 notation know...? BC, Archimedes Sand Reckoner, an upper sand that in way to Greek for had name a quantities Descartes in the that we most such could likely rst by a the dicult It wasn’t represent the today. was large using it of time invent eciently use The grains rst to quantity. more notation” 1900s, had developed book of the made humans René “scientic was However, large large exponents number It system that his established considered them! such 1637 the he Archimedes number write until so wrote which universe. humans numbers to limit the in when system The of term used computer scientists. The 17th numbers of the century were at telescope Leeuwenhoek's later, humans distance such new small A water 275 be Are 2 6 by now which of Galileo see with to called large the and that Being required scientic were the as where one approximately picometer 0.000 000 000 001m. of water really represent measures of or these is 1 water followed supposed is there these Number contains a to A roughly molecules. by 18 write more quantities? can zeros! all of ecient way very with Antonie roughly able a to 50 van years great describe development (or small development either notation really and the microscope small. and large With Galilei things ease very science. incredibly now really zeros 1 is molecule drop you 1610 were this quintillion those to or quintillion One in improvements picometers, single time quantities written 1.7 in a forefront numbers system: Writing the could away diverse was of standard a form). N U M B E R 6 – Developing scientic notation I i t er i r Investigation 1800, a group searching Titius. rst of 1 a Around asteroid rocks Mars 415 for and and 000 of the in a astronomers whose same debris left Its another now over known from average calling existence time, location Jupiter. 000 25 planet the themselves was predicted astronomer, as the from the of Celestial Police the astronomer Giuseppe asteroid formation distance the by belt. the Sun is Piazzi, The universe, were belt located B Johann discovered asteroid n c In is a the ring between approximately km. 415 000 000 can be represented in a variety of ways. Copy the table and ll in the missing values. 415 000 using 000 415 products using 000 000 powers of 10 1 41 4 500 150 000 000 ______ ______ × × × × ___ 41 500 000 × 10 ___ 1000 10 000 5 4150 × 10 6 415 2 41.5 × _____ 4.15 × _____ × 10 Piazzi named that rst asteroid Ceres and it is now known to be the largest asteroid in the asteroid belt. It measures approximately 950 000 meters in diameter. Use the same procedure as in step 1 to represent this quantity in a variety of ways. 950 using 000 950 products using 000 powers of 10 ? 95 000 9500 × × ___ 95 000 × 10 ___ ? 9.5 3 Look at both examples a the quantity powers of Write 5 The Celestial and Vesta. down a Police Vesta Justify in why in scientic rule for a mass meters rule of from two 259 the 10 in the last row standard form. of each Describe table. the These are components of notation. writing discovered has scientic your representation scientic notation or general 297 000 000 000 6 10 represented 4 quantities of × a large large number asteroids quintillion Sun. Verify in grams. your in scientic the At rule asteroid its by notation. belt: closest, writing Juno Juno each of is these notation. works. 27 A quantity represented component, called the in scientic coecient, notation multiplied has by a a decimal power of 10. 4 2.75 × 10 coecient Example a A a of 10 5 Represent Q power the following 2139 b quantities 4 980 using scientic 000 c notation. 310 billion 2139 The 2.139 × decimal number needs to be between 1000 1 and 10. 3 2.139 × 10 Represent b 4 980 × of 10 using an exponent. 1000 000 6 × Create 10 and 310 billion 310 × A 9 2 × 10 3.10 × 10 decimal the an third number power of equivalent way equivalent 10 3.10 a nd create c power 000 4.980000 4.98 the is as to a ten between that is one represent “billion” using power of 10. 10 Represent 310 using scientic notation. 11 Simplify Reect ● and discuss Describe two advantages scientic notation. of 7 representing quantities 12 ● Which quantity Explain 2 8 1 how Number is you greater, know. using 7.32 × 10 14 or 4.2 × 10 ? using the to expression. 9 × and required laws of exponents. its ten N U M B E R Did you Using know...? the bacteria microscope in plaque organisms that he developed, scraped measure 7 – on his Antonie own average Van teeth. 0.000005 Developing He Leeuwenhoek called meters these discovered small “animalcules”. scientic notation II i t er i r Investigation from Using the 0.000006 same using procedure products as of in 10 the and 0.000006 using 0. products using previous powers investigation, of represent n c 1 B 10. 000006 powers of 10 −1 0.00006 0.0006 6.0 × × × 0.1 0.00006 × 10 ___ ___ 2 Write 0.000000304 3 Write down a in scientic general rule for notation. writing a small number in scientic notation. 4 Van to Leeuwenhoek see cells, rule sperm whose by cells, made which minimum writing each of other have discoveries a length thickness these is 0.8 of as well. He 0.0047 cm, micrometers. quantities in meters was and red Verify using the rst blood your scientic notation. 5 Justify why Reect ● and Compare small your and rule works. discuss contrast 8 scientic notation for very −4 ● large and very numbers. Which quantity is greater, 3.8 × 10 −7 or 9.2 × 10 . Explain how you know. ● When tell if a it number is less is than represented or greater in than scientic 1? notation, how can you Explain. 2 9 Practice 1 5 Represent a these 23 500 b numbers in 365 800 scientic c notation. 210 000 000 d 3 650 000 e 569 000 f 7 800 000 000 2 2 Represent these numbers as numbers 6 a 3 1.45 Order × b 2.807 following × c numbers 4 1.42 Important in × on a 9.83 discoveries scientic 9.8 × in (e.g. number × d line. physics 3.7 × 7.8 are × listed 1.034 × Explain 302 the Quantity e your 5.06 × −8 10 f 1676 Speed table × of Acceleration 1835 Earth’s 1850 light Average word in is said that “googol”, a Write b Research with 1 1 represented ordinary air 299 792 14 2.876 Represent ATL1 Research d How 3 0 in do have you an he atom 1 by should name each 10 quantity as Quantity number in represented scientic km/s notation km/s the call 2 cm/s cm/s microteslas 000 000 teslas m/s m/s nanometer meters mathematician the “Google” planned number was to an 1 Edward followed accidental make Kasner, by 100 large asked zeros. misspelling incredibly who of the amounts word of people. quantity the think learned that power a scientic remember Number you notation. of information of the and write would operation appropriate 1 45 225 founders “googolplex” in to to (average) scientic the represented you × available on the internet compares googol. c You available 980.665 water of what Google’s how in gravity introduced company googol represent 6 the light was nephew since information of to eld diameter “googol” 9-year-old due magnetic Speed 1998 It 10 2 10 below. × reasoning. 2 1798 his 2 Discovery an The 103.4). notation. Year 5 as −6 10 in 10 −5 10 3 10 write 9 10 −4 10 form 3 10 4 0.0025 expanded −3 10 the in and add sum quantity notation 10. Write a conversion it in 2 in scientic googols scientic written using a as and 5 number in How expanded between memory (e.g. googols? would you notation? number six-word process a notation. “Big aid 1 and personal move left, form 10 to small can be multiplied you that move by will the help right”). N U M B E R The development large and ability to small of scientic numbers perform notation eciently. mathematical allows How does operations Addition/subtraction with you it with to represent aect these your numbers? scientic notation Our decimal subtracted with complicated you will system ease. with develop in Activity 4 1 table this the Do – of for scientic for to operations scientic adding be added become notation? and more In subtracting and this section, quantities notation. Addition and numbers these use rules represented Copy allows and complete the subtraction rst two columns. Pairs Question Question and in scientic Using notation 127 + 345 5212 − 3158 0.044 − 0.031 0.00025 + 0.00071 + 19 33 2 Use the new 3 Use 208 ______ = order of = = What allows ● What does subtract 10 ) ? + (___ × 10 ? ) ___ × 10 ______ in in and ● × ______ the the to 3rd operations notation Reect in ______ representation the Answer scientic notation ______ = 117 (___ distributive property scientic distributive property ? = the answer to last rewrite this to tell numbers use you questions written in scientic notation. Write this column. evaluate the expressions in step 2. Write your answers in column. discuss you the the 9 distributive about the represented in property conditions scientic in Activity necessary to 4? add or notation? 6 ● What will express you this do in if you correct get an answer scientic of 14.5 × 10 ? How will you notation? Continued on next page 31 4 You are them asked from to add scientic the following numbers 2 (4.11 What will you need without changing notation. to do × 10 3 ) + before (5.08 being × 10 able ) to use the distributive property? 5 5 Subtract making in 6 the sure correct Create an following they numbers have the (3.72 same scientic notation. acronym (e.g. × 10 power BEDMAS) for of the ) 3 − 10. (2.56 × 10 Express process of ) by your rst answer adding or ATL1 subtracting a few quantities peers, represented explaining what each in of scientic the notation. letters in your Share with acronym means. Reect ● How is and adding notation ● How do written discuss and similar you in to 10 subtracting adding decide scientic which and quantities subtracting power notation represented can of be Multiplication/division 10 to with scientic fractions? change added in or so that quantities subtracted? scientic notation In 1676, light His the travels results moons of Danish at a were astronomer specic based Jupiter by speed on this Ole that Rømer can observations large planet. discovered actually of The the be calculated. eclipses speed of that of light several is 8 approximately how far will multiplying 32 1 it 3 × have these Number 10 m/s. If traveled? large light Can numbers travels for scientic easier? 1 million notation seconds, make N U M B E R Activity 5 – How far can light travel? 8 Pairs How 1 far will Provide light a travel reason or in 1 million justication seconds for Step × 10 × × (1 × 10 1 × × the of 3.0 following × 10 m/s? steps. 1) × ) __________________ 6 10 × 10 __________________ 8 (3 speed 6 ) 8 3 of a Justication 8 (3 each at (10 6 × 10 ) __________________ 14 3 × 10 __________________ 14 Light 2 will Perform travel the same (approximately 3 How 350 a 4 far 000 can light eye)? light from reachEarth. Use scientic value 5 Generalize in Reect Does the ● At what rather and more point quotient? blink it have calculate your would What strengths in in 63 correct million scientic seconds notation. to in quantities notation. ordinary ● answer travel for 11 Explain. what your will this dicult? down light answer. make Write represent far to notation ● how of quantities discuss Explain to seconds. takes dividing scientic than to million working. does of 1 calculate sure seconds procedure and or your far to in in Sun 480 Be (the represent scientic easier travel How the multiplying ● years). division to meters procedure notation and written 10 Show approximately travel? 2 × microseconds human The 3 you represent numbers your went multiplying well in quantities when answer with this and nding an unit dividing in numbers scientic their product notation or example. in terms of your learning. ATL2 this in mathematics did you develop or enhance in unit? 3 3 Practice 6 6 1 a = 1.3 × 10 Evaluate a −2 , b each = of 5a 4.9 the b × 10 4 , c following. 7b c = 8.32 × 10 Represent b + −3 , d your d d = 7.6 × answers 2e − 10 in 5 , e = scientic 4c e ae k d q (ce) 5.32 × 10 notation. f bd 2 g h m n i 2 2 In the Tower of bc − de j l 2 e − − 5c + 2e 2 c Hanoi 12a o puzzle p (see pages 2abd 12–13), you found that it would take the 64 priests 2 − 1 moves to transfer the 64 disks to a dierent post, maintaining their order. a Using a correct b calculator, to Calculate 3 write signicant the number down the number of moves using scientic notation, gures. of seconds in one year. Represent your answer in scientic notation. c Legend new the has post. 3 a of However, to world each complete one accident. sample the will move the end takes puzzle if when 1 the second. there are monks Find 64 move the disks. the number Show nal of your disk years to it the will working take using notation. Considered by that Suppose monks scientic it In of the 1928, bacteria where world’s Alexander had the greatest been mold Fleming left had discoveries, out returned and grown, the had penicillin to his become bacteria had was actually laboratory to contaminated been found nd by destroyed. that mold. A single −7 bacterium has a diameter of 8 × 10 meters and a penicillium mold spore has a −6 diameter a How of a of 3.5 many × 10 times meters. larger is the diameter of a penicillium mold spore than that bacterium? b Assuming a roughly circular shape, c If there are 5 million bacteria, d If there are 1 million bacteria nd and nd the 1 the area area they million of one bacterium. occupy. mold spores, nd the total area they occupy. e Find the number of mold spores that would equal the area of 1 million bacteria. Continued 34 1 Number on next page N U M B E R 4 The development over and 2000 models objects into Goddard paper on extreme for the His the years air. in It and development basis of eventually the the to propel Robert published could paved the modern way rockets. formed programs humans a reach experiments space took was of began experiments steam 1919, rockets and rocket with used altitudes designs and the how the ago that who, of into that outer space Moon. 5 a The average distance from the Earth to the Moon is 3.84 × 10 km. 4 A rocket can standard of b fuel tanks At closest, its at to the the return a when How many now or used 500 the the form each would is 50 5.8 on one quantity have million × closest times for to km 104 km/h, tank and take of to to fuel. nd Use the ensure it number could from how Earth. long If will a it rocket take can to reach distance? further is but so from Earth A 6375 also in the a way more, satellite above one on as signals kilometres. button with developed much kilometres satellite pi was television destination. Earth by of technology broadcasting orbit km journey. its communication, new 10 is Mars (at its closest) than moon? Satellite are × represent Mars at 3.60 rocket speed Mars the 5 form make travel c travel coecient and of spy even Earth’s the 1960s on rounded the the Use you Earth two the your means people. collecting maximum Write to a surface.The Earth. calculator. as other helping around Calculate orbit your to the including travels the in Satellites weather navigate in a of distance answer of in data, to a circular radius value decimal of π the traveled as 3.14, standard places. 3 5 assessment i t er i r Formative idea that all development. as the idea elements: dierent how the that materials and current nucleus orbit all earth, discoveries The Before phases atom matter of of will the contains Neutrons atomic re react water. with the that and people of Atomic make up includes protons had an a and variety helps it However, over an of to allows even time, important beliefs, of basic explain you the owing to the predict theory to D such of important atom. three and incredibly combination theory gas) other. is some developed atom neutrons atoms liquid, each has of made (solid, particles of theory, were and matter structure model around composed objects air, its is n c The is types of particle: surrounded by the electrons that it. and protons have roughly equivalent masses that can be written 28 as 16.6 × 10 kg. Using the same power of 10, electrons have a mass of 28 0.00911 Atomic × 10 kg. particles a Represent b Which each particle of has these the masses smallest using mass? correct Explain scientic how you notation. know. Continued 3 6 1 Number on next page N U M B E R Current For elements each of the following notation and show c How d Oxygen is atom oxygen kg, e many of of The times an one your element greater has of perform all of your calculations using scientic working. Express your answers in correct scientic notation. element atom questions, 8 is the that mass was carbon-14, (the which a proton discovered electrons, oxygen of 8 atomic is in protons used in 1772 and mass). than 8 by mass Carl your very old of an Wilhem neutrons. Show dating the electron? Scheele. Calculate the One mass, in working. objects, was discovered −26 in 1940 one in f by atom one Martin of carbon-14 atom Because Kamen of the in a has 6 element. individual together and atoms larger Sam electrons Show are amount, Ruben. so and your small, called a Its 6 atomic mass protons, nd is 2.324728 the × number 10 of of a substance is 6.02 × they mole. are The often grouped number of atoms in a You , 10 which is referred to as If one mole of water has a mass of 18 g, nd the can number the metric of prexes atoms in 1000 grams (1 liter) of The distance from Earth to Mars is 54.6 million kilometres. A has a length of approximately 280 picometers. produced helium in molecule table water. you g refer Avogadro’s to number. If working. 23 mole kg. neutrons Find Practice question many helium molecules could t between these two h new (see 16). discovery Imagine an 4 planets. page A 2 how you have info-graphic calculations that using of • the name • the number • the properties • the mass • the number of discovered the of element protons, of one of includes standard the an the atoms in following and its any other information, on the showing planet. all Prepare necessary symbol neutrons of unlike form: element atom element the 25 and that make element grams electrons of in the it so unique and valuable grams substance. 37 Unit A rational ratio of To the and cannot a down the until Subtract then dened long written as is two is and If 0.0353535… = = the 990x = 35 = the and can number For be which the as containing following quantities laws of raised example, it by one decimal shown to an a m with same base: Product rule with same exponent: × a n = a × b n a n−m rule with same base: Quotient rule with same exponent: n a power rule: (a m ) nm = 0 power rule: a = 1 −m Negative power Fractional as the Irrational place 0.324 or is “three or more are value and hundred . powers exactly of the 10 same. below: exponent rule: exponents: Number = a a = + m n rules: Quotient of its parts rules: Quotient written zero”. as exponents. rule 1 using written multiply n 3 8 not be fraction: Product Zero is can or Expressions Power that 35.353535… 0.35353535… Product a equation, = the number denominator fraction. in −10x x “any read periodic, numbers solve the to nite, thousandths” number as fractions. number them x as corresponding four have 1000x using as number the decimal you be be decimal decimal twenty can integers, convert write If number two numbers If summary a n = (ab) can be simplied Quantities standard by a represented form) power have of 10. a in scientic coecient For notation between 1 (also and known 10 as multiplied example: 5 1.67 To × 10 multiply or divide multiply/divide of 10 using the the laws quantities coecients of × 10 ) and exponents. 7 (2.4 represented in scientic multiply/divide For (1.5 × 10 7 ) = (2.4 = 3.6 × powers example: 3 × the notation, 1.5) × (10 3 × 10 ) 4 To add rewrite then or subtract the add quantities quantities or subtract so the 8 (2.4 × 10 ) that × represented they have coecients. 7 − (1.5 × 10 ) 10 in the For scientic same power (24 × 10 = 10 × (24 = 22.5 of 10 and example: 7 = notation, 7 ) − (1.5 × 10 ) 7 − 1.5) 7 × 10 8 or 2.25 × 10 3 9 t er i r i Key review to Unit review Level 1–2 1 n c Unit Classify question levels: Level 3–4 each irrational. A of the Justify Level 5–6 following your numbers as Level 7–8 either rational or answer. 2 a b π c 7.68 17 d 3 e 2 33.914 Represent in 3 f each simplied of 8.725555… the 0.222… b e 2.4111… f current system, way to was of number the 18 numbers the the zero following in the because quantities from place BILLIONS 5th as a fraction India MILLIONS 2.4 h 7.40111… are 6th a numeral required were and the centuries. power an working credited system as d Hindu–Arabic they and values 3.043 humans place-value the 3.1 g system, mathematicians of c −0.862 developed development the rational 11.68 number represent Several following h 49 form. a Our g of ecient with. with the introduction Represent of each 10. THOUSANDS ONES DECIMALS s h t h t o o n h h u e t d n h t h u e t d e r o u h t u n il li m u a s n n d h t n a s t d s d n a s u o t d s h s e r o e t n h n h t u e t n n e n d o h t n h h u d e t n d e r u o s h t d s s s a u h t n d o il li m im d e r n h t s s d n n a s s n o il l e r u Number s d n a s u o s o il li m d o il li b n e t d n e r 1 s h s d s n n d o il li b s n o i s s n ll ib 4 0 4 Evaluate integer each or a of the following. simplied Write your answer 3 b 5 3 ( −27 ) c −3 1 d 4 1 1 e 2 Simplify positive 3 a a each 25 of 4 × a 1 following. the 3 g exponents 2 b 2 f 5 4 5 2 Express 6 h 64 your 7 answers −5 2 b b (28x −3 y 0 2 ) c −(14m 2 3 n 6 −14 x 5 e 2 (6x −2 y 2 )(3x y ) 7 9 y 4 −8 )(−4x −2 y 4c ) h (15x Find the answers following using products scientic 5 a (3 × 10 ) i 8 and quotients. × (4 × 10 5 m Write your notation. 8 ) 3 m −6c )(7x 8n 6 ) y 3 7x 3 y 2 n f 20 n 4 (6x 3 )(−2m 3 ( −3 a ) g with only. 9a d an 2 3 a either fraction. 1 3 as 9 ) b (2.4 × 10 6 ) ÷ (1.2 × 10 ) 3 9.2 × 10 −4 c (2.5 × 10 −3 ) × (3.1 × 10 ) d 6 4.2 × 10 −2 e 7 (8.1 Our the × 10 ) often scientic current is model astronomer, of the universe laws of 10 by our own our with solar being 1800 at planetary beliefs the 10 ) −13 × (4.9 × 10 ) in rather Nicolaus formulating system, the × time, a promoted years was (6.2 place over While Aristarchus, Sun f personal credited of 11 ) developed Kepler of × evidence. about Johannes the has inuenced Copernicus idea (6.8 understanding universe than −7 ÷ center the Greek the of our earlier. rst motion to propose that are still in use today. 41 The distance changing as the the planets rotate them is 54.6 distance between them is 401 to recorded answer a leave speed the are b at the take their Calculate would are Find at the using of to take their to travel (6 × 10 − (7.3 × travel (9.1 The in 10 Human with the × the sums × 10 The table Horizons Mars ) + (4.4 × 10 of to days Mars Genome of was (5.5 d planets spaceship when the planets your answers × 10 of f (6.27 of during was a (3.1 × 10 × 10 10 ) 4 ) + (5 × 10 ) 7 ) − (2.7 × 10 ) 1990 pairs 13-year successful, genome. number each × in base human the + recording completely the gives and It (5 began DNA material. almost −4 ) 9 ) discovering 99% below to the 3 ) Project sequence 1990 spaceship the Write 13 from the when −3 mapped to −2 10 pairs with information days dierences. b × over fastest other. ) (8.6 genetic that mapping to Earth and − complete project this greatest apart. ) goal human The New of number from 11 e the smallest form. (2 10 The and 7 ) constantly Sun. km. Use Earth each −4 c is km NASA’s number minimum 8 a million from to furthest standard the million km/h. minimum following Mars questions. closest the was 58 000 following Calculate would Earth and about between a 9 Earth distance spaceship 8 between of base three-year period 1999. Years Number of base pairs mapped in each period 6 1990–1993 2.0 × 10 1993–1996 1.4 × 10 1996–1999 4.7 × 10 8 9 a Find the between total 1990 number and of base pairs that were mapped 1999. 10 b If there nd four 4 2 1 the are × number years Number 3.2 of the 10 of base base pairs pairs project. in that the human were genome, mapped in the nal 10 Simplify positive each of the exponents following. Express your answers with only. 6 2 ( 26 a 49 p 10 q 2 3 2u v ) r 2 2 3 y b c 3 2 a b −2 ) 0 2 (a ) x 0 7 b 3 ) e ab 1 1 y 4 d −6 b 3 6 x 5 (a 12 ( uv ) (16 a −2 6 b c −5 −1 −6 2 ) ( −27 a 9 b 3 c 3 ) 1 3 f 36 m brain has 20th large receive The of h 4 2 j ) ( −8 g −2 −1 h j 3 ) of the of focusing a BC, since While water is and with it that the that major middle brain fat, neurons on discipline the the nervous has also of a high contains transmit and signals. The contains cerebral parietal, How total? has 690 made and billion billion up neurons. are of temporal million your 69 the lobes, The remaining neurons. there in calculations the brain and in answer in notation. often is cortex, neurons Express scientic brain 16 contain many roughly occipital roughly structures It It 500 made number contains b since century. neurons. a study structure. cerebellum frontal, the neuroscientists being composition a is developed advances the its ( 25 g 7 with and g −5 n Neuroscience system, 1 1 2 −4 121m 11 0 n the been said same as that the the number number of of stars neurons in the in the universe. If 22 there true? are If 7.0 not, × 10 which stars in the quantity is universe, greater is and this by statement what factor? 4 c Each If of neuron they all were of the has a placed length end neurons in of to the approximately end, what 1 would × be 10 the meters. length brain? 4 3 12 The Richter compare the earthquake measured a times Using 1556 with By of is a the ratio, 2010 the magnitude earthquakes that by the scale in many China intensity (M), you not dier of on a a an more intensity of a 1 to of to an motion unit an in increase intense magnitude with a of the whole was 8 of the compared magnitude exponential compare by 1940 seismometer. Haiti as in ground increase times in can The amount with (I) Richter corresponds measured how Charles Each earthquake do by earthquakes. Richter earthquake expressing the of seismometer. intensity this the devised determined on the was intensities on magnitude 10 Scale of 7? function intensities of integer. M I b The in world’s 1960 Scale. and The given o the The the two 1 in of given recorded the in had had a more one in 2011 a Chile Richter caused 9.1 on Using the the was by an Richter formula the Indonesia? both occurred of times compared the was magnitude many in intense magnitude how on 2004. earthquakes 2011 was magnitude times than 9.5 tsunami Indonesia above, in magnitude many 1995 earthquake Number of costly of earthquake registered Chile earthquake formula 4 4 how most earthquake the coast above, earthquake c registered which 10 powerful deadliest earthquake scale most = with of 9.1; 6.9. Japan: the Using more the in the intense one in was 1995? i t e r i c Summative a r assessment C, D Microchip How is control a it device Bell possible so heart’s many Labs a and revolutionize of will your all our Part 1 Gordon – as Moore, If law, t the on one very calculate over your the core had life. a of all little In this and can a pacemaker transistor work for of these was idea task, the section. using each smartphone help is a invented how you much will control single in it 1945 in would analyze development of the the scientic rst the of the founders processors and answers predicted chip as a single your report. Show calculations and notation. double had of years. four the every of chips has transistors, on a a manufacturers. input been number two build inside receive what and helped computer that transistors Copy powers In that Intel, small computers would 10 all of for are transistors. number next in law using chip part Perform microprocessors, Moore a The of produces output Moore’s a each smartphones produce would your answers or the technology Moore’s Processors, such in that At does How chip. present company way internet? How inventors transistor your the devices? the working write surf transistor. microprocessor You to contractions? called growth technology of devices and named transistors that years. use Moore’s chip complete every this law two table, to years writing 2. Number of Year transistors 0 on chip 4 ? 2 4 × 2 = 2 4 6 8 10 4 5 b If there were number answer of four transistors transistors both as a on a number on chip in a chip in the in 1965, year expanded predict 2015. form and the Write in your scientic notation. c During that, as a by speech 2026, many in the 2014, one company transistors as of Intel’s would there are vice make neurons a presidents processor in a human said with brain. 11 If there are Moore’s Part 2 – that the law an can “on” “o”. were as the in vice the human president’s brain, would statement? technology aids. This either used with Because hearing numbers, neurons current develop or 10 perform input transistor. × agree Chip Transistors so 1.0 a two is of greatly this, They allows 0 (o) switches, functions. or but a increased transistors can the They also act 1 (on). these as it were as transistor can passes switches, to store large and current through originally Originally, were amplify used being two to either dierent vacuum tubes required a lot of power. a Smartphones have chips in them that can contain 3.3 billion −23 transistors. the b If total each would If each mass chip you of has the a need transistor transistors length to weighs of circle 35 the in a 5.1 × 10 nd smartphone. nanometers Earth, grams, which (nm), has a how many radius of 6371 km? c Supercomputers and can desktop have perform or been many laptop developed more that calculations computers. One such are much than larger ordinary supercomputer, the 10 Titan, has 4.485 × 10 transistors in its central processing unit 11 (CPU) and processing in the Intel 1 × Find your 10 the transistors total working and in number give its of your graphics transistors answers in form. the number Earth. 4 6 1.3268 (GPU). Show estimates around the unit Titan. standard d another Number that globe of about each ants on 12 year. the quintillion If that planet, transistors represents nd the are 10 000 number of shipped times ants on Part 3 What if you The – Design you make size were it? of rst could Select Find c invented. a its chip it chosen e Write a costs transistors a a on you and may you use measure on 35 nm to by (e.g. research small would it? since transistors impressive choose t dramatically will sounds they that are 14 nm. a the ngernail). area or measurements.) transistors that $0.000000003 your headline to newspaper snazzy could How you will be able to t on area. transistors Create that of processor? decreased taking number own transistors has (You after your d your Assume size area. the the own rectangular Find If many transistors calculate b design How approximately a your name for USD each, nd the cost of chip. announce article your your about chip. technology your Your invention article to the and must world. create include the following: • Headline attract the – the article interest is By-line • Introduction • Body of – Quotes expert) the – sets the – of more a said words. concise the detail a hint summarizes when, about and (such the giving purpose is as to to what way. and what, how by It’s article. scene person about few reader who, questions what has a the article: a the in author provides answers • the only of about • points – usually the main where the event, in particular it why as an eye-witness invention. These will or be an in speech marks. • • Photograph of your in the caption invention as well – include as a a drawing caption that or photograph describes what is photo. Answers the and next to these great questions discovery? – Are What great does it take discoveries to make planned or accidental? 4 7 2 Many in scientic this have Triangles unit. However, taken aesthetic your and Personal you some of desired it might eect. in the bring The pleasing this 4 8 to to use their stable? triangle also completely and solutions played dierent rely on the important direction, triangle, roles such in as as other our you will contexts discover that appreciation of could the infrastructure. expression great careful of triangles can artists Mona was is also 100% in could enhance Leonardo the art planning be our realized da Vinci Lisa’s inspiration order a lesson power used face in to the his and produce on appreciation the supposed to of of the the Golden an the how famous produce creativity, aesthetic. triangle Triangle painting. aesthetically portrait. picture? appear work. Triangle Photographers in that very study attention Golden stability think principles a a have and aesthetic Renaissance, composing to the A in planning cultural involves mathematical During of processes triangles study urban and Appreciation While principles, that triangles work. How Is Can does there produces a to you it give see make sense the the particular the a triangle scene type optimum of of eect? Artists sense does this also of a use triangles perspective triangle image? to a to give work. accomplish that a How in Globalization Urban Cities planning are often rectangle However, population, becoming their A use study you on a and housing are with space. could some take very structures the shape that three citizens streets. the use a streets shorter bordering interior well as a Ayala the space roads to alternative alongside Its oer as living space. major an a provide both views Gardens walking also have Philippines, between utilizes to gathering Triangle oer development Spain exterior central the limited of a (radial). planners creative urban northern spaces to circle triangles tour triangular In a using designs. This in infrastructure ever-increasing urban of innovative and or an more of and sustainability planned (grid) with and the and busy paths route than roads. 4 9 2 Triangles Principles, KEY CONCEPT: Related Global How was energy) unit, of was your use the that engine how a used invented? basic to will and lead ideas. threaten the of Generalizing How new the you on a These environment in their ideas or of Solving problems (the of how law can plague ● then our be to These and solutions. and and applied In to new solve problems lives. Inquiry between processes and measurements involving right help questions triangles What is a What are relationship? theorem whether or not two the three fundamental triangles ratios? similar Using the properties of similar triangles How do we missing trigonometric ratios to measurements? How involving right much proof is “enough”? solve Do problems relationships measurements D Using generalize to between nd ● can solutions. C ● this mathematicians trigonometric are of technical formulate everyday are conservation Inquiry Pythagoras’ Determining of scientists F using Measurement work? scientic disciplines Objectives ● power processes context relationships principles, solar principle journey new of does products, global principles Statement develop Generalization, scientic create foundational methods solutions RELA TIONSHIPS concepts: exploration innovation and context: the examples processes scientific principles lead to good triangles solutions or do good scientific principles? solutions lead to G E O M E T R Y A TL2 Thinking: A TL1 Critical-thinking Test Y ou 1 generalizations should and already Find the areas Find the area of Communication Give conclusions common how and receive each shapes 4 Use properties meaningful feedback of sizes parallel of lines to angles shape. Find a skills to: determine of T R I G O N O M E T R Y Communication: skills know A N D the size of the indicated angles. b Justify each step. 9 cm 5 cm 4 cm 5 cm a E B a 5 cm 12 cm c b A c e d D 8 cm f C F b j l 2 Solve multi-step Solve the equations m k p q 32º n 94º following r equations. s a a g b b c f h c d 5 3 Plot points Plot the on a coordinate following grid Solve a problems using b ratios 8 : 11= 17 : m points. c a (−3, 4) b (0, −2) c (−1, −6) d (8, 2) 51 Introducing What do kitchens, common? The of to work Since activity, between the these minimize L-shape While limited range in photos be of There a distance a clear of the planet. principles the as to right a right those photos, apply produce amount of detail. Even to solving determine that like are very Mount the the In a Everest, unit, an you in triangles to develop principles, the 2 of Triangles tools humans clever and may the measures solutions. make discovery this easily discover pretty processes great investigate 5 2 will you be right allowed some locations triangles. between has knows, next of how access, can the of of to understanding relationships Who with knowledge this how height dicult accomplished and problem as common you shape. stove even kitchen This using such aerial of and when all have in is designing are the based optimal between Earth, view used kitchen are U-shape above Everest triangles! refrigerator walking Cameras, with Mount concept design calculated taking triangle sink, a kitchen portion can is appliances. the have triangles. used the and enough, triangle optimal orbiting satellites satellites Interestingly kitchen kitchens. triangles these main on a centres triangle measurements areas. Island kitchen G E O M E T R Y Reect ● How easy your home? what ● Give Do is kind What ● and it to two you an true mathematician This of be lead are may many hand, is equal seem other a guesses) a sink kitchen and work refrigerator triangle? If in so, have you seen that use triangles? to a until scientic or obvious that has a needs are solutions or do Explain. statement no also But evidence A proved, start out equal is but that For such to it with conjectures does it as: one on take is example, “Things another”. forms theorem, often as what proof. axioms, statement, been proved. much is principles. Theorems are good several thing mathematical How postulate stated same rather they to principles? therefore, Euclid the lead proof and, axioms. something? have principles axiom statement established to and mathematics, which stove, it? solutions scientic Theorems the the examples. think to or kitchen is T R I G O N O M E T R Y 1 between your triangle solutions assumed move Does of processes good In discuss A N D the the the basis other help of (educated to prove enough? Proof Mathematics coming Proofs that In it up are is is based with how new is court the statements reasoning, based on construct true which means statements. knowledge and know correct. to of deductive mathematicians mathematics, goal on proof convince law, proof a is people “reasonable must be a proved logical that something doubt” to be sequence is true not for is of arguments true. Unlike acceptable. every case, whose in Every a step without of any doubt. 53 Activity 1 – Is a pattern enough proof ? 1 3 2 2 1 Looking at the Number of diagrams points on above, copy the and complete this table. Number of dierent regions in the circle circle 1 2 3 4 5 2 What do you predict will be the number of regions if there are six A points on the circle? What about seven points? Explain a reasoning in each conjecture conclusion Write down a conjecture predicting how many regions there will any circle as compared with the number in the previous Do your step 5 ATL1 3? Look at results in this activity prove the statement you wrote in regions in you the when diagrams there are below six and points count and the when number there are of seven have. the drawing points. two rows to your table for these copies results. of these two diagrams, can count Was 7 Is your establishing Activity is Proving 5 4 1 “always that conjecture are 2 is a a pattern good true” in Triangles Explain. enough example of and to be true accepted proof? why mathematics something known true? you based has to facts. Explain. cannot on start just from a say few basic something examples. principles so number regions 6 on Explain. larger Add based information that Try circle is circle. the 4 guess be that in or case. educated 3 is your as you the you them. G E O M E T R Y What A is theorem true. did now As bears go and statement you are circles young study still was homework! through Activity 1770, to math the that theorems related theorems In mathematical new her you a T R I G O N O M E T R Y theorem? mathematics but theorem she is The work, a A N D that is being unit, you later will be on proved by an proved name: In 2016, Israeli her be of a new teenager theorem, “Tamar’s encounter to centuries developed. mathematician’s this based established She can as which theorem”. examples of both proofs. 2 – Joseph Four-square Louis would eventually “Every positive be Lagrange called integer can the be theorem published the proof of a theorem Lagrange four-square theorem. written as the sum of the It squares that states, of four integers.” 2 For 1 example, 17 2 + 1 b Select four 3 = 3 2 + 3 2 + 2 4 or 11 = 2 3 + 1 2 + 1 2 + 0 Write the following numbers as the sum of the squares of four integers. a 2 35 any 30 positive c integer 43 and d write it as the 103 sum of the squares of integers. With a peer, number play that the the following other player game. must Each write person as the selects sum a 2-digit of the squares of solve the problem Pairs four and integers. one solved. Add Reect ● Have ● The the Greek to like discuss the for the to every time create make a you problem the game that more cannot be challenging. 2 four-square area to about the of the area right circumference know dicult this for you restriction mathematician already How point time theorem with your examples? answer. equal sides the you ● is one every time proved your formula circle the a for and you Justify Score point one do by of circle is actually Archimedes. of a think is equal circle.” the it area is Archimedes? It to to How of a a theorem states, right-angled angle the about you a “The triangle the does in radius, this proved area of which and relate any one the to by of other what circle? prove mathematically a statement Explain. 5 5 One of the most Pythagoras’ the famous theorem. measurements of It theorems that establishes the sides in a you will learn relationship any right A is between triangle. hypotenuse leg In a right side the triangle, across from hypotenuse. the the The sides right other have angle, two specic the sides, names. longest which The side, form is called the right B C leg angle, are called Reect ● Explain longest and why discuss the side Would you ● Where is say the that the found activities by his Did you Samos he in most angle has to be the have side in “proven” a triangle this result? located? Explain. Be as specic in this section, and you examine will explore some of the the as relationship proofs associated know...? was a around famous lengths never of did principles. It Greek 569 sides down later Triangles born on the Island in any explained the right-angled of his relationship be of triangles. ndings, his between Although followers and on. theorem can mathematician BC. theorem the wrote Pythagoras’ 2 right theorem. students 5 6 the theorem Pythagoras Pythagoras the from can. with His you shortest Pythagoras’ In across 3 side. ● you legs is possibly proved the both most visually proven and of all algebraically. G E O M E T R Y Activity Your l 3 teacher i n – Pythagorean will give you the A N D T R I G O N O M E T R Y puzzles Pythagorean puzzle cutouts. k b e You can also download and print “Grade 7 Downloads”, – where this Select you puzzle “Free will nd from the following Downloads” the and website: scroll “Pythagorean down Theorem the Cutout Puzzle”. 1 Cut the 2 What on 3 ATL2 out the pieces from each of the smaller squares and rearrange them to form a square on hypotenuse. generalization each With a of sides partner, questions Follow the to that of look clarify with a can a at you deduce right each the relationship between the area of the squares triangle? other’s anything about that suggestion for generalizations. isn’t quite clear. improvement, Take Then, if turns give giving at least feedback one by positive rst asking comment. appropriate. Pairs The previous relationship is activity between Pythagoras’ smaller ones, discover is this a the theorem? as you good sides of a Breaking will famous rst see in step right up the in triangle. the next generalizing squares activity, But into will the what exactly much help you to relationship. Investigation 1 – Discovering Pythagoras’ theorem t er i r i can use following l i n paper and pencil or dynamic geometry software to perform n c You the B activity. k b e You can needed the search click and 1 In the use for on middle 6 of units link the a applet on the investigation. term the choose measure the this “Exploring that size piece and 8 the appears of of In squared “Find the you right website Resources” Pythagorean on triangle the of instead section Theorem” the page. in the Select of of drawing the “Enter the home the triangles page, Keyword” “Interactive” enter box. Then option want. paper, draw a right triangle whose legs units. Continued on next page 57 2 Construct and the 3 squares width of the on these square is two the legs. (The length of length the side y of 30 triangle.) Find the number squares. What of does small this squares in these two new represent? 20 4 Construct 5 Count a the square. new total You square on number may need of to the hypotenuse. squares count in “half this larger squares” 10 together. 6 What do square? smaller you How notice does about it relate the to area the of this area of larger the two squares? x 0 10 7 Repeat legs steps that 1 through measure 5 6 and for 12 a right triangle with triangle with 20 30 units. y 8 Repeat legs 9 If that the you steps 1 through measure measures calculate of the 8 6 and the area for 15 legs of a right 30 units. were the a and square b, how formed would on 20 each 10 leg Write of the down between squares drawn Pythagoras’ the areas of on theorem the three these as a sides? relationship squares. 10 ATL1 11 Verify that your formula works for two more right triangles: 12 a a right b a right triangle with legs of length 20 and 21 units. Justify triangle why Reect your and with legs formula of length 7 and 24 units x 0 10 20 30 works. discuss 4 Answer these questions on your own and then discuss them in a group. ● Explain how between ● Show not Pythagoras’ theorem generalizes a relationship measurements. that Pythagoras’ right-angled. theorem Explain your does not work for triangles 2 ● Most people 2 do the a triangle remember 2 , is b that are method. Pythagoras’ theorem as a 2 + b 2 = c . What 2 and c isolated represent? in the How theorem? do you know which side of the A term 2 Triangles is isolated is itself one of 5 8 that on the by side equation. G E O M E T R Y There are algebra over while Activity A visual l i 350 proofs others 4 proof – of A are of Pythagoras’ visual visual Pythagoras’ theorem! Some A N D T R I G O N O M E T R Y involve proofs. proof theorem of Pythagoras’ using two squares is theorem shown below. n b e For an animation “Pythagoras’ showing Theorem this Proof visual proof, Animation” go and to youtube select the Explain large how you squares know have that the both same of search by for Maths a b 1 and video Whenever. a b the area. a c 2 Write the down area of diagram an the on expression green the to square b calculate in c the c b right. c 3 Write the down area of an expression each of the to two calculate blue a squares a in 4 the How diagram do square? 5 How area you With a this the remaining 6 know the b a b left. that the sum of the areas of the blue squares equals the area of the green Explain. does of on prove square two partner, Pythagoras’ on the theorem? hypotenuse is (The equal theorem to the sum states, of the “In any areas of right the triangle, squares the on the sides.”) look at each other’s proofs. Take turns giving feedback by rst asking ATL2 questions Follow to that clarify with a anything that suggestion for isn’t quite clear. improvement, if Then, give at least one positive comment. appropriate. Pairs Reect and discuss 5 In small groups, discuss the following questions. ● ● What do have in Look on the common? the Pythagoras’ ● Which of Explain dierent ways of showing Pythagoras’ theorem all Explain. internet for a video showing the water proof of theorem. the your proofs that you have seen gives the clearest evidence? reasoning. 5 9 Applying Pythagoras’ sides a of side of the two a in theorem any the sides objects tallest Hyperion, tree in A is of a tree to measure height is to a in the its of a is relationship allows you provided especially measure, the to but nd you useful the between the know in the length the is of lengths situations third three where not. tall by rangender. named redwood USA. A surveyor from laser tree He of the base rangender is beam top very easier world, height. the laser to laser the away uses of made coastal 40 m the surveyor easy It triangle This height been tree of long are California, standing the sides. the has invention The triangle. the theorem 1 Measuring the generalizes right-angled two Example Q Pythagorean right-angled other of the nds 116 m. from the that How the tree? y Construct right a right-angled triangle. Be sure to indicate angle. Label the legs a and b, and the hypotenuse c c a x 2 c 2 = a = 40 2 + b Apply 2 c 2 Pythagoras’ theorem, using the values that 2 + 116 you know : a = 40 m, b = 116 m. 2 c = 1600 + 13 456 2 c = 15 056 Do c the The 6 0 not forget = 123 ( 3 s.f .) length 2 of the Triangles laser is 123 m. value of c. to take the square root in order to nd the G E O M E T R Y Practice 1 Find the A N D T R I G O N O M E T R Y 1 value of x in each diagram. Round your answers to the nearest tenth where necessary. a x b c 1.6 m x 7 mm 66 cm 8.2 m x 6 mm 40 cm d e f 26 m 10 m 5 m 24 m 25 cm x x x 7 cm 2 Use Pythagoras’ theorem to determine a whether the following triangles b contain right angles. 9 cm c 13 cm 12 cm 5 cm 21.6 cm 12 cm 15 cm 6 cm 23.4 cm 3 The length rectangle of is the length b the area The 5 In To try base a If A of to of a the the in a solve ladder How ladder How is other a long are problem, reach be a should the 10 cm industry, should to up rectangle is 50 cm. If the length of one side of the side square measuring high a rectangle. the ladder of calculate: construction wall. b of diagonals the diagonal 30 cm, a 4 the from the the of the to Calculate of all it 5.6 m, be in have ladder is been base order to base length of happen introduced leaning the its the accidents have wall ladder needs can third regulations height 4 m wall one long. the sides while that of using specify the a square. ladder. how far the against. must meet placed be at this least safety 97 cm 1.4 m from the regulation? from the wall. reach? Continued on next page 61 6 Surveying is the constructing maps measurements. cartographers heights and dierent through device sight form a right calculate the top stick and Suppose on away. surveyor to A a the process that the between (a is a telescope’s and is a line stick the height horizontal stick at known Since length the looks measuring measuring the that calculate telescope) angle. the on surveyor The knows of a distances based distance is use of based theodolite measuring of It points. a science of the stick steepness distance 90 m and of a and hill between the stick the or the horizontal distance to it, she can slope. theodolite measures 90 m and 1.5 m. 1.5 m How stick? 7 The the far is the Show heights tops of top your of the of the theodolite from the bottom of the working. two vertical towers is towers 61 m, are how far 75 m and apart are 65 m. the If the middle shortest of the distance bases of between the Continued 6 2 2 Triangles towers? on next page G E O M E T R Y 8 Over the last technology wider they has range television are few of decades, improved, screen screen measured to using T R I G O N O M E T R Y television allowing sizes. sizes A N D To be much enable easily the a compared, diagonal of the television. Suppose and the height Will 9 you cabinet of the Groups have 13 you inches television of three “Pythagorean Pythagorean a 3, 4, b 5, 12, … c 8, …, 17 d …, bought want and t in whole triples”. triples. a a 42-inch to put width the it in of has 39 a inches. cabinet? numbers Find They television the are that satisfy third given Pythagoras’ number in that numerical theorem would make are these called into order. … A 10 You 40, 41 proved squares on Pythagoras’ each of the theorem sides. by Does constructing the formula work b with If other shapes, semicircles triangle are whose for example constructed sides measure = 4 c = 5 circles? on the 3 cm, sides 4 cm of a and right 5 cm, B C show l i n that Pythagoras’ theorem still a = 3 applies. k b e The Pythagorean theorem is so famous, it has been quoted in several movies! Unfortunately, not all of them have used the theorem correctly. If you search for “Scarecrow Pythagorean Theorem” on, you will see one of the more famous blunders! The of Pythagorean triangles. coordinate However, geometry Putting The it as is has a distance plane can very also important formed the tool basis in of the study solutions in well. Pythagoras shortest coordinate theorem between always on any be the two map points calculated on using the Cartesian Pythagoras’ theorem. 63 Investigation 2 – The distance formula t er i r i Draw the shortest distance between the coordinates below. Measure this distance. B y 10 9 Point: (3, 6) 8 7 6 5 4 Point: (6, 2) 3 2 1 0 x 0 1 2 2 Create 3 Show 4 Repeat c 5 (2, a right (–1, 4 you activity triangle and –2) 5 6 triangle can the a 5) Using 3 how create a (5, and to 7 use for the Verify the with the segment pairs illustrate , y formula drew to in step calculate coordinates below. 1 as the Plot the hypotenuse. distance each you pair of measured. points and ndings. b (–13, d (15, ) and( x 1 between for 2) and (–1, –1) and (3, y , 2 works you theorem of your –8) distance your 10 Pythagoras’ points ( x shortest that 9 1) (–7, general 8 with 1 6 ), 7) –6) generalize your ndings to nd a formula 2 any two two points. more pairs of points. Show that you obtain ATL1 the same result 7 Justify why 8 With partner, a as your when you formula look at plot works each in the points every other’s and create a right triangle. case. distance formulae. Take turns giving feedback by ATL2 rst asking positive questions comment. to clarify Follow that anything with a that isn’t suggestion quite for clear. Then, improvement, Pairs Reect ● Does it and matter discuss which point 6 you use rst in your distance formula? Explain. ● Explain how the distance formula is an application theorem. ● 6 4 n c 1 Do 2 you need Triangles to memorize this formula? Explain. of Pythagoras’ give if at least one appropriate. G E O M E T R Y Example Q When and per distances measured speeds hour). in in knots Because y are nautical (nautical one 9 miles 8 miles 7 nautical Robin mile is equal latitude, T R I G O N O M E T R Y 2 boating, typically A N D to this one solves minute the Hood’ s Bay: (2.5, 5 problem Boat: of having to to latitude convert 4.6) 6 of (7.7, 2.5) 4 distances 3 and longitude when 2 navigating on open water. 1 Using the map below, calculate 0 x the shortest distance between the 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 boat and Robin Hood’s Bay. (Each distance is measured in nautical miles.) y A 9 8 7 Robin Hood’ s Bay: (2.5, 4.6) Construct 6 a right-angled triangle. Be sure to Ruswarp indicate the right angle. Hawaker 5 Robin Hood’ s Bay 4 Boat: (7.7, 2.5) Ravenscar Fylingdales 3 Staintondale 2 Cloughton Harwood Dale Newlands Cloughton 1 Burniston Langdale End Hackness 0 x 0 1 2 2 d 3 4 2 = ( x − 2 x ) 5 6 2 + ( y 1 − 2 y 7 Let 2 d with the coordinates (2.5, 4.6) be ( x , 1 the boat with the coordinates (7.7, 2.5) be ( x , 2 2 y ) and 1 y ) 2 2 + ( −2.1 ) Do 2 d Bay + ( 2.5 − 4.6 ) 2 = ( 5.2 ) Hood’s ) 2 = (7.7 − 2.5) Robin 9 1 let 2 d 8 not forget to take the square root to nd the distance. Because = 27.04 + 4.41 you are dealing with distances, only the positive root makes sense. 2 d = 31.45 distance = distance = 31.45 5.61 The shortest Bay is 5.61 nautical distance nautical miles between the boat and Robin Hood’s miles. 6 5 Practice 1 Find the Show a 2 (0, is is it an where parts in of it space, should to use each your b (–7, d (5, electronically, be of the answers –11) –2) for to and and Pythagoras’ the (4, (13, example missing. following pairs nearest of points. tenth. –25) –2) when Computer theorem you download programmers, to make sure a song, who that the imagine data be. original it round 3) sent want and between 10) (4, points where Given (3, and data as distance working and don’t data is 4) –6) When you shortest your (–1, c 2 point should be and (a its nal distance d location, from its determine original whether location). or Copy not and a piece of complete data this table. Original Final location location (2, 6) (–1, (1, –1) (0, 3 In 3) It then b For 6 7 –5) 13 the which i Player ii Player iii Player iv Player Establish of this (1, C E value (3, the 4) (–2, and location Justify easily with a for D F two is calculate game is 2 was travel the would a using that of “hit” her be data end supposed coordinates. between have to the was distance programed units Did ( d) tracked distances within (2, been register a up where to? it (Y/N) The characters. set for “hit” certain by a opponent. registered? 2) (0, (4, Player 1) 1) H (–1, players 0) (other than those above) where a “hit” would be answer. coordinate the is B Player Player your record to scenarios Player and character minimum character and –3) each role-playing and 2) 2) use a of theorem following (–1, G a if the A Archeologists to location Pythagoras’ sword In them 5) example, registered. 4 –1) uses character’s a (2, compares actions. data to 10 games, program Distance supposed 14) (–5, video distance traveled (8, (–4, 7) Actual grid location system of when artefacts at a excavating site, which a site. This simplies allows future excavations. Continued 6 6 2 Triangles on next page G E O M E T R Y If the coordinates skeleton nearest 5 The are (6.2, tenth distance of (in cm) 22.3) a of and the (9.1, centimetre. between (–2, 6) top and bottom of the 11.8), nd the length (Assume that the arm and (4, y) is 10 units. arm of bone Find bone the is the A N D of arm T R I G O N O M E T R Y this bone, perfectly values of dinosaur rounded to the straight.) y. Show your working. 6 A ship is transporting whose coordinates (2152, 1470) total length to of in refuel the goods from nautical and voyage miles then in China are to United (–2140, continues nautical the on to 1320). Los States. It It stops Angeles leaves o in (5120, Shanghai, Honolulu 2016). Find the miles. NORTH AMERICA Los Angeles (5120, 2016) Shanghai (–2140, 1320) Honolulu (2152, 1470) 67 assessment – How can “the same” i t er i r Formative The “not screen diagonal. have The the Do : 9. or smaller aspect Find the screen and c the Repeat ratio d of Explain televisions, with the is the same measure screen of size also cell are : is in a the ratio phones ratio values.) of of the rectangular typically 16 : However, 9, have but some an they aspect may newer side be ratio larger models have 9. phones is given as 127 mm, but dierent. of aspect a rectangular ratio of 16 : 9 cell phone whose diagonal of your 18.5 : screen. to calculations Show the for a measurement, all of nearest cell but your working hundredth. phone with an with the aspect 9. phone’s and this answer screen has discuss degree of a larger area? 7 accuracy of your solution to the cell phone problem. ● Does ● Why your solution would a make company sense change in the the context aspect 6 8 Which 2 phone Triangles would you rather have? of ratio Explain. ● their 127 mm. area the and lengths diagonal Which like advertised screen two is an these of Reect ● 18.5 side with round same a those ratio measures Find of of size aspect phones, phones sides than ratios D area? (Their screen their cell Televisions 16 b of cell same of a size aspect ratio lengths. The equal”? n c be Explain. the of its problem? phone? G E O M E T R Y Relationships Pythagoras’ lengths of between theorem the relationship, sides it establishes in only between relationships exist there and Regardless each other of or Activity Below are the type similar – some the right side to pairs of Are right in is an important there other triangles? other types the Do of triangle? triangles? triangles other Congruent in between this triangles. dierent triangle, each While lengths between of relationship lengths congruent the 5 to T R I G O N O M E T R Y triangles triangle. side between relationships Similar right applies relationships Are a A N D two or triangles can be congruent to neither. triangles congruent triangles. P K J R 5 cm 9.2 cm 9.2 cm 10.5 cm 10.5 cm L 5 cm Q A D 30° 30° A Q P 3 cm 6 cm 6 cm R 60° 60° B 1 Use your observations of these diagrams to help 3 cm you C write a denition of “congruent triangles”. 