SAP Custom Code Management: Usage Logging with UPL/SCMON

Custom Code Management
Usage Logging
Supported by SAP Solution Manager 7.2
SAP Digital Business Services
Version 1.0
October 2017
Custom Code Management: Usage Logging
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Custom Code Management: Usage Logging
Table of content
SAP Usage Logging...................................................................................................................... 4
What is UPL? .............................................................................................................................. 4
What is SCMON? ........................................................................................................................ 5
UPL/SCMON - How it works ....................................................................................................... 5
How to activate the UPL/SCMON tracking ................................................................................. 6
Activation from SAP Solution Manger 7.2 SP06 .................................................................................. 6
Activation of UPL directly in the system (not recommended)............................................................. 8
Activation of SCMON directly in the system (not recommended) ...................................................... 9
How to read the UPL/SCMON data ............................................................................................ 9
Read UPL/SCMON data in SAP Solution Manager 7.2 ......................................................................... 9
Read UPL data directly in the system ................................................................................................ 10
Read SCMON data directly in the system.......................................................................................... 11
Relation to other solutions/applications.................................................................................. 11
Workload Statistics (transaction ST03N) ........................................................................................... 11
SQL Monitor (SQLM) ......................................................................................................................... 11
Custom Code Lifecycle Management (CCLM) .................................................................................... 12
Overview on usage collection ........................................................................................................... 12
Custom Code Management: Usage Logging
SAP Usage Logging
It is always a challenge for every SAP system owner to know what is really going on in their
installed systems. What kind of code procedures are executed and how often and if there is a
relation between the time frame of execution and the overall number of executions. Besides
existing technologies to track and log runtime executions there is always the issue of additional
performance losses because the logging technology needs additional resources. And the level of
details might be different and will never fit to the requirements. What we are looking for is a
technology without system performance impact, with a high level of accuracy and the capability
to track also at runtime dynamically generated and executed code language elements.
SAP Usage & Procedure Logging (UPL) and its successor ABAP Call Monitor (SCMON) will
give you these capabilities directly build in your existing SAP solution without installation of
additional software packages or difficult activation processes.
The usage logging for ABAP objects in a system provided by UPL and SCMON is client
What is UPL?
Usage and Procedure Logging (UPL) is a functionality available in any ABAP based system based
on the core functionality of SAP Coverage Analyzer. It will be used to log all called and executed
ABAP units (procedures) like programs, function modules down to classes, methods and
subroutines. This enhanced SAP Netweaver capability will have nearly no performance impact
on your system and will catch usage information of ABAP routines directly when they happen.
UPL will give you 100% coverage of usage without estimations or evaluation of ABAP call stacks.
This includes also the detection of dynamically called ABAP elements. UPL/SCMON is the one
and only technology to close the existing gaps in the SAP workload statistic. The reporting
capabilities with enriched information in BW of the SAP Solution Manager will give you the
flexibility to analyze ABAP usage on your demands.
No measurable performance impact neither CPU nor runtime
Supports all ABAP based systems with the technical preconditions
Catch also any dynamically called ABAP routines
Supports all ABAP procedure types down to subroutines
Custom Code Management: Usage Logging
No user related information - performance and work council reasons
No runtime information about spent processing time - performance reasons
No call stack information
No logging for used DDIC like tables, structures, etc.
No logging of transaction codes
No logging of ABAP development environment language elements for simplified coding e.g.
What is SCMON?
ABAP Call Monitor (SCMON) is the successor of UPL. It covers all features of UPL but is able
to additionally record the root information from which the ABAP unit was originally called.
Nearly no performance impact neither CPU nor runtime
Supports all ABAP based systems with the technical preconditions
Catch also any dynamically called ABAP routines
Supports all ABAP procedure types down to subroutines
Records call stack information as well by recording the corresponding root
Please be aware, that with capturing the root information the usage data can increase up to 20
times in comparison to the collected UPL data.
No user related information - Performance and work council reasons
No runtime information about spent processing time - performance reasons
No logging for used DDIC like tables, structures, etc.
No logging of transaction codes
No logging of ABAP development environment language elements for simplified coding e.g.
UPL/SCMON - How it works
UPL/SCMON recording is directly embedded in SAP basis functionality. Anytime an object is
executed SAP Netweaver capabilities will record the execution of this object. This data will be
aggregated in day slices every day and saved in an own data persistency layer on the respective
When UPL gets activated the data will be kept for a customizable limit of days (per default for the
past 14 days). UPL is running permanently until it gets switched off manually. SCMON is
Custom Code Management: Usage Logging
implemented in a different way. If the data for SCMON reaches a defined limit for days (default
seven days) or records (default 20.000.000 records) SCMON will be automatically deactivated. If
SCMON is activated via SAP Solution Manager 7.2 then the SAP Solution Manager will take care
that SCMON is running permanently and will not be deactivated because of the time limit.