2 How much information congruent? do you think would be enough to prove that two triangles are Explain. Continued on next page 6 9 3 Do you think the following pairs of a triangles are necessarily congruent? your answer. F b T Justify D B 25 m E 20° O 35 m A 125° C S 20° 35 m 25 m 35° 15 m 35° M 125° 15 m N U R c S B d C ′ O B ′ A P l i n A ′ C Q k b e On the this interactive triangles Similar other, triangles although Knowing further range 7 0 also this two problems. Triangles resource to discover the search for “congruence conditions necessary congruent. have is a particular dierent triangles mathematical of 2 that are website, than are principles relationship that similar as well of each congruent allows as to you to solutions triangles. develop to a wide theorems”. to prove two Use G E O M E T R Y Investigation 3 – Proper ties of similar A N D T R I G O N O M E T R Y triangles t er i r i you can can draw use 1 Draw 2 Measure sides two of the Compare 4 Draw 5 Do 6 In three a two of this the investigation software dierent of sizes sides. to that What by hand achieve both do the have you a notice or same 50° angle about with triangles those of of a dierent peer. sizes results table like from the and steps 2 following, similar and 3 still What that do have you 70° lengths angle. of the the notice? same angles and measure generalize hold? the relationships between between Relationship angles measures in between sides triangles Congruent 7 the a triangles. Relationship ATL1 and sides. congruent Similar B results. triangles? results right in geometry lengths your two your triangles triangles the 3 the the dynamic n c You triangles Verify the relationship between the sides of similar triangles for another pair of triangles. 8 Justify why Reect ● Are ● Can all that right two are not triangles have triangle are the corresponding order in each of similar triangles exists. Explain. same angle measures but side lengths Explain. is ∼. The notation for showing that two is ΔABC The sides similarity “similar” similar the 8 similar? proportional? for between discuss triangles symbol triangles relationship and Proving The the angles and ∼ ΔDEF sides must be written in the same triangle. 71 Reect If ΔABC ● and discuss 8 ∼ ΔDEF , write down the angles that are equal Your be ● write down the ratios of the sides that are Investigation two triangles. If 3, you two developed triangles are the the should form proportional. “ In ratios in principle similar, of then similarity the ” between following are true: ● ● In their corresponding angles their corresponding sides order that be one true, to prove of these then Activity – two know are equal proportional. triangles conditions you 6 that are that is true. the Similarity are similar, Once other one you of statement need them is is also to show proved to true. postulates ATL2 Perform this feedback one activity by rst positive with asking comment. a peer, taking questions Follow to that turns clarify with a to describe anything your that suggestion for thinking. isn’t quite Also clear. improvement, if take Then, turns give at giving least appropriate. Pairs 1 Each (e.g. diagram ΔABC Justify shows ∼ ΔDEF ). your a pair Which of similar principle triangles. of Identify similarity allows the triangles you to prove that are them similar to be similar? answer. a b P 63° Q 39° 10 cm 40 cm C R 39° B 63° A Continued 72 2 Triangles on next page G E O M E T R Y c A N D T R I G O N O M E T R Y d A E A C 5 13 B D C B D E D e B f A C A D E Q g A h P D B C 2 One of the Angle”. It triangle, angles 3 show 4 A the it two are sides is Applications Once that This you their have are information some of which are an help more similar.” What you “If example to are are similar congruent Explain why you to is two only called “AA” angles need to of for “Angle- another prove that two do you think this refers to? Use an example to two of sides angle two in of similar demonstrate one both triangle triangles triangles what this are is and proportional congruent, indicate postulate to then the two the measures of means. triangles two to triangles similar. included and critical are states, angle that two triangle three. “SSS”. the congruent can all similar established angles are which Draw that one triangles and included of of of is two “SAS” triangle the prove triangles instead that similar.” and to angles postulate proves another used two congruent postulate of triangles two “If similarity how third sides then are Another postulates states, triangles that solve than their a you are similar, sides wide are range might you know proportional. of problems, think. 73 Example Q When 3 using important the patient’s which can spinal cord. to solve how far should The far to is of 4.8 cm apart too it much triangles and sources is exposing radiation, cells can and be the used determine of radiation placed. radiation A the avoid damage problem above avoid to Similar sources cord body apart therapy, doctors severely this be 120 cm the radiation that radiation the below the extends should are patient the a the patient’s distance sources overexposure placed and to of spinal skin. of If 20 cm radiation on be the patient’s placed from back, each how other radiation? A 120 cm Draw a diagram of the situation, including all the measurements. 20 cm B C 4.8 cm D The E two triangles postulate. They and A angle ∆A ∆A AB BC is are each the similar have same in a by the right AA angle Establish 120 AE in fact, similar. triangles are similar, down the their ratios sides that are are equivalent. 20 Fill in the measures that you have and solve. DE 120DE = 20(124.8) 120DE = 2496 20.8 cm Each 2(20.8) = large triangle has a base of 20.8 cm, which means the 41.6 cm sources The radiation sources should be placed at least 41.6 cm away from each other to avoid radiation overexposure. 2 the propor tional. Write = 124.8 74 are, AC DE = triangles = AD DE the E Because = that each. Triangles of radiation need to be 41.6 cm away from each other. G E O M E T R Y Practice 1 Indicate that you A N D T R I G O N O M E T R Y 3 which used of to the following establish are pairs of similar triangles name the postulate similarity. B a and 30° D b E D A 89° 89° 7.5 cm 5 cm 60° 3 cm A F C E 4.5 cm F A c D 6 cm 4 cm D d 20 m A 36 cm 72 cm E F 58 m 104 m 40 m B 48 cm C E E 192 cm B D e C C f A B E E F D A 2 Indicate which similarity postulate measurement. where pairs of triangles you Show used your to in each diagram establish working and the are similar relationship. round your and Then answers to write nd the down the the missing nearest hundredth appropriate. M a A b 4 cm c P 5 m Q 5 cm R x O L N 3 m x cm 11.2 cm 10 m 8 cm B E x cm T S 14 cm D K C 10 cm Continued on next page 75 A d y e S R 2 ft 20 12 cm cm x C x D B E P Q 8 ft 16 cm 24 ft 3 Just as in Fermat’s light mathematics, principle behaves from this at angle, an states when will that reected principle. it principles The law reect o light o of a physics travels surface reection that a in surface According Show the c that was a supposedly when they is tall, measured of a know that b Find c Thales Try the this this George has a has of to this not of the would have be Find be reection) light hits a time. can be How derived reective surface of reection, on two a which copy of similar angles the will be diagram. triangles and state information could be used to nd the lamppost. the tall to the measuring height and solve At would a the the of know in Pythagoras. of Cheops himself. Thales, same to order to lamppost? Pyramid problem shadows. exactly of need teacher Great the you who time, he One was He was and, method 176 cm measured the Indicate the similar triangles and justify how you similar. until Pyramid to his helped use him and cm. as to triangles was the determine compare The calculated similar shadow isosceles the this how 160 cm. least used. philosopher out the results. 13 320 cm. have question, of triangle. to are right-angled hypotenuse set involved Great actually waited he useful angle. produces calculate priests of when these measurements situation. triangles have Triangles used pyramid height a him, shadow challenge George’s 2 his the did tell have diagram could how to the Draw He 7 6 said to Egyptian other requires law same you the mathematician, the refused he a Pairs asked that shadow 5 Greek this height actually Thales that law to that the Indicate how What the the Describe d 4 at lead path states postulate of a (called to congruent? b in often your triangle area dimensions of of by to same the Prita Prita’s nd of and has triangle George’s the length height answer and Thales. a is height as his the similar triangle. the height. pyramid. Explain pyramid. working four of with a triangle times the peer. which area of G E O M E T R Y Trigonometric Understanding angled triangles established The is relationships very This also is useful sine exist where T R I G O N O M E T R Y ratios Pythagoras’ Relationships angles. the A N D between in sides mathematics. theorem and between a the the the right principles of in You principle triangle’s right- have of similarity. sides trigonometry already and its begin. ratio B In triangles, while with the sides the angles are same are named letter generally using as the named lower angle case that is using upper letters. across A case side from is it, letters labeled as shown in diagram. Understanding triangles even is more a the very skills. relationships important You have between technique already the and sides leads established in to right-angled developing Pythagoras’ b C theorem and Activity 1 Using a having 2 the 7 The protractor one Measure Record – principle of the your the a acute lengths Triangle sine and results of of in draw angles the the two right A triangles. right-angled measuring hypotenuse rst two of side with ratio ruler, Measure opposite similarity rows 60 and of Measure (O) side table opposite like of hypotenuse of dierent sizes but both degrees. the a triangles O this + the 60° angle in your triangles. one. H O − H OH O H (H) 1 2 3 4 3 Share your 4 Explore results the with a peer relationships so that between you the have data hypotenuse for and four the right triangles. opposite side by carrying out the Pairs 5 dierent calculations. Examine your results. Add your Which results to calculations the table. produce observable patterns? What patterns do you observe? 6 Draw two right triangles each of which has a 45° angle. Then repeat steps 1 through 4. Continued on next page 77 7 What 8 With patterns a do partner, you notice discuss the in your patterns two you sets of both data? found. Explain. Take turns giving feedback by rst ATL2 asking questions comment. to Follow clarify that anything with a that isn’t suggestion for quite clear. Then, improvement, if give at least one positive appropriate. Pairs Reect and discuss 9 O ● Explain why the value of the ratio is always between 0 and 1. H ● What mathematical principle underlies the reason why the ratio O of is the same in some of your triangles? Explain. H Did you know...? Thankfully, you do not have to draw triangles in order to calculate the sine ratio for an angle. Technology can be used instead, although the technology has changed dramatically over the years. The slide rule (pictured right) was invented in the 17th century. This tool could perform calculations involving many mathematical operations, including nding the sine ratio. In the were use You 1970s, more an algorithm can triangles use to popular string to the but was the that the replaced more sine missing used it is that to kite the kite? a the slide user-friendly. rule. They Calculators ratio. sine ratio sides kite lightning unlikely wasn’t get Franklin, the Assuming was Franklin belief, Suppose fact principle: lightning, needed nd much is the and/or same in similar right angles. 4 Benjamin scientic the to calculators and calculate Example Q scientic powerful his string Round it that high a at key form his in height ew was a for the was an answer to discover electricity. was the air actually during of taut, the an important Contrary struck experiment. 1.75 m, angle completely your to of kite necessary kite whose and and is a above how high nearest by Franklin thunderstorm. attached 70° All to 16 m the o of horizontal. the ground hundredth. Continued 78 2 Triangles on next page G E O M E T R Y A N D T R I G O N O M E T R Y A Construct Label the the a measurements length Label the right-angled of the side string that you triangle. that and Be you sure know : Benjamin want to nd to the indicate angle Franklin’s with a the of right the kite angle. string, height. letter. k 16 m 70° 1.75 m opposite sin 70° = hypotenuse k sin 70° = Write the sine ratio with the information that you know. 16 16 sin 70° = k Isolate Make k sure calculator degree 15.04 = k Use your calculator to nd the value of mode! some calculators, enter + 1.75 m = 16.79 m Do not forget to add on Franklin’s height of the kite o is 16.8 m to 3 then to “sin 70” of the nd side the length to nd relates opposite length of the the of of a one an length given either other size the of angle angle. these and of the the You sides size given hypotenuse of the can as use long the the as angle. lengths of and sine you Is the it these length ratio know to would your nd ratio. others, ratio press s.f. sine sine rst the “sin” The number degrees and ground the you height. of The in k On 15.04 m your is the On you like type you write it in notebook. the possible two sides instead? 79 Example Q Planes to 5 use achieve actually principles ight. ying considerable Pilots can A plane amount of while involves a mathematics. some of computers the do most them. plane is 10 000 m. is physics However, the approximate calculations of of ying It at begins approximately from the angle of an altitude its descent of when it 191 000 m runway. What is the plane’s descent? A Construct sure to a right-angled indicate the right triangle. angle. Be Label 191 000 m the height of the plane and its distance 10 000 m from be Runway the runway. Indicate the angle to found. A opposite sin A = hypotenuse 10 000 Write the sine ratio with the information that you know. sin A = 191 000 1 = A = sin 10 191 000 plane’s angle Practice Use In order to nd the angle when you know the ratio, use –1 the arcsin, or sin , command on your to the calculator. 3.0° The 1 000 your of descent is 3.0° above the horizontal. 4 calculator to nd the given ratio. Round your answers nearest hundredth. a d sin 58° sin 30° b sin 12° c e sin 45° f sin 74° sin 62° Continued 8 0 2 Triangles on next page G E O M E T R Y 2 Use your answers a d 3 sin A sin A Find calculator to the to nearest = e ratios sin B and B a the tenth b = the nd size of a sin A = sin A sin C = in of the angle with the given A N D sine T R I G O N O M E T R Y ratio. Round your degree. 0.64 each of the sin A = f sin A = following 4 cm A b c 0.15 triangles. B Simplify all fractions. B c 52 20 3 cm C 5 cm A 48 15 17 cm C 8 cm A d C B e B f 15.9 cm B A 22 cm 35 m 4 m C A 30 m C A C 2 m 4 Find the missing a measurements. Round your answers b x to the nearest tenth. c 10 cm 17 cm 35° 8 cm 20° a 20 cm 15 cm a d e 25° θ x f 90 cm 54 cm 44 cm 5 cm 8 cm ? 72 cm Continued on next page 81 5 a Mesn safety 75 bought 6-meter regulations degrees reach a with with his state the ladder that ground. to are If you up want Give other trigonometric a ratios Activity 1 Use O the generalizes given two – like the Triangle A the marked) pairs The right (opposite), table (or between 8 of to paint be some murals placed maximum at height an at school. angle that of Ladder no Mesn more will be than able to triangles were the the are reach to reach These they to to developed a their height regulations, length nearest of high ladders half the tenth to of places can 4.5 m a but a when using length ladder the reach length what of solve need compact range fully a of ladder closed ladders enough heights. extended. extension when for that is ladder and set do round you your meter. ratios relationship angle and between the the side hypotenuse. Are there sides? cosine (adjacent) one the anywhere. closed, answer opposite to should enough according need? ratio is ladders long store When sine ladder What Extension that The order ladder? b Other the in and with and H a 60° tangent angle that (hypotenuse). ratios you constructed Measure and in record Activity these 8. side Label the lengths sides, in a below. Length opposite of side Length (O) of hypotenuse (H) Length adjacent of (A) A O H A 1 2 3 4 Continued 8 2 2 Triangles on next page G E O M E T R Y 2 Share 60° your results with a peer so that you have data for four right A N D triangles, T R I G O N O M E T R Y each with a angle. 3 Calculate 4 Repeat drew the steps in ratios 1 What patterns 6 Research Reect the the through Activity 5 in for two right columns. triangles What do you notice? containing a 45 ° two data? angle. You may use the ones you 8. do you names and 4 last notice of between these discuss two your sets of Explain. ratios. 10 A ● Explain why the value of is always between 0 and 1. H O ● Describe ● What any limitations on the value of A are mathematical the same in principle certain right underlies triangles? the reason why these ratios Explain. Some use people the acronym SOHCAHTOA remember to the three fundamental The three trigonometric ratios relate the side lengths in any right trigonometric triangle, where angle A is not the right angle. ratios. opposite sin A = hypotenuse adjacent cos A = hypotenuse opposite tan A = adjacent You can solve problems with all these generalized relationships. Feel If you know relevant two ratio to measures solve for a in a right third triangle, you measurement. can use the up free with to come your memory own aid! 83 Example Q 6 In the past, it was extremely dicult for people in a wheelchair or pushing a stroller to access buildings with steps up to the entrance. To solve this problem, wheelchair ramps were developed. Many countries now have strict guidelines for wheelchair ramps so that the angle of the ramp is not too steep. The most states common that for regulation every horizontal distance maximum of angle of a 1 12 the meter. wheelchair meters ramp What of can is the rise a maximum ramp? A Sketch A a right-angled triangle. Be sure to indicate the right 1 m angle. Label the lengths of the sides. Indicate the angle to 12 m be opposite found. You have the lengths of the opposite and the adjacent sides tan A = adjacent to the angle you want to nd, so use the tangent ratio. 1 tan A = Write the tangent ratio with the information that you know. 12 −1 tan −1 ( tan A) = tan 1 Remember 12 same that operation solving on equations both sides. The involves per forming opposite the of “tangent ” is 1 “arctan” . 1 A = tan The is a the enough angle? In protractor. theodolite of to lengths to do. measure measure angles You build 8 4 the in Triangles of sides class, both use order your summative 2 wheelchair of own right use might a tool have a the clinometer, for seems measure used level and called task you transit calculate assessment triangle do horizontal a to a how you surveyors professionals in a However, geometry Land is denoted as tan Make angle arctan 12 Forestry can calculator 4.8°. Measuring simple a 4.8° maximum ramp an = On A 1 or a vertical angles. clinometer height which this of you unit. a to tree. will use sure your calculator is in degree mode. G E O M E T R Y Activity You can 9 – you T R I G O N O M E T R Y Clinometer download thisapp, A N D view a free the clinometer desired app object instead along the of making edge of the your one phone in this and activity. read the Using angle on thescreen. To a make small your own weight clinometer, and a you photocopy will of a need the following materials: cardboard, string, a straw, protractor. tape straw 0 6 0 08 tape 0 8 tape back) 0 4 (on 0 6 2 0 0 4 0 2 0 weight string weight 1 Search 2 Glue the protractor onto the cardboard and then cut around it so there is no excess cardboard. 3 Pierce 0° 4 Tie 6 Tape To is of the Read to eye the to bottom. the below protractor the the the end and of hole and Print it and cardboard tie protractor the cut at it the out. midpoint of the line connecting a knot when in you it or hold stick it it with in place the with tape. horizontal Make edge at sure the top. string. protractor clinometer, The whose angle your how trigonometry 10 the protractor”. along the line between 0° and 180°. is the It will cover the hole previously. object Measure your “printable through hangs straw between 9 string your the the a through weight made use at the string the you hole for 180°. Thread 5 8 a and some 7 online on to weight height the angle far hold nd so that should you are clinometer. and your it 90° feet the – are from height of hang trying To take the horizontal vertically to obtain the the the edge down. at Look top and through the the curved straw at edge the top calculate. the absolute edge of object. angle value the of of the this object. Remember object, the dierence dierence. Draw to nd add a diagram on your and own use height up to level. Compare your value with that of a peer, especially if he/she used the clinometer app. 8 5 Practice 1 Find the 5 value of each trigonometric ratio. Round your answers to the nearest thousandth. a 2 3 cos 62° Find the a tan A a For b size of = b this tan 17° the angle cos A triangle, fractions where sin B c sin 88° with = c nd the given cos A each of d e trigonometric = the tan 34° d tan A following cos 29° f sin 44° ratio. = e cos A trigonometric = ratios. necessary. 0.41 f tan A Simplify = 3.42 your A cos A tan B 24 cm sin A cos B tan C C 4 b Explain A ladder wishes ruler. is to leaning nd She cos B the = sin C against vertical measures a She measures a From this information, Show your you use step a verify Janine She is that her worried its base eyes head. between 20 is to that angle the top The the ladder which 15 cm of the determine B 30 cm cos C the up a known ladder the string the has reaches ladder to vertical be length and but drops of 3 m. she a Cassandra only piece of has a 15 cm string to the 10.6 cm. height to which the ladder reaches. her hit from be method you didn’t use in her to home measure if it falls the in height a big of the storm, tree and near has her house. measured top of distance and Janine’s to the tall. the clinometer tree Use from 1.80 m eyes trigonometry? clinometer may away is or answer. horizontal from of it 18 m Janine’s the use 10 cm The meters. length = The to of triangles your Janine are wall. height the similar going house. Her her is a sin B working. Did to and distance ground. b 5 why the is measures eye 40 tree level 40° to degrees. 20 m 10 cm a Find the b Should height of the tree. 1.80 m the tree your Janine hitting be worried her house? about Justify answer. Continued 8 6 2 Triangles on next page G E O M E T R Y The put in a of pile. repose this conical of pile radius In is of easier to break component of physics Suppose 25 m/s Find the object’s can an at and in of as What is the object up the then be travels angle of horizontal steep 40 and as angle travels at into to with is of a dry, a the this it. material material science make of loose will is slide. experiment, The pile is stable you 11 cm In when snowy create high a and has sand? it horizontal both The 25 m/s principles ver tical component directions. with vertical can angle, velocity degrees For repose an a which exceeded, you component. applied at avalanche. motion vertical angle repose an is object an angle that an a steepest result sand when the the can 16 cm. physics, is When mountains, a 7 angle T R I G O N O M E T R Y (speed) the of 40° ground. components of horizontal component the velocity. assessment – The creation of ags i t er i r Formative c Do you know the story behind your country’s ag? A ag can reveal n 6 A N D much C,D about a process analyse design The country’s or the one Union How do already United scientic Union of you solve their the the or (the culture. maybe ag of a How are combination the United Irish Union designed? of both? Kingdom) a the of the Cross problem own of of individual three of English St the rather a of (The than St Jack, with some for them that George, Welsh a ag Add countries Cross Patrick. principality creating ags? ag In Is this this before three all a creative task, you attempting countries together! came the was separate + The ags will to own. ags Kingdom: considered one Jack your and Jack have combines and a history The together Scottish not to form Cross included, that Union of as Jack the St Andrew Wales was kingdom.) + of its dimensions, is shown on the next page. Continued on next page 87 6 cm 10 cm 2 cm 6 cm 2 cm 10 cm 6 cm 2 cm 25 cm a Using your and angles. Design Did your you b You that will current the an that now ags your of the similar 25 cm triangles, measurements your of Pythagoras’ the blue theorem triangles. and Give side lengths working. ag the Olympic rings include colours from the ag of every participates? Olympic Use nd Show own know country 6 cm knowledge trigonometry, 2 cm design that a you rings and knowledge aesthetically ag of have it of your seen. should own. Your have Pythagoras’ pleasing ag. Show Feel ag a free must height to take contain that is inspiration colours one theorem and all dimensions of the half of trigonometry and from that its to all are in length. achieve of your working. c Explain the elements d With a story of your partner, behind your ag and why you have chosen the colours and ag. look at each other’s ag and the supporting work. Take ATL2 turns giving quite clear. suggestion Then, for Pairs 8 8 2 feedback Triangles give by rst at least improvement, asking one if questions positive to clarify comment. appropriate. anything Follow that that with isn’t a Unit summary Pythagoras’ theorem states that b c a where the A is and length triangle an and A a an the the is said copy angles exact are is the lengths are Similarity to of be the congruent the other. exactly said to must the be be of be same the to established Two AA Angle–Angle two SAS Side–Angle–Side the to of a Side–Side–Side the another have right triangle triangle exactly another the one The same and c is if the one same triangle length triangle if one corresponding size. The sides triangle angles of is in similar another. using any triangles are one lengths of lengths two and of all of similar corresponding proportional SSS legs size. other. exactly Postulates to Sides similar proportional can of hypotenuse enlargement triangles triangles are of exact triangle b angles the if three … are congruent. corresponding the postulates included sides angle corresponding is sides are congruent. are proportional. If The then three between fundamental the sides of a trigonometric right ratios establish relationships triangle. B hypotenuse opposite A C adjacent 8 9 t e ri o c n r i Unit Key to review Unit review Level 1–2 1 Explain A question levels: Level 3–4 how Pythagoras’ the Level 5–6 diagram below can be Level 7–8 used to prove theorem. a c b 2 Are the down following the similar pairs of triangles triangles and the similar? If similarity D are, postulate A a they write used. A b E 74° 58° 55° B C D C B 55° 47° E F A c D d A 21 B 12 35 25 C E C 15 B E F D 9 0 2 Triangles 20 A e A 3 6 2 5 C C 4 B 8 B 3 Find the your answers a d 4 value of to the the nearest tan 50° sin 8° Find ratio. the measure Round of your following sin 38° e cos 71° angle answers to with the 5 a cos A 5 tan A Find b a cos 75° f tan 26° given size of e the Round nearest trigonometric tenth of a degree. tan A 4 = c sin A = 3 =1.15 the the c 4 = 8 d ratios. hundredth. b the trigonometric sin A = unknown 9 0.89 side in f each cos A = 0.71 triangle. b C x 8 21 15 B 15 x A c x d 12.2 7 15 17.3 x 91 6 Write in down each Round pair your the are similarity similar. answers to postulate Then 3 nd the proves missing the triangles measurement. s.f. B a that B b E 8 24 16 x 21 A C D x F 16 A C 18 c z 8 40° 12 10 110° 40° 5 x y 7 Find the value right triangles. of the indicated measure in each b a of the following c d x 18 x 9 cm K 8 cm 34° 28 53° θ 45 5 cm 9 2 2 Triangles 8 In ancient Egypt, boundaries process Land they surveyors lines Find Their length of Find distance c (0, (4, –2) 4) and and (–2, is underneath a In deep very old volcanic heavier the and ooded, An to it often accurate re-establish Pythagoras’ a the theorem drawn by to erased the surveying property verify calculating lines. that how long plate process line is in the diagonal if the where pair the (–5, d (–10, a shape of of rectangle. sides the of the a property a a directly depth two of plates points. 1) plate. on and –3) heavier depending zones, of b continental formed of the each 8) reaches boundary that is 6) shallow, is line property subduction arc, property 55 m. lighter or a between (–3, Subduction either order property 48 m the in correctly occupy measure a 10 the Nile be. farmers rectangle. used were the landowners. necessary should Two 9 between was property when The the 100 km. also (–7, A of range, point 1) plate process angle mountain is and –8) oceanic the above (3, can be subduction. called where deep plunges a the trench along formed. c r a c i n l a c o V h c n e r T Continental crust Oceanic A volcanic the arc is located a horizontal crust distance of 250 km from trench. a Draw b Find a diagram the nearest angle tenth and of of a indicate subduction. any relevant Round your information. answer to the degree. 9 3 11 An isosceles 5 cm 12 long. triangle has the perpendicular b the area to must and make Find the of back ground, a of owners their base of 6 cm and its equal sides are Calculate: a The a a an how of the triangle triangle. house porch to height want with comply angle long replace ramp. with of the a to 4.8 The slope of the steps porch building degrees the is 1 leading meter regulations, with the ramp the up o the ramp ground. will be. Show your working. b Find start 13 Airport the of cloud horizontal the ramp. of The is airplanes. cloud visible. allowed to distance Show meteorologists safety ceiling. not the If the take your keep One ceiling or an is eye the the porch and the working. thing cloud o between on they is weather watch lowest ceiling the is altitude too low, the at to ensure cloud which the solid planes are land. Weather office Angle Searchlight One at process night from the her shine from the how The spot to is take of Triangles into to located the height on land the height? the of use that the to is nd of from light cloud a Then light the on the located clouds. spot 40 m spot cloud or can searchlight oce the o light minimum 2 is minimum safely 9 4 the angle high a vertically searchlight If b to meteorologist oce angle The a is a on xed she the ceiling distance measures cloud. oce. the cloud is 38 degrees, ceiling? of is the cloud 305 m. cloud when ceiling What the is for the cloud planes angle ceiling to is to the at the 14 During and a solar Earth eclipse, and considerably covers smaller. the the Moon Sun How is passes almost this between entirely, the Sun despite being possible? 150 000 000 km d 3476 km m 384 400 km a Label the similar b On triangles. and indicate average, the 150 000 000 km is 3476 km Use this almost 15 A the Earth from while the information all television Write of the Sun down similarity is the Sun. of an made from the Sun why that that the diameter determine during manufacturer The triangles postulate 384 400 km diameter to the is the are you Moon of the used. and Moon 1 400 000 km. Moon covers eclipse. the following claim in an advertisement: “Our of a a 80-inch 55-inch Show Show an TV, that double b AQUOS the that aspect for an an TV delivers amazing 80-inch screen this ratio of viewing television area claim more of is 16 : 9. a than can even (Aspect the screen area experience.” 55-inch true double if deliver more than television. both ratio is televisions have length:width) 9 5 16 In order to describe astronomers our Sun at coordinate a Write use the in a the down Find the answers the c 9 6 i Polaris ii Alpha iii Sirius Find 2 stars to the Triangles (0, form the 0, (x, 0). y, of celestial All bodies, coordinate other objects system are with given a z). distance formula for a pair of coordinates. distance following locations three-dimensional origin 3-dimensional b the between (distances nearest (99.6, (–3.4, distance given in and light each of years). the Round 376.0) (–1.8, –3.1, Sun tenth. 28.2, Centauri our 0.0, 3.9) 7.3) from Polaris to Alpha Centauri. your i e t r i c Summative a r assessment C, D Measuring In this task, be measured dierent your The an base You and and of will then the interest the height calculate reect on usefulness the is so to Your around of of its object height how of an the that using accurate cannot three you think methods. it that whose chosen and object you you which you can object must is height be needs able directly measure would to to have access under the be its dicult some a at, point maximum horizontal distance to object. objects mountain highest is that the calculate directly. This Suitable It are object ground height. A easily. answers the the will methods measure level at you immeasurable object Find to the would include not work a tree, since a you building, can’t be a agpole, directly etc. under its point.) very the might important points same level from as that the which the base object you of is take the not on your a sloping surface measurements are so all on object. 97 Method a 1 Standing measure the b you c a the Use the the angle you Draw took Use meters to the the the a away clinometer object. object you the and are a using are object Next the to measure clinometer. standing and indicate from the the place where measurements on from of the two are the to to the its the of the object. object points not angle to the top of the base. object. Be from allowed and sure measure to which to the measure you took the your measure/know how object. represent to add from towards measurements method the and the the calculate the Reect in and ● Describe ● Explain height object, places measurements the of the height the of you themselves. the clinometer where object. to your result. How height the if you could may similar use one triangles of the to calculate methods that the has unit. discuss or not accuracy answers? applies You this whether the of that object. described How height 3 third answer the measure away the trigonometry Method to You diagram the of calculate top between Remember ● far of represent to point measurements. been of measurement, a few distance height to clinometer a a top use 2 Move Use object, the how trigonometry from new c to bottom diagram object far the diagram. Method b angle measure took Use a to from object. Draw the the angle Finally, the away close of do object? have you your your you (Feel access improve answers results. think free to to that your make Did you all are methods to compare sense. nding your give the results similar actual to the real information.) results? Continued 9 8 2 Triangles on next page ● How is the process for nding the heights of objects useful in real life? ● Which such ● Do method as Mount scientic lead to would be Everest? principles scientic best to measure the height of an object Explain. lead principles? to good solutions or do good solutions Explain. 9 9 3 Modeling on Earth study a Linear with and wide Identities linear the functions eects range and of of can help human topics, from relationships you activity sports understand on this the planet. competitions to the What the the and the does it speed course even that and competitions, archery can be predicted. some time to 10 0 or of become have The could the help such skiing graphed, relationships of all the as analysed study of become train next the and elements greatest you of in linear a study races your great of all quest athlete. take to How also of life help society. win fast constant of the or race? graphically contest, same rowing, could competition information jump, future Olympics? their long it relationships Teams Other interconnectedness However, event. and the are 100 m race sprinters? does it change Representing can predict help future to at Is over this analyse times in the Fairness Imagining What and do the a we hopeful the can tools At same indicate gray In useful the a the in rights sexual the there have that could race and been has make being gap from for positive between cholera a have and the back species, Linear snow from but leopard the there brink is relationships of hope can be recovery. men and fairer falcon, come many trends all all mistakes. and for Analysing imagine peregrine our decline recognized religion. to of the They endangered up some wage deaths you alligator, common? patterns The and allow in activity these increasingly orientation, have trend future. mean American all human studying brighter relationships the crane past, time, are future wolf, reverse breakthroughs and development whooping extinction. that and in our and cancer women are humans, for lives is all that dramatically these seem decreasing, regardless describing future daily of medical decreasing, gender, trends inhabitants to of with the linear planet. 101 3 Linear Impact KEY CONCEPT: Related Global In this on our you unit, will As that explore you trends. and Change, the These of decision-making Models, Representation human your data our study and patterns planet behaviour of globalization modeling can and then how aects all and relationships help our you to aspects can and life sustainability, help understand decisions of you the actions impact environment. Statement Representing determine how extend analyzing interconnectedness others human RELA TIONSHIPS concepts: you see determine of context: planet. will relationships of Inquiry patterns the impact of of change human as relationships decision-making can on help the environment. Objectives ● Representing dierent ● Inquiry linear relationships in relationship the characteristics (gradient, of a Graphing of ● linear is a y -intercept) What is slope? How relationships using a What the relationship and perpendicular Applying mathematical using a linear makes does strategies to affect changing a good representation? human the decision-making environment? solve How problems represent lines D ● you between How parallel can relationships? variety methods Understanding pattern? linear C ● What F ways Determining questions are we model decisions? held accountable for our A LG E B R A Thinking: A TL1 thinking Identify obstacles A TL2 Critical- Research: literacy skills and Locate, challenges organize, synthesize and information Y ou 1 should Draw a Draw the already graph restrict with a following your know how restricted graphs. diagram to Be the to: Media skills analyze, ethically from a variety and media (including and online networks) 5 Isolate a variable Isolate y in each evaluate, use of of digital the sources social media following. domain sure to 6x − 5y = 2(y 11 − 5) = 8x given 1 values y x of − 4 (x = + 3) 2 y 2x, = 2 ≤ x ≤ y 8 = x + 3, 4 ≤ x ≤ 10 6 2 Identify the properties of Use properties solve and of similar triangles to parallelograms problems squares Identify the triangles that are similar. What are the properties of parallelograms? Find What are the properties of the side lengths marked x and y squares? E B 3 Substitute values into an expression. b nd the 16 If a = 4 and = −2, value of the 24 following: 3a + D 4b −a + 5b −3a − x F 6b H A 4 Solve equations fractions, (including square 21 C root, 5 squares) K J y Solve the following equations. 10 2 6x − 7 = 11 2x = 8 G 15 I 10 3 Introducing The Greek constant does and, The of it if philosopher thing mean so, type in to life be does of change that constant will produce always predictable change world, from build-up human a in relationships the is called in the are other found of a greenhouse activity future the one was change the a said that he talking occur can the at be a only about? What constant rate predicted? rate linear variable corresponding, eruptions of that once What Can where change Linear to change. mean Any the is relationship is relationships Heraclitus constant? relationship. to linear and the variable. all over the volcano gases foods due we consume. Representing graphically you to linear and model discover and relationships algebraically real-life reect will situations on the both allow and A opportunities cow releases mainly and tensions that result from by unit, you assess will the What does ● Where ● Given do an 10 4 3 are it a better of position too action actions that the example a held the so animals we raise on on that humankind some and patterns the can be how only support actions on accountable Linear relationships your occurring the people constant a local for at of or your a thing in the world is answer. constant others even rate aect on a decisions? in you your life? directly. national level. (a largest farms. 1 to change of by methane late. discuss see is to take is of This this to example you end decision-making an you the of mean Give Consider How it and change? ● and before Reect ● in impact environment changed be By liters worldwide livestock interconnectedness. 400 burping. greenhouse amount gas) released a day, by all the A LG E B R A Linear When one a a is relationships relationship often previous rate of What followed course change are dierent the is exists by that a a the between change graph straight line. characteristics ways that they can of be Representing linear Linear can which relationships are explored Activity 1 Look at 1 the – the Justify in of the a This is other. called a a You change have with linear relationships a in seen in constant relationship. and what are the represented? relationships represented in dierent ways, some of activity. representations representations. your variables, relationship linear next Multiple following relationship. a in be two Write down those that represent the same reasoning. y (0, b c 1) (0, y d 0) 8 15 6 (1, 4) (1, 2) (2, 7) (2, 4) (3, 10) (3, 6) 10 4 5 2 x 0 x 0 2 4 6 5 10 1 e “Though it had 10% battery life left, Brice’s phone was % losing every hour.” 2 f “The temperature was 0 °C and is increasing by g i 2 °C every hour.” h x 0 2 4 6 x 0 1 2 3 4 y 10 9 8 7 y 1 4 7 10 13 “Starting with one bacterium, the y number of bacteria (0, 10) (4, 8) (6, 7) (8, 6) is increasing by 3 every minute.” 10 5 x 0 5 10 15 20 Continued on next page 10 5 2 Describe the 3 Describe how 4 Why Each your you is choice of it – faucet certainly time. water 1 2 On that appropriate has and may linear a to use will you are seem if demonstrates name much up relationships for advantages what not add average, its one How can ways representation which analyzing leaking of an representation are but each “linear” Activity A dierent like a trying leave faucet it on to waste linear relationship. relationship? the a of unxed 15 same represented. and information achieve. does drips of be disadvantages depend huge the type and water you leaking this can leaking faucet waste? water, for a period milliliters of perminute. Represent table like values x y up this the to pattern one a with below, a table using maximum of 10 of values. 1-minute Create intervals a for the x minutes. (minutes) 0 1 2 (milliliters) 0 15 2 Represent the pattern as a set of 3 Represent the pattern as a graph 3 4 5 coordinates. for these values of x and y: 0 ≤ x ≤ 10, 0 ≤ y ≤ 200 (Please use a ruler when connecting the points.) 4 Represent the water wasted 5 Show that 6 Set up much 7 Most a What table from a a description, ● Name ● Which 10 6 3 one a verbal and representation showing use be the 110 that discuss linear table pattern of representation and do Linear relationships in time give linear the of been of the (measured the same water leaking of in a for a in intervals amount relationship course relationship but of between of 10 wasted using weeks like in each coordinates, one bath. one How year? many Show you representation prefer? of Explain. amount of water after 1 as time interval. baths your the each could be working. (verbal graph)? disadvantage the minutes). hour. How year? 2 look values, advantage will liters has description the same wasted about faucet and does as millilitres) would people Reect ● each water water pattern (in representation. lled using the A LG E B R A In Activity increase and, generate line a graph. linear 2, you were from table of These are but It to a verbal information values, relationship. relationships, the given all is be a set of able to given, you coordinates important essential description to of were and not move only of these to straight- a recognize between constant able a representations a linear dierent representations. Practice 1 Match label a 1 each graph (including to the units) appropriate for the axes in verbal each description. Then state the appropriate question. y y b 10 10 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 x 1 c 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 y 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 y d 10 10 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Continued on next page 10 7 e y 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 i After fell by When iii To iv 3 new ii are 2 1 5 per 7 taking charged $1 part a a in a 9 every you hour 10 level deforested car, per 8 the million replanting take 6 regulations, part avoid You 4 of in the soil, which was 10 parts per million, year. area hire after lead a from seed, pedi-cab the that new has an plants initial grow cost 2 of cm $3 each and month. then you that. walk-a-thon for Earth Day and are pledged €2 plus €0.50 per km walked. v In an mass week 2 For eort of to your garbage because each reduce of your waste, one you week new decide was to 8 kg reduce, but it has reuse, been recycle and decreasing compost. by 1 kg the following a represent the pattern as a set b represent the pattern as a graph c describe tables of of values: coordinates with axes labelled correctly See for situation that every habits. of a The could be represented by the question examples 1 of linear situations. pattern. x y x y y x 0 9 −6 −3 −5 7 1 11 −3 −2 0 2 2 13 0 −1 6 −4 3 15 3 0 10 −8 Continued 10 8 3 Linear relationships on next page A LG E B R A 3 The increase reduce the our cost of demand emission which aordable (A in to has more kilowatt-hour, uses 1kWh every of of for been In is The 2010, a unit price run on gases. dropping kWh, energy.) that greenhouse people. or cars of so Electric cost of energy. these a or cars dramatically the of electricity solar run that on they lithium-ion A 1000-watt batteries has power lithium-ion are battery was batteries, more $1000/kWh. used decreasing to by for 1 hour $125/kWh year. a Represent this b Represent the pattern as a set c Represent the pattern as a graph. pattern with a table of of values from 2010 until the current year. coordinates. State your domain and justify The your domain is the boundaries. set d begun becoming appliance been has Represent the pattern as a verbal description of the of all x-values. linear relationship. e What the 4 Think of a think will continue real life eventually forever? situation that this b Represent the pattern as a set c Represent the pattern as a graph. d Represent the pattern as a verbal e Make A give daily not Set 5 b c up a to that each table type there e What of most of high- the a on for table of your 670 of lithium-ion batteries? Will thinking. your as a linear of relationship given relationship. how trend make tonnes in the the and and justify linear show your boundaries. relationship. that each representation domain. to tonnes of domain description have 2030, representation price values. low-income this the expressed State represent year if of million million to be your to coordinates your people and country is of what food to are low-income total amount do with wasted food each that year they in high- countries. of food wasted over the next countries. many tonnes of food would be wasted in total continues? the linear relationship help you to nd the answer 5b? anything are 630 values and your question Is result and both now does d based Approximately for Between How same countries years in the decision eat. income a prediction with can Represent a pattern happen Explain a do ATL1 you pattern will 5 do the about obstacles the and question or challenges your answers preventing that people surprises from not you? Explain. wasting food? 10 9 Characteristics Linear them relationships relates Rate An is of to its Constant have linear very steepness relationships specic of the characteristics graph while which others are help dene specic them. points on One the of graph. change important that the of rate rate property of of of change change a is line is its rate of change. The denition of a linear relationship constant. (linear relationship) Time Ozone (years) (DU) 0 100 1990 120 10 1100 1 104 1995 111 11 1500 2 108 2000 102 13 2300 3 112 2005 93 15 3100 4 116 2010 84 19 4700 24 6700 Air quality Population Area of forest Year 3 NOT constant rate Time of (μg/m change (non-linear 2 ) (millions) cut(km ) relationship) Year e-waste Population Population Population (years) (millions (billions) (billions) of (millions) tonnes) 0 7 1 65 5.2 70 6.1 75 6.5 80 7.2 8 2 10 3 13 4 17 85 Reect and discuss 1804 1 1927 2 1959 3 1974 4 1987 5 1999 6 2011 7 7.4 3 The ● Based on the above examples, explain what it means to have rate change constant ● In which you able rate of is tell was that the the rate rate of change was less obvious? How were constant? referred to slope gradient of the or line. measure ● How does having a constant Explain with an rate of change allow you to 3 Linear relationships It the is a the make example. line. 110 as of steepness predictions? often change. example you of a of the A LG E B R A linear relationships calculate it? What have does 1 constant rate of change, how do you mean? – Gradient of a line i t er i r Investigation it a c Incandescent bulb very 1 light a will more An 2 to and and will bulb it between that Choose any two and in y change in x two a by that three times of make table the the it will sense? in on joules a and The in of line make slope the used by the bulb for the showing the rst graph. a is triangle the horizontal the and line nd change in distance you the drew in slope. the and step What vertical is dened as 1. do you Explain. the line bulbs the points of line the the and slope on points of of energy change shown pairs bulb longer! but number a incandescent as 60 W distances. the of You Represent on points set from decreased, Choose the using points other third changing usage on. vertical electricity planet. Determine Does Choose on divided change Choose is B are one-sixth money, joules is it notice? 5 10 that minute . By the uses 20 light they bulb. regular last you more (LED) your relationship distance 4 to uses second much which also standard However, diode save benecial horizontal 3 use bulb, only the years. replace LED not LED every were 150 emitting 10 W power This be a choose with the bulbs almost inecient than can for n If on to graph the and LED verify bulbs, your conclusion Maryam’s in step 3. electricity below. line and calculate the gradient. y 3000 2750 )J( y grenE 2500 2250 x 0 1 2 3 4 Number 5 of replaced 6 7 8 9 10 bulbs Continued on next page 111 6 How was one? 7 Does Based a the line on this your when Verify your of make work, you coordinates 8 slope of this sense? write know the rule line dierent the slope of the previous Explain. down two than a points formula on it. to Use calculate variables the to gradient represent of the points. for a pair of points on each graph in this investigation. 9 Justify why Reect ● What your formula and do you works. discuss think is the 4 gradient change ● Why is the slope of a diculties denition a would horizontal rather you in line? y line change What of in if in x change in y than x encounter Explain. change you ? used the second instead? rise ● The gradient is sometimes said to be . Does this make sense? run Explain. ● Which line gradient Parallel Two a or of However, thatare two In a line a gradient perpendicular relationships equations. specic parallel with of 5 or a line with a Explain. linear linear to This cases each other together will that lines be are and the are referred focus important lines that parallel lines of Unit here are to are as 7. lines perpendicular to another. Reect ● steeper, −5? and more system each is of pairs, and discuss perpendicular discuss the 5 meaning of and the meaning of lines. Pairs ● How do you think the gradients of parallel ● How do you think the gradients of perpendicular Explain. 112 3 Linear relationships lines compare? lines Explain. compare? A LG E B R A – Parallel and perpendicular lines i t er i o 2 r Investigation following diagram shows a n c The parallelogram. B y 12 (2, 10) (8, 10) 10 8 6 (0, (6, 6) 6) 4 2 x 0 2 1 What 2 Prove of 3 its are that properties the diagram of is a 6 8 10 parallelogram? actually a parallelogram by calculating the slopes sides. Write The the 4 a generalization following diagram about shows the a gradients of parallel lines. square. y 15 (2, 12) (8, 10) 10 (0, 6) 5 (6, 4) x 0 5 4 What 5 You you know Write 7 Verify 8 the properties that determine 6 one are a angles how the generalization your more Justify the a your of 15 square? in a square slopes about generalizations example why of 10 of the are all gradients about right perpendicular parallel of angles. lines Use perpendicular and this to help compare. lines. perpendicular lines using each. generalizations make sense. 1 13 Reect ● Were and your discuss initial perpendicular 6 conjectures lines about the slopes of parallel and correct? Pairs ● Given why that what the you gradient found of out a line about is a the measure of gradients its of steepness, parallel lines explain makes sense. ● Danika is says: always “The −1.” Is product she of correct? the gradients of two perpendicular lines Explain. Intercepts Other important These are the (x-intercept) not the that points and only passes characteristics the types y-axis of through where the a line linear passes (y-intercept). graphs or of that touches have the x- y relationship through Graphs x- and and of or are linear has intercepts. touches the x-axis relationships y-intercepts. y-axes its Any these are graph intercepts. y y-intercept y-intercept x-intercept x-intercepts x x Linear Non -l ine a r 3 – Finding intercepts i t er i r Investigation For each of x-intercept the and graphs the y a below, write y-intercept. b down the Summarize y coordinates your c results y B table. y d 8 10 4 6 6 5 2 4 4 x 0 2 2 x 0 –2 a the 8 –5 –4 in of 2 x 0 –6 –4 –2 2 –5 –2 –10 –4 –15 –6 x 0 –2 5 n c 1 2 Continued 114 3 Linear relationships on next page A LG E B R A 2 characteristic do all 3 x-intercepts have in common? What What characteristic do all How can you use y-intercepts have in common? your result from step 2 to nd the x- and y-intercept in the following equation? 2x 3y + = 6 2 4 Show (0, 2) that and a relationship (0, dened A relationship your 6 answer Generalize a relationship 7 Generalize 8 Verify your is by dened using method given a relationship + y = 4 x-intercepts has at −2). 2 5 2 x by its method given its method by an for x 2 y + online = 4. Find graphing nding its tool y-intercepts. like Verify Desmos. the x- and y-intercepts of a the x- and y-intercepts of a graph. for nding equation. by nding the x- and y-intercepts for the 3 relationship 9 In Justify linear why For condition when of in watering as a 3 – small per gardens is load uses often activity has been electricity zero is bulbs (see named page wasted usage (see with LED 106), when pages the no initial the initial time has 111–112), bulbs, she is using like water near a house Australia from these even toilet a where tanks some and is popular water can be household washing the shortages used for applications laundry if installed. rainwater many −16. day. and the = y-intercept water tanks water 2y faucet Saving countries The how no replaced ushing plumbing If as − works. the leaking rainwater occur. such 0, energy Installing can method Maryam’s has Activity decision the was For she 3000 J your 4x by relationships, condition. passed. dened loads 50 L of of tank holds laundry 2000 L can be and done is if currently an full, average water? x (number of loads) y (liters remaining in tank) 0 2000 Continued on next page 115 1 2 Represent this Represent the Plot 3 the the (y-intercept) Write 5 How 6 a last 7 in tank in For one graph: extend change can of 0 ≤ the and condition be values. x ≤ line state using washed number many of weeks obstacle and home school. 50, on the 0 ≤ your initial y ≤ 2000. graph using a ruler. condition coordinates. before the tank is empty? loads of would laundry the your rainwater household from a full does tank or one challenge to installing a rainwater 2 whether those table household? your Indicate a a scenario. initial the How Practice 1 the as then of this with working. your Identify rate loads your week. and in Approximate in ATL1 down many Show pattern points Calculate 4 pattern that the are relationship linear, nd the a rate of in each table is linear x 32 9 78 14 37 10 72 16 42 12 60 18 47 16 36 22 0 52 c d y x non-linear. y 12 20 or change. b y x represented x y 2 33 −2 0 5 36 1 9 8 24 4 18 11 48 8 30 14 60 13 45 ↔ 2 Find the slope of each line a A(−3, −8) and B (12, 10) b A(10, 24) and B (−5, 18) c A(1, −20) and B ( d A(14, 1) and B (−7, e A(−7, 5) and B (3, , AB −2) 11) 5) Continued 116 3 Linear relationships on next page A LG E B R A 3 Are the lines shown on the grid below perpendicular? Justify youranswer. y 8 6 4 2 x 0 –2 2 4 6 8 10 –2 4 You you want are to given a Draw b Where Verify the these Draw that a square on coordinates three should square? c draw points the the you point have Cartesian A (−5,1), on fourth the a and be label chosen B (−4,4), Cartesian point the C (−1, plane and 3). grid. placed it coordinate in order to make the D correct point using two dierent methods. 5 Find the x- and (There may a 5x 6y d y be y-intercepts more than of the following relationships. one.) 2 − = 30 b y = e 3x −3x + 11 c = f 2x − 4y = 18 –5 2 = x + 10 2 + 2y 24 7 6 The countries rising of the greenhouse carbon dioxide European gas (CO levels ), one by of Union made setting the most the targets decision for prevalent the to tackle emission greenhouse of gases. 2 The target CO emission levels for vehicles in 2015 depended on 2 the weight of the vehicle and followed a linear 2015 Weight of vehicle pattern. 