If UPL/SCMON is activated from a SAP Solution Manager system, the data will be extracted and
collected in UPL/SCMON data storage objects (DSOs) and cubes in the BW of the SAP Solution
Manager. The data will be kept for a customizable limit of days and aggregated in customizable
numbers of weeks, months and years to support different queries. BW housekeeping jobs will take
care of the limit of days, weeks, months and years.
For further information on SCMON please read the application help of transaction SCMON in
your system.
UPL/SCMON is capturing usage information for SAP, partner and customer ABAP objects.
For the technical prerequisite to activate UPL or SCMON please follow the details in note
Please check the load on your system where you would like to activate SCMON and after
activation please carefully check the performance of the system.
As we are constantly improving our usage logging tools: UPL and SCMON, please check
from time to time if there are notes available for UPL/SCMON which should be implemented.
How to activate the UPL/SCMON tracking
UPL/SCMON is collecting data starting with the date and time of activation. Completed time
slices will be saved in a local database and stay untouched. Stopping and restarting UPL/SCMON
at any time will lead to a reset of the counters for the current day of collection.
Activation from SAP Solution Manger 7.2 SP06
The UPL/SCMON activation is part of the SAP Solution Manger Set-up (transaction
Once UPL/SCMON is activated it is running on the managed system and SAP Solution Manager
7.2 is triggering the collection with the activation of the extractor framework job for
UPL/SCMON. All settings will be made automatically in the managed system, as long as the
preconditions are met.
Custom Code Management: Usage Logging
Please follow and read the embedded documentation and instruction provided on the top of the
configuration UI.
Configuration of Usage Logging
The SAP Solution Manger will automatically check the prerequisites in the managed system to
activate UPL or SCMON. As SCMON is the successor tool for UPL, SCMON will be used
whenever it is possible.
The following scenarios are possible:
If the prerequisites for UPL and for SCMON are not met in the managed system, then it
is not possible to activate UPL or SCMON
If the prerequisites are met for SCMON in the managed system then SCMON will be
activated (in this case UPL will not be activated although the prerequisites for UPL might
be met as well)
If the prerequisites are met only for UPL in the managed system, then UPL will be
Within the Usage Logging Configuration, the needed jobs in the SAP Solution Manager and the
managed system will be scheduled and the respective extractor framework will be activated to
collect the data from the managed system.
In case SCMON will be activated, the root information will not be collected from the managed
system per default. If root information is needed, this can be activated separately in the Usage
Logging Configuration.
If SAP Solution Manager is available, it is not recommended to activate UPL or SCMON
directly in the managed system. Please activate UPL/SCMON from SAP Solution Manager.
Custom Code Management: Usage Logging
If the managed system was upgraded to a new SAP Netweaver release which supports
already SCMON then the SAP Solution Manager will automatically switch to SCMON and
deactivates UPL. The information of the release for the managed system will be checked by the
job SM:SCMON_CONTROL using the information of LMDB.
Activation of UPL directly in the system (not recommended)
To activate UPL in the managed system please check if report /SDF/UPL_CONTROL is available.
If the report is not available please follow instructions and implement note 1683134.
To execute /SDF/UPL_CONTROL use SE38 or custom code apps (transaction CC_APPS or
CCAPPS). Starting custom code apps, you find on the top the button to start the report:
Start UPL control from custom code apps
The report allows to start and stop UPL directly in the system. The default setting of days to be
collected is 14 days, but can be increased or decreased.
Start UPL and check status
UPL cannot be activated if SAP Coverage Analyzer (SCOV) is already active.
Please do not change the settings if UPL is activated by the SAP Solution Manager.
If SAP Solution Manager has activated SCMON already then, a message appears when
executing /SDF/UPL_CONTROL showing that SCMON is already activated and UPL should
not be activated (SAP note 2552271).
Custom Code Management: Usage Logging
Activation of SCMON directly in the system (not
To activate/deactivate SCMON in the managed system use transaction SCMON.
Activate/deactivate SCMON
It is not recommended to run UPL and SCMON in parallel.
Please do not change the settings if SCMON is activated by the SAP Solution Manager.
How to read the UPL/SCMON data
If UPL/SCMON is activated from SAP Solution Manager and the data will be extracted to BW of
SAP Solution Manager then the data can be directly analyzed in the BW of SAP Solution Manager.
UPL/SCMON data is also available directly on the systems where the usage tracking is activated
for the specified time periods (see chapter “UPL/SCMON – How it works” for more details on the
available data).