2020 CO emissions Weight of vehicle CO 2 The (g/km) (kg) 1300 125 1500 1800 150 1800 targets parallel to for that 2020 of are the emissions 2 (kg) even 2015 more ambitious, (g/km) 100 though the line is targets. Continued on next page 1 17 a Represent the b Determine 2015 the targets rate of on change a graph. of the linear relationship. Explain its meaning in this context. c Using the targets, fact represent emissions d ATL1 7 What In a a are target the previous exactly the Show that the for 2020 2020 2020 challenges unit, same that the you size targets for of trying A, their B and relationship on the vehicles determined and triangles linear to with set that same a two are parallel graph mass targets on of a triangles corresponding C is similar sides to the that of 2015 the 2015 targets to nd the 1800 kg. continent-wide are are each as to similar if scale? their angles are proportional. other. y 6 4 A 2 B –4 x 0 C –6 –2 2 4 6 –2 –4 b Explain how constant rate Algebraic linear You have verbal 118 3 is change triangles (that the can slope representations seen how with a you the is focus can graph, description. representations which of similar help One the of a of represent of table, the algebraic this Linear relationships a linear coordinates most and important representation, section. you between relationships relationship a these to any demonstrate two points is that a line always has the a same). A LG E B R A Recognizing What does recognize the a linear equation linear of relationships a line relationship 4 like? without – What is Is it possible graphing to it? linear? i t er i r Investigation look Make a table with two labelled“Non-linear”. columns, You will one need labeled about 15 “Linear” and the other B rows. Linear 2 Using a graphing following the display equations “Linear” column. a Non-linear calculator at Write a time. the (GDC) Every f or graphing time equations b e of you the nd tool one non-linear like Desmos, that is graphs c d g h i j k l m n o p r s t q 3 one Generalize a straight 4 Verify 5 Justify your pairs, results with your and discuss relationships. and write a rule for how you can tell if an a line, in the draw write the its other equation graphs of equation the in column. represents ornot. rule why Reect In your line n c 1 rule two more works. discuss whether Justify examples. or each 7 not the following equations represent linear answer. Pairs ● 4x ● 2x − 2y = 2 2 + 2x ● 10 3y = 8 5 y + 3 = −4 2 3 ● y = − 4x + 1 1 19 Gradient–intercept While can be all linear relationships represented intercept form have in a variety of 5 – What a constant algebraic rate of forms, change, such as they gradient- form. does this number do? i t er i r Investigation n c B l i n k b e Online applications, willallow You 1 Using can sliders you use to such perform these online as the this ones on the investigation tools, a graphic or a graphing tool, change the or a graphing tool, select value Math using display value m of is Fun sliders website to calculator in alter or on the (GDC), parameters or graphing m and c. software. y = mx. Note the changes in the graph. 2 Using sliders a for m and then change the value of c in y = mx + c. Note the changes in the graph. 3 Using sliders changes 4 in Generalize include or the a do results following m tool, change the values and c on the eects of m and c and What ● Which parameter, m or c, aects the direction ● Which parameter, m or c, aects the steepness ● What the m both and c in y = mx + c. Note the refer eect summarize them in a table. of to in terms changing c of on the the components graph of the of of a linear graph the a of Verify your results for of Justify why your Representing two advantages slope the 12 0 and graph 3 results lines when the in it more make linear relationships: graph linear of y = mx + c and in what way(s)? relationship? y = − x + 4 and y = 3x − 5. sense. gradient–intercept comes y-intercept without to y = mx + c and in what way(s)? 2 6 sure relationship? 1 5 Be details. ● is of graph. your the graphing can having Linear relationships to to graphing become use a form, these tools table of y = mx + c, has relationships. that allow values or you The to draw coordinates. A LG E B R A Activity Use the 4 – Graphing following equations a in line this activity. 1 Equation y = 3x y = 2x − 1 y = −x + 4 y = −2x − y 4 x = y = −4x + 6 2 1 Without using of graphs these its steepness technology, crosses (how make the many a prediction about where each y-axis, the direction of the graph and units vertically and how many units horizontally). 2 Using set of the information axis ranging 3 Verify your graphs 4 Summarize the from from −10 using steps step to 1, graph each of these equations on a +10. technology. you can follow in order to graph a linear relationship. Example Q A For the line a State b Graph a 1 its given slope the by and linear The slope is The y-intercept y = 4x − 2 y-intercept. its relationship. given by m, so this is 4. The equation form, is (0, of the line is in gradient-intercept y = mx + c −2). y b When 6 you plot 5 the star t that point(0, equation with the point on is in value the slope –intercept of the form, y-intercept and y-axis In this case, plot the −2). 4 3 2 1 0 –3 x –2 –1 –2 –3 –4 –5 –6 Continued on next page 1 21 Gradient = 4 rise so = slope you conver t the ( m) slope into a fraction. run 4 = Any whole number is represented with 1 as the denomi- 1 nator. the If the slope is negative, put the negative sign with numerator. y From y-intercept you go up for the rise (or down for the 6 a negative number) and to the right for 5 the run. In the right. this case, you will go four units up and one to 4 3 2 Continue 1 also plot this a process point in to the keep plotting opposite points. You direc tion from can the y -intercept (in this case by going four units down and 0 –3 x –2 one unit to the left). a ruler –1 Then use to draw the straight line connecting all –2 the plotted points. –3 Practice 3 1 following 2 Graph the a y = x b y = −3x c y = 5x Which linear relationships using the gradient d + − of e 7 3 f the following lines are y = − 4x parallel? Which are and y-intercept. g y = 2x h y = 3 i y = + − perpendicular? x Justify your answers. a y = 5x − b y = −5x 4 − 4 c d g e h f i y = y = −5x + 11 + 10 Continued 12 2 3 Linear relationships on next page A LG E B R A 3 As a way of companies 70%. a A trying are Time and Calculate c Represent d Use your e Use the the equation. the 4 is versatility 0.82 the in tonne of of how and own is climate an average 1 a which speed of train reduce 80 km emissions per by hour. 2 3 4 condition of this linear relationship. graph. the to initial locomotive condition verify what the your rate most widely The released. used to travels answer of in represent in change material drawback Increased is that, CO 2 and locomotives sector, 3.5 the step and hours. linear relationship as an d. initial condition mean in situation. world’s CO as the initial words transportation (km) far equation the values. and values construction. of of has 0 change change this table in hybrid locomotive ( x) nd your emissions eco-friendly kilometres of to your context Concrete of Use in in table graph to this hours rate the rate Explain in carbon electric complete travelled b f diesel travelled Distance limit changing hybrid Copy to (apart for levels from every have water) tonne been of due to concrete linked to its produced, global warming 2 change. Concrete accounts for almost 10% of the world’s CO emissions. 2 a Represent the relationship between tonnes of concrete produced and tonnes of CO 2 released b Find c Write d Use for the up rate down your 205 000 to of 100 change the and equation equation tonnes tonnes of to of of the concrete. initial this calculate condition. linear how relationship. much concrete has to be made to release CO 2 e More than 4 billion tonnes of concrete are produced each year. How much CO 2 does 5 The this release technology annually? exists to cut CO emissions by up to 90% by using dierent concrete 2 recipes. One developer claims it has created a concrete that can absorb CO from the 2 air. When water is added, every tonne of concrete absorbs 0.6 tonnes of CO . 2 a Write b If the an equation whole to world represent switched to this scenario. this type of concrete, how much CO would be 2 absorbed c Some not of d of been funds. What by the these 4 tonnes innovative popular, Why billion do obstacles concrete and some of you think this and of challenges the concrete varieties used have technology is? What stand in been has action the each way year? available been needs of this for abandoned to take new years but because have of lack place? technology being used ATL1 for all concrete? Continued on next page 12 3 6 The bottled cost of a a bottle of industry water in Determine the equation What does the gradient b What is c A d the total high-quality, water would What other carry 7 water The their and you own buying table water to from contains operating cost or the for States a in one in capital coal Coal Hydroelectricity a Determine the equation that (y) of water cost power a day this option each and b type y-intercept What is the electricity c What is Coal plants plants and e do other making 124 3 need not. bottles of inence of (cost plant a year $40. be (not How average water. more someone’s leap cost year)? bottles of eective? decision whether to water? to build and a the plant before hydroelectric cost creating power Operating cost $250 000 000 $0.01 the a many $0.20 the these producing any plant. (per kWh) cost total cost of electricity is the gradient cost to build cost to produce the facility plus the equations? 5000 kWh can of 10 000 kWh of find the electricity. cost electricity by operating cost number plant? fuel, What if in do x $80 000 000 represents producing of You producing multiplying the per kWh kWh the by the facility hydroelectric happen price apart considering Linear relationships of generates. whereas will the factors, when What The plant? of each y-intercept) What of each cost at plant. represent cost at the electricity d of for to The for annually. buying approximately bottles Capital billion cents. cost for might buy 50 of costs order to is $200 equation? bottle cost, over the this bottle drink bottle worth represents represent apart water United that of have currently the rellable factors, following power) cost is of to fuel from the cost functions of both plants (gradient increases? cost, what linear type might of inuence power plant a to government’s build in its decision- country? A LG E B R A Other of linear The of algebraic equations equation which slope m, is representations of a line can be given gradient–intercept y-intercept c and in form. passing a variety The of forms, equation through point of (x , a y 1 represented in the following one line ) with can be 1 ways: y Slope–intercept: y = mx + c 6 (x , y 1 Point–slope: y – y = m(x – x 1 ) 1 ) 1 4 slope Standard where A, form: B and Ax C + are By = = m C, integers. 2 (c, 0) 0 –6 x –4 –2 –4 Activity 1 Copy 5 and Moving complete represent Point – its this equation and between table. in the Given three Point–slope y – y gradient = a dierent point dierent form m(x – x 1 and the 3) and m = 2 gradient of a linear relationship, forms. Gradient-intercept form y = mx + c ) Standard Ax + form By = C 1 y − (1, forms 3 = 2x – y = 2x + 1 2 y − 3 = 2(x − 1) y = 2x + 1 −2x + y = 1 1 (−4, −7) and m = 2 (2, −1) (0, 5) and and m = −4 m = −1 2 (−6, 4) m = and 3 (−9, 2) and 2 Which 3 What The the form are form of easiest doing m = −7 do some the way you of prefer? the advantages equation to Explain. graph of it a and linear since disadvantages relationship there are also of may several each form? determine options for this. 12 5 Example Q Graph 2y 2 the + following 18 = line. −3x If you the are intercept A 2y + 18 = −3x 2y = −3x − using equation graphing often form. software needs to be in or a GDC, slope– 18 Rearrange the equation to isolate the y −3 y x = − 9 2 −3 m From = and c = this, extract m and c −9 2 y 5 Plot 0 the y-intercept, which is (0, −9). x –10 –5 –10 –15 y 5 3 A gradient of means – that ever y ver tical change 2 0 –10 –5 x of 5 3 units change go down and down to the 3 and extend corresponds right the of move line 2 right in –15 Are 12 6 there 3 other ways to draw Linear relationships a line, given the same 2. both –10 information? to units. a horizontal From Join the these directions. y-intercept, twopoints A LG E B R A Example Graph Q 2y 3 the + following 18 line. −3x = Two points points, x- A and but dene the 18 = −3x To 2(0) + 18 = −3x Solve for 18 = −3x −6 = x Write down 2y + 18 = 2y + 18 = 0 2y = −18 −3(0) To easiest You ones may tend nd nd the x-intercept, substitute + 0) line. nd to be any two the y-intercepts. 2(0) (−6, a y = 0. x the the ordered pair. y-intercept, substitute x = 0. y Solve for Write down y = −9 (0, −9) the ordered pair. y 5 x 0 –10 –5 5 10 Plot the connect two points and draw a straight line to them. –10 –15 Reect ● Is there linear best ● In such a discuss thing relationship? method which most ● and a so, be? situation(s) useful? Which might as If is 8 best can method you tell of graphing from the a particular equation what the Explain. each of the three forms of linear equation Explain. method for graphing a line do you prefer? Explain. 12 7 Practice 1 4 Represent a 2y = each −4x + of the following 8 b d x − y = 2 Represent 3 Find 5 the by Which of a x – 7y d 6x g 28y j 7x + = 3y = in question y-intercepts to see following for 10y = 4x lines – 4x on a each = in the form 20 1 of the these 2x – = graph parallel? b y using the equations intercepts Which = 12 following lines by h 8x + k 4x + plotting 24 b 5x − 2y = = the in 10y are are on the following lines 4x − 2y = 1. c + 9 −2 form. Validate your lines. + Justify 6y f 8 – 7x i y = −2x 0 = 2x 0 = −3x = = your answers. −2 −y + 9 l and 30 = y-intercepts. 0 c − 4y + 12 f using a method of your choosing. 3x − 12 b 3y = 5x + 15 c d y = −x + 4 e 4y − 8x = 12 f g 2y 10 3y 3x = − 8 + − c y 2x = mx x a = 2x perpendicular? e Graph f the 1 − = question −3 x- 0 = gradient–intercept 8 4y c y i 0 e y = 1 are −5 – − whether 10 the + and the 18 Graph lines d 6 − h checking 4y = 0 the x- graphs a 5x relationships e g 4 linear + 14 − 7y h i 7 Using asphalt because the in Angeles create asphalt atmosphere. areas, to roads absorbs Temperatures some cases elected to the in causing paint and the parking Sun’s these severe asphalt lots rays zones and are health with has a created radiates much issues. the hotter To special “urban heat than combat material back in this, that heat islands” into the suburban the city reects of the and rural Los Sun’s rays. 2 a Crews and b an What can paint equation do the 4 m each written gradient in and minute. all three Represent forms. y-intercept this Show mean in relationship your the using a table, 3 Linear relationships graph working. context of this situation? Continued 12 8 a on next page A LG E B R A c Because of without 0.5 °C What this in do on World the One in new material. hour. all the technology, Suppose Represent three forms. gradient temperatures this Show and the y-intercept o temperature relationship your cool using at a much 6 pm table, faster is a at night 28 °C and it graph and an than drops by equation working. of this new equation mean in the context of 6 – Wide Turn Fund it for “OFF” Nature issues tips on how to lessen your impact environment. of use new situation? Activity The the every written d this these and tips to is to unplug completely chargers, turn even if o no equipment device is when not attached. Approximately one-quarter of industrialized power mode. “standby 1 all residential countries These power” or is energy used devices by and “phantom consumption electrical chargers in devices use what in is “idle” called power”. Find out the cost per kilowatt hour that your electricity provider charges. 2 Look at wasted 3 Create your on a current devices linear phantom electricity in “idle” equation power in and assume that 25% is mode. (or your bill linear model) home. What is to represent x your the variable? cost What of is your y variable? 4 Describe this the 5 Represent 6 Use in 7 a Go rate of change and the initial condition in the context of question. the your model year if you through model to as predict followed your a graph. how the house much given and energy tip. make a and Show list of all all money your you could save calculations. devices and cords that ATL2 draw phantom sources your 8 and power. create an Research action ideas plan for from easy a variety ways to of save reputable energy in home. What are the challenges involved in making the choice to turn o or ATL1 unplug using your computer/phone Determining In order point on charger/television when you are not them? to the determine the line (x, the y) equation equation and the of of the gradient a line line, of the you line simply need a (m). 12 9 Example Q Find the 4 equation, through (2, 7) and in slope–intercept has a slope of form, of a line that passes 5. A y = mx + c Star t with values 7 = (5)(2) + c the you equation have been and substitute in the given. 7 = 10 + c Solve for the Write down y-intercept. 3 = c y = 5x − Example Q Find (9, the −2) 3 the equation in the required form. 5 equation, and (−15, in standard form, of a line that passes through 6). A Calculate y − the slope by using the formula. y 2 m 1 = x − x 2 1 6 − ( −2 ) m = −15 − 9 8 m = −24 1 m = − 3 Substitute y = 2 = mx 1 − 2 = 1 = + c −3 + point the slope into the and the coordinates of equation. 3 one (9 ) + c c c Write down the equation in gradient– 1 y = − x +1 intercept form. 3 Multiply 3y = −x + that x + 3y = 3 13 0 3 both sides of the equation by 3 so 3 Linear relationships the all coecients equation in the are integers. required Then form. write in A LG E B R A Example Q Find the the line 6 equation of the line through (6, −8) that is perpendicular The ∴ symbol to means “therefore". y = 3x + 5. Write your answer in slope–intercept form. A m = 3 Determine 1 ∴ m = it is If it the parallel to slope the of the given linear line, use relationship. the same If slope. − perp is perpendicular, use the negative reciprocal. 3 y = mx + c Substitute 1 −8 = − 3 −8 = −2 + −6 = c = − into the the slope and coordinates of the point equation. (6) + c c 1 y x − Write 6 down the equation in the required form. 3 Practice 1 Represent three 5 the forms a following linear relationships (gradient–intercept, point–slope algebraically. and answers in all form). 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 your y b y standard Write x 0 x –4 –4 –2 –4 –6 –8 –2 –4 –6 –8 Continued on next page 13 1 y c 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 –6 –4 y d 0 x –2 –16 2 –12 x –8 –2 –2 –4 –4 –6 –8 2 Find the equation form without following lines. line with a slope of b The line with a slope of c The line with a slope of d The line passing e The line with a f The line with an g The line that passes through the h The line that passes through (−1, The line the According the number and a to between and and −2 (−6, y-intercept of x-intercept and (−3, −4) of the answers in gradient–intercept to and y-intercept passing an −2) 4 of through x-intercept and and 7 of (4, an that is origin 1) 5 (2, of 3) 5 3) x-intercept of −3 perpendicular that and is is to the line perpendicular perpendicular to to 3x the the – 6y line line = 2x that 8 + 3 = 12 passes (x, 1) has a slope of −5. Determine the equation of Union population decrease. ivory, of are Conservation decreased Despite which number for from warnings the main elephants and died Nature, 550 000 stier causes that of of 470 000, penalties, this each to between the decline, 2006 and illegal and the poaching continue. year 2013? Continued 13 2 7y x average 2006 your 1). and elephant elephant a and theInternational continues is −4 through (2, value African selling What −2) through and 2013 (4, Write decimals. The line 4 using the a through 3 of Linear relationships on next page A LG E B R A b Assuming the population continues to decrease at this average Set rate every year, represent the African elephant 0 since 2013 with a linear model. Use your equation to and c African Assuming when 5 As the colder sea a up much b i a has n If then, linear the the known the level risen trend has model approximately current thermal level to to at the warmer expansion. the risen an million same water equation. rate, oceans. In average started people when will takes Melting phenomenon. NASA continues, year extinct? into this since 100 decrease because water be year. become rise as fresh sea equation sea levels more this continues elephant sea process Since a up, dumping Worldwide, level. l by African heats water, population population the Earth levels. Set the will problem elephant to determine predict the the 2006 population of 1993, 3.2 all of these started millimetres the to room than compound NASA According within more glaciers recording live up this per the measuring year. data, how data? three feet people’s (94 cm) homes of be sea ooded? k b e Search for the video entitled “How Earth Would Look If All The Ice continents you 6 This Melted”. to get a You more can click detailed on specic look at where live. graph represents global carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere since 1980. y 420 400 )noillim 380 rep st rap( 360 slevel 340 OC 2 320 300 x 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Year Continued on next page 13 3 a According to the graph, what was the CO level in 1990? What was it in 2017? 2 b According to the graph, what is the change per year of CO levels in the atmosphere? 2 c Use the graph condition d Verify you e determine the equation of the line, using 1980 as your initial (y-intercept). your may to equation using dierent points on the graph. Discuss any discrepancies have. Researchers vulnerable have to discovered melting once that CO Antarctica’s levels exceed ice will be signicantly more 600 2 parts per trend million. When will this occur if the current Be of continues? sure to Reference f Research your country’s carbon dioxide emissions ATL2 of 7 the How does world? your Why Chlorouorocarbons aerosol CFCs in our propellants, contribute to atmosphere catastrophic do country you (CFCs) cleaning the until compare think were global of the variety these rest know and in the state your source how is you reliable. is? created solvents destruction a this with a sources. per answer person. check reputable and the decision in 1928 and refrigerants. ozone was layer. made were It has They to used in since products been continued address this such proved to as that accumulate potentially issue. y Chlorouorocarbon concentration in Ear th’s atmosphere 600 550 500 )noillim 450 rep st rap( 400 CFC 350 300 250 200 x 1978 1983 1988 1993 1998 2003 2008 2013 2 018 Year A graph that contains two sets of trends, like this one, can be referred to as a piecewise relationship. Continued 13 4 3 Linear relationships on next page A LG E B R A a Using a variety of sources, research the global eort to ban CFCs that ocially ATL2 know b c Use in the you the can According to the on the to Discuss the after all concentration to the Write has CFC of two Formative the been was was eort it was global rate ban? the successful? agreement accomplished, will in that remain what you you Explain how you to ban CFCs was CFCs year have the will is atmosphere learned CFC from dierent the points concentrations answer decompose be using in using in dierent the points have. (which there concentrations answer in your may CFC have. change Verify you in your may of stopped in change Verify started? has of rate discrepancies production facts say presented. the the global what any trend, view discrepancies global CFCs decreasing down the of whether what to graph, sources answer. any Discuss much when graph, up the points your leading graph. Although even the graph. According the Do determine Explain atmosphere f to successful. on e 1980s. trust graph atmosphere d late not yet for zero this very the over CFCs case slowly, case), 100 left study so some years. in the and According atmosphere? its graph. i assessment t e r r i c a started Reducing the emission of greenhouse gases has been a major focus C, D of governments countries across signed and their eect The following the on data the globe Kyoto global since Protocol, the mid-1990s. agreeing to In reduce 1997, most greenhouse gases temperatures. represent the -equivalent CO concentration of all greenhouse 2 gases a in Plot the atmosphere these points benchmark b According gases in year to on a in graph, agreed your parts linear in per million span of 427 2000 441 2005 455 2010 469 2015 483 Kyoto model, a 1995 making the over sure you start Protocol). what was the Plot your the 20 years. x-axis years concentration at 1990 from of the (as 1990 mix that to of was the 2030. greenhouse 1990? Continued on next page 13 5 c According to greenhouse d Use your Write graph the Verify f According g If h your year Draw this as point your Reect ● What is in to to your in to the at which and the the three step d it the your equation using threshold on is dierent what change per year in the concentration is is the line, using 1990 as Protocol, the 500 concentration ppm reach the as for that a the threshold. greenhouse concentration amount dotted of How ● Given many this emissions to At ● countries agreement, data continue what What agreed to that to was would you increase the you graphed in the it if current horizontal Verify adopted Kyoto expect in short that line. your of and when graphical was it the Protocol? the greenhouse Formative term? In the gas assessment long some ● Whose be Kyoto obstacles to reaching and enforcing term? an agreement Protocol? responsibility held accountable is – reducing industry, greenhouse government gases? or Who should individuals? Explain. Vertical So far, the sloping. Can with 13 6 its and lines What horizontal you have happens steepness be when the measured? equations? 3 studied Linear relationships lines have line How all is been vertical can you diagonal or or horizontal? represent these this year? lines gases, in continue? Continue rate? are the condition. greenhouse trends ATL1 like initial gases 9 when the forms. enforced? ● of algebra. graph intersects of results. discuss Kyoto the concentration threshold algebraic what atmosphere? model, Protocol will model, the determine answer Kyoto what the linear equation e the your gases your line results to are show the same A LG E B R A Investigation – Equations of ver tical and i lines t er i r horizontal 6 Graph the following lines by rst creating a table of values for each line. n c 1 Note B that on y = 2 means that the value of one set of y is 2 for any value of axes. y = 2 x 2 How 3 Pick 4 How are any are the lines two the x. Graph all three lines y related? points slopes y = 3 on x What each related? type line. How y y of lines Calculate does −5 x are the the = they? slope slope y of relate each to line. the steepness of the graph? 5 Repeat step 1 for the x is 2 for any value of following lines. Note x How 7 Pick 8 How the are any are these two the lines points slopes x = 2 means that the value of y. x = 2 6 that x = 3 y x related? What on line. each related? How y type of x lines Calculate does x = −5 the the are they? slope slope y of relate each to line. the steepness of graph? 9 Write a generalization about lines that are of the form x = a, where a is a number. 10 Write a generalization about lines that are of the form y = b, where b is a number. 11 Verify 12 Justify your why generalizations your for one generalizations more are case of each type. true. 13 7 Practice 1 Find the 6 equations of the lines shown on the set of axes below. y 6 4 3 2 1 x 0 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 –2 –4 2 Find the equation of the line through (6, 1) that is parallel 3 Find the equation of the line through (0, 1) that is perpendicular 4 Find the equation of the line through (5, 5) and 5 Find the equation of the line through (−3, 6 Find the equation of the line through (4, 7 Find the equation of the line through (−7, 13 8 3 Linear relationships −2) 2) and that 8) (5, is that the line to y the = 34. line x = −2. −2). (1, −2). parallel is to to the line perpendicular to x = the −8. line y = −4. Unit Linear summary relationships ● graph ● table ● coordinates ● words ● algebraic Some (or of The its change point as x-intercept or the (run). (x , y 1 ) slope ratio The and positive A negative of of (x a its , y 2 of and ) a its line for gradient slopes gradient slopes parallel, If two lines are perpendicular, of state the This also application nd = y-intercept is the is (for equals the 0 and is the a measure change the of its (rise) gradient the of is ways: are its gradient steepness. to its the It is horizontal line joining the to by as Given a are to the and same. are ). product right. can negative Another of the slopes of . crosses nd the the x-axis. x-intercept by x a initial the left gradients graph you where the right. example where for the to from their that For left gradients then graph, point from example, solving questions. y-intercept 1. point of referred is their relationship equation y then other lines x-intercept substituting The each this perpendicular Given of relationship downwards are The variety y-intercept. upwards lines to a is two way in 2 If reciprocals linear vertical formula 1 A represented characteristics gradient dened be equation. the slope), can graph condition equation substituting crosses x = 0 of and in the the the y-axis. context graph, solving for you of can y 13 9 To graph 1 Plot 2 Starting 3 a line: the y-intercept from the coordinates of this for process Draw a line on the coordinate y-intercept, another a few point more between the use on the the axes. gradient to coordinate determine axes. the Continue points. y-intercept and the other points. y (1, y = 2x + 5) 3 (0, (–1, 3) 1) x (–2, –1) (–3, A linear relationship Gradient–intercept Point–gradient or can or be –3) represented in (slope–intercept) (point–slope) form: y one of three form: y – m(x y = = mx – form: Given the line two ● in Select use graph + of a dierent two the Ax = line, C, where you can A, B and determine c ) 1 C are the integers. equation of the ways: points gradient By + x 1 Standard forms: on and the a graph, point to nd the write gradient the and equation in then point gradient–form. ● Use the gradient y-intercept and algebraically, gradient–intercept Horizontal horizontal Vertical vertical 14 0 3 lines line lines line where have is is a and a gradient of the gradient always cuts then the y-axis write the to nd the equation in form. always have it of the Linear relationships of zero. form that form is x y = The equation a. a a. undened. = of The equation of a er i o t r i Key review to Unit review Level 1–2 1 State a y the = 6x n c Unit A question levels: Level 3–4 slope − and the Level 5–6 y-intercept of Level 7–8 each of the following lines. 12 2 b y = − x + 23 7 2 Determine the x- and y-intercepts of the following lines. y a 10 8 6 4 2 0 x –2 –2 –4 3 b 5x − 4y = 20 c 7x + 3y = 42 Plot your the graph of each of the following lines using a method of choosing. a y = −2x b y = x − + 8 7 141 4 Copy and complete the table for lines A, B, C and D. y 8 A 6 4 B 2 C 0 –4 x –2 4 6 8 10 –2 –4 D –6 Line Slope y-intercept Equation x-intercept A B C D 5 Represent intercept each of the following equations using gradient– form. 1 a y = x − 12 b − 2 e 5x = 10y − 20 c x = 8y 2 1 2 d x = 3 y 2 6 y − 8x = −6 3 Find the gradient of the line L that passes through each pair of points. 7 a A(1, 5) and B(1, –2) b A(–1, c A(0, 4) and B(2, 8) d A(3, A tank has and falls a Is this b Write day, c 142 3 slow 0.5 cm a a leak and how in it. The 2) and and water B(2, B(5, level 9) 4) starts at 100 cm day. constant down d, After a 6) an increase equation water many level, days Linear relationships or constant showing the decrease relationship L. will the tank be situation? empty? between 8 Graph each of the following lines using a method of your choosing. a 6y + c 2 y 3x = 12 b 10y − x = x 1 + −50 x = 10 d 2 y + 3 = 4 3 10 + 2 y e 0 = 24 + 8x + 3y 4 x f = 3 9 Match each a 5y of the following equations to its 1 3x − = 15 b y = 4 x c 2 1 x 3 y + y + 4 = 0 2 y ii i graph. 2 2 1 0 –4 –2 x 2 –2 0 x –4 –4 –1 –2 –8 –3 –10 –4 –5 y iii 3 2 1 0 x –4 –1 –2 –3 14 3 10 The line through Determine 11 Write the passes 12 Find 13 Write that 14 the Write the HIV the there living a Write by and a number newly b If the this new c Is 3 of (−1, with in 1) has a slope of in parallel that line point the linear to 3x + goes through perpendicular (2, y − 4 = 0 that line (−3, to 9) 3x + and y − (9, 4 = 1). 0 −5). parallel to x = of the a total HIV , that local −3 passes perpendicular of and year. 36.63 there The million were rate 300 000 technology equation in with of 1.8 realistic Why million new people and the in that models the millions HIV infections trend, to y = 4 that people who since per year to will been follow there model or Linear relationships why to use not? for such year support 2016. continues what have be an new infections governments. people of line infections? a −5. 6). drug infected rate this of −5). approximately linear epidemic? 14 4 (2, the the were advancements agencies line line equation infections decreasing a (c, −7). through already the of through (6, 2016, of and c point equation Determine In the of of equation passes passes 16 equation equation the −4) value through through 15 the (2, no of is due to global 17 According States in of 2016. to The 14 000 done in is the What is there number in or main the Academy were had The when of average farms this of Sciences cheetahs the decision livestock cause 7100 decreased 1975, Africa. agricultural that a theNational America, estimated was to left in signicantly last to of United the from wild an comprehensive convert has the count wilderness caused the loss of areas habitat decline. decrease in the number of cheetahs Set each 1975 to year? be year 0 and determine b Assuming this is still the average rate of decline, what is the the equation. cheetah c Assuming the 18 19 21 this cheetah this average become the equation 4x + 2y − 7 = that 2x + 3y − 12 Find − the 6y 0 = 1 = 0 of parallel b perpendicular. ABC C(−1, 5). Fully justify of decline has k if has of the the the line same lines vertices Determine 3x your A(3, whether the 18.6% of the world In 2015, 10.9% of the population was b Assuming the this population c Determine d Assuming average rate that an e What this is − 2y − 5 B(−3, triangle population was continues, = as 0 −5) is a to will to the the line line and and right triangle. people in the when undernourished. undernourished. is the this represent continues, was change what undernourished rate year? percentage of the year? this scenario. will world? per Do there you be no think this is possible? decisions driving x-intercept percentage equation undernourished actually when answer. 1991, What perpendicular −1), In a continues, are: a Triangle rate 0. value + year? extinct? Determine kx 20 population this at local, country and world level could be change? 14 5 22 The decision color and of style; which car it also environmentally necessity States, mile and a when the to costs Determine between and b What you is the costs) c What you is total were d Which or i planning ii the US When a f is What On of average, of conversion 14 6 kg of go that 3 cost is the meat of car to at 8 is is the sells now United cents for per $21 600 it both What do the equations? miles? If reached 60 000 it buying option? miles? If reached cheapest option? relationships (gradient if increases? car rebate electric exactly mileage using your cost (a partial cars? the of same? the cars original might go Write to when equations. into your buy? of feed consume this this information are (this between must have linear animal high, kg at of on make Linear relationships the sure a feed least model, meat in 6 with is needed called table and for the kg of showing kg rows y-axis. your a relationship cheapest the new from kilograms we the be the the these larger each apart Focus once US a In costs 30 000 linear of relating in be car the oers and once aected in cars car. (including at car these cheapest, which car the purchase total 3.85 table Sketch the factors relationship b gasoline new traveled. car would be a of that every feed ratio). Represent Your would statement other kilogram a on model decision 23 of the general each car of miles each one about run. car would sell government refund) e which for represents the just comparison to each of to choosing represent car characteristic price the longer electric each sell cost no $19 000 that of to which y-intercept) the cost total 60 000miles, for mile of and planning the per y-intercept 30 000miles, cost around sells cost is involve A equation total and were cents the the buy zero-emission 3 running gradient Focus The only friendly. shopping Ford run. may to of animal meat. data. feed Even x-axis of the if goes on the your to x-axis data 130 kg. and doesn’t c Research person) your d the data graph How most to many livestock for recent your country. represent kilograms raised for meat Draw a per capita horizontal line (per on this. of one consumption feed are person’s needed meat to sustain consumption the in your country? e Research f weight annual meat corn crops annually need to eaten To or you Edible viable we insect at that with is fed corn to meet in 4445 kg to your of livestock, order perspective, you live. needed sustainable, and ratio for of to is the country’s grain how feed research How to feed the per acre many acres livestock does the it the area compare of the with city the livestock? example, 1 to 1 so meat eat. The the range lean from ecologically actually some of the have they than a are any average approximately with which we could for producing also compared meats a source animals is of in which replacement conversion typical needed What country? area are Crickets, ecient country. know...? meat eat. 60% farmland insects feasible in feed your approximately planted this of the yield your town of of demands? and be in put area Did population overall If g the 50% cuts of 28% a feed more of the edible protein, the to be meat big four 34%. 14 7 r assessment i t er i C, D Challenges By 2030, 8.5 it billion is of feeding estimated people. How that can we we will do a growing need that to in a feed a way planet… world that is population of environmentally sustainable? You have been and report and how sections your on it below, answers of both for how a to and 1 There – been pork, has Nations, a will the Food person). a world linear Use your c Predict d Discuss whether e Do think you model the meat to per this 14 8 3 Linear relationships on completed to (2-minute at least in two that video includes the pros arguments rainforest your the summarize max.) summarizing the farmers types and each deforestation. report and indicate capita since meat to in is that the meat humans eat), meat per the was 24.2 kg capita equation for United in per 2015. worldwide 1965. capita a of 1965 41.3 kg consumption per this produce Organization consumption meat in of to environment. determine increase Explain. them other on think have consumption consumption you as analyse consumption presentation Brazilian increased predict you to reputable. meat had experts Prezi/Powerpoint include of of meat short Agriculture model, consumption b and a a well pressure eects This as to are with Once using meat and group create reference chicken a either results sources annual Assuming sure increasing the to below, Be undesirable the (per meat the of associated create sources, lamb, to part presentation against of a need Worldwide According capita will questions know has which you a be deforestation. deforestation. you (beef, the variety Part to You or to problems relates presentation Use the ndings. cons asked in realistic per capita this year. 2030. model. consumption is sustainable? a Summative c ATL2 To put which this in perspective, compares meat take a look consumption at in the following developed and table, developing countries. 1997 meat consumption Average (million in tonnes) Developed countries Developing countries f Graph each set of data meat 1997 annual (million 98 0.8 111 4.6 on the same axes. increase consumption Assume a since tonnes) linear You model for each. to g Determine the equation h What the slope of each think the line. of each line represent? Which slope i Will concerning? there ever developing Explain. If be Explain. a time countries it is approximately is equal possible, when use this the to that your will meat of consumption developed equations to try their growth developed and when about is in more want populations and does may developing countries. of countries? to nd out happen. 14 9 Part 2 – The Approximately trees in cattle an total graph in and rainforest clearcutting Brazilian farming. This (cutting rainforest accounts deforestation, down is to for making it all or provide almost the most land 15% largest for of the cause of worldwide. below Rainforest of the annual deforestation The 70% area) ranches world’s Brazilian since represents the forest cover in the Brazilian 1970. y mk( 2 ) 4 000 000 nozamA 3 800 000 naillizarB 3 600 000 3 400 000 ni revoc 3 200 000 tseroF 3 000 000 x 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 Year a Determine between and the b the a the linear amount year. gradient Assuming To put town that with d of 15 0 the Given does this you it 3 area live forest does the represents cover in the y-intercept of of in in deforestation forest to town in the square rate city? Linear relationships an rate is is the relationship Brazilian represent? of research that area area constant, cleared kilometres. rainforest clearcut or that perspective, calculated take your the area area the What of that Amazon What does represent? approximate c equation of is the the annually. the How area of does it cleared clearcut calculate each each rainforest the city or compare year? year, that how is the long size e Some size scientists to less than irreversible f Use we a in your a Write done b Write a c what the report Action of continues variety need 75% that year of and at will sources Brazilian the its consequences clearcutting graph, warn rainforest 1970 to the the size rainforest deplete catastrophic ecosystem. rate in If represented in the occur? and research rainforest. indicate without constant that cannot how three Reference you know major your they are reasons sources why in reputable. plan an to action plan address down 3 dierence Summarize challenges personal and your presentation the containing using a of decisions describe action at their plan ve feeding that you eects and program least on as that growing can the decisions such a things in make could be planet. that will make environment. an interactive Prezi. 1 51 4 In this unit, complex 3D you will problems see with versatile shapes personal applications Personal Expressing You are used can and beliefs shapes structures on a be to and shapes range of ancient truly in have helped fascinating other us to solve products. contexts as some But well, these from history. expression values surrounded studied the 3D instrumental cultural constantly the how shapes planet. in by this Many 3D unit shapes. to create structures Architecture, some also of have a the be it most strong ancient or inspiring cultural modern, and and has memorable personal signicance. The the pyramids Seven World. tombs believed allow and live were dead that the Egypt Wonders They of of of built are the to pharaohs, the shape pharaoh forever. to one of Ancient house and that climb it the was would skyward Pisa was ruled port once over and the city, deserved a intricate was the of cathedral. today it is to soft lean the 3.99° – triangles 15 2 its tower to famous – it house on was in its built began its Today at could your too! for and leans this in of However, early interest it nearby ground, tower Italian prosperity. bell construction. the and and imperfection on four Mediterranean. constructed bells of symbol importance An one about be of study of It republics was an that important Orientation Civilizations Three on were soccer The at or same the of shadows time have celebrate in an to and see ancient been an interact stone game integral with one goalposts played part with of how another. Modern surrounding a some spherical a of the greatest visitors huge rubber to Chichen ballcourt. ball, not Itza These dissimilar from basketball. people center people shapes surprised used and interaction Earth sometimes goals a and space dimensional peoples are in of who the Chichen seemed Chichen Itza to played would bring that Itza game site. come the also Every spring together serpent on constructed for the a side and the autumnal dazzling of famous the light Castillo equinox, show temple El to as the pyramid Mayan sunlight and life. 15 3 4 3D shapes Products, KEY CONCEPT: Related Global While in as unit, at you both surprising the the will global natural interesting of and some improve of their the own. dene results of of scientic ingenious man-made that Statement Generalizing to and outcomes analyze Generalization, context examine designed measurements more quality Your them human of study will and and Measurement technical solutions processes, human which of take to on life. You have a innovation problems, will as tour some a some shapes of well take produced mathematical you natural and of the forces. Inquiry relationships generate between products, Objectives ● solutions context: products look and RELA TIONSHIPS concepts: exploring this processes measurements processes and Inquiry Calculating the surface area and volume of 3-dimensional shapes involving cylinders, can help solutions. questions What is volume? F What is surface area? cones, pyramids and spheres ● Applying mathematical problems involving 3D strategies shapes to solve How C are surface area and volume related? How do we between What generalize relationships measurements? makes for an ingenious solution? D How can a product solve a problem? G E O M E T R Y A TL1 Thinking: thinking Make and Y ou 1 guesses, generate should ask “what testable already Find the area of a Find the area of the following A TL2 Creative- Thinking: skills A N D T R I G O N O M E T R Y Transfer skills if” questions hypotheses know how skills 4 with to knowledge, create understanding products or and solutions to: circle circle Combine Find the volume of prisms Find the volume of the the following shapes. dimensions. a radius = 12 cm b diameter c circumference 16 cm = 10 cm = 25 cm 8 cm 2 Simplify algebraic Simplify the 3 a 8r b 3x following 2 + 2 9r 2 − 2r a expressions 20 cm expressions. 3 − 11r 3 (x ) c 10 cm 3 Solve equations Solve the your following answers where to 6 cm b equations. the nearest Round tenth necessary. 2 a x = 14 2 b 3x = 7 cm 25 2 25 cm c c 15 5 Introducing The products around to you. solve easier. that human Some problems Tools we of can amazing 3D are are understand structures on phenomena not example, cylindrical middle or been this into you see been see to create ● you and What life ● Name 4 by and products of of of the natural human straightforward little bit phenomena Some result a some as eort you so most forces, and and natural might think. the it of your like a and can inspire own. discuss the white or your product 1 cylinder in man-made the photo forces? on this Describe page what is you the think it reasoning. do without you use most often each day? What would your them? that you problem 3D shapes will these natural the some You maybe, explain and have new product(s) be better. the life natural all which now think describe 15 6 of and product is are make are health, delve processes analyze and, Reect Do planet as might will versions. to products you in mathematics you study our natural How day may replaced how help ● photo some every improved simply to ingenuity improve the you products, which and to formed? unit, solutions, of this the always formation man-made? have In of is our Earth between is others created distinguishing For creativity designed while also shapes use that it that solves solves. a particular problem and G E O M E T R Y A N D T R I G O N O M E T R Y Cylinders Cylinders form processes. of a Surface on as tall from as 84 m trees you red problem the of analyze largest sequoia has surface these naturally in an humans totem can by in area and and greater occuring California, average have poles to British out canoes of many of leaky many trees, be of canoe having all incredible created that Like their Some attempts Other the trunk people entire tree. Not task. of its the to the products volume depth. cylinder and as calculate you giant problem carved water. some Gwaii an cedar they a to interesting USA, diameter produced created by can of some many “cylinders” grow 8 m. It is incredible native North know...? the carving of many groups. Haida solved allow this of how The like such American The are planet. products Did will area trunks the basis Knowing cylinder Tree the of First in carry the a Haida in canoes single forest heavy were from North people, to tree to by Western well Gwaii’s forests products native a in Nations the however, found Columbia seams solve to the the suited to abandoned this trees day. include American the totem poles groups. 157 Investigation 1 1 – Sur face area of a cylinder Using three pieces of paper and some tape, create a model of a cylinder. Use one piece of paper as the “body” or “tube” of the cylinder. Cut the other piece of paper to form the base shapes so that they t perfectly on the top and bottom of the tube. 2 Draw the net of the cylinder, the surface indicating important measurements on your diagram. 3 Calculate about how 4 Draw a 5 Find 6 Generalize to cylinder the total cylinder if area calculate and label surface your you work know of the some its area to the of cylinder. the height of this Refer to your model if you are and radius with measurements of your ● Explain area ● of How the is and determine a formula measurement how a of its for nding height h the and surface and the area radius The the nding surface Kake who tell the a us totem in of surface a about area prism? a in of a of a Which Alaska It was honor While the in world. tree poles relate pole the died. totem trees the area single had circumference circle is related to the surface cylinder is easier? dierent than nding Explain. 1 tallest from the 2 cylinder. Example Q discuss the tree’s that human of a natural are is one of carved rings chief of a tree history, carved from story. 2 Find the surface area (in m ) of the Kake totem pole that was available for carving. Assume that it has a height of 40.2 m and a diameter of 2.6 m. Round your answer to the nearest hundredth. (Assume that no carving was to be done on the bottom surface of the pole.) Continued 15 8 4 3D shapes choice. cylinder. base. Reect unsure areas. on next page of r any of the G E O M E T R Y A The available surface area of the totem The formula for the A N D sur face T R I G O N O M E T R Y area of a cylinder is 2 pole is given SA by = πr 2πr + 2πrh However, the totem pole will not be carved on the 2 SA = 2πr h + bottom surface, so remove the area of one circle. r = 2.6 r = 1.3 m ÷ With r = the 2 The radius of the totem pole is half of its diameter. 1.3 m surface and area h = 40.2 m, Substitute the measurements into the formula. is 2 SA = π(1.3) SA = 333.67 m + 2π(1.3)(40.2) Calculate the answer and round to the nearest 2 hundredth. Practice 1 Find the 1 surface area of the following cylinders. Round your answers to the nearest tenth. 15 cm 3 cm 24 cm 5 cm 4 cm b a 10 cm c 14 cm 11.7 cm 23 cm 31.4 cm 10 cm d e 4.3 cm f Continued on next page 15 9 2 Copy and Round complete answers to the the following nearest table for the surface area of a range of cylinders. tenth. 2 Radius 3 In the tool, (cm) 12 18 10 11 985 3 100 piece Marvin of of takes 21.5 cm The in glass you What c and its the julep not was rst using like to a there the wrap drinking include reasons, to make, diameter is It an was of which is the are of walls a is a what strips part move was residue straw. exible 20 cm 0.65 cm? architectural designed Dante’s the work presents consists outer in the calculate walk meters area 4 did solution creating completes by artwork height walls 16 0 he of or away then caused paper Most a from the by standard the around straws even and straw Show work with your of created a radius grass a pencil nowadays spoon plastic on one and are end. back to art on by the top the Comedy. visitors with 0.65 cm The amazing of the ARoS or art Danish–Icelandic representation Divine of a working. building’s to of a 3 m diameter middle the the is of the oor wide 52 you circle. inside of and its made glass of the the 3D shapes panorama inside of and glass. required structure. to is outside Find build the the circular meters. the distance complete area of walkway? The 3 a and walked would the mint ) of Hell, journey views museum artist Purgatory to paradise of the city all the colors and ends bathed in colors. walkway, b His modications Denmark. panorama, spectrum If liquid. Panorama inspired dierent a his However, material with Eliasson Paradise The and drank environmental straw Aarhus, the the more Rainbow Olafur at grass. together, plastic for Stone (cm straws. Which 4 rye in them However, paper area 8 glue made Surface 611.4 disintegrating and (cm) 7 1880s, a Height walkway in of the G E O M E T R Y 5 One of the sequoia tallest tree California, average by a a used USA. the world “General With diameter the to of The surface carve bottom next a 8 m, has surface a giant Sherman” height the is of tree 84 m can in and be an modeled of pole. not giant height be tree Find that (Assume could that be the carved.) sequoia of between the (“General 81.7 m the and an dierence General Grant average in and Sherman. the height surface average will 7.6 m. area General same of a area totem largest diameter Find a surface Grant”) c named in of area radius of a giant as sequoia General with the Sherman, but an 9 m. V Volume As Its T R I G O N O M E T R Y cylinder. Find b trees A N D with of all volume a 3D objects, can = A base × h cylinder be a cylinder calculated in a takes up similar space. way to h the volume of Activity 1 Draw a 1 a – prism. Volume diagram hexagonal of a rectangular Write down the formula 3 Write down the general 4 Draw a diagram the a cylinder prism, a triangular prism and a prism. 2 down of of formula a for the formula cylinder. for volume the for Using volume of the of of volume your a each result of the prisms. any from prism. step 3, write cylinder. 1 61 Reect ● Explain and how discuss the volume of 3 a cylinder is related to the area of a circle. ● If the cylinder Example Q When no with the designed apparatus called the of today’s Cousteau to explore seen Blue Belize years The ocean an precursor Great does problem underwater, Cousteau been top, that aect its volume? Explain. 2 faced breathe has explorer Aqualung. scuba places he cylindrical forming to Jacques breathing was and that Hole, a 1972, It gear In began trying underwater before. which of had the allowed never explored the formation over 70 in million ago. Great Blue Hole has a depth of roughly 3 125 m. nd its If there radius. is 9 132 700 m Round your of water answer to in the the Great nearest Blue Hole, tenth. The formula for the volume of a cylinder is 2 A V = πr h 2 V = the πr h. In depth this of case, the the Great height Blue of the cylinder is Hole. 2 9 132 700 = πr (125) Substitute the the information that you know into formula. 2 9 132 700 = (392.70) = r = r r Solve the equation calculations to the for r. Round nearest intermediate hundredth. 9 132 700 2 392.70 2 23 256.18 To isolate r, you need to take the square root of 2 23 256.18 152.5 The 16 2 4 radius each r = = r of the 3D shapes Find Great Blue Hole is approximately side. the answer 152.5 m. and round to the nearest tenth. G E O M E T R Y Practice 1 A N D T R I G O N O M E T R Y 2 Find the volume your answers to and the surface nearest area of each shape. Show all of your working and round tenth. 8 cm 10 cm 24 cm 2 cm 15 cm 7 cm a b c 10 cm 30 cm 8 cm 40 cm 6 cm 13 cm d e 20 cm f 9 cm 32 cm 14 cm g 2 Find the missing hundredth dimension where Radius of of each cylinder. Round your answers to the nearest necessary. base Height of cylinder Volume 3 4.5 cm 19.4 cm 3 15 cm 3 Designing one a of tools the makes back is its explore problems solution, product to build the a NASA prototype Deep own that planets Phreatic decisions on 550 cm and moons continuously product and Thermal where to then that has go, to test Explorer which are it very solve. here dierent Often, on (DEPTHX), samples to NASA Earth an from rst. our will One underwater collect and even own is propose such robot how that to get home. Continued on next page 16 3 Created the El to Zacatón Sinkholes and they The are can depth 319 m. 4 explore The sinkhole the be of Europa, result found the El Find the volume b Find the percentage c A of 3 m. water from to The of our the the is water-lled involving 335 m, by a the robot sinkhole acidic swimming of although cylinder sinkhole. sinkhole number deepest moons, was in tested the rainwater and in world. limestone planet. sinkhole in Jupiter’s processes modeled water the trac in which friction initial the tunnel skates reduced be the of that pool whose Show is lled has a your with length Olympic-size the of diameter the is water is only 110 m. working. water. of pools depth Show 50 m, that a your width could be working. of 25 m lled and with a the Zacatón. solve underground electric of Find El natural over Olympic-size depth order all can a In of smallest Mexico, Zacatón sinkhole typical in the and tunnel problem the will air shape enable of in a Los Angeles, cylinder. them to He travel Elon Musk proposes much faster that than wants cars on to will build be an placed roadways due on to resistance. beneath Los Angeles has a diameter of 4.11 m and a length of 2.6 km. a b Find the your working If the volume 5 Dating new processes alunite, cave by to cave as is a acid. material new tool the our a riddle of not to just is dating could climate was easy, to the in order nearest by how to create the tunnel. tenth. much would the volume that. the eroded the One the that from over on below of ability hoping the of method age The these forms formations scientists change of amount the cave. However, been promising nd may in to to them solve history of planet. Continued 16 4 Show especially that have mineral to and for removed doubled, create. processes Another caves be is years chalky date be answer formations inside to working. measuring accurately had your tunnel limestone radiocarbon organic of and involves walls the accomplish which that round your millions sulphuric uses as technologies developed dirt formations such taken of Show natural examples have and diameter increase? of 4 3D shapes on next page G E O M E T R Y The Watchtower is a The Watchtower is 15.25 m a Find the holes b The in 100 can added of damage it fabric the If (in a Natural and of has a Bridge Cavern circumference material your cave portion it of the to Show took very in the to is the the of near San Antonio, Texas. 6.71 m. Watchtower, of Watchtower assuming there are no that they of will your cubic the a is The to of an form. need oils Bridge most height they size centimeters ice of cube Show all a every of your year. Natural that to 16 Watchtower sensitive. the up with about nearest very fabric slow, (That’s for owners use all is years. answer The meters) Watchtower. 100 formation decide square column long forever. they a every how round surface visitors. tall the amount forming Find and covering the of being years!) The in T R I G O N O M E T R Y it. working c approximate process column column A N D of so at 3 on a Cavern risk of meters, that person’s it are being nd goes all hand thinking touched the the of by amount way of around working. Cones A cone has a is at, When the a three-dimensional circular vertex base (or and apex) a is object single ver tex that vertex. directly height slant above right right the cone. center In cones, simply as of this the unit, which base, you will be it is will called only referred a height study to cones. radius Reect ● How ● Why ● Write is a and cone does a down discuss dierent cone an have than two equation 4 a prism or “heights”? relating the cylinder? Explain. Explain. cone’s radius, height and slant height. 16 5 of Because cone the a whole as relationship you cone does gure, procedure as a will for have nding a prism between see not in the or the volume shape of that cannot cylinder. volume next 2 base follow However, a cone runs the there and through that same is of a a cylinder, investigation. – Volume of a cone i t e ri r Investigation its a c Your teacher may give you manipulatives and sand in order to nd the B relationship l i n between the volume of a cone and that of a cylinder. k b e If you don’t have demonstration: “volume the 1 Look at notice? ATL1 of to the materials needed, you can watch the dimensions Discuss your and water” on YouTube. It uses water instead of sand, of the cone observations discuss and with the a cylinder. What do you peer. 5 Before doing the activity or watching the video, guess how many cones full of sand it will take to completely ll the cylinder. Compare your guess with a peer. Your teacher may collect the guesses of the entire class. 2 Use 3 Write 4 the Use formula to the If a the of and you cone 4 the have and determine how relationship cylinder generalize cone 16 6 down to volume 3 5 sand for a with the the for measurement other 3D shapes many between same volume formula of the of with the same a cones the it height and cylinder height verify takes volume h a ll your cylinder. and result its base the the from step volume radius relationship dimensions. the cone between and your of to radius. and relationship its manipulatives, cylinder following cone same. the Reect a access for of r another a but or video search the o n Volume for results are G E O M E T R Y Activity The Orion deeper 2 The Spacecraft into designed – our to up T R I G O N O M E T R Y frustum is solar carry A N D currently system to four being than crew we built have with ever the gone goal of traveling before. It is members. The height of the crew section of the spacecraft is 3.3 m, with a large base diameter of 5 m and a smaller top diameter of 2 m. The shape of the crew module is called a frustum, which is a truncated (chopped o) cone. 1 Using the 2 Use the spacecraft similar been Calculate 4 Only 27% the the by the How What would of Research living on of the nd the be it like the guide, of of total volume draw a diagram of the smaller height of the cone that has cone. spacecraft. is habitable volume the habitable volume. that can 6 your compare the height Calculate discuss in a frustum-shaped spacecraft’s crew. as dimensions. nd Hence the does it diagram its dimensions astronauts period ● of to volume and Estimate volume. ● the o. and label triangles accessed Reect ● and chopped 3 be photograph classroom with the and calculate habitable space the available to spacecraft? being in that size space for an extended time? what the NASA hopes spaceship in to gain such a by these conned explorations. space be worth Would it? 167 Practice 1 Find the 3 volume of the following shapes. Round your answers to the nearest tenth. 7 cm 8 cm 250 cm 8 cm 90 cm 6 cm a b c 21 cm 7.5 m 78 cm 9 cm 0.5 m d 2 e Italo Marchiony New York glass dishes he ice a cream If If 4 an volume Marchiony rst cream maker 1900s. broke Marchiony cone wanted had ice to would a was were dish went base the have to who his taken on sold to by use? he a ices served folded on his To Wall product solve wae. Street this This in in small problem, was the rst patent. ll volume lemon customers. from diameter to his pushcart, made needed double he From or cone-shaped lemon radius 3D shapes early which of ice often edible cone, base an the they Marchiony’s what 16 8 in but designed what b City was f of the of Show 50 mm and a height of 120 mm, cone? the cone, your but keep working. the same height, G E O M E T R Y 3 A piping bag cone-shaped depending of canvas easier to is a product with on the with a a small style of plastic used to hole the at decorate the icing interior or cakes apex. Dierent decoration even eciently tips required. food-grade and are A N D precisely. placed Piping silicone, T R I G O N O M E T R Y over bags which can It is the be makes hole made them clean. a 9 cm b 10 cm c 8 cm 31.5 cm 34 cm 39 cm Given the Round 4 your Popcorn is “popcorn for a answers typically cones” to of to each the served serve piping nearest in bags bag, nd the volume of icing that it can contain. tenth. or popcorn, boxes. However, especially at events some companies where popcorn are is using given away free. Each cone volume b dimensions Why of has a base popcorn would a diameter that will company use t a of 11 cm in the cone to and a slant height of 20 cm. Find the cone. serve free popcorn? What problem might that solve? 5 It has day, been with estimated American Scandinavians year! Making paper. In an introduced The of on that attempt reusable diagram shows over coee drink, all that to billion drinkers average, coee reduce coee a 1.4 drinking about often the cups 10 need for over or requires of 11 coee three are cups kilograms lters, paper drunk which a of day on coee are products, worldwide some average! per usually every person made out companies every of have lters. lter with a radius of 12.8 cm which can 3 hold a total volume a Find the height b Find the slant of of 200 cm the height of coee. lter. of the lter. 16 9 Surface Finding area the of surface a cone area of a cone involves opening it out into its net. r r l h r = radius l h l = = height slant height 2 Because It can the be lateral shown area, Hence, base can the is a that be total circle, the area found surface its of using area area the A of can = a be side of found the using cone, A = called πr the πr l cone (including the base) is given 2 by A = πr + Example Q The but If 3 original there when and πr l ice was a vendors the diameter nearest cones demand were packaging minimum cream ice of not creams each amount for in of were the the for cone frozen area. sale is sold person treat to by be Companies in 5 cm packaging in street vendors, available began even producing stores. and the required. height Round is 14 cm, your nd answer the to the hundredth. 5 cm A The formula for the sur face area of a cone is 2 SA the = πr + πr l, where l is the slant height of cone. 14 cm 2 2 + 2.5 14 2 = Find l the slant height of the cone using Pythagoras’ theorem. 2 202.25 14.22 = = l l Substitute 2 SA = = The π( 2.5) 17 0 minimum amount 131.32 cm 4 area formula. measurements into the sur face Find the 131.32 2 is the + π( 2.5)(14.22) 3D shapes of answer packaging hundredth. and round to the nearest G E O M E T R Y Practice 1 A N D T R I G O N O M E T R Y 4 Find the surface your answers to area the and volume nearest of each gure. Show all of your working and round tenth. 10 cm 18 cm 4 cm 6 cm 3 cm a b 12 cm c 22 cm 4 cm 3 cm d 26 cm e 30 cm 16π cm 50 cm f 40 cm 5.7 cm g 4.8 m 12.2 m 2.6 m 8.6 m h 14 m i 3 m Continued on next page 171 ® 2 The to Watercone help water. solve The is the a product problem circular tray of at that was invented poor-quality the bottom is lled ® with the salty sun. water As free water and trickles the and the water condenses into the Watercone evaporates on the rim of side the it is left rises. of the cone, in Salt- cone where it is collected. Find the drops of 3 at curved any 80 cm You make time, a height buy a set needed the a one and can material surface hole). of to area inside knowing of that cone the that cone could has a be base covered diameter make piping each your bags bag dierent (before answers b 10 cm of to the the end dimensions. of nearest each cone of In do the you desert make with no approximately yakhch āls keep top the conical underground structures sand, The and were lime, inside ice Find in the ash, of a ice the BC, in cavern of cavern is cold. 172 4 and base 3D shapes area is and surface out the of with built and the inside conical mixture even empty, 710 m months rose a middle Persians of goat the clay, hair! water it. area of a yakhchāl is 31.5 cm refrigerator? These sarooj, 2 18 m the keeping underneath approximate or Heat whites cone in colder structure, egg ice ancient the year. made the keep electricity 400 make throughout of and to and shape 8 cm 31.5 cm How the tenth. c 8 cm Find 39 cm 4 in 30 cm. three Round the whose height is amount cut o of to G E O M E T R Y A N D T R I G O N O M E T R Y A The Elizabethan shame”, injured a is one areas truncated collar, sometimes solution after cone a to the medical because it is referred problem of procedure. a cone to as pets The whose the “cone trying shape apex to is has of lick called been x truncated plastic If the (removed). and is A attached dimensions of typical to the Elizabethan pet’s collar is made of collar. an D Elizabethan in the collar diagram, are nd as the area E 7 cm shown of 20 cm plastic required to make it. B C 12 cm assessment – Solar energy 1 i t e ri r Formative c Solar for energy the sun into in a areas In this improve throughout Cylindrical the traditional it is energy, shape about panel a every overhead.) painted even that wind and the is of the When on as is of of a of sunlight. wide potential the cells, power. of energy which Mounting range products solar one transforming photovoltaic analyze underside o larger it of rectangle. as of passes these solutions that have Please of cells be has been created your D the must have been show solution to working to on a is The makes will these cylinder from (A that just traditional has have absorb shape solar directly businesses panel roof. The rays roof claim collecting overhead. Sun However, panel of Sun’s the many the the solar way buildings. the when which expensive a ecient mounted (such resistance, less lot and cylindrical more ecient reected will panel absorption white a own, you use eectiveness solar angle most the as cells especially is However, receive its important task. much allows needs. on task, solar manufacturers that that the increasingly requires problem proposed. The energy electricity become to becoming planet’s mounted try is o n 5 also solar been today), sunlight reduces cells easier install. 17 3 The height of each cylinder that is covered by photovoltaic cells is The 100 cm. The diameter of each cylinder is is a Find the total surface area that is area that 22 mm. exposed to the Sun of 200 covered in of photovoltaic these solar cells are installed on the roof of a does b Find Spin the cell amount of space (volume) that the 200 cells take the up. cones not top of the so do these Spin cell cones use some of the solar energy that they generate include and but to collect of the their the cone is manufacturer Sun’s rays covered from in explains every that angle photovoltaic the rotation without cells, with allows not in include your to overheating. the exception them Most of its base. c d ATL2 If the radius area of Find the Making the have e cone typical f of a section the of roof. solar Calculate the cones the area roof? exposed to 4 flat by an its height is 0.82 m, find the cells. array are factor(s) 3D shapes the of 50 cover surface will area the the area with of these spin dimensions measures that installed Using will roof panel panels them. can of of the white solar be installed spin the cell roof. Calculate Explain. 1 74 solar and cell cones. 1.65 m cover that side they by the will side dimensions maximum of these of by 10 m 1 m. by 6 m. Sketch maximum the possible cover. and need given possible cylindrical at above, area least sketch of panels the that the roof. will be Sun. configuration What 0.55 m in Calculate that Spin on a these total to possible h the exposed cell of cells between configuration a is occupied rectangular Cylindrical 20 mm g cone covered volume configuration area one choices You A of How the so cones that that many total they will cones surface touch cover will area of each the you the other. Sketch maximum be able cones to that place will be Sun. would influence your choice of solar panels to install? base cylinder, calculation. rotate, cells building. G E O M E T R Y A N D T R I G O N O M E T R Y Pyramids A a pyramid cone All is of with the its after triangular between to shape circular of a the shape various that base, pyramid pyramids, the you another sides named help is of a has surface There a base are and However, that each is type square etc. (height, area apex. and pyramids, measurements the an triangular base. hexagonal determine at pyramid are its meets a unlike polygon. of pyramid pyramids, Relationships length, volume apothem) of any can pyramid. apothem base-side Square Did A length T riangular pyramid you pyramid Hexagonal pyramid know...? triangular pyramid is often referred to as a tetrahedron. Some molecules H in chemistry, central atom like is the methane located at the molecule center of shown the here, pyramid are tetrahedrons. (carbon, in this The case), C while the four surrounding atoms (hydrogen) occupy the H vertices. H H In the of same volume of a relationship a pyramid way as you pyramid to the by did of a cone, out an prism – Volume you a nd investigation with of can similar out the into its dimensions. pyramid i t e ri r 3 the carrying volume Investigation for c Your teacher between height l i n the and may give volume base you of a manipulatives rectangular and pyramid sand and in order that of a to nd prism the with o n Volume relationship the B same area. k b e If you don’t have demonstration: “volume of a access to the materials needed, you can watch the following pyramid water” on or video search for YouTube. Continued on next page 175 1 Look at What ATL1 the do Reect ● Before doing your Will your Repeat Write a Use If answer sand depend to step 2 shapes down of the watching take a the pyramid with a with the same base. peer. 7 to peer. on the Your type triangular how the video, completely of prism many in prism? square guess ll teacher prism rectangular determine with are the a the may and the how many prism. collect the pyramid? same way Will as a Explain. pyramids it takes to ll the other pyramids and their corresponding prisms if available. relationship prism formula down base same How the with with the between same base the volume and of height. a pyramid Write this and the relationship and your Investigation volumes of Generalize 4 the volume for the measurements verify does base for formula your l of a prism volume and relationship of and a your square result from pyramid step with 4 for another 2 8 result investigation (the cones the shape. 3D shapes this investigation and cylinders)? formula for the h w discuss in to height pyramid and cylinder with dimensions. Reect its a and ndings prism. possible, the 17 6 class. prism your formula. and ● with entire and the or guess ll Use the will pyramid write ● it pyramid as 6 the activity sand triangular volume 5 of rectangular those 4 of of Discuss discuss the Compare square 3 and full a 2 notice? pyramids guesses ● dimensions you into the relate to your relationship result in between the Explain. volume of any pyramid, regardless of G E O M E T R Y Practice 1 Find the A N D T R I G O N O M E T R Y 5 volume of the following gures. Round answers h = to 3 s.f. 10 cm 9 cm 6 cm 6 cm 8 cm 7 cm 10 cm a 8 cm b 8 cm c 18 cm h 25 mm 20 mm 20 mm d 36 23 14 mm e f 7.5 cm 13 cm mm mm 13 cm 27 mm g 2 10 cm h Find the missing measurements in each of the following square If pyramids. you are nding calculating Height Base side length Apothem Volume dicult, this try 3 (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm ) adding an column 4 extra for the 6 base 16 12 area. 10 13 20 1000 8 314 3.25 702.15 Continued on next page 17 7 3 In the Strip to 1990s, began attract casinos to rides is themed Great resort With Why step beam a inside would a? a The these of At in the night, the actual the world and hotel replaces created situate the with Egyptian- 107 m the the a for emanates square base bedrooms, space available from with a the sides top of convention be less than of the 197 m, center, the the to be not only of are a viewed replace volume 114 996 cm b of What the to simple from allow anywhere air in by base of inside opening two in a wall. or even three viewing from all in the a More Cairo, many, not Using would 178 4 a to to sides. sides, The you space and was theatres? calculated but pyramid replace a in 63 cm. a it also to is Find the length of the the was model lit 3D shapes while in 1989, much your if the sides of working. also meant preserving Paris the is Great a giant structure was more accepted and to help since of visitors that the solve the the the the across Giza criticized problem entrance museum. underground view of even original to pyramid Pyramid the designed volume in of collections large pyramid replace Show museum now Louvre’s the pyramid scale is of length? Completed handle well is the designs pyramid room. square volume Louvre pyramid the height the of is although glass be the that The its doubled area Egypt. accessing could much restaurants modern base. are glass admired. of the entrance made and happens Surface The how amount 3 sides pyramid. in Explain. replace was of so build of shape light The enough to One Giza. of not complete an the of height Traditional the in Pyramid available 4 Luxor, try children. was hotels, Vegas to clientele, attractions. The brightest b new Las project were devised themed hotels a this the with shows they and on ten-year families in solution large, a and bring hotels lobby courtyard often replace make it allow design possible to G E O M E T R Y from any homage within How need a to the the the to the extensive glass do Louvre nd pyramid. Egyptian Creating atten 3D a the Copy out you think also paid collection Pyramid? how to was To needed answer calculate the 3 net – is Surface an shape and to ecient see complete all way of this area its to of to this, you surface area Dimensions pairs, surface add the area areas of of a 3D the shape, since individual you can sections. to and shapes determine of sections surface area SA formula (SA) pyramid pyramid Hexagonal In the then pyramid Rectangular Square and table. solid Triangular pyramids determine faces needed 2 It pyramid. Activity 1 outside T R I G O N O M E T R Y museum. much make of point A N D pyramid follow these of steps ● Draw the net each ● Label the dimensions ● Find ● Total ● Use to 3D determine shape in the the formula for each pyramid listed in the table. table. Pairs the the this Your teacher their nets l i n area or, of areas to of write may each all the of each section. of the sections. formula provide alternatively, section. you for with you can the surface area manipulatives look at virtual of of 3D the prism. pyramids that can be broken down into manipulatives. k b e On the section how Annenberg and the net search Learner for unfolds – website “pyramid”. use this as ( Select a “Explore visual to help & Play you go to with the “Interactives” Pyramids” determine the to see formulas. 17 9 Example Q The 4 Louvre measuring the Pyramid 35.4 m amount square of and glass meters. is a square whose needed Round your pyramid apex to is cover answer whose 21.6 m the to above sides the base of has the the nearest sides ground. pyramid square Find in meter. A Draw the net of the 3D gure and indicate the 21.6 m known measurements. To the 35.4 m 35.4 m height slant height nd sur face area Pythagoras’ theorem 2 s 2 (s). Round calculations of each triangle, calculate the use slant 2 = h + = 21.6 = 779.85 2 s height to 1 2 2 + 17.7 2 s the s = middle of a to the nearest hundredth in solution. 27.93 1 A = (35.4)(27.93) Find the area of one triangular face and multiply 2 by A = four. 494.36 You The area of all 4 triangles = do since = not need to nd the area there is no glass on the Round = the answer to the nearest 1977 m (as 18 0 4 3D shapes the base base. 1977.44 2 SA of 4(494.36) specied in the question). square meter G E O M E T R Y Practice 1 Find the Round A N D T R I G O N O M E T R Y 6 volume answers and to surface the area nearest of the following gures. tenth. 12 cm 15 cm 10 cm 17 cm 10 cm 10 cm 2 area 16 cm a 43.3 cm base b 24 cm 8 cm 8 cm 5 cm c 16 cm 5 cm 8 cm d 4 m 10 cm 17 cm 12 cm 3.5 m e 2 Dice play games. it dierent A 4, important Because options, with an was not 6, 8, 12 four-sided pyramid, all of and die of all part of to sides. even You 20 faces have make dice can six with now get dice sides! (abbreviated whose role-playing scenarios necessary numbers 30 cm f d4) are is a triangular equilateral triangles. a If the apothem is 18 mm triangles b Is a d4 and is of the any length 10.4 mm, fair? side of nd of the the the pyramid sides of surface the area of the dice. Explain. Continued on next page 181 3 Many of the corridors. possible three The to Pyramid, the designer illuminate there main (with collections are exception the of the these also hallways at of the Louvre can smaller These, be accessed Pyramid subterranean three meet. Louvre wanted to passageways. ones too, underground are that serve square as use In as much addition skylights pyramids and via to that are hallways natural the let light main in made as Louvre light of and where glass base). 2 If each of apothem base 4 of Using of three each each small One shaped Users using The the is interact their is a as to interaction covered sides with The a Find the surface b Find the percentage an in a measures total of 6.75 m, 79 m what of is glass, the side and when that objects or using sits on a tabletop. the pyramid tablet. height of of problem pyramid- inside pyramid area a this of the the with the entire total sides pyramid is 23 cm. device. surface area that is available for viewing. Spheres A In in sphere is a perfectly mathematics, three it is dimensions round often that three-dimensional dened are the as “the same set object. of distance all points from a xed point”. Reect ● Explain and how dimensions ● Is ● What 18 2 the 4 a the sphere that sphere is discuss the are 3D shapes represents the entire “xed 9 same solid point” the set distance “ball” called? or of points away just from the in a shell? three xed point. Explain. the length individual solve developed display square 45 cm. seen hopes smartphone device measuring often have holographic can is pyramid? group They pyramids triangular company promoting technology. small of technology activity. by the r of the G E O M E T R Y Unlike down area prisms, into of a accurately. sphere cylinders individual How 4 can – pyramids, nor you can you a sphere draw determine its area will orange, net of surface of a a be broken sphere area? sphere i t e ri o c Sur face a cannot r Investigation and faces then T R I G O N O M E T R Y n Surface A N D For this one l i investigation, whose n shape is you as need spherical as an a tangerine or a clementine. Choose B possible! k b e If you don’t have an orange available, you can watch the sphere 1 Place the around 2 Repeat 3 In its 4 the ATL1 1 middle the is in of to following search video for demonstration: “surface area of YouTube. piece make times of a paper. shape so that Holding that you is your roughly have pen or pencil upright, trace circular. between 4 and 6 circles that are size. each circle, write the formula for the area of the circle, assuming r orange Reect on a several equal ngernail on orange step radius Peel orange the roughly orange” or of in your and small pieces. Try to make the pieces no larger than the thumb. discuss 10 Before doing the activity or watching the video, guess how many circles you will completely ll with orange peel. Compare your guess with a peer. Your teacher may collect the guesses of the entire class. 5 6 Completely ll leaving space How many terms 7 8 any of circles circle before between did you moving pieces. ll? You What is on may the to the not total ll next. Try every area of to avoid circle. those circles in r? Collect data person ll? Based each on from your several result, of write your down peers. the How formula many for circles the did surface each area of a sphere. 18 3 ATL1 Reect ● Why does sphere? ● and What the discuss amount of 11 orange peel represent the surface area of a Explain. other objects could you use to perform this investigation? Explain. ● What factors more or less Example Q have the contributed correct to number students of in circles? your class lling Explain. 5 Throbber be may than heating controlled aluminium balls using and use a are designed smartphone induction to to app. heat heat The up food, balls any and are can made of liquid. Suppose six heating balls are placed in a pan of soup. If the balls have a diameter of 5 cm, nd the total area of the heating balls that is in direct contact with the soup. Round your answer to three signicant gures. 5 A r Find = the radius of each ball by dividing the 2 diameter = by 2. 2.5 cm Find the sur face area of one ball using the 2 SA 2 4 πr = formula SA = 4πr 2 = Keep your working in terms of 4 π( 2.5) π at this stage, so you don’t have to round your answer until the 2 very end of the question. = 25 π cm 2 Total surface area = 6 Since × 25 π cm there sur face are area of 6 heating one ball balls, by multiply the 6. 2 = 150π cm = 471 cm 2 Calculate the value and round your answer to 3 s.f. 2 The 18 4 4 total surface 3D shapes area of the 6 heating balls is 471 cm G E O M E T R Y Practice 1 Find the A N D T R I G O N O M E T R Y 7 surface area of the following shapes. Round answers to the 10 cm 9 cm a nearest tenth. 14 cm b c 5 cm Circumference = 47 mm 20π m 5 cm d 2 e With the recent technology, someone cameras when all was are its that only invented into in a portable matter spherical to the surface, amateur interesting a designed thrown over tool it advances f take air. the time camera. before These panoramic With ball of camera photos cameras camera photographers is can a ball mounted new use to take shots. 2 If 3 there is available for diameter of The mirrored ball was around early onto as the it. The of disco small clubs balls and and as the order the to often the sphere light turns. wide is reect while reect ball ball what The rotates gained are on clubs. mirrors club the in night mirrors the 1920s, of area cameras, created inside small parts the 1970s “disco the with dierent the small camera? shines area mounting ball covered If surface a light in of 1520 cm a is light into Used as popularity referred to as balls”. typical can be nearest disco ball covered has with a radius mirrors? of 42 cm, Round what your surface answer to hundredth. Continued on next page 18 5 4 Which each 5 would with a radius and In Aquilino 1963, plastics, resistant infants used 6 cm a newborns, a regular balls in a wide a By to what factor doubled? b By what tripled? c Volume Since Like there the How Can be a the you is 4 chair. of were have exercise the each 10 with a Throbber radius of used sphere shape, does using to even Cosani’s from to area justify surface area justify as of used not a do sphere an in of an your of an exercise ball increase when its radius is ball increase when its radius is answer. an exercise answer. increase in radius and you is nd the related to area that of of a a sphere? cylinder. 12 of a to nd have a dierent cylinders. 3D shapes your exercise 22 cm your between how volume a Show been regular prism or a cylinder? What on? be 12 cm? balls, with sphere. the heating puncture- since and sizes, surface the discuss principle and liquid, manufacturer produce they relationship based calculated prisms balls a diameter. does a to they desk volume nd it but range does base and do a of heating up sphere no cone, this Because the heating Italian rst, mathematics area is principle for Use in an mathematics factor of Reect ● Use Generalize surface ● 85 cm at answer. therapy, to 5 process At alternative come or Cosani, balls. physical eective your perfected and for of justify plastic diameter 18 6 more working of to be the volume base of shape, method than a its sphere? Explain. volume the will standard have one its eect on the G E O M E T R Y 5 – Volume of a T R I G O N O M E T R Y i sphere t er i r Investigation A N D this investigation, your teacher may provide you with manipulatives and n c For sand. B l i n k b e If manipulatives are not available, you can watch the following and 1 ATL1 If you sphere have Reect water” on manipulatives, and or video search for demonstration: “volume of a cylinder YouTube. ll discuss the sphere with sand. 13 Before doing the activity or watching the video, guess the volume of the sphere as a fraction of the volume of the cylinder. (Assume that the sphere and cylinder have equal radii and that the height of the cylinder is equal to the diameter of the sphere.) Compare your guess with a peer. Your teacher may collect the guesses of the entire class. 2 Determine pouring 3 Write step down 2, equal 4 What what sand the adapt height is fraction from the formula this and of the sphere for formula cylinder’s into the to the volume write volume is the volume of the sphere by cylinder. of down a a cylinder. formula Based for the on your volume work of a in sphere of radius. relationship between the height of the cylinder and the radius of the sphere? 5 Write down Substitute 6 the this height into of your the cylinder formula from in terms step of the radius of the sphere. 3. Simplify your formula, so that you end up with the formula for the volume of a sphere. Reect ● How close volume ● How have and of does discuss was the this studied your initial sphere result in this and 14 guess the relate to of the relationship between the cylinder? the volume of other shapes that you unit? 18 7 Example Q The Super 1970s. and it 6 it It was was could Ball was a one of bouncing said that bounce if it higher the ball was many made thrown than a toy of a fads of the material hard called enough three-story 1960s onto building! and Zectron the One ground SuperBall 3 contains your of 451.76 cm answer to the Zectron. nearest Find the radius of the ball. Round hundredth. 4 4 A V 3 The formula for the volume of a sphere is 3 πr V = πr = 3 3 4 451.76 3 πr = Substitute the given value into the formula. 3 3 3 (451.76) = 4 4 4 3 πr 3 Solve for r by rst multiplying each side by the 4 reciprocal of and simplifying. 3 338.82 = 3 πr 3 πr 338.82 Divide = π each side by π and simplify. π 3 107.84756 = r Take 3 3 the cube root of each side. 3 r 107.84756 = r = Round your answer to the nearest hundredth. 4.76 cm Only the nal answer should be rounded to the nearest hundredth. Intermediate calculations should use more signicant gures in order for The 18 8 4 radius of the 3D shapes SuperBall is 4.76 cm. the answer to be as exact as possible. G E O M E T R Y Practice 1 Find the nearest A N D T R I G O N O M E T R Y 8 volume and surface area of the following shapes. Round your answers to the tenth. 32 cm 15 mm a 67 mm b c Circumference = 40π 41 mm r d 2 mm e Copy and sphere. complete Round all this table, values to assuming the nearest Radius Diameter (cm) (cm) that each set of measurements are for a tenth. Surface area Volume 2 (cm 3 ) (cm ) 15 50 1000 1000 3 The water ball) was “walk” and the user a If walking invented on water. ball is ball to It (or allow is zipped aqua zorbing people made closed of to plastic with the inside. the surface area of a water walking 2 ball is inside b In 16π m the order , nd the volume of air ball. for an adolescent to be Continued on next page 18 9 b In order for an adolescent to be able to breathe enough oxygen for 30 minutes, they 3 need an c ATL2 2 m What During small are a The of a water per 5 What your do Give three the 96 these in try to Los reduced for 30 could problems reduce black be a water be associated amount 85 the of each Reservoir by ball that would with the water walking in to city water of Los that measuring an 90 attempt percent, Angeles evaporated 10 cm to in block saving from the over 1 sunlight. trillion enough, volume the of balls water were was lled in all with of the water balls so in that the they Los would Angeles not you think black spheres were used instead of some other shape or reasons. of the following shapes. 8 cm 20 cm 3 cm 22 cm. ball 7 Find b is the of the radius volume. 19 0 4 packaged Assuming percentage blow working. volume soccer liters Reservoir? 16 cm A its diameter, 5 cm 6 ball? used 15 cm a allow overcome? spheres, evaporation walking uninterrupted. California, the Angeles of minutes that southern million the it diameter problems drought to in the year. Why Find Find the could into Interestingly Show of About balls air. remain spheres released away. b How black shade to some severe reservoirs. were fresh adolescent Explain. 4 of 3D shapes that the volume of a c in a ball of sphere cubic box touches the that box has is an with all side faces wasted equal of lengths the of box, what space? surface area and color? G E O M E T R Y – Solar energy 2 i t e ri c You have and cones, Solar The the solar is the how solar designs made tools of cells have have also been been made in the form of cylinders D attempted. for at designed solar cells much a cell, smaller such as on help solve each This applications camping construction 25 cm to overheating. site. side The and or square has a 35 cm. Assuming solar was the measures height If of cylindrical charging base other pyramid problem than b but seen pyramid device a already o n assessment T R I G O N O M E T R Y r Formative A N D cells. each the pyramid (Assume pyramid is sits that lled on they with the can air, ground, be nd nd placed the all the the volume of surface way air to area the inside available for top.) each pyramid. Rawlemon Inspired by architect combines potential 70% the of more is Sun or daughter’s Brossel benets solar works capable Moon of of than with toy a a order typical both to the its to glass produce and up the to panel. moonlight movement motorized It with photovoltaic sunlight the German Rawlemon. magnifying in following thanks marbles, created energy energy Rawlemon and his Andre base. of the The large crystal ball is lled with water to help magnify the light rays on the solar cells. The c Rawlemon comes in a variety of sizes. Find the area of the sphere that is exposed to sunlight if it has a diameter of 1.8 m. (Assume that the whole of the sphere’s surface area is exposed to sunlight.) d ATL2 Find the Making e Try volume of water in a sphere with a diameter of 1.8 m. choices out several product the on dierent which surface solar area shapes, cells then would available for choose be one to design your own placed. f Find solar cells, rounded to the nearest tenth. g Find the volume of space that your design occupies, rounded to the nearest tenth. h Explain the usefulness of your product. What is the most appropriate use for your design (e.g on a building, for charging a small device)? Who would want to use it? 19 1 Unit The of volume the the summary base gure of any gure that 3D and has shape can multiplying been repeated be by in calculated the height. order Shape to by taking The base produce Surface the area the gure 3D shape. 2 2π r r is Volume 2 Cylinder area + 2π rh r h h 2 Cone r 1 + π rs 2 π r h 3 s h r 2 Square b + 2bs 1 2 b pyramid h 3 s h b b Rectangular lw + 2bs 1 lwh pyramid s 3 w l 2 Sphere 4 4 3 r π r 3 r The surface area of any pyramid can be calculated using its net. 1 The volume of a pyramid the is volume 3 same 19 2 base 4 shape 3D shapes and same height. of the prism with the t e ri o c n r i Unit Key to review Unit review Level 1–2 1 Calculate Round A question levels: Level 3–4 the volume answers to Level 5–6 and the surface nearest area Level 7–8 of each of the following shapes. tenth. 6.2 mm 12 mm 5.6 cm 22 cm 15 cm a b c Slant l = height 26 cm 8 cm 24 cm 6 cm 7 cm 7 cm 20 cm d 2 In a 7 cm e order place built the to to three help get Seattle and away giant spheres, providing reduce a the tropical from spheres climate nice weather. employees’ break The gardens. their in is oce very similar the spheres levels cubicle, downtown from The stress that sometimes also largest contain sphere give Amazon Seattle, to and USA. of cold has Inside Costa and waterfalls, measures them Rica, rainy a river 40 m in diameter. 19 3 a Find the Round b If the your Airbags 1980s them and a impacted are the fully so A car is in cylinder has a the volume b the amount order inventor design. to James turned the material problems Dyson could center of At the around motor same a time, with particular its airbags, passenger. wheel by 25 cm of a and to the car, a radius fully ball moved and the to make into and t when 28 cm, nd: airbag. and stability, vacuum inside allows of the his increased ball driver’s inated manoeuvrability a The cylinder. when required be glass will and airbag of of between specic gravity corners for they car inserted motor the machine. the area injuries Airbags of the the car. steering in in passengers a sphere. had multiple height nd and the largest making approximated air of solve The lowered of a cars of barrier have the be in crash, and the tenth. glass, feature, protect in can a in sphere. belts the soft can located seat nearest in method of a to used driver that, create the largest safety inside inated the If a the positioned airbag In the driver/passenger each 4 as the and windows. If standard installed deploy as to available covered Although persisted space widely 1990s safer. are cover became become still to of answer spheres needed 3 volume the the the cleaner ball, stability machine which of the to be ease. vacuum cleaner has a volume 3 of 4200 cm used 19 4 4 to , hold nd it. 3D shapes the radius of the smallest ball that could be 5 Three-dimensional adolescents, The especially wooden pieces but comes cube, is with and puzzles puzzle very the the since shown dicult pieces aim are is popular the Rubik’s here to has solve. arranged to toys in rearrange cube. only The the for 10 puzzle shape them to of a make 3 a square of 6 pyramid. wood, The nd LifeStraw waterborne water into inches that 7 choose sphere for If a within the a is Find The sphere, the zorb with is a option”, ride sphere and of with down has 2 m, outer a liters length of of the the of contaminated straw volume is of 9 water and on 0.8 mm your surface even makes a of hot 3 m the the each air inner layer material which answer of day. and of plastic thick, area in can volume (The a inner This diameter spheres. hill air can the hill the of Zorbs zorbers the a actually water. Round of down where nd approximately volume 1000 99.9999% its layer and lled for rolling people partly to calculate home three calculations.) the is shocks. diameter is ball. “aqua removes the inch, absorb the inner these 3D to up If known involves a 1 help outer sphere 8 to is activities, This turn cm pyramid. lter water. is the 9 hold. which refreshing the has can inatable up can diameter straw between It contains of water the “zorbing”. hold personal drinking adventurous sphere puzzle dimensions bacteria. Zealand, an the safe and the New in the If to of 3 can for be sphere between each ignored in s.f. the following shapes. 8 cm 8 m 1.8 m 5 m 10 cm 7 m 1.8 m 8 cm a 3 m b c 19 5 6 mm c m 14 mm r 20 cm 26.5 mm d 9 e Specialized to protect the and silo to is the one of height how needed The of Morning in Australia. known from a the west study use a such tool attached (which These coast are shown here. of are mostly not in Carpentaria sea breezes breezes of phenomena, a a from scientists radiosonde, weather balloon spherical!). cylindrical of cloud 150 m. cloud Find the surface 3D shapes formations Moving moving formation. 4 when The very causes of the formation occurs Gulf of Find silos cloud forms meet called to is radius a it part primer ve its with and 15 m. of paint. 20 m. north Although the is layer then 17 m and the the process a life. east. To lot paint photo) on over is is Glory the and silo silo precisely, October during silo protect predictably a the with cylindrical the much to (shown the of their specialized the agricultural diameter out of height total 19 6 painted two designed against prolong primers layers been silos rust-resistant The 10 has storage corrosion First paint at can speeds up be to 1000 km long 60 km/h, with there is a overhead. area Round of your the Morning answer to Glory the cloud nearest hundredth. b If the cloud factor would answer c If the restaurants grinder. pepper, used. of a radius contain 12 Access many as to was a ball The Q volume simply of by only long, area? by what Justify your half surface the radius, area? by Justify what your as a own possible is a in of a a until wide over rolling the 5 cm. Find it has as the to cylinder. in especially located need the transporter problem. a large distances drum. the if pepper often this long of (sphere). transport water use radius who water to cylinder problem are people a grinder countries, solve of ball pepper it their come and of Drum to pepper grind volume the can to many the shape water allows anyone as sizes. sources developed is can 14 cm same from half surface the in fresh the shape clean design that in of water away as and developing water. Its the clean far in of users it shapes is had found grinders height the change kitchens allows is only calculations. keeping Another the and product with that product Pepper range One It change formation with common were calculations. would answer A that with cloud factor 11 formation This device, means including 3 children. The of Its water. 50 cm. the 13 Find Q Drum height the is holds 36 cm radius of 50 000 cm and the the inner diameter hole of through the the base is center of drum. The traditional approximately traditionally and the made poor of by its conductor of inside snow, heat, the dome, Canadian Greenland. compacted generated with hemispherical built people of igloo, so Inuit It is which any structure is is a heat will stay inside. 19 7 a If the radius inside an igloo is 1.8 m, nd the volume of air Disregard contained the inside. entranceway b If the and thickness the surface 14 The both the to ensure medicine gelatin 11 mm and Find that the a hold. your Find to 19 8 4 in to a volume Include of a of of one such as but of can with showing the capsule. of gelatin capsule. 1847, having manufacturer 5 mm. size 0.8 m, is nd was medication without length diagram amount a in medicine this the of is snow 0.5 m your this the answers question. nd the and surface needed to lls designed and taste the antibiotics. to make the hollow area of to Just volume igloo. patented sizes, of compacted the dosage total calculations, 3D shapes of medicines many of entrance swallow, diameter produce the outside correct has capsule the of capsule, with dimensions b walls pharmaceutical one a the the come common of easy The the radius hard capsule Capsules a area two-piece medicine. a inner of in the hemisphere. i t e r Summative i c ATL2 a r assessment C, D Designing Heating pads muscles and sprains, joint a are for injuries. Your task is pain, can you to get design use also into a used such long-term They when bag commonly relieve and example heat as to be a worldwide arthritis, alleviate used cold to help to headaches, chronic simply to strains, back warm relax pain you and up, for bed. microwavable heat bag with a volume of 3 1500 cm wheat, bag . The ax or The several bag cannot Part a to so 1 The Design using it ve each that the the a not of the ● Square-based ● Cylinder ● Cone ● Square-based ● Sphere of a be so ller, lled you or touch the of bags following a ller roof that want a oven, dish of so The the The to as longer the experiment it in most maximum microwave basic have such combination. found 30 cm. possible heat may even glass diameter with microwaved. microwave circular product: possible can better, inside has will completely kinds than which bag – heat t be grain dierent larger microwaves the its needs be will other maintains with of bag the is height 20 cm. shapes given volume shapes. rectangular prism pyramid 19 9 b Draw a diagram material Show you all of accuracy round Part a 2 – your design need to working. will use and make Think (how calculate each (the about many the surface what decimal amount area). degree places of of you will The a product: heat bag shape that a creative has made up the of given two shape volume or more but of is the a above shapes together Draw a diagram material Think c would you compound b each to). Design put of Show you about that of will need what your your design to make degree chosen of and it. calculate Show accuracy dimensions all you the of will produce a amount your of working. use. 3D shape with a 3 d volume of Choose a senior use A specic citizens). to common diagram bag on of fabric. Part You 3 – will the that ● and ● an from the initial analysis your nal of 4 your heat design of You of for bag this scents, fabric will 110 cm fabric your (e.g. children, market etc. Add – you these can design wide. is 110 cm. position possible net is to the You in Construct net of should order to your use a heat the minimize waste scale. materials materials beginning will to end create a for as your well folder product as how (digital to you or show plan hard its to copy) following: designs, of complete (dimensions, each and 3D shapes you fabric of these with diagrams, surface designs, calculations area) including advantages and each complete (dimensions your bolt how compound Tinkercad, 20 0 a sure specications disadvantages ● of marketing product. ve of length create includes the width Make for diagram. Marketing development sell your piece minimum market embellishments, showing a . Tailor decorations, elements e 1500 cm design, with surface which could calculations area) be and created using specications ● a sketch and ● a showing the an it how of explanation and of for promotional video for it the will the how appealing or net compound best degree t of onto design, the accuracy drawn to scale fabric used given the context problem design ● the justication of ● of why your your towards suggested material, can your be for the your compound modications/additions can be in product. for nished make market. which used target chose chosen advertisement Animoto you this the form (Online purpose.) of tools Be sure a print like it is or Canva geared market. Extension The longer choice heat of ller loss. given For to each nd area. a is the bag maintains important, heat best loss 3D but its there increases shape to heat is with the better, another surface minimize the way area, total so your to reduce you could surface area for volume. of the In heat Since determine the the the ve basic dimensions order to Determine do the of this, shapes this above, shape follow appropriate use with these spreadsheet the minimum software surface steps. equation for the volume of the gure. b Determine an expression for the height of the gure based on 3 the c d given Using of substitution, gure in Use spreadsheet a using in decimal Use terms various results e volume the found step minimum to you 3. for the the as surface (e.g. verify of Find (Think area of the radius). area the the about gure one how that many to.) Graphmatica (GDC) to the surface area. round such this for measurement. surface calculator surface equation measurement should Use . calculate software display an another values places in nd minimum graphing graphic of 1500 cm to graph the or the Desmos equation dimensions that or a you give the area. 2 01 5 In this what unit, it Bivariate you means instrumental Fairness will to in see be how human. two However, understanding and variables other can this be same ideas, such data used to represent statistical as tool democracy can and and analyse also be social history. development Democracy What if Would data. your The many A you could results democracy their of rights is all in political ideal of the world often people, and citizens easily the the studied willing by to spread centuries statistical living This is in an between ght for a democracy? ideal two the place to variables rights What apply may aorded would the help by a it tell study you you? of see bivariate why so democracy. the protection The of positive? relationship are the eects representation the using be dened government. over the always strength around equality analyse of of of can this be tools. The positive economy easily eects and of personal represented and democracy wellbeing analysed on can the be using statistics. These show same that especially 20 2 can decision in sometimes other tools making response take systems a of also to much be in used to democracies, major longer government. issues, time can than Orientation Social What grow in racial must as like have and time were on 1960s, was a when being during did What and these was after changes and whole? you to desegregated? individuals as like American fought? before, help very and been African and eects society can have an inequality schools What it 1950s identied life space histories up the in on Statistics understand complex the changes these and relationships. Studying of life, the such resources will see social as history natural responsibly. that we have of Indigenous medicines, By mental comparing much to learn the from Australians health results one of and of can how our the shed to current oldest light eat on important healthily practices cultures on and to aspects use theirs, you Earth. 20 3 5 Bivariate What KEY CONCEPT: Related Global In this unit, human. and help As the you you will explore broaden you describe the people Modeling highlight will Models, this the very study see nature relationships on the your the be human Quantity of that of nature the of it context representing and existence. many means dierent of to be identities analyzing You will aspects data focus of the can on lives of Inquiry relationship what it means between to be quantities Inquiry bivariate data using a can human. Objectives Representing what global human between of planet. Statement ● to context: to exploring means RELA TIONSHIPS concepts: relationships, you it data scatter questions What is a model? What is correlation? F plot ● Representing ● Calculating data using Pearson’s a line of correlation best t How are relationships How does modeled? coecient C ● Analyzing data and drawing correlation relate to conclusions causation? How can the human experience be D quantified? What does it mean to be human? S TAT I S T I C S Research: A TL2 literacy Locate, organize, synthesize and information media media Y ou 1 and up and a plot Draw a analyze, ethically from a online evaluate, Select use variety and of digital of to with axes plot technology eectively productively sources know how appropriate to: scales with the a foot size c temperature b gender d movie rankings appropriate 4 scales use social points set and skills networks) already graph Organization skills (including should set P R O B A B I L I T Y Self-management: Media A TL1 and A N D following nd the equation of a line given two points. points (−3, 4) (12, −30) (4, −17) (22, 0) Find 2 determine range What range of is a the set the of mean, of mode and through data mean, the median, median, following mode data and 5 2 10 16 8 7 a (−1, c (1, 5 2 classify data discrete Classify types or discrete of either or ordinal, categorical, continuous each as as the write continuous. 3) 1) and and pair (4, (−2, the of the line passing points. −2) b (2, 0) and (4, −6) 2) equation of a line data categorical, gradient–intercept point–gradient Write following ordinal, each of in standard 1 form, 3 equation set? 5 4 the the through form, equation (−2, 4) and of the (2, line −8) gradient–intercept point–gradient form and form in passing standard form and form. 20 5 Introducing What other does it species? experience? you on As think. such you I?”, for?”. and The questions life dene In planet. tackle will is What Gve you Gve two of study, 20 6 5 dene data to that but be you more of t of over are you in also and reect “Who in and time nd than human. connections answers will as believe develop you ask you such dicult to to as am stand you friends these your help of my human will them being answer be as and well on all of this the equipped you get older. 1 to where two represent be human? What are some of the experence? by a the human n between grades experence can be number). varables relatonshp Bivariate data can than human more makes I dierent the be you do your they will means human better as the to a you (represented the that questions who scale, may “What and us describe what questions life use thnk the of makes humanity. examples the and discuss example descrbe part essence, means and you in larger in notion examine these only will and do an will In have, more fact, and questions very data What dene these in to unlikely quanted ● a place elements ● on it we represent?” not you Reect ● I change. what questions you human? the experience but, It can is, answers unit, analyze to do your this be Answering mature, family own How questions more to However, “What gain mean bivariate are.”) your them. lfe that (For are related example: “The and more I S TAT I S T I C S Representing Bivariate studied data, of data mean, which bivariate related clean two the to data one human Scatter they axis are often involve water. such two you to a at you to variable. two lifespan the When analyzing how expected Understanding help were single looking as variables. and univariate Your study quantities and relationship understand you even are access to between try to improve plots graphical the graphs plotted (the related to experience. investigate to mode, P R O B A B I L I T Y data related and data will can plotsare similar data another, drinking variables to median means Scatter to refers bivariate A N D referred to relationship you have using y-axis). representations The as a between two are and drawn horizontal axis (the correlation that is x-axis) the in statistics They previously, shown between used variables. studied relationship the that by two and a are very since vertical scatter plot is Scatter variables. plots referred Consider females given the and on the following their shoe data sizes. set which The shows scatter plot the heights of representation 14 to diagrams is are as and also scatter scatter graphs. right. y 13 12.5 Height (cm) Shoe (U.S. 12 size sizing) 11.5 168 8 183 11 11 9 178 10 180 11.5 160 7 164 7.5 163 7.5 177 9.5 168 8.5 eohS 174 10.5 ezis 8.5 ).S.U( 170 10 9.5 9 8.5 8 7.5 174 10 185 13 186 12 7 x 0 160 165 170 Height 175 180 185 (cm) 207 Reect ● Explan and why discuss “scatter plot” 2 s an approprate name for ths type of graph. ● What can ● The types be data variable The for ● are Why Whch s In (categorcal, wth are data do you the s thnk at ordnal, scatter on that “broken” plot? x-axs graphed that the dscrete Justfy s called on the and/or your the y-axs contnuous) answer. independent s the dependent s? begnnng snce they do not start at done? trends your a graphed representaton, relatonshp 14 s ths showng What data the Why axes zero. ● that and variable. ● of represented rst that n the the table data see the set? mpressons you or plot, s more eectve Explan. about between scatter the heght data? and Descrbe shoe sze the among the females. order describe to interpret overall described by relationship its a scatter patterns form the (linearity), between Investigation in plot, the 1 – two you data. need A direction variables to scatter and by being Describing look plot the for can and be strength of the compared. relationships Form The pattern linear 1 (n Look a at the Descrbe Justfy a between straght or varables form of can non-linear arrangement the your two lne) of each ponts scatter be descrbed as havng on plot the as scatter ether plots lnear or non-lnear. answers. b y Sometmes at all. What a below. y c the data would ponts ths y x x x 2 ether form. on scatter a scatter plot look plot lke? do not Sketch follow any pattern t. Contnued 20 8 5 Bivariate data on next page S TAT I S T I C S 3 a For the lnear b Does heght versus shoe sze data set, descrbe the relatonshp as A N D ether a P R O B A B I L I T Y lnear or a non- pattern. ths make sense gven the context of the data set? Explan. Direction The drecton of the relatonshp shown on a scatter plot can be descrbed as ether positive or negative. 1 Look at the postve a or arrangement negatve. of Justfy ponts your on the scatter plots below. b 3 Choose a s meant the When by as ether x “drecton”? correct the drecton y x What ther choces. y 2 Descrbe word drecton s to complete postve, as each one statement. varable ncreases the other varable increases/decreases. b When the drecton s negatve, as one varable ncreases the other varable increases/decreases 4 a Descrbe b Does ths the drecton make sense of the gven heght the versus context of shoe the sze data data set? set. Justfy your answer. Explan. Strength The strength of the relatonshp between the two varables can be descrbed as weak, moderate or strong. 