Read UPL/SCMON data in SAP Solution Manager 7.2
If the data is extracted into the SAP Solution Manager BW, you can create your own queries on
the respective DSOs or cubes to show and analyze the usage data. There is no standard report or
standard query to read the data.
The following cubes are used for UPL and SCMON:
Daily data DSO: 0SM_UPLDD; filled by usage extractor “Custom Code: Usage
Extractor: SCMON” (AGS_CC_SCMON_EXTRACTOR). This contains the daily data
collected in the managed system. It will be kept for a certain amount of days which can
be defined in the Usage Logging Configuration.
Custom Code Management: Usage Logging
Weekly data DSO: 0SM_UPLDW; filled by an aggregation extractor “Custom Code:
SCMON for Data Aggregation” (AGS_CC_SCMON_DSO). This data is aggregated
based on the daily usage data.
Monthly data DSO: 0SM_UPLDW; filled by an aggregation extractor “Custom Code:
SCMON for Data Aggregation” (AGS_CC_SCMON_DSO). This data is aggregated
based on the daily usage data.
Yearly data DSO: 0SM_UPLDW; filled by an aggregation extractor “Custom Code:
SCMON for Data Aggregation” (AGS_CC_SCMON_DSO). This data is aggregated
based on the daily usage data.
In addition, there is a cube for each aggregation DSO (week, month, year) 0SM_UPL_W,
0SM_UPL_M and 0SM_UPL_Y; filled by separate extractors “Custom Code: Usage
Logging SCMON (<period> DSO to <period> cube)”
AGS_CC_DSO_2_CUBE_W/M/Y). 3 extractors one for week, one for month and one
for year.
For SCMON there are additional DSOs to store the call graph data from SCMON:
o daily data DSO 0SM_UCGDD; filled by extractor “Custom Code: Usage Logging
o aggregation DSOs 0SM_UCGDW/M/Y; filled by extractor “Custom Code: Usage
Logging – SCMON Call Graph for Data Aggregation”
To build your own analysis you can use the existing standard multiproviders, which combine
DSO and cubes, to access the data.
Read UPL data directly in the system
Use the report /SDF/SHOW_UPL to read the UPL data directly in the system.
To execute /SDF/SHOW_UPL use SE38 or custom code apps (transaction CC_APPS or
CCAPPS). Starting custom code apps, you find on the left the button to select and show the UPL
Show UPL data directly in the system
Using report /SDF/SHOW_UPL reads the UPL data of the system where this report is
executed. If the report is called in the SAP Solution Manager it does not show the usage data of
the managed system it will show the UPL data of SAP Solution Manager.
Custom Code Management: Usage Logging
If SAP Solution Manager has activated SCMON already then, a message appears when
executing /SDF/SHOW_UPL showing that SCMON is activated and usage data can be seen
using transaction SCMON (SAP note 2552271).
Read SCMON data directly in the system
Use the transaction SCMON to read the SCMON data directly in the system. On the top, you
find the button to select and display the data.
Show SCMON data directly in the system
Relation to other solutions/applications
Workload Statistics (transaction ST03N)
UPL or SCMON is not a replacement of the workload statistics (ST03N) but can be seen as an
additional data source.
Includes additional information: e.g. runtime and DB time information
Tracks dialog steps instead of real executions
Supports only transaction codes, executable programs and RFC function modules
Is not able to cover dynamically called routines or SUBMIT programs
The UPL/SCMON result will be more accurate, because it is able to detect also submitted
programs or dynamic calls, can detect the usage of any ABAP based unit down to subroutines
and will give you the transparency about used modifications, user exits, classes and also single
method executions.
SQL Monitor (SQLM)
New capability of SAP NetWeaver to track usage of executed SQL statements at runtime.
No manual trace ST05 has to be started
Runtime and record logging of SQL statement
Custom Code Management: Usage Logging
Transparency about used database tables
Dynamically called ABAP routines with SQL statement will be catch
Call stack information of initial caller will be logged
Focus on SQL usage only
Release SAP_BASIS 7.02 SP14 and following releases
Further information on SQLM.
Custom Code Lifecycle Management (CCLM)
CCLM is using UPL/SCMON data and workload statistics to calculate a last usage date for
custom code objects. CCLM will not store any detailed usage information for the custom code
objects. The detailed usage information will remain in the DSOs and cubes of the BW in SAP
Solution Manager.
It is not possible to collect usage information for all custom code objects types in CCLM.
For more information on CCLM please read the respective “How-to-Guide”.
Overview on usage collection
The following table provides an overview on usage collection
Overview on usage collection
Custom Code Management: Usage Logging
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