1 Whch of strong? a the relatonshps n the scatter plots below would be consdered weak, moderate and Explan. y b y c x 2 Descrbe 3 What do how you the strength thnk t y x of means the relatonshp when there s a s related strong to how relatonshp x scattered between the data ponts are. varables? Contnued on next page 20 9 4 What 5 For do the you thnk heght between the t means versus shoe when sze there data, s a weak classfy the relatonshp strength of between the varables? relatonshp varables. Summary Summarze chart), the nformaton showng Activity the 1 – steps Life n you ths nvestgaton need to go n through a graphc when organzer analyzng (e.g. scatter a ow plots. expectancy The followng data represents the lfe expectancy at brth of a chld n several countres as compared wth that country’s gross domestc product (GDP). The GDP s a measure of a country’s economy, and ncludes the value of everythng produced by all of the ctzens and companes n a country. Gross domestic product Life expectancy Country (PPP Australa per capita) (years) 43 000 82 7 000 68 43 100 82 Egypt 6 600 73 Japan 37 100 84 Mozambque 1 200 52 Nepal 1 500 75 Oman 29 800 67 Peru 11 100 73 102 100 78 37 300 80 58 000 79 Bhutan Canada Qatar Unted Kngdom Unted States Reect and discuss 3 In small groups, dscuss the followng questons. ● What varable wll you graph on the horzontal axs? Justfy your choce. ● What wll ● s set What the up range each scale wll of of each the you varable? axes use for of your each How does scatter varable? ths aect how you plot? Explan your choce. Contnued 210 5 Bivariate data on next page S TAT I S T I C S 1 Based a on scatter 2 Do the 3 Would 4 What you 5 your data t ponts make pattern Descrbe Does the there Explan the 8 of on a must questons, represent the data on the n Explan. data the ponts? data? Explan. Descrbe any general trends that Is the ● Does be is data does pars, of the relatonshp of ts between ctzens? to mply Justfy about a country’s your what GDP and the answer. aects the length of the the 2 to – nd suggest on list valid. you about to the Is The know What there the quality is of the that the their that of a data major statistics web the for you source quoted information, site. motivation current sources that importance webstes the is the for nding bias? website it that internet surng a websites worldwde ensure trustworthiness where other need When data? The ve collectng you do the data? website data and accurate? about links the Explan. how information Activity drecton relatonshp seems reliable but are think the a statistics, collected the to and plot. experence. sharing ● for see scatter experence? website In jon expectancy collected Who 1 prevous perfectly? strength the anythng, contain ATL1 lfe analyzing and up to you form, information, you ● can n what f human have lne sense seem human What, When the see. average 7 to P R O B A B I L I T Y plot. represented 6 answers A N D you its you of thnk and up to date? information? can it check? reliable would Does be data trustworthy sources data. Pairs 2 Check each ste for valdty and relablty and share your ndngs To wth the nvestgate queston, 3 As a class, access come up wth a lst of approved webstes you can use to nformaton. to nd Use the webstes you have found to try to answer the you the statstcs (or 4 ths class. cty) wll need poverty of a and country the crme followng rate n that same queston: country “Is crme related to (or cty). poverty?” Contnued on next page 21 1 Thnk about these ● How many ● How wll ● Whch countres/ctes you wll Represent scatter the on wll whch you need to look countres/ctes ndependent varable and at? to nclude? whch wll be the varable? the plot decde be dependent 5 questions. data seem wth to a scatter ndcate n plot drawn response to by the hand. What queston does you your were nvestgatng? Practice 1 Describe 1 the form, strength and direction y of these scatter plots. y y b a c 500 100 110 100 90 90 400 80 80 70 70 300 60 60 50 50 200 40 40 30 30 100 20 20 10 10 x x 0 2 1 3 0 5 10 15 20 25 100 200 300 400 500 y y y d x 0 4 e f 1 0 20 25 9 15 8 20 10 7 5 6 15 5 0 4 10 –5 3 –10 2 5 –15 1 –20 x x x 0 0 2 1 2 Humans are enjoyment. use some People For of are one in of 4 the Whereas their the the –30 –20 –10 few most time prepared example, shown 3 for to cost animals leisure spend of following species a tickets – lot that seem focus for a to their simply of 0 10 do on on for that leisure basketball 100 5 Bivariate data 200 humans interest them. activities. game are table. Contnued 212 150 pure survival, things their professional 50 30 activities eorts enjoying money 20 on next page S TAT I S T I C S Number of tickets Total cost 1 143 2 286 3 429 4 572 5 715 6 858 7 1001 8 1144 9 1287 10 1430 11 1573 12 1716 a Is each data b Which is the dependent c Which is the independent d Represent e Do f Describe the set the data discrete data on points the or line continuous? up relationship your Justify answer. your answer. plot. perfectly? that Explain. Justify variable? scatter P R O B A B I L I T Y ($) variable? a A N D is Would represented it in make the sense scatter to join plot them? (form, Explain. strength, direction). g 3 Represent While all birth living celebrate the Día way of died. using death only death. With los all Muertos over the are The end Día los cultural (Day world October November. to the Attendance period is of have given the like their who own have in Los days beginning in working. Dead), festival the your to events several at Show actually the those lasts equation. common Muertos California, of ve-year de an humans commemorating Angeles, the and data things, de humans the from of festival over following a table. Contnued on next page 213 Attendance Year (number of people) 2013 24 882 2014 30 941 2015 33 127 2016 35 081 2017 39 572 a Represent b Describe the the data using a relationship scatter between plot. the two variables (form, strength, direction). 4 c Predict d Suggest One of are most and also amount festival reasons the habitats we the of why the notable for festival human 2018. traits of transportation. capable of destroying is remaining represented in in is the natural table Population your keeps ability However, Indonesia the Justify attendance modes forest population attendance a increasing. to create unlike resources as answer. on function products, most a other large of the species, scale. The country’s below. Area of forest Year 2 (millions) 233 964 870 2008 236.2 958 020 2009 239.3 951 170 2010 242.5 944 320 2011 245.7 937 476 2012 248.9 930 632 2013 252 923 788 2014 255.1 916 944 2015 258.2 910 100 Represent b What c How and e ) 2007 a d (km the pattern do you 2017? data is for suggested think the the strength, direction). is by area the of and area using a scatter plot. data? forest in Indonesia changed during 2016 Explain. Describe Suggest population relationship reasons unrelated to why the the that area increasing is of represented forest is in the scatter decreasing. population? Is it plot (form, possible that it Explain. Contnued 21 4 5 Bivariate data on next page S TAT I S T I C S 5 As humans, some of our component The the Index June score in in in What If a The table years, The below along shows be of for part to of the is a key community. percentage Myanmar average give others a Myanmar’s the to is often World of at or Giving temperature in years. June World Giving Index 29 25.92 58 25.85 64 25.95 66 26.12 70 26.37 65 data to country with willing empathy according 25.47 the are P R O B A B I L I T Y using a scatter plot. Be score sure to choose suitable scales axes. relationship think the nature that average of is represented temperature citizens in in in June Myanmar? Is the has this scatter any plot (form, impact represented on in the the Explain. might of could plot are necessarily contrast, of part the but has the may of relationship a a “average with seem the temperature World Giving in June” Index human Does does that that mean mean that that one the two variable Explain. to queen, also pattern, related? other? animals of instead Explain. necessarily beehive money a plot demonstrates aects species a you demonstrate Myanmar? variables earns charity. and 22 variable example, human countries and This 25.83 scatter Many be need. (%) direction). you in citizens (°C) strength, Do to those the score In in to ranks consecutive Describe that 6 list. fellow those means give temperature your graph? e it our help Index that Myanmar charitable d about to who of Represent for c Giving top Average b what population the care wealth of World near a we A N D have clearly worker bees, experience full the need is to dened “roles”. For drones, foragers and choosing feel a useful job and that guards. not only valued. Contnued on next page 21 5 Data, like person those changes in the jobs table by the below, age Average of suggest 30 number is of that the changing number with each of times a generation. job Generation changes Matures Baby X’ers Dene 3.7 6.4 each continuous. b Can c What d Do so you that f g you one this categorical, ordinal, discrete or answers. data be using evident make represent your scatter correct the strength, direction). a plot answer? the 5 to and Describe Make either a scatter in this changes data to using plot? data? the a Explain. Explain. independent scatter plot. variable Draw the plot. relationship prediction generation. 216 can as your seems research Compare than Justify pattern scatter e variable represent some 30 2.4 Mllennals a age 2.1 Boomers Gen by Justify Bivariate data about your with three others in your class. Is represented in your scatter there more Explain. that the is average prediction. number of job plot changes for (form, your S TAT I S T I C S Line In of best general, do not need data to line a curve through should follow so it If that the you have If to you of as and had would t to look trend lke? a be a as of well plot best line) as t in the curve of is plot usually points, pattern will but the it data possible. a line, (often line). discuss draw will called data scatter line scatter You may them the the the a relationship general your drawn Reect ● on the (which all the on something represents curve referred points perfectly. curve, This go data up P R O B A B I L I T Y t approximate with tting. not all the A N D sngle Justfy 4 lne your or curve through each of the followng scatter plots, what answer. y y b a $700 $700 $600 $600 selaS selaS $500 $400 $500 $400 $300 $300 $200 $200 $100 $100 $0 $0 x x 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 T emperature 10 26 15 20 25 30 35 T emperature (ºC) 40 45 (ºC) y y c d 10000 15 9000 14 8000 s ruoH )srallod( 16 13 12 11 ecirP 10 9 8 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 7 1000 x 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 x 0 1 Age 2 3 4 5 Age ● Whch ● For of the those above 6 7 8 9 10 (years) scatter relatonshps plots that are suggest lnear, a how lnear could (years) relatonshp? you nd the equaton of the trend lne? 21 7 Activity Perform 3 ths – The actvty line wth a of best t partner. Pairs 1 Look lne at of a the best followng t s well scatter drawn. plots and Justfy lnes each of of t. Dscuss whether or not you thnk the decsons. y b y best your 1.5 16 14 12 1 10 8 6 0.5 4 2 x x 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 7 4 6 8 10 y y c d 2000 85 1800 75 1600 1400 65 1200 1000 55 800 45 600 400 35 200 0 25 0 e x x 1840 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 f y 1860 1880 2000 2020 2040 y 10 9 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 x x 0 1 2 Usng of a best 2 3 4 5 straght t for 6 7 8 edge each of 91011 (preferably the followng y a a transparent scatter decde where you would draw the lne plots. y b $70 ruler), 100 90 $60 80 $50 70 $40 60 50 $30 40 $20 30 $10 20 $0 x 0 2 4 6 8 10 10 12 14 16 x 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Contnued 218 5 Bivariate data on next page S TAT I S T I C S y A N D P R O B A B I L I T Y y c d 25 23 21 20 19 15 17 10 15 5 13 x 30 20 3 Do all lnes 4 Descrbe 5 Once Drawing a of the you 40 50 best t aspects have line have of drawn x 60 to pass drawng the of best t If you nd 1 0 lne can the of be through lne best of t, made the orgn best how easier 2 t can if (0, that you you 3 0)? are nd 4 Explan. dcult. ts know equaton? at least The one point on it. the mean of each variable, use that the create an ordered pair, (x, y), and then plot that point. This symbol mean one point that must be on your line of best t. You still need to follow Example Q Humans the have the process. age. The pattern of the data as you draw the trend s of y. line. 1 eects have the value to y try or will average be for to of a agng. ablty For to Every create example, data populaton remarkable n who the desre lvng your wear vson glasses to wll table at try thng products followng to to mnmze ages, but t s compensate slowly show specc or elmnate humans for ths deterorate the as percentage who natural you of the ages. Contnued on next page 21 9 Age Percentage (years) 14 23 18 28 25 36 35 39 45 55 53 83 60 91 70 92 b Draw lne data of usng best t gradent–ntercept Use your who a the the equaton mght Begn by wear to scatter and nd (%) plot. ts equaton. Wrte the equaton form. predct glasses calculatng a population glasses 10 Represent c wear 8 a n A who of the at the age mean percentage of the populaton 30. pont. 8 + 14 + 18 + 25 + 35 + 45 + 53 + 60 + 70 x = = Fnd 36.4 the mean of each varable. 9 10 + 23 + 28 + 36 + 39 + 55 + 83 + 91+ 92 y = = 50.8 9 The mean pont s (36.4, 50.8) y 100 Set up the scale for each axs. The 90 ndependent so the x-axs varable should (x-axs) go from s “age” , 0 to )%( 80 at least sessalg (y-axs) 70 who raew 60 be (36.4, 50.8) 70. The s scaled ohw Plot the wear the dependent percentage glasses from ponts 0 so to and the varable of people axs should 100. add the mean 50 pont. egatnecreP 40 30 20 10 x 0 10 20 30 40 Age 50 60 70 80 (years) Contnued 220 5 Bivariate data on next page S TAT I S T I C S A N D P R O B A B I L I T Y y 100 Draw the must lne pass of best through t. The the lne mean pont 90 and Tr y follow to the draw a pattern lne wth of the data. roughly the )%( 80 same sessalg each number sde of of the data ponts on lne. 70 The raew 60 trend pass ths (36.4, lne through does (0, 0), not but have t to does n case. 50.8) ohw 50 egatnecreP 40 30 20 10 x 0 10 20 30 40 Age b (0, 0) and (50, 50 60 70 80 (years) 70) Usng two ponts on the lne of best t, nd ts equaton. 70 − 0 m = One of the ponts on the lne s the mean pont, 50 − 0 70 but you can the lne. the ponts use Snce any the ponts graph that are appears actually to go on through m = 50 Notce (0, that 0) the and (50, ponts 70), do use not these have to two be ponts. the rst 7 m pont = and the last one. 5 Fnd y = the gradent of the lne. mx + b 7 The y-ntercept y s (0, 0), so ths s the equaton n x = gradent–ntercept 5 form. 7 The equaton of the lne of best t s y x = 5 7 c y = Snce you know the age of the person (30), x substtute ths value for the varable x 5 7 ( 30 ) y = 5 y = At 42 age 30, roughly 42% of the populaton wll wear glasses. 2 21 Representing nding the line line. (line l i its n If set of equation of best you of a t have best t) bivariate is (or the a process trend data, using data called line) you with can can technology a linear linear also be regression. called determine as model the the and Therefore, regression regression line well. k b e Graphc and n Example Usng the scatter the the human length ther and means and Thanks an or to makes Year (GDCs) to nput or onlne data and resources perform lke the lne of good not no only of best t Calculator, and and Number your lfe. speces attempts the (AIDS) snce of n 2000, others, Whle you should program wll as 172 2001 151 2002 131 2003 137 2004 130 2005 130 2006 117 2007 110 2008 118 2009 93 2010 72 2011 64 best tryng speces searches lfespan programs, Brtsh of but all ncrease the to 5 at regresson, Bivariate data be able for t? to cures for for everyone. of cases Canada, to determne mprove adapt number Columba, represented AIDS-related 2000 line actvely to treatment dsease dramatcally is helpng human other drect educaton Regresson has below. deaths Contnued 222 those lnear lne. qualty autommune decreased Lnear How surroundngs, llnesses of – you as was done 1. plot 4 calculators allow Alcula regresson Activity Beng dsplay on next page see the the equaton of S TAT I S T I C S 1 Represent 2 On your Make the data scatter sure usng plot, your lne a draw scatter the passes plot lne of through (drawn best the t by and mean A N D P R O B A B I L I T Y hand). nd pont. ts equaton. Show your workng. 3 Usng a graphc dsplay calculator (GDC) or an onlne tool, nd the ATL2 equaton 4 Usng a of How one 6 does you How t? Find the the the lne (−1, 3) d (12, −9) the draw best usng scale t. the lne hand-drawn of of t you of drew technology? your best scatter graph t you obtaned usng plot. n step 2 compare wth the Explan. aect the placement of the lne of 2 equation a Find best color, your of gradient–intercept 2 of Explan. Practice 1 on obtaned does best lne derent technology 5 the and (2, and the form. line through Show −6) (18, equation b 2) of your (3, e the line of following points. Write your answer in working. 2) (12, best the and 95) t in (−5, and 1) (20, each of c 111) the f scatter (−1, −4) (125, plots 3) and and (6, −5) (61, 10) below. y a b y 180 60 160 50 140 40 120 30 100 20 80 10 60 x 0 2 40 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 20 054 004 053 003 052 002 051 001 05 0 x Contnued on next page 2 23 3 For each Find of the the data equation sets of the a 4 line of draw best the scatter the line of best t. c d y x y x y x y 2 13 0 48 23 101 12 21 4 21 1 32 26 98 14 23 7 29 2 35 31 78 17 25 8 35 3 29 33 76 18 27 10 44 4 27 38 67 20 28 12 61 5 19 40 69 22 30 13 70 6 7 44 54 47 51 52 43 a scatter While plot for data where the line of best t is easy to determine. youranswer. Whether you some humans use studying 11 and x Draw has plot t. b Explain 5 below, other it or not, species being can mathematical mathematics studied years like taught thinking every mathematics be human year. over his and The also to means answer notation. total lifetime is routine Getting number given studying of for mathematics! math to this hours each questions, a year point requires student from only in age Japan 6 to old. Age Total time studying mathematics (years) (hours) 6 114 7 269 8 419 9 569 10 729 11 889 a Represent b Draw the the line data of using best t form. c Use nd d How to scatter and gradient–intercept technology a the nd plot. its equation equation. of the Write the regression equation in line. ATL2 does your technology? hand-drawn line compare with the one you obtained using Explain. Contnued 2 24 5 Bivariate data on next page S TAT I S T I C S e Use your Japan f 6 How Ours is written which equation will condent the only is various This on ages Age in to from is be Average the one given (years) time 22 0.2 30 0.1 40 0.2 50 0.2 60 0.4 70 0.6 75 1.1 b Draw the line able data of using best to also of table t in time step communicate allows that spent per 0.1 the amount prediction written the 17 Represent total is humans typically word generation in (hours a your ability using the a 15-year-old P R O B A B I L I T Y student in mathematics. characteristic ideas information you species another of predict studied are language. exchange at have to A N D to is the an e? Explain. ideas to others express human. The important next. to The their through creativity, recording part average of a how time and we spent pass reading below. reading day) a scatter and nd plot. its equation. Write the equation in standard form. c Use technology d How to nd the equation of the regression line. ATL2 does your line compare with the one you obtained using technology? Explain. e Use on your equation to predict the age of a person who reads 0.75 hours per day average. f How condent g Describe in number of h Suggest a i Does are words hours reason getting you the they for older in your prediction relationship spend the between reading relationship cause a person in to each you step a e? person’s age and the average day. described read Explain. more? in step g. Explain. Contnued on next page 2 25 7 Abraham Maslow, psychologist, human must the need feel the share in the humans that The data to life). to be they in human can the Age the needs, for below 31.3 42 31.5 57 28.3 70 22.8 75 18.7 Draw the line it is to be data of relates at 30 b nd species who home 32.7 the to the to safety. 20 Represent to be. walking a need or strive Percentage (years) those many can table need needs. self-actualization While who before creative lower-order alone best the and like water, (e.g. of humans include self-esteem desire purpose that needs, and needs condent) (e.g. said hierarchy higher-order Higher-order to a basic food experiencing related He their for famous created needs. full a using best t a feel safe night (%) scatter and nd plot. its equation. Write the equation in standard form. c Use technology d How does your to nd line the equation compare with of the the one regression you line. obtained using technology? Explain. e Use your would feel f Do g Describe he h you feels Does equation safe agree in safe to walking with words your the walking getting predict older the home at percentage relationship cause a at students of your age who night. calculation home of in step between e? a Explain. person’s age and the likelihood night. person to feel less safe walking alone? Explain. Contnued 226 5 Bivariate data on next page S TAT I S T I C S Analyzing As you saw direction focusing of on determine be bivariate previously, the relationship data the measured variables. If correlation. can be that or even is a the The can describe a linear the two of strength variables. pattern direction form, the here, You but are how relationship? and do Can you they calculated? relationships measure of the relationship strength represented – by Activity 5 Perform followng the and P R O B A B I L I T Y data between follow strength Describing Correlation you A N D a and association appears between linear, direction of then the it linear two is termed linear relationship value. Describing actvty statistical wth a relationships peer. Pairs 1 Below there correlaton. 2 Arrange are seven Match your results Weak scatter each n order Strong plot of seven to a numercal value correlaton, Perfect and from values to a and seven descrptons lowest Strong value to hghest. Perfect Weak No correlation negative positive positive negative negative positive correlation correlation correlation correlation correlation b c d e y y y y y x x 0 When your −1 you have compare results x 0.3 wth y x 1 your g y x − 0.3 nshed, f another x 0.8 par of students − 0.8 and summarze ndngs. 4 Descrbe 5 For each have x of descrpton. correlation a 3 plots, scatter the how the graph, gven value thnk of relates two relatonshp. to how varables Explan scattered (related your to the data what t are. means to be human) that mght choces. 2 27 Reect ● How and does concept ● of Complete postve, Explan ● ● If you type the as were of The values coecients represented r-value of one to relate to the Explan. sentence. ncreases, sentence. varable make a plot(s) sorted and a either they “If the the “If ncreases, predcton would correlaton other the the based gve +1 the terms the correlation. in Activity indicate line. Data or Values you graph s __________.” correlaton other s __________.” you on the a scatter most plot, whch condence n your Explan. by relationship. each answer. you (r) “slope”? varable followng scatter predcton? or wth answer. the your 5 assocated followng one your negatve, value “gradent” as Complete Explan the discuss −1, how that are are +1 Negative data perfectly on and previously, called well depending between learned 5 −1 the can linear can correlation be linear have direction be depending of an the described on the using strength of Positive Correlation –1.0 –0.8 –0.5 0.0 0.5 0.8 1.0 coefcient Bivariate data relationship gnortS 5 linear etaredoM 228 of kaeW kaeW etaredoM gnortS Strength S TAT I S T I C S Practice 1 Describe correlation. a graph For or as those weak. having with Justify positive correlation, your f your 3 would Would Justify 4 g strong, y d y x y y h x x y x the correlation you you your expect expect a the coecient (r) to each graph in question 1. Justify b Number c Probability a d Number of calories e Number of connections f Number of pets either awarded of data between correlation, a the following positive pairs correlation of or data no sets to correlation? answer. Level the correlation negative a For no answers. What be? for is or x y j value correlation correlation x y a the x y Assign negative whether c x 2 state a choices. x i correlation, y b y a a x e P R O B A B I L I T Y 3 each moderate A N D cases an of assignment the person sets strong, on has versus had a consumed versus in u in moderate the Grades question or versus 3, Number romantic versus brain in of of hours people versus of Age versus siblings of worked immunized relationship Number you an in Age on the against of a assignment the u person family adolescent school classify weak. Number the Justify relationships your that do have a correlation as choices. Contnued on next page 2 2 9 5 All animals that have an education. its own are learn, system, designed quality sorts of Data of it organized While productive but to each all by only system education and humans of country produce citizens life is adopts systems informed, to opening improve doors to their all careers. on the represented unemployment in the scatter rate plot in the United States and educational level are below. y 7.5 7 6.5 6 5.5 )%( 5 etar tnemyolpmenU 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 x 0 10 12 14 Y ears of 16 education 18 20 (years) Contnued 23 0 5 Bivariate data on next page S TAT I S T I C S a Describe the correlation between the two variables as A N D P R O B A B I L I T Y positive/negative and weak/moderate/strong. b What your c do you think What For of relationship each two your of the seems rate? variables able to that actually you are that can calculate not be the expected represented by a you although the hs work Pearson hs there at between years a coecients, correlation of for education write with exact 1 an that down this and an value. −0.9 data? Justify the example Explain is the guess Pearson r and it 0.5 appropriate important a −1 coecient with associated make coecent based study skill, with a every but do correlation? time! correlation measures how One well Surely, value coecient. how you It is data can be contnued coecent. also wrote Asde from also you ways the named work correlaton that work Pearson, about tme Pearson’s nuenced can to use coecient mathematics s a of wth 19th travel, work Karl Francs and mpact the after Galton. regresson the the on and calculaton century of Pearson, Englsh fourth the dmenson study Albert of Ensten who work. are value on of approximate your correlation the to was the deas Pearson’s coecient, those is symbol who correlaton statstcs, While is line. poneered antmatter. read have relationship value correlaton mathematcan, and coecient know...? Pearson Galton a calculated the was correlation correlation vocabulary by of exist correlation might the represented t to −0.2 describe mathematical The the choices. Calculating Did of Explain. following 0.8 Being value answer. unemployment 6 the of r is GDC or value online of The that is formula studied the tools,, eciently. content or the in to for correlation such as calculate the calculating higher-level courses. 2 31 Activity One 6 – Calculating characterstc communcate that wth denes one “r ” humans another usng s our ablty language. to Whle other anmal ATL2 speces use language can n speak the gestures lke that of and sounds humans. to The (expressive vocabulary) table communcate, number changes of as none words she have that gets a a chld older, as seen below. Age Expressive (years) vocabulary (words) 1 20 2 240 3 950 4 1500 5 2200 6 2600 7 3500 1 Enter the data 2 Draw the scatter 3 Estmate the nto your GDC or onlne tool. plot. value of the correlaton coecent. Justfy your answer. 4 Use your GDC correlaton 5 How close of Explan. r ? Finding the include pattern 232 5 of was onlne your value relationship data or tool to calculate the value of r, the coecent. of between an most estmate? r helps two outlier of the Bivariate data (a Are you to you interpret variables. value data)? surprsed that the However, simply by the exact value potential what does not happens follow if the the S TAT I S T I C S Investigation 2 – The eect of an outlier on A N D P R O B A B I L I T Y “r ” t er i r i Humans are the speces extracts speces n the perl. world’s only speces more The to use resources populaton resources are vast from of amounts the planet, varous represented n of resources. sometmes countres the natural table and puttng ther No other B other percentage n c 1 use of below. Percentage of the Population Country world’s natural (millions) resources Thaland 69 2.1 128 7.3 82 4.9 Indonesa 261 1.3 Brazl 208 2.9 Mexco 128 2.2 Egypt 96 1.4 Chna 1403 20.2 65 3.5 66 4.1 Japan Germany France Unted a Usng Copy technology, the scatter Are c Recalculate the 2 Kngdom b there ths data two Despte natural usng any our pont of have area, others to y to the and nd the correlaton coecent. notebook. data set? Explan coecent strength resources, example ts decreasng low mangrove relates the plot (%) how wthout and you the drecton know. outler of the ncluded. How relatonshp has between Explan. natural for scatter the correlaton ncrease been the your n aected resources, drones n outlers the use draw plot varables? trees Snce used over trees amount plantng ablty due the grow of by sol n salt to to the also trees. replant human and The trees seed scentsts water make n actvty. depost water, n humans an country areas Whle pods have eort n of the s mangrove drones desred studed replensh Myanmar where some to map the locatons. growth rate as t (salnty). Salinity of water Growth rate of mangrove (grams of salt per kg of water) (grams/day) 0 0.004 5 0.007 10 0.0036 15 0.0032 20 0.003 23 0.0024 Contnued on next page 23 3 a Usng Copy scatter b Are there c Recalculate ths the 3 technology, the data two Descrbe make the pont a Activity 7 Competton breedng – s a rghts. n aected the plot and nd the correlaton coecent. notebook. data set? Explan coecent the outler strength can regression on Making of lfe However, have and process based fact scatter how wthout and you the know. outler drecton of the ncluded. How relatonshp has between Explan. an useful predictions the your correlaton eect linear is n outlers varables? the Performing coecient any draw plot in the on the results calculating statistics data that as the it you of lnear regresson analyss. correlation allows you to have. predictions for every humans speces are on unque the n planet, whether organzng t be for food competton on from the a or habtat worldwde or scale. ATL2 The nd 100 Olympcs, out m who race for s example, the snce world’s 1980 are brng together fastest gven human the best beng. Usan Justn Maurce Carl for the fastest Time in 100 (seconds) 9.63 Gatln 2004 1.85 9.85 2000 1.76 9.87 1996 1.85 9.84 1992 1.88 9.96 1988 1.88 9.92 1980 1.83 10.25 Baley Chrste Wells m (cm) 1.95 Greene world male n order sprnters 5 Bivariate data n the on next race Contnued 234 to Year 2012 Lews Allan tmes Bolt Donovan Lnford The around below. Height Runner athletes page S TAT I S T I C S 1 a A N D P R O B A B I L I T Y Usng a GDC or onlne tool, calculate the correlaton coecent and nd the equaton of the lne of best t for the relatonshp between a runner’s heght and hs tme n the 100 m race. b Descrbe the c Use equaton your 1.87 cm. 2 Show your predct the moderate wnnng or tme weak of and Hasely as postve Crawford, or negatve. whose heght s workng. a Usng a GDC lne of or best onlne t for b Descrbe the c Use equaton d Are Based the your your you on Find the or less analyss, the as strong, predct the condent whch heght the correlaton between moderate wnnng the or tme coecent year weak of and and Hasely and the as nd the wnnng postve Crawford, or who equaton tme n the of 100 m. negatve. won n 1976. of s the a n your better runner latest predcton predctor or the year of n the of Crawford’s wnnng whch the tme race wnnng n was the run? tme? men’s Explan. 100 m at Explan. 4 correlation relationship to calculate relatonshp workng. your Olympcs: tool, the relatonshp more Practice between coecient the x y 4 for variables a ATL2 strong, How does the correlaton coecent aect the condence you have n your predcton? Explan. Show 1 to as d the 3 relatonshp each as of the positive b or following negative sets and of as strong, x y 19 32 77 7 12 25 88 12 24 41 72 15 22 18 100 11 25 27 89 8 11 21 95 x y c data. Describe moderate the or weak. d x y 2.3 2.5 12 39 3.5 7.8 18 33 11.7 12.4 13 38 9.8 11.3 22 29 10.2 12.1 32 19 12.9 13.7 19 32 15.4 13.9 25 26 6.6 5.6 Contnued on next page 23 5 2 a Interpret b Find c Verify d Can e Find the For it. 3 An or line out marry. part close to marriage happen of the of human are event is line best in t data any of for for set of best data d the t set data is the in set on other for d question 1. d. the data other line you sets data in found in question sets in step 1? b Explain. question 1 using a in step e, verify whether or not any of the points are on results. in with others. couple and in existence friendly, the celebrate period of in calculated that rate line points relationships important 10-year the Ceremonies worldwide The you relationships so the coecient tool. your important this of thing online each become of equation Explain many to each same the seeking correlation equation that the GDC f the the New may decide are used commemorate life of a Zealand represented While others parties and is in the human. over a table below. Marriage rate Year (number a per 100 inhabitants) 2006 14.17 2007 13.98 2008 14.11 2009 13.7 2010 13.04 2011 12.46 2012 12.51 2013 11.44 2014 11.57 2015 11.13 2016 10.95 Which is the dependent variable and which is the independent variable? Justify your answer. b Use technology nearest to calculate the correlation coecient. Round your answer 5 the hundredth. Contnued 23 6 to Bivariate data on next page S TAT I S T I C S c If you swap correlation d Verify e Using t for the dependent coecient your answer technology, the original in and will be? step c graph data calculating scatter for variables, what do you P R O B A B I L I T Y think the Explain. by the and independent A N D the plot r with the variables nd the equation and swapped data. Describe reversed. of any the line of similarities best and dierences. f Explain why it is important to dene the dependent variable and the independent variable. ATL1 4 a Select that two relate b Calculate c Classify d Compare to between variable variable with is two the to World be direction with those strongest Bank Data Set ( human. coecient and results the and used causes a Another myths the thunder other. 8 between of of the the linear your peers relationship. two variables. relationship. to Suggest determine one reason who why has the found two relationship is Earth What One change of the dd beng your ago, sad a in to potentially the to of s s that n that Most your tell explanaton, lve a a that is a change Does This babies merely parents establish relationship in one strong a correlation change one of the in one most statistics. events. or to prove another? human was refers other. way do created common were in study real-lfe was and Causation there lghtnng centures babes test Where explan and causation change Is in – aspect to a ideas Activity to variables. causing important many means correlation your causation? from? it from strong. Correlation how data strength Correlation imply of what the the variables so sets storks come we you about brng and legends have may clouds whch marshes create cultures parents the from? a have told bumpng where orgnated babes. ponds of you nto babes n The and, and story that each come Germany souls snce of unborn storks Contnued on next page 237 vst these them to places parents. often-told Data on they lnear could catch regresson the souls prove or and brng dsprove ths tale? the countres often, Can s number of storks represented n and the babes table Number of born n several European below. babies Number of pairs of Country (thousands) 83 100 Denmark 59 9 Hungary 124 5000 Portugal 120 1500 Romana 367 5000 Span 439 8000 82 150 Whch varable dependent b Represent c Fnd the onlne d What s the varable? ths value data of ndependent usng the varable and whch s the Explan. a scatter correlaton plot. coecent usng a GDC or tool. does the relatonshp correlaton between the country’s populaton? e Does prove f The of storks Albana Swtzerland a nesting ths mgraton ncreased changethe that number n of ndcate pars of about nestng the storks and the Explan. storks habts brths coecent of brng storks these concluson that babes? actually countres. can be Explan. concde Does drawn wth ths from perods nformaton ths scatter plot? Explan. g Gve potental human h Does Despite a two 5 the prove smultaneous causaton? appearing experiments actually completely for ncrease n both the populatons. variables planned is apparent 23 8 stork correlaton carefully variable and reasons inuencing dierent relationship. Bivariate data variable This Explan. to to be related, determine the other. that can variable is it would whether or Sometimes, be used called a to require not there explain lurking one is the variable. S TAT I S T I C S Reect and discuss A N D P R O B A B I L I T Y 6 A study was conducted on the number of cars a person owned and hs/her lfespan. The scatter plot s gven below, r = 0.94. y 82 78 74 )sraey( 70 napsefiL 66 62 58 54 x 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Number ● Descrbe ● Based own, ● What on the If the Explan of Which A b in Isela, a meant Does could the two followng be lfespan s n by 4.5 5 varables n sentence: terms “It of seems form, that strength the and ________ drecton. cars you of perfect one responsble the and “correlaton the ndvdual? all varable for of the causes does Explan data a smultaneous ponts change not your mean n fall the ncrease n both the choce(s). on a lne other? (r = 1 or −1), does that Explan. causaton”? live in which a variables. in a strong larger struggles with What strong indicate is you tend reading, she live? correlation houses correlation lurking value(s) that a change in one variable causes a Explain. shows house. the Suggest 4 lve.” coecient other? study who larger the change s the who house c and the 3.5 owned 5 research a varable(s) correlaton what Students a you 3 cars between complete correlation change 2 data, cars that Practice 1 relatonshp ________ lnear ndcate ● the lurkng number ● the of to tries hoping will indicate between score to use higher the happen? that house reading on study size and reading to get reading ability her ability. tests. parents to move to Explain. ability is aected by the size of Explain. variable that could explain the strong correlation between Contnued the on two next page 23 9 3 A university correlation time 4 a Is the b Why c Suggest Karl 5 researchers’ do you a the in as the said, top a he of a Draw b Find c Describe d Use per e f the the two 5 at may or causation? and that even is the feeling a is PhD. beginning of Number to the of PhDs 9.7 552 9.9 547 10.2 622 10.5 655 11 701 10.6 712 10.6 708 in a year strong in two and either Bivariate data of a best GDC between predict when the 800 or by an two number mean variables t the PhDs engineering lurking variables. line correlation civil depressed state. Based people on spend a more seem expressed not all to be related? Explain. relationship. correlation is causation.” need a in to feel graduate below accomplished degree presents from some or university, data collected century. civil engineering 540 to state table 21st 9.7 equation that emotional Explain. but get The 501 relationship the human 9.7 the their example. 480 using mental explain 9.3 plot and concluded correlation, hierarchy boost the an is (pounds) scatter increase Suggest to that mozzarella person person the of technology using degree States r-value your Does an 24 0 per of implying causation meant Master’s Consumption cheese “All technology researchers statement use of texting. variable way use 0.96, Maslow’s One United of and think lurking what successful. such e-mails Pearson Near students’ coecient sending Explain ATL2 studied in that PhDs? that hand. online variables of civil an tool. pounds (form, of mozzarella engineering increase in direction, are strength). cheese consumed awarded. mozzarella consumption causes Explain. could explain the simultaneous increase in the S TAT I S T I C S assessment – Does money buy P R O B A B I L I T Y happiness? i e ri o c 1&2 t r Some researchers beleve that the mpulse to buy and possess thngs s ATL n Formative A N D natural to humans and can be explaned by Darwn’s theory of evoluton. C Human bengs are materalstc by nature because our early ancestors were “hunter gatherers” who needed to collect resources to survve. Snce resources are scarce, humans try to clam as much “stu” as possble. Money s used to Pairs buy these possessons – so does that mean that money can buy happness? In pars, age-old (PPP). a The What Why c s the 20 whch Set compare up a Happy the Happy thnk the Planet those countres lve. table Planet of to ndex of Index? to Index the are you the What of to nvestgate Gross a Income country. components are ths Natonal ncluded make n the up the ndex? ndex? Do you mssng? compare your n for your choce countres value help and ctzens components Justfy your statstcs Planet wealth components you two Happy shows you any Select n wll PPP do thnk b you queston, and all 20 of scatter plot, ncludng the country countres. research the PPP per capta and countres. Remember d Whch s e Construct labeled the a ndependent scatter your axes plot varable? to represent correctly and the to Why? your data. varables Make are on sure the you check the relablty of source the the have correct of axes. nformaton. f Descrbe g Draw trend h n a lne Draw a Based your of ● Based ● Descrbe ● When that on the your the you ths are and on a (f or not why does ndcators at of your Dscuss what the an of the data accurate and tool to state use the type gven these on and the value suggest of the reasons correlaton why the ponts on the 7 money ths you buy happness? compared wealth data graph, represents possble). lnear. you does lne based perfectly results, (f data. not. obtaned results, the equaton coecent discuss look ts trend concluson you aspect(s) data nd about possble). lnear why that plot terms and correlaton Is sutable Reect n the Justfy coecent scatter lne observatons represents correlaton. values? ● ntal trend Determne of i your and cause set where Justfy countres happness? that does personally? the you nd your you response selected. Explan. the most country Explan your your le? nterestng. Do you feel answer. 241 Unit summary Bivariate data Bivariate scatter is data diagram scatter plot is the can or name be data represented scatter often for graph. referred to related by The as a to two scatter plot, relationship the variables. also that correlation is called a shown between the by a two variables. y y 7.5 7.5 7 7 6.5 6.5 6 6 5.5 5.5 5 5 4.5 4.5 4 4 3.5 3.5 3 3 2.5 2.5 2 2 1.5 1.5 x 0 10 12 14 16 Scatter Curve tting between you use called Then the 24 2 data is the location a the line, of pattern the a a of the of best best data. Bivariate data or approximating (which have line of for curve you line line 10 12 14 Scatter name with x 0 20 plot regression draw 5 is 18 drawn trend t t by that could the line. be line You nding passes the of a the with 18 trend 20 line relationship line). best can plot 16 t, If the curve which is approximate mean through of the each mean also the data point set. and follows The relationship either both positive or variables relationship between two negative. increase indicates or A variables positive decrease that, when at one can be described relationship the same variable as indicates time. A that negative increases, the other decreases. The strength moderate of or relationship coecient trend line linear strong. is (r). a can Determining easier The relationship when you correlation both be can the have be strength using Negative of calculated coecient calculated described and a weak, linear the the GDC a as correlation equation or online of the tool. Positive Correlation –1.0 –0.8 –0.5 0.0 0.5 0.8 1.0 coefcient in one to exist not of imply between variable linear causes two a gnortS seems does etaredoM Correlation kaeW kaeW etaredoM gnortS Strength relationship causation. Just variables does change in the because not a mean relationship that a change other. 24 3 t e ri o c n r i Unit Key to review Unit review Level 1–2 1 For each A question levels: Level 3–4 of the a describe b suggest following the two represented form, the scatter direction variables by Level 5–6 scatter plots: and whose strength relationship y x y iii iv x y x 5 be ii x 24 4 might plot. y i v Level 7–8 Bivariate data y x 2 a Copy and complete this table. Independent Dependent variable variable Sketch of Variables 1 Number 2 Age 1 Outsde 2 Insde 1 Numbers 2 Number 1 Son’s 2 Father’s 1 Reacton 2 Age b In of tmes you laugh n a scatter plot day temperature temperature of of languages learned natonaltes n famly tree heght heght tme small groups, compare your results and justify your answers. 3 Copy and a The complete these correlation properties coecient can of the take correlation on any coecient: values between _______. b Positive values c indicate Values values d The the closer closer indicate an to to correlation 1 0 a _______association; negative _______association. and −1 indicate indicate a coecient _______relationship imply 4 values a _______association; _______association. only provides between an indication two variables. sets with It does of not _______. Represent each of the following a data a scatter plot. b x y x y 10 12 2 44 13 13 3 51 15 17 6 58 19 19 4 31 21 15 3 39 24 18 5 42 26 20 7 27 31 21 25 17 24 5 c 5 d The x y x y 95 35 27 77 87 41 21 71 92 40 22 62 81 44 33 51 83 42 24 70 104 22 28 85 93 31 38 56 90 39 30 61 20 90 countries females are with given the in highest the table life expectancy for males and below. Female life expectancy Male life expectancy (years) (years) Japan 86.8 80.5 Swtzerland 85.3 81.3 Sngapore 86.1 80.0 Australa 84.8 80.9 Span 85.5 80.1 Iceland 84.1 81.2 Italy 84.8 80.5 Israel 84.3 80.6 Sweden 84.0 80.7 France 85.4 79.4 85.5 78.8 84.1 80.2 Country South Korea Canada a Represent b What 6 a plot aspects in scatter Draw the created in do of of a the the plot? line in you makes What the data trend(s) scatter c the scatter see in plot. the trend(s) data are Be data? more more sure to include Explain obvious visible in how than the a key. the the table table. than Explain best question 4 t for using each the of the mean scatter point. plots Show you your working. b Find c Use the equation technology compare it y-intercept 24 6 5 with to Bivariate data to of each nd your those line the line. you of best equation How found t. of the similar by hand? trend are the line and slope and 7 A survey was temperature compared a and with correlation compared Unlike on of the to most people’s world in r of coees number be r = We − 0.24. have so do help continents Is y 0.87, so able that choose people to decide data a major iced outside tea while sold to just almost the about to any where to had correlation results. adapt live sold showed live Temperature temperature these where for (except temperature of humans been much we = the preferences. Interpret species, representing all beverage of Why plot compare coecient surroundings, scatter to bottles other temperature order of planet. habitable. in number with coecient 8 taken a wide range location we live? countries everywhere do? Does Below from all is is the a around the Antarctica). factor when deciding where to live? 30 )suisleC 25 seerged( 20 erutarepmet 15 10 launna 5 egarevA x 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 –5 –10 Population a What does population b What does the tell us? annual c The What data an point you this Describe average to density tell annual think the density average consider d do (population per sq us? temperature would km) be an of ideal a country average temperature? population and average density the of far 1138 annual point an right Bangladesh people per temperature outlier? relationship annual is between square of Justify with 25 °C. your a kilometer Would you answer. population density and temperature. 24 7 e Is temperature Suggest f Are three these 9 One We of spend Research cells strengthen sleep. various a we are these a ages is with is there when below 1 (and do the and had Age Amount of sleep (years) (hours) 2 14 3 13 4 13 4 14 5 12 11 11 12 10 19 9 25 8 27 10 33 8 38 8 42 8 44 7 51 7 60 7 65 6 the b Find the c What in data terms equation does the represent? Bivariate data with of of slope a the line represent? if you the to of while in enough of a plot. best sleep people, 24-hour t What and the strength. using does of period. Describe direction of alter when negative get scatter form, of done amount 65, you at it! dispose not look important. brain time many to live? sleep. parts need more to further? doing because are lists lives mostly we would is where be indicators needs and which might What other connections deciding question our this awake between Represent 5 that result, table this of think good human third ones), correlation 24 8 a when you question? basic implications The a connections As factor that investigate about unimportant health such most while sleeping. factors suggests build brain to our major characteristics addressing wanted a technology. the y-intercept d Use the your of age sleep from e would do the f would How 120? Over only of sometimes Is and the every plot continent of higher the predict would to below numbers period? your need if sense? see highly there a How How person many far are of hours you are much prediction you an is reached 80-year- accurate? the age of Discuss lives in images cities. of polluted so sleep many big with people We are cities the and dismal living air in such other? is (except you We a comparison density overall sleep data. how population look each think make urbanize! cities this 24-hour you answer population estimate data, because proximity scatter with these a on much result? world’s that how based in Do sleep the that The get this this predict have have? Does species close to much half quality. you to predicted According old 10 equation of cities indicating in the ranging Antarctica). pollution of The the more pollution in size pollution city (air, index from index water, is an etc.), pollution. y Is pollution caused by people living close together? 32000 )mk 28000 qs rep 24000 stnatibahni( 20000 16000 ytisned 12000 noitalupoP 8000 4000 x 0 20 40 60 Population a Was this b Describe result the what you correlation would in 100 index have terms 80 of predicted? form, direction and strength. 24 9 c Assuming a linear relationship, nd the equation of the line. d Manila with is over pollution this e In index result t graph. you Japan, population Research people cannot that why has density the per you use are this a square expect city in the kilometer. this city to world, What have? Does the scatter outside pollution you index to nor range this? of expect population close the plot of the line data on of the is. would actual prediction populated sense? values Explain densely would make for Tokyo, your most 71 000 general, best f the 46.87. Tokyo density Discuss of What to have? Tokyo. why there Is is a discrepancy. g Suggest of 250 5 a three city. Bivariate data other factors that would aect the pollution ATL1 11 In this question human life Decide what you will be looking at a factor that may aect expectancy. factor you would like to analyze and pose it as a question: “Does a _____ Choose a aect country ● the life ● the statistics you many c How will d Which plot. you decide variable all statistics for country of that the country other variable that Your will data teacher or you which be the that will create Determine the answer question the will need to countries look to independent at? include? and which will be variable? the technology f expectancy?” research: that countries dependent Collect for life chose. How e and expectancy b the human you need indicate the graph correlation you and whether by at a you scatter will use hand. coecient. posed draw the Use your results to beginning. 2 51 ATL assessment i t e ri c What You does have already, it looked from a mean at a wide scientic to be range of ways perspective C human? to a to answer more this question ideological approach. In this task, variables that question. online you Choose two how address The ensure unt, you relable b How much Where the 5 a data why did URLs reliability 252 used between to explore infographic that using two this an contains the set you have between does task but of Use a relationship les also the chosen them it where same to only to to n nd would these will mean not queston gudelnes the you help be help relable you variables you decdng when to to human?” approprately. crtera two like what data to Earler determne ndng n ths some data for assessment. Discuss c such analyze webstes. appropriate Piktochart “What compare, can or whose why question to be relationship below. relationship wth the one-page Infogram Explain you a variables dculty varables ths as the the would create outlined investigate. and investigate think will such requirements a you You tool will will you you and and you have source names Bivariate data decided your of validity collect? of on data? any Who/what this your amount Make websites sure you sources. will of you used. be included? data. include Justify the o n Summative r 1&2 d Which e Construct using is the a independent scatter technology. correctly and f What are g Draw in h Determine i What your a do that the to Make the initial trend the plot variable? Explain. represent sure you variables your have are observations on data by labeled the about hand your correct the or axes axes. data? line. equation gradient of and the line. y-intercept represent in your equation? j Determine the k Is the correlation relationship a linear trend between line an coecient the of the data and describe variables. accurate tool to use? Justify your answer. l Summarize does it mean Reect ● How ● What ● and dcult dd future What your to be by answering the question “What human?” discuss was you ndings t learn to nd from relable ths data? experence that wll help you wth research? do anmal you thnk sets us (humans) apart from the rest of the kngdom? 253 Geometric 6 transformations One way to express transformation of contexts this could Identities Physical Have DNA is pieces, Each long or of time? What molecule which are excellent is is that that your repeated examples all what in as through you will see of look genetic made are in application this unit. But of in what other a molecular level? How do a body and a mind code? smaller together. molecules, your translations, can at information. throughout which of smaller genetic of up strung of like body These and rotations be mathematically. Even the colds analysed The be way you through in which represented geometry. Not mathematics! 25 4 the valuable? you our is comprised carry reections, studied be is relationships nucleotides, molecules and values shapes, knowledge wondered nucleotide some are and ever over a various and development you develop beliefs get the drugs and even and lens the of attack studied viruses these through bacteria you geometric are a catch can be transformations. organisms can transformational match for Scientic Digital Your to life geometric t Even games easier the all of photos. Analysing such the Did your new as Tetris Understanding to play photos geometry. whole innovation activities you know digital life that that can you perform many be a of great your online, from on-screen place to look playing activities at the utilize applications of transformations. together. game includes uploading mathematics? Video technical life digital games and you Rotating look but and it edit a require the may and photo, you results just then to of earn post reecting rotate these you the online it or and translate pieces transformations high order not only make make them the score! involve applying can in the small application of translations transformational can produce a style. 25 5 6 Geometric Expressing KEY CONCEPT: Related Global In this unit, represent and express a you will see how expression, understanding person or enhance As you of and part will of shape of the explore geometric organization’s understanding can Patterns, form cultures. Statement An values Space Transforming reection, a are used global how beliefs and to reect context creativity principles and of patterns creativity can then translation by personal be be enhanced used to values. and created help by express forms in beliefs Inquiry gure of and Inquiry Objectives ● and context: cultural an beliefs FORM concepts: dierent through transformations space and values. questions rotation, and F dilation What are the different types of transformations? ● Analyzing the dening features necessary What to ● produce Applying dierent types mathematical of strategies problems involving ● Creating a similarity tessellation pattern? How are patterns created by different geometric forms transformations, a to C solve defines tessellations and in space? congruency D What How enhances do values? we creativity? express culture, beliefs and G E O M E T R Y Communication: Self-management: A TL2 A TL1 Reection Consider ● What personal can ecient ● How my ● can I Plot to of are learn on a a Use and the exible important (−5, and symbols for well? know how to: grid 4 Find points on a measures −5) (0, of interior angles of polygons coordinate Find 2) terms of in grid. (−3, range strategies? coordinate following a discipline-specic more regular Plot interpret skills learner? more learning already points strategies become become me should learning eective factors helping 1 do and choice What Y ou I Communication skills the angles 7) measure of each of of the the interior following regular polygons. 2 Draw an angle Draw the following o a 3 o b 90 Draw lines Draw the grid x = and −2 label y = pentagon b hexagon c heptagon d decagon o 180 following a angles c lines on a 270 coordinate them. 3 y = x y = −x 2 57 Introducing Transformations moved, it is a The such hands on demonstrate When be a as clock face the we 258 of a beautiful. can Alhambra use 6 to you. You have perhaps and beautiful Any you transformations time no a shape doubt referred seen to is many them using “turns”. landscape over still water shows a Translations reection. person common but A transformations values around “slides” rotation. incredibly the before, “ips”, transformations in all transformation. transformations terms are geometric link At help or in are a describe repeated, the same represent group Spain behind music. or of Geometric transformations time, people. of them. pattern and India’s each a Taj these is created patterns express Mahal patterns formed the Whether or is that beliefs the by and patterns anywhere the can are else, mathematics can be seen in the notes on sheet G E O M E T R Y Reect ● List three seen ● ● Do and in examples your these discuss daily patterns involve of Do these you think does place, idea these? each or patterns made up of shapes that you have life. combination What of 1 reections, rotations, translations or a Explain. patterns pattern reect make you the culture think of, of for where you example, a live? particular feeling? T essellations A tessellation overlaps referred and to examples if of Reect Explain a ● gaps. tiles. of The They necessary geometrical shapes can to be make in a turned the shapes that has no tessellation are (rotated) ipped pattern. or These are also all tessellations. and how discuss each Tessellations is the examples? Is pattern of the 2 examples shown here ts the denition of tessellation. What ● a no as (reected) ● is there a that single has shape been being repeated tessellated in each over of and the over. above Explain. more example? involve shape than one possibility for the tessellating shape in each Explain. 25 9 Activity 1 Look to at tile your a 1 the – Which shapes oor with shapes below. no (Your gaps or tessellate? teacher overlaps? may You give may b c e f g i n cut-outs.) or ip the Which shape shapes if could necessary. you use Justify choices. a l you turn d k b e Search it to for “Tessellation investigate drag your Experiment The Alhambra tessellations. and palace, The northern tiles Africa) the choice with of kinds the tools Granada, in the by of shapes in and Creator” shapes onto for Christian the that the contains were laid artisans With a a partner, What discuss original the following shape has been create the pattern questions. Pairs tessellated shown b How so the photograph? was the original that it ipped, 3 to in Research would shape tessellate? altered (e.g. turned) the Alhambra and two other ATL2 examples and paste these and 260 6 Islamic examples buildings add each of a into architecture. of a the Word commentary, piece represents art a Copy found in document explaining why tessellation. Geometric transformations and and by of and the both were those position rotating some out who website: tessellate screen 14thcentury. 2 NCTM duplicating, Spain, Alhambra on inspired to coloring most the that them by the famous Moors the do not. make You can patterns. shapes. examples (Muslims Moors’ Use of from style in Spain the G E O M E T R Y Reect ● Why ● Where do and you else discuss think have tessellations? Tessellations have to be changing are the was used geometric specic so much shapes in this being style used to of art? create examples. transformations so or shape. its of that form include changing Congruence seen patterns shape transformations without you modied a enlarging geometry Give Congruence 3 shapes. they are can called moving When size, a it Sometimes tessellate. shape is are the to moved undergoes transformations shapes The ways transformations. the shape the a a a of this location new congruence focus Examples new to of of or location transformation. rst section. Translations A geometric down. The original, been translated so the shifted in Activity 1 translation 2 shapes shapes one – moves or are a shape remain congruent more left or exactly to each right the and/or same other. size They up as have or the just directions. Maze Describe the path you need to take to get from the left side of the maze to the right side of the maze. (e.g. “Move 2 cm up, then move 3 cm right,…”) Use a ruler to measure the length of each movement (translation). You can only move up, down, left and right. 2 Now design a maze of your own, no bigger than 20 cm by 20 cm and list the translations needed to get through the maze on a separate piece of paper. Remember, you can only move up, down, left and right. 3 Your the class. your 4 teacher your You peers, When will you path collect will listing have with try all to the nd the nd answer the they and path translations nished, the mazes redistribute through the (movements) creator wrote of the as them maze you maze among of one of go. and compare down. Pairs 2 61 When shape using is describing is called the uppercase referred uppercase to as a shape preimage letters the letters pronounced how with and (e.g. image a “A-prime, has been the vertices ABCD). and the “prime” B-prime, transformed, The to often translated vertices next are are each C-prime, the labeled shape labelled (e.g. original using A′ B ′C ′D ′, D-prime”). B B′ Preimage Image A C A′ C′ ΔABC Example Q Specify ΔA′B ′C ′ 1 the preimage → translation is the blue of this gure in shape the that upper has occurred. left-hand The corner. Select any point on the preimage – in this case, the rectangle in the A 7 units right top left– and count how many units you have to go right or left. 5 units down Count Translation: Q Translate 3 units 7 the right and shape on 5 down the grid how Record below 8 the many units translation units to the you have using right to go proper up or down. notation. and up. Continued 262 6 Geometric transformations on next page G E O M E T R Y A Select any number of direction to the It is also possible structure to be of the plotted translation. in to translate Cartesian space Activity 3 – 1 table. plane and Specialized shapes then using allows its notation Translations each image is used on the for the point on after describe the given. all on the preimage required In the exact Cartesian plotted to units this for case, the go 3 and count translation units up the in and the 8 units right. Repeat Draw point the image plane. the a other points. of the original shape. The preimage given translation. Cartesian plane ATL2 Copy this indicated and Translate enter the each new of the following coordinates in the preimage Image Preimage Image 3 units left 7 units (0, (0, unit down your own) 7) −4) 0) 10) (−12, What (Create −11) (−5, 2 Image right, 9) (−2, (8, units up 1 (3, as Image 2 point points table. 0) happened under the rst to the value translation? of the x-coordinate of each point Explain. Continued on next page 2 63 3 What happened under 4 a b the What point How would The correct plane ( x , is Describe to under to you + 6, what the the of for this the y coordinate of each point Explain. value third what notation in value represent show shown y) → ( x the translation? happened each notation 5 to second of x the and translation? this the translation? happened to representing y coordinate of Explain. each Create your own point. translations on the Cartesian example: y − 4) this translation does to all of the points in a preimage. 6 Describe the three translations in the table using the correct notation. 7 Create a translation notation to translate location each of Practice 1 For each image is for describe of each the the your nal preimage image column translation. points of Use in your your the table. Use translation table; record correct to the point. 1 shape, specify the translation that has occurred. The preimage is blue the green. a b Continued 264 and 6 Geometric transformations on next page G E O M E T R Y 2 a On squared paper, copy each shape and translate it by the specied units. i 5 units down, 2 units left ii 6 units up, 3 units right iii 1 b Could the instructions completed c 3 Write the The logo The rings Union of companies’ ring on fewer three the company Audi, the four DKW, to right. produce Use 7 units iii left, be 4 units down, simplied so 9 that units the right translation can be Explain. using Auto correct Union original Wanderer contributions, how the steps? up, translation translations represent AG: Describe in for unit they each correct are of car made Horch. for three each up of that, Out represented other notation is companies and all the AG notation. in of if rings, together, respect the rings four for as shown make each up of here. Auto the original symbol. they are all translations of the translation. Continued on next page 2 6 5 4 Plot the Then 5 shape plot Given the the with vertices image of translation this (x, (1, 8), shape y) (x (−3, −5), after + 7, (−4, each y − of 3), 7) and these nd the (−6, −2). translations. image of each of these preimagepoints. a 6 (5, 9) Given b the (−2,0) c translation , nd the (0,−8) preimage of the following imagepoints. a 7 (−6, 15) Pac-Man 1980s. It creator more b was was to innovative become a a even at still be Pac-Man down. has to make 8 This is to Count the a time. It video attempt games, which later animated song. many only the time game left, translations eat all each Gherkin four dot to was one building 0) the its to own series legacy right, can games. up and Pac-Man large as (0, very on video that c attract television today’s move in with Pac-Man’s of −11) game went phenomenon, an in can List ghosts). the pop seen video deliberate social a rst video merchandise, and popular the made girls a (13, dots using the shortest path possible (avoiding the unit. in London, UK. In order to ATL2 be energy much (such ecient, energy as creating its a If the most curved natural architecture a as can vertical b Is the the building large shape both height 20 m, was and the system) each Many gaps functional of designed buildings. ventilation be approximately on the in of its the the half as features oors concept that creative. diamond-shaped describe use between express and to translation section of this is shape building. pattern on the building an example of a tessellation? Explain. Continued 266 6 Geometric transformations on next page G E O M E T R Y 9 a This wall bricks, What have b Is has been 230 mm wide translations taken this an built using and of the standard 76 mm brick high. shape place? example of a tessellation? Explain. 10 This is rugs just a Peruvian-style and other artistic used and to gods many and identity Identify the describe world can from Peru, more were histories people found the than often around be original the In personal between the textiles were They communicate Peruvian a products. relationships their in textiles rug. and them. expressed region. shape(s) transformations and that have occurred. Indicate b Is this an example of a tessellation? Explain. right, up translations and left, down. Rotations Geometric called to the dene wish to occurs. you rotations center the wish. negative two the can shapes When and an go in is a the go an you the object rotate number direction object rotations image are turning rotation, rotate rotations the of shape Positive translation, the rotation. center rotate You of involve by in a the a of in a rotation degrees direction as need you the direction. size point, you degrees many clockwise same shape, which however counterclockwise exactly around the and As with a preimage, so congruent. 2 67 Rotations are most clockwise often described (CW) or as: counterclockwise (CCW). 1 11 2 10 3 9 4 8 7 7 5 5 6 6 Drawing on a are image coordinate the This the same will after grid, that from the 1 – sure the can each center image is be tricky. vertex point and as congruent Rotations on side on to After the the the rotating of the image preimage. preimage. Car tesian plane i t er i r Investigation rotation make distance ensure a rotated center 1 can around of x- the and be any rotation. Consider the also done point, You y-axes? at will Cartesian on a Cartesian this focus plane. Justify your stage on plane. you will rotations What is the Although always of 90, use 180 measure of a shape the and the can origin 270 as n c Rotations be the B degrees. angle formed by answer. y 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 –6 –5 –4 –3 x –1 –1 –2 –3 –4 –5 –6 2 268 Moving in a the of the size a East b South c West 6 (the clockwise angle positive (the (the direction turned x true to north reach (the each positive of the y-axis), nd following. axis) negative negative from through y-axis) x-axis) Geometric transformations Continued on next page G E O M E T R Y l i n k b e Go to use, this shape line app or or a 3 Copy 90°, and around point. with 180° origin To plot input 270° this in a the of or lines. the APPS the single point, You a menu, geometric more either table. through all two straight or complete the select perform shape, together by to enter ordered can then clockwise Rotate each indicated of and choose an ordered pairs which rotate (CW) the number Polygon transformations the or a point and then or Transformer. step 3 click using shape and around (CCW) You any “Draw”. plotted counterclockwise following of pair are in To can given draw a connected the origin direction. points If you are doing degrees. the rotations on Point 90° CW 90° CCW 180° CW 180° CCW 270° CW 270° CCW paper, a good procedure to help (3, 9) you to visualize (−2, 7) the rotation is to graph the original (8, −11) point, then (−5, −4) physically “rotate” (0, your graph paper 0) through the given (0, 10) rotation around (−12, the origin. The 0) new location 4 Copy this following results table. Describe clockwise using the in words rotations correct the about eect the on origin. a point Then, of each of generalize the the of your point represents the coordinates of the notation. image. Degree of 90° 5 Verify 6 Justify 7 While rotation Result of rotation Notation CW ( x, y) → ( , ) 180° CW ( x, y) → ( , ) 270° CW ( x, y) → ( , ) your why results each for rule technology two points of your own choosing. works. makes drawing easier, are there any advantages ATL1 to drawing eective rotations by hand? How could this skill make you a more learner? 2 6 9 Reect ● In a the ● rotation, same Name why ● and When someone this to depicting artists God life. a the is wall Spain, a move? Do they all move that produce the same image. Explain little changes gone sense. a their opinion complete What would be 360 a or actions, degrees.” more it is Explain logical way of change? living as Muslim not picture the its This or of to helps to copy images shows of that attempt life use opposed idea Alcazar palace for things. creating in rotations famous should This preimage Explain. “They’ve patterns the by the 2 art geometric express on completely say, makes Practice Islamic points dierent describing 1 all 4 happens. common why do distance? two this discuss tiles of on Seville, constructed by the Moors. a Does this represent tessellation? has been If so, a what shape tessellated? b Identify and describe two examples of translations c Identify and describe two examples of rotations of rotation and angles of in in this this pattern. pattern. Indicate the rotation. Continued 270 6 centers Geometric transformations on next page G E O M E T R Y 2 Use a squared Rotation paper of 180° to graph about the the image origin of each b gure Rotation y using of the 180° transformation about the given. origin y A D A x B x D C B C c Rotation about of the 90° counterclockwise d Rotation of 90° clockwise about the origin origin y y A B C x x D 3 The Olympic rings express y the ATL2 ideals Each behind of the continent, each. The represent unite over a ve with how from represents dierent are the and Games. color interlocked Olympic people a for to Games from x all world. Describe circles Olympic rings a rings athletes the the how could the each have blue of the been circle. other translated Use correct notation. Continued on next page 2 71 b Describe circles. c 4 the describe 5 (5, (−6, The the circle to could indicate in be the the in same traditional windows in the time, while Describe a because summer, the royal maintaining any translated to produce another pair produced angle nd of the from the rotation of another circle about rotation. image of the following preimage points and (−2, 0) c nd the image of the (0, −8) following preimage points and (13, marble they the their c window from incorporated open ladies tessellations −11) windows could observe Jaipur two (0, in 0) India. important allowed daily values. breezes events Architects to cool through With the the included soaring building. spaces in the privacy. that you see. What is the largest shape that has been tessellated? b Describe c Explain any how rotations a shape that has are been represented in this window. transformed to create the tessellation. Continued 272 6 of words. b shows been notation. , rotation have words. 15) pattern a mathematical rotation ornate the could , rotation temperatures At sure circles rotation the photo these Be one of b describe 6 pair 9) Given a one correct how origin. Given a Use Describe the how Geometric transformations on next page G E O M E T R Y 7 This and building design. design and disciplines b Identify in the directions graphics. through “logos” Logo Well, l i the building, – a Logo also was for an designed is and to was created encourage you can explain icon see how to or computer which in the the – a to university express for digital current collaboration tile ideas among the media in dierent design. shapes “reason”. The It new again and the the predict name was programming language followed understand, commands. other now that educational turtle students “word” from tiling, UK have been tessellated. Academy computer means old shape(s) onscreen was of dierent was was its London, Ravensbourne. Turtle aim which at University including transformations small use It original 1980s, The what n any 4 to the was The Ravensbourne studied Describe Back in creation. a Activity is Logo chosen to languages Turtle is In top that students instructions and explain was derived express which the were to the used turtle’s from idea to produce the that number give line movements Greek word logic-based based. back! k b e Head how to over to is control make Here to the a the turtle basic turtle. turn, example Go go the through back, giving a as move bar, many of forward, square that forward 50 right 90 forward 50 right 90 forward 50 right 90 forward 50 right 90 is select the etc. the “Lessons” tutorials to 50units make long a as you tab to need learn in order shape. on each side. Continued on next page 273 1 Once you have then make Here is an a gone shape through that example to you get the can your lessons and translate. creative feel Feel juices comfortable free to be with the commands, you can creative. owing. 60 90° 90° 30 90° 30 60 90° 30 90° 30 Star t 2 When 3 Translate 4 Can you rotate your shape 180 5 Can you rotate your shape 90 6 Now this your shape your that completed, shape you’ve software is had and 250 an these units translate shape 100 units to the right. down. degrees degrees opportunity skills your can be clockwise? Explain. counterclockwise? to play applied around in Explain. Turtle World, can today? Reections Reections see your Take and 2 74 a at 6 are own look the all around you; when you look in the mirror you reection. at this photo reection of a of a human natural Geometric transformations landscape landscape on reected page 258. in water, you think of where G E O M E T R Y Reect ● In the and photos, discuss which is the 5 image and which is the preimage? Explain. ● How does image? ● A rotation rotation. A reection reection, the the is is Example A Draw the is the preimage a a point known the point necessary when corresponding Q of requires What also image size compare with the size of the Explain. same point as a of rotation, to or shape mirror distance in dene the a is line. from original an angle and a direction of reection? ipped In the a across reection, line of a line each reection of point as in the preimage. 2 line of reection. Look at halfway the two gures. between corresponding ever y point Continued in on Determine point the next in a the image. line that preimage Draw in is exactly and the its line. page 2 75 Q Draw the image after being reected in the given mirror line. A First, measure preimage Then, side to mark of image the will the the the line be your of Reect ● Why ● Where is and a discuss reection a ver tices of from if of the reection, you so reection the is in transformation? turn line vertical. Explain. ATL2 is the preimage? ● Where do school? 276 6 line of reection in relation to both the image and Explain. you What see do reections you think is in the the Geometric transformations art and purpose architecture of these of your reections? ver tices the image the size 6 congruence the of the reection. reections easier paper of identical Sometimes seem distance line on same and the opposite distance shape, away. The simply ipped. G E O M E T R Y Practice 1 Copy 3 these reections on squared paper a 2 image logo. It the shows has simply of no represents way: underneath. a Explain using the b a of A coat The of the of of all the a coat line of reection on each. eye- the can can symbol are arms where the be created the of center rotation. that represents often is symbols in it, the middle, to to a placed shown throughout ability created is. angle refer A logo. be Indicate Indicate in as letters stylized trace arms people their an a logo of cross cross initial logo the of main the work is Coats of or the and arms Serbian people with rotation. Serbian around U the how Serbian Two on the shields the The motto that this photo. eagle nation and identity stylized reminds and or ags. national four heritage family or in double-headed history. their person, shield represent popular save on a Cs Serbian if they together. Describe Indicate b the Armour signicance, in reection rotation country. a how Explain a a name Copy of Under the reection. line using the cultural company catching 3 draw b This it and the the Describe reection location two that of examples the of was line used of to create the coat of arms. reection. translations that were used to create the coat of arms. Continued on next page 277 4 Copy the shapes and mirror lines onto squared paper. Draw the reected image of eachshape. a b d e c f I B G A C H D K J i Investigation 2 – Reections on the Cartesian plane t e r i c a r The easiest way to perform a reection is simply to draw in the reection line. B, C Then draw opposite l i n each side, point so that exactly the the mirror same image distance is away identical to from the the line, original but on the preimage. k b e You can perform ordered “Draw” point use pair to in the most of to plot the plot x-axis, won’t two reections to the your You Go Polygon be able on Transformer geometric a point, point the to y or or several draw axis reect or in app that you transformations any the ordered your shape. other lines y in pairs You vertical = x or used this to can or in Investigation investigation. plot then a shape. reect horizontal y = −x using 1 Input Then the to one click shape or line. the app, so do these paper., select the APPS menu, and choose Polygon Transformer. Continued 278 6 Geometric transformations on next page G E O M E T R Y 1 Reect each of the given points in the following reection lines. If Point y x-axis -axis x = y 1 = 3 y = x y = you the −x on (3, are reections paper, a good 9) method (−2, 7) you the (8, doing to to help visualize reection −11) is (−5, −4) to graph original the point, thenphysically (0, 0) fold (0, your paper (−12, Copy and these alongthe reection 0) The 2 graph 10) complete reections on this a table. point. Describe Then in words generalize the the eect result of using each of correct of new your line. location point represents the coordinates notation. of the image. Reection 4 Justify of reection Notation ( x, y) → ( , ) y -axis ( x, y) → ( , ) x (x, y) → ( , ) −x (x, y) → ( , ) y Verify Result x-axis y 3 line = = each rule your Reect for two more points of your choice. rule. and discuss 7 Make a prediction about the following combined reections, and then try an example to test whether your predictions are correct: ● What single consecutive ● Would the parallel ● What lines? single Would reections same consecutive ● transformation the result produces over be two the parallel achieved over same result as lines? any even number of Explain. transformation reections same result produces over be three the same parallel achieved over result as lines? any odd number of parallel lines? ● What single consecutive transformation reections produces over two the same intersecting result as lines? 279 Practice 1 Use a 4 squared Reection paper in y = to graph the image of each −2 shape b using the Reection transformation in the given. x-axis y y A B D C x x A D B C c Reection in y = −x d Reection in y = −1 y y A A D x x D B B C C 2 Write a rule to describe each transformation. y a y b C ′ A B D D′ A′ D′ ′ A B′ A′ x x D C C ′ C Continued 280 6 Geometric transformations on next page G E O M E T R Y y y c d A′ B′ A A′ D′ B B′ C ′ x x C D C C ′ B A 3 Give has a 4 (5, has 5 It a reected (−6, For coordinates reected that even of create it. angle is While a the the logos design are that from many the mountains the have the that logo are occurred the following preimage points c after each of the (0, preimage points −8) following on tell transformations describe draw in the any (0, to 0) create transformations reection transformations. to look Native interpretations will use c lines their that and logos. have indicate been any used center appropriate. Navajo you of the the homeland, one is it about transformations that rug. pattern, small with of What at? American that representing the most diamond each four sacred it. shape(s), and of −11) to here, pleasing surrounded original (13, and where Navajo diamond each 0) point love shown based a grandmothers of Identify are after y-axis. each rotation symbolizes corner logos (−2, image superheroes Copy logos there Navajo the of above produces shape in of point x-axis. b each The that the image 15) seems This the b the and 6 in of 9) been to b coordinates been Give a the describe explain how the the transformations shapes are tessellated. Continued on next page 2 81 This carved Uzbekistan, with depiction living faith. It avoid a of also using often made Identify its screen costly of things, the are shapes the clay original that have the c Describe how portions or single of of the Muslim requirement artistic pieces describe and could the to were the explain have how as reection in the x-axis b a reection in the line c a reection in the line followed as that by a followed the been angle by Y our a a translations. created and the 180-degree by with using direction same result of rotations. rotation. as: rotation 90-degree rotation 270-degree personal rotation clockwise clockwise. brand i t e ri r – have achieves followed assessment created could well transformation a been pattern rotation a Formative so by the brass. pattern center a religious avoids tessellated. how down required occurred Describe Write from patterns, shape(s), b the as materials, wood, reections window geometric expresses the Indicate 8 wooden c As ATL2 you have person, the a you beliefs, some have Copy the c each Design at least grid own of the d Use notation e Below f Create and 6 a of arms small your own to you poster, of coats and an of arms coats of of that the be used arms individual arms each can or are to identify areused to a C express group. dierent congruence than the ones transformations: a document and annotate the image to show shows. of arms that beliefs, of expresses values congruence features, describe give such each include details using personal logos of as or something aspirations. It transformation. reection lines, important must Draw this centers to incorporate of logo on an Geometric transformations of app logo/coat transformation. an explanation the like of of the signicance transformation(s) Canva, arms. with the of your involved. examples you a rotation, etc. must and it types translation, image, into coat important of coat exemplify identity, three a rotation. arms or your description the of Many and/or to and or aspirations logos logo of indicate correct logo transformation part two and logo/coat 282 of and already logo/coat a nation. reection, your some or unit, values studied type(s) you: this company translation, b in organization ideals, Find seen studied o n 7 G E O M E T R Y Reect Your teacher these ● A will questions logo/coat arms ● and Can you of of gure any out Activity 5 1 Download 2 Select the or device. 3 Select Then and – of person it? you? who the classroom. everyone’s personal to Explain why You that Cultural app no if to the is at called “Symmetry” image. Answer work. Which logos/coats of Explain. created with an each logo/coat example you can a each of than from of your arms, class. just now learned analyze about are at tessellations the to is. tessellations and to you create four, identify the will a be mobile each help and person you, grid will in a number using that on basic turn help a Work turn draw templates background device. oered transformations To (rectangles) dierent to tessellations. with tessellation. the The will menu template altered. you “KaleidoPaint” designs more create rst select shape very transformations the See template a around seen personal the template groups work have tessellation. how dierent is 8 tessellations congruence heart arms looking your you most identify by Analyzing The display after seemed simply discuss to you in allow own each “Grids”. shape/design. see to pairs, their the of how your identify the transformations. 4 Once of you your gallery are own walk developed a class, explain have that of by with how is all nished based the it the devices dierent students exploring on and people taking expresses the theme in see your turns to app, of how the group. hold create “culture”. up theme Come their a tessellation Conduct has been together design a as and “culture”. 2 83 Activity You briey construct 6 – Islamic looked two of at the this art tiling shapes in pattern it and from the investigate Alcazar how of they Seville on can used be page to 270. You create will this now tessellation. The larger star 1 On a piece centered 2 Using 3 Draw the the in left x-axis of at grid the same a paper, origin. center diameter to the and right the as from of x- draw (Using in and y-axes compass step the the a top large 1, draw of the circle. in will a the smaller large Make middle make circle sure this circle to the of the paper. Draw a giant circle easier.) inside the your bottom lines are large and circle. another perpendicular. diameter Label from these the y-axis. 4 Cut out the large circle, then fold the paper in half, and then again into quarters, along the axes. 5 Fold the spaced 6 From line paper radii the to from point the further the an center where point into one where even of number your circle fold/radius the next of sections or draw an even number to the circumference of the larger meets the circumference of the larger fold/radius intersects the smaller circle. See of evenly circle. circle, the draw a diagram below. 7 Then draw 8 Continue a line from around the this point circle to to the produce point a where the next fold/radius meets the larger circle. star. y x Keep in mind that this is an example. Your star may have more or fewer points. Continued 284 6 Geometric transformations on next page G E O M E T R Y 9 Color in the star, making sure you can still a Describe any reections in the x-axis. b Describe any reections in the y-axis. c Could and d How the e this the shape angle could photo Paste how can have star be start onto be would been created using the a folds or rotation? lines. If so, dene the center of rotation rotation. the star that you this at your shape of see modied of the it activity? another piece tessellated. do so could be tessellated to create a mosaic like the one in Explain. of paper Explain why and it is ll in around possible to your star tessellate to this create base a base shape and it. The smaller star (8-pointed) 1 Create 2 How 3 Color an 8-pointed could in you the star. describe star, making The visuals these sure steps you below to can still Describe any reections in the x-axis. b Describe any reections in the y-axis. c Could d and the Can this shape angle star of be have been each somebody a this show created see using the a who folds step did or rotation? of the not lines. If so, process. have the Indicate dene the visuals? the x- and center of y-axes. rotation rotation. tessellated to create a mosaic like the one at the start of the activity? Explain. Reect ● Do you and nd it discuss easier to 9 follow written instructions or visual ATL1 instructions? to ● become What of a makes art? Why? more this How could ecient style of art you and so use this eective unique information to help you learner? and distinct from other styles Explain. 2 8 5 Investigation 3 – Shapes that tessellate t er i r i will be tessellate. virtual l i n looking You can at regular do this polygons using and determining manipulatives (a set of whether regular they n c You will polygons) B or manipulatives. k b e If you the not have Tessellation page 1 do Determine set Creator of regular on the polygons NCTM to website use for this investigation, you (see can use Activity 1 on 260). which themselves complete a of the (without this following needing another polygons shape to ll tessellate gaps). by Copy and table. Does Regular regular this tessellate? polygon (yes Equilateral or no) triangle Square Regular pentagon Regular Regular hexagon heptagon Regular 2 Of the 3 What 4 How 5 Looking regular are the many interior to octagon at polygons sizes of degrees your angles the the you interior make results of that in up a 4 which angles full steps regular tried, of ones the tessellated? shapes that tessellated? rotation? and 5, polygons what that pattern can tessellate? you What nd in allows the them tessellate? Continued 286 6 Geometric transformations on next page G E O M E T R Y 6 Can you Copy predict and which complete regular this Degree Number of polygons will tessellate by themselves? table. of interior Number of polygons needed to sides angle ll a full rotation 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 n 7 Given the 20-sided 8 Verify 9 Justify You formula gure your why have you would formula your found found for two formula the in the last row of the table, test to see if a tessellate. more polygons. works. regular polygons that tessellate by themselves, In a semi-regular but what if you the rotation? combine two or more shapes together to complete tessellation, two Tessellations of two or more dierent regular or more shapes are polygons such that the same polygon arrangement exists at every used to complete vertex are called When you semi-regular tessellations. a tessellation with no gaps, hence name these types of tessellations, you name them by the vertices of the the number of sides, starting with moving in the polygon with the smallest shapes connect number of sides and a clockwise direction. and the shapes t together to complete a full 360-degree rotation. 2 87 ATL2 Activity There 1 are Your 7 eight task steps – is semi-regular to determine ● test ● sketch a nd all tessellations tessellations. eight dierent semi-regular tessellations. For a–c: ● There Semi-regular them a the combinations using full manipulatives rotation of each (real and or virtual) explain why it tessellates. are: three combinations of regular polygons that will tessellate with exactly three shapes put together (two of which may be the same shape) b two combinations four c three ve 2 shapes Why of of combinations shapes do (two we (up only to regular which of four consider polygons may regular of be the that polygons which regular may will same be that the polygons tessellate with shape) will tessellate same and not with shape). irregular polygons? You the have Alhambra. such as the famous works of for of space things, 6 his and the of M.C. the wanted logic a same his bird, of in appear Escher “impossible” Escher as tessellations Tessellations shapes, such applied at works art. geometric 288 looked to space car, underlying in a a his range and both look or principles a as as of who his the artwork. tiles dancer Geometric transformations such (1898–1972), express in art, wide constructions tessellating a Islamic sh. with art is in forms, most tessellated mathematics Instead like those of being recognizable However, regular he polygons. G E O M E T R Y Activity Below is a a an Research polygon ● Do ● Why ● Do as the Escher’s that can you created closely count triangle was style think think What that would if produce at the of you use and point is No.44”, where which three completing tessellated select and three works describe how completed beaks the using he of the rotation. a same This 1941 color makes in ink meet, the and you can tessellating rotation. of it in art was to analyze. Identify the base tessellated. 10 Why saw to “Bird shapes which art? Escher was a or why used piece identify not? so by much Escher in this you style would of art? recognize it? transformations preimage. produce Sometimes, image images called six geometry you M.C. tessellated transformations an of discuss this you art tessellations that and like do produces These look and shape you all Escher you Similarity Not The equilateral Reect it? If rotation shape – piece watercolor. see 8 are that is similar similar when larger rather gures images are or a that shape smaller than are is same size transformed, than congruent. called the similarity the it preimage. Transformations transformations. 2 8 9 Dilations A dilation changes the (also the or point type all of the is of an smaller pre-image. the size dilation larger known A enlargement) enlargement the image which also the transformation other an theshape. dilation from as types of Thescale or a will a dilation that a factor reduction be needs is transformationthat determines and compared center is changes the transformation to many the be of the simply times original dened: Dilations size are with point made. how whether are this the original is only shape; movements of the preimage. i Investigation 4 – Dilations t e r i c a r You will be using dynamic geometry software, such as the Polygon B, C ATL2 Transformer 1 Create 2 From the point (0, 3 Copy a app on triangle the A (1, 2), B transformations 0) and and a scale complete (3, C menu, factor this 3), of website, (5, to complete this 1). construct a dilation image with table. Relationship Image Vertex A (1, 2) Vertex B (3, 3) Vertex C (5, 1) Horizontal distance A to B Horizontal distance A to C Horizontal distance B to C A to B Vertical distance A to C Vertical distance B to C Area 4 Create 5 What a of preimage and image triangle new kind between triangle triangle distance center 3. Preimage Vertical investigation. of table scale and repeat factors steps produce 1–3 using a scale enlargements and factor what of kind . produce reductions? Continued 290 6 Geometric transformations on next page G E O M E T R Y 6 Generalize using the Verify 8 Justify 9 Construct 10 the How of your rule why How could 12 How would Reect ● What if center ● Use the A the Q of is → the to × If of you to a scale the the factor origin notice? determine origin using examples not are created of your choosing. as you the the arrow and Explain each why of this location of the vertices makes other sense. dilations center? notation? have studied in this investigation 11 the center happens you on found how center What is the point A (16, 5 point the coordinates → to to point the in the create point 36) A and of the original dilation? triangle investigation a the of of A’ the A’ of scale Move and the the dilation scale to image factor of write step- regardless the of dilation. shape is at will factor (−2, 5 9), The be of becomes factor with what the will center the be? 45) (−10, the A’ 45). dilation (4, dilation image point factor. In (with is by this center at centered at the multiplying case, the the the scale origin) origin, so ordered factor is you pair can by nd the the scale 5. if 9)? 1 The 4 factor dilation scale 1 scale dilation point (−10, scale a = = 16 the using what undergo The so dilations 3 origin. 16 lines the was instructions 9) ÷ and through do dilations write see (−2, 4 pass discuss to 4 A how dilation. points What these write origin coordinates A explain notation? location shape at that relationships Example Q to image. by-step the lines you point dilated new of 1–4 works. triangle and the rule steps center two use you arrow from triangle. you original the for three original 11 using as your could the results origin 7 of your the factor is centered by dividing x-coordinate of the at the the origin, so you x-coordinate of can the nd the image by preimage. is 4 Continued on next page 2 91 Check: Verify 1 36 = × = Q Draw 2, scale factor by the by multiplying scale factor. If the your original answer is correct, 9 you 4 the y-coordinate 36 should get the y-coordinate of the image. 4 the image centered at of the triangle ABC after a dilation with a scale factor of origin. y 3 B 2 1 C 0 x 1 2 3 4 5 6 –1 –2 A –3 A (1, −2) → × 2 → The (2, −4) dilation image (4, 2) → × 2 → → × 2 → centered multiplying at the the origin, ordered so pair you of can each nd the ver tex by (8, 4) the (5, 1) by is scale factor. In this case the scale factor is 2. (10, 2) y Plot the points of the ver tices of the image triangle 5 label B′ them correctly. Join them 4 3 B C ′ 2 1 C 0 x 1 2 3 6 8 9 10 –1 –2 A –3 –4 A′ –5 Just like the Cartesian explore 292 6 other plane this transformations, can be notation represented in the next Geometric transformations dilations by that specic activity. are on notation. the You will with straight lines. and G E O M E T R Y Activity 1 9 Complete dilation Create paper. at 3 the this with (x, 2 y) two 3 4 Describe a image A′ Using a image B′ Using a image C′ D′ 5 a 6 F′ 7 of 2, Cartesian notation centered at in order the plane to show a origin. ) dilations of of your own reduction your of dilation of of and the of of the the the the scale Find What dilated of do of a four-sided one using shape enlargement, on both squared centered correct notation and nd the images. scale B point C of factor (12, factor (3, 4 factor (20, of the center at the origin, nd the coordinates of the with the center at the origin, nd the coordinates of the 27). factor the with −7). (−12, scale factor you A scale point scale E′ scale point dilation the dilations the of dilation 39). (0, correct factor , one of the 5 (27, Find ( each becomes b scale → each of Using Find example on origin. Practice 2 Dilations a Include location 1 – with the center at the origin, nd the coordinates of the 0). dilation the (with dilation center (with at center the at origin) the if origin) point if D point (9, E 13) (48, becomes −20) −5). think factor a of negative the scale dilation factor (with indicates? center at the Explain. origin) if point F (0, −70) becomes 21). Rewrite questions 4–6 using correct notation. Continued on next page 2 9 3 8 Graph the centered image at the of the quadrilateral ABCD after a dilation after dilation with a scale factor of 3, origin. y A B x D C 9 Graph at the the image of the triangle ABC a with a scale factor of centered origin. y A B x C 10 This is the company. name as for the logo the constellation merged 294 the to (FHI), the So the star on words a united 6 cluster in is of in idea form logo and that stars known (part of “Subaru” ve FHI – the also this companies Heavy represents of car Japanese company how cluster the Japanese Fuji parent Subaru English Taurus). “united” expresses the “Subaru” Pleiades means for Industries of Subaru. both a considers companies. Geometric transformations play itself Continued on next page G E O M E T R Y 11 a Describe any congruence b Describe any similarity This a pattern Identify is the based on original transformations transformations traditional shapes and that that Aztec describe are print all are visible visible in in this this logo. logo. designs. the transformations you can see in the design. b 12 Would This is an you consider example never-ending a Describe b Could pattern the this of a this tessellation? fractal repeated dilations shape a be that design. at In Justify math, increasingly you see tessellated? in the a your response. fractal small fractal is an abstract object formed by a scales. design. Explain. 2 9 5 l i n b e Go to two to also need to this On a a Below – you to sure 3 to carry Creating On a of Round 1 5 your person order, and a the to “Transformation download for the a for each and print player to the use in game as a You board counter. game. transformation be Game”. groups of puzzle three. and x and label plane, all of the list the y-axes longer than −10 to 10, vertices. written a no instructions reection, information a for rotation that four and someone dierent a dilation. would need transformation. representation of paper, list the four ordered pairs of the quadrilateral. each your applying drawing play translation, sheet visual on with algebraic separate Represent Pass each to triangle to need plane include out need a search representation Cartesian the vertices 4 will visual transformations: Be out and Creating quadrilateral the will cut instructions Cartesian draw 2 the You to 10 activity Creating 1 four. play” Activity For transformation representation right. each each They will using and written carry transformation resulting image. arrow out to instructions the the They notation. result will to the transformations of then the color one the in before nal image. Round 2 6 your Pass They will algebraic draw the transformation, each 7 29 6 using only shape to and algebra to the the person image determine image. Compare 6 representation original your answers and check Geometric transformations for accuracy. on your after the left. each coordinates of can and play in cards. Then groups You of will followthe “How G E O M E T R Y ATL1 Reect Reect and and discuss discuss 12 12 Discuss these questions with your group. ● ● Compare the visual representation. Which Do know you just ● using need one? How process how to did do you both and nd the algebraic easier? methods or Explain. could you rely on Explain. does problem to representation knowing make you how a to more use multiple eective methods learner? to solve a Explain. 2 97 Unit A tessellation no A summary overlaps is the and transformation and produces Translation, a tiling no of a changes shape rotation an and size create is a and similarity images that are proportional in Translation moves change must to be – geometric shapes with shape, called to are all congruence create the preimage. transformation. Similarity identical preimage, image. transformations shape the in shape to the images that transformations preimage and are size. size. If moved Translations the reection are Dilation original called Congruence in using gaps. transformations. identical surface a in can a point shape the be is same or shape in translated, direction represented any every and using direction the by vertex the with of same the no shape distance. notation , where h and Reection reection – or number – of Rotations 298 6 are ips the Reections Rotation k a real point mirror can be turns a or shape shape The the over a given line called the line of line represented degrees. about numbers. using notation: a reection in the x-axis a reection in the y-axis a reection in the line a reection in the line about a center origin this can xed is point called be the through point represented of determined rotation using this notation: a 90-degree a 180-degree rotation clockwise a 270-degree rotation clockwise a 360-degree rotation clockwise Geometric transformations rotation a clockwise Dilation – image). The of the of the Dilations can scale dilation center a creates be a bigger factor must be dilation with the smaller image than indicates the size given. the examples is In always origin represented or as using the this the change the original and in the this (pre- center book, the origin. center of dilation and scale factor notation: , where a is any real number. Scale factors larger Scale factors between than the images upside original that are than 0 1 produce and 1 (reductions). on the other enlargements produce images Negative side of the scale of that the are factors centre of preimage. smaller produce dilation and are down. 2 9 9 t er i r i Key review to Unit review Level 1–2 1 n c Unit Copy and A question levels: Level 3–4 complete the Level 5–6 table Translation Level 7–8 below. Translation Translation down 2 units Dilation by a scale factor Point up (0, 0) (6, 1) (3, (−8, Plot a units left 5 units and right 7 units of 4 about the origin −2) (−4, 2 3 7) −5) the image Translation and 4 units of 4 each units shape on your own right b copy of the Translation down and 3 units y Cartesian 2 units grid. right up y B C A x x C B D A 3 The in photo the Parc region park’s of Gaudí, his Spain. tiles. who It 300 this 6 was a of the Barcelona, and bench is created his work, Serpent in winds covered designs. the symbols, design in expressed commissioned Is detail The fantastical Greek a Güell, perimeter ceramic in shows by love a the of wanted Geometric transformations artist Güell, and of Antoni forms who Gaudí Explain the mosaic natural symbols tessellation? Catalonia around in Eusebi Christian the Bench to represent symbols why or why of the connection Catalonia. not. between ancient 4 Describe the transformations that have occurred y a in each diagram. y b C ′ C ′ C B B′ B′ A′ C A x A′ x B A y c y d B′ B B′ B x A A′ A′ A C′ x C C C ′ y e x B B′ A A′ C 5 Using the 6 a dilation image What T C′ (6, is L′ the −18) is of of the scale T′ scale point factor (2, factor L of (12, the 5, with the center at the origin, nd the coordinates of −9)? dilation (with center at the origin) if the image of point −6)? 3 01 7 Plot (−3, 8 the 0) image using of the the following a (x, y) → (x + b (x, y) → (x − 3, y Copy and shape 4, y vertices (−5, 8), (3, −6) and translations. − 9) + complete Reection with 6) the table Reection below. Reection Reection Reection Reection Point in (0, 0) (8, 2) (7, (0, in y = x in y = −x in y = in −3) 0) the image Cartesian of each shape on your own copy of the grid. Rotation about the 90° clockwise b origin Rotation 180° about the origin y y x x D A C C A B 302 3 1) Plot a y-axis −10) (9, 9 in −6) (−4, (−5, x-axis 6 Geometric transformations B x = −4 10 This is a folk Romanian every color of where the it age and make c 11 and 0) (8, 2) (7, (0, the the region indicate the woman shape(s) used to pattern. the transformations that have occurred to the how the shapes complete 90 this of degrees are table. tessellated. All Rotation 180 rotations of are Rotation degrees 270 clockwise about of the point Rotation degrees 360 clockwise (0, of degrees clockwise 0). Rotation −90 of degrees clockwise 1) −3) 0) Plot a Even −10) (9, 12 of the −6) (−4, (−5, can status clockwise (0, of expresses and that woman’s family. original Rotation Point said shape(s). Explain Copy traditional blouse. this original is aspect and made the Describe an social the It in Romanian pattern was Identify b a history the wearing a on represents woman’s used embroidery. form blouse pattern the image Reection of in x each = shape on your −3 own b copy of Reection y the in y Cartesian = grid. x y D A D B C x x A C B 3 0 3 13 Describe diagram the and transformation express a it using that has correct been arrow performed notation. y D C B E A x D′ C ′ B′ E′ A′ y b A C A′ C ′ x B ′ B 304 6 Geometric transformations in each y c A B C E D ′ x D E′ C′ B′ A′ y d B A C ′ D′ x D C A′ B′ 14 Given the image of a (7, b (−12, c (0, rotation the given (x, y) → points ( y , − x ), and nd describe the the coordinates rotation in of the words. 14) −5) 3) 3 0 5 15 Given of the the reection image of the (x, y) given → ( − y , − x ), points and nd the describe coordinates the reection in words. 16 a (0, b (14, c (3, This in −9) −4) 5) door is Beijing, expressed the ideas in Identify b Describe c Explain Is a Explain In ancient small to oors and geometric of oors people The symbols own is (the to two of 306 6 that in symbolizing in this that design. have tessellated. − x the same as a rotation of 180°? were used covered is the a ancient Mosaic were used since such mosaics a important to most luxury. had mosaics symbolism, or = mosaic aord intertwined immortality y are power, Some depict full one within express shape(s). artists found and not meaning. meant one wealth that Turkey. this the notation. This mosaic could line of wealth. shape(s) pictures walls. as and red are throughout colors color “tesserae” tiles Ephesus, express the Rome, such the palace religion power Even shapes arrow bigger the original the in squarish make city the using is luck a architecture family. with and transformations how reection as original the to and City, the City, Philosophy happiness, a Forbidden art beliefs, occurred 18 the imperial and power, the China. Forbidden Chinese 17 in their are events such bands) eternity. Geometric transformations as or the which people. A mosaic Solomon’s often knot expressed a like this gure belief in a Identify preimage shapes in the mosaic that have been transformed. b Describe the preimage c 19 Explain What the a transformations that have occurred to these shapes. how single the shapes are transformation tessellated. gives the same result as each of following? A reection in the x-axis in the line followed by a reection in the y-axis b A reection clockwise 20 This Chinese paper Year a If and of the create you There are year animals The 12 have the 12 used the by a 90-degree origin on cards, Chinese New 2017. have a diameter preimage of shape(s) that and were pattern. transformation that could have been used design. Chinese animal. in own that zodiac person’s were decided animals, their A which was belief and in the followed know...? dierent the the another this was x transformations create Describe to Did the the = about depict circles identify to to Rooster larger describe used pattern fabric the 5 cm, b rotation y and symbols, zodiac born. in the According Great therefore symbolism everyone each animal the and (and Race to every The is legend, initiated people traits. represented symbol born has the under Chinese animal) the by a by a determined order Jade each zodiac role to of by the Emperor. sign, reinforces play in life society. 3 07 21 Describe image in the the transformation diagram that has occurred to create the below. y 8 B′ 7 6 5 A′ 4 B 3 A 2 1 C x 0 11 –1 C ′ –2 –3 22 This is a Korea, wood made traditional designs as mulberry prior year 308 6 to or panel as a window the is 19th the tribute Korean bark, at to houses. frames very Sejong ancient Many and strong century. Geometric transformations panels homes walls. and The so. Cultural that had Korean was paper Center used would in were such be used in geometric paper, instead Seoul, made of of glass replaced every a Select two created b Sketch panels using the Annotate geometric that two contain dierent tessellation your sketch in to a types each that of of show transformation tessellation has could be transformation. your the that chosen original panels. shape occurred to and create the each tessellation. 23 This window ancient window India. uses see express this shape been 24 a but to The original The vertices and it is (−16, −1). it that in this may it the of is Tomb Emperor much like star was in a used of an New Delhi, Humayun, those (or seem part used in hexagram) surprising to honor the other is often symbol and astrology. tessellation. transformed vertices the so interest create of the six-pointed in and Humayun’s shapes likely shape been sandstone honor Judaism, base has added to The Humayun’s Describe red geometric with here, of called Built buildings. associated to built monument northern Muslim is and what Then explain other shapes how have tessellation a image Determine triangle of the the are (1, triangle three 0), are (3, 4) (−6, and −5), transformations (6, 2). (−10, that 3) have occurred. 3 0 9 25 The original The vertices and a (12, vertices of a triangle image of the are (3, triangle 2), (1, 9) and are (9, −2), (−6, (7, 4). −9) −4). Determine could b the of have Explain two dierent sets of two transformations that occurred. how it is transformations possible to create for the two sets same of dierent overall combined transformation. 26 The original rotation become triangle followed the Identify notation image the to by three has a undergone translation, three transformations followed by a reection) triangle. transformations describe and use appropriate them. y 6 A 5 B 4 3 C 2 B′ 1 0 –5 –4 –3 x –2 –1 C′ –2 A′ –3 310 6 Geometric transformations (a to t er i r i assessment n c Summative C Creating As you you so have cover that work a can rotations). reects n 2D there (or are be 3D) overlaps patterns as a is time atessellation(ortiling) surface or and transformed it tessellation discovered, even no Now you own already analyzing shapes i your with gaps. You learning the (translations, to create a a pattern have of done dierent tessellation for when polygons a lot ways reections, is of in which dilations, yourself that person. k b e You will The might for Read like your study a the a b Go to the or try ● line ● slice Your few of a the If method not?” range to give of dierent you and are you website it of to guide before time, the each rest and you methods methods section some to dierent short explain tessellations” your “How the to do additional of you through creating choose student the the for in this assignment. tessellations. the your one you group You will use could group. “Self-test: groundwork task is to create another representation Produce a report ● a tessellation ● a complete of two start Tessellation” by working topics. Focus on methods: a tessellation method software of that using you with your a explanation described (or in by some a method either on hand). the of these website) The piece of using art must way. explained showing tessellating mathematical of using includes: storyboard developing together an a and method. geometry in Make section method dynamic a own” following (or ● a about methods be tessellation. “Make the analyzing d to own “All the demonstrates tessellations. through c using dierent tessellation on be website how this each shape on step of (see explanation tessellation is a the website the process details of below), each step representation you. 31 1 Storyboard Section ● The ● A 1 original ● The ● An explanation – why of why this shape? this shape will work in 2 tessellated shape explanation shape to create description the shape tessellation Section A geometric mathematical this ● detai ls of your of tessellated the all changes you tessellated of the have shape made (your transformations to the geometric tile) that are visible in shape: rotation Be sure to indicate translation lines of reection, centers of rotation reection and angles of A ● mathematical explanation of the exact transformations and rotation. why they Section Your ● A4 or 3 tessellation sheet. upload designs that An work Your it can will to example teacher a then hung of design in the shared be – present will attached the All in to of together color either the to to t print printed form a on one your design student “class quilt” school. images for 1 6 you location. Shape 312 ask this Geometric transformations an e-storyboard Mathematical explanation Shape Mathematical explanation 2 3 Reect ● Describe a ● ● the discuss benets and limitations of using technology to create tessellation. Geometric transformations history and Can understanding an Justify ● and your How does How is it a span many and cultures. of tessellations Why do mathematics you help are found think that improve throughout is? creativity? response. your tessellation representation express of your culture, beliefs and values? you? 3 13 7 Making socially associated linear your equations to you do you consider? help you equations options A a can that healthy from Do analyse diet variety the nutritional the options of equations these Trying diet to to whether vehicle? loans is to better All systems of mathematics to 31 4 when a a choice, discover These gaining range events in can sure option or of your time if the of but systems of for the level. on Wondering leasing out the student working lend all spend than taking than personal to foods activity activities? better of choices and to linear values. dicult, by of while in themselves Maybe rst place decisions! you turn is you it will losing a as worth can systems history. do but how other selecting solutions equations. be in Balancing age situations should Systems be The your is factors personal groups. much car linear making a combination guide on these of will mathematics tools your leisure Not use useful solved. how a What represented could buying a be based same school? food versus itself tool. be with major choices? reect be decide homework ever elements systems optimal decisions? very could you may used cause includes of you be in values you also unit, is systems relationships your be this what also and make In choices decision-making that and health a see can those Identities Personal cost? as and systems personal How responsible extra options linear Linear use help result. decisions, the a you system analyse However, from of the truly Orientation Turning “What We in in points would in our history. might human have sometimes how space this the history time history happened ask If and if…?” question results have of as we major turned out reect decisions on major had been events that analysed before 1920, the Prohibition United sale and became States reduce crime money spent to make eect for problems activity the greatest have used mathematics He seen to is decisions, the battle options, see at made how the 13 as history is not full so would can that available were whether or might little be not the more of of it a alcohol), income led and law to of and expected savings. which was as in many Prohibition kinds and to prisons created solved. new alcohol was of criminal distributing reduced corruption overall in some enforcement. be could bad Russia, given have have to several helped been decisions, great. equations a could law, years, production, states nancial new of in advantage. number When systems choice a his to history, invaded Waterloo. one others How he to in made, him better another. Human and from linear when than have considered generals points law amount managing (making of the goal contraband areas of were became the Individual encouraged one they and The and huge However, Bonaparte, turning transportation illegal. prisoners. Napoleon to dierently? In Even lead used the to and analyse help right world Systems us to decision have been some of great linear the choices decide was made. dierent with mathematics?! 31 5 7 Linear Social KEY CONCEPT: Related Global In a this fairness as linear ability to will new and in they use idea, linear social systems the lives sell. sustain Along to help their Statement Representing of you others model the way, them will see through these make part people the the are companies important of as you global trying they need decisions context to start to make and use that explore the tools, aect such their Inquiry: with models can promote and entrepreneurship. Inquiry Solving complex multi-step algebraic questions What is a linear What does system? F it mean to “break even”? Representing and classifying systems of linear equations How C ● of entrepreneurs equations ● relationships As how the Objectives ● Models mission. relationships social to entrepreneurship . development, systems, support Representation, context: dierence products entrepreneurship RELA TIONSHIPS concepts: you relatively of a unit, systems are relationships represented with models? Solving a system of linear equations using graphing, substitution and elimination What ● Applying mathematical strategies to solve D is our community responsibility and other to those communities? problems using a system of linear equations How to help in decision-making can I make a in difference? our A LG E B R A Communication Negotiate peers Y ou 1 and ideas the State and degree the of degree − a of 2 y 3 6xy + Help with − 7x how 6 each − 5x to 2 x Solve equations Solve the the succeed each − slope Determine polynomial. + Find pair of the of a line slope using of the the line formula through points. 8 2 (−1, y (0, 2 others to: polynomial: 4 4x 5 2 2x know 3 3x + Collaboration skills skills knowledge already 2 2x Social: teachers should Find A TL2 Communication: A TL1 7 following 3) and (2, 5) −7) and (2, −1) Find the slope (−2, of a −2) line and (3, parallel −1) and equations. perpendicular x to a given line 2 3(x − 2) + 5 = −4 − 3 = x 1 = 16 Find 2 3 Draw linear Sketch the functions following the each Find lines. of slope the the slope perpendicular y = −2x + 2x 7 − 3y = 6 4x + y − 2 = Write the equation of a line in and Write gradient–intercept each equation in question standard 4x − gradient–intercept y = −12 3x − 4 = a that is question line each that of parallel to 4. is the lines 4. Find the equation of a line Find the equation of the form line with the form following and line standard 8 form of to a in 0 in 4 of lines characteristics. form. −2y x = −5y + a gradient of b gradient of −2 and y-intercept of 4 9 1 5 Find x- Find the and y-intercepts c x- and y-intercepts for in question a y-intercept of −8 passes through the points (−1, 2) and each (3, function and 4 −2) 4. 317 Introducing What most goes into important considered? product a from to support by this a social unit of These every and same is using is people other you be make? Is elements willing that paid to its you the and good always need pay to more will analyze models you buy from working buy prots types of models individuals, governments decisions factors when consider involved. are used companies they make decisions. By the end company of this and unit, dedicate you may your be prots ready to a to start worthy your cause own of your choice! Reect ● When and you discuss shop for 1 products, what factors aect your nal choice? ● Give an several or example options more of a time where people. How when your did you decision that had to would inuence choose directly your among aect one decision-making process? Solving Solving equations However, require 318 7 linear there dierent is are equations a very important dierent strategies Linear systems to kinds of solve. skill in mathematics. equations, be for only that the friendly company has cost that to environmentally it using Do important by would prefer is issue? that there well you that simple the day that systems companies? you creating some created Would local are important company solve In was workforce a or instance, How conditions? decisions factor For that materials? uses the linear which may a A LG E B R A Investigation Perform the 1 following – Types of investigation equations with a peer. ATL1 1 Copy and complete this table. Equation Degree Classication Pairs 3g + 2 = 12 linear 2 − 4m 8m + 3 = 0 quadratic 3 − c 4 x 4c = 2 cubic − 5 = 9 7 3 12 − 2 4w + 2w − w = 2 2 3y 6z − + 11 19 = = −7y 2(3z 3 5p − 4) + p 2 − 2p + 4 = −2p 3 − 8p 2 7h 2 Based − 9h on = −12(3h your ● linear ● quadratic ● cubic + 2) results, dene the following terms. equation equation equation 3 What do you 4 Does the think choice of a “quartic variable equation” (x or m, is? etc.) Give aect an the example. classication of the equation? Explain. In this unit, noticed that variable. sucient You to will each When have nd You complex be solving equation there the already equations. more you is only value learned will in apply of linear the one that investigation variable, variable strategies those equations. to same a (or solve You may contained single only equation “solve the dierent strategies have here is equation”). types to one of solve equations. 319 Example Q Solve the 1 following x equations. 2x 2( x + 7) 2 a = 15 − 6 b x + 75 = 100 3 If = 15 − you have a fractional denominator 6 and equation, multiply ever y nd a term common in the 3 equation by that common denominator. 2 6 (2 x ) 6 x = 6(15) − Simplify. 6 3 x = 90 − 4x 4x = 90 − 4x Rearrange + 6 2x a x + 5 x A 2x = c + operation 5x the equation by doing the opposite 4x to isolate the variable. 90 = 5 5 x = You have nished variable on one Simplify and when you have isolated the side. 18 2 b x + 75 = 100 rearrange the equation by doing 2 x + 75 − 75 = 100 = 25 − the 75 opposite operations to isolate the variable. 2 x You 2 x = have variable 25 square x 2( x = ± 5 When = 2x the of and you a when side. have you Note number, negative distributive inside × 2( x one have that, you must answers brackets in isolated when into the the nding take both the the account. equation, apply + 6 5 5 root positive + 7) c nished on of outside + 7) = 5( 2 x the of law, so brackets the that is ever y term multiplied by on the ever y term brackets. + 6) 5 Simplify 2x − 2x + 14 = 10x 14 − 30 = 8x − 2x + the −16 + 30 − and rearrange the equation by doing 30 opposite operations to isolate the variable. 30 8x = 8 8 You x = have variable 320 7 nished when −2 Linear systems on one side. you have isolated the A LG E B R A Reect ● Classify ● and each ● equation your answers. How is the equation? With a discuss number of in 2 Example solutions 1 (linear related to or the quadratic). degree of Justify the Explain. peer, review each of the examples and help each other to ATL2 understand Practice 1 each a + 4) strategies that were used. 1 Solve 3(x the equation. = −3x b c d e f g h i j k 3 2 l 4x 2 − 11 = 2x 9 Create a linear 3 Create a fractional 4 Create 7 and is a 3 − 12x + 5 = 4x 3 + 9x − 11 + 3x 2 + 2 answer 7x − 3x equation that linear requires equation multiple that steps requires to solve multiple where steps to the solve answer where is −4. the 2. quadratic equation that requires multiple steps to solve where the answers are −7. 3 21 Did you Most companies which prot is to know...? typically and are revenue increase the or goal of many and people implement For that (called they bank; over if know there is be solved will need 97% solve are a the is of 32 2 each If least these of of of this on of of created small a variables using a million and families people have in his in What group in it. if of to both there of two nd a but are that can variables, the values you linear what two equations linear, simply variety variable, With order are or one have system. methods; these the will be you of both what You is can methods graphing used apply coordinate one. Linear systems can by the to solve skills plane, a you but linear have now system learned there will native borrowed equations with unknown? equations 9 women. equations is individuals Nearly linear equations that you just a unit. methods lines the help is been systems Here, to Yunus equations system of impoverished have the linear the social reach provides equations two a help can business. one two linear the to small of with to credit bank solve for instead 7 to goal change. that them system graphing. lines a A focus graphing of the they support for His than linear Solving One how system this for systems at variables. called start business solution With using company. Muhammed Bank. more variables? a a microloans) can Solving You right, Grameen loans ask ideas enterprises, ultimate the media, believing fundamental the and their example, run issue. social The of nding environmental internet prot” performance data. value Social entrepreneurs primary “for measure in be two Bangladesh money from so the A LG E B R A Activity 1 On the 1 – same y 2 Why do 3 Find the = Graphing coordinate 2x − these 4 and lines y linear grid, = −3x intersect? coordinates of draw the + systems the following lines. 1 Justify point your where answer the two mathematically. lines cross (the point of intersection). 4 Verify the that 5 Explain 6 Repeat why point a y = −5x b y = 3 − + of the steps Reect Reect ATL1 the coordinates 1 8 2x point intersection point of through 2x and and and and of this 4y − 7 is the intersection 5 y + into using = = the on both original solves lines the following by substituting equations. linear system. equations. 2 −6x discuss discuss 3 3 Answer the following questions in pairs. ● What are the dierent ways of graphing a line such as 3x – 6y = 12? Pairs Which ● ● method Describe by Why good is it l i Is n it a you prefer? disadvantages equations system? ● any do you see to solving a system of linear graphing. idea to verify your answer when solving a linear Explain. possible for a linear system to have no solution? Explain. k b e If you do graphing this not have tool graphing access such as utility. to a graphic Desmos Be sure to to display graph write each your calculator of the (GDC), lines. equations in Visit you can use an online gradient–intercept to use form. 323 Activity An artist for the in 2 Colombia is similar to selling price 1 y be the from Solve 4 The To the why the point in amount the make he a cost of system prot, to the hammock you think there is money by a Linear systems a do artist's on a start be a can is microloan a business the like $500 from the and a which the both think he North dierence in that the lines one the pictured cost community he hopes this needs of here. materials The for development will support his cost each bank family. The in from sales equation can on be the y given same a = sold. of a product. Explain why the y 25x + 500. revenue is called 70x. by the equation coordinate company’s costs = grid. and is? to to American Is hammocks represents begins price? of takes by hammocks revenue before number given system you the company be graphing of Why hammocks out x and making produce same to hammocks $70. hammocks The 7 of cotton the take order is intersection have make to dollars break-even point. does to in loss? macramé decides Bank the linear of makes hammock amount is 3 324 a revenue Explain 6 of or needed He Grameen 2 5 $25. Revenue the Prot equipment hammock Let – be more make market this unfair a than prot? would and, if his costs. Explain cost so, the to How your many customer whom? hammocks answer. $120? Why do A LG E B R A Practice 1 Rewrite a 2y = 2 each – 4x + equation in gradient–intercept 8 b d g 5x = 10y – 20 10y = 20 c 0 = 2x – 3y + 9 = 2x – 4y + 12 f h x = 8y j Find the a + 3y x- 4x and = y-intercepts of 20 the b d 3 – e i 2 5x form. following 5x – 10y – linear 30 = equations. 0 c e Solve each a y = 2x – b y = –x + linear 6 and 2 and c system y = y x = + 5x by 0 f graphing. Verify your answers. 3 – 4 and You d y = –2x – 10 and your by e y – 7 = 6x and can 3y + 12x – 6 = 0 coordinates back 3x + 2y = 16 g 5y – 35 = – A video and 2x + 3y = answers substituting the f verify into the 14 equations. 4 do cost is many the some not and streaming considering where 5x have $6 a the the movies loyalty couple of per company new proceeds nancial movie. as of you program The putting together promotions. will go resources loyalty want and is for then a to to of providing aord program $35 the Two their the rental them internet. cost fee is are: or just The and loyalty to local current can can per a access you you $4 strategy involve internet options monthly pricing either pay $10 is program students average rental download a month who to as join movie. Continued on next page 325 a Create a options 5 that Graph c The on values shows these results the for for each cost Write of more customer rentals How Which of general is the marketing number a option a on customers month. this options of average, each e of of the renting three from 1 to movies. b d table same survey download promotion rentals? axes. showed 5 is about economically on of that, movie the rentals better deal Explain. statement depending set the when each attractive number to of the movie downloaded. could company’s such promotions ability to raise increase money for a their cause? Explain. Number The of systems produced solutions of one linear Could ecient way there of a equations solution. answer? to Is it ever linear that you possible be investigating no for system have there solution? the answer solved to be these far more Graphing to so all than systems is one an questions. Investigation 2 – Classifying systems of equations I t er i r i are three linear n c Here systems. B A B y = 2x + 1 2y y = –x + 7 1 Graph 4y each pair your teacher, 2 How many 3 Research of you – 8 2x may names = = lines solutions the + C x 6x use does used a separate set technology each to 20 – 2y y + 3x – 5 = 0 –16 on = linear classify if of axes. you the permission of wish. system the With have? three types Explain of your linear answers. systems. Continued 326 7 Linear systems on next page A LG E B R A 4 Is it possible nd y = the mx to determine solution c + and by how graphing? copy and the lines Rewrite complete the will all intersect the table above y = system mx Slope + of c actually in the trying to form below. A Linear before equations B C in form each line y-intercept of each line Number of solutions 5 Write a brief linear systems. 6 Verify your 7 Justify results why Practice ATL2 summary Answer giving 1 your for of at results the results least two make of your more investigation linear into the three types of systems. sense. 3 question 1 in pairs. If someone needs help, ask leading questions instead of answers. Without Justify graphing, your classify answers each linear system based on the number of solutions. mathematically. Pairs a y = c 4x 3x = − 6y 5, + 2x 1, , e g 4x – 2y i y – 3 k y + 3x = = = 9y 6y 14, 4x, 5, 6 − = – 12x – 5x 6y 2y + 1 = 6x 2x 8 b −5 d 12 f x h – x j y = 2x l x + y + – 6y = 8x = 5 3y = = 0 40 , = – 2x = −1, + y 2y – + 4y, = = = + 5x 4y + = 10y −2 – 30 = 0 3 5 2, 4 3x – 6x 0, y, – −x 3y 4x + + = 3y = 5 2 4y + 8 = 0 Continued on next page 327 2 Given y = 4x the 2kx + y + = linear system 6 2, a Find the b What value values of of k k that will makes result the in one linear system solution? have no solution. Explain. 3 The YMCA countries. in in a mentorship A local fee and (which b Graph c If you If the you a Can not has $5 a for each of sign country needs. charitable people who membership every values you ended you of day) will membership up from day can to to to the bought vastly YMCAs raise money including both social charges facilities to facilities oer become that operating and activities, oer represent country Local want that be organization use the 119 dierent so providing that programs they classes and used. a $90 one-time Alternatively, a joining day 7 pass facilities. options. up for a think up for use fee only the and using for the membership of a another facilities this to 6 times be facilities be a reason good why the you month, better once idea? a a how long will it take Linear systems to pay option? week (4 times a month), would Explain. would only use the day pass option and membership? Continued 328 can entrepreneurs. youths are in system. think signing e variety $0.75 worldwide community young table the dier local for costs up non-prot, wide then Set d to YMCA a o a YMCAs response engage is on next page A LG E B R A f Sometimes if the up g 4 You joining for How the would are the given the Classify b Verify c Change one number of Show fee run this your system system. to of the your be your by −6x why correct by Create a linear system where there is 6 Create a linear system where there are While linear dicult to to the solve Solving used 1 pairs, – linear 3 – the good are + going answer 2y in = 2 by solving order and once for −6x lower a week? the there + 4y joining = Would system to be fee. of no What you sign equations. solution? −4. system. 4y = −4 so that the system has an innite works. graphing no visual the solution innitely system but this many it is and by is with not your new equation. immediately solutions but this is obvious. not fractions and There may more are of two the be ecient methods elimination. substitution substitution following or easier algebraically. systems representation decimals Sometimes substitution the linear a that system The complete Given you answers linear Activity In gives determine. commonly signicantly obvious. graphing system, + the this 5 immediately on modied 3x a answer. equation is oer plan your graphing Explain answer to and you equations Justify in and Justify have classication term $1 then? problem solutions. that promotions dropped membership a d ATL1 YMCAs method activity. system Pairs 3x y a – = 2y −2x = + 2 3 substitute equation b 1 8 solve this the expression for y from equation 2 into 1 linear equation for x Continued on next page 32 9 2 c substitute the d write answer Given 4x a + your the y = linear −2, Which Isolate c Substitute this equation, 3 Solve e Find – variable b the the as an into equation ordered pair (x, 2 to nd the value of y y). 2y = 4, would be easiest to isolate in one of these Explain. variable the as seen linear how in one expression value Summarize x for system −2x equations? d value of the for two this equations. variable into the other previously. equation. of to the other solve a variable. linear system using the substitution method. Reect and discuss 4 Pairs In pairs, answer the following questions. ● In question equation ● What form Can ATL2 and these when Solve 4x A – −5x to the 3y + + what = 2y +5x made you By + have C = any 2 easy to substitute into with use a to peer the do if equation 2 were written in standard 0)? disadvantages and help substitution of the each substitution other to fully method? understand how method. 2 following −11, = −5x linear + = 2y 5x 2 = using the substitution method. 12 one of the variables equations. + 5x = 2y system Isolate 12 +5x 2y equation ? identify Example Q 1 would (Ax you Discuss 1, 12 12 + 2 2 5 y x = + 6 2 Continued 330 7 Linear systems on next page in one of the A LG E B R A 5 Substitute 4 x − 3 x + 6 the expression into the other = −11 2 equation to solve for the other variable. 15 Use 4x x − − 18 = the distributive proper t y to expand the −11 2 brackets. 15 2(4x x − − 18 = −11) 2 8x − Multiply each eliminate 15x − 36 = −22 −7x − 36 = −22 S olve + 36 for all side of of the the equation by 2 to denominators. x +36 −7x = 14 x = −2 y = 5 ( −2 ) + 6 2 4(−2) – y = 1 3(1) = −11 −11 = −11 2(1) = 12 12 = 12 Substitute the to value nd Verify −5(−2) The + solution is (−2, 1). the your value of answer of the in x into other each of the equation for y variable. the original equations. Write the solution as an ordered pair. 3 31 Activity According women related cause is a to and to of per 15% the 1 If Health die every cooking in by Organization, year smoke. children under from 5 years approximately lower Globally, organization supplying in a use buy their stove Copy World Project this of age. that clean-burning respiratory is is the The to million diseases number one Paradigm trying cooking 4 Project address stoves to this people in countries. They they of Paradigm entrepreneurial living day. day. the children issue family The indoor developing A – death social serious 4 a poor 30% pay and of area their for on complete with this fuel. the of to pay for costing How money has many income cooking $35, they an they days save fuel will will on it of $5 each only take cooking use for fuel? table. Total Number Guatemala stove cooking itself in income clean-burning income to rural cost of fuel Total cost of fuel days (no stove) 0 (including 0 new stove) $35 1 2 3 4 5 2 Graph 3 Determine 4 relationship the equations. Verify your answer What are the eciency Once you the other How 7 it will quality 332 of solve each solving the line, the linear and system apart of the from the fuel savings? the the life is paid family saves of benets stove, stove think money 7 by and substitution. clean-burning 6 equation linear by 5 each on stove for o, will what buy else with do the fuel? improve the Linear systems family? the overall system. hence create a system of A LG E B R A Practice 1 2 3 Solve the following a 4x + y = 1, c 5x – y = −1, e 5x − 2y Solve a y = c 5x e y 6x – = 3y −2, phone = to break even. d When Which Solving how much will 4 4 by graphing 7y = 9 business to that start-up y = 60x – d 2x f x 7y – = = 5y −5, by 0, = 3x 6, 4x + 2y – y d 3x + 7y – 1 f 6x + 4y = 14, cell = −8, 2x = = phone + 0, 5x You sell the phone = 30x + 1300 −6 Verify 3y = = + = answer. 3x 9 with are each 10 8 2y covers business = −18 – the answer. 17 4y 2y for y = + substitution. 4x and each 4y −3x b sells – costs manufacture. equations x and −2 a b Verify the aim of $1300 and each covers for represent $60 the donating cell each. revenue and you substitution revenue start do linear seen, ecient, of that by to you you make prefer, to will a nd make prot? graphing how at many the covers break-even you must sell in order to point. Explain. or substitution, or does it depend on the Explain. have not + $30 system method one method – = 2x = the substitution. functions. Find does why 3y charity.Your costs using −7 starting local systems systems – 6y are the isolate 3 = + 3y −3x + Solve very 3y = = −2, a Explain you x y −5x question? be 5, you c As + −10x 6, cover cost b 2x linear following – Imagine a = the money 4 4 rely on solving a especially the can systems variables. be used to isolating a by elimination linear when The system it is fairly method solve any by of substitution can straightforward elimination linear system. is This to another method variable. 3 3 3 Activity 1 Given 5 the – equation by 2 b multiply the equation by −3 c divide d Explain the equation why Given the to multiply the multiply multiply the the By what The −4x is to solve linear to manipulate is y x 5y = c are −7, an integer so that the by an integer so that the by an integer so that the you uses multiply to the the the equation original? concept Creating more following through by could system. Perform a 4. method 6 in equation. equivalent Activity created −25 is not you 12 is them – + equation of elimination a x number equation original equation of coecient d the equation of −2. equations equation coecient c the by equations 8, the b & = multiply coecient 1 2y – a a ATL 4x equation equivalent 2 Equivalent of equivalent so that the new Explain. equivalence equations in order allows you easily. Elimination method 2 the activity in pairs. Your school is putting on an event to support an upcoming fundraising walk. Visitors to the event can buy the 2/1 combo (2 slices of pizza and Pairs adrink) for $5.20. They can also buy the 6/2 combo (6 slices of pizza and 2 drinks) for $14.40. How much does one slice of pizza cost? How about onedrink? 1 Starting subtract many 2 the drinks Repeat result with the in the rst are expensive combo left same step more and from what process, it? is combo, How their what many cost? subtracting the happens slices of Explain 2/1 if pizza your combo you and from your 1. Continued 334 7 how answer. Linear systems on next page A LG E B R A 3 4 What does is price the Represent the Multiply How 7 does think this Refer back rst 8 are step 8? Find the Consider you? original to 1 equation the the by is of How How to the what linear −3 of linear could x? you y? the you Solve 13 Summarize can and ● by Which of pizza? What system of of slices equations. of pizza Use and d to by 2 and combo you did 2 then subtract this equation. in steps 1 and 2? Why do you elimination? then and d. Verify you add created it to the dierences your 2x combine combine the and either by solution − 5 y + 20 y in step second between 4. Multiply the equation. step 5 and in both original equations. = 12 = −18 the two equations to eliminate the the two equations to eliminate the elimination. process of add or which you operation result linear equations does multiply will a your answer. system by elimination. 5 subtract How Verify solving discuss method. subtracting? ● a number system system system elimination value slice Explain. 12 You a Explain. could variable ● the called similarities value the Reect of Explain. variable 11 price with equation 2x 10 the drinks. from relate method to is combos represent combo this What drink? number equation What 9 p the the tell a the equivalent 6 of variable represent 5 this your the in when choice of equation(s)? making fewer you use the operation aect the Explain. mistakes, adding or Why? Once you have the value value of the other value of the second one. of the What rst variable, options do you you need have for to nd nding the the variable? 3 3 5 Example Q Solve 3 the following x − y = 1 x + y = linear system using the elimination method. 3 2 (2 x A − 3 y = 1 ) × 3 In 3 3x + 5 y = × − 2 top −6 x − 10 y – a multiplied variable, by a both value. equations Multiply that by add the 3 and the the coecients bottom of x are equation 6 and −6, equations. 3(0) = 0 = 1 to 2x = solve the for solution the other into one of the equations variable. 1 Another option is to use elimination again, 1 this x time eliminate the y = 2 1 2 − 3 ( 0 ) = 1 Verify your answer in each of the original equations. 1 3 1 2 − 0 = 5(0) = 1 3 + 2 3 3 = 2 2 The solution 7 1 , is 336 by and = 3 Substitute 2 the = −3 − 19y 2x eliminate equation so then − 9 y to be −2 6x to 2 order need 0 2 Linear systems Write the solution as an ordered pair. but A LG E B R A Activity A benet use their concerts (2003), Live Hand and/or 8 in help do the the to a for Write of school for and money local One Hurricane to see and awareness Some Conspiracy The Love Relief what musicians abroad. (2001), (2007), for or (1985), City which they SARS of for large Hope Benet Manchester a and Tour Concert (2017), (2017). were raising money has like for the great 20% crew an to children local of is ongoing organize the a in bands price $4000. of You connection concert the to with raise orphanage. play each are to and ticket going to You they sold. sell an money have have The agreed rental tickets to of the $20. down represent concert Earth in for. some concert Aid York concerts school auditorium raise either Live Benet would get help New Live A big your You build concert 2 these to performance crisis, been for (2005), that managed to have Hand: concerts musical status awareness orphanage. to a Concert Research Imagine is humanitarian The 1 Benet celebrity (1986), and – concert particular famous 7 in tickets an the equation revenue terms sold. of the Justify to from the number your equation. 3 Write down represent on the 4 in to putting terms tickets the sold. of the Justify revenue–cost graphing, break-even 5 Solve 6 The the and a system tickets total will nd system the point. auditorium raise of equation. Solve by of equation cost concert number your an the of by has elimination. a capacity $10 000. you need to Is this sell? of 1000 going Show to people be your and your possible? If goal so, is how to many working. 3 37 3 – Classifying systems of equations i II t er i r Investigation are three linear n c Here systems. B A y = B 2x + 2y 1 4y y = –x + 7 1 You have already classifying based on – 8 2x = = x – 6x these linear (Investigation 2). Solve each system by substitution. 3 Solve each system by elimination. 4 Write a summary linear system 5 Verify your 6 Justify Practice 1 Solve when results your each 20 2y – systems Write in down the the rst investigation classication of on each system results. 2 brief = y + 3x – 5 = 0 16 graphed systems those + C of using with results. the at Why an results your algebraic least do of two they investigation into how to classify a method. more make linear systems. sense? 5 system a of linear equations using b the method c x + −3x d e g h of 5y – 6 elimination. = −2 = 15y f 4x −10x + − 8y 20y = = −3 i 12 j Continued 338 7 Linear systems on next page A LG E B R A 2 a Verify b How three did method 3 a Verify of you of the linear decide which graphing? three of the systems in linear question systems 1 to by graphing. verify using the Explain. systems in question 1 using the method of substitution. b How did method ATL 1 & Reect you of decide which substitution? and discuss linear systems to verify using the Explain. 6 2 Discuss the following with a peer. ● Explain when you would use the graphing method to solve a linear Pairs system. ● Explain when you would use substitution ● Explain when you would use elimination ● Make a ow depending graphing and can how to often solve nd of the to use x- and a need be dierent information solving decisions they the method gradient, Problem When chart on to when be modeled linear Be graphing a nd using can based linear help solve solve you sure linear made system to strategies given. y-intercepts, with to to a linear linear would system. system. use include linear two a system which ( y-intercept points). systems on a variety of relationships. you to make factors, Knowing an informed choice. 3 3 9 Activity 8 – Creating a system of equations ATL1 Translating problem. information With a into partner, a copy system and ll of in equations this is an important rst step in solving a table. Pairs Solving the system. Creating Information Dening variables Which method? equations Justify The sum their of two dierence numbers is is 1211 and 283. Let S represent smaller Let L represent larger Four is times 16 g the less the The sum basketball. is of a of represent L Let b ____ Let B Let __ represent ____ Let __ represent ____ Let __ represent ____ Let __ represent ____ Let __ represent ____ Let __ represent ____ Let __ represent ____ Let __ represent ____ a their masses represent hamburgers $5.00. drinks Three cost a The with length triple its in scored drink cost and ____ two a perimeter which is 2 m of less 28 m than width. Tritons shots a $7.90. rectangle has and hamburgers a a made a total basketball total combination of of 96 of game. points 2-point 42 They through and a 3-point shots. Seven times numbers number the the 340 is larger eleven smaller nine 178. is the of times When number times result 7 the plus is two the ten larger times increased smaller 230. Linear systems by number, + L = 1211 the number. baseball mass of S 756 g. Two A mass than the number. – S = 283 your choice. A LG E B R A Organizing with the use Example Q You A of If information a in problems is sometimes made table. you $325 in counted donations, 46 bills in some in all, how bills. $5 bills many of and others each type in of $10 bill do have? Let x represent the number of $5 Let y represent the number of $10 Write a statement Number $10 5x y 10y 46 325 bills TOTAL x y = 46 10y = 325 y = 46 y = 46 + Value x bills ($) Setting + x + − up a equation. set up up an t wo Select the solve 10y = 325 5x + 10(46 − x) = 325 5x + 460 − 10x = 325 −5x + 460 = 325 −5x = −135 x = 27 each in the most the each of the to represent appropriate this organize contains the information the question. question In help column equations information x might to elimination. + char t – to 5x what represents. information S et 5x explaining bills. variables $5 easier 4 receive bills. you the – and either case use ecient method substitution or substitution. S olve. x + y = 46 27 + y = 46 y = 19 19 = 46 10(19) = 325 Substitute 27 5(27) + + equations Verify Write You have 19 $10 bills and 27 $5 your a the to solution solve answer concluding for in into the the one other of original sentence the original variable. equations. with the answers. bills. 341 Example Q You invested interest has A each more you 5 $12 000 year. risk. invest in If you each into The two other earned types bond $1160 of bonds. yields 12% interest in One bond interest a year, how Write a x be the amount invested at 8%. Let y be the amount invested at 12%. risk is not much statement variables at 8% year but did bond? Let Note: yields each factored into the explaining what each of the represents. question all. Amount Interest Interest invested rate earned 8% x 0.08 0.08x 12% y 0.12 0.12y Total 12 000 Setting up a char t information set up an – might each help column organize contains the information to equation. $1160 Set x + y = 12 000 0.08x + 0.12y = 1160 −0.08x − 0.08y = −960 +0.08x + 0.12y = 1160 0.04y = 200 y = 5000 in up the Select to two equations to represent the information question. the solve most the appropriate question substitution or Multiply rst the – in and this elimination. equation Use by ecient case method either elimination. −0.08 Solve. x y = 12 000 5000 = 12 000 + Substitute x + solve 7000 + x = 7000 5000 = 12 000 Verify 0.08(7000) + 0.12(5000) 560 You invested bond (12%) bond (8%). + 600 $5000 and in = 1160 = 1160 the $7000 in higher the 7 Linear systems the the your solution other into one of the equations variable. answer in the original equations. risk lower risk Write 342 for a concluding sentence with the answers. to A LG E B R A Reect and discuss 7 Can you think of a real-life situation that could be modeled using a linear system in which there is no solution? Can you think of one in which there are an innite number of solutions? Activity A coee 9 – farmer kilogram to Go in grow Costa and land management for guaranteed a 1 Create 2 Solve a linear the Rica currently harvest per $1.50 year. per system system substitution, big? the She coee, can sell costs plus her of 80 $1000 green, cents of per xed costs unroasted for beans kilogram. model using has two elimination) in for of this the order scenario. three to methods calculate (graphing, the break-even point. The farmer knows that her coee is being sold to consumers for $8 per kilogram and is considering getting into the rest of the supply side of the business. A social entrepreneur said she would help her start up a farmers’ cooperative where they will grow, roast, package and export the coee directly to the customers. The costs associated with the entire process are $5 per kilogram and the xed costs for growing, processing and exporting the coee would be substantially more at $8000 per year. 3 Create 4 Solve to a linear the system system calculate your the model using the break-even answer using for this method new you scenario. did not use before in order point. 5 Verify one of the other two methods. 6 Determine the prot function for both scenarios. The farmer produces 6000 kilograms of coee per year. What is her prot in both scenarios? 7 Based Justify on your your analysis, what would you recommend that she do? answer. Continued on next page 34 3 8 Why two 9 is there such a large dierence between the prot made in the scenarios? What are the advantages and disadvantages of starting the cooperative? Practice Answer the 6 rst three questions in pairs. When someone encounters diculty, ask ATL2 leading 1 Ann bills Pairs 2 A questions has $300 does she parking instead made of up giving of $5 the and answers. $10 bills. If there are 39 bills machine quarters. dimes 3 Saira one at 4 were each Plan contained will 5 A be total girl in to a 20 part $3.05 coins interest at 8% from plays she in. many oers gifts developing school. equipped manager, How many made up of dimes in all. How many dime quarter is 10 is 25 cents and 7 a cents. per annum these and the investments remainder was $84. at How 9% per much annum. did she and soccer asked The If how for buy is oered she 20 options It costs gifts girls at will negotiating $800 000 would hope country. many player team games you of for the $6000 need to a €500 total be her play for to to After invest of the a a gift to support schoolroom €6515, how and many Linear systems a €295 to classrooms school? an game select equip contract. plus every you cost sent year, for where Using the additional played team’s and oer to advice $1500 for $600 000 be the of her every for better game the year. option? Continued 34 4 $5 rate? professional she were $1000, International a how there? her community send There invested year, all, have? A and in on next page A LG E B R A 6 Supplying were 24 benet 7 Jen Two well gifts of and 22 social adults, event, Many human is of being United get with in a 10 a that the year basic Costco before system the to show $160 per hour. What Over 1 billion service is Indian 800 000 If each that how the solar per people many range lanterns Rs 350 sells the for who lanterns company is and per 3 she same the at of least the the for lantern after its A If there would one be year the was paid and live the cost the each more social use one is have it to day and adult prohibits physical of conduct those and per in you to the year. at the You back Costco buy? Set up problem. them teenagers a for teenager? paid in nothing spend paid are this Costco code solve and the attend which $120 for 5 to membership to and teenagers the the Costco and a events? especially option adults the where billion A 3 to all and pay for children tracking, ensure you 30 chains. membership better for were suppliers human funds attended both membership would the for global To raise adult supply basic premium is each same to there suppliers, options rate and What adults night example of 20 ethical for for group did the more employed grid. which were money rate 1 much teenagers world interest and second premium much hourly the the violations. membership day scout children facilities the and AU$35. bought? The environments. with costs the total a of total of (Assume same rate.) electrical people entrepreneur of xed materials, costs are in Rs month. lantern the What is while local How membership the paid On such How around of of adults was are out the 5 unreliable rupees, year, following people completely manufactures risk 25 chain, the were 10%. conduct working hive family? a prices of bee each at toward supply purchases employed adults code premium The the at by £170.00. audit membership. hour. all may per per live b $60 a a a rate? night, ticket of to each moving their more of and rest £150.00. the unsafe they $224 grid a is rst was has in and are on contractor that 11 abuses the organized the are at many hive and invest that AU$50 how bee 9% revenues today enforced, back linear A with costs or been Corporation States 2% have evening workers countries she assuming rights at During companies Wholesale abuse that sheep part did Tanzania. family AU$990, a $8000, events for a totaling much social in to supplying How revenue 9 sheep invested $740. 8 a to Rs really must break revenue 475 (costs need be are them made kept can and low buy sold to ensure them), each nd month for even. at the break-even point? Convert this amount into your local currency. Continued on next page 34 5 12 Find the point 13 A of equation of intersection rectangle algebraic has the of 4x vertices solution to line, – at in y = standard 3 A (2, and 2), determine 2x + B (2, the form, y 6), = that passes through (–7, 3) and the 9. C (4, coordinates 6) of and the D (4, point 2). of Develop an intersection of the diagonals. Thailand is producers. the xed one For costs of a (in per the costs hectare. per a Rice Thai rice is are sold are season and 12 000 THB for rice farm, baht) growing top per 19 500 THB hectare. Set up many break a the c Convert average live this on Suppose the prices, the the to nd would of a how need be can the rice to to of be new is the local currency. season? If break-even – what Do farmer the you The has selling point? How no price will social does think this selling control drops this Sustainable corporate prot the is farmer enough make? money Explain. downward. small signicant. starting hectares, price over by aect of rice is uctuations 15%, Thai as it rice has by in recently, farmers? denim responsibility set r i t er i c are local 6 trending assessment companies is growing rice and farm your whole price which will size market Formative More you amount for global what model even. If to linear hectares b d world’s typical 16 000 THB variable the a 14 (CSR) C, D reporting, “people, the sometimes planet initiative to and communities Unfortunately, order work and to in cut in an in which prot costs, can that is still be as triple bottom line means that supply chains and they the that they driving force especially extensive the companies are have (triple ethically positive for take and interactions with operate. unhealthy unsustainable the This employees, and to their responsible dangerous shipping used prot”). ensure environmentally the referred of those conditions. and the Earth’s many in companies developing Pollution natural in and in countries, may manufacturing resources can be way. Continued 346 7 Linear systems on next page A LG E B R A Case Two one study: premium is a denim socially common in jean factories responsible factory in Asia and have the the second following is a costs traditional per month. factory of a The type rst still Asia. Socially responsible Cost Traditional factory factory Materials per Wash/dye pair of process jeans $12* $7 per $0.25 $2** pair of jeans Labour cost per pair of $1.50*** $0.50 $10 000**** $5800 jeans Rental of utilities, building, admin programs, * All raw costs, etc. materials environmental **The factory uses environmental uses non-toxic rather than that go into making the denim jeans meet the highest ethical and standards. organic impact and organic the cotton not a water contaminate vegetable harmful and chemical dye to dyes recycling local ensure used in system community that no harm traditional to reduce water is jean the supplies. done to the It also workers, manufacturing. *** Workers earn a living wage, which is 3 times the average of workers in the industry, allowing them to better support themselves and their families and even to save for the future. **** in Fixed the costs factory. production are require every component Build a linear more of jean systems to time better courses and ventilation, and every light, training worker is space courses rotated to in and all general facilities components ensure they are of jean skilled in making. model Derive b If c Graph the cost functions and the revenue functions of both factories on one set of axes. d What the cost due language a the a higher English jeans is function are the to both the break-even factories. wholesaler point for for both $30 a pair, factories? determine Comment on a revenue the function. dierence between two. e Verify f At your what wanted answer price the How much by would same appropriately g sold for the explain is this the socially break-even and more solving as degree pair algebraically. responsible point the per system as a the of factory Show have traditional to your sell factory? a working. pair Round of jeans your if they answer accuracy. percentage of the original price? Continued on next page 34 7 Reect ● and Describe in ● the Given end the the nal Do Discuss of think needed in be for. to 5 What pairs place, following to get makes these shipping, stores), up both in solution sense problem. companies chains the still 8 your (including them be not the could sells price supply or placement jeans you of steps customer factory ● whether context product of discuss the nal times would of the put though questions selling the to the and price amount the approximate jeans? should even jeans marketing in sustainable this groups decreases of their prot? Explain. 3. ATL1 ● Whose responsibility is it to ensure sustainable growth? Companies? Governments? Consumers? ● Each help ● person generate How could current ● If you i n a and were discussion, l in your group change. factory future to Who with do the you ethical role of think is practices one in of the such these best as the key players position one to and lists generate described in the how they could change? case study aect generations? write what takes a headline would that that captured headline be? the Share most your important headlines aspect with the of this task and your class. k b e Research in the these Activity A 10-acre of a entrepreneur industry and premium broader denim” textile to see industry. what Find out some the companies motivation are for doing creating companies. 10 plot nearby “social denim – of city. Urban forest One has planning been proposal designated comes from a for a new housing development company that aims to due to create the a expansion CO neutral 2 community. left on the In other land to words, convert they the want of CO to the develop people the housing living in the estate estate. so The that enough problem trees they are must 2 solve is determining Factors An to the number of houses they can build. consider: average human exhales around 2.3 pounds of CO in a day. 2 The average tree can convert 48 pounds of CO per year. 2 There Each are currently house will approximately have a 700 trees 3000-square-foot per acre in the forested region. plot. Continued 348 7 Linear systems on next page A LG E B R A Process: 1 What units 2 Given that will x you use? Explain. will be the number of houses and y will be CO production per year, what does 2 the gradient of each line represent? 3 Assuming an represents working 4 Is the 5 What 6 the to people living the the y-intercept Determine the linear sure the 8 What 9 Graph the both of If them 10 What 11 Verify your 12 Given does the will linear When they using into the What What Why working positive on can the be an in make that sure linear you equation show all of that your the trees calculate the negative? this in the housing development. gradient. Explain. scenario? set using of axes, making technology that will living you need take to sure (graphic screen hand that you clearly calculator shots of your or show the graphing solutions and in. represent? can plot or sure you algebraic original to same done which houses do happen How you would How if you are think used would How happen How originals. be developments originals. would change? Make the of method. be built land Show and that all still will be working. remain used ecologically for housing viable, and the calculate percentage forested. change? the development. represents intersection using of determine Explain. represent report, the house, being that built, are these percentages maintained? How are is? model: would would with the of that your line This of each represent? technology, point left housing of this your solution dierent? Changing all in housing negative? equations number be or y-intercept percentage that of the equation intersection. software). the show gradient does point copy you in living gradient. does Will 15 people calculate 4 positive 7 14 of gradient Make 13 average it would if there change? that people that it would 5 change? were aect only living the 500 Determine aect the in Determine point point trees the of each the of per new house new as linear the average? equation Which and line compare it intersection? acre of linear the forest? equation Which and line compare would it with the intersection? 34 9 Unit summary A linear A quadratic A cubic An equation is an equation equation equation is equation is an an degree equation equation generally of of has the is group of degree degree same one. two. three. number of solutions as its degree. A system for at If each least the of two Linear of equations equations linear the a variables systems nding Linear equations the two system or of in are uses. order both equations can point systems it be of of equations With to nd linear, or by the you simply solved two a that variables, values have linear graphing can of be you both what is solved will need variables. called a system. each of the lines and intersection. can also be solved algebraically using substitution elimination. To solve a equations to expression To solve a equations then you add can Always linear isolate into the linear so the system that one for verify of other system the the your substitution, the variables. equation. by This other of will by rewrite Then, Solve elimination, coecients equations. solve by x or this one are eliminate new this equation. one exact the the substitute multiply y of or both opposites variable and and then substitution. answers by substituting have solution, into the original equations. Linear many systems no one solution or innitely solutions. Graphically, a parallel to you given are variables example are 0 = example 7 0 other. the There same there 0 or 2 −4 there and = system line are you or −4 = is Linear systems are no solution innitely when many the lines solutions are when twice. and you many end solutions up with a when true all of the equation, for −4. no end = has innitely eliminated Algebraically, eliminated linear each Algebraically, 350 can 7. solution up with when an all of equation the that variables is not are true, for er i o t r i Key review to Unit review Level 1–2 1 Solve a 2x b 3(5 c 5(x x n c Unit 7 + = levels: and Level 5–6 verify your Level 7–8 answers. 11 4) + 3 d equation 2x) + question Level 3–4 each + A = = x –21 3(x – 3) + 5 − 1 = 4 2 1 e 2 y − 3 = y 2 + 4 3 3 ( f + 2) = y 2 y − 11 4 2 Sketch the of each a y = –3x b y = 2x following point + of 10 graphs and write down the coordinates intersection. and y = 2x – 5 3 – 6 and y = x − 6 4 3 Find the systems exact using intersection point of the following two linear technology. 1 a y = x – 8 and y = − x − 4 3 1 b x = 5y – 75 and x + y − 7 = 0 2 4 Solve = the a y 6x b 3a c 14x d 2y – 4 e 6x = 2y + + 2b + following 7 = 21 = and 16 = x – and –21y and 8 3y + 2a – 5y systems 12x + and 3y and linear 3b 2x 6x – – = + = 5x 6 = algebraically. 0 14 3y = 12 = 0 –3 + 10 3 51 5 Classify each of the following linear systems and justify your answers. 6 a 4x − 3y = 15 b 4x − 3y = 5 and 8x – 6y = 10 c 2x = 3y − 6 and 4x – 6y = 24 When ve, 7 the the Two result the larger A sum four-sided is and smaller 10 You = times negative integers integer 15 a 2. Find are is number equal gure with a is less than this? result is 3. number three is two Find 4 twice dollars’ your than of divided by less 20. than has What If three double a the width kind of answer. is divided numbers double of is than 120 cm length. two worth ten number. eight numbers these less to its and smaller perimeter Justify between the both integers. 30 cm have 9y both dierence the – nd quadrilateral The is 8x four smaller integer, which 9 of consecutive times 8 and the coins if 2 triple larger in by your the number. piggy bank A consisting of nickels, dimes and quarters. The number a dimes is double one-third your 11 is You and piggy could pay $1.14 a month How to song songs a download the you of downloaded Linear systems or nickels. pay The How number many an service average of download. using technology. month to cheaper think nickels. streaming you scenario pay-per-song you 7 this many service 352 each of of total? $9.99 b the in music Graph Can bank number a a c the number use for have of the would make the you streaming option? why you option 20 would instead, songs a choose even month? if of coins nickel is 5 cents, of quarters are in dime and 25 a is 10 cents quarter cents. is 12 Some talk teachers on student’s an A ticket going microlender ventures, with one In one higher year invested 14 some have in aord them per the can to least of Year chains at which 42 tickets and to each nd cost 3 students some $582 teacher’s the low AU$20 000 risk yielding number in a social total. ticket of to If costs teachers each $25, and in yielding 8% per a combination 3% per annum. calculate If annum the algebraically of and interest the two one after amount venture. in out the get it a operate. month number 30 to of sold for for They cover to the for free. $8. must the meals days) to meals meal is United meals delicious and (assume group talk. AU$850, have each month with giving $2.50 month $2000 the communities started is $12 invested each still meal speak. method to a supply costs risk was trucks is will algebraic students 13 taking sustainable entrepreneurs use are States, homeless. sale, The The cover of need the cost a to to free make cost who of of trucks the cannot make truck prot the food While people food make costs they local each costs at least meals. and the $3000 What sell free in a meals? 3 53 15 In some you could natural to areas start don’t o up other 16 You into kits and (€60 and babies each). the and 7 of this to light and items of in baby it years a drill would where $5000 costs then good land for $40 000 enough sell it to what take to investment? you pay What consider? to send bed in baby and on pays could year (€10 contains farmer you be contains malaria living yourself, many have provide 140 each packages type each) with how the with many packages. 354 gas and A be to nets each) areas blankets rst blankets to prevent and with medicine the developing solar power restricted kits and for twice or no mothers supplies package. is mosquito In the the (€15 second number of kits. package calculate care number package the line Would second are drill How you spread (€20 the medicine If rst The There package, up to of may gas. you gas costs? you own If grid. would each) electricity. year. the The the your own boxing countries. world, worth line factors are bites each your gas the for $7500 use the drill gas produce of Linear systems medicine the of nets each kits and of the and solar four blankets kits cost items cost €3000 €3400, there are in the assessment r i t er i a c Summative C, D Running Part Your set 1 – the to event. show Part You a by to 2 – will or a a raising need to what to a to start all a a day at products which that organization and yer out business like you all the will made. would your like prots the from charity event. pricing to to have summarizing during and they that donating students make make your (for product. example, baked jewellery). the your the or hand would needed of sell costs toy, nd up fundraiser, one-page and up you simple utensils itemize set a awareness create for event to charity Business a business hosting market nd online need be customers Decide Go at Then goods, b will and support own fundraising booths Research to A school up your approximate business to make costs so cost of (including your that goods). you can everything buying Make include all sure you the will tools you them in your report. c Approximate sold (i.e. Make per d of sure item the you and Decide how It be must sell the the a cost making materials show include much all it you realistic product of but you of in will your your would selling also use individual to make working to item the to be product). calculate the cost report. like price raise each to so charge that money for for you your will your be product. able to charity. 3 5 5 Part a 3 – Create Determine product. the a linear equation What do the model that represents gradient and the cost y-intercept of making represent in the this equation? b Determine that and c you Graph make The the the by How of costs many as this Verify your selling the system well as equal in this the you product of the do What have point so revenue (the do the money gradient equation? created. the break-even prot you Remember to intersection. represents revenue, your represents product). that intersection of (Solve that represent linear axes point where e equation y-intercept label d the at have this to point, point sell to is zero. break even? graphically.) point of intersection by solving the system algebraically. f Write a general product sold making g h How 10 ii 1000 units What to sell money of units your of happens the point in you to are you the losing lose quantity money of and your when you are make if you make and sell product? the original break of or product? intersection to parts will your of order following when relating prot. much i and a to statement your line (gradient (number even) linear when of you and y-intercept) products alter you each of need the system? This so i Change of start-up ii Change of variable iii Change of selling is costs (material costs) the the above three scenarios in a sketch separate revenue an lines increase sets in and of one a calculate points axes – colour decrease) drawing and in the the new dierent original lines cost and (showing colours. show Label both the lines shifted 356 7 point of intersection Linear systems – and the new how the have and point break-even points. how of intersection changed. original break- on the three not price just of to actual even each do costs need Show conceptual you has Part Use 4 – Y our publishing eye-catching report software yer that to create a summarizes professional-looking, the information about the charity/organization. In your a ● list you a ● report of costs, derived linear verication ● three the ● Describe the Given point costs and showing and you calculations determined shows cost showing the and selling how price revenue point break-even and how graphically break-even point how using changes break-even algebra in costs and selling price points. discuss degree whether that What make What you units of money of of or accuracy not could such the of your answer solution. makes sense in the context of Given only your you have product that you estimated do to one do ensure day you to sell calculated, selling that your anticipate will product, selling? you how Using make or the lose quantity? you make money? Can you even assumptions? other school will your intersection using factors determining how do you many of need your to take into product you consideration will make for when the fundraiser? the projected product/model it explanation problem. many ● an which and Explain ● the graphs ● ● of sketches Reect ● all and ● the with model functions alter include: that break-even you would point, is change? there If so, anything what about your would be? ● How ● What can is you our make a dierence responsibility to as those a social in our entrepreneur? community and other communities? 3 57 Answers 1 Number Practice 1 1 a Rational b Rational c Rational d Irrational e Rational f Rational g Irrational h Rational i Irrational j Rational 19 2 7 a 8 b 22 c 50 33 2587 g 5 2 3 3 a d b Individual response. which up Practice add to Individual Possible response answers are of 74 99 99 form , 1 are c three digit numbers d 1 e I 1 j 64 1000 1 g 64 1 7 l m 27 o 4 1 p r 0 b 0 , 5 1 1 , 3 , 5 c 0 4 “Zero 5 Correct. 5s” 6 “Half 7 Correct. of is an A 3 −2 is , of not multiplying, exponent times 1 is taking not is an the 11 Exponential form 7 10 an 10 kilo 10 the of times the Expanded form 1 000 000 000 1 000 000 1000 1 1 10 10 1 2 centi 10 100 1 3 milli 10 1000 1 6 micro 10 1 000 000 1 9 nano 10 1 000 000 000 1 12 pico 10 1 000 000 000 000 1 15 femto 10 1 000 000 000 000 000 1 18 atto 10 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 3 5 8 Answers 2 base base. 3 deci 5 10 e 5 2 −2 , 2 −3 , 1 1 d 0 , 1 2 1 , 3 0 ,1 exponent 6 mega , 9 giga −1 c 4 8 Prex d 2 exponent number by 1 taking divided , 8 4 1 positive number 5 −1 , 3 multiplying, 8” 2 b 32 2 2 2 t 4 5 4 1 s 144 6 8 9 q 144 125 n 9 1 the 64 16 k 4 1 h 343 9 is xyz 1 b 1 a abc , 2 f 3 where 999 a a 225 c 36 2 j 55 25 1 1 2033 I 625 1 500 312 h 15 3 e 9 2 f 6437 d 5 value is multiplied and a negative exponent ( 7) Practice 3 1 1 5 9 1 a b 5 c d 4 x 4 6 8 1 5 e 1 11 y f s g h 7 12 10 1 12 1 2 i 5 9 j k l 2 a 10 2 x 1 1 1 m 1 n o 5q w p 11t y 2t 6 m a 3 30 3 q r 6a 2 b 5 4 c s 14 p 4 q t 4 2 y 7 z x 3 3 7qr q 5 ef u v w p x 6 2 p 5 a 3 3 b 1 15 2 a 18 10 b 1 12 0 c 10 d e 24 5 10 2 3 a 3 e 2 4 10 1 b c 10 d equal 5 f equal b 2 1 4 1 a c 2 d 12 1 5 a Individual Practice response b m C 4 81 1 9 a b 3 c 4 9 25 f g 1 h 7 i j 9 21 a e 16 3 2 10 d 25 1 9 5 b c 5 a d a h 648 y 1 2 y 4 5 2t f 14 x x 5 e g 20 2 z 7 3 c 4 i 9x 3 5 y j k 6a 6 l xy 4 2 ab 5 189 x 5 y 3 3 z 3 5c 6 m n 6 g 2 h o p 7 a 2 16 a ab 2 6 q 4c 8 d 10 e r 11 s 6 cd 1 8 243 j Practice a 2 a b e 0.0 f 3 g 000 000 506 f .8 × 10 b .002 f .00 807 000 −6 3 Smallest to 4 2.99792 × 10 8 .658 × 10 6 c 2.1 × 10 d c 9800 d .65 × 10 9 5.69 × 10 1 450 4 2 5 2.35 × 10 5 e t 2 k 5 4 1 5 b largest: 302 × 10 −4 2 , 0.0025,14, 2.876 × 10 5 2 km/s; 9.80665 cm/s ; 000 000 002 , 9.83 × 10 5 700 4.5 × 10 3 , 7.8 × 10 8 teslas ; 2.25 × 10 4 , 1.42 × 10 9 m/s; 10 meters 100 100 5 a 10 10 b Practice Individual a c 100 10 d 1 6.5 × 10 b e 6.916 × 10 i 3.36 × 10 2 .43 × 10 11 c 5 5.66 × 10 4 d f .724 × 10 j .149 148 381… × 10 g 6.4 × 10 k 5.776 × 10 h 6 q 097 744 K n a 610 176 × 10 2 30 76 9 7 l .6248 × 10 2 o 1.31 578 947 … × 10 2 p 9.6824 × 10 21 1.95 916 005 376 × 10 19 2 2.7 6.394 5 11 8.89 .312 × 10 2 1 m × 10 6 6 1 response 1.84 × 10 7 b .1536 × 10 11 c 5.85 × 10 (to 3 s.f.) Answers 3 5 9 13 3 a 4.375 b 5.03 × 10 b 862 6 2 m 2.51 × 10 c 2 5 m 1.01 × 10 d 2 m 4 e 5.22 × 10 4 a 22 5 4.32 × 10 2 hours or about 36 days. c 1.30 × 10 (to 3 s.f.) 4 Unit 1 km Review a Rational b Irrational c Rational d Irrational e Rational f Rational g Rational h Rational 2 2 1157 a b 217 10 9 8 , 10 , 10 7 , 10 6 , 10 6661 g h 500 , 10 9 3013 f 11 5 990 4 , 10 , 10 1 4 10 431 90 10 d 99 e 22 c 9 3 31 3 , 10 2 , 10 1 , 10 0 , 10 − 1 , 10 900 − 2 − 3 , 10 , 10 − 4 , 10 − 5 , 10 − 6 , 10 1 a 9 b c 125 3 d 27 5 16 5 e 49 f g 2 4 h 2 36 7 a 5 5 a b 1 c 28m 5 7 n d 1 e 18 x y 3 b 9 2x 2 g 2 h y a 2 c 7 a 39.2 b 7 2 × 10 a 647 × 10 days f 3.038 × 10 b 288 7.75 × 10 c −7.87 × 10 b 5.531 × 10 f 4.842 × 10 10 a 8.569 × 10 7 p 11 5.627 × 10 c 8.569 × 10 4 10 b 2.7158 × 10 b Stars 11 5 greater, by 6 factor 8.17 × 10 6 q 12 1 v b a 6 a 7 4 2 c 6m 2 a 9 b 5 b x 19 5 n m 7 d 10 64 u e y c 6 r 4a d 3 10 13 476 × 10 4.973 × 10 9 a 2. 190 9 4.491 × 10 9 3 d days 2 5.8 × 10 13 e c 1 8 8 2n 3 1.2 × 10 1.19 117 4 x 5 e i 4 x 14 6 5m 105 24 y f 2 6 10 j f g 7 7 4 3b 11 2 g 0.4 12 2 a 10 b 2 h 6 2.2 (≈2.51) c 10 (≈158) Triangles Practice 1 10 6 1 a 9.2 mm b a Yes, b No, the c Yes, 3 a 40 cm 4 7.07 cm 5 a 6 90.0 m to 3 s.f. 7 60.2 m to 3 s.f. 8 No: the triangle triangle the 8.4 m contains does triangle not c a right a right d 24 cm e 10 m f 8.7 m angle contain contains 77.2 cm a right angle angle 2 to 5.77 m 3 to b 1200 cm b 3.88 m s.f. 3 s.f. to 3 s.f. 2 the inches similar than maximum = 39.9 argument 42 height inches, for of which the television longer than comparative inches). 3 6 0 the is Answers can the heights, be 13 width or inches of the and this cabinet alternatively nd corresponds (note the that it is diagonal to a television also of the width acceptable cabinet to and of 42 provide show 2 13 a this is less 9 a 5 b 10 Work 13 c 15 d 9 out: 2 2 π × 1.5 area of semicircle with diameter 3 (a) + area of semicircle with diameter 4 (b) π × 2 25 π + = = 2 2 8 2 π × 2.5 area of semicircle with diameter 5 (c) 25π = = 2 so Pythagoras’ the area of Practice 1 a the theorem still semicircle applies on the for 8 semicircles: hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the areas of the semicircles on the other two sides 2 7.2 b 17.8 c 9.8 d 8.9 2 Original Final Location location (2, ( 6) 1, 3 1) 7) i b Individual No e.g. 11 5 2 6 2 or 7310 miles to Not similar data end supposed 1) 5 6 N 5) 7.81 7 N 13 13 Y 5) Hit (Any iii pair of coordinates such Hit that iv the distance between the up where to? No (Y/N) Hit points is less than 2. (0,1)) similar possible e Not f Similar a ΔOKL = 6 (corresponding (AA to ∼ ΔSTR , ∼ ΔCDE 0.67 the not all right same Not triangles proportion) similar are similar (AA postulate) b ΔABE ∼ ΔACD ΔQPS ∼ ΔSQR, , AA postulate; 2.8 cm AA postulate; 17.5 cm e AA postulate; x = 15 cm, y = 25 cm ft angle oor enclosed and angles applied, the are and Measure the tell; ∼ ΔOMN ΔABE Two in m ΔPQR The are postulate) c = sides d d c the was 3 c b it 3s.f. Not to Did (d) 14 Similar a was travel Y 5, and data to 10 ii b x 3 4, Distance supposed 10 response a x ( distance travelled Hit (0,0) Practice 1 (2, ( a 4 14) 3) (1, (0, (8, Actual the by the line of sight of the man and the oor, and the angle enclosed by the line from the the the same triangles horizontal proportionality of in each are triangle, so all three angles are the same. Therefore, the AA postulate can a ΔPQR ∼ ΔTRS , AA distance scaling. between Then, the measure man the and the vertical surface, distance and of the the distance man’s eye between from the the surface oor and to P x T 176 cm S Q 160 cm 13 320 cm Answers nd scale postulate R be similar proportionally 4 light oor 3 61 this 5 b 14652 cm c When other Practice 2 his 146.5 m shadow Hypotenuse: Two 1 = 200 sides: (to is 1 the d.p.) same length height, the pyramid’s shadow would be the same length cm 4 a 0.85 b 0.21 e 0.71 f 0.88 a 30.0° b 48.6° e 39.8° f 8.6° a sin B b sin B c 0.96 d 0.50 c 67.4° d 33.1° c sin B d sin B 3 = 12 = 17 sin C 7 5 = sin C 17 = 13 4 = 6 = 5 15 sin C his 10 cm 8 3 as 3 = 5 sin C = 13 7 1 sin B e = f sin B = 0.69 2 3 sin C 15.9 = sin C = 2 4 5 22 a 29.2 cm b 11.5 cm e 38.7° f 36.9° a 5.80 m to 3s.f. b 4.66 m to Closed Practice 1 2 a 0.469 b 0.306 e 0.875 f 0.695 a 33.69 b 33.56 e 65.80 f 73.70 a i d 18.6 cm c 0.999 d 0.675 c 35.10 d 70.71 iv 1 3s.f. length: 2.3 m 3 4 ii iii 5 5 3 5 3 v vi 5 b 28.1° 5 4 3 c The 4 side adjacent Adjacent ∴ cos B to angle B = a 2.12 m 5 a 18.5 m 6 34.4° 7 Horizontal to is the to side opposite C, and the side adjacent to B is adjacent to C C = Hypotenuse 4 B Opposite = sin C and similar for the second equality Hypotenuse 3s.f. b 2.12 m b Yes, because the tree is over 18 metres tall 3s.f 1 component: 19.2 ms 1 Vertical Unit 1 2 3 component: 16.1 ms Review Individual response a No, b Yes, the the triangles are similar (corresponding angles are equal) c Yes, the triangles are similar (corresponding angles are equal) d Yes, the triangles are similar (corresponding sides e No, a 1.19 the 3 6 2 triangles triangles b are are not not 0.62 Answers similar are proportional) similar c 0.26 d 0.14 e 0.33 f 0.49 as its height 4 a 51.3° b 53.1° e 62.9° f 44.8° 5 a 17 b 6 6 a b Postulate Postulate AAA 14 6 AAA c 26.4° c 13.3 c Postulate x 6 7 a 5.03 cm 8 73 m 9 a 10 a to 3s.f. b 73 58.0° b to 3s.f. 145 3 s.f.) x = angle of d 12.3 d 57.3° d 5 b 21.8° (to 3s.f.) AAA = = 7.5 30 c 74.8 cm c 2 to 3s.f. 13 x 100 km 49.0° = 15 y z (to d to 3s.f. subduction x 250 km 2 11 a 4 cm 12 a 12.0 m to 13 a 31.3 m to 14 a b 12 cm 3s.f. b 11.9 m 3s.f. b 82.5° to to 3s.f. 3s.f. C 700 000 km B 1738 km A E D 384 400 km 150 000 000 km ΔABE b The to the will 15 a ∼ ΔACD angle nearest be ; Individual by the response is postulate; by the hundredth. blocked rectangle AA enclosed more from the top of corresponding the angle Sun for to the the earth Moon is and the 0.52 °. Earth the Therefore, centre the of the majority Sun of the is 0.53 ° sunlight Moon (any than lines The suitable double the rectangle area of with the diagonals smaller measuring 80 and 55, such that the area of the larger rectangle) b Area = 2735 sq in 80 Scale factor 80 in 39.221 337 337 9 55 55 in Scale factor 26.96 337 47.94 So the 80-inch TV has an area that is more than double the area of the 55-inch TV Answers 3 63 16 a Let the pair of points be (x , y 1 Then the (x x distance between 2 − 1 3 b i c 386.7 390.0 Linear a ( y − y 1 light light ) z ) and 1 (x , 2 points 2 + 2 Practice 1 ) , 1 the y 2 , z ) 2 i s 2 + (z 2 − z 1 years ii 4.3 ) 2 light years iii 8.6 c iii light years years Relationships 1 ii b iv d v y e i y 16 1 14 x 0 5 4 3 2 1 1 12 10 2 8 3 6 4 2 x 0 1 c Individual 2 3 response y 8 6 4 2 x 0 –4 –2 2 –2 –4 –6 –8 3 a Year Cost, $/kWh 2010 1000 2011 875 2012 750 2013 625 2014 500 2015 375 2016 250 2017 125 3 6 4 Answers b, y c 1000 900 800 700 )$( 600 hWk 500 ,tsoC 400 300 200 100 0 x 2010 2011 2012 201 3 201 4 201 5 2016 2017 2018 Year d Individual response e Individual response 4 Individual 5 a response Year (all parts) Million tonnes wasted, high-income 1 670 630 2019 1340 1260 2020 2010 1890 2021 2680 2520 2022 3350 3150 8710 c Individual response d Individual response e Individual response a million tonnes (high Linear, a 2.5 b Linear, 8190 million tonnes (low income), from baseline 6 c Non-linear d 2 b 5 3 income), wasted, zero in 2017. 2 6 2 tonnes low-income 2018 b Practice Million 3 10 c 5 Linear, 36 d e 21 No Answers 3 6 5 0 4 y a 5 B 4 C 3 2 A 1 D x –6 b ( a x –5 –4 –3 –2 2, 0 ) –1 0 1 c Individual b x response 11 5 = 6; y = −5 = 9 ; y = 11 c x = −3, x = 3; y = − 3 d x = 14; 2 4 e x = − 8, x = 8; y = − 12 , y = 12 f x = 16; y = 3 6 a y 160 2015 150 )mk/g( 140 snoissime 130 2 120 OC 2020 110 100 x 1000 1100 1200 1300 140 0 Weight b 0.05(g / km ) / kg a Triangle A: vehicle ratio of sides 1600 1700 1800 (kg) c d 4 7 of 1500 2 2 = = 2 = 2 ; triangle B: ratio of sides = 2; = 1 1 2 triangle C: ratio of sides = 2 = ; therefore triangles are similar. 1 b Gradient Practice 1 a of hypotenuse is same 3 y 5 4 y = x 3 2 1 x 0 1 3 6 6 2 3 4 Answers 5 for all similar triangles with two sides parallel to axes. y = 10 y y 8 7 7 6 y = 3x + 7 5 6 4 5 3 4 2 3 1 2 y = 5x 3 1 0 x 0 1 x 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 2 3 y y 5 0 x 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 4 2 3 3 2 2 y = x + 1 3 4 1 1 y = x – 4 2 5 x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 2 a, 3 a f perpendicular; Time in b e f 4 5 6 7 y = 80 x ; The = km b, d perpendicular; d, g perpendicular; c, h perpendicular 0 1 2 3 4 0 80 160 240 320 0 Distance train starts a Individual 0.82; x a parallel; 280 km b a in 80 km / h; x d g hours Distance c b, = y = 0.6 x y = 0.5 x b $182.50 a Coal: b Coal: y = 80 from response: × rest 3.5 table 0 or c y b The cost of one graph. = 80 000 000 Hydroelectricity: cost × = 80 km This every should hour start 0.82 x billion bottle of tonnes 0.2 Hydroelectricity: × at a from constant (0, 0) speed. and go to d 250 000 tonnes c Individual response d Individual response (100, e d 82) .28 billion Individual tonnes response water. 80 = 80 000 000 + 0.2 x = 280 km travels 2.4 c cost = and 5000 250 000 000 = × y = 250 000 000 + 0.01 x $80 000 000 000; 0.01 × 5000 = $250 000 050 Answers 3 67 c Coal: cost = 80 000 000 Hydroelectricity: cost d Individual response: e Individual response Practice × = 0.2 × 10 000 250 000 000 slope increases × = $160 000 000 000; 0.01 for × coal, 10 000 not for = $25 000 000 000 hydroelectricity; y-intercepts 4 1 1 a y = −2 x + 4 y b = 2 x − 2 c y = 2 e y = unchanged 3x x + 3 d y = 6x + 10 3 + 9 y y 5 5 4 4 3 3 y = 2x + 4 2 2 1 1 1 y = x – 2 2 0 x 0 1 2 3 4 x 5 1 2 y y y 8 22 18 7 20 16 6 18 14 y = 6x + 10 y = 3x + 9 2 y 5 = x + 3 16 12 4 14 10 3 12 8 2 10 6 1 8 4 6 2 4 0 3 0 x 1 2 3 4 5 6 x 1 2 3 4 2 0 x 1 2 3 4 9 3 a x = 2, y = 4 b x = 4, y = −2 c x = − 5 , y = 3 d x = − 2 e x = −3, y = , y = 10 3 9 1 4 a, e, g parallel (gradient = 1 ); h, i, k parallel (gradient = –2); j perpendicular to a, e, g (gradients 7 perpendicular to c (gradients are 2 and Answers 3 ); 2 3 6 8 –7 and ; 7 1 b are d perpendicular to l (gradients are 2 and 2 ). 3 y y 8 1 6 0 x 5 3y + 4x = 24 4 1 2 2 5x 10y 30 = 0 3 x 0 2 4 6 8 y y 12 4 10 0 = 2x − 4y + 12 2 8 y – 3x = 6 2 1 6 4 x 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 2 x 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 y y 1 16 x 0 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 2 1 10 2 1 1 y = 2x + 4y 4 4 = x – 12 2 8 3 6 4 4 2 x 2 1 0 1 2 y y 5 2 3y = 5x + 15 4 0 x 2 3 4 2 6 1 y = 3x − 12 8 x 3 2 1 0 1 2 10 12 Answers 3 6 9 y y 4 4 3 3 2 2 0 = −3x + 14 − 7y 1 1 y x 0 1 2 3 4 = −x + 4 x 0 5 1 2 3 4 y y 4 3 3 2 y 4y − 8x = – 2 = 12 −2x 3 1 1 x 0 1 2 x 2 1 0 1 2 3 y y 5 0 x 1 2 3 1 4 2 3 3 2 1 2y = 2x − 10 −2 = 3x y 2 4 1 5 x 1 7 a y = 4 x, y − 0 Individual b c Rate y = of −0.5 x Rate of Practice 1 4( x painting; + 28, Individual d = y cooling, − 28 − y = for = 0 and at −0.5( x table = 5x y = −3 x + 5, + 7, y y − 5 − 7 = c y = −2 x − 5, y + 5 1 graph start. − 0 ), and y = + y = 28 initial time x = 0 5( x − 0 ), 5x = −3( x − 0 ), = −2 ( x − 0 ), − y 3x = + 2x y = x + 3, = y = y − 3 = (x − 0), x − 2 y = −6 + 5 b y = 7 x 1 + c y = −2 x + 5 y d = 3 + 4 f y = −2 x x +1 + 14 g y = x + 7 x y h = 2 + 6; x 2 7 x −5 x pm −5 3 3 6 2 −4 x = at 7 4 y taken −5 y + 3 e is temperature 1 a 0.5 x graph; 1 2 2 1 5 y = 4 x table painted initial a y for area response b d − 0 ), response 0 3 10 3 = 1 80 000 4 a 7 80 000 b Individual response number years according to year; following the Tip, the equation is y = − x + 550 000 7 c of since 2006 2054 37 0 Answers and y is number of elephants where x is 5 6 7 a y = 3.2 x where b 2287 a 353 ppm; e 2135 is number 399 ppm a Individual e 2271 Practice x b response of x = −4, y = 1 3 y = 1 4 5 x y = and .7 ppm/year y c response b Individual response f Individual response is y sea level = 1.7 x rise in mm since + 336 d 17 ppm/ year c 1993 Individual d response 2 ppm/ year 6 x = − 5 , x = 2, y = −3, y = , y = 5 2 5 = −2 6 x = 4 7 x = −7 Unit 1993 Individual 2 2 since f 3 1 years review 2 1 a 6, 12 , 23 b 7 2 a x = 4, y = 8 b x = 4, y = −5 c x = 6, y = 14 y y 8 0 x 5 7 1 6 2 y = −2x + 8 5 3 4 4 3 5 2 6 1 7 y = x − 7 x 0 1 2 3 4 5 4 Line Slope y-intercept x-intercept Equation 5 5 A 5 y 2 = 2 B x − 5 2 0 3 None 2 10 y = 3 y = − 1 1 C 5 D Undened None a y = y = −4 1 x − 4 b y = 6 e x 4 1 5 x + 2 5 = 12 x 1 x + 2 c y = 2 1 x d 8 y = 2 x 6 + 3 − 9 6 a Undened b 7 a Constant b decrease = −0.5d + 100 c 2 c 200 d Answers 3 71 y y 3 0 x 6y + 3x = 10 12 2 1 1 2 20 30 40 3 x 0 1 2 3 4 5 10y − x = −50 4 5 y y 5 0 x 10 4 1 x 2y 1 2y + x = + 3 = 4 10 3 3 2 2 3 1 x 0 10 20 30 40 y y 1 x 0 4 3 2 1 1 0 x 1 2 1 3 2 4 3 5 4 10+2y 4x = 3 6 0 = 24 + 8x + 5 3y 6 8 9 a ii b iii c i b 2022 c Individual 10 1 11 y = −3 x 12 y = − + 1 2 x + 7 3 1 13 y 17 = x − 3 3 14 x = 6 15 x = −1 16 a 17 a y = −0.3 x + 1.8 response: trend not likely to be linear 6900 ≈ 168 41 6900 b Individual response according to year: equation is y = − x 41 and c y is number of cheetahs 2058 372 Answers + 14000 where x is years since 1975 1 18 y = x − 3 2 19 a 9 b 20 Yes. 4 2 Gradient AB = 3 ; gradient BC 21 a b c 22 so y = e Individual y = 0.08 x b $21400; c $23 800; Individual e 52 000 according where 000; y $23 is to year years since 1991 and y is number miles of If the miles = 0.03 x number driven response: is feed in is miles more values on is less than table than 52 000 should 52 000 it is it is cheaper cheaper satisfy to who are undernourished. to drive equation y = a drive the Ford zero-emission 3.85 x where x is Focus, electric animal but if the Focus. meat in kg kg. Individual response d Individual response Individual response g Individual response e Individual response Shapes 1 2 2 150.8 cm b 2 628.3 cm c 2 e people + 21 600 f 3D of 400 Individual y x c a = −1 2 response response Practice 1 3 response Individual and 4 + 18.6 + 19 d a 3 × − because $22500 number 23 response −0.321 x 2049 f perpendicular 2 0.321% / year Individual d a 2 = 3 703.7 2 cm d 319.5 cm 2 432.3 cm f 2535.2 cm 2 2 Radius 3 20 cm 4 a (cm) Height (cm) Surface area 12 18 2261.9 10 11 1319.5 7 6.9 8 11.6 3 2.3 straw with a radius (cm ) 611.4 985 100 of 0.65 cm 2 101π = 317.3 m (1 d.p.) b 03 π = 951.9 2 5 a 672 π Practice = 2111.2 m 2 (1 d.p.) c 606 π = 1903.8 2 m (1 d.p.) b 160.5 m a (1 d.p.) c 37.3 m Surface Area: 512π Volume: 1536 π = 1608.5 2 cm b = 4825.5 Surface Area: 200π = 628.3 cm 3 Volume: cm 375 π = 1178.1 cm 2 Surface Area: 36 π 2 = 113.1 cm d Surface Area: 112 π = 351.9 3 Volume: 28 π = 88.0 Surface Area: Volume: 693.2 cm 3 cm Volume: 160 π = 502.7 cm 2 e (1 d.p.) 2 3 c (1 d.p.) 2 2 1 m 2 cm f Surface Area: 5170.8 cm 3 1102.7 Volume: 30 283.2 cm 2 g Surface Area: 7803.7 cm 3 Volume: 23 411.1 cm 2 Radius of base Height of cylinder Volume 3 4.5 cm 0.30 cm 19.4 cm 3.42 cm 15 cm 550 cm 3 Answers 373 3 3 a 3 031 558.4 m c 808 a 34 494.3 m to the to the nearest nearest whole tenth b 95.2% b The to the nearest tenth number 3 4 volume would increase by 3 5 a 54.6 m Practice to the nearest tenth b factor of 4 341 495 541 years c 20.1 m to the nearest tenth 3 3 1 a 2 3 a 301.6 cm e 4.6 m a 78 539.8 mm 3 b 102.6 cm f 1781.3 cm 3 c 2 120 575.0 cm b 35.4 mm b 2884.0 cm 3 d 67 858.4 cm 3 3 2 to the nearest tenth to 3 3 a 4084.1 cm c 2111.2 cm a 609.1 cm b Individual a 4.7 cm the nearest tenth 3 to the nearest tenth to the nearest tenth to the nearest tenth 3 3 4 5 Practice to to the nearest response the tenth (e.g. nearest it would use less material tenth than a cylinder b 7.9 cm to b Surface the of the same nearest a Surface area: Volume: area: to produce) 452.4 cm 3 Surface 24.9 cm area: Volume: 639.8 cm 2 201.2 cm d Surface area: 3 Volume: 75.4 cm 3 157.1 cm Volume: 37.7 cm 2 Surface area: 2 1255.8 cm f Surface area: 1002.2 cm 3 Volume: 3 3893.5 cm Volume: 1710.2 cm 2 g cheaper 2 66.0 cm 2 e be 4 3 c so tenth 2 1 height Surface area: 2 16336.3 cm h Surface area: 705.3 m 3 Volume: 3 150796.4 cm Volume: 1508.6 m 2 i Surface area: 54.2 m 3 Volume: 29.1 m 2 2 6283.2 cm 3 a 4 1107.6 m 5 1230.5 cm to the nearest tenth 2 2 b 1264.9 cm 2 994.4 cm c 816.8 cm c 80 cm 2 to the nearest tenth 2 Practice to the nearest tenth 5 3 1 a 3 160 cm b e 3 168 cm 3 3 d 3 1633.3 mm f 1332.9 mm 3 292.5 cm g 3 22728.0 mm h 363.6 cm 2 Height Base side length Apothem Volume 3 (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm ) 4 6 5 48 6 16 10 512 12 10 13 400 7.5 20 12.5 1000 8 10.9 9.7 314 3.25 25.5 13.1 702.15 3 3 a 1 384 190 m b Individual 4 a 74 m 3 74 response (For example, b Answers it wouldn't Increases by a be scale possible factor to of 4 use the space right up to the apex or in the corners.) Practice 6 2 1 a Surface Area: 2 800 cm b Surface Area: 223.3 cm 3 Volume: 3 1280 cm Volume: 167.4 cm 2 c Surface Area: 2 1065.5 cm d Surface Area: 70.9 c m 3 Volume: 3 2048 cm Volume: 25.0 cm 2 e Surface Area: 3 84.5 cm f Surface Area: 864 cm 3 Volume: 2 42.4 cm Volume: 960 cm 2 2 a 374.4 mm 3 1.95 m 4 a to b Yes Each face has the same area so there is an equal chance of landing on each face 3s.f. 2 Surface Practice Area: to 4920.8 cm the a 2 22.0 cm tenth b 58.8% to the nearest tenth 7 2 1 nearest 2 1017.9 cm to b the 2 314.2 cm nearest c 2 2463.0 cm d 2 235.6 cm e 2 6939.8 mm f 942.5 m tenth 2 3 22 167.08 cm 4 5 5 heating balls each with a radius of 12 cm 10 a The surface area increases by a factor of 4 b The surface area increases by a factor or 9 c If the radius of a sphere is increased by a is 1440π factor 5 of k is 2880π then the surface area of the sphere 2 increases Practice by a factor of k 8 2 1 a Surface area: 2 2827.4 mm b Surface area: 3217.0 cm 3 Volume: 3 14 137.2 mm Volume: 17 157.3 cm 2 c Surface area: 2 56 410.4 mm d Surface area: 15 843.1 mm 3 Volume: 3 1 259 833.1 mm Volume: 144 347.8 mm 2 e Surface area: 5026.5 mm 3 Volume: 33 510.3 mm 2 Radius Diameter (cm) (cm) Surface Area 15 30 2827.4 14 137.2 25 50 7854.0 65 449.8 8.9 17.8 1000 6.2 12.4 Volume 2 (cm 3 ) (cm ) 2973.5 483.6 1000 3 3 to the a 33.5 m b 1.56 m c Individual to the nearest nearest response tenth hundredth e.g. it could e.g. black sink or burst 3 4 a 50 265.5 m b Individual response surfaces absorb heat 3 5 a 6 47.6% 7 3 Unit 42.4 cm to radiation a the nearest b 2077.6 cm shiny/light colored b Surface ones c 5294.4 cm c Surface tenth Review Surface area: 2 294.1 mm area: 394.1 cm 3 Volume: Surface 362.3 mm area: Volume: 1961.6 cm 3 735.6 cm Volume: 5183.6 cm 2 1440 cm e Surface area: 3 Volume: 2 area: 3 2 d than 3 2 1 better 3 280 cm 3 3200 cm Volume: 3 280 cm 2 2 a 33 510.3 m 3 a 61 575.2 cm b 5026.5 m b 9324.2 cm 3 2 Answers 3 75 4 10.0 cm 5 Base: 3 cm by 3 cm; height: 3 cm 3 6 7.07 to inches the nearest hundredth 3 7 79.6 m 8 a 2 Surface Area: 2 97.1 m b Surface Area: Volume: 2 1306.9 m 3 c Surface Area: 176.3 m 3 62.5 m Volume: 3 4155.3 m Volume: 107.3 m 2 d Surface Area: 1309.3 e Surface Area: 1680.5 cm 3 Volume: 3 3152.7 cm Volume: 4593.2 cm 2 9 Enough to 10 a 11 6.40 cm 12 13.5 cm 13 a 14 Volume: cover 4957.1 m 2 942.62 km to the nearest b Approximately b 33.2 m b Form: c Approximately c Form: 2 hundredth 3 2 to 12.2 m 2 the nearest tenth 3 183.3 mm 3 Area: 5 172.8 mm Bivariate Practice 1 a data 1 Form: Linear Strength: Moderate Direction: d Form: a Discrete: b Total e Form: No pattern No because Strong Direction: f correlation Form: Strength: Strong Direction: only certain values are possible, i.e.the number of tickets and the of the total cost is dependent on the number of total tickets tickets Justication: this is the quantity that is being varied d 1800 1600 1400 1200 )$( tsoc 1000 l at o T 800 600 400 200 0 2 4 Number Answers 6 of 8 tickets 10 12 to observe a change in the total Positive Non-linear cost Number 37 6 Positive Direction: Linear Strength: Negative Justication: c Strong Direction: Moderate Direction: 2 Positive Linear Strength: Non-linear Strength: cost Negative cost are integers e The data form f a Form: points line. perfectly; there is a linear relationship so it would make sense to join the points response) Positive Denote the number Denote the total Then, up Strong Direction: 3 line Linear Strength: g do (Individual t of cost tickets by n by = 143n a 4 × 10 4.4 4.2 4 )elpoep 3.8 fo 3.6 rebmun( 3.4 ecnadnettA 3.2 3 2.8 2.6 2.4 2013 2013.5 2014 2014.5 2015 2 015.5 2016 2016.5 2017 2017.5 2018 Year b Form: Linear Strength: Moderate Direction: Positive c Individual response (e.g. between d Individual response (e.g. greater 40 000 and popularity 44 000) through publicity or word of mouth) Answers 377 to 4 a 5 × 10 9.8 9.7 9.6 )mk qs( 9.5 tserof 9.4 fo aerA 9.3 9.2 9.1 9 225 230 235 240 245 Population b The c Individual greater d Form: of (student 2 60 265 Indonesia, answers the should smaller the mention area that of the remaining area of forest forest Negative Individual response population, but e.g. this the scatter does not plot mean suggests that it is that the there is increase negative in in Indonesia likely correlation population that a 70 65 60 )%( 55 erocs 50 xednI 45 gniviG 40 d l r oW 35 30 25 20 25.4 25.5 25.6 25.7 25.8 Average 378 is to have decreased further) Strong Direction: the 5 population 255 Linear Strength: e the response 250 (millions) Answers 25.9 temperatu r e 26 in 2 6.1 Ju n e (°C) 26.2 26.3 26.4 is between causing the the area of forest decrease in and area b Form: linear Strength: weak Direction: c the 6 positive Individual response citizens d Individual e No; a Generation can of response correlation only No c The d Individual f Form: more e.g. does plot the not suggests recent jobs the an number imply categorical; change b that the average Averages whole of people who number number generation, the of y = a weak aect on greater e of job the are Buddhists changes number Individual as this religion encourages is discrete - although decimal on values given to independent of times a person changes job by b − 31 e y = − given, age of 30 on + 156 y b = x y = 13 x 1 + c y = − 8 29 x − 7 7 y = 2x + 71 f y = − 1067 x + 64 + 15 2 b a y y 50 70 y y = 5.1x – = 3 –6.2x + 47 or 40 60 y = 47 – 6.2x 30 50 20 40 10 30 20 x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 x 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 c d y y 110 30 100 28 26 90 y = –2.1x + 149 24 80 y 22 70 60 20 50 18 = 0.88x + 10.4 16 40 x 20 30 40 50 you average 5 x 25 3 the 64 8 a are variable 6 2 values 7 x of giving 2 −3 x = nature response 11 y charitable Positive 8 d the times 1 a has causation response depends Direction: 1 temperature Non-linear Strength: Practice is The Myanmar 60 14 x 10 12 14 16 18 20 Answers 22 379 4 Individual straight a (easiest way is to choose a scatter scitamehtam scitamehtam 800 700 600 500 gniyduts gniyduts 400 300 emit emit 200 lato T lato T 6 this b 100 6 6.5 Individual y do 900 7 7.5 8 8.5 Age c to )sruoh( )sruoh( 5 response plot where all data points lie on the same response = 154.429 x d Individual e 1502 f Individual to y 9.5 10 10.5 11 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 6 6.5 7 7.5 = 8 8.5 Age (years) 157x 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 (years) 828 − 814.476 response the e.g. 9 nearest e.g. The whole response e.g. result using technology will have more signicant gures number There is no data for 15-year-old a students so you cannot be sure that the trend will b 1.2 1.1 emit gnidaer egarevA 0.6 tneps 0.5 0.6 s ruoh( sruoh( 0.7 0.8 re p tneps re p 0.8 1 )yad gnidaer )yad 1 0.9 0.4 0.2 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 emit –0.2 0.4 Age (years) egarevA 0.3 0.2 0.1 10 20 30 40 Age Individual c y = exactly line) response 50 e.g. y response e.g. As response Not 0.0131 x Individual e 75 f Individual g The h Individual response e.g. i Individual response (e.g. 3 8 0 70 80 = 0.01x 0.2 − 0.233 d older 60 (years) they are, the the very condent: longer Answers Older no, correlation on the average people they are was it was 70-year-old they who just weak are spend person reading retired more not likely have to easy in per more have to the draw survey the line read for of best 1.1 t hours a day time spare in time the in day to which read they can read) day continue 7 a b 36 36 gniklaw 32 34 32 leef ohw 26 egatnecreP egatnecreP emoh emoh ohw ta 26 24 22 28 ta leef 28 30 thgin efas 30 thgin efas )%( )%( gniklaw 34 24 22 20 20 18 18 20 20 30 40 50 60 70 30 40 50 Age Age c y = −0.235 x 3 e Individual response depending f Individual response g The h Individual the group and a No e Positive, i No less is compare = 39 on age likely they debatable) the was e.g. not the are e.g. very to be you correlation weak correlation Negative, weak c Positive, moderate g Negative, j Negative, strong 0.8 c 0.7 g i 0 j 0.9 Individual Reponses, Expected Expected Expected a case it The greater home out a to draw predicted at the to line be of best t 35.6% night survey of members of your class a Negative Individual c The older unless will the strong moderate 0.6 d Positive, weak h Positive, moderate d 0.5 h 0.75 the the more number an assignment, in general, the higher grade you are likely to be awarded of immunized people, the fewer cases you would expect to see correlation person, a the siblings negative Positive older on correlation more probable it is that at some point in their past they have been relationship show Individual response the of a of means that the available food needs to be shared between more children, correlation correlation adolescent, Number of of for person of height hours a strong; moderate c the greater the expected number of neural connections in the brain of years and e moderate; d no correlation or weak; f no correlation strength between in 0.8 and 0.5) education, the lower the unemployment rate example and the outside number sales bought watching sweets person total and sweets spent (identical) of b (e.g. (identical) Number a, number temperature Number The the responses, age The e.g. correlation greater The or correlation spend Positive romantic responses b 1: is correlation Individual 0.5: The you Negative correlation: Justication: 0.9: longer correlation: in Expected 1: The correlation which 0.2: easy example: Positive correlation: Justication: involved for correlation: Justication: 0.8: not walking Negative, 0.25 No was carry b f f could f b e it 15-year-olds results 0 No so for comfortable Perhaps 0.5 d strong percentage a c 6 the (this y correlation e b 80 3 Justication: 5 person, response The + e.g. a 4 0.24x response Practice 2 e.g. Individual older 70 (years) (years) d year 1 + 39.077 60 80 and of hot and TV bought the of the at and person’s books they have read beverages total home the expenditure and on that achievement amount of money in you type a of mock have sweet exam left available to spend weight Answers 3 81 in Practice 1 a 4 0.543 Positive correlation, b Negative c moderate 0.943 correlation, Positive correlation, d a The y straight 51 − coecient each d No: the e a b f a y y none = = = of 28.333 127.286 −7.658 d e 1, implying that the data set is perfectly correlated; the data points all value other response: check they that Dependent of x gives correlation the corresponding coecients are value exactly of 1 1) give variable: Substitute the are of the x values from the table into your equation for the line of values Year variable: we some corresponding y Marriage observing rate the change in the marriage rate as the year the same (if quantity X decreases as Y increases, then quantity Y 0.96 the original data: y = −0.365 x + 747.02 14.5 )stnatibahni 14 13.5 001 13 rep rebmun( 12.5 12 etar 11.5 egair raM 11 10.5 2006 2007 2008 2009 201 0 2011 Year For the 3 8 2 the y (or increases 0.96 For on 4.417x Individual Exactly lie 1.571x + Justication: c is 2.333x Independent b (perfect) x Substituting y strong line c c 3 = correlation, correlation same b strong 1.000 Negative 2 strong 0.976 switched data: y Answers = −2.6 x + 2044.1 2012 2 013 2014 2015 2016 decreases as X increases) best t and 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 r a eY 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 10.5 11 11.5 Mar riage f Individual response meaningful 4 Individual Practice None! 2 a Individual b No c Individual Correlation a The Individual 4 5 it is not (e.g. a 13 pe r 13.5 100 good 14 14.5 in hab itan ts ) denition of the independent/dependent variable, it is dicult to make data) on the are response that (e.g. (e.g. (e.g. [for is data sets selected causation. hoping wealth: if the poor subjected response raining she resources suggests response imply referring (e.g. learning individuals Individual imply without from response conclusion Individual does response better b c (num b e r dependent response (Individual provide the (e.g. 12.5 5 1 3 rate conclusions responses, 12 it is if a for family their by moving has does a larger believe balance, or misrepresentations spent socializing then someone to not a larger imply house house, her reading ability will improve) causation) then they are likely to be wealthier and therefore children) researchers raining, example, that correlation work-life to time to the could in of is causation technology other is being used for the purposes of social media, lives). person) plants be there if outside watering are the wet, however if the plants are wet, that does plants!]) a 750 livic 700 sDhP fo rebmuN gnireenigne ni 650 600 550 500 450 9.2 9.4 9.6 9.8 10 Consumption per of 10.2 10.4 mozzarella person 10.6 10.8 11 cheese (pounds) Answers 3 83 not b 0.924 c Form: Linear Direction: Strength: d Equation e No: f Individual Unit 1 i Positive Strong is y + 52.5x; not 15.4 imply pounds causation per and person these variables are unlikely to be linked Review a Form: Linear Strength: b Individual a Form: a Linear Strength: response v Individual a Form: Negative Direction: b a No b Individual correlation response response Non-linear Strength: response iii Positive Weak b Strong Individual Form: Direction: Linear Strength: b ii Positive Moderate Direction: 2 8.25 does response Direction: iv = correlation Negative Strong Individual response a Variables 1 Number a 3 a 4 a of times you laugh Dependent 2 Variable 1 Age 1 Outside 2 Inside 1 Number of languages 2 Number of nationalities temperature 1 2 learnt 2 1 adequate Son’s Father’s height 2 1 with response with response with justication Individual height 1 Reaction 2 Age adequate time 2 1 response response b direct, inverse c stronger, weaker y 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 x 15 Answers 20 25 30 35 d possible, with justication response 1 with justication Individual adequate Individual 3 8 4 response justication Individual in plot justication Individual adequate scatter tree 2 10 of Individual temperature 1 and Sketch adequate 2 1 in Variable day family b Independent causation b y 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 x 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 d c 6 6.5 7 y y 90 45 85 40 80 35 75 30 70 25 65 20 x 80 85 90 95 100 105 60 55 50 x 20 5 a 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 y 81.5 )sraey( I Swi ycnatcepxe efil Japan J Switzerland Swi Singapore S Australia A Spain Sp Iceland I Italy It Israel Is Sweden Swe France F South SK A 81 80.5 Is J It 80 C Sp S 79.5 Korea e l aM Canada C F 79 SK 78.5 x 84 84.5 Female b No c Comparisons 85 life 85.5 86 expectancy 86.5 87 (years) correlation between countries are easier to make using the table Answers 3 8 5 6 a (a) y 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 x 15 10 (b) 20 25 30 35 y 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 x 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 (c) 6 6.5 7 (d) y y 90 50 85 45 80 40 75 35 70 30 65 25 60 20 x 80 85 90 95 100 55 105 50 x 20 b Individual c (a) (c) y y 3 8 6 = = 22 24 26 28 response 0.377 x + 9.175 −0.921 x + 120.239 Answers (b) y = −1.154 x + 46.662 (d) y = −1.350 x + 105.663 30 32 34 36 38 7 Individual and iced results is also also a How The c (e.g. here; there it tempting many sum is the people daily response Yes, a much results is a that to indicate likely weak coee inhabitants of has is likely for Individual it The Causation correlation addiction b sales. indicate likely negative 8 response tea is here; negative fewer purchase there are in higher than a strong given purchase density of the drink hot of the correlation cold outside drinks for between when temperatures beverages correlation when iced tea it – is it and hot this outside is is hot coee outside. likely temperature outside. to sales. Note be The Causation that due to the caeine temperature) land number than to between positive area by positive prefer regardless divided population will the coee a is will correlation people weaker temperatures there people the of other days in a cointries year that have a similar average annual temperature d No e No f 9 correlation Individual response e.g. people Individual response e.g. the a don't cost of always living, choose where healthcare, they political live; it is where they are born stability y 14 13 )sruoh( 12 peels 11 fo 10 tnuomA 9 8 7 6 x 0 10 20 30 40 Age Form: Strength: c = the line represents d Individual response e 3.4 hours 1.3 to hours a Individual b Form: using a line of best t, d.p. the e.g. the average hypothetical the equation change average predicts in number number that a of of hours hours 15-year-old of of sleep sleep person at per age would increase in age of one year zero have 11 hours sleep no 1d.p. not make response sense, (should and be hence supports the idea that this is a non-linear relationship yes) Non-linear Strength: = 1 to would Direction: 11 relationship represents This 10 of this + 12.758 y-intercept f (years) Negative −0.117 x Slope 70 moderate Approximating y 60 Non-linear Direction: b 50 c y d 323; 230x e Individual f Line g Individual no, of Individual Positive Moderate 3400 this would response best t be too (e.g. predicts response high so the relationship extrapolation approximately e.g. the amount of likely 7400; to the trac, be is likely actual the to be non-linear inaccurate) population amount of is about industry, the 6000 climate response Answers 3 87 6 Geometric Practice 1 a 10 1 units (x, y ) 2 a transformations a left, (x 1 unit − 10, y down b − 1) 8 units (x, y ) left, a (x 5 units − 8, y i down − 5) ii image preimage preimage image iii 3 b Yes. c i Repeatedly (x, y ) to 4 The (x, y ) a transformation a − apply (x obtain (x 2, y the given is equivalent − 5) ii to (x, y ) the a simpler (x + 3, y + transformation 3 6) (x, y ) iii units down, a (x + − 3) transformation subsequent ring (so a in total apply the transformation three times) b y y 9 (–2, (–7, 13 8) (–4, (1, 12) 8 12 7 11 6 10 5 9 7) 4 3 7 2 6 1 5 4 0 –7 –6 –4 x –2 (–6, 3) –1 3 –2 2 –2) –3 1 (–3, 0) –4 x (–6, –7 –5) –5 3 8 8 units 4, y ) each (–9, 2 2, y Answers –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 13) right y c y d 5 10 (7, 9) (–1, 4) 4 9 (2, (–6, 8) 3) 8 3 7 2 6 1 5 0 –8 –7 –6 x –4 4 –1 3 –2 2 –3 1 –4 –5 0 x 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 (–8, –6) –6 –1 (0, –1) –2 –7 –3 –8 –9 –4 (3, –4) (–5, –9) –10 –5 5 a (12, 6 ) b (5, 6 a ( b (17, 7 1L, 8 9 10 2,14 ) 3U, 11L, a Upwards b Yes: the 3D, 20 m; a Horizontally Yes: a Individual b There Practice 1 a 2 a 12U, formed 230 mm; pattern are 5R, sideways pattern b the 3U, several 12 ) 5L, the the e.g. by the 5U, 2D, length of diamond vertically formed response by by 3) has parallelograms tessellation patterns the or a no and (7, c ( 4, 2U, 5D, horizontal pieces 152 mm; bricks 25R, c has no 11) 1) 5L, diagonal overlaps combination overlaps triangles 11D, and of no 5R, of and 3D the no 115 mm diamond gaps horizontally and 38 mm vertically gaps translated horizontally visible 2 Individual response b Individual response c Individual response b y y A C ′ B ′ C ′ D D ′ A x B B ′ x A′ D D ′ C B C A′ Answers 3 8 9 c d y y A B A C x x D ′ B D B ′ A′ A′ C C ′ C ′ 3 4 a Blue to yellow: Blue to black: Blue to green: Blue to red: response, Individual response a ( c (8, 0 ) 9, 5) ( 6, (0, 0 ) 90° units units black from b of 2.5, y (0, anticlockwise 15) Rotation e.g. b of 2 10 e.g. + 180° − 2) + 5, y ) translation Individual a (x (x translation c c a a b Rotation 5 (x, y ) (x, y ) ( down, 7.5 units right ( x , y ) to green blue to (x, y) black: (x + 2.5, rotation y center about the 2) ( 2.5, 0) 13,11) (or equivalently clockwise) response b Individual response 7 a Individual response b Individual response 3 b Answers − origin Individual 3 9 0 + 7.5, y 2) anticlockwise a (x 2) 180° a 1 a right 6 Practice B ′ about the origin c Individual response 2 a Either the b reect diagram Rotation of the in left/right the the hand horizontal top/bottom part dotted half of of the diagram in the vertical dotted line or reect the top/bottom part the diagram through 180 ° about the point where the two lines of reection intersect. 3 a Reection b The left/right eur-de-lys translated 4 of have hand been horizontally half of diagram translated and of line in dotted horizontally vertical and the line symbols in the quarters of the shield have been vertically a b d e c f J ′ B I G A C I ′ A′ H ′ D H D ′ K J K ′ C ′ B ′ G ′ Answers 3 91 Practice 1 4 a y b y A B D C C ′ x x B ′ D ′ y = –2 A A′ C ′ D ′ D B A′ B ′ C c d y y A A y = D –x C ′ B ′ x x y = –1 D B B D ′ C C C ′ A′ D ′ A′ B ′ 2 a Reection in the line y = b Reection in the line y = − x c Reection in the line y = 0 d Reection in the line = −3 3 a (5, 4 a ( 6,15) 5 a Individual 6 Hexagons 7 8 9) response and x a Squares, Individual rectangles response c Individual response (i.e. the x -axis) b ( b ( −13, −11) b Individual rhombuses; b 2 and 2, 0 ) Individual response response trapezia a (x, y ) a ( x, y ) i.e. reection in y-axis b (x, y ) a ( x, y ) i.e. reection in y-axis c (x, y ) a ( x, y ) i.e. reection in y-axis Practice 1 (12, 2 ( 3 (16, 0 ) 4 Scale 5 28) 4, 9 ) factor 3 9 2 3 Answers c (0, 8) c (0, 0 ) e.g. the symmetry 1 5 a Scale b A factor 4 negative scale factor indicates a dilation and a 180° degree rotation about the centre of dilation 3 6 Scale factor 7 (4) ( x , y ) 10 a (3 x , 3 y ) (5)( 1 x, y ) a (x, y) a y 4 3 (6) 1 x 4 − 3 x ,− 10 y 10 y 8 A′ A B ′ B x D D ′ C C ′ 9 y A A′ B ′ x B C ′ C 10 11 a The b Stars smallest a Triangles, b Yes of stars dierent are squares because congruence sizes there are and is trapezia an transformations similarity overall are transformations translated, basic pattern rotated that and repeats reected without overlapping 1 12 a Repeated b No, dilations of approximately scale factor 4 the pattern cannot be repeated without overlapping Answers 3 9 3 Unit Review 1 Point Translation up 3 Translation units left 5 Translation units 2 units 7 (0, 0) (0, 3) (6, 1) (6, 4) (3, 1) (3, 2) ( 7) ( 2 4, 8, 5) ( (1, ( ( 4, 10) ( 8, 2) a 5, ( (13, 2) 9, (10, 7) 13, (3, 5) ( factor 1, 2) by of the 1) 4 4) (12, 5) ( 7) ( scale 0) (24, 4) a about origin (0, 16, 8) 28) 32, 20) y b y Dilation right units (7, 1) 2, ( 0) down and B C C ′ B ′ A D ′ B ′ x x A ′ C C ′ B D A ′ A 3 4 No, it does not consist a Translation 5 b Rotation 90° c Reection d Dilation e Reection 5 (60, 45) 6 Scale factor of in of units to the the same left, anticlockwise the scale in of the line x factor line x = 2 0 6 pattern units about (i.e. the centered y repeated up the origin -axis) about the origin = 1 1 3 7 a b y preimage y image x x preimage image 3 9 4 Answers 8 Point (0, 0) (8, 2) Reection Reection in x-axis in y-axis in y = x (0, 0) (8, (0, 2) 6) ( 1) ( 4, 1) 10) ( 5, 10) 4, 5, (0, (9, (7, ( (7, ( 9 Reection 3) 0) 6) ( 0) 8, 2) 7, 6) (4, (5, (2, 8) 6, (1, 10) (0, 3) (0, 3) (9, 0) ( 0) a 0) ( 1) 9, (0, ( 10, ( in y = (0, ( 2, in y = 0) (0, 8) (8, (6, 7) (7, 4) ( 1, 4) ( (10, 5) 0) (3, 9) (0, ( 9) Reection 3 in x = 6) ( 4) ( 12) 4, 5, 0) b y Reection –x 7) 5) 3, (0, Reection ( 0) 16, 2) 15, 5) ( 16) 8, –4 ( 6) 4, 3, 1) 10) (0, 9) ( 8, 3) (9, 6) ( 17, 0) y B ′ C ′ A′ A′ D ′ x x D A C A C B ′ C ′ 10 B B a Individual b Each square response contains c Each square has reections been translated and a rotations distance equal to its diagonal horizontally and vertically 11 Point Rotation of degrees (0, 0) (8, 2) (7, 6) ( 1) ( 4, 5, (0, (9, 12 (0, 8) 6, (1, 10) ( 3) ( 0) 7) 4) 10, 3, (0, a Rotation 180 5) 0) 9) of degrees 0) (2, ( 90 (0, ( 7, 1) (5, 10) ( ( 6) (4, (0, (0, 2) (10, 3) 9, 1, 0) Rotation 360 0) 2, (6, ( of degrees 0) 8, ( Rotation 270 (0, 8) (8, 7) 4) 5) (3, 0) (0, 9) ( of Rotation degrees −90 0) (0, 2) ( 0) 2, 6) ( 1) ( 1, 4) 10) (10, 5) 5, (0, (9, (6, 8) (7, 4, 3) (3, 0) of degrees (0, 7) 0) 9) b y y D A D ′ y = x D B C C ′ D ′ x A x A′ A′ B ′ B C B ′ C ′ x = –3 Answers 3 9 5 13 14 a (x, y ) a (14, c (3,0) a (x a (9,0) c ( 17 19 of a Individual Reections c Individual No, the Individual a Rotation Reect 20 a Individual 7 Linear Practice x = ( (0.5 x , 0.5 y ) c (x, y ) a (− x , − y ) d (x, y ) a (x, y ) 5,12) about (4, the origin 14) about the origin response and rotations response is the transformation ( x , y ) a (− y , − x ) whereas the rotation is the transformation (− x , − y ) a a b clockwise 180° reection a b 1 90° (x, y ) 3) b (x, y ) 18 of b b 5, Rotation 16 − 7) 7) Rotation 15 − 5, y response of in 180° the b about line y = response 0 Individual the response c Individual c x response origin i.e. the x -axis b Individual b x response systems 1 −2 = −2 = 32 d x = 10 h x = ±13 6x 1 e x = 18 f x = 21 g x = − 2 i x = −2 j 2 Individual response 3 Individual response 4 Individual response Practice x = −1 2 1 1 a y = −2 x + 4 b y = 2 x − 2 y c = 2 1 e y = 3x + 9 f y = 1 y = + 3 d y = x + 2 h y = 1 x − 4 y g = 6 i x + 10 3 1 2 x 8 2 x + 6 j y = 12 x − 9 = 3 20 2 a x = 5, y = b x = 6, y f x = 24, y b x = 1, y f x = −3 c x = −6, y = 3 d x = −4, y = 12 c x = −6, y = −1 d x = −2, y = g x = 4, y 3 3 e x = −2, y a x = 9, y = 16 = 12 = −3 = 1 1 e x = − , y = 4 4, y = 2 = 3 2 4 a Number 3 9 6 of movies Standard rental, $ Loyalty option 1, $ Loyalty option 1 6 35 14 2 12 35 18 3 18 35 22 4 24 35 26 5 30 35 30 Answers 2, $ −6 y b Loya lty option 1 35 30 25 )$( tsoC 20 a y o L 15 10 5 0 x 1 2 3 Number c Option d If a e you month ($10 it a One Innitely g No j No 2 a k 3 a = $4/movie) than cheaper with 7 movies Option a month it is cheaper with Option 2, but if you download b No c No e Innitely many solutions f One solution solutions h Innitely many solutions i One solution solutions k One l No solutions −2 b Individual x Individual For 1 response: is c cost number response month, $30. If if you days based you use used For you cost month, used the $100, so e Individual f Membership g Make a Linear, cost if you ≠ or more movies y 4 two is solutions options must satisfy equations y = 0.75 x + 90 and y = 5x respectively, part a to 6 for so facilities times need solution solutions cost facilities $120, the solutions −2 the facilities for would for on cost use facilities k and the the would 1 All values of ‘pay-as-you-go’ you 7 1. response many b b plus less movies solution where 4 fee of 5 3 d d is Individual Practice 1 2 download 4 a times, 6 it 4 times would times, month use membership a the month take 4 for 5 months, facilities cost months, $94.50 and membership ‘pay as would you cost go’ would $108 but months. membership for would 4 for would cost membership more than 5 $93 and would months for ‘pay cost as you $102 but membership go’ would cost $20. ‘pay-as-you-go’ to be the better option. response would per one day be the same better with or option as without it will joining always be cheaper. fee solution y 4 –6x + 4y = –4 3 2 1 0 x 1 3x + 2y = 2 2 3 c −6 x − 4 y = −4 This is the same equation as 3 x + 2 y = 2 if you divide each number by 2 and rearrange. Answers If would 3 97 d y 4 3 2 1 3x + 2y = 2 0 x 1 2 3 4 1 −6x − 4y = −4 2 3 5 Individual response 6 Individual response Practice 4 1 1 a x = 1, y = −3 b x = 7, y = 1 c x = 6 , y = 2 d x = 5 e x = 2, y a x = 1, y = 2 f x = −5, y = 1 b x = −1, y = 1 2 = 1 4 c x = 6 , y = − 7 7 3 , y = d 2 x = −2, y = 1 2 1 e x = −2, y = −2 x f = 2, y = 2 3 a You earn each b 4 $60 case for costs each $30 to case you make so sell y = so 44 Individual x = 2, y = −1 b x = = x = 4, y = 1 f x = 2, y = −1 x = 4, y = 1 j x = 2, y = 0 a Individual b Individual the could Individual response Individual response; 13 3 $600 4 3 5 45 6 solutions a 2 at 8%, sheep, 7 $6000 at 8 Adults 9 $3000 14 $400 the 17 at 9% girls beehives 9%, £5, 3 9 8 ones be 6 classrooms, 10 number of cases sold; The initial cost is $1300 and d After selling 44 covers c x = −2, y g x = 4, y = 0 d Innitely −6 h No many solutions = solution response response; b 18 the 19 i 1 is 5 , y e Practice x 5 many 3 where response 19 2 60 x 2640 22 a = + 1300 c Practice 1 y 30 x $2000 children at 10% £2 Answers where conrmed ones elimination by where graphing the suggested because coecient that there of x or y there would is 1 were not are no be solutions any easier to point solve or where where by the there two were lines substitution. innitely intersect. 10 Adults 11 a 6400 12 2x − 9 y 13 (3, 4 ) 14 $40, = a 2.13 hectares d 3.50 hectares; Unit a b Rs b 29 3 040 000 they making would a need to 000 increase the THB c number of hectares of their Individual farms in order response to prot. review x e $8 −41 continue 1 teenagers y = 2 b = −42 f x y = −6 2 a x = 3, y = 1 b x = 3 a x = 3, y = b x = − 0, y = x = c No −12 d x = 5 solution d x = 2, y −6 5 −5 c = 10 164 , y = 11 11 1 4 x a = − , y = 4 b a = 4, b = 2 = 3 2 5 e x = −3, y a One 6 x 7 −6, −5 8 Square; 9 x 10 11 = −5 solution b Innitely many solutions all = coins; the sides are 30 cm solution long. 9 nickels, 18 dimes and Monthly 3 quarters subscripti on Pay y )$( 12 11 11 10 10 9 9 8 8 7 7 )$( rep tsoC shtnom 12 6 song 6 tsoC 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 x 1 2 3 4 No. 9 c 12 6 teachers, 13 AU$15000 14 910 meals per y 0 15 16 No 8 a b c −5 = 14, y 30 = 36 at 5 of 6 7 8 9 10 x 1 months 2 3 4 No. Individual 5 of 6 7 8 9 10 months response students 3%, that are AU$5000 paid for at 8% and 800 free meals so a total of 1710 meals. years 16 100 nets, 40 solar kits; 60 medicine kits, 120 blankets. Answers 3 9 9 Index A D 3D shapes cones 154–201 165–73, cylinders data 174, 157–65, pyramids spheres addition angles, in 73, scientic measuring apex/vertex apothem 192 192 192 31–2, 39 types 208 of decisions of surface aspect area area 68 see mean scatter axioms surface with 321, of between distance formula 210, 212, 220 236–7 298–9 scatter distance 350 208, independent 290–4, direction 28 variables swapping 170 see ratios averages axes, 55, 38 notation equations dilations circles 9–11, 251 318 dependent 177 204–52 211–12, 7–8, scientic degree 175 area of of in notation data reliability decimals 89 84–5 165, 175, 191, 191, AA (Angle-Angle) bivariate 173–4, 175–82, 182–90, 192 diagrams points 209 63–7 64 division diagram 207, 208, 210 exponents 53 in B in scientic 19–21 notation 32–3, 39 E base of 3D cones shapes and 175 see exponents positive bias elimination and 11, negative 18, 38 13, data 15 scatter brackets broken 227–40 plots in 319, of linear of lines linear 320 119, of lines lines 112, 137–8, best quadratic 137–8, of lines of 119, 139 120–36 systems vertical 208 350 relationships horizontal 207–43 equations axes 350 dilations cubic 204–52 analysing also 333–9, 290 equations 211–12 bivariate method enlargement pyramids bases 192 165 t 319, 140 316–57 140 220–2, 320–1, 223–6 350 C quartic Cartesian 319 plane solving Pythagoras’ theorem in types reections rotations see also on 318–22 63–7 of 319 278–80 on equilateral triangles equivalent equations exponents/powers and correlation 237–40, of dilation 290–4, centre of rotation 267, 19–21, of 20–1, 55, 84–5, rotations coefcients 28, area volume scientic see also 170–3, 192 192 reections; congruent shapes congruent triangles coordinate 174, transformations conjectures 53, 261, rotations; 261, 298 translations 267 69–70, 89 54 notation negative nite decimals 9, nite numbers 9 xed points form of 26–33 14–17, 19 four-square in diagrams theorem fractional equations fractional exponents 7, frustrums theorem 10 182 scatter fractions plane/grid Pythagoras’ and F 39 166–9, congruence 39 267–8 165–73 surface 38, 38 97–8 zero clockwise 28, 17–19, 170 and clinometers 22–4, 268 multiplying of 38 38 299 laws area 11–25, 243 dividing centre cones 334 graphs/graphing causation circles, 286 268–9 9–11, 208–9 55 320 38 38 167 63–7 G solving linear systems 322–6 gradient-intercept transformations in 268–9, lines see also form 120–4, 125–9, 130, 131–2, 278–80 of best t 220–1, 223, 224 graphs/graphing gradient/slope 111–12, 120–4, 125 coordinates and and equations and linear of lines correlation equations see also relationships 105–9, 130–2 of linear relationships of perpendicular causation 237–40, diagrams rate of change 207, coefcients 227–40, vertical and horizontal 82–3, gradient-intercept gradient/slope cubic 319, cylinders surface 217, 157–65, area solar volume 161–5, form 111–12, 120–4 113 systems 322–9, and Pythagoras’ 350 theorem and scatter and transformations diagrams 63–7 207 192 163, 268–9, 192 also scatter diagrams 173–4 H 192 compared to cones compared to spheres 4 0 0 on 242 157–61, panels 137–8, 350 see of 112–14 137–40 267–8 linear tting lines 120–36, 89 rotations equations 105–9, 243 and ratio counterclockwise curve lines 110 242 graphs/graphing cosine 139 parallel 243 of scatter correlation and 227–40 and on from 139 points correlation and 228 129–32 166 186–7 Index height measurements heptagons, tessellation 97–8 of 286 278–80 140 140 hexagonal hexagons, pyramids 175, tessellation horizontal lines hypotenuse of 136–8, 56, 177, 179, 181 286 140 negative rotations negative scale nets 89 170, 180, non-linear 267 factors 299 192 relationships non-periodic decimals, 110, 119, innite 208–9 10 I numbers image 262, 4–47 298 decimal independent variables 208, 210, 212, see decimals 220 exponents swapping with dependent 11–25 236–7 rational/irrational innite decimals 10 innite numbers 9, real numbers scientic initial conditions intercepts see also 123, point 38 notation 26–33, 36–7, 38 134 O x-intercept; irrational 129, 114–18 intersection, 6–11, 6 10 y-intercept of 323, numbers 6–8, 324, octagons, 350 ordered 38 tessellation pairs outliers L 219, of 286 336 232–4 P lateral laws in legs area of of cones scientic of best line of reection t correlation linear regression of scatter see also linear point 102–50 118–35 distance 220–2 243 lines 112, classifying graphing number to to of problem 316–57 326–7, elimination 338 solve solve substitution to 350 322–6 326–9 with 339–46 solve horizontal lines of lines best vertical 329–33, 350 gradient positive relationships positive rotations of power of a product power of a of 105–9, horizontal line of linear t of perpendicular see also lurking 112, 112–14, vertical 137–40 139, 242 316–57 222, linear 161, rules 225, 226 72 165 compared 18, 53–4, Tower 56, 20, 175–6, 192 38 59 similarity of 71–3 225, 226, 242 surface area 191, 181, 60–3, and ag and maps 191, 191, theorem applying 34 192 178–82, 175–8, Pythagoras’ 238–40 12–13, 175–82, volume relationships 57 Hanoi pyramids 224, similarity Pythagorean 350 136–8 variables of 220–1, puzzles 112–14 lines 38 298 pyramids proofs 24, 23 diagrams 155, product 23, 23 234–5 262, triangle 217–26, systems regression 120–36, 140 136–8 best parallel and 137–8, 243 exponents/powers scatter prisms rule quotient see 227–31, 72–3 power principle 209, 267 a 137–8 111–15, 53, 139 of preimage 223–6 13 power predictions 120–36 220–2, 140 182 bases powers 137–8 t lines gradient graphs 119, 350 286–8 positive and of 324, 131–2, 129–32 positive 105–9 equations 323, 63–7 from points postulates 333–9, solutions solving 139 134–5 125–9, between equations xed 219, form 243 38 112–14, intersection polygons 227–31, 10, 231–7, 286 points 110–18 diagrams of of 9, lines of relationships point-slope 105–9 systems lines 234 350 coefcient decimals piecewise 119 representing strength 227–37 139, 113 tessellation perpendicular t of 112–14, correlation periodic 298 representations recognising on Pearson 242 279, 222, best characteristics lines parallelograms 39 coefcients relationships algebraic 38 pentagons, 275, linear linear 28, 217–26, line 22–4, 56 line also parallel 20–1, notation (triangles) see 170 exponents 192 192 56–68, 89 68 design 87–8 M maps 63–7 mean 219, 63–7 Pythagorean 220–1, of angles of heights metric mirror line 63 Q 84–5 60–3, units triples 243 measurements quadratic 97–8 16–17, 275–6, degree 21 quartic 298 equations of equations quotient 319, 320–1 350 rules 319 19–21, 24, 38 models R and decision-making and linear 318, 339 r-values equations 129, 133, correlation moderate relationships 228, 228, 231–7, 243 135–6 see moderate also correlation coefcients 229 209, radius and rate change cylinders 162 243 of 105, 110–12, 123, 129 multiplication rational and powers 17–19, and scientic ratios notation 32–3, 6–11, 38 inverse see trigonometric ratios 39 real multiplicative numbers 20 numbers 6 19 see N also irrational reciprocals negative bases negative exponents/powers 13 negative gradient negative relationships rectangular 14–17, 19, 139 20, 24, 38 recurring 227–31, 243 see also 24, numbers; rational numbers 139 pyramids decimals reductions 209, 15, 177, 179, 192 8 290 dilations Index 4 01 reections on the line 274–82, Cartesian of 275, regression see also regular 279, lines line 298 best polygons 278–80 tessellations 298 222, of terminating/nite plane analyzing 224, 225, 226, 242 tetrahedrons relationships see and bivariate and correlation describing linear see strength data 227–40, linear of of data right cones right triangles 53, of 251 theorem tessellations 184, 12–13, congruence dilations 56–68 ratios 89 261, 274–82, 298 trend see trends, 261–7, 261–7, lines also 298 298 290 translations 188 298 298–9 267–74, translations 23 34 256–313 290–4, similarity 77–87, pyramids 55–6 Hanoi rotations 267–74, 287–8 triangular reections exponents rounding also Tower 10 298 175 transformations 8, 272, 259 see 211–12, trigonometric rotations tiles 165 Pythagoras’ as 243 227–31 decimals roots 242, relationships repeating also theorems 227–31 reliability and 204–52 270, 286–8 semi-regular 286–8 9 266–7, 283–9 polygons t numbers 259–61, 217, line of scatter 271–2, 271–2, 221, best 222, 298 298 242 t diagrams for 208 S triangles SAS (Side-Angle-Side) 73, 50–98 89 congruent scale factors 290–4, 69–70, diagrams/plots correlation 286 207–43 and and 227–40, ag design line of best t theorem 56–68 217–26 similar notation 26–33, 70–6, with 31–2, 98 ag design with 32–3, of 286 39 and tessellations 87–8 39 tessellation multiplication/division 89, 39 and addition/subtraction semi-regular 87–8 242–3 Pythagoras’ scientic 89 298 equilateral scatter trigonometric ratios 77–87, 89 287–8 triangular pyramids 175, 177, 179, 181 shapes see 3D also tetrahedrons 154–201 trigonometric polygons ratios trigonometry 259–61, 266–7, 270, 272, see height measurement cones 97–8 173 triangles similar images similar triangles U 290 applications ag 89 89 283–9 truncated and 77–88, 298 and analyzing triangles 77–87, 286–8 tessellations 70–6, of 89 73–6, design units, 98 metric univariate 16–17 data 207 data 211–12, 87–8 V similarity transformations 290 validity see also of 251 dilations variables sine ratio 77–82, 89 and slant height 165, bivariate see data 207, 242 170 correlation slope between 227–40 gradient/slope and slope-intercept form see gradient-intercept causation 237–40, 243 form dependent/independent solutions, numbers of 326–9, and spheres 182–90, linear area 183–6, 191, 186–90, 191, pyramids solar cells equations for between see 319, 322, scatter 350 165, 175 191 area 178–81, 182, lines 136–8, 140 192 volume volume 177, 178, 181, 192 cones squares (shape) 113, 166–9, (Side-Side-Side) 73, form 125–9, 161–5, 130, 131–2, 161, of best t 225, creating steepness see also straight strength strong 181, 192 191 W gradient/slope of 175–8, 186–90, 284–5 110 lines 192 192 226 spheres stars, 175–6, 140 pyramids lines 166, 89 prisms standard 192 286 cylinders SSS see weak lines relationships correlation relationships websites, 209–10, 227–31, 227–31, 243 words, reliability describing 209–10, of 227–31, 211–12, relationships 243 251 with 139 237 X strong relationships 209, 243 x-intercept substitution, subtraction surface solving and systems scientic with notation area cones 329–33, 31–2, 39 127, cylinders pyramids 125–9, equations 178–82, 163, 131–2, 139 Y 192 157–61, 128, 350 y-intercept 170–3, 192 and initial from 139 120–4, conditions 130–2 134 192 Z and solar spheres system see of also cells/panels 183–6, linear linear 188, 173–4 of tangent values ratio 112, 322 systems 4 0 2 105–9, 82–4, zero exponents/powers zero power 191 equations T tables 236–7 diagrams/plots 175 vertical surface 220, 238–40 of vertex/apex as 212, 192 relationships square 210, 105–9 192 numbers volume relationships 192 lurking surface 208, 350 139 89 Index rule 38 14–17, 19, 20, 38 MYP Mathematics A Fully integrated students An to 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